Semi Weekly Signal, 1867-07-02, Page 2EA, -n r 1-C M- I jo 4, '. (For the 111ur to Signal tbaiiek WWA of fo, which ;-athcried all arvend I.jeut. Sheppard, Ensi&n Cantelon, 3 roltinteers' rilles. Tha sentie PARIS E11111WIVION. tailler. Wrtraumalls a A 11ort!Wprench IOU tilem I ., �, . jall, this timill rtim.—About 12.10 on Monday morniag, ;>� OD TO ei-W—F-3 ant. I. Priva e,,!. was a tru'y grand one. 'the shady batiks an o:d building oil Victori.A StreeA, used its a SUBSTITUTE LAUREA IS E Yet, it gloomt w 11 h; �ut, it I so 1,y Froin the Trade Review. Tile Paris ccarrespcaq�ent of The Boston TOR TaF, INAUGURArtortir or THE N 1-: NV The.13it'aii,)n, whieh was uatley com. 01 1 to Naitland atial old Haron weto throng- Paint and Carpenter shop, was destroyed by I RTICXNGE, BUT T11UIp,. ew wee" L,� a cri, p*, Ili my last I promieed you a glimpse of the Post is -giving the reader& of that paper DOW.NION OF CANADA, a] with a maily dressed multitude of spects. -fire. Aseverything about the Evel"Y Yonliglaityand getailrolosilluithe 'redforarveral-lear, w"a'a 11WIT Mearis in that litne tu�r, t c, Inaild A LlIuL Col. Ratis., attende-1 by a I building *..as ('111trolStaievor C0nsv1m;I ban previcusl y beau It, ought t,�, w d to. till 11, irs, the gunboats were tt-ck-irulted With flags Very di- it burned very reierved gardent and I wili briefly endeavour numerous sketches of scaidiflous crimes rin hear vv�nnrihjng� v#,ry itlat glyegad diftax- wo'lintel st'aff 6ITIftsist ing 0 r Nkaj 0 r Y, rapidly and ­all 04t; I muc" It) Their advantage by it"'vire to h leflow-guacrer. oUevery polite -rly ad- . to give you varied. Th-aiNi! tort mg i,:ar,,,,j­'ulai,: to der. To all ,h drqjr. '! lic Ilt the scene. T,,Tere, vsitl% n a la! f e :�%cc Stretmere rn, 0,e Vnion could bo done was to sare the prope a sh;rl sketch oftbis dolightful committed in France. "In a 1#te letter he Lift high the nation,@ song-chargld voice I rIllilrill Mall f4rer no 6%, addretsing the in I% Nk hsch tkwk up lut'i i olle 6, :r t., 'III- Is V lew in, - I. ioul,.a. 8e) in tar an I Davidson,; Our glorious valloreut proudly bull. unit u4pwn used (free U: ilroargri frogia every, srot, which is separulud from tile iest of' the narriates the following it -Here stands I c ! 4 ""1 A Jack WaVe aV`iLi:ab:o point, and j,iiiiiii-, TI, hicii was done with difficulty. 11 ri 1 11 oth ell I I "*%'till ljoarall AMIMM let nil Te)oi �e. ser ­w I. War sit,%e h�A 1"-., lots, vi,d. an I cw presente I a fity, appciirano;� whm drdwil the I4l;Ir line of Vo!utitei ra completed grounds by a bi�gh ruiling executed with Vitaline Legrand, a -splendid creature from Till rapture soundo on every gale a F. N1 inn, ruititer, lost about liklio.00 worth r. (ilAP\lArj c,,Lve. and 49 U T:,Iass, Ilp it! r j:_ or,lev. A finer Io Aii)g bo ly Picture ursuirpassitt Zocituty. ,I L''o's, &Q I laild two youlig carl)#.Ikcrs, good tit -it. Oil lily first entering I could the South. The dark eyes and bronz,!d com- From city, forest, lake unit rivur, WA New fork. ofth, soulvrfl,- 1— 6, f rT Ill a QIA,59 -, "at u! Tor I): t. -1 n,,t b,- Illuml ill the 1) Italia- sestreely btl:it vt, Illy cyca. Six ID1,11, I et jubilation shouts ascend- hencti the affiict�l 5 -le "WI, .1 t 1, ;%(1, 1- 1 4 tur tho fitin-, , e%vers for the Queen, the 11:,d I" all Jht'*r tools thg ri�'", plexion, tire rich masses of* her raven buir Conceives lot* I :t. all I - the liand Truth @ruled fearever. "I Lry as'. e I ­ at !,is 11", 11 1 11, k it w llitA 'A no tre Ito (it ve;nor C­ttoral at al the Ne z, Dowi nion -it sei!ous ni-iter, iti solve of dict I I li.id I%ts:ked ovoi 811"t a ditty- 'Duddy thedeep vetmillion ofthe lips, till betiny a, "i,-, -is';ss - a 14,6FI, :4 Hem I t1rill oil I n were t . no nation's power call reipd. OV VOUT111. liter prove 6-T of a 3i4,-ok, sw r- V 11 k ­%. i. , 11 p, 'wn, it Bpot Vvell ailapted for the Lit ill lug of I A Gentinisit who suffered t,)f PtruteswUIb­r­!­ wert, gi%ou by the Volutiteers, avid taken tip voty custly. Nu dw)la it wa-s the work of once Lhat ardent love or passiunute hate Unity V -1111's In'tal Ner"ovall ,ill pies or sidd, the s4ts :-,var at h, �i. t ii I R, I. II0­' Th (t Id, 1, -Ii V[ rc men, al i-) hy ill, Cre,�Vj­tfisi tL, )0118 Since it presel'ted" it dead levil WILII- linve brou�ljt her to tLe bar aguinst which uelnility, Pretuatare orcay. aiw ,j; rise capettooryouta� j-'Isti I rri d !..s Re d I Lilly tars in port winidt-g ull, aq:jo rascal!y i vot,di -2 Up! wins nf freeman : hear* ut worlh ul indiscrexion. will f -f th,: %Rk, or'suffervag barvarturnitior ca it a tree Or even it ditell to brutak the waste. slid1eans trembling with rage, not fear, as I Ours ilia broad land cd wood and stream; Issas an expl-N.-ST"ll "t ,Il,x t IV tit it ri,un,l or 1111,clical ch'.k.1-8 lithich d.d - — ­ C, sen'l free t" a;! , h "I ...... I IT. 1111. r,­q`e` and direcuoravate e -,it � it, tin, 1, r I) itos ('hit![' E -i. w' t::)- C,wl I;tii gc:8 M itiost: tits' -,i% (I tljeir lost . z .0:!, tbclr 11,11gs. 0 The garden before me presented r.9-iy rocks slid awaits tile decision of tile judges. Vita- 1A, earlier flivor9al tealms cfearth, mak'n, Ill" i,i,,j;dv reme(j) l'?, of the cidit � I" Alt, Lrt:,I*lt I) Ilit -.I 't! -I U le )1 0 erer* wj%hing t., pnpiji oy I jr advvrjI6erjA ex c t-l-ni;lIt. 'Ihose who lii�o sut-li aid b-113 cLulbed dutted with iiis arid other Shrink Iiienth its. star's asceudent gleam -1 �,N�Ir S tull I': dr I% U 11 the ynife,h, bkd el-IZ4 III I I'A' 1, !r., I:. * ) - - - Tilb: ti.ingi %%ill fiad t1iii to Le %he best troupe in a lina waiijemnie de r7janibre to a rich, Spa- is litice to light and love are given, call do su III Perienc VIE GREIT E-N� an exrr*.�-,t n 0 ur"t v t d eiz- t of The vollan'.eerz, t1wir It izidsonia) c-lor., plants, ivy creepinj tliiou�h tho stories, nish 1.0y, whose carria,,e was driven by the I J 0 H N' FT. or, nFri. Bed vithit c: (t-Sa: d t addin I The 1, lutich of dw ScLooucr buill, ibis Amci I Cal. Tin preblige with the rubly free; 4 mucli to the b,-Du'y W' the siwo, I achnien, who looked. Fair' lering in the womil"oflicaven, SIR JANILIS hungiliz down in clu8ters: mo!,t ma,,ulficeat of co fus He lipaned his brt�w i�pon one liar 1, vt,-tl I:' lo. i sunituer for z5oywour and Horton. 0 k c Its fi,idm expand from Pea 10 am I j. Our article oil the grcat reform Coll-., while nil the ruggi-d ail,] brolcen Steps cut Ili when scatcd hi,h Upon his coach -box, li' the t,;h*.- Is, i.td ;be c,t I n it Lite L cV, lit of Ili-, d ty. T! rc it -Celebrated F( wHrSKERS WHISKER811 prepa M twith commi,nications, and the rocl�, or ta!u,i:,� t1w w`!I llAtbs one of thi gods of the Olympians p -at least red froarart a pre it �:, t �IlAl' p-lat el-v,n, thf� ('irler WIS wast a G:ic Tit vv of tl-,, %%li Ij aiT , i r rlao': 0 Tit. fir. L. Q. MG'YT#-,Z' Corrolla the irresteva atera Clarke, M.D., th 06 &.tjSjI tijoij. Be I k"e an I C , I in ol her tit Liti,r wi1 rap,�Vnr in the 1�cl i�sue of' w.rdin,; oil the hill, fits, I't inF, ai.d flowers, so thou.,lit Vitaiiije, who loved him with ail I'ttroll the banner of our slits. uitator in live W -rid. will fo ' 4 V, 1) to rill Irs, tit irch," 1111,. ree Wh iskert; or Allurs. to Me 4� sian,dw., v6 rzh hi-; bs, k to t Ne fi Ill I Lac a,'i ico.t ai.d Lhous.ai,lvi of pco. rprin, forth ai though th -Y bed been here adumb5o wh:ch led her to the blackest of The standard ofilve truly brave 'IV teraCT 01 - itn tl,e h4tt-6 nt pr w -e le I to th,3 squ ire a II!, taches to grow on the smoothest f,,, nor the ir. tile tit I& avail --d thVIIISAV-1S of It. Everyti,in - The wcatber on the First A Its cool but planted ft,r milt yL ars, -A hi!e in so-ne cases to nuurdtr I The coachman hd Whose fame in wed to litifliesill. lyres, ii,ver known to fail. Sample for trialaitent fivlaa Tips Invaluable mot L; I . . cl,lalt's-even O,er evrry clime and every wave. to any one d,siroij. oft�vvralnglls merits. ,tdden the it vresmv n c t o t �- a is I e 1 11 t lie 7e "I great asse,ublg-, li ad ath.,re LI to ve,y duty. or immic ruins crowned tile promised more than Le could pei-f-irm. He R FvvFs a qu So-. N. b,,iiix lit rcadlnes,�, Liao vork-iien coalulen- On citadel, and toiv,r and temple, cuilte cat all hoaw painfulaa tile bi!l, from which te eye -looked down and had nwreed to marry Vital ine,,.kt dthe rich High the lovId gonfalon ruise i (No let teris taL,4en u rates, prepaid) k:cd to tile v,�sicl'ssupports lit once, r a special telarraphic report of tile r toodgralev; a] n<l r. - as ti %'%.'I I I I., r s" in k;rRtL I I belieloit an undulaing surface oil every side, Spanish lady objecting to In men in Beneath its fulds an pare and simple, 1 CR)wd of IL, cariou'ly ir�clinod fluct ew York markets Up to 2 and a.,peedy cury aid) Lie As i. oils at tit elrl tie , LT. Do., to day see our market atartick. rectietit ? rass I*ever her service, he made an excuse to be off his vivak e all our hores of f store days. I el itub,�r d u6,ard. nuLn'.):r of ILr superbly covered by tLe barvrain. Th e tacknosviedgemetil. of the TO MARRIE1 I ear. II,;, w, r IbeL(ld, crol(d tind 1,vit with the tuot imposluUity to fulfil his vow was wade while IV. . ' ' )I fe: Icss CHICKET A1.1 scrupulous elite. I liee slopes are by fiist- t�he"Ln.,M' 'ed pair -cic taking tea lut (jfl PcrlrY Dawlisl plilitin Kajetilits 4brang on the monthly pts I, Tior �o 1, ieriff , I ''I I T. Iail empire vast and fair, irloucial 1.140dr, pt Our, 11 1. 41 1! 1, all SL'Vt I. it 0!' oil r mo,t rr"i- tit tile croi ti-ces ail I iu�uincd the boo.n. r itt- hotiI ultural SUIT in;idc to appear Inter- t-st chiiia t( -a sea viLe, beside the t- Treasonous its name to i-istor) Is- page, Are clip the f011Owin.- from the Providena irramellt SLaIllp 01 Great H Ali at filled wid likes and foun- beech wood fire in Madames own boudoir, *hich, no-bly avid enduring them General Adverti6er bOr ul evcrgrans at the. bow was At Goderich, between Prine�, A11'red ""Gab 1 ", and a' e while Nladawe herself was at tile opera. I I I A.N D GCol RAk It Di� 1, 1 �44 i.i roa, it- turns, whi!e car Alust rise in fame from age to age; I lir, pared for 1.6 c*-i6st,:i,iu; c,,rctuony, �uwn every rockv lie cat te-unce of the latal word the hot Eve. in power aild worth isicreavot ;v,,r it F-r�Nv tr I ail I S lid' At At this &eager, of the yea, when cholem, 7%�"j PAZIJ ShOU4W V1,4 & la Soutbern b.,)od of the I'air Abi-doil ro.,e in a Secure from dark despotic avray, as IRS7 THREE ARRIVE- I which was porfornied by iss Alleock, lid liliputian, islands 'dot ever cholera Morb , dystentery, ard other kin- the F Vfst '!.,n of fruin. IIIt - ii,:kuowll� 1,-., a , CIATON, FIRST red complaints are sure to prevatil,everLbody wancy, aj thy aie . t 110 3:11; 1 b',! d I u . . I'll r. A strt-aLa sot -no six ftet. dtep moment. Before the Lay decoeiver had time Adorn Id by every carthly blessing, riaet, but at anv whey it AI -e- ................. i.ni A . .41,t --r 0i' t),IV Csi�eaicd ,,iz, RUNS. It u 1, -1 TTALL to perceive the iinprossiuri hi avowal had Lauted by It--liginal's brigitest toy. !houdd be liberally supplied with Perry avial In all cattex of Nervous ... . 11'. 111- r L r a,' t! I Iz4,! t I, r k,ur neiv Win Sman 1 31 1,21 It Ilemn .7 tljrou�h tI e ground from one eiid a Vege.able -Pai, Killer. Persons josvivg Ext ri -4 un .... .. . Ill :� L (1,2n- ral A',Icock. A few I-dw Vui.lt) 0 0 wild tile china te pot. with- this scalding TPains in the Rack and Li \ tit It,- Titv,,ml I a:l tip m 1, He I -Usk C tic toll 11 to the other over ivhich t' e inost cleram hcme, whether it be for a ?d ......... .......... . ..... 'Ir II niore III )ws at the we,IZ,r;, a few 'tsetu.)rs his it ul- - '.9 a Contents, wa, dusliud into his fce, and the days excursion or -exertion, Palplattion of-ofm 1) ? rA .. r I' (�'l 'I 1 8 trip to Eurone, WhiLes, these Pills will e c 1'recutun b 11, r -,i I rustic b:i,],es are Thrown. The Emires'8 costly &untr bsiii offlue crystal thrown up AN"hilst tyrant dynasties ofearth, should be in a pirktitiou to hit Burns _ 1 3 L. ller,ai 4 -other means have faillo : I ... .. .. .. ........ i.!, 1 hit Itarlusid 1 131 c Freeman b Gi,,img -hous.,- i placed cloe to I at the cut glass chandelier. The victim, In gory ruin tottering full, Place their handis on it in a moment's waIa. 