HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi Weekly Signal, 1867-06-18, Page 3by Me.,
n at t bz
sa" gold
eoi:7. The M tS gh�Drlt-
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'k ION of PAM DISSOLUTI Co-TI111artner-WIT the Indem H -do AT Tlir T T 1weerr the undt'l-Sqn4l witter I he
W. & c Electors or TOE I ra,t 6, -Indepellb"t dliIV-d On tim iail �ftrllmltsf
TOWN pROPERTY Free ad., a- arW'll pay 'gkIr Vt It 0 It 1-4 0 '01111111 VOUT1111 tt 5011frit, 07 11010 S 0 T—T orm—wo OF TUB icallTit 1�� FOR SALE OF THE
A iocthi:nv� k,areatailture Timl n tniterualit till . ntatialliv TRE GUEAT E1GLIS11 IIE41EDI 1%7 0 er I a :E J A -v ZY CHEA P NORTH RIDING OF HUR111 DIAN LN I'M aJ ,)So ,,kI7,ERX PF,, V E I COUNTY OF 1aURON9
need ii� the r�
n Aingira, -nnple renled% he "it'"U"'. —flaving been no
tit I.- lt, nd. ruser'4 rxPettelle st., Godt-rich. osAb'e 1101(13 in the townsli'lp,4.01 trainated al 1\1.%VTUN SIX"
1'sp Sarawak, Alhunli'll, GENTLEMEN G2\TI EVEIC . ........ Celebrated FaMale Pills- I IT S �,,Ino, oil Que �eppel, Ali) tbel �ominatcd by the Re- 1h" I Al �11 I Can del o IP\ adkitc,ittlag I n I I N n. oo 10,'A liari.onr FIntl;- -a I t FAulaunds. tilkluAling Ilaving been 'I the Convetition of the Liberal Conservative in r(f,-r,,n— t,ld sland ou kilo vwP I on U-1 tile ,aalt of total, Lindiav und S
do t New Yulll. I Prepared front a Prescl_'Pt'on Of " .4 .. f, at Clinton on the 4th ulitivs, at tile
N 0. 13. C hattil,t: r- `4' ), lionfultitniont ol tit '"' form Convention, held car, v on the o-1 0 1. I iL�� Physician Extraordinary u a e Repre- party. held at CIIlItOn n the 29th Ult-, as a .0o (.a. - ciarke, AL D. 1110 6 "' A"" so resurned , Of thiS IICC,�,Lnt. r I I A 1: 1, ao....... to the Queen. a surniner Ilotel, I oftAlit] aim ti,.0 Is a candidate for th at W It, 3 ju of this month. 1 the representation
11,01,18 1y in the Local 1-1 8 Candidate for of Cintallo, IW 11 I-SKERls ! W ills KIRS I I o11 senlation of Yon! Milinct in ti-, .............. nruilinir it, tile of 1110olte. -vi I und having ieceived as" Local Ltogisloature 4: 0A �_11 COr"at"' lh4? Areate"'i ktllll piliv Ili d 13.11-v wi IIle ititure of Ontanat of (14 i;- Cars or M tl Thisinvalontalt, modipill I I'll I DA 14. tfrom many friends, over inerous atistirances ato - 'RANC14 Oliplut aving received nuo I wait %Vill, . rou-, d i J nf O've WANTED
....... 't 6: 30 of tiek. or ell", cury otll 'tl,)'t' stI13 %via
IElite I luk,l- Orderivii M -red at at' "I toil surances of support nev have accepted the anO h
'In t. lit al. 0-00 In. he,% to Frow 'r,,", lo which the li-intile eon.titution the whole coristit"l arling so I support room persons of varjuus shade, If -4 cXI . . . 1. S. and td Ltt,);Vn Is fill �%.npte for trial st,rat I Coderit h, Jame 1, IS6 Will TuesdaY, thO 9IXTenth Jul livilfo ........ a v rer IIVL rats. Md a 1 tril ern I es n I I e N, -c ks at it r, - I it 4 - ves a ob. nomination then made, sdp- Political opinlont I ave congen't,d to offer ealt,c ............ 1 and as raesat the election to A u:ldCrb:"1ICd,
-, - S N a .1 . I 110119 of Aa'e a cordial alid generous
6:0, Rrsvt� kc parepard W29 i Uits (if the qltln- wli.1 cotid: , - - hope to receive sted the pri, myself for your suff no -00 TO MRIED MIES I Ivent A i .11 to tile Indian port from you. to whom is eutru
(cc 0 (N- letters IaLen Unle 11 will, it, a ,ainort tit ct ot 1.864. �lftce, it, all probabilitr, at Os. LOO .1 I- o it *P peetilwarly �ulted Ile all ly Ile U1,I)licit, vilege of the franchise. talie If
1 00 ( - - h -) Ili 'e. f Ell. lit 1111,1 b as to satistv
i I al: 1) Illorathh- P, 1 1-1 %% A - brilm on the actor- tile (a My principles are not� sue aroa. period, I sh11 IT,, e tile oppor ILAL'tl litattle, Price one tiollar, an.i An( if politienj Opinjun ; they new ill tile 11niter n.f it fro Ill shade tItjwP U'u tkj;)rvvt,Lll Cn -e 11 t.q. ILI A t all 'If, ery Imaintain what P T I T ':Ia:ul) ol (I real lint at,il inipro ment vever, as Is w I i -al Gulp
1 nrnment - ev ell known. - It, f
............. TO CONS te ro,)t IWIUM hot - I Un i I ; loef tioleilt 0, )_.:10 (,,. C:40 hav%itg Lpcvkt re to helailVil, 1.1 3 -rup, and oh8o Pig the sevei ESE I erfells. I
Th. u C, 11LI-1111C)"NC. Sale of 11ocal 'ESta EElPp(,IIL,I i.y witcitiol, %,I good—to reform wbat is CO it govrn, comeb,ltet acquainted will, i vrr) .nupie rernady, 011rhaving ho ..,Lt I L. B.toll-It, Is 613,, to secure 11 LZ that you wav be by' ve,led in imt prijk4*4 diiiv lete, endeavo 0, is Con_ (r4 O� 20 er lung affe, Thers Polls It,,; of Pre Y vmtiv n"mical a manaer Iru I ab%.or WON ..... 0:10 eared i.r ulaki the FIR -SI TITR E N [Ile Fsq'itie. ol or Ijerl)ie ment, in as eco 0 sentiments w1ieb I profess, 0-0�' (-4 41.t th.y tire sure ruhring.orill miscar nee cot tile Ile pulplic who wi I I it ()%%t -n to accord jrd Strachan,
I aS,Ifp dely. wbe round Ito & 14 allillarius 1, I B at end ti '"ma"' Con lintill-LI y It :-"It! sistent with BE lie II gheplha
t,�,,P, LI ,tic pro,-- a hat at air I/ other t tiono. at tic i,,.wn 11"11, in 'I:. FU\vn of stions before the pull gi
\Vill " -t- "'y I 'be d'l There are tic que I (- lt
June I I 1-kate it. lie ip \crv,�us land sptual Alk �;ound froil he I ill' J deratiun. having your own, that you il'L 'tie enabled to C 0 L) L 11 I C 11.
