Semi Weekly Signal, 1867-07-30, Page 2V3.1 fl , U �35 yJ -A _�Z__` 7 Correspoi �Jffude odent. sam6we rocky pier, and dsh, d Against tbI th� 'Parliament Buildings. Ile. would- the Tov'n of Goderieb for live ears in TOWN COUNCIL. n should br-y' attended this meetiqg,who any one e se, may have to write co"ace,6109 a lid grainite none. The wiid wns- mrst, d, stron Council, meant three of, thent--as a school Tidpn't, from oyhoser political spaliby, or me per8onallymill be treated by me '.a future A ptiblisber of a paper made i i Rly dvocate a cheap postal System, Trustee, promised it they sent him 4Aspould July 26%h, 1867. an more as altogether irrelevant to the spbipet in 90 ab to prevent 9209pks, ev I ignorance and bo many I -11otio neighboaring town to far--;' nt hand, qaite beneath open up 'their mulkey. I my, and thej*�Iore with a man in etj �ii bi ry -the tako care of The Council assembled the Reeve in, the lingly have attended ikwbocould on if the OnmAte the fertile millions of acres of alltottld be rash enouzh to think o0eapluq r; buVihii it Id 16 0 ; a ujsh him with news items from th-st 10cal itT, Mr.Gibsoa next addressed thetnoetine. by b e in g deterred Ahoralrom 'a their being unworthy a r great iNorth West, chair mounbers -present, Deprity Reeve 11 ne forcibly portray- glaring "s --statements re, The result of the arrangement is as follcws, fftim t%e Place. D'Arcey thought ttie grat- said he was sorry to have to take up the but out by local or leptialstIT6 causes. from any more su 'Passumore, Sinith e relative, 00itles Ing a vixelem prVeantion, Rs be Itioked far ed tte danger of the present Bank of time of the meeting with the urts story of councilerp McKinzie, Cattle, enjoying, the privilepes, of the elective fran spectipg; th L cf Mr. Rma the 4tor nand was rather startling to worth st issate, -howitio, that there was but Three Kay, Clifford. Minutes of last regal 3ibson, and o( their d here yit. down into the wnter hezwnth, The qu.-,y County Council defalcations,but. as his oppon - ar Chios and anding in the otimid fit of and Mr. I arty There iz not much notis arvun D At c,(,y I ooke d I ill ions w n to d. wh ich m igh t have been en t M r. Hays seemed to make. that'i he U109t meeting were read approved and signed. nonelectors In the midst of these irksome honesty nA have heretofore excited the he but there is a littul. A man hal his bad junt,it out sligbt!T, ivilipre lot his disEourge, he was compel -ed to this onoitationsI becume absorbed- in a kind ot" disgust of tbo3e who have had the cottrage cut kn a 6,Le last nite,the doctor sez if he don't payment down, and store steps were placed the nl' raised by debentures if -e reasonable course in self defence, he then in a very latid Petition of Mrs. Patterson for the dreamy reverie, and letting fall m to wade thro' the correspondence ot the git well before mornin, that be -will hey to the favorite - die sartin be leves I small wife an I family. of 63.00 for keeping a sick woman by mission,, con to as to afford a livisimire to the qn-tv I i me bad been given, that it was a danor matiner, and explained his position as a godse, quill loan, I exclaimed, in pretty 11 Star. " I wDl. with your per d that Ihave C."t1t Councillor, and I think so far sue- 11111110�of mrs Harrison, refferrod to councillor audible. accents, "alas I, alus I for popr vince the partieb most concerne Another man iz qick and I gess he'z.,,,ot the At the other end of the hArbour r -,,-,e the on'; element of power to put in the hand.4 ceedtlhat Nfr. Hays' clup-trap wtil not -mation. Dear friends and sti)l a few shots, and percbAnce a couple of kolery but some people fay his wife pizened purblinct hwuan nature" avail Leonard for further infoi ships safely moored in beltered place. of Government, and ou-1it, to be amend- hini much, lie then touched in his policy, Petition of C. Cralah shewhil; that the Fentlemon." If you dlAide human nature shells, in the locker. him, the doctor kant tel yit, but when he dies �A Far out into the haven ran th,, imerial mole, -th end of Aabfield, aye or in the Yours laithfully, they ure going to hold a posl mor1mg over He hoped that the electors would i said he %vuu,d sive the Coalition a fair trial in the not north end of any Other field iinto two distinct him, Another man's horse dide last nite. a magnificent construction f tonsitIVE stone, I although be Ld very little confidence it; building an lot 27 and assessed to W. Piper CITADEL I u---- all their ju 1-ment in their choice of., them, but he would do nothing to endanger is assessed too high and that the buildin He could eat moar than e1kny 5. kattul ronud, which seemed able to dery nil the force of political classes, you will, almost invariably human or elemental rage. The edifi . I men to I r they though he was the the successful working of the Contederation, ocetkpi6d by Mr. Trueman is assessed on, the flnd that the one class represents those' whd LucirNow, 25th Ju)y, 186.7. and since he dide oats hev gon down tu sents ce in on a bitshel. This tz ull the noca lere now. MAE, LET 001 qt the working of it to J. 14. McDonald, other those %hohave most judgment and send a paypur, which Lionel was confined, was in the le beqt; man, he should serve them to the could not understand the object of intrusling wrouit lot. Refferred to court of revision. have most votes and leastjudgment, and the To, ISAAC CL197ANG ESQ- J- P- METROPOLITAN SIR. -71 take the opportunity of a leisure fOrgitt best of his bility, H a had larg Camernii and others who had been in strong leastvotes." You gentlomen,of the committee 41yoUR KORR1S?0XDJNT." biusy part of the city, and but few people e into- Account of Mr. Moss and others for clean in- engiuc and hose, for $5.00,--ord,r,d to dressing A few lines to you, which paced the quays which were visible from the rests at stake in the country, and guard- oppi-sition, and are still optiosed to it, he 0 and you other gentlemen who attended here hour f window. As the prisoner looked down and ing their interests wo"Iso-guarding his a, strong sensible speech which was be paid. to -night deserve the lbanka of your New I deem it a duty I owe- to myself to commun- A man ets . red attbe post office in Erie, QUADRUPLE COMOINAT19K ell ap�riciated and which wilf*tell at the Account of Joha Passmore for Lumber- Country, which I Di -,by in the name of flw icate to you,tbrouzb the medium of the pub- t oi bet clay for a letter flor Comprising under ONE COLOSSAL CAN. w wuund tapon the scene-, aconiction of thelown-wisnot an office-seek-er, norecmld P,31 13. -ordered Brittannic Majesty beg you to-acept." The hen I came to you last Saturday, in" He woo told there was none. utter hope-e-I&Wss, of his situation flashed he be induced if sent. there to take an Mr. Sloan then came forwal and gave for fence and side walks, for $35.4 1,- meeting of course was unanimous. in the xory Hodg - VAS the varitd and compreheu&ive attract. anclatated how I had been ruffianly assaulted, 4,001 here,' he rephed a little angrly, 4you've tion of upon him. For his first thouzlit was of us the political history of Cana%. without to be paid. receipt of this vote. and having ar!anged hexammed a hpdd. letter for my rame. It I office. Ile bad quite sufficient or public I going into any lenthy notice Of the Dr's. Certificate of Robert Gibbons J. Mosley for another meeting in another sectiOn Of tho day. bafora, in Exel�r, by men. claiming esca,pa. and his thouzht which an natumili life. 0 don't begin, wi3h a h4ch. I It begins with it FOUR COMPUTE EXHIBITIONS I However he was now before them speech. his principal points were, to watch J Torrance and W.Piper, Esqss. for dama- the Lowusbip early next eek, separated to be your -supporters and friends, tell itag you he. Look in the ole that if, got the he's. aflow to his mind. died way within him, (18 and woul I use ll lawful uneans to ass,*st the Grand Trunk, the Imercolonial 11ailway, es done to 8 sheep b dogs, the property ot with a kindly "good night." st,the same time how a party of your rowdies WUL LZMBIT AT be contem�lated all the circumstances of in car wise ltnlnr,-,e the -Canals, open the great North Thomas Wentherald 9sq, to the amount Of Youriii, his situation. rying on an economical and i West, was opposed to conventions, (1811ppose 632.50­6rdere4 to be paid. DIGBY.