HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi Weekly Signal, 1867-06-21, Page 2F
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RES a I(Wficensi.g. regulating, and A correspondent, of an
d1b -.jeU DIG 11' ean p"e,
00 t r1let. A mei
gooseseitin, of the ireins OT CLAW
po xtra sex
V 0 rfori rgo aaaoulit,- 11
a In po*
Upon, to -i Wri'vz''i IOT2161w- goveraiiilkWOOV keepers within the corr Ora in speaking of the appea
7W, r. I'll ne Iz -
TXUT,E-1 -T it v I - - p ranceof t6 UAW
He believed ilrilftee'" nd lf,"'rri6ip-ol Hav, in the County States at the Par's R.-bibition calls it ths
lavat, &1*4 t64hoS4 of lgftn w, thouw at TA 1 3 AND GCOERIC P i c,r, ....... ces, and the Council hn( ce section. pati The following are the Weslejan Ministers tion of Cab
L'lw York,, prece "t 0 Bull Run '7f indusfry. As t
in the sums in n,, e flie first Bull Run d- frht from sheef carelem.
e piq U tatters of edlics, ,pf Hurpq
pa a
Im-ful Co4t wid ilie Soldiers, seeking 0 ARRME. appointed by tit4exoniffibol-U417k hey encountered
71h ntarVe 'And Xiiffic eparation, so the fular, tfliml --------
m 66ncili,rs of the Corporation ne4and 1-0 of pr
A lstA36f" re enacted by the lt< ev Gor)Erti
*V *- r e 0 60iavl WO
for some mpow &iter aa awtul a cm- i Owntutiv ' ilk- I
ujil td%te* for too, time sp"6 Ili
Ther -Qt 0 1 $4- . .? ,
s?rvices. t - X
in tj e, a4i6out -
pg l 11N I f a be uttributed tu the minees.4.
1P 0
to t' Ji '^I I do ----------
"lit but found 'A Qot. T*o -we4* asord .............. i ,e'r, 2 - Evr, uolfga-d4y, Will;= r%f the Tp, rl f H in the CvuritY of ill Paris may
a&Taaht he I r with regard '0 "Jively lot
iz. HU 0 Ueev
ail ................ o I Uuiv to6z- Hen F
Express to. 3 es weie
away- The Russian wiater had beg%in. It bn, Ud illl.,S*4 es and Council
A r lih Ac om arid after the pass Olats ................
cia, dt Ar, -,b J r4thek, tit ritt. 0 00nsi,ler d igatl o I nill chin*, -jud Ile ttaSt0dL I lint im, 'Acif-ig, K- ]lam, I her-
....... ........ e
Ve ;
W 0 orowition, incYiNor I ta si Vv -
11W the ta,-is of 'G -*itian win. Itayliust. in,, of this By-Lsw it shal
had COMO Wiii MUXY warnings; had c i Flour .............
Anuounceill by =Jny lt-giLbl e, signs t ha- s, I.' 1 8 ri; ellil lased oil the 0 000C nnoe under teat 7- Seaforth, I be lawful for said Marna.
.................... 13:30 a.m. Wm. R. Dvre, James Me- ke7ew-#. and Counpil, or, such person as they A Barley .............
Christian in.44ygpq and., ornineut, arid Xfi." 414 8 opposed it, of qatit which we had deiived our libertits. S uperanuouted r — PC" ---------------
Vvosilions at.Sphakla- app *ht "in issue a Licerise to any is British Exehaqt
n Cartuey,Asahel Hurlburt, hal I di In this town. at tb
................... :45 P-"' A, ocoroaia, failedl entailing d the Rev. R. Wlialn Sheep ............ .
iL Saalvir b" %o UAl, but it (01 owtoldiovs I 1 0 course, because be was u conservative.— As long as there w - as a wish oil the part of S ' tratfairdit, William Price. person whom they the said Reeves an ', On the 19tb Jullt.; Beef. V cwt ----- ---
I NI lied . .... . . ................ . 1-43 Ith. Sultan's troaps., - Omor-Pusba tssa 6f -;j 0 1. ii -p i fira E tliepeciplo of Bi:411an tit keel) us A Yfould 6( Ha V til-orgreJacqfiea- k;ouncil approves of, to keep a saloon within Charles E. Slack, to Miss G e
wbe wM deatiture of olothing and of shellet. 0 w6ulij state, 'the ow fie4l, rac second Hides (green) .......
Pro" canae and it Umu4 isom - halt nak. trn-vjuUWOlrWitfi flut fq irces vretry wrono 6r its W dilconect ourselves fr6 . ar Dutigainn'tin, Jalmi,W Whiting, the aforesaid township of Hav, to sell b Esq-, all Of oderich.
unable to 1`0 who was sionfe-k6lits agdb6'oht to Go c- 13 4 e daughter of T. 1)ark
under the command of blobetiten in Apocor the British Crown. Kincardine, Luther 0. Rice, A'rred L. retgjl sl.i.lituous liquurs, wine, Beer,
Russo ...... ....
workingia the trenches, a ready -prey for f Onia, retreated to his 'eutratiched color. rich charged with tuardbil. Mr. Lizars In.an8wer to a question from Mr. Kbily, nod cider, --and also vituals by the meal. Wood .............
NI -r,. #Alkv qll jo9kt4e mlaiv OW_n to" ;pd. Be it funhgc
hardstlip and calam Already w"t arid d 7epswater, Ejward Cragg. enacled that the saw %D 2011CUSEMC11ts. 114 new voll
cWd Wid taken the lives, of many v 0mar Pasha, in his endeavor to adAqce,,:Qi ,4 i Gibson Said if the Norib Widing were to Ainleystrille, John I.Velister. to be paid for eacb; such LiceosP shall be --- — --- JS
sustained a frvsh ddeat of his personal com- Exeter to examine into the case'. TbeY be set apart for Regiitry purposes. he Trowbridge, Nelson Brown. $40 per year, by issuing on the first day of NOW- -
dreadful Marra of luktruiasliVs - budefs bzW T Mand at fleraclien. Smarting under the there stopped for 13 days at $6.00 per would think that a central situation was The Howick, John IV. Silvage, Edwi" S- Murcb, and ending on tithe 14st Jay of Febru. ...........
