Semi Weekly Signal, 1867-07-16, Page 2X�
If j
_-B luiiiiiial 6 705,05%
But we, hem 0ey cu me, ktc, assembly loval new kp the North flutbri;731 he thfil ti;l Q
1. as to aecs I ffisatF!9�7.�e . 14--owca sc�apers bet paid amoutifinz to Am.)n.- the
ry on Stuarm chafirliktory. in order to rival the 56.u�_Cwl
_0 is
'Itu C 0.
le is that ra r eoile andlif possibip our Tt of Tbomas Stoirps for his
wi I silon be here."
mulitt whWam -&%VQKN it goin
.X to elf
pawn himself upon tbpm 1�,Abat w*y4 the pliant blit- 101.
Orang-men, but let no..4,pe come forwar I.Arn! Wroxeter p, STICANGE, 1111111111F -TRUp,. C' ANA DI 1,.% FA
Tim two Gmpkia turnied stitkv, Ged,�ron to a free bount nni e [nay succetl in pu log )0 pionaf The lfcdo�bthble4fr ver" P1 _N�.b t fit I services
and "y they were a,@ 964.4-08 0'(11199111tra. wool over the e3v 6� 64 tn.� much afraid, thallf— ng 64-a iWitefirniug offiLer for the current
Although dii-la is' mistaltell. R to ruin
it .1
&that). whol a Kf`.'�' 4 Mr4 t 'mys, Il very y4mlig hadywid fientle-Anial Inthe unilrd.-Iftale, As a I'silvaili,
Ufa f yo a�'-] proili
�in ibis quari'lar. "in �I-Xlr. JlAkx-Visou ev ut, -1 ats and also 2 dollars far the
"tk.r I he chavilher Pere If he i real waits t* take -ed#lo a4ve ti,riditio exprelp t4mselves I* � athpill# have MR, efio;� .1vil dp
-cr-j fo happy to say Q.- ld' hiridif Wr 'pect of being T, call bre'r "Oulan"all very'll'arb to their adrnaWjr& hy rz4.rvIn;: I II-PUR
-pori a n Iva 0, r�tutllliiaji KfCf'Ol JUllarg,"). byuda!Mqgrafarlh� �Iandrr_ 1148,-k #tn,] lie-d.f <
f ly Oh almost a0i lint 'upr our If they huve n1,rbetZr migrial to Cluderich aler bt -wi to 11*0 Next NO—
acv. qncl Phihpt�o to " he, n his sialsler (Cht Why did they hqmome
USA I'l be tak-len op. ward arid make links 'in 46OV'fitil , m at ebi 00-flard to 6i'Irf I i lit id-' coma f;4*'ofA1c W house while holding election.
M, K . d. 'Phopt- be% ihg filre -,r be,,,, hurt I a
He t-turua:(Lto the it tit; I Midw-Vent w epi. �`91 Ord , , x9ed vt
'filcie _ .1 , Jt Alf "thel.s
I from Wingi 6,1,
' �` �f Irian RK -be .' KdjWby -Mr. Pollock secoi,ded by r
him it home. Ere will fir ky forth "?W,tbe orlt:Lt)i
Them the vasult �lficer lay a ill be coniiderably Surprised at i liey bad betle�le* ph
01 in
readers C uttairst lboviJi
of IIYAr"y. % 1. ) rfe",W�Ito* he e cc I r�v.,Stokes be paid 7 dollars addr..",eir--hetiteat serv. Ill"all-11114.4)v
steall of having 1800 Graligeden in ads, be very serviceiliblik-lo willaAch ovitir the - N,,j Oibi%i has a(
fut0e; It to �s N vo4*-hhn i`.g'k In6v does I tim
of thi(,,�caqffiv cifl�iineil iii gill Brissa;rb. rl%'W�drk: AL I
pristmer,for- _-eta st III in was of too, tho 8tateMente made by Ill C;"Co no prIt.
the tionge a' the e I thou,4,ii fro- that b` list C ed TU") pisitIaLs, Jiur"A. .4;
ceedill4a �vir r"
spi IOUs a viiamire to terrutt (If 1. is going head of thk angemen -ok Haron, on Is It very strunii-thing Wine h -at Mr., III&S hi 8ing'!i vote rdt'Otiled iW-Vis have 111 40—:1 iior. Pollock see 'The (;ANAWAN; 11,
at M, they wouI4 -Aheit, ha4 twice tho I �e:y made ilia escape from some eta ended Mr. I
flee so In Or ivish a favour
A:.rgr. Friar 4oalicts, wery act tire i -alt, % it ' nutnbir. lie was happy to tiny bein-, a rpsidout of Goderich these tin ruberi o Iciously given - and to lunrilic asylum, as Niclo showed tile most flf�t the Clerk he allowed 12 dollars E, il IIIOR.3 Olp VOIVTH. flow twen 6 -f --re Its, r -l"
I ; if i. i Friday'lwt., The assertion timt a man �t I wbich is not consetel 9 riaber rabid symptoins of In racy; but. nil a iecond for-extrati. services rendered (in seferance tp _rver us.41 W
h al. VAP"V was palo. taut ""'. B:s present wore not for, yeare its I undbarsland 1.1int hp did hot discovvr I tit It end he it; ready arid nild I A Uciollvattan wlialAnffcr=uaL4,r�an ltrum Xerr,a arid wt;e
�ead 'a ii -I I I e . llan :ngvs i.-Aen - T1, :,1.4 on bi,41 must be an Oraq:innan bertive lie cati be an,l expose the illeuml doiriga of the county 'd,iirm it Oars Pe-actit of both ptrTarl of Said ortioloi I thought it h.kd a the assessment roll) by order of council—
,. a sigor
nehilay. Premature 41"TcAyj�andiolihe efl�xisoryuulh_
6 �MJ-VZd ttte IV allow Is wn red ra, v d_, th,,n, th.-y woulJ w)t li:ivo so minY b-ro0,(?tIS0t,SWvi of1he diodeiich Strut Carl ied. ill ill 11wrCti-el. will rur the anke.,f4uffernlig nmsaranr
fir a ,,ot)d 1r-talli, gr truly loyal, ' a rtivnini ere thaiis, if he bad it i�n-wkf t6d W. Ilpys ill pufilic�
rt,car, cov, md, h, wcvei, kS i,is ii.q. Phi-iti- I Or3o,cint n,3n.1 he wo,ild advise the young Stich SO illial'I 1 -1. -_ Il 51y. 1 Moved by Mr. Patton seconded by Mr. m .11 loin neeil it. the rreipp end direetift, r. C.,,w .,I d.,%.! i,f I, I a.
I lacItIlne ; cuti8equeliq will address him
ra clllet*�d ILIW trut direct instill "to'n gre'nt maji-frity of the tire W-Afard of tho -coutay as lie livittitidi. 1y be Closely 'Scrutilliz"41 am. .
Bill I,(, lie was taut I kell tt') make 11.1ilthing 'i4hed by i he kiectoirs oft1ol-01 flurmit and by the appellation of Nieto Smut ?" Al r. Murphy that Robert Ferris he paid $15 75 making thr simple remedy I'T'whieh lie Was cured an
i�, pr, re (6 -IJV With IZP IJ
scl�et Wives wh would not be w� Ilia I,) Ill, adventAeris experieuc 9
am jr�:%d to ,to T(,t:, peopi ), ud we b -lieve- th:tt ititelligent ol it. Ilillt now Willa I e opport ec i let tile election tell which calle the E'leCtors Sinut Says according to 11. Y. Mr. flas is fur fui ty sevt 6 cords of gravelrat 25 a -IC 1,1giiarsi iern.- f r�
as %re variv u, v 6eir going out to t6ir lod,;Cs. - ullity 11*6 ill
e' IA ofeveryl-thin- 11 N n - 013 DVN. sOrangenfien will be nmongst the -first to lie Is to rual.c ail arlectioneering thing Insin, to utivoc-itll it compoll that is barIC11- cord arid fr damagesi done',tb, Wit grope W bile
C lisidov- tile qh" filiting
f illteled's of woll iI clo believe. that, if' he we�e serer-ated dralwim,! the Same- - Carried. GhAlalberx.14t.. Nev, ynk. U'v Aried L front It Ile, i
Ha, rx"Ist, mu_ the Lao'l [Che No. Ia.
