HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi Weekly Signal, 1867-08-09, Page 21 l W V,7
Istria sildle-vil'71 11firtallaerfe. GlICAT V iGLIS
ce'I'l-11E Ilil,100M 0 U 4 C
tival. the t, t f,*1 rills 11 city IlivIl v lw;ir '0 rallicl
A Aererlille 1.
IL,91111 lively
;s, IT I R. 'r
41,VIA. lb r ale Pill
ave L ltei�� -M
It 4A rat -i I Cole
4 It i'A '114 Ike Ell, rof VxPf-(-t,,d 10 re.
tit or J.'v I'l ll,e
nontlis 1* -.0 ., 'rujis IMITIC(l u4rv4, ..I h
I'm I - I� I . - ii * Agicideuts see") to be Of Ge*f Ilrn f- Ili P-i -i ill A %-,k' At VIIn dairs.
I 'It -ii �Wd 11, -l.. %sllca T. -I
a lie, **lot _�j A4.- 1 3 -the L 'r (1, Ilp- Ill D J) -i
MAluting I` � 41a r�t,. vi�i a- %, a
I witaffich it.! %%,4"., 1 whel . Nl'. list%.-. joust -any pill I m t ed FC
eph In A -M %N I,lTyItlIRY.CrT TO
no llltll*' -y IV d stin" ols"
I ip
lit- it M45 giviug alm thi* - , I , - - fj
all, - . , N - widi'deVOW bimifelf %% it), "Ica so, Qjf;,f;i.
t". I be fleca-thshin-0, 11hrat a:Ld senpc ly. 4 day Vas,sex 1. 1 I.,.d I- all I, hoad or tile
lie b6irtilint IvrositedU ot. so oalled—is to j,(`Jw-a days, d I%101�pmellt of the I tilt' ad
J if IlIvre, if its a Pat ty pill.,
tit t I N! i�)tl TWA!- him, �tran,l ii rnaintry a,
lithrypiat are, -0V & -be tcA6-& "'M 411 places a4d 0 all h ,tit! n to "ell"tra 'tM mfri: I I ri 1 L: - 1, 1,
r 4 ". ,I% __1 , -C on buetit&ss, nit'd is 14144 not 'generally I our.%.- �jljjt j%,- ot c:Oled art, -14.f I'li 'A wr -'siring gorre
IT. K wt v1:6 r eni lIa; % . (, : V I!, Is]
u., Land is bW up tul ct, d. 1. i t " .-. Tbil In%
"A 4 t, tz 1, - - " I - -c IT, -ts of 1:'JuIll, Uri C(,u!jtald.V I I eg Il i ;:I t, 111:� 'Ilwirtfle (If tire Rharnefulf
.4howerwAsimt,hill" ofJon'o a-9 lu $-19010 M, - Lt' fill 11,01n Mr. H:oii al)fuut fly; Ile is very iv,�111:11-t llowe'ver, ill Itis offit eidwr tioii tilt' Us I. at 1, 1. . _. 11
off A., ,
uwiie tilt! (-,.I, r,- A. "-re 1h,
t if ill, rRr;;A*drN I 1A Haiti or silo -1. on tiv, part V. 4 C Whatever jowbicto
it it(" I party n!16,1t,fi to a I( It("' At 9 o*clock h- .1 - ;_!, :;�f 1.4 "We j I
'A U 'ars -th-11 rl;ill I We tit lilliq !I,] II.N "I It t 'N IT,! u�,I:ttwmd (if Jiarvi�deift eans'e"
iu.sk! I..I%C if Co. 1. 1 It TO nme th
st.0113 " I and lil�, 'ete"Mit COOP-- I ind�; bi-Tui Wad.- -
5 11 -.1 hat Ivit-irt, thiki it Mr. Halit' 11;'d , C� I I- -ion i;tafioll- hi4 personal jind S;f'Pc;ed%
"h, A L: i lit'
it, %: IL - ka Lh V still I iCtA 1111iVe 11411 1 "nother bwi,'Wri a,-c:Jt-tjl, wl'; 1, took
fill, C,�"Liet Ill, nilo lit, could ,gt,d mt., ly of tire
all TO
1 a
'I lit ci III -1 0.1u, ta 11141. ut 0)"t C,Itifi�oatvtl Inansion c"I'llk'r 0 (�11131 ;a, beyond
.�ly, oil Ill"141.1" 101i"I'VIA of (;!!
qI t w', 'i ( .:,.
fl. fir lb fps pe'll
:4 'it) Intl naii Ila I I I I,Fr lj'k arvr, si!i-r 0,Nciil fitill, it
NO , 1. 1% - t I I. w. lit 1,) ror,e If) coitfer witllt
P.,la ;111,1 Fail wit V lorill -now (PI.Icill 4111,11 Iiiii! -1 sit 1' 11 le
Now III r, i!lie I I 11iv . - q. ul:"Illsts as to the twring Oil
vi f it,#- G. W. H.
Ili.; cliargv.; us per np*l-,-tliL-1,t- a 1110". :..1
Ill lwforo 1-0:11" 1,:' C'. tT Or liberwing Ireland
:it . I;I0II_1'I I %. I
v; u'I'A :111 1 it J ('11 it 1.611: down't'll if;, . . Whilt -*I, fisasell'
CIT. all� Ir :11 sisiell ab(,ut niefl-sr- f"Atf.".. Wid IlIt'. I'l,niat's in ers'leat
ill( III. Ltl, airl Ila. tirfeits.
lil". ly 1,. Jay ItI.L; %las tn'. fr fin the et-
-T,t 'y
I VI dra�_oon iientl wit -11 drawit E.ibl'e tell tn.
V 14, -%fr -!In i of hun Hnitv, W.1'.0hat lit. 11114 IL fr
P1Jk;, of,( icn, rally accolill., -1 :1 fit( III
lt�l:i".! IT. ilia �J 1 uka; IT -I I Tr Inull I Pf-I U.1" �!Isslflf 11. It 1� a'so said thnt
'))I, I It U-1.) 7 1., ti, ail I., - 1 1. !.;"If his' a 6f Dubbit.
it i4q)-; iLl".1
Ity ()tic 4 ft. life ai fir( fit-, z'd, IA I!, If, s iwz!urrd the coil
w.. d a Ito, .1 ill 1, :01 1 1
I a It a a J't L 1; 9: 1"." alli liallpfillitig, 'o the
t list ed, ;Illd I'll W',,, IT d Ili "wiliw. 'Oil
U, 'O' b L; If ts I n.; est�ll, il . .. ( :. ;I; ,,, r t -':::if tilit -n-(-n the Furcapreasit
1, is I luile briu- NVI 10 C L, t I ff ji t I is. , - .. 1
r . 0 0 a " L:; *11 lit," I'll 11, t. it ." 1, 1 .
4 it v fair lr:Ph ind"art.
co"Ill't lit
C'!'L i: i'l ' !!I 11;` "'' : V - -If
:1 d I fl1o. tat the III'lit-Iry hi.11I.- t ic" -V oil I!,,-- of lit r. A!'tf r a
x- j cir '' I . I .1i'd
:L',zo t'fjt f.f�j jL 4 1!, ri( III—' "oil if,IjaI,le conflDgen. the 6ack
i i it, 11 laxei! Ivith t!.i- nliswer rl,-iifrd d 1,:L- �; ,
k� 1p� IT. h I \,., rs corni-r (T Cmiq) � JIT "' ' q'VAl"'11
;r,66ve tile hope. OL,C Of 16C t*C 111;4 uits bo -Ill' -se Clo (,:i.;eCt f'r.wLIVI, 1, with Big.
