HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi Weekly Signal, 1867-07-16, Page 3R M
wa ciff % PNI b* litAdarall"
*vier bav-n xnj�.
to esew" earciall .
C"Ply artat ON --da 60*a rut
"t -4 -as to 1.
Writnell, be
Illap- kinra"T sn&ftr
l*2 them stackmg. slasit,
I"- by raram D ,%_ WILSM-T -.
le -ft- New "'it
�Iy to atteba "A
mmefil in the
[�Plz!�Thb Gazam I
V� maw f Alibeae 3k-
xk% eclo.a %&gm!
rch—t- my nannoi,
2k P1111 aily
F'SudbMw Ue
uz�::iiiiirir wasmia at-. 2S- Fradiaica,
rem* of Pima,
D-3 ........ 35c.
............ 35
............ 35
35 I ou-r the Pw=k .......... .......... 35 rsit the a,,ek faramheill to
swice, #A a
1711111, 93FLO
-7 c"atuam two
an Surdah 149b
a Hate I ai�d Meter.
road, Ca-c4darich
acollarard slad arel
S:ab_4VS and log
D_ or = the
w25 3aL
put of Wma an -To Gar 6w,
I arto 110-d spriap
SAaelUille Hifer,
-&Ui3; ICI ni!GS
0 W"artan IS2 March
w25 3me.
a expe&eenil to ass,
akdawaneer on lot
9. am=.Pall C00964
a" it is bereby
the "=O% that a t cm Lai eighteeses-
.-r Mdj wilisell.
af said lot, rual-
�_ezrf- Also dtat a
, M on Lat &I%, is the
�Y, fQ= rods VA4
opy of a propomd
!&ken law cm -
the sw4ewily
candy of Hall,
the 26:Lb day
wp. UL
T.."litip clerL
WgRans Lorali a
- balawe" L4400
PC ae soma of -
:3�_ expedriest to
ive and six, Rasr*
W-te" =A n awd range IL
" talilesed by Gonehip of Suw
limby Critat. to
.&I rQad aftowamm
WA " 6azzo X,
y sad W awasm-
6waace firur rods
�6-* X. Lj Stantleys
ku dw--taL
apy of 6 Filopowd
akea into 1poitiiiii�, �
of Hawn, 0
dal VAD&W-1
FUNZZ* Clerk.
ITV CHANCERY rplD, S9 Am,q the fn. -I tfrilio"ano ral "wasilav n utedwal UR I RX "AND VILLAG '-If' A "In sr. S, E h8ovIent Act of 1804.9 e4.
.g f) I I FA
0 __ III 18 ju� standlithe 1 - a V 1111111`1 T
s tof as ')I %.N PAIN' DF I ov nsolventAct Of
6,4'rnki -Ylz R II aIs
Asi a Farns-tv 'll-frestials, 'tin writ flookld I JUIVI IIn thp matter or Georwe Greer), of h': In the matter of Andrew Pation, an jus,,A
kaoWn., gUlarving I bon's"ads from P841 Sion C. 011rts. COMPRISTNG F y viNage of Wineh-m,"in the Coutty (,j
Valuable Red Id Filoperl 1 �__ IFT rent.
0 rd Annual Meeting V 11' A G02 F* R m,
.qvip, "-k arA heakii.rough*., I I TH13 %'i ie Huron "I'll F subscriber offiers fr nalf. Int 2,). r)jIj acres of 5aiA ubota a mile from tj e 111iron, an Ilistolveiii.
in 6e molarlach, IN Tn . I;' Teachers' Asso'latioll, will be huld in July and August, I West Waw:j,j,,Ah, cont6;11 VILLWE OF BLUENALE Sale of Real Fstate.
Bowel cotarr the clin C , 1867. r 1"HE C-ed;t-,rs 4 t!& above named it couxtuou Schuul Roolu of$ GG avres of whial.h. ;tl.,- u' �r hejhg� file nortIt hit!f of in I Y file Vovrers ,,er,,ied
FroA site,, aid t1thiriv-four. in tile Prit." ;iry li-reby ii) meo-t a, III ime as
11,114 9-4- 0414yation. is I first coneest ioi. of I he y I O.e jIr,4* IF W, Ilext of' filtwo I T-oship Of T 11 rn- the L-iw Offiv(- .if J. Fs I., Of, PAIN DE4TROVER hn% Raturday, flic,27th hit I Cotifti for the %%f -II with q erviek ixtirubjerf jij,ou �*Wrry vvilLbe 941d oil moderate temns,-palit OV&I Svilipet, Of t ha Tbwn of Gmler' h ritd I rjol % cj I. I will P. TOWNSHIP OF WtBORNEq L rill a) 1, Iftfoll will be, (tao 010we V1, roxeli-T, in The 10%knidtlp ,law tn�n befi�ry Ow pillb1te file a lenitth o' tintar. EV Public Aucti at half7pust 10 O'clock a. � I III! lot, arld a �6&1* r lit I'll'. Tfiftel.ate iLboLit-20 acres c' P. 1, U
Irtals" failing i on. Own the fitildusliki,flowa, vjz:� �I SUi, Weduesiday the Feveuth (MTtot �Aajyust ,I ffurl,n, Urs V
and I 41"lutill bulillm (if the A There is Iliou-40, - F.-nitat, _!ood fram;'15'1�rri� L -c- Iiiii.rd. pe.xt,. at file h -ur of E;even o'c-tock a. M,, jul allwX
a tvi.allwift-ni 8-401 intion and tI.e INt Division Coult Wood ti mhor. � I v�.-I-k
ation of Ole.jilsolvel tilawl. -e tiaevt a and Final If"fellor,01 It i I I � d h,- tile lstfr,.[ . f fbt
or cullic under cuo�i leratiou. s. Till- if- I Also, 'I Ai'l-I ]I and tuilie ootiLowleg proper.