U. W. Ole 21. 1,867. Jones., Torkeys
wpared. The soldian wore astontshlild at -;o I to . a -ar both d43s inclusion.-
issuo of the fight, the Turkish Collilflan4a -, dayl surro iiJood by Ore whold p ra. most 4106111AWe, tkirnp, that Blyib( O r c4olon y of each ye Vvool w5ilahed ......
mach mis-rv, anti dreal-ed the future. The) arnO Blythe, Thomas Hanna. 3rd. Be it further etiacted,tat it shall not ......
burned all the rillages which were ualia of justice and lost the prisoner arter wol1ld be"the proper place. Luckncw William TucLer. -bcJ4wft4JOr atty.,pcispit" persons to -open
IM4* it it Beittillsrav SUCIV 3; bte* " WIT O!t, Ill Old -W Ptiltdi. VC, Iffams per It ---------
Mr.-ftyasaid it -was false -to- 3117-1he a saloon within said rownsbip of Hay, with. INDIAN 0
Or Thbir lkee'646C—of 1400 iiqqas*a w it
was crowdeil a ith prcirisit& and tba killo thvir inhabitacts The toreigp Con- Y kissed baoies all over the country, that he was wpf, ElAwKs -pi1z4nCW#ecre1ary. out first paying, &izifd fblaining a license MOE. Sea&
aararoment ~ siandiair out vitothing mil, The birth day of the New Dominion is 13 jus,icq as§cxbleiJ..fbgJhe., for the edwe.
or., eri have vdilliaO iol'ormeo 10. lie went-slillilrily tlFOUCb 01tatal, 11f4 June, 18G7. Fall Wbo-at .........
suis mii deut It
asomfition -, Yet as though to be celebin65d` throu-416ut the Provinces It was--!bc&u ti c'aacoots ai thall U4 , )6 i ou67 q9uncil busittess, nd 'efiargea fth. Beit further enacted. that it Shall
. a - their respective Governments of the alrocious I I - - - I H E Sale by Public Aectian of Isads in the sprog Wheat .......
6 to — ' ' ' g bliangeo his 4
-ovetf-maiw was, doomed to I*rtsh been ,_p t : b udit committed hJ Mr GiGottwith hav'in politf- RIETKIOROLOGIC.LL HE not be lawful fqr aral saloon keeper to allow Flour per bbI ...... .
4 (hitltrirf, Quebet,, Nbvs'-, &Wlh, ind -talinu I SaWeA Peninsula, advertiW for the
ac e. The I prepared- to upifold' POBT. y
weet OfTh* towmataiio; R*cMa" of- italian _gunboat Prince Addone cut vie wit, L& is now all' gambifna rithia or jibout his premises 16th July next, Barley .............
blished. will not take place.
New- brll os lek i s'a lly "Of 'ttion-e saved a few of tbu f, - Liquor, or
n,L , rliv4 faiiloijs 411 be(n esta fter explaining9he,-the coalition government. There would by which to win or Joose money,
misery btgau to rml tit-liversA 1 1 4 1 P, . .. Persons desiing to obtain Ifor actual ats...... 31 nj )Icinr. r the l'brill. 10 e "turk"s miloage chargo, he said Mr. Hays had also be a coalition government in the Lower Pro n Ilalda. E, -,q-p other -valuable thing or thins, in playing
ri orniffg ram, the goneral tone Of brought Clem to pared for the Signal bY J04 .) Settlement In ft there. will continue to apply .......... ....
17. Was a b, . I &ation (Jbjerver at Ga6ricll- Dice, Dominoes, or other gaue 0
It Cal. ker ISIA41 bushel.
a few fretko after avulke no-twithstandingtir ew. with Cards? Bartlett, Mquire, Iridi
it vcms that every city tolvil kvar att-litil cb bee "Ma& by thf potatoes per
I --- kvwl ' - #
the I och Rime timo a an Office Figib Butter per lb
-eoverio%r of sea* lay upo ear at 5th. Be it turtber enacted, that any person
life b4ollft- A thin thtt"01 n6t'( 6 of chance. Toronto.
'1611 t8 Hay here willi-1 when the
'd stea A
the ground, arid se'VA to army be vicia wit,4 caa othir chased the ClreeWW mer a
unai arid 1 11 . 1- w22 U WM. SPRAGGP,. D. S. L A. F,&s per doz .......
bluckade-runner A6.q'q_ which had landed r:cli Salt Welij for,witicti ther , v!tks, tWt a CoafdeLratiun Bill wa4re4d a thil-d till3e, or persons who shall be guilty of any infrac
ar d 3Q aozxo-coluuriqd Wating the di y fu a-becomiag,
litiao'i U kegafities- eight per cent 4 f tion, or breach of any o
t *38 i goolit Time,7 n.'m - - do -------
I iew I" Christians, has rQ- f the provisions of watton por lb
MAV ar tear. lf lec(64,`he' would endeav this By -Law shall be on conviction, by any Reef
I m,nner. Tho inhabitants of Godericb, and supp
r particle of 1 Won1per lb
atid dpnvv Tb4 p llf. w h, t or
bre o Canes. Toe war vessels is damaiv, UT -
snow the dreadt--il companiou, and forerun I we are hapU to see,, are movin- 61 tb e _Aed ciae, but so was the tpileage grant.4f the 4a consult the feelina of the electors in all One or t[lore ot'Her Maiesty'8 Justice of the 10 10 AM YAUDS
P 1-illErY &A , 1867. ".0 H h per Will
floss' of `wixWr."&hT%dy beMrAS -its telop0J7&JY Martei. Uvjor ba% o4i led a wectiqg, i County Couna fle statc(f - his poli ties matter s of a local nature, and sei ve them to t4ou., j one 3 294-2 6 .9 3 .01 0 Peace bavi-g Jurisdiction within the afore
-1 that the ;keverities -o wounded.. 3 the, bestor his aVlAy. Hq, would support Tnt%. 11 4 314 1 669 S .1 1 51 said Qpunty of Huron, forfit and pay for Clini
swar, &ad ion, i i A e t9at tber
at,the 104ne)t b a nu tn -Jnf bi. to be anti-coalit' Blyth as a proper position for the new Wed. 11 b .221 1 616 S .0 R3 evrystleboffence a fitie of not leaa than NG. FAM W heat ........
4 U .01 10 1 .45
.161 569
w evcningl oaterm in Now P!tepl3stf dCA 1 01 0127 -if
id soldiers. ita, to t1kc place' w-morro would, no doubt, be refoli;m government Registry, office, tqat, being the i of a gre%t 6 $Itj utid not more than $50, in the deser SprimS do ...... ...