C, I his %a kA_ I dcprec:tte the use ofsuch It is of it, artl I Ittle into prlinmial't or) tile 1101)(.Stly the great I into his Comp, Moved by r. Pol lock seconaled by NI I - ing tc�slvd it
-e a, Rev r. Walker, of Lucktiow,then -it:li- lat Ii e rounly council, a very small prinLivie 1, 0 ll,)ble constituency the souccesHful vadi orlent liarts aurl properly anal- WHISKERS ? U HISKERS 1! Eire buffering Ir.,fu al.-,
t �y him. with lit,.; tuce drawtt too late in the day for Air. W. Con. c ho,iour to repres -lit. 0 jrzild, there wou!d be �vcry lvw of tbpm found Pution ibnt A surn of 40 dollsois tie granLed 41r. L. 0. MO'wTt:Z' Corrotta. the irreateret &Iran
I I dat-I, will havir ill whi,-h It is up atitu in exr rv-3.,i, n of the de,- eat cow lni vt:rt%l a lengthy, xylirch lie revei w- I and, as for his to r%:prlir the sideroad fietwee6lut35aud 36 11 fAm in the w rid. wiif forl-e Wi,iskers or idus. tw�'ng a Sovorrelan Ron.4
I I ner to attempt to monopolize" the WK1110 A BACRIVOODSAIN. Th, re'is ciiie t1e,ing I i"hink ibut Mr.'Gibsol to be of a genuine SLIkulp ; 11 his R.Joroblatiz era4lon, cii the moral aspect oforangmLsm, allu-1ing' will never be unrid doing, viz - 4`votingr for clutili6cation, I have �s yet fail to discover on the l5flu con. -Carried. to W -row on the SlIloolhes, fdCr of chair I
t : of the Icy 14 To the I the stgiial. . either -his meolial or property q ffi- Deairover in euritig the
Ak my dear Bria-ter, w1tviiid ou venture alty of this County, atil lie w' I lodi 41 t108t4keX ualffi IllereJ �bay,-Mr. Pdtton weanded by Mr. never kra�jwn to fdIl. Site-sple far trlei sent fre,
to the great victory by*Kim-William Godorrich July 13tb, alvilriog or atayli Pollock Ibut the Clerk get 50 copies of the to any olle (lesiroti%oftestinw its Inertia. Adart..,,1 re-,ornravendrd. and its v
cut, ? How cu:d ou J it ?" 0 to explain cationli are to beloui,cf, arid Ar. Smut would iiiinfir tile torturing ps w
I find. that what he intetidetif for good to, a 1361-1131's Mr. Itayi will be ubte , I
-it V�.s cami*stanes_�. tit It arr�- i I e tiv,r tyrtury and op -i' - confer an obligation;* giving the-aecessary I p. lily.-Lairs'priulled in pselplifiki form fur
Dt , Obserrer ;it his llerein his-b"stcd ability and other numer 0'46 letters taken ull- prepaid w29
certaia cause isill redound agiiiist it. -ta Sirt.-Fraliowin., C;o lit--lirvingr Nervous Afl
be'ped, Ptulippo bLt 0 "at ITUI�a .1 DOW to i " Iiinat-If arid information. Mr.Su'lut nialil-81% feeble at- distribution.
prf,,-; -it Tho _*y-tcin tv:ii pictorial pilgri mage, I will ow, according to 0 J8 exe.-Ilencits, diseei ned by rank in the fast of arra.,ed
talk 0i, I I ?" we can overlook the toady6m of Mr. a)Werver," lay, in voti6 I for Mr. Detlor (by tempt to hide b:a ilifirruities in the art of Moied by Mr, 11ollock seconded by r. Cftxlcra are rojinz in ir,
TO CONSU111PTIVEN. 'Is D'.,%�cev read, !*I. tn oiniar to keep alive in the minds of Anthony Lefro, but we catiffirit quictl promise, ta4e'ii in hand to exh,btt zl�y pen istAict ?) lit, tlie last Mulyorsility election, figuies, all I -uffiruis,, correctly ad&d Wi-ston that ithe balance of money due for Theradvertialer, havaLS ieeu restored - health tn it
I be ritau ds -or, s, y an(I ink portralt of r. Gibson, who halo been Lrt or pretending t, t1te. awount was B7,143 20, instead of 671:18. work done oil the Bayfield con. be paid CCwh I.C.AJ)'Ing a. I. W"-0 wlt�.t. t' t ir t hiLl r,,n the livroic deeds of thvir I 71hvn'he hact been workin, e w weeks by a very temple remedy. after travail uf_ gJv4:`L.
A�ory. "I aL �e.Idv. come I - the implied charge of di,loyalty higidy honored by' Observer "With ab,;ut it for mooths to secure this election of to,�us gi-.eti b'y Mr. Hays. I M the fixures amountin to eared for several years, wl th a severe hlaig aff4wtison, and
tl�,o caim- of rel�,;iou and *WL 0 Pattion. seconded 13y M r. The Canadis a Pain I
uttered aainst so mny of our r -elly add( -d, -the mistake of nearly hiall d -ad dksaasr. Consumptinan-it, anxl,= to talaSk.,
*'.4 n k fficer et temi, eind c- di TL,! i he zu, rd fruth, nd If fire R M -Ill ct-, column of condensed tnisrepresen�ation ii�.Lhe Crubb. r. Hays has a happy method, were coilt . give Immediate rc�ltct,
unnii4takably his own, ofsquirming his %%aY $100 allalirst thiiAGu4** tram in the, mullipli- 51tirphy Oat Frances Whittingbam be paid knows, I., his ch, A,,,s oreasm. st. Priyeiviansordri, rn
TO all Who d�slrc L he vrill send a on" *I tire pres-
elector. If what 31r. Contior states is last isiul of tbat reputable and disintert.-sted &he di __r'�Ofzmg. I would advise $7.30 for oL.e hundred and torty siA loads I, will tie wranotil it after d
to %I inz a!, it; their pt r4one r. 'I S," �eI ed to it its tirring up the jut of places slid doubtlesa he will cation of Ile 6 III,n used (free Ofebarge). with the diractim lforpri._
It ent ozill, r'P*A rev r in ih, true, theonly candidate in the ficid ill journal- thj lt-ar. lit f 'Would a8k- both Mr. Smut and *Vr. Hays, yet to take of gra yet for the All - cog. liaxing and tieaig tile Same. whict, bey waill fluid a ralt Price only W) eents jc
*r e. I )r. loan, Accordin to Ubsever I have underWieti 31 TO PARLIANKST WHO IeFsons in t�e simplej rules of urithmetic.
wnrd itte tent of Loid it ar . -ruesi,the ,j w rf. .,Ie out of i ilia alsi, b Aloved by Mr. Pollock seconded by Mr. ctmi: fi�r covsrurTiov. AVTIIHA. BRONCHITIS, Coto". f All ordicre 'Llso'A ra'i
aef p�L Litt, would 0, ARE WE TO SKND A h[A, and ail -nirnat and I.
Huron who is really loyo4 is I -ung Affeetions. The out;
who were near by, stopped in I lit ir wor k. t Al the same to nythl-t- thit was Protes- I bave grave doubts cfMr. U's superior kno. Patton that 10' dollars be paid the widow ell it, sendinq the Preseripirm 1, t.
s, e bim who was to be tried us a M I who is aa Orangeman, and who is run- a huge task its he represents Mr. Cibson, to VOTES BY Ul8-[AKK ? He might vote money luevale Leari8 on ac.-ount of indigence -Carried. belichl the affitcled. and spread informatiot, which he en"
tant. Tbev sliouH, h )wevcr, rather thin be 11 ito his own pocket by mist.die ; arid if "Litt- leclae of fit
,mpciral mittiers, as the B -s-dly on the reflurtu ticket auch a-howro,,ronious compound of pity. I� t ai a c' "craves to be invaluable arid he hopes every'sufferer j4pv. rind maav of them It rittlul-y l3r, ning proft.- rresp enj would inake people believe. The council tbeff adjourned to meet a. wAilitry h.arenardy. as wil ais-ty To hr 1 with the Pope," pray that I lion or no annexmiun" came up tLis Icy- und' it * I cost toe= nOth, g. and
h I tn, lo r he w�as k IT" IT If h m u - h u I I F e a h o and- mental q4ulides,ell that he San't be "" u on il* second Monday in A7Q-trSt prox. ' F. 34tridan Gardirter V
Is it true that a tamn loust be 9worn to iL, i"Ca L I Tutin ma it it, tile excess of his Patriotism With refererce to- the mileage que.;tio , llaa� pruve a I'lessing.