- -had gathered atAhe Hotel in Exeter vAere I ut, and while e ondeming Coali- because he could not got the nomination nt, The following report of the finance com- was taking supper, about a week previousy But looking out townrd the entrance cf "'rn'e 15 either of them) was going to run in between. mittee Was read, received and Ilyled. or the purpose ot mobbing me ; and bow I ori the harbour, TVA"y's eye behe'd a diff�rer i ions in general as wroug; yet he was pre. Goderich July, 27 1,867. GUST 124. the convention men, (I t9ink not) gave ua a' Committee Rooms. Goderich, ro the Editor ot we 11 uron Signal. only escaped with the kind assistance of the MONDAY,,AU sivene. Here, three mighty steamships of pared to give he present one a fair trial large educational speech- rather than a poli- July 25th, 186T. 1 - tW line were in cicse proximity to the f Dear sir. -After two long weeks Of! lnodford,-by retreatin from the back doorp and beond them them we, and stand by them as long as they stood tical one. To the Mayor and Council ol the Town o entrance, 0 laborious brain cudreling the lobse. aa&oalted you as a quali6ed magistrate- FIRST, many a3 fifteen smatler ressell-m. The tri- faithfully by the interests of the country. (7b be continued.) Goderich : 0 maln and man $1000 11011JINA10 0 Your finance committee having met, ing' correspondent of the Star has pre- sworn, to do justice between 42). 4C;?=4C73MVJ9 ectlewr of Frane" and the red cros of Entr. present, Messrs Cam3ron, Gibbons, and'KaY, duced a correspondin -number of what and, to try. and preserve, the pence to the tit - land daunte-d allandy trom their mastheads, �-lr.. Holmes was then introduced, he C� e C Ii. a :F 0 xa ca- :8 M -15r I &ad caused the heart of the captive t�. bound said ne came before them as the- nominee beg to submit the following us their finan- he may be pleased to call letters, not devoted mastvfyour Rower- to issue a sommove as he looked forfii upon them. Escpe- of the Clinton Uonservative Convendon On Friday last a very interesting cial report : -HaTing carefully viewA the - very far either to Mr. Gibson or Mr. llfkys and - grant me articles,of the peace agairst a Not of the Bank or Montreal Not@3, but a -1 it seemed imriossible. at.d yet -if he mi,,hi I Cricket match was played here between state of the finances of the Town I &C-aimile of the human ikoe Committed hat descend intt. the water be cauld nimnos, and also as an old and faithful servant. sorry that we are compelled to present them or to.the purpose of refuting any of the fads certaimparty for said annult and threats ; did.,not3for que mospent thtnLLwaa applying every day by the 'Goderich and Stratford Clubs. Af- in, so unfvourable an aspect, but S, CoMbi- brought before the readers of the StVnal.by >. a swim toward them &0 find his liberty. lt had been aid he had done nothing for to one ofRir Majesty's jpsticesof the eace, <. I Thee tbe thou -hit of hatie 84shed across �ter a pretty close contest ft Was decided nation of circamstances. which- ocearred in me in my former letters,but to the rather beef- and a man who is now'ieeking to to the hi in 0 the coiuptry.� this -he denied, had dolie 1969 a part of which was beyond the his Mi4d. W by shou'd he wish to escape T W favw' at 9tratforch less task of ghwing to the readers of the Parliamentary representUive Gi this intelli- 0 .ountry ; made con trot 8 council, has caused the pre Was not she enowzb for his h ? manv things for the c 19t sent 0 EDan-v 'In the evening the Goderich Club en- state of affairs, for instance the defence of Star that '40bserver" considers himself geat andenter-lovidl; codstituencyt(ozeepting FxAcaii—eand he wou:d fitrd himselt7aliu=d strong friends, who would be useful to 0 hat ot a Grammarian. inasmuch as he Exeter and part ot its surr-3undings), who 4 emu among his count. ymen. The drei dful 6 tartained their victors to an excellent din the enuntry caused an outlay of over Id. as W, U &4- Sir. sympalhille and ap. CQ chatr;e wbich hung over him wouid be seiz d him if sent to Paliamienk UP public wotka exceeded the estimate by $800 oads the won for trial. an a" Lkad got nor at the Hawn Hotel. The proceed. bat the largest item is found in the sonpay- as, , erts. that in my letters he has u gram- prove of t6t which I came to you- to -com- 4 Campbell tinn -ould be passed upon him. most jovial and hearty ment of the Northern gravel road company in the dreptdiul f-ondemna- the contstable bill frulned effecting a large ings were astpundiriC discovery of fire errors it! Plain of &ad seek redress, tor. You, on Why then, war 111 your own fiario air, behaved. in a, most ungen - here in Odessa r who will he indebted to this municipality on atiould he escape ? Irene wau sa% tO !"e country, he would go fo description. the 31st of Decembet vext the sum of $5000 Except observer Intends to come out W a ner to me. You not only and i herefore Odessa waS the happ.est plaCC puting up public works to public competi- -logethar with the fact candidate himself or expects me to do so, I fZed5a2yemt1an1pvucUo% of the law but you for him. Another Discovery. these combination commlited2giurself-to the liabUit of the Agitated by a tion, he eond-mned the cheap postal' that we ought to have had a rate' last year of at doii't see what earthly interest the public jire . y I thousand conflicting I I - - - I I Law, (if I only had witness) by commencing 9 ewatIOV.1% the prigooer paced his narrow sy9teru as sure to entail a largge debt upon I In� digging a well on his farm a few least 2c,8, on the dollar morp has caused u3 to going to take either in his infallibility III a most wanton,- malicious and unwarranted. Q allow the county rate Of 1866tO Temftin un I construction, in my five errors,or attack on my private charActer. You ac- G 0 D Z 6 1 C B - elism6pr. A light step and a beav one_1 the country would go in for opening up! miles above "this town, Mr. J. J. Wright, liqpidated except so far as the, Ron residents ar-pmarbing the door, caused him to start. th M I le u r ;I o to and en - e Nurth Wes-. 