Semi Weekly Signal, 1867-08-16, Page 37 w on her way to inpi". "of 1.5 "n% is no '11-41 7 ­? __* - , _ — r =`�tr reratin in To THE III- rs,y,b 0 T 0 ia, H E Quebec froin Halifax. She Will SUAL OFFICE 900KIRy-L No. Oi-A-D-i 18070 Perry Darle V —aw Qzdoneye harhynir for a few daf-S and after T' Wardlill An "'Reve-.0f, Staple Iniolvent Act 'of legl, proc-ed to NITen York. I E We Olip the following fiom tt", ptd C T OR In thp 7nauer oj Andrew Potion, an Inf;k;_, A Will INDEP victencel STATIONERY 1,10RE, A By Ltilto AND T Houry W ard Hee:eher has but a poor Gdwral AdverNser to grant to lVilhadi Logatill d J%F 0�tlk c4rtaln ror7d allowance betwiten Ufa Ve so Call assunte le of Re Daring r when Cholera and aix, Range 11, and' al Estate. mrk n; of Ike 'New York courm At this season of the yqa ]ESTABIMED 1848. VITW40M sermon on SU cholera, motbu3, dystentery, Sotith Ri �ing of Br�ce. U75 nday, evening ym ard other kill. ELECTORS 8a at P1 outh I.,& a road allowanc:fff along I" Sougg of I virtue of The powem vesled, 4n in, ss A ­ church, t_,eS.,iJ a good name was better dred COMplatints are gUre I gilly ry description of -ignt -of ti�e "ate And effi�v�d of tire , t,ryv,- cl prevaii,evorybody T laid lot six. Bs, -e G E �4- than ;mpt riehe�, sui Spoke of the note should be liberally sup K N,'FLEA1CN.—Upon the nominsuon o 6 - flatnefif willsell At 0-rifloll"KlInfeli LA4; rious HEREAS ;t is deemed expedi'Int to the 4-4?nor to r'e- c e'ive yout W Flied.with Perry Daivis' PLAIN AND FANCY STATIONERY, W OF T119 the villfitee df Wroretpir, in the iovmship 0 rro6l�raey of the courts of jurtice of M w Yozk Vemabl-i Pain Kil or. Persons Is-aiiing grant toVilliann Logan a corloin road Gy, u.r Herorm Convention, Find at ilie request Very rdiiii6etatly find In j US) mero y surfied re importm direci,and sold Who"t-sale br Retail allowance between I tits fire and Six, Rang of ninny influential elet-ifiryi, I h"ve the horiour 1" ard swd thAt if it M= wanted to have justice 11cme, whether it be for it days excursion or fjovmck and Coumvot Huron, ,n' Itletine-dai, qftisflion,� asking me to become a candidate (he 4th day nf Serfie'niber ny�xt. of 14 oelorik, In ift-cv, it would wena ni if he should go there at lower prices olut, uuy Othe piesent inyself as a c-adidate fur file �%,reqenta- I. r NORTIFT RIMN'NO 'L trip to Hurcitzile, should be ia a po3ition to r house West, M, in the Township of stavley, atid in li(- if) repiesent this Riding % ti House of foreboarki a;f the right, title gind interest t f fo� With L's pur-se in his hand. Ile had 6arJ of place their hand u I lon of vt)tlr Riding in the Assrmb'7 u ( nto, 1,.. 8 on it in a moment's warn Of I'OrOnto-. At the thereof to assume a road allowhilce alo said In" vC.1-A f I ki and i. the trillowititr proKy in 9 Thedutic4and 61.0hicanons tfitacion4 to Not 10uminfins, u6he.enauiag election, for vtyllich age of Wrozerar,- iUA, ties ituated i Co., rrp' OF Tills', u the said r7f, and of men speaking 9. Many diseases in incident to the summee the South side of Lut six in said runge M. it rosition All very irrent. Apart lirufn tun'ttr" If ��OatteMlli and accept tb'e nomifia. I Vim! t;a -4 -v of Ille city of ew York- which will prove fatal If not fommootoOntmi-itiand tile tither Parts nrobili mot th,4, of the i Signal Office, Be it enacted and it is hereby enneted by the I lurl ogered'thfj til -ad Jailge a numbir of in- buts No� 51. 6, 7, A, East side of Cen ure sue-eit. Dominion. file Ailsernhi'v nas oxf-lup-ivo volliffbf --wkmch stinks like SAimnit and Go-mormb.-ii mediately checked, can be promptly cured Municipal Council of the 1 ownship of Staff. Z1011-IiiiI ifoct�rs. t have since receeievd the I , 2, "ou-if Ride of Qot-er sineci. ovrr the affairsol the Provinve. und on the cart. J COUNTY OF HURO:�- The law wu an h*zmred profe&iiou, but it- by one or two, dozes of tl-,e Pllu Killer. Ott The'largew and most cumprehel,31ve assort- ley, thnt thia Council do herehv 'fr'llit to 'TIOUs. IrdmiAtion of the liberal Con. 6; 7, Souib side ot 10 likin s4 rr.,t, mo Wills AIMCS.- it tizs7mce 6or 1i M-10 to sit on the r%% thun oneoccasion have ulent of a tiff. wisdom vvith which itty functions At.- dis. we been reliev- Wiliam Logan the ori4inal road*,allowance 1, 2, 3,4, 153, in JMo(-k C. wirlb side rharged, d PCII(I in griIul Ineusutu out- happhltvs,� servutivo delegates at the Clinton convea- bench in New York. They broumbt a -A ed of intense sulTering by the timer n.. ,�, MSCFTT I A NTV TT - im ryk ^ `a, rum, 11 '1 im a .3 .1 Mill sircet sc�djcwicv ; they were Seeking for pel f 77- Off 11floprolesq and NewsipApers, to too North Wea 7_1 an li,ospen y. Altiong rhe more importitut nfallers Will) 'Ta ibo% �airliameritary clectord OF the Sou'll I On Lot No. b. Fast side of verire Atritei dkff�(LEMEN, 'buildinit a frame Fill a r-l-yy� they Qa'd Ille Sanctity of the ermine. Ile Sold hilt all Druggistag grocers, and medi. dealers. At file fur to assume a road allowance four rpds 3! fliditc-, "-enerally, I offer mygelt as a candid- i- goM ut�e BPI Havi-L, received fr-,e nomination o f the dwellinE. 'Iertinswill bt-made kr-ovmot ijnieu� went" in this strain at soins, leng.