d at the last tuveting uill 290i -I,I�Y- i o be,ir (,,I t;,u foreruilto WO h0li9eq It, file Vi'laire of Bild for o,deril- of tLe aMthi of Lis ct�ta-.(,
I I L, a
ponit, , rt
When- the dirvettkins ha%e 71 Inatte lix", the Conti of Charavery 16 ar !Udapif-ii F.'r lailill., wbe!!t. in. with go�if ardot, and orebard,"atid get,ernliv. 0 t",Vr,N N.141" Paul. .,It ll�v III LIP,viroanniu,ina Alot ul the I in t4,s ,,itu.sitd. fit tl,lt; ,ali k,11jagt v, ad 'I fill- tweriliseq, or I)v If- 1.,l with it- at of r about four acas o ,de (ji-rer t -
f I hill Ifo'I'he Insolvent is hereby noiired to fitiend. �No 6, 6, n..t al I V i rt UV3 a tal ma -a! at- of trpper y t h 1)4Ltd �Iiit Goderich 'it] tile Counly ul aand Loan Company' elp. CbMada. RUXbUrgh, July Dill 18GT_. JA toll Llproll, thi Tt%eAftb du of klu'vI46 '7, ��riuih Ride oi Main ,,"t.
tre %kifse-Ak f�om experience in this matter bar- Acinksit Nf.xRj*l V .f ,,. Till q, - I ;14 d 1,67" :kill &. . _j April 22, IIn" x 1. 9- 3,4, 5. ;t) Billf-ja, C.
north SI& (-I
00i i.1 Ax- sm -5-9 Imam anv Of the coraplaittri,t tort the imtr ut the court fit King"'ton, kill or liko 1j, U-4 -ide of I ertre xtrart it., r,
liffttwln,h 41 is may depwad upon it-! aU.--el as a 0 I
&Ivt Day 114 U C TL_ 21 I D'U"s N L 0 P -ret" RameaT. Friday, the nh day 'of july in.,,ta it, if. I I a . ., the ".%rv�btna e4rh-avv of the Catuak,livorl Pat", InsDIvent Act of 1864. oil tire (I)IT, -A iii be li-ade Ill 011vn a! I O, e .1
jP r r Dt._Armer to curing the dizeasirls for wbict. at 3 A I the hour of Twelve of the c:oc L, noon, if Ill I 11 .1 IAT A, of' fi-oen per erk,,! I I N ryLosi Y. fir.,mmensled. and its wonderful two-cr,,,ma in mit- HE Creclitorn of �hatl illikilairairtiml fire notifwd Tlfor thf- h -to syear, etidjog, illp 14t: .1,. I % I Ujlcwl Tit' lne-1 1A 111- Law office or ('. F. ciiiriw, will he oil the [wild up callit ;)I XrXT DOOR T'O T139 BA-itr, OF U*-TILEAL, 414111C Mali! TfOrtllrtUg P311111% Of EthVUMMi�lin. ALd faniGEOItGE MOON TICUE111 Y I if, 2, N I m,WInue Nerwas, A&-ruon,ok, entille it Ul a la:ch I Oil �Ile vdla;zV of Exeter, fit the couniv no Ifitiron, Lim Comparavw how, NV E 5 T 8 T R E E 1'. FRUE & I
rawk In 1f;e, ri"4 of l, etullplallits AVCTIONEF-ft, ap 0 i4l lY that thirlerillh dav f Atmirm next, nanoar iv Le excIneal f�(,,o it,,- . . -1 lfepurpo-t- idend.) on the Lit', Jk,Iv VE D L E CI -0 R S ot rcor ,-,,I, a,inteinew lot hi� titlail d t fruit.- antored in I'm I)ivi,%inn OrJera ary co."sag to fmun r-darvine Bralarr-, in I A I h -m Auction Roolil, . ..... fttsto 1W n 't; if- r�ii-v I's k -r tur, her sulivolteq, and'u'll bassoldincne lot, the i'd.17U In olvert Act -of 1864 -
tit life oil eact legifOng aa to) the attowet"t allwil.,ul be may' nialio an I,uisunt to the wtute. 10 E S
Lot number I, ve fit t,:c obitzritticut uoder tire ao.we iwt. the Secletar -66cate ror. v to v ('11 Raja N t1le ('-�untv C. urt at
e1. ern V.varation) to the cov.qj A C. U S . D,_ N A 1. D All, DO IVA LD. I N. J X _E� 1111F, II,C Cuuniv,cof .F;Q can&hbn Nia Dmiltrover Inn'll, I CIIAS. E, ROBERTSON. Al MIT S -Do 0 Im i
C-11 F CLARKE, Or TTIE III 'It, flAii,r b'11 All ale 11 I li f lie D (7. 1
for if so v 011ier, of ,I,,- all On, I'oacie. 0 I? fa. ftywar"aas oftler and usw It , a ad no itu a I y clefoarekt. final in a ,title of Illated Jane 21st, A. 1D. 1867. I t it(, cl,,, k it, the ton-nwall. iIna !oe-Intilut it after Ouce Irving it. 11 the Daird 2t EX'eter ib 6u'derieh, I-illijLlllt.�, 18h7. j ., I " rt4tl&intkt... Well j "file ,it t1le'Norill elf sa-,li to tfx �wjg,e of Lose baid (;-.#art at
prai'm Only 25i cents per Nall ern 14 revel It, A41 al ,ut 1 fetinal ORI 11 111DE 4is 1 baoilm Its If. the Tvi,%ril of Cklt n, It in B'd
ix ittlit T All orde- -h-141 tv add Ov the lot it Feat tire 1) weiiing dn S 1AA I rr rr 0 Tz I S if 30 40 aoa rattle AVZ1) ftaVY f),,l.,yr,,, life thi-A
NewVitz-4110, C. W., I I
NURTHi, LYMAN. a F lame Us rat � 3.5 x 45 _0 L W a 0 L r td If %P- Tara, t n a bout 3o x 6o. I V, o st, rev Catt-rp'liar and Wher lisi:ct W 0 Or TUE -,,I 1,,yk-f J,O,&, A.D. I.V7. Ty OF TrUp
35 x 43 and tivq U eneral Agent for Canada. Im.- Itioricen rilk-rus, With a llsrn'� 0 the lockhoideis of file Gualtirich r uftsrriher begs to inforto the f: �j Q-," it, 0"Jerich by "arker & Cattle and D,tvin- als.). a nAll kto I RE - till'. _-zj JUHN BEIA, GOVDOX,
J.0dan; Gai-ebeter M%lifield; Jam"i 1�bork,snd DwellingHol,se fit co -tor -e ,terrvtjon. T.Pornii-tim Ci,mpany. I'lle scrip or ers of Ilurotl and Itfuce, ill. -I If i,; COUN A I to rut -y for I rt�. -1 vert I
. . I k'i 1, ch lie is pre part d to inat-e u
ta-kard, Exeter's J. H. All like lfkulldlng�are In a Kow state of rlvpa,r. the above cuti,pany is now for distri- tilit.14,- in hen t�, Cj,tt ri-i'llior., I rin Ow '�autbr, Watts Jcbb, It cun �e h d by cal'int! at mv FO!" u;? wilh Now Cards, and is now - doi tl,o. liolic-c- und most approved style. hollasto.ofts. &ud LL4 �\Jedj,ne A [)Iil-- Irees, Itild III ."" Pik Cht-l-ly ')('at or ivd;'I(, and is Prepa, ftd t War : !t , 3' ilosolvent A-ct of 1864.
