HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi Weekly Signal, 1867-06-18, Page 2Wr A IT. .4. TV, v A A 4 low - 4 7.* , 7,4 m It 4, y, 74, _,Pe am a bloved by M. C. Canarrrao, see. by Me., 131GU F, V A Co T, ad -'a fully entitled him. graith, that the ri -id Els(imate to," ong labors h a pther tied). arved to I *tied his ey,a and y%w Jujo 12tt, tPC7. I -own Clerk,- boar.what he says farm by Ilia own right arm, dw i 'I ' (Laughter.) Tit to tile fin- un-. alM it t a IScol I 6-UQW wil'st bail It I spun out a with that 0 1.1511 year be r I the -Irene,- &,aid the mother. ..a,, rant give vit,w of tile 11 ince Ituperial*s prospects as VO ave tho deed of it as a free grant. But tand ri.,,,a some Call ref.rm Pit.. llolme - I , T I 'otnivittee to report upon at the Ill William Torrance h es used, efol to _ -f th 1itth. 1101`176 ance hereby certify thvit gind Mr. flays bad COM9 to hi't way. main points.p ro the 3001 Ql 41 WS'V to such t ftertlai* 90 do io ad he was eq tally with I* Ed4toar celinze &I th 3 lime. Out pooi- our contemporary's gloomy Vatkill on 0 Con sue of 0 Yo or the Town ivo land very little gnod hand leri ervative beit, fr country WOO _11r. Hays, it, your is ne.xtirecting willi the vi,%v ot'having the in Jimullry, it, Catiada besides v%IAaL tH, Was clestrueli,ml, if hit wa&not elce 0 9,im pulillilied. the f-'ouncil then a,ij,-lurn- ......... is awful. Think ot vs - trit" the hideous secrvtA wi,,ht othe ined us t Sol . vlas elected ()oancillorr Of thinti U gilt :wisc have inol -wus field- by e v u bare'hook, and in agrtain quar rs Will) p 14 a r4t 2ni. WR3 t of Godt.rich, fur the filst I inle. 1 to t . -1 - b.wt t1itu4ilte, bad *t % el (ul o) referreoI to hill lett(r %vh'o - %latch we bave discavere,4." S!ar) it d%p. I do ; and I thtiaR. 18 65 J on conservittiVO so kl_' W r nor dread- a times Thollson, 00 1- lain. 8, and it w;ts to be ho led that er I hat after a dili entsearch, I - , , .............. N% A , , 1:` - Yankee# enm,' allpt AS. H al I )reiowris alone i I a to mcut*6 needless. u0s farther chargoi 1 -no licoud would be made to tile fertile fields or nothinj long.— 00 on or in that "Barliting blirror" title 1'. T.1,111 -C, (I- T. R'. everything by turns aud disciovergol how t WHO I I)nt thL 0 . prove b( vund ed for t Ao w( Flour ............ fu, situ, tICII DthTFICT, of the letter the West, and the rich landit there opetied to ( ,,-eat litn4liter.) r 11rilm-'s, of the 31statid which was to. ............ It Istid betrayed and ia dacger ulf "ill. tile with boing the 311thOr wito wag quite indi3posed, 10 ','et all Of that 112"t-0 - P 5, -Ope. Upon tile Ass -9s. Whi[OhOiLd, veil Swallow him with evident il i M Lys but little for the popul;itio., of Eal the ennservatl hear - his any doubt, that tbrou7h the adloillistiratiull XT FROM NEXIC0. -Teas ..................... 4 it ire than iliat he came muat fiv, i -4igned - 11. y It, %Ir: UAYS Mail was nat ablot to say mo 'I'hey carf- so little to mother." diffi,-ulty- - G. 'IS, 138,20, have been lost to the P 0 UV A . streep t able to) I'll ate, of the mef-tin iteef, V 7 ,no. tit Law, E-lucation, &,!.. and at oram" Umcriplian nf train . .......... 0 11. To. I,is crlli(-al aijility Olen he is no thought %Onl.- as a reform candid Ft.id wits juV its in- gs half Ol of M est I have .......... et Liotel know of himself were Ili one. one vit!%vs that lit most geta lialf County." Ace.ordim-, to his requ, J Q iptetaro. Mcx eo. MAy 2GI (green ­Ui2i. Carat so must Ac-oloulodat"111 ......... is from a much itiole, 6 b all ined his suppOs V'a ("Aivesturi, June, 10, 1867. ,"ter ........ ri, liacern tha ch,ttgo should be ma4i; ill reg,tid to sehool &-pendunt of the Grund Trunk us any them leave the room before he Ilia chief desird Whill minute!y exam -d account of ................ . . only bsive bet'll ou;d obvious] be in tho room. lilvu wad put h,m oc guard aainst his trQuelk 3:00 Pan. Letor, ; Ox preo, n 10 -j abler pen, and I should Isuperittletidents, tie it. w y 07 out, through. i, very, gond, bonest ...... .... tm.us va et, wbo—O. heaveu. 1-92AY i M lied ......... .................. ave claimad it its illy 01ir", hotter t I pl. ce Practical teachers in Hiwh meAns to develope thetesourcee I Mr. Whitehead made I tile pub!ic expenjiture Which finve been 2 0 too PTOAI I to h Peeves took ho let tile Lberal trooi-a country- ........ r for s;)eech. lie s cocted by this political juggler, d h b&%e w, ou;ht hia) r%in." bout sitnatimis Ili thotight inernhers of parl_ia ail] maviy of I a A 170 too Ye A, bui to- t"rrow w l he t;tne for That pythilig a is be a majorit elves carefully con into tile city, receives three thousand gold new but 8% 1 do not know y I There would, perhal , a, , in a table purporting to be Of Plain figures' 6:30 S.W. uIviat should receive titly 6.11Y for the tkDC ; tho mile. ,a without troublinz Lionel oil n):,il ...... ........... eat ut the Mr. Itoss 312JO a ounces ($48,000) fur his treachery. The vI. y." I to not wish to claiLn wh:"- ing. b hm................ Tle utmost i keds ........... 0 with ail. But Accolliod, :4 r) P. Ill they WL)rljo .. about It. Hit had raid Be it yuur d ity to tuorrow to pu Mr. Irivyi, would iiisinuate Haysand Hjllilel at ti -id in his aud justly belongs to another. I Willie in his emplov,. and would iike to what should have been, and whst 4.45 " 0 th:it were opposed to Canfedera houie was pretty well divided. olod lear 0 are ptisoneig with Maximili. chic --e must conswer buw we . .. . . ........... x L 1, E N_ as paid to tile speakers and l; I It Wanted a rqli er 10 slandLir Lis rurkey4 i -Ifi all if e should not have been, in old now, I el.e. uow ti,bil. lie (NIr 0.) di,l not beli-va reformers attenflun w lave soich a man agai I oft. coil,tored ill the streets short- a4v to PAL, u, lie con federn- ordr prevailed. able servant. HP had no particular sympathy eoumns of that 1right XVoj wabbed ..... .. ,?re gom.! tit parlitime"t to b opponent thr ouwh the fter the surrender of the city ; MCJia, %V 0, 'u '11110 ly a ........ --flave we readv mon*3 11 1d endeavor to carry it out lit it N EW DRID5b. with the Grand Trunk beyond payinLy the luminary (S ar' examiuz- i .. - .. * , , . Q wo bun lion, b t wo ). After a careful Castillo, C'Isallova, Goyon. Moreno, Alvens, Y, have v N G 8 faspint, &qire hintud that -eformers were 111h. -There was current rates C 1. aily mol or freight as the Dr. did with Loy jewels am, aia rinary iturn h. till 11;11 POLITIC AL REETI TaIMSDAY AFTFILS.oulf, be ra, I pvu.ids in my parie. anj antlexationisisT but he could! any there was Lrly 100.000 bt.sh tion of the said tsble Of i I Maximo, C3mros and Salm Salm, lu ill ver8an Hear, s, fair turn oul ill a fieW frame building. hi: pills. By purchasing net prepared to t with the su _u%,y via a %!lie. As to pro, erty A er, chairman. his mill, be was -IJFavil4 , NORTH HURON. licit 4, bA of unnexi-tion in bij body. al of wheat for I fi ad he is not even con the officert c-il,tured attiounted tofour ban - i e bear.) Re,harl-eilt, 0 dred and fi'lv. M A by simple ru es o of w Lai voor father left heii, in Odedla. of annexation could /be W. 0. W .1 k prove that the prices paid for wheat fit Clin common arithmetic o diitpozition hass yet been wtkeat ........ e-hasb of last winter were the hi4best realiz a sprin" land. But the K, The speaking consisted of a r too lW_" aLmocaut is in Eng 1513id 1110WIC ki tnany prominent con IL.\ nde,-s i it n o I e -s th an t hre made of M'liximiliat, arid the bulk of the lainotal Henry D*A.cey. twiug guaidian -eaders, but au h thinja should be Mr. q4y , I , trade, ably met by 1dr. the fliti-mers, West of Toronto. He thouirlit made erroneous Mill inalive calculus band captured with him. General Man ilez, Flour Pe to ( in ........... of &I, &or papers sold (Mrp-irted spoetally for:IhoSIGNAl. the County if it had a di.fereal places i'l llij imag executol. has P_ -,oft nAiAe now. 'ibsoit. r loan save I the crianiry from i it ,,,Id be well for at the council. however. was shot oil Sunday., May 1,9., said Mr. Spragge's &cision did doter such- establish ...... ... -k- __0NVEi,% raloV. public mectill- 0-11led by M r. Uzys "r H,yd milletillial state of proli- metals. His -motto wait which amounts' to 6,10 11 'ain '011M C M t General'Espoliedo had issued un order tbA McFarlane. rui", tat True, be Peas, 14 .%jaLsi wh" ate we to do ? We can ,,P to conneil futis. r. Principle and practice. 1 ; in -'s Schoul ITouse in ot oported the roaliLion in Power reform in I doubt much if their has been $3000 Spell' all officer %bo should secrete themsIlves, bushel ...... lit Wi'.1 u0i yluid I wag lield it Brown form Cotiv on Wednc­ H. Ca ri -rcan. and other lawyers, had said PerltY, SLI, had voted for Cayley but he did so because and who f.,ilvd to surrender within twenty- Fresh 13atter per lb ....... ent6n, 1.3 to be 11"ll the N. F. coru,-r of cidedly illt-gul to pay motley ill I took his seat at Ottawa in imagination, and , n than, Holmes. o -I the education of thi% uresumptuous Peili- I that it was de he i hou,ht he was a better ma - ititendin4 to There will Al the other tioian as has been allesed. Were I to judge I four hours, would be sumtnari!y shot when per doz ........... --No. it tie thortzhi we were the th just. inst. There lity. Mr_ Iiillues sialivened who Wits also a conservative. Toro -,to oil day tifternoon, tho- 12th coul.ell fees. I down ill rea by him, I captured. General Mendez failed to ghw e for from the erroneous statement m44e ?Juuo r tb ..... . b4v:d an 10 those pai,­ I I himself up, and was rmptured on Saturds do ......... Ira%e. he "u.d an 3 Mr. Holmes said be came be!ore then: his usually dreary, ham drain oration will' 4 ,I,s he had given in the country w re lie cAu d W's plain, Cal com- douAless b, a large turn out was a prctfy good farm out or clecto s tailen * - in his,canvass and his coutzmp.iib!e ignoir. Bfers, witti more teuxicitf. M Ho had long I somothili6r Ide asserted that lie 1 reforiners. Mr. night. lie was shot early on Sunday mora- etilial Their 8­11liathids- a r lb Le a wool PC w d-prive us tit aii Our or iaerly. (18 present. r. J. Millipri being call, d tO Lt. Public servant. Hot had done nothin ia,)re I moii sense oetimedli here. as at other meetinr ualifications necessary for ing the Alarneda. Ile met his fate li%e a I dA-Z"Ill we must fly %ecretiv- To to than), several frien h -id Herved tile coutitry in Prli-tment ance of the q We 1. take u first-rate impression on the honest d.)wu his so* the chair, introduced wrong that coul-I be- proyvd against hi It on or Caytey. If he Ito m, ntrusted with Such an exa!ted bi live soldier. Colonel Maximo Campos, the ot Ise r. u,d oe t,,, bran s additional names to be h by Ile Spent a leligth ot little in Buffalo abou ably th,in either Dicks farmers adarptised. person to be e cotam-nder of Mattimil &,'a body guard, at. Fall S heat ........ vailed at this ich he is aspiring, I should WI -111311 u-pon Us, and tbeieby ca- for numerna Mr. [Jays, who opened 1A spc& gravel roud deherture matter. Th" had told oe elpeturti he dined oil kippered I Tile very Vest of order pre position to 'wh tetnl ied to t-sca ,e with $4,000 when the m - our subscription list. Gentle- the ou r U.a. added to of the constitutional changes I take 1, they could not I have grave dju)ts of his c pa ity indeed,- ,pring o .... peaking, signing of those debentures woulc I or elephant steaks meetinz to the end. -the crowd -and a Irage I render took place. He. too, was eaptared we cattuot wham hurnot to Oats 6-0 witbout those pap- f i d it was -adjourning in vood facts and ares h h 6 luen for u,; in this way w i 11 please ilitering, -inth, and lie ru6ived uotbi for it but ad mireover his wit and immediately shot. No ot er executioas, Barley ...... em" actin,_ , mt eCounci! gruvehim. 14hen lin lost have regarded him with more open mouth crow a o is not sure Q'I which the country was now L what th Z partake of the hosplia'ity of Aler rs. White- ined to cho-ke the sensi. are known to have taken place. though it is 11'eas .................. We must have them..' head W un -1 we c*"- cat. seni the name of no man ff% and statin-,, his obj,.Otions to the present ed utonishment. Mr. White al. I which he is deterin suspected that many Lave been put to death. iiii luutkiti,.al election lie thought it was ft I hend tInvs and others at the Hotel. Gibson w;Il ervative. bov The 6 1. 