army, as a gatilant officer, and a so.- , I described. I cannot for my life rid we find ourselves lie has ridden nearly twice rounS the Iticlino JOHN SHAW P-trijes -isliitjg he prescription, raint. by return mail
lie Lord uil,,,ht save hicrit arid all Catholics. mi -flit Vold Yea," a will illeirse saddres locutilr. Watts & Jebt,
I before lic can be looked upon as an up- iied to' make au impression Tp. ClerLi. "Rev. EDVARD A. VVILSOIll
(Laughter.) H a closed by -!via- the what. Observer areans by this, and conseqt1ent- li.;ht apd fast tied up to the tail Of the mighty �n it, and flat Itivir; E. Li-Akma,",
Al lestith the quarters of Lnzd Ra:lnn a holder of' the pri-iciples of Picatestantistri ly arn not niu- 1-118' consequently, his imbecilit. - is either to be
ch startled or teirified thert-I)y i I rid south of 450 listening to the explanuti( v it laU-rlied ut."
pelitred and the guard enteired vt lih ibetar pits Oratip,men rind their adherents L it was all a justly, pitied or at the wort ,
Soule or -is a '.oyali3t ? Ave think not, our and not fering the lurkinT danger that Af Mr. Hays "tha EVERY BODT,USEB IT. -Arid nil agree
cauer. 7heroom wheretliec4urt wnsLed. ti-ong advice ag a 19 3y Xistake-�- Fpd 'e. Wanted. pZr—rY Dayi-s-
14esinsof drlInken-1 1, Does r. Smut rpally� think that the people
W= the Sarria" one which RAglan "o., fair it Government docs not think so, arid We be contained ill hit; &a., that the ICLoadian Pain AN-str is the
ar d swcaria- and retired amidm 1,)ud . remarks I hope to' Tbis much fur our candidatejAs friptids arid of any tov% usbip ofHaton,are;bo tar loSt to,all best wedi�in'e for tire instant an rmarient n active, reliable boy to attend and
lab4-arT. tie,@ wete ass-crataW Ilia- princt 04 016pr, A We clip the followin,
'IV believe that a large number of sLra'4hten out a few of the kinks frout-the citernies,and now a line formyself, I observe Sense ol honor and di�,nitv, as to elect a pro- wak.- himself generally tageful in the
gent. -.-A-3 of fiarmr. atid. Gene'al I rooni-one in whole t bey removal of pain frora the kysteam, ever yet store of
Oran�emen or%! ofthe satue opinion. Ir coiaorted outlines of Observer's misterp!ece. I that my lest communication has stirred up perly uttlified pe -)nfidence,-to look after discavered. It iteta an a rbneral alterative, General Advertiser
Canrobil,t h4 came to assis4'tat t?ve I H. Gardiner Co. At this season of t1
1 the diseas%d bil of some silly man .Pit can pace every e
L* froy E!�q. was the next Ile et out witg tile assertion that 41the thereby removirg the caulao of the dise"e, Ifladerieh July 12, 1867.
ti-jr-s- D'Aacey w -,g viewed as he en, -moi ros 0
trouble threatened our coitutry to 'Wilish appearance land awkward address whoiecorns I have inadverliIntly- stepped their interests in theCouncil. arid not pay andrenovaLin- the actian of the 8)sLem. w25tf. cholera morbu!% dysten
tered. =4 his orwn manly couiiietiance, He snid it vlas not the first time he had :
all el is without as much, as saying "by your leave," nil eipense-i necess4ry for his time and
Nes would be c:tIIe4lcfut in its de- CIO a
his ca�m and soldierly bezi-ring. produced on of r. Gibivri reduce a painful uneasitoss in arid who in the hf�ight of his ruge has trouble ? Certainly liut.. A juryman Ia For the pa I rposes for which it is recommend, dred complaints aresurt
so addrcssel the Orangewen of Huron F-hould be I i b*-rul ty suppl
the &-;&I- qab: a marked impries'wj.A I u Lib toy - rence, and there can be no doubt that the it has no ecitial. Truly it is a "'good thing.,' - NW PIANO FORTE
y - 1, -laitness in all civil
our. and he hoped it wvuld not be the last. ally woull be I-veral. the winds of his auditory." -The I puerile lileen utilucky enouo,h to dive for I into allowed his mileage ;'a Sold by all hiediLine Dealer-&. Vezeabl,� Pain rillt
spirit of' IL -y ownishnest' nee& no cutitradic. MaX11T95Xc1
-charge of Id lie darkness, and.somewhat at random, for cases, is allowed his mi!ea;e, arid so is an home, whether it be for
11t remains, now," said Lord rhi;!i%u. of- 11, urider--tood they were -,)in- to have
W D!Arcey had taken his stand, --it remains n train. Mr. Gibsoct is there arid can bes"u; is opp-essor, licit a little to my atiftlaement. H. . P. ; ard wh not a C)uncil or. AT io PER cE.%7,r DISCOUNT OFF a trip to, shouh
some of theveat nns to address them- would eartienly advise him to try agafn, Mr. Smut also alludea to a motion made ill P U BLIS H ERS' P!UCEs. plaw their hands on it i
saciv to bear the charg-n made aeiust the —wbent--Zop —or i—nino-is is ex- nor %ill any of hii many aripporiers be, as- aid fur his -uidutice would add that I not the Countril by a Mr. !*McMichael, seconded a EAUTIFUL Dreamer 3ar, Come into the G,,Ia in,-. Many diseases in it,
prisoner. Gal,?roa, come forward amongst them some of the c3ndidates for I -hill, bilth- Huron men, agliust On Sunday morning, 14th inst, the wife B laud 35c; Con,,unitilopie 36c; Maid of Athens ak-
pceteil to foot up to' I v2,000,000 bushels. hamed to stand by his side and ackno%vl�d -e Po8tunrlstor ; never was a Postmaster and by a Mr. Chur( 4!r
-GAlerou did m Pasis under the R&I Z0r_- Ulu- Afaild 35c- Good lgbl worthat, which will pri:
Par:iinientary honom (31r. Hays had him as their choien representative. I quite (it Mr. HAys were unfortunately to be elect- the mileage. and Gibson and Lis collegues of Mr F. A. Anning, of sou. mediately check4 can
What testimony have you to off6r ? Be 0 out of it. tell vou 11-hir. Smut" B, loved 40c ; Tlir.ugfi the icauwmai.. chribel so, -
TLxrEu,L% Sti.-A very successful Only a hx-k of hair. parifiel see-, J cammil Sing the WIJ
ht'l FT*ech out and dry, but thought ce. �IELTI. or u-. qti) in all probability never will be a Post- cannot get
barieE agree with Obqe.rver as to the feeliiin, by one or �wu "es of 1
t- air was held in the %'ictorla master. I don't trilak I ever, got a ectit Ilia& you at Iliatible bumbu,-.—Mr Munro. *oup Claritwl 3Dc: Won't Tam lea me why RobairL Ciari.
e7b-be coni-nifte4) bet rvir or it,) but he was left alone li C weetin, easiriess produced in many h Mr. Gibsons bel 30r; 11 er brigrat am le haunts me still jue, Craig, wore than oneoecusiot,
ILI:[ lAst (Moudav) eveoing. The Lull was y ,ulu the Couuty or one of its tiffice:-la, so Gibson did clot occupY4 sent in the . Council
On the 15tb inst, at the residence of the -Ikg by ri-iii,y4la w, rbe Br000k by Tennyam alfc; led of intcase suff-cring h
nii-Ilit be toll he was not to 9-ty anything speeches ; tin uneasines douJ)tlkss felt most I'Anticiique" need not beje4dous ul'ute. As for two long yeais after that motion was Funeral 2hr; 1 wtpuld hke go Change my name
briles father, by the Rev. E. L. Ewood, 06""' the above named prepa
W 30c, The RefFugre aor; Rocked lit the cradie ofthe Lkep
d-nselv croaded with iiiielOzent people. painfully by Observ", judgiti-r-from the.way I for nay 1 -bread and butter" I have no lear fur made in said Council ;!which proyea that ) on Rurat Dean of Huron and Bruce; J. 35r; Tile Orpit Griiader 25q Joilly yop ts:� iii henS my
77ME. TA-BLIE, G. T. tz, of politi". but in the clualific-altions for Chas. I'lelcher, being called to tile as far behind tile times, in Council uit- Hook idge Esq, of the Mercantile Agency harra ,n the Vi allow Tr" Irk; 7%e rairy Benz frac Sold by t&Il DrurLrisu,
his memory reluilis the impression. I think f1i"t as I can saw wood to a churcu and can are M cine dealef�&
%.,%I) CCoLi;jarn Orargemen he fk)un,l they shoull be zeal-' iilty,. bell,,-, ters, as the tritnisteri of Fort George was Pany lial.p 125c; G ranad Canadian Ill ilitary higireh 301r;
handle a spade with no little ag
Vl�,'i I 1� T. chu'r, introduced the Rear. Mr. who aks volumes in behalf of Mr. Gibson, I e Montr al, to Adela Fanny, second daughter The Canadian Volunleerlat F#revreli 25c; Fredonia PERRY I
ARIELL V E. ow in promoting the prosperity Of their- delivered we or tie &`:alest and ui to i it ape an Iiishwun, tho' I do thank -'Anticlique" -1 who was still prlayin� for Kin George th
Os Ii,4 :'al as an orator, that his speechei, driven .11 Third after be -had boten dead fi%e years." of Cap F.' B. Blu.nt late R. N. Goderich, arch 25c; &,�., Ike.