C40NDI office between this date find the 15th hist. ulid -Plum treps, atid currant of k ent a ust, 11 A R G E S -11 0 D It A T E. NI L EA1 EN, w3S T101,11's OF N to 1113 F. A. 1101,1EI? P Us 11 e oz. to h in to be ex"til d t Ill. iI A Urrkwt of Ten per cent of the "t 11,101 oil li)(11 sho: tf-st 1101 li- Cj:5;- All orders Immetutilly atteodt,d to. the nnni;nat,on or the alln MLIflirs, 11.0us, y to be Pai down at the tintle i't hV 4.1 Hulla.,.k Perry Davis, 11 I'Xofn arid all kinds _f crops. [tie (;-)ourv' .,I Tion,ij.
iI July. So, 1867. s w t d. T 6i 1; I 1, 1 ��67. Roll- in Coow-wiun." arol hakiog, lof�(.n re- I stthe Purchasers to the venda.ro O�r then s Inseet Deilt-rover lats' b6ev fourd by - FUL L I N Gt P Y E, II%T Q bv mell (if 1,11 shild" of polill(s ", Un tilewLatl day ui :�epiemu,:r next, at tea W
the bd:ance with',) one illoulb thereafter; should pa -five u�ro;l itio be the o:jlv eif�el Wtelip the followinm from the Proiridlimce the purrhaser d"ints, thitimto, AND ujyP-.Iras a carilld-ac fur i6e ftfllhe llalai -ecurd oil the pr,, -per- U"ries Who I UrLb3 of the Pur- rvirlt-dy in 66 ProvitIve for I -t;e Of Colnosions for ynur'11Idja# "1111 I .1111.1%, Paine .110ge III thV viid Court at &u" Adeertiser chase money may rmn ,OV Cloth-Dressi -Wanted. Goadvii,li. in said c.uuiy,
ly bir orig-age, at eight per. Af. ev 3ftt'-flisithAl Farm servant. Ant,ly to. v in the field claiming your buffii.�eb us I, lwlb 111 '; T --v" as'
t thn season of the y -ear when chole (the intervast Clf N C E R Y I_: A L E. t UjI n * 1 1 1 � M. A d It under i too .o id A (-I.
-orbu-% d-ruentory, ard other kill- a H. IIINCKS E.q. ebolem m, ble listi-yeark). payable in dve eq.jai ailausi I Iva a I'll I.rge
aaahunt:ti. in omer rtzpeets the. or s.,ile by fI a G6do,fl-h, 1.1 11 0 Cojuntv of fluron.
41zed coinplaints are sam to preiraoil,eviorairbodv I i ueslions now tills 21t'l C;L,) Julie, 1^67d.
ale the istandluj; ,:Onditious, of the L ourl Q', e r. M;,(-hlil(- froui N,�w Yoric ko-PlIhi-larid Cotta e. As flipre are no great' q
it%. if, 1 I , J,
Fhould be liberally supplied wi- h Perry crian,lery- VA I.U.W 1, E in ali its or promjineni;y before the e,-unti)- Col.kdela mith- I) I w, u If -8, %� i R. CAMPRELI Vege.ablot Pain 101ler. Persons 1pavi-g i t! urther Part,--u!ur% may Ue had at the offire0r, b(_ avewlt-j if) SqU_A', Ulld I,V ifH�)Iet Ket-pez, GwjqriCjj. t., -,,i la,,iolr. air aceomplished f4ell-it 1� ull I the Vendun-0 Toims & 0 in a shoit--address lil,e it _tj _j L_ �' RT Y' ci ibur. (;0'12; iCh. JiLne 25th. 22Lf. nt.
ho -ow, whether it ble for a aars excu.minti or I , w22 1m.
FR""HOLD PROPE Markets ,qllped afirid eculAte (in wh:a the future ma bri z a trip to Euro. -w- should be ii fallen the Au,�- i d,
a lk 1191:t-111011 10 i ti.flarseer, aad at ivy v pai,l t,) 4111s;ill to submit ally f-articuiar or idat INSOLVEN I' ACT OF 1661.
f rm I tilay. ern Ta D1. wo, S, H68V3 of tani - on it in a moment's ,ararn I bated at Kingstual, il.a: 3rd stay o[Juiv.-A. Do 11'el! Ville., Co. Ilidt'ril. place their hands 1% TfIE iaz. Many -iiseeases in Incident to the summer 1 11-147. Paulo, 'e.3 ILI Lo'-ts. i A.\j aowarthe, which will prove fatal if not 'an- i and $1. Uid--r fly I'l,il pu,:Iitu &T Provinoe of"Ca-iadi. I I i i.iv court ot tLe
13' J 18. A. UENDEI.tswx, TOWNSHIP OF AWE 9, i " ` "'t uttet.d,:d i nediiatel,y checked, can be proulptly cuZ to. C.>tt.,LAI,tIy on Z',! 172 OTHERS; 1111;Llily ill filte Riding arid explain my viet- tj,,IN (4 IN, n, if17,kirly u,.d fuily on 6)Ih locul and verseia fit ilf, olso,verit.
