Semi Weekly Signal, 1867-07-12, Page 2Vr- I loom V - "e Al 7. "I T0=AW---J1­JLV1W f ndentzlecto: Iri n a a u k—thiry, an OiTe- JLP @ 45� t6 b tion all ith aeckil, wFfr To ton Si lot vi , -. an Tho Atlantic Tat on of the twopit, Iti, the GENTL er runj kind o� con EXEN: fro6sin-INi tat, a Pow I an whuk evil guun 0 LCH aventi e neigli weekr vs fin 13ir,--1 1, Mioag received the on: *r MAIN AEMT 1 Al its (if struge"' I skill, but ttie intelligence that a 11110 8 &,Iltur of.0a, Huron §ign r he ly. to the slate of the 1 North- wA* a alasterpteve To yfav�i& t I , 0 a' at aince it sa 11 1 Fall it was condeniffed III tile at the (;0rivention reIQ -like reseme !i, U!I�g tht rat fer,,A! to he C -RICH's don. firom the detrion so a In dressed to the rt�� IlAtIl" 0 tlf LITSTaw VIWI( he" parl tin re owillg to his not having takell letv in r I i'll, 1% %V �ul di? teatA 4 LIS lsol rknIll u am to d is,, thery 011C, foll bitt acri4ged ton, �-en&u &Q 'Wt K*ned onklF Like r toll lo Yi :bia�siiin, and as &,IffjWftor e,ould A f 'Sofir J. 4,v that nominsts, U isidered toy toolnef al,d tire 11-6ri hTfirotn' d, ptisoscrfrfirin -0 ­-ersted -tvbUlto 8ZLk V, U a'! abritul box- 4, A* "1 1,1; ro rly Inklog 'it 6111luld and tie jot* a][1114 t LAZawi um 04t.OrL tor too %er else w A 41 call rortil'i I 1 904 in jefore examining it, I the Cans r" 'lei Pic luc 9 than Route of IOU%- at Washin- his hei ek,,4�ay freio'l G6deri I trib ite t"ur Ittible' Id , j Isay pressing the opwoek an bi4 mrtml ate for ;V Clarke, Al. D., Physician Extraordina-roy th'e field -CaDdid be 'ihe% T -PM IV 'says '011ln old the mmicy. 111; V-XIAL, RC*U* , , -hem rnow� eal ri t epuad, ill colit"tilig the Wool Oak # be u pet! trustouT too a liberal-fuld g�lcrl� It ls,,�s iZhtK— jl�* J*t otjUuolf cast or wait, oat' Crimmon the ty, t pe tb law. 'pud)t - ga fO ant-*` ha i e jaildlie k -- I The ettliestion ns' -Ole at or a I,r,);on,1edrJ1LIl& I Ireland demand" can re in It lint's the m a r on@ morn- �a GoAte, 01i's TV * ;,On et Ca cutated taii�- stroy t A Rights's ou'll lie �qurnsl) vetotbeCorris, 5.71M. fit �onfffilffw *I f�ha quy. Wongt 'The rumouriw Illectiona dt lit 46" lag uf the four goverfilliMt& settlers %here who in early life a trod- see n a abou, the ai% ision Ir fit Udwssa 1 top bk it ot z6i louse which pressed heavily oil the This inypillnNe m ill not. in. CirCUU1 can societ'n bawlienty or mQnc O's by be, for the I ra- till Duncan says, Pally all exit ristarals"n of tile exicioded the N'seetions W Istioldign-V Wert noL &I- I In both et'sca trial-, discredmod, a* it J�i' 11 j. I of all Ibo-e piinlul and danorerotus dilsea"s e tllne� the ro2d %voo it, 1p, lwtter stalu lAce fors,)me W01AUS. a! cOU;tdtred,,, raid Metinchi- U el"I L" laud of the rose, the sliatarock and ye nUO'� SAO it Was Ila lall is Lis Iravellilig public. Iluill bef"re; tht: cure t, were st*rscrs %ve to be in wilys which would be highlY ere a n fardg*vance,d injife thin (.I whirfi The remale atm-Tiftl(ion is slillect. I -t p ditional oppressor of Poland should be tile - li� kill to Complain tili,,� boot **&MSFOIDDVC4&14'4D6,structacma, ilaffriag WOU14 toe i --d ua� allsketfi, fo -selves trovVil J!!! th pring, aud after Vill a Cane p., pie had up proceedisigtowhich Ilse la',v p.-iiiis] ouL tile moderates all ex his Wiliks, lls� ,xid and spill cotitezil., may I tieviic-4 in The CrtAkeill llW find se likit nation i6 tJi6 world to complain jb?!1 N the thistle ou toil the ufw� Here lle primwall interrupied by souoi , to QUIP Store k4rpers v a 'iu ' bi 91 cuunly -El�giueesr air and a spftdy eve Of the Uth aud the tr DO oll hame CUTC wav fd allith %ide Atluiltio� Ua'au tl�l�r Cade thisf Min for a ca �-, r14 ane tit dill �,Xawmed -,* relied on oim condamilea ic - Tfid- -ftn-1,ate Keeprrit have im ti,mo. IOU, gentlemen, IlieX marth Vt e towards the diolior. ts,"'Pitr i6t tile t MY 4711 TO MARRIED LADIES ate" stne in the hirh dreor e%te� e5 He is a very grea Y, the ill or trelaaJ. of & dear afid mother country piooeered but need anither to pinp we up 40v brought up ,,III ei),1vicied (,r improErfly Laking toll, frosts - .1 � I I f wb ar f" ftm eui6 T -r. The door o titins tin eatie caom raw sueb lequx 10 see,% hat vait the matte be able to find here the Acco theso western wilds of 13ritish weak, weak aboct the legs, which lbi�y bNoVe 1101 aPPeRl"d -T se' huebY Will pe,-tiliarly vaited. It will. in or obort titnef Raw" ".9 . " br'iri- cm the monthly mijod vDith Pegulartly. being, industriously cire, theirway into I bst biaiii the right to r-r4rr of march� It fur lur' "d ie to the Il =rlv- Is- I and, itht t brown elpetio, slid a 610 of w1divirs; ad- North America p uryttig other meal -rs Each bottle, price JUne buttar,, bep rq t be rov. t _day wissal le adi wLich wouli enablo them 101 rk-maiu it) , W. M., Grey,' Wit do not pay postage at d,&*IkW& t oi,41io roads sav the puir body's awa baw low (46 most u Ilissel up by The ullao�­Ptuiid nie F, Blitish PM( fhL g a tnan vv bom they claiuled as rcw w1f no big tatniq an haudin I taketotim. Thewl;vitor fur =11c"onolpau) id vilit I - arqureal "ritalr(toprerecl Conn- '1� b-ghtty 0.1sql, .1-3. We have a twre, but -have credited you 81 months. e wild beasts and w0d; bush - bove. 1011101"Illa"1119 the ernmen Stamp J rf ho.�; will tever prev" &notm- p their 1,tisonrr &I upou Oodetich for a and *o drive th is 01 a plow Wit aino a' Home's great men d r 'I? erfeill. n cents per think b 8 Quoin I �", elators-who Prize 9 fosir, frv.- ;old loot. -.1 hia" deap to hes for Irou. I im Gale' U, mber of good well -kept hotel& at By paying your postmaster 61.1 froull their cabin doror, and while revisswinj7 o caid him Cincinatet-9 Eta, for W,Fne UaldisilliJ6 U14 ;sid iteel cui�ai�--:s of' 6.0-v'' -=V it-, d1w C Atl"074#`.� �C. =6jhst's the tot measm hate tollem a V I T X - � contelst far above and 6 fiti"d," "id the prisoulet"'in supprIcuAlng U th;nk bp'd tt&rnrAed to obFustif 0111ft S tertis and siolt al, i, with erem4 fii4! RVII'ditird- Ou's present, but they are catio4y inaderate quarter you effect a re,luati.-lu- these noble volunteers with care liqbriel �fi %cry 2%.