Semi Weekly Signal, 1867-07-26, Page 2_-A 4 f NP TO CO! The wiveruser. bal Crabb to The 19011teMe. Choleral, Fire at Oil Springs. And I rigMt that fortune which has de. Yet," replied Lionel, thoughtfully ; been accomplished. 51caitures In -lit be PUB 0 HOOL sh. vivid, original, and Alpine in pro. ewrelts b* -a ver, LI SO 9, GODERI011. fEie portion that to their far -travelled thought cred for several yearA p fivej you of a sword w h,ch you can me so 'I and it was un the morning of the day introduced which he strongly disapproved Lawrenes, Kansas, July 23 —Cholera is 'a letter, that he Oi'. Springs, July 21.—A large dread di­a­� 47, that I received my uncle Midsummer Examinati*n, 1867 Christopher 10rabb rushes to the rescue of and from their otharial, elevation, 1he 0 WeIL" replie4 the Ruasian in the same of, but he could have entered his protest, badly at Forts Harker and, Hayes, Ignown to bt. llellow� webt to the post-ofliee and returned without sober words of ordinary man, be they preath, raging cupiea hotel, owned by CIO T� 11 %rh,, d -r- 11, geMr. 11itebie, and says it is notorious that Mr. ers or writers, seem but "commoriplace.0 But Fifty two new cases were reported at Fort 1 1160", Of Owen cripumi used (free ofa anv." enduring the evils necestsarily connected PRIZE LUST. Sound, with two adj q, sra puring and uxing th� w A sudden report of a bu��e cawon followed Say rather," cried Alexis, eagerly, -1 that Gibbons him alwa�s been d6der assessed. where shall we place H. Y. Our advice is, Elarker ow Saturday and seventeen death& I n CUJZK (0( C­U11r`T;­ with the principle' of Coalition until the Pir Keating s store were by a trumpet btut wm hestil. he had mceived That letter -hieh came to NONoR PRIZSS. The only answer it is- accessary to make to criticise no more until �you are bet -ter qpa!i completely Coi,oc nad all Th,�t -ne, and warned you not only consummation of the great scheme of that is that any person who understands Mr. fled. Let tbesel-betorielil flourishes remain Gen. Grant. froyed by fire, about 2 o'clock this a. in. "It is the signal of ieca*% Retteat, y0u,from In Ist Division tsenior) Hector McLean I henctil again3t your uncle, but esp4cially &gains' Confederation would have enabled him to 64 C's animui against Mr. Gibbons and what within, suppress them. es to 1� mrait men." this very Philippe, in wom you trust so lm_ (junior) Jessie McLeod - 2nd The part to which I alude most who4re R. New York, July 24.—At a meeting of � The fire commenced in the rear part of will try ho r�rneflr -�L WMV pr-, a tiies,�,ng retire and demand a raturn to purely par- I Division, Sarah D -avis ; 3rd Division, !lohn gave rise to it, knows it would have been pie Y. betrays much weaknen of mind and a lack the Union Republican Geneml Committee at, the hotel. A man has been arrested on The soldiers took their pt!soner and rrimat- pliciiv.4 f"artleit wishfor the P ty government However, we believe that I D. McPherson ; 41b Division, William Davis; to him bad he been. favored. with. an op- oftioliteriess ig,where he attacks hitiopponent's suspieton of hLaving set it on fire. wilt piesse addre-ii ed hastily toward the town. The Zouavvs 11 Can it be I" cri.-d Liono-.-- their rooms last evening, Uen. Grant was 'compliment 5th Division, Arthur Smith. 'private way of moving a] lite H. Y. now deterinined to rop&y the It ii so. They overboard the plot- he was ,uidea in his determination to portunity of sprealing against his hated minated for the neyA Prellidency, subject 0 01 W"nite for the no wbickthe Russixinhadgiven them. which your uncle and his son were convers- 0001) CONDUCT MIZE& is at liberty to criticise all in� forth in one body tht-y charged furiowtiv, ing about -the plot whi, h they had mad- vithdraw from the Coalition by a spirit Ist Divijior. (aftior) Elizabeth KAV ; enciny's taxation. Try again, Mr, Crabb. press for when it is in public print it is gublic to the deeialoD of the Republican National METE0110LOGICAL BE- .%STRANG1 but why drag my ieligion efore Convention, sitmiebt upon the retreuting foe. The for the destruction tifyou and your father. if patriotism and self snerifice Which few 46 Janet Walker - WANTS FIXING At the regular property' PORT. livery yoving lady an Russians stood and met the shock. The Lonel drew a long tit"th, and grouti, 16. Ouiiiotj Annie Tye - 2uA thepublic and even enter the pulpit, and London, July A eening.-The altan can bearoamething ve or his.compeers would have exe'reired un- meetia" Of Mpsars. Cameron and Gibbons, there to sit as a judge, Wa Bay. common collisiat. and the flash welleterrible. For a his weth. but said notbil Division, Sarah Divis, Erizabetli CONr James 0 left England to -day on, his return to Coustan- Preparedfor the SiFnal by Yolin HaIdan, Fog,, return mail (dree of eu, I der similar circumstances. Bx)binson ; 3rd Division, C&roline Andrews, was a war through Germany fIX130d. 7%ove having t'me the for-m3st lines plutigi, Philip 0 Is ttleir p at Porter's HiJ, on last Friday, it decency forbids this. I will not retaliate, not -d their weapons ail agent.' 4iaion Observr at Godtnzk. it.to one another with fiigh,fal effect. But G?ud teavens I ' I have tralited in him That the Coalition of 1864 resulted in John Frazer ; 4th Division, Mary BrooLs - common expression there, as the different because there is no room, but because we tinople. - He will, p oblige bv inip 1clily. e week, where be address their -bedieut i neither line wavered. Then the Zboares I lie La always seemed the moot 6th Diition, William Smaill 7 6th Division, votersi, names vrere read over, "that one think it low, and vile, and mean to do In* and stop at Vienna for cm g ood we sincerely believeli but we do VA VS. T &sisttd. The Russians continued to retreat. i devoted of servants. His grief in the court. 