er. On 4y ow or. iwo dos of te Pllin Kill Ias t i r IltR1.IAid$;NTAILY El-ECTORS Oil THE rilatters: such
I By Pubtic Auction. as ll�t, near,-8sitv of elivilurag ffliethiriv-fir�!&v4.1ulls i,ext. tire,, olifie
MOM than one orcaiiian have we been reliev- MESSRS- MACDONALDs PATTON AND i 4 eulurration, our trade with the Urited L- ,, fit, hlo-Fil. n,t,,, w,11 il-
ed of iatcase suffiann- by the time4 use of , MACHAR I\T FLIDING Of' HUftON IS-ol.ales,-f-conom it, the mf� t.a;,e c"' " uo to iltt-Jud,e of t1re.,,i,drvwt, at imil y a n iIle Towii of I,. in isdid t-vuiAll j j,,r a
X pursuance of it IDiperee awl Finq ! I I i all,] the eor,
tbe- above narn-;d prepalation." w -1-t 3t enaors' S,,IiitoN- fair sale in tiij? bv the Court of Chail nub'iv ro liot 11) dut of' Sold bv NII D .0sta, tyrocers. and mad:- for T-11 T 1, E:NI E N 1e eoui.try. filru Upper Can�td, in LL suit of life airts of t
PERRY DAVIS st SONI. (',od, ri, It. in ir� C,lsoov of Huron,
NEW GOODS! It- I,y [I I'tv'Ir f N I have bad the lionor to receive your Weamirne, dav A D..*11fl,67. 6,e delem Trust, and Lo?n COMP=y of Up,,xr; 0. f -or twl, litio(tred nnif s.x i V(I!y and numerously signed re I havethe honorto be,
-17 Canala, - al If L A. I ;6 ot' askiii, me 21 all 3m :1-,o 'it. Paul strevi. 'Auntreal. I to become a candidate A T BUTLER'S I:I.LEN et al. with file flIj,,s b,,tj : , , -, , I - )7d' in life Hoiuse of' :bt il, s 1, of Jurries Alvxatidor 11konderbou. 1 of Stull- ed. I Your obp'nt sery its fur WhiLh 189A
re, thes Lif th- C-aurt tit I 1) 0. 1,� I X H I 1 1- I fit ily flattered, food accept the nornina- Ir-.,nlv,,r-t Act o t k,22 :'it. 11 it rue fly THE GREIT ENGLISH REMEDY Stationery. TGy, & Fancy Port E ju. June 2 1 zit I �t: 7. t SO lrile it uutub,-r of Joseph Whitehead. 1'
i III Qinton, April leth, lz�13-7. "13 In the 1'atier of If ill" and Andrew
SIR JAMES CLARKE'S Goods Stere. i On Fridav, 111(i 26ih day of July, instant ha%e since r(-(,(ie%d the Celebmted Female Pills. at t4e h.,ur-uf Oae of the ck)cii ia the bfier. nation of the lil)erul Coll- ttl' de'leipAiLs at the C!ilitoll cull..-eu
Sale of Real Estate.
Pitpared ffffirz4 a prescription o of &III kin 'q, stv!,-, f -y 1AY � , 7% 15
To the Free and Ij) d in me at, A,-sign-
oCeorge - Vloon Truerran, Ul-I be I- I it, live r fell iterall ficidl, to �Lij of tl:e q, -u -L I -e "' fit(- eti,iate and of life aueve
to the Queen. N ch A vc I I o.\ to i,ji, par farrier pendent Electcrs of the Ivell's. I -111 s--11 hy Pitblit, Auctiva
�etwratly, I offer mysell as a d i
at ow Ton-"V'n' H.11. in the 'I own,01 Golfingwooffo
Tha,sinval'allaVe anmin-ine is uniaaiolmur in the The Domiu1oaUb'&bes-11'r1.nfr-r I at Lis timion i -i the Town of it,, I Lruzl 110 receive your t-CIANOUS hu- South- Riding lauron,
itfcare alai ,h,"v ptimful and d.ia-Ererotrt duscalf." ith, vii,l be su:d ILI unt: LA 0le IjUlCo ROILd. to airbata-lit lbe carslaic as 11 The be.t ill use and rtt.,il. 3A :It GWTL E-IfE.V W,-dresby. Me 18ih day f1fSeptember
Ij UIC Mo makitiderahm all exest-"and all o4structions, t of you I ain not un�-fiown,
mat] ax,spoedy care may be rched m- D. A .rl. I,mv ina,,. j')j at 1� it n; i _, been Ia uoniinuotli relsident iti Oil, vva" rou:,d Valuable Real F t a f e flavio� reveived the unartninvous nomi- next. at, lvuri kock. .9. rn . ali the righl. title,
!Of' a Vtriud of thiriv two yeraiis, and "a" , t the Co6iiention recewly if Fin,l inle-t-L .1 life at I in avil to it,-.
TO WROIED LADIES If lrb:�e 1' -ie crearn-'aid letter the ite-t L,)t Nwiihli-r Two, i'l I 4, ltiSuFarik- Currants. illivi - z durin.that time eue'ountef,d all ,it, jield I (wrilt ea -1 l,aittj('IottiuinLkr[,Lv,-Ive.ori thewe,t
it's pe-alwariv -noted It will. a a sia�rt time,! 130 Cleam laid, I:Iue -laid. Chown. for the Ropreseot.itioij of your Rid
I)iv,.ioo) ut- Oil- 1,),, O- li.e4i ;!,e lk.e .I a% Anv ldiflivu,ti-s and p s it' the. Canadian I louse of Commons, nad or liur.-taiarto r-ect. in tile �atdl Town of
P Ciollmqwo ag
and .1 _iiv�atious of a backwo,,t].
tMing an the moutfalv "I rod with re--U:Arit V. its.,r [!if in. � r.j woi o,, i- . - . a;. sins; rac 3; &,,, Try th!)! ULIV
&,itst:n 6411v. pru-sr'One Diallar. bei, the f7lov- U 100 liCrt.5 of, i Ilk: L 1, u,,, v Iy rc " a I -.h, 1, as k%ell as filled riumerous elective and Now r" ciriously Tinted Note Papers. by I I Wei I I It of a I 8 cre, mot e
W. �# I .. tb, field -C,,.did.te for your suffraga.s. Ddte,i fit air ifil- county of fluron,
rMimcfel :.Itamp of GIV44 Untaw to ifVVrD I CL- U 0- Rt: Ir. i7p frip fiber Iii,,hlf :reap be r, 176, , rfk�aii. land, of whj,:h 'zbut ,air ha.f is e!czed wad I - ! T E LE 0 R 111 7P.H 0 onsible offices, trust.n I to a liberal mod eucruus suppoit ai
50 IL -ams C'ue ud Cream- ' LucLitow w-ri y for thi,, j.unh day of J L, ue, I z�0.
is we.1 Villa one, 1,67. 'Wit ulany years I have bea,n Ic It I _r 1 k3 before you, and I challenze any you hatids. 21k_4 -F 0 0 T -d on a go,ad road liest 1), it u 12 ets per III. da -1 is g S 0 _A %N 19 AAfflaxal Azz� nee.