ri h. du��ctitlilo IOf Pee- -v loo"It ain tile Fatigile on Ol'Arla In The %'Llililly f6rcv, oil iur that or great importance. ii,e that it ppolt. Fole El""I'" Tit
(free It claarge), w ithe allle. %violch ill, Hvterte4 ilic 18,th daY q Seplember W. SMNG";E- a generous all 'o e 11 ....... ing - al-TIl It 4, Telabsorbed all othorst it is MY -led . . 1:.'�o 1:60 U, varat 1: 1Z � T TeN it enre er alli Avalresby 1). A. trusline� that it I BID, gentlemen, Ile ,,le.f the celeb,
_,,at 61moLixt 'still J,mz Ls, the- -it nil tile 1)9111- bbould receive a fair ttini, 6 odetif-b
...... 00 vill,, will ctrL -h n inower- I ., ional
-00. OE arid allhont 1. iIit, -
TOO --,�iaaern* the vireltertVit", ILLe.,Ills Ir. 11 lit ns of allaying the see' 19 6bi .... .... .. 0: 60 file Ihich lie ,,he, 11 11111 Iowa. vallitnel. Lill - , , Al'.1 to thJ Your ob(dictrat serant. Spa he -1 I I all. ill be the me. Lele t
per "11.1 10t. ust III I I lie we't Tu'liall Oil distracted the F111_7 beneut, fj�, %�L a (it lot ilunil-at r Vv,-IVC.A)I, I,oaral dt-al"Is at tile Farlorl
........... re .kilre
100 b, tava-03"le olxhing� and north cu -1 part I (,I Ottawa, jealousies that have so 1 r till% 111-9 lit" lit" t I Steet, Ira tilt, gal(ITO-1 ISAC CARLING
S real as thetro I monv, In the PHIllfilliet around est'll inde'ol Itur"rilkirio, U country. Prices.
..... ..... 0-5.) 0 63�, Full do onkii C0,1111% .oft;rvy-culituil"119 lie (-nzn,-Pd for be last veter, Ir i April, 181; STILACIIAS-
V a 1,104oilang. wlll,,,, ., . . . .. . . . . . -rip -by ttriknge tacrv, more or less 000 M, pr,i� twil,pnitt Havjn� been Letive
ircze- pac —
-50 our mull k.jpal tairs, the CX- I,,- 27, 1 wl Sir.
Pea"' buishel 0 or I. lie ot Ifurtion, ten years Ili r, odericb, potwAe& per - 11 0.14 _uie agent 1 Rchester, N.1'. D -it, it, ille county it' you see fit I o 0; J I Rer. F. wr %!t 1) A .. WI I t-, N 30'� i. -J tit Goderit led may. ree and In de
0.00 _11n,.hurw. k-lutys k IliNID 1865.
-$I 00 and Six po4n iIII nt _�c OF 1864 A
I, t; e.ect me, prov 'Electc T
�Fremth L.1"7 per III, la, , In -A -d of j u ur, I h67. s,riz perience I have gal,
0. I 0 ienalost this 1,,ullh day V 0 1, 1,01, N, further To the F
EW per doz .............. a t)otkle-t* Su %I it the e useful in rsofthe b ..... . O(I-10 who,t?.e,I aitell, '%Vt oltic-iiii A_A�ignee. 11,ONI tile ' set it er 0 laws. It Will gende iNSULVEN
mall: w 19 n- air municipal and assessment
vattan Per I o-, I I) 0: 1 I'll' nenr .1 ia0 setnt purposEl'tin � o jilt,% an outh -Riding Huron) % tile do 4. 0�00 brown "'arc hil'I'Ld it, ilv oo not serve any u - cattv"g, but fhope when Of C". (18, The coll'ov"d it, same colour Ell- irranie(Pinte personal �Z - I ', n %cot I see .11111 inst, Coulqy ol H,,r,,n
W a per lb .1k NO IF ifill'T THU111- Is) a tilille ((I nitencesi, to meet YOU in GENTLEAWEV: er, Hannati. an raN 0 NNI R E A 1) y In the inatter �,Xlkl (ION' I, nrxl. In"
-;,ate- infurinist.1-11 Ili. the contest fairly cow make ex- imous nom.' - lb
12. Ev, - rnit d� ,er the Ridinz to I -N
Cjiz.ton. Jent, v ana �norinnnttxlhe bv 11,411%er k Vella, old. AT'y b rt!wutde3 various places o% 11avrall received the unsin on �iijtu, I;:,. ol tuel,aid
-rintroar a . I W v'i a pp .