9 pot, Martha McC;eneghau, Elizabeth Smith. wants fixing or In. other words, 11 tfint We cannot refrain from saying that H. Y's will be the guest of the Emperor Francis r- 0 �1. V = = -6 GO 0 . C� 0i, Th* Zousives charged The Russia" !room was heart-rending to behold." and cannot, see that that is any proof that one wautstobo bought.", This is the -compontionthrouthousbreathmA spirit of Joseph. Time, 7, a. in met'them, DO back, a:rCh3xged Ur the it it It W" the feigned griat of this man the Coalition of 1867 w4au-scROOL. , as when e sisys, "I think Mr. Edi- 602 Mi arrLed lowness, 2 0 ERROR,% Zoulaves. Thus it was, until the ans I who had stolett your ring. put false se Is to was neomnry.- Alfred Robinson, Jemima McLean, Is,. way in which the. contest is being c tor, it would be a hopeleas undertaking for Vienna, July 23, eveciag.-Great prepar- - - 04 a 9 f�OeIY an7 1867. A 0entleman whopi arrived tinder the walls of the town. ithen I torged papers, buried them in ptur t The political conditions have been oom- bollis Paiton, Mary Fox, Hugaret Mattison. on by these men. Bloney is bei a or th ce 7- ent; distributed 0 . person to engage or take in hand, to ationq are being made h re f 0a7ii Te ht0v-, J uly 15 29.242 70,1 S 3.1 8 b0J Debility, Prenwitlare 0rA the adventurous Zicimm wisely concluded to who stole your letters and made himself me- pletely changed. Thgt, it was Upper I in oi�der to catob vote& soil a scavenger by pelting him with mod" tion of the Sultan of Turkey. Tues 11 16 .397 5S9 N W.0 0 .1119� "I iniscretion. Wil! f, r return. 11 quii-ited with their contents; whose out- and Lower Canada at a dead-lDck-navri PIUMFkYR GENEHAL PROFICIENCY So saith the Star. It was not a , re_ now of ail the eommunicatims that I have plans are carried out. the ceremonies- and wed: - 17 48S 6U.9 r4 WJ) 01 sead free to atewho uee The Rusiam re4utered the *y, iffid their IMST ritten I can say"Mr. Gibson ag not been festivities during the Sultan's stay here, will -FhM IS. " 1 64.1 Lit, W.0 14 Making the simple reir"! cries when you were armsted, and insioua-- DIVISION (SIROP-) gular ' meeting, but aprivate committee w pt this style of r Why does II. Y. excel in grandeur and mfignificence those he Fri.,, 19 .3N 1 6" 15E .1 T erers wwbtur to pr"6. 1,611,011'er was conveyed. under the captain's tions, only pitinted you more deeply into the it is a Dominion formed on- thol Federal treated in this manne d. Set, 20 .424 609 Iq .0 01 a" do so by addressing supervision. to his own quarters, there to ,,a ; wbose feigned grief at she time of principle and peculiarly �dapted to the MR. N. D. CAMERON, WAC84111;- meeting, and if Mr. Ritchie's most active ado ccimposition ? Does it has met with in either France or Englan, C - remain soul morning. After the retreat of yuur trial ouly involved you more inextri. st. Elizabeth Kay, Margaret Amann, so'clut re advance Mr. Gibson's intrests better ? Does *'The Velo, ity of the Wind 11 iv expressed N.. I working out ot liberal and progressive 11 . ported to the tory sheet that cer- he burdens OP Simately by numbers, thus,: o. Calm ; the rallying pairty, the cannonade ceasird on III in the folJs of falsely imputed giall. equal ; 2nd, Sarah Andrews;. 3rd Hector 11 it tell more effectually against Rays- no; it Tas ED'TOR'AL TFADu'LL.-Tlyset &. coderate Gale; 10 Very heary Eftimcmue,&e. WHLSEERS both sides, and in an hour the silence of 7XIM11 tl� iS was done by Pbilippo. " ideas. To our mind, the whole question mcLesu � 4th, une Arthur - Aih, Mary tain persons 11-w , ;.nted Who bought," he has a contrary effect. It I have dropped a of newspaper lite are thus pointed forth fThellexient ofol'stry clauded 0.1 is expressect L. 0. N!'"Tez! vilight again ruled s;ro;lrAL lexis spoke these burning words with of the government of this New Dominio -lane Cot 6th, Mary Ann 11mann ; 7tbl should have added th' H. Y. is --benefited n at Mr. Cameron ro. word of advice by which '- in the Home Journal, It is one of the hard. by numbers, frons, 10 to 0; thus: 10. denotes, elatof to tue vr�#rld. i It Monsieur " said the Rmian, as he led turious energy, for indignation bad sent his Lucy Hazle, burst ; 8%b, Betsey McKay 9Lb, I sball be satisfied -If H. Y. keeps on in the (hat the sk5 it vovered wah clouds, 5. that it 10 his i or i'to a efomfortable room in t e 1 hwt's blood buil�id tl�rougb a seems to resolve itself into this : Hero pudiated the idea of buying such men, ships of our profession that its working wheels half covered ;, and -4) that- it is perfectly clear, caches to grow on id . prison n very vein, James 1-hekson 10th, Thomas Dixon I I th, same style of abuse as, his last letter I 6�611 never ksown to fall. banicks. -- Honskur, permit me to inqui e' and had excited him to a state of anry is a great goverDmental machine, the Jnet Anderson 12th. Helen E. Ross 13th ia the strongest terms. decline to take any notice of his, let6m. -brains and heart -are not allowed to log S"03HETER. to any one dewous 4Y, 0 the some of mv visitor I" eutbusiaskm for Uonel. Isabella Gibso** 144h, Agnes Bldett. Evil communications cocrupt good manners. for sickness, or tootoP for calamity or aor. I Highest Barometric pressure during the week Co, 78 N1 working of which is to be a very costly (No lictters taken a y same f'said the prisoner. " Calll�-- I Ijonel's blond warned to turn to 6re. Hi 10 se- We would direct the attention of Yours, row. The judge way adjourn his-coart, the was 29.488 at 7 o!elock. a in. on Wednesday. SPSULAL PRIZES. Lowest Barometric presswe during the week was Y, sending e' T. FARROW, %in DArcey." lbet beatelowly but heavil th affair, as compared wiih the system', here- 2hd, Produce Dealers,, Millers, &c., in t1iis school and the workshop may close abutters, 29 -WO at I o'clock piu. on blonday. D'Arcey ? Lional DArcey ? cried the rtents of blood in great throtkit tofol e in vogue in the seperate Province; Veousetrp-lat Thomas Dixon,- i a the mourner may veil his features eand turn The AUan Harometitc pr-mure for the wiscit I irresistable to lie] fm E. Hoss. �, I-ebra.-Mary Jane Cox. County to the advertisement of Me3srs. ; but the Rassum. 14 Gre" Heavem, whas a 9 b WROXETZ8,4111y 22, 1867. friend and stranger fro uras 29.3740. throtigbi every vein. He sprang from his is it, therefore I kst that there should b Book-ke ing.