'as _g is,peij. re daro y a a, and free grant,, would of the Huron Hotel, has discovered a taWs have reduced it, and h also requi red in me personally. His letters display that the cused me of bei where he has refitted his Rooms, The jingling of key3 was heard -the door - , the council to so-ek accomadation, in the bank writer is acquainted with the habit of a certain make the asurtion, through the p!ei�- You larged his Sky Light, making it the largest African Baby FAephunt. was arowa open, and Irene was in tis g1ve the government his equaloed accused me of swal.ing, or oNatning 14Y in the -County, and one of the best in Canada sulphur spring, the water of which is pro- to the amount ot St500 to relieve our pres. little fish ; which habit he has unsuccessfully commiWon orkttLe Peam in a fravdtdcrtt, 4ispecially for tiking groups. Two persons 0. bliss-k-y-ond aH that I have dared support. nounced to be very similar to that froul sin claims, in view of these facts, your com- &We A year and a -half old and only to applied to the task of smoothing out manuer, I date you to make this assertion taken together at the game rates its one. bope tor. Darlinc Of my Soul -my own Mr, Gibson was then called upon, he the famous St Catherine's mineral spri mittee would recommend that we allow the of getting away from sundry either, through iba press. Never m%nd the n S. f the annual interest of the muni. difficulties u9ty 1h returning thanks for the liberal patron- 44 1 N C H E S H I G H I lap payment o taken to have water Irese-do I indeed bieWo you once mom ?" st:.rpd that he came before thein as the Sters are bein, the cipal loanfand to remain unpAid thisyear. and and unpalatable facts which I have Enos, following offieW documents; perhaps they age of the pastj Mr. Campbell feel# satisfied Sweb were the braken words ot Uonel as be nominee of the Clinton Reform Convea- mend to the board ot school are forged. The following certificate I that those wbo wish a good Photograph This is the only specimen of the African E4e- pressed more clossly and more closs!y i - properly analyzecT If it proves to be watild als., recom furicharitably" brou;�bt out to the ligbt of tained of the Clerk ot the Peace at the trW shouldttirbili ewSkyUght. pbant on this Contincrit, and forms a mark. s if U*on, and howd that as the time was at t trustees that considering the exceE§ive burdens ingeost of $1.00, (pot for the information of ta his throbbinc, heart. the form Of er hand when the electors would be called what is expected, it will be a discovery 0 with which the mtepayers has to cowead, - PieXeintaken in every style ]mown ed contrast to the two Colossal Specimens so fondly. He finds his patron in a tight corner of Mr. Carling. for L do not believe he is ig whom he loved � upon to give their vote, that it would very mt importance to Goderich, as we that they should use the utmost econO4Uy in tre Art. of the Asiatic variety which accompany his. To be cmtixxe& be done in an intelligent manner ; there- ba . ve every other requisite for a great the educational departements consistant with my eutrecchments of which Me key is safe noirant in the matter),ibut'by the special re- Llft- SlZe Pf)otographS SECOND. efficiency, we find that it will require a rate audaoundin the bzeechra pocket of the questof many warm friends, for publicis plain or colored, taken on rmonable terms. by seer ring the best intereaLe of our doun- u0n, yours &C . 77nr, TABLE, G . T. 1C. M watering P!.am Goderioh seams to be of one and a half cents on ths dollar to meet pablio, aDd thereupon ejects it dirty little 0. F. BAILEY & CO'S try. He was sorry that he had to take JOBILUA- CALLO WAY Jr. J. P. Proofs shown ifi requited. Photoigratplis BUFFAI 3 AND GODERIC;J DibTFICT, favored by natare even beyond what was- our liabifitees which will then leave a difli- cloud of an inky color over the shortaomings taken ur. all kinds of weather. LARGH AND CoVPR1HX1qSrv1g AlZRiVIr�, i up their time with a rehash of the County cetity to be providel for next year but we . Mr. Hays and valiantly rushing forth en- I hereby certifl. that the annexed copr of &AA[PBhL4 Council. matters, but as he had not spoken cannot recommend that met-. than that be oll -0swription of traiia. 77me. in that neighborhood before, and as those levied. a statement Of assets and liabilitees deavoura to keep the public attention drawn a letter from the Provincial Secretary. rbe Goderieb, Jbly 23rd, I'S 6 T. w27 MENAGER I Ey ............. 12:30 a.wi. s were s,ill nsed against him, he Be, Owing the great length of the let- a hereunto annezed,all of which is respect- towards himselt and me -and my -five errors -Hcn. J. 0. Bureau, da*d Quebec 29th April thiw, to 1863 is a trae copy of the original as fi'ed in Co prising the finest, moil extensive and ....... . 3:00 p.m. forced to touch on them. He then ters and reports in to -days issue, several juil) sabiatted, in Grammar-tiA he or Ur. flays can maltu- ibis office on, the fourth day of May 1863. v ied eollection of Living -Spe6mens of ILized. .......... . ................ 10:5o was WM. KAY. DAN. LIZAM, am] History ever exhibited i many of DZPAILT. spoke of the mileage question - that editorials are crowded out. Ch. protem. factwire some pal*y explanation for the It money was taken by them as a ;;atter of -0— Clerk of the Pease Huron. w ich are tho only ones of the secies in zzPrew TAQ ..................... 6:30 The reformers of South Bruce stafemeras ot Assds and ldabiiiHes. d 1he public ear. Why does not "Observer" take ace I F.04 justice, to men who had to travel the long 7bwn of Uoderich of 1867. up the acrious charges or incapacity and Office or the Clerk of the Pe America. The following is a partial list of .... .............. 1:45 P -u- distances Tequired by the extent of the are -Row perfectly coafident of a glorious generui unttustworthinetib urged by me Goderich,. July 2 lob, 1861. the Collection. Mixed Bal. deficiency for 1866 .... .... $2000.00 Mbw 9 . ........... 4-45 United Counties of Baron and Bruce. victory for Rastall and Blake. Such a ty*ltate 66 ...... 2950.00 turim Mr.' Hays and explain, thent away, Gigantic Hipp®potamus, Four Performwg Conn We reason is simply this that At knows they 40 1�lephanta, ' Tartar Yak, Asiatic 'TiM It was done in nearly all other counties, canvass has never Leen witnessed in the County Ratteo -4023.00 are trUd 4ftdAe dare not gie them, a No. 730. Secretary's. Black Tiger, Sit- Enormous Units, Des of i#1 County. C - ...... 4000.00, 1 Trained Uons, Cae t)f 7_eopzrds� White and it was hig v probable that it was ommon Sc:iools ...... 1200.00 wider circutaHon than tuy now e Quebec 29th April, 863. Mr. Holmes who was at that Salaries njoy Si&-Ilhavetbe honour to Worm You not Meg -al. 600.00 by even denying theift IrWA is Use colum" CS Bear. PoonAh. or * Sloth Bear. Kangaroo, fime a member, had stated to him that it To as Editor aftho Signal. Public Worlits ...... of f4c Star. that owperaw named as Mr. Joshua Cal- Swed Cattle from India, Egr gyptian Ichntw was intended to have been put in, but EXETER, July 19, 1867. interest on Cemetary deb't" ...... 432.00 W bat I have written on this subjQct I wrote loway an the- commission of %be Peace're- mon, Created Cockatow, Golden Pbses. Sip.. -In your paper of the 13th alt., a to. Platt's Hill 1, ...... 72.00 for the U�iwd Counties or ants, Silver Pheasants, South American was overlooked. Mr.' Gibson showed . purported to be given of the proceed- Reliet!Fuud .... 400.00 np�in an spirit nor influenced bT a cently issued do very clearly the benefita the county ha& Po"t 'a desire 8%rpty injure NLF. Hays without Huron and Bruce, is the person generally Powee, Spanish Macaws, African Parrots, W., JUIY 30. 