-#,,q Pills wkpW tItIll, %he AQnM to Meachilieff. cither phaIntorn C bulas yet ,Vll-,Out avail, (,?I.e mord I, the 93-unly 1he FIRSl J'H7 'Me JW46JVTHS of Prllr -tical triamph), 'OIL I redecessoir in U WAv- - vti*t t r"d. tht of the isicas ustry th gathered together a suffi-iieney' Kimun 4 P�- %pasPorary pot, -v marcktO, b. ind ey I d-ing youl welcome. Sol- dre-seeking mact t4ogilli 111 m4rnzq, ai thy are sui* to bnng sons, A(isejzr- will relfrigin frcm ple I, too a to meet the wants the state t e s"riere now berurs� 10 1 be4zouis, Dix the pre TC011111114L1,1111111,90 ReVo, rllr' CaMe- Ab qk-tt a#--viack tbw of this worlds,,gooda %0 CAMF1110m,"s 6 an when be appeared, d 1 1044 TO rotage, bat at a= 91her time they are safe. Port to my 4DPPOnent. lantil Th6 is Ode of our M-11, CAP 1,od it) tie diers, begone. wtude in..'blaclotaviced chig lyly g -r *iu, Jon all oftnes Vif P;eonm sitit+-Spinal A Lite Gorui4 vttuia da3. 1ho flag of 149-m3 W"�fiu be, -ir old cabins rotted 42=40 Is, "W, stage ot life, and when th( 6 P, all couill'y-F lie isr , vemiwr next. Tile Aftis ii The -joss,& -A the shiilljqjvb� 11+rJVI P slaid 1kro%rbrAn Qut. and the martial wd&.c 3 �ulk jewackkeff turned- to t &a come The proprietor, of 010 wila, stme the road wil you, Of-& Loy - did �Ihis 41 21 pportunitY, befOr'O beautiful 1011`4- w1o'bi anti scor ulic pill I&OCA W Ill!D clay' " rxerlio Brij -ulafi�.rgrlyej e-1115119. -c Pills Vilt'effeet a cure Wher all Wiverting ot' the C14iripal wa& Ole With, tboL #31tillISAW *I -their he wag�lair Ili,, e�,' ��q �.w I, in M, Port! read is now Cut 4111'Quilt in igre r 10, ring, my vtp" a for h he twu,,&-F t roll - lrotu 'r* 11otel informs Us Is h Iles, ger thAt irU house PeOQUO-to -his '14artun rp 'Jbjt,*oii1d boses, labelled 611 for the ither swa ansuccen otheloom'k, to .0vej 9 W in ea, Tyou absil h: TheE CAM" I*he very -to Iisc!- �Zp .&eroaa the, Blitab es,11113U.", his- i"I e fu cillnoidatioag, am thei he s63. MY pril Ch it 8 llell a ro� idd, ope jo tit)w nee i4 Gode bi saw" 11si 10VA54(ittilaill art other means hsove failed and althoueb a power- aciples. an &IA ttaa*y fans rat - %oleye twice its present silos he COuld fill t d;' U 6W 11100, laces be wor-e fill remedy. do not e-oatain iran. raldiel, *&If- (ring of livi I eameloo PWtve& be 6( ra t)roughl ovels the I --&Ze--LX"W - I an pfiysicl' r,-ttd it VMI -1111 Full's p a is dii rok 11 high in'pei Inity of thus jnd nt,foi�uvsed,by the "Wh4p) 7 0 poru� riel 0 fin I It th,e bufrilleer VVIrl .nsider the onate mdfm,.oranvthinghDrifultotbecorLstitutmn. ovm- tue,*Ony PWV*DW It to re tel I -�u It aq tile illaii ever. JrJro w cay. -We*fou,.d hia skutkiti& along, not fur 4 X0 a"�,w 4.tan6cstions for the hiwb t rt pletteou in a very fQW da�a' notices U ey seefttiallil, an Full diretitionts inThe WrItuplita amuisd eneb bikstfi 11�1`11ls 'of 'the pto d ill bli* ow hour azci. yirtb, tie I e, 4am, doow to�i i f6ptesr�nf I, inialeto the yrour hands &I as�ry. slid AVII no fttio _ej whielt, Rhorild be c4tieftlyllioreftmed e! a, ter ot W t 40L�s horwit 4 oa, th an 26 ' ' A and h alry rLdk- 'Ft�a% soldiet, c abota - and we W oub&4ba tbiticlo iirlinci- zercise, -0'41be U� Ii rTotito the waltao, 0 ers, went through their a, ns6ed lot as heA by those amongst fe Us 1.�cnI4 an thun be said aw se o 186 111,40 hollow Ike QW0u9lTr,*F4qVvl`4 l4ol 11404 fail of la"' -StatessIvid Camadaity e. I have tile h0nul haossaitirl ioulj say which he w vrefeel nowthat our eyes are so di 'I be obarrv, d. Solt: aWnt for the Usted sho-.4 4101MT1Q& , wgVk, i1ol effevis VAI a Fptild e4s, r -(11291,4JA T,)U W-- . whom he had labored, for man, in a kind 01 -Miliestick if, ill. CiJitlilty Wil daef- -in "aftler J-- 308 MOSES, Rochester, Gentlemen, thila it 3 of tile town c eight years.- d not shoot a bay J 11 - - pal llotel-kefpe!, stack that we lookin, sold A %:1. 4*M You lawl the moic. Wkiti" want, then, is in- ou 8 1 e abrtbo N. B. -S 1.00 and six siamps, enclose4f Your most obe4ier, Aule, we C' '"-bM be will Vo- V _ wqjl to' bring 8uCh �116 watch over u d4gfilty'; ­yQU Lim. younz men to �poot�birp; -eviderd but if be ai de gileraille, - I , t to ativailihorize acen sure a bottle con, 'I 4esssa throaged Awtuvoetso 02toller ongregation of St. Andrew"s Front the who could shoot the atuallest bird flying. [IC lie WJL1, MLwd t4e t 11, 1 tion for summer repiesentastiTe Ol, tconservative jut tice p, Ike poll A M. C. a 110AIIIAl flnimail: Lluit:- Ing Lain., acce, vr, gased lits" creased Odr �b Itiore Abi ng fill V Pal' -The 06'�Pr daparwiff. i- . . Chureb, he recol an address in which Id fellow you are off the track, ll�h"�!p 40" =.;-� - looderich. March l8th- Ik6T- *,V&lu are trura the British Ca-mri, then V could be But says you 0 Ue i . lkw 4 Abad, .., LYNAN-, its., ipemsitsele. waivhemd the P . parties. That,ihit* Opinions you was going to tell us &built the pie-nic. mett, yvna , Yo,irto truly, WAWANUSIL W.,gelperaf I-ne and boor uu-j-her frisciiiii-off. Lurnin,4 to Phil'i P)- constructiou of a his abi ity nod Christian -like course were at I �new and inen cringin store hiul, �iiw4osl Willallosh. 180. the Free am said \ t we4 "or e son was III= ill ilgent MWatisek. 3&rrtft,#* wijujoaL 9 re;1 men 1 -1 prior.- best secured by the lapguage Qf offeocA r hadna duill the richt di�ug'do he �a6jwcd M -y -k am, your rept led I h set forth ic the 8 did n qi .1; �1'w, as it wD&WIll them all jullowa . UaUan1yae thollies lumiu, earne drtnesmw�%" Islar- The "oll _a Eote� on botne oua d tue Witty, Wlk-Sold in Goderich by Parker & Cattle and' dent zq-CU g -Va" 00 1, ous reporter to a lumi,sous paper, you are A en,?UA F.Jordan-, Gaidiner-or Co., Bay"I16 istrisis, e1,.ok- 1 tr, . aimblloplin ing. it imled 0 nie qfj shaW d6t atfetn�t to' men witit " . ovoiltking 4C a *ad did jites to be found bere with "Ons, J Y" A I ut --inspector of army flenthum. Ro.-eiville - J. PickarstIvEzeter ; J.H� Y up as he roc!"On asud Ivok'a kiis h.1 What is your name splen The Orngemen of Port Ltope tion names of all the leading gentry, but I like the scum that rises tit the top of is seeth- by Dr Dolmagell, e Ridtnff C philippo., ccl� to a douriabing purse. lad to see our old Captain W, W. Con. ing ealdroni invisible when the viater is at V. ttoa�4*. jt�jims at sl' -be. W. it. & Jobb, V Inoton, Secord, Luck - special refereu - 0 hogpitaI4 ai&iss' . novr; E. Hiclison,19plafOrth. an� all Medicine C3 a " k '.k " in also testified to his seal for the welfare o� "' 9 king himself us0rul and rest, so if the el tiolls in 119ron superfluous belts and Llieal,. IF no r, " usual m a ec had no% d.i,,,, away with W38-1 v sad Tow, the r Gootless Tons stunt. (fu ring tbfto or f6at months of -tussI yoer U#Ae--IL ye was not plegAso ia, every corner. Jackson who been contested the county would have been f ou­ 1"4c, W -,,is - gat pr ever,he a, I"iber Ale esu e, their order, of which, how CqA�� cut ostnows%, dict, Such a hotel could be builN we him with a gave command acquitted himself �ell, and ill ignorance of your existet,,e s and whert tU,ader�ordiniaq circum114 thoUsitial, dollitirs,�a member, by presenting wThe .bl, 143.