. 1 7 M 71,.9 18 .1
U the Town 11A, at hal'.- The fleralXs A u"y he bud arldkin to. Sato ticiniof tho. Jukt,ce or JustiOs convictng 40an ..............
dMAot Of2the"3l"d inst iulOpper Canada". 'Mr.Gibsonthien "a
U,1q4ql&0Q4P&tch says:. 1251 b .9 18— .1 8
w=v new the ra'le of lakermnn, w1wtv, f .' t" I Mr.Wbitebe resselftbe auo--m- — together WiLb the Costs Of prosecution, ......
J , na&t seve4. —During the post week there were three over his policy as stated in oar fb4er re- bly, going over The prin ipqll ideas mentio 0 The I- Velo, try of the Wind 11 141 expressed
OW Y1W t" InoralivW al -a" cl000d of Anoka ned in defittilt of payment thereof at such time Polls! .............
rot -rate
.,Avalo tke firo wAt:ja W be un waseesd by b ap ximagely. by antr0wrts, thas: 0- C 411P
this iay. -4, porter, uq tPok hiz;ikat. im, in Poudesboto. igrd left a 11 6. goldcratt Vale; 10 Very heavy HurriestigAe. as the said Justice or Justices shall direct, Butter
was a singular tell t. a, fr*om no -sbafe-ottid inatirelasiou on the nlinds'o, the audience. t i be- ex*nt ofoll'sity elouded lo Is 0 the said #pal ty artd" osts shall be ctillected Flour ... . .......
34 ZIW- DOX L% IOX 0 F 1134NADA. Cffoll& two cases c Mr. Hays said Gibson made to I . ong- There wiJI be a ma ority here for White y numbers, froin 10 to 0; thus 10., Jenotes bi distress and sale of the offender or offen- potatow ...........
mom 16omfbif 1*
head and'iwajorit idso for Mr. Hays. that the aky Lp tvered wo h clouds, 6. that it is
Fh9l ru-bave appearo iii, New Yqi k, onul ob winded speeches to be sent to Parli mAt. I Jets voods and chattellF arid Ili case of there
CA&Y sirsiou" --it -wa- ihie followiog wry coui'plimeutary re-, the Ist of June provinC fdtal after rlia d out halfe9vered ; amdO that it i-r-perjectlycleari
rteeo Dr. Sloan said Out he had been calle not bein- sufficient distress found of which
He had been chargelt with'being 9 infi-. UALIONEETIEZ. 0 VnTso io,,d
cAY Axesiv, xw fVMe4bv hours diarlotiony onEl the vther occuring yet- at I ondesboro' to SeO a sick child arid as the the same call be wade. such offender or bsb cul
rks terdg,.J:fp-,ug still under tte care of, the Aenders Shall be imprisoned in tl e common Fall Wbeat,
il;o U-na"!-; -ff rq del, am immoral man and a kislier of, other candidates exceptin Mr. Gibson and Highest Barometric pressure 6uring the Week 8pring VV beat, do,
tere issomethin- -rind, nay, sublime, pbvs,6ia the people bud eft the raptla wLile Mr. was 29.412at 7 o"clock. a in. on Munday PANT89 Flour. per IN I*
tog over if a th.ck ronf cf tarred fit ai gellefde Hospital. babies, but ther(r-wastv,), tru -Uol of the County, with or without hnrd
U)wcst Ban -tifetric pre"ure do ring the week was
thut gentleman had labor for such a period not exceediog thirty
01m th4 birt*V a 4erdomiuMi 29,OM at 9 0 -lock p m. oil 6aturda .. Felt RaW Butter .......
, J ;,bg,"111- statementg (113, !& *Oanf from, letiforhome. Hahadrun Otto cauddate M,t,,
tookupalaxs rartofthe eadof thiw-eo Barometric pre6su-e for the week days as the Jst.i. e or JuEtiers shall adjudge,
pir, . kin,-do,n, - QL It is a'mo- WJ1XTZU)E.&U AAD GIUSOC-f- ......... dO9
the Sigal, dashed into the- lmilea,e, stat- off the trac;i andmould 80UU -Tun the other was 29.2194. uniess-the fine and costs shall be souner
Y a cap
be entyanre wa I Webt f6306t with solemnAfhou0t, 'w heir M ETI.Nfj TURUXOMETER. paid
chim *,I IL.HURON. og the amounts HeeiYed at sandry titnes off. --.do,-
7 46 Mai,-Wkitshead.-You tough (flours oi obs-ervation 7 a.m , I P.M., 9 P to.) 56. Be it further enacted, that when the tst ft -
'earth .6aa 'i ' Iith one and It 4e n3,Li) n & of It 44 Shir
SAY t - A9 10 nut to crack I (Lau;.-hter.) Higlit-rit Temperature duritg the week wub bl 5
hi tent. rW AM ` curwiw.
pecuniary penalty imposeo by this By Law Unustuivy CAWP
-do -a &t im, "V 'new 'State, a new ttion is (tteporlej spectl X L the offislefs reeves admitte that Ot trea- Dr. S,oan then went into the various ques- at I p. in on Fi idu v
iaAh& In . T!or the air f, LooweXt 'I em,4.rat4re during t]he week was 66.9 has been collected, one moiety thereof shall Yor CUS1111- Moat"
tiswA- tka cuseripl; oz Ilved born Aid" Tim,,,-- the !,3- tijus likely to COMO up ill Ahe comulolls go to the informer or prosecutori and the
"Mat f I het XtUrge and infludntial meeting of the surer got4oQ much sal ixy., 4difinsou vra,* Floor. -Superior Extri
-% "d thO action he vroul(t take 'upoof th, '1 7 ol Io --k a. tit. on Unredwy.
*at me 1 be tent a., 1 - A ,e I lie-SUan-Tc4sp-ruture for lite week waq 67,15 other moiety to the Corporation. unless te ......
t L, atiiU.9 givenjo thof4a tly electors of 11ul1ctt,,wss.WdjQ the Oron,- I a pat of the G)
' tsi n7i-VA n;.4, twir-Z iZa uacil an,l a bo':)n oompan questions, as stated in our former reports. %%nrn,e-bt4ar4Jurirtgthewrek wan on Friday, prosecution is brought in the name of the lbs....
a' uQw. member -the pE S'Lat, _UA1 fur-etting Mr. Whilletead. ike rienn i iimprruture being 72,50
Cl Kjp4j&M Qp--D19aday--p&cruc-9 UL 9 Al p-jo 0 Ile tendL-rod for the -not, Of course, .. Cortiorallion, then in that case the wbole of 0 The
if, r, o .
and the Qrit id, k. Columt day duriuL, the wt!ek wos on Tursday,
Trao^ the Tempiriature twinp,60-13 -Pots ------ --
as *has I he * pe"fliary penalty shall go to the A2bm
*6111 XWVfM"W 403D -dieft 'lied a cene ivm4 of tfie p t, ' born'e'1111110 L 1r, -D. lcGqgor, chnr- dffi6evT 6leftellast'jo S36 if th4 ell 31twa , ,
oneptaceb,fa rrea-% d Corporation.
