HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi Weekly Signal, 1867-07-19, Page 2ii�
J lffi�
�4,9TIRANGE,, B1
Tni;Qrvnvc �11\ TRY.- Hnn 3,1. Yowtiz lat'd —ot(e
To the, Editor ofthc OW11- end true in public business ezperience and having failed in his effort to foitin Millioly, Bon. M. Chaureati, thp pr sont 8
stories Mr. Ritchie bad b"s circulatiog, age me for from- his present position in the County Coun raoVVIVII9, jastell 84,— 1 hope you -Wi'l n , the approval of hiscoom by the J-�tunl Mal front ranks, anct Tibe Kipres ell is Shown (For the Huron dent of Bducation for 1,owpr Canada, ha� -I' pleasantly beguiled, in the nfidence enouill in the good a few lines of comment 'ple at large. Msy th�lgoofl electors of t,As to %hem documents found is my tent, )t ways sic ited for he tied co 'troubling you with pen MZ&s on PrcV1deUcc- been sakeo by the Lient jovernor to tual e
buforo (100 1 swaro that thoy were, never the Zouaves by their ammin - �17 4joi of Ur Gib
I 11!he annual trial Of mowing 111"A win their ce Pta aud M.
tiou and mads, him forget I& sewse of the p,,oplo, to berieve Chet Juc on that wonderful productipti, in tho Star this Mint sho the attempt. went 10
Irawn up by ase. I never saw them till they I D'Arcey's alten bons, that he is worthy 6 thew and the of 1
r i *ur6 11110- Quebec on Fiiday for that purpose. 1 V -SO
I ws@ as mu, h surprised and woes. under tile auspices of the Hom course its that could ne" 111 of' tho 25th, signed 11 One f tile Orowd." , and. when -the Polliirktomes place Lin A special kindly providence
wore found. onp� I tieror wrote such' (7b be coariniseAi ) IN farm Of' are them that he 01r. C.) him� I 1 6 M 1190U.": OF'
anv Alonclation took Phico On Ile coold ass t Sits, ever up' above,
The -writer of that letteris, no doubt, a in the van to vie cry. r, a
m- A REFORM9P. X CID abbErt(srutruts.
I so not acquainted �l Mr. John Copeland, Stanley, Ont n his marrow bones fro deny it 'Whily Yours, Ac., - With eye of sp!adrest vigilance A G01111emIn
lit u - I."
td Trot ba" produced touch a thin)fr. i� L a I,r,,, Go- To I was not troiiig 0 wt of -reat ability, few will
riling at 11.11. Di,% -1 P ICT, day, tile 17th inst. The day "as a 8, ion to bog r1ill'o" pro. riketer, July 12tb, 1867. If awl e of heavenly love.
And Isstilv jt is not my hand w LCIARIC111 Out of about conocasiolt 0 MOB know jiltu And ha is also a rather AP it
plenditl one, attid the turit 0 - 11crowfl," Purely; HOWICK. It never slumbers night or day
ARRIVE. frora the peop I minent nie'lliber of the C Ing E,
ycu 11tre, nit my papers in Tour po&-esol'On- 4as dqgrading to 000 - sh With ttIAL 111(1 Vou will I
Compare my writing arml Ile thought no man posscs$- Nor flags with toil o'er wrought,
() ppi-,kri'vm ortruin. 300 of the farmers ofthe Scuthera Town. I manhood, thou[;� he might have pared the FAitor June Oth. 18G7. ere'.
see that It is not my own, our is A rul OvIn in sc 112:30 a.m. 0 But i�nide§ frLm errors tetrilitin r way ad,, P�,
Some b�,Irritvle pim, *-to#' monloda tion ................... ships was sufficiint evidence that there is' I in.,, propor princiPUIs cOuid stoop, to, it. 8 0
dis,guise. It is 3-00 p.m. of' the her it, It. ce,jhj3ho:s titen made 10� ExPrL-zq mail ................ . . f ail hi.q.colorB ta the must, Blvd hted' luminary, if be had 'rhe Council met to -day in Mr. Dowling The mind with virtue flau.�h 'heese,
fiendish "Duttivat' d tin 6o, Mised ............................ 10:60 " an inerfabin illtcl[Ot in 1110se tlials 0 Ile woul-I n ta'en a thoolit. " otv the mass of corres- [11.11, in Fordwich, pursuant 10 adjournmeillt Tip Top Canadian C� W13[iSKERS
rain dw. W a ne t)EP.-.RT. machines, now becoming essential 10 good 4 wKen lie next went r�)uind nmongst the From 10 to 12 cents per lb.
know not. Who they can be, t c-n-lol tell. pondt ace which the gushing conservatives from last sitting j members present, Measts. It never acorns at ;rIdivence
I cannot &-Y any more thall have Eirm"t-q ni.-til ...... .............. 6-30 Q'ni' husbandry. Amongst tllo,,e present on elo(!torq, as he intended to do in alow dw are ever rouring into lit' suiJ EiitOr'@ Perkins, PiAtord, Green and Wilson, Mr. As selfish powers ut esilth JOHN HARI-IS. on 11.3e w -rld. w.li I
Goderich, July l8th. 1867. tw93 -row ,,� the g1reariv said.." ti k-ccomodation ................... 1-.45 p.m. t le occasion we notic"d 116VAt GiblIons -eve in the chair, when For well it k1tows, the lu%t-ol pride ill �,, lie wrtald invite every man to Meet him patiunt Itip-he vyn't't4d have shortened hi3COM- Perkins Deputy Re Wlyrr kn,wn to Giii
If Arcey's answer pmdveed a �r,%J ociety, I d I" wali read, approv- Would tread out b t" any O'le. ! litut mill th?" � M ilea . . ................ 4.43 Preqlient of the C. Ag. 8 A let the anple j udgo between hi in at) Vcn hisfellow laborers the minutes of last meeting citn'-Ie worth The Liverpool atid London and Clobe B"VE, -
upon Ihe.minds of all present, �an P munications and 9i Thp humble mind, the honest aim cc., 1,5 a [no -rely It:9 own Tli- her than bold 11 uule�
$Z,,W that It Was C Caeron 1,;Fq., & Bishop Raq. Ile-, rut at� 0
told Mr. Ritchie f,'Qc to f a chance. W llat an amount of valuable in eJ and signed. he Township into The truthful heart and tongue INSURANCE COMPANY.
