Semi Weekly Signal, 1867-07-09, Page 2I for $1 -
ltC~W4W=,,, a"
A—Z A "-.
ew!q The advvrtt"r, Miffing ll"F� restojed to hasilth in a
insolvent Act of 1864.
�"_CH— DUNLOP N E, -W-- GOO DS -1 �JWROVjD, 11 If-!
m difWat tb Irects lfil4l'" mROW ftmell$o� To 4 Ddependent
Free a,lid"Ind9
0sx. StrA M" 1#Ttk-Warjj ALI tb* *t1F4f#4nW%1l
In fho matter of Andrew Patton, an I
very &0, 1 to "Ita
1 0 6F THE" -rent.
frOM ISOM tbrOall, MU91M To all who dr-tre it- he Goll'tfire. NLXT DO To0o, VOIll Aft 4F U011111414
wilt otelift a*
py of this pma-
tric up 'a J1 ID I Iq c3l' Sale of Real F -state.
w64 wd tliallmonary oomplaiaft tio tift. W J9 S-T�� k-T1_E E'T.;' ty.4 T-e-YA 0 yo rl"UE subscriber offers 16r atiolelot2lo, f;th NORTH RIDING OF HURON
wy** if Stat c keeW immmitliatelly U-ing the "nit. N"Ich thy "MIJ fiud a sulks Concession, West Waiwanosh, contain.
OF THE I'viriuc of the powers �ested in me as Ap-
G106dw-Store. i ill 100 a0rell, 6011wres of which 06 under (,-e e'late sind eileels of tile F-bovi,
00", quenew I be questioll Col.00%_ mmi all ThraQ attit tooling Adwlious. Tile nit' ST RECEIM) nanied lt-xul,c 1, 1 will scli ot Goilon's Potel; in
]JAS X N ....... :e
Uh in Sue quilCkifost and most -2 the avtortiftr to liftloillutig the ftacripuna is fenceand Onod cultivation. Tile farni is
. I itie (A �� ruyet,r. in the lownpohip vf
benatil the 211iieled, antillApMolinfornsiatIltin which h" throu -h Re-
s Pialmostic Wafers mwetrv-s to be inralual4e.sud hr hopell evvry -it well watered with a creek runid Having been nominated by the nd ol Horton, oh likt-dnetdei, th" pubac for twt A, 1,TM-tV S -1`002t otile lot, and a well of good writer at the hou,10 ff-Trm Convention, held tit Clinton an the 4th GENTI EXEN-,—Havirig boen nominated at 1
krity yearso %"If try him resnedy. as it WID Cost hem nothing, and lite 4ih dav ol �etiicnibcr nrxt. tit I I ij'(;Io(-k-
i bow stylt�q avid pricrq. ercelle�
nt There is a Log Huiv, Frowe B":*,,r..ui::d
Verfect satillifitCtion, Gsav Pmee & of ibis month. as n candidate for the Repre- the Convention of the Liberal Conservat vC I oN-n,,(,n `fji; lbe right, title and inlerebt t I Inc
-&*T* 41tsk" Im" Nirties wishing th, prescription, racs. by retafn nail Sho-da, and, It ef)U'l younLy orchard fit lion of vonr Ridina in tile Local Legis- -aid I n- ivet 1 -1 in And to the #(,flowing i aj OF quality sun first cities filligh.
1. i cUct pefoutwiieut cams when vLhptva"aJdres* l3arty. held at Clinton on the 29th CIt., as a Rqr� to bear, oil the' prettlives." The tibove'i-i well illin—re of On'tanot and having received as- of hi, t4es �jtu.�:ed it) lite said village of Wrvxvler,
&-lild by &H owillteine dftles 7kLR1tA. -3
ljmww sijawst,. re Candidate for the repressen-tation
6"'080"'P atoms genewly tbroughout the The! Domiuloa Clotbes-Wring �r I apted for raking, wheat. For parijeuln 8 A1k:,,tnce8 of,support from many friends, over
ipply oil the preini3es, urby ieiL,.r plepaid. i - whole evois Ridin,; in the Local L,,ogisInEure of Otilail(o .5. C., 7, 8, EqP11 !�We of rent— lit -et.
VICL, Fier box. A40 The best in use wholesale and tituency, I have accepted the 1 .2. �:de ot �u--er slict.
ti to Westfield, p. o, 6 -,, S (i ), de 0 , a in Pi rt -t.
11"Mination then made, and, it, doing so I and having received numerous assni ances o tj 1. 2, 3. 4, b, ; n filck C, now Ill E'de of
THE GREAT ENGLISH PERE ^V Dols to receive a cordial atgenerous sup- supnort from persons of various shaties G
50 11eams of Blue line cretim1nid' letter June 14. lP67. w2l 3m- �,ort from you, to whom is ent'rusted the pri. political opinion, I have consenofed to offer 00 Lot No. 5. Lo�t side of (-"tre Ftrtct dirr�
T H F. 11 A H K NTS. Which he is prepared to make up on Ae Paper. 150 Ik-utns Cream laid, BI uq, laid. vil-ie of the franchise.
SIR JAMES CLARKE'51 our sufWages at the e!ection to is it po,od frHrn,build,n:r —Ureol as a Ktorr sel
n y principles are not such aA to satisfy lnyself for y Lie e
-.11 e ruis ill d vilia at tin,e of
very shortest notice and most approved style. d vveiing Ina
take place, in all probability, at no distant
July, � 186 7. 0alobrated Pemale Pills. VariouslY Tinted Note P (4,-ly shade of political opinion ; they tire".
Pirepared roan a prekriptim of r J. C 11 A R G E %pers. C_
9 MODKRATE. is ioveil known. ta mainLain what period, W F FfNDLAY,
-19 io�4 1:20 Qark-el -D..Phyvician Ertraordivear 50 Reams B'ue nd Cro-uill laid Oil ctei A,swnee.