� bVe ? Good-'Ibyp ! dear Conkin Ale I DO sOu ILA*= G&l*roa ofor fifteen or twonq 0 so did the �otber officers and melt. iguourance is bliss till-foily, to be wise," U the of t1te present Provincial P1 Wene,_4atrtj bolih ladiell wQtche4 Ill.. I ,C1 to his friend and countlYwAs- of enterprise 1 valuable gold watch accompanied by an w Drill Shei, now avor, ILe -vonservatives to encirclelIbe shoulder iPilltr 90 24 to 81!Ow tirzo spread in our capaocious tie he art,, free play and ovoid 'all impediment terminste in a few days, but ii� hiilmcter and if The proper spoirU I e�'eeecdiyond, '�*,Ojmlooa ", retire Into the ern at general Election, very great uangnifiann% arr*y an oll long ai tar it VMS out i -�Dsd you know his secret C or as nonentity 71 ad&ws V a suitablq� ahancten, SiOcc faltho, the table: was iViemporary- on f it w gar to either rpselfratioa or circursdoi. It has Among the tolost impo"ant of mod medic .-N.,t till rsteri&Y. wotdd but taie poawkm Of'90me Of Oar orjuportinglovAU of tte go�d it in4s from WCIPIRCO You sprung youltave only beer) been submiloto'd totbe' authorities for trial. d I se. 4veries stands t he 00mututional changes have tali- auliful Q& Sight- be, 44 meinbers of'- St. Indio re, sa one. W. s&-& Irene. f "Gcood. It speakoil well for his et u* his "'t ts' aV i hose t U&N A 1111V PAIN DESTROYER I _*&-tot an issliatediate dsissob rit a-Akes me oink of Lionel;' cam be to setkd You this time?" capiulists, it would be undertaken with- hal'o P life placed tA b� ey tbing ool, and proved a brainle took lh r6e re to place Otr _party lo�"g hec head upon her motber rew:#� turc 0 ted him ladies who kddws w6 As a Family Medicine, it is well stood fAv4rw2VT �Went. a breast. How a most And -Tormnce Hilys Lhe conservative -it makes "11111, cuald al -t come hitasoa, r, and Cho" 101 out delay- That it would Prove t e you up simply because bein, a deserter from To' 31AUKETS. 'Fbase chnngvs were 6and wben t" had Seated ltwammdves- ith & pulpit ijible ana Psalm boOIL- to the best advantauze, no less -ban fiv . f �� k wa relieving tbaus4olds from pains in the I hink of " wbn, now is jlj�4 boa power of as %be most hundred and niateen adults partook from the a. wguld run ck and head.0oughts, Colds.Sore throlistr wasequence of -the wanyd*d thoice-you are Prepared profitable investment, under jpdirious w Your partoY,, #my imagitied T9 cm t t1to-gether the Rev. gentleman com- 4n tbe Sto-roach, that scovistimt Greek, PtuliDpoo-­ All, very, good management) is unquestionable, and the i I e, well supplied rustored as well as a large -weli, thef 6Ved the -treachery but despisethe :-Sprnins. Bruises, C - . Bovvel com- ala of th9 proper carrying on, "You wrote &Ad warned hun. Did low of cou", to anotwer all qut-i'loas the town Of inionces his ministerial labors in Goderich u�nher of smallir grouth the public are traiturt y-uu have proved a taikure, neithe: G 0DZU111311, J Illy, 12 1867. CnQlern inorbassitie.Ed., *I.,, Bites, psvittruissent under the Ualan A ant S.-nd th" toetter, freue r 'All %hat I call." advantages secured to ost favorable auspioes, and rt�asteful to those ladies and gentleman who frod want o' assurnmee. or froth lot) con�cien- 1:20 P"'. Burns, Is 1865 a CoalitioD Gosern & & Fal -:3b The CKNAO TROVER. has under the in have re- --Thrl must W 6J1oIi3lnCllOr1 Ral"Zors" 1 f 1 rAN PAIN DESS ed for the purl Yes. I told bim all. He sh-ol-ld have more cnfidence that yownsill gVe 90ed "eriefi would'be very Feat.-Tbe re. elped to get the affair up it well be iemem tious a de8i re to speak I he truth ' but from 1:40 low of devisin rei,irte-a the letter itoogbefum thmi-time." erin, his &icnds netA have little fear wit bemd for life. After tea our Bayfield Brags utter lack of a&Msly-you' may now con 0:50 0:00 now been before the publiclor a le*gth existinr evils, and a Uui�f flum the fact that Galeron has enumst- cspaLiHtica of d 'if' - .................. 7:00 ()0:0 and wberever useo is ivall lit -ed, never fallingz Ele virdi Lnow All.- ones, f his con- gard to his success, We have been -re" Btud-leftitfie abed,where they bad chaeourse 4.ide�yourseil erased from the:pulical Map Of "Fl.0 r ............... Worth American Provinces wa the -hut somethin -may happens, Ah'me ! ed Soo with my rife. It speaks 0 place, togetber with the, doselopment of that service will be oon- sweet music during I be afternoon to give the u re, for those ft whom we Lave 0:50 it. a. single calls nee to give poe -Weed upon. .. ........... 0:50 C smy used, ani vve have never known a isingle gement we straiip forbodings of ridence in you. Did he give You any wrlt- quested to as young people a chance to trip the "gh ll,�ncefortb nothing to hope and nothing to rove. 0:00 -tions have C Under this arraing its resources in sult should build it up ........... 0:50 -Ltatillficiion wbere tliwdireL I fear --f have MY nAndren's Chwch regularly ti fear are . to us conservadves, as 0;00 Ca. -e of its, ilowed; but� on [be contrary, all (;oneral te,-�stiture and a loc ev-d-" within six yeam ducted in St. fant" c-toa on the ground, slid a more the races Sheep .................. 4-00 been prper,y to Do not yioel6sotbamo, Irer-W. Uniselisal and. Phil ipPo took A Packolt Win intoafair sixed city beautifol sight could not be desirtd. than to king pity upon ..... ...... 6:40 1 Foorke in the former to have charge I before the deluse ; however tA: Beef, V ewt 6.50 -ire deliphied witb its, olper2tions-r. and it brave inall. and God viii be his siluport He i his and 4aid it apou the table. Let a united effort be made, and success hei eafter. see the crowds en'oyin.- the sports and every your posalun, as you witl never be able to Itides (greeu) .......... 