'til, is dj It j:.di -all- he had mied tit at c.:, 'Ii ',a'. (,:if arid tattle will, ilia rb- I; -
far - I )f I r -q I it. U,It-i T-1 Lut I"wiv 1%, 1 - -1 the I I; L, f p( race
Me IN IA if sat 7 i, -.j 9 �llenll I V, but ti)Id me th layt-tte '-ptaro. I ft, ne Philip atte '(Is to Whill elit'j,oly 7olle. Lit. IT I fall; ii-pri6a tile andw ruran .1 if A % C
...... . ....... It 'is t _i I. at Wid - IT, wi-ti I.A tot) late for that . 1 .1, and I I ow C"'uUs r. . :11 Vf .:I] I,( Is
i jt..te, civil t A i file nj� 'I " " do in,
flik If,, le L[I'l th"'Ll it W�.S atid-licsp-itclit-, the 101c ;I aril rd ;1. bf "I:j Lt.- -I h, rl!.i if,,- 1:,;A of reniffin. ful ret"eif),
it 1. k.0.- at �v. or all 1-11, 11 C
tjta tit: 4"! 'e foliwl till rall
t:lllr file tile tial'i id-ty 1110111ID41 IV; 1.1 iho time arid I "'
F rt', itl Vey e slovoled to Islas. L I whit )-1`0 Iseult recently Flat in
in n If military nlf.irf IT l,,rui-i MA "I'd "'1tou a cut? ilj�- driver b:l%v jrjjj�L a 1�
......... ................... all !I,f- it, is - .-y (.1 Prehid-;.l. It w I
wt It I- arise -ts-'
L A bri4flilig !rlyrtl tl,;It JIl'.'I" %kT,I1(7erfLI - ca"'Reities BE a gole aLzen,
I I., on flat, I rack rt
tas grer-t fail y f he.6t. that lie %%t-u'd ri. ittit mp t p Ili rIlF ulload I)i' 1111-i of :1 h: 'h"I l'i'd 11"Wer vilaratti.r. I
'filt! IT: it!,; .4 we, e� 'lut ( , 'T� 1--e-
a ,K, C, lit tl,.-i e h:,; cf tertiii.niell
........ I tol.- (i!hcr'dv.,.r of entrane-, till! any (I -l', 1 11; ' ;tr,,j iiiitpi-, a all around Vim sith the
"writ t !i.t I - i in � - I . ()If goin" LA almoit titip6ar".,L x
."If,clit-11 11 1 -.1 - they di- J
inini, �nt,,,I) tin c, 0 Ill pja(:c
a ......... ......... i.ever eit in -i IA'. .1. Vk is 1;;:) "An" (,f rp cridour it i,; it, of Aer 1C. V`6
'ter iliRt, I Was , tity of mounted oi-derli,�! "ClilUil's I I n J: lit fail, 7" 2
iiisie,; fI)r it fit b% I,. t4 tile I hT,LFe w; s fr
0r liot.i,;ll Its, to say 11
one E
tI� 1). I:Ll:tCd JLI-l'';1 .
.. \ i i .-ill It) un -1 oi-dcri. 'e- 1:1-0, 1 11, ;j!ljI l(LjjUVUd t) FL I, I (a :.fill L` '11F, it sat I
NU, ,, Ili. :4, -
Cf, twitting
1,1-1 Is 1 1, ;4 d inatit.fer, arid li*,�
virar to Ill fury c11IN Al ,* 'sc
Ont -O!" 11we of J1141i( )'I t*0
hitra sent Worst hae'c to Illo H
ul!�'.(! was tiff! Ill"ll k.
r ic ca r %N a I
ts rr"Ill IT
101 -1 i t7i Ili
I vric�-. A Irind jIV III file ehn!c
"el:ainl 14,bi. �wl,-Lojh 0( ullon) It.. I fill,. alfl.Lr lisbaut 111roo %Lals or f, I! Ill IA] in JL�4 0 it
If ei '1111i 10. 41 - t Vill 1;, :V VV: I Ill' 'd,.c �.I: a I! the I
I Iw Poll I c'erl, I I (I. lilld private nattirc, �,I,o (X. t I .;I, 21t, Saw 1 a
I f Elie I! e ;,wly
it V kV
L it �i ii i I I I el,ar,��, I' I I ed N;,rs old. tilt,- I'lill O:kA rii?!I*;V Seat
cd L% - I I
-a �j ., It if it & the Jacts. I Aug, 8, 186 7. --`1 v J. f
�n I C. i�n Ila 1)0:iteiy ai 1 ct,u:,A- IjQga,.,, %4" l:4,1i illfwtl t tire Lit, %M 4u tile I.trid-id Es -
A -e li,1411f.is " r%%Ll
I" 1:1"W -but Ila I ul.l ge�vr�dlj quillwarity dctl 1 t -tly
"aI V. ir& rLit-iII10
__.Tdw`1M - ', Lr � urf, J % it Ila fair nnrn I L -I rar niI,in- ere slj,)i tats[ti Court, BrId Via-. Marvey Wad'413 3-i:iii %Vjwit .. . . . . .. . . 1:15 (q, 1;22 wous
Ilia 1'� I,. M r ff 'Vi If-
I n co!11, it a deran C 1. ::,fT
itlsti:v 1.16 It-,Itolous cf Its Is H act;
it A lvi-h -Ili 1 1).(' t;ikirn to the 11, ti!ared the rill clialreer, 'ail ............ It. low,
d ;1:.s. If I t! et tit 1. 1 ;ul �i:i w� - t aw the"I.
t' I � " is If,!5zpi!:IL lit we s -if I Ito) lavilt.
r IL)I:;I,: tiff v 1.1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0: zoo l,"4 0:00
wc. 1,L. wLirfj,Lrs Ili c ytillywr . . . . . . . . . . .... . . . . I It
SIM71) fl.al 1. 1 I-Pid Tf ovolwl nfte rill: .,!I lit 't 00:0
I lk k r %N;' k.' t .1 11A 130C Gorja it 1:(;;i) 'I J,e
Tv,)U,%l Cl I" Ile Ia 1. Q x t. -4 -A I i fit, .1'.11 ulti- 50 O:bft
. . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . .
01.41, ail T%a 11
r. (,d -
L 111i trut, It :4 Ili
s,' tit h, :C, a &acliitt7l).l of ific f1cectri lnl;,t(!Iy it Aa--, arinourie011 its tile fashionable I cas . . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . . o:ro 0:00
\'.!I, if I ml j IJIII C,t, lit Io o_
1; - I , -nt
e,111" Ilk! 4.1. it Ole not (I,, nir(
*iiclin, d to curl ; btauk
I I I I. ... 4:00 0.001
It' lit' 'Ard' 1 II-Ill'in Pllr:s that. MT. lifieT I. . . . . .. . . . . .. . .
Q I', z I. ..... t !I,,- I I-. I 1..IL1 U%. nt�lfiznnve ofthn I
the -old exc;tviiient ill iljk, vX(:vIlt
ill 1110il %!ad ahalf I( N�,,Iqjre 6ad It -,It 1,�, A it for a miort cA t . . . . . . . . . . . r; (10 6:50 Amonig, the m
V C u, - ell W 01i.i. 1, 111,14 th-' 6,1... C k I,oiAs V, r - r, r
Nt. It 'd fur sime tinic, t1w fl:ver %%her a Ile %%;I. ri-quirlk] I I dt-!t en) .......... 1 ,50 0,06
I A lit 1. -1 t. - 7 J1. L� and one in* %be vi,;t to Itai. 0;00 C;ANADl.1_% PAIN J)L--;T::07i i ;l
al : if a IV . I
vk I.- A L-1 has heti:- any 'A ILY I !struitj�-Ll- 1'.4, Ili .;k;t tilt o Lit but i!lstv: I u's I I will (-,Lse- 13t uur . . . . . . .. . . .. . . I. . . 0: 12 12 641
a qi,t:.It tl�� i:1 a-, groat as .(vor al Illoillicale -,I � : i
Be -',, - -3-" 1 Ali about 5 rectis
11 it ! I . still:o-w-51,; . I _,rey ; hei, .. . . . . . . . . . we :l 11
"t, the a*ll,o.*A Ill I an L-7 It . . . . 0 50 0.0 As a Farntly
,r vdi:01 I.. t �A 4u 'III it .-M. l0,,!.jjLl" l"Jar IV( I La. imlice V:_,; I- 'I &nawn.reI,e'Ingth,,q&jn,.
!, Wl - - r`u:7 trisitspiFf.a.] thut this rtlterpflq�n, o. . . .. . . . . .. 430 0:00
%,L LLJ-, �'�j V a� I.ri L4 V, 11 tU; L I'S tilcisial, buill 00t',Iifl� V
C ; *Jide, flacl, an -I
c!'k j V. 6 1 IT b lwali iaut 1:11.ely t,) r( ;urta Ito Ilia? ( val"Ll TV which it,,, n( t, R% 10:00'
.11.1ke ru'! .`k Lit rre
v\-:1 I n re Ina n of c,lp, t.", an uo' I, -;;t t 'Is . . . . . . . . F':00
lie: IT: CIdt Ill it '% r J ;,;.al -drab cout. br.)wivsli
I I.,, -%, _� �j L::.i I z. n7ilin, ..-,I
c I W r at whot, sine" the plicilinx of, the lit, 4-fiviat'., arid ]nafty (if t . . .. . . . . 0:0R 0:10*
L C -Ur i. ;I'. I irbu 11 . 1) V.," tat st, 'I
I cri, r V, I" -!l is Cnole" - -
h-3v&,(.Cnrl(: to C al -
in uhn In "If, . . . . . .. . . . . . . . fo: 2 0 0:2' pie, a is,, Hij rc I,
al 1. alld thei asl.lv IIIR'I,! try I.T. 11
bilt ll:LVL I vc,lv( d ' ' - %% :111- , . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . CM 0:40
lbf� little, tariff. If. ',401A.d I),--
.41 Lei I's Itirn file its v.-fluip'etely -s to 1113 0.20 O:2Y NAMAN VAIN
W 11 US Z.; Ji i C :.z . ., !.' it. rn I.)