"heat- y
is 14to reform what is corrupt and obso-
'Ip- All orders punctually attiuded to. In the miantirm-, T shall talic the nPP
or -
11:30 1.40 to rAo Quom. 0 lete, endeavoring to secure right govern lierriiii,,fi, 27 0 0 T_j 3P
Flo 0-.50 Godericb, April 11, 1 SG7. —2 tunily or visiting the several municipalit;'es, I
9,-.00 lao'lli. in as ipconotnical a manaer rs is con -
7.0o C,4 00:0 Thi invaluable m%xilicine it onfallinr in the OF ALL NVEMWIS ANI) Pawp_,j istc,it with safety. that you may become betiet acquainted with
cure of attilhoqe pytintul and dingeroa diseases I - of 18",
Insolvent P a
................. 00 t which the Cemalle contitution in sittijeovil. it M Viere are tic questions before the public the sentiments which I profess, arid I trust I
.0 0. le �
03 madqrstfes. all excess a no] re moves a I I o bit ruct ton so (if ,,reat importance. Confederation hav;ng that theT vrill be found so to necord witb! I"rnv nee of Csnada N the ("onnily Court of
F". ii� 00 18 6 70 75-00
......... 4'00 O -ENVELOPES! I Cou-,Iy of Hioron JL the County of and itspeady core mity be relied on all others, it is my desire tl,iat it
,h -u.d receive a fair tzial, trusting tbut it your own, that you will be enabled to give, 1. TO MARRIED LADIES VjS1011 All Colors, Quality, Sizes "d Kinds.- C�- 9 On Ttiv-doy Ore tei,th dal, ot Llepiember rexi tit
000 Court a -ns of allaying the sectional me a gen
li4 * Di erous support.
itis, pe"tifiarilloo, touited. It with in a short time, 0 P -ill tie the line I lo-ir tot tl,c t:1L;rk tit the forenoon. under-qen-
�Z CD -.1 tl.�ies that tiave so long istr cted' the
tntionthlypoviod with regularity. the PoLular ii�amnzines reccive bring n the C: n je d U. I am, �cntletnen, ea w.11 app,y to ti,e i uugo, ol lite maid C, tirl at
0:5- A I I d 10
0.00 m h. Go Your obedient servaT,t, his ( 4atiouefs ir the Town of Godcri, h in Paid
E. _h twitle, prirot; One Millar. be.- rs t ountry.
IL'50 op as soon as publishe,].
0-60 July 'and August, 1867. 11 it% ing been -actively engaged for the last ('Out 1�, r.or a d,-charpre tinder the oisid m.
..... ......... . 2:00 X titlW iscellaneous Books 1- lou vears ill ISAAC CARLING.
qii�otdw p ton Iffli:00 our municipal affairs, the ex-
& -as 0 c Ff 111E next sittin5rit. of the several have gained may, if -you see EL to Exeter, 3r I April, ItS67. Illf -,Tbd8yofJuijt,A.D. Pi6l.
............ .. 77ap,v Pith f4wd4fwaorierakwa bwf~.IrA Division on hand always. Also, an extensive stock S. M
pigs A Courkoi for the 1111ounty of Huron will be of the ?�:l me, prove useful in further improving
7 TZIRS-6 A101V 7 preff If - 0-30 (0; sw2rn. fin 1 8)1%-
manry. as Miry wv sure to hn" on jU"w,_ held a fol I ows. VIZ 0 f- vur municipal and allisessment laws. It might
-8-20 @ 0 -'Zi rt -are, hist t -Few cittur ifinor Mory a" safe.. list Division Court, Various Schodl 13 aoks :t. 1,oi Q41, Ve any useflil purpose to go int') an T 0 T 1-1 E
...... &15 0-20 In all eaws of Nervouf Stud Spinal Alrectionot, Goderich, Monday, 29th Jifly. ILI im,i,edt,ite personil canvass, but I hope when 113.Q.01vent Act of 18'
0. A very Is
0 ft �10 Pains to the Rack and Lilmhot, Faiirne on %light 14 ge and varied stock of Ladies' the c.mtem fairly commences. to meet you in
03icrthilk, PRIP%tation r0be 11-feart, Hystenca and I Oth Clinton, Tuesday, 30th 2ud 11 Settforth, and 0 t:� places over the Riding to make ex- 'F,
WhiteNthese Pills will�osfect a core wherall Wednesdav 31st 3 M nad i thfoCoiynty Octurt
FREE & lit Aw
otberw&mn bstre Wited; and akhoueb a pawer- Ilth 11 Wroxeter, t A ugus -a p and set farth my views at greater conyltv -of U ton lie Goitaty of lirrruji.
I hursdooty, I 's FANCY & SPORTING GOODS e- tot Rolm rt Carnplwh an insolvent.
fullirainvoily. d -sot cost" iroa. toakidliall. stan -go- E"tpr, 8 turdA7, 3rd and until that time, I would "k you 'he a5th Ott ine tuird dsy of �cptenfl,_r nri�t. at t,:cj of
-anvthinkhtfirtfal to, I he MRSUIlknon. t ftlWRv4t on hand, all of whiell are bouoht and to rerrin from pledging your influence and
Mon V o4 7th Bayfield, bl or dav, 6th noon, e on S�_, e t Fulli dwec�tionfi inthe roadriphlet around etic tiny OF ELECTORS the in Vie fore t �;orrri at fliq c hatij-
h 611 Dungtoutioll, Tueadu-T, 6th ported direct from the Best Euro`ped1l CA rt to any of in �)poneuts, so that you
packae, which thonid be preverved. applv to tne J 11dire and Aumnesin hlanufucturmo,�-�, mav tie in A position to judge for yourselves 1wriii'm th,_ Jowtj of Gotk-rich, tit mid C,waty,
ole ai or the United Statesand Conad 'a 0 5.
rent r a X OF THE iur a drider the saW Act.
NGK;'UV1 TRVE- �Wiil .6e�at m., erohing ih Sfock itl lfi� sol - -A ve. 88 to our respective merits,
I am, gentlemen,
RT 19 A- JOB MOSES. Roebester, N.t. The Vourm D �ajjj� 4 at I)o,,d iii (;,,d -r, -b, m tie county of Huron
1; d ftj�.q - th 2-itt ia), o' Jurie, V B.—S1.00 and six po-tage ittamps, enclosed oil the "14;4*9 natO crq *':I
iv"T slacis -to tminr by four obedient servant, 0 AM F R E 1, T ,
i to any atithorlite-11 agent will it"ure a boille con- Godortt-11,141 twulile, 111416 7. NORI H RIDEN G
I lflmlmdvroo� tainag(mv pil, b rtitit!) mailt THOPAAS C11880fi.
Judge"of Hufft. a tho Popular Banads 04 M. r`.CA %I r RON,
Newtofistic, C*. W., genifiral 11oovick, April 6ili, 1867. wlltf OF TUL !�(Aicilor iur fio-1voint. w2-1 2on.