'fulroomiedy. do not conuir throu,li, t:ic -rrcat ulass -of' wood, -inl the �:: #j 8unituer ihe orches ing. any jiseases in incident to the summer amonv, or anything hurtfu! t v--zLs,-1 strted on tha wys. The P-111' Gor,ol., 0 ller,,n 0- Ira, und lleyUud it, stuuds tile establisimcul I Winded aud tortured beyond e4duratice, was I", our DWilusion lears to hirth m E',v 1, 3 re I: s,, n 1111., as 'Tw her's the ero- 11 th'al, which will prove fatal Ir not im. At ...... h. I I 1 1, 11, -n c Jackson 3 Shrieking meanwhil for cold 'water to cool wit, and their's the pall. d traditl"nLI1 bottle of wine was then broken 0 b limung 0 of a world lamed glacier. In every poii;t ! Call jL rth the joy otpaitnot bosoms, Full shareettunro in the ic in % hich Ta statue can dominate with o,d 1 flivil b:ktered shin. The fiend;sh tormentor wediately checked, can be prom tj cared riscktxge�, vortiseb should be t: ell a' -e ail] rea I the I H111i out. V. Gisslarig I by one or Z. Y Sole agent for the Usvite­�j o I tle bow by tit , fair young christener lot1%.1 vul. 0 Plun tier. Oil pr7tver, anli Lit the inevury ittired nook ill wh.cli it lead.i limi to his own chumber, arid, affiveting 'I'Vak" the fall choir of minstrel song, -we doses of t- e 11 t'Le nairic 4ive, an I wit it et, er-increasin 1"�Uilltlltl Illay uttrUCL you visre aw-e to Lvit li s face at.d ease Vs pain with Whilst, ummer wreathas earth's 1pr&w with.1Zssoms m,)re than one occasion have we been reliev. JOB MOS11 I Si1­11c" - 0 Arid Echo shouts her cells among. ed of intense suffering by the t1inely In at N, B. -W a" six po I to liqjd (itiv. Tbc inantriel' in Tit hich this water from tile foulitaia it) tile kitchen, ONTARIO darted to toy atilhartze-i vat t v tile seliooucir US eat . I �ND INNINGS. ltoliJerful g4,rdwi is laid vULLIIrUw6aI,' furilivri leach, 8 iraitead tile butt:e of' vi-,riol ed to e ';aaQvrag-MLv Pall hV Minter t -,61V 6 d, . 1: M. n owe, ;z i the abuve named pr pataLion.11 11' V b i T IWc, t tvards nativ,� elawent, into vilibich y V1. Suld by ail 'N n I 3 Lffijits nito tile shade. Even oui, owl, clean tile qaticepaiiii. arid saturates mith it grocers, and me& ORTH U (i el e. of t:ie 8", cine dealers. . dashel -Nith a gncat plun,-e,-tlio d Ism-ticu:luiral architect. Sir Jush. the spon,,e she hands hiin to apply to bi8 Ourii be the reign of love and peace. Nclv� ca 0 9. Our weapons not with carnage staftied; PERRY DAVIS & SON. agit tit ft i. ILIA h May 0 1, u I'"xior, vtoulail had he seea thia have coit. face I The rs,,o-�y f -the poor VULng Mall a %% e tnumph oler no man) rid race, C. July h tP ss"Acrs n I the tars tin tile Ijur,Li a 0 f ssed, thut it surpassed Chatwordl. May be ipes icd at, fur iu less than two Piprietorita. "-Sold in rytifetirb b% J,-hn lia.land I Him out. Biji-mg 2 1 0 into I'li hmij, b-Twsprit and alofl WILVilIg thAr h%tS I;t11g I I (joroundd and Larkeithead Park-ijits three hjurs afterwards he lay a dlAi,,ured corps Nor waste the blood oftribes enchained 21w 3m 380 St. Paul street Montreal. 'F. Jordan ; Gaidiner ow e :1 1 CV, it t.) Thy n I Jarkwn I itnublcst effoj is. No wouder, then that I wus.1 upon a dimity coverlet of tile little bed The hl.,3dlezu war which virtue wages, f8esitlamat, Horelvilie -, J I 1 wil I ly. Then the st.-cawcr bearing the L',,u,it, r 1 1 21 1 3 Not ,ul 9 Is unt %villa deacly toward or spear, Combe. Watts & jeloh. Cie i-ro,eatlull of Thi all uck oil my enterance with Lite btauty ol 4here Vat:di'le slept, in the clos,-L adj",)I'Ill lig \% I, c I).. Kertan b Giviii,ing 2 0 Yet fast the gloom of be distrusts ageal vow, I,. -Hickastion, Setoilforl �j r, I I tie jejgi.... ume was thrown to 010 br`C'�V, the SOMA a. B,r-,s Is uIS61lig 1 the sceue, lit up by a btilhaut sun und eat. I adalue'd own room I The cireonstances -The New"Do i%j Before its face must disappear. te ct It'd on the water njost racel'a1y, and 4 liveried by Ike li'liv 8trisine of a anil' ;atlenuznlcs came here in troo.,na-love. tu.,y 'Ce. IV — rt-o;ve 1� M L)v and euc,,�w- no of the Prot[ iest si t of Lh day was build, I% hich j)!ays bere daily. jeultiusy, revcne arid diel)air au moral: CRICKET A 0 ORLS I C 9- 1 - Tit. GREAT Ir' !? h' TION I -N h`u Ii'!l y t., Ti L) r. we b(-s(,cch 0 -') Oil cxatimi.ii it, I found vic appruti-ig rocks I Yk)S'.h .41111 t)e!IU[y auphysique, made lap.the Call forth the efty I Wake the wild! G I D E i It' If. e u: c;: di,,-tt tLuir c ovcr. Tne 2chootler is a Stoutly built Total for Llibtrn, I a,. and 2nd lunin,,s. .48. Lt, hL.Ve beell faujulatca out il,,.ide, arid must list-aud so this frantic woman was;sentenced 1. Let %VealLb and Iabor join the train Just to band at the Among the Mom timportaii I I'le of I bY gl rv, voss,l lnteiid�d to c-irry 10,000 bushels FRINCE A1XRI.L)­1­'lR6T rum -Antic giutws (or envernsi former by thum to eight, y --ars imprisonment only. Had she jark-It lrom tile , roo:s (if " lilch %%L:l committed forgery. or stolen a ioaf tet graudame hour and lisping child, disc lverie:, s6 'I C�u ch, I!le Lollor of Her I 1 1 121 c C C,,unter b firigg diSj1layL­l to feed Tile -N,:w 1) win 1 -n w ts u�la - r- 117 Al2 - a­va:1 Ithis of,grain, and n:fl:cts much credit oil 31r. llif'lu Itur, ut. 13. b rig g 2 :st4luclitta; %%u:e hangiij� ur vvely letlofill her starving children, she V�oulvd have Leen Corniftingling bwell the f�stai iitraiis.a Signal 0MUSIF CANADI IN PAIN, 11 the Iyll (,)U:Ity of It Ir"ll 11 8'.411113111 2 b Stuart 2 1 Shout ye dense woodlands! till Varictmver As a Famdv Medicine, it Ti. A i,.i t I. 13 to e 1. u To I b'v bi Oj,� 1ArIt,)n Ear builder. "till -ulg 1 1 12 b un' 9 , alld apparently every vig,- vao-uell iizlitdte� punished Lot a whit less severt-ly, Respondil "r, rehe' Rut 99 to rugged brad &slown. Ving thuslotaiji in a west j yous nlnnor. A :1 :;.L -S I i-) g h I �.e n. & 'ta: I,, it of Je,lls 111-i HUAT RACY. M 1 3 1 Uut. 1) Stuart 4 that the L:igluib tril,Vtiller might, wiil)uut -And, '- Rule Brittann' rule forever F IFTYdozennew Style of I'leut. 1 1 1 c Hurns b nuin 3, �Sidv, Back and head.Cougt S Iu; I: r a �. d S -i% iL.ur. I rccutull 21 It niq very great snetch of 31114,11'atioli, f&licy WELLS m ALUMRS.-ritiventy-tbree years Rings from the Po'c a e 'a shore. (;fwvnf L The boat race, for vvvm,�b Lbere were elevo. L B. W., b gg 6 so j A:4ttl 0 b Stuart 0 hiwsc;f witudt ring agiti;j till :)ugh one of tLe ago tile French culuttists in Ali Will ANT BANNATYNE. ttaovle�v ornorbuis,Oysen that Was 3LOUL La take plice in our 1,- "A I ratries, commenced Immedvately afivr tLe -le"all I I 1 3 Lar,p fissures are inade Ashfirld, June26th, I X -a 3E3 T—T AT 95 Petor then came forwar 11 ;)r h, Ian Illeir fizst tattecraps to sink artesian wells in Pistillate, Burns, Scild - asizich. I he start Vla Very guod, but the I 1 1, Small .1 In patent bindinn (will last for jiosarg) at tW. &c., &c., cil relaticins as c,,'u!,,i s, and all e�i: rt� 1 3, 1. ur 0 c Burns Is Urigg here arid there left,throuiii which tile he acluir,-d territory : tatii, after I:ow- ti,ra) towards ettLk�j:i.tC, %hich, de- 13) es I I ` The CANADIAN PAIN vi a ud, c'c I- %or -e read the 5 1 u it tit it� lit be seen, w It ie ourita, fit two places ill the p.-ovince UE:- 61'QNAL CWFICE. vow been before the public hesariiit into th pr,-p-ar4-.i,),,s fur e I Tr-jC;t,l iti.:h frum tile irt­rcst of the &ffiir. — 1 of Ova" IMETEOROLOGICA by he Qmeeu : - recew;es, lit from tile toP, and gluzed with to a �epth of 98 at;d I i� metres, without *a Tioarbearever rufto is soft bralfi.).. All ev 'Et &I important Tl�, I h,� fol a I wei e tile p; iz -:s ta!,,eu : - PORT. :33 thic'. plte .,luss, boLh irvaii ai,d B,L:t water suiLing witter, the atlenips were abandoned. it. a susloe talistatinee to give A PRO 1 AMATIoN. Ist PliL-, Win .I:iulljels ....... �10 00 1 The L1#19 Xarvel* erio- of the various cropt; f,rmlng tne 2 -ND IV'.%tNGS. coutiliwilly floor in, seri i.;,, to support it, 1�436 opel,allolls sitimellytised,isivid we have urrity ........ 8 00 wo.re resumed by tbe Prialpittred for the Si , by be viu of every II ind and 'Sort, y -snazoevi'dLastattifacHon -be iewed, uffilitary torps of engineers, an.j from' that &Wigm orwr at Gd%i6rvfek. Huron Rattall.)n of 1'.)Ilinteer a! 3A I.,,)ry wray ........ 6 ou a — &Eagine, price 35 eezim been foilowed ; but Fo- the Prorinces af Cana&z, It 11 4 ' 11 a Parloir StA N)ru �ki)lta, an.1 Vclw Brunswick into I 1 2 3 e Ja&ksou b Stmart 1; , as it were below the Bur&ce of the stream, ate, with two or three excepli 9, every prope the Couny Tuwt. Markel it as'thz p?oper ine. ........ 4 00 0 Is tj narg a-. 10 AT THE are detwIM with it@ op"T'i Dvitrainion under the %,line f b Susan c Stuart iland showing mitalie rocks an prave!ly b�)ring bus succeedval i and at tiloin eud of tile highem terms of-itz v& Canada. I A Wanco of money, left on the hand of Jcul. 2 Not out bottoms, um,,ngst which the piscatory tiLibe DAYS. plae-- i I wfi,s­,�k t,.) unite the ree irt-i arid f the boat ruce be expended in 11864 only five wells were flowing said E C, �u !�B; '3.6 recrea- Lo I 5i most, trquend v grub6ed Zr tood or delivarignozy 41,20)0,000 larrs of water every Time, 7 a. In, sSigmal office -Y Wappeatfrow ftMt,iM,!13t the I. yal lolia,,itants of this linzes fur a roing ru Atch ill a few days. 1-1 -lion. GI'L-the;e wrottoiike Aqu i0 rd in ft hria there � -s Ij -KU" if thomighly. a br an Act or f'wliament passel hour, or 100,000 cubic metres a day. The W, 0 2 Is CROQUET Completes in stout box, priellir -an suffenag bum any, 0 Exccusio.\s ETC. Total by IPtince Alfred," Ist and 2ud are severul thro-i.b the reserve hich not water is I impid and driukable, but generally -- $6.09, at the Wflawill it is recommended grmt Cilu:it�, aal we ar� h3ppy tO bZ �n tht� 1)�y of M.Ich or e only serve to atiMue tile Tititor, but atrurd a- alAc to say t1a, the pro;rammiw- dritra up Dal i.., 0.e lay and evcning the stvatn,r illnin;i, -19 thereby winning by I run, arid 7 1 �a little blackish. The t5ovet of such a sup- 1867' ,,liffienag a Smemotga R*wmd I i ei -Lt hu;ALed ad ,ix:v b( ven. I I el cool retreat in summer. There are at least I h1on.sJunelO 292591 68.91 .1 1 3 .59$'3 Siffnal. dftAm-% ce aston-litall; eata" It 7 ��-Ivcr Spraiy atoll ititort gave shurt excar. w i clie is to go do wo. I Dly 01; the social lire ai.d industry of the Tues. 14 11 W4 1 57-9 INW I to win .y an energefic committee of iluating.-­ I %L! th-teen h year or our Reig-, lct-tuld air aadoz,�n auperb reenhapses and colivatories, jDatialtrow is curing the ,y ci r,r ilie Ui:.on of Canada, N',jva Scotia, sijas an the Lake' which were well patro country way be �%agiraede A village'and Wed. - " 12, A88, 1 62.1 1 S 0 A50 A variety al Knick enaelrill, is wo-omneuded. and " Two as which disp4 the most spleu4id show of rare daito plainsations rise up around e*ay watifl, Thurs. 13 AZS � 61.9 E -1 101 .0127 itirtic es di6W the tortoorting parats an, =nt of our town-smen not o aizA. - W one ef the larg-st gptherfn�;i; we have evcr aud New Bru,tswi", -an,f the Government Toe ;;lines on the s uzare commenced SR-AFORTH, flowers , there are precious plants blooming arid the natives, having so Fri., oat 14 A45 64-9 EE .1 just to hand, at the -rdievivat Nervous Affectioi I tit f -,r I ur, ost sa connected there-. e mething to lose, S, L, ., 15 t e in the opean air, arid shrubs of the MUSL prefer peace to predacity. Thirt7 five of the 294 b9-9 S. .0 seen in Gj&rich, but ave unirersal sat- ..th, after dlvp.,s R--citalls, it ii enactel, that ab )at . 4 cl'iock country buys (From our Special Correspondent.) 1 2 SIGNAL O.VFIOIL' rack in the tiost, of reandSM4 arri,its, awa, ouA require the wellsare in the Oulet kir district, 'which 0 The I- Veto, ity of b W al expr It e in is eassed Seaforth July I lt�67. I education of a butaTilt, the fMte Of a! Univer strettlies far to the south. approximately by arturnitivers, thus : u..'Calm, The stock of 9tatfonery is an ts iral us W it sh I;! lIe law,u' for the Q een, by an] wi y nrWof the priz,-s after a hard exquisite beauty. Bat it w isfaction. cont`ebt- I'Ve rdtratu front pubii8birm the The deepest well the largik.1ad .0 eco, ry t.eadv:ce�I­Ller�l:'etsty's an,st honortbie F,&TAL ACCI.-,KXT.-A man named !�uliivan, I gal florist, to Moderate Gale; 10 Very heavy Hurneartle,&r. most coul tegillyrattag &2 0 Me IM pr z� last as s line of the winners are nut describe them. I therefore is 175 metres the shallowest 29 metres, and plete iii. this western, pection, of tw noW THE DAY WAS USHERED I.T. Privy Couiocil, t,) declare by Proclamatio. t The 41 extent of ofsky el ouded 1-1 is expressed New Dominion, being bwmfi* Title Canst I dt:sirous of -appearing in h i nl,�rely Mention them. and, ascendiii., a the total of all the borings amount to 6,628 umbers, fr6m 10 to 0; than: 10. denot,is ,hat %.I and 2ifter a d print. iTho resided its frivillatown was killed on, L e 'a in --n was ir therein ap!