�.j 11 !.Ilia )Vy,kkiff, lit Nt Yu; fe. Ilia e(IL't W . . . . . . . . .
Ia n: -e t:ikitl., h tip, :aLj:
lt'f C!; v I The CA'
It: it . : :15 1" ITJ6, arid I I. sigi,k was oil, -I I 1,,r, file pi;! art
U i If IV h� now been )e
w, I,ur 0_1 L L:- t ry rt�o'l (if lan'l Vital (..k:l bt, 1,�i,l ill I, coijIi citirtird 111:tou U IV 6. 1.4 n-
11111 it wt '00l'i lill.t. C"L!'I 1.0 1. , _-z- .— , AuZ. 7, 1867 jsad wberever u-'eirl
x.:(. i. it III I
1� Vi al 1, s V ',:t
". I colice,' . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . 1-35 1:45
11 Ii,lu Y, "i lie Nol-111-Islavirtst.
h:- nmrv, or at3y
M11 kill tile .111 .;lT'7I,_,I I . . Fal
T"r I lie t! e lev.111--n a,! it I, lit, limml.s used. an,] We I,avoi, r,
.! , a 1) !.L Ia. fr 1, 1, Whrat ............. 1:20 1i:30'
IT- ;: - :.; 1. ;ii,,- 7 -,1 ;1-1, 1 ;,rill- d
I - Cf,! . -
T1 cy III 1-r nero, which jr1ce i:, Ili, i.,(I if tile I'Uttvl'i Yx:d ::�zl ni"'it, P tam
says: -Il We u -i- Fl!our er Iji,l . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7:00 "00:00 been properx f,.!iov ed 1,,ii. ox rn..-
Is I I, f I'l IC2 (it' i Ilid -ill M ililloc- file :1-l"Vis Fr e 11re.-,s
I I - illtvutiou Of' the 11aperiiAl I Oats - Hilea will, ila�
w - - I, �, 1 6! 1, .: ' ' ' _' - ' ' ' '. . . . . . 0:40 (�qI, 0:45
t a k i th (I j.tatid tile
*11 Dial �Iueb ZhIl 1:t
'n ',(I lay Mr. AVyek )ff, in -N'cw YIti!- I I fit the Nor tit. West territory i I'lea . . . . . . . 0:60
e sv,i, Ili 4 103FI., Ill a 10 1"
I- IJ.". N. I I, if r .'ony IT 'I Lit. it! a strin which Pot.;t-t-, hush t . . . . . . . . . 0:40, " O:OW
I I J; Y 'j, I 11: S 1,
jtk" 'r d I -LA . '. its OfOW fa-ggtlesl Lem,* it:
h.Lv it i I I I S 1 1 1.:!:(
t it loll in hav,- c,,rtuiwv dc. ;r *Lt. tin wli
.1111 his - Ill Welipeak- front riil)ererl�e
,I, ail it!, a r, -1 tiv! so"I I i. -.ter I-er lb . . . I. . . . . 0:13 0:14 flig temed it thorotj,�tiiv. and t1ferr t
t a, I a. I tIllim now but call VUU CX I)CL I. I Ia fir .1 rill, V d e bnl talgetilly efill-rd for, I
I , Ive 1 6,; ().
t I IN,) I t, 1 1, t., If ra t c isito witicx;m n E, g, -I- (14-Z . . . . . . . 0:09 90.
T. :,-1 1. V�-r G oubt t'l 4, 1.; ,1 nari,�t:wcen viii-il. fit is, 4! . Itle c0ltlj)L,�
....... 11re ftuffering Inin,
q 1' 1, Tit Furk f
I; It g. 1,kre it cur very dor.l. -
A. (tile -v 0�4. I We have U6 1 NI tItt )II IW7 lib . . . . .. . . . . . . 0:06 sit 0:70 'Which 11 1� rcconlri.ell4et, M0
n -, 1,--q th ill . I ( tI.( lilt ill s; ft L *': '!' & 11 1 -1 4, 11'. us
TIT, as I 1'�I: lIX I","! f,11t, O -Lt lie %I * , I sat , % . 06
is it I All tv, irr's 1. v tilt. Is 0-01
ft 11 - I s -t4 It LT,, r r tl, * (,rill jil-i LY ft: i w ovvil l"- w:jy� ti,),h(.d up(it., tLe qualbutin us Otte tat" jwl�j fl . ........ being a :�ovklrel,
'al I. t1a vs are ILK g� 3, un, I I':Ie 1'e;l"411d h') 'Jil I IT, :at, I inern] cou trics i, C
Ist -A I L ZAT!, TL 1;(::, al "reltiest, Lt,-r!"t , for this reason , it Wot,,' p r ;1) ........ 0:26 11 0:2R- W t set Ctianad i
11 be aitor fish ino cl%,
L); ;-tit -.:,It Ia A%: 1), 1. till f..r W�i
N latectation ofthe moslItsat Its lk. 10 11 is evEl. r,% t. ale to for til, a g, vat nut t!jern nation fLy, Iter . .............. 07-00 -07,:?-& -u'
%,,71,1 (Ile
i!l I; I arid 1-11L. QI d ill r rn;; Tile
slut., 14"Nilig lit"ellusizi I rt'-AWIIII*-n'led- all' 'Is
It dallatled
L. Ise Qx -L...i at. illl� :1 1 u,. Pir!i tin -�it :A: s s'veiti; Tit-, t..r t h c re I I :if III- lell RIMI bu t
A.) ijew diicov,�riofthave b- ntut Ili, Ilse Dutllil;iaall ol -;rItv;H, we Mu:;l. juring the tonsuring ramlI, 01 fitte"Taillaij-411
Tn - A I I m Ill.. _ x 1,:w
r IT j n nc, Is '�:n! r r') 3!L ti Z a 1wrio-1, %I al,! L: e slid uiv t. dj tr,,j (in you r If alluA'. i tjl,.tvkli;e I( ritid
A all the mints opariel Irst year alld I.I. i:m Mitering Nervous A fleet actints. euttlte it U
Y u! i.! ad 'J I I y )st obAxiii Ia.- IT 1, 1 V 1% 1 1 ill I I its �s Ill( ifissark in the livt ,, rentTedies for these corat
It usul-lis I'lls'sa
"t �tr a.- LCC!l f"1111 1 0 bu '.,I C.0 Pacific, Uith the Ito;( . it) Ing fit from Mciw-ne fh-i
cr. r..14' I it P
I e -,-r t -:c u'irl L:ad i!i Ell (Jardscrs are com
IAXP 'ht� ILWI t -_!v lit'll, IT,,- or! ttik,.n ill 1104 1 si'Iccit !y 11;fLt,k- ILL. Loid %I;.yf,r, b"C". go fa.ztt ill o.eas-c- dtys i an parts o(the couni ry J. -r furl f-er -tl;,j- I-
-1-0 CO_M41L 11 =IXES. Lt. ut, ri I -a �ar. j
Ill I-:,, t., e r t.) olir
cf suial:
-I-,. c: d I. -A ILII.: lalun6 (A Ilse �,Icat Awl if We I by litntly !�itjrfj he-ef, ell, Ifying as to I
fr, -tit tit- stirface,_ ;,It at"' 111"; (""1" 1 vlt:Ii, r I btrt suraired to health to v
-sv -el --r
u v d as `I_
(it . car vinsit n Tin Ft
tiou ,:, I'llit'ri !111,11 itnil AN... ill t'IL (!.,I it,.: uy L itill,
-e r.1 I nerf
-78 L . I:.- -,! .:T cf a ewwecks is% 2 ery pie rf�raraedy W. h.
I;jc Ifurvil valtlu !'join ;�IG to 6Z 0 0 per tot,, V.i,li 11"o v. -I-.1", be CaripAi
is -wrraily4paro withsarfac� anargafeedolFifind All I
wt. [,!-if, ns P. immea.ste relief.
e oraer a"d u- T and lk
C t'Ve JA !,)!I I it ve [1,, 11 ft ,Ili V al!- A t',,n,,u-npIioii-18 114MMS to 9[kAgV
isi, e Its -I v 7- W 2 0 1 t 1:(�;717, d IJ Voj, uh.t a X, ca,ldny�- Itith 3 1 ';1. cuouga ,�ilvvr in it to p-iy Is
5 ;a. I aa� .. '. - I i,- Q Irr it; I I 'witIpsItut it Bric- Once Tty.eg
lip Ame"I'al'Is are. 'I :X N 41 -.1! d T4.4.4)XTO.- 1110 ettaWa nif-plis Ofelar".
1,11 .%a j:j A In r? -
to, if Vi %I. I! ; it. Ili- lig,if -111 a early of thaii, prf,-P- tee only 9:) -ITIS Per illoTtiv.
