HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi Weekly Signal, 1867-08-27, Page 2in
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As I know that Tom and his housahold emu
WON hoP6 the Reformers
o,f(..Iy stowed have beeu ex�mpt front the pia7ue of flies,
Uron signiti. four in the afternoon ret
Editer of the H will attend and Bee that be 13 pars white all others %%hpre overrun with summer Sig
To the - Star sabole for five 11 0 h
t false and usati6ns that I have ditor of the Goderich 3, the probill--itv is that there is virtue
and fooled afterwards, thst i Silt, -The E swy int4 his obscure
dates and sold r -tural Iffe -P-
ecomes the duty of every collsistaut electo h la L rin'ti 100 getting very wroth with Mr. Gibson's friends If not for the term Of big nr
yet �,ainst this gentleman wa, it, Tom Fralle)'s fly extcruninator, airie
to know what he is votiug for-ineasures oresence by one of the most Mr. Hays' qu IE TRUE UNION T1CX1&*- NOXINm-L M set on that fl.tal dayt ttever again .10 Bbine Farmer
113 ,QOLDIER AND THT 1-1 a alifications, that am nfriid that the Grod,rich Star 14'ill also
A TIONS de in M for desputin
and not inen. of M r. Gib- . but lie must From London Society.
Spy. I am Youys malignant nod vituparativo! his prop&l� qualiffeations ; ays' friends. 1�y its own lignt.
omist and Reformer. Crabbi d, thdi. it was Mr. H The Bl(leville correspondent , to tAie Star
An Ecou 'bons' detraotrs Christopher bear in min r Was Milk-
----------- eify 1�bat first raised Buch and whoboastsabout his gramma ust number of London Sorie ty
In the Au,r
S.OUTH HURON., Warning To Greenies., Esq., Of Goderi-oh. It was as follows, in it not Mr, flityi hirns
11 know- in,
, Ca
ords as near as I cian anobjecLiou gainst Mr. Gib§on,-we ,�Ut of the word 'I correapond4 t , we off Lh U
Iriters-cil kpowing at published by Hurd Hough on 11 0
X Tale ef thle-Stege of SebaStopol- r. Crabb's own w
'AT BRUCEFIELD ract for ing, at the same time, that he bad property in one of MY I te ing of tile sell. followinm: r
Imp time from the read. a
Stanley Aux. 23rd 1867. recollect some 9ars ago a COUt op sufficient to qualify him for such a position, the ge , typograpbical crror,-m %bom r
tence that it was I be bead of an illustrious house, - a ve"y building a wall of loose 8totle upon the t
flooll. On the morning of tile 12th iust So far) however, as my letter d correspondentA.' shall cI] Lord Skinflint, hd eiven one of CA
On Fridavi the oth inst., at 0 three t1mes over. n Is a certain Itickey in his
who residES in c�r i to be given e me I clever rd to say in defence of* bi is tj
innocent y oung man, of and around- the jail wall waE 0 knowledge in These matters Rery I I Ile had not a wo but desceEcied 0,,nizina this but a few days
at-ighbourbood, started for Goderich in high tender, the day arrived for opening as -yet, knew of tiny in this country that d d man arid political principles, ybich proves he
Of --mr unfortu- out by ity twaddle v F tabl,
All of a sudden the apralling cry its -,to see the Elephant" but ibbons, as Warden of not overcome that difficulty ; aE.d I have no to low-lifed si � afterward �n 'the hall -, where it had
m tihe liDs, ot the trial, pir Reid the tenders, Mr. fly doubt whatever, that were Mr. HaYs to bo; had no failh in his Ovvn cauge. ' His lezt letter been deposited for a momc-fit,- niy ]old in -
overboard I" burst fro nately called at a hotel it, BaY1 opencol the to file Star was Fis weak as ditdh water -not
the Counties, was there and elecied,which is a very unlikely circumstance, it belonued, arid was at otice t
at the wheel. The crew NORTH RIDING. he met " ith a al,arper, in possession of three agiomeration of quired to whom I I
nn4 some of the nnecessary to only tender t*hat was there, and finding it would also surmount such an obst-tcle b y being a point in it, but a co reinii,ded of hs iordship'8 cift.-"What
1rers sprang to %he q is U some means or other ; althouh, it may be If be will come out 1:
passen Me. A AT RIXTH thimbles and a pen. promiscuous nonsense. critid he , did I give you such a #ood hat as
na to let- HURON. state the trianeuvres ofthe swindler. suffice from one MoV icar, (a person whom much doubted, whether 'the p esuwptl'- like a man and hold up bi conservative his T1 I'he man explained that he bad it t
rapidly drift, *as very r treat him w, relined and Idone up.' 'UmPh I' Says my
dark object was seen 0 U tile tF due respect)
sit to say, they were such as to Ul,kke ous insl,_,nificant and, ed
ward ; the wild, despairing sbriek that rang oil Thu I rsditv, the 29th, aforesaid innocent believe that he could Mr, 0. bad not the greatest love for) man owns One H principles I 'will
C. CAMERO. at ficoll. nd acquainted Dollars worth of real property in the New If not he Laust take what follows- lord, -1 never thought of that- 'Pray what
out above the roar ot the storm told that it 11take the lellow down and accordingly bet - Brit ta a Mr. Hyslop a that the electors Yours.
ilm C�Iumuys- fi w and asIced Dominion. I do not think, Y. did you pay for it V 'Arfa-cro.vo, my lord,'
tour dollars ugainst, titat be could pick bin, of tile wav Tuatters stood answers Mr. Jeawew- "he nobleman mused A
MISS a human being slaking in the the waters er a candidate's property qualifica- A.
ea under it, but Oil consid
of the channel- siakirig bopelessiv ! for no out the thimble with the p h s dismay no hint to Put in a tender hintself, at the tions quite so much as they should.or value for an instantp and looked at the hat again.
F,,IL Tilt: AssksiBlY lifting one of the thimbles. to I ental.' qualifications which Wll tell you what.'said be at length, 'I'll
w oIlgeonsolato young his moral and in
boat could �re a -_-racnt in that whirl of pea was there-, the no s+e time telling him that his (Mr. G's.) are essential in the highest degree to qualify GODERICH TOWNSIECIP. give you five shillings for it as it is.' 'If
Plarl'" wert, thrown man pursued his way to- Goderich, btit all 9
watem Juy could not ttat was idle just now and he would like . candidate for the a" rave and reapousiLle your lordship pleases,' answered the fot-
an Id do. b this presump gust man. Ise for
d tiia ww all that d -v c u, Once the sights lie saw There that I tuous import (In fact there was nothing f
POLLINC-a employ it to haul the stone, &C., office to whic The Cquncil met at Holmesville, All
more row Oz. despairing shout frt%T sea t revive his spirits, and he has been in 'he hi to er (,Mr. Hays)'is aspiring. The Editor of* the to appointment O he bargain was struck
FlURON. blues ever sitice. I hope ibis wili be a lesso in�
r. Hyslop 0 e.- I,ord Skinflint put on the -bat,
ould have thejob. M the differ- l',111 1867, accord' at one
sky fmm the human South Riding. ced nto bewar It f�d Star waxes very warm, on readin moral R -!eve and and, for ought I know,- he way wear it
to in�xperieu 9' written against Mr. Hays' all the Council101s prese t
that frans in the ears of I XT 0 otid jo-,I, en put in a tender and Mr. G. gave ent article.1 - -The minutes of last meetino' were read and
WINTEHEAV, thimbler. iin the job." I immedi�itely remarked character, all of which go to prove and sub still.
I ht. T�e caT- Folt ilm sFPrEmBER Gth and 7tb. D. Mo
it for mary an after day and ni, uot believe it, L"ntiate. heyond any doubt that he is a mi -11 roved.- Moved by S. Pollock, seconded
tain's glawriendered the distottA and t I er- 111C)NI.kS C.IB�ON, Gibbons "d Carling, to Mr. C rabb that I d ild immoral in his genCiral habits, and does not app 11 that the Clerk levy a tax on
riBcd countenance of the droWnIng at" FoP. TVIF A�,Lmvlll,y, t I w6uld enquire into the Matter, and possess that inberent moral principle, nere,3- by Mr. Westo inaular Cuinciderce.-The four candi.
bu try to qualify Irvin for such an onerous and each School Sqction (in this Township) the thstlactl visible. At last it disar reared- a 10 tile Editor of the ii�uroo bi;tlnl. sition.- Me. Hays, amount required by the Trustees of each see. dates for the coun, v of Bothwell. havg each
North Riding if I found it to be true, I would not sup- 81 ith a five letters in b(Ab given "d surnames.
buhh-le or two Becki-g the for5my We of a Dh�� fonger and ne would respon po Beds so much bolstel ing
AR SIR, -The election is low upon ULT Mr. G. any It) character that a , acd to be collected with the Township taxes of Here they are : David Glass David Mills,
of a very port rich b;tar, i�l order 4�ue
ltr..-e wave &I e indicated the suot where SEPrEMBER 5th and 6Lh. sharp and strong, and in the course
on all claims to*tbe confi- proppin UP, by the Gode the current year. -Carried Edain Kerby, and Jacob Smith. r no more, ng side will decla,�A the C to delude the electors becomes self-ev the pro - Which will be likely to succeed ? Glass
tix rise any to the Standaxid. . ertainly fOrfait ident Iled
a bgstan being bad sank few days tho wioni de . -of the clectors )f Huron. , I have grind" them. aind
nce to alp, that his character cannot stand puillic The account Of One 61recli ki fore R. Kerby. or the Mill that
anal the sea gives up its dead. Tie captain man who has the maj-irity of the electon opether bet- erty ertified to be
heaved a deep sigb as he dropped I. is The Barclay Sew4 -Machine. vvbo sym- made it my special business to see Mr� scrutin," and bewould be alt p of Jamed Burns C the Stinith that ,hawmers" tbem,�-Chaf-
9 am, the laW wetlion. tears I)Urst from her eyes It is now for Reformers and all - Uy� affair, and beat ter without his real* charac)ier,--as it can Twaites and G. Brown 9sq.- valued at foor ham Banner.
- none knew in that wild 117ze with good and economical govern lop concerning the oril v he a damage and* o0no beneficial service by Mr. Pol-
bnt he knew not slid murmuring, -he 1�,ves toe still I' she This sewing machine, for which Mr. Put de- flometim�.,s dollars and fifty cent& Movo-d
n an d indignantly -that lie
biI she had themselves in the South empbatleallY to him -even people say awes Burns
awrits, the vengean .,uk, fainting into the arms Of meat to bestir once Eieciors, lock, see. by Mr. Patton that J IMETEOROLOGICA]b 19E_
taken the traitor to hij kan and his ccuutry, so terrible a death. Moorhouse is the sole aent at Goderich,
0 Riding of Huron. nied baying entered i'nto such' a colluion swears . in public like a wo
nre3erv-d f ona n uld not only be paid. -Carried. 'PORT.
the int- n- Mutu.11 0 rlina's re� is pronounced by practical men and I for such a man
the Calm brother and falie Eriton, Mr. Gibbous, the man for The peop would have b enunt of Geo. Laycock for Six
followed Ze lei is h een it, votin"
passed, instant in the 8uffrages with PNI-r. G. WIM Vnjure t'liemselves, %at become the ruedium The ac - Preparedfor ri- Sional by John_RzAdau, Esq.,
tioaal but feiled fratricide, Hetiry D'A rrey I C�Very. After what had women to be the most complete thin before them, and Lis claims of, alike discreditable to both ; hear what through which such ubprincipled men are nicipal Muriciels for the use of this Conn
istat tun oXierver ax Godt4-icA.
He had emba4ed for the continent undor a er.t. A hurried visit to the this line before the public.. It is ex- of the electors stand second to no other. btoed to deprive the community Cf ther by Mr. Patton) auclouutin' t'O
fli-pht was Urg Mr. Ilyslop says himself ; 4)
ibei ties, and their future com- cil (certified
false eaule-had been swept fmm the deck terview witb� the queen, to tremely simple, eaefly worked, and un- He has been for a long perlod- of years a n,, heard- from Popular rights, I �t Jr. Pollock, sect by Mr.
CrIpsy camp -an In -am Hyslop, havil a -id happiness 24- 1
i as during that forl There may be, there is o Moved by 5A DAYS.
urried escape t
by an hTesisnbile sea,, tt�d the beavy money -the Call aud resident in the coun y, and It the same pro- paid $24.- E
whom Zerlma told all equalled in point of capability. the above re -ret. a difference of men followin- Jr. Callaway, and read Weston that Mr.* L%yeock bi gi, time mixed up with its affairs, as much if Time, 7 a. in,
belt he wore at his waist. the fruit of his nald, with integrity ; but,
r Ella, her daughter ar.ol of Re it, In the meantimc,� read the a Carried.
ry, had hastened his awtuL fate. 0 which the, first had 8'"e' of more so than. any other man in the same. that Mr. Crabb should have allov?ed his fession, lot their honesty and z
treacbe ra are cre,
the jelve!a and money 'aie has acted as rown Councillor and Reeve. lerally a class Of men totally zec. by Mr. Pol-
a casket ready vertistment. to triumph to such Z! Moved by Mr. Patton,
R--'uatd D'Arcev wa3 to County Councillor, and Warden, and is flow mali�._nant spirit unfit, from their views ofprofeseional interest. eut on the dul-
have rrjoined
hoarded, and which she kept in Big that rapid- thereby 8bewiu;,, to BUY UUPte- de.,ree ag to lose all respect for himself to 'be entrusted with the interests of the lock, that one Sixteenth of a c Mon An- 6 29 42� 1 71T61 S .0 1 0
lum oill the continent ; he lingered behind F were incide s6li doing so, d to all the rateable propert *' ' 6 371. 1 724 IS .01 b
t07 arif 8M0r&,eUC1 I I is abiiity -%%it h Mr. people. ailid that, as they are accumme tar be levied on y in Tiles. " - 31
for a purpose with which he did not de�,m ly folluwLa. WELL, WELL. judiced person that there and be totally regaTdltss of the feelibc- hey this TuwnsbiP, for Towns ip rpo es, ad Wed. 7 _3?�5 1 73.6 1 S .01 7
�Otire. and as- Gibbon% and that'he shares in a large amount . f plead in any cause, right or wrougg, Bb i . h pit 8 Thurs. 8 128 764 1 Z5 .101
it fittinZ to &cqmair-t his father. Rai as he Dispnsing with thel, glipsy of cnfidence of tile people - We calinot for of otbers if he could thereby Batts y a are more liable, for self a-randizement, to t bylawybe immed-in acccriance with Fri., 9 so 759 i W .0 01
w=% yet every zerm of goodness h.td not they, ioineu' become the pliant tools of the winistry,' and sat, to .3ba .6t;9 I Nw U We advertise to -day, a new thing in are the public businem experi- 1, however, most 'h :me
-axLne[l14A less d""et'vel Vi revettre. I
guished in his nature. In 3'ml ng waltillf', and were soon I decency c? % P oneut it would only form a little petty r are ever ready to aid and' abet theii, by th: Wind �' is expre-ed
been utterly ezAin, the shape of wells. By using the ma- ence of his pp 7 pplication, in of Aiezandar Chitiholm for The Veto, lty0f the
�i Id. who W Ls I n t at reards (be above -y and habits of a
Re, tial of the very !ittle to the very great, distinctly state ��' I Tile accoubt opproximately tl� n1lnllWr*, thus : u_ calln i
ba re. contrast their sopUsti
the paralyzing bI�izht which it toast vhirlit- M%v3Y at the top spced of an ex And statement 0f3fr. Crabb) it is an unmid- every species of jobbery al.d corruption, by Gravel. -Certified by the Pathmasters, John Hurrieave,&c.