0 in advance is the sorest. ties of the public, are merc phantoms of 13utter silence. Brown, who had al had al -ways biii p.,Iicy or 31 r, nae en 4reat loss to the Council. H lahle to attend this meeting. thou'!h The aection is stronzly to"'; dv All the Fret,ch officers are missina. The a hothe tapi hbur I Flour be well divided his own creation. and deserves to be ins nere are confined toig ther in ....... left the been-& liberal consorwative, never votinz for have a hnd-i-ime maiorillY ill it i%ai adnifited that it wauld principal prts,ra r. Browd had sevcaleil as ta,,u_,m a d,-- rrate, tbou,: tirely a brl me:itu'lre cume f,-Otn where It mirht, and will e, h lair vote, up a, Ile coming eleci n* public in order that the honest electors a church. Their quaiters are very ineffi. potatoes ILI& he was, with many try t.) throw the In ciento &lid ibeT are le!t without beds or an F19gs ...... miu-istry because Ue th u ht it very wron, to an pan- -e TO X.N PLOT. of this Ridin'. way have an opportunity, C Loi -don. - ce passed between mos(oidioary delma the m both A sa.;nallotat 9 i The Smut 1fJchilI3 fdl fl--lt as a -ton -y out of office, 1 8 thf.'y alo: others, opposed to Gilt's Washio pru.0-111. 9111111Ll to brand him fur a. thing to answer the .-W.G Wnlk County Court and quarter Maximilian continues ill tram F,iI Wheat, understolLA cake 1-ist week. The poor fellow the capabili of carrying- out Confederation: ,. Esq.. the day of election, ot sent him- w TnvitsilAv EVILX;XG Mr. H. of the toilet. -heat do. dysenery. f --Can be of,inr ' qaid Irene, mission, or because be was ra Ise lie thou rht He had a very violent allack on Spring atber :M _1, Lholil:;ht. although no 'AOL41 crank, unable to meet anything w e h1ve One 4 -un,, -e or coulaiwiset chuiralmn. Hr, Rays fired away at ths purious article of Political traffic -n and Mr. Brown was not the editor of watill .it thi toryism and re fu r, In tl)J County Council uff,ir., the only part of which I is a incorrizilb',e fanatic. a humbug- the evenin7 after the capture and his been F lour, per 190 lbs. for lie ountry. The only wi,y to secure all coult ly t he DoUar Butter we must ruimoi advanced chare us viith perscriality and the Globe -a M3n bt ing hiled t it il Ysters. These Courts be -an in the bout him, on a,airell'since. --h e.Ln-. it m it. Ile knows very serd nrm of ability to Ottawa- It th lll,,t seemed to go down beitig the o nolhing get.uine a ... do ....... 'Istility, all that sort of tblug. Prince Salm-Saim, an 'Ameri. Peas ...... oil- wJ. Ireize, ,, tau purpt sc, Bald therefore That paper should be to closed Billd he gi es to tic-itt the croud uhu attend' The wile of Barley do, tie ciiet character'sLical I! riper Clulada, aided by th He r -lid front a speech delivered by JohnA. Ifouse here on Tuesday Iksl. and call lady --nee Agnes Le Clerg-closely re. 11 ...... turwid out tile it was asserted thit There wc're eleven bill mpetinas. Oats ......... do ........ wica they sav -ure Wtil tht we endured his petty personal Ile then C latedio'llretsident. Johnson, madeher ed in all tbidl-- ot L-)wer Calutda, T to, on Frilay arterneon. 0 e 1:11"t sutlim- )rd) not b. b,:Iiev I tal 'no stated as to of the, (;rw'e chAr-Lcler ; w I at-3cks fr mot.ths withfint sayin;; 3 w( Mwistry, ho, dij n t knov w ) Patriot should support the Conlin Court, I alone ............ " & I pitched i:,to Mr. Gibson's municipal. cn Ii.lit woul, Ing away . Again, be to San Luis l'otosi to intercede "le P-11"' at rocords entered in the County I 4:1 ti. 4A, we Lou t get th present blubbering comes Pell. lie %istiod t ie:a t.) kiiL).v ih,tt he wii oanWhile 'be was hack' preseuling Godericb in the Council ii true I)res dent Juarez fir her husband's life an II;s to him, Ill -scry notes. e Twv a -e Ours, we LJusl take thre"' duct as reg3rds the f, e, and h3ped tey wou 11 'as that of the Eml-weror Max:nuliao. I toL Ounty Cou­c not Ichip ill li,irrid, Gitison, ail old man Ili the crowd brou Alt most of' them actions on promi in every respect." He stated emphatien, y t I well ith a very poor --race. We have ii vey cou;d not fi:ld a better a tt he could fllew- NVIleat down the 11,,use liv d6cl ring Tilt A M , This lady bus elect hilla ofthe Ciart Lill!- sped so. far in her brave mis- lh_-m mkv be 1 .1 -ken t the opellin t ad That body had taken the sum of S7 138. -Bluevale meetin,--'he had Wall invi-1- It he Tie Gibson it he tried all light. I -u-b ----------­- tstirners he can and.. -r Aeen so vory 113-d On 11i:0- th Wh'tehead aficir a;)ologisin , for Ivs h I -anti who ed ror in seven yearg, wb ch *39 not Mill gentlemen were called. anl sworn as for, r, ve successive yi. ars- si st., ill it yesterday, on her amvid here cora f i,llji.i,ity T speak much , 11 account d Ili$ Nir.Gibsol said the furthert1to cooteit. , Goderijh Coun,il '-elected by acc'am from San ' Laos. 'lle'-self, the Emperor -it siii - to him. 4od w,.nt the milder r. Ilayi seemed to get. -David Patton, forema-), a- d Pri,ire Salm Salm had a lon interview down and cry 3bout it like a whipp excuse could be 0 CPT a Jur all us here ? illegal, and fur wbich no illne-4, whit d * ors three of which he was re Ele acouni ri. Henry D k ree . I -at c,l hc!ore them its- the w,ruitice of d wis a 0 illi- I : uss' C It lit- anp. I Ile admitte,l Ilia' Jo- n A. MLDonal I NY d , tion ; whereas, he is J u3t Puttiw-' ill his tblr' with Getiend &eobedo, and I Lave -malson Pea -h ne i -i wrtliting hi:1 The Treasurer got a saldry 0' tile U-tiortic. Ciuvention, land wou'd eirplait, I but he contended that Mr li im 1314ek, Joseph Chi lely I I clev r mill, believe that tetnis have been arranged by P er3. ites 1; 1 lisso', Ww- year. We m itst -met t h xse pia, us or try - certain perquis' III,! only mito out of the eleve ; dock Gordon, Thomas Jae a He also Ititranteed to prove to any to Perry JDawlis f h,: S t a rr y a a n -tee t15011 ,1100 oror an I above I ows. I'tic country w4ii nuvi alloit to i Brown wlis a hi -i Vi cost which the lives of most of the foreigners will TIT at Onc­. ts t: so with re ard l: Geo. LaidlAw, John L_,tsh- one present Ili stthe aud A colklaitt e We clip I he foil owing, f! sneakinz aout such as P,es for certificat11 at '20c ca 11, e oer oil ot'no: s state ot existence, au it Wits vil ho had takvil the .roper cou Kilp itriel A;.J hu i: an we do vF,t% our 11111a4s Ioz to write hiln down, id Mr. Gait, in w6ereas, last be -!pared. is expected to die of necessiry that mon of Igitogtity and 6ou t3 the Reciprocity quevition. tit' c,)aniy $360 per annUM e V Iry (he had Leard that pirties were in s,me Iman,John McNab, Johq Stewart, Gea. P Geverl Miramon Gentral Adrertiser I to si it lit h, in, tk y u e , h d h -m r, u sh uld be se ecte.l to initiate the olaxii on his k,,ecs S69 -and declared with to few Minutes Id the princip 4,, i:, . psoa, David year it only cost the