1MIAA1_ I . 17 )f tits, I' I I r. 1 a 111 S (ftIe ofef.:T-g -1. witit the khreeirtiours fortare-
S -:Ii j All orderils ir-hould fw raddre,
a. ;ed 4z lf-i s,.mrze a �74, Vs n 0 V, C Ell"Il,�I 11; Voll. ,&vc t wo I I,
I�tt: *a tlu,� I&IL!iI er re;0v I-) bit it ill c.t!d-!ie, very Ileariv CIIP tar i'.:r 0:`1 'It scl t I.: b Als Ur jilrd 6 - J2 I fill, tiulvvy branch of the jktkimg sswl i.g we ina.e. which th4-y will find a 8=111;
- 1.,l AIT 6K
;;II I are e. MMTH LTM A!
- ll'� will olli,,r It s� cf 10111 A. PC C*IIM fit. ClnrOlO, N, ewrj -1 fe ! C .
L 1 11-1 Ill.' A S. -ace 11 fAllareAffeettants. Theonly
X ("t 111ark, I-- Tf 1;;.il, M t'it: - :1 ., " _qj,ji,-j 1), -pat iuvift, U. C., leavies t6is
h I, is; ta 1 -5 tj �_ r� " : 11-i. j . ;,e c i;I V:ew :11 %i i. t t
t I y,;ur z tal 11 fri'll ill., 1, )a I o: I. I v -ft, 1: t ei is f 'j*j,I',,fjj,o 10 orZLWZe 1111C Gitavqml Agent forCII
sa�' e ran . w h) &It t 11'. -e Via 1-�nds Ili; I f, flow C;ir
I r The F- U (I wLw'h I%e w al. art: I) wimi inv ft It In V
mori itati Ilia- "i-IJ11.1 ..I IIT��v.,rl.scrift twaidiairii the Itirescription to tit
a..d re ;An &A:ilie. Our cll!iiT civilells (if o t' I c Ls-- I *. i I arc ii t,, %v to be
A v.3 I al r;) - 1'.c IAV %4_1 the L1. c. - it. i r Ili, s cf mll it sli "It: h-parictil fir (,I-,jwja Laritig I)j., ttrinjelit Of I tit .;-!rit. sliti-11 isprewi inivrajapili4on which he fr, Goderleki ivv I
I tve -Irly", il..T f-ar I e. Ti- Gardis,
Ilaru-scre Ftcre Z's. 411V I wile t:le I.,,cal t7ijpiaal. 11 b k ji.irtian ;
5. ,, � r, -,j, -d v. ab ft will cost theint nothing, and Beni Ila air,, Roge�msarli'lr - J. rtelraraR.F's*
4 Ui S.Ar,-rt�. C.&I be, 1: l). I -ill 10 t f, Qf Mr. J M1:111 to tfl,1�104 'if-. Il.k! wol!: st.o.. M-Tafiew:
Iv 1.-)r Maxial :ijl,-ri,,;!fi; lie
n t1ic da by Law, ali� !uc I t, bit e 6, u I, ; Ili-, oiLer to show aly
-t,!, sz�.c III.: t. it t'; 1 1,1. U C JL
Out t:Ia i ! ..:It - ,� aL(tU*.Y "s,, % p -is- a. 1. e.-T.W.
by f,,' CA? 11
4% :_,c 11:.j h'o o.e oTc.throw a:.d lie Ivis I lar,,� nuln�Lcr of' I ieecF, 1 flirw- w,.is ulz the preezr.ption.villrrby return amp a4zalas 6z jebb, Clsolon: '*,c
i:,'j I;nz., r-. ii. ss,ble. Iry Tits, Lhe balance and ah
4; 1 ", I - - . to 0�jqjjjiFjlj, not "Italy U1111'411,1 .1-Tti,
u!I Ill-' WtIlld nian cl-u-ir, il,ri, a nCW 4LLl1LIr'a'y Las Le- I Ili (-If it, ibairt scitt tit Turoatka,
f Y r X, ej e . . . ik 1), tMVILA-M My ;111(1 1"4 all r. [")r�rsldvd its Ore vt)un, Vitalist;
it X_, .1 -1 arc to bo ,zecn st. I'll; out of l al
4 z;nd in al oil, If a f( -.i; days. ""'RI-mr. M) 1VAqD A. WILSON.
1-ut! a kWu % S had it ucpff I tien for tLe Atut-11cli:IA I. COqlpRr#A- a Knivis (;a.. New York.
I Mille thitcau-,rh pasirsisnonious thrit' elln', of It, Co -ilio- 10�i 1 —4
us. 1 1. . 411,
11�,j-eAlc n't t.1 M..", C."'d I 101IS VL'i-,!. (if gr,113 ,i 1;uro;)c. IhM
10 _Mwju,Lj4n woc!d -his d:ky be securely e t the (ju-irz tit all kalrcc r
roi. tisair-L wale, onsit, here to mke dona mi fru .111, L I F'21' , AT VOT E live,! then -fire, lie sh-ju:4 liv tile l,j_v-S ;,lilt I lit!
ed ,it jLc t*.;ano O.r the L;,)T.D 1-4 T11F fflfilt-_
'I 'u.Net' rr"111 tf z
lit' we cfl�,;!;t tn tiest. tit t-ui -le our J, s6wft;, Of VUr (L.Tud I.111 -t! 40-TH ILNGE., BUT TRUE -
a 110? V 't
cist'-el:i orward sizituass uf�_ t,. T he fsE... I ib tLstr-_, c' . of th I!,; a IT: a Ay wrave' State auon� the (I lar,;- as sm"-ll b LAKios.-A eurreFlioadent informs Us inithe United Sliate
aj pri-hend ILI. out of the rresent coin- al.d P -Lc -r ite s1ji:i pf TI;,L i1c:j I tv oijivis a.:; vrry r,. r,ur lailyand gentleman
ainuxa"n Lit sa 1� a -lit tb.) MW afrair I Ir v,ry nmeb to their advantage by z.
.Air s 4r -ea -L h eit ar,d fl,,, I,-, I rep _1 jIy an ( n, * 3 - -H has b-Irn fatiltil in mIny part
-ant +afrAbiea1i is, t hich are likely'to begot TLI�e who the, a N%!w York, Aug. ci.-The ijofhr., that lf�ar -.-Tn,
w.,-% or eisvxw). by addressaing the Lmd,r
ly-g v;e feel critic)rairurtiable not wbrth $Zia' oulj do pecittl says : Gird -L i
d n v�at Phi ;"ri) mi,�hl "y. -lie W by a "kilitletirm who had I
ji.rd, sa.;ii const,-Jersained fr.-. ir,� start. I ye:.1-s' vxIs'-frionce et dit- gloH di -I as air,
t w re m, v,, so - he
;14 lauti-thc1l ration I? the (Kean Cf butilbu,", an ew.()rlrans _,. 1 1. , h4% false f,-ar. vr iwi-ifr hont'huned wilf
wl.ich b:jve L4vn :.tartt;d re arlity:'t" 111-o lilt: .11 111,41 ill
by ab, iaz 941a of our nei-!;b ;'r4. yet 1 Illation is 17,111. tilt M0.C. a., ...I -i.. All others wall plcat%
C-at'Lu" 1) Accy, ad a Spy. lie was if, r, I hy Of -political Ms.' IL fkcilabs-th"I6, W;h,) have till I in -Vi-trifi-i ani Nc,
-NJ - X:LC. Well to exinline th"e xp��Liirns:sns, a w 'Zcaj-ind.
aLened_l*iaoVA of' G -I!, SL.:ri TitOR. IF.CHAPIMAIV.
at the thre
it A oAf`,L.uvj.c-.L.re mvtJ " ;.,t-tter uf rc.�iAnd_,eiIs Ji4 J of lIse IlittiOn, Ill tilt ir ket-1 ing . . 0 'a
xist, tizi, tual lso u bo b!-Itted out (Tom lilt- I�e dvs*,; Our inrortnalit, staLcis that -the prt-ciousal "t Broadway, New To*.