Taoist. 11". a grill for 4 'a nada. +,--7—, tel M
Songs,_Voeal arid Insttomfin ORIC. 0
vo"Sold lia Gtuiritich by Parker it ftttle siad I certily the M%Ove tn' be Ail'tiu, ca procured in two days' ncifice, sinit
rvaidinpr oC 'Ca.. Bi�f -cord- I COUNTY OF HURON. INSOLVEXf ACTOF 1864.
F &kf -, jnmro,, eutcred in the Division Court Itt wok,
jorda n ;
fluid at Publis"t-'s Prices.
undlum; ftemvivilie J t'1,k%s&oXxqt.e4 J H purs"ut to the tatute. To Dr. k6, Reemf Stanlei, 117'rovince ofCR
Goderich. June 28th. 180. %v48 9
EffitoRs'OF TOUTIR Combq. Welts Secardiv Uao. At BUTLER'S. M �,;un,v court of IL4
and till MMievve 0
now- & Astarva or yeaft f. , E. tj ict"n, oT the Renve, Huron.
A �NTD 772 OTHERSP In the matter (A j. W. Kil� ) I an m6&veol.
Sue asectit of Tonfillit- Office of the derWof ibe Ponce. k
I1tft1AXUENTA1lY ELECTORS OF THE On the ten ofthe'
W-il rbr *easkVfM&:*C Awasw Goderich, 18th June, 180. w41 Iluviog received il�e nominoon of tic
Notice, vi Hereby W73n, so clfw-k in flw fort -now, it, the nnd�r�iirnva will w? -
t,3 &0 w1ho meed su L%&Awtpe-and dircr,-tion, f- I I
Reform Conveiiiion." all(! havin, lwen re
'I loj- to th, Jud e oi h.vNiold cowt. at hito, It ttyllfri
NG OF HEWN, s of' I
10 IN N ER AM -W dividend of fiftigen p6rl &no UTH RIDI quesled by men of all shad Politi- 10 l'nw _1"w, tit s.od t-tnrul, � �,r a offer mysel f art n catididate for the Canadip n u nde ! 11, SaW Act.
THfor tbk half. jAr, endInZ tho- 14th July. N" To L E M E N Daied st , oderit It. in ine C,,n9tv of Huron,
1(mv ft. GG OF -IN. Among the atxd important of mn&rn inadica I Rouse of.Couirmorts for your Riding ; I Him
jl,.e �Vt-,F�q _*18 njS I b4r �d an this �aid up Capital 1
IrOTk- will be declare ffrZ -tirst da v of -y. A - D., IN67.
13. Cb&. this tary
I have had the hnnor to recelre roar now it, the fii,,ld claiming, your su es as
Catvrp'41j*,ar and other Ins(cl ( I'h�.i;e J. %.V, ELLI.);r.
`o% I,-kIN DFSTRUYER thie Goderich -Petroleum Company.
.4 CAAVI 12
�1 v,,,v repectably and numerously signed re Itepi
As a Farniov M.-Jwine. it is writ fvt-rabi T IE'A S E T S-9 who are in arrearto be exclude4 from t he wlj per M. C. CAmEaw-4, h.s attorney.
Destrover. 4tiosillon, iaakin� me so become a candidate As there are no great clitlestions now
Wj L31MR 1 Vk 1118HJMS I tnowri. mitevin; trout pain% op ilie henefitof"id0iii4vind.) Orithe 14Lhjihiv tuiep;(sent this Riding in the House of proitrently before the c,onnir3-Coofede
00"iza.,"M griliaten m tm next, payabla *t the Tressiorees Offieb on
)1',1Z*1'1il?mid4PIn w"hent, Caterpiltars Commons, at the ensuitiq election, for which Sion bein,,, an accomplish, d faci—it ii ra Insolvent Act of 1864.
the Secire 6 certificate 0
Me WWl& WA gll"_ wisiavroor mu -s- Spraitis, C ran'troo -in I C F' i.p', - treev, and lusecit, oil Cherry N CHINA and White Grnnite. ust receir. I f. -el hibly flattered, anti accept the nomina- necessary in a short address like this ut130
sn"AllicA face of ch I a Cftoilwa A
to gmw as On
pmooits, and Plum tre", Gnaw -berry and
fstL Stismple for trial sent frore ed at the I- Telearaph Ofhce,' very nice G. P. C uoii off,!red me by so large a number of in- speculate on what the futti. rnav brin�rforth; In the Mtter of William and Andrew
arid 'eheap, electors. I have since receievd the ot, to submit atiy particuiar or 'specifiic piat- in&I,,
toalwot*d&aron�4testmgtl-snients- Dated June 21st, A. D. 1867.
Urt4im4e uco,. 18 1ka a sc� -so-, N - Y The GANADIAX VAIN DEQTUOYER hr ind all It in-; oX cl-tips. LIL.Lnin'1009 nO'Mi-latiOn of the liberal Con- foi�n
n bwt,,re ti -.e T t� ror a to 1-rit - TERMS CASH OR ZRODUCE. I muy. however, say that I will em-
Insef t Dvittrover has been fou. d by so�,rvritive delegates at the Clinton conven- brace the. Parliest oppoitunity ofvisitin each
(.34 laters taken awess wapmd w-29 now Le& Sale of Real Egtate.