0 IIG. I T. n ill 0 rid Bet forth my views at gre-te Convention recently held in IV to the Ju
or Ravhe cli will I,ad to til"i. planations, notion, ht the "ad At,,-
iI&Letkit ......... (a l-'10 h"r llIPlIrpsentation of your Rid hitqc undei tile 1. J. J -i fur their trouble, and until thLt time, I would ask you Or the ll� I coul t. 1-dayul"April A..
. ... . . - . i,ijt;L- length, . fluptice and Clioton. mmons. arid �-cafjrlb. 25,1h r 0:43 -c-'rd, )Iedring your Ili spri-A do - Al;-Ilhtm I ... I lab. f 1 aoll, SI wri",anc ei ,
.......... %vall. %%21. to refrain from T now seatioth. and all Th') un ina'in the Canoidian 1101'se Of CO
eats 0-50 E. Hicks -Ino G ly opponents, 80 that you I', arcellted olvination. I Elm by o.,.F aode I Mill J une support to any of oura2lvtS havir VV 15 24U
-nts Ill ilia A*,i,1rticy, all tit FATIoily ........ York. u0slier a selt.etion of concise precedt in the field date for your suffra"es. ...... 0-12 QV sm fln revised nnd May be in a polittlOn to. judge for Y -Condi 0 -auPPO[t a' re3s . ...... IlB trust ns! liberal at�d enerous as to our respective merila, JNSOLVE_�,;T ACT (IF 1864 A
I�Rtwr ... ... 50 9- 01D a W �Ied ill ,Ile under tilt- I-PVC111 I 'leis 7ant Act of I fin,. geutlemPno you hands.
...... . 11sol I - - of
flour , ,il ,A. in all probahilit3, 0- 6:1 (a. ........... ... nff,-cting Your 011-aptlient servant, Ala he Election, prov,n- of randi potatoe I ra w3a, and a personal 0: gl*llary (Orms of N1qri(.!a:es. Counly 4'
to 1110 w I I...Olvent. .
-4 lit Toll IV r OMAS C11139C 0. 8 tV tapetial, I"orITI, TH M. 4taVe P lac -e for s,,M1 '"I
Fw_ - - - I -1 r., I'f' liur "n willf e inexpedwnt, until abOut ibe I the
-Z6 I[?'. th, 1867. Veanvass wou'd b i n I.
6, and Itatisfer of I,, t4le tnatiter ------- eve of the coralf;Et, MAI I hor I n z�.aiura]Ax* tile �zljtlto tile I1-twElon J 11100 11, Iflowick, April 6 le that in the or I -1 0 L I C I I'0 U- to tile procuri --------- -ri nNEYALT-L �4l, W tue,lical, imiltIr of Nliuilil" On Tut 418Y 'Ile igentlemen, will " ithbold u n, I t r,, ;g,, cc w it: Fall Wheat, ? �b*h su T 170 Office I Ifi_,h. the and tri M.211tillic. YOL in-e't Idarr I1 40 (or 1 50 Xlong the a,%,, earn - JI I ell ,I JiLe Clock, ill sJ1,JI (;,.urt ill -h requisili(no s are cou rt, r a (I isr, A A
11'1 Other SpecL, I it) Olt- u Litile Bfil WLOodgl ;_ 1) I ?;I I -
heat. d. 25 (a ll-. W, ed val-A ullply 'in Staniq , I - ill ttle Scatiortt, 2,th dav (4 1) :10 ell-%, 3 we.,t Of M- verws tolan(6 I tie your names from Bur
per LOO lb's- 0 12 (q. 0 14 Sion strpet, (,oderich, NADI \N FAI\ DF..-;TI1t-)yEI1 no.v r,:-st published. chaillbeiia in thc �r6jwn lot Ill,— heinLy injusiriourlY circulated
UAN -.4say on tile I!lw'of e, iind one l,y S. Nc-AL:�, W15 2M.
......... 0 65 Camelou s L,%,v it Is well ,,it favorabi I iln iiiiin,ductory L .I, � vu, it y fit a ir ,tit
I IV tll,. . It nur,l,i ltidinLr (a most nil Biiiish I 11 will, Ctinadi Atiorlic% MIO-4E:Y To L END. As a F -111111v P the I propt.4tv in the I,r,)\ i�,,.o ot'Ontarlo,esper Dated tit THE3EtS t.ever ........ 0 60 i,a V A. 1). I Irope Q 0 so QM 0 00 known. Tell,: ( thousinds trout d f J ulle) AND 77201— f'%ir. frs-c- and'bonor L) do ---------- -tire throal. e 1,1 stu,lelvt.4. The vrh(-4e formincr R -tit ity 0 OF 1864 BarICY, 0 47, (a� 0 49 so Ito, Itk-L land I U 1111 1, prize P T
Slorfllls. t e -to-narit, nioill collectiou of Con- l"Fl, PARLIAMENTARY ELLCTOILS Oil TOE a were, IN S'J L 2 00 (E7, 1400 I rtwl,' i -or I --,,AvcnI r ck tll:.,Ict :atilt con%f onlest far above land bc
-------- Ali �jjcal that Vot I1,NG oF 11UR0 Burn SOUT11 R11) (Jur influence �nd Pr,,,vira-e of I o04 liatron,
.............. PI & taimis - - � (:oll.11V Of June I 0,11 R D A N S "i.r.i. frcm pledging Y (;%NADIAN PAI.� BY J- PLO :anent until in the Canvass In ihe rnatt"r 01 J� , tile
suppn7t to nay OP`)( C,,t,ft, silall have t, of July ne
............ Tile for a 4. E IN' T L 'E A I F, N : - ()It , I said
Go now bv,-n j,cftirc the public k.D AND k-*\l..t,:�(n-..)I ENT ACT OF 186 your nd lbroughout the .113 I Eallply'lo the j(,jgc loth