-he turned %itbk his companions, inery supplied by 'Messrs. Grant, ar- of a rusblight to the bIRzc ofthe sun. -en almot financial- C. Gordo 5 1vt od r, te u ale ; 10 Very hea
mernbo�red a bilttrei hwi nartured nald, ray and Duncan, a tube is inserted in the, the irer has ehewn so little in. Blair and M. , . The '
ilress trin. neg, y reason why he My tender for the con- which out- p "ovince has b Every elector Wallis, W U, 4 e- rxtrnt of of,%ky clouded expreaW
to the isisIge of the beautiful gipsy prl to 117 Chacuel, ated falsehood. di d by Mr. Pat- by numbe", from 10 L, 0; thus: 10. denoten
versed in ta"etY that Mort cwin,, to nature Laving clecitol to him the n ly ruined an
t ra and by force from 12 to 50 -feet, 'as uded to above was in and opened amountin- to $12-50- Move that tile sky ir eovered wi,h clouds. 5. that It is
whom be h2A oeeu united in a manner so fa-Lqr had gro in this Ridin-r, that is, intelligent ones, must 0
.here a t,w hours btfor1 lit - I'cupability for doing so, tberefote, wm, tract all 0 that Alexander half coverQ ; and 0 that it Is perfectly clear,
the position it would only be to say that itircs of John ton, see. by Mr. Murphy
and so of-eamlike. He would see -ined the case may be, and presto up comes and I beg oview the treacherous pr6ceed aid. -Carried. 13ALLOMETER.
sipAge, closed his guilty career. Fmn" �,was I he to assum!. with the' others
lik ite thu'rkt-amd confess all. He would Re�inald, with his bride and the bubbling water. One of the new another manifestation. Ot i 1110: slice in burast" to tender for 'A with contempt and diRgust-in his at -
all last, and here . 0 1 0 1 Al r. Gibbons did not ask me I Chisholm be p Highest Barometric pressure during the -eek
o vain and am- tempts to foist a Coalition Government upon tLe
re ber the secrets of his guilty lifle wells ba-. been sunk in Goderich and the nature which some men are to - ,ccount of S. H. Mountcustle for 162 was 29. Az19 at I o'clock. p ni. on �aturdaY
lay, beto her mot her, dete, inineid in a quiet country either was there such a discreditable the ?rovince, of Ontario. -Compcsed Of four wee Was
bijious, to show, but when they come out of it, n honest mall loafts of uravel for %he duron Road near Joweat Ban,metric pressure do r,ng the L
should be his aor.&seor and judge. He J the blows. As ement as Mr. Crabb speaks of in lawyerf; and a brewer, the only
retreat 10 pass The rema;nder of their days. supply of water seems to be inexhaustible 29:1�O at 7 olviock a Ill. Oil Monday.
their shell, they must receive arrarg A16an Rarometric pressu-e fir the *Cek
h3d pled�,;ed his haid to hor in good tuith towt not dwend It is truly a an elector and som(what acquainted with 'it the corrupt batch -with 1�hn S. at their Clinton-certifi' by the Pathmaster
BUL the curtain upon dry as the weather is. refe'ence to Mr. Gibbons' team between he d, and a lawyer of the lowest order.- amounting to $16.20. Moved by Mr. Pat- wfs 2,9.34 -os.
be flad bestowed it on her compulsorily- ttilhout a palling glance at those both gentlemen, who are now seekin the t, r THELAOITrTE9.
our dram,, woudarful irvention. ther 0ay bo c tleman and 1. Rerettina that elres,* suffit.ent to
It arptes are thems ton, see. by Mr. Pollock that Mr. Mouateas
Suffrages of the electors tht ei (Ilaurs of observation 7 a.ai , I p.m., 9 p.m.)
but still he was b,3urA to renew the offier. with whom we Can Nympathlzt sent to I�arliament. I would be recreant to Stich a ca!umny shculd have crons abioad: suck tEe hearts blood- out of Old England
if rek ctA be wouild then teave En. -land for, NOT S0'f privile e I enjoy as it voter, with her yeariv revepue of 72 million-ftir tie be paid $16.20, -Carried. Hqb"t Temperature duritg the week was 85-4
deeply. it �e hi,-rh lig indignant v M-, The account ot William Sierlin.- fdr tim- on Friday. during the week was 54 5'
ever. I If ace-pted; her bome sbou"Id.be h's he old ball was rr Id be recreant to my duty as a loyal sub- about Mr. Gitbons, and feeli less the Pro'ince of Ontario. ow, site lot 32 on 1-owest, 1 emperature
week pn"�d awav, slid 1 if I during onet man, no one will dare 10 her to bai!d two Culvetts OPPO
gwly decked w't lud wi.ha and prepars. A ramor haing been put in circulation] jiofl and vreli wisbpr of Canada, 0 tbat Ihould have been implicated, 1 re- Gibson is an b on Monday.,
hopie, her Feciale Lis people- and it he uf- M, st looked indiffereni ly on and car- industry and the 4tb con. -four dollars. Moved and sec. The Mean Tca perature for the week wait 73.24
3 Conte dietil; -A, ma.q*wbo by honest
Fered huantruLtion by descendin- to assoeia- tions were made for a great feast- The b_y interested partieg to the,effeet that the' thi ain yours, &c., from compara %verme--t day durtug Lhe week was on Frr-
'in there is a right and Del -severance in life,.has r . is . en, - tbat Win. Sterling be paid. -Carried. being 76.20.
or 1r. I ed not who may % I of distinction day$ tov Nican Temperature
diow an.! a life so far below le station be ed and while Hon. D. VcDonald is canvassin-f is and there i Wbi. HYSLOP, position Coldtzt dev durnizz the
customs of past days were revir; , 0 a wroul in all th- 8 aomeihio� iive obqcurity, to a ee,
,ampg, 8_shed from the long amoni,, his fellow -men, both civilly and poli- The account of John Sterling for Cedar to w k waq OuSalurdavt
Iliating, too, to see this fair and he bl_ Tewpelaluye J)eing 68 70
MW Wrn to, did he not ova *n expiation- nst Mr. Gibion we have 'to $2. Moved
the brilliant Hays, and agai ery bum Now, what importance -can be attach tically,-not one attempting, either conser- build a Culvert, amounting JORN 11A LDA -S, J a.
%ion of Uuron inhabited by a
and a bitter one- for the crimes and error* where the hundred the very best of authority for stating I dourishng poro sation made by Mr. Patton, beC. by Mr. Yurl-by that John Dat
windows oft' is IOAT hall 0 g-ence, twrth, ed to alty statement or accu vative or reforrder, to point a finger of indig ed thip 10th -lay ofAug.. 1867-
,a t4e pan? the merry body of men in point of inteill, rly art or acts, done
cruests were gathered at the feast, . that there is not a word oftruth in ( it. and enterprise not second to auv other body by INJr. Crabb, [in ret'crence to Mr- nutio�u against Lim, for I Sterli-i- be paid. -Carried.
ce all spoke I Dotwith-nand- 0
With then views, @Per the terrible Beene 0- - represented in Gibbons, at any rate.] I would be, to by hiin in pub ic or in private, Of Colin Kunro for repairing'
A the joycitts country dan of people in Canada, to be I he account
sour, ar table 4umbug
at Bucon EW1. aa4 after's hurried parting by The htgAly Bay that I would defend any, one [even in all Mr. Hays' conteml) between lots 110 and 11 on the first
I of bigh-wrought festiritY- Sig- The Fail Wheat Show ozi Thurs- of Parliament
ge usequelitly, on these 'a to 63.' M3ved oy Mr. Pol-
t he milea i co etowards among the gdled and noolst ticquent Isaac Carling of Ritchie] taboo t 0
with his fkther, he wended his way Gaily Sir Gaspar moved Sr(ur day will be held in the Albion Hotel, not es seem latigbatille. r. erabb, Mr. Cailing, or Mr I grounds he is worthy of the support of every Ir. Patton thatMr. Munro.be At K-locsidine, on the 26th inst.,
Ezde. Well it do as 10 -a' sec. y
the giney camrp, not cartain �whether be arm with Sir De I-acy Evans. from such malicious and failse slandeis the Ridi g. -Fur differeirit is A., fourth d4u-bier of Mr.' Alex. Nasmvth
ffuest!si arm in the Huron, as stated by, us last week. pail 63. -Carried. 18
a The whole thing even yet seems in some honest man in
to s in, and to give away Hays, if public opinion is to be ton, seconded by Mr. of G.d�rich, atter &short flneS3, ag"d
ehoa:d find the wanderin- tribe ia the &-taie �ft bi Moved by Mr. Pat
who had come measure to my, mind to be a boax played off the above. with Mr. the wed Yours truly, relied on. He is seltmingli a slave to P
the bride. For this was ding of Irene CLA.S8 CHEESE. on the people by Mr. Carling and his friends ollock that the sum of$30.60 be paid Jamez years- Au'g. 9_71h, Mrs-
-No, the bonour, the intelligence and tLe JOSHUA OALLAWAY, JR. those passions which renders him disqualified' 11i3ar being balatice of- contract for gravel- In Goderich on Tueslay
on this night, amid mirth
Entering the Confis-3 of the forest tarou,b and Linel, and !i e electors of South Huron can- for the onerous duties of a egislator, and Ila,, on the base line. -Carried. Thoulas Eidott, ag-t-of 69 years.
ride of now
and fittinz festivity, Bhe became the b. We ack ledge. the receipt through clignity of th
whieh he had lately ridden as so wild a ritte not and dare rot be trifled with in this man. should not be surported by anybody of Moved by Mr-'Patton,Aec. by Mr. Pollock
Us recognized the pathway, and slowly pur, her s3idier our friends Shephard & Stlrachan,. of a ner, they scorn it as a recommendation for To t�qk Ullor of the.flur" ' 19"Ba- patriotic electors. I hope e-ery -honest' that the sum of $50 be paid John Harrison, 40
owd its course- He had nut gone far fine prevent oftheese from Mr. Manning votes, they w*nt no Pen"Y hall p.-nny hon- SLOAN"S LF-ARNWG- elector will remember, on'the days of poll for work done on the Bay. con. opposite lots T111br y in, chat it is now in their tower to exclude
of the Exeter factor en in Exeter tsty, known oul to a few trading customers. 3 and 4 being part PaYment of contract.
bowever plan -,W in 'painful reverie nd &�i,- Wb -1 �w Fail oft have letters caused the write- I TP come be fore all such improper and- equivocal characters'
qr1_J3IrE, G. T. ]Ft- his is only k0ing nonsense curw tbc dAy that they wum inditem" Catritd.
toted by confiiezing feare and a few days ago, we took time to visit th- sensible electors ith. We want the ioielli- Hud&w. from occupying such a: position and a due - Moved by Mr. Pollock. sec. by Mr. Patton 'CODERICH, Ab-, 2� 1867.
M14 and a man, an hour or respe of
-Sly of principM ct for their own honour sod good that Suhn-Rudd be paid V21 -5V for turnpik- C& 1.21&'
wboaaabod" AR ELI V F_ factory, and, after spending gence and the broad hone It is an old adage that- those who live 5prim, vftesL ......... 1:15
, iU all the our province, should prompt every elector
confronting b that rings Out loud a.'ad cle;; ing, and gravelhug 8 roolsand 45 feet on the 0 1:40'
him sternly bade "in Olewription of traiAl- two about the place, we diseoverei the u as and sayingit of a man- disapproving in glass houses should not throw stones- in the Riding, not'to ouppoet such a man as 16th con. aid lititting in d 61vert opposite k au do 010'
It was the young gipsy, Mark. He &=p .... . 12:30 a.m. ( latir 0:% o
Accomoid3tion .............. t f the article ta Obt likely diagrace the I .................
supenon y o rnga out. The a 0 fing evil I principles wherever see a man sneering at the Mr. Hays who would in lot 7, Maidan&crin.-Cari-fed. F ................... . 3:00 P.M. and condemu' ver entertained When we position in which he is placed by their votes. Flour ................ 7-00 (64 00-0
mmeh excited. and bu emn teasince had an zoresit mail 14 h an by wbomsoe The account of James Girdon for gravel . 0 (�� 0:50,
LO:50 s -e -ret is this Mr. 31annilrig has about of ......... 0.5
aspression of stern menace and evil panion. Mixed ............................ 0 I.I.e.y. iarei,,h pla.... If this were the kind learoins of others and claiming great ac Phe electors must bear in mind, that Coal- lin 21 rods oil the 16th con. opponte lot l3arley* ...... h0 own, he is" thoroughl - ition Governments. or might I say, a govern- -d by the reas .................. 0:50' a 0
-Batak r said the gipsy. Yaw path lies DEPART. 60 cows of a of honesty attributed to Mr. Carling, I would quirements for himself we,reasonably ex to 630.14-cerlifi*
an opposition, is a clauprous 'ssioner, Ar. Joseph Young. Sheep .................. 4:" O:Of)
loader. TltaLyouare finflowing takes you! Express mail.\ ................... 6:30 a -m- systematic, and the most scrapalous, clean be smeng the firm to place it to his credit, ought to have some ment without 0 1 poad- Cutifini
derstarid, it -otherwise when he pect that his claims ornen and is simply a system of absolutism, urFhy Beef, Cwt ..... ......