: flan. 'The r',bels flare'Noichw".
flat Ia -.-,e pay of h" un st .1d if atoi I t.oa Lv ill*- L,.,w C;rsy aut ; it is very ew;y %.Ili) 113VC a CIrio�itY try I'VC " tl* -3
u ill e st; 6- we. if -rcut
u�McatjcnofPirIiam4eQtarve1.-c- t d Isv.ts fitiuld io 14 or 15 diff,
I sio.e hiss Th jq C. I,! Ia, tu Le cut.. ruot of' v%il " in i'6 uoiive state, s'.Oul,l Tl,,c Jlero�crs Cincinnati qwvi 11 ri-INF. , III
who wis-I-1 L,- 1:--' 4� in Ly LLC st sect, taticatiII of , I � �Ip - , If irt-ri tw fll� COUD&Y, -Intl 11:6 believq
_,n L I' tf�,, I urnn:; vrjus Aincric4las be the or of", not -to' ua::y f.)r hat a young inqn, nawfd rArthur J
-e. o cu(nuia fat wr E -.-ppa:arlunity. ETHRORA OP YOUTU. ':z
iz..vvTnu I one what i-duced L.La Ia Tamil i is tic" its acc�_ rap 6IIament.Jet us wish thtlin slicet t:,kI- ativantaTeofthe presca 1 0
.1 ILI t a A j:t 1 ace L.s �p. I hope 1hvr%..!o.v son, liviv, in hio, receiRly there is g,4,J inore. or k -s,% ttiajm4bund 4o is;
'J"'JW5 : i to W;pe 01-t-ILe dwl%,�st nati-In Cliff ZA
saws-ide Olt lip cuam % ilatire Itee if As an, i -,J. Iflunizipai Act of 1666, to be as
Halifliayf.Ch W A Uctitlernan vathwilisuffered'lor r"rx tram NervastargIr
,frolp lits semi, %nd aitakilra-l-d those Hillazi, th Riatfinj of - tLe r(OW-0. V1, 4 -ing Ots bor1". of Argyil and Perth -
V that the M - 1 173
,I a jittle al,
.,as Tile OWLCT t',T cc-ip-nt of rc-nl r7,.'I-?rt ti -at eve.- 1. electors of tilt Soul corili,ssed. to baV11% 11*�Ttature Defray. and all tbe"affects sassfyoui
C"i'l,ty A, 1"rtice, ul I" warraill 1, of olic i lace wl,o,;5'deadr body ww- roull I 1411iftitIl, and all the W -t- from Glon- syne tit i4ttinis,-rcuou. %will 44jr the stake offiffalk-rut -hurantruittv
ur A
itn,:,i-;; tL(:m for rmi.v veals. at r. 1laysi tn ral we ohnelfIa's, ii-tabl? :to the I.Qad oralcli_klive. Ile has als-0 u� al. whoneed-ii the redititseratfuldiesectria wtit
_k th,se I LAf! act'AtAi Dj�- NVU ubsoz�iro eks ap in J Isestarg tile gi,npie reassedy by -Mlif III
-vnlr�,d. anti v -t his never -i--spect, I is e.
I _ erere. Ia profit by fair
I' - -.--d IT, t 'L, 4 L6 Jytich Johnsm fuuta(l, 1.,nd, copper. -iIVGr, aud other ores. su Z z I
�iVijy r., .. .............. Z"11!0 I r
is a I& I SAIA mF h-a"amat simm. e by :;3 prottair-sts, this mearnin Star char -es Mr. Siaclair Tlie-citi;ens. attempte
Ia of ..... ........... . 4410 SUAINLEV. es ea -11craid. rississisil
t, ale ut IsAirs 4XIt-51- 0.3 IUJ I"ItItiii" to crim-!.- Ma Ln!Z.1:7, but 111CIgh eare JnTIA 8. OaDEN.
wi h tvr'Ltitj,,, the ct;itori:113 -ill the 1*� I but he w9f; 1. C!u
I No.11`21. Ch*u1smirilf"Nirisiv, York.
t;,- In if ... f.:,%. fi.c .!!tv a of tile men that u1i'vi- t1liciii. i,,Ue of t Ile V Pa. A
ate h:M_ 'I am I star I" t", e .......... 3ol) e cau i.-iforin 31�. - Harri,bur-- noutst 6.-Fxv I CD
; r, - . - 1t_I.r A th,43 liurf)b " t L`ffl-An itilere.,im, race of carrier Ti,-eoas
�_00 r -in thli
as Mv dy'nz fir I irl.,u'd MA� I Goverrm Vivia a.' Porzk', dlid ii, I
-:i("i C-1 11, Us -yk place bittween- Brussels. arid an I-
11101, reae t1i GtA.1 r)EAP Fi-,chie a! d Carlt) s- 11,13-S tll�lt lie is entirely mistake recen.tly to, W"
IV;% ILI* j orikiin cnfas-d I,ird Raz sr' the rcTiizitttt prop ar 'I"bere is MY u: -J! I Fh. L. 0. MoN-rEz'
city tl,is eveirijii- after a sty)rt illne RIM I
Bt-bi-JLS 14MEtZ ng P" Salis sales is4. 0 1 a 1ttallf:6 orahout nb,,-Ai is. Vff Ismus ! A
o to -.-e tilt cast, rLt:nmerit i,i the is C,,,,- sr so as
lie ]LAS 1::I4cli to luany Other Brusse:z qa: ted the C_-asa. tbirgri y';
it' v4 -u lilAve li) jul Uitich Louis, A,iic. 6. -The ebolifira bas 'at .14 la 2
qu-cilkly ifi�Ltu ificatic.n. the vlsec&I r luttst hir, 'oil g IY; '�e Lmv, if a ,he ft rst usfultt in tau world- -M filree. Whiskersor Noe.
.7 1 N .. '. I r. lille know Who birk.14 at 11:41f past rijbt ca*clucl- %0
in rvircti man, d, s -(,a r, An a tile 0 -ut Ed I k— at.
lb �d I a fat wt it. -s for the i;�n,tl, but - pareres F!'IonH husc wil-e Tud
ill. our _pope zj)'tell at Fort Harker anil vicicity, b Ia hex'iogrow -tin-the smolastbest "It or chmij,
'a the bsp�, ut the. writill'"
t:n t:r -,, r, I on 1,6 list rLvisA A�,4ust ILL; ai.wstriu.ve Of the ga Icne arrived at theroonnof th4L-S.,ciikfyat
I " 1, % s t:;(.-1 tAi a c, ter. an 4.., Lieut. Colonel 'Magill, w never known to fa:
t T, Ili vila eh L4t: vut:,r*.q ti --t i," grn, it; -9 t.t' pf:,Teis, diamafil-�ts ur,d hum 1;- Colo -c ill tit rce honr:%; a third c%ine in a Addrew 0 1116 ti
Ill-, stn", f):, a, 11r.)t be cliar--ed w:thout fjulldati c time ago, ditid, on the t2r)tht uf JUIV I I " .5� 0
a -e to d for On. SOLD - quilt ter of' ar �our liver, arid thz� fourth it. u Co. 78 Na ,all t5t, N. It. Ississill 01
iu s lr *Iuai wirkq- Tiff—
T jsi� I- vra.s .1 - -si a. Y ou ar Is:: IV 64
-paret'. 1.1 th near Fort L3,on or cholera, Dr., A. 111al llanibur,s, half (No letters takriar tunle" pwaa),
a five. Lt,t i,�t a :,c
lato a -'t, Isid iu:l.inz to those who stood It -is bi, en, r, L� .1, be alt._,�jtej by a me of the Dti�r.. Ill, 'Lit ILIT tnitsult,s nft(
x I. ItIVES-1. 1,4juires, United States arnay, -alvsba died of its Sje;ety or C:ub fur tl:e cucoura;cmc it nfl
ku )w, is su;e t,, 'h",),y Your wrallt-4, aj.itt 11 &1
-1 wl ak, W. rat zrp,, have Von al tbir, saine dis6asc, ncar Fort Larued on jili-It art (4 f1in- rr-airi,r pcoiis.
I: !fe du:y of' -,he 1�krlk to pfolari� ti,: is PROVNCIAL'
W! I Illat if [If, i:14,1 i tj I' La:11 gt
-I wa --iion,hcne�, carner,pi �e-j
a T c
w d Mo, us. (�r -1113PAMIC: * 1 .1 1- ' in chillis, it Nye may ewtil;by th
P ' r_,!lL,It.tx it'! - the 29th.
IIIIA1t stiolv, IAA 4114,:I'd t. -Y t Le Is Ott. c,)rrc
-.L;-j r0, anal fi I ..I ich are 1.) be' sent
It ar 11, q.! Is!. A -.o-;: by tile 1;nTI:v . i I,--- rarne, has 120 Ili coniTt, w h
1-1 W tAsL'ir. -t, L. I- I ut I'".1 'to left thL- I`Sitn Franri��Teo, An,--uqt 5. -James A. nattev? sith the Ifirds owned
zI - -. * I se I ... . A turveykig party, wl Je-
tj L;M an )UIII I Lie wiJil s.,tticar." E X 111 RUMN Tit!
ft lc -d with'tw,cl ie - k of t If 7, : y I i,!n,frilrit pretelr1cr. li; ill-- crat, k- 46-Cologut 10
2�,L. *,I. 'It fs. 1 .1, U !if that c;ty ey otli",%r clubs. ',�'hev -i re ta
Is eii, r hi -.r. r OfIce in Marc% last, under 6,� fi�-rcdtidn l3k4iiksv, fqjeakcr of the 114) se of A ss, o m
f&e the twe oy A, .1i_r a Iv I, to V �A . Of THE
'-A a- c;"'e- 11'ffx, tuTr-i'4 xa Mawd.,clury III- t!:( Lit.; I-! li,. j ians 'in Ishrown. irp ilit"tille Zr)o!( #s in Cl Q E
a %orr-a,j. sah, Lit". '.�;r lihe si-Ii-vion'. swhlitst is tit-- T, ro- �:-aj t,f his 0 1 the bly has b"n murd-er'ed by Ind 3 1, ica
potivir ey U a ti- out 230
Ldrineary, a ., cf the Government, to asc,itah' ov- #I
thc orallutir,a] Nevada. O's-ple. lhLuce to r %
r 1 -1.1 to nrt rn wild are elec-0 Lin t.,,t, !ur I!-. I gli 'I way he ev�l ;,., , . It AGRICULTURAL AMMMON
u" length of tile Olt-iwa, river, anI ILeat-, its,
n, by a sproz. Ile will fin i th.s a srr�at t Miles.