Ior his kind hints.abbut "the crumbs arid gra dau1 ter of the late AdmirAl I 21w, 3m 340 'St. P
rain. 74 Queen ard country. They 'stood before lectures we have ever listened to. We ore h a steady lqund, I very much fear, bov6ever. thar what fulls NI r. H mys, o -1 Sent free by mafl on remipt of price.
straight home as -they are wit a his 16t" apapitarance, in the Bluett IL N. K. It. Warblinglion, En -land.
Accomodalacin ................... 0 a -m- L:m in a two -fold c.ip:keity-'as oratiztnien sorry that the' crowded sates of our colurn:is have caused so much commotion in" the front W pocket would scercliv do to keep Riding, was dutertnit led to dig a pit, deep Fifty-four Airs of all Nations ........ &Jc.
ExiOrests mail .................. . . 3: ('0 p. tit me up to my weignt. enough to bury, not' 6niv Mr. 0. but the Sixty Scottish Airs .................. g5 THE GREAT ENG
M i -ted ............................ 10:50 nnJ as Bfitih sul-cts,1 He did not will not alatit of an abbreviated' report of enern-, s camp. W`berr I see a carth, protcerd 0
Shcluld "Anticlique" go on in his present whole . County Councilalong with him, but it Forty fix Operatic Melodies .......... 35
for thein c-peelal lovalt V. I triat ill 'electcaTs are ab6ut to For
DKPAEtT. want t,) assun-m- his remarks at prrsent. Several of wilh a trip'a coat of brazen assur"ce, benighted sti�te of helpless bewilderment lie n appea el THE MARKETS. y-ei,�t Irish Melodies ............ 35 SIR JAMES ood music were civen under the directiun of sluirmiti uneasily on his s, -at beneitill 'a may purnmLl into some one w'jo will repay bury N r. 11 (poor m4n) in the very pit, in En'lisb National Meludies..35
Espress mail ..................... 6:30 a.m. others �-houl have credit ror IbL ir loyal I Celebrated Fe
Mr. James Thomson. his scurrilous personitlities us they d serve. which ha was detercionard to bury Mr. G. Fifty Christy's Minstruls' Melodies . . ...35
AccomodaLicia ... . .............. ty t,lo. Ho had been gratifi4d the other mented castigation, aduunisLered bi �,one GOID.E111CH, July, 16 IS67. Prepared from a pres
31 IXed &aid much more ably that,. I could do so,, I he Dalice Music of heotland ........ 50 GZarke, M. D., I`hysici4
Jar in readurt- an Iri�h p-iper in which Lovnosf SocieTT is to hai.d from Cbewett whose strai ph t forward and manly re"rks did He has preacht4 laarore:ptalities to the people
n I decru them or hire dcaervirim of a more than podey lately, "IJI without some klYer. Spring Vvireut .......... 1:15 L20 Ri,hardscin's New method for the.Piauo
- ad ofhiS-Ju!.,_-C Keou�h-a Co., Toronto. A fine number. can neither b,3 denied on account -of 4'* natural agency he cannot now be saved. Mr. , kall "do ............ 41 30 1 40 f orte ...................... M50 to the Q,
an old fric " I serious notice. 16 :4,0 :
selrevident truth,-oor dodged on accoult of ',--,ut and Soule of lais'ultra supporters way Oats ................... 0:0 0: 0 Morine*s Piano Forte Toter .......... 35 This invalualit, ROM31, (.tt',OaIC 170felred to the Cdebra- I Having now tresplassed perhaps to Itrge y
-TRATLD.-A boy named %%'w L-tcourse, their cleariess, and co,,ency, I cannot but feel on your space, I shall close by subscribing �Till support him, but thi-v must allow that Floor ......... 7.0 ?W 100.0 instructors in great variety ior the Piano, eure at all* ho -C painini art
t103 ofibe Betle ot tha Boyne, aying it eized S . years, straye from his borne on the my sell s ever, they have cet lainly oil . or . rated his abilities, Barley ..... ...... 0:50 0:50 to wilti-la the fi-tilaie eora.-4j
IV, 0 Violin, Accordian, Melodeon.- Drilefriater,
that the speaker could not fail t I, be Success- I QN
:�ahluld a dear to the Catholics ot -';ab;e line. Stanley, on Wednesdar, the 10 11, ful in a field when he would he met half,'way Yours filit'Ifully, over looked iris faults.ptid received his trashy Peas .................. 0:50 0:00 Flute, &c... &., at very low prices, at the nioderates all exces.,: and rec
tit Iat ore a white cotton shirt arid brown CITADEL. assertions without due consideration ; but Sheep .................. 4:00 'It 0:00 and a speedy care may be I
Irclan-I as to the Orang-emen on accou with h2aesty and inte,rity ; and that� his in Pre intelligent part ofthe Coustrairafives Beef, If Cwt ..... ...... 6:00 6;50 TO KUM
the Signal Office. itis peetilli
GODERVII, V. W., J-1111 �6. of the liberties and privaleM it s-�curvd . 'derry paut3. Ile is of French extraction, 0 4
words will alwapv round here,have now 4bandonedhim arid 1; ft 41 deg Green) .......... 5.50 dA 0:00 arIv Pulled. It i
cause those feelinot ot
0 1 Bluevale Correspondence. 'tter ............. 0:122' N. B.-Mus'c not in stock fornished to
dark cover lexion and dok-3 not speak Lnglish. uneainesa manifested by Observe 7 0:00
to all classes f th people. He then : r and him to stru,;hIc ill the last ditch, -the sooner BL tiring on the
-omw-o-- I he field it will be the better for his Petatoess ...... ........ 0- Each 6ottle, priev One L
THE 12rK OF JULY. wcut on to speak of Confederation, pitch- f.�O- wa-understand that Me. Chandler share in by MF, Hays under the, cvere!l but the LtIttor of lac 11won bigaa.L_ be quits , .60 0.00 order on the sharterst possible notice, affra Prameal lu"rap oi Gmat W
honest lashes of Mr. Gibson's logical �tt own pocket. Mr. Gibson's 04etion is Lure: ood ...... ........... 2:00 t�4 9:00 discount of 10 per cent off publisbere Mtn. erfelits.
