Semi Weekly Signal, 1867-08-16, Page 2R 7 �77,7 F - ------- 9- r�i 1i t t� A your characte;, is now a BI, n2litined- from 'be fourth story window into tU OR op" lout jki,# tber" Was anotfim mtersent, PhilipDri water." _nge thiV 4h !&- -1 _- - manin of the A OUR NEW TORK LE -facte, demonstrating with all tho (orce of wondhered what cod' be the two into I` our will go twice, and as on do Ammurlican V111, so.�,With such m Lhematitcal accuracy, I trust Antif Irtne. y an I "id her tt�otherl, �,ul went ffj �,Arutb,-this deliberate pr"leditatid murder, clogo friei of caniitda. rW t rtowl-Abb eh*r;V-J, *it% hi -4 dying hr,�ath. Lord Ra -1 01ninjoin C-ateron with spying. idship at*�*n **lij -1asklibecomes of the theory ofinsanity. -0CF09 of. your reader#:will be rash enoti-A to I pot R70 Ittl1lN iroi)mz *&-- He Was. the Prison, wept, lam*ntia"� and Was inon, a rtW 'h r4 Ite"JON or CR Aie demon'strtiun. -inclined to fau'r ti 'Olahle.11 OW seuwd. his vapera ;�ere exitained- the!httrgre I MA gift Reove.30i-A-you onlil ed oro 041if," 4vX' 14U V 0 your a lb -11T4 to he eintiretv trot- Drat oil KATE SHITIJ;�Slilf�en 4THE r il Ottoman, toP the 'winds it b", t tii,i� - Sum,? are Pw . � h fit ibe at tempt and the trifern. Ire Aci-Jecki�i' hi" he 'was .6tyou lika�QA m4li ti i� the Ajion, '-OAro�10--1treanitig me) would tiave to eaLisbi ish an independant Canadian Govern-. _]L � :::: Mo I �;toNT�CTIOXj AND *kx W t JhQ Consistency no &I rawat ? -pe blushed. 4) ho D19RER-HIS MAI,?" r the streuStb of a 1, "a- 'ho Pe orl" b&;w has untled have, arid look 'cubfidentil for its failure, -0 pthlbably be tormsilyl g-Titc catutitai 6if TUC, 80AVed-.0 ro y !jp-'o Jeetton to 0:110, ThtereL-e *I A 14101. Ito rai"4 tww -his own land raised in ? was at Once s;nt off Id Consta (hot� I it has no principle nor cohesior Registhr h' ment j,� Dirfer -6 -h - Irrails to:the earth bl. the pressure of its own seems Ritchie keeps a cow ihat rung be, provided - his' fivi�hbo�8' was also and the , n nex at ion of the Pr vi tried. anill shot as a spy, a ry that Mr. HolM08 gaye th� M66ej -SCENES, INCIDZ;4TS, $110 I ETC. 40�rtalnly' no I bare been, am own coutary. Others o lnc*f a to their tyrom our Special Corecipondent.] dhry, and whin the Reeve's c s f a tircader Mind, ow* eldher -N Pm3e be to Heaven I" cried Lionel, CHAPTEE X_Xll. to PlItut & Catholic 66rch in Ailifield, NLW Your,, Aug. 10, 18G7. The jury after a brief d'eliberation returned shrinks tip, all he has 'to do is, to go up wid still usin.a. and shall continue to use every 85111,intbize with Lbe efforts Of the t:olu,,, 1� hlcb fl -04- VhO intiocient, and thus pon- and he row loans on the ciitholi vote a verdict of guilty of murder'in the first ;egitillriato means at my disposal to enhance to create for theinsulve,; is distinctive ratiou. 4 ishft the guilty r, 0 Jarry O'Briqn was executed at the Tombs destree, and . the prisoner was accordingly tako a pull at the tit of DLvy'a vallaw beffer the value of my property, and -what objec. Q'i'Y.p Neare' all regret th", term 4 0 tilo THE 0ATHStIrru. to conciliate which he Was wine illation or rot: yevterdsy, for irder of his mistress, 88111lenced to 03 bunged oil the 19th ot Jana. -and butilal milk the same cow gives -but Lion have you to my doing so, uir ? 0 004ugh i Would t h to k�ap his o,-trefully prepared Twelfth of K,to Smith, on the 20th of June 1866. Two "'y fast. rho came was then carried on any way -he desarves it for the divil a vot, you and your aristocratic patrons wish to renewal. iy Treaty, and hopt, for it, Ira" ""ped f"Ga a V(Mdtrf_Ql Plot' 1 WE cannot leave Loudon until to. t look Upon the d4nger tbut on. appeal to the hi4hur courfe, but only resulted lee my Property deprectate while t1wits The Annexationists could not have w,4,bed Velkli, id Lionel to Irene. mor' July speech in his breeche' I r"d YOU- It must hare bepn iiii lioree, 'row, &at Haire you a pocket. A deed which WOrion expiated by his death up- outsido the 60 mortgagta he would get if it in a confirmation of tLe septatice, whereupon inCreitt-14 ill value 7 Ail for your own pro- I a better appointment than tbartL the Hun. (I llh�ch PrOMPted any one tro nothing witli which I m,%y employ the time ? denouncer of all who oppole him as on tbe,83441d, for its attrocity, has hardly he was re4eutoaced by the jul4e to be hanged was not for the ould Doether. His timper perly, jz.. press, type, &c., an e i cL)unuld to tire Premiership of ""atloutSometbing whicbmay relateg.to tbis.uncloof to is mettin worge every day -he &e.) I shuu;d S dfi Id Lld It , malicious, lying accusers" of his sacred ever had a parallel in the history of crime. , On the 9th -of the fellowing August. 6owid Isaac iudga t tru8t bb fast mine. For won I wi I rot 1 0 af�proaching dissolu. Ontario. More than 9ix indead, But 0. tell m urn -when hi does nimths a,,o *-is MY SKETCH OF THE MUILDERER. IN PRISON. Carlin to go to "blazes," and thin turned on , l,on, c ing b, I 'a rs een it, not eXPOut 14 And I W-Ahl to � verwholm him ,)naider the " unprecedented in- Merald ent-r-8pondent, who had fatther-talh-!r well ?11 character, he spends his days and nights durieg the fi t month of his incarceration, his Bayfield supporters an to r ork it has lbtoly had to I er. Canada during tbe Fenian Sir Gaspar ?" said Ever oyin guilt�" J4 rr 0 w �& 4& R - irtefragable Froofs of his . in concocting little mean atoriex,-aud he _y O'Brien was born in the County of, III uld the Major I iorm. excitement, end itilL but he ia rpry low. Ele cann( *is liv .. I have, that 4u" writing-iu cypher Caran, Ireland, and came to this coun-try e condemned than was subject to brief flls at the bead of thpm lithat,the were a lot of �fsin : 11 it could not be expected nd dined hvkb- at 'of deqponde6cy, but under the faithful tniaed- y you woul appeal against your own men h d de a 11110 boa. mem. t pro is constitutionally ;ddioddg to story tell- -1b:1 rofl, informed me that Mr. letter. I suppose it is- but of w hat use is an early age. The family of v do 9'redy to lick t political ment, but why did you not also tell the c re :1acdonald hadv expregsed to him decidedly ly "O"r- I b;ard this from your uncle, bich Jerry trations of his spiritual advisers, however, .9 he sores of any sho-at a ilbrtritzhi ItIrce. Y,, Ing -and manuf6oturing twO-penny-4alf. - these spells of depression ceased, arid he was Laz trus." duse'ut that bate all? 