�h. and Ahen *1 his m-spectsi to the Albany Le-gis. cine PERRY DAVIS So�,;. SIGNAL OFPCE wide, oil Lot six in Rangre Al. in Statiley, along the Southern bouidary f. of' Municipal in,-titiations-the ttiavwzeinelif Urpol . b - lu",poraliat, lite, noll trust to rec0iVis your gencrods sup- " Ref6rm Convetition," and having, b' en je-'IC I -)LA T, liaturvIkotwh(�' It 'he sat there 44were it P!vprietoyrs. thereo hs,- lAnas -the port. quested by men of fill shadpa of politics to A�sljzry­ 1'. id not balf a dozn_n men who Tere not buyable.­ 21W am 380 St. Paul street Stantreall. Speci a(arrangements have bien made with life principal Public N I rovinelittobjecis-i lie rats g ot a Provittul In dut revenne. and the eslabl,shiriont tit Lino ark�o,at_� Tu the most of you I alft n4ot linknown, llavIIIZ been a 'continu6ni in offer myself as a candidate for the Canadian I q vi Bit; I! I -ii 1-fam:11on, 27 Mov, 1667- - �'- 1 House, - otice; inent to Provincial offlies. Wha"r In elf "le"a A,ld olur ntf[-u - I- if resident the Riding f 9pgri L -two -years. and Or Od 'ofthirty of Commons for your Riding ; I am now the field claiming, our --w- 7 A OIL 7 w on her way to inpi". "of 1.5 "n% is no '11-41 7 ­? __* - , _ — r =`�tr reratin in To THE III- rs,y,b 0 T 0 ia, H E Quebec froin Halifax. She Will SUAL OFFICE 900KIRy-L No. Oi-A-D-i 18070 Perry Darle V —aw Qzdoneye harhynir for a few daf-S and after T' Wardlill An "'Reve-.0f, Staple Iniolvent Act 'of legl, proc-ed to NITen York. I E We Olip the following fiom tt", ptd C T OR In thp 7nauer oj Andrew Potion, an Inf;k;_, A Will INDEP victencel STATIONERY 1,10RE, A By Ltilto AND T Houry W ard Hee:eher has but a poor Gdwral AdverNser to grant to lVilhadi Logatill d J%F 0�tlk c4rtaln ror7d allowance betwiten Ufa Ve so Call assunte le of Re Daring r when Cholera and aix, Range 11, and' al Estate. mrk n; of Ike 'New York courm At this season of the yqa ]ESTABIMED 1848. VITW40M sermon on SU cholera, motbu3, dystentery, Sotith Ri �ing of Br�ce. U75 nday, evening ym ard other kill. ELECTORS 8a at P1 outh I.,& a road allowanc:fff along I" Sougg of I virtue of The powem vesled, 4n in, ss A ­ church, t_,eS.,iJ a good name was better dred COMplatints are gUre I gilly ry description of -ignt -of ti�e "ate And effi�v�d of tire , t,ryv,- cl prevaii,evorybody T laid lot six. Bs, -e G E �4- than ;mpt riehe�, sui Spoke of the note should be liberally sup K N,'FLEA1CN.—Upon the nominsuon o 6 - flatnefif willsell At 0-rifloll"KlInfeli LA4; rious HEREAS ;t is deemed expedi'Int to the 4-4?nor to r'e- c e'ive yout W Flied.with Perry Daivis' PLAIN AND FANCY STATIONERY, W OF T119 the villfitee df Wroretpir, in the iovmship 0 rro6l�raey of the courts of jurtice of M w Yozk Vemabl-i Pain Kil or. Persons Is-aiiing grant toVilliann Logan a corloin road Gy, u.r Herorm Convention, Find at ilie request Very rdiiii6etatly find In j US) mero y surfied re importm direci,and sold Who"t-sale br Retail allowance between I tits fire and Six, Rang of ninny influential elet-ifiryi, I h"ve the horiour 1" ard swd thAt if it M= wanted to have justice 11cme, whether it be for it days excursion or fjovmck and Coumvot Huron, ,n' Itletine-dai, qftisflion,� asking me to become a candidate (he 4th day nf Serfie'niber ny�xt. of 14 oelorik, In ift-cv, it would wena ni if he should go there at lower prices olut, uuy Othe piesent inyself as a c-adidate fur file �%,reqenta- I. r NORTIFT RIMN'NO 'L trip to Hurcitzile, should be ia a po3ition to r house West, M, in the Township of stavley, atid in li(- if) repiesent this Riding % ti House of foreboarki a;f the right, title gind interest t f fo� With L's pur-se in his hand. Ile had 6arJ of place their hand u I lon of vt)tlr Riding in the Assrmb'7 u ( nto, 1,.. 8 on it in a moment's warn Of I'OrOnto-. At the thereof to assume a road allowhilce alo said In" vC.1-A f I ki and i. the trillowititr proKy in 9 Thedutic4and 61.0hicanons tfitacion4 to Not 10uminfins, u6he.enauiag election, for vtyllich age of Wrozerar,- iUA, ties ituated i Co., rrp' OF Tills', u the said r7f, and of men speaking 9. Many diseases in incident to the summee the South side of Lut six in said runge M. it rosition All very irrent. Apart lirufn tun'ttr" If ��OatteMlli and accept tb'e nomifia. I Vim! t;a -4 -v of Ille city of ew York- which will prove fatal If not fommootoOntmi-itiand tile tither Parts nrobili mot th,4, of the i Signal Office, Be it enacted and it is hereby enneted by the I lurl ogered'thfj til -ad Jailge a numbir of in- buts No� 51. 6, 7, A, East side of Cen ure sue-eit. Dominion. file Ailsernhi'v nas oxf-lup-ivo volliffbf --wkmch stinks like SAimnit and Go-mormb.-ii mediately checked, can be promptly cured Municipal Council of the 1 ownship of Staff. Z1011-IiiiI ifoct�rs. t have since receeievd the I , 2, "ou-if Ride of Qot-er sineci. ovrr the affairsol the Provinve. und on the cart. J COUNTY OF HURO:�- The law wu an h*zmred profe&iiou, but it- by one or two, dozes of tl-,e Pllu Killer. Ott The'largew and most cumprehel,31ve assort- ley, thnt thia Council do herehv 'fr'llit to 'TIOUs. IrdmiAtion of the liberal Con. 6; 7, Souib side ot 10 likin s4 rr.,t, mo Wills AIMCS.