HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi Weekly Signal, 1867-06-18, Page 4• FitSTA3LISHED 1848- Fhe eldest, Largest, and Cheapest BOOK & STATIONERY STORE, In the t parties of Iiunen and truce, t3 the 1867. Now is the time SIG NAL OFFICE 1 MARKET ,-(41-ARF, uclrERICII. I to subscribe for T. J. Mi C OM GUSE Is the only dealer is the trade in ;nest Cout,ti..ta who Imparts Direct ft om Europe 1. 1,,t•r.iteg pu erasers wnuld save framer by r tit i*tZ 1 goods before buying elsewhere, 20 PER CENT SAVED i.� UTY;v7. Books, Stationery, Fancy Goods, Wall Paper. 1867 'PILE: SIGNAJ til ich is ralmitted to be Best Local PAP Eli S in one of the the country. Ii,ai.1cs a full epitome of al interesting Fishing Tackle ''"`.t: tiew, , we hat'esptcial'corrt pondents I in \r:c york, Tcsas Ircl^n,l, and in Baby Carriages, irarious pat ts of Canada, who carefully AT THE ! •�hs •rve and record faithfully many of flu: sl- /l j \ .: 1 r .)r G�Tt t j,ll- . j iatersstiug doings of the outside world. 1 � ` i, June :the I'67. SPRLUi to 001111N91 nDer wool.,; tell �ulN he. poi •itt1t r tnn..unc 1 th a %sit u� toat ttr Aa • a. �wwttritctlt 311a; a GLOTHS R7 _ O I G ad tt`' c •ti` ctron+ot convert the -gi Me Into t, �c 3S st.ort aouce' az: ro .. heraesu er the Vtsee No effort will be spared daring 1867 I. to keep the &vista up to the standard it I•• has atr.tiued. The Weekly Edition is:published at 51.30 a year in owadt• ince, an 1 as the now ;,,od %% I. art' most desirous ,,t•camaro Ino out the c .sh principle in all eases. Its 1,04 law low A. SMITH, Merchant Tai!or. Uoder.c.h. March I S67. w37. GODERICH MILL The Semi.Weekly is pubii,hed on Tuesdai and Fri 1ay afteruoeus, at $S.50 per ,year.— %S c are Lapis.) la bay Last. Its clisulatiou FLOUR AND FEED STORE, TO ADVERTISERS • TnE SIGNAL presents f edifies of a Crabb's Block Kingston Streei.. „ler. Our_ circulation is RI nal greater Loan that of any paper publ FLOUR. Oat-rnei.J. Co'rn meal and Min in the Connties. and we are at all ready to show advertiins that it ex ALSO, a tot of prime Sugar Cored HAMS seal Roiled Bacons to all parts of Huron and Bruce. Just reeei'ved this morrzn WtO Bushels prime Petatoes. 1000 " oats. Isz91 HENRY GRIST, pass Dept -Mental, Pa fiiaffietitary, MID PATENT ACENT, OTTAWA. Transacts busines with the Crown Lands and other tioverrunent Departments ; Takes out ratioa tor 'ornpa ale= by Letters Pat - Private Bids d'unng the '.'es - a -Ain -4. elsewhere. ijo•.t.rairrasLL,Cosn- Or. M WILSON, ESC/. 'Ands. HON. I CARLING, Lon - Termite late Aseurancetao GODERICH ished times tends OUR JOBBING DEPARTMENT , Lich iS entirely seperate, is in *harm of experienced' workmen, and our facili- tL-s such as to etiab'e us to execute all orders for Plain or Fancy Printing at greatly reduzed prices. Office, Kay's Block, Market Square Goderich • RTLIAGNEWS L ARRESTED. MIME WORKS They aresent io Canada W. C. TRELEAVE N. NOBLE ACTION OF PRES. JOHNSON. He deserves Canada'e thanks for Arresting Monuments, ligadstooes,1 °nibs, PENIAbieseCHIETS Tablets, Table -Tops, eze. ohio Free Stone kept on Frand for Build- ing purposes Stith aS &- GODERICH C. W. 0. BARRY & BR CANET MAKERS, WOOD -TURNERS ! AND UNDERTAK EMS, Hamilton St, Goderich h" EFT' ceaetaiit'y oa hand for sale all arti- m kinds of Tood-turnaig Joni., such as Ai ways nu hand, a complete ASSORTMENT OF COFFINS and a HEARSE to hire on reasonalile-tei tos tiod,ertels, May 3rd, 1866 15w6ut" THE irgscRIBER BEGS TO INFORM aad Rrneettan fee is as ill Maaufactoring,and has OD band s somber of hts SUPERIOR FANNING MILLS & PUMPS. He