�oit el' The orotif-ttioner shops were crowded all railway, just lay wMin pal7j, urtive at the great cons,.rvatory metrea. The entire cost, defrayed by a t the sky ir covered virif h clo da, 5. thaii it is direct from Eumpean m= The 13L-th of the -New Domini tut avativediat.11-LIMI. t beira-r ratt than six am-luths after the- U night. Itseems, that u buiIJ7 sushered ia bv the lz'voltion f a he; � b,)n- no and crust have diene a handsome rig Pertect, in it -se I' and stocked wph j on the nutiv�es, was 400.000 frallcii. Among half covered ; a l,.d 0 that it is perfectly alvar, sold at a slight advance on the 14"ornpatmarder siond rmssi..z of t tis act, the Proviac-s of Canad, of7busitiress. The Bavfield Band st roke lie went oil tile rai.way track at Carroubroolke I a collection of trees and fl.,wervi'which would the material resulfee L50,000 date trees have BAROMETER. at the Wit4but k aftemac fire on the s%nare, between 12 and I t .1; )va Scotia, and Nt:w Brunswizk shall firm the occasion, did ecellent a- hired for and was romium iest whed- the 9 o'clock 'driven reafjud,eotsuch matters into extatic �11 25ozeentli; per and lye ov.e Dominion under the notrn,! or service durim, 0 0 een pls.6,ed in the Ouled Rir dGatiiet slene, Highest 13arometne paressia dining Ae -wft& bestild o'clock, a. m., which, we are tolct, atLraet- - a 1 d-liallit Ine dome wilich-aur.-oundis the beside fruit trees of other kinds, and m was 29-48hilt 7 o'ejugli., a In.jant �vedjaezdjvy, 1911UM Canada, sit.of on nrA after that day IbLse 1* 1 he dAy. train was 90112'r ea4t, he did not go off the ore . I f , Signal i body' ithe conservatory is, at least 60 feet Lowest HamtDow ar,-"Cm' theweek was, ed qaita a number of those witio, We're lt"ime ?rorinces S' IT form anti be one, lu t5o eve-lng the Lool, Burgess Xastruls 0 than 2,000 new gardens bay _ g 0 track and the ell isle struck him, broke his e been formed. 29.130 at 9 0,,ts high and this affirdi room or tile display of 111raill Monday. General ,FLv(- a concert %Vhi.:h wAs yet larg-ly at. 1 0 anxious to see the whole affAir through �Pocnliva un�er tis t name y I The Mean Barometirm pressat--t fili &e tiircvek .1 �heet musicit music ald racenamm a e- and f--turLd his e-ul-11, caustuq irslant. s.,tne of the fiticat specimens of paltus, aloes, 13-301d M rNmenellit by had I And it is therrel-tv furthraquacted, that I* such THE 101141) R -IND IROBBE-ST.-The New W" 29-30.9b. Uotaks furnialWI-to or(lvr on.Alialia.shorgm *A� from the fu -,,L When the flames te A numl)er of tbe (;ood Templars had a duath. The engine diiver saw h:m and im- oth" E11stern tre,s-in Europe, There York Jjerald of THEILMONETRIt. N 3 ueaday says :-11 The possible notiov, At pablisheirt; pm=%. f persons; sh-Ji be fi: -it summoned to is also an aviary and acquar am, an I& Jew subsiled, the boys,, who ha inae up as the Quee.9, by W4rm.-,t order Her strawberry fusti It tojether at -Galit s Point, mediately signaled for down brakes but was d 4 6" Lord boadt rqbbery) which eveuW so much 00arsoll'observation 7 a.in 1pm.,q p.m.) a -sty's Klyai Sipi Miiva!, thinks fit to -d e:j -yed themsehest very much. tAu of th E Eunie ; but the gem excitement sit the time of it4ointaiiiision, for ffighest Tempereature durisig.the week was ft klitewsrou, 0 it ­ 1-. 0 at I oirlock, p.m. on Monday. anprove, an J rtei r nil tries Oval I be inset supposed he %as intoxicated, or hQ would months pill has almost beejj�' the'm minds to be out all night so 3s to bts Vi too- nPar to :aVe the unfortunate man. It is of all -I think f may go so in- as to call i AN up eaz4y in the morning amused th--m- tt al i,i It-l-C)IIINATION. . the triumph of the garden- is a batch of $1 tten by Wlivift-91-11'emperature during Illie. wevelk was 5519 W W ii,:Ive left the track. The budy was brought. the pu" but yesterday alfgW �$hase in 1AVIll' Welock p. In. on TnWav-. Gooderieh. uly 2jid JNT� - SAM Pr clam oil or i: niou :­ IiVe We most not forget to meatioa that in (be 0� aza:iaq, whiub have gaiwal the first pe.ze, the aff%,W.16urred The Mean Ttairiperittaire tar the ;vmk was 66.7.1, llaelvteas by hoisting a h a e w'i i t-, n th-eiiie. bv a A with the advice our 'PlITY! - to Laticatter's hotel Seaforth wher which wh':"no doubt be evezil-l! the Colbor,:e Iran Mr. I it Tnompson, 0 an In- exhibited bete by Messrs, V etch & Co., of lquest wai held by Dr. Coleman, arid a terdict' St. Johns 11' the ca -e- mment in cer. Warmest day ditoritig Lhe vvek v I of Huroh, y V tile tor3 of the Americia at Coa- c.:. haTe ilwa-,ht CA It-) issue tb:s our proprietur, was illuinliated in ood, Undon. An additional 0 van on Sat;;�yq 0" y a handsome e to come. 1B C a 'r; 1 iveti in accordance with the above facts. train ciriirei for soine'llitn' I 1110-Meaft Temperaltuare being 14,20 Wit - R a d we do 6rdls:n, 2f(kfi4qQ pre staff, barriza otia- doir stepst, but as in-tarver. The fine &,-Ipear rice (if the b,,i,!d- eutrance, richly ornamented with a superb Coldest daV doormat the Week was vin Tuesday, tat evaitutiind. Lit it on and after tLe idea or ACCITILNT.-At Mr. W. Wall,ret's ridbing broze * ars thut during tho past year detect.ve mg when thas :a up, gave a good fountain is bein-,r added to this already pe the Metaiiia Temperature beilig-65iiii 4:0untiesofftroovin am first day of Ju:y one thous.,r,d eiht hard, ed ur, wh'ch by -the -by. of Now Ha ourditian scollred portions JOHN HIDAN Jit THE.Publiz is sagaillaw the !An& am, attell, will be done Ina ocearsious of the Eler aud CirlMita es - effimt a genteral ir+umivaLiun in Sturday, one of tho,biiiats fell among a magnificent couservat" alp$ was P"a ty-ieven th-t Pr,)vinc of Canaa, �--u d Lave produced. d with a new'sort cal Vene- 22aill taflume. 1867. -starve k 1, no it, to their per- hire, Rhode Island, Mama. purchasing or npzot' owd of Men uLl only1iro tot hurt ; John is entirely covere Dated thit, iating a i6iii, 4 at the MW 01 Kotia. nd Nevir Bru.isvick sh 1 form I chuseLts, Pennsylvania, MzLiue. and Callada,' hand dm -n by John Knein and �14 willial-, li-sly air I John Grieve. Dr. Coleman was tiran blind, or semi abutter, recently rateated fortuances, bt-qon I a laug I at the foJ7 dis- "d b- are 1, &r Oe name of T0RCHl.I(;L:T P:LoCES.9loN. a rs 44thfpinyjJh�- ludin the rays of the sun, - pe ocal a in , Mediate attejidance and found tbem� which while excl tu ferret. out the whemabo &aj itten an tlh�e ortwute. and -c s of very severely but not fata.ly injure.l. admits that THE MAJIKETS. April, 1867, due 6 mant.0 a0er do#, i - MW to lot Ono played by those vir�ao in lulged I I them. ana!a. A;id we J,) fu. %liet orLn aud de- I The firemen c:�.sed up he procee-lin r connected with the robbery, at'tradofthey sue- -defimdatut, in ,lare. t::.at the p,:rs�,ic* wh,,se names are the Itin,,, t�r�s ime day with warmth requirel. But to ceeded in thf-irsearchings in arresting Charles rdil� has be Fooftli-oromce&4ant satilbe To' Her a twothli'llt Polaris ay half the chdrals Of thi3 lovely si)zjt pettengjIll Char, en'ticeliv4-d-ibe Ae 4"W. Alitail, Poway of 110rorat whic At dAybreak a party of a rtil tn,� all fir -d ',,,ei,, a:A set for III are the pensons prco-,es.ion, abuut III ci clock, er whi h the Cold cws. aspotreserved fcr the better classes, the art, IdErl ir"m jiments I ifiW offer Jor Me, art es Howlud, John Stew fiv,- or six rivilan Is from B.; Bess at, t: W. A. Babcock and John Lynch, and reepy. GODEUICIII Jaly Coaran House, in #)to TjDVW ,of whims we ba�e, by %1, arrant Under our Lown -.link to rest. e!jteratice f, c beiu.- half a fruric, I am aware 21867.. te hen, Ju 2, �JT P� 67.. arse surnm,)ns wirnirI4 LI tit to approve at This wai cl-eided'r.the 111131-t succal."ful de- ering, $300,000 worth of the bonds stolen. , P - Tuestlay-Ifie-StoMhAa of point� th-- ho a yse The Belkville DailV Int,11i Spring Wheat .......... 1.10 Shall be first surnmoned to rr 0-5 ral '.ott of t h.�, , (I rkour ofTwelveallbe-11-1k yencer says, i that I abou'd require, to afford me proper Lut- weeIr tbeseI officers$ ascertaining that a Fall 40 .. .......... JOWN KA n tvar held in Godel. space every CiAumil of the Montreal Gazelle who vir'-hed t. -s b- early astir the .It, as fur ouce everllvalli seemed sat',fied. a c,)rrqsj, aud ev'n then . I f, e: A' had not. fully desc4bed Prominent broker in, this country had a larie Oats .................... 0:00 that it w ondent writin from Bannock :-1:40 sib, time t) off Iu:� 1j:h, azal b,: u:, t, L G ardor a ad dec., um quantity of the stolen bonds in his possession, )-evaile t1roalh. burn und 00. SLIi h3 b-'Ai,;ved n as� its various aurlactioi. Flour ................. .0 -r d Ile June 26, writes, s I %r* fordiwith had him indicted by the g SheriTs 6ffice, Godericli., rand jury. 13arley ................ pirt of L:i -- p n?'e of just shown a's-impl-i by D. 13. Joliuston, Thip party wid, it is said, another brolier, FQ&s 00 of tit ! Cariboo 31iuirg Co, of rack taken �NUI.Tjl 11RITISIX 11tirmv.-Fir June, 1867 not reside ill the United sta" DEPA THE 11-tT i E&I 10 t ry L:. -I t hu, I: j c� t I b - D0, sheep ................. LAIJDS. GOTIZer1kill Grammair gehilliel. 'Cunlent­-.*'-A Dtch doubt becoming alarmed at the aspect afri'Irn Beef, -If evirt. e nnua -n.- t I at a -i erly hin r. i s'i L D)�i-. i -,n n :I pripvir baz�-i, Ile, from their njine to -day at a depth of 30 '�ovei,-,Modern views of thii Atonenit were assurnitn and desirous of clearing I Ldes Qrr 'ke, Archbishop Shari), Characteristics. Their skirts as far as they were able of - From a*1 p -ins ��,f tLiq cuntry, by p: -e r jni�ed tlat, he L I I lived to see our' Te Lalf-swairly a:xawiiHaLi,)n cl:antainin- a beautiful t1ligget & een) ....... Ottawa, t7ffi June., 1867i - or tile btAter ................ er:inv,:y,incN­, on by any Lre U.-anjinar School, took place on Frida Uid. I his epecialen Mr Jo inson till I Pisraol. Peport on cotch Mucation. -try, at. Prevost- ellialion ill the robbery, - yesterday sent to Pttatoes ...... ....... c untry gr --at aal united. of A mericaii Literature - - Pot parti .7 0 Mr. Lord $1,20 - TEM DePaT`&`4l1be;'jo"A st"Ousis's -ed up in ----------- nop� on and 4er the FIH$T 4ULY,; ale was but one of' s---yeral pick 0.000 worth of the bonos %I ood ................... 2:00 0.00 mict.st eurenir'nt, er,.)w Is of we'T1-e:5,id k ew it wherr it was viiliout roals of t:s,, in presence of s,, reral of tile trus, ces It'Oleti'lluorn him, ihe Owner thereby rieov Tke Departme,orter jbrow,p,�Lawu, for thf 6 - people piqrul In. 0: 1 in -a an 1 t jo:r ai'most tvri�hout steariab lats and and paruq�s of the pupils, and seemed to the mine by hims If and others. A-4to 31airmora Irou Works iu4a] I [lie money he had lost w Holly, new V ton ........ 13:oo 0:00 P of iLh the ex- o:o& ception ofabout *qe,o00_ijI seven-thirties-lilid Chick-eng orehalod at Quebee'and Torojo -taa s incans of communication 'give V�ry g�,ncral tire -cuu*-neness of this di�:covcry,' may ......... �-. 10 aged swul: mil- -,,;d f-trw�­s It iose varion satibfactioa to those in, :26 0.1t With thzir bT--ter b-tl-,-.s and :are; iitr.)Iuc J, ani he b2lieved no'prescat. 11 e nutica with articular com. adtl,liat'it was examine] by seve - I sixes call 1881. The parties concerned thereafter " pcssible, of which due *Woo The Peterborta Kriminer has -an article I said to be it res ectable,' bnt it would arre Turkeya� 0:40 -p Min- I respectitit, the Alarnuatis Iron Works, ill �e a Wool wabia;F?... willbegiven# rs and 'kilowing ones,' who pronoun" it 0 .... 6:12iff I . . - , . - .., - I vrkh their gitil; e urvr im tha wotl I Lal iticreased in nlen&ation t',,e Mathematical demoustr matter of great publi,; interest cGuld it be %rwl 0:25 a Suva :-"We f,und 130 men at work it splendid. The work in, -the 'Cariboo oil the face of the mountain, bori ix., blasting sW88 6t known whv these porties are, how Lhey came -ijain] a p# L Ly the scuM all deterwin A to. w.a tit and pnpulttinr i, a gr,�ater rtio.1 t:oni by C. 13al.1anan ant) Lewis, as Mine, is now prosecute(t vigor6ust in posiesslon of 'the' bonds, arid sally they Y, as wheeling, paling arid levelling. Huge piles -C11ntqn July 1. 