irar, into Geor-_-e Br-,wn as a dangerous lairovincial Land -Surveyor, leaves Gode. el- Tile correspondent to the 11 Goder- -and I can tell Mr. Stnut that the ftuevale ity, new -IF ton . ....'9-00 R 10: 00 At the C A-TTIr I
This Orange Holiday was celebrated by t ' auces twfoie the electors of Nor ill 11uron. 1, iich Stilir" have been very profuse in their Spiritin Wheel * is abie to spin and twist a E,-ga 0.08 ((4 OAO 77,113 Pillia -h,,tdd 2j"I /^- fai
man,andadvifin- the Oran-imen, and! richto-morrow morning (16th) enroute a 6 -�J 0 irks FIRS7 THREE
0 111, 0 Obserrer says that Mr. Gibson haa thmAd both long enough, and strong enoulah Chickens ...... ...... 0:20 a 0:25
the brethren of the County of 11 uren, q -n . the' : uni* 1 contributions of 14te, particularly the Blue- '4 Sigmal Office.1
Catholics too, (having mollifitcl all for India, to hang up 4.m araid Mr. -flays by the Turkeys ............... 0-30 C:40
Friday lass, with eonnierable edat. A formly stattil that he appears before tlie.q'lec- vile man who have given,'to the public, quite uech. W1 both pulitically'dead. Wool wrabbed ........ 0:25 7`11,7e, blit at auty atilter to a
Goderich, uly 16th, 1861. to all cases of Nervous I
h -r-h things sAM, and made mat!crs tors as the nominee -of the reform an effusion O political matter, -btrongly per- 4 'Wocl unnshed .......... :1,5, 0:20 atur, in the fiack and Lim
few of the lodges met at some of the[ S& -It is said that one o,' the first acts of 0 i7ou-S, . . 0
� right] to vote for-I'lascil, lit: did not s -Ay I %entiun. What. a wonder Mr. Gibson:gets � meated %iith reli-iou and om *Ime a little if. Y. llama 0-08 0:10 rxertiat�, pKip tartaton ef tire
k -Adm- rilliagges, but th-a ",aeat majority I tb Vern ment (#* the New Dominion w di IA 0 If
tchie and C4vlin�, buL-he gave as broad a credit for even one piece ot tax 0 11 OST -A Gold Locket containing two Whites, theme Pills Witt el
came'tol Goderich by team or excusion 0 y poetry ; on account, I suppose, of his occas- L clLildrers' liketiessex on Sanjay, 1AAh -ther means bwve failed; a
Cextension or the G'bnfedcration ta a7l A,,d is it then a sin that a man Goriteriellif Township. Montreal Narkets. I
hitir in that direction as be could. M r. . ionally. filling the pulpit when his avrvices inSt., between the Maidand A fail remedy. do not ciustAtara
v2h), as happened to be most Convenient. Left cay left lory aui immortal memory to the British Ncrth American territori-,s. s., ftr won tbe cuti5dence of a Strong pon- L . 0 The Council met at liforneilville on Mooday otel and Metegf. Ituonv. or anthing hurtlid to
0 %erition of ibe i.nteli.eace 'of the scieral ore required, He compWris hard of my Spechii Telegrizu to Hurod Signal. dist Cburch. Any one leaw ion, the same at Fall duccialow in the We
The crosd of Girangemen assembled i the other spealiers, and -did the po itical pa.11 the 8th daf cifilfulvlaccoriingtoappoint- he Al aitlaud Hotel will hC- suits"bly retrairdeill, Val�*
re- The Sultan of Turkey has ben Townsl4in composing the Ridin whic!it he laudatious of Mr. Gibson avid abuse of Mr. Kontreall, I v1pli wuly I BG 4". t iiiiIhicli s"Id be I
Goderic illy 151h, 1867. 92swit Sole ageut for the United
tosm, togetber with frieu& in the ghLPe 'of the business in his uscial quiet bt) le. is rMursted to repre-s-ent I and �s It a heinous I generally strive, if.possibie, to give went, Reeve and all`t�e councillors present. FLOL'a Superiur Exua ...... q.75 a $goo J
remlived in -_"nd style in reat Bntai-i. 0 of prctty girls, Lea% arid I oW folks' wml A few humorous remarks from Mr. Jasp, III sin I ur cue m Lit to s.)licit the support ot Ind Moved by Mr. Patton seconded by Mr. Extra -P.25 a 8.50 JOB 61OSE�14
. 4 praise to whom praise i&Atue.'I Had Mr. -S 1 .00 and six po-4'
lcn.s: in the accomill contest -in a - Fancy ............. 7 `75 a 800 to any, authurize-i ar=l Vi
the lar�st we have ever awn here on an Wil!iamsozi dosed the speak'ng. Murpby.t�aflf,the By-Eaw in re&-ftace to t 101"
GaAND 11ASOxic LODGE. -Th -2 Grand Wb8on come to B'.ucvale. or to any other he
arid rirkii-litforwaid manner, -and a -vi�tue Welland Cadet haper 7 45 a 7.50, 7 talu'rig fint, Pit' ,by returara
sivails Cheers were given for the Queen,. ' �he Lodge ofFree'and Accepted Masons zn-z appointment of several Fenceviewers and
t in his opponent to seek in an under haud'and place, and taken up such an undianified posi &perfine No.1 Canada 7.25 a 1.35 NG Lot 24. centre road, Godarich NORTEQ
Graind Nasv!r.. County Master, &c., after despicable manner (and long befure the � for- Pouiard-keepers for this� Townsh�p. be now .6 B"
at King (ion, arid made as many ta'se assertions- for No.1 Westeru'7 40 a 7.45 Township 80 acres, 65 cleared and well
The following lod,,",s weTe fully rep-, ston on We-luesday. the I Oth inst.
which the brethern reformed and marclied wer-Abought: of C01111mg-for-ward as a e*ndi tile express purpose of darraprig Mr. Hays confirmed. -Carried No.2 6:90 a 7-00 feaerd; frame barn and stabiles and log fol
wntEd on the ocimision :- There was a very large mcctln_�, ovei one d-tt.e) to eudearutir to nt4ke a false capital out buuse i Well trutred ; fine beollitz orchard i 4 13- %old in effsple.frieta bV 1
back to the equate, where after xenewed 1, unjuntly, in the estimation uf%�s` M-oved and aoconc!4 that the following Ba� Floor ........ 3.560 a'3 60 F ordan. Craitarliner or 'G
hundred and fifty lodges- being represent- of bi neaking len&r fr o&e* a the gitt clectorej to I land of the very beet quafity, Krini4istant
24 Wra W Conner. W. 31. 1 cheering, the7 dispersed quietly each lodge 11ruE AT. -Canada Spring. 1.50 a 1.60
l a
any OATS. — Per 32 lbs ........ 0.39 40 41*0101w_ Watts jP� Jebb,r-;
of the county cu%mct', not niade throuali own private purposes, I showd have persons be paid out of 14e money accruing from Gode I ich. -Bay field and (,iinton. Tirm dienthum. t1oreiville; J. P.
at ed. The� ficallorwitio, are the Grand Officers from dog tax, for shee� killed viz. 0 ga 0.65 given
i taking itA dparture in oold order, Con- patriout: desire to reduce the burtheqs ar�f stzim�, ed him I- Mr. G." as a man, unworthy p for part of
145 Riclid Touchbourna, 0 M -price. - For particulam snattarli
-eted : NJ W Wilson: aiA A A Steven- those who contribute so livillin.,ly their libare of the confidence of' this constituea y 8 6 00. BUTTEa. -'Dt"ry 0.13 a 0
153 John Cox, siderin.; the larte crowd, it is only tair to elc C or all Jacrlb Stokes ...... 14 apply. to W. T. Cox, Sigmal Office, or on the
49 say that the (11ran-emen, on this occasion, on, re-elected unanimously; J 11 Stearns, of the taxes annua4ly evied in, i -his muuici y John Donahoe 9 50 9, premides to
I L-02 John Fowlff, other in Canada. -It wou!d matter foot, Stored Packed. 0 12 a 0.13
pality ; but in the slastardly, hope that ffie Thomas R. JuweLt 5 50 AsuEs.- Pots .............. &50 a &65 A1.EX.kKDKR HAMILTON. For Si
189 James Russell], behaed thernselis" with the utmost pro Senior Warden- Dr TurqtMlld, Junior u,tiniatcus action of tile wb(Ile council hether he wasaReformer Ora Conservative. Robit. 6 00
Goderich. July 12, IS67. w25 a.
ight be heled on tha devoted head of Mr. of an express James Feaeock 13 00
priety and deeorum. There was hardly a NV s7rd,n; �R W Bro. Rev. V Clementi, ni I Again, be says, .11 for want Pearls ............. 7.50 a '6.80
306 David Cwk, G bis -in (ur w u ever else mi.!h% stand in his he cast and partly quotes a �arre McGrelror i 12 50 PORK.-Aleis .............. 19. 00 a 00P00 Far for Sale OT 22. 10ib concPS40I
-I to be seen on the streets dur- Cha pl;4in; Groff, Tr--asurer- A 31array, eals a:lm at I Prime Mew ...... 15-00 a 00 -00 ship, coistaining 103 A
drunken ma, L
308 %V w W ilson, In., the da; a.- ereniL,11. y) coutorted arid twisted by the utiscrupu- VOrid or two front the 4th book of lessons."
w" Pt ime ............ 14 00 a 00.00 Apply' to
31i Wm Wilson, Registfr3l'; Thos B Harris, unatilmously lous handsofthe tendercrtusuit his own lk�se I certainly do pity h-8 imbecility and' uilso, 5r 50 p 0
y I I 94s .................... 0.82,a 0.85 UT -H HALF of lot*o. 7, and part of W, ILI
re-elected 1-4ecietary. It gives us pleasare eods, and beto., if pmrwble t1le better Ig. his position, as lie shtaid have certait IV been The ceirfifics,16-plJollm4Nartall and -James Off 8, iontaining 10seres, more or lessT
3-24 Tcha- BL-* SOUT111 BRUCE, a - Rra Flour ................. 5.80, a 5.90
to annou-ne men& of -the huness electors of Huron before, the very last wan to, have mudestich is state. Wil ki" Eq46 ia"ref4reulpe to gheep.-killed, - , 11 ' - -1?- 85 cleared, new frame barn, two good springs -
241 Wm Darnin, e that M C Cameron' Esq., of who C ONTaEAt.,owFloar Hecelorts heaarii* d6I odench 12th July, 186�
m he has the ituriudenete to star& ment. His first communication to the Star, die'i;101,04perty oe'*. -Wilterf at twenty ot TvaWr- - SituateaBIA I
d ii? the mould and prices genprally tkaosuffe.d.
fu another eDiumn vriff be found the ificillars, Moved b Mr. Pollock
383 Robt Johnston, 41 r.,,nd Ledge 112, was elected Depuzy position of a solivitur of their votes'as their after the Oueva!ae meeting, for the Purpose eight second. near a grht tailVan-d a" EKi!'IF-, 191 Wles
of carrectiny the descrepaticies in the Starill grain Do-tranueticirris. Not" , UnAso'ed from Goderio FOXSate t,
disinterested benbfuctor -untiriinr udvocate 01, . .