I dt-clare r.: II)r he w.
c- X� here ihi:- b-,* Plit been done,the voter's; Knows nut
f4erl Cai:e.l Oil tj spak it ;*:I,,- 1',r-
i-tailict wr I)rIvilie . hondwaters, ba2 return.A. trLis party Olt
v -ir the asfte If ht. Wc u d you in
L-, I Ile Ig the ri_sksiaa�, ed frou hasuent house Toro"o. I s rvf. y 'Ll :ad It- ill ton ci+y copticil and 6re*bji' ID4 G001i to 0tlWrrx,a,__ i
iu . . z � Jjj.,, if, t:�o fi.:vj. in uw- wurl-liop, or L The 11itnit' ZT -[Po to X- 4=100M ALW
94 A It . 11 T - �4 V; oell.ud'r_�porja the iengilii or the Itivar4o bo about AMC1, ,
ri- r I I I hether &A qhoul,l 3rd. Ad.,s-,z;rtatv.)n on "Gle tt.c- gade are ut lo,�rheads. The' firemen
.. 1,_- - t!,L�- cuu,iter, r_.
on 0.1,2 MrLo knows uot Ili
Aifica W hiry Memea fral lie nft' E
new s
it.. rill.
I.;, ve bk. e, I prup an &be old qu fou", tit! --eat law asut%or:ly , Znd. 17y, 1, I]i S 11 6'1'� d 1 000 miles instead of -)')Or as hil 'been cciu%ider th6y ar two nrieh oul, of-, I ocket TO ME HALD AT
6 n t!, r -W. iiim rilwtoa a to 1,161 Old delfillif,," by be Ree irl 0* IILC_S�al 04 in tihcs�eo' e of stcul atil 'gave' n6til-fe to 5hall find the be4ii t 4 tis. vapi t"
LL, "i fu'U'.*�,fly to e_s,!; They fuu, qrs M31
A- Bylfi6 4.17tjti -Statiliev- Ole wuldaidari0e al I mt-irs iva X 1
by the pricselit sss
ov,-er in whe;s' pathway illito
Tv rlrv� ane !cm; nty. Ill ForfLvery 11 X G STONI
I . F (I h M 1.6 's %,;u :;It ust tj 1. 1 to. I ths� river, Grits lako, s�dl to be -100 ruill- a quit. The wiluicil. are inaxor&bleAn Colifers its rra-mrivocianty-on his own."
Y. lies to' Wte�rj WS lilev; may Le4r sona Uji:ia IT,
*::,rm thsif ty I-er(l,1111 Is a P a7� of I (i&th iotro'- de o On the 24th t027digenembers IM7, r
f -t ("� il;m f their kfirtsinti:.-P. I- It til'il rniy tLen Le ;air -cuinfacneo-but there isf cort,inj have hitrided over the 11 machines" to tile
�zu, a, L.& - I . I . y - 11 Itrue ffie4w4rif-Wis 'Tat -
I 'i ue-eas t iw Be-.Tqua'iSCati')a`Ta, tbe PIOVL4 I I ia cii . L infantry cowpani�fs.
a I u:t on my j art I.) suln)use MA Ton would hidepen(jen
rry 1, %loll V I"
i a -- 0 the rree
I ill P. f -.r m!,iC, miputtant caur,;P.
bit an ou A
t. The IssirlyficA Major will si me w itake in tho C-ile ulathm. 9 'it th---ir I -Ila'lian Pain Datti?jilar" insist b;- tl�e freceipr PEP-S0,N,& 10"Jing to exl1sibit WM pletm
iculs.,with refereflaft to the quiJilication 01": wi I vus i tfinni;, arid exhi - n ler
labor-cre. u f
I'llilro." in ri'la M -the �.'L.Lk lfr�� it party of forty 3ir. I , - -1
(,f you %.i JuAt elit(It", way the)- ilvere nict by a tribe qf Inliatis, leflis of lashiiMagg Ile the safest take uotice that the Fm1fries saftirfickv
are postponed
Tfie r Itetors- and =didates rost- - file, that hii gg-rand mother hot Gu,, rat; i liands Depart- aril trost sure re!i!fly f( sud4en. colds. in the restrective elassim must be made wilts - IM is
i -t: tl� Vi,&4jsn �Iojj_ j'.1Ujs amuug tho ilpeutfainitiez ul tho eisrth,, bfjw ndof the Crown
iss" ii�fajing eff-vt un'til after the I st. of' licavill wid ia 9$, knocking the '4vr bono out who rLfUi'A4lJ J1QW ilWM to,, decca- "If teMbvt's the Sect
I.Itafti4an pa';is te, a.! wi;, 1., .1 1 1 - -u xLt " pos, Ia -and tmiuni,lb a rus, c.j 0 suare ther 46�
Its. ment, c d tith � the coubtruetiou OR rheu �etsary, at T route, on or bef
It, A pt: Jan t vot:ass, I _ hiti ellocise Risdum t6l Fortanatcly' odd� illas of r r S
ti.e '-sichy-nion-ali by your
1967. . The ACS WfItalliLi It ernian bay %ill give a Of iil.,� p irti.0" 3 the first. sc�t on'of the road from bak. all Ii Ili's 'almostdizWetly hiiialliplied- LFudermehijoued llittvq, awz... EMEN
I'tra i I ppq "ki, 91, h�pse t' wt ft 'ieftriiallea to th,.-� Re HA Ill 'all Medicine Raises, ,V
,th w.-tj Z-( dist IW t 1) dl -,erniii.e.d 26 cents per "Ile ,
ILI-le y,jrr,p_;0, and tlj;Lt you are k�ild,by
�atplsfr Sheep, Swinfart V
Eettletueht� leave .041try -
Alirig qnalitj�:s ija� b2Ll Ili tLl! ellipl-7 of the Iluilson's Bay to RILA Rive. j1z
Y. ast 111"a"JI -.e �ad rjut -a -h -sit I I;.,. of 31 aai pill and Pirlia- *if the 11 TILL I i, I
to huv,- a main so rept f Sent you, Mhose little Miqw:11temunwa
-an,Cgreasy Illifi�q lit g4ef.cla to -day for Fort fliVilliam. Tile work to Dealers. or before SMaWay, Augqa 17th.
, -4
to -is .1. 1!- ft. li,Aek so as to in tell" tv,t a br�ftth of las" i -ion " -flir Sts tarn is hed COMILfiny, could talk the Indian dialctqit, a colaiiislenuep MH
on, at It* Mutt
on. '11dry el:-Vtoti, anal alf be undertaker, by the present party" clu- ul� Pield il�orts,. atadI othef Farm rp-
ed -h-q he Istne ;I onfamcm 6oys don't trifi4 Ili-- collars Tat V-1 on& Gra
kofts tbr_%. of this ho.p. ,00 t ll,rrrae i I irrepiltoitch.j.11lie, and w"Ol 1, and art EAIMI 18 SIr9tM-Jta_--NT0 Pt�v con. Represenisition flair
C-1.1 16- 1 , I, q 2 lid I h-, fint I'lar 1 7 tit A' Vr er an'c xplaoatiou, a council of w4r ton. for the
I,.., a prwst-a Lo za After wans. the P:IPU.L&r Irish s, I a ! I gric
Is lei knowil tar w.d waste sits a clevor ente, PILI... braces the sectiolit bAween Thundvr'134y qnerdiscase is otiass- of the grandest attain- ductii, A. ulXw
rpl Im
plemputs, MiseMnery
_Sin jhO Cant]h _jJMWVf_0M,
n:.p ies expirks--lively to of tt�e '11J.411 sr,�tar boy," and no Tijklal— was,held, and tbey were allowed to pursue -ike a stance or forty will s. .9
A Litt: s 13 3 I"t; lif bfi-IL, L Bryan wilintars, awse�led-tbliitt 11[101113111�16
and Dog
;is 6ii r willifut I
and feNwired th. Ula ill uml, I"Ad 10 tifitaw-4--crod 01' nunits ever aimed �n% by man wifirl a
4 Air )'o by M . r Al t any N01, on tiff' &dtfrom ,Ouqhs� Saturiflay, _CaJx&1&t6 ftey Yo7tir
!�;L C I Ile t id L:tke 11
ific do th�iry jo-orl Pa! Mon i c Watferr will I as sure cure c de field
be 0-c inust
fitbf. A s iv anh, "i I,opez, tljdLrtii1ty wratch who betrayed
1"i.itsolls-LbS *Ili Qh prociiiiift. Jbfsti6h lley. AV - g in the throat
tudC fin " 01114 ft C
r, A e-As.structi Tn, acclorditax to tLe r t I as g ko_ 41� �,6 , 11trticultural. Products, Ladi Wimr4-
fari'vst I I';- alhnvPd 1 d yls L4 PlaLe and pulmor -rou3
zal -and geuL
of 3L. ak �,xt a iL would see!�. p!i-affairg itein i -fa tile li,n)"raniffle. '41ceib sui I to an�d his friend, and benefit�tor cold -31 tickiitw
rliztse rill-ev tfp-1 Ta -f 15 Quorctarh, I destir _w gr before Sustuirday, Sep.