5:50 0;00 Ic highest terms of its 71flueff"d magical-ar- General Interests, affecting Ili wi: I not be put down by baseness. ile wii I %y hat is this ?'I I ret becaue it was night 1`1 lase, of influence bLtter 0 ........... .... 0: 122 10:00 C40. m this matter- baw- report ot the numbers in the army, and wi1l be the inevitable result. 4Wng ended, with rtig secure the gruwa -I P 'Gess, and ihe latter Lo have c receive your letter, &ad return home to gee and they bad to seperate frain-, Yours Tsaly. ith the editor oitb4SIar, to secure you P tatoea'. 0150 - Wexpedlilfiremexpenenct fore those WbO Matters. about his tather." of the number of,, -um% and Lbeir positions. A VVISOUSM141 of' e li"t and " &v temed it tharougbIv. and there i; — , Com, the post ist silibed.itor to that A ood ...... ........... 2.00 0:00 e suffering hvul aii1v of tile cOmPhs"its for Under these cirocumstancez -Yes I clumat belp i6earing. Sometimes an account of I he latest plans of the gentral's t, There is but one coolnion in North 'Juron, of toaervtIve princii- 10-00 which it iw rextornwenii!M may depend upon its ODIRICH, lbtb MY, 1867. veracious #ZPOA6"t tLiLy, new -V Loa . . 8700 gented at the request of mimy e - less, you could &,flo am occamonally as r Eggs ............. 0: Oar "I -He eannot he C-eally iry crinfereace." and that is that Mr. Hays will he triumA4 08 0;10 being a Sovereign-RornedY. of all political creeds ,jured lby t ra& in lent t" said Mensellikoff, e Huron Signal. xrldiltta MA. ore I be alantishing efficgl!v of the Canadian Pain dcod I excel until elected, and I can snore I Citidel ' that Ta the Ethtor of th r1ainly rosiess a litdo to tea r6r wbirl. it is a Candidaw for tbelnl= Cal Fbilippo. Irene so ba- calm." t -call the atten- porter.. as you ce m v de-ighwo(I wall this UWtul d.spiati:h. DRAR Still —I would like to A5ElFiILLD, July 3,d, 1861, &Wly filled Chickens .............. 0.20 (24 k- 24 DellareoVer in curing 111W disell, no, moM but;i with ber beart I hi -!hi. I have heard Mr. Gillson's friends admit it. ability that, the go�ctlemaal who 1 0: �;o (�4 (:40 1 Sucre" in out- -your ridittly, and as one -h; -r% she 't .. V -0u, occoune. know ail &kK- minor points ?" r authorities to what will Turkeys.. I i-c-,ormatended. and rip wonderfu 64 of sirange and toloonly forebo&n It I Mr. Gibson's ff ilends re tiolf of the prove Mitrs-rrot EDITCR,-Aw was real weel that subordinate post: Au!d Duncan said Wool wab�,T .*.­.,.,.­-­. G-20 @ 0:25 oling the,,orturing pains of Rhetimiti2-till, st-d in manyyears in thp nerth ndi sisod stept a sleepihsioaxiied -1 think Balderds, 0:15 Ca -1 0:`20 1 mli,ving Nervouis Affections, onlide it to a 6igh optilkips a deep itkterest ill its well retired dial might. em, Philip- say anything of the soon become an into!emble nuisance to %be er was gruesome, W pleased to see ma name in pratif y(,n time, the wey they cald ane anith otel unwashed ......... dresims. Then pref_ftro to answer tb not feOls enough to town if ot promptly abated. Thetaoilway the taue trs in to thraw a the blame on to Aams p -r lb ....... 0:08 0:19 rank in the I iA ot rormil for theft lvompla into, 4elecmd never is betiay the t=, hours after III sort, whenthey know that their candidates- ode wheen o'.ja nee ev a a g an than be orders areoming 19) from Medicine Dealers ill 0 the 161, the it her doust like tura viotaos, :11 palts of the Count for further sapphes, and B, -t tell me. are TOu got , bac ain Ir" Company is building 111tilbreakWater 11s, My polhivis am,w pap -par -t some differ. prospects are as bri- bt as they could pos. d saw what aw could do. are vpra ill pleaud said the scene chao-ed, an then was Ballan it itch tebtifying as to t e u he ad led, 11or that will maksis 9 island below the English, - Chutih, neglecte at me for bidin ma. cannel sae lung under troe soopin the streets of Goderich and H&3s Montreal Mairkets. nike coaHtiolirn ill garrviof- but hi CELIPTER XIL enre.11 give-ol. falls to isten'tions ot the Qoael�ec : �;hf -wt back," said Philippo. sillily be, to build an acqueduct through the embank- bushel; for it maun appear ave touched the �uir fallow, tryin tn write a leadin article fur The Canaduin Pain Destrover never i�[ boire to an, the whole the Star �y the liclit o' a fa;�in Canoe[. "Al Telegrasatuflull01111 Igiveimmecisterelief. Ali meatetn�-dealeroo keep -support Ia6nest menand h4 I'Ve-f goil ow hatea, kentlemaa,"� Im.ent. The consequence isthat a ol that make -1 the galled ja�es wioll do an after '11, To., 114017 ptiyx�rians order and use it ; and no llamil y Pdqo As&ILin my Itumble great f water enclosed within ibe.island and P The uuld man aunk doon exhauste keusocbl-kZ; '-for we can gain lW It is not true that Mr Cameron body o Aw� see in the ' Star' that I- Sandie an Rode- anli be vrithout, it after on" trying it. T arg war of cauirron, an4 the thunder of ar trum this hi�,.hly useful re--akwater (East of the Elevator) is becons- oo bad revived him wi a wee drup Scotch, FLorn-Superisl Extra ...... 8.75 - 9-'00 1 Price only 95 cents Per bull - a throu-h the had ot in our decision asked his Scotch friends to, dritik with 16 � rick aro baith the same man," it may be ,e, aw soya ye didus tell us aboot our cand'datels, Kxtra 8.25 a 0.00 AjI Ordersoobbould be addres to welfare of Lhis uN tiative couni d evolves a most offlansive elogmat, an of me son ree. -pt him I Kintail. The invitation was to bis ing but am sure aw was ne'er kimened A!exander oo than says be there eute to he eleckit for Fancy ............. 