499 Joseph Akoo, 64 1 address of 31r. Edward Blake, candidate D6trict Grand Master for this District. id by Mr. Iffeatun, that Mr. Walteis be paid 7 ffifts I at wairch
New York,
Ontario, and beat friend. excep Carr;ed.
for the [louse of Assembly foir teport of said meeting ; he, with Abe � i i , --- 1868.
14 Floor 15 to 25 lower.
5i3 George Armstrong Observer say Mr. Oibjon's conscienoe is tion of the language UNA for the ecirrectica, The certificatd IN _ M Bbla
or TuEQL7irBEc INNTRY.- 11in M. Cauchou of dio in, referruce to a 4'r �0, low -GEO. HARRIS,
6. in South 11,uee. It will be observe& th at Wheat 3 to 5 lower for aptidtj 14 A'"" sEPF-RAT�
5-!6 Robw Mrmits, haviv failed in his effort to form a Miiji&try very elastic, -but we be to the NToid took the re;�aiuder of lad long letter sheep kilied tho property cf Jam' -s Durk 6'
Duaganwin P.O. PourEH, an ittgoodl
C re -er for winter. Receipts 35= Goderich, 15 July, -1867. w25 2=9.
31r 13. comesoat pointedly oal=ding ques- [ion. M. Chaureau, the pr(sent Superintect- U-Juig of Huron, wheat- he becoat s 141- al vi-rbittinia" out of -the Leader, ana-pused valu-d at five dollars. Moved. by Mr. Pullock Apply on lot 2, 6th too.
710 Arnold R King, aalf its elaA*ic lie It off for his own -uomposition Byequiet, Corn scurce-i rm.
tions of the day, and therti will, no doubt, d-ut Of Education for Lower Canada, has ia,esentative, iriL Ile but A --TI could u6t seconded by Mr. Woston that Mr. BurL PETER a
813 Fmncis Campbeits been askiect by the Lieut. -Governor to make Ule vt I acity of Mr. Hays whose filtifigcid have given credit, not event to a juvenile on te paid&-Guriied. t Barle dull. Uoto tirt,-Ulter
y -July 8,1867.
ties 1. 30 p. m. Gold 401
tire a wonderful shakin, of the dry bo Ae of his I teens," far less, to a man of Aloied by Uc. Pollo4k seconded by Mr.
832 Wm Elliotl� to vucate Observer has chosen to be,:uillie.� this f- Ey6LaW No. 89 A. 11i, the attempt, and M. Cleauvpuu went
of that section, in c-,)usecluence. - Queliec on Pi iday I or that -purpose. Mr. Gibson will doubtless feei'much flat. wture age and experience to pursue such -Weston that the resellatioa passed at last
1035 Thos Simpson, 0 - . 6
is op , U V. tered when (if evei) he reads te etiaqacter art undiiaified system of vreiling rdr a finper. meetin,r of cocticil in ieference to lots 28
pon nts are 31r. Jamzs Brocelbank ani - - - - ____ --- I a 1052 John F`t'Bt6nd, ro the Editor ofthe Huron Signal. ba§ given him for humility .-I He a'so comp- ains of my saying al fulbome and 91, Al I. Con. Lein-, Itmoved from S. 'Sec. Min X'bbgrtfsrMCVt9- 191`-�GAW -M A*ftrM9_csxr.4N
awipposi; he has as much of Illyat virtue ;Hs iIS thing, sagaisist Mr. Ha)s,-" things which %To. 3 and u- ited to scliocal See. No. 2, be
9312 Thos Latimer, %Yr Wrn Hall. From private sourees we Wou;d Mr. Cameron who is known by us ood for a public man, but he he never-�id say or do." I thin"k 11 Mr. r sciniled a ad dialt said lots No. RaAD ALL0W42%-4;,&. learn that N!r Blake's canvass is being Total -20 Lo.! -e& M all to be a trustworthy Reformer use his be t 9 for filaw purpose described by er, E-Jitor" it would be a h.)l e!ess undertaking, 3 as formstril=dartrilej. T0 a WHEREAS power is vestetil in Municipid PrOSeCtItiltl With a TiZOr alod success endesayours to have thq actions of ilia Towu whose eyea have, fear, become jaundicifi for any person to engage, or take in hand, oved by Mr, Pat rided by Mr. Councils to assume
�,'Ouoty Mcers: present W IV Cuarfor. road allowanow i Which is as party rolk to Council reformed in their spaiiing and -.*tn-- by gazi I,, on the amusing sl h Murpby that the, in 120 dohirs by to aoil,,a seava-icrer by -peltin;,. him wit 'OP load whereas it is dee=4 expedient to as.
tonisbin- the 80. uirms 0, paid E LE CTO R6 of his Annestpet while robing bimselC in a (Mr. flar'b8a, -1
County klaster, Chas Ryara; D,:puty do; mucl."-and as'lor Contra- John bliepard for gravolling 80 rods on the r-ame a road allowan
ai it- ot the tilde walks. We CO On 140t Oi&"%
b,,t degree. Raving- uo itumediate perfect rep ri -LOS Cr
Thos Cooper, Smretary; John JOA, borrowed aib of dilionestchumility, W&" diction. of the accusations' preferred vainst Bayfield con. oppositV lot 49- darried. South Bound_wv and a road fallowitum on
"I., opwSluctil in thr) field they comidered should know 4% he is to blame fi.-st. On East for a time to* serve as it. sort of IorIo7 simple O:F 'X3K:8 111
1!reasurer; Wm Sneppard, Dirtetor of ra vhope filial it is air easy WatLer to make a, NuirtA by W. Pttitin $dwjaded by Mr. six in the fquurj� voucessrCFut, StaMey.
street the planks are in a dangerous condi!ion when brass Bud other mAuls fail. I fear denial, without producing, or -even a litcaurise at7pbv that the sum o114 El 30 cents be paid Sontb6 Ri Be it enacted by the Municipal Cowcon e7erything settled, b-ut the acceptance by M
Ceremonies. 0 ft that Observer' is last becomiag, infected to produce proof'of any kind to establish h:b Juba Lavin I'cir grg6velhilig 27 rods opposite MC
! Mr Kike of the noinination of the Re- many of them being ta�-ea out alta,,et,ber of B -e. of the CorpiDratiolli.-of 8%utqt� it lis hPireby
There was some little w-jrA* and and the*walk left so. Surcly for the credit "' ith a desease wh*,ch has become' chr6oic in iancicence. The Bluevale correspondent lot 2S oa the ceutrer��A-ldarriied enacted Uy A* authmity ofAh# imik r that A f.orm Convention, within the vas'_ few his veritable patron, Mr. Hays, wher, he knows right well, jI,hata.11 I preferred against Moved by Mr. Patton seconded by M r. road allowance be riimwed?�oji leels,
counter marehin, durinz the fureffo, a - of our town, the street most travelled on by says Mr. Gibson hersitated about tire p -toper him is true, and ' proven as such, it thatthesumof,100dullurbe paid PENTLIRMEN,-Upon Ili
days has falltu like a bomb -shell in their I I will be e nomination, of South Boundary of Stanley, four- vido, (A 0 I btranmers, should 'bepartly r(spectable, at locality for a separate Regimsry Of1iLe 4ould he (Mr. Ilays) attends the next political NJ y, ur Retiarm Convention; and at iber request
bat the principal gathering vr-as ilf'Wr I a it"'byhepphard and others tor Work dorm alons, the eaztern' boundary of said loitt, rua. n ! camp, and they have wakened up jazt; in I preateril. it is ii disgrace. It ho is to blame one be establitibed, and that Wrozeter vicial meeting to be beld here before the elections on a hi'. of many inilluentialelerturs, I have I be b to tr dinner, when the processi.)o was furisel, d 1 opposite lots 43 and " on the ning the.fqll 1"gllb tUreafi,Also, Am& one"
Present myse.12-11'a cpndidate for the mpresenta-
come off. I itsk in. the Asse I Nj illfouta I 10 road aflowautil be 4MUGft IM IA*444, iS 00
time to see that he is being takun hold of for it, the Ins t seems thLt the Bluevalas man Hayfield con.-i-Carripd4 .12
by the m3anted marshals in the nitzal or- pector or the Council ? lAt b. the most flitting place. I believitl Mr. tion Ofy boa IV
G bson did mention Chilton ash proper'plaets and Mr. Hays have been salliner in the same . The account offl. C'ok fo a by some of the best and most influential le par,, res,onuble aser. Are lit, side a 0 r work done on The duiie, rid obligations a Mulling to r�w fourth concession, Stanley, fmr r-oills wW;
der. When the word was given to, mtwe, ruen t to have it, but his main idea expresped with boat a good Aeol lately
j -pan secLpAnily, iftbe the 9Lh con. cerilfied� by Joseph youn Position are � vaerry greaL Aparr- ifrom, walitera. along th� extreme rearib�reof.