was no third person to Pro" w 114LL Im 1 Nrr,. Wat."n of Ayr, It By4,Aw No. 3, to divide It
reeve of Usborne hole nud corner uicetin�s- (Loud cers.) ter. must have been- crowded out. Could
'o two electoralft division was then rea4i and It warms with inspirations flame 'ro-CONSUNI
id of [I �ly ; jos. Unp.tAi, urphis, & Reserved Funds E16,271,625
,,,yt wt? "t he your writinz," Robert Brown Es%, reeve Mr. Gibbous being loudly call -A upon,
And clothes in li,,bt and song, a4vc rxiaer Abe -pral
It&,,43n. wt<r hr en co be Ru%siani, Slui lie r �+, deprity rccV0 of Hay, Dr., to have to address you not, Starry 14; litor, by the omission passed ; when tbe'fol5wing applications for Invested in Cunada, 250,000 eV weeks i,v a ,er) tiap- 4
1 4 he di I not ex peCt of tboso gratii advertisements Viz : Mr.
with one of LfArccyls 014 letters. I Cowatr,, Tlaos- Si mpOn Esq -, deputy reeve I men who bad of some sid to improve roads were readi It sours above tile farrow'd field Prerniorrill rm-eived in 1866, we -e. $5,F62,2GO! ered for at vr, a, Y'am W Ith a *
it rimy not be your urriting, but You con- � sanuh a la�o meetin of
7 0 give us part of it in future numbers ?- Milne and others to cut down the hill oil Where toils the weary hiud DAILY Prenuunut,upwardsol 17,0001 I z 1
eal t- be yours?" tv., July 19, 186', �1103d Esq�, besideft c and -I
�.ts 11ti:j ofStanKq, G -has. White miltic r it wao, and ?to es tIIj87. -getillbutan's lettet sideline between lots 20 and 21, on. S do, mv lord . but bow A enme 1hore, And what do TcI a It
------- Itle beyond expressing his lo, Mr. Wiles and qtbers for repairs on Aud gently inns his sweaty brow Sbareliolder personally n--ponsible-jor engage- . ane
many of tho' best farmers of the County. cripitor used,111
woull snv Ii mean insinua- t 3e arle knIv.# not. 'I joru it at the battle of [,I I; I cntain ?-stnall assertions, With cooling zephyrs kind mentr of the ornpany. Att direetors must be
pILOM $400.00 TO $923-00- There were three claws of pri&es, 2T.jqt66I2.ihxnd l3th con- VrV,,rjo-v. w" ptundpred while wrseloss" gratification at the great progress they atements, ashe say 41 with- con. lineat t
0 his soul the charm
here it is. I found it ihr,-e cr the bost reaper tians, false st oieztd,,rrI I f.,uud it 11 M'r Ritchi's newspaper spologibib is viz: -For the best mow had made,in this noble Mt Of husban - dty. proof." Thc__ Inuations Mr, Turns a d O&rs forsideline 5 and -6 It whispers t A. . out a tittle of ii Of home"a pure sYWPathie84 tl,,e affi-wted. 1"A 63'
.0", cried Philippot, tested) and the best combined I con. 11111 a Pinlay for same owelVes - t, 1, a, I
a. 0 the damage his patron must (yet to be Ile hoped that if he was sent down to tetaperance, annexation, &0., And strengthens more his bmwi-y arm VJlt,Y wu
"er your couch." fully alive t concernin., sidcl;ne, coil i3jh,leail 14th, Mr. McKer. INSURANCES EFFECTED Olq'ALT. CIASSES OF
I What have machine. The entries, which vervallof Parliament. lie Would 'never be a disoraoe rou" a What- Captain D'Arcey sustain of Jud%c ticman, who values TO guard those sacred ti �s_ P
I from the decision
Y(W to say now?" es, were asi f0OWS agricultural County Of are unviortby of a gn bar for aid make con line A. and 13.,at lots ROPERTY AT CURRENT RATES. i1tPiesse
Sv4vi Brough, that his asse---sment on i,jeome conibined machin 1 to the great than an election triumph, and c TAO,-znd Vr [),r
cion of VAX W -6nd
vey's iremcity beg" to. 11 He felt satiefiej that if any man trath,more Us hajc� g�ds thp. drapery FiRMI'kISKSATSPECIAT.LYRiDrCEI)IRATZS
plundered I st By 0 Immmatt, Ball's Ohio, ion among the 2nd. road -at his provaji. His it&ertion of boin? 81 r) Young for i for 1867 shulid be r"d from W0.00 if a gentleman of his PO of-jamme r's traw- f11 uron. Mr.
V%s so Picali disproved by milton, James John Porterf Id for SC&Ijue 30 and LIVE DEPAUTWIEST.
mout. that ii -feelings and disawn to $925.00, but Ur attempr. to explain made by Swyer Of R�% followed his public course since he ente e conservatives uses Buell weapolfi's,-ve may mil:. e Walker f6riide- Wh . er�4lfqs the Ia& Tn July's dawn FEATURES.
azan to mle. evrny the point at-ismel will fall particu- Wilkinson agent. el ' he Counly ".would fdiktO qhovf that. ki th d 12th., - Mr'
be" cease to wonder at, the ravings of the an -its 4ejaven-tunetl rhapsody i
n By bad e, up tbe strep No EXTRA Charge for Xilita
'er do
a gat6ry to &0 10 'lad Carroll for to
Rrinz thfrving fb7-w%r4-" Salt! R&J'lan- -kyertt of Stanley, 2 Vym. Bell, Wood's Pateutt. ne atkytbing di to, E4tQr,qf �he Star who poor -fellow, 11 con. M4, The shepherd a vice in I)efe ry Ser I?errl ]Dav10 yon find that I" Ittrly fl7tt 01 the rateep nd nee of the Country.
When di deland. Blom He had eu(1ta. con, line? lots 18 a 19. Mr Iti.grptefui homage kiteels-
VbO %ill b/d very harJ to convince as to made by 1210 interests of the settlers. _ig - A
Thmot Idays ago." rray, BleWor, made is taorar to be V10 than am The Dairs o
Win. Mal vored to do his duty regardless of privati well that Farrand sideline 30 and 21 con. 4%b , Mr. A,,deenis a world's ambitiotr cheap Life ]Policies for the benefit of Wife or
It"'ere ? I let knows �biy children are secure from seizure by We clipihe followiuz:
how one 4 their richut, men ---one 3rd By a
h Foster for same line con. 6th. Mr. Mitchel To half the joy he teels. Creftors. jg�nfraj Adrertiser
Of "
Under D'Am-y's bed." "monetary by Luts & Co., Galt. 4 - -far
ny sh per and he I I
-via. is a mla, of integrity, etine 20 and 21 con. root
How camo you to fin it?" who openly boasts of h3 interest or parrtiality in a in MrGibbor opponent, 3A. Mr. Astel
I ki tbore, and saw a W -k= d consistently retu'rn his in- 4th By Joe. Sherman. Stratford, Da's I thougbt there was good sense anoujh i . . for ail - t3p-c,aoriot payoule one month alter P It' At this semon of th
re wants - coul 0 1 -1 superior In every way to his e 1.0 and 11 con -40th ; 8150 Above the tentedJaattle field (.I death.