'any way tit must ba3ten letter ?" was a member hail been singularly unfottuu- You took that no other one sbotild do it or ion 6 to hism, % f, entimentt3. Of eoir8c, whiie ever afterward cheerful, and apparently to- the Bowl is torminted oit of the mad be YOU- �Vby did you not say you entered pedby s4uibs, Those areActs, and thi premier 'fo Macdonald will be Yea. ate -strong drink and evil associations hav- ntario, Mr. Frem MY Gucle I" exclaimed Lionel, acd I .. signed to his fain. Re usually rose at 6 people atin hitin for situations afore he Iftiows your appeal oil the last day, the Isiat hour a the Hen. E. B. is the 11 Ale e'r the pink� of political ing led to the violent death of tie less than o'clock in the morning, and employed the weather ever he'll take tay wid Lord Mouck and rdmon Lbe last minute, so that no appeal )VOOd the same. Mr. Wood who, two years was 8PP-11t. %V here did you get lawy a patter of loyalty. Is no, In It the roo-M, *;hele we found our perfection who opposes a man who is too three of its membersi and the imprisonment boura alitil Rupper.tiwe in reading religious at Ottav 'By. But as far as that goes he ;s pur- could be made against your assessment. ago, in a three hones speech. was so met. YM He ha4 hisawd of your death I" pape, It. Had be -a fbirtn4ght ago ?t honotabla to stoo' to meiiinnesa and too of a fourth, who ia now tiervin term ill the books, supplied to him by kind friends. Ill ty sure of that himself 6 he gave insthrue. You fortrot. we vr�` charitably suppose, but cileb8ly ca8ti,,rated by Mr. McGee in P rlia- p 0, you took this at the same time, did the evening, of late, with the aid of kerosone tiona to Mr. Giminheurdt and Tom- Stinton it is often very convenient to, do so. As Thag Mr. Wood for his bigh-soundin. I AL fmtriight-no. it was the 1.glh. I I a YOU meet. noble -hearted to return evil for evil MAfteen years' light, he sketched and painted froin copy or to fit up the cold Dredge wid a pair of Don. your memary is now jogged, perhap U 01'atOrY, On whom Mr. McGee b;3towed was -4t&ke-- I saw him a tortnight but Sing Sing State Prison. So 8 &'So ; but It C" on the 13:b that he told me a may mention it in your next," There is a well-fi(ting nick-n&me of ago, Yes." who tvill be elected, just as sure as there ago the father committed suicide, while lab- imagination, little pictures that were either key engins, to take him and his shoote to yo he n mentioned your tiring under thd influtlace of liquor, &lid btatowed upon near friends or mude to roll Big Thunder," d"4h in his despat her past life since they hgd Gown of voor death, P -Via For Irene had relatud to Lionel the whole is more of uprightness amongst the honest Government House 0itaway. 0 dLar 1 0 point at which forbearance ceases to be a by wbi�h title he was k among the experience of 15 eye thoblank walls of his dunpon. ch which cleamd up your: about a year aza a brother of the murderer a dear I would'ut Jimmy Colton brake his ou'd virtue, and although of such it an amiable Brantford Indians, and among his bothe, been a, under, when they were at Odes&4. firmers of the Worth Riding than of faith I . THE lRISCUTION. fat bides wid the luffin if ho seen hie ould tempes vras shG4 dead urhile in the act of robbi-ig a that Point has at last been reached members. But the sweets u Arid tLis letter is in Russian ?" At 8.53 o'clock precisely, the culpr;t mar- trien(I the Bayfield D.edp steamm. up the by me, and I now put the question fairly marvellous effect, ar IF office have a rhank Heaven- T am yet in Nfe. Ar, in political humbugs' of the Hays 0 pullish my enomies !'. cried '0 ched to thii gaJlo*a with a seemingly firm Ottaway wid d of hon. and squarely to you, D�o you wish to estab. of the one arid the Dem '* 'N I YOU OblusO folluvw, It is an no- grocerymia's till in the Ninth Ward in this e Milegian eloquence Ard SNO t I A th known laug stripe. Ritchie abo'c'i d an a oar fiereelY ; then not heedine, mtgo.�, eity. For several years past, Jerry has step, supported by his spiritual advisers. On our wid the old Major and Gmasy Pole at fish yourself in doderich as a Drofessional flie otter wi I ow -0 osthenic oratory of rise, he cobtinued Elait" you 1 1 fl in no harmonious and 1­nk of surp, You said a cypher- a secret writing." AIr. Issue Carlim, h is also a poli tical, borne an unenviable 6haracter, and has hKb- arriving tit the scaffold he knelt with them the bed oft im, and the Bayfield brass band perverter of the truth ? ff that is aot your Spicy dtream for the benefit ot admiring its. a d repdated the L.)M's Prayer, after whiih playin lls�e the konkerin harro come&" wid motive) tellers, Particularly such as both 0, X h--4 -f MT regiment r. "me rt I said to, becati-le I thought it looked so. humbug -of a more lymphatic and itually associated with thires, rowdies, and n I . . correct _your false statemenis con YA& y1D -i, n a he arcse and was Lear to was very ni�, and o an, re " nt now. is formed of grotesque BTMbOlN which can 1 4 shy, "Oh, my vetriations. I t� re e. pen be nothing else than, a secret cypher." harmless stamp, it is trite, but still a abandoned woman, one of whom, the victim Ili forgettin to tell cerning into thers, and thereby acquire at Puttill, " a stick in -it.,, NO rerialint I Elow 1- _4 o TLeg for the ye of a bit of scrimmage I had in the thrain the Only credit you can obtain in this dig- - ------------ .0w Father. I offer my life I Out of One thousand men, but three are 91�e tirent to a -desk which stood upon a humbug. He told his fliends Wore the cata especiAlly his compan- one I ' "God bleps. from Montreal to Toronto, A Yankee look. cuRsion. I Oid not enter my appeals at the ASIEHICAN, orthe murder, be took -it is my beat gift." left.