1867. c 0 InS bz N e a d ay of rt-jI in- to we an Le In r,o countr wvre th.! p-opl,-- i:i posit c- well as te aceuracy'of the answ.2rs given have kept them for sea long a ti'Me fignai thdir EPA W heit ....... also in ttia Ballarat bliate adjoiaia- the cf the ore tire ready to be removed as so6n 45 sion of li'lert. as the Marmora, Railway will get into opera seen. The excursion triin at 40.30 y in a purer form and he by the classes in 1listory and Geoggrapiq 'Cariboo.' rightrail' owner. :10 1:15 olve Spring do .......... aiaclzrv�y hoptd our new Diminjon would generall. We Wilk the tion, which will be opened this day. We Oat* ...... ....... broa;ht 500 vi-i!rvrq, and the ilcri, re Is a d-eald 11lia AtInfitt, (Ga.) rolling ill- h om. d Re";AA M L,,,Od 0 In *e rriatto-r-d George as ii th also passed 2cong, the railrobal w5ere ail was mellced rqlliu ra wa Barley ................ Izat r L-,ur lawled h,� p I-, t, bc 4 It- hocite of i rupra ", men t TUC Prcati eno-1 of"the UnjiTed ylkon, sWill) soon be The craRitoris W Tkal laxoyiiota Ift sinufie"be Xljr jy at a theElle-31iihrill activity. Ni,,htatid iho men 4re at able to roll fit ty toris per day. 0:55 0.60 he has mid�wj in -j' wotk-on the road, tit-) had only a few rods nu;Db,.r s,3 that a!, f in n and th,; a -i) I i:n ol t'.la 6ppr --,,ied. opinion of Vie visitors being a f5i . .. - . 1 -1 Butlier ... ... ...... 0:12 043 good to grade, anJ ire rails are all,laid but about WIT . R. Craigg will soon iiisul& slibed Aw*nt�e; soad 4key are 11,: Tivishel the -N.w d -al alivided as o Th6!dtr�q,-Ie for thb Presidency of the 4!at Flour .... 7-00 7:50 wg was a e was just pay- ought-tobe a cunque-wor months how thisdate, were ou h-ind the, --itl bear.) Lbo merit -,of th k Ths, Book of Potatoes ............... 0:63 0:70 wn their t u. nji:e Nlr Tboulas Dumbi rne� viialthm two thiaT how, if -any, Ame.ican Republic has already'been inaurn. ing the bhnals, le roll of bills and laud, or tbe-8cience ot MriIj[fio 041 F., 0: outolering, we are afril to ev,.;-y prv4perily. differrrit readers, buth boqs and girij. and hu� claijals, specrilying the wrority ge g 9 Aludi .0 - line Xqj - no "jt-;jMd4 a"eAtaung the fitat -in 11 iss Oeaforib, J �67 tfie W"i -1-z Z say Ma,ly t L Was a U C CItarTwoom 911 Nei I loutill czed The prizes were finally awardud to rated. The New York 7imes, Herald, and baskews of silver were scattered round him �#Ile that week he had pail nearly 61,600. Dr. - u ;n, sai I it tv tr'd be injudicious its to ippprt.orsuch-c4avains. aplewul sight to stauid at the Sq jarce and bim to Alcock an] 1. Two piec,.s of other leading journals have declared i IV r. D H., Le es ha� neatly- ready e Fall WhPat ............... 1:50 (�o LAW er a,iv leniti.e.ed remaA8 wheat there I favor of General Grant, while others have' Pe4ty. too, was at tke worklit, and paid the third edition V Hist -ry off 'Phat4 Wifeld at Cluden6 in the co3itints, ;Df'ilurou, lauk dAuvro Worst Ftreet, the si1- of'o recitation' also excited much amusen�ent 6 0 Y, spring W 41115.4f Oen over $4,400 of wages, making -nearly 1-40 0 thjowsr?ty;�wveiiit#� jqb�W - 'jiich were puked with a movil. Mae I to be done durin, the day, tne parts b'+)- exqeedingly well s Flour pert; T' .... 7:60 0:00 was ail' so' brou-U forward the names of Sp3aker Col- f9,000 in cash sciered over the Township from Thalea to Comte, rewritten and ea�. w: larzed.' mor I, rsioetwhy aster the allinart but e1equent by Misses Lyas ustaitted fax, Chief Justice Chose, and Senator Wade. Of geltnoist Ili two days. There is also a Barley ....... 0:60 0:65 ter T. Ek D - all '!ie way daw to tl�e flaidan, 11reaideut Johnson has act yet been mention- lae . villagre springing up, named Blair, The present incoure flora the peafio�y 4).45 ot�o sciv 4`717 fitalwas. beit, , Alcock and Omits ............ 0 lj his frieud the mayor, who, I and 31asLet Lewis an,l I be4cest t Peas ...................... 0:50 1, 011 0 bank oftb,: 1-k--. AcDermott. Two ed by any p-iriy as a probable cAndidte for �aft . er the principal dir.-cLor of the Warmorat romote e4watiop as *e F>jqth, a a a E L,yr.;is­t bifreelt, was dircc�ly company. There are alread.r.- �5 hou -hic'fi it hN llie6u determined to d4iolo'pein. Potatoes per bushel ......... 0:50 9 0-00 spuaimens of drawing in pencil re-eec,ion, arid it is not likely he will be a sea ACT �rJe-cendedFrt)int!.eju(,d,j:dstucF;. pplauste) eipal,ly to primary ScV Fresh Butter per 111 0-12 81 4iJ4 TE19 MILITAILY. were ex. ereeted arid ?0 more tire to be erect 6d ool education, is but candidate, 4a his defeat would be certain and 860, -ZOO. The voluateer To suL b men as I 6ow were they indebteot tor hibited, which werl: pro:jounc-.d by Eome Egga,per doz ........ .... 0;0 99-k.0 Province of CATIM& 1U the'QDgd ty V4M 40f overwhelming. It is said if General Grant Arrival of the Governor-General �County -of Plump. -4 tie pro; re our cour t -y h�.d made ac -d the of the Jadies to birt- very Meritorious. The wire of a eclebrated physician, t069*1.,$-RWQU.. came in bctjv-w!ea IT za and I Ic Beef ' do 0:10 0:12� In 4he inafter *,f reu 4., to i )US privi!p�­S it en inder We subi.)in the Ul priz.- list ciu!d ev.naent, to a nomination, his well His Evicelleney the Governor General one day ­casting her eyp out of the window, Woolperlba 10.25 r, rXCRAIN49 a 1OW4 by-ruinand waggoas, and havina p-ir-.t-'g FhC dlv&4�' EbJt*3 brav c a ttioi known taciturnity will prevent hima- obse hatband in the fr to Hay, per ded on t�,e i-tiviiiro wire mareLt,l I t"t Mking toclish S eeclies, as A- flyfla accumpainit�d by Lrtdy Mouck and tile HOD. neralp it G reck p- ndrew Johnson Njisses Alonck arrived at cessidRWVdid big oadiants, Colin l3tichanan. Quebec on Tue3- -9400KIreal Iffark-elliff. of Ithle -clpc% W�ok of ourimme, 6"Ad vthtre r,fr"huwnis do 2 llenry J bristion. (lid. te L Y U7 ate C i- ad an to e n- 2A day, shortly after noon, on board the steam laitned: I do wish my h"band 14 Us *uppa- d. T�is Ist L-ttia .5 WIT, B ip N'estorian. The Grand Trunk wharf, would ide'T'afty 1 - '!I v- a' out Lto p,iiiciple on wh�ch uchanan. frorA ititob proce .1 1 2ud do 3 John b A Connecticut genius has 'Manufac. south of Quebec, to which the steamer pro. it appeaa too ontredf] P m, 9-july 1867. lislio ()ouuty, 'to very ITLICOUIC, 35 the beat anl du.,t flid tie X,: w was f6unded ' facdonald. Jjke tit tailor cirleying r* dkl- ft'a Sim* tk i4odU I a a spirit tured a knitting machine that will knit fifty ceeded, ws nicely decorated with 1ap and Act. to fains, Loa tud qlolAer.Ltion, 3. d do 2 I-Ldiv. I'lionlas White' 6 home his work. FL9VM--SUpe'Ti6r ESUS ....... 8.75 a 49.00 rrli�ht herve oythin tv do with it, been very ano-,yling an the way up. When aud as far as 4,b da y' pair of stockings per da and issoconstruct. evergreens. War Excellency was loudly Dated -at (;4drrjRbj-in-*e rolurity vf Hw*a 2,2ad do Emily lialdaa�Agfies 8.,25 a 8.50 the butadutia was drtvirn ap that I ed I hat the stitch oA'A te charaged from I& rib cheered by the crowd ca-) 'the vrharf, and a Tua FkxzAN 4 Fancy ............. 7 �u 54.00 all N.:6clo Goldthrop, Agues. to a p*aillstitchr almosk� I%stantly, There. sal6te -was fired from several differeat points. fla- Z-Ztrect, in front of the S&A, we found jUieLided to pursue (Here Wilson, equat. -Nady all the Fenitilp Velland Civiall baper T.50 a 745 prisqu.,ers in jxelana, Eire seventy-five needles th the machine, When hagot-on board (lie the so far fialm being.'aim 740 A. Th "ar, &Q4 APPla*)i I was no4ftsury that 5 do 1, Ist do Anti Shannon. oat priailess, have -via that it numbenfil vacvren ef)tnanies, %iz :- which will knit si d wit 6 do 1, 2ud do. Troy. Svage. sty turns of an ordinary purpose oferossing 4@ this side, a 81,111te was been foland well provide as V*44veaefuZ 0 Much Of LLC b4tt0ortleA 1hat had mArkel Oarr �'reach 5 JoUsit Lystcr. sized stacking aminvitte,,or .4,500'stitches a fired from' A. 31. X 'Aurora. A guard h money o.ne It No. 1. G(Aer"ClTi G. Artill-Try, Cat. ! Of of them- h4ving concealed in a belt ria 7. 7.25 W OF is ft- P)rUies: bktory durin the mioute. This 18"at the rare of 270,000 honor of the 30th regiment was i ding Past Should be! I A lire bors, 5 Colim Bueba ri attendance waist goo e Fae&n' I Kirk, Lieut. Thomson, 2od Lieut. 61kiw- Qan. in jold. , 7% Bat, Flour a 3.65 e ad tile peop] stitches ail hour I Its weigbt is but twatity on the Quellecside. pp - V 15 lid ejoiti,iogether 2 do 2 kleary Johnston. lrooin"ioea'ht Dallagarvan, Irejand, atilijb&a.ins W C la4* 1.65 The I Is-onenju at velopill'i our er 32 ll 0-ftI 0 .40 1 inp, 4 sergeant-., and 36 private-. 3 al-) I Ann-i6barman. pounds. It Uni'lill coition, silk, wolrvstedf.'�or %:tit thv z,and abject clouded in !wstezy. OTIT "in the 001liql w pr No. 2. Baron Ril[Ls, Capt. Hays, allavrional resources 4% spirit of patriotism I 'ea., jfm Genvirall" Migle, 40 BA*LXY.� any light material equally as well as -ijtff A ritl' nietic 5 Heavy Johnston. wool ftnrep Elim RicnT.-A few dArs wro, it C Lie= jmour, �ad Lieut. -which shou,d b belonged to the"partyi.fte 2 do 2 _Ail I Euciid 6 Uolin Buchuran. It knits allso the whole stackingrinAding the was qiseovorLd That the Montreal correaspn- wareaJu,--who ui'd us nil into one of the Hear Johnston, beet. One ofthese muqbjaves, at &,recent diiint of tile New York Herald was a feqj )w kept in cust9dy , und CRIE y er ilia hijUde" trpatir three wrgeariaLs and .30 privatets. 9'ewtmt c0tMtTicz 01, t a' fa of the eaft!i, i trial, knit 1,50DY" of etoek'�det- wh6ut employed inithe Aoairuvall A ,40 3 do 2- i6iind expireo on I te and effecft-iinder-jUAjjj�yb act tome the n. the -A0 4 do ly's Ace,'und fie was at once 644i�;ad e- norliare tile. 'but, 4t no_ I Jailin NeUrea. Tots Y,Junell,andon t6all, day, *AdAhey ar* N o. 3. Seaforth Infantry, Cpt. Bu*l, H would say dropping a stitch or breaking a needle. pail - firigned distant day, be kaped-t 'I AndiefitUist. 5 Colin Buchan4lip absence of thQ Comirnittirl iltnish me IWIU!11111�1*0 itig -4111111 a adilress a still jar Lieqt. NePbUll-po, Easign Wilson, two 0::k- The Orst time Jerrold law a celebr&t. allier'lit'al tot fig� wagist'ratet or I 94e Johnston. le�twlmxzmi 1, go ger 2 do 2 Henry, -1' il the peo. further ordersq Idato withAllull: an lieuce on the advarA tges florivitig 0d song writer, the lAtter said to' hi�ii ple 6170atatTh-, vilith.Aistoyalty - I it seemed 49 from on con- 2 Jul they hold, if I I. -- � , 6 -" -9 sagmnt8, 21, privates. E:jr-flistvary - 40A oossilble thq e. LOY. and The ia Lyster. If -DO a - ------ NA Miid Ii6riation. Three chatersl were then gi I Ancient Geo- e4ng futcAd' 44.11tem agaiin ru Ven Youngster,.. bue-, stilOicient caellfidencf� -41t erklacn, wag b - - We 111tv abligged to r r"014 ytos rin NO. 4. Crwton Inrantry' Capt. 31ar- #�As� �� dwtd� lend Wea a'9111inea 7- slid tbeir' will, atid that ibef vitre ' d 9 In - howo. 6660 - � - , . OdWes wid, -- for The Queen. fhe G&renor Geneml. and graphy'5 Mortality 36 _y -m ari Fi 3 ado 2 Jero;ne Jerrold, disc ia Gri;gg, t4ree t" es three or thv,-New Domiui, a - all the confidencel but into the arms of the Yankees. In 1`011. had not previotip. judicial 1114 N& 1� t ray Lt- f Diastey, E, I Mader e wq�k 4 k I and 37 privates. will'Wits equa wJ0R0ffALDK .rr. haven't the erfeetfr !al: -be,-Ao warmly adibirest Mott, �*Xamin- I EmniGistrimar 2 to JaWd i ji�e red Olen ow ht '1 0 IAM-- a I R4 no!- ulie an, tip olunteerskicit del maii" Wed Tw r I& is said that trid haj 0' Mkin Mimi noon, precisAy. the V 4 iog biollbei compqfMA�d� _q, As ldfilut". Capt. W. W 11114 #hod#y�,Fm t id at Ji A up Wure ill 7 01) 2 slutb� to make j the beog.W,diers, f % Conuor, Liut Jackwo, 4r th,py hat Gereli inifni F,ns* Woods, their pogi(ion on the bapk opposite glittriff 2 TO Elizabeta Alcock; nextillay, xjit# 1867.. .,cc car their fireloeb -oh, their shoit *Wrk I ldeft; for him. -Toronto 3 sergeauts, 36, privatep. 9c:),jnaId"d rii-i'dence, the rd. ry -lie trepred ete attlow Intent Itiow, Tie 0 No. -6, Exeter Infantry, OW. 11yaj- vo at was p for work -16y yea, ritind, the word be Ten, a Sol end' -9 tivoills, a W-11alto inillilest. - man id feiii de w Lieut Spackmm, Ensign a 0:2- can you -tell r- caroll I's 1swu Oft A "610;, 0:2- a old -0 HOd 1p JdO#d 404k 1.0� jDIljiIailt.4 tcotlIse ftii a a, kpei lass of a suitor, Mist Aii 0411*8 jactsw splegrOmfg; cro -it tii ilia, .11 he it ilia, lam ants and 40 privatea, -ed, th� roar of qitilriga6- f set- e nlitentl6al &W �kijjih . , 4 1 r wo yoln I � -, . g ge J490 was fi Twenty-four thouzand fiyatAftk kilid werm �­ WWI,, I ellytwentr 7, Gs-,derkh Towash Jerome 14wis, U ve white TiAd ifid $4 Why, . J4 tAu4 the two. Z4pbo-af h Nrzio, d wjt4 t�e red REV. IV. 'WIT belhS ta-airle UFO resistai W1 tX 4 49#A -R io P3$v 0.