1:45 p.m* liness is observed by Moved by Mr. Fation, see. by , Ctr' .......... 5:50 0:00.,
to the gin camp." Accomod- - himself and- his but I must un Mr. Wm. Sloan, one of the, and aiIould not be allowed to e3iit in the ,i� I Mixed ......... ...... 4.45 d ladT. We venture to isay that he- 1 would in the past sanctiou Life doings of a foundation. 0vt James Gordon tie rlaid�- e.121 (i� 0:00
tegisfaid. iff a alt, and of a Cartier Ridin- of Dminion far one day. The people of every 01
111 answered P for the North The accounts of George Fulcin or pit candidates 0 ct,talocrb, ...... ........ 0.50 w bt LWT - ----------------
J. A. McDonald, Of a C oil0.0
in wholesale W country must acknowled_,,e' with
itisting and pilfering of the pub I in a Culvert &e.. opposite lot �12, Bay, con. -00'
ever uses tLis superior cheese may rest moneys. Away with such a kind of gmtitude, awbutit.1-la to I
"You are mistaken." said the lolpsy. amured that it is as free from impurity as Fic e�es they _ubw
sticks at a gnat and swallows a commencement o! the canvass of making and privil, Patton, see. by Mr. Mu-phy, that Mr. Geo.
honesty thitt 1 he p 0 in I a r. F" Eggs ------------------ 4:09 (i4 0.10
"I know my own papose." a" &?,&ald. 'ujo. Chickens going thither." pure vrater and clean implements can V, . , CiVi!17ed country oil our , (a4
Huron, has been in the habit since the C'v"'Zea -y owe to party, for %i )ud ...... ........... 2!.60
the d4bt th �n dollar�.' Moved by Mr. hay"U64 V too ........ 8:00 040
I camel. The inau that says lhat Mr. Carlim, a prade of his learning and pedantically r� .. Fulton be paid $1. 0. -Carried. no 0-,26' Qh 0:25'
me then,"" the ipsy. &'Whom globe, The principles of Coalition Paid C�40
make it. NFanning's cheese may fairly � is a fit and proper person to reprtsent the are, in,
underrating that of the other candidates. fhe account of ltobe4t- McDan for
well; you in the camp?' challeap the Dominion. Shephhrd &'S.ush Ridittg of Huron in Parliament, must ibem3elves. dishonest. -each party should in a culvert on the Bayfield Ro.-4'and filling Turkeys --------------- C
I . obtuse in jutelleci or very ELe telLs us tha t he is College bred, fiaht out, lairly and openly. its own object, u . p approaches there6 atecording to contract. vratbed.' _0:20 0:20'
replied VAcy. W Augast 27, 1867. either be very . . . ig wiLhanother of 01) 1
;WDERIVU, Strachan agents for Godeneb. much be -tie his own conscience if intelligent. and that another of the candidates can- 'one party ininit . P-35ite amoutaing- to $1.0. Moved by Mr. Pollock,
"Yes," said the gripsy, with a bitter laugh. na, by which to gain strength aLd re- Rbbert 9Uean be Dlontreal MarlLets.*
I At the polls the electors will declare it by old epi. of�tnio sec.. by r. Patton, that ro glowt Over the ruin yon have achiev- Mr. Manning has the best two -y senaing Mr. (libbons to Parliament, as be- not spell. He reminds me of an Win the emoluments of officei )s a danger- paid $0. -Carried. 1 11 un-piincipled policy, and skould Special Telel;ram to lauran
old heif& we have seen in the Cou:Utyl ng 1.� and houclumbie to the constitu gram I met with some time ago. of s rotten, -- Moved by Mr. Pollocky, see. by Mr. Wes 1ibutreal, 2 p, m., Auir. 27,1867.
ELBCTION NEWS. resents. bue iprtiored by every elector in the Riding.
She weighs about 1100 lbs. and. is a pW e Tom atid Diek had equal knowledge, ton that $10, be paid Thomas Turner on se
Yours truly, bein dan�erous alike to the people and to Ellicitfs swam, .-Car-
P Tom could read and write his naritle, 1 6 - count of contract on p FLOVri-Superiur Extra ...... 8-75 A 9-00
"it was my word, fgar air. Zerlina ri.3 y in every particular. A REFORMER nd Dick had seen the C011ege-" pro.lasive civilization generally. Who Extra : ............. 8.25 a 8.50,
Special Tele.fraph to Huron S'_rnal.) feCt beaut English States- 760 a 7-.75
pining away--m--waiting for the bridegroom, Exeter, Aug. 26Lh. Bat Sloan tells us he c7raduated at ever heard? or read 'of all Moved by Mr. Pollock,.fec. bi Mr. Weston F"cy .............
wba will never come." TnE GRZAT PANORAMA will exhibit Ian, forming his ca�lnet before the elec That 100 dollars be paid to Wifliam Mc][Aan, Welland Canal buper T 30 a 7 45'
Tit ONTARIO id he " I asking the country to 7.30 a 7'.45
sou as came off, tl 3. ft
4'13cit I do eame to eWm her hand -if she to-oight and to -morrow night. ' It is DR. SLOAN AT METTDACITY. Victoria College, 'pray what de r@e d tio, No EuAish- on account of contract for gra�ejlincr on the Su�perfine NcA'Cauada: 7*30 a 7.45
I am credibly informed he endorse such an impu5illon. Bayfield Road. -Carded. 0 .9 No.1 Western
will yet receive it, sai#, UArcey. Bro-wu Ahead on the Fimt DaY I decidedly well worth seeing�tb best T. the Editor of the Huron Signal. reacive? Statesman ever attempted such a prepns*,er- The ucedunt of Uurdo Gordon for gravel- 49 No.2 64 6.90 a 7.10'
"Hear me, Reginald IVArM I" said the' ble to get any. Victoria position on the peopl% but waited osite lot 10,
thing of the kind yet exhibited here. DwA- -lam sure you will agree with was.never a 011191 in ling 52 rods on the 4th con. Opp Bbk Flour ........ 3.50 a 3.65
Close of s, I st day: Whitby Town, It Still rder to 1.5p. a
"I loved Zerlina even before you College has sent out some of the best until the elections were over, in 0 ', amountiu- to- 0
gipsy. r P11 L cyracious task to have to L: , h Which Certified by Mr.' Young WIJE;A.T._Can&da Sprin-.
eyes bebeld her You wooed her to her Brovrn, 1,2 8 ba, 151: lijm2wa, me L at, & - - 0 0 a a 3 Pa- JF , 1614 72-100 cents. OITS.-Per 32 lbs .......
g&- rhe latest joke is the appearance s that am put into Fcholars in the Province, nd at the same know the strenatu 01 rnment of his country VA -1 3 V A
I exposed your designs to her -4- but Brown, 101 - Gibbs, 189. Ealst Whitby, of 11r. D. L. Sills tgaiust Mr. Cameron coutradict the fabrication time some of the greate to carry outhe ig`oye full time that the Moved by Mr. Patton. seconded by Mr. BArti,4y.-Per 48 its ...... 0:60 a 0.6�
rain- r circulation during eleftion time ; but when st dunces. e6onomically. .11,38 POW Murphy, That Mr. M. Gordon be paid.- Bx.-rTEu.-Dairy ........... 0.11 a 0.13, C
stih she loved you. I tracked you to Out Brown, 180 ; Gibbs, 184. West Whit' in the South Riding. Really, Mr. Siffis, electors' through Uf i a pro nce. were put- 0.11 a P�12
a man who aspires t) be a candidate, sloops think the aspirior, doctor " graduated" vi Carried. Stored Packed .....
home- I found cut Your real name. I dis_ byl P it is too bad, we though t among the If he had i r- AsuEs.-Pots .............. 5-75 & 5-80
Brown 194 ; Gibbs 140. . ickering Cameron good latter ref'rained ting 8�stQfi 'to SuPh a system of Political Maved by Mr. Pollock, seeondedbyMi
jugging by poltici ............ 6.80 a 6.'90
wvered that you loved another. I to.d to the meanness of circulating falsehoods,, his I i �' ans fitir to retain office Patton, Thi: -t $50 be granted to Ward -No. 5 pearls.
her 1 Broiln 3,99 ; Gibbs 3,217. Total -Brown, for about 500 majority, and you must conduct should be stigmatized. I there- from hi foolish propensity for letter
on, and still she loved you. He, in her and ruin the country. The Editor of the to be expended ima Mr. Aprpby may direct. Pour. -Mess .............. 14.50 a 20-00
1002 ; bibbs, 991. Pickering returns YOO a communi- ains of Air. Gibson's friends 151.50's 15.75
0 come in and interfere. You will poll the fore, desire to allude, brieff writing people might be disposed to put Star comill - Carried. Primp Mr -M ------
insisted on your marrying her -and I on I ' akiag lalse insinuations against Mr. 1:1*y9
tented to entmp you and 0 aid in co ling; act complete. Some accounts say the Lot vote, oh jes, of course. hed by Dr. Sluait in the Goder- r, and his'Colleg ' Moved by Mr. Patton, aeconded by Mr. Prime ............ 14.50 a le 7 JY
'el in
cation pablis some faith in his learning
for the- express purpose of eatching vot-a for
b Star, rt last wee� -and to pronouncelt out a Weston, That the ituna of $50 be expended pzjs ................... t. 0.86 a 0.876
arri P vote is a tie, but aboie are the figures as le 9 es. But bis letters are hereto us, Which is certainlyawith 11 OPposits lot EtyF, Flour . .............. s.90's 6.00
you to redeem your promise of in ag tori Mr. Gibson on the Narth side of the hi
&W, Owing to the fact that MondaY a deliberate Jalsehood, in all respects that
beezow I knew it would be to humiliate yon.: fLr as heard from. 0 and plainly tell, that on the score of learn- foundation. Hays is himself to blame for 24 on the 6th con. -Carried, JJowTttELi, Auo. 27, 186�.
But thooZb zhA% knew you wedded on compul- I was a holiday, and the vast amount Of it alludes to me or any remarks which I am no claims on the suffmles Of those slanderous reports or accusations, pre- Moved by Mr. Pollock, seconded by Mr.
r he has Market dull with trifling tMnWtions.
SECOND DY"ATCH. co"espondence sent us, C1 terred against him by different individuwa
I part of which said to have made. Every respectable pe Weston, rhat one hundred dollars be graut-
Isioa, atill she loved you. Now, tisten to me � Moreover. I d,) . Flour declining, loweri bat qUOULUOTIA un.
t6 'people. Let any one read his last 'th,cluabout the Riding: ed to finish the contract on the west end of
renounce her, and fttit;i will recover from her SOUTH ONT-ALRIO. must be omitted, we are compelled to son in Blyth can, and will give tbe-lie to his a ve them to ba mere insinuatinna changed.
ce of retailing Die- lqter in fllo Star and ask himsel: is it not belie 'the Bay. con., near the vilt*ge.
mad Pantion.11 Close of poll Brown, 1002; Gibbs leave sevenl loug editorals over till our letter. He makes a practi facts, by whic very , ?,in Grain unchanged,
The Council then adjourned to meet agi
ersations to suit his own such a production as any
person edrcated but calidid h e elector in
1-1 wifl not renounte ber," said D tended private cony the Riding ought to judge him. Wftlt re. on the second Morday in October pros. Provisions quite at Tormer rates.
- Arcey Whiteford and Br6ugbam not next. purpose% but he never gives nameg or proof$. i' anadian Vollege would the manner in whiah Mr. Gibson's Ashes dull, rates unchaAced.
fi,mly. "till I hear from her own I a a British or 0 ference to hich the Star JOHN SHAW, rp. Clerk.
'Ps that heard from after 4 p. m.; will probably Ing as would friends cauvall for him, and -w
abe b" ceued to love me." Goderich Township. The public are well aware of his propensity write, ot is it even such a tb , NeW Y4Drk market.
one of his weak. #Tom FraUeys Fly Facterminator.
d' give Brown 25 majority. It may be a of a'Jigentledian complained of, I think Me. flays (himself)
-Fool r"zaid the gips in this respect. emenate from the very favourably with ADY of
bei e himself will compare (By speciat Telegritpih to the Unrtln� 81WAX.)
AurrustUtb, 1867. Ir j I#At in this
0 nessear, but still it is a weak cause that re- wbel 14Ew YoRt. Ard. -27 f86
-ith passion. "Do'you, think I will trust you I without a 1, ny College education. It is in GibsoD's friends. -as t my- I T. - -
whh your soft words and ready pledges, i G*STON ELECTION. Mr. Editor -in your reply Contained iut ntlemanly mendacity to support it. neiglh ood he (Mr. flays was Picking During five years of fatililiar visiting a �tecejpts 1A69 40
a quires unge taste and bad Btyle�,; the :hI ourb T55e. lower.
IF the 15th "t. to an bad EnJish) bfid ldren Flour 15
her pmenee ? Relrinald D'Arcey ! begone or Close of Poll: McDonald 517 Stew- your issue o I am dear air, yours &c. r, .9f the road on their way home friends Tom Frailefi; I bad. *bserved'tke al bbl&
0 low, personal and vulgar. In the letter froffi,scho,61-gave them -five cents each and most total absence ofikes qVbut the housei
dervil a giJigy's vengeance I't I and Reformer" you recommended him to J0814',PH WHITEHEAD. who o� a ride� in his baggy and told them to tell their and p�g pen, atild'once inquir. Wheat dia,111,10a 2 lower for red 3c Ig 5C
art attend some of Messrs Cameron and Gibbons's referred t6 it is difficult to 78ay that he w -ba Mr. RaTl% And, of course, yard, stables, forwhite. Receipts 10252:busbeI16
Nlevisr I" said. D'Are", his courge ris- meetings in order to procure the information To the Edilcir of The Bignal. a king he writes it like a- fatbe-s preference to Mr. Gibaon. h 'Some day Fye quiet.
as for what he is att. t: to vote f3r him in ing of Tom t e reason, be said
�:%C-_wiith the emergency. --I will punme Sm.- Having known Mr. Gibbo ls�, I am informed, baited 'his '"' Corti heavy -shade lbwer.- -
CARLETON ELECT10N. he solicited. I may meztion that I was delirium, fighting the east wind, He as a 1!11 tell you.' Last week the day came accl-
to the end." ad during that time had man ia 0 '1h the, It4gisterabip of the Barley quite.