I and wherercr w5vwl i. A%41 ;il;ed, n--vi-r failina
IL a Slagle tsitance too aive poe.*manifoill rt, -t I % ho) lave uoio� it to be the only eff, ct- Purchmws promptly delivered. locality in the Ridin, and explain tny-vieAs Yv,rtuem trie powers veted in me as A�s,qa-
nee- oi the estate and edects of the above
W. SNYDEr.. T,) the parliamentary electors of the Sell, fairly and fully on both Iocal and general d -(�Jvenis. I will sell by Public Auction
t=etrafted,an-i we ha%e orvcr kittowt, a r-mudy in the Province for the des!ruc- b
waerr the diret--onoo havc, cenerally, I offer myself as a candid- amI matters: such as the neefssitr of Pair-ourag
of efery Mud of linse", without iiury Goderich June 28th, 1867. -w
er at lite Town Hall, in the Town of Colhugwood,
been proper.y foil. %vtl: bul..'a The ti -e er,tir'. frees 'or plavitil. W0,01, WOOL! -a te, arid trust to receive your generous sup- ing emiration, our trade with the United in the U01111ty JGMYj Oft
are M:rbted with ;t.- ii -,d -it Le i,
qitl� liv eissrs. Po. B. Morrison ot-Co., _P 0, t. States, —'economy in the menagerrit-ut of our W(dreAay, the 18th day of'Septeffikr
i tic tl,ghest tertas L). n,4 virtu" ati-I tua;wai ai-
I 1,ar, ist.on C. W.. NIr. Adarn haw, Hespeler, bega to inform the -ra,m- T the most ofj6u. I am not unknown, nublic departments, and the couduct of the
and Bruce, thni hi, been a cotitineous regide e
Wexpwak froni eii-rorner in thit niaver Nlr_ (ip;i. Silivilol, NJ lion, Messrs. Bastfdo & rda ut in th general affairm of the couctr next. at eleven o'clock. a. in., all the right. title,
betn ill, a ad interest of the saill insolvents to atid to til
inj tesied it thoroua!, to. sad i-erelorr Ilitme wbo Nll in, 11 -re, aril by the 1.,ub Woolen machinery has -woughl) fr if I lor1mg for a period of thirty two years, and Meantime, north etl�l part of-jotnumber twolve.on the we -,t t BMW A 1#0 RALL-S 1# up with N -w Vais, PAid is no -v d.,i,,� t are suiffering trum may of tr* liaviii;e durina that time encountered all the
wb,ch it i,% miy deprrid upun it,, I have the honor to be, side of HUrontIEV10 Street, n We aid Town of
P. Ikegt of work, and is prepared w warrat.t ai I I
difficulties and privations of a backwoods col:inwoA, and county of-Grev. coutzining orw
work entruste�d to b;m to be exet-iii. A in the Gentlemen,
'Und i� me heul_- a Rvmrdv I pl
rt&-avv of t:ie Canwdi; n r,3 in Co. Ilait, �dp, nii well " filled numerous elective and twelfth of an acre, mom or lem*
best style, and of) the shortest notice. ther highly responsible offices, therefore Your obe'nt serv*t, Ddtt-d at Goderich, in the county of Huron, Ll
D.--sirover in caring the diiient-t- for -h1rL it 11 S Put up in Packages at 50cis 1.
thus ivurtu day of June, 1867,
Figlw offlooer. 0 r%;0M0WDdrd. aid ni- wofw1ri-fut sno in wul - arid Z-� 1. Order by of iii pucntu.,I'y attended FUL L 1G,, D Y 1Z I N G. for many years I h -ave bepn A. POLLOCK,
daing the torturinz "rn- of or, Joseph Whitehead. w,,
relierum Nerwers, A &"wns, entille it to, a to.-= h pr,,mriently before yon, and I challenge any Official Assignee.
n Ga inim truthfully to say that I syrou him i� Clinton, April 18th, 1867.
task is the Wit of roruardlett kH theoft C011111111%
ta, mallest -matter.- I refer to my past
Orders ary coming in froui %jcdjrine Dvalers ill a
FIX I Clooth-Dx-essiong I 'INSOLVENT ACT OF 1864.
-nev Skyle of mj5*,l, il:e,, Ju*e 2A;�Tk7. 2.% 4t. _geE
tan index of what my ruture may be,
4,1 put Voo Of the "uniry ter further rupTolic-, and cou 91! as
Having urchn-ed a firitel.iss Shta,incr -to elect me. Having no
d& MA M 1U BE M ewb tile dairvi"al tstit-lartwo ji shoi,ld you see fit Provirce of Canada 0 In the c(rantv court of
Is pallma ho for yeazo at the achine rom N, -w Yorl(. Fallinr. Dy I tijoneta,y want, and none deppriding on me
County of Huron k the CoUnIV 01 fitiro". A
The Caimtion 'aiv M-straver noroer IIE unders;gned bviA- purchased th Alld uloth-DI-ps-iint" ill ali its bianvit- s� will ublic c -best, I not
e 1 tor succuur from the p do To the I nd endent in thermuer of W4,1ram Irwin an ln%-!ven"
give i minetitate raise t. Ali umylcs;;p dealers ki
SIGUAL 01MICE. T lar -e stock of Saddlery and entire be attenide1 to witi promptness A Is' WIR11 for, nay, would not accept. from - Gov- e On I veizdav the ienth day t -f September next 4
jVa etan-8 oirder and use it ; &ad no iituail y o,
FS, -ninent any lucrative oMce, my only de3ire Electors of tt at ten of the clock in the torenoon- the und,-r-
iloot it after once tryin'; it. A, "IT wit 111mikets Napped and Scoured.
z ing-ried will apply to the Judge of the said Cjurt
I wig be Riding of Huron,,
.2 -20 WA ]Gri� 00tv 25 cents per nott r. I-ein energetically and fuitlifully to secure
— r All orders Lhould be addrtm to irict at lentinn paid in ot rio lug. a, n is cha in t)el-. 'a the town of Goderich in said
ITY." 01� it the country in which I h C L-cibotrize under the said Act.
e itilerIfItS a
44, a ifter *= Engine, prim 35 cents GENTLEX.9N.— oun"- for a d
NOR I H - - t n- LY1 4X, 11�'
earca-m le, C. W' LUMBEP, LATH, 'i r i c r i- so many years, and to whick from many Dated at Gode-rich in the county OFHuron tLiso
N AA. Having received the nomiantion at the
T THE I am siticerely attached. 7!hdayot June A. D 1861.
Gene" Agrnt for Cart2ds
I FA; constantly on hnnd. There PrP no leading questio Convention helti in Clinton. on the 15th itist.
it. GcOrrich Ly I d I no 6efore the
9 sigl1w. office! Reform CaLdNate for the Lezislative As
ridan; Gardiner 4, l'o., IPSTER FISilER. put iC At Dresen� but sh,)uld I be electA, swo-m. Atforn, v for the said insol orent.
scidbly of Ontari-), f�;r South Hurn. and
J. Pickard, Wingi-ta 'fills, June 4th, 11167. w2l 2-n alu�irl , 7
ter upcn my duties without offil*.ring
to, iifinin�,itry of the day any factious op-
'�eafofltb. &Ud Uit ed to take the field, and hope to recei.