- table it, the corner of, the room, and to DIFSSENSEONIS. from ok Clinton Convention that he was nL)t fit ion,,, Ue has been board to say that he lov. Shoriff Kefly, " and then fo"r nearly half au in fellati comminced to c0ourt Maryanne slie Gist�minute. nor yet in the la6t hour, nor y*t Is it -earl it be Pam it the paper. Lio'nel- looked at it. It hour he continued to repent, ­Altri�lh(Y LoWld hiJU 'last day, Sir ; I entererl-them two ty is manifested to learn the, d her doarlv, and intended. if circumstaimes "hid was. Do Usti an Bile was a , Great anxie mar, during the wits written, in ituan to go to parliament, and he told v- thme am on their way to ge and unknown signs, the Jesim, have mewey on my soul 1" 0104 dod", eied woman an the mother of Once childher, lull days before the time prescribed b law result of the dogged com Sc"ri,' should favour, to redeem her from a life of bat between Presi. receive my spirit V' It tben bicame apparent and to stop such' a discourse." Bad cess to expired. I ut what if T had en"tere7thell, dent Johnson a-ainst Secretary Stanton and which were evidently cypher invented ttir the honest truth, but his counsellors soon chame, and make her his wire. It was the that his stren,101 was failing fast, for he was me F the tra,�abone minded her the laste, so aid or could such Eiver since the variance, at the laW minute? We General Sheridan. Lionbi ginticed upon it, and then Utting I compelled to lea.n upon tha mula of the she called w over un towld me how mathers an action have prevented anyone from ap- lt�tween be President and his secretary, on Yes- yon mv 6e only able man ia th Purpose of dendin a secret communication. wheedled him in to �he belief that he had old story, whic'. haa 114ou rhytiaerd by Owel regiment now.' it upon the table before him lookes at ' concealed about hij person the stuff on Meredith z Priests for SuPPIl-t- His voice rtaw fein I stud, so idoat tellin Jlim for rime or rayson, POUting against my assessment ? Why sir 11 Thert I cannot return to the Crimen." lore and earnestly. It the Reconstruction Law. the letter has been 14 Not for Ion time-perham never. 7 of which statesuien-are made. If he top- 113ho wus ahtutnt, arid I will; it tlllc4 und bosky, and he beckoned to the Sheriff I dhrew my jiight an let him have such a such phraseolgy ischildish, absurd, cot;temp. a sharp thoro in the Cabinet. The Presi. No ase, Lionel " aid Irene. and aslce� him fora glass of water. Thia clout in the felt jaw as putt Lim I o medd. Ag in. Mr, C. is deeply skilled in ens to dismiss For it will ro�qtnre a year or two todisei-line, No use But we loved cgcn other boyead behef.'), r In t1ble a dent, ha a last resort, threat reerni-13 to fill QD the ranks st all. That writing defie, h.,o 'pled on a heap of (to him) incomprehen- What yo U Zain, and hefoore Jerry'vlove of strong drink rapidlygrow wasfurnishedimmediately,and in view of fein wid other Mina property. for some ti eg 1* o him under Lbe operation ofth no key with whir It to unlock r we I It I re a pity be was I born to e Official Tenure' that "mp' this terrific Struggle '11 'be Crim3A sibl-- political ideas, ofwhieb- be had not upon him, and wb2e gr9a2y intoxicated b Ws weakness Jerry was allowed to sit down to Come, Maryanne towid me to remimber biush unseen, An&wast., his sweetness 0 Ijaw. It is said Mr. Johnson Inshes Gener- d Up, be over," over d, and stid continued to pore (or a Moment in a chair that was brought her'kindly to you, &lid I know you will excuse the desert air," and not bre to t be barn permaneatiy the office of so much as dreamed before, little Pods al Grant to assume 0. he-ire_s. -hai you hare to tell nap wai led into active sympathy with the Fw4XX froca the Warden'a room. Lt soemed as tbougit this lo�ii� letter as it -is some time since I 'Twas an error that can't be stoned for.;' Secretary of War. The uncompromising I" cri--d Lionel, clenching his tiands to tio" ;t1--Ztsvt be some important communica., was at his elbow to bolstor him up, and So movement. Ile en.listud here in the rauka of the . tinfortunato man, proluaged prayers wrote afore. I am living in hopes ot yet atonlu,.- for thi conduct of General blierldart towards such a. or 1. would wn be written thus," Wd he has gone flaandering on'all unconscious those theives and cat -throats who made -a with the ligering hope Lb&tL Ut �fie is. last JIM BOSSWELL. and about& I make the attempt, And 1ind n I disloval 89itaturs as Mouro and Wells in Sad meoilt i -deed MoA% mournful. trwly. VVOulld tbAt it were possible to read tfiat he was being made a ponderous ham- raid upon Canada, and the final defeat of lljouv�nt tho4wws ofil4reprieve would come. P. S. The Major wants io wear mus. that I, am- di�ficient in a quality that they say Louiiana, has provoked the ire of the Presi- VL-!-s -t:W'h ha3 thrilled tllrr, ' 11 ; but this of course c nnat be." Be. cinng to ate wi�ih A tenacity that was taches but he won't be let. I � is the cauie of very freiluently makes successful lawyers, and dent, and he desires al8o to decapitate him U4rh the heart %Aid lj�lonel. bu- ot'by men thew Veuiam:, raiders found him a piriaortor in pa�lftjl to, Oi E- land, and rGu*d to mxdr.�rsa the hole who who would as soon bt1w1k utAd ever and anon cast a a grate date of dlomestiz unsyseiaess an talk with which, you my dear Sir no blessed with Oft short notice. To secure more pliable cannot be read. now have thought of bringig out a good %he bands of Oe victor ous Canadian troops. tin rriett lance in The direction from wbioh thro' the vi,llage. rabondance, I Batter myself that my 'Cahillct offic,-rs and' dist M 0 0 ft in supe It car it, L sh uld-lik-P to know ? natured hay -stack, if he had not had a seems to be ti�e aim of tire Pfesiaeril. The W hO will he Punkheed for ttlpte things? It you could Shortly afterwards, however, he managed to hel n miglu be expe(ted to cc ;w, if it cam at condescension in dignifying your journal rict commanders geOat One or two lettenh the a the rest all. Th baHibood, that dil� not seem to -Secretaryj however, WN- ? whi) Mitt be frmnd? On whato Cc , NVO,J escape, and returned to this c;ty, where he with my recent, contributions will give me declines to be dismissed, U'd ba known." good long -purse. of political desert hin; i� prisatifor a long time 60(0_0 To h, Fdiior of the OudeA ich SW. and he appears to be situated by the majori- the hlaml- iu'� The revvs:lape leurued that Kte,,-dis-usted with him on ac- some claim to your wenerosil.y. Again : Si R, -After having been mal-Igned and " Mr. C. is of an amishl LY Of the press. The ast gave way, e temper � he can betw4eou the wo will .ea. attack the overnment.' practical experience in public. oouut of his cruel treattugul of her, had, in brought to thp foot Of the acti0old, face to abused for the pass three or four' months hea bv the Ter `% 1 ­ Ah� res—ne or two --and it is those knowledge,* and after his tral, at I When and Wa;ap the srstem of mill I one or tvio that I am after." I tary rule. write or speak by the hour without getting be f tiad among out bl�av" the , life, or any mental quali,fication under &be his attience, chosen a more agrepab!e com. fact& witb a fate thea givater criminals hay American despatehe&. f-s-pelled ministry. Others (To be coftHnued.) e through the columns of your journal, I was ")lit of sorts'. The last Paragraph he wrote tbm- ij an a"Ort LOr4 Etartam" heavcas,� Isaac Carling, is thrusting him, panion in tya-person of a noted ibeif who met with decent firmneEs, and that some in- when in his best wood sod i7does, honor to I I nocent men have almost ennobled by the at last, from self-respect and the ouiward him.