- it tizs7mce 6or 1i M-10 to sit on the r%% thun oneoccasion have ulent of a tiff. wisdom vvith which itty functions At.- dis. we been reliev- Wiliam Logan the ori4inal road*,allowance 1, 2, 3,4, 153, in JMo(-k C. wirlb side rharged, d PCII(I in griIul Ineusutu out- happhltvs,� servutivo delegates at the Clinton convea- bench in New York. They broumbt a -A ed of intense sulTering by the timer n.. ,�, MSCFTT I A NTV TT - im ryk ^ `a, rum, 11 '1 im a .3 .1 Mill sircet sc�djcwicv ; they were Seeking for pel f the above named prepal&t*1On.,, Off 11floprolesq and NewsipApers, to too North Wea i ng etween a ve an a x. vatige , in said Township of 8: anloy and in I ieu Cmro- an li,ospen y. Altiong rhe more importitut nfallers Will) 'Ta ibo% �airliameritary clectord OF the Sou'll I On Lot No. b. Fast side of verire Atritei dkff�(LEMEN, 'buildinit a frame Fill a r-l-yy� they Qa'd Ille Sanctity of the ermine. Ile Sold hilt all Druggistag grocers, and medi. dealers. At file fur to assume a road allowance four rpds hi,li lheAiisen.bly iL, iodetif,a %%' re-pl.4)P "And Qivil lliplitia-Ule "flini"I.StrutiuG Ju,41l(:,0- fliditc-, "-enerally, I offer mygelt as a candid- i- goM ut�e BPI Havi-L, received fr-,e nomination o f the dwellinE. 'Iertinswill bt-made kr-ovmot ijnieu� went" in this strain at soins, leng.�h. and Ahen *1 his m-spectsi to the Albany Le-gis. cine PERRY DAVIS So�,;. SIGNAL OFPCE wide, oil Lot six in Rangre Al. in Statiley, along the Southern bouidary f. of' Municipal in,-titiations-the ttiavwzeinelif Urpol . b - lu",poraliat, lite, noll trust to rec0iVis your gencrods sup- " Ref6rm Convetition," and having, b' en je-'IC I -)LA T, liaturvIkotwh(�' It 'he sat there 44were it P!vprietoyrs. thereo hs,- lAnas -the port. quested by men of fill shadpa of politics to A�sljzry­ 1'. id not balf a dozn_n men who Tere not buyable.­ 21W am 380 St. Paul street Stantreall. Speci a(arrangements have bien made with life principal Public N I rovinelittobjecis-i lie rats g ot a Provittul In dut revenne. and the eslabl,shiriont tit Lino ark�o,at_� Tu the most of you I alft n4ot linknown, llavIIIZ been a 'continu6ni in offer myself as a candidate for the Canadian I q vi Bit; I! I -ii 1-fam:11on, 27 Mov, 1667- - �'- 1 House, - otice; inent to Provincial offlies. Wha"r In elf "le"a A,ld olur ntf[-u - I- if resident the Riding f 9pgri L -two -years. and Or Od 'ofthirty of Commons for your Riding ; I am now the field claiming, our --w- 1111116 1b At DiltiLl -&.A 1 1, farm e _v or gO el I tell 0 J win it ZEDT J:16 It -shill for tile' fullere owe 10 ourselves and oor.' havi3Or during that tinte encountered all the Representative. ST][C�VNGJE, IMVT TIIUE:. I true CQpv of a proposed Insoltent A& of, Pub""hers, for SUPPIVing nil the Text Books in Fv__-y yViZ,,C tady wzd THE nbove is qvLaziewaninthe valle4state bAeral demal,d a, be lowest pou Bv Law which s lve,, ti;une; Find I do not hesitatif to say, that In diffiCuldu!; and privittions of a backwouds will be taken into consider. It, As there are no great questions now JAMES CLARK v judgmt-rit the sticne.,s of vl)e liew order Q, late, all ixell as fillod numerous electi%-e and prominently before the countr) Confeders- 1,4 1 SIR It S At the lition by the CouticilofthaMtRiieipitlityoftlie Provmat, of ("anada I IN i he Count y CoiiN -i end on, tLit- eo,i. ullipr highly responsible offic(-s, therefore ion beiiq an aceompliabed fact -it is uR thin -ill it4 a greut nicamure de., Count �. tif 1111ron 1 -1 the by ajd-mtkin life ander Celebrated FeMale Pills. Township of Stanley. County of Huron, fit d-,ct ofthe n.VII viected to this, the first swill neerkslinrily f6r many years I have bee., llbeate hant'hulq" will SIGNAL OFFICE. P" Hqyfield, molliondity the 26t It day ofA ugusi, bly 01,00tario, r ceasary pare *4 age of Sir J. In a short aOdress lihe this to On Tra�.,Jqy file tei.U, u: St-pieniher re:ko nk -Atemently before you, and I challengre an Uoun the Refortn part�,. as canqCtutinir 11, speculateon what the z4ares. zk,:�az sert;mri. ph cl 1867, at thtrhour ol� I o'clock. P. M. c n_% p.m AN, ordinary Ml the latest trilki.-my oi ti -e Asven,6%-, %v,ll poWare limin tml.*Ily to say that I wrouge-C I,: future may brinilifortil; i it is difficult t,i uver., Lhle 1-fla-Ilet matter. L refe Bpei6ifle plat, hiti (7tiant in the SM I%c W York; NOV ELTIES IN P&NCY GOODS I �Wn of IN �Lid to the Queen. WILLIAM PLUNKETr, or to submlt any -articular or Clerk. ellin)(1,110 Like Magill'UJe. Of inat parly I afn A r to rin past Irm and re-i-onss hif I ties ofwbo-1 171 1 mity. however, say that I will em. This invalunwe tritaie, a to regularly added nr they colne oul, ft&t sold-ai Varrill. 5tb July, �1867. 