'n; ke,�ior 1, LLck- hav�na ai!ocepted the same, I am now prepar-
MOQCM` Comp etni, in sticowt box, Drice' '--b-- w—, & 1e&h, I veo
Coffee, Sumar. Curran I . insolvent Act of 18"
1 90 1 P po. i i i n�o, and wi I I assist to the utmost of my
liipe�ml support. f.
o -ter in carqing out the Confederation
Raisins;,-& &t, Try the .1 11 In The matler-f Lieorge Rem, an Insolvent
I Office 0 U S I ti E -S 8 1 As the election will not. probobly, talce
121MA selwine in a liberal spirit. The Creditors of the Insolvent are notified Oref
0— 1 - -Perry D.-tv1%7 PAIlis lifiller. BOOTS SHO.Ei S To every measure cafeu-19ted to advance place for some time, I shall be able at the
rarwity of Knie'llt Casselim, in 43 of Mr. 111mce Horton, whor, has been so long ITELEGRAPH 0 1 C E. he ham, made an A&%isi-amew of him emate and
ney proper period to malie a personal canvass Of efl,ets, under the above Act, to me, the under
ardelionjust to� hand, at the arid rLVOrahly known in that eipticity. be., to th( i iterests and well-being of the County of
We C,;p toe fw,&,ow;n from, tlia Prociaence prope '11nue the "iflost. I)rieo A ppl ei 12 cLs per lb. I will give my undivided attention, the Riding, when, at meptings to be appoint signed Ator-igno. e and theyare requ ire to flint ish
to con
red ed, the views of both parties can be beat d me,within two on the Inim this klate, with their
Uenimuff Adicertioirr tile 4-itpe farrotable terms -to por- W. 3nd best support. SIGNAL UFFICE6 WIVI. OUNCAU and compared and in the mea'ntime, I trust (Wols, specifying the set-unty thev field, ifariv,
site viat we arp
At tbio seasou of the Tenr %!,en chasers as 0ey have hAherto enj-y,.& Godeti,b, 2iZtL Jrue, M7. W23 1 '1411 be an advocate tor economy iw d tne value of it ; and ifirlone- stating the fact;
Tbe- toe of Statinneery is tka fxr;vst, and A receivpd at his st( re West side Mar- you will not pledge yourselves by rpqnisition an
arl kin- T.%e Stittseribers have oil hand at theil '.Iic service, to fat as maT be orapatable tte whole attested under oath with the votrahm
ket '4rIttarp. a large Sittromer stoo�-k of r otherwise to any other candi
MOM eoM*te L -i this western seetion of . the dred cosuplesini, tire sure tapir-eviiI.-4- -budi Shp, 114rket :,nuare, a very taz,,,,e Assort- IV ;Ili I ftc-ou crh- efficiency ; I shall Arocate 0 date. in support or Puch claims.
es; Dommicin, bem*bowf&e im Bools-4no hoes, whicbwi!l be vold at very ' 0
portal was - I have the honor to be. DatpA at Goderich in the County cf Haron,
khru,j sucti alwratioEs in the cutoms '-and exise
foo4wo Ituxopez'n ntanaftetsirers, 'and Gentlemen this twenty-seveifith day till June, A. D, 1867.
s as will be most beneficial to the News 8-P,LL0L;K.
itud tucans of the greatest number of the in- Your most obedient servant, Official Amaignee,
avi S FOR CASHI h-crue, wlict.b.-r it lie for tit days or L9W P I 3b.1- r4in Killer. Poarsons I- I
a -advancti, to the sterliti
lu tic -Y. ELIV001).
a trip to Eum:,e. shou:d be ill n pnl tloll� 1,61, 111% EVERY STY1,19. Iiiihitatits, keeping in vkvr the maintenance ROBERT GIBBONS, J.
INKPINDINT ELECTORS 0 ubliceredht. Goderich, March 19th, 1867. W8 Soliciior for Inesvent. vv23
place their handis on it ia a wonent's W11:111 At X "LLA ]BOOTS P
I S a ddles, Trunks, Vah� tTw'§JW
ingo. -Many 4i3eaws in incide-it to the surnirwi or rH E Yi.eublie debt—regalation of trade, -and
-Sigrw. INSOLVET ACTF 1864.
es, P_
roo'. Shot, which will prove faW if not Im &c.. &c-, which Lhey are pri�prfed to oWer to' NORTH AND SOUTH RIDINGS in reat variety. From 85 eta upwardo. do-vefopment of commerce—the postal ser-
thp pu�llic at zreatfir reduced prices, for ra.�h. i,i,.t--tber..eulargement and iniprovement of
Sheet 31 'MiW= jmA Misine.flaxteous mediate ly checked, can he n room r, dy c ured
aget Virmer, will do'%Vell to call and iaspect ti e inland `-watofii communication within
�e P I ain Kil!er. Oil Province of Canada -In lite Countv Court of
;Wii &A's Ott or 11U33,3N -C:�- Call audipapect, arid you %ill he sure Countir of Huron, the County o'f8uron.
R000� (*isUl" to or&r on the 5hortest Iy ore or
powbigmdCo� #A pokUllWit prSce,% at the more thatill one occasion hate we been ri-liev- their stnek ard prices befure, pilrchaf"n�'Plge t buy. Canadai—the R-ailways--aud generidl what fn the matter of Alexander Faysmith stif
where, as such a chance ;q "Wom ofterpoll. GENTLENIFN: r wiil advatice tho-wolfareand importance To the Free and Inde -
i ed of i,it.nse guf&ring by t! -e ti"�r &W at WM_ DZ;!;CAo1- W. 141iOn-rieen rel-.Wmel t represent nof i I.e Dominion f Caia#e, eliall receive my ent Electors of the I the aN,ve natrili prepai ation." -eneral or tile Count ut Gaderich, Hay 3. 196 7. W15 pend on the Milt(] day of ,epLember next, at ten of
he T 11 :1 A.
- b, �t attention. tile clot k. in (he forenoon, the undoemigned will
Mai officetit Sold by all Dfu� and m'ed*; GAerich. Oct. lGtl,. JWV I
0sts, grpcers, 6w_;iffliar ourser- --
e,ii South Riding Ruron,� app;v to the Judge of the said V urt, at his
the fio
cine irep to represent you at fi%rge ]'in 4hop, S =, EXIEr"S SALE OF LAXLS. � I ih;kll take an early opportunity, -be re
Ch.,,mbers, in tile Town of Goderich, in said
2nd 1967. PERRY DAVIS & SON. a —A.-Ufr- 10 1,..T Linee I.itte. ( Onton. till: vlectlons come off, of visiting the princi- GE, NTLEjjEjV Gotiniv, for R dift-naree under tue said Act -
Having twen retiodews of the County for a Counti, of Iffiroon, Y virtne of a writ of pal localities in each municipa;it Y, auid then Dated at Goderich, in -tile Counly of Huronj
number ofp4ars. and not having little ro m:,k-r tt wit �Bll?teri Factor w-ticd lft Having received the unanimous nom*
WD IS A OF HE public are herf-by c"autionrod, rVot-To extilain My views on iny subjects likely to 0 thus twenty fitthday of'Junt-, k. D. 1867.