1867. no StatIoner Else- caitse, designated and known as Mr. ibehus Callo- GODDUCII logs before the County Council on the 5tb of Priati inall duplicity way junior of Township ot Stanley in the -dcflved from the labours of the Audit " which Mr. Samaells is tions &c. ... ioo.00 reason, or to -advann- an orthy Monkey -%Apps, Baboons, and a host edf the same month, balt -9imply to expose the uuw butior A_U�al& Committee, as proved by- ibe Rudaul ate brought, a very serious Tkie Nertlit 11141ag CJMTUB- Ph- 'r@06ratit"W 1, 157.85.00 o( Mr. Hays sod hiw utter incompetence to County of Uuron - arder, ca5e, Brink riotN " Ile expos- :charge against met iriz, that of having got I have 00 Honour to in execute The trust he would have the 11Tron cc: ed very AWly the ubb tarown around �one Mr.-Snelt ubdir-be inifloopce . of liquor C& tery to seize upon, -to those who-hae never Sir, in P IL ;h a Auto ..... 900.90 z the weihts and m;:nare chairgem, ,for an amount I qcome from Licenses *en beard of that gentleman till he appeared Your most obedient servauti- M19gTiNGs ldkST* WEE& shove4 and induced him to sig '20"0 e. .r the unfitnew o . f 82undarF. who, by hi,3 due to the County. Now knoiving that Cemetery WLs 0 ..... -a candidate for their support here' -was a6t the shadow of a prttence for Markets Rents ...... 0.00 Among them ad. J. 0. BUREAU, (Reporw sp-laily- for the SIQX"-) incompetency and petdy tyramny, caused t 75.00 &1 she coming . electiou. If Mr. RayB had such an accusation against me, I wrote to Mr. Justices Finvis ng the electors in an honest Secretarr. paygmt to notice 0M by Dr. the same County Conned in jmstim to Samuelltor in explanation, and appended Occupied lots liable to Sone,forfth amo mties "d straightforward manner to solicit their To the Clerk of the Pea:et United Counties of publio meetings tLemselves and the people to disc 0 hereto is a copy of his reply, which, I call . besold fortaxes 94.00. port on his own merits &1900, and had of Huron and Bmce#. Godericb, U. 0. Sk)au, another coum him. He also showed that the salaries upon you to publish with this letter, in your fWance to raise 4366-00 all �" 6 do was commencied on Monday the 2 1 at i0st. N had recourse to the coutemptablis mean- nairt iteilit-r iss".Ahat the denial oftbe libel — non of endeavoring to raise himself to a Tzz Irvus WAia.-Tbe Indian War in the of odfr pfiblieofficiss be I&s tham-in cither' 0 1578V00 f1rom the Dr. be as freel f circulated &A the libel itielf. West costle t United States Government The candi&tes, by mvitation eouti&s. 'Thera re 111any Imp"Itit may position by falsely accusing his more honest he Were an present. The first of the series tions of your report you can Amount of assessment 61 for 1867 What explana watterg to consider. We have cotifedera- 800 rival of faults he certainly does not posse $000,000 week,, and Gensrsl Sherfoan es- on offer, I am unable to conjecture but I am at $928580 at 12ct wil produce 1292 - Balance Lhfflceac 437.30 kimAtes-that a pe -which, we C� Thm was a large tion secured to us by the effort of the least entitled to expect a antisfactory apolo aud detracting in an unblushing and unman v= held at BeIgmve. ITY rwaoeat peace manner from the merits whieb'he as Certainly speei- prestmei--�meam-.,,the--,exiirmination of the aftesidanceof the electors. The chair- Coalition Government, but the time gy for its iticorrectuess, failing which I can' does possess, ard if he had not availed him� W an having been appointed, called the Dr fied by its Originators had expired, in the only corne to the conclusion Othat it wu not 14366.00 Red -Man from his 11,unting not Amok ;Rr-4 M self of the blundering assistance of som cost leim than 8100 000 000 + Tie Indian TIMIRD. provioce of Quebec- A conservative less malicious than untruthful, yours &c.t B7Lsw o 5to robe thesumot 61392Q.00 autcorreSpondeatsof the Star who to address the meetmg. 31r Whitebead, B. V. ELLIUTT. by sates 'I has a melancholy faZ; ;1e is first robbed ­by RAN 1115.) NA TIZAN19 &_0071111 miniv.ry had been -formed which was only sinent was read a first and second i,- 01rd foist him on the electors as a modle of NQ .2 the white man ;, and when he retaliatest Z. time the third reading was laid over atitill pm Holmes, Hays and Gibson sueem-ively just,, 7 they belf""g, the . majority, the EzETEr, 10thJuly 1867. eetinj of counacil. all that is good and statesmanlike, my een the daus of war ire let loose upon him. xt M wonid in all probability never have b fLou ge pa rty being, vo I irely eigaded, this (copy.) 0 ?F10111ING EUNUTS addremed the electors, but your co"es , B. V. EL1.tOTT,,ESQ. dipped in ink against him, and be- have been z 0 ANTONY and CLEOPATRA." pcodent not havinz the pleasure of being he contznded was perf�CUY righ4 they DZAV.. Sip.��W reply to yours of the 2nd -A n i snared the cruel torture of looking his, own Well Saut, betn- oppoeed to confederation, and a requesting an eiplanation of my statement) Notes and Ubaracterlstlell. The worderserformid by these Anissals thae, I cannot report to you the Weches es rait in the face, As it is, so long as Mr. and the novel arrJ at pusing 'character of their minonlY asked why it was the Reform before the County County June 5th as report 'ble exchange- "It matters not Lh s chooses- to proceed in the track he has Says a senall but am given to vil- ed in the Hisron St-nat on the 13 June*, I NO V. k and so Iong as talsehoods feats, are bey4rd-1h4p,,Vower,-of de3cription: made on the- Ocea,3111131_1 i party were not allowed the same pn hitherto trod, c' ' are how many newspapers a man takes, his list is h?y dituct, play th� orga d eirect on ; stan understand the meeting u2s a good one- i ed,,;e in the province of Oataria, they wo-uld say that the reported accusation a- The inaoguration of the New Dominion of called to his assistance in the public prints, 'incomplete without bifi home paper. Llf that their hind le or to a roveize- position an ga the'forming the majorit7. he also spoke of gainst you is altogether incorrect, as I never 0 their heads. ascend marrovi inclined planes, veIl attended and orderly, and Coun ti�da, would seem to promise fairly, for I will consider it a duty which I owe to �the pap r is not such as be would wish, he should S I � ;a L made any such statement before satid Ca electors in �his feel that hiniselt; and neighbours are tespon- form classic and -comical poses on elevated Vie opposition given to coefedcratioa by beiag productive of some benefleial results in speeches much resemblino, former ones.-; cil, yours &c., for its shortcoming true light as a vain and empty headed place sible, in a measure, I O'destals, a-hil erform a ia�umber of other public to place him before the Stadfield McDonald, Camerorl, and GEORGE SAMUELLS. the politicaj aspect of affairs i, at least, judg- hunter, and as faf as in we lies to expose Give a paper a liberal C At this meeting Mr Hays w ­W, it ist so port,an active sym amakmg-and entertaining feam --thaught, hae a majorirr, about an equal , Richarda , yet they Were appoitted to ing from-Lbe fresh tone of -the public mind, the miserable shiftso which his friends are pathy. and it will instauTylyespripil . to such TENDERS, addressed 10 the. P4ntmaster ;carry is out, he was willing to give EDITORIAL REMARKS. Whether give him L and. his opinions maniNstafions. Let siniditor feel that his JL General, will be reColved at Ottawa until FOURTH. even in this sequestered corner of the driven to .re was a shawdow Of a pretence for ',Woody lfuron,"on'e would be led to sup- even the semblance on Friday Stb 64 number for the Dr and HolmE--. 