mama.' earrieutarts d!aw dttenlioo to hi Miffs. as be wen warrantt beat toffee Wheat from oats, eoekle. chess &e. Pumps madeto order and svarranteda Factor -von Nelson st ., between Victertastree Gad Calabria Road. hISNC DODD, WITH ALL Swords, Bayonets, Rifles And all the motly kinds of arms and war materials collected in A ND For t he List three ye on, together an h large variety of Yankee, German, French & English Notions and Nix-Nax, All of which have been sent to BUTLER'S ST A. JOHNSTON, where they are open for Cavadians to feast their eves upon, buy cheap, aud 'keep as relics of the Fenian Collapse. Of all kinds from a Salt Block to a Machine for VI readme !Sfeedles. A very fargeltoek of Beautiful toy Books, Micelaneous Books tor Presenta Cheap at Goderich, Dec. 21. 1866. w48 GOD ERIC WAGON&OARRIAGE I at liuron and ee that he bas 011 bind and a make to en! Otarittgerif _Waging 'liar fowsitec., lebtell sold cheap- for Cash or Grocery and Provision Stora 11AVNG tented and fitted up the store 11 later occupied by A. F. Bush, for the above basiaess, I am now prepared to furnish fatuiIies with Crocertes and Provisions which I Shall -sell at the Lows st Cash prices Flour and Feed kept constantly on hand. A share of your pat ronaTe will he thank fully received and faithfully attended to. Wines and Liquors, Crockery and Glassware,t'ancy Goods. &c., Oatmeal, Cornmeal, Buckwheat Flour, COAL OIL 1 AND COAL OIL LAMPS* P. FERGUSON. P. S.--(loods wiII be delivered in any part of the town. 6.4S illiiiirElsc.okSioTs•V, ES txi tri tl PP ENT 41..ND tti cl 14 FP 0 0 tTi COAL OIL, Coal Oil Lamps, &c. Old Iron, Copper, Brass, ‘Vool laugs. dud Sheep Ina" Sign of the Large Coal Oil Barrel. L THE COMERCIAL 0110141 ASSURAWCE COMPANY 19 AND 20, CORNHILL, LONDON, ENGLAND. CAPITAL, (Fully Subscribed) - - - £2,500,000 Sterling. INVESTED OVER, 432,000,000.- DEPOSIT FUND IN CANADA, $501000. • FIRE DEPARTMENT. The distinguishable principle of the Company has been the establishment of an equitable damn cation, ebarg,ng in all Case. E premium pruportionate to the risk. The Nave...its which has attended the Company's operations has been as fully to (utilize the most sting titne expectations et the Directors, who MI% resolvei to extend the business more widely; nail now oder to the Canadian pu blic. PERFECT SECURITY guaranteed by large Subscribed Capital, and Invested Funds. Prompt Settlement of Claims. The Directors and General Agents, being gentlemen largely en- eneetit Conimerce, wilt take a liberal and businistaialike view of all quetstione coming before them. LIFE DEPARTMENT. ..The Company offers terms to those desire* Life Assurance unsurpassed by any Life Office. Moderate l'reinium.—Perieet Security—Economy of management, tending -to increase the Bonus thk.se on imrtirtptiong scale, 11111011C Wili)111 SO per cent of profits are divimible. Chums mad one mouth after prs_of OI death. FRED. COI E. OFFICE, -3S5 Min?, ST. PAUL S MEET, MONTREAL. H. GARDINER ,4 CO., Agents for Goderich and Lu.cknow ; Win. Rowell, Kincardine ; Joshua Morland, Watson & Co., General Agentsfor Canada. RURON FOUNDRY! II1G7a- ILA MAI SHE. 4. Manufacturers of Grist and Flouring Mills Circular, lifulav and Sash Saw -Mills, .8 TB eiVNI ti'Mralin3 iaDELIERB SEPERATORS AND HORSE POWERS Mowing and Reaping Machines, Wood Saws, J. & LsEEGELLER al:77_,'TrICTALTC)3E1_, s.ar.taiNXG- zbyjc>13-Q.inis AZN ! Castingsof any description made tp order. Also, all kinds of machinery repaired oil short uotice. A large stock ot DEALERS IN LEATHER FWDINGS GODERICH. C. W. w47 FRESH OYSTERS! WHO! ESALE