I tLea lip )-our ilhoice, 1(flo'nO �114 -%,I IRY nifide cf) tit plaiu ts,-u* wfr 4fallre&Ulsulli Fine krts, &e., u
milian th-Allie Juarez faction is
-0 th;it 11 -he i r icvere colAte, I 'sooner or;
Ill L -s alrnv. ft, Ii r e,�- ri lind can -11 I!tte-4 meant bar "i'l `t"ma!" 3"d a st)tch t�raii iinp,-ded by nutucrou-3 rapids.-Beyofid 51 'xi, is + '"iffithatiendeAfra 'Ad tembeir I 4th.
fit, judir-_- fifj de lLtI Ire t UPI
C As the EleplionvM "ot'jui
will danee a new d,lice called Jilt's t -M- lie -()tja_ dbout to*be i-noulfirloaslyeji -4m a : _PiWe-List&zud;B4uk !�m"Z
P fitle ew. G.jsiti I.Ilp,l. The votocr*o sefital i e, heill I, hoth ablo III'd V% i.ling to (ros lake to near tb-. source of t Cl oct�C`I rron� thp- later leilid %A 1p eflansum".0A -Farvs .10 4alce place _4
h -I thi Tti,,;,t 'ire m 4ni Atha -:ad
as Ole If alect,
ihii will he worth Iipci,i of, Ilpfior t1le �Strejltll Of the *the entries upon, can be obtained of the latil
ID -1 rig can!"'t 'ire( I; r -at Liad con. 11 Ind 1114 1 nct so ilint Bruce inily c stialongest soot, failis I ne wt ft hi
.1" cf eIj 'f.,t, wh-�n finally revii�ctf, is fin olit:tlua to Ile Illist ra )ij�.
-pe ktrawn. for Sec
bir Irizih wornian weiAbs 260 Itis. I wm, a dibLance of 200 miles, re is no
of quLlification �1 fjretno�j Q()UD%y (KITU�dirg, to nod of IN Z '*jIt Scir�40' 'L The readiest-awd bqstvo P0 th
ail 110 JUMIL 1611 i"Plat - A;'Wites thro 'a
1 terri r is her catsitt Misinz. tion., The source oftlicOttawd ' -M k -MA CCUU-17 May
?,) in tire imporL,,ut province Lilt abstruse 04 cure-ef'di-se esomplaiinth is i-My'a'n, -s-Oko it go Vk0s, �01 Y^ -se
Ew raise -1 at the el..c f bast of thq 1 Eth. The Square wrill gire a re�lea-s .1 (,Fi -walell.t, 1,
ill" MAO r
wFich hirive bee
'A court-mal`*ial hv bben convened at
011tarica. 1, astei-I 1 '1-19,11, is said to be within 50 miles of the he4d-
d., al I :Tpi: Linsis w it t 11 All to arty (leinazZ - J! n thorouz-fily Vince,
my i- !y only ot the votcr�;ith the eluctor, it's In fillers sfafech tha' be- intends to tutoni-h jt I ILL monic
&3 thus, I!. tried forthe Ind OFenty yearsAndboye ever a
t" I Ile Budalo. fbr 'the Mki of 4eventeen ar 'I I
Lassew IaL4 but. let yoftir fize, aad auW4,it-A. ebu* erT HUGHX. OUSOW aer inill1suilifts4, viricubde
-Men. Utz Ftnlaa
q i:,me name is on the 16-t. Lord Mouk with when he fin 'a LiallEe 'Natmad ttie fla for lilfiiadihifir 191ti0n been kn6win to fail. Singers I
911, org-gal, idd t1blie
I"a"is the pflotfle'i Me�
Yours t�ruly, for i -I the ri;lafoll
43 Ottalfra. Also a new som, he will hino MCI- spe"iers vrill also,detive WM --banefit4rQui 'f6 �Nly 24,1W.' �40�AOV 311
';'nef '-n, a:.,l be, r L: ;I Cie tl[.p,r-rcgi!)fi of t�e Ottawa is rreoi 6irarms. ;* I M
Ity II:m;1LJI &:.d 1. ..d, CU! 1Ld - i;UjId �1
t-, dr i1e: f,t-i:h* G'I;;j.rj h:i;, I isel d. Posed I o.x the lase ct them., 'Sold by all Medicine Deal -
"i Jie rrcT1r&C1A1 S210W. in& C'oti-i in Oil: hir. It. is expect,.d C.a? good irlitality. The elimate is much P no Isis i3sued
res&at JlDh i
-s"'ill weri" Iq% zx�,2�I;p.,Rer box, !"Far 40
asmbly Fis sal'i The ex sit Wrict Altorneys and
M T .1
I PPO, Tile New tl�fre will be a riarnerom I itte fiersirul this flurou.1ig"l. outif tjle way, of their cano-2s pra sfeQ11 I
i. culur instrut
64W14111 was har)"W a"av at oflc�. coldcr here. plorem had to.push
-11,11, Wy int'j, firr-iL.J 1-h- S says tf) the people in the 6x. towrishrips baNe kiwl y I', Uilited States MIM-dis to be vigillaut 'in the A 41ti(i WNfAIR pi 9
eat derveil to vote for these gentlenjen. Itio bein tee iny fnqliqion ofithe LueqtM U42ina I*rtabis 68 fo xact- a,-
rollowrin., not, reveptiod of 4 $1 about Otte tlM _j_m
!.,rl, d;j jasixe to D',ls. cey. I ii,c gr4i.& frfin the City Counicil Pat bo- "JAS y,'. _'i
itilmbpr ell) &'OrA let, re
.0 laws b
--d.j 11.6- 1, kir Lrge -.is 4 xpected 4a be by the offi- 130Meit
a c'eau, over-;ue4v dogs -how wotow, hool I plavi"g4AM
by thia tbaL th" are gain,., to Lave shittill be obli od- if; (jro3 or Victoria lake on the'2 Ith br -in, par es. 94
I iiisertion n the Star I I y flfibusiei
I "it i's ublaih it, D. lfuOty-- I aves are. p%g�no, Alf it a2t "t, rit !T
1! rIL 7 jo 0_1
bili, ft r mal -Is 4 4,
I re*i- lltarkeio.
"'y &,41, tible 11ittla - esu -I It _24
0 GO.]. f,14:.p sure. i you WIl The nut 2A!
; cizili; elt,,nuveted with the Provincial Ex X V ILI Litil Ornssim'
Myriad ir El'i"M-Vefixim Ilu Ashrield, Ju!y 29th I it is said, wear neither hats nor
ItEs woik than was intended will
I tv: deme on th I*u tit their only garment I a !qj A Id tleeobd MET B LU 71 9
e grounds, to prepare thein r(litor o"Llne ociaericia -`�%ir: L 4
C nmCntionables o pot
111 tIj a I). -e, .,a' b�lter %YKOX ETER. I session of the--paV48mal; OF th'a _N` tth 4,
An, sig6k -
bommenep on lip ev M_
'a to S-13 you I Ila, MtI
-feks ang (,ut coat. They 4 plurality il i;wmffw ii SO Awlk,� ft"
YOU (16 tot 110030 Gui uran eotifed6tition,� w�" 1 4
shine ivith your own lialphi"I'loi
in il o,-6-Z4,zi0a.' 4�r,,T -_ -� -
Iftw it I Zk K
al. H IA s,,, forthc-,fruing �thovr Ili the I-st Week MEL. NkBCL0%JTTj-j-'W0U1(l HIC of
-, if I A-ptcu.1jer. The contracts for pnitit rath�Etld�r Alst-i9f
i -it ioo�, 14
or , 4
-1 firbill' -r-al, 1,_4,1 tas�slsfa if.g I n I glazing and for eirprentersa work July 274bas, IbG?.- W jW MM UOQ-. 4
it 0
lon:; old sqi---,- t 6090�lenw-._,
- '�Q I, M ,
matle use of m.y ttinime in your 0 r a Mllfti and t to son 6 it e squa city, w . - b
�Iook-.welf rawa W aperiorMMtra.