1Vh1*t2-, the Coalition a fair trial, it would be wrong the of stability. On efforts are appreciated, and he is the most Noon, -ptember, 1867, for s head wffl have a number of gapporte #;and to pass a vote of want of coufidenee at once, starting on his canvas through-, the North responsible beitig-mearth ; his paper b the oonveyance, of Her,LMaje$t�'S on eing yet he must confess he had very little confi- aue�L, an ao-Vusation " or not, is a matter pose, that the hitherto dormant embers of Ri�i�g, , Mr.. Mays had scarcely a single part of himsplf, he is u sensitive to praise. or proposed Contracts for4our On and GREAT ArurnPALia C i—Rous Gi1xion wfll poll a good number of votes dence . n the Ontario &PPOinLP1e0U- -10 am- -that bir I fical send u had, at last received a sort any of the let October next� be- _ Elgott will have to settle with poi me t opinion to a4vaoce o censure as a dotting Atber. Nothinz can from the tween is iMs aecda:iL. This is am of the Dr. nounciln[g)iiii policy he- was glad to state - - � r �' b7t na's ormi6i ihe'tolloWing brilliant Constellation Catling,'ibd Mri Samuell, ,fQr-we of magical, or magnetic impetus, forcibly topics now agitating. the gutilio Wind, supply the -place "olf %home paper.' It in -the 1,Ha - is a in his mirror in the town and neighbour- th4 Mr. 311� his better informed rivil- Mr.'-Gibion, which rpgbey and Railway Station,' -himself vve!�e at onts bit all -F.6-relga sha" Native -Sta and His fftroag hoMs. an(f - 0 hadbe'lievet'h4the remiadift- as of the sym6olical account given es peiteek, *aCh way ; Tend of m-. a gmud points, fit., thd _Qpefli0g. Up �Df the�,North heard aiitiall Pass( clear headed wayl entered thOrt0i, ably boad news are rdflectad ; in social, politicaf� lv6- in ers to Alliance of Talent from the most motwed It I M BROV1151-8 WH06L Horm WORRI& West, to actual settlers with free wrants of by one o7 the Fellow Prophets of antiquity, slowin the grievance&'hs would 100i to and" r6li&ioyh circles it fills a place �no other state Price- per doub trip - e- frG-' fht� Arenasof bothlilfliemixpheres. t, words reported by us were substantially C. ofin Pos, -'AM1iiay&a9ion) and bael, "red Brown, Esil_ Reeva, was called one hundred acres to such ; also the amead- representint, a "great stirring of dry bonea,", redre r0y reforms tie would paper can.' When a need of economy m- Ofti to ect. As we understood the matter at as, nod the neebbal JAS.' XMVILLA the "ParaleUed -Apt, when he ment of the auessment law, and most'im- c9rr endeavor- to bAnk A6ut,1n__ ot.sr'gpilternmeta pels you to curtail your newspaper list, in a certain Syrian valley where they bad sadel.aAd_ WrWtex, imilan Eqd�sfrian; to the eblix, Samuell spoke of Mr, 0 f-** pirated strike off every other one before you sny,& VELVILLU, called upon Mr., -wt of all the the Municipal Loan k'and, the -90 _tV4 I port ime, Mr, hitin ia the dusty silence of ages. The rei� ind iiistitutiOnly Mme. grac a week ard -ef Avzt�Atsfli Mr. Gibson's poliflesit opicione"a6dkat iub- The publisher of your houm journal -stop my six times per gloan, who disp!ayed a great amount Of this County baring paid regularly should not Ellioups having got Mr Snell under the c' Equestrienne. bewthr, burdea of defaulti% municipali ent meeting held by 'the rival caddidates his-owir person r.11 in commencinc, his speech. He ssequent meetings, gave in Pape geaforth, a4 roxete.t, mrs. 8110,WLES,-their gmt Fern @new r. Hays 11 �had; ctarged him' i or,vftO obtainings, cer- Kintail seetao to have been a pretty lusty ors a stnIting photo - said be was not the nominee of any con- and although M Istler and vinsiderably- affecti e in to the listening elect Trainer. wilb the Commission of all the smis of',�-' the 41 while in witaded a I Jackdaw siray. ek, Printed notices -contain. tain etil graphic likeness of the fa�led J 411 times per we -WI; or note u0tes)'*;iiI %wayaJ&rge amountof,thel Twenty years extrie 0 ES Wean RA men- 4yr ddstf- e -to his borrowett" Olumes - nce in using, Bryan'q urth6r inf6iiiiiion as to' Conditibna-4 vmtim-he came again before them as Conty rutine, I i a the itleial votin,, of�' blowing i _d -a stradNe ve bi ing fl 0 that condition. bIr Carlin- � ergwbile, had slumbered in,, Polmonic Watifers rovad them to G90. MEUVILLA the - Yougs W*w e of ies, he thour'lt they were atmut equal for *ild whereinp -tilotAffler, tremblingly avowing his p Contracts may be seen, and blivak -4 - an independent man ---pie a resum eus] remedy for coughs, and the Mosteffect Clown. dwing Mr. Hays' short cAreer in the Town speaker, spoke of it as a case, and usei '11stleis and &bjgeo11,jP,4L�fiy thottpami, a aml ive party. yet orms of Tender may be obtatiabd **tt the nitatlecleyt "the Electo I r since, -a adhebides the viiWis by cold, or J the same Ianguaga, for Mr Bish lorgans;`public, --- tim state of our political world. The ne- Council he has been found guilty of giving nearly of a goodreformet to �cauffqd Post Offices above men-Uoued, and at the FRANK MELVIkLF4 Ulu* 6m. ling sound resembling th# m6iteriags of $Porting I)ment. of North unusud'exiirtioi- of thi �rccai �n D f aacal ts 1436' 81 asussment I for 1867 12ct wi uet 1 292 Lm.e,c 43 0 to sum at 6 1-43 5 rafse the 1 39 ciessity of sending proper m -a at this time away the sum of one hundred dollars, to a drew attention to it when he arose. O?n conciliate the r9f6rd e( speakers most Office of the subscriber. to bore for oil ot. salt, and *a think a forthcoming poliUcal tbundirstOrM is daily eto at the polls Mr.. ays has aud-singers will find them, WJW XINCAID, &a Man of a Ali* to represent us, and to put in motion the company reqvnse to a note froi4 us M r Bishop 'Ruronwhose T' benificial. The endro freedom ftoin all GM1RZFMQVFVIN1 Summersaul1% thi'bbjecr was * noble one, and he was sur* and hourlybecominjinoretidible emd till just sense enough to dread. Msz;4�._ geuds the follow4ing r,ep '-much rmm difeteri6twingrediantaxetiders Rfyan's Pal- Post _0ffiC6.1n$ PEE* WaITNgy, Au pecsoi. SHAP =wliiiinery of our great confederation and hat the people ought to sipbold the bands; ever increasing in volume, very, We are spin told that Mr. Hays is NO, - 0 ice Loseig" �ojt'offi -vat! tiling io an abstract sense, that sound dwirih- ojet, and �getierovs &o. As I intend dealing monk Wafers, or taugh and Vo ce Inspec.0f sffi-be, Vaitres, du,��PW;e. natianality. He would do his bat to of Idunicipat bodies *ho endeavour to d, 273t :1 ope the resources of our country. U -25, 186S. ed by'the -Hebrew prophet referrad.0, only, a safe-semedy for tue aiest delicate person, Lonaonc-266 July 1867 AS. RZYN 4e stood switiss, Tuly in' tmtbq,aud' as I generally render iinto 91 opm up its great rewarzes--to have free before'them as the reform candidate and if W. T. Cox, EbQ. in the instance Boues, Skins and Toiigues go Ciesar the t1iings that are Cgesartep I 'Will audUse"sathetis 6 bi-held in high esteeal lu,, 0 Wing at occe - shisl4tter thenomer- A"Aw"i - �,*,ajl,who -bave rsed, Abom. gold by &H Tinnolvant Ad -of 18640 EE POWM; . Vtftt 4L �_ 31"Utreall Spe, tnI Telqmu Montreal, FwCft-v%uperi%,r Extra Wellaied Cava Superfine No B 7 Plou r aL Wg[EkT.—C,inada Spr ()ATS.—Ver 32 lbs � BARI�Ly.—Per 4� Im ]BE-TTER.— Dairy . _ 44 Stored rac� A su".- Pots ....... Pearls ro It r6L. — M PVR - - Prime Mess Pri(33e PZAR ...... ....... 