-Jaitet Andersont Betsey Cotiverse, C, journaliat May lorget behore to -morrow the fleat, and pated the narrow confines of his McKay ane Arthur, Olson & Lamb, Montreal and THCRVOMKTIER�, Why ?'_-cried UAreey. 6 Who a* you. room with baffled m7e, aud the angry aspect a fusion of old parties ? Would it can- 71 . Halifax. Dealings with the Maritime To the Editor of the Huron 8ignal. soVrows of to day, most write gayly and (9,ursofobservation 7 &.in , I p.m., 9 ii:m.)� 1111110aammir Iry of a caged tier. duoe to good overnment and the ecouern- IST DIVIStON, (JUNIOEV). - freshly, as a newamonger, -on the trifle of the Highest Temperature during the vreek was 77.3 EX"I .4 Aleis Arbsiacia. Captain of the Czar." a Vrovinces,are rapidly iweasing, and vle D&La SIR. -Allow me through your hour, whatever burden has been laid upoa - at I o'clock, p.m. on Monday, , But listen still -I hare yet more to say MR. JAMIS THOMPBON, TZACHER. Arbauun-ah- you k6w me. Tell aw, I -still more to tell of the illisialy ot this lea management of our national affairs ? think those reqAiriog reliable agents can- columns to gie, the public a true and correct that mme hour, by Providence, or his bmins Lowest Temperature during the week was 45,% ISMEmma Platt;2gd, Jessia.Mcleod; asaman. I sometimes tries and mocksas at 9 o'clock p. rn. on Wednesday. do you know her -Irene I" aid Lionel iw-; Greek, whom I blush to say belongs to my If there is to be an oppositiOmp Of what 3rd, se A mann ; 44 h, Annie Logan;. 5th, not do better than patronize this old and statement of the monies paid to County the world that reads what in thus written The Mian Temperature tot the week wai 6Ln pawvely. ouce esalt-d but uovir fallen r*"- . Yoe can it possibly consist ? Sir John A. obert Thorr4ison ; 6th, Thomas Vewton ; responsible firm. Councillors for six consecutive years, viz., Warmest day during the week was on Fri. Know hor ? Yes. Captaist D'Arcey. I own would never dream of. The public look up- day, toy Meriin Temperature being 64197- . spoke of Galeron. As you are a prisoner $he is m cousin -I might say my sister, for I here I will tell y that 7th, Jamps B Arth6r; 8th, James Thomson; from 1861 to 1866 inclusive. Mr. !lays' report on an editor's labous as the Indian did upon Coldest day duriniz the week was on 'rusiday. -you, though I know it to McDonald 2nd his old fc1lowers so 9th, Patrick O'Dea 10th, Edwin Arthur - Tuz ATI,AbiTIC MONTHLY for August 'is to was to say the least of it very disingenuous, the man that Waa- catting'bay. He finally he Mjea�a Temperature beiog58 90 we am the samo-- I have heard tram ber be a great crime, I will tell you, how- a fusion of old Dartics is the only means I Ith, iohn Macara I?Ah, Edward Sh ir man'. h3ion that it was 11 easy to see JOHN HALDAff, JR. lips all about you. -all about bar dight- ever." - 13Lh, Walter Ranter ; 14-th, James lAylor' 'hand from Messrs. Ticknor A Fields, Boston. he added up t1e expens(s of the two Counties, gave in his op &hool I by which Confederation, can be success- the white man mow." Dated this 20thdavofJuly, 1867. Her k -ht T You have s9en her, recent- A lexis whispered in Lionel's ear. The-follovnng is the table of contents Huron and Bruce,and thensays 'Electors of ly, then ?" 2ND DIVISION. 0, Lionel arrang back its though an adder fully carried out, anti they are perfectly The Guardian A�ngel; Hospitable Memor- North Huron, Mr. Gibson has squandend Board of Pu Ten d-%ya or a fortnight si nee had stun him-" A spy F' he mattered, williag to permit the opposition of the MISS MARY WALKER, TEACHER. TRIESTP,, Silly 23, evening. -The Im- filontreal Markets., THE 0 o; Poor County of Huron ies ; Vircre for a Sailor; Up the Edist I saw her at Odessa." hoal sely. Ist, Sarah Davis ;'2nd, Emma Andrews ; Richard!, The growtb, Limitations,,and Tol- over 870QO of*.Your xn(�Iaey,`it was also incor- penal frigate Aprar, has sailed from this Special Telegram to Huron Signal. School Goderich, oi future run its chances if a sufficient num- a - 'c r 0 Montreal, 2 pm. day, the 7th and 8th a r. Hush I ' cried Alexis, 11 and when vou 3rd, Eliza Maeara; 4ih, A�nes Porter, erations of Shakespeare's Genius ; Longtel t as to numbers, 6d any Elector who will po, t for Vern Cruz, with ordcris to b tin - 0, no. h is war time. But she ww remember that Philippe is hi.* friend, W'b,t ber of liberals can be indiaced to enter remains of Maxi- 26 July 1867. George Odlum, equal ; 5th, oseph Jessup, low's Translation of Dante's Divina Commed. trouble buimself to work out by the simple back from Mexiso the F1.01'a-Superiur Extra ...... 8.75 a 89.00 the hour of IV O'c well, and had escaped in safety. Had sh" think you of Philippo ?" their ranks at the present moment. They Mary Itobingon, Elizabeth Beaker, equal ; is;. The Gid, Story ;: The Week's Riding ; rales of arithmetic, the first line at his fig- milian. when candidates viz! known that I woulO meet with you, I should i ll tLings-anything." 1 64h, Adelaide Horton, Mary Million, equal i The LAtle Land of' Apperizell ; The Loot Extra ............. 8.25 a 8.50 to teach will then I have had cther things to give you than mere ignore the faet that 'Confederation is the aree, that is for the January session 1861, Great restnence at Hong Kong Fancy .............. 7 60 a 7.75 being examined. Pi That lorious Drinte of Valets, ebilippo, - 7th, Elizabeth Cox, James Robinson, equal ; Genius ; Cincinnati; A Liliput Province; tidings. But come, my triesid-fur thua I was in Seboastopol,'th " day% since I"- fruit ofleg6lativ%action alone, thep"le 8th, Eva Stotts ; 9th, Charles Slight ; l'Otb,. Reviews and Literary Notices. will find a mistake of$50 made against the Welland Canal Super 7 35 a 7.50 0 ree Wednesday and Thu hope you will permit me )it call Yau-11, is tie I He,n I In Sebastopol." Charles Hamilton ; I I th, Christina Kay. Council. The following is a correct so- New York. July L7. -The ship Chelsea. Superfiae No. I Canada 7.35 a 7.5& on Thutst.6y. Cabdi time to retire. To-mowow we will t,alk (To be conlinved.) to be governed under it never having 3RD DIVISIGN. count with Hong Kong dates to the 24th, has ar. .9 No.1 Wevoem 7.35 a 7.40- mitted to an examin over thess things."' been asked to say, by vote, directly or in- We be- to acknowledge the receipt of rived, The steamer Vax from Uverpooli is No.2 49 7.00 a 7.50 XISS AUGUSTA6 A� MORGAX, T-11AICHER. - 0 H URO N. lodge vnth the Secret directly, whether they consentd or not. a neatly got 1; Lecture in pamphlet form by arrived at Hong Kon, Ylay 24th, brought Bag Flour : ........ 