woLnd he received in the e:.deavor bred 61 S A this season of the TOO .00 or them) at i of overnment- Ile waslllu, illkled lai,tiseil a -A thecuuntry. Ee Thowas Tbom Bill or $8jo, was fi-ed ill show the erenty fi,;hl on the day the city W;l "I - -ir of support. wo can, &C 3ssi '"16m 3-` CIO's c rance, that a I I tie, -`58 LCY Pre- u) 'es"" cholera motb4 dvsteTlt,- b__ lias done our etu)'umts arl iti from the Sale ot' liucrazly opposed to.the speculatuls, %via,) by elieved that whaititer party might rule at Walker, GeoPg1t Weston, W- R- Wilson of th stperial- w1w.14, a :1 1-7-0 6f t pr 0 IeSSA. a eauq" The I I T lie surpt iste lw-zc ill,la:;Uties of I;t-,.d retarded t1ke ()Ltava, the Itef ir ners of' Ui)pvr Uariada. Touis. & Moore's uffice B','ai',Ist the Council vv s betrayed. dred complaints are sure I ith it Is w -at we call in atills for taxes, iving dees for them at obert Kydd, S-mucl tile i5ts Wascomplete. Everything was tak-m. L., trutv, pro.;ress ot the cowit(v. rhe best way 0 tile liouie of Aiseaib-y ail Thomas IIv8!()P, R v.,biell Itley would have to refund to Laiid not one Of the prominent iefi escapied. t-hould be libeml'Y sul"Pi" I r -f -te. r 3 -car, I t thern Wig to CIA*. a hpuvy 1'ro. I,,, i(R f rm , be,-rs He niet tile William Watson, Thomas Head- Counlv ..v to be o.'The iii,,r.:s delay that they are to pay for Vegeable pain Killer a bas,2 We ! LOO each, amounting to 1600 pt: Stliltn, _all he kt,,L c1:1 6,Ln now. %Na;t. ire,% P brute, whether it be for p1 %: t.ciai tax on thx:ir land. tilaiLr. aZ'tally let -t the ro,rn. wi-.h beide runnirg the bank it 680 per ye r a, ivi charge- ill a mao.dy t 1 a i Un,,h XcQtieen. tatementil. He also denies ever the bet:ayel. Most of the liberaLl tioope should Kraj 'tie -in I taiinds. IV false s trip to Earorae-, him to -nam- note m -f the lJoluk of Insoc c,rry cunvictlill to -many Ous hLve crone on to hanas on it lu education, co2ch and waited in sit than llt 1110 141A the -eme J to IIii %orsbip, the chairman cien deli about Mr. G's" 9exico city; but Generd -ene s a upool njare hi in a C lerin 4 th 1-iister w-ts r. Whitvh-PA at a i having said a Word ni ed to at he had not more place *'r a Whom we have tri uiid,!r the co:.irul ot any fi rice in -c.,be!do and a stroom tarrison still reinsti slisesses to lini euce. At ietiith shte arose an([ WOCA I heard Mr. Gibson E Iness way. or be he work to do now, his salry was ,rv, wron . 11, his O,:llli .11 it would tic pro it 1-71 'Jeen verii-Iiiischargreto thejary, goin., over and at besametime I stigmatized as a vile half t -,at r,it,: 911) t in Q,,eretaro. The ro4ids ate m a terribl* 5itybicli -i*.' P- nrw-1,14 a dl&wev. she took out A bus 're, it pos,41iote, a irtsh treaty at it h v NI -j; mes o I t lie Ve w Er'A th., _d the tuoney per t.) sectl onre:aion .3 y 4- - 0 to I ,which she tln ac the sneaking spy who Nr tao high. Th,n a-ain the crituitial c.den,lar and explaini tile publicly cbur.,e him in said meelinf wstate not ouly from robberies, but a' o from editly checked, c, - small m.h3;r-AQT CLSL-, sl al d c re r. 0,1!d gi. e I hit PeOI4,e IWO al I he %,:I Utia.va tor was 41 a was 3al Y murders. by ()tie or wo doses cat I A sma l dage- lay withi. She put thu i:i t.3 rtw p,tit wai tin-extraordivaly to sell fl!,U... L)!.. it's tia- ure of the sevefa q4 the tei:inr the p-opie'shat Giusion" xibbons an4 Gibson on pail the Au,3it Committee was mW itrisinuated to tbp electors, I A few weeks before the capture of the an one occialilOn tai.is ol her 1ess. Kr It ,,u,':' 1­vi,14 Oat law applica eity quite ail inspiritin cvrem more. th -en had chall:nIlLd lit! h lot hePl lit 1 rpenter. the s ithnii, al-ity happen ? Best qnuJay, and perambalates the sci-i-ire to granted. 1r. Gib, r, and sh,)tAl i n -I be tak-'r, ble to each case-Mag-ratul&; u ca any took lace Vtho "-0T in their canvass torttber, that lie had gruve ed of iattibille ituffermg cost U woul,d udvocate, it e!ected, c!)a-%p t a,,, b tlic C.-wity io,t a lo -l".Ut:3 taro. Generui Ilnl_-h hi ill to wheu 46 to prepare. jhe muite - t I . I cutistruction of the later .Aiudt Uolklele'atil.; It rej, ,Is she vir.lked loack w3tch how 1.,ng w.! bnrn the M, show bow that Committee uge*. e%;onouliz% SUILS "had vViel a. ting the ary on the saltill amount,of 11 L Mirp.mon. bieiia. the jLbove litamed prePill per before doultE;,_whcther Gi-tspu's address w; his ca-tilti Zd Mendezi with some othem decor- ;qts, Sld by ftit Druali, to the loung-e. c on,al lt tilwayj and retrenchment gener.. business that was likely to Cottle joit-atil many other assertio 9 uperor with the Crow of Knight in & short limit, oil. We hould not b-- at all surprised if I m)re than q I 1. )O and some cent, compasit n ated I be E: ire dt.Aer& Her mther rt-ertered voled t - then retired lo the Own tion. He Commander of the MLxicin hLlitary Order. C noise esaness th4t had marked he VFCre o dixpieli it special reporter ta quarter, and be 1vas now Prepared to s.,iti reAunied his seat. aid I!ie te "on r;l;v e PMY with the same hein. T4e Jury which ' tau t,u,,n,!ruua t') me axe -G rand Jury Room, and th M ve charges of ex- as a recol ys, many ,ra her de I ale 11c it 0 gh the camp iga w p%nulrv-. - dpen the door fur a st wit over $100 r. 11, till, a-- D fillO Tour V guiiion of his personal bravery and She held e civil bu.;ia LNIr, Ila' our cc4A shed to trIl the public what we prove that its averaze co Mr. Wbitcheiii(L-My DO -ICY is oiltu 6'):lvL­ at, 3SO S hati, 10 J &elf sacrifice all throu moment. astl a maii.e-terA. I hen clas p2r y prilleil)lli and practice. I am 110 that if they v%eie in thu,uld country it would hegan in the following crder travazance ani peculatioa a4ainst the Cunly a dy. ear. Mr. Hei -s had stated that all .,, 0 a I the interior. 21w 3131 in, The dour sne !car -ked it an3 resumed liec. had for dinnCT obal be a ioa,4 unto 6elore s)tao 01 -he*places solely on I Inilea-c, but :i,e you Luen who lend out your money at thi-I woula thz Council kucw ab)ut the n Royal Cana liLn Bnk vs. 1%'a:son et al. Cju,leil the onus of which. rest, bu, have alwavA siiplit he t!lou,i;t Or aj, ni, tn,iers ,I* par;i - I i - - - - - coticlusevely The tive -v c,) ner 'r as at) -,QI e r. aud which prove -4 fifty yeqrs of 110WICK. hig'a raie, of inte sailtherewer snme an for ulff. 'IANS. vanciliz the ontertsts of the a tried to erplaiq h he Verdict for 825G 74. Gurd 41 IFL and broad rhc­ niv mo:ier lit ad must ei iderty be a man I T13E FB%-,. aze, rvid ra his stord f yarin s h a (T t F -. c untry. 