000peM it. it W&W a Oberit 0 1 Oh the people to judge between him and Mr- but he has not tLe candaar to say so.- ford for sidelut All BonutLes Stated and Guaranteed. ebolem morbus, d7swot
paleel. omr; even under the sliding malt, at the an 0 an application for culvert on coil. 14th lot When duty calls, to sale' Amoun of Sr*ciaf Reserve for payment of Life dred eomPl-iints &�e sure
ji,%per with this ring enclow(V 5t� By John Jackson, Ball's Ohio, qualifica- Why was Mr Carling never proposed all
Ah I ffive we that paper." paltry sum of four hundred cWtars. As Carling a3 to their respeoLive M
0 Warden'sehair? balibepatisc one. ffr� Gibson and' others for aid to cut Fromrebel ire, or spoilers brand rfairns, $9:i6i�.468. aboPW be titterall y utitpl
b h cirnercil the said apologist Lucan. tion&' If 51r. Carling and Mr. Ritchie put i4tO the Mr. McLeod for The birthright of'the brave j G. F.C. EFAIll H, Ke_-ident Seeretarvq Vege.,bl.� y*ain Kille
com red the bluish paper with h I nal, when I ho was, rot fit- What con shdw better down a hill on eon. C- MONTREAL. tber it be for
Vall, on I 'e By Alexander Thompson, St. r. Demon for 11 hovers round the'soldiers rest hcme, wbe
the =*aa was wriaen. It t athe analme 6th I A. M. ROS5. Ag�nt for 'Caderich ; B. V.
the, view of all. tnewio force his way out of the dilemma were the friends to the farmers Owy the relative.position of the ma% ? Would erossIming On con- C- M Bright visions to impart Elitou, for Eru4er; W. N. Watson, forSealurill. It, trip to Euro.'e, shouk
paper. Ele bield is up to aw". This by a downrij�bt "icho0j. if it could be George. claimed to be, why were they not lore- 8 lie 23 and 26. con, Ist. lace'their han4s on it , nct the idea of his being Warden bs re ideli Till many an humble ungem *4 breast Goderiell. Nov. 2. 186b. w4l 13
000 Sam "tit was, 7th By Joshua Clloway, tho Ayr! empt by men in Many iiseases in ill
paper, and ths seal -what hurntile proofs of proved that Cameron had been a party to sent ? ceived with a smile of coot Mr. Acheson 15iron for his name to be - 7 - r19
Machine, made by John Watson. A Voic-.-11 i'na Ritchia cf all parties ? This, certainly, to any put on Aosessment Roll tor lot 14 con. 46, Reveals a hero a beaM laortb% which will pr<
the prtsoner this investigation intn 1,%Ir Ritchie's asess I 'reasonable man, would be pretty good Inediately checked, c"r
pnihippo I ked Piteously around. 8,tii By Waterous & Co., Brantford, �Ltau haviag purchased it.
ed_ " Wbr am ment, the all tutus would be apparent, and n the big hoose at Goderich ?" �.h VICTORIA 111-ALLLe by one or zwo doses of
0, holy virgin r' be cri Iiine. C. rdoLood, agent, Movea by Mr. Picktord, seconded by Mr.
r? Ily side delivery m= 11 which is the best man, and It rides above the bursting spray
I alwaysibuning my satime Good bear- some of the electors would natura ter). now here is a chance far you, _0. ye 11 par- Of ocean's boisterous tides more thin One Occ`-slou
Green, that the Council go into Committee suffring
ed of intznse
cu'i! rlsair nothing but what will make patbise with the latter in his Kippen. Mr. Gibbons proceeded. to complii I hent. ty " men who rejoice in the affix of "No,"' fOrcsaid Ped' And Saves the sailor's trullt ship the above named Prer-
0, gentlemen I your eicel- ecough " find out the of the whole, to consider the a - ror two Nichts OnlY.
kim gui'ty . There being no dynamometer on hand. h' i s on the splendid articles and whose sole desire it is to W hilst -iempests lash her sides W Fold by adt Dra.aLrists
loricles-, ; i maortsues. The Star, therefore, says I It telegr-aph\to Ayr and the Mae inist oud best man, come forward geDtlemen, and tions and app!ications tor repairs or rods.-
-Take this fL-ilow ON," cried Raglan. Calloway, of Stanley, M r. Watson sent I used, and resumed his seat atuidst 4 By whirlpooi- reef mid cr(ste-d ghoul I THE cirre dealers.
I" the notorious ent brought up -VY train prove the sincerity of your professions, by CafriecL Along life's treacherous maic, rEPIRY
The soldiers senied him i 31r Came- had his instrum Z5 cheers. r Gibbons, the peoples'ean- TIIF COMMITTE9*8 REPORT-
ph3L,ppo cried mercy I Have werev on tin; under initructions from voting for M it guides him to the hoped for good H 0 L M A N 4-zo St.
the appeal. Suppose it is to Seaforth and out to Kippen in plenty The visitors then adj'ourned to the housP didat'e' Now, Mr Editor, in regard to Mr. ilue's petition. sideline 20 and 640- 21 w 3m
ny master. 0, roar wombiPs-" ron " euterie 21, concessions 9th and 10th. &nd still he trusts awalri- -
The sotUners siopped his moutN- Polipo a whopper, ',%Ir kLitchio ca3 inoreas-i the of time-3boat 31 houm sufficing for the Aality in the 11 ticket distributor," I behave he is an Ides petitionj coa. 12th rud 13Lh, THE GILEAT EN4
wrium' his hands with to clijoy Mr. Copeland's hosp' hatelle
wvws carried off, 0:rculation of that j jurnA by purchasing whole affair. -Pretty quick work, It was shape of.a good supper, after whic4 the, imagitiary ellameter It in the 100 O'er feigned friendship's enmitie4 OPIRA TROUPE I
crief. OMS 0 t one the Crowd," f I or lot 22bd.