INsOLV had the honor to receive t mep,i,,,-, him face IjTnjersig�ed w,� ............ and wicrcvi 1-1 a " heve he fo re yar.u. Lte ttiaid Act,
let,, rct.t I I numerously Bi,flled re capporturillyo ad exprjundin�� Ctluit, Wr a dlf-lllr�,e ue(irr -
I�Ne 11, cillal tile Ct, very respectably and explairing my views :'5,zli ,iay I April A 1) now prvpared to n . % C A"I U lol,�Ilk Provirc a candidate to frice, I-- U -,I. -.%I � I u. ill 1 1\1 shall have bad an p-, tPINCT at Vi, ttilleiv it, , . 1l:t. .rCk '1,'\C iecc:. lu;sition, asking me to become and Von i -) N"BRETT,
�;V.t I, ()f CauadtL un * 6fl my principles our respective .nt fr�e t inor -11,111 I-n diac, in the House 0 esent Ill's us i�adgillgor bv` C. W15 2in
I tell ol tile I'),is tit tfor which NG s style. kill tile co.itrarv. Mi.13 in this 0" in fir -at C!tvs - T 1`11 'or ralml �Ilt lo. lit of Lill, 61.1. 0,1 I ne-Altiv to re I portullily cal Ill the high trust we see Altornt:Yo all Mein
p.lOk Killer. at, dei,;r lc,i with to P electioni I
Perry Davll§" ll.1 ItI.1 vai .14, Ill" , J U, Ili 1110 and accept the omma Elul, li fi cations for tioller, t ILh-tied Vi" In A -
(lie hl�llcst jib V.rtu"S tll�Ir flattered,
�Jav 31, -.laid Sill ale t)y so large a umber of in- your hands
Cot Or 11,v-1 .,;,, tile tv�l aid I eeu� bonor to be; 0 L VE'.\ CT Or from the procridell it!( a, 1, --1 'n, bet, Ito n d the Meat;tne. I liave tile love in O.- 141le K:�i at lllll;,r Ill,. haid I have since f tl.e
I I %Vt... ty kill 11.oron Jectors. -men v court 0
.1 Ilk We cl, ni: leoled it Ili. e tioen of the liberal Con- GenVo .I n t.
i - r in t1rA -Tat Spry Provine" O�c-',-'a t Ile G"un
General lC 9 notnill Your cast bed i, � Ili* il nrou ill j Lane A. D I Clinton co4vell* M C C.i,%,JER0'.-T. C,,u,.tv ca
e Y,,%r wil" ell ro.n .11v I iluron,
poid upon it -I Ifflanu Vin at the an seasioln of th e 'v ard other a k wiavil it I., I�IMN WI.S. In ,tic matter of j. W. 1.1
-rstent r. , I - 3, o H N L.L 1, ", 0 -TvbAy n Paill y ior Oil: -,il,l n. c, March IS L%tv (J 111% lie% cbolera moajrbajm�, d previtailev U T Ll 11 Alai I V�n a Svv,re� itoT 1petors of tEe Q-cu'b Gode I O.1 tile thirtv 1. at I ell c I fthe
rad�r911- wil compItiants are sure lia I ar, n,'. S,jv2in. parliamentary e it as a candid- ittilt' ,,b Perry Dkvts wvc:),v -Sssao- loth o tile ---- in tile (Lary I
,�ied Wi - tile ': - -_ . — 'r myse -I1Itcs-'dc-)t-
�L,oujld be jiberally Sun? a% in it, , LA rally, I 01fL` pe
izen XL d (3 nt
South, to till., ind, e
-Sons your genel'Ous 8 'I- To Inde aP?' I .2 L h itI trust to receive th aa�sbte Allen or -T f the under he aift Act. hcme, wl lf�)r a days ey CUT su* sc L ain Ill r.1: inow Ion to should be ick a Pf" .I aport. am not unl,
A ir,:, 1, Of you Daled at oetITo tile most �13idellj it, tile this a trip to w i7n, .1 �.-1 ", '4 al of F -Le a —so i�C a r 1 ral Riding of F-uron, �wcnlv_tlmi d,v tit ;,14ce their ban&- On It 'a & 100 r,,,,, NI -l" Ine en a Continuous Tat!, navin;r b,
,uci,dept to the r t h Ir �til o years, and iin i ummer d cu!l:,-al for EL period of thirty t%V h -h alloarraq-
any diseam taW if not tin- fk: t ',It Of JUN a:' Win 7
vo � �'l a c, -th� ru:l 10a q'UF,SD,\Y *2�" lcOuntered all the GENTLEEN:- 0,x N1. C th,% which xi:I Pro"re ll� -.a e , ,, 1,.t �,, ZA 11avill's-r during that time e received tile nomint,ltion at ille ly checked, be promPlElY cured lod W .a i E r i, I of a backwoi;ds Having
a jjArn, ii., 14 in I s !d tit NI: on r r 1-1:s
I Ile lot. Fr..VITlk- fficultics Bond plivull.iOns the 151h iti,st., ro r
IUa %I �,Auctlloll ruoln-3 as filled liume Convention held i" ClilltPll- As
O.- ;Lwo dt,iar el'e is ra, T o rl,� rous elective and &,js1uii%
aier% Lill oby occe relie re-., I. A, arI-efore a5 Reform CaLdidate fur tbe L -'e " Ir - o ;; � 'O't it'c r h�j,C4'h I y r e S:) 0 I I S i Iaffi C c, ) S6uth Wro than hare vv*, be use a of n I i thei uron. 2,116
one occa by the 'wel W` IiI;- Let I