25v4f; rne cou-." as an index of what my future tray be, brace' the earliest oppo county for a rj,Reharge mijer If.e A, inbor. To if -t princip", ali en-inviated I;, the, S 10 -rtunity ofisitirly asell D-ied at Cti,4-riet, it, tht couilt% yf tL.t ne iq unfailing la the tiptet-t-dented low rates. At the I u:d you see & to elect me. I? - OUT H cute of all *home, Painful and dangerous diseases Resollitiolls of 11 it Toronto Convention. I Having no locality in ti7e Riding and explain my veirs 10% It! reect t4�WtIlChitie#Lniale"n�titutton iisubject. rt SIGN AL OFFICE. fic-3rislytiubtcritit); on,;iowards dwir r(,Au(;ti,)u ry want, and none depending on me fairly and Polly on both local and gererar W4.0surered t0T Team tn= -4ervo" moderales sinexceSStind temcvw all obstruellittis, Into P, vee by eautioni and w,il for Rur!priitr from the public chest, I do nut matters : such as e n C 85 JOHN BELL De!la!,� Dyiy�mv. sk_�js an the e3ecL* ofyouth_ and a s tb e e itv of encourag peedy cure nisy yet firm and vigorous fnea,,,ur%.,s,i L41tll,ji c1ccitcd %vish for, flay, wnuld not accept, from GOV- ing emiration, our trods with tile be relied on tlect Music, milsical ln,wictors and every '% �w ii wffl e: the *"-k- ofsafil6friag bomallutill tend Illy humble hill, earne.-kt at.). nited TO MARRIED LADIES t thing PerlafillugtOUSical alerroandise. pructir- 8 erifiruent any lucrative office, my only dNre States, -economy in the m2nagement of our wx:!C�ee toa!l who ueeA a� i 'he direetinaii fo 0 r ein,7 eneq -Public dep#rtmei,ts, 'and the coirj�uciy Of the In 'Solvent A' c t _0 f 18 _MP� remedy br wilt illopecaliarlytpited. IlLwiii, ina,% 'hurt time, ed to order on very short no,ter, it, a collsiderable 7 getically and fai bfully to secure .Zemkk wrkw�� ri�k prefil by the adv cruse ir's expencite bpnk IV reduction od pu�llsbers rates. At tac C_ Voli Riding is Interested is [lie quevItion of rail- If e ii.tvr-sli of the country in which I have caillib. iia by sAdvinsm.- ties pm -o One C _q wit y communtcaltou I I hill li 1 It iri should lye iettied general aflairis of tho-counti-I., E. Wilak r. busk m th SIGIXAL, OF FICL. -Z .74e ilailtithly Period with regfoklaii ,V, e GOV- wohout further detay. It will lie for you to con- livcd so inany years, and to hicl: from man JOILN' R.JDGDEN. er"nient _Rs=p, ofGreat Uniain to Pit C� ida In il.pronni 1 Couri t frL �jdur carelbily which ot'Lne projected lines is; The i Otis I am sincerely attached. Coal tv y -f Huro Abe -,f No- t3. ctm-ahe"it., New York. erfeits. 00 M :W� eanijime, Provi nee of I Fin ramt teukil,le, and wilt give you tile most a,toono- Anil flats ; Inanufaclum-d expreialy - alive it) n1te_ of Rubpri Cffnlplk WMMRS WMI CAU 00,M Eavelories just to hatid. all qual:tieb. P MOCIAtiott, It Will be for vour represent There Pro no leading questions before the ba" IV 1kionor to W, 17 in ti,e ry, -1, On 11,101k -nl DWI; Pius likauM "09601alwa bwftma&s dupirng for 19 use hii utmost exert.'onsto prornote the inter- Pub*i-- fit Dresent, but should I be elected, 0entlemen. tSe zreatestiltm r/ko IFIMS7 77MRS X(XN'7WS of Pra er�ts And acrora ahh the constrij(_- shall enter upcn my duties without offifiring the JD the 1`01enOOLI, hc undeffi2ned Ajlt %:3tor T-- me VS41. wilil fcrre Wotskersi or 3dus,. no", 4.ly fk*y mv $a" to 6"ng on I lion of thal line. Your obf.,nt sery't, Shu,j:d Ile bv yuu, the sulimon oflijis appt% I.. tne Judize of ibe.,aii Court of III- y­i.,yi,,- Lhe smoothest &Ckt- or cht" T. J- NOORHOUSE! to the min'stry of the day any factious o 10 p- heis ' in The Town of (kderv,fi. I i faid ( ount), sever kwWo to fal- 'Sarnp!e for trial sent free I rwgr, Axe at any otilliel, time tkey arylk ji�ifke. car Signoil Office BjA- and Statiowery Siore and 4-1 all olher of' u Ircnl poiition. and will assist to the utmost of m Joseph Whiee'h6ad. for A d, �uh a rge u ider I he sa id A 1,1. to all easlex of Neit-vous and Spinal A&ction.q, 0 y will receive if)%, very bc,, while v fc r in, 0 t to on-oftesung as ments, Adareft Pains ia the sack and Litfal,-A, Fati--ite on Might A C,uait ath, J867. u the Confedefratiull Cliton, April 18th, 1801_ 11we jai C_­yd,ri-h,ii! i-e Count%- of !JwQ,I, he seat of (ioverriniont �vjll gre W13 'C-*. i's a an b'r N. Y. exertion, Palpitation eftne Fleart, Hyssterics and dw wellPole in a liberal spirit. this 24th day o' Rine, 14-11 (,No taken uit" Prepaaj�) For ajusting thou -se minier. W29 To every measure calculated to adir Whileii, t" Pdqsk will frect a cul re A-ber all matters which arise b,­tween individuok oil ance 3EL 'U,31 ZW C> 'E4 buinents and the Crown londt Depariment. file interpsts and well-bein Other means have failed ; staff althoueh a power- 3 3D M -of the County of g la.oi C .0. TO CONSUMPTIVES. fulm-nikedy. do not co-tuiti iron, calolnel. lifut]- 1 will shortly da rity7styll ibe hatio, r of' visiting Ifuron I will give my taudivi4ed attention, fThavivezz-ft:� bW,-4 been r"wred to bmth m inoyar, or anvithing hurtl5ul to > I lac Ridina. ond m,l best upport CHEESE 0 H S E Full directions in the pamphlet arou laid each -wed a, fit), duty 'lo clvt! ew vreeks by a,. very wmp!e reviedy. aner Larmg sur- bo n,y ileaure as I shall- he an advocate for economy in the con package,wilich nhimild beearetu. preserved. New McablipbleWorks -0 you the 11111041 eXpl3nutiolis astu wy posAtula oil "-41 wltb & se"m h"19 'recc-am &04 Soleageat for the Vnited Statesand Canatins, evt ry public question. public so far as mav be compatable INSOLVEN. 1* ACT OF! SGI. 1 Shephard & StTachan, 10� %XX 4.1; =a& kaaw�vr�,� blit, the merms of euxt.. -JOB 140,',ES, Rochester, N.Y. ST., GOICERICH In the mew,lime I rema:n, with tho-ouh efficiency shall advocate GROCERS, GODEBICH. To-aD *-%j7 de--a-,vt it Ilto wia seDd a aD" at tke pres, N. B.