11olmes 57 ahead. invited by some of the princival friends of twenty years, a striking in the dark everywhere, and eadvassing, hook with -dentally. - Pats 6rmer. t
upon your fittei I" cried the orming 'a North Ridina and'held it out to some two Tom and a hired man we
trip". 24ii- sftfitgioz fici-ard like a parriber, OTTAW A ELECTION. reform and aspirants to attend one ot the the most ample opportunity of f n ting nothing. Wheie is. the educated hundrdd difirent, individuals by which. to re forking over a m. -;..-Gold 41J.
first meetings held this season on th t correct estimate of his character.- I oa 0 d say ,I never Ind'strange to say, some heap of manure out by the otable, and every I
he W=d bilf*21 6y the throaL Close of Poll Currier elected FithOut question, and where it was expezted Man that woul sat foot in catch their votes, -2
"Unkatad an *Z of a Itipsy rhouted hat Conscientiously and truthfully sayt that the States." I might give several other loose, stray fish, hasTa 8vtallowed greedily Vo fe, moments Tom.wet down the turned -over
opposition. intending cz�didates would tboroughly ex. consider him to ba not only a niati,posses- tempting bait and pledged their assistance to material with a' fluid that looked very like
VArfty. stirt;vzling i1to ft*& himelf tron the plain their views regarding all important 11 Gailway,"-& thin-,
and jbilit.y in a instances of his 11 College style,'$ from land'him successfully in
latec,esting points connedted with reform, sing natural talent and sible-as his defeat is a fore- thin,11ne,41timmed m4k, using for the pur e
literally imPQs
Opt of Wit oppo!WUL THE PUBLIC HOLIDAY man of integ. his lust 'letter, gone ennelujion, even by his - own friends, pose a,comimon garden watering pot, he
",Give op Zerlina,11hen I- nid Mark. but imagine the chagrin and disappoiritment marked degree, but also a if time permitted. What WhowautsaWBRY
ath. offujaelfz" w6l] as i3maity other since who would the grave old Professors of Victona What can now be done for poor Hays, to had two barrels of the iskim-milk .,fluid at
"Never r replied Reginall. ed a 8�fbbi re re- rity,'candour arfd 'sterling honesty,
-itriprov6 ', bAs- hopliss, 4- political condition 7
Our goA town prennit formersto be ienied ad ittance with o Coll% V
m %an �!jV if Id tha one of their grada band
would shrink, with Ibbor.-ence from a JQ
"You )F'jl have it, then r' retortel the t terday, 2btb. A aumber wz""table reason, s6relyffuchaprocee me -of his ifitirrowing friends Otley's Patent Remmr,� Won
be ilt I your blood be on your ing was as disgraceful to the cause of retoM and who is in. iteg. ff'�te 46h. rubbish. They would Conld not so -to selad up bis poliO;al 1b, Tam, compostang1J. see."
�';ojprle slyoep'led quietly at home, otherr mean or isordid action, petition John A. -u E Subscribers having poilcu-14 -&'-ftht fee
-it was joean &ad ir issionaty (Mr. McDougal) to
sulting. Therefore a libel -on their learned institu- save if �possi- 'TV& a a e6mislying better at the saliffis nnEf
own bead." Uct as is imputed to 0 1 Ibis �Couuty oftheAbos ik�vu. ww�m I'm
and about capable of such coiid onsider m days.- -
'h it lisp in Go&r..
,n� out driving, fishing. ko., . Hays"from that ignominious time.'
w. hdv�a% not always tia3b at my disposal, more It is t `e old story of ther ass takitig bIJ Pool
A glittering blairle in the gLt hand of his certain malig defeat which is in gitore 11tideed, wbat is At
300 tpok the eteamer Clinton for a plea,� jsp�cially at this season of the year to attend him by & ,nant ifidlividual C100- for him at the polls.
icb. to be the at'%I invtRUVI IR -
an- -The welt sunk tilad all lae4tbaiafible
antagonist glisamed before his eyes. Ch Mr. MoDau 0 t, I remember now, I pro
gwg hi& gmp fripw the throat to the hair qure trip to Sarnia. The boat left at Auc1h meetings as you r�fei to, f was in the and other minions who I verily believa the Hours - skin. It Amuqt have bien to zall bps - not been generally sue-
eron and Gibbons- e Sloan that cesilful in tI,jpelfijcaJ Missions, oQly'_zo%,we1l
urpose of 'publishing Som- Ftet�ttder to. leaming-lik ofwatertilren within anbour""=`C�
and reWme4. st 2 0,0100 this oope that Messm Cam J Ified A howi�you Some day Idw I -do that. A_wdUeaa-bep;ndowA1nk1WhM w* -m *two -
of his eDemy, the gipsy exuade4 his � tRould have sati#icrot ine Itallong; 16111111 iflie CO
right 7 a. in. and ottlifirb sitraiiiarly are,bired for the A paid as he wen uld not m 94
'k L - I I - - o
ting U the prop et J A referred 4hj6�he exclaim on seeil have first fijlod these W iijrroolca viihoirtsemp'41094 14
s and conece ro ifive hiar. politically, he might perhaps pray WtIls d belitrthiO tbf� aud
arm before drawing the keen edge , *f his LTumdsy)mozDi8,9. Thetripwasgreat miaded regarding the queriefi contained in scurrilous article , � 'L _* forty-ZlIbourgallon, cidep.casks. nearty -tuiiof '13-10tesperan
Cer"i.11 N auil'Irtecoversible polution twelve pug�
ly eujo* bv A ea board, Oft the re- the letwr above referreil,to, which accusitionts ed, - oh atzi *ine otemy *u ter -_ of Mr. George
br"d "ife acrow bit victim's throaL A . y founded' and defazAtory for his, Imbezilit intb� thp -wa 6rdemzna7U,10ft1a the AlOrm,
was uuthiug�but I and: other couscient - ious; wise old! poophat knew n wbich tyieL honest y i 64 'RidIng heal pol
nothing thort a F,
idek"i0je wussitiorm ca=e over Reginald abd turn, a uJlactip ond Who against this gentleman* to injure, and if book"' becausd the _eeman of ogt slktZ. cents, ontatmaidWra. D"Amu
ODU06 of 34441'ia J4.
g was behl is the Oabio, electors hda rigbt to krid1w, ps a are about 'o place him�-- 'A -c . MCA Dr,
6A., d xt I ]�*ve i6ired in
save him from is per roun ;1w
I-L-ra ern teiider6ii our v0es.,6- I'm #0 i1a the incoe Awa eucy van, IWI,
&is eves swam in his bftd. Bat at *112' in. i -n #L- _16.. U J'Alst, A& feat Iii in nt thai -.*if his etiewyAia writbiabopk,he now �A.10 *31tr
'ery youllg kS.1 Y 2,nd g, ill a
hear soweAhllt,� very r"'
.rn moll [4", �t 112rc, , , -
o�d. Th t 1, a I I z fl
Jig , L". -'t " �
d,�,. Lit. I r
Ir ;g it 0 R.-; 0 F
A .01tere'! ,
waisKERS I
- L (). !61 n N r t z , I
1181,,r -JV -rd W.
w -hes 1:1,,,v ,I; ht!
cvcr kn,iwn to fat,,- 1
b arly d ro,i-oft�st��J
le.lter� takth
TO C70"tfl
Th, %dvtrtl-r
tint drewl It 11ii"
To a4l wt- d
10, (;� " . , V "; A T 14
a,.d ILI! T,,r,�l
,f the 8,j v� " �,
.,,b, th, 61fl.1-d a-ld
cn,.Celvea I"
,MV P'ro
Will pi,,,c .(ldre-- Rrv. V1_1
".Illam, tuz�
1?crry Davis!
Vve Clap the foilowiral
(;Cneral Adrerliser
0 AL this season Of 11
cholera worbas, dyisten
dred complain" Ere sur,
hould be libemlly sur-
Vegre-able rain Kill]
home, whether it be f0f
trip to Euro-ne, shou
lace their hands on It J
lug. Many diseases in I
mor,tbA, which will pr
mediately checked. ca
by one or .we doses of
more than one oecafiO'
ed of Jutoze sufferw
the above named preO,i
Sold hv uil Druz--"
icine dealers. ,
21w 3m - 3 0 St -
C41ebrated F,
prepdra fro- a pi
,barikie, if. D., Phr- n
to the �
This invaluable cnedl(
core of a* h- Painful
to vriliclil the 1e. -1124e `C�Oi
moderates EM e%cm �ludt
and a speedy core m" v '
it ,@ .eobarlt; uned. I
liring on like morithlY N
E,lch ll�itle, priev 09
ernment Slamp Qf(h`"
4C A�Ul
T&", PdA CAW"bi "Del
waxry� - d -y a".
&_�C, but W an -V Oth
I a all ea;e_- of
Pams to the Back wild
Z"tion Palpitnuall C
hites,&- Hts --V�
Other mr2= h.ve faiii
rOlremedv. & not-"
monv. or'eiavothing1but
Fuli citrect-3 In t;
t,acllmge, which F-400
aLgelit for the
JOB 91
N. B. _S 1.00 and �i
,�o any alithorizeA W
IIAL"rig utv bv i
13-- Sold in "Ou
Xh 0,
ow Lson
_ r
Among the caost 111
dim )v��
utrimn IS,
A2 - amity Ke,4,
fi�",Wn. retrieving tt
Si&l liza and Eiv
ts, Buin
now been bef- t
"a Wherever U
it. e I
4-,- 1 cl
0 rly fou
im I lit
t it highest. terms
wespeak from
jog tesW it thoro,
im =ffeang tre
WhW1I itis rewl
being a -Qc`ve`faV
., The iksLowsh-"�
D,slrdVer 19 curl
r,cocamended. at
atiring the Icirttim
retiewng NerVOU
rank in the twit O�
Orders are CO
as�dtl Pam of t
will be vritkOut
price ORIJ 25
"--Rog idi 4�
Ake Dotdinio,
11itfs ftr
bmu 1&0*
fto t�&
tiolic, jin 11 Alma -4
hiluself to the rscofWbf the of bbhiriov4--%ot
into I
- t to ho grave ThaVyasVes -Lbia
4"As rang, the, report of a fire arm I Tfie I I licit that theu 'Nould exposi 4
movad by 14. C. Camqou, Esq., owond. 1 beg 0 drpb t tb�rlyeenv
s election -� -_�it 1 - r
- idenim will couvey to we ft � IT -0
r -lot and other as�Sloau- has exposeahil he gh _t w Q
dowa the� w4fittre i.
pip* relaxiB4 the blaide dropped harmless to A fiAlk itzi for ii�rinkliltbo
Ware, pile. And-vbiy W
e gi
to you I r respected psges, a statement how they
b the MAdium of I have from, Qbr,;L
Rumbs)4 Esq., that the equioilly"ig from time',% time darin the andients oor fbi bi
64 ezAk and the aim, with one by (;eQ,L erested tirou., the m derzii U,N 'ilrth Billion. rag , a, in the PUtty' 09 i0i�tlie
4"" 9"P thanks of i tizounimbb boundered e mam- pArb, heard and read the c now redeim his' o -about 36, zon. i. uran Roady
tha forAfiii AW. Jt will tak,& 'B11F bnd I
Well"t corpse I r I . � I a , et at every 6ppoiate
fell so me eartit w is plected, oa 411 impor- el otion ;i hi�,, P Try of ifu 0. ope
11 th
ent owneir of the "f ' wy letter w -he 001111MID11106 North Riding t* h o, t -stable 1eap, F T.own'.of 1 J
11r. Flow boatt Cq4: `*'d's*e419 Tole' ainst, this geiide-� �end din (it 'cr I c: vertbij hotw Wericbr, z
UU�ig 'YOU :honefif 4, -
tant qt6tio *"1& 610 me tioned ia YanOuff 2430 t10n$ 09 edtoirUA'hii ,an&, -
mat V1 an rdelui� - I -_ JJ
&V -16" - i0e. Dows, -
Re _04awAftr who was his pre of 'th Mingted feel"P'of PityL tkgaitt _J r A It M06 ioni lif,
subordWate cAders; f joi�ld theil:11lItiose i
gi"N U** e her Keith aud 41 or, us letter. S 0 Dr.," bxit �0, t will *,he*, on 06 daya of 0611i Ig -pen PI 0,
SOM1104.644. �_Aye dashing fir thei�`Will-idt'.);Jk7firift by1fj, 4h tbwTt
demur to I r. on. 7 Foun erma
-the Q911%6 or 4o- ihVil by vaturaint N idW - -t,
a6gler *ie*,Of -fibueal 0 on �Q Sim
this we have nor cithl6r itternativo 6ute 'y take a -ADPreclate an tj *t the ptifts- L Time
band eJe.eW, be, tzkin7. the oftimer off her ragdar route wing, thgVthey were utter
8 toThe conclusion Oat they aye 449mo* Me 1� -.1A, bbelf y peat;� lorywt if AWNd
or the gezitlemanly-! 'a, cef" untnie-and without any roctudation, wer'a quite �cjgo_ of thO'AMPIO, -GibAon t we 11 eer,,
rigktgd�Wv�- s6easuted pistch Had, M. e kuowl -1will -'q for the joOd -0 -thisj -our ado - 6 Ito
-stood for the dq, and f SJOWliugibe, fencel and acting on thFkfrin% -it %; iai" r for tbe
opt up w 'fromulgatid 401ely for elec, rulw of Lam% 'tbe. poliXtIcal Wile W7-� ater.
mmirld, and 'open to the d contitry.-Aod-:04
7A="d Osle inde4 but beautiful am duplayed �,y them.ou tb.6 000"10u., ciple 'of awco Ill Valie of e CUPe
iM&g- Yours; UP the would be ma'a, 'Tor- to i"ad
We may statt that the round- iti was �igbest bidder. Mi. Editot, you may tbese Alotleering porpo". Wimam. Iran ritilli. Aug. 2.71 1W.