po,'Is /,W /i 1. The lo, is ,I Laws I "Fully to say that I rvron,,C� �im iu As i be ff-eelions �11 nGt. it, all prubdi-Ei
sAA FIRS] TUREE ONTHS o/ Pr,4r p W. S\ YI)ER s it, e a iui!t s fr,,tu Gu �e. ie,i, aod ei - i - I I I . I refer- ila my past rha-y are "re to airing Ir sra ALL AND PiUCt-S Ituin IVL 0'. Il.e pre"ill-S 'A Ooffe,i b, L w.aw.i:lust mutter. take pipce for s:)zne muntlas, air,] a I.e,s 7SOLVENT ACT OF 18ft
rwe. 6,;4 at =tv atAer tome friary �r sai, -, r- M o'Urwas air index of what my ffiture atay be, caiivass wuu'd Ile ioexpedi,,nt, U-14til a Uuut Z [a litill cases of Xervaivas and pinal Airevivain- -d L On Good Tdr Ste 1it tp elect me. Haviog, flu e ol e m37 - rifle L in
flood .1 llia!1 UlchArd, tt,r uzh whi�.h flu�is a i v Alulne. YOUP 9 Provirve of Canada I In the CO3nty court of
Pam* a tbie fiaek artal Litabsok, Fattairaire on 7 -0.000 ENVELOPE'S Ir (D IT I-I.E me
want, alid none depeddinz on- me "flemen, will withbol
ar-ru-4 Patipoitatilson ct toe Han, Hyltitearics and smzl!: crre'.. I ('tlllnlv of flur,-n k tire counly of tiuron.
'alliallictims these PsIba, vrill ellect a cure wher all Ail Colors, Qua!liy, Sizk.-s aud Ki,,Js. zlwn-Our from'the publicchest� I do wit your narties from- such requisiti(ris as a e I n Itis- , matter oP Wi.liffin Irwin u'n Insolment.
I a.0i fork nay,.would not accept, froiu Gov- now beinsl: itidustriously cireclatted' in t On I uesdav the zenth dav rf SeptetaJ3er next
other awans have lla.W, and althoorh a ,lower. INO[PENDENT, E(ICTUR
fid remedy. do not eilkolla to irola. ed a it t I Afl th4- Po;u!ar KaZaz:ii" rect i, ed A d lip lvr it Slu:e rijild el'orlent fifty lucildtive office, my onij de,ire Riding (a mot ur, British practice, and ca at ten of file in the 1: rearlogn- the under- CONDITIONS OF SALE. ativalinT. of aarihiag hurtful to ruecu"antion. as suou as publisheL 1-o it Ito id Cooper I 4 Fn-uot -(veet t OF TIJE euergeticqUy andfaidiflitlyto, siqcure thatt I hobe will i,ever prevail witli Canadian rin: tied will apyly to the 3 udge, of the "af Cjuri
fIFell dcrectioralas utthe itsanliaWet arourial eoe' of' t,n pe- cent (if 114e purch. fit tnu- A N 1.�t-pai,l to a, ,,� eba mber., an the toii;vo or Godench in said
peelm,ge. w6s:6 should be cavelu. lv pre-ervvd. 1W isceUaneous B ooks ! In to 4e 1-.0 don at ib,- tou, of the sundcr-161I,,J, NORTH AND SOUTH RIDINIG3 Of the cowitry in whfvh I bave E'ectori- who prize v Ctir. free. and houor Count-, for a di-b-arue under the baid Act.
S.Aeazeat for the United StaLesand Cana s.. e. ' by t'w pur *h�,s,!r, tu' t'.e s J. 10, 1 i s-, many years, and to whiet frdih�wfariy able contest far above and beyond a mtsre DaltA a ( Goderieh in I Ile coutity of H4ron thus
oft hand al wa s. A 1.4n. or HUXMN oil exteosive bt(,ck P.,O. ly temporary pol'tical triumph), and that you i 'ithday of lune A. D i861.
JOR MOSES,. Rochester, N.Y. i y or ttleir S, i tke balance "ithill olle Ur V I am sincere -41tachj& 1.00 and ius poa4ag-e sirami Pass, enclosed (,f the k.,. I I I. C. C. %,61. EN T LEM L I lipie hrals on ILading questitins 6e&;� the will refrain frcm plf-dging -your influence aa
j In )Ilt,i �n,)uid file 1-urchaiser Apal,yvil'e, Jime 240t I7. VV ..rp 6 I n _d JIIH-% BI::LL`1,01tW.1*
110 astir IttailhorliZee-1 fteezat will insure a talsoule c -on- -chase monev re'ItIc.-Alvill t reI,R,;#.nt Y,* it: at preetut, but sh,)ul4-1�.b&.,eIecfed, 811PI-11, to my cvPoi-M.-until in- the Canavars sw2m. Atiortiuv lot the sald insolvent. taina.ag dir Pat* ry return frati: Variow Sch lo -o- I Books our H ivin x 1, A riv fl�eneral o tbatz lboulov, 4,1 s',all enter upcn my duties
ala V niaitt b--curtA oil t-hra property b' I and throughout the Cortest, I shall have IIIII
V Noticen -NORTHRUP & LYMAN, Iftirs-lo.Culinary 11-ofterv. we flow 446;3r ouroler- I to the iiii.stry of the day anf6l; pp- orpoltutillyr fore you, of meeting him face
to face, explairinz my views and expoundin A Very lare and to represent %,,,u 'at tile lairge I'll, �-Jj -v- po,ition. and will assist to then mol Insolvent Aet of 1864.