he Riding. In our opinion Mr traiks only be repaired now oil notices Ilia- referetwe to this was to have the- Heiyi Bluevale- :'f4espondent ba; do m" go moo to Orittario and the other Paris of athe 40
Stry Ore amounting to 8 20. 4oved by Me. Patton fOm
the fluttering banne, scarlet J-tel.;cts,' Nble i.rutts" when in the secunded by Mr Murpb� that Henry Dominion. the ir
10 'rdd to beware of pitfalls." Yours'truiy. in the most central part fwmwv Mas exclarive contscal
; Blake's chances of sacem are first-rate of the IK respebt. fil Cook over t1ire affatirs of the Provinive, nod on the Ch*
robed officials,(red, purple an.] b6cl) ari C17 1zk.V where -it wou.d be most accessible to alf pulpit. than he seeiringly Jim when out of i4 be paid 20 dollars -Carried. PubUo- Noiddelil,
and frow the ununer in which the contest' and wisdom with vvitich Itit;4unctions are dis- concerned i an idea which will commend especially in political matters, I pity the lllovedby�'Ilr. Tattic'n-i- -seconded by Mr. charged, do Pend in gr�at measure our happinVass-
th-. mask famished by the Band
0` 3% y V I e m. itself to 11,11y line of whatever shade of unfortunates who are his ministral- Murphy that the Sum of$17.50 be paid He skud prosperity. true S*py of a propond .40
and fifty-two &ams and twenty-one 111!:9 has began we feel warranited in prediatin 3. nry T!'E abcve ijg a '�bffitichl opinion, though the' ay -tip iii'ia tidn awfdapead on his lbsOtings lor, t4eir Mitrphy for repairing Among the more -important viritil By -Law which will Be taken into am.
I for him a triumphant return. y in �futurirhippineas. Iroad arid puttin4i; whi.-h Ilia Assembly is to deal, areii; Propertywala Eilemilivu -1y the Ca=cfl of 4-1111111-511111
mide up an agg:egate of sights and He also stigmAtizes PIP"iC!F&2-q
"Observer'*" case) disingenuous and-piterile' two 6ul It "r tipvosl,)� lot,: 111 d%' the ltt� Co.. 0Z Ritz-fita-the administrittioni of Justice- of the Toultiii1tip
Municipal institutions --the mana-cementarifPub. ton, at die' Uth ft
July 11th 1867. IM
enough to Carl$ at it. I-Piters a's being 11 pue6le composiflons I whica! soua& not s000 to be fo m tten. A11Lr Sir. "Illelbille7s Taxes, Mr. Editor;- Havitig avended two or MT. Giosou'li sentimenu in referen6e to In MY Opinion, betrays a feeble mind and Movedby Mr. Ptittda qeeoiidcg,-,by Mr. lie La"; -Ah"now i" attlimp ,a 61 A%asltj
panding the principal atrceLs, the prL- Carol Ples-.With - V�Iodk
A nexation are indeed ; as Obse rdsiA ltalviction tha0bey wes-te thIiJtejy Murplithat David 1;oz6 be"oahl $48.70 for .1 a 'Frotratclal Up
hree poliiietal meetings held by the mem. -0 rver says an B I -rdaviiiienaf ilbjii-tsw�i Is flatithe
Some time ago we asserted that Mr. t
edbeing a'hill op
eessionisu and spectators entcr�d Hw. berill reubla-P forthe North Willing of Hran covered with a very thin vail al for au 400e,i ol"Ite ofpuenih compbAtions,--abeing- too covering.& hiid.4e and vemmoad the elatablishment of and antlawnt.
Ritchie. althougn such a wealth' -subject waits but 4 th ed meal to Proy4cial offiges. , W-hetfw in astl them T19 y inand loyal British to Strong for him to digest the matter contain 041te f6t 21'6it the 6Lh lCon.-CArriled an6oft&' "WeIT'Oti'l 9wob" Varna, 51h July, 67,
ki6r's grounds to listen to the spAecheg. 2D, �in the comin election. I wad p�riicular'Y gause, in QNTAH10 - I must now, � in iretumi I ;nnke au Ted -110 J pahiomar4 **1* or, did not pq his proper proportion of:strack with t at least, to cover� Such therein ma, �y Alr. - #4) dk sec6aded 6y Mr. I weiblittri8iffilto falu#eo1r&tD6r*1Vci and 6 W. W. Couaor, Esq., Counly Mast tie Ityld ofud Ire" -w used by the suattate emot to criticis' his iiiomp4ido"u, -4n so Patton th
ats for the good old dog an4 at theJum, of 00 dollars be
the air granted I a Ivea alone; and'i -40 nolbralittate tany, that
taxes, whereupon his 0 M15 n denied that !candidates fo as spring op preswas to or, d AVID.
being cilled upon fmid he was bapD ontaneously1row al
y to � h III the local LpAalatore. 'r pu 1 -low Dominion doiny I will just quote one ofhis ex Dasway the swamp betwean4ots 14 all I my judgment the succesit of the new order i
the breast of TnovAs G Lostias and long many others tb be'llound' in- his IS ow side road r r6m tw -p
s c ws the caw, and indigritandy dc- off writing thinki-aig some one -of every�other Uh to tirg I thinomt1l triI at.i:aeqpur9 depend aq theeolit- Avg
o- practice unpins.1
we slach a great aowd of OiIangemea - I duct of the n.en clailIlled -to thrift the firsk Aaem;.
manded proof Knowing that a case was would give loyal MAD frota fliour.own broad lake!", e letters -Thus. so he and-Ahey- will find in -.. -!, . 1,
bly affifonuirla,
lowelgb; dn Ilib subjects t
J'ohn Cook affid
wide Atlantic'. due time, that he is A
am whom hearts wen in the ri-lit place. surf 'pill �ba landed TWOetit4a or
go &rise out of the last municipal election :seeing nonq to suit -11ily, ideas, list come Thu annexation,cry was rahed in the South successfully in Galwatill - atfir� -*v have a surgrof at oiliera r - Upon lhe'Refi)7n ftV.Laa OOna;*a% the vs Joarm a
rlikeytorepai�, the side- road belti. atinjoryirtattlie#Psern rvviRd
They had met to celebrate - the 4attle of must excuse Riding, and its effQ1 is now forsoutli:140 be both the present and the future, jumbled into weet'IislTand. M cerfuls roaro
in Stanley, which Would set the matter a' out in my own rough way, ybu
It - 1 3166 11hp 10,th and an mponsibilittwofwhiellitisdidi
the Boyne, and he hoped it would be tb dd six, Nan A41it _J_0
al I blutiderit "I do, no Jid to be a writer the t tried North.- Mr. Gibson is not,�a a a. hatet09-6noul
rest, we waged patiently autil it d kmao of ungrautualloal � Wit- estimate the magnitude., Of taut party I a. a 6W#BtA
shoul Ora critic. When Citisou tyllis: dier (Lbo' none the lea& willing to ifiat,will d4figuil lojicivah tus��Cinid do je in the proper spisit, I he memory pen Mr shQuIder 'ter, mi -to 'by Ur..Mur6hy thall.thesamof25 dollars be 'idid lot six.