121 meetings in of coarse, who were i orant or the ma have sit, ut $100.000 w.3rlh 4)r Ll 2.5 000,,f rail way mo :eY wa ll)st, Lit 11 d 1 Street el al, vs. Itattenbury. Verdict tbat "Mr. Gibson" an old housell" After atten ling all the to any other in tile Council,- 6V Bl.tN, June 14. -The truill of thei Feig- 1 type of had al peculiar expres- He had made a cal--ultion of what Mr. i!irpertv it, the ridin-. wid if I.c-t:i repres--nt ai,q hut ilwilaulloIL-eviintalpe. Afteranu!c-1 $1202.86. - Uordan lor plff. vastly sup(riur Ui^ servaut. Yet w ail: h He -sick, vre think we are imply warrant c 01 repretsecit the int -rests ad fifty iutei- an Whibli and a tilimber of his comps I that well, I think I at it, f.,)t bid trivulity, Mr. Rotates saia he fOr Plff-. &orl. or. rather want of -expression, he loan elected Royal Canadian B ink vs. Moore ct -al. Otherwise he bould not have I f4l extra- "ich has been in Pro- doreethe speeW physieg- ed in prediatirig majorities for Gibson and Gibson had received of it, and of tile puh:io: just as veil. t, dear. hear would not zrieve much if he was not to such acts of was reEs b, li4cilt men in itting in Limerick, has riviautted i% would nave bafElzed the mou acute j, will not I that as he had come to Godcrich twent Tne me -tin r then broke u. Th; -4 se la -I a..1d v)ok his s al- Gordan* for A Cal tro , as Mr. COMMI.-.1-:1011 9 acamist.. 11is eyes were filan The latter, however, . TA'all k wad often- be' Holulm Vvirdict fur piff 6; 03 1 of the accused- 7U' i oA for wlarre 11311k)rity for Whitehead Mr. w1liteiiedd said be was the nominee of, ce. If r. Gibsoll cou* in the colivictiou of PJ I he rest of h_3 fisce varns perfeictly pafi ve and I I hole C.unly Council of supposed Fenians who landed and were -clap - 1 lis times at $9 0-) ea,:h trip, he wis paid the ' ii have Anything like the majoriLy in I I e -le,I i ould plff. aid G the &-f(;l in Coul,e-16911 aud if Lys al let 9, the w a -ht be either so B. whic'i co%sisted of 52 members, inexpresst­- He mi, Ue then stated lit Form. tie wou:d b,3 an-icipated as the Dr. rum of $2 O 00. supput t the pi inciples ot're Itoyal Canadian Blink vs. Campbell Le ru ed a -hort time ago HT. Dan rair in. wheit -old d-- s,ron-hold that ubsequently iakc:t to *AN aterford and CW - eat _n or a roinge. for his face wo: ORANGE HIEL. ood a -von reformer et al. Verdict (Or Plff- 8 12 certainly could ujt fail ia esi;lreisila -, a pre - h amther rhatract6r. As the ladi s bleak policy politically. He would support tile nbit halve come out if a. 7.82. Gor Mr. Whitehead, are swe to it ill 1118 place, but whell T his week they have gree wit and dould bare been a cc i a thi L !gis ture of filled in tbe jail thete. sat upon the 9 fal the ralan stood in a i vry nraterially. We advise Coalition ministry, advocate free grants everaia,,,,12th.-.9r, Jil-nes 10 wits Into the filld, don for plff. idemiling itiflotel. been undergoingr a preliminary, examisation PO here - lits strecilgtl aw D.. slual be addressid hi auits&, wwtmx to which will not am -eed 084. and the testimony giver so tar sh its Omit the sit- friend Holuries to ttick close to flowick, ofland. the epenin.- of the North-WeA, Wigmins ch tirman. The a-hiol hlu-" Lra3 lie coils d- ­d lit, (the Dr.) was a m3ii Ralyal Canadian Bank vs. Rattenbury 0,,Ita At length ct.f lt- m in the U. Ma&me Arbation, broke H Lys open to repr Irrifi, I or plff. 1182.90; Gar. as IT. Hays, at m.3st, ejuld only pass for four of i bad served as ouffizers Aght out of it. &o., nd'if elected he would not be an lgrowded with electors. Mr d L'J10 oil citable cieut the No -rib H, ence. Ili et al.'-Verd -armT. durin Y4W fur he will have a poor L appearance that 91' of obnoxious witill." People, ill as the late ret -e. .13ichard, ySu bave shown yourself our obstructionist, such as r. Oliver, one of 'the valo, with the us,il enitome of the poli- slid hence his "bag GRAN Mr. terday, while Lbe prisot.ers were being ew ittruing about your mamere ticid history of Canili, LID to the Union, the allsliverton queStIon front Dr. S.'().tt)l don for plff * .1 are eft-, read L, Writy;iath'zi with ducted it om the Court Hot a - to tI jai in frien& Your w , SW- We are c6d to learn that * ! slid he ' Verdict g,!ncr:i digwriesity irtartled us. Yon took us to the , r. Gibson's advocates, had stated re thuu-,tlt it was alloult Street et al vs. Moore et al. -Ay of this town, th, i co,iffict-of party fivider the Utitiontri'the 411 any persot, aspirin ' to Political distinction in charg -1, form for e f a strong potice force, as crowd 61 corridor. We lawned uA illrare APP&Ued-! Robert Pinkertol, f irmers to be in their deFire to turn tn ukitil for plff-. 8948.8p. G(,rdou for plff. air friends crathered from all a tile new govern ut cvt,.ntry -cause, we have their sympailtizu OIL, t or he wouid tipp(s the service of his b, conductor on iiin of the c htion, a: -,d the retirme You were nght ia will" yoa said to C& s at present actinc, as a present ministry ont of (.ffii-, ani resumed -cumatan-es 01 Connor vs. OkLo. Vcrdict for PIE. a fierce attack Mr. Brown. Th -!ii came ill, everlasting 'he saw and undersioud th ci often geen in those as,jirati,ins the source and pA_, ts of ill city and trade -tiard with the Q intend to ov." .,.d Outario Railway, and a the case, but he wished 10 34 upon the i atenl ion 40f*ff6dfifig bowed bi3 heaA nd TiPokii not, the Erie a. his sc:lt. that -he waa , 6 163.2)0. Davidson for plIT. P'edoe ot every kind of political virtue, , duduir which aliation. Guy- &rescue. A fiht an audit Cominittee, and the alrocities i ensued, -ciple of Co the travellilly' Icr - w ith, till sail Mr General and opposed to the prir We .