%V I , -aritd stock of Ladies' ei,,ht I -or teot.. pavaloeiu five 1 1
&;"I forf'anad&. and Geptlo-tue", i-lal annual interest j,.iju6lr I 11111." psi!)Iic is ral * fm It. -.d a4Billst I"-' I Me-' .%er ill carr� 'on my principles and you shall have had aft ol-
Ila-itia beev rf�den*q or lite Compy fair a o yino� out the Opofe4erjif In il�e matter of Geow4fe4,iq Insolvent
Vyll ;4ojd in G-leinch, bv Paiker or -ol s hf--jjje -in a liberat anirit. FANCY & SPORTING GOODS I in& iiaji4 dTitwu by and',bis wife, in al,d not havolz how to In I.,- i - orkity o: thus jLdaina of our resilective Tire credlitomAthe Inisolvenjoj4 notified filial
I To eiery measure caiLulated t6 a ce qualifications fur t4e bigh trust we seek at b,- haq made an Assirameta of and
F. Jordan; 11M14finpr or Co., BaTfis-0 James. 1,1,00jer "Iflects Ih' of wale tire I always- or, hand, ail of whi, I, are hou -ht and lhk, si4i.il it cu"�iti,jua ul Lhte Cou,,t uf CLan- lavor Ul:AfathoOv ('11:, for !�:10 O�. dated �JOLh k, a.) kill J. VU-tar.T.Fxe-er ; J.H. 1ph,hi, r!it,,,. L.a-L. - - I I o .air view- vo rise cm -al or III,. Ilia% W- ti -t- inierets and favell-being, .)f the cou'lly of your h#nds effi-cls, under the bovo A44;jo in&, the under
I iWpUrtf4l d rect from the B,st Fur)pean etly. Ap-i,, I 67, due 6 inotiOrs tiliefdate, uV lm -:z to --it L will give my Undivided attention, Meantime. I have the honor to be, Ligued Aosignee,and they-iire m*. real toc iurnish
0-W. I.. Hict--aa Sta-urtn. and all I - liui _u
n Nlinufacturerz5. v.k%luc li-z Leeti tee,i% t d for thp ame. within lwo luanihs, frnt thWAate, with their
-w 3,- 1 v in.tv he had at the of a of best SUPPOrL G'entlemen,
LrrrTth'n in efock ai!l b %o:d at a very 6 -e f tho Vendor* of i 0 11 14 K N F, nd Chintneys r1i greal af lairrts_�peesfyrngthe seettray thev field. if env,
I slilidl bWan "Votiate.for econ Your most obedient Servnt. a ad mv v�ltje of it i and dn,.,ne, bLalng tug fact;
rny in tile & %Valke;n, 94*,, itor,t Kill s St.-phen, JuIv 2. 1'41;7. t W%FE'DLIKATION
dvarive U7� cost. I . I I - file olinle attest -ed imaler outh with the voucht"
I ,I - It am I lip LIC6,111'. -1, and sit my , we trally supports believing- that th, Illo:.ot, in Re pptort of sUell efftsuLs.
IT 0 w-h-ehiciency- I shall =cute Gudericl�. March l8th, 1867. IM8.
For Sale. I .4 ou6he servi*.1ifiliI fat as Imay be CU table M C. C.QdEaox.
Cos 3.-j dq of JaIv. L U C KN 0 W R T L i l:Ilk1t'Unl1111tG ItOil Ldkf' 111ACe fill- K-i-kiler nuitil-r I a -d at Goderteh 0,,Ihe Coulity cf Hurons
! : I 14 -4 &,xci,
o r 22. 1 0- h CAncievion Kincarrri,7-e T U- a. - I i I I I e a-. 41 if red to oo k , I If t- if I -vieh sj�teratior:S in the custorns an Ddt
L All the Popular Balaa—_ A. LY. 1,467. 1 this twenty-�event.h day pf Jpne, A.D 1667.
lim-le. Wr h ire a faizo, jituck q j -f eouta;,iin 10) acres more or !t:ss A�Nb STAGE OFF101,' 6 as will 6e most beneficial to the waots S.P. UoCK.
to l;i4lie(l], "LE OF
arid In.ii,umental Music, JAS. A. HERDERSON, ;,fill ii.eans of the greatest Liumber of the iff- AUGTIU Axisiguee,-
KERP� R. S. 6UNMOGRAZI. Frprietor. A N.X f IUN. LWOW% ruured it I was days' notice. and lits, keepinz iu.allielinthe maintenance J. Y. E
Merchant. ili., I d at Pub-slLer*s Priem PAITUN ta.4-S lea Vt: t. apo,,,-, alition-h we have j,i�t 'i kb, l ;1uhhe credit. Soliefilor ior Insolvent, w23
(;wds:nth 12th July, 1 �767. w2.5if A t BUTLETS: ar'lh,- movexal t,- itior btot-k a !orgre I,n of Bird uaie�. public aebt-re-alation of trade, and REAL ESTAMIr '
'Ir ' 1 4 MOLVEN21' ACT OF 1864.-
Goderi�:h. 17��67. V, Im; 2 1 3t Ve'nilor-i' go:icltisis. hott IV rotell lip ivilli vvcfy &u. 41--velopluent of commerce -the post -al set -
idl tral,clicTs. a iaf.e Illdl vit-e-the enl eme III and improvelint-ut, of IN CTODEIRICH. -
Z'U--r —Sa—le Cheap. 0 iA 22 J u e 211, 1'67. Me itire inclined in let tire pulil;p know that 11'e iri,l-andk water vornmunitaticti writhin Province of Canada I lei the County Court ot
0-tintv of Harou. f the County of Huron.
In ffie matter 01 Alexander Nayfmitb all
uld dv well to cili ai iker ill advance tho %vaelfai*-and importance G. I T f 1, U E XT A N 1.)i, y E 1) ife dairie.- wv
FROM the Su"ReliFer on the .11 0w L)ominiou of Canada thaIl_q;CClve mv POWER, all in good worL order.- 2j Bayfield I I, by Au*ction at his Sale 'Un the tl-.iii dayof September next,atte at
�[Jjj 1- - - I - I I I We a re -e 1! I),. 5 t! k PH it S for .110. 'I If o,,, Rail and en,�ra!ly whatt
r Apply on to?. 2. 6th con- W. D. to Rolid. TIC;lr 4;olleiiCh, 0.1 SatLrdaV flat- envottrfre hairiagjai-I reveived a -n4 -w 004kiiz arket, Square. Goderich, oil Ilie clo. k. a) tire forenoon, the underisigited will
PETER UOB&LLTSON. E Lrhth it brown mitre hipped if, the off I ilial take an early opportuii;lv, berore M allp,y 1-1 the Tudge at the said 4' urt. at his
jully 3 I i67. 21w3 hip joijit, also a w.sre t o,t, satme colour one Field. and tile vlectious come off, of visiLIL4. the,prinei. (-ha m*brrs, in file Ton ul Godereell, in said
I final ; a -Icf . ty. Satuday, the 20th day of July, Uouniv, for al divearee under fitito said Act.
vi-ar old; A ry -rs,on givint-t trif"prinatirm as, I steal., Plow-Aimajid Agricultur it Wail ewetstb bcl,- 11 11 localhies, ia each inunicipa i ' and thed Dawd at Goderich, in we County ol Huron,
P, I - Salsk wil: 1pal to thei7 reeuve.-y will lie rewarded I %.e IV ch. aia. exo1flin my vi,)ws on anya�"u jects likely to IS67, at noon,,
CT = - thia� twenfly fifth day of D. Im.
i I fur their tro4ble. 11,0ILSTEAD LAW. ullic bekre the House of *(�)mmo,.s.