The zrief of the taithful servant was only to thought. crowd dispersed. fertile brain of Turder's petition, side.ine 5 and 6, Dark treachery nucfwroug, Sill JIMES
10�3 oopies of this issaa, anl endeaor n
an adAitional proof oftbe guilt of D'Ameir �lowing was commenced about half DUO dDuouncement will be made of the purposes beat known to himself: " thief con Ilth-and'12th ........... 50 It poises high the ardent soul BE Management her, to announce to the Celoebrate4 F
t save himself by distributing them to vOt- I cries tbiet first," and while he is blaming Finluy's petition same line, eon l3th T -.0
The sters assembly cousidered how gres haps, pa!4 a * fbr a past two o'clock, p. m. on level land and day for the holding of the reaping mate I. 3co Of each tme child -of itong I ' Citizens of Goderich, that the above Prepared fro2n a T",
must be hi 4 crime. when his faithfitl vatet, ers who never, per eerrt others for what they am not doing, let and 14th ............ ...... Thol barr'd on earth from eTery Nam Old and Popular Troupe e4rke, Al. D., Phygj4C
w6o evidentl would die for him, should light grass. -Of the work performed The other day I heard McKercher eon line A. and B. lots to tu I
paper of their own. We have Mir Came- 'a I -low - hini loolz at home. 1 20 '1 o baser spirits given WILL APPEAR ON
thus innozzently give teatimany which tended j all we can say is that it was done in a Mr. Hay -1 and the Salt Well. a prominent supporter of btr Ritchie's 35 and 36 ................... 10
a that he has I teams that Dockets sideline 10 and I I, coil 2ad. Monday and Tuesday Eveningsq This invaluable m"dif"
to criminate his adored wasur. ron s authority for stating very complete manner -so perfect? indeed, declare that it was by hiring on ng',i -at his mill on con I ine 30 Tnumphaut o'er life's wretchedness cure of all I haw Psinful 1
We must send this - to prison. Wt' had nothing to do with thLs am diredly with Messrs y He sings his way to HeSTPIE6 to which the Itnlate c2rl
will esh him up in a fitV day& His case to that it must have been very difficult for The exponent of the newly-fbund poli- he meant to beat Cameron. Porterfiuld'iv o[� sideline 30 and 31, WILLIAM BANNATY.E. July 22nd and 23rdo
Cr in&,roWy,-that� in fact, he refused Cameror and Bitchie I have nothing to eon ill and 12th .......... so nderwei all ex-- -14 It
isan mtrmate one." the ju(Lms to decile which was actually tical priaeiples of Mr. NY. T. Hays, July 6ih 1467- In two of their choicest and most VopVJAr anti a speedy cure may b
Thus ap"st &zizn, after a few ward3 take it In hand. His condunt in the of that do, however, at present, and would only Walker,,, on sideline 10 and 11, con 5 -25
broke best. All pjcseai� acemed to be delighted among t other bald stalfulents preferred be- Carrol's con' 4th and 5th, lots 18 19 40 40 IP IF, Xt _A� S To Mham
with caurohem nix assembly then has been perfectly 25 it lo peenlia .
ore, ya he say tht were bir Carlin riv enited. t'
Tilte, officers departed to their home3, matter, theref with the IfFork done, and the' ' ration of gentleman's sayingii and doingl, as ould be a lasting Farrand Is sideline 30 and 31, con 4th tbl
up. , and straitforward. AIGM Ope fore -bit. Gibbons, it w Foste" do 30 and __31, con 6th 30 nETE0jt0j60G1C_1lL RIE- low organized has received bring an the IU1013�1 Y I
honorable to the The Troupe as I prine S:l
&M IYArcey was led tcranutbw Prison- each machins was closel watched by refuted jJie charge as e5 dis-race to our noble South Riding. Each bottle,
over we believe that it did not arow out Mitche-as do 20 and 2L, con 3rd 20 PORT. - the commendation of the Prpct and Pubfic era fGm%t
tit Stamp 0
people who will evidentli be to the salt Well at several meetings. I remain, &c., 'throo-hout Canada and n
he questions at i-� scum Of AstelinriVa do 10 and it, con 10th 10 =#a by jotin jUdan. F-jq-; 0 the United Stais. er d the election at, 11111--t so I He did not attempt to Stanley, July 8th, 1867. Culvert on con. line 14 and 15, lot 1st X preparedfur th� 4 Performance each eirealag will begin
CELAPTER 33V. the municipal purchasers of such things ere long. At What nousen 56 stai6n rat CrodtiriA.- The pilis t1wrild vat bo
am haing bow raised at Gibson on con C. catting hit I .......
long - before Mr. Ritchie was the close of the mowing the Machines refute the charge. He admitted that he 20 with a Favorite Opera, concludin with a the FIR -S 7 TERH
a MeLeod's do C. crosslayin lattobable Farce or Pantomime I
THIC ZOUIT& electiju., 'the town Council when the T11t, �Soutft Riding candidates. v tter were tested as to draN with the following was present in Demon's sid0tue 25 and 26, on con I at 10 Q IX -9 qz 5�
DAYS. DOORS OPEN AT 7:30 ; CONKCERT TO nag., bra at any atAej
dionb& of as a asuiltdam The ma 10 'erva
money was gntite and ve likely. voted johriston's do 30 and 31, con lot in 11 cases of N
rig Ty -0 zz 0 COMMENCE AT 8;15.