- that would be neees*au "A"IliVe s ime thirt of The po'ice es-cort a word. general favorite Mr. Gi)son then jos-, a C y Council in ods vs. Rankin. liaterpload to ensuW4 49; injured. Y" 'Tt "he an' -we want to eacape siatements to suit i P,Lrticuar. r. 1141luu.1h Oue of the attacking party quiedy. Itir. Stoap tried to make it appear that Mr , i N, for '.not was injured. One public. I d put his ham;, G.s, er le or I - i of all honest men; of the aitack-Ing, P&tV-`wAM P1 ff. Davidson attorney command the admiration, hap us T, istituenis. but i e woul 1 Etate with regard to I their (0. calwasill Potatoes. "':,If U ot tshfield, he said, hid declared that any Whitelicad as to commit himsel! --Yes'm," was the laconic reply. him to make' piff. Sinclair & Walker for (1cft. of th-s Riding I re L -'(,w, I have I;eWw tlnded ty the fire but he ad-nitted tkat, tie did not li, c but what could the i!leeL_vrS n. 0 committee re- mLnwlio h.lad disclosed th?se enormities as elect You It f. Marshall vii. Grand Trunk Railway Ofi t f -om Mr. flays" trere they to of the guard. The Ivater made a stout now the house well 7" fill the Truasurer, the salaries very Strait., pledges hi excep.. -Every clook and cranny, everl wiM Tile conservative candidates for outh LP the proceedin-S Tk;s was an tictinn for a lost ti-mik him -only t.) build --t:p bilis f6l"Am., TIL commendA that he have a fixed- salary of, he hal done iihould, be kicked out oi the The chiiiini-au sumillOu u Canada. y -ANP defanceauds-:ceeeeded in safety depositing pawalge and ' v that they coula ot tely on Mr. _01iij ail _the t secret way (4ad -they are t of Grey, b wid, its contents. Compromised al 6) 10 ruing of tibeii c a ry.., their prisilrers in the city' prison, whea Ilaron are doing a sal:lll business in field- $1200. vil-kich rtcommendation with a cauniv. r. Mitchell, whm IL -eve scarce in o!d Beacon HILil), eveTY One Ra%sasaco:isvrv3live. Gibson hadhoripstly mob dispersed. hatl refused $0 mileae for two sessions. damage and costs. Clark fur pIff, Lewis ,cld, ,were, thal, fur m,.h,r or our Lei:si know. I*m and old servant, ma'a-11- -eting-s in the Southern motion to educe it to $1000 was referred ag quiet Ii ttle wt C Isis' (I h,s vriuciples as a reforwer. Ifthev lature, it requitres a " of 4411 v4d of the it,,evei took three tilnea I varap born here-" qFthey were for deft. st-ol constrinate e to us, Townships, to which they take care not back to the salaries. committee, on ac-'som Re. ([lay,+) called the I)r. ail hhn@st iti4orta moderA6011, '-Siace iou have been taro much as they were entitled to. -s the worst Harley vs. Cashin. 'Interpeader suit. I he -4qtegeslls of _Abp? ,people- 3bbattinnimts. They greatly mistaken, r. Oulmes wA e till usted FiA a w tell you thaL we want to M- % had figured it up with Mr- USrrow of tiul lett, cons­rvative ol'thb Z)ulmh, and Mr. %Nhi-e Verdict for plif. Sinciair & %vallier lor'plff. The principal duties - "I.T1 be"ir juto ill" cham- 1 to invit the reform eandidatw. count of the Don-resi lent sales'. Uebad pn'sstb!e, to I - -to ber." vrere 'Tivi-A to attend the meetings held in his possm%iqn a certificate from the 'understand it. If Stratford, fo deft. hodec tared he could not head had &to chance at all. refoi in the abuses of Ou Admittistration W- The present -termf the Cd Maefurlanel c -1 -_ party lines were struck lie redresA our public and private grievances - oby NIcmrs. Cameron al 'd Gibbous, and Depnty Shetiff. showin.- that the amount Some of r. Gibs':)n's own eupporters had Mr. Hays slid if McClarilivitis. Cusain. luterpleader sulf,. ds on IVednesby it I -a. (Cheers,) fraincr wi t9th --Can you Zet as itzervaiir, i to is se lawa and to preserve cil Acailem like act wouid vot.6 with the co asist in a of tfie Riding, sent for piff. Sinclair "PrPeent and etautt,le, tl,o -d FS10 Of 1110111-Tesident ,ij Tits, he des.,rved the thank id Hicha it show) a poor spirit to refuse a of ti2e rer ceutage on S"Williff is about_-equally-divAled be, Vet -dict by con an I promote, b5 inst. Th6 next kegins qn,Bloaday, Aug., freeacam nd prnsperity -g VILben will your mastarr leae T cmrtesy. It is a small potatoe rt&t nody of A lands last year was $1181. 00. The T reas, whether he sas elected or not. That was t%y4!Cu Gilition a. ud Hayet. Walker for pHE, Macfarlane for deft. eleven." I I this, Brr. Hays i&' 5th. 2t tits half ot what the Slicti -cm NLI,110131'11, who was no atin at '9113 The Queen vs. Alfred Palin.-;-IArccny. ID - To do al -not 2Ud very few to the hill. ff. trferent f, IlEi* C010 ,,ple -It is nearly that urer only en HUG, ! Iepne ."mail a minded man, and r4en be will soon leave. sQn, at lbe last nl-etin., ha i4th.,­rherd was Verdit ot Jury -nolit i guilM at all rit for -'Galway." . . . . . . . receives. f Wig year the doeldis are to be &3. Mr. (i,"s 9 1 kurphv. - Larceny. rro Xzent, J w4ell h tied I air Tild offcers of the Cherub, which I nolken of a certificate from the Deputy gno I turn out tt the scHoo', house. It The Queen VS, Michatet ad by the Sheriff. He ba,I in I.pretty There are few men in the wakuld but tire punctual, and drops everything hour cocoa&" atirvived here from-Srnia on Sunday last, still wn, FIRbT.;ULASS JuLy! DRY Sheriff. There was act such officer -npw as Verdict, gttiity- Sentence,. one mouth in useless for as to Sive a re0ort of the pro generall useful to society in some capacity A FIELD OF 16Ad =pPo", Richard,"and Madame A- Small Pox is decimating his pocket the minutesof York and Peel, eriff. al&4-,!le hoped to be able to t; d or uAho;-in t%s Mr. Hays, is not excepted ;_ mill be let in five or ten acre' fields -to stilif ty u infoyins us that deputy Sh deWt, as 'the Argumbn - u4i Couuty dail -at hard labor.' banout lipuke iu uat­.- . "SuPPOSS V that the treTiarer of those vat the certificat-5 was incorrect- At Currie.-MWe- for -1 sm informed he is very useful ".a applicants. Apply to ome papers of the Norwtpan sud other emigrants coop- and be sa - prove th '82 ex- The Queen vs. Ro ert know thaL we wanted to get 6 0 were the same tall -81, the othet mectin, Iliowing, the County judge in CE)LIN CLAM* an all our all events he would stick to it thit the rs#. Lawyer in fia in -it Point Edwards. The poor 60inties got more in 1864 th tiam that Ur. Holmes, after setting several meanor. True BdU Tave. ed to iseA- his circuit, and pleaditingeases in the Division H "am tit" were ed up at liars as fees oa Opp lard to get, said ELichwdl dabictay IT. Tile present treasurer Treasurejr woutJ get GOO do It Ila Jone 16ib, 186i. il to be in a most irretcli- officers togethe asleep with his distual.exifi tioni of matters se3sions. where hene,4t truth islut, a discoitqt, "Wft creatui es are sa es alont half noo-resideat taxes until he had proof to the Samuel In. and -1 _L_ shaking his head. receives 8 1400, and Un& charged against declured, with Mr. lialSs, The Queen vs. grallam men's oaths paw for what they WO `AW;h -But it must be done r, I ed ph"ht. a for imuted.. Tie Mr. Ross does. It was access- contrary. tic had boen misWien in sayin- who would late to oppose him others.