3.50 a 3.70 moral character, sigi -171HP. TA-BLE9 G. T. It. SENIOR SECTION. Mileaoe. Total. intelligence of a dreadfoul pestilence. It Wag WINEAT.-Canada Spring. . . . 1.55 a 1.60 justice of the peace. Happilv, the people of Upper and Lower M"srs Che witt & Co of Toronto, the produc. 6 0 At:;Yll D AND GCDERICH Dt$TFICT, 60 8316.90 first confined to the natives, and suppos4to OATS. -Per 32 The ........ 0.44 a OA6 CHAPTER XV1. -Moortown moun. June, 131.60 66-30 originate from unwholesome foo& When BARLET.-Per 48 Ills ...... 0.60 a 0.65 1 sit Elizabeth Adams i 2nd, Samuel Hick; tion ofCiLptain Bridgewater, 136h Jan. $131. .kXEtrVF_ Canada have given their tacit cOaWQt to 34 Elizabeth Campbell, Albert Headley, Led Infantry, late of Er. M,, 15th Hussars. Dec. 131-60 319.70 th % people were dying at the BvrrEa.-Dairy ........... 0.11 a 0.13 Utwri;tion offrain. 7Sme. the change, and ardently desire to ive equal ; 4th, Robina Barton ; 5th, Elizabeth 378.96 re Ajax left the Ad 20th July 1867. THY PRESONX111- C Gordon � 6th. Mary Cas!3idy, Abner Dobson, The subject of the lecture is 7 years experi. 1802. Jan. 158-60 te of 200 per day of the disease and Ulious, Stored Packed ..... 0 11 a 0.13 Accomodation .............. _ .12730 a.m. the new Union a fair tria4 bat U does equal ; Tth, John D. McPherson. ence in,the Biitish . army, in India, and is June. 158.60 431.10 fever,similay to that seen in the Wezt Indies-. AsnFs.- Pots .............. 5.59 a 5.60 IY"czy waked the next morning, amid; ExDresR mail ....... ............ 3:00 seem hard that they re tobe Coalitioniz- JUNIOR SECTIOV. interestina, amusing. and Dec. 161.60 381-60 People 'are lying in the streets dead and dyine. Pearls ............. 7.4b a 7.50 the roar of cannon, and the noise of t;re con-: Mixed ............................ 10:50 0 - I conelu- 1,863. Jan. 140-20 365-20 Nearly every other house is closed and bos, Pi6nx.-Mess .............. IS -30 is�20.011 tea&ug armie& He was in a comfortable DEPART. ed by a few men in Ottawa, Montreal or Ist, Katie 11cliCenzie ; 2nd, John Frazer ; ding with it most. excellent add-ess to our Junib., .140.20 4U.70 pital aceom�dat;ons are insufficient. Misera- Fritne Mesa ........ 13.50 a 13.76 WOU room, the window ot whicli overlooked the Express mail ..................... 6:30 a.m. Toronto whether the wW or no. The 3rd, Frau6q Cassiday ; Ub, Idargaret Yates ; Vo!unteer force. The -Captain delivered Dec. 140,20 315.70 ble neglect. -d buts are erected aq temporary Prime ............ 14.50 a 14.75 sea. From it be could also get a sight of the I y - 5th. Wiffiam, McKenzie. I - Amomodation ................... 1.45 P -m- events of 'the past few weeks prove that this lecture wiLh great success to large 1864� Jan. 135.30 359-00 hospial, I into which the sick are sM to die, PZS .................... 0.86 a 0.851 OTTCE is herebl 11 ixed ........ . ................ 4.45 4TH DIVISION. sudienceslast winter and purposes visiting ten per cent in m Freneb workit, and of their more, advanced June.- 135.30 444-90 Quinine is $75 per ounce. Rrs Flour ................ 5.90 a 6.00 PLralwa. Sharp skirmnihing was going on Coalition will be a failure. Messrs. he- HISS 01ir MCLENNAN, TZACHXR. Dre. 1,35.30 36400 .4w MoNTaw, 26thrd.-Floar. market very capital. stock of thi between the wall and the foremost French Dougall and Howlaad accept office, as re- our town and 6livering his Lecture in a few W65. Jan. 155.40 377-70 New Orleans, July 23.-Escobedo ba -3 quin small sales without quotations, superior Company. on which f 18L Margaret Gibson ; 2nd, Susanna, days, when copies can be procured, we hope June. 155.40 433.30- been placed in command of flae army, ane extra 816 (a, 900 other grudes- nominal. pal(L Payable twent pocition.. D'Arcey remembered thall, be was formers, in the new Coalition, before they Acheson ; 3rd, John Hodgitts ; 4th, Gerald - Dec. 160.60 360.80 for th a2 least in Sebastopol. ot, however, as he to spe our military friends in town do what Juarez is announced as a candidate d Grain-Willeat car loads, U. 0. Spring sell. EOJ beped to enter it, not with the exultant feel- M1 1 f f h a have the slightie"ea that they will be ine Cressman ; 5th. Daniel Ferguson Gib 1866� Jan. 148.60 379.60 ings of a conqueror, but with the depressed William Hacam; Ttb, Annie- Mcrato-th Sib tn , ey can to procure a good audience; J'uua. 148.60 427.60 presideuey f the republic. ing at 155 @ 1.60. Peas scarce and higher. Goderich, July 22w spirit and humble aime of a prisoner of war. sastained by the reform party, and hence MILY Brooka, Mary Marlton, Barbara Ruther- Dec. 148.60 367.20 Oats scarce and bringing fall ratea. Pri. Yet be looked in wain for those accompeal- we argue that a simple Coalition of cabi- tord� ecipal ; 9th, Mar? A. Mahoney, essie SW The Bonnie has been placed on - - TnE:SANT AxNA DiFFICULTY.-The State valons generally unchanged. ments of a priam wab w1sich be to GODERICH, C. W., July 26. 1867. net rainistera, unsupported by a majority Gibson, equal � Wth. Kii2mbeth Walker, the SaTnia route., See adv.' 2607.30. 68][3.20. Departmeni at Washington has furnished for (Py apecial Telegraph to the Signal Sarah Marten, Mary Kelly, equal. publication. the decision arrived at by the Nrw YoRK, 226th. -Flour heavy, declin. bQ sn"OUnded- HO looked m va�m for the -------------- of the people, on oxe si&, is no,.coalilion I BRUCE- authorities relative to the case of Santa An- ing, sound withoutchauged. Receipts 3964. air of confinement commea to a prisoner t a 5TIt DIVISION. cham . The rom was comfortable, and THE TWO COALI[TIONS. at all. Then again, it has been main- MISS GEOILGLqA Look,%, TZACIMR. Proof produced It regulired. 