WAzcwea tmt was DO 1014ft his * -it Mr. Ritchie result To the Hildor of the duron signat. - Time, 7 a. m, �cm a 0 2! 0 -10 in tit, sacti- ZU4 1
U ' hu ben condueted again cc 0 3 0 z:
He w= taken to &sart -it redoubt w lay for it, that the vote Was illegal ; but trie 899 az 0 P-1watio" C",
far to the fwat of tM British Unes sod close by HessrL Biwair and Walker, to WhO80 No, of entry width of CUL draft. to explain away the point by saying, that SiE6- o are preparing for an election E- a Admission 25cls ; ILeserved seats %V,4itchthelle Pillit WH
It wu on a tin@ with the 4 ft. :34 im 217 of men to repment us in the House bf 0. V. PICKFORD. ISO. 690P. . 'S 00 . lawo, failv�
by the Frewh. Chairman. Mon., J u nel 7 29.217 58od N .01 2
abdity the result arrived at is to be solc 101 N10 PIECE IMPEATED I
second Froach ciaralkl which W" then Bear- 2 4 is 3 49 232 ai the Council knew it was illegal they 'Commons and the Ontgrio. legislatore, by Mr. Wilson Tues. 'I is 9 9 hurt
Moved by Mr. Green. see W 4(11 31
4,41 4 W 09 -11817 WN Full dlrel�ftoas in tba
ly completed, and was very close to the walls ly attn mu did 06 agreed -that, it the momy was evevasked F at the report of the Com: n*'ittee be Sustain- S .0110 1973 1 GOD SAE TRE.QUEEN I Which ;s�mild
of Lie city. Tha phice of his impri6offlnent Mr. Ritchie'll Or- S&Yz tb&t if he 3 and this to these Ridings of Huron' and sm
was a small honael close by.& French redoubt income .9 4 Is 4 '94 for (shich was not tho caser) it wo'uld be over the entire Dominion is all imporiint. ed. -Carried. Moved by Mr. Piet -ford, see. Fri. gg *E__1 1 2 -0::jp- See Programmes. PIL q14�rtbeVc
- .1 . 6sjor! N 0 1 to 26 to
wrong this year, in not retatming W3 5 418 8 207 sen- that Myles Young be appoint- , 1 1867. GWV3 It
and in the imnNXIiate neighboarbood of the refunded. Is that a rdatation of f either politics to look by Mr- Green, Mr. Kidd.- Sri Goderich, 18th July
advanced British army. Wh he was eonfiu- prepsyly, it in the first time it has Q=wTW- 418 4 91 211 ous charge� . 'Try agejWA[r. LumsihowtY, It behoves men 0 ed Pathmaster in place of 0 The 6, Vel, tY Of the Viud t% eXpresited mean to say that the finian of money" ner Of julately by numbers tbus - 0. 'Calm authorixed jtgr-a
ad in this pwt of the camp, no n two thousuad 192 you may do better nez' ime. Very ll;�vv Hurricaue6re. EUREKA cgrgtypill birre
214 well to the character ana ability of such Ca,,id. Mr. McLaughlin eommissio
one coulif telL DO" it- 446 4 tt reports be -has let the bridge on 5 Nrate Gale; 10 is expressed tun
omd by was, tW be was sent W mot more tbau one of eve 4 99 4 6' men as they put forward to represent Brido% e
It was -maps oideline 15 and 16, con. Ist and 2od,. over ,tent of ofilky doodid
should 1W, income jorileg the pat five from 10 to 0; thus: '0. denoteil
hero, sa tUt his chances of ese" owns at $115. by Z e 9 Jarts, Jaw and Jelly' r4b� re -
lessened. for the front mnk is alwafs guazt-- iding scale I lAt At the eonclusioD Of the day's work, chic's organ says it is them; that they be fit and proper r l'ttle Staitland to k r' T Lt." It E Lr covered wall clouds, 5- tblkt it ill I)RBSBELV
or six y:mm under the sl SW Mr. Bit many in the best sense of the term. From what Moved by Mr. Pickford, see. by Aro h4M . he k;d ; and 0 hat it is perlectlY clear, ceived this day, at the -age
ed more closel than the few. BY Other& 'Love Sen. Esq., the Secretary, read almost impo8sible to meet the vm �kr soiji in croarl -A
-as supf= Lbu be w" umt bm, so, his try to cosXvinee the electors of.Staidey, H. e going on the country, and especially Green. that all orders for money be laid VAVOX]I;TEi.
course Be eat. -Carried. Jordan Gitidinirr
or say th&_H*Of.,Vrisw awakLed, as follows cbst&s broilght legs t 0 before the Council before paym Highest Barometric pressure d9ring the Week TELEGR&PH OFFIM
tb" be nigm be oat of the way of the ptsti Tackemmilb, Goderich TownsWil, The South Riding of Hu-ron, in the- - I to pay John .0ock CO,,tw
Of Toe kdirisig, I tt W m. Bell, $6 60 ; it is, and it is much the- filon graceful hLa order of the magistmtef vias. 29.269at 7 o' a m.on Tuesday. wiluis & jet
whirb wovild ascatnuitly have clit him other mvsicipedity in the riding and he wfll th�e way of Representatives for our Le.66111- Porteifield -for two Xsep killed by do,",, Barometric premnm dMing the week was W. SNYDER. now;
down. had bebeen coafiwd, in ttecear, or fiud,hime!f grievoesly mistaken- He did 2nd Waterous & Co., $3.00 3rd Jack- V-Zo 28.291 at 9
course to admit the fact at once. oleu-ckp in. on Flula Goderitih, July 16 1867. v23LE--
in Babilklam Ft= wItat came it arose, aid be at tive Halls. It does impress me, and ordered . tobapaidviz: 86 each, and mean Barometric pirmure lur the week
wrong this you-thaes admitted. Wo son, $2.00 trust there is no truth in the repori in all $13.50, Ch= Jacques The
however, hm be was. in the front Of ths had -other men, tbat was 29.1179. TO
act have doust wroug next Y*w, 11 he most there is a descend- costs" b Mr.
wasyl gum ityie-witloom of, the =g& operancin. For machinery tat -Jackson, 2nd Sher- he is not going to face the polls ordered to be assessed. - 19 THgamoNSTEs.. NOTICE.
D , that the Z -flutes
and of cosy owleam dist commanfly occurred not been interfered with ? We will leave in- instance of and ascending in the choice PickfordsAc. by Mr. Green on I& Pm -,9 P-)
3rd Sawyer. it, be sent to the Goderich Star (Flours of obtservati
in Cho imme&atte vielaity of the city. matter in their own s&- Mr. Boys' organ sticks to the �ratuft dtiring the week was "A
iiiS the elelct(rIS to settle that ofeandidates for such places;andmoat Of this Cunc LE(
For movrwg, for insertion the present �year iflrintedfree Higirest Temp
but wall ba of stoctoks, VA IOU rooted minds. Tha judges were : Kintail 11 Scotch friends " story, and Bay I distinctly is this shewn in the choice of a, I o2clock, p. mi on Tuesday, .9 Farmer,3 of H-uron
. Ho,,ea`wTve4 for windows. and , oton, James o1cha -Carried. Moved by Air. Wilson, Lowen Temperature durieg the vreek was 58
with boards Hessm Jonts Gribbings of CA' Njenn. Hooie, 19'Rilcy, r' Pickford that the clerk instruct
to keen ant the cold wind, ObLakets coed be Whe 99 CewbsuattoIO2 Mt21stlrT- no the.conservatives in the South Riding of f at 7 olclock p. in. on Monday wik% 67,82 THE VICTORIA, MUTUAL FLRE
Pickard of Exeter, Itud James Smillie Of It, SLurg'�O the r c.,)miuissioners to let The Mean Temperature for the week
let do;rn- Hay. - Offay, Ballantyne, Bays and twenty Huron; who by the way are Messrs (,ar- intheir respective divisioas, and have the warmebt d" during the week was on Wednc3- south IDi
It wm evening. &AzM had bwat sent Mr. S-4ifield MeDenaldbas sisceeeded in rOrm Fqr machinery, Alexander JAIC u prove that its statement meaXlTempemtore being 72,90 - INSUMVE C031PAATYI
tion. work done" as soon as possible, the money to b:y duritur-theweek wason Mondav,
otheis c is ling and Ritchie. To speak in pa'r' C=d JL 1-.T % :D hem at mid -&v, imssediately after the court ing a sort cf sunBiterial ramp -two member' Pherson, J'0h:i McCallum, and Wm- 0
martiW had broken ap. Here he bad been being all that is required to complete a co-rect. On the contrary we assert that tar of the former gentlemen who hr.8 be paid when tax col lected.- Carried. Lhe-Meai Temperature being -60.0d
Verity. Moved and see., that this Coancil stand JOHN HAGDAW, JR. uEA.D orriez, HASMLTON,
shut in, and left under the tmmedWe super- After an immense blessrs. T. Gibson) A. Carrick, A Fraser, assumod the position of candidate for the adjoamed till the 2nd Wedaesday in July. Dated thi*6th day o0uly.'186.7. ReCorm C0111
visios of& senfinel. The iinmetbiate v%6w,,Y cabinet of fim men k John D1. C. Camcron`E�-, was then called L. C. Moore, w. r. Cox, A. McKtirch-r AVE EST&BLISHED AN AGENCY IN nirtflu"tillieq
has taken ic , I Ontario Legislature. It was to the to meet at Newbrid-e in Mr -Towns Inn.