P 16y,- preel ly, manure.' Godi
in* thfit I am over sun ious regarding
[a " tutaut more, hate, veng"um, owl -
made at the r0A Cr 12 mu" to bour. matters but the truth Iiisp- we have had the Itcecutly, bowever, one of the most DIA -R& I APUY. ill Wife placo.ou tbe�, same d
Wd 6fOZ4 & 400pgr PaWi011. Ske drOppel$ wool so often pulled over our ey;o by can&, -
7 P
As I know that Tom and his housahold emu
WON hoP6 the Reformers
o,f(..Iy stowed have beeu ex�mpt front the pia7ue of flies,
Uron signiti. four in the afternoon ret
Editer of the H will attend and Bee that be 13 pars white all others %%hpre overrun with summer Sig
To the - Star sabole for five 11 0 h
t false and usati6ns that I have ditor of the Goderich 3, the probill--itv is that there is virtue
and fooled afterwards, thst i Silt, -The E swy int4 his obscure
dates and sold r -tural Iffe -P-
ecomes the duty of every collsistaut electo h la L rin'ti 100 getting very wroth with Mr. Gibson's friends If not for the term Of big nr
yet �,ainst this gentleman wa, it, Tom Fralle)'s fly extcruninator, airie
to know what he is votiug for-ineasures oresence by one of the most Mr. Hays' qu IE TRUE UNION T1CX1&*- NOXINm-L M set on that fl.tal dayt ttever again .10 Bbine Farmer
113 ,QOLDIER AND THT 1-1 a alifications, that am nfriid that the Grod,rich Star 14'ill also
A TIONS de in M for desputin
and not inen. of M r. Gib- . but lie must From London Society.
Spy. I am Youys malignant nod vituparativo! his prop&l� qualiffeations ; ays' friends. 1�y its own lignt.
omist and Reformer. Crabbi d, thdi. it was Mr. H The Bl(leville correspondent , to tAie Star
An Ecou 'bons' detraotrs Christopher bear in min r Was Milk-
----------- eify 1�bat first raised Buch and whoboastsabout his gramma ust number of London Sorie ty
In the Au,r
S.OUTH HURON., Warning To Greenies., Esq., Of Goderi-oh. It was as follows, in it not Mr, flityi hirns
11 know- in,
, Ca
ords as near as I cian anobjecLiou gainst Mr. Gib§on,-we ,�Ut of the word 'I correapond4 t , we off Lh U
Iriters-cil kpowing at published by Hurd Hough on 11 0
X Tale ef thle-Stege of SebaStopol- r. Crabb's own w
'AT BRUCEFIELD ract for ing, at the same time, that he bad property in one of MY I te ing of tile sell. followinm: r
Imp time from the read. a
Stanley Aux. 23rd 1867. recollect some 9ars ago a COUt op sufficient to qualify him for such a position, the ge , typograpbical crror,-m %bom r
tence that it was I be bead of an illustrious house, - a ve"y building a wall of loose 8totle upon the t
flooll. On the morning of tile 12th iust So far) however, as my letter d correspondentA.' shall cI] Lord Skinflint, hd eiven one of CA
On Fridavi the oth inst., at 0 three t1mes over. n Is a certain Itickey in his
who residES in c�r i to be given e me I clever rd to say in defence of* bi is tj
innocent y oung man, of and around- the jail wall waE 0 knowledge in These matters Rery I I Ile had not a wo but desceEcied 0,,nizina this but a few days
at-ighbourbood, started for Goderich in high tender, the day arrived for opening as -yet, knew of tiny in this country that d d man arid political principles, ybich proves he
Of --mr unfortu- out by ity twaddle v F tabl,
All of a sudden the apralling cry its -,to see the Elephant" but ibbons, as Warden of not overcome that difficulty ; aE.d I have no to low-lifed si � afterward �n 'the hall -, where it had
m tihe liDs, ot the trial, pir Reid the tenders, Mr. fly doubt whatever, that were Mr. HaYs to bo; had no failh in his Ovvn cauge. ' His lezt letter been deposited for a momc-fit,- niy ]old in -
overboard I" burst fro nately called at a hotel it, BaY1 opencol the to file Star was Fis weak as ditdh water -not
the Counties, was there and elecied,which is a very unlikely circumstance, it belonued, arid was at otice t
at the wheel. The crew NORTH RIDING. he met " ith a al,arper, in possession of three agiomeration of quired to whom I I
nn4 some of the nnecessary to only tender t*hat was there, and finding it would also surmount such an obst-tcle b y being a point in it, but a co reinii,ded of hs iordship'8 cift.-"What
1rers sprang to %he q is U some means or other ; althouh, it may be If be will come out 1:
passen Me. A AT RIXTH thimbles and a pen. promiscuous nonsense. critid he , did I give you such a #ood hat as
na to let- HURON. state the trianeuvres ofthe swindler. suffice from one MoV icar, (a person whom much doubted, whether 'the p esuwptl'- like a man and hold up bi conservative his T1 I'he man explained that he bad it t
rapidly drift, *as very r treat him w, relined and Idone up.' 'UmPh I' Says my
dark object was seen 0 U tile tF due respect)
sit to say, they were such as to Ul,kke ous insl,_,nificant and, ed
ward ; the wild, despairing sbriek that rang oil Thu I rsditv, the 29th, aforesaid innocent believe that he could Mr, 0. bad not the greatest love for) man owns One H principles I 'will
C. CAMERO. at ficoll. nd acquainted Dollars worth of real property in the New If not he Laust take what follows- lord, -1 never thought of that- 'Pray what
out above the roar ot the storm told that it 11take the lellow down and accordingly bet - Brit ta a Mr. Hyslop a that the electors Yours.
ilm C�Iumuys- fi w and asIced Dominion. I do not think, Y. did you pay for it V 'Arfa-cro.vo, my lord,'
tour dollars ugainst, titat be could pick bin, of tile wav Tuatters stood answers Mr. Jeawew- "he nobleman mused A
MISS a human being slaking in the the waters er a candidate's property qualifica- A.
ea under it, but Oil consid
of the channel- siakirig bopelessiv ! for no out the thimble with the p h s dismay no hint to Put in a tender hintself, at the tions quite so much as they should.or value for an instantp and looked at the hat again.
F,,IL Tilt: AssksiBlY lifting one of the thimbles. to I ental.' qualifications which Wll tell you what.'said be at length, 'I'll
w oIlgeonsolato young his moral and in
boat could �re a -_-racnt in that whirl of pea was there-, the no s+e time telling him that his (Mr. G's.) are essential in the highest degree to qualify GODERICH TOWNSIECIP. give you five shillings for it as it is.' 'If
Plarl'" wert, thrown man pursued his way to- Goderich, btit all 9
watem Juy could not ttat was idle just now and he would like . candidate for the a" rave and reapousiLle your lordship pleases,' answered the fot-
an Id do. b this presump gust man. Ise for
d tiia ww all that d -v c u, Once the sights lie saw There that I tuous import (In fact there was nothing f
POLLINC-a employ it to haul the stone, &C., office to whic The Cquncil met at Holmesville, All
more row Oz. despairing shout frt%T sea t revive his spirits, and he has been in 'he hi to er (,Mr. Hays)'is aspiring. The Editor of* the to appointment O he bargain was struck
FlURON. blues ever sitice. I hope ibis wili be a lesso in�
r. Hyslop 0 e.- I,ord Skinflint put on the -bat,
ould have thejob. M the differ- l',111 1867, accord' at one
sky fmm the human South Riding. ced nto bewar It f�d Star waxes very warm, on readin moral R -!eve and and, for ought I know,- he way wear it
to in�xperieu 9' written against Mr. Hays' all the Council101s prese t
that frans in the ears of I XT 0 otid jo-,I, en put in a tender and Mr. G. gave ent article.1 - -The minutes of last meetino' were read and
WINTEHEAV, thimbler. iin the job." I immedi�itely remarked character, all of which go to prove and sub still.
I ht. T�e caT- Folt ilm sFPrEmBER Gth and 7tb. D. Mo
it for mary an after day and ni, uot believe it, L"ntiate. heyond any doubt that he is a mi -11 roved.- Moved by S. Pollock, seconded
tain's glawriendered the distottA and t I er- 111C)NI.kS C.IB�ON, Gibbons "d Carling, to Mr. C rabb that I d ild immoral in his genCiral habits, and does not app 11 that the Clerk levy a tax on
riBcd countenance of the droWnIng at" FoP. TVIF A�,Lmvlll,y, t I w6uld enquire into the Matter, and possess that inberent moral principle, nere,3- by Mr. Westo inaular Cuinciderce.-The four candi.
bu try to qualify Irvin for such an onerous and each School Sqction (in this Township) the thstlactl visible. At last it disar reared- a 10 tile Editor of the ii�uroo bi;tlnl. sition.- Me. Hays, amount required by the Trustees of each see. dates for the coun, v of Bothwell. havg each
North Riding if I found it to be true, I would not sup- 81 ith a five letters in b(Ab given "d surnames.
buhh-le or two Becki-g the for5my We of a Dh�� fonger and ne would respon po Beds so much bolstel ing
AR SIR, -The election is low upon ULT Mr. G. any It) character that a , acd to be collected with the Township taxes of Here they are : David Glass David Mills,
of a very port rich b;tar, i�l order 4�ue
ltr..-e wave &I e indicated the suot where SEPrEMBER 5th and 6Lh. sharp and strong, and in the course
on all claims to*tbe confi- proppin UP, by the Gode the current year. -Carried Edain Kerby, and Jacob Smith. r no more, ng side will decla,�A the C to delude the electors becomes self-ev the pro - Which will be likely to succeed ? Glass
tix rise any to the Standaxid. . ertainly fOrfait ident Iled
a bgstan being bad sank few days tho wioni de . -of the clectors )f Huron. , I have grind" them. aind
nce to alp, that his character cannot stand puillic The account Of One 61recli ki fore R. Kerby. or the Mill that
anal the sea gives up its dead. Tie captain man who has the maj-irity of the electon opether bet- erty ertified to be
heaved a deep sigb as he dropped I. is The Barclay Sew4 -Machine. vvbo sym- made it my special business to see Mr� scrutin," and bewould be alt p of Jamed Burns C the Stinith that ,hawmers" tbem,�-Chaf-
9 am, the laW wetlion. tears I)Urst from her eyes It is now for Reformers and all - Uy� affair, and beat ter without his real* charac)ier,--as it can Twaites and G. Brown 9sq.- valued at foor ham Banner.
- none knew in that wild 117ze with good and economical govern lop concerning the oril v he a damage and* o0no beneficial service by Mr. Pol-
bnt he knew not slid murmuring, -he 1�,ves toe still I' she This sewing machine, for which Mr. Put de- flometim�.,s dollars and fifty cent& Movo-d
n an d indignantly -that lie
biI she had themselves in the South empbatleallY to him -even people say awes Burns
awrits, the vengean .,uk, fainting into the arms Of meat to bestir once Eieciors, lock, see. by Mr. Patton that J IMETEOROLOGICA]b 19E_
taken the traitor to hij kan and his ccuutry, so terrible a death. Moorhouse is the sole aent at Goderich,
0 Riding of Huron. nied baying entered i'nto such' a colluion swears . in public like a wo
nre3erv-d f ona n uld not only be paid. -Carried. 'PORT.
the int- n- Mutu.11 0 rlina's re� is pronounced by practical men and I for such a man
the Calm brother and falie Eriton, Mr. Gibbous, the man for The peop would have b enunt of Geo. Laycock for Six
followed Ze lei is h een it, votin"
passed, instant in the 8uffrages with PNI-r. G. WIM Vnjure t'liemselves, %at become the ruedium The ac - Preparedfor ri- Sional by John_RzAdau, Esq.,
tioaal but feiled fratricide, Hetiry D'A rrey I C�Very. After what had women to be the most complete thin before them, and Lis claims of, alike discreditable to both ; hear what through which such ubprincipled men are nicipal Muriciels for the use of this Conn
istat tun oXierver ax Godt4-icA.
He had emba4ed for the continent undor a er.t. A hurried visit to the this line before the public.. It is ex- of the electors stand second to no other. btoed to deprive the community Cf ther by Mr. Patton) auclouutin' t'O
fli-pht was Urg Mr. Ilyslop says himself ; 4)
ibei ties, and their future com- cil (certified
false eaule-had been swept fmm the deck terview witb� the queen, to tremely simple, eaefly worked, and un- He has been for a long perlod- of years a n,, heard- from Popular rights, I �t Jr. Pollock, sect by Mr.
CrIpsy camp -an In -am Hyslop, havil a -id happiness 24- 1
i as during that forl There may be, there is o Moved by 5A DAYS.
urried escape t
by an hTesisnbile sea,, tt�d the beavy money -the Call aud resident in the coun y, and It the same pro- paid $24.- E
whom Zerlma told all equalled in point of capability. the above re -ret. a difference of men followin- Jr. Callaway, and read Weston that Mr.* L%yeock bi gi, time mixed up with its affairs, as much if Time, 7 a. in,
belt he wore at his waist. the fruit of his nald, with integrity ; but,
r Ella, her daughter ar.ol of Re it, In the meantimc,� read the a Carried.
ry, had hastened his awtuL fate. 0 which the, first had 8'"e' of more so than. any other man in the same. that Mr. Crabb should have allov?ed his fession, lot their honesty and z
treacbe ra are cre,
the jelve!a and money 'aie has acted as rown Councillor and Reeve. lerally a class Of men totally zec. by Mr. Pol-
a casket ready vertistment. to triumph to such Z! Moved by Mr. Patton,
R--'uatd D'Arcev wa3 to County Councillor, and Warden, and is flow mali�._nant spirit unfit, from their views ofprofeseional interest. eut on the dul-
have rrjoined
hoarded, and which she kept in Big that rapid- thereby 8bewiu;,, to BUY UUPte- de.,ree ag to lose all respect for himself to 'be entrusted with the interests of the lock, that one Sixteenth of a c Mon An- 6 29 42� 1 71T61 S .0 1 0
lum oill the continent ; he lingered behind F were incide s6li doing so, d to all the rateable propert *' ' 6 371. 1 724 IS .01 b
t07 arif 8M0r&,eUC1 I I is abiiity -%%it h Mr. people. ailid that, as they are accumme tar be levied on y in Tiles. " - 31
for a purpose with which he did not de�,m ly folluwLa. WELL, WELL. judiced person that there and be totally regaTdltss of the feelibc- hey this TuwnsbiP, for Towns ip rpo es, ad Wed. 7 _3?�5 1 73.6 1 S .01 7
�Otire. and as- Gibbon% and that'he shares in a large amount . f plead in any cause, right or wrougg, Bb i . h pit 8 Thurs. 8 128 764 1 Z5 .101
it fittinZ to &cqmair-t his father. Rai as he Dispnsing with thel, glipsy of cnfidence of tile people - We calinot for of otbers if he could thereby Batts y a are more liable, for self a-randizement, to t bylawybe immed-in acccriance with Fri., 9 so 759 i W .0 01
w=% yet every zerm of goodness h.td not they, ioineu' become the pliant tools of the winistry,' and sat, to .3ba .6t;9 I Nw U We advertise to -day, a new thing in are the public businem experi- 1, however, most 'h :me
-axLne[l14A less d""et'vel Vi revettre. I
guished in his nature. In 3'ml ng waltillf', and were soon I decency c? % P oneut it would only form a little petty r are ever ready to aid and' abet theii, by th: Wind �' is expre-ed
been utterly ezAin, the shape of wells. By using the ma- ence of his pp 7 pplication, in of Aiezandar Chitiholm for The Veto, lty0f the
�i Id. who W Ls I n t at reards (be above -y and habits of a
Re, tial of the very !ittle to the very great, distinctly state ��' I Tile accoubt opproximately tl� n1lnllWr*, thus : u_ calln i
ba re. contrast their sopUsti
the paralyzing bI�izht which it toast vhirlit- M%v3Y at the top spced of an ex And statement 0f3fr. Crabb) it is an unmid- every species of jobbery al.d corruption, by Gravel. -Certified by the Pathmasters, John Hurrieave,&c.