11rc Frour .......... Flonr—Small rveeip prime unchang, d I s!i; Wheat-Le8s want Barle-y plitainable. P madily bringing 95c P4 N.ww YoaIL 3 1 4041F. Flour common, old are 10c t 3515 bbla. Wheat 3c and sumdy winter i 4ull, corn be -try and I asits without decided cli The Great Eastern 7 her exhibitian, , tLl noble vessel h& - tion to toe thousands c led to Qsebec to view them for their owlay ; the -Canadian Pain 1) wisis anything that gavi rwrieves pain almost finest thing in the v asturalziai &ad Faiins in ce�ts will buy a BOW 3tedizine Dealers. IMETEOROL( Poi Prepared for tke Signal station CA69em DAY3. -0.0 I -ane, 7 C-41 1867. Unit., July 15 29= TOM 11 16 _1" 417ed. 17 ASS 11tirs. 181 A46 C Ion, 19 = ( Oat, 2D 1 .424 6 *The Votorayolthe approximatell by numt 6: Im"Wate 34 10, V, t no s- extent of orzky hy sumbers, from 10 to Ussit t1ke sky it covered vn Ulfcovered ; and 0 that SAR-OKE Highest Berornam Ves was 29.488W 7 O'c4ock. J,Owast Sammetric pre"" 29300 at I o'clock pin. The Me" BarAxLetric was 29X440. TRERK011 (11a,ursof obmirvation 7 ifigbest Temperature dui isf,Fweloek, P. M. on A "wea Temperamm dtm at 9 **Wwk p. m. on ' TbeXisan Temperature to iWispoeit day during jJ 4= da It um Me&* Tawpeq day durmir the Its the Usau Tempwattrrc DkM �#Li. 2&b &Y of.! Wo CONSVI Tkeadvartaw, bariV be A --lo by& veryampk - iiindforsevao yam witilim, VIV-1timmsbu 82-ILALNGEt A" k@ar40=CflL*9 VM JUI astumnutil 14rec*1 chvwe)� , 'gaed, Tho-k-iPgAis-, valftebyeat naticing0mca 0L"rv"%hcir-bed�_ iij TLI ERILOAL3 01 A Gcakwiita wko_� iMbility, Premature D—y- , ftaetbaflvrkozoedxt�� N0.1;L C kativira So An s &Zo, IMN"'. +e*iy AVIS1 We ap the "o i6ti9rzU1""t&ar_1 of A* 4" gnats to sewers --open up all Ithe great, tuey LuOU17til, M L e rtg t man. no suoulul J.UG 1,FUL V .. 1 , I DEAS, Sia. -In answer to yours of the 25th neither de�y L914ow- A 111111181011414M11t an being, doabless, caused * by the' recent mididner de;iem AU25 cints per nor. e them to the best of his abili t, Nwth Wag f6r serdement. He would sery pass it QUUO lead. tu It Joly, I understood Mr. Carling at. the June great mtraelb of British jolic t In the matter Of Anthouy zoll&A ,of -OR&S, ROBWORRq Mr glout 7 in "a I J _0 Raya*next addressed the meeting Elliott Vm_PriVaA*1if*, Mr. Hays - nut. low 11 his Mr. Toot Coming hoak , ,th the interests of our Count -11 in the to no,, to say distinctly, that Mr. into Canada ",a spiri�t from t 0 vas dde."' liteL One 416*f, Was ViU&ZO'DfEret*rlin-t�heeoUnty'of gund uched again on the Mileage Audit,Weights We"I ix ik1ut 3 thfiiIti W 47�yi h c lied got Mr. Snell under- the iofluence of 1111,444d"01014,10 t gratty, IfMili off -an Insolvent-, Mons. FERR"Tli, the - rostare, WPO& liqaqr and that So sign I - to iastil the principal of resuscits,U011 0 met at the door by ho wife. " - - -_-J 1. 1 . as your.reaOerw -are by this Met Intercolonial RaHwa* affair, 2s there and measure. and Salary Questions, wbi h I generosity, ipheiited wliChk�i� ell never would have the whilam, proetrated corporeal bulk of the his virtues a niglit. Ain Toot,, for you to come 110- A410,ursditom�pf the Insolrent are, notified - y ex- said bodyypoliflic. 1, Digby. make, As te'rY three eclock in t e morain ; you a respec* tbit 16 hai midie"An"Asti &umvt of lik estate would be a large amount of mone' theme pre)iinin- to, 06 mr, gave - Vvqpe Ct ervfz� am _�`effe 1, G'b!der the above- Aot, to tke , 2k - - acquainted witri the 11Y 10 the �ubllc 6tiatfhitik he would be _�Prwith - a rapor� At the Aiiiie CO 6,6e -ihv - A in constructing- In fact he a tirade against George Brow arf6iiervatiouffilreonfiklion' with a briar re. "Tan't led A Ufs Pop& Toot ftl* mp- peade and the Yo enerousin"L.- I huejull confidenci 4-0 aiid I 11 oiw --ftd of Ferfor a --,Two a 83�_ I - - 7, ourse," declared con TO a Is lim, "thevoi �roxtus Atit. pwomiwd to ffi&ally attend to on6 and CrlObe, also ag inst conventions,, "not the 8ignaL It struck me very forcibly and it was vie* of &,political meeting caUed by 1:49 Cow, Anarbours to d ro. com;ervative ones of c much talked of after the Coancif rose, that appointed by the friends -of rellbrat in this ElectM.0f. it thr" - niied -16-4bittish-lbei -witbin mb-jeontba and Fonies, ifiSuding the all of our intereatz should he be s-nt, at. Carling should use such language zbou� district , which meeting was hold ou the -Ugodu - every four im0i ot.-I heard it st#ko one as I froiq this 4 139 1COMI-0 (pideration no& an wcompliah4d tact, and the A4 la� hawbor of ime a q rs.� claims speci Pjwy &Ion g1be p- 156"t late, wit1k, their T,�CX MU�l W6 hich he fully expected to be. White- �11^_Cmity of imriding by the coalition 0A, I -Se woul i6mei t Or three tim". the se ciarit' d the the beat inead he had in the County, when I evening of Tuesday last, in the School house rW1 d doubfless�ulsoo c�i d lairoduftaby MrJ.,SN0WM__ declar IL y theyJa6l 1 any, an at Po o be no difference, who, or what saw it in the Signal I thought if anything of fir. %V. Bannistyne Sect 2 Ashfield, vi�-here I . I' e #a to-OIgrz*&� tbJe path frow the of it; at4 If Oeiiej samall ithe , -1 , P =d 00ming out undar the wing of one `Z could let Bfr. Elliott see the arrot of his. ways altho boialt myself one of the unfranchised I PrIlmlt tho door of, every -.a whole iktWted'vddervatL.?efi**& ir era party rules the country, made J. McDon. . , leow -tz-V bain to To 'these ad 4tot 10-9 his pape multifarious - on,' eonvent bftn added Al ion, and Holmim urder th aid and his colleagues the in couvassingforUr. Carling ibis, would a made it my business to be present, a I like their 'iit iuch ehWs' - erfection - of a ph RI& C,,piaridad a - .,rote e folk - -ottent son in suppori rovage of another, he expeeW to elip, in government, attempted to mate Mr. Gibson when Mr. Carling saw it he could not believe to counteazincet, if J caunot otherwise help itot lb that either he or I said what you reported us th4i4 geour Construct I , B A VIM T)ated at Godetich,.Ifilhp County..910uron, -71 He would *also wistebr -,a nomit4ee of George Brown, went with Mr. every,, gbod- and,f-patri6tid. caaW. the, Aunn for paper my dLddy didn t andever� Zars AWZ, int _y i I several 151 an- kiiis twenty'nizith Asyof -July -48ft. 1 ways rom between them. to b"I've, said, would, hp p9t ,-V ,61 The meet -iii 10ge on,#, �od i1i Ahe giost 1;tqltysinest� � 'Alm" PLD16LOCIL a in Afor� -1, �, V -C' L ` �­Qjkde� hiS, Aes 'Gifitoii for opening up the North-Wifil free "0 idio 4 tLin';,- toi �ha` "a got""jLjt� 49, r;lv,- I tho not i vair well the Grand Trunk -did not think it member. was 69Terthel ably attended gftnU, promise4like a good boy to, give, a tu'vbry respect frielild Ap"i �_'00117c, fro LD BISHOZ- tharebeininom6wdyi- Ulf— A.WhIS-A 1$qrgqt octionisto boys.tbat ever d of his doing the farmers ot, North-44ron, 118 bad -7 safe to and Whitehead, he having a Jarg* _s after each session _-tjyLjpsCla1-_ !znnounce6iVi' inVf ed in .4l1wcommuni%__attd,a4ho open to all: taken-, suebr& 8Ud&* -,Mt*u cuils-sid'a, 0'lbebugbourtbe .0fW r to AaAt-, 'Th liari� d diatOys air potiillfidid MMS =ill at CUnton, and W of course to al�q te thants'wast then given -to Mr 06rtoia fedWati era bdi jt V� in, ee a M, r any 0 V fte r2ilway for the purpose of transprir- the chairman and &u"(, os��meeting No. 2. grovnng idof'Mr.'saffildell, r Irks is 78ry 4V le lib a -much whiskey that mogq*" that, Im princip Coll Teckoned amidd. t 0 nrl A It is thought Holmes and Hays will bayo a munties_of i6o to die of deririum tred'eiiiii ond v1sin i litt , - ­_ - - . -­ - . .-., 1� IS. o; -b -of war rinespalli, con-' t*". Wound- up by appeali, to the ffobo ive qf the correctness CO rat 'UM ri� *.,b­1nau was Oartiocat�p to e a Tgo of b, lstti!lacti tit-, -*r-w- 167 a re"Onitig With each 01lbit' a r to t1utdfo Sal 084,10 t 4 49#�J -1 A A ilmr y9w elaftwis for theii support. rapolk; other.