I,: jrl_ti� ve beon sembly of Otitari� be r. Ili IT1 -B ,ccepted the sa me, I am now prepar, I ed of int-sille satT JD Inecesstiorily �Dr Many years I ha
the &bare riarned PrePs"alon- W aand I challenge any having I receive a nd tneJ'- TO prominently blf"'e You field, and OF THE
c:tj j_s, ur by wol Ile ad( 'e. its ,P, of 1;,.,d . Ibt No. -a- '- 1.t-1 ronge� him in ed to taklo the A: N -re if litt (]- - ort.,
So'd br Kill Dru, tIrefer io my Past liberal sup talke RIDINGS
onlni,ljn,, I man tr,,tLfullv to say ti"
I of tin tile smallest 111 C, 101 SOUTH
eirs- ititter. cim dt=,. - J %. Of what my future may be, on will not, prob,libly, NORTH AN
pMT DAVIS S"' Itile ; 3 4 - , ,. I - As tile able at tile 1
Ie., "'t -NI Con Be as ail index ie I shall be
Iliixte of' lit or
i IIZ�, -0 , , I, at A -e fit to elect me. Having o place for some till' HURON9
Paul staeel. 11"Lareal- Ifie'd - I .- :J ke . Ind, E -I. hould you Be qwndinz on me period to make a Personal cal,vass Of E -+:r - J - it - 1 t.) Tiy ;.art .- 3= F t 1, N 0 no ietary waiLt, slid none di prof Lima, wben, at meptillas to be appoint G E NXT L E.-.1 E N t -I In Uf line TUXIISIlil, lie chest, I do not the acan be heatd 'Y lw,uld not accept. (CO"t .dt the vievis I trust itala,wr :eneral ofthe Count
rtsuccuur from the pul: IliGov- A bath pal revestell to repr~nt
F. .lab for. nay and is the meantime, Dv tile ucrative office, my only deiire and compared I " the large
rWI,,B by requisition ary Hattery owofliw our ser-
ernuient any 311y to secure you will n9ji pledge you I Tin -:b0P,
rew, I VUU at
0:, chase 1111-111"Y 'It ""le ol twing, energetically and faitilil her candidate.
ot pur I . bltve -otherwise 10 Buy 01 on.
I which I or Ba.,, I ine. t Ili,
(-f Ile 112 it' tstile contry in Ing been res.deals of tile County for a
0 yeals \%,ill tleinter -ind to A hicl: f, am many I have the honor to be. lia...- o twik"
R 110 y I rears. r, and not having Inne I
Id SO Many : 0. Vt- .
11V GentlemeTiv number wishing to knew
11T T 0 IV111V -r %lid tile rem,1111111 ineerLly attilached. tit s-rvRnt, e t obedie %,,cured by se,ciations I am S ' quealt
10 = ;: before the Your mom a personAl la ')-' oub ol the day. we
in , great
C -Z SPOCt- There ere no leadin1fr quest, ris GIBBONS, I our views on th in fav-
tate.t hat we are c
c. (I Coal
I P 0 present, but ah,)u d I be elect,:d, ROBERT 1 11 U 0 U Relistax'sAstraot ',91EIIIfor1ri, lecialeall
Ioffrring 1867. w 8 d siinpl
tioll, March 19th, a I
public er upcn my duties without Goderich, . gre qatrolatay.
(;jde r. I shall :ut _d "Ic'.11rL1, B.tor'ster factious Op- L,.p an
Oil the office of Ira Lewis- iLo the mill stry of the CONMJ&k�ATWN
f3 - . e t of MV ill11 assist to the utmos tell. position. and wi. out T0 THF, We Will . warmly suppOrl, beltelitig th"it 'be
IIA%r, OF o 1) E' I t %V F the Confederation numilit-ir
\EXT Pro 1 I) I it, vi r. power in carrying -e Pla- th,! grrater
More unt0or. that .aL aL-e the tin ion more
spirit. Iftz-: U iru t,v mqwred
lit- E T V scheme in a liberal alculated to advan,ce UnT 11 U. W 1-r- r_ c;. NI. T RV To etery Measure c of the County Of & ?.r Fin C,anp�,,. 7 �DL3 = - 3 FREE ha,,I, whidi
Huron. "N Ul liellil Jue 51hi I -will gi,e my undi AN_NlLXATJ0jX- R A'iN D 'AL SALE H.iks , V S1 U 0 it] the interests arid well-bein
G ode vided attention, jULA
kitione h we Ils"
i We decidediv OPP081,
G 01EK: I , Iand best support, -onomy in the ELEclors J 1�'T -p- -VT S -To an advocateror ec antley-ed to our block a lar"e 'at or Bar
d 'a aI'shall be fat as mav be eompatable Baby carriaggess chit ten 01.1 public service, 111) OF TRE liall-CAtION.
ritb tho,-ough efficiency 9' i shall advocate E -
tit and excise ined to let tile Publ;r 1,00w that
in the clastOws we are track 'I T THE such ulteratiors the wal-ts RU)11\TG we are f5ell-no 1) Mill,- 1ans tor S1 e0- C"IL is(
) it,, p duties as will be most beneficial t- NORI H would fl� ot the in- hat, mg large dairies
greatest number , n- 0
commercial COMO and eaus Of the at'at'e a.ie Lia & DilvIsItt.
the maintenance $EA&
hbitalits, Leeping: in view OF TaL AGIM ULT91313.