-. - I accept the comi)liment but- I fear DIED-AtMAPle Grove Muikoka, at the Isee�" said io-ineio is are the edfonthopeople, Willt4qbe humbug. being expe wai never in want or money, P0704- rx-arito just nnw r' residence oft Y,- Th.89-El G. T. U. manner oftheir going ME. he appeared the pressure brought to bear on me byincere and y;Ju flatter me. Again Ile n4uver did, nor be bride's faiiier, on the 16th with a f,.Lirt GCOF-RICH UISTFICT, yed by him ? Not a bit of it T= YAURDL% o1ulY9 by the Rev. Mr. Wray. j )ho j. 1 guilty minded coward that he w4s. As the Nairn friends, atmetrained to reply, and r,- never will be I imnitted or assaulted ' without er a uAture ve slight- er rviving Susannah Jeanette, eldest dauffliter of A� I know. ARRIVE. baJ roao w4thia him on bear returning itn the spot," You ha &q., Barrister -at -law, I of an hour, you Mr. Ritchie is so far behind in the black cap ivas beimg placed oa ILk heati, he fiate thp chargeii brpught agaigzt Oen Soiit�� to cart-iFA away with it- I t"I that; UUrr;1;tion0f1rUi4. besoupt the executioner to ask bi& a tue i,_ not, as q y misquilited, my dear s44 I used the w(,rd 7V me. race that it would be cruel to talk of him i n :gg It lit was jealous of the girl, and happen- relatiVI& to continue to pmy for then you say front the idea of his,6wo impor. "resentin " not, - "returnin nd reveyaing -Esq-, J. P.-L;.r. 1-0e is rearly run, and that in A 511,331t ACCOWOdatlOn ............... repose Alport, time I En"t 'oin my ma!lant compti3aias i pawr. 12:30 a -m- in, this connection, and we mi -ht speak of I g to meet her in the street soon afterward, of his soul. In an insfaut afterward the un, tance " or vanity, but I do hope however an insult 10'r a&zault does a u &xPress, maTd ................. 3:00 p.m. not imply that -the Mixed ......... .................. 0:3() struck her a coward's bloir that felled her fortuate manlo countenance was veUed, the to maintain a character for veracity, integ. reel ion to to rejurn like for like. Often C::3;- A cotlection will be taken ti�,q in the eshore 1- poor HolmeA or Dr. Sloan as liumbugs t twhat suffering%, what heroism, Weeding to tha paveWnt. 1ho follow knot was ptoperly adjusted, and at a given ri!y, independence and honesty ia any and 'be test way of resent;n- an it -jury is mild 0 different- churches in this town, on Sabbath DEPART. of the fnt degree, bq't we refrain for the signal from the S, heriff a heavy axe bi" was d gentle reproof or exposure, (excepting -'�ttirratron, cold, wpari- Express msil ..................... 6:^0 a.m. present. All we ask of the C�ctorsl is to day he made a resolve that the girt should of course such obdurate Einrerg as I have every apbure. o( We which I WaY, notly or 'in ext, the 18th inat, in aid of the " L,diw. and agony of every kind. heard uplou the block behind the screen', and e xt moment the body of O'Brien was hereafter occupy. Altijou.,b it was only, a 7latelyj of nemSity, been in contact with) so Benevolent Society.,, In considere -X#d the brave aoldie;s, but 1:45 p.m. keep iheir eyes open and see that they are living, and iccordin ly be proceeded to the atter of right, and justic; that you 3bould I ask you to retract your jise-vditable insin- the work dine by the society, t1on of; bsve k Accomodatiou ............... be a companion. to him or to no other man to su,'4uee lbeir 01y Santa.' 311 ixed 7 drawn violeutly'into tYe air. Ile arose about 4.4.5 not hoodwinked by the pollUcal charlatans $is, fear fett, and thou fell buck pendu.ouB a few give me space in your ly it is hoped the - Tb" conrerrrr. �hry continued till the ld of & flfirnonger. on Lba corner of a journal to rep to nation. that I should per choice return ac ecillection W0 he a liberal one. inches nearer the earth ; a convulsive twist the fAlse cliangre3 and base insinuations that assault I- a la fleenan. I I am bappy to hotimit-Pis Of 1-n&n aripeared i benmult tik-M.- e have indicated. Priuce - and Greene- streets. where he man - of the head followed ; then a dozen or more have been Published in it, 1 beZ, to thank bear, that (,notwilbsianding It my intense dis. MARY MACDONALD, Sec., as the ca rol ed &!onZ the kigrb track, and &9 e I banel bade alicla to.the bmve aid genetal, ed to steal a hugh, knife, m,3re I Lan a foot i a tim-za the feet slowly rose and subsided ; the y�u for having inserttd so lengthy 6eco86- gust and contempt " for you). " you ate not in the fi!at!O-1 house. Cliltrislopliller rinniny nwzLy Wi7 length. Armedwikhthis weapon"wi4h legs, swerving bacir, ind' forth a few Lim art ly) a letter, and now, air, as you, were the intheloubuffi,ated, That ourappetile is A MoNsren CLocK.-T.he four �1115, of es, Y the lbarlirdwe jealously, and in&med with drink, he pro- one or tivo shudders, aiiid all was still. ent or discussion, I cl * commence the #till good , that you.slee'p as sound, &Ed that -elock of the House of Parliament are each WATe" procured IS Cab, and at arce put first to make the attack and "I where hn uxm%llv stay ed while a London- The carria- D" ceeded o the Lease where, the unfortanato fallen pu!sa;i!uu ceased, sod at five minutes to bayt, the last reply. Before noticing that read the dreadful production wbieb was to world, Every batf minute the point of the "W throngh the tiol)EMC h Twelve minutes tift3r the drop hid argum Sim, it as a right !y4our dreatas are as+eaceable as before you 22 feet m diameter, arid are the largest in the 'R, W hat's . wro wit friend Christopher ? able and masterly t9w COlumIll; editorial- 'sweep Messrs. Ritchie and Carling, the Slar- lulaute band Moves Liq crowded StreetL and was not long M sZriving A00Pq 16, 1867. 