� 1 12 0 TE e .Vi M "My on 'd Two b- , p, P y T 0 7 77 � ­- --7 , I - : .7 A To' (For the 111ur to Signal tbaiiek WWA of fo, which ;-athcried all arvend I.jeut. Sheppard, Ensi&n Cantelon, 3 roltinteers' rilles. Tha sentie PARIS E11111WIVION. tailler. Wrtraumalls a A 11ort!Wprench IOU tilem I ., �, . jall, this timill rtim.—About 12.10 on Monday morniag, ;>� OD TO ei-W—F-3 ant. I. Priva e,,!. was a tru'y grand one. 'the shady batiks an o:d building oil Victori.A StreeA, used its a SUBSTITUTE LAUREA IS E Yet, it gloomt w 11 h; �ut, it I so 1,y Froin the Trade Review. Tile Paris ccarrespcaq�ent of The Boston TOR TaF, INAUGURArtortir or THE N 1-: NV The.13it'aii,)n, whieh was uatley com. 01 1 to Naitland atial old Haron weto throng- Paint and Carpenter shop, was destroyed by I RTICXNGE, BUT T11UIp,. ew wee" L,� a cri, p*, Ili my last I promieed you a glimpse of the Post is -giving the reader& of that paper DOW.NION OF CANADA, a] with a maily dressed multitude of spects. -fire. Aseverything about the Evel"Y Yonliglaityand getailrolosilluithe 'redforarveral-lear, w"a'a 11WIT Mearis in that litne tu�r, t c, Inaild A LlIuL Col. Ratis., attende-1 by a I building *..as ('111trolStaievor C0nsv1m;I ban previcusl y beau It, ought t,�, w d to. till 11, irs, the gunboats were tt-ck-irulted With flags Very di- it burned very reierved gardent and I wili briefly endeavour numerous sketches of scaidiflous crimes rin hear vv�nnrihjng� v#,ry itlat glyegad diftax- wo'lintel st'aff 6ITIftsist ing 0 r Nkaj 0 r Y, rapidly and ­all 04t; I muc" It) Their advantage by it"'vire to h leflow-guacrer. oUevery polite -rly ad- . to give you varied. Th-aiNi! tort mg i,:ar,,,,j­'ulai,: to der. To all ,h drqjr. '! lic Ilt the scene. T,,Tere, vsitl% n a la! f e :�%cc Stretmere rn, 0,e Vnion could bo done was to sare the prope a sh;rl sketch oftbis dolightful committed in France. "In a 1#te letter he Lift high the nation,@ song-chargld voice I rIllilrill Mall f4rer no 6%, addretsing the in I% Nk hsch tkwk up lut'i i olle 6, :r t., 'III- Is V lew in, - I. ioul,.a. 8e) in tar an I Davidson,; Our glorious valloreut proudly bull. unit u4pwn used (free U: ilroargri frogia every, srot, which is separulud from tile iest of' the narriates the following it -Here stands I c ! 4 ""1 A Jack WaVe aV`iLi:ab:o point, and j,iiiiiii-, TI, hicii was done with difficulty. 11 ri 1 11 oth ell I I "*%'till ljoarall AMIMM let nil Te)oi �e. ser ­w I. War sit,%e h�A 1"-., lots, vi,d. an I cw presente I a fity, appciirano;� whm drdwil the I4l;Ir line of Vo!utitei ra completed grounds by a bi�gh ruiling executed with Vitaline Legrand, a -splendid creature from Till rapture soundo on every gale a F. N1 inn, ruititer, lost about liklio.00 worth r. (ilAP\lArj c,,Lve. and 49 U T:,Iass, Ilp it! r j:_ or,lev. A finer Io Aii)g bo ly Picture ursuirpassitt Zocituty. ,I L''o's, &Q I laild two youlig carl)#.Ikcrs, good tit -it. Oil lily first entering I could the South. The dark eyes and bronz,!d com- From city, forest, lake unit rivur, WA New fork. ofth, soulvrfl,- 1— 6, f rT Ill a QIA,59 -, "at u! Tor I): t. -1 n,,t b,- Illuml ill the 1) Italia- sestreely btl:it vt, Illy cyca. Six ID1,11, I et jubilation shouts ascend- hencti the affiict�l 5 -le "WI, .1 t 1, ;%(1, 1- 1 4 tur tho fitin-, , e%vers for the Queen, the 11:,d I" all Jht'*r tools thg ri�'", plexion, tire rich masses of* her raven buir Conceives lot* I :t. all I - the liand Truth @ruled fearever. "I Lry as'. e I ­ at !,is 11", 11 1 11, k it w llitA 'A no tre Ito (it ve;nor C­ttoral at al the Ne z, Dowi nion -it sei!ous ni-iter, iti solve of dict I I li.id I%ts:ked ovoi 811"t a ditty- 'Duddy thedeep vetmillion ofthe lips, till betiny a, "i,-, -is';ss - a 14,6FI, :4 Hem I t1rill oil I n were t . no nation's power call reipd. OV VOUT111. liter prove 6-T of a 3i4,-ok, sw r- V 11 k ­%. i. , 11 p, 'wn, it Bpot Vvell ailapted for the Lit ill lug of I A Gentinisit who suffered t,)f PtruteswUIb­r­!­ wert, gi%ou by the Volutiteers, avid taken tip voty custly. Nu dw)la it wa-s the work of once Lhat ardent love or passiunute hate Unity V -1111's In'tal Ner"ovall ,ill pies or sidd, the s4ts :-,var at h, �i. t ii I R, I. II0­' Th (t Id, 1, -Ii V[ rc men, al i-) hy ill, Cre,�Vj­tfisi tL, )0118 Since it presel'ted" it dead levil WILII- linve brou�ljt her to tLe bar aguinst which uelnility, Pretuatare orcay. aiw ,j; rise capettooryouta� j-'Isti I rri d !..s Re d I Lilly tars in port winidt-g ull, aq:jo rascal!y i vot,di -2 Up! wins nf freeman : hear* ut worlh ul indiscrexion. will f -f th,: %Rk, or'suffervag barvarturnitior ca it a tree Or even it ditell to brutak the waste. slid1eans trembling with rage, not fear, as I Ours ilia broad land cd wood and stream; Issas an expl-N.-ST"ll "t ,Il,x t IV tit it ri,un,l or 1111,clical ch'.k.1-8 lithich d.d - — ­ C, sen'l free t" a;! , h "I ...... I IT. 1111. r,­q`e` and direcuoravate e -,it � it, tin, 1, r I) itos ('hit![' E -i. w' t::)- C,wl I;tii gc:8 M itiost: tits' -,i% (I tljeir lost . z .0:!, tbclr 11,11gs. 0 The garden before me presented r.9-iy rocks slid awaits tile decision of tile judges. Vita- 1A, earlier flivor9al tealms cfearth, mak'n, Ill" i,i,,j;dv reme(j) l'?, of the cidit � I" Alt, Lrt:,I*lt I) Ilit -.I 't! -I U le )1 0 erer* wj%hing t., pnpiji oy I jr advvrjI6erjA ex c t-l-ni;lIt. 'Ihose who lii�o sut-li aid b-113 cLulbed dutted with iiis arid other Shrink Iiienth its. star's asceudent gleam -1 �,N�Ir S tull I': dr I% U 11 the ynife,h, bkd el-IZ4 III I I'A' 1, !r., I:. * ) - - - Tilb: ti.ingi %%ill fiad t1iii to Le %he best troupe in a lina waiijemnie de r7janibre to a rich, Spa- is litice to light and love are given, call do su III Perienc VIE GREIT E-N� an exrr*.�-,t n 0 ur"t v t d eiz- t of The vollan'.eerz, t1wir It izidsonia) c-lor., plants, ivy creepinj tliiou�h tho stories, nish 1.0y, whose carria,,e was driven by the I J 0 H N' FT. or, nFri. Bed vithit c: (t-Sa: d t addin I The 1, lutich of dw ScLooucr buill, ibis Amci I Cal. Tin preblige with the rubly free; 4 mucli to the b,-Du'y W' the siwo, I achnien, who looked. Fair' lering in the womil"oflicaven, SIR JANILIS hungiliz down in clu8ters: mo!,t ma,,ulficeat of co fus He lipaned his brt�w i�pon one liar 1, vt,-tl I:' lo. i sunituer for z5oywour and Horton. 0 k c Its fi,idm expand from Pea 10 am I j. Our article oil the grcat reform Coll-., while nil the ruggi-d ail,] brolcen Steps cut Ili when scatcd hi,h Upon his coach -box, li' the t,;h*.- Is, i.td ;be c,t I n it Lite L cV, lit of Ili-, d ty. T! rc it -Celebrated F( wHrSKERS WHISKER811 prepa M twith commi,nications, and the rocl�, or ta!u,i:,� t1w w`!I llAtbs one of thi gods of the Olympians p -at least red froarart a pre it �:, t �IlAl' p-lat el-v,n, thf� ('irler WIS wast a G:ic Tit vv of tl-,, %%li Ij aiT , i r rlao': 0 Tit. fir. L. Q. MG'YT#-,Z' Corrolla the irresteva atera Clarke, M.D., th 06 &.tjSjI tijoij. Be I k"e an I C , I in ol her tit Liti,r wi1 rap,�Vnr in the 1�cl i�sue of' w.rdin,; oil the hill, fits, I't inF, ai.d flowers, so thou.,lit Vitaiiije, who loved him with ail I'ttroll the banner of our slits. uitator in live W -rid. will fo ' 4 V, 1) to rill Irs, tit irch," 1111,. ree Wh iskert; or Allurs. to Me 4� sian,dw., v6 rzh hi-; bs, k to t Ne fi Ill I Lac a,'i ico.t ai.d Lhous.ai,lvi of pco. rprin, forth ai though th -Y bed been here adumb5o wh:ch led her to the blackest of The standard ofilve truly brave 'IV teraCT 01 - itn tl,e h4tt-6 nt pr w -e le I to th,3 squ ire a II!, taches to grow on the smoothest f,,, nor the ir. tile tit I& avail --d thVIIISAV-1S of It. Everyti,in - The wcatber on the First A Its cool but planted ft,r milt yL ars, -A hi!e in so-ne cases to nuurdtr I The coachman hd Whose fame in wed to litifliesill. lyres, ii,ver known to fail. Sample for trialaitent fivlaa Tips Invaluable mot L; I . . cl,lalt's-even O,er evrry clime and every wave. to any one d,siroij. oft�vvralnglls merits. ,tdden the it vresmv n c t o t �- a is I e 1 11 t lie 7e "I great asse,ublg-, li ad ath.,re LI to ve,y duty. or immic ruins crowned tile promised more than Le could pei-f-irm. He R FvvFs a qu So-. N. b,,iiix lit rcadlnes,�, Liao vork-iien coalulen- On citadel, and toiv,r and temple, cuilte cat all hoaw painfulaa tile bi!l, from which te eye -looked down and had nwreed to marry Vital ine,,.kt dthe rich High the lovId gonfalon ruise i (No let teris taL,4en u rates, prepaid) k:cd to tile v,�sicl'ssupports lit once, r a special telarraphic report of tile r toodgralev; a] n<l r. - as ti %'%.'I I I I., r s" in k;rRtL I I belieloit an undulaing surface oil every side, Spanish lady objecting to In men in Beneath its fulds an pare and simple, 1 CR)wd of IL, cariou'ly ir�clinod fluct ew York markets Up to 2 and a.,peedy cury aid) Lie As i. oils at tit elrl tie , LT. Do., to day see our market atartick. rectietit ? rass I*ever her service, he made an excuse to be off his vivak e all our hores of f store days. I el itub,�r d u6,ard. nuLn'.):r of ILr superbly covered by tLe barvrain. Th e tacknosviedgemetil. of the TO MARRIE1 I ear. II,;, w, r IbeL(ld, crol(d tind 1,vit with the tuot imposluUity to fulfil his vow was wade while IV. . ' ' )I fe: Icss CHICKET A1.1 scrupulous elite. I liee slopes are by fiist- t�he"Ln.,M' 'ed pair -cic taking tea lut (jfl PcrlrY Dawlisl plilitin Kajetilits 4brang on the monthly pts I, Tior �o 1, ieriff , I ''I I T. Iail empire vast and fair, irloucial 1.140dr, pt Our, 11 1. 41 1! 1, all SL'Vt I. it 0!' oil r mo,t rr"i- tit tile croi ti-ces ail I iu�uincd the boo.n. r itt- hotiI ultural SUIT in;idc to appear Inter- t-st chiiia t( -a sea viLe, beside the t- Treasonous its name to i-istor) Is- page, Are clip the f011Owin.- from the Providena irramellt SLaIllp 01 Great H Ali at filled wid likes and foun- beech wood fire in Madames own boudoir, *hich, no-bly avid enduring them General Adverti6er bOr ul evcrgrans at the. bow was At Goderich, between Prine�, A11'red ""Gab 1 ", and a' e while Nladawe herself was at tile opera. I I I A.N D GCol RAk It Di� 1, 1 �44 i.i roa, it- turns, whi!e car Alust rise in fame from age to age; I lir, pared for 1.6 c*-i6st,:i,iu; c,,rctuony, �uwn every rockv lie cat te-unce of the latal word the hot Eve. in power aild worth isicreavot ;v,,r it F-r�Nv tr I ail I S lid' At At this &eager, of the yea, when cholem, 7%�"j PAZIJ ShOU4W V1,4 & la Soutbern b.,)od of the I'air Abi-doil ro.,e in a Secure from dark despotic avray, as IRS7 THREE ARRIVE- I which was porfornied by iss Alleock, lid liliputian, islands 'dot ever cholera Morb , dystentery, ard other kin- the F Vfst '!.,n of fruin. IIIt - ii,:kuowll� 1,-., a , CIATON, FIRST red complaints are sure to prevatil,everLbody wancy, aj thy aie . t 110 3:11; 1 b',! d I u . . I'll r. A strt-aLa sot -no six ftet. dtep moment. Before the Lay decoeiver had time Adorn Id by every carthly blessing, riaet, but at anv whey it AI -e- ................. i.ni A . .41,t --r 0i' t),IV Csi�eaicd ,,iz, RUNS. It u 1, -1 TTALL to perceive the iinprossiuri hi avowal had Lauted by It--liginal's brigitest toy. !houdd be liberally supplied with Perry avial In all cattex of Nervous ... . 11'. 111- r L r a,' t! I Iz4,! t I, r k,ur neiv Win Sman 1 31 1,21 It Ilemn .7 tljrou�h tI e ground from one eiid a Vege.able -Pai, Killer. Persons josvivg Ext ri -4 un .... .. . Ill :� L (1,2n- ral A',Icock. A few I-dw Vui.lt) 0 0 wild tile china te pot. with- this scalding TPains in the Rack and Li \ tit It,- Titv,,ml I a:l tip m 1, He I -Usk C tic toll 11 to the other over ivhich t' e inost cleram hcme, whether it be for a ?d ......... .......... . ..... 'Ir II niore III )ws at the we,IZ,r;, a few 'tsetu.)rs his it ul- - '.9 a Contents, wa, dusliud into his fce, and the days excursion or -exertion, Palplattion of-ofm 1) ? rA .. r I' (�'l 'I 1 8 trip to Eurone, WhiLes, these Pills will e c 1'recutun b 11, r -,i I rustic b:i,],es are Thrown. The Emires'8 costly &untr bsiii offlue crystal thrown up AN"hilst tyrant dynasties ofearth, should be in a pirktitiou to hit Burns _ 1 3 L. ller,ai 4 -other means have faillo : I ... .. .. .. ........ i.!, 1 hit Itarlusid 1 131 c Freeman b Gi,,img -hous.,- i placed cloe to I at the cut glass chandelier. The victim, In gory ruin tottering full, Place their handis on it in a moment's waIa. 