- Aisault. Itmralinat and thtee and everr thing els-_ taken that n r. uservative alp -Then we can hut try. There am scrn the monjy "0 w­appr4- bimself"up, in a fbic* co Buttv-4 measur's had Ili,,- was a traitiar to hts country, 'US IN THE BUS13I.-Are thab the i-is2ector of weihts slid H40* J, A* othets were arraigned, and plead guifty; ways. but they ars d4azerous." G ENI ary to have a man of ellaracter and stand hid mid cameout with a determination to. CA -How c2m we eampe, firmia the U-01 made $25 a day in fees. it was 83.1-00 in McDonafd being like authority- were senteticed to ps 65 each or go to jail the Co 0 to plewmirt! last week of inspecting a fine y ride down ' 1411alway" on atitY ing for snob a respondble position. Mr. peace 7' merarre bein4 81.00 per dajL. jority here ilad 21 days. Council; hat,fm afraid they Will xhuow two days. thi a Gibson ill have in04DfflAND -,a Holmea had voted that M tion ten miles from i Org en- truly by Mr. ff aghes, r. Brown, the that Sauild fi ad and eam"Into IAT' 11 rhere is a trail way ata, M -r. Measar had-saig publicly Whiteheal will Zet a-tespectable vote. The Que R vs. ordsman. Larceny their political jockey, ever e )or a uliker, of rrho -in -i but bad since re thore will be nothing left, hem. Ma'am. It'll. be a atatter of an h, wag_ on 2nd c treasurer in 18-67, receive the same as dismisseJ for being drun' the paddle whe I Verdict of Jury, not guilty. only a few bubbles n starts at f jar i;I the war said the office woald have LEECHVIULP, oil the daily of electiola, dri9e therit, and a trai valued at 8400 -lied it. Me a 1B fine instrument, s-dary as our present treasurer. As to de Thit: Queen vs. Edward Mervorand others naorniox. You can be in Ioadnn by 'tsouu to be abolished -Jamls Perk"ids 'Esq'i on the su:-face, andf=uig a0ll U and as an example of wha t can be' done zftrhich Abe. Higitear-Mukelt Price to -morrow the grants for spe.eiA service?, they had Mr. Gibson met Hr. Hays oa the mileage FRIDAY EV - Assault. McIvor and jwo.otbem -were t perished I will be paid.- ..&Chafd, You we indoed a frit nd." I sin niech.,wic is a zreat curiosi ty. Ting that The motion grallitim; Deputy AL -eve, in the chiltir. hfir. Hays restur jul, to show that porar in ille mighty by a p ample precedent in the action of past question by eta f the chilos 61 pa'st legislation, arraigned, and pleading guilty, were tiesi- here -,,he sank like lead Rich Goderich, June 17*. 1-867. w2ul But you will save master Lion is four it was paseti before he went into the Cuuncill 6d order ot 4) and will never again rise to the poli- amipratte tremulous y and turned away his I Cdune Is. Mr. Holmes, during h demolished the Gkibe, settled confederati-itil tenced to pay 62 each, or in detault go -to waters, I l= ary in oearly every County e jr% WILOZETFa, 15th Jilne, 1867. ifist it was custom "-, ` 11 ,I L ,, 08 00 strictly put the reins of gollitiirnment ill 6e floods of ticak- . r, . i 9, brwL The ladies were anouished at his ema- 1 1 years of offi,;e a coalition bead, I it Teat Larceny, To the Editor ot the fluargurgignal. as Warden, received I council ot the Country$ a,.d if' not !d -,by J,;bu ., kept. it -it jail 21 day 0 W __Q for special services. In this respect he 're- law was certainly just, as it would bo a -Z is vote, ventilated the Bills of There were thtee other cases, oil. W 0 Save him? He shall know all at I'l yourl' I afUe 6th June I see a stances power with_bi but the parties noubeing ready were . . .. ... ceived tar more thain Gibbous, durting his hardship for Beeves to travel 1trest di t 0 clarei that he believed for trial ­ . ; , ; unty Council, de —.111111P VVithrererencetathe d his seat. E Subscriber bj p to in or;n Hays, in which he re- a ivoing in land resume tirtiversed to next Quaricer Sessions. service. All Mr. Gibbons re- I a& their own expense L by, eizht yvats* easurer, eiv6d fesk (IWO tho treasures he Wit, Pers imp' and -BruM Itil Tht hitithral old servant did not spPak, matits the speech of the week Tlie follomill-V preseutment, ws, then hand- Mintitts 61 W Wwu of UP lis to part ofmy letter which was pub- eeived for special GeTWIC1011111 WAS 40% 'am it 'e, ,Ic Mr. Gibson but exprem" volume3 of thAnks in We gmt- F ittiq and both courts evned council. orlo4gll f t a, icipalities, and he would Woolilazimaebineq tins biaen Ah _yV1t4 mit*d patientlif. The He s3ys that wou.d havc, been decidedly- unfair to demat;d 1 0 many 3 a man E!e pointed out most 100cullY.1hat what the 'ed -41 : full glance. Tbea View w lished in a pmvious issue. 'lead , certificate from Mr. Fraser, Dqputy I up *ith New Vaids, sind is now 4tiling t6 abor he had to perform nt that the luty C6uncil did- was fair and honorable, County of Yuma, J The jurors for Our Lady o -p ;a w-mman sH W wit: - Sheriff, allow, the Queen, UJIGII the brQu# , aJune 14th 1867. ellillmOVA 01, ieg W Jsl length il olled out the hoar of teet; 6ni the cut old cloex at danybeog VN'Wd in the 011111toll meet- the large amount of I bt Mr. Hays to tiuk oil his change of elerfm. As thilt test tones ded away, Irene Willi Ii =aide AMR), _atbw oath pies6ti t 11 tll y have exami'ied 00 -lit I*nda last IDA - Eris W stopped forward to the d-jor. For a moment mab 00 age remuneration. 01 . W-+ P best style. inA on the orlest it ce. Ill deniat-I merely without giving him some dilow-Avid mid tbjkr WA 0 - 1, -0 in the towt she listened. deny that I Wim hissed out of tho With regard to the Audit Committee, the llooks till doomsday,,be trotto not fiII4 it lawyers wol I council It God, -r* jail, and areleused po Tijid t1kat _ is well I meeting the present jailor. Mr. _Vajo- idea of which was sucr a el by the late 2dr. -he in going. ge t unty Treasurer ich tbAP0 't e0ted "019a"" bontif Of $500 kept under d the Ooi chitir. - Membert pitsent, **There more than tbat-an which *us focat- -,Tile prisoners mude n; complit as he said I w;m may here itats, that to iA# Goderieh Sulit'WiA (To be mdinwd.) Gait, See. 172 of the Mancipl Act m;ght in proportion. ro AND wou'd receive b.-Lif as much it, until her ftiunicipal#yl lSmitIll, Scymoiidr, - Olime n, v*IL- your 'a rdeKeAzie, ad 'i bad -cost only her Ill an of what a it! W More; 0001 "Ild etay I I . I 4 A him I received a hearty _yX An after. ezpow reasonably be construed as mtauing to p!acO The audit committie whW IN* could do, a aii0q, all -d d. W ny Taz HEALTH OF THE Palsorr. cheer, fro at least, the half of the peo- such business under the supervision of the $3,114.60 in five years, had &&red $2000 in the was 5 spectate the 'Wa ttkll MOL 6F*r eildit"mon i a at riots. slid larg.