'fin not so women lived and A-nooticelf, went up to her before Lou o'clock the corpse was lowered - Me One hold him or he'll ex. fOOM. But fsw�tdomatx elapsed -before thir in tlieStar of Friday, the 96 iasiL, devoted �aud our harihiile i;e4ba1rom the face of the, The Gluck will go eiht and a 6tf days;- 9113wo tq a room At the I i into a plia mahapuy coffia and a'tpr the arly seven inches., baftl he kund that Do train wduld leave, rM and screa&of ttmgirl attracted the usual itioti had teen held t"he remains; were exclusively to me, and made up, as it is, of *earth." Another mi uuta Ste 34 but it Only strike' for Seven and a haaf, so IIUM13UG ItALMIFAINT. Su�h a ta 0 � as fie ha down into Itention of the other of the house,,� Unded 6�t 6 Wis rilatives for bur'al. lluded to Memi. Ritchie as to indicate b its silence an nelect ia. Lee&n for the vicinity of Bmwon Haif. 'll i3 most &D t , erimmitim, ard re- 'dear air. Sonly a U009 my very criticism, sarcasm, irony 00 1blJOV4- morrinq- He wit compelld Y Until int7these, dog -days, affirinatiOD of known fiisghGW% I beg to and Carling arid the R1ar;.priv who is winding it up. YThe m y p:lving his door.' There they beheld O'Br en ancl the I h51g&r The word S' humbug" ia cerminly not the man demen W or Is and tbet_rikh#d to the fOOM AUd opened tbi� SCENFS WZD IINCID tierefore to�rewign em winding --a ofthe Rco of capital punishment as a correct Vour version of my letter 'which ap- "Yourhumb,e-se1j' ?- r4eau;h,;r of,ht. Striking Mechanism occupjes t;0 p tO his &W, siad girl both on their Loan e w k the mur- pears in the Same issue. "tau, air, malke we I eet 1p#g ; 4he ioliet-li rZtiO=\fer retiring. a very elegn ; h it p t1VW column *' Impromptu editorial ?. is he pendulum, is 15 1 houm derous knif" in his, grasp, and she with one an incittent which occurred witliiiii.the are fati rn;b make preps one� but, it is the best we way for'his Dinth of tenth attack ou the reventiou'of crime had an illustratiou it, He sat down and to speak Of Mr- Ritchie's * 'courtship.,' I deny ondered where Irene 0M find to express the conduct of a Zmt majoralty, that he mast parade a lot of hand on her heart and the other on his yard yeste priton- hav 1he a doctor, lawyer, or divine Aj�ain_ 0 c I i o t e hour bell is S. feet hiih and ber Molher u O'Birtea.waittrembliM, ing alludeJ to any such thing, gud, for WP did. not wiinni�it# Le was guift f and 9 feet in diameter, weighing nearly 15. ad"rim had Oca 'S t bh-'- now ? If DOtbitW Many People at present-for&g themselves affidatib, 3OMe of which, pa shoulder, sayieg : For the love You have on'the vera188yell two oa4'tpiasona -, 11st, I k Y., -ed to prev"t thew fivm, *rt to he 0 dis4o!ution, it ommen"Ceaq Mr, now notbifig of pprjury, but said he bad been co it" tons. The wei. of the ham er - cLrr--. ins twir UPOD tho- 4ttitatiori of The em-patiout 06-neof by men years after for mt Jerry, and for your dear mother's raioi . Eclu, " courtship, Dog even during his M1111 VA sdone ex-_ utto execistioi4 tbey _ 119 beavily-f'-Vinbrellas w0d` boiated that off6tice." inferen ve -No (,ther ae could ceeds 4-W lbs their decease, sake. gi me *bat you have in your and I& :rowd'of ep'ectath celibacy, aid, 2ndAt I did, I ha�p e rs *'-- ' ' much be takeafr� ere impatient m your phraseology, bir, and I ------ ----- didn't do it. In our h4ad. 0 1 do not kill me am not and dri - f- hi gelfrespect, (aped -from, my re",ct for Mr. believe thattha Y!as tfle i r-0- be i London. And if it. PEOple. W ve humbuggs in neuty to prove that he rp 0 ft a WQ1 __ koo Lf�donl to what hotel mizht they more every walk &ad rct-tion of Be, and it is a hamble opinion that achijk-ey oualit to IX, prepared to die I" At this moment seem one 1-dri4sKA but -vil- mptenjow'jou in 1%ETE0R0J60G1taAj rea`&'�V 90% th*n th* their fairoarite, st lainor, It Ritchie.) tosueutionuth a thiu'g in public ; lend iDJ_7;cnaP,,r"ded- over. to - c 011v*y, notwithstanding your no. I shall leave that -for -those who have no We do,2*&,. oppmg saddening relUetios that i6 lqiae tile critd out: -Run, Kate, run for year life.' the dripping erdwd " iiCm a anpp��, place ? tbm,-ht co=s into I& she spitting wit P019T. -pretua& to fi tf limed io4he tn"::'b 'We publishtdi. persudaillya"tatedwitht him-', Uhl -i Prej-red 01r .10 left alow by Mr. for the longer b the quickness of thought" wicked whitports, charlifel'to los itii do, thd to' tecnth CeUWY Of light a4d spreatl�tqg matter is adirred the wors-3 it w erVer4W Gb4*4. sued her. and overtaking her plunged the that uaibrellar from, we three time!, P00h r' he excla,; 1. iietpicaphle 171 knoirledg;ff il be from the room, and he no leas quickly pur. him: Look hit* !Pie to '' ip soch a,dureputable sheet -as the -4 Goder- deed, Sir. and yet you have the. impudeuc6 to it .4 Id --$,ou - to . take -Tust then a ku k-� -as board at the door, as Pfterful for evff ZIL ome., He may talk for a montli- bfore ich Star." make Iting sndalaudalrous- amertioU3 ag4usv fiy fish koifo Into her back. litterajly cutting be Again, yop ma -U me IV, det i in %1cir-raise r if You dont do it this time I'll'- *0 you on al)eik of Mr. Ritchie my private character. your #fg- ihe crii-d. ever. lr� have greAt faith id the- q to a pas I I The &(w 0 torR r in the followl -,e - which wal hat I W tvgain, arid causingler instant death. Vif V�W It' this *" at the focit of the ag biusque'munnbr : "And he DAYS. -Car 5�� 1Z and the Waiter entem(L inteffigeuee and goneral tru I a, re nest, draw it a little mild;r Well, air, Z. 40 — Ored -4 then attempted to take, his o WeJ3 ? 3-d WArcey. e-heartednea& not (Ared Vot", we baie the SUM t an yet.' hoge who Me wa lit 8, but gallowis'. As sitio' vf*4000iqa0 tber instaucle,,cif the morbid -"saeumeat," tonsidersug the subje I et Can Ptin. I;t is as mi d f the wi-a'sses, but them is no unpatiag knowethe- fac' was frustrated io�the effrt by the pro curfasity Oraien shuald be " assessable 11 in6or Of Ritchie. conscientiously draw it-01his time,; cl 6ope gi--, isour name D'Ascey, air i?- is -of th* to wituv�fs me e,7 a.m OM Yes SWI be- terferenceofthevtitnemsafthebluod deed. gleti-v1sifellOwUing, lmayb;ri note the J am not in :116: hibit of sp the fact that, the Gveat Public is iotem lieve that his Puling, 04 of this or wdl Meet your-approbatjo&` -hw do y&u want?-, spitefuivass owes its *he wrested the weapon from his, hand. and any other genilematil in ikoy su taef that op Thuraday Not a well-aressed ch disrepute- your earli ftdat'llils -terrestrial Hon.,Juiy 22 29.18§ 68,9 IN .01 01 ye;L then delivered him over to the Dalice authori. idk4duah h4bit(I"James Dugan,, went before ble wav . unaccountably guflable. rolf. :fum. origin to the case he has.dragged up, in I inveria4blYrefis Ar. or up- aph-re, I beg you will place me on your eub- Tcs. 2., - 44ZAB -J,O,l r -ell. a lady wants to" mss ties. Forseveral days afterv�ard he layat pend E�4uire to his name, &ad it is only on kriptida lj�t for one m6mh,.