'fulroomiedy. do not conuir throu,li, t:ic -rrcat ulass -of' wood, -inl the �:: #j 8unituer ihe orches ing. any jiseases in incident to the summer amonv, or anything hurtfu! t v--zLs,-1 strted on tha wys. The P-111' Gor,ol., 0 ller,,n 0- Ira, und lleyUud it, stuuds tile establisimcul I Winded aud tortured beyond e4duratice, was I", our DWilusion lears to hirth m E',v 1, 3 re I: s,, n 1111., as 'Tw her's the ero- 11 th'al, which will prove fatal Ir not im. At ...... h. I I 1 1, 11, -n c Jackson 3 Shrieking meanwhil for cold 'water to cool wit, and their's the pall. d traditl"nLI1 bottle of wine was then broken 0 b limung 0 of a world lamed glacier. In every poii;t ! Call jL rth the joy otpaitnot bosoms, Full shareettunro in the ic in % hich Ta statue can dominate with o,d 1 flivil b:ktered shin. The fiend;sh tormentor wediately checked, can be prom tj cared riscktxge�, vortiseb should be t: ell a' -e ail] rea I the I H111i out. V. Gisslarig I by one or Z. Y Sole agent for the Usvite­�j o I tle bow by tit , fair young christener lot1%.1 vul. 0 Plun tier. Oil pr7tver, anli Lit the inevury ittired nook ill wh.cli it lead.i limi to his own chumber, arid, affiveting 'I'Vak" the fall choir of minstrel song, -we doses of t- e 11 t'Le nairic 4ive, an I wit it et, er-increasin 1"�Uilltlltl Illay uttrUCL you visre aw-e to Lvit li s face at.d ease Vs pain with Whilst, ummer wreathas earth's 1pr&w with.1Zssoms m,)re than one occasion have we been reliev. JOB MOS11 I Si1­11c" - 0 Arid Echo shouts her cells among. ed of intense suffering by the t1inely In at N, B. -W a" six po I to liqjd (itiv. Tbc inantriel' in Tit hich this water from tile foulitaia it) tile kitchen, ONTARIO darted to toy atilhartze-i vat t v tile seliooucir US eat . I �ND INNINGS. ltoliJerful g4,rdwi is laid vULLIIrUw6aI,' furilivri leach, 8 iraitead tile butt:e of' vi-,riol ed to e ';aaQvrag-MLv Pall hV Minter t -,61V 6 d, . 1: M. n owe, ;z i the abuve named pr pataLion.11 11' V b i T IWc, t tvards nativ,� elawent, into vilibich y V1. Suld by ail 'N n I 3 Lffijits nito tile shade. Even oui, owl, clean tile qaticepaiiii. arid saturates mith it grocers, and me& ORTH U (i el e. of t:ie 8", cine dealers. . dashel -Nith a gncat plun,-e,-tlio d Ism-ticu:luiral architect. Sir Jush. the spon,,e she hands hiin to apply to bi8 Ourii be the reign of love and peace. Nclv� ca 0 9. Our weapons not with carnage staftied; PERRY DAVIS & SON. agit tit ft i. ILIA h May 0 1, u I'"xior, vtoulail had he seea thia have coit. face I The rs,,o-�y f -the poor VULng Mall a %% e tnumph oler no man) rid race, C. July h tP ss"Acrs n I the tars tin tile Ijur,Li a 0 f ssed, thut it surpassed Chatwordl. May be ipes icd at, fur iu less than two Piprietorita. "-Sold in rytifetirb b% J,-hn lia.land I Him out. Biji-mg 2 1 0 into I'li hmij, b-Twsprit and alofl WILVilIg thAr h%tS I;t11g I I (joroundd and Larkeithead Park-ijits three hjurs afterwards he lay a dlAi,,ured corps Nor waste the blood oftribes enchained 21w 3m 380 St. Paul street Montreal. 'F. Jordan ; Gaidiner ow e :1 1 CV, it t.) Thy n I Jarkwn I itnublcst effoj is. No wouder, then that I wus.1 upon a dimity coverlet of tile little bed The hl.,3dlezu war which virtue wages, f8esitlamat, Horelvilie -, J I 1 wil I ly. Then the st.-cawcr bearing the L',,u,it, r 1 1 21 1 3 Not ,ul 9 Is unt %villa deacly toward or spear, Combe. Watts & jeloh. Cie i-ro,eatlull of Thi all uck oil my enterance with Lite btauty ol 4here Vat:di'le slept, in the clos,-L adj",)I'Ill lig \% I, c I).. Kertan b Giviii,ing 2 0 Yet fast the gloom of be distrusts ageal vow, I,. -Hickastion, Setoilforl �j r, I I tie jejgi.... ume was thrown to 010 br`C'�V, the SOMA a. B,r-,s Is uIS61lig 1 the sceue, lit up by a btilhaut sun und eat. I adalue'd own room I The cireonstances -The New"Do i%j Before its face must disappear. te ct It'd on the water njost racel'a1y, and 4 liveried by Ike li'liv 8trisine of a anil' ;atlenuznlcs came here in troo.,na-love. tu.,y 'Ce. IV — rt-o;ve 1� M L)v and euc,,�w- no of the Prot[ iest si t of Lh day was build, I% hich j)!ays bere daily. jeultiusy, revcne arid diel)air au moral: CRICKET A 0 ORLS I C 9- 1 - Tit. GREAT Ir' !? h' TION I -N h`u Ii'!l y t., Ti L) r. we b(-s(,cch 0 -') Oil cxatimi.ii it, I found vic appruti-ig rocks I Yk)S'.h .41111 t)e!IU[y auphysique, made lap.the Call forth the efty I Wake the wild! G I D E i It' If. e u: c;: di,,-tt tLuir c ovcr. Tne 2chootler is a Stoutly built Total for Llibtrn, I a,. and 2nd lunin,,s. .48. Lt, hL.Ve beell faujulatca out il,,.ide, arid must list-aud so this frantic woman was;sentenced 1. Let %VealLb and Iabor join the train Just to band at the Among the Mom timportaii I I'le of I bY gl rv, voss,l lnteiid�d to c-irry 10,000 bushels FRINCE A1XRI.L)­1­'lR6T rum -Antic giutws (or envernsi former by thum to eight, y --ars imprisonment only. Had she jark-It lrom tile , roo:s (if " lilch %%L:l committed forgery. or stolen a ioaf tet graudame hour and lisping child, disc lverie:, s6 'I C�u ch, I!le Lollor of Her I 1 1 121 c C C,,unter b firigg diSj1layL­l to feed Tile -N,:w 1) win 1 -n w ts u�la - r- 117 Al2 - a­va:1 Ithis of,grain, and n:fl:cts much credit oil 31r. llif'lu Itur, ut. 13. b rig g 2 :st4luclitta; %%u:e hangiij� ur vvely letlofill her starving children, she V�oulvd have Leen Corniftingling bwell the f�stai iitraiis.a Signal 0MUSIF CANADI IN PAIN, 11 the Iyll (,)U:Ity of It Ir"ll 11 8'.411113111 2 b Stuart 2 1 Shout ye dense woodlands! till Varictmver As a Famdv Medicine, it Ti. A i,.i t I. 13 to e 1. u To I b'v bi Oj,� 1ArIt,)n Ear builder. "till -ulg 1 1 12 b un' 9 , alld apparently every vig,- vao-uell iizlitdte� punished Lot a whit less severt-ly, Respondil "r, rehe' Rut 99 to rugged brad &slown. Ving thuslotaiji in a west j yous nlnnor. A :1 :;.L -S I i-) g h I �.e n. & 'ta: I,, it of Je,lls 111-i HUAT RACY. M 1 3 1 Uut. 1) Stuart 4 that the L:igluib tril,Vtiller might, wiil)uut -And, '- Rule Brittann' rule forever F IFTYdozennew Style of I'leut. 1 1 1 c Hurns b nuin 3, �Sidv, Back and head.Cougt S Iu; I: r a �. d S -i% iL.ur. I rccutull 21 It niq very great snetch of 31114,11'atioli, f&licy WELLS m ALUMRS.-ritiventy-tbree years Rings from the Po'c a e 'a shore. (;fwvnf L The boat race, for vvvm,�b Lbere were elevo. L B. W., b gg 6 so j A:4ttl 0 b Stuart 0 hiwsc;f witudt ring agiti;j till :)ugh one of tLe ago tile French culuttists in Ali Will ANT BANNATYNE. ttaovle�v ornorbuis,Oysen that Was 3LOUL La take plice in our 1,- "A I ratries, commenced Immedvately afivr tLe -le"all I I 1 3 Lar,p fissures are inade Ashfirld, June26th, I X -a 3E3 T—T AT 95 Petor then came forwar 11 ;)r h, Ian Illeir fizst tattecraps to sink artesian wells in Pistillate, Burns, Scild - asizich. I he start Vla Very guod, but the I 1 1, Small .1 In patent bindinn (will last for jiosarg) at tW. &c., &c., cil relaticins as c,,'u!,,i s, and all e�i: rt� 1 3, 1. ur 0 c Burns Is Urigg here arid there left,throuiii which tile he acluir,-d territory : tatii, after I:ow- ti,ra) towards ettLk�j:i.tC, %hich, de- 13) es I I ` The CANADIAN PAIN vi a ud, c'c I- %or -e read the 5 1 u it tit it� lit be seen, w It ie ourita, fit two places ill the p.-ovince UE:- 61'QNAL CWFICE. vow been before the public hesariiit into th pr,-p-ar4-.i,),,s fur e I Tr-jC;t,l iti.:h frum tile irt­rcst of the &ffiir. — 1 of Ova" IMETEOROLOGICA by he Qmeeu : - recew;es, lit from tile toP, and gluzed with to a �epth of 98 at;d I i� metres, without *a Tioarbearever rufto is soft bralfi.).. All ev 'Et &I important Tl�, I h,� fol a I wei e tile p; iz -:s ta!,,eu : - PORT. :33 thic'. plte .,luss, boLh irvaii ai,d B,L:t water suiLing witter, the atlenips were abandoned. it. a susloe talistatinee to give A PRO 1 AMATIoN. Ist PliL-, Win .I:iulljels ....... �10 00 1 The L1#19 Xarvel* erio- of the various cropt; f,rmlng tne 2 -ND IV'.%tNGS. coutiliwilly floor in, seri i.;,, to support it, 1�436 opel,allolls sitimellytised,isivid we have urrity ........ 8 00 wo.re resumed by tbe Prialpittred for the Si , by be viu of every II ind and 'Sort, y -snazoevi'dLastattifacHon -be iewed, uffilitary torps of engineers, an.j from' that &Wigm orwr at Gd%i6rvfek. Huron Rattall.)n of 1'.)Ilinteer a! 3A I.,,)ry wray ........ 6 ou a — &Eagine, price 35 eezim been foilowed ; but Fo- the Prorinces af Cana&z, It 11 4 ' 11 a Parloir StA N)ru �ki)lta, an.1 Vclw Brunswick into I 1 2 3 e Ja&ksou b Stmart 1; , as it were below the Bur&ce of the stream, ate, with two or three excepli 9, every prope the Couny Tuwt. Markel it as'thz p?oper ine. ........ 4 00 0 Is tj narg a-. 10 AT THE are detwIM with it@ op"T'i Dvitrainion under the %,line f b Susan c Stuart iland showing mitalie rocks an prave!ly b�)ring bus succeedval i and at tiloin eud of tile highem terms of-itz v& Canada. I A Wanco of money, left on the hand of Jcul. 2 Not out bottoms, um,,ngst which the piscatory tiLibe DAYS. plae-- i I wfi,s­,�k t,.) unite the ree irt-i arid f the boat ruce be expended in 11864 only five wells were flowing said E C, �u !�B; '3.6 recrea- Lo I 5i most, trquend v grub6ed Zr tood or delivarignozy 41,20)0,000 larrs of water every Time, 7 a. In, sSigmal office -Y Wappeatfrow ftMt,iM,!13t the I. yal lolia,,itants of this linzes fur a roing ru Atch ill a few days. 1-1 -lion. GI'L-the;e wrottoiike Aqu i0 rd in ft hria there � -s Ij -KU" if thomighly. a br an Act or f'wliament passel hour, or 100,000 cubic metres a day. The W, 0 2 Is CROQUET Completes in stout box, priellir -an suffenag bum any, 0 Exccusio.\s ETC. Total by IPtince Alfred," Ist and 2ud are severul thro-i.b the reserve hich not water is I impid and driukable, but generally -- $6.09, at the Wflawill it is recommended grmt Cilu:it�, aal we ar� h3ppy tO bZ �n tht� 1)�y of M.Ich or e only serve to atiMue tile Tititor, but atrurd a- alAc to say t1a, the pro;rammiw- dritra up Dal i.., 0.e lay and evcning the stvatn,r illnin;i, -19 thereby winning by I run, arid 7 1 �a little blackish. The t5ovet of such a sup- 1867' ,,liffienag a Smemotga R*wmd I i ei -Lt hu;ALed ad ,ix:v b( ven. I I el cool retreat in summer. There are at least I h1on.sJunelO 292591 68.91 .1 1 3 .59$'3 Siffnal. dftAm-% ce aston-litall; eata" It 7 ��-Ivcr Spraiy atoll ititort gave shurt excar. w i clie is to go do wo. I Dly 01; the social lire ai.d industry of the Tues. 14 11 W4 1 57-9 INW I to win .y an energefic committee of iluating.-­ I %L! th-teen h year or our Reig-, lct-tuld air aadoz,�n auperb reenhapses and colivatories, jDatialtrow is curing the ,y ci r,r ilie Ui:.on of Canada, N',jva Scotia, sijas an the Lake' which were well patro country way be �%agiraede A village'and Wed. - " 12, A88, 1 62.1 1 S 0 A50 A variety al Knick enaelrill, is wo-omneuded. and " Two as which disp4 the most spleu4id show of rare daito plainsations rise up around e*ay watifl, Thurs. 13 AZS � 61.9 E -1 101 .0127 itirtic es di6W the tortoorting parats an, =nt of our town-smen not o aizA. - W one ef the larg-st gptherfn�;i; we have evcr aud New Bru,tswi", -an,f the Government Toe ;;lines on the s uzare commenced SR-AFORTH, flowers , there are precious plants blooming arid the natives, having so Fri., oat 14 A45 64-9 EE .1 just to hand, at the -rdievivat Nervous Affectioi I tit f -,r I ur, ost sa connected there-. e mething to lose, S, L, ., 15 t e in the opean air, arid shrubs of the MUSL prefer peace to predacity. Thirt7 five of the 294 b9-9 S. .0 seen in Gj&rich, but ave unirersal sat- ..th, after dlvp.,s R--citalls, it ii enactel, that ab )at . 4 cl'iock country buys (From our Special Correspondent.) 1 2 SIGNAL O.VFIOIL' rack in the tiost, of reandSM4 arri,its, awa, ouA require the wellsare in the Oulet kir district, 'which 0 The I- Veto, ity of b W al expr It e in is eassed Seaforth July I lt�67. I education of a butaTilt, the fMte Of a! Univer strettlies far to the south. approximately by arturnitivers, thus : u..'Calm, The stock of 9tatfonery is an ts iral us W it sh I;! lIe law,u' for the Q een, by an] wi y nrWof the priz,-s after a hard exquisite beauty. Bat it w isfaction. cont`ebt- I'Ve rdtratu front pubii8birm the The deepest well the largik.1ad .0 eco, ry t.eadv:ce�I­Ller�l:'etsty's an,st honortbie F,&TAL ACCI.-,KXT.-A man named !�uliivan, I gal florist, to Moderate Gale; 10 Very heavy Hurneartle,&r. most coul tegillyrattag &2 0 Me IM pr z� last as s line of the winners are nut describe them. I therefore is 175 metres the shallowest 29 metres, and plete iii. this western, pection, of tw noW THE DAY WAS USHERED I.T. Privy Couiocil, t,) declare by Proclamatio. t The 41 extent of ofsky el ouded 1-1 is expressed New Dominion, being bwmfi* Title Canst I dt:sirous of -appearing in h i nl,�rely Mention them. and, ascendiii., a the total of all the borings amount to 6,628 umbers, fr6m 10 to 0; than: 10. denot,is ,hat %.I and 2ifter a d print. iTho resided its frivillatown was killed on, L e 'a in --n was ir therein ap!