***, _ 11601 U10 saine im- ducted io a w Fk,, CDDIrs selsoat zouaE. n or -A VA64**V61dtryU1�roOW, where #_*_ on, tl su to cop dateld with tbe SAIMP10f pression, the matter. v�ss sn�jeat of,general asu W sm ext ealledo he John Messer FAq., was called to the �=Q T 1. �V - wutthead was n C 11r, 'it ! - _VFAVX=01? W&')" .1 0 lob, and -Chiefly'- 'bistios VIN.- z1berdilpf Ala`_1'*Lt*%Ch $*M' forth win -its, _M �444iizt L+*r 460 �.0 , - -0,11'. _i:� B t t U J6mi& �fss anted his appared before them as the meetinS was numerously od r. conversation after be Wiwi t Y.*t and an the intelfee 7 isg *0 0-1 __ / , , 9 A "M too L A onvention- to mak asms 4 as _the -the 11116 113:1041, 1104" it' 4n4'PQlft", *tQeAof 00 V9 jot* somessug little�bdr w1fe" ld_"I. 'ible f6r us five candi te now in one twig ib` 140log 144' 00", the wmicise of the adma 10 Hayv-s wax the firstf: 4�o awMr we wo;aid agi:h he gave = his views of the fili eclart Wd #otlkci #0 to wbole trib e 61fillid TOIAUW�4�-; endeavoonn Z*tfix gis, thers stever W= a more entical time ing that coufe givep kaUcioys circulation to an -0 - au obopprectituns ;q Ito taut. -deration for wbich i I, to have should y a 0441 WAS also JA not ace4mplis] 4110094 0`6� aftegevitielithi whitilt most.,harmoniss with -the i on -oral sentithent in tie himory of oar 00untry than the formed -441"t 114814"r is would barts ai cheap govqrament, elated it "Ormo -be #a 0 1 Advat0d 'I VALT-93 V-31141" 'jraw, . - - _- I- "W of the publid ofthi $011- riding W 11 r9l!, A IN z =*f1vil no 0 starle i3o diftrance which party rated the ement topio,of oopygn;tion after After a shortfrkudfy�*u . wou% A- pywnt, c3fling forth sH our wisdom an wn a 6%14! '10 d --r h" AMUCU­Js act of the various, meno 13 a N*, proper men to conavymadel the mitintl forni h f b"in asid valav 14 A John bat I FY,7 at V- "0 WCO, -0, F aud I'Als! IUVO 4WO TS, ar4 seVill -i-0 Via oq�p. 5"nunt. in 0rdCr to _�"L'CA' wdemtoo 40 1409u, V used, an spology, # ri Attlek up at I P;ope 19 Arill puld the very, pink o 4i4of - W70 Sanfielld MclDhq _Viscy� remarlis Irom. perf,�Wfm, wid u, tl:&M� Gtbwn wo'cilitid p 4711-4 00 0 low, r 4 oN,AW"1t6hT-9- 3 &I character did not suit all shades otp I dw- JbK7 &U*er gWp 9f stau mto proper due Dir uuotil; we %Jpresuma that bis OAP) ho thes. blit,, 1!p WO 010110100 t %he- severs HV4 Vait slow MW 210wo .. el saint ordw, and to atalish our w6r the eizou iras rwrted, =bk calowdo *4 !r,ltnt over twCounty Coneit mittem *N64 d- h 'hrjt� U VijV 1" stia I'm - *J rj.y ttm way a gatuq preuy The IfaliostaU4W is awlsegion with and under Awl -100% bib, _�41 thv electors see bl- the timo U rs )y win played on _A4,0181 r"411PUAI'L at -k was ouly �001.,.10_0" to, - a- tiolt-1 qu not W_ J. V�Ssy* ral,par­ "in -1 , -'b The gre" y tbe W011 of eterjr Obt 4 6ma, out b-. A -trap, pitched into _q ph, the and thi biore.0 iliyp 'billty-do An"h19%,0_r_*PyR-JTs 01, ex- a pr effect and clap h the '171;P30f, quir Z) 1V 6 -A 0ondreaw at WqAm Of R f 1wirs we balr& donver"([,;Vj� �Uar b "as' fro for ta�inZ W-",, -Inspector, said he 16kini , be out ect of 4*yg� rofhrr4 Actus[17, brought; H�Js .1 � i I J1 A, 3 pwdwg- the public fundo in aarrying had turned his cost probatify the, eff tboughts-t1w, 9'apI "nout injuly.-In Concludd, -1 . �$ 1 to W80 fail t", die uAT 39. pubfic worlig, as awl T4, jlow -U*tiy�! '9z, � � it #bg grMtjol; of the $85, de to "I euied lavisg #aid Im reprewu6 to fils quf,! mrsiP ,J;ly f5tb. 4 7� V F_ � 4L �_ 31"Utreall Spe, tnI Telqmu Montreal, FwCft-v%uperi%,r Extra Wellaied Cava Superfine No B 7 Plou r aL Wg[EkT.—C,inada Spr ()ATS.—Ver 32 lbs � BARI�Ly.—Per 4� Im ]BE-TTER.— Dairy . _ 44 Stored rac� A su".- Pots ....... Pearls ro It r6L. — M PVR - - Prime Mess Pri(33e PZAR ...... ....... 11rc Frour .......... Flonr—Small rveeip prime unchang, d I s!i; Wheat-Le8s want Barle-y plitainable. P madily bringing 95c P4 N.ww YoaIL 3 1 4041F. Flour common, old are 10c t 3515 bbla. Wheat 3c and sumdy winter i 4ull, corn be -try and I asits without decided cli The Great Eastern 7 her exhibitian, , tLl noble vessel h& - tion to toe thousands c led to Qsebec to view them for their owlay ; the -Canadian Pain 1) wisis anything that gavi rwrieves pain almost finest thing in the v asturalziai &ad Faiins in ce�ts will buy a BOW 3tedizine Dealers. IMETEOROL( Poi Prepared for tke Signal station CA69em DAY3. -0.0 I -ane, 7 C-41 1867. Unit., July 15 29= TOM 11 16 _1" 417ed. 17 ASS 11tirs. 181 A46 C Ion, 19 = ( Oat, 2D 1 .424 6 *The Votorayolthe approximatell by numt 6: Im"Wate 34 10, V, t no s- extent of orzky hy sumbers, from 10 to Ussit t1ke sky it covered vn Ulfcovered ; and 0 that SAR-OKE Highest Berornam Ves was 29.488W 7 O'c4ock. J,Owast Sammetric pre"" 29300 at I o'clock pin. The Me" BarAxLetric was 29X440. TRERK011 (11a,ursof obmirvation 7 ifigbest Temperature dui isf,Fweloek, P. M. on A "wea Temperamm dtm at 9 **Wwk p. m. on ' TbeXisan Temperature to iWispoeit day during jJ 4= da It um Me&* Tawpeq day durmir the Its the Usau Tempwattrrc DkM �#Li. 2&b &Y of.! Wo CONSVI Tkeadvartaw, bariV be A --lo by& veryampk - iiindforsevao yam witilim, VIV-1timmsbu 82-ILALNGEt A" k@ar40=CflL*9 VM JUI astumnutil 14rec*1 chvwe)� , 'gaed, Tho-k-iPgAis-, valftebyeat naticing0mca 0L"rv"%hcir-bed�_ iij TLI ERILOAL3 01 A Gcakwiita wko_� iMbility, Premature D—y- , ftaetbaflvrkozoedxt�� N0.1;L C kativira So An s &Zo, IMN"'. +e*iy AVIS1 We ap the "o i6ti9rzU1""t&ar_1 of A* 4" gnats to sewers --open up all Ithe great, tuey LuOU17til, M L e rtg t man. no suoulul J.UG 1,FUL V .. 1 , I DEAS, Sia. -In answer to yours of the 25th neither de�y L914ow- A 111111181011414M11t an being, doabless, caused * by the' recent mididner de;iem AU25 cints per nor. e them to the best of his abili t, Nwth Wag f6r serdement. He would sery pass it QUUO lead. tu It Joly, I understood Mr. Carling at. the June great mtraelb of British jolic t In the matter Of Anthouy zoll&A ,of -OR&S, ROBWORRq Mr glout 7 in "a I J _0 Raya*next addressed the meeting Elliott Vm_PriVaA*1if*, Mr. Hays - nut. low 11 his Mr. Toot Coming hoak , ,th the interests of our Count -11 in the to no,, to say distinctly, that Mr. into Canada ",a spiri�t from t 0 vas dde."' liteL One 416*f, Was ViU&ZO'DfEret*rlin-t�heeoUnty'of gund uched again on the Mileage Audit,Weights We"I ix ik1ut 3 thfiiIti W 47�yi h c lied got Mr. Snell under- the iofluence of 1111,444d"01014,10 t gratty, IfMili off -an Insolvent-, Mons. FERR"Tli, the - rostare, WPO& liqaqr and that So sign I - to iastil the principal of resuscits,U011 0 met at the door by ho wife. " - - -_-J 1. 1 . as your.reaOerw -are by this Met Intercolonial RaHwa* affair, 2s there and measure. and Salary Questions, wbi h I generosity, ipheiited wliChk�i� ell never would have the whilam, proetrated corporeal bulk of the his virtues a niglit. Ain Toot,, for you to come 110- A410,ursditom�pf the Insolrent are, notified - y ex- said bodyypoliflic. 1, Digby. make, As te'rY three eclock in t e morain ; you a respec* tbit 16 hai midie"An"Asti &umvt of lik estate would be a large amount of mone' theme pre)iinin- to, 06 mr, gave - Vvqpe Ct ervfz� am _�`effe 1, G'b!der the above- Aot, to tke , 2k - - acquainted witri the 11Y 10 the �ubllc 6tiatfhitik he would be _�Prwith - a rapor� At the Aiiiie CO 6,6e -ihv - A in constructing- In fact he a tirade against George Brow arf6iiervatiouffilreonfiklion' with a briar re. "Tan't led A Ufs Pop& Toot ftl* mp- peade and the Yo enerousin"L.