�If ia� , L,-tsire WeiL, 24 -ob 75-618 1 bktY wal�s St 11111d 01akes mony throu,�,-h which Mr. Gibbous as o*j- 0 JU Vollibs PlAice court. account of the irconvenience _' I A 1-dy T' _ied LOuej, his' heart beal� the, r a behch the point of death, from the eTects $, at'llie ad Ofth, fina 64 1h� dail thitt he wished to be Tbuiri. and not from -reature, at a tiwe, in advance) as it wi CiA Of 4M99WrQmS wbile an boniest, of magistrates endeavored to dicharge 11 be in- very r1olently. YYal Lf refiresbitig my'-weratiry of 26 f,,l YM - his bead and neck with the knife, but under as a drunkard I -o- 101 .114#� educated PhPicign is Blamed. So his duty faithfully and impirtiiily.. , have an J- P- COU]Mis�siofl y.lu aad your many kindhisseS, and allb " 5 U1 01 40wounds which he had inOicted upon committed ti6;h;Q`_QtYPr1aon for teu days, any disrespect, that I -don't, UpPend his vari. a bapp Fri. 54 ous-titles in'extenr" j17: &t, st 27 .1421 0 tunityL �w w, Where lady, air. the careful attentiou of 4skillful surgeon, 4 oppoc er, Division C C-, EZZ. Qir Couveyaneer, zLe to assure you]i air, that when you have de 27 it is in commerce) in literature, in law witnesst tZ4_ex6cU_*ko from Grunimar S. gradually rallied, and eventually. became eu. or ofpub 1c accounts, my maparunious nature will 'approxi-axwy �by 'bar D-1 8 ' his C'ell, by means ofis piece of looking-gi T.,-Iiudii parted tais lhe 4%ghlfiyofthe in IT--*, Xcr. 31, where a that, ym fbo, re- 1 0 _vum 9$ tbus-. _0 m suiti Mr. Hitc�die will do ;cojkstr#iu me to offer itio your hiends -(.i 31, is thie room.,, and it is gLaripgly SO ia polifid and WHI-rEhlEA buccEas. tirely convalescent. which he had in his pocket. The would- a ine the justice Th 4le110,VVi7hiieaV 1 8 &c., -&c . and La ?11 cried % TUE TRIAL, CONVICTwx, AND SESUNCZ. convict was considerably Fiarprised when the My.'i1ersion yo - h I are- t is expressed Lictrel, exiitedly. a timeir of ordinary quiet, il. is - y Hurricatie,&c. We have a reason for the wrath dis- cf the prisoner was commene U AVO any ?) verk sent: t, and e It hAving quoted., from- an. rom 10 fc) 6___ Fla shmw ymrr hozoar b4t once., _d here in the Judgesentenced him to a Short time oil not -w4m Aj;�iu, I pazy�andcotidojeuce in theirAu v t ag�,mbep, thus: 10- denot-s Tombs. ; an 17D sTran- Lionell. in & fur" bi e, Black%ell's Isimid instead of the or, , yours, as folio" Under the went be sure change yoqr, an , 'a v;red wab4cloudsi 6. thatiris met -to *3 th,3 Publk, for the Sim- played by -Mears. Molan and Holmes in courtfGancral Sessions, on the 13th of edit al of he sky w eo asid rns AD e4F Ai assessment UCL Whelk,a Wan'S I18V4Over#d;- krd 0' bed Z -;Td the door. The wl;�Aer, reASMAW the.people a - now common- the, fact that it.. is 110w ooucele.d on all Novemfier last, and occupied three whole fter the execution a large number of"raons old income:ex and oilig into specie-mwtakie a an hatit 6 PeAkmetir lam - gins and halbi, i - hands that Joileph Wbiteheail ­ to be the J SLuan and r. D. 'F. Meuart LWO UaXioas to barried alonx thirough plasm sense -to guide them to a very contsidera Is day,&. PA!riea was, ablv defeudeck by Ex_. still butigaroud the vicinity of the Prison ceeded $400 and did not ezeeed I 00a it was mable with you. 16 conci usioi, Al w Highen Barometric Pressure.dwin the week up a J­bt of stairs, along a ba!f, untia thy; We extent; but siitrt m6me new 8 fib ­f, ou Tuesday by, g ifthe han.-ing had really a"'B'sed "1 100- (See vVoods nd Ritchie we to ask- if in the trua,,g own was 29-220 at7,o74r!Iock-. a tin to The docr refi4 _k for %be 6mmo U1213 'eminent bliarlitial lawyiei in this -cume Off. doctrine in mat t 'M in North tluro�, 0 mWt� on Municilad Lawl. "Income liable to existence st Barometric Preminne du ring the wcek was It was partly j ea. on andL, hoWeTer Wild, flJ%iCal an iv, Sir, in your pivica- 29 d Prom ah parts of the riffi ' of devotedue 033 at 9 olelick p m. on ,�atudnv. sure receive cheering tidin ove the fact of the killinZ as alleged Lion of my letter, ba arble A'�Pftn JJaromeLriO >V66W. f6r the weeL Two br;,, �nr e dis�r No attempt was made bp can assessuient, &c." No ) )t eres --m peepmg forth. a- almost, W sel to protestations d Lioeel&prangto,ward the dor. It wM stupid it may be, the propagator is of Whitelwad'r, ano sustained' by the prose y this quttatioll You hay.0 abandoned M�Ja& &,-g ope� 4.1 9-9 U cutiou. They as follows Under the old unessuieutlact Carlin - to their iate 7 or)% chyle, 441 ly a t G001) Sro]331ES. y1fthey galm deavoring to show that b bourino un fir4t? (govriol"obseivatida 1j.. j - In a Momeat be W" in th to secum -a fiAlowing-as swim as he has gucem, 2ad his return is sure, Hence So gh" howev*rl, to "To their cli by en Wit." (See Woods and Ritchie on Munis i- and re76iggLedly given up tfij " h, -,zms of lzeze. now, entle reader, with out considering' 6-gheit TempeiratVire durir,_ be- te cried. ho were der a teLoporary fit of insanity at the time of 1'essrs. Ticknor Fie!ds have issued'the leaviii- a hiatus which utterly destroys the tneprofane, allow me to take leaveofthe 46 Irene, frese created am pat Law) " Incomejiable to iwavasment,. &c,` Ana excitOment-not a Tery difli- the anger of hiis opponents, W cult task. In the matter ofpolitics, initial number�r of Goov STORIESf under dean tabio�d I Ich& on Tu­daY & Wedne y ItAter I - Y, in that tender embratice the two: should wfiich buoyed up lFich h9pe until the- say thak: the tuorder, and wastherefci� not responsible Fora correct version-ot.al illustrious -tric, by aayingt ��,,Ic UW04"Temperature during thew4a-_1- was 53 _1111111 I torthpareadf4deed. Mr.'OutininiS.Bed. which title they'propon-to publiiiii.--in cheap 49 to refer, your readery to the i� lluiu� Lod I Il),Md perfe-9 blim-ell tb.- engaP 'QP 10206t sefi0as -cod t4eY vere�torbe left f1s.