of the Freneb redoubt woald preclude the amount of figa6ng he on for a speech. He said he did Dot go GEORGE DANK. A REu_knKA9Lz Wouks.- -Oar attention Htioderwh for this county. RobertGRit. tre inyselfs a cl
and fifty others ire prepared to stit e that bons, Egq__. Warden of the County -iindy
iliffitr of his ese hing the symosthy of Carling oll London and Stephen Richards of astonishment of many sensible and intelli- who j his
0 Township Clerk. was a consented to act -as Director for
=11titrymeo; and, iathead, the only one there to make a speech. It was not a called yesterday to sp ageil bdj Huron. ViL
I the latter in those gentlemen are mistaken I p Main Istreit jvAth*.firm an Hardy, now of Godericb, is the c-ompop.r-'s TO- arp_,rerX g
of big countrym,n who was war enugh to I Toronto the former a tory and proper day, he thought to make much of gent men, who know him well and liked was wallkiqg In reaAc4 tile astonishing ,hug Agent. The VictoriaistrulyiIiiiiiabla
.hful sea- apocryphal libeml who has persistently O11r iiatiandville Pitc-NIC. elastic step, who bad dam#0 tootiturio a
be addressed, we& the ne;n " WSW I a political speech, and another reas,-n w spoken him well enough as a neighbor, --to hear is 06niiiiiiii; Ike -Aiwo
tiveL posed both C..federation and Coalition up by s&- Lacourse, the French lad,, age of one hundred and enjvsift- This has already, estL%blLsbed for i6ed a vejy **h re.
length- und of his being proposed as a candidate for yzentbflamol aWas ol the
heki by Z-="& Their desirous of refraining from of as being lost in our last, has been fu The annual Pic-Nic indulged in by the relic of the past cenary waz� born in the putation for prompluem in the Its tu The Cog
The redoubt was to the last few days. Such a ministry, when he was the But far -Ireland, ana d2oved to and ectinomy-orolfice �mtnageM t- and w0i[0WW9k
Irreliness =3 mirth in the midst of danger, town and returned -W his position already named. youth and beaaty of Maitlandville, came off County Monaghan, of iusuring in iba Cowgasy fr 3 _van.* their viva6tT. arkd practical jokes, eirea in eompleted, will be the wgakwt of the weak, cued remarks was that he was a candidate near this -he astonishment when learn- yesterday (18(h) in the delightful grove to this city some eighteen years ago. Her than itay othef reliable ompany d6log')W&M, projieray.
knows better than A -determined to be elected, if possibb) and greater was t nams is McCabe, &.-� she resides with her in Cn,,d,. An Art
Ir. McDon- C n rme" ;;"6g to tiong the �W90
and no one parents. H rd r
the m -;ds% of death, affmded much interest to Mrs. McCabel's eyesight
,,Mrtod in- that he bad accepted their proposal- the north and east of 11 The Ridge." The son on Elk street. Pen write tit in. a F, ric wizich the
AY Army, who, though im a most desperate &M dw it cannot and will not be being a lover of British fair play, he did ed 0 2 go -be Is a young girl Mr. The seliocaer" Orkney Law report Ifthe party proposing were stupid and day was all that could be wished for;, the d as when a wa roustup, nummir of civil 'u -
being anus -d at by the new Houw of Assembly. 0 " b!! Agent willgive - adtation io Mun4W
coaditiAm, could not avoid behind -W combric It _promp;
not wish to att2ck his opponent 1-Aes- bet bletmo -tO7 tbreed a fine
the actions of these lively fellows. Thel !ost, arrived all safe at Roudeau pread' under the able 'uperinton- lie, L4LW
I foolish in their choic, it was hoped that lunch,, ---a sonorous u queL4* 6W were armed a ith Mjaie rifles, and with these, Richards has tried totgain a Best in the Legis- he -ot the'fair Misses Holliday. Simmonds treedle. Her voice is as fall and DMCTO13;
ittiout sucem. his back. If Mr. Ritchie was present day. the individual chosen would have more deuce many'WRIPft's of forty7,years of ie$a, and she Bamilwa.- ASM- -e-
they pielred off with unerring &ccuracy every lature on two Occ=Ous w would, perhaps, criucise his conduct, and others, -bountiful. and dplicious ; and sang jjozigm�wiih as much vivacity.-BlIfftd6 Brown� Es* Framliorw -, jampli W11116. For Where w ill he Bad a constituency now ? t -be here," good sense in refuing-be knoing, him. ths company gmeed with aT bright and 00urier. ool and-
suals who s4oved hkwelf as the s MaxiLmIllano 0 Tbos. Loltrjdp,- AvIon'; Leyj uiwri� -we
some Mason. few HOssialts V*M vwwe on A Voice He ought to The Murder 0 r than they did -but both p�r blooming 11 ladyes faire " to ever held their
self bette weeirit is James GXt"in"Ve"'nam"ton _' �I'mudjL
this day, am on account of this coyiae-�! of PD. Mr. Cameron. -A friend says he ought Orisios or Tas ENQL1 BE P.11998. ties for the time being seem ta*Uve lost joyous court bedehth the leafy grebes Or the - C:jm, We are informed that the weylie, GlanforI12 A; -V. W -W 112106ft-
the galw, the sport becume more excitin- BRUCE To BE SAVE agitlus making,sad 4&voc in the Fall Wheat in this Jame2calder,A]10. W-pli I will leave it to tha spreadiag wildrood tree. The cont
sight of the requisite qualification fa U. F=-. win
The" 7ouvas Tiewed *0 wbole, aftir in the' to be here r the 3i -th6m'the County. ! szMakop d vw
of up. Ttie canvas for Blake and Rastall in game'rured, mintlin of the -hoi jk bouth iltbiooki AUT16W
merriest light. Ljoad eez the shouts Com, swetary to say whether he was invited Proin tU lm&)* 27tixes� office, and therefore the sad retrogmde sbove- magic fiddle caUed on ail who !, trip the Ire- 7 lt� - y4p , WAVW�
The alieged Russian note about XC1IVii1101 A*M'k bi
for himielf, he (Mr. -C.) "That blood will �'clioi Vd1j, phimee wben the ihots took efrecit, WA voci- Brucegoes on Zloriously. Powerful As g to the nation 5 ment in their case. But the friends of. M`r light fantastic tqe." to join the me i lance Sod was a.W. Y� gemid lie. ton. qwa the RePoff
or not. ho
foram waA the- derisive laughter with wlncb a- mittees are beinig formed in every municipal- not say he was a disinterested ob- well as t.) the man w has nrdered it to be Coiling must Asire had some grouniffs for his and chase the �fljang -hours.with awitter flying U-13601COr-
ls'6ut a type of the race, MeptactJuly 6.-Accounits of
faff* Lkot was greeted. ity and the utmost enthusiasm prevails. A COUIJ shad. Juarez baing the object of their choice; let us ascer. feet. The moon was Irming, -in that azare
old Rusinan in a greasy red cap seemed of the procaedin of-Ahe day, for which, sitteei the sovereignity of Spain was destiUMmAWDS AbAVpOorftr, G1811043111 of the An set night, server 95
Com. of 52 was formed in Kinloes r &Item tain them, they any, -and eiintinually'repeat Itt heavens, and redly set the evening Ban, be-
to,eteilat the stmott simulleumt saw" withdrawn. has ever ated between dei.