-$1.00and stx Po,trigestamps, enclo-sed Ilientlemen, Pro%-:rkce ofCaned-A,.J I' Lie (-A-un,v enurt of I;,,- ;Ilch alte'ratior-s in the customs and txcise AVE been re -appointed sole a ased *ee cchit:-xe)� wablthe dure6aus fim pre. to any ayinhan"4 Rgent will in,�Ure a battle co Your it , ble scrvnf,' dwirs as will be most beneficial to the warits -ents at G(,unly ,,f Huron, l`('V'u"lvofHur r. a 6rodericb for the sale of the Qebrated In the matter of J. W. tt� Insolt-f thZ!k" W -di " a annits tai*.ngdJtvPd' byrriurnmaik uul and ineans of the greatest number of the in - &U Thlmit and L:im% A&etimtok. The only I e NORTHRIJP LYMAN, cl� FDWAR! h,hi,ants, keepinz in view the maintenance Exeter Factory Chees On r,e ttvil ryfllw flt*cit a dm a-_1VrCdft.- M thw rr*lkerf 11 is to C.-W.,genernt �10 irom Toronto, J uly 4, 1 T7 W2:)tr of the public credit. oreno, n' ra cupplied at the Factory doek, in the f the urkd­!r�cvw-o wdl Ile! -MV llvl licml­64 " spread turarlmtami, bwh *e- . owim-res to be wrinitiltaNin- arA hie hop" every suinw The public debt- regulation of trude, aud Prices. 0y, ri I 1w J ud.-e of the P,,id cow i. at Iti-vit ud,er-r � M Sold in Go&rirh bv Parter & Cattle rind vzD try ta remedy- as r. wtu con thein� matkn, amd F. jarjan; r -dice in life Tow,, of GoArrich. it) saiti vount -i a owl: Own or jam Q Bayfielt es, 31 E3 E3 7., d-velopirikent of commerce the postal ser- dikseh:irve undef the said A-ct a, 1867 REPRARD STRACIIA21. rwm� by re=ri ca" oEei ville , J. Piki-haird, Exeter Goderich, May 27, 1867. tftc prescrip Zon. Res I Ina M.- R % iee-the enlargement and improvement of 118tf Dated at (I odem h. in trie ni Huron adkif;Te" rombe. Watts & Jehhy, C. -IGM6 Secorck. Luck- el go Summear Arrangemeilt the iiiland water communication within this twenty-tirst day of Aliy�. A Qov� now-, E. Jllclt3od, Seaftirth. arld all edicirt: 11 -m --a Co.. N e w V.rk. L)Wrzv. 1 V Canada-ibe Railways -and generally what- J - W. E _Ll )T1. ever vw 17 C.CAME_ per Ftox, b,z atiorut-1 01 advance ibt. welfare and . Mportance rf REP R 0 V E D FARM Is of i 1-fe T)rfminion of Canada, bb, -11 T feteive my the Free and Inde 0 beht -utoniion. I shit'l ake an early opportuni;y, before Irisolvent 02NUME�NTTS ofthe 11HE sube-criber offers for salelot'_76, ttb Iii B011n, thellect.ons comeoff, of visiting the prinei- Huron, SUCINES, Tab!e M in the A -fat , ler of William anJ idretv' tow, Posts, &C itimbs, of every descritfi. _e conemlon. Weit Wawanosh, contain -1 a each municipaltity. and then tiOn -and stvle of workatitirship, furnished on Steaine 9 pal locali-i(-s i. ing 100 acres, 6C acres of which are und-r Lfiwr;e, ivsa�*nts. 0 fence land good cultivation. -fra is A=n-,, Eke most naportalin of modem medical J. G. PARSONS, MtLSTE3. come be,'(,, -e the 110 se o Commo.;s. t GF short notice'and at the lowest Drices. Libe- d I explain nly vi,?ws on any subjects , likely t The f u f Sale df Real Estate Having received the caacimous nomi dxL4-- ral rednct;6n mndp for rash. All orders I have th' botiorte be %vell atered with A creek runi.ing brouzil CANADIIIN PAIV DF-5TRUYER! punctually attended to. 1)efll� yt FIE STE-INIET the lot, and a well ofLoGd water at Zile, house. virtue of the po-eirs vesttd in me As A -3 g i- mnonly, at the Convenlion recently held in ments. &C-. may be se ra of Mona. IN CHANCER T Gpntlemen, Bnee of the estate And etlet4,, of I tie s!.-ve There is a Log House, Fraine Barn, and Ck""Ien. lbr the Representation of your Rid As a Faultiv Medmitne, it is well and favora blv en at the shop. Your faithful servaet, ing in ee Canafffian House of C-Omialons, and kill0wilyt ceheiing thous4ods Lroxia Pallas to the G.)dericL. Dec. 19. 1 865,� W17 ly Sheds, -and a;oodyouugorchardbe.,',nn',n,_, named insolvents. I will Ly Pnblw Ai3i-t,(.n sidee, 60,:k and head.0oughs, Cows. gore throat, .1 N 00 r A I ff E3%S. Leave Goderich for Sa.-HIS, at eTown Hall. in !beTowuui Collinguoual baffling; aczepW th 13 D. H. RITCHIE, to bear, on the premises. The above io'weli irl'ilbe t,,ounty cftirev, on -it nomination, after arrival of Si vt-r -Spray. mind and in *,ik, fie!d ;-Canydidate for y 4mias. Offlankes, Gratups in Cie Stomacb, V- C. DJOWAT. Bayfisd. Township of Stanley, adapted for raising wbeaL For Oarticulails Cauy!era mortywolillyfilyeatery, HoweJ com- weather permitting, on Mmiday's, W(dues 30di March, LSG7. b ises, orby letter prepadd. Wednesdayy,, the 18(h day ofSeplember Thurhday the Twenty-seventh day of da 'a. and Friday" tTp y oil I e prem wiltf 43aliberaiazidgeaeru., F0 at! GREENE & SON k, trait" poillats, BUMS, Frost Bites, a, at 2 o'clock p. m.. and . fia-nds. _I June in the Th r?