-he turned %itbk his companions, inery supplied by 'Messrs. Grant, ar- of a rusblight to the bIRzc ofthe sun. -en almot financial- C. Gordo 5 1vt od r, te u ale ; 10 Very hea
mernbo�red a bilttrei hwi nartured nald, ray and Duncan, a tube is inserted in the, the irer has ehewn so little in. Blair and M. , . The '
ilress trin. neg, y reason why he My tender for the con- which out- p "ovince has b Every elector Wallis, W U, 4 e- rxtrnt of of,%ky clouded expreaW
to the isisIge of the beautiful gipsy prl to 117 Chacuel, ated falsehood. di d by Mr. Pat- by numbe", from 10 L, 0; thus: 10. denoten
versed in ta"etY that Mort cwin,, to nature Laving clecitol to him the n ly ruined an
t ra and by force from 12 to 50 -feet, 'as uded to above was in and opened amountin- to $12-50- Move that tile sky ir eovered wi,h clouds. 5. that It is
whom be h2A oeeu united in a manner so fa-Lqr had gro in this Ridin-r, that is, intelligent ones, must 0
.here a t,w hours btfor1 lit - I'cupability for doing so, tberefote, wm, tract all 0 that Alexander half coverQ ; and 0 that it Is perfectly clear,
the position it would only be to say that itircs of John ton, see. by Mr. Murphy
and so of-eamlike. He would see -ined the case may be, and presto up comes and I beg oview the treacherous pr6ceed aid. -Carried. 13ALLOMETER.
sipAge, closed his guilty career. Fmn" �,was I he to assum!. with the' others
lik ite thu'rkt-amd confess all. He would Re�inald, with his bride and the bubbling water. One of the new another manifestation. Ot i 1110: slice in burast" to tender for 'A with contempt and diRgust-in his at -
all last, and here . 0 1 0 1 Al r. Gibbons did not ask me I Chisholm be p Highest Barometric pressure during the -eek
o vain and am- tempts to foist a Coalition Government upon tLe
re ber the secrets of his guilty lifle wells ba-. been sunk in Goderich and the nature which some men are to - ,ccount of S. H. Mountcustle for 162 was 29. Az19 at I o'clock. p ni. on �aturdaY
lay, beto her mot her, dete, inineid in a quiet country either was there such a discreditable the ?rovince, of Ontario. -Compcsed Of four wee Was
bijious, to show, but when they come out of it, n honest mall loafts of uravel for %he duron Road near Joweat Ban,metric pressure do r,ng the L
should be his aor.&seor and judge. He J the blows. As ement as Mr. Crabb speaks of in lawyerf; and a brewer, the only
retreat 10 pass The rema;nder of their days. supply of water seems to be inexhaustible 29:1�O at 7 olviock a Ill. Oil Monday.
their shell, they must receive arrarg A16an Rarometric pressu-e fir the *Cek
h3d pled�,;ed his haid to hor in good tuith towt not dwend It is truly a an elector and som(what acquainted with 'it the corrupt batch -with 1�hn S. at their Clinton-certifi' by the Pathmaster
BUL the curtain upon dry as the weather is. refe'ence to Mr. Gibbons' team between he d, and a lawyer of the lowest order.- amounting to $16.20. Moved by Mr. Pat- wfs 2,9.34 -os.
be flad bestowed it on her compulsorily- ttilhout a palling glance at those both gentlemen, who are now seekin the t, r THELAOITrTE9.
our dram,, woudarful irvention. ther 0ay bo c tleman and 1. Rerettina that elres,* suffit.ent to
It arptes are thems ton, see. by Mr. Pollock that Mr. Mouateas
Suffrages of the electors tht ei (Ilaurs of observation 7 a.ai , I p.m., 9 p.m.)
but still he was b,3urA to renew the offier. with whom we Can Nympathlzt sent to I�arliament. I would be recreant to Stich a ca!umny shculd have crons abioad: suck tEe hearts blood- out of Old England
if rek ctA be wouild then teave En. -land for, NOT S0'f privile e I enjoy as it voter, with her yeariv revepue of 72 million-ftir tie be paid $16.20, -Carried. Hqb"t Temperature duritg the week was 85-4
deeply. it �e hi,-rh lig indignant v M-, The account ot William Sierlin.- fdr tim- on Friday. during the week was 54 5'
ever. I If ace-pted; her bome sbou"Id.be h's he old ball was rr Id be recreant to my duty as a loyal sub- about Mr. Gitbons, and feeli less the Pro'ince of Ontario. ow, site lot 32 on 1-owest, 1 emperature
week pn"�d awav, slid 1 if I during onet man, no one will dare 10 her to bai!d two Culvetts OPPO
gwly decked w't lud wi.ha and prepars. A ramor haing been put in circulation] jiofl and vreli wisbpr of Canada, 0 tbat Ihould have been implicated, 1 re- Gibson is an b on Monday.,
hopie, her Feciale Lis people- and it he uf- M, st looked indiffereni ly on and car- industry and the 4tb con. -four dollars. Moved and sec. The Mean Tca perature for the week wait 73.24
3 Conte dietil; -A, ma.q*wbo by honest
Fered huantruLtion by descendin- to assoeia- tions were made for a great feast- The b_y interested partieg to the,effeet that the' thi ain yours, &c., from compara %verme--t day durtug Lhe week was on Frr-
'in there is a right and Del -severance in life,.has r . is . en, - tbat Win. Sterling be paid. -Carried. being 76.20.
or 1r. I ed not who may % I of distinction day$ tov Nican Temperature
diow an.! a life so far below le station be ed and while Hon. D. VcDonald is canvassin-f is and there i Wbi. HYSLOP, position Coldtzt dev durnizz the
customs of past days were revir; , 0 a wroul in all th- 8 aomeihio� iive obqcurity, to a ee,
,ampg, 8_shed from the long amoni,, his fellow -men, both civilly and poli- The account of John Sterling for Cedar to w k waq OuSalurdavt
Iliating, too, to see this fair and he bl_ Tewpelaluye J)eing 68 70
MW Wrn to, did he not ova *n expiation- nst Mr. Gibion we have 'to $2. Moved
the brilliant Hays, and agai ery bum Now, what importance -can be attach tically,-not one attempting, either conser- build a Culvert, amounting JORN 11A LDA -S, J a.
%ion of Uuron inhabited by a
and a bitter one- for the crimes and error* where the hundred the very best of authority for stating I dourishng poro sation made by Mr. Patton, beC. by Mr. Yurl-by that John Dat
windows oft' is IOAT hall 0 g-ence, twrth, ed to alty statement or accu vative or reforrder, to point a finger of indig ed thip 10th -lay ofAug.. 1867-
,a t4e pan? the merry body of men in point of inteill, rly art or acts, done
cruests were gathered at the feast, . that there is not a word oftruth in ( it. and enterprise not second to auv other body by INJr. Crabb, [in ret'crence to Mr- nutio�u against Lim, for I Sterli-i- be paid. -Carried.
ce all spoke I Dotwith-nand- 0
With then views, @Per the terrible Beene 0- - represented in Gibbons, at any rate.] I would be, to by hiin in pub ic or in private, Of Colin Kunro for repairing'
A the joycitts country dan of people in Canada, to be I he account
sour, ar table 4umbug
at Bucon EW1. aa4 after's hurried parting by The htgAly Bay that I would defend any, one [even in all Mr. Hays' conteml) between lots 110 and 11 on the first
I of bigh-wrought festiritY- Sig- The Fail Wheat Show ozi Thurs- of Parliament
ge usequelitly, on these 'a to 63.' M3ved oy Mr. Pol-
t he milea i co etowards among the gdled and noolst ticquent Isaac Carling of Ritchie] taboo t 0
with his fkther, he wended his way Gaily Sir Gaspar moved Sr(ur day will be held in the Albion Hotel, not es seem latigbatille. r. erabb, Mr. Cailing, or Mr I grounds he is worthy of the support of every Ir. Patton thatMr. Munro.be At K-locsidine, on the 26th inst.,
Ezde. Well it do as 10 -a' sec. y
the giney camrp, not cartain �whether be arm with Sir De I-acy Evans. from such malicious and failse slandeis the Ridi g. -Fur differeirit is A., fourth d4u-bier of Mr.' Alex. Nasmvth
ffuest!si arm in the Huron, as stated by, us last week. pail 63. -Carried. 18
a The whole thing even yet seems in some honest man in
to s in, and to give away Hays, if public opinion is to be ton, seconded by Mr. of G.d�rich, atter &short flneS3, ag"d
ehoa:d find the wanderin- tribe ia the &-taie �ft bi Moved by Mr. Pat
who had come measure to my, mind to be a boax played off the above. with Mr. the wed Yours truly, relied on. He is seltmingli a slave to P
the bride. For this was ding of Irene CLA.S8 CHEESE. on the people by Mr. Carling and his friends ollock that the sum of$30.60 be paid Jamez years- Au'g. 9_71h, Mrs-
-No, the bonour, the intelligence and tLe JOSHUA OALLAWAY, JR. those passions which renders him disqualified' 11i3ar being balatice of- contract for gravel- In Goderich on Tueslay
on this night, amid mirth
Entering the Confis-3 of the forest tarou,b and Linel, and !i e electors of South Huron can- for the onerous duties of a egislator, and Ila,, on the base line. -Carried. Thoulas Eidott, ag-t-of 69 years.
ride of now
and fittinz festivity, Bhe became the b. We ack ledge. the receipt through clignity of th
whieh he had lately ridden as so wild a ritte not and dare rot be trifled with in this man. should not be surported by anybody of Moved by Mr-'Patton,Aec. by Mr. Pollock
Us recognized the pathway, and slowly pur, her s3idier our friends Shephard & Stlrachan,. of a ner, they scorn it as a recommendation for To t�qk Ullor of the.flur" ' 19"Ba- patriotic electors. I hope e-ery -honest' that the sum of $50 be paid John Harrison, 40
owd its course- He had nut gone far fine prevent oftheese from Mr. Manning votes, they w*nt no Pen"Y hall p.-nny hon- SLOAN"S LF-ARNWG- elector will remember, on'the days of poll for work done on the Bay. con. opposite lots T111br y in, chat it is now in their tower to exclude
of the Exeter factor en in Exeter tsty, known oul to a few trading customers. 3 and 4 being part PaYment of contract.
bowever plan -,W in 'painful reverie nd &�i,- Wb -1 �w Fail oft have letters caused the write- I TP come be fore all such improper and- equivocal characters'
qr1_J3IrE, G. T. ]Ft- his is only k0ing nonsense curw tbc dAy that they wum inditem" Catritd.
toted by confiiezing feare and a few days ago, we took time to visit th- sensible electors ith. We want the ioielli- Hud&w. from occupying such a: position and a due - Moved by Mr. Pollock. sec. by Mr. Patton 'CODERICH, Ab-, 2� 1867.
M14 and a man, an hour or respe of
-Sly of principM ct for their own honour sod good that Suhn-Rudd be paid V21 -5V for turnpik- C& 1.21&'
wboaaabod" AR ELI V F_ factory, and, after spending gence and the broad hone It is an old adage that- those who live 5prim, vftesL ......... 1:15
, iU all the our province, should prompt every elector
confronting b that rings Out loud a.'ad cle;; ing, and gravelhug 8 roolsand 45 feet on the 0 1:40'
him sternly bade "in Olewription of traiAl- two about the place, we diseoverei the u as and sayingit of a man- disapproving in glass houses should not throw stones- in the Riding, not'to ouppoet such a man as 16th con. aid lititting in d 61vert opposite k au do 010'
It was the young gipsy, Mark. He &=p .... . 12:30 a.m. ( latir 0:% o
Accomoid3tion .............. t f the article ta Obt likely diagrace the I .................
supenon y o rnga out. The a 0 fing evil I principles wherever see a man sneering at the Mr. Hays who would in lot 7, Maidan&crin.-Cari-fed. F ................... . 3:00 P.M. and condemu' ver entertained When we position in which he is placed by their votes. Flour ................ 7-00 (64 00-0
mmeh excited. and bu emn teasince had an zoresit mail 14 h an by wbomsoe The account of James Girdon for gravel . 0 (�� 0:50,
LO:50 s -e -ret is this Mr. 31annilrig has about of ......... 0.5
aspression of stern menace and evil panion. Mixed ............................ 0 I.I.e.y. iarei,,h pla.... If this were the kind learoins of others and claiming great ac Phe electors must bear in mind, that Coal- lin 21 rods oil the 16th con. opponte lot l3arley* ...... h0 own, he is" thoroughl - ition Governments. or might I say, a govern- -d by the reas .................. 0:50' a 0
-Batak r said the gipsy. Yaw path lies DEPART. 60 cows of a of honesty attributed to Mr. Carling, I would quirements for himself we,reasonably ex to 630.14-cerlifi*
an opposition, is a clauprous 'ssioner, Ar. Joseph Young. Sheep .................. 4:" O:Of)
loader. TltaLyouare finflowing takes you! Express mail.\ ................... 6:30 a -m- systematic, and the most scrapalous, clean be smeng the firm to place it to his credit, ought to have some ment without 0 1 poad- Cutifini
derstarid, it -otherwise when he pect that his claims ornen and is simply a system of absolutism, urFhy Beef, Cwt ..... ......