�oit el' The orotif-ttioner shops were crowded all railway, just lay wMin pal7j, urtive at the great cons,.rvatory metrea. The entire cost, defrayed by a t the sky ir covered virif h clo da, 5. thaii it is direct from Eumpean m= The 13L-th of the -New Domini tut avativediat.11-LIMI. t beira-r ratt than six am-luths after the- U night. Itseems, that u buiIJ7 sushered ia bv the lz'voltion f a he; � b,)n- no and crust have diene a handsome rig Pertect, in it -se I' and stocked wph j on the nutiv�es, was 400.000 frallcii. Among half covered ; a l,.d 0 that it is perfectly alvar, sold at a slight advance on the 14"ornpatmarder siond rmssi..z of t tis act, the Proviac-s of Canad, of7busitiress. The Bavfield Band st roke lie went oil tile rai.way track at Carroubroolke I a collection of trees and fl.,wervi'which would the material resulfee L50,000 date trees have BAROMETER. at the Wit4but k aftemac fire on the s%nare, between 12 and I t .1; )va Scotia, and Nt:w Brunswizk shall firm the occasion, did ecellent a- hired for and was romium iest whed- the 9 o'clock 'driven reafjud,eotsuch matters into extatic �11 25ozeentli; per and lye ov.e Dominion under the notrn,! or service durim, 0 0 een pls.6,ed in the Ouled Rir dGatiiet slene, Highest 13arometne paressia dining Ae -wft& bestild o'clock, a. m., which, we are tolct, atLraet- - a 1 d-liallit Ine dome wilich-aur.-oundis the beside fruit trees of other kinds, and m was 29-48hilt 7 o'ejugli., a In.jant �vedjaezdjvy, 1911UM Canada, sit.of on nrA after that day IbLse 1* 1 he dAy. train was 90112'r ea4t, he did not go off the ore . I f , Signal i body' ithe conservatory is, at least 60 feet Lowest HamtDow ar,-"Cm' theweek was, ed qaita a number of those witio, We're lt"ime ?rorinces S' IT form anti be one, lu t5o eve-lng the Lool, Burgess Xastruls 0 than 2,000 new gardens bay _ g 0 track and the ell isle struck him, broke his e been formed. 29.130 at 9 0,,ts high and this affirdi room or tile display of 111raill Monday. General ,FLv(- a concert %Vhi.:h wAs yet larg-ly at. 1 0 anxious to see the whole affAir through �Pocnliva un�er tis t name y I The Mean Barometirm pressat--t fili &e tiircvek .1 �heet musicit music ald racenamm a e- and f--turLd his e-ul-11, caustuq irslant. s.,tne of the fiticat specimens of paltus, aloes, 13-301d M rNmenellit by had I And it is therrel-tv furthraquacted, that I* such THE 101141) R -IND IROBBE-ST.-The New W" 29-30.9b. Uotaks furnialWI-to or(lvr on.Alialia.shorgm *A� from the fu -,,L When the flames te A numl)er of tbe (;ood Templars had a duath. The engine diiver saw h:m and im- oth" E11stern tre,s-in Europe, There York Jjerald of THEILMONETRIt. N 3 ueaday says :-11 The possible notiov, At pablisheirt; pm=%. f persons; sh-Ji be fi: -it summoned to is also an aviary and acquar am, an I& Jew subsiled, the boys,, who ha inae up as the Quee.9, by W4rm.-,t order Her strawberry fusti It tojether at -Galit s Point, mediately signaled for down brakes but was d 4 6" Lord boadt rqbbery) which eveuW so much 00arsoll'observation 7 a.in 1pm.,q p.m.) a -sty's Klyai Sipi Miiva!, thinks fit to -d e:j -yed themsehest very much. tAu of th E Eunie ; but the gem excitement sit the time of it4ointaiiiision, for ffighest Tempereature durisig.the week was ft klitewsrou, 0 it ­ 1-. 0 at I oirlock, p.m. on Monday. anprove, an J rtei r nil tries Oval I be inset supposed he %as intoxicated, or hQ would months pill has almost beejj�' the'm minds to be out all night so 3s to bts Vi too- nPar to :aVe the unfortunate man. It is of all -I think f may go so in- as to call i AN up eaz4y in the morning amused th--m- tt al i,i It-l-C)IIINATION. . the triumph of the garden- is a batch of $1 tten by Wlivift-91-11'emperature during Illie. wevelk was 5519 W W ii,:Ive left the track. The budy was brought. the pu" but yesterday alfgW �$hase in 1AVIll' Welock p. In. on TnWav-. Gooderieh. uly 2jid JNT� - SAM Pr clam oil or i: niou :­ IiVe We most not forget to meatioa that in (be 0� aza:iaq, whiub have gaiwal the first pe.ze, the aff%,W.16urred The Mean Ttairiperittaire tar the ;vmk was 66.7.1, llaelvteas by hoisting a h a e w'i i t-, n th-eiiie. bv a A with the advice our 'PlITY! - to Laticatter's hotel Seaforth wher which wh':"no doubt be evezil-l! the Colbor,:e Iran Mr. I it Tnompson, 0 an In- exhibited bete by Messrs, V etch & Co., of lquest wai held by Dr. Coleman, arid a terdict' St. Johns 11' the ca -e- mment in cer. Warmest day ditoritig Lhe vvek v I of Huroh, y V tile tor3 of the Americia at Coa- c.:. haTe ilwa-,ht CA It-) issue tb:s our proprietur, was illuinliated in ood, Undon. An additional 0 van on Sat;;�yq 0" y a handsome e to come. 1B C a 'r; 1 iveti in accordance with the above facts. train ciriirei for soine'llitn' I 1110-Meaft Temperaltuare being 14,20 Wit - R a d we do 6rdls:n, 2f(kfi4qQ pre staff, barriza otia- doir stepst, but as in-tarver. The fine &,-Ipear rice (if the b,,i,!d- eutrance, richly ornamented with a superb Coldest daV doormat the Week was vin Tuesday, tat evaitutiind. Lit it on and after tLe idea or ACCITILNT.-At Mr. W. Wall,ret's ridbing broze * ars thut during tho past year detect.ve mg when thas :a up, gave a good fountain is bein-,r added to this already pe the Metaiiia Temperature beilig-65iiii 4:0untiesofftroovin am first day of Ju:y one thous.,r,d eiht hard, ed ur, wh'ch by -the -by. of Now Ha ourditian scollred portions JOHN HIDAN Jit THE.Publiz is sagaillaw the !An& am, attell, will be done Ina ocearsious of the Eler aud CirlMita es - effimt a genteral ir+umivaLiun in Sturday, one of tho,biiiats fell among a magnificent couservat" alp$ was P"a ty-ieven th-t Pr,)vinc of Canaa, �--u d Lave produced. d with a new'sort cal Vene- 22aill taflume. 1867. -starve k 1, no it, to their per- hire, Rhode Island, Mama. purchasing or npzot' owd of Men uLl only1iro tot hurt ; John is entirely covere Dated thit, iating a i6iii, 4 at the MW 01 Kotia. nd Nevir Bru.isvick sh 1 form I chuseLts, Pennsylvania, MzLiue. and Callada,' hand dm -n by John Knein and �14 willial-, li-sly air I John Grieve. Dr. Coleman was tiran blind, or semi abutter, recently rateated fortuances, bt-qon I a laug I at the foJ7 dis- "d b- are 1, &r Oe name of T0RCHl.I(;L:T P:LoCES.9loN. a rs 44thfpinyjJh�- ludin the rays of the sun, - pe ocal a in , Mediate attejidance and found tbem� which while excl tu ferret. out the whemabo &aj itten an tlh�e ortwute. and -c s of very severely but not fata.ly injure.l. admits that THE MAJIKETS. April, 1867, due 6 mant.0 a0er do#, i - MW to lot Ono played by those vir�ao in lulged I I them. ana!a. A;id we J,) fu. %liet orLn aud de- I The firemen c:�.sed up he procee-lin r connected with the robbery, at'tradofthey sue- -defimdatut, in ,lare. t::.at the p,:rs�,ic* wh,,se names are the Itin,,, t�r�s ime day with warmth requirel. But to ceeded in thf-irsearchings in arresting Charles rdil� has be Fooftli-oromce&4ant satilbe To' Her a twothli'llt Polaris ay half the chdrals Of thi3 lovely si)zjt pettengjIll Char, en'ticeliv4-d-ibe Ae 4"W. Alitail, Poway of 110rorat whic At dAybreak a party of a rtil tn,� all fir -d ',,,ei,, a:A set for III are the pensons prco-,es.ion, abuut III ci clock, er whi h the Cold cws. aspotreserved fcr the better classes, the art, IdErl ir"m jiments I ifiW offer Jor Me, art es Howlud, John Stew fiv,- or six rivilan Is from B.; Bess at, t: W. A. Babcock and John Lynch, and reepy. GODEUICIII Jaly Coaran House, in #)to TjDVW ,of whims we ba�e, by %1, arrant Under our Lown -.link to rest. e!jteratice f, c beiu.- half a fruric, I am aware 21867.. te hen, Ju 2, �JT P� 67.. arse surnm,)ns wirnirI4 LI tit to approve at This wai cl-eided'r.the 111131-t succal."ful de- ering, $300,000 worth of the bonds stolen. , P - Tuestlay-Ifie-StoMhAa of point� th-- ho a yse The Belkville DailV Int,11i Spring Wheat .......... 1.10 Shall be first surnmoned to rr 0-5 ral '.ott of t h.�, , (I rkour ofTwelveallbe-11-1k yencer says, i that I abou'd require, to afford me proper Lut- weeIr tbeseI officers$ ascertaining that a Fall 40 .. .......... JOWN KA n tvar held in Godel. space every CiAumil of the Montreal Gazelle who vir'-hed t. -s b- early astir the .It, as fur ouce everllvalli seemed sat',fied. a c,)rrqsj, aud ev'n then . I f, e: A' had not. fully desc4bed Prominent broker in, this country had a larie Oats .................... 0:00 that it w ondent writin from Bannock :-1:40 sib, time t) off Iu:� 1j:h, azal b,: u:, t, L G ardor a ad dec., um quantity of the stolen bonds in his possession, )-evaile t1roalh. burn und 00. SLIi h3 b-'Ai,;ved n as� its various aurlactioi. Flour ................. .0 -r d Ile June 26, writes, s I %r* fordiwith had him indicted by the g SheriTs 6ffice, Godericli., rand jury. 13arley ................ pirt of L:i -- p n?'e of just shown a's-impl-i by D. 13. Joliuston, Thip party wid, it is said, another brolier, FQ&s 00 of tit ! Cariboo 31iuirg Co, of rack taken �NUI.Tjl 11RITISIX 11tirmv.-Fir June, 1867 not reside ill the United sta" DEPA THE 11-tT i E&I 10 t ry L:. -I t hu, I: j c� t I b - D0, sheep ................. LAIJDS. GOTIZer1kill Grammair gehilliel. 'Cunlent­-.*'-A Dtch doubt becoming alarmed at the aspect afri'Irn Beef, -If evirt. e nnua -n.- t I at a -i erly hin r. i s'i L D)�i-. i -,n n :I pripvir baz�-i, Ile, from their njine to -day at a depth of 30 '�ovei,-,Modern views of thii Atonenit were assurnitn and desirous of clearing I Ldes Qrr 'ke, Archbishop Shari), Characteristics. Their skirts as far as they were able of - From a*1 p -ins ��,f tLiq cuntry, by p: -e r jni�ed tlat, he L I I lived to see our' Te Lalf-swairly a:xawiiHaLi,)n cl:antainin- a beautiful t1ligget & een) ....... Ottawa, t7ffi June., 1867i - or tile btAter ................ er:inv,:y,incN­, on by any Lre U.-anjinar School, took place on Frida Uid. I his epecialen Mr Jo inson till I Pisraol. Peport on cotch Mucation. -try, at. Prevost- ellialion ill the robbery, - yesterday sent to Pttatoes ...... ....... c untry gr --at aal united. of A mericaii Literature - - Pot parti .7 0 Mr. Lord $1,20 - TEM DePaT`&`4l1be;'jo"A st"Ousis's -ed up in ----------- nop� on and 4er the FIH$T 4ULY,; ale was but one of' s---yeral pick 0.000 worth of the bonos %I ood ................... 2:00 0.00 mict.st eurenir'nt, er,.)w Is of we'T1-e:5,id k ew it wherr it was viiliout roals of t:s,, in presence of s,, reral of tile trus, ces It'Oleti'lluorn him, ihe Owner thereby rieov Tke Departme,orter jbrow,p,�Lawu, for thf 6 - people piqrul In. 0: 1 in -a an 1 t jo:r ai'most tvri�hout steariab lats and and paruq�s of the pupils, and seemed to the mine by hims If and others. A-4to 31airmora Irou Works iu4a] I [lie money he had lost w Holly, new V ton ........ 13:oo 0:00 P of iLh the ex- o:o& ception ofabout *qe,o00_ijI seven-thirties-lilid Chick-eng orehalod at Quebee'and Torojo -taa s incans of communication 'give V�ry g�,ncral tire -cuu*-neness of this di�:covcry,' may ......... �-. 10 aged swul: mil- -,,;d f-trw�­s It iose varion satibfactioa to those in, :26 0.1t With thzir bT--ter b-tl-,-.s and :are; iitr.)Iuc J, ani he b2lieved no'prescat. 11 e nutica with articular com. adtl,liat'it was examine] by seve - I sixes call 1881. The parties concerned thereafter " pcssible, of which due *Woo The Peterborta Kriminer has -an article I said to be it res ectable,' bnt it would arre Turkeya� 0:40 -p Min- I respectitit, the Alarnuatis Iron Works, ill �e a Wool wabia;F?... willbegiven# rs and 'kilowing ones,' who pronoun" it 0 .... 6:12iff I . . - , . - .., - I vrkh their gitil; e urvr im tha wotl I Lal iticreased in nlen&ation t',,e Mathematical demoustr matter of great publi,; interest cGuld it be %rwl 0:25 a Suva :-"We f,und 130 men at work it splendid. The work in, -the 'Cariboo oil the face of the mountain, bori ix., blasting sW88 6t known whv these porties are, how Lhey came -ijain] a p# L Ly the scuM all deterwin A to. w.a tit and pnpulttinr i, a gr,�ater rtio.1 t:oni by C. 13al.1anan ant) Lewis, as Mine, is now prosecute(t vigor6ust in posiesslon of 'the' bonds, arid sally they Y, as wheeling, paling arid levelling. Huge piles -C11ntqn July 1. 