�-fir_t year of'the Westfield, p. o. next. at eleven, plelot;�, a. an., all thke right. title, TOO &C, &r-, &e. As -.5e E:ecVon3 will no, in all probabiTity, The GA&bl&.1J PAIN Df�STFIOYttt bas, 217 St. Paul Street, fivign of Her Maitsty queen Victo. LEAVE SAItNIA, FOR GODERICH JAS. Euxpt. and Of ID801vie.91121 to Cltd_'b,�th: 1 1 north east par(c;ool ruitrilki; i Arelve: od Ete �*ryt flike 1p!ace for same mofaLba, and a June 14- 1867. o the said Town -at now been betbre the public for a leagh o rin, and in thf- year ofoir Lord leb7: ever failiag and wkererer usesill is irall liked, 0 IsT rr Tuesduy's, TbnrsdHy's. atid Saturdy's, of 7 side of Hurtintatto 'Street, i 'about the ti. a smgie lestaxwe I rely, r b a. na , until furthor notice. ziarass wou'd be. inexpedient, anti, Bowcen, JOSEPH HERR, PlaintiX. Colliaizw", and counly ofGvey. containing one PATRICK MlrJtPJJY,Def( TED tvvelfth of 2,1 acre,�more or iv,, tinieiY Uwd, a" we have -never lzisown a aingle ifka" at Gderi,li. in the county of Hurons to L 9tTe Pemanea w en and Thel-i and London and Clobe ewe of tLe et�?, I ho2e that ink tbe disisaftEsfaama wborc the darm Hats, G aps, P-11irs, &C. irdentl The I Ronnie ' make# connectian with THECELEBt A We2mtia 0. yoz, entlemen, will withho!d -Dow bav�_, boats for Detrutti Cn;ca.,G(, and all Michigan =NPE COMPANY. T TPON the application of the PlaiimiTandit thLb l.urLb day of June, 1867. JW namies from� saych recliaiisiticas as are becil PCOMIrly fij%ved; but, on the coatrary, all ports. BaWis OWO eali Madine -1 fly.) aptlearing by altidavits that oiler due dth % a i ire &4:j4ted vnth its cyperstiolas. and apt-Cce in MESSRS. GREENE 803 & it, -ite the I Cap.1ni. Sturp!us, & " : - 1 $. POLLOOK, Illow beiag circulated in Cle rOR FREIGH r OR PASSAGE fqn4a $16,271,675 virvs OIECLal Axibignee. 10 bi&bcst terms of its virt I ence, the said Dcliendant cannot be. found to he um and magical af- attention of the "Merchants throughout I served wl, Bicr_n­ ta mo-gt un British pmru6e, an office copy it the B lovested in Ctanada, 25 000 4 D,- S 13 111 in thlb Apply to J. F. Baby, Sarnia, John Morgan, AWY and one ER&OO the Doulinion or CarkadA to their ev �jve cause: IT 1-4 ORDERED, ll�at the Paid defen- ihli I hope -iu McIver preirail with Canadian We spek from experience in this matter, bay. assortment of bayfield, and Preminix r#-eL-ivVd in 1866, we -e. $5�62,260! Manufacturers, ENSOI NT ACT OF 1864. prize r f4ir. fiee. and bonor nX teged it Lhurkyughly. and therefore those who dant do on or Wfore the L-triffiv-firsit.day of G. HUMBALL, Godeiiell. 04MY trew.untis,upwardsot 17,000 E-. Noveniber next. answer or demur to the said 11 A 31 L T 0 if C. W - - abk- ear -test far abovlft. " beyond a mem aryllf sku&nag from any of tue complultits for Wool Fell ffits, Julr 25th. w27 Provireeo? anadallu the C-Witilly Court of J�i Imen's Fur &11 : A ivii i r Is ORDEILED that a colify of this Or. C, it is recoriani-ended m&T depend upon jig Gzt:cal trsaph't, aud tl:zt der, together with � the notice required by the. Sharcholders,peratindily respormble for enrage- c9anty Qf flurprittliecourifyot"aurou. you beEng a Sovereign Evatelay. Men's Fur lfats, fLadles"Furs, menl� Of like company. AU direellarsmust, W, 11E undersigue� be ftem p!e4ag your in&,ence and General Orders of this Colfirt be- pubj,sbW ia the gs to 4nnounce io the Insolvent hot of 18-64- T sg;rrx%-' to my oppooent. antil in the Canass I "Oclithiniii 2racy ajhifi�caniwis_b Pain Alens! & Boys'eluthfhek & Calf Him Hioraii, Signai -neweLpa1wri, Pliblix1ted in the farmers, ot tbeOounty of Huron, 4blit On lueMay the tenth dfiv of 9�epte r. ffe�fl- at ten of the clook in the the and - r- -u6a,- thii, _dWo ToWn of budericb, once in each werk for the to* the Matter of Anthony Holland, of the he cotitinues to act as age and the Cvctest,, I sha.11 haTe iii -ii I Desv4ver fit iL � �Yor Whict it is at of tl�e ab v rtuaity, Wom you. of liseetin him fam re-unmikended. and its Cafs,, Pyb' Fur (:aps, four wt�eks next Plivelfing Ihe twenty -dist day Village of �IeteTj .-a the of:4urqu, fit F, -DEPARTIMENT. firm, and will be happy to receive orders fbi A Jj;i;ed will apiAF to the Judge of the I ld Ca ui�r!_ ppoz 9 &J�fa"� the 10n&iXg OXSU$ OCIthtU151DRUft, ULd 10 ulAugwt next Y I at tusebambers in the wwn of Gode ch in said filel% ex -T VW'w3 frod expolunding 'Cli Sela Hats, V I,:%SVRAX0E1 8 EFFECTED ON ALL MAS�Z_S OF count forb0 t:"ng Nerwula, Affootio", entitid it tai%a high iclorines, Collar, an Insolvent. t heir machine. - It took the let prize Aip oma, .9 A. GRANT, fievistrar. go-Ege under the Gal hel. rt: dA these complaints. &0tch C PAT -RICK MURPHY.--liTake notice that if elC.0l!JC4TT T C"VARM RATES. yp- -,e& ard yoiL ishifil! have had an cl>. rask in the IL -t f air es The Creditors of the Igsolmit are notified at the last Provincial trial, iltud is coruddered 661iiiicli fin the county ATurian t1tia 4 aTS7 in all respects ia� first class ' mmehilie. , A 7tk4Y 00-oneA-D 1WJ 1. )NOrt UT 01 t jud g6ring Of Iour resp-teecuire (Ade -M are COUM9 in 15row i1thrine Orate= in 9 any not enz-Wer up dernii In, the Hill pursuant that te hts made all Assign ment ofbis esta _UUA le a palits ofibe country ter further supph", and ATSPECULLY RZDlVCEDR4tE8 specittien milielline will be on et -ib' BU010 W(s, u. to the above olitter. PlaintifT tuay obtain an Order ackill'iffiecto, under 4� above Act, to in Iflon at JOHN t=3 Lir the hig4 trust -we seek at km�.ag as to the universal atisfaction it iucl r. the udin- all i�e iiarlio to take the Bill as vonfessed against Von, aud file ibe undersigned A Market �Houi f4rigb, Airer.,M. swlft: - "oi7iv*!br 66 sal Insolvent - Us .