AND nETAIL, BY THE KEG, CAN OR COUNT LOBSTERS, SARDINES, AND CLAMS. FRESH LEMONS, ORANGES, DATES. Cocoanuts, Figs, Crapes. &c., &c., &c., at West side of Market Nquarl, ALLAN P. DT &CLEAN, tiAS JUST RECEIVED A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF CLOTHS Consisting in part of Wein of England Bread English. Seotch, and French Tw.eds,Cashmeres, Doeskins, and a vaiiety of Canadian Cloths; Plata, SatM , and Flowered Vcstings, Shirts, He feels confident of giving satisfaction to al. who may fa vorhim with t eir orders. TWEED SUITS (all wool)$12 ard upwards. N. B.—Cutting done to Order...leg Goderich, Seat 25th. 1866. sw TAILORING 1.1. for t very flatteringencouragemeot he has aheoldershrought. to km lestseason: having CarryinKon Business ExtensHoty and employing none but fIrsf-ciees tradesmen secondto none in the Provinee,havingearrietton Edinburgh', Scotland, he fearle...••lystatestoaa CLOTHING '0A,N) Ban MADE Salem etobeit, 14861 6E117 COOKING, PARLOUR AND BOX STOVES Always on hand, Sugar Eettales, Wagon.ard Pipe Boxes. As our patterns of the above tire of the most approved kind, we would solicit nn inspection of our etock before purchasing elsewhere. as we are offering the above at the lowest remunerative prices for eash, or for ap- proved Credit. Old Metal, Brpss, Copper, and all kinds of produce taken in exchange. Goderich ;October, 1,862. COLONIAL HOUSE. Tailoring & Outfitting Department ! Subscriber begs to inform his many customers and the public generally ;that he keeps A- constantly on hand the largest variety mid best selection of English, -Scotch, French, Swiss & German Tweeds, IN THE COUNTIES. ALSO A LARGE VARIETY OF Canadian Manufactured Goods, ENGLISH, FRENCH & CERMAN BROADCLOTHS, CASSIMERF_:S 8: DOESKINS, OVERCOATINGS OP ALL OTHER DESCRIPTIONS. Having secured the serVices of • he is prepared to execute all orders with promptitude, and in a style unsurpaased by any MANI:PAM:11ER in this PROVINCE, Cities not excepted. Try him and satisfy your- selves. A perfect fit guaranteed ia every instance. - Constantly on hand the LARGEST STOCK and LATEST STYLES in A NIERiCA,N MONEY taken at the highest rate. Goderich, August 22nd, 1866. Chas E. Archibald_ u 103 THOS GRIFF H Ca, HAVING OPENED THEIR WHO WAREHOUSE, NOW OFFER FOR SALE Chests, Half Chests and Caddies, Young Ilysons, Guripowdersr Imperials, Twankays, Japan Young Hyson, Uncolored Japans, Congcus. Souchonga, Orange Pekoe and Sceuted Caper Pekoe. Nos. 2, 2 1-2 and 3 Yellow,Jte6ued, Crushed X and A, Dry Crushe CCI EUS ava and Mocha, also. Roasted and Ground. duns. 10s; Caddies Solace, Twist, and Dark and Bright 1-2 lbs., Bozos Old V trgiuia very light and flhds Porto Iliac, lirls. and Ground. tlags La Guayra, Rio, .1 *VI -1U -11S1 Boxes and Half Boxes, New and Old Valencia Raisins, Bolo a 1 Boxes and 1 Boxes New Layet and M Raisins, Bolte.s and London Layers, Double crown Layers, West End Layersa(very prime) Kegs and j Kees Seedless Must -awls.' I Kegs San Beating Rerrels Paints Currant% (new andmtd) Eleme Figs, Prunes in kegs', cartoons and glass jars, Orange, Lemon aud Citron Peels, Bottled and Crystalized Fruits (in Fancy Boxee). BOXCE artd bruint, Sultana Raisins, Bags and Boxes Jordan Soft albeit and Valencia Almonds, Walnuts end Filberts. Pt pee, Inds, Qr. Casks and Octaves, andeman's, Graham's. and May's Ports, Pemarttri's, Duff. Co,olcin...st Go's, Cramp, Suter & Co.'s, Lopez as Co '8 Pale • and Guidon Sherriee, Burgundy and reach Ports of various grades, Champagnes, Clairete;Moscile and Hock Hbds, 1 -4 Casks and Cases, Martell's, Hennessy's, Otani, Dupuy & Co's, 'Jules Robin da Co's, V Chaloupin & Co.'s, and other brands. Poachens Jamaica Rum. Hhda and Cast a DeKuyper's Holland ar Booth's Old Tom Gin,Dunnville's mon Whiskies. Irish, Ste we ri's and Harvey'e Scotch Whiskies, Canadian Old Itym Malt, Morton's Toddy and Com- Caumneas' Porter, Bass' and Younger's Ate; Canadian Bottling Co.'s Ales and Porter, Cates' TOGETHER WITH A LARGE- STOCK OF Rice, Liverpool SoapaBelmont and French Canales, 'Buttdn BlueMisand Indtge Blue, Starch o various kinder, Spices, Muliesses,Syrups,Carbonet und WaShin,g, &Ides, Engtishlind Canadian Meese' Crosse and Ellackwell's, and-sauceet:. Salt in Mass JersAfaccaroni and Vermicelli, Giquerice,- Viiting., Candlewick, Brooms, Wriipifing- latitaert Fteneb and Canadiatri Viaegar,Sego,.Beer net Wine Corks, Bungs, Saltpeter, Cream /wawa Petits, Bed Cords, Day and Marina's and Landers Sleeking, tac.,,,40. Bins Salmon. Noal-Mariand and Labrador'SpIlt Wirings, Bbig and !Cita LOCUM, Table Codfishi. so ow fur (...ken, or-ontiberal teims for approved Papes 4 F. . Toronto, liovembor124186ffs 39 :V CENT S, T. 1,1. BETil'OitONT G1LLINGAndSTURGEON 'MUM of Landon,England. SHERIFF'S SALE OF LANDS. County of Huron, DY virtue of a writ of to wit : . Fieri Facies issued out of Her Majesty's Court of Queen's Bench, and to me directed against the Lands and Tenements ot Mary Russell, at .he suit of Hamnett I have eeized and taken in Execution the following peoperty. viz: all the right title and interest of the said defendant in and to those certain pareels and tracts of Land situate lye g and being in the township of Albe- marle. in the county of Bruce, containing by ad- measurement two hundred acres of land be the some more or less, being composed -of Luis num berm 31 and 32, in the fourth coneession, East ot the Bury Road of the aforesaid township of albe- marle, which Lends anclIenements shall offer forsale at my office in the Court House, in the town of Goderich, on Tuesday the Eighteenth day ofJ ane next, at the hour uf Tweive of the JOHN As.1hceDrOdiNo.fit Late Huron & Bruce. Sheriff's (Kee, th-tjerich, t 6th March. BO- v.7 THE- RIDGE PROPERTY FOR SALE. THE RESIDENCE OF THE LA1E JOHN GALT, Eso, THIS North Bank of the uifuodlivesriiteutia,ted oppo- on the RIVER MAITLAND, and on the Banks of Lake Huron. It con- tains 31 7-10 acres of Land more or leas. with Dwelling House, Outhouses, Stables, &c., with larcre Garden, Vinery and Orchard The Wood Land consists principally of Oak and the flowering Linder, CherryaMaple, &c. The Grounds are in very good order. Tbere are three never fail ine sprinas of pure water on the Property The situation for a private residence cannot be surpassed in the Prov ineFeOr terms apply to Taos. GALT, Etta , Barrister, Toronto or D. SHADE GOODING, Goderich. 6th July. 18G6. sw901 SHXRIFI'S SALZ OF LANDS Courtly of Htauv, To wit BY virtue of a wr:t Fieri Facias 'matted out of Her Majesty's Connty Court ofthe United Counties of York and Peel and to me directed -against the larrds and tene. mean -Tot' Thomas Cotionaat the atm of the City Batik, I have seized and taken in execution all the right. title and interest °lithe said defendant Thomas Cotton, in and to lot number 431,in die Viltage chntnn. in the Coital). of Huron. eon- taining by adinenstirement ono rood of land, be the sameinsue or lesS, whicli lands and tene- ments 1 ehall otter 'or sale at, niv office in --the Court House, in the Town of'Goderich on Tues- day, the twenty seventh day cd August rexa-at .be hour of twelve ot the clock, noon. JOHN MA atiON A LID. .t'herill