FFt 6ic future 3 cl ill uf great promise. A coull not be ousted, The dlerk'& office JOHN RALDAN,Jx. th. Atilt-
, ,& ,k,4nd Dated thir, 15Lh (lay of"June, lbti?. 7 he'it still further enacted that
Qtf Toroi
Yet quite ear, -ariTin --nLr-rmhem -*y7-nud All F. ibsoo spoLe first. He c -aid A1 r. ontly,% nothing-irt this By -Law, is meant tor or Sprilliff w1teat ........
hill rtol-yot* wakei:`94 'Ell I a -oftce i vrebK and he Wit s on store Ucense, Or AT -----------
ivh) may ca'culate iti faturii ma-nitude sibil - apolken first at - A the other known Mr Crawford of Howiok -
atept, but bts sy and
et match was played on the 11AY. Hotel orT;jve:n License.
n tht 64 Loo so ,
rcgUx&,1t4 A crik
At-V;iluMbsi SQUW dt%I*A4'& b4ft Utfty Sollife lk..but, it was his twR now, ha baA k49W.031 r. Cj! a:WforJ of 11olvi* Pussed I I th day of Jane 1867.
of i weet(logs, -.s Aol SMITH"
4fi- P4Lrl6T.-
i tis between, God i* et6vca ad t1i e The Council of the above 'rownship' met T Bstowir
Atty-Uhi* C11*10to I and L e wou!d leave his op nek t -4h 6 oi: wA RUBER Keeve. Mrchant Taikri Fan.
-Arahw ward& ii a#A %pip e voWd Ca:ie h * o do klad ilit6A' five td 'o Unit
trimrduns! . A* alo WOUI& a T ert po 13 1 eleven of H. U. S. Prince Alfred, on ant to adjournment in the Town Hall, WILLIAX WiLsox, Township Clerk. Uodench, June 21st, ISO. w37.
I - to He saH 31r. Hays had ing their business bmusd the went' on I -
th, Lior!h, even the shot? of the am pumu
e Wednesday last, which result -ed in favor 0 Tuesday, the 11th daf of June, 1867.
as It e In & -- fine
the iOdU--ltriOU31Y circ;dlited cliarg, * !on 11 -in the chair and i; -.full Council
'affaisit of " leepion. =d k" . him atty- Bay"an(OM14 1hU Marlin 2bd cs, ngai t h day, He thian *ent into poli -
of the fortruer by three rans. The !Qow- The Reeve TORONTO, GREY AND BRUCE
1%, bTA*,We^k0 tlb--- A-flanto- Ooeam Hitherto the Council for political effect, but that tics mixin- up his vi,:ws arid Mr. Gibson's JAI .1;
the iWa4w-viiiin to, conjure OR t5 - Minutes of laot weeticii were read RAILUAY. Tolossilin .4
tag is th3 wore: - AV OF - rowna-cessizi.- sic-dessioas of Uoubtesame M idillfx terri6)ry wa§ of ctmpfra- there was notbing in the aff'air more than in an awfal manner. Ile w Lhed to know 16nd appiov
tively swil -men-unt it) the wale of politi-
inais. for 11 t pr iTt Jewell SmillK seco AlArge and itifluentia'I railway meeting Qd1for-Ria
that the Council had taken wileage hrig REAL TATE
-Pded b y was held at Uraugeville, yesterday at which
A U --A -slopt. His -bo" iw the; el econ the history 61 the world tn and returning from the tneetinA I on %1 r. U038' life VoSaraffee givetk .Iks Be- tb artlotk Otte b. Mla 5 Wisr, That Franris --_-Regazibe paid
maloamikk taom aii;Ostll wr4hpot ii 1W Win 12 a deputation from the Toronto., Grey and IN GODERICH.
d omy, -And wkq0!4)re; WhW "--S eQnswred da 14 14 wrid 26 the sum:,i
o Y, F I c. Uissnig b. Emmen K , Company, and several gentle-
Airther, the thun&r ofoccasjou4Fy i zplodiqg I CQ-14 e curvy, 45.00, and 50cts cUts find Jartles Bruce Risilway
lsibsio,'n meu fro the viciuity*f the place of meeting
Kin -41epu
-or aft. th:. it was userely knowA &A propd, f4% '7 $2.00 cotip
Aft no'iuch r, b.; Emmett C. Utica 17
4t, 1 White
addilessed those present on tfie subject of the
t4e UdLiW Xortb America" had asqi" in ines"y grant I for she fn' td b,1 doggs.-Car-
tbin- as an insuratim of 11r. Ross' tit& it,,ueru,011 C. Ii. b. Kwirscutte 0
les r% M run out a Tied. projected Nort'hwest narrow gauge 'railway. G. X TRUENAN 'DW The presmil; I
ch-'e'd Arcinie's, t6a , a. I- -Goderich gait Well, which was for such a purpose. There %vas only a
-deu ws, them to the j ust 1 Great intereat was manifested in the --pro- IS instructed to wh by 4action at his SW
Thonflumb 1 . ki n,a aW A sraem ends 4
-A'C-AUOQ3 111mlishaw b. U a v e d %I#' *10f. 'Ca r'r ifeconded by, M. posed railway. and a resolution approving of Rooms Market Square-. Goderi4 on
Pee-vd 1000 11116 ttillt. fore, ne-ither oFmore or less account thin as bad. (Applause) Mr. Gibson then prpRosal tog xqn"j, A 1 7 . I just The
kanp bl§ curIV. ,, ,; J
anoisolless stop advanced turvard. A nut out a Zelliir, That this Council grant the bum Of tt. and promising It support of Lhe meeting
dii"wiftiIi@447 siaw ckosM quisil1F and a d Qftl Britiliin-s depend-: went into the polities of t4a diy, defining *15 00 to improve the road between 09 to it, was carried almost unanimo&.y. Want
Saturday, the 20M day of July.-
eacy, moreover, which wa's W-elli fioliva to 144pobition 11,01 i", .11eA to t9ko as & 6cen made in't'he overagqent-of t:itic*-0oun.-1 12th and 13th coucesitionE, opposite the 'of space prevents us aa report of the
Am"Ohay'l, smawaglao, wiwto. silarm g Eyes .................................... 2 '1 - 1 18671 at noono
hwup I - %vides .......... ......... ................. tsiouth boundary Icts, and thut Isaac Bean be proce'edingii ibis moruiria.-Glok.