-,)Oda in Lbe trade. mv estafipi�,* W -A they are bi Ther C&n;ktl* 0 Pain Deafo"r emir milis to grant the Plaintiti'such m1fel as ne d re E,& SONS, 6 t turnish inty, within two months give luatnediaftft1wil. All awaturrciffimlemkcep en Itted to on his oivll shewing. slid vt%u U Geaveineir, *tth their claiq a , rT rt. can -S 517 St. Paul Stmetil W4 Bill receive dtiv further nolive of the futuft- i , �peci y . W �qTqf 1864, PhYs ­ order and uw it," and any fataily if "Fly; 1nd Ibe'va, up- 0 EXTRA61istige for-mlitary Ser Yew oWlent ServarlL pr.*eediufs to the C�ktlole. the itfrity they hold, a Ing. 13 be "itbout it after once "ying iu' Next Albion Hotel. M. C. CAMn"I. .17 Montre:d, Amg-fust 12, lb67. JOHN NAGARA, of it; ard it none, stating the fact ; the vicein Defen Prim only 25 cents per bolt w29 3m ce 9f the Countr-y. Goderith, MayJ. filit b"Mitintaliq -in the caiinty ciiiia- Off -of.;Buroa. F the County i:ffQuro. ul&nich. Marel 181h. 1§6-1. V P144010 Solicitor. whole attested under oath. wih the vou'cheris A orders ahouW be addres to Goderlih. 20th July, 3867. gawlit hm6pv of AWainif- in suppoirt of such claims. Life rolWes %r W benefit of Wife -or C_ W., from sei=re by, GerimlAgeat for Canada. -godei ic in the County Hum U#Wreu are seoure ZOGRAPICON MOM COLSON & LARB ed at g1fo #aAGW4 ay -ft�mber next, at ten a �piock. in the larcuopli, The andersipied will in Gody,-r-ch by karkrr ac cattle and this twenty tiiuth day of July 186� h1'. J comalissloili Iferel4anovil ZV-4 Fi-�;UicnS lyslyfilble one Modth'after eroof LUCKNOW TEOTIEL .8. POLLOCK lifthi- 4 *1-' tiffituis fru� Mail; Gardiner Co.. M-k%fie!d; James TawooMp 4 ISt Of live said C lurt, at - u - _ " t COP*.NB8 HOSPITAL 81'. JQEIN ST'S_ 27. OM -iRl Assi�'fnep EL "All OnnuEes; Stated and duarso AND STAGE OFFICR. Pic -Lard, Exeter;]. ft. 3E3 Ll r-W.A.W'095 Godericb�-80 I Uodirri6b"Ita said - to 2 set" ticari t jebb. Chnitod; Seemd, Vmeut �f ]Life and clear of stumps well walei%;4, fi�y_ �anibe. Wati. I MONTREAL, Amoun'oi S,-ecial Reserve, for pa in- ulf ty of Hurtip, - clainis, $9..282.468. sprin an-glity'ki cob "vw; E. HiCLSan, beaforlb. &ud ith Bled URIM"I PROGRESS, B05L."ett"S, VAaik Halinx. _g creek ; land of gWd A. D, WT PIL S G. F. C. ShIll H, Resident Secreter1r, -frame barn and outbotfaei� and- two. TVATEDon the corner on the Necitherd I tory conoretehintise Wit jd§if� WN't, 'A, A X D N E A RL Y every MONTRCAL. kw Goderurb and Wadwertcklat. The ROVINCIAL 1' IIE MAINUFACTU RES OF t"ANA DA A, A]. ftosb, :Xgent for Goderich i H. X. fine rchird-'-bE4501p*U-�� ly a every acclainfirsodalion for zed up iva! farf Cler i W-14'. wation, lot &W VQlKJWr=;a �s_ A Large 1w. W.U� I tmveir en acc%;npatiiid hy� the proper official 100 obf Grut Faintiogs 1, c"e't tificuO of their being such, are now ad EXHIBITION IWAIL CONTRAMIS1 ruitted into file INSOLVENT ACT DF 11G64. ressed to Lh OP THE 30 Scenes from T. S. A-nhLr's TooNi.hts if) LOWKH PROVI N C E 5 ENI)ERS, ad 0, Postmas er a Bar Ikow. TGetieral, 'ill be remve� ut Ottwa ulitil F, F W VAMZa7]&"S SA OV LAND. --'8 Satur- IF JR C� 0 1) IT A y Ncion, on Friday 5th September, 1867, 1 -or 3 Sceaeb ttiken from Burns* Cotte 'z AGRICULTURAL ASSOCIAION day-ni lit -The Fish -wives of Scotfatid- the c�nv_e_Tance �f Her Maj log. Farm *�ryiyattL oply to.' -i!iafoot o Insoyl- ConcAgmments Solicited, -�sty's Mailst o6 0 ioe matter o&t ItAerf. Pm Cm -n -V of sairon. I JE) V;�tue or wr,- 04 IL 111 I ten Fac ma for r-6doe 1 C!� 3L at B-nnockburn-concluding with 3u]y 17. w27 pro,:osed Contracts for four years, Olt aad- y Bruce Roseghr q _06 the sixtb day nf E�Pinber next, at ten -4' F 4C:4,� Ja et CM. el-, the View of the City of Eliabr;..C. 11'd CO ��Sg e. or f1twiiit,, aud td me &ri!cited a*ajna the L -d" and Several Popular Melodic OF UTTERS Harpurh and Railway Stat,"011 Hotel Kee& a cuff ;f Her Majewyls Cann of C frot� tbo 1st Octubibr nelt. betv W JAS JOB S W EUm% at the stat of J -ba E M A I N ING in Gotietich Pust office, on The OY I t�,ave,ejzedan With Cultar Ace lie Judve"Of tht-spid efolitto ply to I 20, Iiis: 0 -3 taken ifit Exeriatiorn. umpanituet, be sus- A 9vn of 6 Alai, X r N T O'N� R J.'L of Aucubt, lblJ7. twelve times per vreek estelt wv Tendo" to Goderiet.1ane 25th w2 'le we, and WWI, -.L t tLe -a 13 t, - . y bt-A discharS9 er the said R-7. Anderson 6' John Rent kfcx Waltusl state per douhle tyip (i e. from 14e 11867, wectiou oi rijilitio e Act. a W atid to it -It sumber Otathe 24th to 27th Seu0mber -s will be exhibited 11081 pj�le lo�'k 11way etation)_ and ite ty ane, in Lbe Zrd Coace-on of tiw TOwa Artitilitrong Robert Knell Chas, .Aiwaof roffr�s, a Et�e C-Olawy of Har -1. wbih nBei,6 W.Ificorge KellY Thvs. n�0-,u7 Llsadj and Win C; leil& ani reitements, i sual afreir SRSONS intending to exfijbit will piezw r, 41111PE2 for ftle. at Lini1say A. is hertbij ven, that a cull ot tim-, 4 J4 OTICF 91 ky in the cutin HOOM, In hat the Eutr;es V VC TOFLIA 149LL "ots He;)ey the Town a P take notice I. of articles Biggins James Knell L hat -eek at -d timeS por ten per qt:nt is made, oil Illilb subsenbed ERT. h, 0" Tne--day tbe 121111, 6&Y Of biove"aber to the respective ctzsuz bms!