1867. c 0 InS bz N e a d ay of rt-jI in- to we an Le In r,o countr wvre th.! p-opl,-- i:i posit c- well as te aceuracy'of the answ.2rs given have kept them for sea long a ti'Me fignai thdir EPA W heit ....... also in ttia Ballarat bliate adjoiaia- the cf the ore tire ready to be removed as so6n 45 sion of li'lert. as the Marmora, Railway will get into opera seen. The excursion triin at 40.30 y in a purer form and he by the classes in 1listory and Geoggrapiq 'Cariboo.' rightrail' owner. :10 1:15 olve Spring do .......... aiaclzrv�y hoptd our new Diminjon would generall. We Wilk the tion, which will be opened this day. We Oat* ...... ....... broa;ht 500 vi-i!rvrq, and the ilcri, re Is a d-eald 11lia AtInfitt, (Ga.) rolling ill- h om. d Re";AA M L,,,Od 0 In *e rriatto-r-d George as ii th also passed 2cong, the railrobal w5ere ail was mellced rqlliu ra wa Barley ................ Izat r L-,ur lawled h,� p I-, t, bc 4 It- hocite of i rupra ", men t TUC Prcati eno-1 of"the UnjiTed ylkon, sWill) soon be The craRitoris W Tkal laxoyiiota Ift sinufie"be Xljr jy at a theElle-31iihrill activity. Ni,,htatid iho men 4re at able to roll fit ty toris per day. 0:55 0.60 he has mid�wj in -j' wotk-on the road, tit-) had only a few rods nu;Db,.r s,3 that a!, f in n and th,; a -i) I i:n ol t'.la 6ppr --,,ied. opinion of Vie visitors being a f5i . .. - . 1 -1 Butlier ... ... ...... 0:12 043 good to grade, anJ ire rails are all,laid but about WIT . R. Craigg will soon iiisul& slibed Aw*nt�e; soad 4key are 11,: Tivishel the -N.w d -al alivided as o Th6!dtr�q,-Ie for thb Presidency of the 4!at Flour .... 7-00 7:50 wg was a e was just pay- ought-tobe a cunque-wor months how thisdate, were ou h-ind the, --itl bear.) Lbo merit -,of th k Ths, Book of Potatoes ............... 0:63 0:70 wn their t u. nji:e Nlr Tboulas Dumbi rne� viialthm two thiaT how, if -any, Ame.ican Republic has already'been inaurn. ing the bhnals, le roll of bills and laud, or tbe-8cience ot MriIj[fio 041 F., 0: outolering, we are afril to ev,.;-y prv4perily. differrrit readers, buth boqs and girij. and hu� claijals, specrilying the wrority ge g 9 Aludi .0 - line Xqj - no "jt-;jMd4 a"eAtaung the fitat -in 11 iss Oeaforib, J �67 tfie W"i -1-z Z say Ma,ly t L Was a U C CItarTwoom 911 Nei I loutill czed The prizes were finally awardud to rated. The New York 7imes, Herald, and baskews of silver were scattered round him �#Ile that week he had pail nearly 61,600. Dr. - u ;n, sai I it tv tr'd be injudicious its to ippprt.orsuch-c4avains. aplewul sight to stauid at the Sq jarce and bim to Alcock an] 1. Two piec,.s of other leading journals have declared i IV r. D H., Le es ha� neatly- ready e Fall WhPat ............... 1:50 (�o LAW er a,iv leniti.e.ed remaA8 wheat there I favor of General Grant, while others have' Pe4ty. too, was at tke worklit, and paid the third edition V Hist -ry off 'Phat4 Wifeld at Cluden6 in the co3itints, ;Df'ilurou, lauk dAuvro Worst Ftreet, the si1- of'o recitation' also excited much amusen�ent 6 0 Y, spring W 41115.4f Oen over $4,400 of wages, making -nearly 1-40 0 thjowsr?ty;�wveiiit#� jqb�W - 'jiich were puked with a movil. Mae I to be done durin, the day, tne parts b'+)- exqeedingly well s Flour pert; T' .... 7:60 0:00 was ail' so' brou-U forward the names of Sp3aker Col- f9,000 in cash sciered over the Township from Thalea to Comte, rewritten and ea�. w: larzed.' mor I, rsioetwhy aster the allinart but e1equent by Misses Lyas ustaitted fax, Chief Justice Chose, and Senator Wade. Of geltnoist Ili two days. There is also a Barley ....... 0:60 0:65 ter T. Ek D - all '!ie way daw to tl�e flaidan, 11reaideut Johnson has act yet been mention- lae . villagre springing up, named Blair, The present incoure flora the peafio�y 4).45 ot�o sciv 4`717 fitalwas. beit, , Alcock and Omits ............ 0 lj his frieud the mayor, who, I and 31asLet Lewis an,l I be4cest t Peas ...................... 0:50 1, 011 0 bank oftb,: 1-k--. AcDermott. Two ed by any p-iriy as a probable cAndidte for �aft . er the principal dir.-cLor of the Warmorat romote e4watiop as *e F>jqth, a a a E L,yr.;is­t bifreelt, was dircc�ly company. There are alread.r.- �5 hou -hic'fi it hN llie6u determined to d4iolo'pein. Potatoes per bushel ......... 0:50 9 0-00 spuaimens of drawing in pencil re-eec,ion, arid it is not likely he will be a sea ACT �rJe-cendedFrt)int!.eju(,d,j:dstucF;. pplauste) eipal,ly to primary ScV Fresh Butter per 111 0-12 81 4iJ4 TE19 MILITAILY. were ex. ereeted arid ?0 more tire to be erect 6d ool education, is but candidate, 4a his defeat would be certain and 860, -ZOO. The voluateer To suL b men as I 6ow were they indebteot tor hibited, which werl: pro:jounc-.d by Eome Egga,per doz ........ .... 0;0 99-k.0 Province of CATIM& 1U the'QDgd ty V4M 40f overwhelming. It is said if General Grant Arrival of the Governor-General �County -of Plump. -4 tie pro; re our cour t -y h�.d made ac -d the of the Jadies to birt- very Meritorious. The wire of a eclebrated physician, t069*1.,$-RWQU.. came in bctjv-w!ea IT za and I Ic Beef ' do 0:10 0:12� In 4he inafter *,f reu 4., to i )US privi!p�­S it en inder We subi.)in the Ul priz.- list ciu!d ev.naent, to a nomination, his well His Evicelleney the Governor General one day ­casting her eyp out of the window, Woolperlba 10.25 r, rXCRAIN49 a 1OW4 by-ruinand waggoas, and havina p-ir-.t-'g FhC dlv&4�' EbJt*3 brav c a ttioi known taciturnity will prevent hima- obse hatband in the fr to Hay, per ded on t�,e i-tiviiiro wire mareLt,l I t"t Mking toclish S eeclies, as A- flyfla accumpainit�d by Lrtdy Mouck and tile HOD. neralp it G reck p- ndrew Johnson Njisses Alonck arrived at cessidRWVdid big oadiants, Colin l3tichanan. Quebec on Tue3- -9400KIreal Iffark-elliff. of Ithle -clpc% W�ok of ourimme, 6"Ad vthtre r,fr"huwnis do 2 llenry J bristion. (lid. te L Y U7 ate C i- ad an to e n- 2A day, shortly after noon, on board the steam laitned: I do wish my h"band 14 Us *uppa- d. T�is Ist L-ttia .5 WIT, B ip N'estorian. The Grand Trunk wharf, would ide'T'afty 1 - '!I v- a' out Lto p,iiiciple on wh�ch uchanan. frorA ititob proce .1 1 2ud do 3 John b A Connecticut genius has 'Manufac. south of Quebec, to which the steamer pro. it appeaa too ontredf] P m, 9-july 1867. lislio ()ouuty, 'to very ITLICOUIC, 35 the beat anl du.,t flid tie X,: w was f6unded ' facdonald. Jjke tit tailor cirleying r* dkl- ft'a Sim* tk i4odU I a a spirit tured a knitting machine that will knit fifty ceeded, ws nicely decorated with 1ap and Act. to fains, Loa tud qlolAer.Ltion, 3. d do 2 I-Ldiv. I'lionlas White' 6 home his work. FL9VM--SUpe'Ti6r ESUS ....... 8.75 a 49.00 rrli�ht herve oythin tv do with it, been very ano-,yling an the way up. When aud as far as 4,b da y' pair of stockings per da and issoconstruct. evergreens. War Excellency was loudly Dated -at (;4drrjRbj-in-*e rolurity vf Hw*a 2,2ad do Emily lialdaa�Agfies 8.,25 a 8.50 the butadutia was drtvirn ap that I ed I hat the stitch oA'A te charaged from I& rib cheered by the crowd ca-) 'the vrharf, and a Tua FkxzAN 4 Fancy ............. 7 �u 54.00 all N.:6clo Goldthrop, Agues. to a p*aillstitchr almosk� I%stantly, There. sal6te -was fired from several differeat points. fla- Z-Ztrect, in front of the S&A, we found jUieLided to pursue (Here Wilson, equat. -Nady all the Fenitilp Velland Civiall baper T.50 a 745 prisqu.,ers in jxelana, Eire seventy-five needles th the machine, When hagot-on board (lie the so far fialm being.'aim 740 A. Th "ar, &Q4 APPla*)i I was no4ftsury that 5 do 1, Ist do Anti Shannon. oat priailess, have -via that it numbenfil vacvren ef)tnanies, %iz :- which will knit si d wit 6 do 1, 2ud do. Troy. Svage. sty turns of an ordinary purpose oferossing 4@ this side, a 81,111te was been foland well provide as V*44veaefuZ 0 Much Of LLC b4tt0ortleA 1hat had mArkel Oarr �'reach 5 JoUsit Lystcr. sized stacking aminvitte,,or .4,500'stitches a fired from' A. 31. X 'Aurora. A guard h money o.ne It No. 1. G(Aer"ClTi G. Artill-Try, Cat. ! Of of them- h4ving concealed in a belt ria 7. 7.25 W OF is ft- P)rUies: bktory durin the mioute. This 18"at the rare of 270,000 honor of the 30th regiment was i ding Past Should be! I A lire bors, 5 Colim Bueba ri attendance waist goo e Fae&n' I Kirk, Lieut. Thomson, 2od Lieut. 61kiw- Qan. in jold. , 7% Bat, Flour a 3.65 e ad tile peop] stitches ail hour I Its weigbt is but twatity on the Quellecside. pp - V 15 lid ejoiti,iogether 2 do 2 kleary Johnston. lrooin"ioea'ht Dallagarvan, Irejand, atilijb&a.ins W C la4* 1.65 The I Is-onenju at velopill'i our er 32 ll 0-ftI 0 .40 1 inp, 4 sergeant-., and 36 private-. 3 al-) I Ann-i6barman. pounds. It Uni'lill coition, silk, wolrvstedf.'�or %:tit thv z,and abject clouded in !wstezy. OTIT "in the 001liql w pr No. 2. Baron Ril[Ls, Capt. Hays, allavrional resources 4% spirit of patriotism I 'ea., jfm Genvirall" Migle, 40 BA*LXY.� any light material equally as well as -ijtff A ritl' nietic 5 Heavy Johnston. wool ftnrep Elim RicnT.-A few dArs wro, it C Lie= jmour, �ad Lieut. -which shou,d b belonged to the"partyi.fte 2 do 2 _Ail I Euciid 6 Uolin Buchuran. It knits allso the whole stackingrinAding the was qiseovorLd That the Montreal correaspn- wareaJu,--who ui'd us nil into one of the Hear Johnston, beet. One ofthese muqbjaves, at &,recent diiint of tile New York Herald was a feqj )w kept in cust9dy , und CRIE y er ilia hijUde" trpatir three wrgeariaLs and .30 privatets. 9'ewtmt c0tMtTicz 01, t a' fa of the eaft!i, i trial, knit 1,50DY" of etoek'�det- wh6ut employed inithe Aoairuvall A ,40 3 do 2- i6iind expireo on I te and effecft-iinder-jUAjjj�yb act tome the n. the -A0 4 do ly's Ace,'und fie was at once 644i�;ad e- norliare tile. 'but, 4t no_ I Jailin NeUrea. Tots Y,Junell,andon t6all, day, *AdAhey ar* N o. 3. Seaforth Infantry, Cpt. Bu*l, H would say dropping a stitch or breaking a needle. pail - firigned distant day, be kaped-t 'I AndiefitUist. 5 Colin Buchan4lip absence of thQ Comirnittirl iltnish me IWIU!11111�1*0 itig -4111111 a adilress a still jar Lieqt. NePbUll-po, Easign Wilson, two 0::k- The Orst time Jerrold law a celebr&t. allier'lit'al tot fig� wagist'ratet or I 94e Johnston. le�twlmxzmi 1, go ger 2 do 2 Henry, -1' il the peo. further ordersq Idato withAllull: an lieuce on the advarA tges florivitig 0d song writer, the lAtter said to' hi�ii ple 6170atatTh-, vilith.Aistoyalty - I it seemed 49 from on con- 2 Jul they hold, if I I. -- � , 6 -" -9 sagmnt8, 21, privates. E:jr-flistvary - 40A oossilble thq e. LOY. and The ia Lyster. If -DO a - ------ NA Miid Ii6riation. Three chatersl were then gi I Ancient Geo- e4ng futcAd' 44.11tem agaiin ru Ven Youngster,.. bue-, stilOicient caellfidencf� -41t erklacn, wag b - - We 111tv abligged to r r"014 ytos rin NO. 4. Crwton Inrantry' Capt. 31ar- #�As� �� dwtd� lend Wea a'9111inea 7- slid tbeir' will, atid that ibef vitre ' d 9 In - howo. 6660 - � - , . OdWes wid, -- for The Queen. fhe G&renor Geneml. and graphy'5 Mortality 36 _y -m ari Fi 3 ado 2 Jero;ne Jerrold, disc ia Gri;gg, t4ree t" es three or thv,-New Domiui, a - all the confidencel but into the arms of the Yankees. In 1`011. had not previotip. judicial 1114 N& 1� t ray Lt- f Diastey, E, I Mader e wq�k 4 k I and 37 privates. will'Wits equa wJ0R0ffALDK .rr. haven't the erfeetfr !al: -be,-Ao warmly adibirest Mott, �*Xamin- I EmniGistrimar 2 to JaWd i ji�e red Olen ow ht '1 0 IAM-- a I R4 no!- ulie an, tip olunteerskicit del maii" Wed Tw r I& is said that trid haj 0' Mkin Mimi noon, precisAy. the V 4 iog biollbei compqfMA�d� _q, As ldfilut". Capt. W. W 11114 #hod#y�,Fm t id at Ji A up Wure ill 7 01) 2 slutb� to make j the beog.W,diers, f % Conuor, Liut Jackwo, 4r th,py hat Gereli inifni F,ns* Woods, their pogi(ion on the bapk opposite glittriff 2 TO Elizabeta Alcock; nextillay, xjit# 1867.. .,cc car their fireloeb -oh, their shoit *Wrk I ldeft; for him. -Toronto 3 sergeauts, 36, privatep. 9c:),jnaId"d rii-i'dence, the rd. ry -lie trepred ete attlow Intent Itiow, Tie 0 No. -6, Exeter Infantry, OW. 11yaj- vo at was p for work -16y yea, ritind, the word be Ten, a Sol end' -9 tivoills, a W-11alto inillilest. - man id feiii de w Lieut Spackmm, Ensign a 0:2- can you -tell r- caroll I's 1swu Oft A "610;, 0:2- a old -0 HOd 1p JdO#d 404k 1.0� jDIljiIailt.4 tcotlIse ftii a a, kpei lass of a suitor, Mist Aii 0411*8 jactsw splegrOmfg; cro -it tii ilia, .11 he it ilia, lam ants and 40 privatea, -ed, th� roar of qitilriga6- f set- e nlitentl6al &W �kijjih . , 4 1 r wo yoln I � -, . g ge J490 was fi Twenty-four thouzand fiyatAftk kilid werm �­ WWI,, I ellytwentr 7, Gs-,derkh Towash Jerome 14wis, U ve white TiAd ifid $4 Why, . J4 tAu4 the two. Z4pbo-af h Nrzio, d wjt4 t�e red REV. IV. 'WIT belhS ta-airle UFO resistai W1 tX 4 49#A -R io P3$v 0.� 1 12 0 TE e .Vi M "My on 'd Two b- , p, P y T 0 7 77 � ­- --7 , I - : .7