1:45 p.m* liness is observed by Moved by Mr. Fation, see. by , Ctr' .......... 5:50 0:00.,
to the gin camp." Accomod- - himself and- his but I must un Mr. Wm. Sloan, one of the, and aiIould not be allowed to e3iit in the ,i� I Mixed ......... ...... 4.45 d ladT. We venture to isay that he- 1 would in the past sanctiou Life doings of a foundation. 0vt James Gordon tie rlaid�- e.121 (i� 0:00
tegisfaid. iff a alt, and of a Cartier Ridin- of Dminion far one day. The people of every 01
111 answered P for the North The accounts of George Fulcin or pit candidates 0 ct,talocrb, ...... ........ 0.50 w bt LWT - ----------------
J. A. McDonald, Of a C oil0.0
in wholesale W country must acknowled_,,e' with
itisting and pilfering of the pub I in a Culvert &e.. opposite lot �12, Bay, con. -00'
ever uses tLis superior cheese may rest moneys. Away with such a kind of gmtitude, awbutit.1-la to I
"You are mistaken." said the lolpsy. amured that it is as free from impurity as Fic e�es they _ubw
sticks at a gnat and swallows a commencement o! the canvass of making and privil, Patton, see. by Mr. Mu-phy, that Mr. Geo.
honesty thitt 1 he p 0 in I a r. F" Eggs ------------------ 4:09 (i4 0.10
"I know my own papose." a" &?,&ald. 'ujo. Chickens going thither." pure vrater and clean implements can V, . , CiVi!17ed country oil our , (a4
Huron, has been in the habit since the C'v"'Zea -y owe to party, for %i )ud ...... ........... 2!.60
the d4bt th �n dollar�.' Moved by Mr. hay"U64 V too ........ 8:00 040
I camel. The inau that says lhat Mr. Carlim, a prade of his learning and pedantically r� .. Fulton be paid $1. 0. -Carried. no 0-,26' Qh 0:25'
me then,"" the ipsy. &'Whom globe, The principles of Coalition Paid C�40
make it. NFanning's cheese may fairly � is a fit and proper person to reprtsent the are, in,
underrating that of the other candidates. fhe account of ltobe4t- McDan for
well; you in the camp?' challeap the Dominion. Shephhrd &'S.ush Ridittg of Huron in Parliament, must ibem3elves. dishonest. -each party should in a culvert on the Bayfield Ro.-4'and filling Turkeys --------------- C
I . obtuse in jutelleci or very ELe telLs us tha t he is College bred, fiaht out, lairly and openly. its own object, u . p approaches there6 atecording to contract. vratbed.' _0:20 0:20'
replied VAcy. W Augast 27, 1867. either be very . . . ig wiLhanother of 01) 1
;WDERIVU, Strachan agents for Godeneb. much be -tie his own conscience if intelligent. and that another of the candidates can- 'one party ininit . P-35ite amoutaing- to $1.0. Moved by Mr. Pollock,
"Yes," said the gripsy, with a bitter laugh. na, by which to gain strength aLd re- Rbbert 9Uean be Dlontreal MarlLets.*
I At the polls the electors will declare it by old epi. of�tnio sec.. by r. Patton, that ro glowt Over the ruin yon have achiev- Mr. Manning has the best two -y senaing Mr. (libbons to Parliament, as be- not spell. He reminds me of an Win the emoluments of officei )s a danger- paid $0. -Carried. 1 11 un-piincipled policy, and skould Special Telel;ram to lauran
old heif& we have seen in the Cou:Utyl ng 1.� and houclumbie to the constitu gram I met with some time ago. of s rotten, -- Moved by Mr. Pollocky, see. by Mr. Wes 1ibutreal, 2 p, m., Auir. 27,1867.
ELBCTION NEWS. resents. bue iprtiored by every elector in the Riding.
She weighs about 1100 lbs. and. is a pW e Tom atid Diek had equal knowledge, ton that $10, be paid Thomas Turner on se
Yours truly, bein dan�erous alike to the people and to Ellicitfs swam, .-Car-
P Tom could read and write his naritle, 1 6 - count of contract on p FLOVri-Superiur Extra ...... 8-75 A 9-00
"it was my word, fgar air. Zerlina ri.3 y in every particular. A REFORMER nd Dick had seen the C011ege-" pro.lasive civilization generally. Who Extra : ............. 8.25 a 8.50,
Special Tele.fraph to Huron S'_rnal.) feCt beaut English States- 760 a 7-.75
pining away--m--waiting for the bridegroom, Exeter, Aug. 26Lh. Bat Sloan tells us he c7raduated at ever heard? or read 'of all Moved by Mr. Pollock,.fec. bi Mr. Weston F"cy .............
wba will never come." TnE GRZAT PANORAMA will exhibit Ian, forming his ca�lnet before the elec That 100 dollars be paid to Wifliam Mc][Aan, Welland Canal buper T 30 a 7 45'
Tit ONTARIO id he " I asking the country to 7.30 a 7'.45
sou as came off, tl 3. ft
4'13cit I do eame to eWm her hand -if she to-oight and to -morrow night. ' It is DR. SLOAN AT METTDACITY. Victoria College, 'pray what de r@e d tio, No EuAish- on account of contract for gra�ejlincr on the Su�perfine NcA'Cauada: 7*30 a 7.45
I am credibly informed he endorse such an impu5illon. Bayfield Road. -Carded. 0 .9 No.1 Western
will yet receive it, sai#, UArcey. Bro-wu Ahead on the Fimt DaY I decidedly well worth seeing�tb best T. the Editor of the Huron Signal. reacive? Statesman ever attempted such a prepns*,er- The ucedunt of Uurdo Gordon for gravel- 49 No.2 64 6.90 a 7.10'
"Hear me, Reginald IVArM I" said the' ble to get any. Victoria position on the peopl% but waited osite lot 10,
thing of the kind yet exhibited here. DwA- -lam sure you will agree with was.never a 011191 in ling 52 rods on the 4th con. Opp Bbk Flour ........ 3.50 a 3.65
Close of s, I st day: Whitby Town, It Still rder to 1.5p. a
"I loved Zerlina even before you College has sent out some of the best until the elections were over, in 0 ', amountiu- to- 0
gipsy. r P11 L cyracious task to have to L: , h Which Certified by Mr.' Young WIJE;A.T._Can&da Sprin-.
eyes bebeld her You wooed her to her Brovrn, 1,2 8 ba, 151: lijm2wa, me L at, & - - 0 0 a a 3 Pa- JF , 1614 72-100 cents. OITS.-Per 32 lbs .......
g&- rhe latest joke is the appearance s that am put into Fcholars in the Province, nd at the same know the strenatu 01 rnment of his country VA -1 3 V A
I exposed your designs to her -4- but Brown, 101 - Gibbs, 189. Ealst Whitby, of 11r. D. L. Sills tgaiust Mr. Cameron coutradict the fabrication time some of the greate to carry outhe ig`oye full time that the Moved by Mr. Patton. seconded by Mr. BArti,4y.-Per 48 its ...... 0:60 a 0.6�
rain- r circulation during eleftion time ; but when st dunces. e6onomically. .11,38 POW Murphy, That Mr. M. Gordon be paid.- Bx.-rTEu.-Dairy ........... 0.11 a 0.13, C
stih she loved you. I tracked you to Out Brown, 180 ; Gibbs, 184. West Whit' in the South Riding. Really, Mr. Siffis, electors' through Uf i a pro nce. were put- 0.11 a P�12
a man who aspires t) be a candidate, sloops think the aspirior, doctor " graduated" vi Carried. Stored Packed .....
home- I found cut Your real name. I dis_ byl P it is too bad, we though t among the If he had i r- AsuEs.-Pots .............. 5-75 & 5-80
Brown 194 ; Gibbs 140. . ickering Cameron good latter ref'rained ting 8�stQfi 'to SuPh a system of Political Maved by Mr. Pollock, seeondedbyMi
jugging by poltici ............ 6.80 a 6.'90
wvered that you loved another. I to.d to the meanness of circulating falsehoods,, his I i �' ans fitir to retain office Patton, Thi: -t $50 be granted to Ward -No. 5 pearls.
her 1 Broiln 3,99 ; Gibbs 3,217. Total -Brown, for about 500 majority, and you must conduct should be stigmatized. I there- from hi foolish propensity for letter
on, and still she loved you. He, in her and ruin the country. The Editor of the to be expended ima Mr. Aprpby may direct. Pour. -Mess .............. 14.50 a 20-00
1002 ; bibbs, 991. Pickering returns YOO a communi- ains of Air. Gibson's friends 151.50's 15.75
0 come in and interfere. You will poll the fore, desire to allude, brieff writing people might be disposed to put Star comill - Carried. Primp Mr -M ------
insisted on your marrying her -and I on I ' akiag lalse insinuations against Mr. 1:1*y9
tented to entmp you and 0 aid in co ling; act complete. Some accounts say the Lot vote, oh jes, of course. hed by Dr. Sluait in the Goder- r, and his'Colleg ' Moved by Mr. Patton, aeconded by Mr. Prime ............ 14.50 a le 7 JY
'el in
cation pablis some faith in his learning
for the- express purpose of eatching vot-a for
b Star, rt last wee� -and to pronouncelt out a Weston, That the ituna of $50 be expended pzjs ................... t. 0.86 a 0.876
arri P vote is a tie, but aboie are the figures as le 9 es. But bis letters are hereto us, Which is certainlyawith 11 OPposits lot EtyF, Flour . .............. s.90's 6.00
you to redeem your promise of in ag tori Mr. Gibson on the Narth side of the hi
&W, Owing to the fact that MondaY a deliberate Jalsehood, in all respects that
beezow I knew it would be to humiliate yon.: fLr as heard from. 0 and plainly tell, that on the score of learn- foundation. Hays is himself to blame for 24 on the 6th con. -Carried, JJowTttELi, Auo. 27, 186�.
But thooZb zhA% knew you wedded on compul- I was a holiday, and the vast amount Of it alludes to me or any remarks which I am no claims on the suffmles Of those slanderous reports or accusations, pre- Moved by Mr. Pollock, seconded by Mr.
r he has Market dull with trifling tMnWtions.
SECOND DY"ATCH. co"espondence sent us, C1 terred against him by different individuwa
I part of which said to have made. Every respectable pe Weston, rhat one hundred dollars be graut-
Isioa, atill she loved you. Now, tisten to me � Moreover. I d,) . Flour declining, loweri bat qUOULUOTIA un.
t6 'people. Let any one read his last 'th,cluabout the Riding: ed to finish the contract on the west end of
renounce her, and fttit;i will recover from her SOUTH ONT-ALRIO. must be omitted, we are compelled to son in Blyth can, and will give tbe-lie to his a ve them to ba mere insinuatinna changed.
ce of retailing Die- lqter in fllo Star and ask himsel: is it not belie 'the Bay. con., near the vilt*ge.
mad Pantion.11 Close of poll Brown, 1002; Gibbs leave sevenl loug editorals over till our letter. He makes a practi facts, by whic very , ?,in Grain unchanged,
The Council then adjourned to meet agi
ersations to suit his own such a production as any
person edrcated but calidid h e elector in
1-1 wifl not renounte ber," said D tended private cony the Riding ought to judge him. Wftlt re. on the second Morday in October pros. Provisions quite at Tormer rates.
- Arcey Whiteford and Br6ugbam not next. purpose% but he never gives nameg or proof$. i' anadian Vollege would the manner in whiah Mr. Gibson's Ashes dull, rates unchaAced.
fi,mly. "till I hear from her own I a a British or 0 ference to hich the Star JOHN SHAW, rp. Clerk.
'Ps that heard from after 4 p. m.; will probably Ing as would friends cauvall for him, and -w
abe b" ceued to love me." Goderich Township. The public are well aware of his propensity write, ot is it even such a tb , NeW Y4Drk market.
one of his weak. #Tom FraUeys Fly Facterminator.
d' give Brown 25 majority. It may be a of a'Jigentledian complained of, I think Me. flays (himself)
-Fool r"zaid the gips in this respect. emenate from the very favourably with ADY of
bei e himself will compare (By speciat Telegritpih to the Unrtln� 81WAX.)
AurrustUtb, 1867. Ir j I#At in this
0 nessear, but still it is a weak cause that re- wbel 14Ew YoRt. Ard. -27 f86
-ith passion. "Do'you, think I will trust you I without a 1, ny College education. It is in GibsoD's friends. -as t my- I T. - -
whh your soft words and ready pledges, i G*STON ELECTION. Mr. Editor -in your reply Contained iut ntlemanly mendacity to support it. neiglh ood he (Mr. flays was Picking During five years of fatililiar visiting a �tecejpts 1A69 40
a quires unge taste and bad Btyle�,; the :hI ourb T55e. lower.
IF the 15th "t. to an bad EnJish) bfid ldren Flour 15
her pmenee ? Relrinald D'Arcey ! begone or Close of Poll: McDonald 517 Stew- your issue o I am dear air, yours &c. r, .9f the road on their way home friends Tom Frailefi; I bad. *bserved'tke al bbl&
0 low, personal and vulgar. In the letter froffi,scho,61-gave them -five cents each and most total absence ofikes qVbut the housei
dervil a giJigy's vengeance I't I and Reformer" you recommended him to J0814',PH WHITEHEAD. who o� a ride� in his baggy and told them to tell their and p�g pen, atild'once inquir. Wheat dia,111,10a 2 lower for red 3c Ig 5C
art attend some of Messrs Cameron and Gibbons's referred t6 it is difficult to 78ay that he w -ba Mr. RaTl% And, of course, yard, stables, forwhite. Receipts 10252:busbeI16
Nlevisr I" said. D'Are", his courge ris- meetings in order to procure the information To the Edilcir of The Bignal. a king he writes it like a- fatbe-s preference to Mr. Gibaon. h 'Some day Fye quiet.
as for what he is att. t: to vote f3r him in ing of Tom t e reason, be said
�:%C-_wiith the emergency. --I will punme Sm.- Having known Mr. Gibbo ls�, I am informed, baited 'his '"' Corti heavy -shade lbwer.- -
CARLETON ELECT10N. he solicited. I may meztion that I was delirium, fighting the east wind, He as a 1!11 tell you.' Last week the day came accl-
to the end." ad during that time had man ia 0 '1h the, It4gisterabip of the Barley quite.