rerelved a new
of the public I keppinz. inclu'l:ng zredit. of trade, and 11r.,avillemontrage bavingju�t
LL Kinds of Book ic debt- re. -I Mir- T"Id. 01111111111- and Flower Seeds. "Oe
(Th#orelicill & Plactical). The publ' of c,raerce-tbe postal set* Rolf of F.I! sis-rimien' t(I to M` --e U? OL the FARM AND VILLAGF A COMM 0IF"Hu Town and imported i imarp
U Y' . 1111, develoI:amdnt ent or rd lrap�etnezts SCL,
pL, eel ploughts aud Agri
0 _ry s� rtt,1 tllte u!"I ice-libeenlargement and improvem euttia
R T F, *1" (NIentil and Wfitteralil v n . . ticin within S EMP 3 M 0 D F, G FIFT y A 11"I'll (Lecturcs and the inland water coliamunica ljg very cheapti MLSTED LAW -
I the Canada -the Railways -and penerallY what pati" orders attellde' A avie4 illomile f -u3 ce th" welfare and importance till,r are fitoniriv attach d to 'ill
0 0, uF Bl.UI-_A_ALZ, E :Ll'.\G A\:D DICTATION, ever will advat a of Canada, thall receive MT GENTLEMN, traination of tl1e are ha%e a large V I 1.1, - sp, I *eceived the no &rood houses- tells on hand%
6uder�k-b, Aptil, 11, 1�567. ty-four. in the E. of the Dominio Having I 71 and havin�Lr been re- ;ave Trot � auti1w
,'in,m the north ha!f of I"t th't CORRESPONDE i, -rift endGmil-linized k wodm
e ot'llie Tawliallip (-if Turn best attention. aly opportunil I before it Reform Convemiono, leis of politiel; to which will be put up in I lie --t
first collre-Firal. arl lle Tatigilit Free I shall take an ei y princi- quested by [tie,, of all. sjha� -re,t de,31 01 elpmew"
Id -un moderate terms rn the Carlarlial" r having had a f ISE V.'i: OFFER THE herry %% i I I he AddiLjortkal Bvin"I tlotls come off, of visiting the a candidate fell Riding& ni=b�vt line. We quilraawc about 20 aeres c:" ed, it viso.der-live tillem. the elec ach municiPE"lity. and then ffer myself us your
To CUR NFW1 rRk,�' are to 1110,4111! pal localities in 9 es all a Give Ellis a call,
E)10V ING K 'e. Suii escellerit. Ward zany subjects likely to House of for im nov E -M. 112i TS
k of W BOO I,aine b Lrn, r GRANINIAR. explain MY v'pwg on -Ming your suffra, W -C fire &Ierwin
,0(;R.-%PIIYI now in the field clai
,Whc,le N. EA W,10.1. 11911 ler. 'y -tore the [Louse of COMMOuB- T I
otour immewe stoal; ann I Representative Under B Ae be, - the new Con 4 itut"On u -es in the Vill ge of Bud- aisrou -,Ip, I havt: tile honor to be; t lithe age in all wu "O a jU Li.N1 E,Tllff, rest questions no, d to Leep up Wl marden REA oichaid, autl 0entletrett, As there are n ril 91 q- Confedera in Till%vare- Thqw &.1ijout b
r Is works. .,,h , FILE,S C i'l, -fore the COW+ fCt-it is utk mve 114, a call forvalts. ac PTOOinp ac:
rally N Ir 'torLsshould g tion being. - LMY
ul ijur c of lat;d. Your faithful serV3,1!tP accompliallea Aly,
bhakesPare an -address like this to 3us orpurch"906; I 0 0 or p., �,Iq. TCHISs - In Tboqe desi
C. an. It, le. Clinton. ell Ali, l*e Dial H- Rly, I necessary in a short I - atly bring forth; We beii,ve - Mal do well 110,0V
To I D, S. orksp k .1 11 1 '267, wl, 3rup.sy" 'ratillubt 1110""; yfield, TownsbIP 01 Staule: 11lif speculate on what the future I 'specific V tal- g 13r ch-lona!n" Itill,6 W,
G 0 Byr o 9V f pit, ra';Cbc% - 13% 1867* ,y particular or UZZ and by .00tug will shcvr tue, "I'
lik it, rL tra Ch i r,; vo 30th Msr-chp or to submit a' adVIOCAUS-
20cla. Is — -----7-- 1 m�O'wever, sa.y that e- ".bm.rat to it. 0_U*.,w batch &,,
Phonography . Lndscape, form At opportutiltT 'of TiBillinv each P&rjec%ETUlaC-A-
Fi ture, Linear Pl'uff- To the And Indelia brac� the Part!,, our is F,.tlierll in RoS"_`i h1re Telegir Free of the polain mVwiews ourcorullitulliffilt The Days Of tl'e Rea -1 1.00 Goderichand southampton Lill(' loemilityin the flidintriandettl rebite::turial, M, selling %M,&Otors and nersl poiltitz air '_ Water Colo I
le -tev e Irilh I'll in on both o01 SulhWue-
%I k IL th Filling yt,u livuut ing - Paintir t a peudeut iriso fairIty arld fully Ilitv of encourgg Our A wendUlltits -1111 L
0 7 IA y Ink, and 11,d0lin' ell as the neces., Lenten.,
...... la d the honor 1110 be
C()uau;t Nle fur aw T H S T 1, Ind Mo sr. SU itted , uent'
.............. ... lost'. r and MY Huron ith the Uo Ave ha- 4
0. J itir w Of migration our trade -i 'rv4int-
eceipts.... naement U, Your obadiclat *V
it ]Korth I&idtnf f'.e
Fnquii-e W ithill, Or 00 Tim o�y in the all
U,,se Farrier atid ta he " ,duct of the IDA ftSal,
0.90 cot and t co SEARLE & W101111.9"o CAII)e Do,:tor � ................. Clinton, April , _
BAK 0.111. 'im elikerall fifiWlrb of the courIrY- -------- u
()ENTLFUE, u d:partmellts,
Evt-ry mqn 11s -V- mm,�' I SID ba 1�i gas
GREAT SAIF Lowsin's Fair,;, r Impro-ed .......... 0.3s tit Board j4 obtatneill for ulader ordinary circumstances the te I arilarnet vircauld 9 ,-r IniptOved ...... 0. TS -present Provincial, P'. Meaultelae, ORG Clftter's llur�e Fnni Dollars Isaill Filly cela's ofthe w days, but si-ce the last I Cattli. Doctor .............. A& Ab TWO I have the honor to be, A S H 9 Ulalpt iuln and Syria's 1101Y per'Wc .k. terminate in a fe very reat poriticzl and AND FOR (;iwt caicii or .......... 2.00 AN, Plaster'll genersal Election, g � taken place.wbieb Gentlemen. ...... ....... 2.00 D. ROW , I coustItutional changes have lution of Parllk&, 0 N S (a lk �c.liiland, crimp let" ... trol. roll particialars, Terists, for sa Immajaw disso, ici
41 V U %ew"iiitory of, ILL r -in in lbonnect;111 with tile Grand- I eal� Q ELOD -
Ah 41111 Pendewlis . by 'I"aLckery. 2 v.uld ill 1.00 W T,ank R- P. ' ditily - to Southalul'tcri %ead tor Ciretillalroo ment. iles were found necessaryt ifi 3()seph Whitehea-dill __ number -of Ne-
: liluitrated ...... .......... qpUE s.