1) Mileage- Total. na's capture, the action of Coamander Rue, Wheat now$ 3o@ 5e lower, old heavy. Rye zf7tbe dcmw had not been barred, he would tained, of late, by the leaders of the Con- 18111. Jan, $208.40) $327.30 and %be alleged forcible boarding of the quiet. Corn Patietter. ]3arleyquiet. Oats IN clas JALX isover be" inappowd itisswIfin custody. Evi- It is a Standing argument of eonwrys- federrate GoverumeA that It was abao- SEQUEL CLASS. To the Editor of the Huron Signal. June. 208.1,0 365.90 steamer Virginia by the Mexican authorides. shade firmer. 1630p.mi.Gord 391p &=Ily " was wup private room. He re- tive candida Lit Gen Dec. 179-00 28L.00 Mr. Steward, alter reviewing the fazts, states tes and the conservative prew rge Ellard ; 2nd, Arthur Smith SiR,-A tree pedlar in the Town of 0 IN OFARN membered hk gallant ban, the PAisaiian. I%LteJy neceswq that the Ontario Cabi- 3rd, Clam Nuett;. 4th, Jessie McKenz* 1862. Jan. 234.90 380.40 his opiaion that Santa Anna was really a- ftia,and he felt witb an emo, of=hx that becaum it was right that there should net should be a Coalition, 560, to 5th, Wilhans, Brophy. 'Goderich while canvining in the South June. 227.60 397.10 filibuster, an&- that tbb Virginia was not in V. C. NOWAT: Wtv 71ursday th be a Coalition of Parties in 1864, it i I Riding for Ritchie and Uarling, offered Dec. 198.90 328.60 the service of the UtAtediStatesbeing at the -that it was to him he must owe the presmit prevent it fiom ekshing with - the, 2ND BOOK. 1863. Jan., 219.80 358 80 time under the absolute control of Santa, J-1me (a the confedof his dtailtion. Thmking of the i just as proper that there should be a fresh Parliament at Ottawa. In attempti Ut, Jobn Crae ; 2r.d, Elizabeth Tubman, several of the voters- in the Township of 219.80 411.80 Atina, and engaged in a ingitary expedition Re�p of th winadarfst smertion of the "Ir", JoseDh McDonald, equal; 3rd' Jbhn Griffin, June. at Ws own, in violation of the Is-ra of the ris, and in t1i Russian' of I Coalition iu 1867, and they have fallen Goderich $12 &-day for their teams. As PeN 222.20 334.70 his ralationdup to Irene, oMheligbearing the to carry out his i&�tructions, what John Acheson equal - 4tb Bateli, 258.40 423AQ United States. He further says that Santa Co'nVer9eXo1s_on&LaMb' 33etween JO$Epni gaim name, and of hin affming- tha be had into the habit of calling those who do not has the Hon. John S. Macdonald wwm- Devins Rutherford, 6be;t Walker,. John BWY " known never to have had 6 12 1864. Jan Anna voluntarily, disembarked at Sieal, and and - her but 4tely. made Ucynal Vish most agree with them by the opprobrious name Uean, equal. of bi&own to slifire, the conclusion is ir June, 258.20 475-70 FATRICI . earnestly to we IBM. pYnhed ? A Coalition 7 No I Out of " Dec. 259-40 421.40 hi approves of the actionofCoramander Roe. of Dimmion iste. If' their ideas am not 6TH DIVISION� resistable that he must have been pat in 1865. Jan. 266-40 43240 CORNER HOSPITAL& ST. J09N 81711 PON the applicaboi A oftp v" hmd in the without the great Reform party of Upper Canada, June. 266.20 485.20 MASONIC G19AND LODGE- IWONTREA14. U powrilag by affida The dooir was unlooked, and Alcds sawr- carried out the Union will be destroyed, only liberals he can isreure are such 1089 MART MCNAHON, TXACNZR�. Fands, by Aitchie and Varling 'to bribe Dec. 26610 420.00 Or said DefewUn and untold calamWes will be euWed up SLQLTZL CLA9% lffelmetvs Whad, HaEnt. served with as 01111ce ed. - Ile the electors. - It mabu one proud of the 1866- Jan. 258.00 .42340 At the meeting of the Masion6 grandlefts- IT IS ORDEH "Good mornmg. Captain WArcey," men as Stephen, Ritchards and R. R i in Freatelkwhicb, broth wuld we on the infant Mminion. It has ever been ht, Usirths McClenegban -, 2nd, Wil' am independence of the electoral body to June.L 244.20 427.20 :t Kingst%n the followrog brethern wore 4daut do _*a or befixe ke, %YoocU I tt is an aboration so gross and Butterworth � 3rd, Elizabeth Whitely ; 4th rREMALNUFACTURES(TCANADAL NovemAlir Isezu &*Mn wit=aad accunCY- "I hop* Yon sm Then hu always ban a olaw of Pill- know that in tso inaftows that came Dec. 242.00 402.10 lected gra d officers for the ensuitif year B.11 : AffD IT is 10SAIMM bave at" won r miss-shapen as to excite the indig-n-ition of Jaes McFarlane, Bernatd Trainer, equal ; umderhe writer's knowledge the " bribe Grand Master, M W Bro W M Wilson. when accompanied' by the proper offd6 a-, "etle? with thl! -1 bam Thsalm to your lkindnew which iticiims who, whenever they hear t1leir all reforaten and the open deri-ion �f 5th, Charles MeSwain, Elizabeth Smith,, and briber " were indig $237.70 7096.40 Deputy Gmud Master, R TV Bra A A Ste- certificatol of their being such, wt now a& oe"MI OrdemorAW4 lims thais caze& for me. It makes me torget 'suspenders' crack, predict that the , I Cath.arine Murray, equal; 6tb, Salome nandy spurned. venson. mitted into the H- Signd oevhpi that I am a prisomr. " but eonservatives. In the nature of things it Headley, Alfred Kenzie, equal. This same pedlav also attempted 10 The above &am of $2607.30, divided by 6 Grand Senior Warden, R W Bro. I H Ste- LOWER PROVINCES Tows 6f "encb, DEC Univ,em is about to be dimolved, trour weeks next precedi -1 would bate done my duty to you be- I will be impessible to hold swh an in-cou- 8r6CObrD BOOK. 1win over srveraI of The " independnt " for the numbec of years, gives a quotient of notwltbL%tanding their croakinggs, we find irk the I ownship, by. a liberal diabibution $434,55 per sanum, which divided by 18 the arns. Tunjor Warden, M W Bro. Dr. FREF, QF DUTY-' of August next. FaM and come to am you. list our re -p "'ruous cabinet together --surely Mr. Xo- Ia, Clara Platt; 2nd, M.LT Reid ; &,d, number of municipaiities gives a notient of - Grand C A made a sortie upon, the French lines, and that- the political firmament still holds to- ' Mary Robinson ; 4th, Charles Papst - 5th of " old rye " to these eng2ged isrStatute 624.14 for each municipality, anil'supposing Turquand. C IgMMentS. 