11olmes 57 ahead. invited by some of the princival friends of twenty years, a striking in the dark everywhere, and eadvassing, hook with -dentally. - Pats 6rmer. t
upon your fittei I" cried the orming 'a North Ridina and'held it out to some two Tom and a hired man we
trip". 24ii- sftfitgioz fici-ard like a parriber, OTTAW A ELECTION. reform and aspirants to attend one ot the the most ample opportunity of f n ting nothing. Wheie is. the educated hundrdd difirent, individuals by which. to re forking over a m. -;..-Gold 41J.
first meetings held this season on th t correct estimate of his character.- I oa 0 d say ,I never Ind'strange to say, some heap of manure out by the otable, and every I
he W=d bilf*21 6y the throaL Close of Poll Currier elected FithOut question, and where it was expezted Man that woul sat foot in catch their votes, -2
"Unkatad an *Z of a Itipsy rhouted hat Conscientiously and truthfully sayt that the States." I might give several other loose, stray fish, hasTa 8vtallowed greedily Vo fe, moments Tom.wet down the turned -over
opposition. intending cz�didates would tboroughly ex. consider him to ba not only a niati,posses- tempting bait and pledged their assistance to material with a' fluid that looked very like
VArfty. stirt;vzling i1to ft*& himelf tron the plain their views regarding all important 11 Gailway,"-& thin-,
and jbilit.y in a instances of his 11 College style,'$ from land'him successfully in
latec,esting points connedted with reform, sing natural talent and sible-as his defeat is a fore- thin,11ne,41timmed m4k, using for the pur e
literally imPQs
Opt of Wit oppo!WUL THE PUBLIC HOLIDAY man of integ. his lust 'letter, gone ennelujion, even by his - own friends, pose a,comimon garden watering pot, he
",Give op Zerlina,11hen I- nid Mark. but imagine the chagrin and disappoiritment marked degree, but also a if time permitted. What WhowautsaWBRY
ath. offujaelfz" w6l] as i3maity other since who would the grave old Professors of Victona What can now be done for poor Hays, to had two barrels of the iskim-milk .,fluid at
"Never r replied Reginall. ed a 8�fbbi re re- rity,'candour arfd 'sterling honesty,
-itriprov6 ', bAs- hopliss, 4- political condition 7
Our goA town prennit formersto be ienied ad ittance with o Coll% V
m %an �!jV if Id tha one of their grada band
would shrink, with Ibbor.-ence from a JQ
"You )F'jl have it, then r' retortel the t terday, 2btb. A aumber wz""table reason, s6relyffuchaprocee me -of his ifitirrowing friends Otley's Patent Remmr,� Won
be ilt I your blood be on your ing was as disgraceful to the cause of retoM and who is in. iteg. ff'�te 46h. rubbish. They would Conld not so -to selad up bis poliO;al 1b, Tam, compostang1J. see."
�';ojprle slyoep'led quietly at home, otherr mean or isordid action, petition John A. -u E Subscribers having poilcu-14 -&'-ftht fee
-it was joean &ad ir issionaty (Mr. McDougal) to
sulting. Therefore a libel -on their learned institu- save if �possi- 'TV& a a e6mislying better at the saliffis nnEf
own bead." Uct as is imputed to 0 1 Ibis �Couuty oftheAbos ik�vu. ww�m I'm
and about capable of such coiid onsider m days.- -
'h it lisp in Go&r..
,n� out driving, fishing. ko., . Hays"from that ignominious time.'
w. hdv�a% not always tia3b at my disposal, more It is t `e old story of ther ass takitig bIJ Pool
A glittering blairle in the gLt hand of his certain malig defeat which is in gitore 11tideed, wbat is At
300 tpok the eteamer Clinton for a plea,� jsp�cially at this season of the year to attend him by & ,nant ifidlividual C100- for him at the polls.
icb. to be the at'%I invtRUVI IR -
an- -The welt sunk tilad all lae4tbaiafible
antagonist glisamed before his eyes. Ch Mr. MoDau 0 t, I remember now, I pro
gwg hi& gmp fripw the throat to the hair qure trip to Sarnia. The boat left at Auc1h meetings as you r�fei to, f was in the and other minions who I verily believa the Hours - skin. It Amuqt have bien to zall bps - not been generally sue-
eron and Gibbons- e Sloan that cesilful in tI,jpelfijcaJ Missions, oQly'_zo%,we1l
urpose of 'publishing Som- Ftet�ttder to. leaming-lik ofwatertilren within anbour""=`C�
and reWme4. st 2 0,0100 this oope that Messm Cam J Ified A howi�you Some day Idw I -do that. A_wdUeaa-bep;ndowA1nk1WhM w* -m *two -
of his eDemy, the gipsy exuade4 his � tRould have sati#icrot ine Itallong; 16111111 iflie CO
right 7 a. in. and ottlifirb sitraiiiarly are,bired for the A paid as he wen uld not m 94
'k L - I I - - o
ting U the prop et J A referred 4hj6�he exclaim on seeil have first fijlod these W iijrroolca viihoirtsemp'41094 14
s and conece ro ifive hiar. politically, he might perhaps pray WtIls d belitrthiO tbf� aud
arm before drawing the keen edge , *f his LTumdsy)mozDi8,9. Thetripwasgreat miaded regarding the queriefi contained in scurrilous article , � 'L _* forty-ZlIbourgallon, cidep.casks. nearty -tuiiof '13-10tesperan
Cer"i.11 N auil'Irtecoversible polution twelve pug�
ly eujo* bv A ea board, Oft the re- the letwr above referreil,to, which accusitionts ed, - oh atzi *ine otemy *u ter -_ of Mr. George
br"d "ife acrow bit victim's throaL A . y founded' and defazAtory for his, Imbezilit intb� thp -wa 6rdemzna7U,10ft1a the AlOrm,
was uuthiug�but I and: other couscient - ious; wise old! poophat knew n wbich tyieL honest y i 64 'RidIng heal pol
nothing thort a F,
idek"i0je wussitiorm ca=e over Reginald abd turn, a uJlactip ond Who against this gentleman* to injure, and if book"' becausd the _eeman of ogt slktZ. cents, ontatmaidWra. D"Amu
ODU06 of 34441'ia J4.
g was behl is the Oabio, electors hda rigbt to krid1w, ps a are about 'o place him�-- 'A -c . MCA Dr,
6A., d xt I ]�*ve i6ired in
save him from is per roun ;1w
I-L-ra ern teiider6ii our v0es.,6- I'm #0 i1a the incoe Awa eucy van, IWI,
&is eves swam in his bftd. Bat at *112' in. i -n #L- _16.. U J'Alst, A& feat Iii in nt thai -.*if his etiewyAia writbiabopk,he now �A.10 *31tr
'ery youllg kS.1 Y 2,nd g, ill a
hear soweAhllt,� very r"'
.rn moll [4", �t 112rc, , , -
o�d. Th t 1, a I I z fl
Jig , L". -'t " �
d,�,. Lit. I r
Ir ;g it 0 R.-; 0 F
A .01tere'! ,
waisKERS I
- L (). !61 n N r t z , I
1181,,r -JV -rd W.
w -hes 1:1,,,v ,I; ht!
cvcr kn,iwn to fat,,- 1
b arly d ro,i-oft�st��J
le.lter� takth
TO C70"tfl
Th, %dvtrtl-r
tint drewl It 11ii"
To a4l wt- d
10, (;� " . , V "; A T 14
a,.d ILI! T,,r,�l
,f the 8,j v� " �,
.,,b, th, 61fl.1-d a-ld
cn,.Celvea I"
,MV P'ro
Will pi,,,c .(ldre-- Rrv. V1_1
".Illam, tuz�
1?crry Davis!
Vve Clap the foilowiral
(;Cneral Adrerliser
0 AL this season Of 11
cholera worbas, dyisten
dred complain" Ere sur,
hould be libemlly sur-
Vegre-able rain Kill]
home, whether it be f0f
trip to Euro-ne, shou
lace their hands on It J
lug. Many diseases in I
mor,tbA, which will pr
mediately checked. ca
by one or .we doses of
more than one oecafiO'
ed of Jutoze sufferw
the above named preO,i
Sold hv uil Druz--"
icine dealers. ,
21w 3m - 3 0 St -
C41ebrated F,
prepdra fro- a pi
,barikie, if. D., Phr- n
to the �
This invaluable cnedl(
core of a* h- Painful
to vriliclil the 1e. -1124e `C�Oi
moderates EM e%cm �ludt
and a speedy core m" v '
it ,@ .eobarlt; uned. I
liring on like morithlY N
E,lch ll�itle, priev 09
ernment Slamp Qf(h`"
4C A�Ul
T&", PdA CAW"bi "Del
waxry� - d -y a".
&_�C, but W an -V Oth
I a all ea;e_- of
Pams to the Back wild
Z"tion Palpitnuall C
hites,&- Hts --V�
Other mr2= h.ve faiii
rOlremedv. & not-"
monv. or'eiavothing1but
Fuli citrect-3 In t;
t,acllmge, which F-400
aLgelit for the
JOB 91
N. B. _S 1.00 and �i
,�o any alithorizeA W
IIAL"rig utv bv i
13-- Sold in "Ou
Xh 0,
ow Lson
_ r
Among the caost 111
dim )v��
utrimn IS,
A2 - amity Ke,4,
fi�",Wn. retrieving tt
Si&l liza and Eiv
ts, Buin
now been bef- t
"a Wherever U
it. e I
4-,- 1 cl
0 rly fou
im I lit
t it highest. terms
wespeak from
jog tesW it thoro,
im =ffeang tre
WhW1I itis rewl
being a -Qc`ve`faV
., The iksLowsh-"�
D,slrdVer 19 curl
r,cocamended. at
atiring the Icirttim
retiewng NerVOU
rank in the twit O�
Orders are CO
as�dtl Pam of t
will be vritkOut
price ORIJ 25
"--Rog idi 4�
Ake Dotdinio,
11itfs ftr
bmu 1&0*
fto t�&
tiolic, jin 11 Alma -4
hiluself to the rscofWbf the of bbhiriov4--%ot
into I
- t to ho grave ThaVyasVes -Lbia
4"As rang, the, report of a fire arm I Tfie I I licit that theu 'Nould exposi 4
movad by 14. C. Camqou, Esq., owond. 1 beg 0 drpb t tb�rlyeenv
s election -� -_�it 1 - r
- idenim will couvey to we ft � IT -0
r -lot and other as�Sloau- has exposeahil he gh _t w Q
dowa the� w4fittre i.
pip* relaxiB4 the blaide dropped harmless to A fiAlk itzi for ii�rinkliltbo
Ware, pile. And-vbiy W
e gi
to you I r respected psges, a statement how they
b the MAdium of I have from, Qbr,;L
Rumbs)4 Esq., that the equioilly"ig from time',% time darin the andients oor fbi bi
64 ezAk and the aim, with one by (;eQ,L erested tirou., the m derzii U,N 'ilrth Billion. rag , a, in the PUtty' 09 i0i�tlie
4"" 9"P thanks of i tizounimbb boundered e mam- pArb, heard and read the c now redeim his' o -about 36, zon. i. uran Roady
tha forAfiii AW. Jt will tak,& 'B11F bnd I
Well"t corpse I r I . � I a , et at every 6ppoiate
fell so me eartit w is plected, oa 411 impor- el otion ;i hi�,, P Try of ifu 0. ope
11 th
ent owneir of the "f ' wy letter w -he 001111MID11106 North Riding t* h o, t -stable 1eap, F T.own'.of 1 J
11r. Flow boatt Cq4: `*'d's*e419 Tole' ainst, this geiide-� �end din (it 'cr I c: vertbij hotw Wericbr, z
UU�ig 'YOU :honefif 4, -
tant qt6tio *"1& 610 me tioned ia YanOuff 2430 t10n$ 09 edtoirUA'hii ,an&, -
mat V1 an rdelui� - I -_ JJ
&V -16" - i0e. Dows, -
Re _04awAftr who was his pre of 'th Mingted feel"P'of PityL tkgaitt _J r A It M06 ioni lif,
subordWate cAders; f joi�ld theil:11lItiose i
gi"N U** e her Keith aud 41 or, us letter. S 0 Dr.," bxit �0, t will *,he*, on 06 daya of 0611i Ig -pen PI 0,
SOM1104.644. �_Aye dashing fir thei�`Will-idt'.);Jk7firift by1fj, 4h tbwTt
demur to I r. on. 7 Foun erma
-the Q911%6 or 4o- ihVil by vaturaint N idW - -t,
a6gler *ie*,Of -fibueal 0 on �Q Sim
this we have nor cithl6r itternativo 6ute 'y take a -ADPreclate an tj *t the ptifts- L Time
band eJe.eW, be, tzkin7. the oftimer off her ragdar route wing, thgVthey were utter
8 toThe conclusion Oat they aye 449mo* Me 1� -.1A, bbelf y peat;� lorywt if AWNd
or the gezitlemanly-! 'a, cef" untnie-and without any roctudation, wer'a quite �cjgo_ of thO'AMPIO, -GibAon t we 11 eer,,
rigktgd�Wv�- s6easuted pistch Had, M. e kuowl -1will -'q for the joOd -0 -thisj -our ado - 6 Ito
-stood for the dq, and f SJOWliugibe, fencel and acting on thFkfrin% -it %; iai" r for tbe
opt up w 'fromulgatid 401ely for elec, rulw of Lam% 'tbe. poliXtIcal Wile W7-� ater.
mmirld, and 'open to the d contitry.-Aod-:04
7A="d Osle inde4 but beautiful am duplayed �,y them.ou tb.6 000"10u., ciple 'of awco Ill Valie of e CUPe
iM&g- Yours; UP the would be ma'a, 'Tor- to i"ad
We may statt that the round- iti was �igbest bidder. Mi. Editot, you may tbese Alotleering porpo". Wimam. Iran ritilli. Aug. 2.71 1W.
P 16y,- preel ly, manure.' Godi
in* thfit I am over sun ious regarding
[a " tutaut more, hate, veng"um, owl -
made at the r0A Cr 12 mu" to bour. matters but the truth Iiisp- we have had the Itcecutly, bowever, one of the most DIA -R& I APUY. ill Wife placo.ou tbe�, same d
Wd 6fOZ4 & 400pgr PaWi011. Ske drOppel$ wool so often pulled over our ey;o by can&, -
7 P