Arman he etua forward, nod in ad he beeil -on the B'uo- Rrauta�d ontho Pe"tion tf&-COOk And Otheft. he2ay sucribe aQnv'- to 2 ucti
of the great and good King Wihiaw was be decideds Thartimse has been decided, ed by the ch odue' his musket ifueed be) but h e make common sense out af-it. r
w en out count 'a lo-ub- Cgri6d. WHEREAS ft�jg �#eewpj exjiedient to
ry was invaded in June 4 vea yale correationdent Mould allow, w into ptactice by eauuougA ide , A
and the rmlt is that what we asserted has his u8ua c jwWftzAdAdd"W_,*Iewe&_9p r ad VWrell 2 1W
fresh in their hearts, and be trusted it afy- ago? I do, notink be would stitute Goderich for Galway, I could ottfl Z=
�h titipa-rf Co. lc� ei f6r ret 1W and'vigorouis mof4uws1 shall I.. _v to W111tain �1;ia a icertals viiii,
, 4 4the elee iaten, A.9t& five i0d six,
-to 164W 160
09 his pasteareer to the general sagefaction of the uniform he wore by such unmunly7mihin. make oome ittle sbaae', 6di, -Tlius, he 6�dum�Idlzmonttj and humble -big
would continue so as Iong as time should baen proeol, tO OLI letter. After heari of it. -
ence on the point, in the Court I al I present arid stattid his fficifiti e a in private, an pitiful and.they will findia dua time fro -.aduirt el - amn "w h &"zai *ad U. If*
lid Jamentation d II. wien 104 tw and 'r 6XII t t! Oliff talt
311 the evid thatohe '?M Ni -ii th 4fli ij ulifin lent Or
LasIts, After that day they could say gliat House, on Fri lay 1234 His Jaono, She on the questiallinsciftlidditay inla pffln*-0VI 'a"Nitaalioh In plablic, as was displayed iiii.0odoms Hays) is in Goderich,_ aud. will-ba.-agai asunis a road -allowaneit tiog
your Ittilling lit
In tb& 6th, con. 0 b Vulloa int 1-8 A-1he question. of. nkiJ7 ttereo
his opponent, ra aertAin 41tiarq landed successfully in- Godericb, and I WAY de(L"r. Mtn 1146k IbUsliiiind, fie *W0 the Brialth siflit, of lout siz in -said =np
'imarindr. Ne)a M thek e al I eston a suili or. 25 4:101. w1thom"M
Jqfttr.� 16rilLU _A* -*9u to cofi.
Avess- aboct
the Orangemen were not'Mereiy X MD'ety County Judge decided that the to inder'carelitilly-� enaoc*db tie
of the County of Huron, and he haupia, mr a mancalled Mr. Hay4��VaL liforntilk irbich WltuesACT, it lit t2le udd, will buve to silty'lb�tei, , This in the k-11 ce with!-Ihp�;eti Be it enacted "d it isUmbj
_fs -be,:-;;I' a ]ars to gmnl it
m9st e
T -t"1:i1ber9 -�*efitibif tor a 1 o4ae_C_ pma!p-1
or H fi Id R d ottil A 1 006 eMUff1#r-PRtAGOtU* Isd At -t
CUt Roll of Stanley ihould be amended informed a Lawyc r of notefrotn the low reppse,Mr, Editor that J-. 11 lion.
oa "ll I OA 1plkds. ofo '-'t let. t is -Co4ntir- dj
that, when calU upon, utey wou!d -be Oodericb, noted for what, forbe �%r`!Gibsoa'; career as a le
liand ua;��
xetUoustd ilaromote, 11fie ifiter- Wiliam Logim"Jbe 1(yAd
by raisin Mr. Mtchic, ing,7t ading mail for
Always be prepared to do their duty, -not au"Omll On bivest fibber in The county of H Count: flemef In By ye it) Ilia County aullig ��Ot 01"ter tid6uatin- -ilb 8 dollallw�, �94TW-44
or K7s f
rons "00 to $925.00 4pin axon.if public il haa.�.Peen lWar r
-A -- very A . cleat , I - - T ox
Merely to a-lebraW the 12th of July, but goact Mutilated- 00 j.�boii:d I ve 1�*y V(Abia
i0it, serves we rishtiI -so id'641 rliapsoriiiiii, composhion 116
di.kt k4he iglii c6rreipo us of tile, �4wush�j.,prgi -��v
Ais pal 00t all
or to assume a rol ow&nLv-- our IrA
-repariery mmst have astal elocitiek ityfe ofabowlagm up the bad the4larmera Of North Huroq, ---Uowll t than slow-, wherever loyalit called them, (Hear, julge what the diso i;0 &
his !ter IS mut Mr. AihelldA be" 14*4
W ign surely, n4l, 7thr 'E'll d T'
"11 leuve 11,1110 intelligent reader to recotrimendixt a couple 0; 0 00
He went offi-.10 Machlaq Ot and difif
Ott pbsiD y L
itself- -LAI"t years vbic .4im qor eu!9zip4iii -.Jw doings of Mr. G. in the form e)f the -Cou;)ti uppotogy from COUOL 114 __tiv
"Matt OY Mfirot, t
to- me, I will leii Iii (L JA
lbear.) fie wished to teU th6to that a Ye itt.o�.,qpeak f9r purgo was County
been when Mr. R 'I'm . r council iII180'adproceb-clings, ups numNeof Ublaiing thutilied"i-to her , p" protestatat who was ilot an Orangemea Wary LapiEr for fifty leads of_k find wbe Ne saddles k of H .,bA sign UL, Com- lY. , Eu his income from the Division '0004 1
.0 upon dre bac ip Mq+ nor. W av�aa�y AW VW46 seconded wad w protest at a!L !a. They G. who ia to answo. fbi the sins of brought more b4fon6dollar Z Pam -
should n
Y. duamfor wer.diul 4)�I"Orrespon The Kidmg4
ji�qm IV,, 'boa it 14--t 3-9 Ic
tarace of h:a ro by monded"t 11111 um�=I# 0 -4 P114 -ad so -`111101111141, 1
ilbsescbis %Itiq . 96 re "I
a rug A
not be lakeo, back by snakes who trLud to And thief, is the wan jyho has na mollic cii ace)Edin to his ibeor be paid Jan.
Vourt was much greater than at presen" f N�rth aurou to be revzrdel sefspe
sow d1*=d amoogat them, or be 61 ex. 'ey, It I co 98
y the Earn arid subs itil as ni_vduty
Ch was running:dOwn: 1110V at S bite 60 I4peel
Mid u tary want&" if , ; _ . . !;,-* I - Ur. G. to alevatahis-�jWd tfi�,- Drig"Ip 4110� 11JIMPOAS 40 146MOSup Pip _1* 1. .
fa*e 4oUA4lVf3haXuaiq* bqvfa* R-Mililtia,tretilk - Und of Ube
tray., JA31bem rather keep in view the 4 . ,*via
-ch. on tbacir naked knees, they W14irpesiqu th toickIll by -M r! U litertow. r4uim to. a ?�ft L�zi M is on *Wy concMe kow -with
JOr The car froffalite d1i it Ibst if b 9bie*byK4V0Wck se vb�c% wh: preei � 4 - bWate
IfAv. '91' 1 Sr itt
period whea the elec. EMMI, 04%,bous
tit(* o( 00itunaa4en" 1 Xonday the zol
Vile orchard of 250 beod
R4 his m b :0111119 dWW9=1
swom to maintain. If they stood tious will come off is not known, it ap.. may Psi Zer A Eci-nie bet him advit muz f) rVD,
that t
e4iSt&-fri h obsirver r- Vu post.paid to
1070J., ume A" anitiml they might defy pearst, 1, orei3 to t1lie imm; _ _J h* f-fe 1411 5W Ay e th I WA I " t*
&PLUI 'is that we may be f 'nap ii�ppwd tbenk: There wer QTe;ni�icuW' gums Be mmend Was 4 1 1. Wwasifil Clerk.
. F a .,4, ,,, BOW e 'he aim to t1h su e bs , tie th k1w 411184ag's ac
1111 n 0 OMytrio-M e very few wh& IT, cup f Tre�t varan"'fith My, J86Z. 3, A.. ass, t 44 1 IR6*4 25W41 4jlja�ld P. 0., July 1IS(