"mpo die I Nut k ie% I.&, f 1 4 vu L,tk it a tir a o u L I Le present tretle a Tn is .......
it' Auder- with others to try to husband colnintisertiting his father's Ion+
SIX.Lix: Adtfiltillitild 'I Camur
MAr prove that q eft Dj*
F J,
4 4I-;K:Irzii3 excifero-ol of MAW tuffikk "i"77f 4
eatj,.,l omt ond deepened, and
arid WhisM t1jis on -1 bcov-h friends at the Kintail z
'W cc souri'd Schu,61 Trouse, ffb*'ic1r 'on The ev" said n a present of bis; dt, 'Iron V
4 .
i -Will dtA I ly dooditiou, madi� hi�
Al! nobje but the en
�ut in therb) attstrGis for '0119 0 lime ,d 4 deparjed M
-n -Ifir. Hd6t ugly '111" V140 _.VjA mihistutirtcaident of russifil'in Superfine No. 1 unitidda -7.0 TIA
waa aus"'d On the I'limeAn piwwo, of J;hu,-s�y, tj�w 2s]ath july, 31r. Rays Lit ail j 0. Jlts,
%vj k has not yet le given ent. tanderi 110 to I'duch Me�tertfM 0 a 7,45
,,`4111!011111� the warriallari'lia last i Mi -nip
Aq.P ft -
the close ot hi* 4;,eech. 4efied, any man., to mother thud
tywle�ft u & f1raAftLM a :P-
e -IN 2 9 a 1,10
welW4 to
ipgor, , 04
;or puolic denijili R77-31- .41.1.1.
I td
Cattl--. sheep and -ig a re to be oft " 'I
I pens brf�g any pilva-W hRd
aive e urdA -1 st
ereettlill ; 4he present lient exIops removed re ii! X�, k.; �� ��
a th' lifa�., Tof -A=iWilioalfar Undti 8
cation le Dry, f4p
-sent Is) Aow Mr. 161'Wr there 4 a eiretim. pla�t, T &ldirl
WIVIEnty lect wmt of thEir prc P
,,q -,."
cen 'fro thought that -hei-thertaby provoked (he't ZQZ.�
CHAPTER XX. tisement for making tue of my u4tir �Ishbqnt Bcn,.,e of Her 2d ajesty, t lie a 4-
4%W �i -. f -
stance couseatled oth, Xr, L11V private
at the �jeehaljicsl JIdl full 4 � I I is reallydae4o
11RA - 'i14� " 0
W OW.- jprn
mt r oo'�
7% 01,11, vath
qt all1rough 1119 4 - 1 44444
feet in-dimetai to, be made cho e 'th.t fli my liberty fes*vitieF, , e a
, i 1 46 ift-w-fix
'-4r#dV- at
&-kereaIrryA I vat 01wqxroin, hlukhay&j
5,00-racelvad for
�"peTjnLeD&rXS q&9 Pat UR the.oIj sopeaUft their agigh- -so "N�, wi#7 10, E V. R.4 W
th even'ing,-W Rwqd �5jyt a jobgt
inqoh. ta tp Dei it, 8�Me
IWO* -0,00
'its T -Z z
Re finalld IY_1L reer rode flair i -rau- sy an& INA
* - the I had J -b W R.A
ot 041 the in , R;* and ex borbood, to esKpo
&jid. to his condit 14111061 A�HEJEI.- 140tS ..............
r 01 Do pa'ato anj ft �81 di
, h it ion or' who
leaw a" cue of tresest, which led to up an teririj Is Disiow" OWNVe are grieved to' announce the I I -
Oft til 00-1
lW aftefL Just a
Ito is;4v Wko or
,&face was radieut with e aauo�a "elfterally repairfA. These ace thi Lxa=%�4- -to V.1
Hall- H dii
he and �.G�Wphfat e#,
ni 13arlo patilvalle jag, 4 dcqtN- of tvef a jft 30 RM10, is
11141M (In i4istirpof Belk I!(
AO 'AV. 111,1111ad 03 bt SPUM11 1113 tam OA&W
I ""M -M
to qw�
ork,- to be done. -but M lit h4, W- -,y-,- i 17rz
its, hi,; a, J
r P -w -r, iw he'd more li4ht:y Wat6d its alifliq W ";g0plitfif INMW
_q -A v A;
ex itia. hed band a iitv ter whiiih hip im-wo. It w, 4ad ariphinig aghfah bir a'
Lhe girplands and buluings 4to kif be i if MH J , "M k 611 "M 0 to the law at nations.
'Ithe con'tr,isoors UT'a to Degin at on
09 hptrn b %I
ast atorrAing, and a JA, -flary sun sh yak .4 Mft WA
one a24,n PM% . I __$ 7""
we 0
Affe "Ittfit wheh were now de4artefti by atf 1 901UP1 V 111ril A P U 'I rki y 'o I
MIX M "Ale. 404,fayso
or&r 6y the iialwh ftL iffi-do; 0 "1 _Rrl 17t P.4 9T, y .1 1*=
'I, MI. _ T.f ,
V to
Iii7mr; aftim&ls. It status intenu IT eat j aud
w �ex*
so -1 -1 X_ 1�
hard againal cK w4*61 aseher i Mari UIMM qWev, - j X-runeltimal-Med
rat _q
brili"j bonds of ice "Lartow ailt wax wh h the SWifis "4iderq i I 'hich was" $42 and odds, -at twifte 4ffme a _e
were nfjw 14U � -
I * �
the laktis &M plaosife. which in &OWfrae. t �7'%
NX; _11'
spulded be-auWult in the sun twn iliall, Trerai w1railk wats "x-lAliscueged
10 - . , - - I . _T ,
k will be
spe 9
W of d
V a took aliaelftc- *tihe 00,14M. -Pt IM
Al*Aarg the (Tozea ground gesinald 0 Wat-Od'"Al prew.
t1MViO41740 of W.Sawanfidn 4
- &-t depa fitAO
ve wes tbroanged virilh W%erve 1 6- on t"
spa;ftd his b*w Of ='12'r�"naW
flfh�a_o W-orp thun&rto Natrat Reser. If
lit j
14 R -0 1 5 14 0 wj;
R 61,10
lei, ledlogawm-
Ill 4--- av h- Epi aftaug melt w w1fal-a ordered 0 44ed liovir ""Q� T'knahke-4. ft,�t hir 0
a Wall
Ong %a an
fa - S T*�
mft Wtb I& -W--�Maw rb; 2
affid IfM_ - .-
e"h1amitfr r;`IiCCWtJiFmzwjve sallor t h -y wou'd M6 re"y, eep! M -G-', 141dip9i ilowe" a i4js', . � MWA V, "ME0 M
hit. It - ,
ftap 46f no a
Yroin the EUIllet 1,XA I f
� W ROMP 'L�Ipa
40M so A; X I y Anut in dMited not isly Ili, .)A
Manes 4111110.4 13*11 tn SR.
IV I I N Vat( I W., K - I far
be f Oro intz-oldneed upon the imet-e - �pzi& -Its arr in AT$ Mill 6611oW. MidwI6 arq tfl, JOU ?0_24
I - eul�
i4 and -Marque aw 1two tn; 00 *rtbes jaro
dw M yifff!� *&rx PdamisP4 AVE
I li-if rteseilrve a o -w jiumbers 41 OMAMW
900 die* -12.000 Uf Whom, are avi&iJ&b!e Lit a ed, _55;
faaw sisub sazwu* eusnour-in-co. -JU lie j" Ara Ulm." 6A411frat of the adiD 14OUrliNt. ft-mi-sw _4 , __ ii %-- IAC - WON dw
tu'urght ifught 91 has suo itit a dlmuceb-" 10OR a. twbo will or NEWLA-M 0 *
at Im of &ep stapease but ?A Hellistald I', effark a nut ce.
-evtry vrorth caue.—Iftbe ; - ,
onsr'st I his hoafty Word or Mcou
MM -
g re aeotiro or ;a'
but Xr. 13�d,4pr' p lug g at be"
int on AIM.
ciiiizie #wiftfjr t-iw-z;d the housse, bid CaLbir 2dw
I jo
-7."o'stiq A
v -je lk -
2 -6
M -R
-7 4& M M
. �,MM
-VA, MM '1