X Lbem. that he is an AO?Wt Mill- 00 their a-Wr- fore the happy throng -could tear-themselies
11 on in he felt that if the farmer's did not do we 9 - W4 und leave zo�_foo* for. -AOat- rildenc, 16th Jul, W67.
now once more w2b
occastomny, that red cup would be seen (I 4tb). The Sopartyists are looking and anarchy, and to � f ugh- &way from wbere-lbel I as merry an beinkloW
,& so good; but thm d speal
no other class could succeed. In diiving otism +e Fee to follow its holf-sa. rage instincts. t that t4e moat intenw suff6iing and sic
gaboyeis wal4or behind A pampet blank autitzement g at any.4 men as J�Oor mor-
tkapagsho are called afterpO96.48 falls to i 0 lot of frjn-tg thew -,fbo preftV00
"If d-
brt41NbebAdbeue de tilifil,tilit, gelldom
would visible. The wearer igeew itisintsimm. Whenevec 0:3p- The Star has W ell
just discove rou God*=
became half down f wituout it ed to be an old red that , q It in the, re
Of Is blood. gree as dw_k, tial I y
:reewwith loud shouts, 1P uk., it must TO
Kirters am working well is str ix o;z
;dared. he *aeg r. 0ibom's mpg -and ibll Of Abe 115� The alariw Qf the-QuAft ajuistcm
9 ops t courage Bayfield, 15th Julyi, 1867. 1. L
ww_tHibj,hoIaI Bonnet rougol"Ming a
the lowiddpiO_1�1& life 6 spared tillthe th, 9 WI)MMOG own thst he tollow then that there are some other cum
hill[II, In that rejoice with the yeomen of the South persevemnee, but to look to him for mercy; -has been, fized,, ot f3*00 eacb� and: the
through the air. Ho.Onto took 01 1181 1 1 . - a
pore� X goficitqr-generil" �At �61,0 lint '40 �Oojsm He hadbeen 66
fut tbey coop o 604 adit on turning to the Mends Of Nr
md 1 bW eftit
riablY. Riding in the prospec Christian or chiii
14a essarylo eAble & 4&n $6 4 001u,
q of polling he will see roalts fro gentleness, regard for a fallen eno6y, Wit '64tians iei
t that Providence �iA
li go orum, sa &6 often emped� that wo;king which will astonish lhiitii cc" such like yirtnes, whether allot If ing "kiiig tbei6 t&, prodficsAtheiia, iltailli.
new power He belongs to a ar&tWi, alRding1hat-on-'he' occ-M-011
coaddirei ia beer a kW of eharwd Wo i*h wo wtro as sum, of a Was going to bestow a bountiful -reward alrous, ifibuld be futile.
be was candidates;`49 k the mi -
of the,ygnialt raid, w*n,=1IinX.?u
fir,s, rundgkip seemed tu to thember ot
jovW &g1ing of f WN will be tl their effort& He had recently travell- party whose usual recklessness sad disregard wions on the part of their Other
as that GM on Ubdombneic, Theybatoo prea pan -the doors; t "IrK140.
be felt AW k=, aud tWa also prevented Idobt _NWoMs'du the Brown6i'A
hefor human life have been higliteued to ithe AM
for ths, Ajwmbtv in North Huron. ed throuzh Canada and he could Bay nOf-14vuey �by the conflit,
requiremeaw of a candidate for- Ut, be trusted,when api 'd4b W
So old "Somet row" bisame
T. Mr. Hsy#VM make a first chm re- vidLeonfidefiddAbst; t6 party, 11119 t
from firing It As pe 0
Htirdn Wstlbe finest I "'i'four ydard. prellen Wt �- _qpa 40 41/ mo 40609
a barbaroas alation, inclined to took upon Parlismenti he, li&,Vpfa� gooil charactOry be Fi i" * xabble pt j�e. aiWd�$- 91c, � 0 atAliX
I a tM pat sounded, am all firing
I and the electors at North County he had seen, in the general ad- Unquali 'de- FLO174�—Sllpem Tf
preseutittive, ffs of weak "oodmen ire t 39t.0
for a skon suspemon an mercy/no C
will! never be" to regm t do and the prebent appeaT. rbi -1 hr �instractiom, or 8,25 .&,Sm
all no". Abst sUmment I,givez
a modemdon 7jadib' -- * niat. gave
t bis election tect add" correct y on D EztM
The worst traits of the Mexican cb&
tft an of- 11urO8 of hostilities. From ow of the '7210"mell ma tricate questions -be Ale, diK ah to be gi",n wi h refemna"o
to t1le, bpcorable position of their reprqentJL- 'bited ick- this matter, and it
atwndantp =03 th crops. (ApTlause.) Their. have been ex1p i qje WWHIDDS the
ficer came wi* Am linel, WellaitaCanil 'Supe TAD -1.6 0 accordsilca"T
slice Of the
-wen cultIvated in 71 enomina.
tew:dhAbe new goverament a clitm VOR-requipap to -speak hilo-sie-1 vanceJ towardthe Bn- will imp", =1 rccot2j Su fineX&I cauas T. 16 -A, 7.40 1 be-.