ZA-NDS 21.3. a toersowil canva", it) lbo8e wishing,to know, ofHer MajestOm Co4t of nation, at the Convention recen
L 3iO SL Paul stmel, Montreal. to fly held in
oor viewit tin the great titieviour, ol lite day. we Common Newt. and to me direcled agninKi file Clinton. for the Representation of your Rid
Titurchatte or negootiate a certain prunlis come bei'are the House of Com' oi.;s. XLEX2 NAY,"MITR,
Cbwfr6f�Nwaw,1jDTr=%w of writofVea' -sory not-, made by samuel Platt, in favor of woorld beg to Ptate that we are decidtily in fa vth lantir asidl itiocnients of John I%Ielnlvre aild I have the honor to be,
'Lad int, in the Canadian I Louse of dommons, and W. C. CAM 113RO N.
Expomm -fico-loilition. pureandsimple. (1-11) Gont R,)Iwrltvirtniyr-.ihe,let-ndentt,,at the still of Gentlement 0
To Wit. ditmai 1). 0. Bricker, for two hundred ftr14 six ccullocb!tte Plaintiffs, Sobvitor for Insolvent. w22
1%" Facial; for reskim. wMed unt of Her[ 3 FO P me 4B cL14a d lVAinnsys lit crew goanlity. John Golflie and -Hugh M havin accepted that nomination, I am now
Your faithful servart,
f1bouly colart of tile united . wi. dit" CONFEDERATION I have srizd and taken in ejwcution all th, ee field :-Candidate for your suffrages.
t6snow of ff*vm &ad Bruce, and as said note has been lost and patment there -
d right. I tile arid interest of the said defend-th is in D. H. RITCHIE-. 'tustinLr to a liberal and- -erierous support at 0SOILVEXT kOT OF 1864.
-Ift duslud agantooll, the tasids as "Sa of stopped. We will warmly support. believing tbnt lite I a
r a )it to iviii a untherti sixteen sind seventcen , in t he Bayfield, Towt.ship of Stanley, you hands.
.;0111 mine unionx that take place tile gro-sifer numb, ?
at the swito(jobin I Kenzie. D. 0. MCKEEL eleventh coficession of the Township of' Urey wIItf`
I I sloarvit %ill le required to tanke the union more , 30th March, 1867. 1 robability, In the matter of Robert Brallitzon, of 6d
I *Avw, ociowd ajW Lakcs ia caccutwo all the Port El -in, June 21st 1867. w22 3t, 0 ,not lut pit nhet sixteen in tioe twllin eouer"jv� As the Elections will not, in all In
C leomplele. We have a large stock il-Secovejon I townshipol Grav in the County of take place for some months, and a personal villaab of Francistown ka the County of Ehtt-
6da;u4 anterea of the said do-knoilant in i
Aand, takich frot tral Sea Cheap, mpert y consmin; oL a,good F ra m e Huron, wbirli liands and tenements I sha canvass would be inexpedierd, until about the on -
sad so t11161Cwtilk haft aflot somber Twenty in A VOl,fif llffer To the- 'E';j—Lve& and Inde -
to and Dowelling, he C-reirlitors of the-Insolyptit are ndtifA
'Amift concession of tba, Toisnaltip of Morris X1. Bui4ag at" op 4r a Stu for main GlI mytiffire in the Conn Honse. in the e,e of the conteEt, may I hope that in the
a 6e Cosumy of flarm conitanrog our buindred also 'fown if Goderich, (in Tuesday, the Firteenitt 'T
A C -per Shaawtuated on Froot:7itreet te meantime. you, gentlemen, vrill withhold
We decidediv opposp, althouilh we hare just pendentEleftletors of A that he has made an a%signtnent of hie PA -
ad Tene- a r late and efflacts under the above act to mer the
Sam store or tema- whicis L4a& a be 1111 SM iltz Apply Lif by I ttt;r patit-paid, to W" lztent, annexed to onr block a large lot of Bird eage,, day of OctoIA:r nextat, tile hour of 1wettie of the J1rLU__r0'n your .. &mes from such requisincris as are ments I iShail o&r Rw Sale, at my office, in t the udelraigned. vluck. noon. Baby carriages, Children's I oys, &c. JOHN McDOAT-D. Iforth Riding -of now beina industriously circulated in t�ie undersigned Assiznee and they are rejulred r C—n EI-uxe, tin tile Tinsiris oA Goderich, on Toes J, Dtx, A FLELD OF FIRST-UASS ItAY EDUCATION. to furnish me within two months fireffi this 4a7 Ellse also Aw oti a* me=, " the how Of Milirle P.O. Qberifl of Huron, tj ENTLEMEN, Riding (a most nit British practice, and one
�jviefte ct jhc oc" &*ow- will b� ret in five or; left acrei fields to suit We are inclined fin let the publ-e know that Sherirs Office,Goderich, if h their claims specifying thp secor' ty
n , Grey, H. C. C. W we are sellms fil Milk Pons for $1.00. '1 home 4th July, Ib67. w that I butte will tever prevail with C"adian date w _d if
ill" KAVOM A LD, A Iy, J wor 24th 1867. w23 6t upplicaaw Apply to 24 —who prize -P Atir. fre.c. and honor they hold, if any. and the value of iti an
Under ordinary circumstances the term Electon
Sheriff Huron hav ing large dairies would do weil to call at
oCOLIN CLAPIK. o", stating the fart the whole attestpd under
SEA ILLZ & D% vis's. of tile present Provincial Parliantgnt would able contest, fur above and. beyond a were it e
Notice. Hurcri Road. AGRICULTURE. SHERI'FF'S SALE Or LANDS. !el*mlinate in a few days, but since -the last temporarypol!tical triumph), and that you Oath with the vouchers in support Of is-rit
ih, 1867. w2l 3t ging your influence and claims JORN HALDAN. Jv:.