4 =.. A 2 z S. PI)ILLOCK., are aftlich,-d is. I all ti,tviviii: Thilt well situated Real Estate known as the NAYSMiTH,
9 kip r I have the honor% be, Inso!Vent.
-,: * I oJeLENNAN propilky. adjoinine the premi- V.. C . C A ?J E 110 N.
W L S T E WA Goderich. un 1 k467. Me riaie a IarL-e tP,,,jrtmw,4t all Gentlemen, *4
0 r ties occupied by Mr. JUH. MfTCl1FtL Sob .1tor for Insolvvni- w22
fit and Galvawzed Lsave Truugi.a, yn hawl, Your faithrulliservatt, loal Grober, berinz. p2lit of Town Lot No. 966. 1`11A V ED front ihe preurawar of tho r Which will he put up in the ina.-t iiv� rk litlit.
-n Illield, 4) ljt(f -it grem deal of D. H. -RTCHIE. N,w,,ate 'strooet. with buildings etert-d
he 2 -2nd -Litall., a Iuik 13av I I i I ill.Vi. 1111C. Wif 4U4laIILCC 6ALIPI*"Clwa Baviield, Towtisbip of Stanley, j . —_ I .
tilel thereon. Also. the whole of Lot No� 971,
gco '.."u& li;ph., Otte hold f-tol will! a 1. a I t I p., a ca: 30,th X4rch; 1867., wilt[ corn eet and Vielor
1111 -or er Newgste Sir its Ro.ad. In thi matter of *b6rt BrIthazo, Of Oe
oil ; trial eir-i 1,,n_,, Ali% persou trtvin�r !MPROVEMLNTS wilb Frafhe bwpllia- FTon*SA at present o . e vi'lgaeof FruacIstati in the Cumt
0 -7 of Bur-
' -1 ft I � tu Ler Wh ivabouto, wrij Lot zuitubl) i ID-KERR JR-&C0-)G6DER1CH ONT A We tire Jetermin quliffed fir Mrs' Rutherford, and an erxcellerl rt W.1 rd --d. v Inenks AP W.,khap, occuoied by Mefsrs. on. elIII) il heage inall lit-piove WFUL CHEA Reed litor. ofthe R I 0 - nofifiae4 q6 A an 'Uoiwarv. clicese a rrh, cr 1'. 0. F-act-ALs bnvtftd ivelit,; a call 0 Vat% �e. Yuirn, 'earpenters. I but he has made --all imiWumeut of his Es-
Ternis of Sale-One-libird cast-, balance* s u rider the_ _' a
COM -PRISING A LARo-iE STOCK Oil' June 25, ISC,7., 'IS tate and effeet above act to tqe ttw
LOYALTY, 1100TS & SHOL in tWn qual annual instaiments with iuter- midersig"dwakLee and they tre requirett
Waa: bell, ve in. Vi-lxv ietsirojili of puAw-im est.' For furtlier p�rt;cufars apply to
x Wanted Immed. y. goo I hifles%irould do well to ;."V- to furnish me within two months from this
lj.-� a "!I. an -f dullig will bill. vi. their at HbRACE HORTON, Agront- date w it h their claivrs specifying thr, w.cur' y
facbment to tueeniviebich we. advilacate. 'DUNCAN Godericb,.June 21 1867, w221A t1ey hold, if any. and the value"of it, and if
Y BRY' GOODS' I EA, IjEli holding a 2nd Cc tlfit-,jl W -M., 1k t" take charge ; 4, U�b ;t,�., Our Pr. -vowial flame is PA? TbX.-.9rUWA. --TAS reeriv'ed at his store Vv��( nolie Istttinle the fat-19tte-whol"itent-dd un&r
-at Otjrk,4)11�411111ioll 1-40trong (VIII)b 0 LL ket,s Y 'Ate k o r _Aix-., " out h with the vou hers in su ',i -,rt if ar li It
PQ*. a large suat of- by Pfera,&I�ftlei to Our Pollilvit file claims C6 r M 10C IiRD Our A rijen linents -all kitidii of > 6>1'7 1 I fit ware. I-quan s, which nt_� - f RE IDY-NIADE CLO HING Boots an ci soldat ve,y LUmN, Jr.
olite h." to be. UciWenica, ALEXANDL live Ila _tIES - I
At stzcb jaimensto reductions as wdl irawwu a talfaciDdy de. Tile Ulowing Pro a ivifir uf tj,o inany 1?1V__ ME I .r. . 0 igry i .
w22 3t. I, 0 "' - I 00
hundred bor6bins uvw vrifeird tv the L 11� T � U I- J F C.Halftn'sLaw Chamblers.
ShophOd SUP011,9"U9 �Olff " fine 24; MT. 23w2t
SEARLE & DAVIS, afile oII i if 1c, it, A lot a I t 2, i 867, will SmSnp IEETING of TRUNELLA B04"JiLS A Goderich Petroleum and Sa-l't Compa INSOLvERL'acaa OF 1864.