001kifed, sampil I Donald is shrewd enough to see that. 9" muui- ore busily engaged for an boar or so." -ether and the country is just as safe Martha Lo ' ; 6th,, Ellen Kelly, Ciiarles Lubdi duty. It being a hot day and the the ratepayers to average 600 in exab Gmud Chaplain, R W Bro. Rev V Cle-menti July Ili- w27 you do ont answer or del t board the noise of the combat." With the exception of Mr. Woods its mem- Reynolds) Charles YxGeegor i 7th, Abraham electoral thmt unusually dry, the uid cipality that great surn total of 87138-30 Grand Treasurer, R Vi Bra H Gr6fE to Ebe Atiove order, PLRIS -non now. and intact as ever, in so far as the pre- Wilson. Grand Secretary, R W Bra T B Raffia. to take the &II as roaki That noise is co= her@ are bitter opponents of Confaderation was gratefully received, but Lunkin lest would WZdle down to four cents and a lacm for soldim only dwell vailin,? sentiment of the people is coa- Grand Registary, R W Bro A Murray. Conn UNT grant the 57. ADurmjs WARD SCHOOL. cut of all) the owner unratefnIly re, quarter per annum that each rate ye 92 r"r ZE!�Y' b-antmed to on 6 wfthia these walls. The inhabitants, you and Coalition,and we would simply ask how P -a V pay" Grand Tyler, R W Bro, A Heror" 18 3.8437. P know, am am' a cerned. it is possible for any man who is heartil MISS XUUA NEWTON, TEACHCR. jected, ed for the mileage -question. Mr. Hays truly Electel membpra of the Board of General qPIl alot ramwe nay ful Sly- Y characterized it as "a ice liate sum." and puceedtap in the aus� "Y(ya have the whole city, to yowsel- Although we regard Coalitions ia the desirous of giving otfr new system of THIRD BOOK. ONE WHO KNOWS. upon analysis, it has proved a nice little sum, Purp -Rt Bres A awell rv. erA,.naagemqt. JOHN ws?", govern- 0 Ist, Alfred Robinson ; 2ud, Latiatelok - ing, L H Ren rs v, offu and J Kerr. government a fair trial, pan support these Johnson 3rd, Ellen Johnson. Bluevale,-July 20 1867 so small indeed that there a not a ratepay ppoint in Brox-0 Rahn, H inty, Ii -YaL I have cood news f6r you by the meat and eminently calculated to foster er in Huron, -but what respects his Reeve and ,QULI. To 2ND sooz, Deputy Reeve more thar to pay vlith a grudge &r To the Edilor-of the Huron Signal, bi on, J "Ine, W H ­mad-ABsr- way. I. have obtained leave fmm Mevschi�, men. The thing is impossible. Wecan kcM who is a kind of patron to me, to keep that spirit of Corruption in high III a" see the necessit of suffering the Coalition Ist, Jemima McLean 2nd, James Ball, Sia. -He Y. your Bluevale correspondent his 4lcts. for the payment oftbeir mileage. d. you in my chamber while you am in. Sw which is so detrimeaW to the WI -1 -being has a very lengthy communication in the am vours trully, DLPUTT I)ISMICT 1PAND UAA$TJ;R& issnot,ol. It is much better than the prison in the General parliament to put i I ts policy George Swancoff, equal. YHOMAS, GIBSON. London it W Bra F WeAbike. whiare valor coushymen-are canfinedl. Yo I of a state, we heartily believed in the no- - 2%D BoOF_ 3nD sicmox. iNignal of the l8t inst. By your permission before the country, rather than endanger Wilson, "I fiw* better buret and be freis from all cessity for a Coalition in 18" Had we, Ist, Samuel John Andrew Reid. as one who -lakes the Maud and paysfor it the Confederation by -a factious a' Huron. M C Cameron. ppost- (ror ilieseare your terms.� I beg leave, to J. G. PARS01481 XAMIL as reformers, placed the intamts of party 2ND SECTION. The Aron gale, Hamilton, R W Bra J Seymour. At.tin AWSM0. Lionel expressed the dee fie. tion, but if vre are to judge (if the wholo pest 6reitw - g �Ist Mar ris answering, he suippW'__P_ me Toronto E A Walker. choler& m-orbasi A ­ merely above those of atriotism, we garet. Matbson ; -1nd, 3srah Me- STEAMER -BGNff1X"1- 64 frew did wt thillir I -hen she spoke to by John Sandfieldis part, we can safely Aule rd, iry.& Fox,� " MattitloW, a Binevale correspo�_Pnf to tt-z Sar and as Here is a good lemon from an iron 1ar, Ontario,14� -Wm McCabe. THE dred Oats. ow of low," eoutinvioa Alex* 1* that I would would have Ilaid to Meam Btuwn, Hovr- -Bro D Praser. sboold of . Vrediet that the Coalition is not going to equal- we are fallible creature he hounds into an Read it b Prince Edwardi,� W tbost. WiN you peraft me to ask I L"Ve Gaelielk for fiaraki. land and McDougall, Remaininoppost- A bar oli';on worth five erston Jolifyciaservessimg the Zouavftr, be a very happy family, and will not eff, ct ]ST SECTION. error by attributing a correspondence to my dollad, worked Central J ToFeath vex* have driven your opponents into horseshoes, is worth $10.50 inadelinto Monts"I 1UR BuIL - After wrival, of M wra& *W14 t a triip to" W No." replied Lim -4 I do not belong ti'm I You Ist, George Patton; 2ad, Margaret John,. pan that cowained some poetr. I here state rpe I all that is claimed fbr it. We have no son i 3rd needles, it is worth 6355 ; made into balance. FA9te Townshipsi R WBro J H Gisham riniWai., ift- 'Moacky's. to that Ifycia ban tkw to listen, into a position which readem is ImPossi- Catherine McKay. that- I ntver wrote a cOmmuzuCattOn hat springs of watches, it is worth" $250,000 Quebee, R W Bro Alex TV alker. cWwk --p. In -.,g my ble for them to hold the reins d. powel, faith in political mineniums. When es, FIRST BOOK- contained an poetrl. Then he strikes at What a drilling the poor bar must undergo ArPOWTI:b no& - orvicER16 lbalm thm. Iroshan anything to tablished in Britain for -a short time they y -SARNIA � 4WR_-WDE1ftQ1 UR ase, I sban be most happy to hear it ." and if you are firm you will compel them 4TH 59CTJ0 the other two iwa- styb dabliti. to-seadh all thal ,.but, hammered and 6eaten Grand Senior Deacon, V W Bro J Clark P nbi _�Jeoawieo ves" is I have the strangest ftl you ham to retire nce f Previous' to that have proved to be seasons of confusion insultd4 m a�d pounded jadL polished, how was its "llue Grand Junior Maconi, J Boirisian' 6111- - v uls6l fiat io4m, �6�IA increase( M *1 ­ k or all. I I