- I huejull confidenci 4-0 aiid I 11 oiw --ftd of Ferfor a --,Two a 83�_ I - - 7, ourse," declared con TO a Is lim, "thevoi �roxtus Atit. pwomiwd to ffi&ally attend to on6 and CrlObe, also ag inst conventions,, "not the 8ignaL It struck me very forcibly and it was vie* of &,political meeting caUed by 1:49 Cow, Anarbours to d ro. com;ervative ones of c much talked of after the Coancif rose, that appointed by the friends -of rellbrat in this ElectM.0f. it thr" - niied -16-4bittish-lbei -witbin mb-jeontba and Fonies, ifiSuding the all of our intereatz should he be s-nt, at. Carling should use such language zbou� district , which meeting was hold ou the -Ugodu - every four im0i ot.-I heard it st#ko one as I froiq this 4 139 1COMI-0 (pideration no& an wcompliah4d tact, and the A4 la� hawbor of ime a q rs.� claims speci Pjwy &Ion g1be p- 156"t late, wit1k, their T,�CX MU�l W6 hich he fully expected to be. White- �11^_Cmity of imriding by the coalition 0A, I -Se woul i6mei t Or three tim". the se ciarit' d the the beat inead he had in the County, when I evening of Tuesday last, in the School house rW1 d doubfless�ulsoo c�i d lairoduftaby MrJ.,SN0WM__ declar IL y theyJa6l 1 any, an at Po o be no difference, who, or what saw it in the Signal I thought if anything of fir. %V. Bannistyne Sect 2 Ashfield, vi�-here I . I' e #a to-OIgrz*&� tbJe path frow the of it; at4 If Oeiiej samall ithe , -1 , P =d 00ming out undar the wing of one `Z could let Bfr. Elliott see the arrot of his. ways altho boialt myself one of the unfranchised I PrIlmlt tho door of, every -.a whole iktWted'vddervatL.?efi**& ir era party rules the country, made J. McDon. . , leow -tz-V bain to To 'these ad 4tot 10-9 his pape multifarious - on,' eonvent bftn added Al ion, and Holmim urder th aid and his colleagues the in couvassingforUr. Carling ibis, would a made it my business to be present, a I like their 'iit iuch ehWs' - erfection - of a ph RI& C,,piaridad a - .,rote e folk - -ottent son in suppori rovage of another, he expeeW to elip, in government, attempted to mate Mr. Gibson when Mr. Carling saw it he could not believe to counteazincet, if J caunot otherwise help itot lb that either he or I said what you reported us th4i4 geour Construct I , B A VIM T)ated at Godetich,.Ifilhp County..910uron, -71 He would *also wistebr -,a nomit4ee of George Brown, went with Mr. every,, gbod- and,f-patri6tid. caaW. the, Aunn for paper my dLddy didn t andever� Zars AWZ, int _y i I several 151 an- kiiis twenty'nizith Asyof -July -48ft. 1 ways rom between them. to b"I've, said, would, hp p9t ,-V ,61 The meet -iii 10ge on,#, �od i1i Ahe giost 1;tqltysinest� � 'Alm" PLD16LOCIL a in Afor� -1, �, V -C' L ` �­Qjkde� hiS, Aes 'Gifitoii for opening up the North-Wifil free "0 idio 4 tLin';,- toi �ha` "a got""jLjt� 49, r;lv,- I tho not i vair well the Grand Trunk -did not think it member. was 69Terthel ably attended gftnU, promise4like a good boy to, give, a tu'vbry respect frielild Ap"i �_'00117c, fro LD BISHOZ- tharebeininom6wdyi- Ulf— A.WhIS-A 1$qrgqt octionisto boys.tbat ever d of his doing the farmers ot, North-44ron, 118 bad -7 safe to and Whitehead, he having a Jarg* _s after each session _-tjyLjpsCla1-_ !znnounce6iVi' inVf ed in .4l1wcommuni%__attd,a4ho open to all: taken-, suebr& 8Ud&* -,Mt*u cuils-sid'a, 0'lbebugbourtbe .0fW r to AaAt-, 'Th liari� d diatOys air potiillfidid MMS =ill at CUnton, and W of course to al�q te thants'wast then given -to Mr 06rtoia fedWati era bdi jt V� in, ee a M, r any 0 V fte r2ilway for the purpose of transprir- the chairman and &u"(, os��meeting No. 2. grovnng idof'Mr.'saffildell, r Irks is 78ry 4V le lib a -much whiskey that mogq*" that, Im princip Coll Teckoned amidd. t 0 nrl A It is thought Holmes and Hays will bayo a munties_of i6o to die of deririum tred'eiiiii ond v1sin i litt , - ­_ - - . -­ - . .-., 1� IS. o; -b -of war rinespalli, con-' t*". Wound- up by appeali, to the ffobo ive qf the correctness CO rat 'UM ri� *.,b­1nau was Oartiocat�p to e a Tgo of b, lstti!lacti tit-, -*r-w- 167 a re"Onitig With each 01lbit' a r to t1utdfo Sal 084,10 t 4 49#�J -1 A A ilmr y9w elaftwis for theii support. rapolk; other.***, _ 11601 U10 saine im- ducted io a w Fk,, CDDIrs selsoat zouaE. n or -A VA64**V61dtryU1�roOW, where #_*_ on, tl su to cop dateld with tbe SAIMP10f pression, the matter. v�ss sn�jeat of,general asu W sm ext ealledo he John Messer FAq., was called to the �=Q T 1. �V - wutthead was n C 11r, 'it ! - _VFAVX=01? W&')" .1 0 lob, and -Chiefly'- 'bistios VIN.- z1berdilpf Ala`_1'*Lt*%Ch $*M' forth win -its, _M �444iizt L+*r 460 �.0 , - -0,11'. _i:� B t t U J6mi& �fss anted his appared before them as the meetinS was numerously od r. conversation after be Wiwi t Y.*t and an the intelfee 7 isg *0 0-1 __ / , , 9 A "M too L A onvention- to mak asms 4 as _the -the 11116 113:1041, 1104" it' 4n4'PQlft", *tQeAof 00 V9 jot* somessug little�bdr w1fe" ld_"I. 'ible f6r us five candi te now in one twig ib` 140log 144' 00", the wmicise of the adma 10 Hayv-s wax the firstf: 4�o awMr we wo;aid agi:h he gave = his views of the fili eclart Wd #otlkci #0 to wbole trib e 61fillid TOIAUW�4�-; endeavoonn Z*tfix gis, thers stever W= a more entical time ing that coufe givep kaUcioys circulation to an -0 - au obopprectituns ;q Ito taut. -deration for wbich i I, to have should y a 0441 WAS also JA not ace4mplis] 4110094 0`6� aftegevitielithi whitilt most.,harmoniss with -the i on -oral sentithent in tie himory of oar 00untry than the formed -441"t 114814"r is would barts ai cheap govqrament, elated it "Ormo -be #a 0 1 Advat0d 'I VALT-93 V-31141" 'jraw, . - - _- I- "W of the publid ofthi $011- riding W 11 r9l!, A IN z =*f1vil no 0 starle i3o diftrance which party rated the ement topio,of oopygn;tion after After a shortfrkudfy�*u . wou% A- pywnt, c3fling forth sH our wisdom an wn a 6%14! '10 d --r h" AMUCU­Js act of the various, meno 13 a N*, proper men to conavymadel the mitintl forni h f b"in asid valav 14 A John bat I FY,7 at V- "0 WCO, -0, F aud I'Als! IUVO 4WO TS, ar4 seVill -i-0 Via oq�p. 5"nunt. in 0rdCr to _�"L'CA' wdemtoo 40 1409u, V used, an spology, # ri Attlek up at I P;ope 19 Arill puld the very, pink o 4i4of - W70 Sanfielld MclDhq _Viscy� remarlis Irom. perf,�Wfm, wid u, tl:&M� Gtbwn wo'cilitid p 4711-4 00 0 low, r 4 oN,AW"1t6hT-9- 3 &I character did not suit all shades otp I dw- JbK7 &U*er gWp 9f stau mto proper due Dir uuotil; we %Jpresuma that bis OAP) ho thes. blit,, 1!p WO 010110100 t %he- severs HV4 Vait slow MW 210wo .. el saint ordw, and to atalish our w6r the eizou iras rwrted, =bk calowdo *4 !r,ltnt over twCounty Coneit mittem *N64 d- h 'hrjt� U VijV 1" stia I'm - *J rj.y ttm way a gatuq preuy The IfaliostaU4W is awlsegion with and under Awl -100% bib, _�41 thv electors see bl- the timo U rs )y win played on _A4,0181 r"411PUAI'L at -k was ouly �001.,.10_0" to, - a- tiolt-1 qu not W_ J. V�Ssy* ral,par­ "in -1 , -'b The gre" y tbe W011 of eterjr Obt 4 6ma, out b-. A -trap, pitched into _q ph, the and thi biore.0 iliyp 'billty-do An"h19%,0_r_*PyR-JTs 01, ex- a pr effect and clap h the '171;P30f, quir Z) 1V 6 -A 0ondreaw at WqAm Of R f 1wirs we balr& donver"([,;Vj� �Uar b "as' fro for ta�inZ W-",, -Inspector, said he 16kini , be out ect of 4*yg� rofhrr4 Actus[17, brought; H�Js .1 � i I J1 A, 3 pwdwg- the public fundo in aarrying had turned his cost probatify the, eff tboughts-t1w, 9'apI "nout injuly.-In Concludd, -1 . �$ 1 to W80 fail t", die uAT 39. pubfic worlig, as awl T4, jlow -U*tiy�! '9z, � � it #bg grMtjol; of the $85, de to "I euied lavisg #aid Im reprewu6 to fils quf,! mrsiP ,J;ly f5tb. 4 7