1 "65 a 8,00 NoRrH,,I-P-&- LYKAX, .1 am well staquaiatiord 4rith -antrof the 1!umbers of ma.2Y ut. The whole space is N evreastle, C. ricbng, bat I -slWl mithartl Tbav stept sisna were not --in the British army imprOvI09 land unhealthy Od the second sicht never sees successfu men i Weilatid Canal buper 7AO a 7.50 f3emerral Agent . -y mad ��dic frirn� yewerafty. The writer sat within Red Us turn, gitaill names for for Canadair. -Not at all." now almost tp witlk'Weedo(tolU jur- were I han he turus roun to McCrimmon an says he Superfine No. I Canada 7.40 a 7.50 13-Suld Ili Goderie'll bv I-arker & cattle and ate6tin,-s it) vour awa�ke,ted until the rud� summons o" the Big- re reinftoreements Comlax columob fcuk in Skye. no like this kiotry Hamish, le maitil compose -6 �bit tone, Nu.1 Westerri 7 40 a 1.501 - *btjoa. w1lieu I bliall. explain ml a.vi n-saulpeLs sounded in Uu-jr eam It was a yard of torikere he ais standing at the fac, and k0lilir &Cay 46sts"roes-lilirbui- I "jau .6 V Gardiner MaIlifield; Jan* -,i "en'the iera common"t funk 00,11i ca'd 7-.tqQ J. Pickard, F-Kat"r; I ,4etvul and &�qlpe t lo simet a" Lhd eaw-ly FAirt uf December, sad the coidne-u time, and is just as positive oa the point; e 5,IF- -d, Luclii- &&nee are develped i to say octhing of their U chillon; Seem -ave string the candi- we ill, dill Ye aw 0mbe. Wal - fearful foreboding" of hae a fair well to t It bl" *t' ta Jebb. honors when you can have-saW Of the weather as Day person can possibly be. of rowing names, an aw see ane o Pull .1,40 a 3. slietrielke destropog a splendid stretch '53 -edgin. as to the Telitpective .163- hars1illixis wbkh the besieziu,; the pipes whan be 61ales FOU" ne'st t"Del mr n E A -r. in 1.55 a 1.60 W38 tke re ted dater, for'tliis ridin trys to ape the gentry, an by voliald . be cot ground. If the nul6ance be not aba o-,&* 4J Wah'� 10 �ATS.— Per 32 lbs . ........ 0-3da 0.39 nhe candidatim, &now , 41 1 00 . T may say that I am an adm Asks on, notice e a Mee or te -My npelled to arodervTo one.', o, his gieia Dame tlikely boo SW7MS, aJA tPUIPM111, and Vi0i" Ilu"W'Sof We are accustomed to bear a great I bocht O�Cuil�d to bim In' t Unin- one or more small tunnels I ou_cpb has aw A&LET.- Por 49 1bi 0 - 70 i" 'IT 5 P �rry 5�WV127 1 &= pm -pared 4 ru is day by a better man,) but all or Ell D@4'ry - leonl-eXUAa, UM4 IreCe Pw!*Wnt i and rain desmaded, wo, deal of idle boasting od the part of thi tbus musing a current. I 41rId afore h ys yea"ilk i�l Vi 'week, he 0, 14 azaij the ;4r�ed kif-Ae of wewher ; rain, to "None at all." the cruh4okment, t' bit sirnames prenW-ju Big letters, weel read his elleggy in the Star last 96 Stored Packed. 012 a 4)X1 We cUp W f9lipwing frnoit-1he Prov*lkg fight in the Celd or in, any 4 Mao 8- I -What Il Whatilm.ndo allthose CoutinuAl-; tory editor about the superior length of,,eutnre to,.#ay thjk1GoderichwiIlIoWJa part wil must be lye Liszt- Pot&- ......... 5LO-4 5� thesoldier affurded but p6leatically deii 60 4ife. to mWintain that connexio which the kuts of 11 arrivinsi tranispor;s boiling iffeneral Advertiser - eutlemen, soldi-m . I dal �w van W" what thoiy --i-miserabole obstacle. The Russian at once, � bis, subscription tid. It is the old story. og;, a a mwa"010"Ae sony,wit ca a ulo-ey, writwo Pearls .............. 7.50 af- 7.60 had to face deatlit frets bouta, only � baL fe; raw recruiu6 who- die the explanation thol could gie illboot Gode ill I& Star olfis�l in daud itVi�e libis *i�,itsun of the h cholera, Tours enuat obodii and corcm-risitow and al,ithintA and ammunition I The Gazette, I'Vines, C416sia, Ep e, and we may yet rival Saginaw ior fever and , PoLuL.- Mess .............. I 8,5Q a 18. 75 At year w en pir cat or ather float- W n 0 ard �&ther fin- wabouarthe waRs lava. rich Toon Cooncil an either atters a touch- yous doost to bias 6�m V, 1L.4 et nim Coale Prime Mess ........ 15.00 a 00.0 Oblolera m0lbus, A-- apiyo, I -WI. TMAN ve 0 them up on; '00 -drid'COmfol"n's Sul Abpm of tile &irmy hich lie rottin- in Balali -the greatest eireu-; sgue., Every old fish, do ilia is -e ecT'w gus4gris with their human e raws, and 0 1 &P-1, always attained 41D ye see aw write naethi but. dom atieusly U, they can, An to 60011Wt -VO Why V W1 411 perg I - i to the river.seems to n erally stiptilred W1 witti the fiert-mr and more irresiitiable power I "The had raA is incapable of being trod-: latmo. Of' any Parr in the two counties, Ing nui3ance thrown iu - I � . , r f4eke, an *ghcksfqiFe chiels that winna ding," wounded vanity that. -somp, Jbing Man P⁡ &75 a 0.77 should be lib, ffis bifiv! where' it remaina ill's issauna the'sairer in that 7 -5 a 5.04D Vege�abfe Pain Killer. ' Persons If-arilig o,f eoW, wearinew and, huon-�er. Already the: den. be drifteid 4to I r ffi,d, an the go 0 ence a wee RYE Floui'. ...... All the soldiers am working in the but they invariablydied very won after. ll� d I in mushroom 6 rates ail statements ru k 0, con whether it be for days excursion or k AT&. All till wholly decomposed and wafted into the aw e` its raised tho�. skit vy,- de- licine, nee in a bntrenches, and none can go to Bala I --probably from some kind of I llit"a, wool, a wee., Ath. no lY lins�hssngpd. cry- tor- warm elo*'Q* sad for 'I"uria hke Jouall's zoard come into existe a w&4., akould q so trip to Eu�b.�10, I3I&1I1&ibeJ;V a foriviition to flmd. a.) trom the sufferin;.1. Egodib wards an I prices, generall 'Fly .2 Lhe horses ar*,dead, so that there are none notrils of every ow volakiing ttl Way- 0ace theii hands 1A it il;ii WOM"es walft- cold ear )f roadue hsof re- Weill an perM in a day, as, na, faith am no- maud and I SQP!dier but thi apoplectic plethores, rt w attemp, a lhing.be�`&�uo qu*li$ laso transactions. Notes-, atichamA014. summer M W - en to the agoawaz tatreaty ; ar- to caM IL&ds r' as with them may add that all tot nearly all)tbe pleasure like the Cornet's reporter for his pen is ratt wyll have to reserve Abe rest for 4nither 14any,.frisesses'lu.in,6denttolhe 01 &V 50', W f ased t� 16U c To be cwtif inved.) very much the nme as in the caw of- ill prove fatal if not im- Lacracy beld upa barrier to thillIMPIlUestinc- boats belonging to the port -ore of necesillY time for am like JQhu Holmes sm,gett"i Xew York-, 12 J*Ly, 2p. m- moli-illi, jbicb, is. a "Utic,4tseatiewladu wibiw4m ralwatayria tt�itep 3267. mediatel 'clieeied, can be proolptiv Varod a paper published some time ago in a teps is -chit I. taydious" an its out we I wbath. crieS suld whi& Poured 10 t4er. y at suitable place it maun be construckit on tEe corkscrew plan, liwig Ihis iiihe or not avii W beat g to 5 better. 1�,Taouieti�senrq A arce "one or -two doses �01 1.!te PailaiKilfer, On flufA spon the aalim, anodAdserabLos formal bbering village. The editor declared barking therein find it the mo . er a gie a the in so get in* and, oat ob "IL boatS While fOir it qan,#o i4fOrtalid - A-ys d firm. Bar ecoltimbava wel,beets reliev- 'I nothipl withoull, a, li�w 4 sow, it dune whiat aw promi�0 g by tile timely use Ot ity prevented the generals. from attendiu to i -Mr. Ir.LBLE, G. T. K- I olig - uiet an lei dull, Oats 'a ade morre than oneb will r I ituse sufferin� the salration of the Aral I L. FAI AND GCDLRIC H DI-%TFiCT, i that -if subacribers rt*d is as they were the nuisance eiristli I feaor�Uli fei IhAieJ' trys to into an Oot 0 eypry thing he 0 his, futur .9ccupation, an its 81116 11JAell er and moreactive. ed cofit rin rls thu6 the the above named prepsuation." that the mlasiarls doing he would soon have- to get a Stearn brave the smell a second' time. I hore the it Git taste and proclivities beite 4 y PONmtft ARaiVF- pits tu or may be the man that h-Luds it - has ski 1. 