Iiso I (;,,aerjrh every even- W13 ubstriber -kas one., 1.00 'and return. L. A4dress Aprn -loth, ISM. �Jeliodenlis f4
got from the EuAtlidll Poets at Kinear.dilue, In, h so Clinton, Organs Ell
I ance of the many difficulties arillifig lind
r leanin 0.50 jog at 4 o'clocki, "111" Z T 'T07�T:Ms, 1coTneeq Of responsible a Cabinet Mrkel Square -
.1 wind in
h,)nnZra01Y - � .......... ElAiI19, S-illithatrillatOli It ilrelail College, out of thq proper 6arrying 10 1840. stle cheap, at hi's slil-16 3 ooln% Manual uf P ljoOk ...... 0-50 veirliaron, Port pal of LondOn COMM( , G. 'Ni. The PhOnO,r.liphie Phrase 1 0.75 'I �y - I Prinei gov�rnment under the Union Act of vl7iis
I . . ... .... and weataer permilit, London, 4j. W - 3, Coalition-Goliernment was form' My 20th, IF -61- The Iteporter's Compar, . ion 6 13 EVERY NORNNG - w2 In 1865, sing & ittmetily for aGoderic7c, Renner 0.15 RETUR%'ING -bi,y 31,, 1867. ed for the 'Purpose of devi I The F'aOnOZ-ra?h'c is and a Uni. Ill of the British 171,N- TTIAT els. each ....... 0 15 n at 5 0 t clockt a. b1l" the, existing evi ropostd and G .......... Leavitic" SOuthamPto counect OTICE 1:5 11-F' 0.25 P Nort American PrOviinces wad P welia, to. h 9. ...... ..... and urriving, in Goderich in time N Be Novels with Or 1ng Trunk Ti ain. Ints on G. T, R* 40 agreed upon irrangement we are to have a ou T 3311 I Under this a re, r Trade I A, large supply of all the Ti kets. for sale for all PO tlW Co-partn I lership General Legisia6re and a Local IA93818ta OB]&RT 33 certifY that erls of - To�t
y House the 'T NOVELS and"S�11 Poluis east. ) b beave charge of Ing', Or TUC 9 ADF 40VER10113 than au J. V. DETLOR SO%,;- existi,14 between Tsaille the former to �be*Lrqiled 'Pie- APPR
Goods-Cheape'r LATF 1867. 'W16 V's's to �ual General lnteresnlk,�Ek&ctin, d affi Assigulnent or
just to�blnd, at the GAerich, MtLY 1 0, soil ilia di� dissolved by Mul
firm must be vinces. and the latter loo have charee �f L ; ocal Ila 8 M delU and otem, to kii debts due as' in trade, book Rse
of 1834 0 consent- I d J. DVbjsonq ho waiters. I bave _e0n of his StOct F &Il parfies
Office Act & Stoddar araces. ERT h"
insolvent Ileq., f 11amilton. S gnal paid to 15111" , facture of Brooms Of Under tb$ss circumst iarij warm Menem Da DE
in;ibdteL are VquetIted to pay their
J. an lasol- will continue the Wallu at tile requeist If 0 e �'� lia Wi., who is 30
Patton tons. pnted . become lim
Stole, In 1k,, matter of And I rew all ddscript -reeds in your riding to to U C. catuttont 10. Tr TL
Book and ISAC DOWN- of all political c tat -liamigillature of Recounti , - to mlike bettle- INT -
wl vent, 9. J DOBS314,* ate for the LIM . ed sabcIlijed by the Als tgues , - H F
I Estate. a Candid and ,,, One. who has rlm�sid i I S -FFBY GIVEN9 8131e of Rea Ito �'FItT DUBSON- y..t idirist, ]in-,, and,. who mantse -P ffiv t " LE, will bir. paid fOr -
00MIC 13, jume I t1b, I 86' June 4th, ISGJ7. in me all 7A- 1867. wild many years in th" 11crth ni bope it W. ijmeffil Agent. rVUAT the follOvnng
y i tue of the POW'st's "Cloted r tile abovir G,detich. 114rc 1st' a deep int6rest it, its welfam, I A1,61 18 4t Ji ,l the apprellictisiOD'Of
Of Li2e estate an d e ITe ct onliat Hotel; in takes co7ufided to May 27(b, 1867- W
Bmig'nte SIX betray the trot lR"i' FE RE,
Jiurolft. narneti illsolvei'ti I will -4ell rat a le tevirliship of elected never to NAVAL DUE- f tia" llejlrtl� 0 060111190 01' 'V- ruseter, in U I wediletlillav the hands Pf ofCamala, Ind for"n rma
cand-CoUrity at Huroni, of 11 o'clock BIT 011tits We to AUPPOrt nerw" A,*ii"s REPORT H WUITEIIEAD Esq.,,eandidte Hu;�Ick d.yof.Qentcntl)er next. at luesilly -the ill- Ing -to tue Ctlanti,Auia 0 lithe 4th - carrying out h, TUS 020 OR OSEP title and'inlereat Of Eltle also to 'right, -itid of Commons &-Ad' Thomas tierelloon, dil the Scheme, 6, w1*119 a er& proper �a a RUT 07 HDIT TTL C HE ttheeconlitionle ... and honest meaAgre. 0, appre"Tar to r the House ;date for t�t House of ll- live[ I of in Etad tu the following AWF ritions of she Quebec iUX W8*11t-1
.1gs 0 said Inlic villap of iv support 1:0. in a"11AA U ptutd
V(:>I:L Gibson Esq., f ties Kituated in the said himille. ability to 00- the va�ax 18614 1 hatw fewad 0
will address meelt, 40--A' 11. & 06) al, caot"s - - setubly 'for Orat"ri? ro n of -your riding gal - poew U% -, 5. 6, 7, 8, Ellast Bide of CcntrO ItIt BOOTS &SHOS . 4 to do all in UIY a the and in aspeci
with the XUllicirlaUty of Hay - tors of j,be.N,oqb Willing of flu n st ance tile interellts . Lill D.- � t0&Vit&_
the elec . my .tIve count y* pWty for The Treasu: er in Amullit P times slid places:- I , 2, "uth bide of QUeda eell' wefI(Jual I uWaftoturws, - =. W,
'do of Main stratwit- 7DIta with Man, ill the ^boat tb"Wives.