-I 0-- lurchw` The- ro4 th ASi4tant-DUtrictAlt-a iii4'L COR. and attrtictive form, a valuable &by glory Z"B deparfii& at 9 O'k-lock p. m. on Monday. erifiel The Mean Temperature jor the vreeir vra, 7p,. -a WOUld hL-14ceforth tbougbtfufi_ taAs ihou, i lwti OP grpaier,' . _,� ,4 Collection of signal 6(�Lugust ISL' 'X6Y *a-. !or they knew tbeTe of intenigent br. r'pellin' duct6d�the case bi-. behalf- Sburt Stories, 'rates, and Sketches. Yours atai-djasiell[defeace; b"o, separatioc, of medicaftestim6n, �Qu will acksawledge wy co Warmeia day m6o� a '-the I -But, rrene n I Caw is even wilrSe. That gentleman VrW ha which he produced, completely demolish Y:Utct oftach a collection has long been telt 0 66ai�61 r when d�d you get here ?1, learned o 468iftt& 'CAUA. WAY, JR. d 1= � the defence., In the course. ot ded '00 terd"y people eWe to Ve �tbe theory of ed1for while numerous collections of poetryp e*dMito0riWa1,f(vh:e&a lew remaik in your y durissr1he rah %-Idw. j- dar aiuce- We a�rdved hem yes en an **Vfut Pliffi"fcrisis arises, all ri�ht when the pollin% day arrives. have been q week Vr"7 �a thrilling speech to the jury, afte Wo, no general repertory of last week'a' hfiue. atid'-co tke Mean TemPeritture IbLi -be ewhed, and the exer- r the cou- ib good stories exists. UILA611ciag wita a FeullanUm- Formation ol a b k1w W - If the Hundredth Regi elusion of the evidence, Mr. Bedfore spok.- as poetical quotatiou that would cenuiuly do JOHNIV cise of reasm and good waim, wifortu- - went is to be rollowd ; LLDAz4is, to a ''Nbw Circle. Dated th"Ea 271h-,dayiwaly., ASO? yfm get out of the cab. recmited.�aaaiq Wr D t "Insanity, gentleman, is the cow. 14 is not intendwi to 'limit this collection cKedit Byrtin, a Moorre, or a Burns, slid my bean nately seenn to decline jud as file infam- PA tO6 is in a men plea of "murderer, as.the records of to Unglish literature. It will embrace,, by whicUat.onteestablistles you awa -man of me who it was. fftV your namoa fit state of milit to Ie -en' r we heir thk and other 01tim'1141 00urtli will $bow but compe-tunt translationot.. the best and oat brudiliou- A vcry� vitneroutily a artifically. tit anyrate. , Apro ttended Ineetid all languages. to this, permit roe to Make e poetical quota- ts of tho servant threw down in cusity. Thou 'big plat cbaracteristi� abort otortes of Poe mator; fuare in# a a public tut Cat hile 'haviu h that Oftd &I Is to the kround for want of, of young Irish ort. So it is 9 in view I, e idea of' making tion mygelf. What,& S! your, lirguh o* both collateral and direct Stipp in' was held 'last W -11t -at Wzirren, 14 -ft., at the the WL I Wald not rewst & 'emPtati"D to Comes the carnival of humbugs. bim saying i men nd deseendan' Jn tbi5AiwS,,:OU -the '15th bt irieh en And it was yours. I sftt the f3ome livg's election is sure by this collection vliluab!e us a repertory fit Your dehools, Your Latin.nume for lorni 11411, 13- bride's 1riothorgm��j servant to bring you hgore.,i demagogue wralics to floag into public life at least 1000 in the case now before yo The facts uffal to organit6 a n6w u. 03- I Well done V4.VY 1 inako it de�ruoustrate, beyond all doubt, choice ficljoa, the Publishers have in mi eircle to Abfilyitli t -mit mother advaaced- to gref-t L�onel . on the. tide of popular bxdtametit. theL great nPed of t4e travelling public for a W hat -Donavan Roma 0138 Of -W I Rev�� W. nd and stool If honest nature fuade You facts, be called aftev, 0 -11iry Does ptitatiaer inatead of bein insane, had method ruirs your grommars,?. &W travel seemea but to have 20001 Ye'd bettor Ive he act on the principles ot elevated mora& lit his madnew ; he was cool, deliberate, clai� of reading that will answer for amuse- Won he convt4jtid Vibitog 16dw Mr'- William Smith of t -r fivshness and ener". 116primbed in the Stme of Wisomn, p spadessud, aboo4 Or koappitil-h, - y. $.I to w1a She was erect t calculating, constructive. What are the ment in the rail1ar or on the steamboat. A im "Plo tortvifl�, Englaqil, The meesittg w wilea, of-- this Mers. Again ;, kin order. to keep himsel ­ . aa - lid 4� order R. L and irtatei' y d ing the' latent good, there Excunsiot-w raox L01 DO -11. Abou& facts to support 1hin position ? We have it ;with the des of his own Carol met LiOuel with warmth r �c large irolutwi or a long story oftvn becomes from burstiuni 4d, is -e I Impor. ------- M, ty, en&avor to bring oil daues I OW lo6ndoner -in evidence that on the afternoon, of- the 2(kh wearisome to the traveller on account of the lance, .1 itrict 06049 of Narthatta You am a V;1SitQ 'C 0&4011, he has &c Well,, air, 1 -fee! quite 9 - 11 1 1- 0, who denied mentreal &3Xe fmm all danger fW-A bom� to the contemplation of ptxbli as a juub� [as; about �,:4 cek. -joii- 't - a 0 Widment in a virtue and cursionists, yes- lisadvantages to whielt he �W-a Iruo ected, while important enough to levelisucea with tbe� 45 any. troth -in the 6ewt tar da -y- (i5l Alt L of t a e 9 ravel. topecially he way by a tba a in "of A".imibosible o irttit a few, i �pr �;e cident to the ger at the comer of Prince and Greene the ypeof . mdrl volumes rep era, the read. erudite -editor was P'r m Ire 94A mmadam," Private Patriotism Does he diadgin to detained on t h 0 ub-h &Brine iRseen near -'the stand ot)sfieh-mon. Te d. 0MY rest at case here. ko, it, ce4 b pander to th3- a atinoun But Lid) we how Pasdions, the prejudices, or locomotive, th streets. lera. t . was ey enjoyed deligghtful af. On that stand, at the time, was this vV4114011 /-�ttac,k 04 my pri _�Del, [old' aMID -fif the Atrw he messen;er ordeatb, to 1�04 I! �F sc&D*d asked the Peduftiary weaknotA, of a-elass always ternoom monstrous fi�h-knile_t Iu'.GeovSTou1Ev all pf',,filese difficultips A 0 _W wArt, gwd ad- a e are Overcome-. '.k on 14 That at about 4 oloock of the stime afternoon ack�numbet is a sm ill *Q40aa P004 eat"a Iii4t., 1: at he V V1 di esm tite -tp, join A.$ tbanun. too Large, eren in British commugIties ? inhaling the fresh Q_rO glasitatid" and easy diet, sleep, as wucb-,V B.Pot jacd "Ir- -, - breezzme"s Lake H a. he*nt 'a letter lo0the deceased, and in a few qua 6. apprppriat y iw 0 of feared tha-t it would be &ffwu It task P 8::JF- American visit was B.reeably din pointed tidies Minutes aftarwitd learned that she was at to tbe h&" and tie- oxerct§e, 4c.'