m be rather an incembiranm. th:w otheraise reformigr, and s oke d the toll' - - 1 C2
Y of 1111YO try - cortfo,,erallou tit i apecalplished a commissioner to expend the said sum -
to tho'b .6 of the sleeper. I
TONI". ............................. it
tck the Nother UDuntrj. talking ao much about the Coalition Gov. fet. That well siteated Real Egtatek-nown as the
A'-Aiiw,oi0re0au rhq qpenia; of the North-West he (ILUNBOAT. Carried. Moved by James Smillie, second. THE 5101 -REAL UcLE NAN property, adjoibiog the llfroW-
shot U gx*ftWft*1poa- ed by William Carrick, That this Council BANIC-A1 thili, yearly sea occupied by Mr. JOHN 311TCJIRLL
% - . 09 Now this must have-beeta a somewhat ernment, which could n6t prevail in" the' considered indispensable -to th progrces itua out b. Gordon grant the surn of 815-00, to reptir the cross. meeting df the pirdpriet-ary at 11bulreal it few E - followl
sAriwa QA I Cal 494-Aawwrix-mu Knimell n. Gordon Grocer, beine pait- -of Town Lot No. 964s,
Modifyie-ft,statA of things for the bigh- Local flouse-ami that body would cer- of the New Dotniaion. Uc-*as in), avor way between lots 25 ard 26, io the 4th and days since. the Bord managers reported New -ate Street, with buildiags ereetod
_.land came ncaf b. 1hekson a net profit'on the year's business of $906,
of haviag a heaV- tax on 't.- o &a 14( -f Ails" thereon. Also, the whole of U1 No. 971,
thy hom o#ar Redmoud be
spfritlA, '%td%-aY%t, .- aal' elithiprig-ing tainly be raled by the reform party. Mr. lAg btifure wsokeitiUicksou 0 3th concessiou, aud that Chas
--004M44e, pa*e -as, and w&tbialk"Githagn UA a firstr GOD es D M b I da of flervis 6taulptullaut 21 079, or over 15 per 'cent on the capital i of At am owum of t
,v( 4thei Wov*!, -rae imp-T61oll with a 0Jur&A 4 a qQ%misslaaer 6 eigpou4 t4e same. -Car. er Neirgate Street and Vknoriz eUUm sombas, dystei
ide t a. ula the H In of _ .9 which $600,000 was declared divileads- with Frame Dwelling 11owA at pfesoevoe drW a
a-despoL H CsAkiososiitj GtMl .1 rtvd.
thicy have, doue wA m - amQmivg an atti-i his nadimce. ry unstare institu- Pa -[L- e. Thompson lli Dwitam 6 , seconded 5 per cent bal tyearly--:-a-d $300,000 added
sum" 06 thwpoial 94 bp. Usue.te con3idered a Ve * - by Win. cupled by hirs Rutherford, and;i n eirft4koul Amed Im libwally xapT
Ili. Dirksmi
UU sebsZoi into s!um6er, be permk to& more btobuting -1heir apiJ growth. Mr. Turnbull, That this Council grant the.auxn to th e rest or surplus fund ol tire batik. Workshop, occupied bT Meam Ik-ed a vwjbla -raw -Kai
ted 11' HAvs,admitted that r. Gibsob tion. He consilered, that the I(itgreo. tivi— b. Dicksom i
was to ba slowly moved over toward Phinp pitionalilty -vndr the proWhon, of far= Not out 2 SJ6.00, to,open the road to the gmvel pit N11im, earpenters. *%etber itbe fo,,
had done remarkably well, and then went lorial RAiliray "Will Idl-I.&Uktradtled on — O.Z)- CAsix dispatches fro re-
Uqk liust. esideav, Byes .... ................................... 'I Oa the 7th con., and that Daniel Zellar be a Terms of Sale-One-tbird vx6, babitm a 10 EuroM, short
warnel, of the mother country, It was oa to ventilate the illegal acts of th commissioner to e:9pend the same wder ibe oefialtii Yeiterdsy, ann6untie'ne*x 44 it
e U0. mo. -e economical principles if there were ...................................... 1 110 two equal annual it startling chars, a
b 41qmber had time for eariada direction of the Reeve. -Carried, eter. On Monday flight est. Fort"er particulArsap i
Gq&pgy t1le Onpile, x* AniflNewBru;swick, and Couoci'. The only differance betwo'ch fewer lawyers and doctors in parlt tment. ToW.....; ..................... ............ mob attacked p
ty. S'o a Tory meeting at raft
Poved j -X -tion, W A will 1p,
O"s NOT41 SCIP k tb 633t Qff th,;-*yS3Ud shell Zella, secupdW HOUR Y11e,ld J4 e" thdin was that he was gotrig to guP" (Laughiar) It should be boilt an a regu' Tilrat so Hall, stormed the platfortat arid erected of Puipp't, I n frw 16 olien of the cofou'l - m of $8-66'bb griiiiied red flag surmounted by, a 4mp of IAberty. Godericb, June 21,-18ti7, w2ZIA, ffifmlj elftked, ea
OtIAMM-Lm al stirte, and oome forth in the the Cosilitiorn.ammisent, ani r. Gib. jar 3NIDE119 FOR THE VOLUN- to bui Wo stv to bet1reen, lotar Z6 mad
tPASUD 0- t llitt job There was wit never stence befittillg their inereased son held that UoRfedleraton was c 17 in th 14th ri ncession,
ch fi liting, we are told, and
om- pleiJge hims, f against almalgarnatioli, of them have been A0
to dra tram LA V t Schnll!l, expefid ainy acmts, but we are
Ruq .3 development. one knew bett r than we not informed whether the soldiers had been Wauted Immediately. ed 6f
-to rid on ;;hick W24 6epl- pletea. . , I
rt: railwaya so as to form a monopoly, (Ap. (r, be Voluntee Review,) the SaW-. -Carri-A 111111--abilkire named
the talent, the emenzy, the ,ublic spinj. r Moved by Alichwel Zallar, seconded Palled cut. Tap dispatch saj-8 the attackin.g
obe redly, fimpy Irt, ;0 1 r. Wbitcheailmale a sensible spoceb, plau-4,) linid 6 wished eo siyD dist ifiety ' Thero LY 8o1dJ4 all Dzuxtiiab