31 pr mwl� 0' the Local egislature lot gold bor OLDm-eistsi ignorant the (1twriVfinw ottrain. 71me. pren; but the ittem ymn. was not M matter (and water). may be Btiff ed up speedi. i� twist in his In,, for hearia onyt 6(fice of member L gmcem end medo which the Bgimb Sol W" ly and powerfully, bin, " by Am gaun to sig me name iu the uichfiame - - - . � , � I 12:30 a -M - cine dealers. Cl e perfitly swe'lie Mv**.h&fdgbipa AccomoodatIon ............... ired, tor in I= than a mouth the aflair VIATOR. reform ill, At a' events, ago PERRY,4)AVI"- SON. wie-rop epizpelled to. underg - Ruwairs 04 Youn; &C nia filieland neeboiw put to Ill, this o 4 reacbedtli,em, front many a grelit mawrillyiI, this is comber t iuilko Expm mail ... . .............. . 3:00 P.M. qu -o Z�t 'nut*r this and 10:50 became defunct. The -storteii of the Star weari colored spem Wes, I , tbew rumoun were sonfirizediby the eonfes 3-lized .. ......................... rMallantzaropy. Iris an even they has to be twa colors ; three frae $sudiea ClokIllo. 21w 3m 380 St. Paul street XOntfepl- DEPART. man about his great circulation have just Kineardine pow r- 9 1 be w0hadary voilpam at pcnoaem and RODE !�K 14AU ORE. 42 1 6.30 a-M.'about as much in them., Le; those who beautiful rose color for conservatives, black Cr sak- - lZ -other P"latiarlY Kinearditte July 8 1967. r R. 0 -0 -AA desisavia. Tborm were also its thunder clad for reformers, but. that clud STRANGE9 BU which Meii- 1:45 p.m. F4Dr Atcomodation ................. 8EAV01tTK- I 'Every young ladyand gendernan inthe UnitfolSlafts Ila Russian sources ef infolumbon wish to know how far be Its below the T-thlEditurn'thesigual: has the bolts in't Lbiat'll 111,11011111h: UP- the cOnser' july, Sib I N7. con hear soulethingery much to -their advanisoge-14 schikoff delighted to Use. BY means of ttle-le, dL 4.45 Sigiud in this respect enquire at the post Sia-feripit we through *e ruedium Of -Y and like rotten ii-ga, (there only t0fi2, Tith 664ces4h EffitArAde TI, ls,-bisewfar moiecrf the utter mift vati,e coudidate Duminidid Day completely emolled Sea, return malt [free ol charge). by addlre�tqmg the uuder4 -starred Britisib army office where the papers are maied, or take your columns to offer a tribute of Wdl merit- ,wg rtbe ill that at best) an as ae- instance o' what aw gK *11, ship, c,,.t.inin-V 460 acres snore or less. retchednew ol forth, early in the morning they issued forth b ige b3F t uti 6f* Iscoird- Arov The Volun- the manistry &L hums i and, if al. Cr prai" to the disititirested benevoience of a doost read whilit'he makes Macom Caw- takin almost every direction. will soon dis'. ed 831 B t we bear be true. it is any other menns, ani they in individuals holding hi.,,,h positions in wacr probable That he -75. cover how little reliance is to be placed cert. 0 aniee o;'the 0*011 q rka at it as 143rd Ha, -Ian bam- y0a, rin (dacedt men -111111' -0111imer" vr2i-ly.ao kaew as much aboo -9ourishing Vills$e, ast�W 91146 T our auldest, best and bauldest Hicland bluids in Godench I2thJtT*, w25if self in- vairglorious bragging. of the warm Templarog and others went 10-.BaJ*A numerous readers some idea ... .. ...... ani this day a grand corssecil of the generals np, feAr 91 oily 9'them gaun to alC IiAd�i".;�k�oeved,6ck'd ji - , ! schottl Pid nil�� ins 0 ew which bnly,� Ilbei eho luarters- The We, hsV,*m.hes9 ramn to be- bewlts- and open hwds among Uzi be was beld As the cosamAndillil 4 i0ijigitirti, W., July M 1867. Jecht without their sirms,) say at dor little grove another Pic-nic in itforth grove. A "tifftilib wh�Osuffe F A It X A DUD� V -1L Ix !G Z swtrwra ho were ia Lhe town iiissioatted with [Iich present, - I require to be-iuciteA -pis wJ , - itst t"66ich A. game of cricket' s Ill- . . - lkye, what, 46 16v to be A fact, that oy obje tiectly, Vt- u,jo,4-dal ittlerest to hear the resu!t. They stv to thiur sympathy -of hob16. hia M' field and another on blodblimiri, i1togetiler ul indiscretion. will �ror, th (adel," who recently wrote &firs#,. 'isell tweer, on Atis diii0that hu S. cDonald has,beeilti d wi,iicd u know whether there would br they spent vim grHou. Ja pleasant Wwoll"ied - hV oth tilt. as MR. - , FIFTY It the mobt of F. for Ou- rate artialq� fb� the Siiud, 4as never n. which melt into gentlest pity a a " r. aking the simp er aitack; or willed co AcefiviEt? Vt hier they would patiently Macom said Scotch Whuskey," an am gey TV le remedl T ,for,* X�,Mjxtry me f*b sifle from aullorii:I4 or eyes which are quick to shed a fit by I. e a 'A GOOD PrIs' smir mistactis if, the qmi�- no h ir 4adna it swill U,,, & Acres: 611 It coutisaue, by woirkln4 at the treuch" IL fully were di1ving -to, cbvmh,,�00 ererd wishing to pro. -4, stx t fie. -a can do so by addressing 'A - - - - - - - foruacuiens.to pul the towu in a staw wt Ce Lee'' - a' Ner aiI with the Godericb Poet Office, sym,-adlitisa tM.4it the rrciml� of a 'tale Of was Mrs. . an an ncctc( and lgcotch ;horses ran aovvsty.� ionN B.-OGDEN. No .q. chatubel*61-New Yolk. it. woul I szw-d beyond all bo.-* of being t. is eilitirely independent of the Co.,paps. inly is. ft�fresbio­ in these days Mrs. L had three 'sibs V A it ce'rts. -throaV.,s`o9'. on the cork- were thrown Out -Aed his eomrude what pool& QP1191TF0 BusNJE-s-4- rhe gentleman so venomously attacked 9f doUars and cents; in the driving, bustling whuskey or no, his -slid her -IdAughter-gat ter'leg,!al en- Every soldier & broken tim news, of tba "Atersoom no ht be ; and screw principle any wey, for only thing liquid wriaL llp berry will be sold ci 1 51 -ERB ;ww hopoe, aod again fear, voternately 'ields a Pei -gang WHI IIessns. E itchi�- and Cailing are still W WhiCkcotildiARTily probe to hours, when apparently the cares of business that-gangq�%to hjitillalcouth lepg�01-10 fir. L. 0. MONTEZ' Car-dota. V.A wit' -13 the army. an asm"Ilt or-, sortie wm, eg few the bottom of the puny editoc of the andithe 069ei pursuit after wealth Weel oor canjidaie�'hiiie been the greatest MOD mod fraine boArn, &c.