! In than'k-int .Ypi No, at a He sits down quietly and at re in rge crowds are home Mand not Wj­d to di, d -large and - mY P r 0 -k-,nr be om ir o 0 ez we to Odd, e whadd the people he bria to deal with 0 Armed for the reasion, stealthily on the ty e kind and die. �';TTh aaud ijr Y OnPihO Vid4eeded to -No. f6A1_ and t ee ere to carry out his __w ac Lted a passport to th,. of. deadly purpose t-hiii go I pers are doirg tbei best to accom. #e Bag, Floor il bY seekin- -"d P-spon & Wam. ghe day tin '2 lot of littL- petty crj�� and temporary homes in Oderich. Our e 80 1391 Prince-strect, tb price, Fifty ill place eu�j 9 'of -T:�Zr esmPc tit without any djfficul� using hotel -k GookSTORIES Wi­ A few moment& afte of all. it numba Of mWerable =bterfues m r gain Odate thew. titT -4 _Ivr,� L and e witid and body, and 6y'ibility q -Ja one for win- f'QA-,M Per 32 Tia - TA# 44 ­ -, , 2,. -Per apt ment; atiOn to take m7 own part, aud defend my 4811 - T4s 4101stfs. of thol house rushed to the tin I obtained V in; access to her room, a shriek wa.9 heard. He 0o0tJ"udo&" ;an bAftUeX6;%�4%as dtlib I upon tb' ft took about I _Gibbo!W, ne- tanre� and we Jourwy- CIO 00 famously, and another lVge half -yearly her bended kuqea before the prisoner. cessity, for it iiiises. Again: -1 The go V usly denominata, She md home at, coitidlo - 'V `weie tfiiy, 4*'the -diceasold-, oil To the Etlethur 014he Huron S1 al. the di, brew WOOk- for n- work OFAUM&I Imy those whoj1j_'Jjfa6__ Wlfi!ither!1414i�07-cr Ventalb-Ifthe A6 ed the free and ittel. dividend a sure. Oa d es&y 1j.&j W04 m ts-- bra 'of 'For the love you have for tie -and your tin our" in To urns­to�---jj gen. I Ligent eloWrs ad "_Ueet"9 with 00 delays or dso. w�" begging for mercy at his hands, saying : ttihi4�i6i,.T_6 W4�4,j�pdshid he *as &GPPO*--YOD -ere indeed fortunate inthst and az Pearl# 1114 -Rug" an P IftymV 081i, wpr� procft&, he Twooce Mother; .04, 1 Jeremiah 1. Si wid )a now- existed Lid mid IYA 1111,8400 To a �Isib I _0 . rprw In uron my , -bqt4 had!�beea- forrae-1 -Ova IdS tdcoM of his n 0 notjltllll-we�x am not seeking -t .00 ed tbe tao 11 ad met W with ly public ve in your bi "d 'D-' "ch "keP-t C" 16'*e are 06090ligis6it before them, laughs w c y�oa obtaitied your prepared ),a-4 _J n is no doubt whatever Ok$U Gr"t Public. attempt to ichaephs"I Idomail y. As alpPe"i "regvesl­ rized whin'l bard of th i be -ri -ikd 'Cat er �06-16nd R appose the commandact 24 witjsa�w a a ping Miq h W'bft:d My GAZO Si4oci ded with that Of He'is the wQrSt If Only fear **"hi.WfliUdiW0Vered, and lecture on thatcc&BiO lenroo*_ -parik, 04r &11�lhano whlom I will CZPO"- Ore he galin the butiftok'ber blueb 1bWgt1&-- no� L od turA- Out "qifv�Aor way gave the out squire is expected. . ceased said nothing in npl, _41le ro ottle tharhas saj, ,)nd gazed idjolort Who's favowavote tho e=perOI7 -in c"044.908L 011ie- Sh _h United'Aher T matio 17 OMP -w teve, tboymppowd I was c 0 - hVrV 023 the Atmp Tfte� OUM9 bat, two orue, W t ra'ilwiy bi bi - IV4"*at Alexis procurwif our _W _Nrt)rl# 4"aw. .7liader may 9dir ht 's- AH VerY locist6d_ ifiemselvegpear one t gr fouport. W Yott use 4 9 way, *tit V Say; ml 'APO IF Wa 1451 won but station#. Thoy-_�wat. lhp)r Omer 1,11A40 purpose ofdestbi aiiwiltili� to, F4rtalwe rar 'row -was it nwr 0, bi ld',* MoMeAtp evea,�'tQ` give bfoath it a U tbe wid 4111 th�-iw any diturbsues. 4bot his- fitt 6ii 1 6 -4 L ­Jf - t bWdw yllq-y lto, e la. _V yowea-, agowd to alty, w4rmphlaf M aid u- to. -An, 04 1i thi It p oi�f -tice Irl or 101 low fl the -Di U, U - la Jim two ladw* OaM kW M#M FC4. of Ig oiij� Q P psmef�� ralty'An IR& qrj, Vnited bft,�c n 3 lit -A,y OW&W T's - 1 -4 7 b he, it ll, 102,4ho P-6 yoff slappoiwu -h at 0 eb died 4- -14 6 -46 to M400 no bl' fur gir. 'Order Itm.',f *too ftrately'-An& "dolle uw- I Mont 35441 0 -A0019AX be sy wid.outill c" ro 4 vnUV90* Owum aura-,tiod didd& d 0minr home' on"U@W . y at" IV Y, tht Duch womai' 44140 ter 01,; %belt 911ftnI13112 ~'Aftt ff '"M49481t and J'ObWA, to - tpit,, 6T 4 w -Now- tPwoul 4 v! -1with do& In t e :aao, of ra ant 00aiQ414 -AU 1, �f We "Sk� 04 1W-Arpm, t6,e Met& he(mccop,uao was d -4 d . __ F __ tg--* we;* ndl "T OX aw"o iW mur tVVVW Ka^ a WJ 10' lVA10 WAY to 11dViek, -ban; r 6u, - ih au ere man? lit liiVi out 'to ordroit 0 ft*166� ] . _ - Jn- u ik zz!J A T!.- ­pin -7, "of 15 runs. Quebec from Haltf.., Quoti,ec harhnr for a ts Toroc,.ed to Neir York Honry 11'ard Beel, nr,lnlon of the New Ills Sermon or) -Sunday Chulch, tie s;id it go, than gre�t-rjehej. �Vj profligaey of the courts arid said thit it , yua, in them, it wruld spptn� %vith his Purse it, Li, h, corrupt ju i;!,.K a,,d Qf The jUj­' ,;, 'V ( f ."hlclj Stiflk�, IL�e S The law was an . honorc was timost a dis2,raee f, bench in \'ew York. sold J*uslice ; they iv,�q they so'd the sanctity 'Went on in this strain a then PAid �ii resnectj 1, lature, of whc m , he Sat half a duzs4i men who STICANGE, H E'ver) 3 -ting 1"Yand g,t�Lj caii hear aoinetainq very v #'-to - Mali K�e .1 glglWd. ot,llp� hv no: -4-191-40 Tf] ERELOns or A (iciatlemam whosuLrerea f Debillir. Prerawore of -11: for the gal, Gen'l free TO 811 wtw ueed e vt� V al, 'tie lh� -imple remed) t,% w e,er. -txb;,tg t. pmfil t,) cAut d-, bo by "rcs,,g No. 13. CizWL WHISKERS Dr. L. 0. filo,.rTez, tilatut in ttke w�,,4d. vrill tort, t-W,iMs to grow ()a the smoc ricver known to tall. - to ativ onr dMron. (if tesung- RFEV'Es & CO. 71% Fa eu --el (No kwrs taken on ". pn rF0 CONSUMP Theadc-enmer. IffrLq e wvveeks bya very go.,mp.,e n!�M ered f- several ye_ with a seve hat dmad disease. (31005111n,141"n- 'Ll-1- his fllo�-tonffere" the tr F0 fill Who d�jre'l 12C W-721,�ezrj er4`11011 Ube.4d (free of mtkr�e), %vill, I Wulg and 11sing the Game- winct L c"" (Or "-V5vMPrl0%. A#TUM*_ 13 C01 -13L. Aud &1A Throw alld 1,=9 A sending : t ir be$ The affficted. and spread -1 coneemee t. b, ,Q..14e. and tie J wil! try bra restiedy. otAil wLii c�&, ulor Wove a t2emnrg. l"Im- wmhtug the prescription. I Will pl-ase Addre" Rev. VD TVAPE Kn.-q To the Free & pendent Elect South Riding GEXTLEXEA': Having received the nation, at the Convention I Chaton. fbr the Representati ing in the Canadian Itouse o having accepted that nomins in the field -Candidate for -trustine-to a liberal " ge" 1�you bands. As the Ueetidus will no� it talk� place for e3me months, mauvass would be ivexpedmot kne of theocantebt mzLy I hc meentill C. you., gevtlemen� your inames from Such req, inow being inddstrious, Jy- or Riding (a moat ri Briu'sb Pr3 ihat I hope WMITierquelvatt 13'ecturs-who prizes, f i1r. f,1 46Lble coutest far above- and I temporary political irimp'h- Vill refha7in frem pleidging it" AUPP04 1U My JOPPODEUt. 49ALE ;Kad throiirloat tb -i e toa;eo. I !Dppp�rjtmitS, befm you. pt aai Ito face, explairin; ftly views a !12Y Pri�lm and yatiphall h Portunity 01 du , -tw -, - us J - - gins �bf, 4nalifi.cations for the 14A. trt yx`!�Hhsiaft Xoanii&e, i Uve tb�g bouel You r m- a al ob e Tie n lo4erich. M-arib ItIb. 186-,. LUCK" LD &.N ST "wrig 4-r i;pde&h 4M WA 61;el 4afted-op,07th i*w mmerml "Veners. XlUve I a 11141- 241, 1 S67. tw F= P's ,T!o Witt Wk"ut of Her 1Wsjwv%- 49,-mr In w4a ^pg. IWAFW - 'A 4W sr, C F9 & , 4k AR T.06 AD A. 4 X_ oT i "ic V, J,