he gtrocrml intelfig-mce o a r6a thiroughout the country will party was i. IfReform mob," indicatin'r
f thiorse Rritish Mr.Turribull, That the peution of I that
hive lived amongst them in which he Showed that so far trom his that he would not favor further.g.rauts kgratifi-d to learn by the general order the trrmble has. grown out of the Reform X to take charge Pt S. S. No. 4, Usbome,
notieN, on the Ma 9f Lamb Esq (asking .910.00froia the Coun-
itat' . Later in the day ire hear
-rid detea4.his do- we know what they liave d Grand-TruaA RAlway cohnection published in the Rebiew of this date th4t cil i4th. ag 10A 01- 1 a ary 1300 00, per imium. Apply personall, E MY
4U atiriaken bis master, a one and wh4t, beinm the Grand Trunk railway. (Applause. Hay Bralich A.-f-cultarAt Society, Vlj d 1, ,
or by pmpa4 utterto
aH co.-ps, both metropolitan and r1iral, are an candid in Birmio4m, 'evidently the d6orluilla ALEXANDER aiciffian
Av. l9sit pasentir and StftItbit be wort- of' d d *e a& agairstiim, it wa "vntagcouq, as it on thtt Usborue Councir, would 339 SL
M7 -; ad Ile would now read letterl from perpons some
aft - religious excit-emetirt, but It origua&. Wn st Lie
s4 "d log in" be swoW %bu ria -e-; *W6VIie . to be immediately armed with the Snider grant a like sum)'be not granted sA we can- you
I r-, ad that they have made theurselv!s a would be impossible fur hiln ' to secure it, Tor'Outo ind Mobtreil, complaiiiiag 'We. Jbirly thousand of tfiosii riflA not recognize the society of wbieh- he is ted we are completely left in the odvark. This
OWOW 'a his b"Imll, "*Old* 4aiW"W-V astioa. As a rqpb the fu laqt seems to have 0 is, outtes qide* of life greater, car accommodation without - that he had the priceafgrain in Clinton have been shipped to this country I- ' pregident as the lisy Branch Aricultural gr3wn to prodirions
h pay i 1
aadvij4;. ther& lritshneiii- &W a proportions, havingpm T" E. T E pasion of
*11111111n, the Cxroek left Vic tent, ly!U England, With tbree Piiiiion rounds of dociety-CarneJ.
my litill'. for the farmers' wheat. He higher thou at Torouto. That Aj. W - n -
*P on, smaiieenno A1 4 the tie"herOU& heartiaeft a AovedfiyrUr.,Careick, seConded by- Xt. offe'"otOW here. t1jeV auitcultition, -4nd aro ezriected dailp n. wittin- serious destrpetion to property. A
tional rueem., The:r moral and strongly deprecated this placAng a frotu bein Zeliar, Thilit Michyxi Eacrelit ba a commis- WAR h4t4ey wi4-be ready. ioner to ex:;ead a balance left of the - rdad for" Of ra'l't4
for' distiibufloW b6for6i tfiis 'rdietites' otir gran&.1ast n t
-d A00 --c=44 by 4! *wj great extailtt, kow the witiating'i0fluences aace Minister -a mosf unsallo mealiur' at.- AL 1w - under tha oodtrol dl[4 41 and-^ Vunk,- of lasi Lonigin-eske-tw,"
nosAiere L4,8syq%free tea Bank of Lssue in the hands of the Fia g dpud,4, is'probable t kry was,ojilthe to Aliepcone
of a eff ct of his Mill, ad so far petigleum com
y;Ar to Waild No 1, said bislance Pau up0i
d. he siti erliser. 4 .' r -4
'*laden in -loading Enfi.!Ids, to he expend & ,I`AtOUN, hus -this -day remmw jo,
P 99 qi ;e4 19 carry readers. The muzzle, ed on flood allowance between
rauud the that counteract the belt If
Ele Sai if John A. wrm called on, to form away the wheat he had paid the highest Peabodys. and repeating rilles now in the the 3rd and 4th oriucessions, opposite lots atwetion from tbo Truitees, 01 kr
loldetrPSIatcs. Their poritlieridi'liAvenot I . -
reached those d,'pLhS ofmoral &Vad4- ' ministry be woull be in favor of giviag hands of the various battalions and oom. 5 arid 6. - Larned.. ROYAL MUNUICHNCE. Petr0exiiiii Companyj to of[ar lot Sale by Pubtill:
price for, at the Sae rate that Dr. Sloan
-bin d00g!4-vn*9pan"# Moved by Win. Carrick, wcoltided by Jas. A correspondent woites from London to uc6n;an the pre iises om Vilace cd- hith an opportunal, of carryin-1, on- the paii" Ju&pU*,-, nicaI will be sent according to orders to,
0418114AW- HVi!o; hold, 4 puzzlei W in- Uoa -WILexcia principle. all jacm Smillie.Thut Dii iel Zellar-be st c6mtdisa;o;n- the Plymouth [V jtjrn `M6rntnZ'
t 0 e (1 1867
a rioastat a soon as e
16A a4 - out. As the arms hitherto in use will
ommltrl'" o I aaLil it ifppcmd, to te dera. S!on and Mr. Holmes were commiagout ae so er to expend the County grant on the Zurich! &-The Queen j#Oo #n act of A Goliltielia" w10*R9er4
P ra lost i4ght of, and only govemmitir .ps,, Ao perfortac News -- Wedeslay, ths, 3rd -d&v of 11fly,
ate -;vrtrgW, i gatory to the itifterest3 of the eount he thought he Ivas as good as citheir of only g witrin Gravel Road. also the Co rant for greav--iboulicerice. J) P- the fivge'pAlp atloo"clock p m6 The a g vslu" for dw
ry- unden,o a careful inspection by Imperial bourdary lines IL
;W *t*w F34, i7 III A"i, j e - ander the direction of Ahe that she has rematn4w rotim
*J"L;r- 0111121120W IDD a iment he hiis FropertTL.--one &--* ho4d Polivef EsaiMe of'"
lftq tmatedihat he woulla, cudeav'or to a u c I i"466se Jbh: LA fig hta) Mr.- Wmes Aflebftm 6& ra 6 tfieY IrD., & kWLL R, eyi, of . . . . . .