2f tmce, and ad livs, it, the 1oal lAgislaturst of Ontario." At dc Mishwatiouldbe-ikmaw,. MCC, Of any per
British o&_ -&r' cLue forth to Is tbo r any ot r v It Q in 4lie M"Ace
th orgaa. Not muebt fear Of the land 422 ter which will not asiiy -be change jAWjc b4sitte"' Its ' The RkIman"COU01iA PO Weitera7.40-A ?.a- j - 0 L , 0
pertelu 11 I'll, 2 -PU T" frie ;10 cf
Itim. The R="s politely towhed his U -S his electiou"I for he W greatly blessed them. He had been From 144 London�Daily Now. cas of Mr CajrIng am sey this of hint Elrowlaim lintl ar6 ev "t 111.- 4.00 a 7.00 it �'Iadm, 1110 a
a%4 tAWag off his gloe, handed a letter electors r0gretti much pleased with the machinery in the ail 18
00 many of "In this counlry 4a believe WO are e have just at d; 4A 60 Tefformed on.fat4rafter 1116
�B . but
ed it with
>ish o5cor, who receiv is act to be elected. There am t sett1ersr4,aiV.haV*
Tne Rase- Hisron. imprew fielaT and the Work was so well done that Pretty well of one mind about the tmtOe� fkVj kl_�Mmtj4oes, IWAH
A eourtasty,and borait away. iorth h*Vaj.O ,vje.Xj -0.45 Government Put W111"be
�f politi* eatelgiftS. "It CIATS.2-Per 32 The ......
the honest euctovs of I t, the�;udge$ jno"_� b&V8 Ujit good sadno ni aayiiifi that their loyialty 0.43A
raturned,and the firms wag reantried. (gr our ants, -it is --*t- ar turn buVire- equal to Vii 1 41j;WPJA Ton then s had ed with the ides that It is not wile to piam, he though I - - I I d his Pplio- willizigneds to BIAL&Y.-Per 48 The a 05� Pjromce ��6f
0( ;mi , " -, - -
RIO till, upon,
But a dedde wbick, 'Was foor' us.- We, puA justi;if ai -tat ad is pecess. iiat'lifijaodoubton the tram, the jolly zouave position to, regret such a very diffibulttUk tO 2 tbq pis 41 415P te i�U f the
,Vbo wrO" airy, uOu. oloseiaw
13" TIM lit gcew, %0 le 0.10, Ims, __ ty, detarmined 110 elect t. now hoAsombined reapers, sonapm�l- I �� -
aoj bjeftWe. nor W the, Ramizaa. Thotm tUmmlielil is ary for. 0mpubljc�ascurityj au
ofiow it so
he. is a 6 19 � ' I
"me" i*z i6d we flie Ad
Q& betilds rose ex saam above the pars, calami ram 40 who we okribov 4Vvjpditti0n that �W of We- 5.60 ail atAiq
*Odd A"In d a the most a em iiell, nature Mi!
AmAo ljigg 'and to Psts, WA thousands -of beads rose responinve Gibson. Thm's the id -346 Ari�bludera an might certai _Q&r1jog mthat liavp ual tift viz -. Ter
............. tt b
11 above W timnehes on Cbe othor side. T4e f,&8Uj atizib tYrei ere, grinders wid Mesicans by our standard, it 6 mug . ificiples are on. 'jo 'atate'that tt0aino is 0 a 19.15 411 ltUr trk& Of :to be
and ii1l of like polities an1b r or me. t 9.2
0 c ....... .
I~" ft, pdir�klr. &mOmtrIstive- 0jLrcz=,-A match will be played on isit they, come terriblj shoit 0
acknowledge tt ing day' ' -tb* lectiOn to 6111111111603 p 15.0 is 15.75 -A*
ry -ij - bottin and wartag sbom in the bakers all, iaone machine, followed by an go Maximi. a se appear cep� ves 2 owever#,, �O 'zill old
I �M 1 4 , - -- -6 11 &he fiat& hers, to -morrow, betwem an -!00-00' tbem- 0 me IV
The it. But iq.that 'ft must Wd, In 01-4r in lead P fo
eirviamted ousit. 9-1toso 11mcoir and drank n, -bfi, ih
W mly, 6t bqs to Wkl up the l0a .0fifut o -some tw#. 7, 1 a h j4d ()IhWQ sjubs,, sad this day week Do Idijarded.
their that thq
r). -Ous 1 0 a
Mimi gram. think* 6( doin
cout"m with
broad at they dro*d out. (Laughte w bat ScArcelY 5.8 .90
Tbo Rtmiam shouted out, 119orto Frum I betwom Stratrord and Oodreich. whoever'cares 61"w thill'trilittr ay ces DO lin' ihs, jolikidit rIdL-tbat BOATjiq UnWaTox line im, ,1pure a
T6ryisfw lit
IMF ex.
9winies' tbasasm sesaner. n&rmod that th oat*
With regard to polities say satisfy himpelf that if is be tj t at sill -1beri isOhly -jokark, July 16,
so lazies r1 ad drank the Wialth of their he wished to awl
Aw We ilvet I tat win noV done with, He :G'nb eb
gitbis Eta emi appy- man hai "Oerisledt 1�, ilts only olse par- It"ily then 0 -is which 460k,pl"00 uti-V1011 1Wf
on -s"Im
&Msslj� a fed eap� sampd, higb above CampW, injured at Smith's 13inLoo th fallen into the snare which 'he b#A- -set � for closed ft I anor
tho othem frOsa twhi�d t1w parapet. A ro- intend6d t& g& jaw.ij en %onorable Mnol. tw,thii� b
ftaooa� With 12tk, did not die, as,reported V� 1 006" 1.9-0 mInels-orthie the westera clu%fromlit'j, or 111SOlVilt 1t was to Met! iss- ERmewlex Is,
Ki0o 16 sow.�-t redT U,
to itio f1swe stood t tim re Kong lowing 0
of -pi"lisitjoh Th" bad
ezpwted to racov�r. W" on met in tb* mitt !pki jff#. jj4dL -the prize& ms
ture;so iWd. Ty
W11n, �,mqponj sod*
-wearte,11" aried the Zooa, 4� O7pm Troup wift slill"I WVH44�*
bW have
h �Ial T V R11110K. -owswil on AXmp- a 4OW0te*jjhbraa Oxford at t�w fo
ugh- mortl" Dours'. Rougel' Hat is I - r
17 A two 141AS
ru, and is -WeA, '! � -
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