It mighi'irell have -quivered' slid G' nd Superin Id Works, V -low ;u board for a long two. and corruption in high places as well as in ed1hv fact-tilat he h'id'In Ms letter made te cut Inorm Coalition tho Feforin party was just complvAns4 under the'liard knocks itgot, Bro, M H Spencer. -ma bc or Datm� thicaroi. ed 0, 61 -Toll it &UN by *0 seam" the humbler walks of life. rhere ii 3UD SECTiox. a quotation from the fburiik book. He did but werla4hey not all necessary to d4ir out Grand Virector.of Cermonies� V W Bro, limell thm reecaneind from first to last all " strong� as this party opposed to it, and somethin- in the Anglo-Saxon nature Ist, Mary Ball ; 2nd, -CharlotWXeder. do it� and if he had marked th r higher okcas ? Wm Edgar. ports Abo"I g of his e quotation it its, fine lities, imd-St it fo lbekW4MTofhis ill fortisse, tallin 2ND srcTioN. Grand Assistant do, V W Bro-E H Parker. row nmGmr ok pwsnirl., e low of his rin_�,, there was no reamn why it, should give which renden such a state of political would have been all right, and @3 H. 411 -the dralin� qud have stated. Zimcl yo�-u_ are'suhj�*;ect toin Grand -.to dsaiiim §ectelltiry ro Wm AI* -"jisara* hAn morew fcmnd in his tr�nt, way, beyond that which wa Ist, Christin% Mattison, Jessie Mattisov, a school master by professioni be certainly T *-B - - a the affairs reptignant and ultimately unbear- aifd "ich- often seem so hard to ioo se4ei equa ow the law in such cases. - Ba he gets tq brin out your nobler and . finer quati6% The-machinerY able. Is it possible for ir. Cameron and ',4j*nd Sword­neajer, V W Bro i'W 21w 3m 2*$4 "M tb& coudsinarW, wher!e "eron in What was to be done ? I 2nd, Alexander Campbell. kn pi=ir 666davis" if, "d Pogo an of epavernment was at a stand still, ani if 911 commilmi. I -July 116tils - Alexis rutes6d with the deepest attention. 0 Mr. Eltehie to see eye to eye to -day an gTeater usefulness in tb6l world. -Ay. y ist, 1", _� 'I �� - sombitter cwmr C164 rl from, the Vrjd Or 4Y 21:iD R Mck illiam, Campbeirless of a co tanon, serious Is W I ? equal ; -1 - C h Do you Gwrge Browi, %ad been guil!y of any dc more than they w4uld hive done in -186 2ud, vaiiaX Grand Assistant Ortsid imspect no ow r suntar rd* sirq to tuing matters to the most Leaa,'Jofin MeXi equal' c Ion r a his ro The Reformers of Branford have discArded Vaterman. st, V W Bro H nservaq tion it he can. tim. -aa,deterfained to GmDd Poursuivant. V W Bro VI ocri* (as his calumniators allege that he --------------- 040 - , renisgade Wood. and otailitil. �ve or'George Rumball leas of a liberal Then R. Y. begins to him., Tbe GmjudAtewArdV'W Biolkv lie*& criticise MY eom- briiiir out r# candidato to,',oppos I. t:`wVZ= you tboo, =W Imam You willba to do now) he had to do nothing than of yore ? No I Then why talk of Cann-aian Press Association. 'He ir own one and bave hItizaaft con rosition where he quotes --my, words. I Conaft-vatives willisuppors the date, Mr. XcEwen, and ls-livil# time is Va. �Jbeyoiiid watinaling a firm stand, for his a melleniaa�hen it is evident that men's and they will find in due time, that 'he is -The Now York Bvextist -Pw says The anneal meeting of the Canadian pected. The streettf Brantford &I I-rw, for this only would *��unt fr Opponents, loudly as they may boat, would - - v The NO (we opinions are as widely apart as ever ? and will be lan&d successfully in Galway.' -io told') h" a firess Association, will be hold in thi town, slar cariled witb saricatisM of -Wood perforinift t Me tales of or letter ita ring, and the me of tige clung to offm watil the last plank of oulth co *a 7 grut opportm Y-. 1, a nowl- benefit mpkentizi, Here we lisle an acrobatid-foo. Suppose it was Goorge Brown or Win. on Tbars(layt the 6th ot Agglial n#A at iuelf at our expensie. Wyery indu lbe the ship f Wto w= dragged from be- both the present andus, ima-re0littabled'into, a orin party who oclock Hon. I achaiian lisibsen a*­,atted Vlaiteds4w t- b -664' rff I Abo!Canidi"i #r �, ag :pn - ta "aw;-le acce"i to yo*r neath Lbdr HeDoug4 and the Ref awe yow so o". whons you believe , p. in., and the excursion will take ym frimd, who bw amstant Joa. Who thw acted the defiMw- of winni - heterogenous mass of ungrammatical matter, to the Ho4isi 611 Common ifor Hamilt6ji, welt ng over MUM- place on the following day, of which due oppositiork !a Mr. )hgil. The latt6r, ltre. Hill Moa'#L - The ia-n in Canada to make the greater prA f the. e sent that will defy any logic qLopew beir,poir* sad ijbey. will draw - For three or foar weekii none of my pan of ole patriots, under the circum, tives. to join them in ruling the country notice will be given. Paws over th r common "nse out -o.1 it, and with the man'tiellbital to accept 'o&e under JoSen illit pnimerce fiim& ba" We& out s:*. wickam and stanees ? We say, emphatically, Mr. -who termed all 'conservatives who &Pectilrq lines of rZilwaTV-411 40nlY lit t6t to, very is no doubt the reason for this feable &play *hich wo an driving &�m­ from 'our pofh�' "997M discoatia" Vy Fix DaIrm next breath he telltus that if he be allowed ofspl�id. I WIF leave Goderich -eve Wo=&L OU my PW& of on tbAra have pmunt- Broicin and theparty sphich brmked him I laud will'Allare to their, -own rVou kicked over the tram. Disunionistaill" those drdering them, -and each ' order must to substitute Goderich for Galway will- The Reformers of peal have imany indalitrim which are =1164ag', -an 0 Did C'k fOr *111lhataka, cal: 1% Aine, Ise, laro jtAL t1gif- oil thela." Althoug� we admired the spirit which would that a1kr th6 mse at all ? %,Voald be accompanied with the annual subscrip-� I 1 1, . " -.1 "1 -C bin'Khers. Our folly.giva 0A P And to on* has been in yofk tout r' tion of $1, None bui boxaJ9de members of make seasei Thus, he idakes biinself-to Mr. Robert Barber as their candidate for %Be 'Itituraing, witil 10AVO -,840� crie4l Allexist with &ep emotion. dictated to Mr. Brown, as the leader of our conservative L friends preach submuil- supersede not only all the logiciaus of Canada HOWM-07 f-00111131008, in 0"� ition to Mr. J. men oftiti