June 18 h9-plil I - I Eleclon. very great political and will refraIn from pled
root county Of H tiron, Y virtue of a Writ of -eners
Powd fin 16th isal at "t, until in the 0
is bereby cautioned against stoeir of Field, tiarden. and Flower Seeds, home yler, F&eiaa j#%ucd ollt constautionall changes have taken place,which support to My opponen aumas Offiiiial As8i-nee.
THE Public
pirrehasmg or ninotisting a note of grown slid imported ; a larfre a8sorliAot of olutjoq,� I ohs I have
of Her A1sjrAy% Courty Vourt of the United callsforad immediate diss; 9f Pairlia; and throughout the Cov..test, I
Q-rKAXED. A dark bily mare part French, � 11 r - , office, J. F. C. Haldsitwe Law Chatobers.
hand drawn by John Knein and his wife. in Steel Ploughs and Agriculturil Inip:ements sell- #Counliefs amurion find Bruce, and to File diret-ted went. opportunity, before you. of meeting him ce
Ab laka=els I billiffif veiled delhJune24,1967. 23-w2t
favor of Anthony Vill, for $50.00. dated 30th " ygar" 1*1 :og very cheapi- is Lands and Tenements of Luirblin These �changes ere found necemary, in ing Gode
D LAW. and
Apniq 1867, due 6 months after date, as no a many difficilltries arising my.ppliciplesand you shall have ol�,
buils, a "its sqp6t iaside orane oflor hind leo. 8 bo suit ot.1saso Buchannan 7
110MhSTFoA consequance, of sh
Left The 'r do tkt 279h of M I flaveseized end tak-�n in Execa INSOLVIEN T ACT OF 1864-
avalue h" been receirt d for tbe same. is will 1,0 2' h4v We are s4oilirly illittsichrmli'to all parties having- aout ofthe proper carrying ori� of responsible porGnity of thus judgib of our
Ada., flo ".. ,, g
IV -log low ight, title, and ioterest of the askid 9
JOHN K1491N. We li e a large ssortineat of in the � Q
ill be banitolnelly reWarded. cood housm . i government under the Union Act of 1840, qulifications for the hi,,b trust we seek at
V,W, TU0,013% Tin -and Utilvaro*W Eave Troughe on hand, defendant, in irR to lot number Eighteen n - i 1-4 - Provipce of Canada In t6 Comity Court of
Gewittiolly us -4 for feeding to cattle, Fourth cone",ion orthe'rown4hip of Hullett in Coalition Goserum- ff;�l 8 .. ' I We County -at HuTon.
a Stephen. July 2, 1867. w23 3t L�11(40111"o, wbiA will"be put 6`0 in' tb4iji6Xt worlifflunitke In 180 a of "vie ent was foitm- yourl, Countv of Huron.
1.01 and aa%ing tho County of' "firtaft, Lands and Tene- trpose Ing A rqmedy for Meantime, I baral the, hoaor to be,
Lucknow 2'Lh 'Une, V�67. w3t meoper, having had a great deal of experience ohicil ed for the pt Im tbW mtter of Robert Pietiftbot an Instell-
root* -"It 4- for- vilsi-anda-Uniogof the British
a a, At v 0111iiiiii, inefbe Gentlemen,
in thillfabiaw line. We guarantec etion I - 4 r ,,jj the existin&
HOTEL� civH'hob" lb - To4i4 w4 Your most obedient S6rvnnt. vAnt. tht: North Arp pr�ped and
st.60 'per Wt at LUCKNOW Giviciailia call 1, th vol'a)- of October Ill* of &Ftember nelt, at ten
Irue. the 6igh next at" -0,6can Provium
9 ITP I A24D STAOF FFIGE. sixth d
hour Wd4V0-6Itllevl6rk�0o&- agmed
;F AkRD Mortgage 0 -)hne ilitundersitr ed
R� S."CUSKOGRAX. ]Frfpnetor-
W tire 111:;termin NALD. Udei jitis arra will apkiv tothe J
MKIllbanoW C"Atution. 0 Sigement wers'
23 a j(#HN to' five a Go
'Goderl* Jam 27, 1867. wt Le,�psliture.
derich Mareb Ifth. 1861. W118. vdge of the said court
tifthobae in all itriprovements
fter H,* ev Geueralj,� '04
his Clla�'theo- 0
sivo wis eldl for Vatio, 44. ce, -rich,
to 644jiarge of matters of
-,rTULTED on �tfhe cmfft�ton the Northern HERE willbeo �ltnra and a JA T wn of Goderieb
S GMVCI Road, LOCIF11011111`9 8ta9"IeaVCCVc`rT T PATrE Ttiow -&bout starting Cheese Sheriff's ofli , 0odo
MON Is VIM ould
X�6,� the United lNo- said Couttlyi for a Aischarge tinder the said -
and Watirerton The
nfonilg - Ondegirob �ulpe, 1867.
THA11119.10 -THE FMM. T 92W up with allfton for Saturday the 27th to 0XV41; WYLTV, Art.
emmifid _y,
ew 11 1 --- vi off, in the 'Miunty of Huron
hootell to %" ,, I Village lot 6, in R _ , 4 q605, and tht'Aaffteiloli�vfii charge of Local
C0111111n)LIM&I Wavellos. A rgat iytW lairkaosh, Coati We believe in, Tfiow detsirous or purrhaturt Daird at d6ded!
w22 tog one rood. Breech-loadibg Hillea would do web to giv 100 ACRES OFIA'ODI this 2ud daf of July A D. 1867.'
con ch a a
PT= sab"be� desirts to refill ilas in.. 24, iso. 2 Village lot 6 in htoft� A, W uAls"Ill,atidbysoaoirig-vrio show thoir- at Under those Circumstances- I have ROBERT PROUTIFOOT.