I tim well be 6. 7, South at i$5599 48 the followin4 3i 91 nburn, Monday, June 17 I old'k a I W bua, a 44MILT paid County. Trea3uref a A ormer
$1381 71 By 7 64 1, 2. 3i 4, 6. in 8110CIA Go per ill ebtlartif Uliak rbqu
riding, int I 5bl tow#* , 91*1 -1
hand ftom, 1865 Trustees A, for Schools .... 24F I Ki 66 r #041:131S, e0u
1110 21 Mill Wreat, there wal. DUNCAN,# .Cliagill in Tour di *UW=ti1k lb &Wfte'ss SAM To tifillance 00 'es .......... 116 41 M. entriti stiatelt the ily-
C.Onw,tors. tal" 60 00 Dlindesboro Tanday 7 it, P. 0. C)a Lpt No. 6, East Li" 61 IV aad 61C itless to claoll �_s Roads and Bridi; store WV51i M 0 t ta"Aft ...... Count;illulrs' Fees ............. 94 66 frame building ula I as u '$in oelvedatuls stock Of aMpso -0-en't 6balle"I for .40a awiden - I 111111111 ri, a larl ef', meet ...... &4 2 10 I ............ 369 00 ilia g. f r iL ok,rmo t_the county ,bo",e ilaWiper. to tuat:
16 IlLet ran" 86 13 Alacholister Wedus. " 19 d W610 LL ket Squa Jerat pf t "'WhIch 19rep
20 MAY -b vP sild at TerY 'detail -IM4 Ifoll have 6111 ritmi 4 ardorill for 4- mntr lur tiou. kading
7 P- site. r.. Boots saild Shoes, whit. . A be Ilonars when pabillili Of glikow pro"Witig,
......... in -on. 'it Corners YOU fir iAn be billiPPY'll" pervou or pe lvla: U
1 40 187 75 Brook it. 20 1 Ictal At"' I hsfl & --a, and ..
205 00 1W U I _� It hillartkIlkithInt* and itcoalbred .Ijotmg or I.tilla Cie-MV1111' N, ',*. 1rer-- ownlins appropirlati 60 P -judging as 0 It took the Ift PrIze'd'P1010"' e—vict"00 0
DiscoaDrAw so zeter .......... 00 S1. fieles ThursiaY .01 Is : I 119w3m, "Es m1feraf.gAt" I&St'Provinols A Repwvb fund .......... Drill Shed y klanniton. 27 alay, PRI Will, candidates 00 11 Son .......... I., p. 'Boo" �dtjlkm prepat Itne"to fir"1110A, W as Ww Turnbu 86 1112J Flida �21 P. lit. id 4t sul f A- wjoliay 69 7 in a - x4spe( 107 be on 1111101b'*M ,-Vnuw 01Tmer-
D 5,6014 i6r =,OY.Other 60berin specimen Allilablue iek, *bera mr. .73734 Kitail 22 1 P- o100 AORES Xm"JuAb - lr,L
potmtdkea�� Wanceoiaband. EI I - YLA -6gbt to 04& M ed akrfi0fC9u91U-
Towt ... 360 00 I 9 01 60 Kin.,sbridge, 64 w"bol alateovilitsion. tu jrxr�et gause., . -ordem tit. 14WM0
5 &Z WX ...... Oat ot Dog Fund for SbeeV liornid 85 �tj; III a - -1 _. W ;ad 10 to t1wIlitalin, _411g wlectior" pp. uk hand dog pod. 2585.0 pori At& . III: illit gma -1 Qul:b*'
TW OD onday 24 1 *WWWPW % loiturorikol" i ,
Smith 8 fflu ME -kil P. �ftafld of trwitublp you, will be so V Aent. -'as 7 e",f6 Ttr I un a tip Call ikkill,pect, and W1
rtui. T 1867.
of W11W. 01 *6 $11109 23 unto 9111d and pemons of all 1111111465 Ireold) wea availy V. Q..,O, illy. Goderichil.us, IT,
samitlitil tfie acco other Candidattiti I Itetll (;Oderich rru 5 Vit. W AA" It? Wob� Way that we tilf political opinion are respectfully in rtTUCy War, Ikbe ulaikaicaw &Galtora, do I So fQUL*d the SX186 to be currect. W12sp 3M aderial!h, jurotgbCS-us by the Trea-11191, Audit,00. attend. llj�vil td 'pjA litb, 1186- RALPH ORO' 186T. DAVID W ANLESS- ebruar? 25th, 1267. ot Hay