*er the Lteevis iiid t*
mo addielliledAw sidwaiiiiiinisto necessanly accumulated a large portiQp,
grand aultkspl j basis w4ile,t Sim* iremudy b
Se ug a atkk of WO94, be tbund Fj4 be
heir sWis her privy pumsilformo; w*iqk under hap- 400,je,1 fA
an4 JDerrick rigglug, 111 feet of arlima
izi path free Wkira 04rry Out L40 vtewsofthe party with had;kbaicurAu,.Par1iaaxeot, rAp 4d dqu -A atc in wbjco gy ma by
iir to Profit ky-4
4belin stkd th ebaei Zellar, Tbat-ther Clerk notify M hix 'lbeen-speut in &c. Th. with
'thel r. fleriaiirculloistan set, tron stove apa pulibo out reww".
a Pretty
obmk fispa-*J. up aj. b h* A he tho*t he
_q AJ 1,
w4mis of &heir atmjivt Vni. *hlob be was' n et 201
e co Alsa;wroOori:47d, ir;;Iatlite he -Royal, -hospitality thith -,to: bar. own' PAZO
oqj ` 4 46 -
h rpis
PUippo P' be oried. ho,
1110- Wen Dr, Sloarl, in otating his policy,, it m. 8 @a now be left at hoe. Dr. road allowance bet*eou the 9th and 10th aid to fore4n prinees. Zer es t-
up"w4hat'i" ttw siorso *Katzifew win be sent to the tys
is government, com.
follower pushed the curtain aaide,jM rm CIdpra of porys wiU see, tbr the sakp of to be property perlormed on said road.- saved this mone 9b 14*0 1867-' W29
ed to be much milder with iregard to had tried to pt latiminated 4 the re (b concies; ionsit ar-it hinders the statate ring it should not Exetor, 17
aU knovir. as for one, coalition, &r. than he w in Iloyrick coovcQ JA a--Jto t rjJ(Wv parsimonious re
1 a on all&, da,, hat Carried.
Ir pombiah 11:1miresolved togive no 0111AKAtim tbgu bait KONT=7 Va
is came tThere was nothin- partionlitirly'new in left e bq.t6, hq tow. put they'are ahipped clean aarial -good Moved1b 36chadtUllarsecoridedbyWim a million sterling. for the eriction of a epn- to, grow l"
whot Ill, lidyapo oold
limself. 7f he was elf brJer ai 66;6ible. r4lescent. hoip:ital The.matter. hit-bedo, has
beyond tke stelLetall oted he Turnbull, Tbat thedum of $50 be expended too" to he UG wo a jje n on the side L line between lots 20 own -d 21, hfto kept very q%fiet. but it Wfii'ired that
ve fro .4
f*Abiffllss' - 44A UQ906 Alsoilist Me clip th046wit- of the Glob,: *1 lie ot,,,fs"dl:k1eJ;f t take &ad The getker4l public will also be pleas from the 13thoncession to the 14ke Shor; thi matter has been eLdv livado ofer- -w to lesirn ilint Wife oi iW Canadian X ,, =
Wt ob:siz-ve with mucti. regret the rg, . ; r 0.4 hMQ,*- ja" L' f W discha e his d aties faithfully. Road. -Carried. rustbes, AD# the -YA1, '10" 4-6 ii, (a a Ike tat emm
7,L. in A ty. will
dqtat of went over to the other side for four da the t
governm Jdsep4 Ventos, q-, o estop, and with 4 ...... if
,Opt#bhasc this large ugill,
-14hi thia Carly or Uonnala$ion,4and have -bequ loan to us nd the cpeasel a wor brid,,,e.-And deepen thd ditch- at in con ectionr with St. lr*Ql
to Sny eonyeW ioa f a amd
but -Ot back to the reform FiAe $'coo -*--,D i'.Stosildeoied'thtthe.bad splia dniber kge Moved by W4& Turnbull, w.conded bir Wore loughk mlade 11110TIM - k courtectio- A iso
S&Ab6siffg fofinig Lhi veren e j?t"utb c !in 0 - `11111 atki0ked,,'th4y -Wm. C-rrick# T at $15 to granted to make new institution will1w Ty i)*.v- 7;
history of this, conattirr. as he COLK ed a
omew's hoi pox*
f4).,mnlis U42 borts in New Brunswick in +7sks Mr. Holmer tooik the gigaal out of hip oftheir, tran -is0d i he iremarer au,4 other of5clals
ir That 4rad set- to sit hiteli4lon
y n4. bFx fait!)er, the late john Denni' Iftillag, set . t po to qqcljpqj,a3 WeU creek near O'Brions on the Lake Shore road. pital; t this Division,
w -xiU bm
t6 tfifilzit loadiklrii T &ittidtungs of and - that, V liam Jettison bq a commissioner of that reno ned,chari _be simong Ahe Arr ew
there after C-Irpet ba4, and ia an agitated voio*e triea his millbwDip -tital-0oanty of Zam
be driven out thO g, Giad[trun
"o --Yi
to expend the said sum -Carried, trustres. It is prosp6k io; i0rij,itiout hald4s, follows, vi4:-
ts I sopm -- 'Thi to explait away tte charges as brought candidly adifiiWA tha the charj*,di #e Imperi 1111:1 Arm"-
-as Mped by Jus seconded by Mr. X200,000 in purchanngthe-siter-and-erecting
100 UtUAI& - -, , . F ;1, "
tkus sailoi 961nethink like
family removed to Canada some three yearil against hiar, but,ag the end tlje electo Signv4 as to his gettin# ov' Turubal.1, Tha;i this Council grant the aum the building, and to keep the remainder ot
h~ foil rus Of I wenty dq
,Tw-vffl t0ou be 1*f You we "taiiii er the Apse so, $20.6,64 io i the! Canadign ,Exchequer lOdft3 as a L-)yalist failed to, J%mver- what becaw did 17 dAll'', eat atlifierty, Sid tfij 06 -1 &j hl, ill 0
later, Mr. John a gract Cd
lli6, to be expended on chop The p.
,,Yes rh" so. Wkst-5 the Qovkn-. I, land I h* o of the Ariqlde40 tv"q CO ing,out tb rooid 0 16 Ff Ind 4f Ze"biLk
Q 'th"umber river -r1he Una f t elf PtI6 I pough VlAch this gelili&dds tso U vto, 1Uh Wrolaiir,:-7-T
Thi nd pf that, so enolt
keA uqd 04 f6 con Ideialile, _y p et*oa be and 4th 6666 ions, 9p mite to
"Not%; Jolt C4
, and on it
effedil be 9 bank-- givv(4*e inmatra theJd
9- td presentation. iilie Was not his position. ffa thin NAUtago44tare air iter -13wtwAq-,
been acid that Wm. Huch"A': 'ilen
n 10 Y 0,
At-: .0 having been uted .4up"teordint of the ed b4t4hi e bon6urin 'Ithi
A110011bist* J,- 0- 6t 'this "t.. under the direction stilgat Oui went a
d k The; Ikeetibi roU8LJdd*ft4f1 IWU former at E61fiollty Ri6eve-Glirried. -qfteld, 110r&Y
country for,t rdo pso. the June 1& 467. -Dvi&dft jtl
.0 fiberality totirp
ceeaswed. 41-r-JOwPb forGibsoo aad WhitQh6a4,,,%ndl, V zect.