LN' 'Lle. 4011 0 yards Dreu Goods, from 10 ccn'ts up. try GROCERS, -G(jDELUCI1. iii*bd--held in. thoTown Rail, THIS CELEBRATED in great jatjotT� - From 85 cts upwards. I I
1000 yards CobQur,-s, from 12i cents vpwards. -dearich. oil AVE'bPen're.AP'P6`m'Ied soe agents tit ft., at 4 o'cle, -k vrilice of �Nnida III thp Co
Mouday-the 15th in P: M Ball's Ohio Reaning Mafte-! Goderich f6r 'the sale of the ;wlebrated Pro Itaty C�an of
J. V. DHFI 0::mj- Call and i 5C0 yards Meritio, 45 cents. 0 it, rispect, and you will be sure Exe*t6I:�'Pa�toicjl1Jhpes6._' -county-icifflurom thf,06artaliyorEluron
= "o ki-esident In the�mu:tter of Rdberf Pv&udfaoot an Ifisol-
0-. m 200 Berage and Cloth Mantles, 6 1, regal3r price $2 50. Goderich, July 5th.18676. SWI180 kd*.� L. D. SAWY immo & c L-). to buy, supplied at the -rlact( i(A vent. Prices. gi6xthdaypf Septer6berittert, at On oice ManUfactUrers, rraderich, M" 3. 1867. HARD,& §Th4-dHA -m the forenoon, Ithe-undezziggiiiP8
or $1. TION of f4,he clock,
230 large Brown Silk RtrasoLq, usdal price 8-2 50 -your ell " f Wlb q118P N 0 It t'
DI-330LU FARTNUSlup U - 31 I JL,, T 0 IN U.- W. 94 1-"T: WISO a
C19derielf, MiLy a- B-igbit Black Glacie Silks, from 90 gents. awill apply 0 the judure f tbp said canap sit a- 0 OTICH it! herehygiveii that- t o partner- NOTICIE. hill Chambers. in the Town of Cyodericiii, in
0 Black and Colored Kid Gloves, cents per pair. Nahip hemtsfore -evistiiig, lot- weell like [111 E undersi-med begs to announce to the SHERUP'S SAW -VT ZA.03 said Zouttly, forAWw,g,e: ;mvder 9i ae14
idersigiied us genertil ulluel fu refers ol the Coun,ty of 'Huron, that HE undersigmedl having thOl' he
n flrA
400 pieces Brown Cottons from 8 cents. tit Act. olou t ;Pflug g_WrA-Q Yen Illi, he eoitt iijuas to act as ageiet of -the Lti)a,ve �afi&6nflre the ficin, of Nolan & lfidNbalth, ha bteii T. I a rge F4 oic k o f SiddIbrY bated at 6odeii-Ii, tilie 4��ntjl of to 1, dipp I as and 4,his 2ad day of July; A. A 1867.
50 pieces White Cottons, trom 10 cents. day 'dissolved by mutual califleut. All firm, find will be happi to receive orders ru xpo� thbir wa6hinoz niid alint oif Her
hecoutils due the firm are 'to - �e �aid Lo It took the Lai prize dioomi': lrhaiffuL��iraa DFOOT.
majesty4s; County I Striped Shirtin 121 cruts per yard. court , 0i -1be Ufalted ROURT PROU
Peter NolanlP whu will settle �y C!U11rk at the last 11rovineial trial, aijd is considertAT -j .,,.an& to insolven4, %23
machine. A 61 300 pieces fast colored Print,,regular price V to 25 ots., redtlecd to 12i nd 15c.' art itist it u all respects a first clubs rpe Adirp9le' 0 ohii4wiil be of,. exhibition At D NNER iir,,TER LAN. pecitnetif in, O f (7bA 0 a. r6 k O SUM Gambroons from IS cents. Ilto Market Houses 'Goderich, wliere Mr. 51. trift ta -en jo% ei U. V
Wilhaelly is autfior;Zed to _111-141111f faL 11 . .. :Anjil right, title. and interest 9 'r BE WLISTH fiERF11311T, �rvullty in Cis I Ia Tweeds, 50 cents. All -wool Tweeds, 70 cents. Vated'at Goderi I b" to tifeblarlb halt' -Of 11o(,bVm1bki� faurteetath QW011 Go this %v24. 0 the 5th conceun Sth day of May, 1867. 1 M Morris bpundary JIRO U�Waltoq, FkA T IS T Black 01o'diff, froin 8 1. A zent. tliq -, r -hundred Offloo es4)- WOL Z" ,E A ;,VOUkRW,-Q -1 U13. 00016fi p e- bbes. - 1&-morrity, vitflorw it
AA 0 Illenja itball offer -jr ,1000 113arrilio, 0 U 19- Un Z JS .0 to *hosteem UWA wd W�ite Granite, just receiv- DY.1% rtgage' -Sah& Zr ,Ubfillree- Hortonikitirbik-bit boeti so lbz;lk� �#r ed at the o Teleagraph Office," very nice 77- -7 �S LT a 11MA ADE CLOTHING ehEF"`" "cheap, -ad for feeding to cattle, Generally us ill he ofered for Sale bv Aualtion at atnte thet War st'tjaf;' J$V. bu.4tifts on Ahe as 7%0 _VANU OR PROV13- Ciontfil, Pants, and Vests. ery chea-P. therA�ave-bifha � 1, , 4 tai_fiur,`fi� 1"q`4 I - lucid aird'O Hi ' ` — � "'Sa y the 127th My ne ThissSale is bb postponed Jill
parchasa per bb i'at ar -_ * Ift instfs- IX prompar Wivered. at- s I 0w turda'� Thi: 0.44 XYDEP -suits, from Was Se AWOW I Vi [loge lot 6,,.jn 111j W a W. 6. Alwood. Vt; veFy SKEP 81 nn7, op, Market lar 'oderich, Jane ? w23 a ey IFlannel Shirtaf,,Cotton Sbirts, Ties, qmfs, reduced 30 per ceilit. -21, isq, vilitige fit'd'in block A, bin' le t Goderich.. Ju oms, Farm Sale Paper CoUarm, 12i cents per box, regular price 20 to 25 cents. os r .1�r l'Four 'RL71W-, Lit 39 concenio 0i. . - - - -_. a 6 Townsbip of T11A 4 "INS to. Tim Ar,
"iI6 k" t IAn
N EVLRY DOLLAR, by calling at once, and C -rich, 90 acres, '12 sem OF 25 to we. 0 HE suisen'ber." dealres to turp iddl U00JR-,fil aq rod- cfi�iwad ipu' lj�awv will e9cot *a SA II110-11 W� '1� -4 ---I be -ii aad 4ear of stamps ; well watered by a ring that; beat bsrpjbs erver adartid in tibix0orninion, T trhe ,immkit, vilblif4m, %ho 1i tit spnn_- ereek land of the bm qnall!7; good _%ii 14 U _pnbr 1 jo MW ich ur P In mongitgair let* 111611rpWo P pe 6iiia; bus, and akz houns, and bus two- abdt "'An
r -o7 concrete houn with good cellar. A _�r A E4 - . ing- laxt.iw he "do i I-"Sulft W-ClIll fime orcilialrall of beatring trem Apply 6 r g9fltl-ong al JuIle kill loale. ITV OLD SAN U by letter "t -paid to A 1K Lt" D-- indebted to thein: W?
WA ft W. A-E& W. SPLAX. &dineb,L Oct: I R-4 IA I I 117-1Q117 1) & A – L I I -I 10444 A..i. I (j.d,-rft:h 3"Hine 22nd 1867,
P. y Uodarritb, July 51b, IF07. 14-24 o e c , uy I