- �15oil-oezoelleat- It as tile excitement ot ang-age4 (or:, have been for the' alone easy duoil. Itillkeniougg VOIT-111 True. qt*"t jqAq *.or woOJ maltitude, I prw7,ferred, inarme P machine,"and his whole tribe of cor. holds swar in the minds of the heid ches t6 grow ik'- 'here, and whawad think it, jon IN hiff n'ffie" sm&-thest-file 'AJJo,.J wo Houties-m!the Viltzgeeof a0iil� �_,hsia:r is r trial sent free ratiom congenial to the saldier'* e- -ldino, hole and correir mcetm IML - 4cs,) fie P - :.to seethat titere are Itho"' who can stello 'erdtt�Lea Tunswia�s. ow, v r known-torfail. Sample fa tima the dull mimutouy of trench wort.- respodents. bat he has not written Al i ': m tt1hUd*nneciQ&-ku two ditft, with 0 -o$e a heavy aad's gef imtrt, my C I Iijoob6AIiA sit in the Southern Townshifs, without ex- ide from the eager ctimse to assist the - us -to connect Ciii 17 Nall a Q St., about fouridUfZly or this paper since the present vehi for his opponents phy3ickilly an tailii #Aays, when scribblers we to -their opponents. rclieve the suftring -and We o A teadinfo, an invitation sinle line f kv. bitlesit prepaid w2il Vi thingsas wide lapart as, hen J�P�leit-m `Z kenscbskoff satin his eounml with hiv needy4w�# I " , �­, I ­ - , � �-, e , , '.� - 0 Tr r, a was a siiosh� 11o'mes, had sR. HAI Lipra-,di wr� hea is r -membered that NI presea, a 'especoall - ivbcn we see one ;4e 1, - prriciple ollicers around Will. W emrs. contest bc5atl�,,,­ Ofintoin ml, he 41 Ult aso,,aw- na mistak, y ato an or in &PI Tat 800 Oi I TO C sa 0itensacken, Hensciltroff was; -4 *,-- - - . I �# TIVES. ffatter8 wh themew C01114tillstron O.NLSU31P a Cameron and Gibbons inviEed th-m to SW 1*!� of the Sinal name ther thing diereeotheth'ing in tho-bodtly trippiilig told me yesterday is The best thing drgaified looking man, wilb a fine forehead, 0 ! 0 - a as a Justice, Ofpre �eace for our new counoyl an' crusted with hair of an iian-Arey culnur. al- tolid their series of tDietm, "'Is, at vre�qent, thoi best presence of the man, hes sQUd on his pilik, I,,,- heard foroule, in lourweelial bya Ver"iFWv4 a ,9 in the himself that f giviiollg such eviderce of the nob e its,, dwo e lit- e Die withe kewere lung afreelion, and Efis eypbrjows were busby, abd his *-y,-s fier% &,uth Ridir. - such conduct will !)e look- abu8ed,, edt*ts; fn I.T df 0 tootivo thats it-, gtoliav bather y&eilfme9's-,w0&k I. III the 52ad regiment, one of those appointed eredlerseveralyealts, 91 rem hat dread- C I --is anxious to mako bigpersonal appp-arano-�e. A ttlao� WV o ill Wdp, res - 460 . CW -him into parliamentp owie'the ment of only a dozen men la t week surpris- rof C?Ipr ). wido reIP -before hirn. and on it re. which ore shuffied ral, to keep the peace in lielagd, w -iAire. Fait Iiiasain the 0ollinty of Hill late d �purt th as bow stsidod- for A onsump ton F-e-Citti. Altogeshex he was a sillActuate high in the d 3 harg df legs,noliol was wi iii�a�t ti ith a d. -tel kill. 'IV, able ed 4boon a* inein and comrdly to the Iasi A ne �;&k all C morality T that I atta 'd dm his duties siss promuVrof order d Z9 was spread an tabic o-hink balth his heed ed a meeting thtropAoilsbWnature of whicb Parlog lialt.- The tory catiodidates know 0 of Oki" have no doubt. that bw positi" of the aflica - f-ry Ing in the communit), and I f hill pairly, aw I tie saios.�Nvhklh ih Rme-gurlandl wain dr&Kmk !,y- peruse this ful" CURIE f�r CoX6sJ1tPTI0%o,"tuxA, BitoNCIMIA. COUGHS, ok Yom Ill 0- It - 12 . � the t,�= Abil tot WX-JAI -JOHN—STONi- Only r ton, PA re ht' iicte's Information which 14 Li, ',g sat tM; tt lrrl�p 11d) bAo' them in its weadthattime. Anthtr!Dr.'s Id -JIM they,gut tp4xidiculotlta turp before an of the Russian divisit, cus; A ev and the sattiati 40 oll to the efec ti�rs when brought Lice to fbice ly" W 7hi3 notars Men-4ehDkoff was scritlillzlu� in-st so -41�z Irw lirbt, the circumstances which called far ownr limber V thw togsio he's grate NO tc up"11-11 f Nis cor- opes every_ rer jalerat!y; and 04ter 0 t the air Aackeu &ad Uprandi were lot suffe w ith tbeir oppdDMts, autL they t4refore papVT 4-AothffCat at forth the foregoing remal ks will sympatb!�se gettin ae, leg owile the fence, but the itheoM s o n d r,'�;Wdl rt conceives to be in, loth ansonestipgaziug upon it. prefur to doige about ircim concession to! with the deepjectings of the people of this pri wWltry his"niedy. wiff."L theits pqtWgsan# A16A the geaforth fellow owk V*W respondents, tWe I -ride &I C&Ia9zleit, s-Aii why the Britisb arms Od Fenian oib*- soldieril Amay pr-vtol'ble,"Itts. Psrues wiAl"gotheo"re!", e meetings of Imitc! ,�-ntllmpted vilt please addrelsolf- caawt. h6 dqlrtm from thist pgwtioa. We b-tv'- "oeession 1widilln- safe littl bears the paltu,) write by the yardt, the egs, but Joseph, honest mAn it?ll no be elll Virit"re 50 Imeim An abandoned character who -for a few the faithful, WhCM-Lthey for bt moi- rwi r the promised res-iforeem-nL of 15. iw ifil -to Marc rvec4 tum st- a k�� 000 mug " the Britisht by all accoutlLs -7 ism euvomou jays pqst oss been staying in the ueighbor,- bUn big# oVi6on the I_ p' 1liamsbuirg. �� I R- sien Mai enjo 11 ff an six ositiod immunity with Fegard to the reekless as- vispet d muss have to" oesorly 111sat auunber durin- 31r. Cox, Cthej,W, to to­�Oovie oat hood of thW'Nilla socithtr a thiO* 0 -soon as h. **d hir claracter an tents e liar imself folup peft AbOnth, Tbeivs position, ",bi rtlons made which best suits the so"y with the ao�) is IL =16 emicat till't; an it wadus talk a vera big msi- -e Po 60L non- waut corionallys, bp kneiLl Than spo4* -tAptau- who fins �sd ting for nearly half an boar e leaing t1lirl A square by indull, 110 draw, flolmes gr W a �i -- IlWais *ad- Re , �w latta r ke guago w to sohd 610 0"th hi I t1e, toukiie e, IS di. texture of thcir airigods. They try to wo much too& *hh polit ics i idle Ihsi Yes, so it might, UprnndL aercrdiwr I e reep- os bin and should be put do -wit 45 -#A- pos- vbf tU ezpoaurls of theirqVI n or devil eWd utter. nauch magnet 11 th I new Dd ffieyN4i a big e to wen deq e I five -,or' 7.= tTke nd" of way," relifiod Mensebikoff '-but "I of Mao, woma, tore ot ey e got a Ong ? Uhit We anum t1l 'thefe 'that a mag4tra, ti-*& 14re coul lit I 9,owardice tj 112ting that they.'are merely sible. 