of Huron. I6th May, 1567. ( W17 Notice to Wool Growers. THE undersigned would bcg to inform his again, durang this year, be found perannally in attendance at the Wool Cerding and Cloth- ing businese at the old stand, Piper's Mills, until his new factory in Town he campleted. and having had the machinery connected with the Same put in good orkine,,, order un- der his own personal superintendence, cus tomers may rely upou satisfactory workman- ship. N returning thanks for the liberal support of former years in the above busi- ness, he hopes by strict attention to the same to still receive a share of public patronage. Goderich 25th, March, 1867. AXE FACTORY! THE Subeer.ber having recommenced the Axe Business AT THE OLD STAND , on the Coruer of Waterloo and Light -House Streets, world beg to intimate to his .01e friends, and Bo nosily new ones as favours him with a call and trial, that he will produce and sell a alto old ones jumped at a small coat . Picks, ere., M tde and Shaipened en short notice LB.—Also a numb of Sleighs on hand. JOHN McPHERSON. trolerich, Oct. 30th, 1866. 40-t Large Pad -1 ock. H. GARDINER & Co., WHDLSSALE AND RETAIL Hardware Merchant 1.1 sorted stock of Hardware, consisting par of Broad Axes Chopping - Augurs, Brushes. Borax, Waggon Boxes, Canada Plates, - Chains, curry -Corolla, Cordage, Dung Grain Tin, Grindstones, Powder, Shot, Gaps Hinges al, kinds. Iron, Steel, Spring Steel, flubs-, Spokes!, and Bent Stuff, Bar ' Lead, Lamp Glasses, Looking thane. s, Looking- Glass Plate, Horse Nails, w And Boiled Oil. tsenzoline,CoalOil, Machsner Oil, Varnish, Paints mid Color*, Coal Oil Limo's, Plough Moulds, Maley SawfaCTOVeCtit Saws, Hand Saws, 113"' The a tnaeenlvill cfiiiip for Cash. New MarbleWorks Policiers Block, sks- aaa COLONIAL HOUSE SALT TERRITORY KID GLOVES ! KID GLOVES 2 the Ri!er Maitland, and just eust ofn A ACRES OF SALT TERRITOR %./ to lease. situated on and adjace t colors. The largest Stock in the Counties. • ing Goderich Railway :station, nest froutine on CHAS. E. ARCHIBALD. into main line. Goderich, August 22nd. 1863. sw10 Alply to, T. WEATHEIIALD, Gut:Jeri( h. G. N. DAVIS MANUFACTURER AND DEA LER IN 1V1 Stoves, Ploughs and Castings ot every de- scription. Tin,Copper and Sheet Iron Wareao the Market -stove Depot, Market Smilive, (lode - rich. COAL OIL, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. per,Brass. Rags Wu iCkings and Sheepskins SHERIFF'S SALE OF LANDS. To Wit: Ficri Facies issued out of Her Majestyal County Court of the United counties ot Huron and Bruceaand to me directed riga nst the Landis and Tenements or Joseph Hainstoek, at the snit of Arthur Mitehell, I have seised and taken in Execution all the right title and interest of the said detenaant Joseph Hai stock in and to Lot Number Fifteen in the Fourteenth concession of the Township of How - IA in the comity of Huron, which lands and tenements 1 shall offer for sale, at iny office, in the main house, in Me town of Godench, on Tuesday the Nintit day ofJuIy beat, at the hour of twelve o'ctuee noon. JOHN MACDONALD, Sheriff Huron. -w2 Ist April, 1867. i MONEY TO LEND EIGHT PER CENT IN sins or Om- Hundred Dollars and upward& kpply to Soheito- CR ABB'S NEW BLOCK rich. Sept. tot, leb4. ts33t AT Lent on Mortgage. Apply at WM. R. BAIN'S Chancery and Law Office, Crabb's block Goderieh. March 8th, 1867. sw55 FOR SAL ! OR TO RENT. THE WELL KNOWN Maitlandville Hotel 1T t./A TE D on the corner of the Northern a.i'Crevel Road to Lueknow. one num from Coderieh, and within one hundred and sixty yards of the a'oderich SALT WORKS now in operation, This property ts beautifully satiated for a Salt Well, containing one acre and one eightn of land, with a large two-story f3rIrk Hotel, fifty six by torty.six, and a Large Hall aliached thereto with good ambling und other Out -buildings. 