N4%W f' Zur r d I I . speech, after again, in a spirit of great P u b I lljo ta '-MY ill-"CA11704 'AllecOnAed 4Y Intellig Urm reports that
up 1W ck yard to he fab -h,
tboio6g 11 y I icb7iel Z411ar, That tW"Gotincil grani, nce frodi _e
Den f the week's oampjtjgy4 kindoem, eonri,,- to appreciate the value 'of' Ile a' Vr 18 4 fin t ? b* at
Ili ing,which lendid openin, 0 niog Mr. Holmes to the successfu sum of 11100i -W repair the Hay
fw"i he gravel nad- HJsLezWit1'6n-`- on Ab M-qfut *ys mmed cr
89a rum mihniarge 11,-Posrliow fst
LONDE8.80RO". sin t sit -Yli 02; lipjk"
ed for 404W 4411; d - It B
0 wn- on Senr., 4
d 'a - -Illy-emplOym-IT-pr nag
tfitiar"'k.im sple'
ODY-iler" I inst th&
0 his w" MIS fo'G b the o
ndid he iops;. fa, "e7-Caxrieo. h- Witt* pr3l-,* he for,,.the., J)om Moved 6j, Mkhaef Zellair; at- by Jus,
18tb.-D. T Morrow great Ion" ob-,'flf
If oosime t6fi'A a
ckairmam! There Nas a reopmtable tu this Council grant the -of. PUT'bJ-'1jj%S arublef to forlin -a
Ane rokpadr in1V GiWMW. 2, he--1al:c7d -W SraillrW
0- pT,
Qu, , f electors MeLtitizvo shall be acq.9'a gly 'to cola. 85-00T-,td4wproveJrhp_rAud between the the forces under this coikimand :,ol-AVehe cortify tVe- -P
to 1b3 Provincial and UtkOcon 1 0 4shog Vbo
yare wofkpg"i thals Jt sistent with Acteney. -4 , M
ue --
16 - .. -C went and v;a "nesday 'dixgz lsth &Jaro Qwd6
mr; s ithe Loodesbord' Hotel on Toesday itto
luoUeOff,he sic an ralk c
ev*r. _Vtions, op Jolke Va was ctuvened in thirVianO Hol -Atu
_;amp- -p=uanit
Tfr o WATIce -
tbb f2ty 1 f- Wvedly Wim.,urobull, seci y ic'hi*l tariu, he lost his vessel, was "ptured and r& tern000. Canied. 'his e,
T )FAq+ in (ke i0hairi PAk
out*,* isi
Mr,. son, of -Witfoelb, was-'rsicin laro
W" eandidato who Was
we 113 0 e 19,isrt ovt -thlk t6golon -orl6a thi* .#Y. ore ro of the
00 t t 'olAAele of t tp take t witter film t4
rat steamer on - d 4qRf.L,thj Hesaid il:iii' in20;W
-1 'Siaiiou wh g o" _ " I 1 -
1 b
00 G 0
6046ntion- -Atld he believed pearly. pp, the prtpat bipporfilld 10 a
it t
the waters of
=4 tht -0 sit The Princps$ greatest honors cobterred.,val, hiapiaW Worm L e3j bent d
Charlotte 9PP imch were
of ib 006irlde- gave vfaly, AW thd'leiv befilrceme, cohltitlel*be re Poor pet NNgAsrly as could life. He might have dil iiiAt say the epresiutative
tift ated on the tho 6 working y
I'm glad doortave- mom Clots* W. are 4rcd it
f";Iuk 41:0. cp='Qg x stendr#1
Je ex be orlp, Usye tw1nprlawyer,,btft'WWa -Carried. At "'A of
back, astonli
scatter. The wonder. wat "t many -#ers we
'Tbv bare dii -torlbether6twIdU -of 4U&
r and Pr
n thirty unfair res 1A it M- Uil
i,r old F ;,Uvp oyelinae -killed. Awit was, -6 few -got -severely 'b the lass year
919% _4
not I Are our iiu*m- d,eu r(i active F
itiview , qpe 4#ett' 'j v 11 W-0. e;M
pursuits re Thii thib-' but not, jurq UhAbe2n8Y J24`iiiUdeFrthd7d1id6ti6a AT
proir4s O13i. 20 in
leruarkaf !e r' bed., Other was vo gnu le
10 lie
r4zek; 4 "f -6 -11 --!= t
("Weyer. he taxe4 object btforwthe itiiodirt; VVitb 'refureacel m. --Carried. 11 1 . 11
are be A# %GKAK Agdpw A'T-
speeches. He spoke of the sajaries tWe I cf
TWQ! 7 , .. , . _ ;Th-aT for ot rep' &VIA b ors. Mat be
wpizlito and 'h
0 kis ifigw ii of b' Y -ir'U, I 'Y willikeibi
discio and iap Ze
.'e,. etr 'a -4 a. W" W pe -P, bh&N4 I stut"t I d
Iright, Thq o;1ly elientf of o"J endVg,ft@ZWY ita Poo tll- ion
Wit I of--
clar poor el will -41911V, thd OfJaYiUg the on i
viiing thi u's W It seems I be Ut" oil, Mis is w men, to is &2- HY, 0 a V -blobe
m9tb,d4iPiir- fie tR e retumed
46690A ff 116 1AV VgI be oei, d 4efdd
ii;, h C.46;i valsey, b litter in IL U, Cp V
forA or re'a is u t -e ib killodau&wo sixt—Urf oil 44, '7 - Him-Aw and
p 'r 'X)Iicb bW
.0 1 Irl'"d
P -u.pjIt- -brought a si h
10 -im ty Jh _p
-0 ditlld; U&V biet ,T way. wiqar )ctq** wig= so(% be hi 1
appq ust the 066n" t iidi" . = blame in t
rei ilins
fag -W" Toolsou is ghts - a" U ep&&ed the weig thl W orp oa Me
Greek tea ger
And fe#J10 ied
6020W Ad IM11'
I "tion busiaess, And spoke of the tend
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