- be made vnib Hyrn Aeua Mris. Kellv Thomas 0C capital 6todk'- of 'the 30derith Petr@ksurii� v2lf n town S. Wilu. lGaniden -John V=:3 eatorth and Wroxeta, 0.1 -1-3 Company. oil Which forty per.equt has 'bpo the Secretzvry, at Toronto, or or Lef.rc the ShAurday 241h, MondaY 261h. Tay�sday U". Itirr C. Vulcatter Andrew SIACDOALD, - U I, , , jow Cole"S. t2 undermetitu-Lied dates,,viz: 47th, & Wednesday 28ih An& ek. Pitntednoticesronlaw. Taid.- Payable ivvtvityday� W)m date. IRSQhTe 0. six times per we Milvily J. S. Airily, Horses, .(7attle, Sheep, Swini-, Poultrye on cruilis %Vm itev. -.04 RUMBALL t 17th. hhlburn Thomas ing forther'information as to conditic.08 of 40 �,Re& G. fl� Pwiserved Sems 15c i efii1dren Joe he MIXon "vid remait.drer of the Hall 1.ic. Dvr,g'bt E. Middleton Esibar rs. d Bouts, and other Farm Pro- Go Ct�i Aag. M7. w -2R or before Saturday, Angus prop add -Gontracts fully -be seeni; And blank derich, Graw, FW Deou_l. Eliza AlPhail Arch. (2) orms of Tender may be okWhiel 'at the r ty vourt of 4, 11311.10 y he rA of A Gr -AND MATCNEE w'il he held Ili 3- Q-4 Ow ducts. Agirtiultural IthplementS 4XI---chiner I On Vollellk'n Jonlea MlArttiur Arch Vost Offices iftiveD mentioned, sud at I Monday at 4 p. m. wbt.o t CD and Matrufactures genemny, on he �hildren find ljuyre Pulnek AIC10-alli ficira In the �Wzkiu Cw1b, or before Mrs. Office of' the sub' For We, d an fsolvent. schoolo will he adwitted for 5 cews. Duors Del!ehintv A.At. AN83 MeKenzie Allichaul Saturday, Au -sat 31st. allyea at 721. To commence t4L 3. Dealt Maly Mim Ate I cud %Vm. GILBERT GRIFFIN,. Hor"tural Products, Wies' Work, tb# Elmore John --ItIOT %0, 10th-Concessiot WificardibeTt.,win 6 -tor, 0SEeII V E RE Y' Pr'op* 11'eaeock flebitteca Mrs. Post Office Inspector, Fine Arts� ka., on or before 154tarda SePL E ibeart W in. Phillips John Mrs U &OT10- or 1* r will appl JiWge of tfi� Auid X, Oshawa Post Office ItApec-,or's Offieit Aiged _v to th t2- tember 14th. , Ontario. Mary Mr,,,. uhar&t u W11. WALMSLEY A�eut, owes, Suu-j. Givvunm Win. London. 26tb July 1867 27 9t' Apply to C Michael Prize " and BIwk Forms for making Auust 11, ISG7.' w29td (lilrev Win. ;6 :SnitioLs Je"ie Miss REWAwn ate mt t9 the entries upon, can be obtained of the fiatrixon -bupbellia Sennett Jain 03 w251f Ilia a erich Secretaries of all Agricultural Societies and Fl6witirt Lu 2,kh Jul 111000, ll Pro Is Ad -of 18646 """'y J- Cl Mechanics' lustitu"' throughouit th Kj&op blaryM" True D. 0. Mialk lmdale I JOin Wright Walter, H UGH C.- TROMSUN, ario, The CoUntl- Court of the ARCH. D1 =60bl, Vince. :F 0 1*. C3_:81 rro,% ince of (int uf the Ban Prokloe -of-On 016 I -on M��r ,lot k o0loutreal Noteis, but a Agr(cWfurg- In the matter of Pwei Muurke.iaiol insolvent, Godetreh, Acigust. 2nd,D67. LWI As" *29 3t On the eiret'ilet-fath dav ofOetober next, the imile of the' human facb comwitled .63 24 Countyof HvIon. I -unly ot Huron. Ct �W S or, uja&., the said Ac;t, IC ­ � ;HB6V - Otto Id undersigned wil apply to the Judge of the bwd jay� by kATO 0 > Go'dertelk and.ftathamptoALInC., 9very jJ August, A. D. 1967. M Oudericl; loth'- 4 1 PEER lu"HOURN E STUAMER dolet w T H Z tv KLE N P 9� cre e iat M by J. B. GORQO, W. aw 100 2W Xe lilt ligmum -M t IS to (33eat X! d) 26 cents ppr _30ftle. CA T InsolrOnt Act of 18114.'' _W1 L0 1 ell ]h the Ctnnty(;ourt of is"'IPERS9 pruvin X A. cc of onfarit), aaw y (;Ouutv of union it tne County or'Hurkan. (Leywiyis'Y 20 etsper cans In the matter ot Yohn D ffally, an Insolvent jol On the kileventueniti day of Octo -r ne tx xt, at ten -4 4FI�g urc !. � -it! .ned wilt ""is trip and apply to the JullgeofthipaillidequT1,41 we Sim- 'leave.G66rich eyQry evening sit 4 94' It tion, The underikig ria ARDINES of the clock to Ifie forcit n A besty2l0fictopercan for a dIn-barge under the Sind Act. in valo 004M 44% =rmy m7i rich, �Zm t Kiacar 0 ine, Ivir oron (Very Dated at 0 ch. ft the County of AT TRZ This 12ta da V�A ug not. A.'D. M7. Returnifig.1wilt leAve SQ4iA4M1fkt04* qVer) where he If", lrifittiiiil 00 P1.4 owances; d ;all a -ge iv Light, x outillp W,4 -,a Jins ot. d Issue. 10 lllllflf�lp in the 0oiltrity rged his SL and one6fJWJ`.,4_ WO #7 Ora Trunk, r Ing,, indly IN Pr TERML He u 'k, rvlfrpra-40% VA CH G-2dericb.Aut 2f, 1867; _i G I ankA 0067 -y- I P NEXT J),QQ%,JVTU% HA1M,QJ',*0X7 to iDdeft WP L - 40, ft WJ 0* hotild try w "I E a L u- RE-K4k, F R'4i z ­ OfVP rn AUI lar4 aw mind 4,4111 V? t"Bi _.geilrad $bit day 30 (;o 16E M80 T. ;a aw 1,4blcou-, &of tot . 14 in r uloirm. ivirmbiplo,f AAW1 900 rjok&rich the To -44* b sem 6f L" <"* log V11,111tr rA 4 on, Tom 8600 whif s, U 2aet tuT.1 ro%%lt r/hIch is eftev pwssw Tin V pMd n el I tv -o --w 1 A -0 �Ww 0J F. -0. d4a Ici 1"# 181VON AT"" t r1A# * -ft VO�--v WZST H Ve 14TNUit M -2111H 44 !if, '04 P"pare twit layw colft (I on's PRO n We diree frqa Cdowit. For u*f4 eack :way, cww- livatifow, Issa,, TL 0 t pmdent s6idth 'A W ZP. W. 4 owwr. Waive boundary live beA* AS (Vartmuth ambewow -.e- lililw6ir 1* its AWT. by liffor prolpea'-w4be i thi4y Ifflitim - ckAm ad 31 lap. t _y t*�bWail �% 10*4* T? t oil NN -No 7 ir