'fbere lb a never failitig spring at the rear or the propertv sufficient to supply all Also for Sale, Lot No. 719,1 In the Town of Coderich. situated on the Weat side ot Victoria street, a corner lot edjaining the Frame Stable thereon. .And also Lot No. 1017, Int the Town oa Goderich, eitualed on the North side ot East street, near the Railroad Stinson, with et good Frame House and large Stable there - A clear title ean be given forthe whole. - The above property will be sole. on reasonable terms to suit purchasers. For particulars apply to IS L. DOYLE, Barrister, &c., Goderieb, or G. M. TIM EMAN, Godertch, or he subscriber. C. SHAN NON. February lash, 18d tew4 u Take Notice. RAMUEL PO,LLOCK, Esq., late Is" Sheriff has been appointed official ee under the Insolvent Act of 1864 United Counties cf Huron and Bruce. par Office in Camerm's Block, sten street. February 20th. 1866. Deputy Assign - for the King - Money to Len& ON very reasonable terms. Arply to Savage'aiiew Block. SASH AND DOOR F ACTOR Yr rrHE undersigned having purchased die copied by Donald Cumming, are now,Prepar to carry on the business of manufacturin,g Sash, Doors, Blinds and all kindsof , such as Circle and gothic Sash -and -Frame -ie. They think from their experience in Factory Wert:. that they can give satusfacyun taxxll may laver them with a call. - N. liberal discount to the 'trade. JAS BUCHANAN, DAVID LAWSON;‘- ISAAC FREDERICK Salt Territory I T" Subscriber offers to any peison or company for a royalty ot one -fifteenth of the production, one half acre of land. with about four hundred feet front. Land &Rua. ted abnut eighty yaids from the present Goderich Salt. Works. For further particulars apply by letter or personally to E. CAMPAIGNE, Keeper of County Gaol. FOR SALE. THEbubscliber offers tor sale in the Va- s- loge of Belfast. 18 tniles from Goderich, and 31 milas from Lucknow, on the North• ern Gravel Road, A GOOD BLACKSMITH SHOP I to which there is attached a good frame house a good garden, of nn acre of land, and a good well of water. This is one of the beta openings for a blacksmith in the County cf Huroa. All of wbich will be aold cheap, as the subscriber is about to go on a farm. Terms $80u, half down, the rest in one year, if to suit purchasers. For particulars apply on the premises, or by letter postpaid to NELL CAMPBELL, Belfast p. o. Township of Ashfield, County of Huron. January 31, 1867. w2-6mq FOR SALE. I OT No. 16, 3rd COO. Wawanosh, compais- la ing 50 acres, 15 acres cleared. The land is situated 12 miles trona Goderich, and will to be sold on reasonable terms for cash. Apply or E. CAMPAIGNE, Nov. 25, 1866. w4hltf._ at the Gaol. FOR SALE. OTS and,9, range Ba in the to anaship easterly quarter ca lot 2 in tne 9th eon., W. D., Amine:ea $4 per ante; and 20 Town Lota ply to Goderieb SALT TERRITORY FoR SALE OR- LEASE. VTITHIN 150 yards ol the present Goderich cJnventent to that locality. Apply to JOHN BELL GORDON, Solicitor. 4osterich Godeneh, let Dec., 1866. w45u L ANDS FO R SALE. THE Subsciiher offers the following land Beinglot 22, con. 2, ilucetl,SatTer00.?: itere 75 of which are under crdgvat.