th"ki P6hwIT to the dreawn of trodftr- &*ntgd at, tbo request of many waFm friends AU V#1 712OU F
SAI a 0
HIM Allo"is, coil GTIM
ich for their eoerptic conduct in awrtrig bis tachmetirto theca(m which wo advocate ItuttliveiaL w23
No j of 101 6, in Slyth, Wlawanoobvcoslaiu"� njilliffo PAhT9:6Aj9T119j;j1, of all political creedainjour ridinoo become
Our filwknin
sTRAYED H E undersigned ofrers for site 6n reaportble
Nooday Morn. Our Conuffitirittilivis sitting (Tin)� " or tbqr L-bct%l Leg4lature Of Min 117D n
2A be considittra that be ia d&Vy T termi; sou(b halfietl,ot�No. 19, in Ilse 13th 6 Candidate IN AL ESTATE 1 9F _111 RENT
a occupation of Patrick moores and our Politics are I inware. as r4eS
to lbes. WROM the Subscriber on the BayfieW All in th' concessi6o, of tho Township of- Wamanostir, Your riding$ sad as one *ho h ided IV E jLL V1
F jx4o&rich, oij Saturdkv'the und brhim a Tavern -grond owd dwelliar Addrobstil, raqd) West Huntly P. 0 j County matlyyeam iq the ncM ndiog,- and who
H&HRY WEL11S. "a to fill f
I' T hope if C -rnR W EST R IN LF LOT NUMMU V -1397e
Rt;hLh it;st., & brown hipped in the off 111004e- Witt havellib honor to bef�uientletnen, Carleton,olt, IN GODERI
aw . to takes a deep interest n bsurtelfilti cancission of fluliv-16 on ttice
sv24 It hipjoint, also a mare -same colour one The boddings Oro a "me dwell'09 house) Your obedient servants. PATIOCK CARROLL. us bouniiary line betwern Glytt)"and Walton, PAM
0 stable, and open sheds, &r., insured. elected neverio �beira;Y the fr' It cotifided . to
9"A A V I 3m
va— IA In 410.1mmy informattrin, 'rVaAA4adj%A4(4 A. g"AARMtrelty for , Fr & ft Aprkt. UK � , :_ � , '� wAv 'Gmd bardood land. vraf
If a 11 a 11si � '%evw
will be rewarded the ballanctil, at short date. Mra, _8b to at" sop w-itered; thiriv ae-res 4earanoo. tityr
wil I lead to thqL- Clin fr. to I MT. wl4 MT Politics are to support the hands of G. X. TRUEXA14 -ed
It - 1,,� .5&jefL ftven 4pree kind
Is M" Mortgage, fur W,_ w carrying out honestly.;,the in
gw:Ecx Deed under power of Sale in a bait in sit. Welt fe-oic T��
tor their the coalition i
e, slid also toL instrupwd to' E611 bly Auction at his
K. tber parttoulars and canditiins at timb of dale. 6 tentionj of thAQaebee -schkin re. Godericli � on L&WSON.—i
oftbe Sharehoklerif of this WIMAIK & WALKER,# Rooms, Markets as
Vcnd oliciltba., Support May 27th, 1867, W*4
coinpany G tin's 6- lilaning. o 6:1 Ility -;Ulyt -
Goderith. on -& - Stra0hpall and to do -all in myo 4, 0 act ..... f.�
Goderi clb� Julne 0W`180� W;1 Vill lato infhl� -At I ay h day of
be sitard 'I thiq 20t
ock P.Ab. vance. ftiti"fentl --your riding--iLud ih�
F A WW" &ICD A,0 R ;l ot
Sr" boom %
i, Im*00.1, '. 8 RICH. 6ft6is ins StAl
ter- WAI Mt�_ I D' AWYER iUR0CZR%11 OWE welfaie Te County. Boo
19 go a a 16 ac with -in the thatwell eite4ted Real. Estate- keown-Astbe
Go JW 'well :quairitill titany
n. 4 HAVE been re.�apipbinted tole a at t
1"Miswcot. "W
inessi4ocaillitnoWlin"""in liffirdiff -0
a fr? --A 7� sbaft-sbortly- moke iv-Slay-bus-
fwv�q td, it 6.,_ Godeddill, riding, but -1-i properq, adjoiiiiing the promi-
111lik Iot tb* vatioll tU, edlebrabd i erent toww ldeLEWAN
ExiterFoactary Cbee". ses led by mr. JOHN DEP-A
rincip0s in F
141toigji -Iny p -being pat V'�f Vjaift 6t N-04-968., LANDI
-slow r. fj�"__-te iVom Groor-cu
shipi, wben'T is�j
A0=0r1Aat.d,' acb0ou"PsalmstlNG r`
-signitill bogs to.-annotince to tb� Low 46�1�r* sqplioid sit. 1:110
fill w, , . _0 P_-f4t_-V or aspirs dings erek,,od
VILL Fs'p"'ry deisii - d ittii for SUV611- with-, buR
AGO Qk, 101#U ---Opp I
an boo
'farlkiAra of this 06 to that jb6 -`L`�jj�
1ifinors when so the v
4 r kboirp lMEPHiLRlV416T14 p Uffies oll
SAMUEL PleLLIP, THE P !Munhy 0 A I;;,
Aw o. bein_ the north lia! r OT lot thirty-fo in the t6or.6nL, Al 0
&twAillff 'Concovio to' - ree
w=f. first rpf4jh*,,T_a.wnship -ot Torm. he,60a$inu0X,,40_U ageti&,j .&
-judgingto Meiio f, St - UMM.-
t L1iX._1#", iss"r rbctivli��- rdfis -0r, the oaadidxii*`�� wo.11iiixor- 234:1 qt�
berry will be ilait"ll"MAders terms, part rbilltO T ter -1bo-Vjta"r"xUt;X.
;6 OP.' Urst*4 *10 W 0 jW June 25; �i6t: fi 'iilj� tb fill Too!
---------- 14r. -o]f Btit�h Rul fi on and at
Waited 0 till ft$ ij ,- i _,6"
0210 to
-11" fuml of Ifiluar k, biss tW- credim Tbero are about 20, acres clearIS4, a thelr=$6166: The
jay tb sA ic4je4
t. All j�=jeCjj&ftjy1. good fratnis b-wo, &a. Soil oteeflint. Raid.
P Y7to#.
_,y *wh", by "IN& Alllift"
""M &W dW 6"0,1 -�W" bf paid jeds, qc, first olau A
j, �Opjftj_&
nit 1116tv,
W to wood timber.
Villap of oilf be 94 lieros-4
how Rind- _qo,� - � *,',
I 1 1- . , - , iff, L;,j!�t � - , -�,
ally awma
a Ho uwa - *8
jilitin. with _SW ga;0 -eq up, i 1411
or Si0m, 0 , - "
iiLLUX&I QjWj' , V0*
ft -till '�, 1. le ,�_ I wlw& .- 1- -1- il' -
F-61 -c _.__ 1
too 6 X, _. � Mu
40- - I. �1, . L , 'n
N As
ly 1* nkoliia *4
abat fog&—" Of WPM qufix -
wjlr. wzz
'. - 'J
74mmaj HIM.
edevieb, th,5 to
w24, 31 to