10 A 0amptal WS&LISM,boore. 0 ro Our e&* 46'r f 4& -her arrtst� �d itmaw tbat thew Men, aeorerdrean of C= - di -kild hate yeq 1pen.that hae 0 loan WIJ 110119r7- r (lodda *it W eo in,--. Thosow Britisbo aukhm wilt fight in be weetioglili but who iNkill, t& SOW - V &W her confessWu gullt Im d 'Boo PQ ...... 1. upon &liter thaos rktreal. *060*-Aq "y, A -we wers 1 plays of childuh magifiverjal -r, in aw or aiv Am it. 26'sUipped lot woos oirdedy, it OWL bO-- courted thus too, loot Senforth meeting:s- "04 d co Orin SV!�y , I 1100 tojV= OO,U in DIP assurad as he do"v that th in not invited r in e� w raillf Wemostlezru 91, k _JcqAeJ lavited or not� printed not were ed so pay 1. Oro -of �Genrg&-49reen,-:!4Q the j bereaft-vis making these calculations. to im im the vi ry hing bestall caladlaWlaWyuh t 0 filas, gopid haided cane lockit, A"7 ftmaliS Two (,f hll In the milittof". Qawtyi, sl*j be khoeo� 40, prison-th arms 0 takso, intal account Lbe spirit of our ellitili- for that in ds" st�d that some'�ravel me� led the way; then clame the Iprisone of-Ning iRtha, 0,OU 0, -eting, and Mr. Ritchie, who him in public life. lye ere abort go lag 13b, )q aud of manner ,��thouit low the boullehold mind, of perm Id be it IIIA Alt Jioloing up their trouse with Voih Tbas tar wso have owitted duoing ibis. Th* 24teaW ors gied the ad 41 to bindii 4iZed f t is -in jaill-ttiese soft hand* ro&dL or he beftee of the least fear of coptradiction, that no man to ba incarcerated KE consequence is thalt wal hae &jaetilurs bin*- 0 Gen and beautifully moulded arms were shoot t Weel ye see a vote Wbiteheid ony then two fixed bayonets, and be brod-�ht up T E Creditors of the Aboy stirea %01 .0 present. a I.- - &! - _- . . - lidered." *V- Cidiillgo P**S bill was kept away by ever rose to anythingor likill mi CC me wull vote i,.1vent, are herelif-,b4citified, I * meet at bu desecrated by wile labour fo V ! U -- -44 .07'rue'" ask 141an& Gorddff pre*". lar r Sliree long *ey an aw ken 50 mair aside the rear himself. The designer pf such a YAq. on rib sl ucb 1,, printe basinesso, That exem wil] not amongst his fiellown until bg 40 �eiped act and the Commons. Oor ither' mauld ffice .1w fo a0 rtedtv ILL --'A% xvpr��11 Ilk aw-A utrageoas coud -bg 1-1 think mysel4" added Gotten iai�ric on week S 0 him for till b sarken, han4um Weall-1-tree rt P jtet my t bATe had a ease of I ,g t Neith3r wiltithe statement that they upoazhia he&4,-* toddeal of highil oonon- higlibanded oppmasion on, aulbliir- Gibeofi-it he Iiiisolk preslbsyt�enin pb)%iog on -Johol-part of imun IA a ta lftk= our eves*s have more delil reck IVr ir lohelii:iloro If I b 9 do. ado* dqgsd1qy 4r G B S ities rouseti the goinirous' impultes of AtO saw one, the pren M Was 1�w fteo�ofs Jve fvr tenness t6a our owo so9mrs. They ury dle 4:6110-ittee meetings. The' usual t.-ated abuse. If thaa meqicluijftg� their "lavel-ap-he"witing rflo t 0 Cal of their fivegi. stwcqplibtli�wlwafit qt�t thqw, uy�si hil'ifi6*11 04ik&%04�Colm All jord rs punc -ok - t, I e' .0 do V& f1i. i"te y CW Written notices, wurn,,they�X X, 61 COUTS0 IS 10 SUCk Up At r _J11 ke a zlemVer w 6ro orp ant' to alsia that, he"wur. ifia natural Venschikoff, Very vatich so, said a day or so before hand, (Elliott doeff bithethii" .0? list 04 0* JU rl.- 'wail or b a cry wits ever responded kill. fuith -he# a jvurn4 for orderim, Haakent 6:4 e Paddy, and his, rate tbeirs nae dia with morn tdacrity, than did wey, an at Oily -dn br not'i "What, tben. wll be the &-tt plan of ac ru were Jortillwit Huron, di. id 111611T oUiV tLe Co% d delicei;,y. of e�el f MY IM W ?re., be. 41e�r..alth a he h sww, The Into ventis'N Guil't. "them -utniltsaces r- said Liprw d Qtk co togaher pt. t4 ff ere is cover biMen ambitious ft finab loolii 6 , e I 9 friends to the cr of the oppresse stranger., clp,,_;q joke, Agntit Vork tions under thm cim ih' a gede Id b Ii WYAW J96 Could a Yankeobat that for Wt Y*k tion. 00 9A gea&�Aft *j,flhall �ee jibjbrf1#ibn. 0- t "AW, that is Just wl�at we ltry cotwder. A=Pie Of them. 11116A a "With the Isl" reiV ,vo an ry,�ctmffibuticiu to. this grate Prayer n b a A'S' &,lose indiiih NOT109. -d Sr. C ling X 0" -I- ra -,o! : the greatest - I . Thel'itiorpdrafi tay"40-diAti ctionishould -ommseut of fitteet, -Mr. Mildhie ar ar rap a rich rew rdz (MM, YW gratillitbus stramental in oppreagin 6, 1 Isliourt An-" '0118 allowed to hitolig big thedaiq �yn hill rouse' tbmvaA imens, out -ii(sorrisou im swA out of. the dersi times said hands of a aelllerM- side.' wAl meet the EleCtOr& Oflisir at JAke View advirtising. i*ciive&`&fittih- ma . . . �P.' , I stristigs, place 91 1111111 to -morrow, Tuesdov the 9tb of July iusto,, at slid thes vix"n towa wild account W quo butidTol thevs;tnd tasoctio 'bawswaddreiiair To &Mt J. I W Da *Due #auto wh &a. his. pointin-ti: 0 asill r4ther large number far defeahag a 6 *,clock p. W. Thi rTql, I am pji�ivets wit'aily tecon the spireb"tkit Ad011`0610116 city at the thin occu f Sess, It Or mdiw ebold j I � �Z- -- J'shualil Imagines," said Ustet.sacl, P.M -, , &g! go , -­­­ - i 4toode L a MWer, 8:bclyt 1067. ,- na, Lialm'." I have known t 8 ensign s baby, nd p 0 tho -lu, OL Noran, the $exfott corre qI1 earedL lot, of ba tit" mpez-,� it,� Mha is 4MO), rds WO flcltl�, to be able to 11101111ifY that ff0tu tht- 60b No stfspeogrmsa, oviesWr we shWA be SUOY tbat donnot be es&d AMmmiu Aumioary,. they, would, know, ed at the aVe too a en4v#," sw4 W-il"hi- nm itig, bad, by all n aTielegraph �Office, very tuelli t Akt(wth -6111i't0sare, ther bor -twat. A O'kn4bi At' tbiL vli6 ch"Pi, ,a . , Ct the def -gr it is a miWatity 4-4 poral a ii venliiou�wawehtidedto a patient R, VM4 -laid Si an soff 710 ot-*Di sinot winvir '10 coming Oki a t h'' to 0arn, A , $FpMiAt* 44, -416 1* _­ 14, 7�. I VIM '0110- 46 te heard-itif U before if it is at aVishvirA ProDeaftil in two PmApiriUKI butipoiso, sad we -should h Atild y 44asot- eiladow 46- #04, mom too The -a" 94 gots who b" &SAnd that is what proilodispa t" #or- W061 lissur 4wo S'-* - 0 t the tfillow" *01 U *W IV* ihoiltK ','to st6p writlafor bkti SP Sam In it.' isiA law I of llt L go 4y, itra W93 nd tore foi- for twa d, ma bo '�** - tif.-AW404 pp�. Iff OU�IdL to appir-M the' P31try xpirit h, Wt sawitbe 4iiiii 1612 'it di%,eas Vbl*b it Is d1ob fa it u �Pi ICY, pen d Nor 4