- The land is of excellent:quality, weir ell, aid withlardwixai timber, Thl-:re ship is known to be one of the best in Upper Canada for farming. On the lot there is P good frame house, frame barn, and oat - buildings to correspond. Also a good or. chard, of 50 beariug trees. FARMS IN MORRIS, Being 350 acres, composed of S. 3 and 4, ion 5, 200 acres; 25 Items- u!ideri' etilhilt- tion. The land being offfitt most desirabt• farm. Also S. 19 con 3, eon 3, 50 acres, all best quality of land. Terms reasonable. Iodisputable` titles. For particulars and terms appk to lot 22, 2nd con. Tuckersmith. Seaforth p.o., March 22, 1867. tv9 3trt srguriAL NOTICE ST. einithiNtslunnus rNASMUCH as certain persons are selling 'a trees in the Counties of Huron and Bruce under the false pretence that they are ob tained from the St. Catheries Nurseries, this is to certify that Messrs. James Stewart and Robert Gordan are the only periwig i34lf authorized to sell trees from my earserteti in those Counties. 2-5 May, 1866. w18 lyr 131 eudirsigued7.; Agents 0..ir in their line, an as they mare their aelee- tions personally, their patrons may rely upon ittbat no pains will be spared to give sato- taction. STEWART& GORDON. Jane 1st. NOM HE undersigned having purchased the largeatockAaf Saddlery and entire WEST 4T., GODELCICH/-, NEAR THE POST &FEL A GOOD ASSORTMENT OF' NAMES CLOCKS AND SPECTACLES IN GREAT IrAltaTia .Crt. ttEPA Mimi IN -ALL BIA 113-1111 1 ICE 8 13 of Mr. Horace Horton, who has been SO long and favorably known in that capacity. beg to state that we are pre red to continue the -erasers alit, tart" I, • ittInjirye'd.: The Subscribers have on hand at their Shop, Market Square, a very large Assort - 87 EVERT STYLZ,v Az, which they are prepared to ofer to Farmen, will do well to call and inspect their stock and prices before purchasing else „lire' 4n fti,eollcat.c""rialtthi'iliau. vide XEL-1 Weis Indebted la 4 late Erni of R. `is fia F. bievrATII441131)/AIRte- 41:90k 14c-e-F7etiteiratratrince,44Pur Atv-41- #411.3 ti) Aode.rict Gereb.:Fis.ttrueE.W_Ail ROCK BA ,ED done on short notice. in goorreVe ranted according to ureement. Da' Wedding Rings -always -oil -Rant Jobs left unclanned rn my hands will -be sold it the expiration of three 41011tha to de WI ray expenses . '-(13.-Tbe best quality of Cita at 25 cis a bottle. If GOdedebj Nov. 1448664, - 168 tion and style of Workmanishipjfithishurl on ohorrnotlee and at the loweitltricea. Ube - AI ,rednetion :made for coatis.; All,. order* fpdnetually attend,ed '.10. Designs et -Moan - tittnits. tko.. may he seen at the sh4., Sallie 10 ,IntreSt XIPPP.4 leek Bark for 4-11 onok,t highest market price for auvle'quar4-oa wool. .wlst, cation no to 11 o'ci perdaavr-st.o:Nit. PleS. lOtileeNint1Stiessijail Central School pr. fans* raDualwswil '1)4=1 Medi rumor, Sorgt • „February 7ta, 1867. ROBERT J. fg PHYSLCIAN, SU* mristan:Irt osee:712118(.03.1n1E:CratorTear:ospiseadecwa.t.elurgiS:te:entill ellawiricilikas:araVirgpartsin'iwatillaillgt:tilsgathe7:coaas f&'1 ARD SURGEONS, C.' house formerly occui Calegonia Terrace, Go tra 101 LUSTS'? E R Lam, and Solicitei Iiimacbstr IR &MUSTERS, SO It-Parwritacaa, -arc. 06 Joint l) amsurrgiverro CoraerstiLisastoaStreel - Arcata Az. Citaacery, Notary Erwieriobo Ca' b Boat side of West Str First DOor west ot Mae rrowitEs, sou nst41_0, W. 011 MAC K osr LA--------soteicienakaraTTO7erats7IFIK.ci:toLia",filockur::7; pt: -2c7:1.2 • DM:MISTER, :ATI opposite -tor Fail Ofecel Jaaassy 3,,186‘ eltaeoery., Cam" telt JAW B.01041 COdoriCks *ad, Al GODB N. rasaosable 33. moo striet,Ood-m-e, itolfarl 211.0 :any, flotaff raj jag, Vikalait.0.1C MONEY Woolen omaiserf, Cot" IINEHNIA "t-0, -testa Sigtem 14.33. /lent/ ISTORNSO .014 kasSasimiaitta mateiftvattantatiollas 104.,..11111