Mw Dominion Is 111t Ok rilh'P. but am- op, sind every confidence is-, . . D Accomplish Noe* but uy valet, Phihppo." the Press wilt be admitt*d to'llne'lubi; rt" t I 1,17irly b1l. -=crn1agXt,4.6_C1a`c`k- &,king lsi%ft f Thr the liberal party, 146 necessitY of enter- sioni--the siuking, of party prejudices, himself too I No% if H. Y. williconsult & 11 0i mme to the under- islised i n- i rivo, iig C for and t lam azils Wphillpp,a 7" aw Alexis; 11 ADJ do you ing the Coalition of 1864, tbae were All appheationa mutba Fowler's' p4�4 172, he VnIlL.find the V I uri6le,restiltatthe 'If - 31 emad TV**. not know now who is your obliteTation of old party lines, and all that - gratumal i carrying an -before Dim in gars, to make t"df" I imum IV* euessy 7 signed; -W. Backinghomi Secretary, Stm. Devlin h lippol Too sanyl do not believe WMe tbbg3 connected with the arrane' sentence ceitiewd correct� but may be tr"i t­xr� McGee., His election 8 at of a vocied industry'and a thriviiig toin. Fka from son ton Phi sort of thin- ? PerhakA they would, but ford; or to Tbos. Sellar, Wo in Ww-, , ountr -President, Mon, H. Y. has no authon!y --filave Urkido and certain. The protaptionlis y Ga be woiad injure as 7 ment which we did not approve of In ot-1 The conclusion we !�rrivo treal. W* are happy to be-abii� 10 sq that 'm Lennie 41* 144ou 'd "H&. Bois wall known to me. He is we think n the "me 0116 tbe-ir bad- o - t r stn#�� 4tistro our ore sent fro -ce; they_.lMTe;_ Aumble opinion the reform element 0 400 Two iclegrams in cipher y in 00111110101 r 4beir the osily mal wici could do so. Captain at in our own minds, therefore, is that we have reiiivad sureco" from our f ds au&' t6nistf bj eadifig "WOO n ulmotioul) Now Orleausi'64_ IYAmy, I take the deepiost interest in your did not eater into the formation of the ty government "is the beat for a ftee, townsmen that.they wfli do all in their power and seek pace" be thinks they (vo -*e fij&Inat. to the French d tritninal' legislistiont -stmad, --Mvft- xjiol�tae& 1 intow sitacli ofyour eircum- p" can couple nothing elsto Let gim don at a mt fevairall imp�rfautlndubtrift into -Ibe 'Blititils; new cabinet go fully as the strength of the country, where enlightened principle, pros, to render the slarof out,'relliftQ Qf­-thi) '64J�Wift the pW- in rb*l off][1,001O.-IthUieved that %Vey rofer Provinces, such as xbipbuildia&A part of tbe- ks4w WL I bavis, seen Iren* or-rdWiTild to ind ag�6eifile an odisible. ntis �o thepurder of 31axi! 4umber -40 40 4W opmetwTv your i1sager tr&dN -Usk8 n!tt rranted. When Mr. Brown and va% fiInc or Alw from Party Va ,ve fM certain that, the New quill in Godii y r of tl� -'#M'd the 'it we the 11111kh r slacte. his wflages m;Ldo conoenions which were -Dom Th4re will be a _yery large ta"tipg; of ttto But, now turn to H. Y -'s. letto s; 18th- Now York, Jull 24. -At wamfing of Few Domlaioifria people in ofron Good God rt illfilAt Of 040ada will, be more prw insit and look at the first watances He Union Republi 1: C*mmitteg, qugTand Liione4 as though a newspaper men of Canada, of every sbado cin Genam At Autli is.rusb of cominer I* TiPT-0p, repuput to t�;Jr &,eHugs, they- had a j1heir i�i perous and better governed bPgW:,,1(Ths correspondent to thollf; God- last evou4iij, 0 I oll"Is W to Ahewl-�"th loddow 14M lipm his soul, when 0oalsi e), I UO --for nows' d � 1, Vibs 30 of politios# frain Quebec to ornia, AW WOJ ifr iks domid �Ze res .,tb t 'b4tween Alit wka Ow ow askal of "rig right to demand an equal share in 6rioh'Slat tihile Won- very prom Im the 14 t 0- itilijoctA6 'deck' Nejotiiiitionx are 6* -foo, itious are uutnb�red with the Wags 04.1 Of' would respectfully "it our citizens to show vontributions of late, particularly 60 1314 iol�, iff thi, sponjoer fikqgy inbefitsum, is attempting compoAdn of the new governments This 1JUitsdL _StMej and1kii1lish Obvernmenk for the 04t, theta is-reasonlible amount of'4tteAt1o*,_--" WAW xwlfyibo� bavo sive to powois your father, and vft outstretched #Upll -Votivention., 0 sit. Won .0 will he a capit for �e 01111111 =$sot'; arw seeks to ezwa4l his grsw strea to you rowing out of the ineqn4ty of the 14owl Wall silent. as, Q�M_w r elements composing the cabinet were fully I obiniii not eitcf Dying Everything. i6uab Ail At beautiful town. or appreut whea the "mision of Mr. Galt or W )OW"Gon Ire W sin pin ere we and ftratopt 6ftapion PPArdow as for "king thux of your a -e. ,h 10 * p lialt a bur is Becema" f to Washing" contrary to �Ir, Bro _P tu 0 k tW j "'_ 4- t1W U1406 -72 Wa's The 1oty ri"ist takes any co We are- in reimilit of th# Guelph Daily Ph -m -or I � . a im ism or we to do W. wIs- of the of &nytxg evOrything broug ht against his Ime ha; toI4 me all. for I am like 1:.er rerAonWanoa drove the latter to throw violatid ��*ud,ft A r'Avra mistakes befo" lid so fraily. Mercury, a we mostly Printed IS psii the� At a ot&r to a -a- Una -W caudidites, -and he gives the 11 editod and WY isplilis cre* Vile. hone�risrej_ I pictioual *TO y CoUll) fil -w d !"d U%el shut-wili d a-th stokfwifs Uni stw. 'Xbe owlitsir or 0, bro�j sincii we wera brought up together. to Am in disgulit, Again, after Mr ich should be li ka" an thia." that Ono -P Our I had a letter from my serr"t.11 Brown bad accepted office, oa the tetmo 0, t iolarsielf cannot help thinking he is non too too of truth himself. Re may afflict to -i e- I 0, Usb- en r -11"yoonowfmahtne? Sho wrote ggrwd upon, we diink he oho dhave disbeli i low Through an accident td- her, -Mi- 0, Ve a ae atat mants publishod-in, this papor, 'pollessif k- �4 ton I as� to 'Confederation, (t6*0urq out obiacry-.1be.817per §Y lrasb,44 at' �Vi6 f Votes.; Yost at tbe "am time." 100 $,tsl #o,*Ut,-of th.0 -A held to it until ocklasislowt wbosi, 04- nnf"J�bbe - hud ihsslavw in orele *A' the public discredits hi �Ny--Will b0itild UP bl&st W Is P% any., ThW is another pan of the -pony sio --#DO be perfectly satish ei-ill Ik4ld p. (I., Jully 12,186V ries, wa. ed, or wfe Viece Lla eeki plot.,which the coalitiou was rbi:410) vkfor,4j, w 11wa Philippo go for your lettem 7" 7i A E in