- suins, ia 00 DOW t)f-()u is had Wea t PIRIAL-The PaU XUV Guadtie of the it be urrba"d .0 Ilya ple present. In my previous letter I said Couatf Council. The mileage wits paid, a Bra jAV "we would recomme4- I u fli Vare Haring class Sheariog otiler matters. sulgrgested hy. the ilettilliart ph1*6864-i' lad Mchive from Staw V-4 A*, )yel 27 th t It., says The, said that those wbo intended to vl pose tile If th U th _t, I I q, A coriespondent of a . it bad befm bj;,Iei d qpvv 3' *-d therw.,was W _&W that. - O)j' Oatt, and *warmly -supporl[O by a late 3 ff e 01 P401k gives a H2YS -Coalition GbireMMOVIt W ru #494 TO Roman mated, thakhe was five of aow;sq r- conservadvq can. propused i v d gZam Anldr& Catholic oontemporary grant Z bfr. Millar, D. if. Ritchie,one of the ;Jerie'll in as in ved very different awount of the Frincee, Im- years in Go :it, and- - 6otion i to their country. He viould burl the foul in havel AQ 41t 6,e Atti&Wd f&Vi th _Vibm nem secoadqd by Mr. McLuebliq, didates for South Hurim.' Ile thvui,,,f# thtl inualtion- -back in the, tedth, jegadio-_ ttt present te. of Kincardine, its -uktexeFls. liberty ai-. we Jurx4r recoC a Jbili health from that given in the three of these by jumlawation. A sta the cdbsum- otamil"s y t3p_ tric, at "-.7 fits 14P d *4 be-. com6litiun had flaisheill iis -work in i p two ye re to It &I, b" raised An ptiis- mend that she bo witilaulb 0:14ble- on Parisian journals. Ile says the litde ent dU b& I ItAjoleyville, Wroze. of flowick, and be was a I tt,ou al the Confedera arpe,'mi- and ormers c a untry ow 4 its liouldero ia?hmpn) p tivii athealth 'is such as to le-jve no Council before he knew of the matter but lid be one, eat position, and t4e do ter and Blnev;dell and whiuh J am able to the next government oboe y ma JMM 11 A 0 ratitude. Lie would vbut"ure to the alrsufg*,06 Alify friiii his rewirery. The poor child is he cestaialy -made no money by the affdlr, t he iiringet Vptrty- to', Anter ths, vei 8 1 a debt of g w party would tlie,_$ - 0 role the -via* b wreful-A of the most dete 'any rwin. iled heal t that the It- for commend. would recommend constantly intrbtd. eadin tho wk5lier dap lit could hardly,,,haie tby, opplclpitiOn I., rio iti'ipite bf , Wie, tb. Ju a THUM to He House of Assembly for Outul TOT% r"'AMPPY" bngr""`_ dinded.- WHtlidut it. - eh Wiallla PC' theml (Ch'"'i'lld 'Oduater1QMAJ We your Honor, and the inhabitants of the, &bdAW--tyJJ*1lantyne of the ad haracter, and part of the bone has wituesdO, gat to the Cilidneil It wingbaw %, U cl, lit Mr. that 'we bWA iiot ra-m e 44b resuoved and rep;aee& by Sta, w bo sfttsd in Paterzon's Hotel, aniragge Wddecideoll this spriog that travel- It on regret e* ceeidihgl: a deiti of- 0me. in. thill Movzd j sectud.64 Vy alroady been - - --f bouney on th we if it cattle up ill the House to throw tie in. me.ted out it - , , Camer'oj -ibe tk Iii fall.reptirt Of this elleech-, It -PTOtl County, and hope. th!!t -the - Jstice ii 'that po-Ox - It im municipal:ti m 04 phgft of gold in a remut opera oo 6th May, when, asked how ling-ezpetisels of the M111111ticiPal -90411cillOrs deb Tin a of defaulting' "to be, when roustd. to ofqndin,%,p% _Mpiiq isreA, arjeh Wing far b0in.4 tir ad Thomas Gibson h . , Cal (Orection of the speD al stated positively " the opinion of M. Ne long ottlp s4id-he ivals in -the Town oughttobe p1hid. '116 deed r dciuntr k God Z p 1, 03Q! L nli4tvtlilfis or, tile obiily attid by any =an to th really elliquetilt man, at everyman. in th" i4dr overament, at! ll,W 96M 6 , . .__ I latm tht be cannot survive a secoud, and miles, receive 61 .50. &-day, vejoift#nts ti thirG ded asse-mbly would 441pill as be Iiiten- - OMIT ty -4t lturjan,j rtue, vnt stisteill, at ouce th4t, Rays sai(I irval V11- oro fund.. crow we hop" Cound; he ditt"i EAPnas borrowed from thamunikipal I 6tJdN2 fier e ten "Djhe Cotlirt4 three by puy his -way &-cently, awl come bs* w t ed.to logically Coils( pattern at sobn IS try tsaid t Jae* that bit riving to sucoced to the thro-je 6 i1i 4CU"6ra fliar the sur - yet" I Dr. Sloan mid th"g, sillaabbles. iklllaut 6nv q - eta r, I WQ g blood this inay be 110 W&D five uttaly improbable. in p blic-lh -b :h mudel th wnter sockmaltion'. Hay& ti e tbrotfgli I out biliag, out of pocket. Fla d1oved' itoleago would ooniiitfo ihe leeA i4ko, ig n, "umb. countiew i0diii iioy 0state ly pray 4cle" true ur it way only mew that th _t at tT 1 196f . that tile 4th tessillitt ofthe ytear-be-dis- __20'waul If d oppolionts iyerg a b A 11[4 ad ju-jud. %V 6 inein' indli- _0 tea I I i0to 10 itt V 'I'm to circulate what he belie I Wi I that wlist he said about reprO53061119 cout.loned. 11 Ile was making money by- agsillilj Ine A n"a -ror aeolleil"19al CP tft"OUIP P—M-1 -t pug- 11 2!1 in be agreeable to the Royalist party -w 4OL-likely llion-af the. Ifilie *11--ch"Ics GWc*11 Was COZT*g in am - tal To partioulo", Jetting the mileoigmt _Tllst 11 - ISLIP Ve -97i !119y1-iuw QuJilliPwil 01r, Andasthe stateatoas MCI! 4K fig Fran" doing away with' One Orthe rat way, munwa 0 Awrtiun, Ile also say ingthe Prince Isieriars besith i, iin. a V-ry vngu - olidep tad ,o )k orbotb qhadef Of P alit %olonfia r it* Woodo a proul. sym WWWAy fliltowed by antIM, i"tulp that he intends to bold si 14W1112 _94i anti, M VN ite I buuuy IF 1,11%; 1.— and ipin.-c6tijalf lot to do' - Wulf; id bbr -`JN;-tMft" PTO 8001" R g7 t or,44 it was qulte F I I Wulf; F"aw dr te Illm We J"', Qaeft of France have just returned from jail explabatione, aud, bqpw t0,1111116W lecturer the I)F. WoUlu -11111,Kv)[IMW _4.ffl,."bU_ t0glitle Iry Wheved thest not a sjnjilw member waylr- en i1s. fafimished, S Z, 91 lif t1rir Majeatin the King and rsod r - A -,3:- - i , , ; , I cumic- ortJr how Howick. when he OUR T lVa* lid ij libinity of .;0un House, m the 'f th milifinf! coltag4F 31m, d i ard-be' -about the Lff* Pngw, wbers: they have bees rewive VWVWf ~ fWWJdJ0 Z*VP at It that all Ito had stat d W" Cqrrelt. J at.; otjttll be int -11,1111114 0_01 id-alift lp -46 - 0 IT nWisuaide ot tile river; 3 conservadye of the Inge Ob quill watugs. to hear th W" got Of't0i Veeiiibrditiglit Qe It oc Wamea testimonielt of affection -_ IM 4= Stoperor and W, At by. dervites, ai w Nut %AAXAW# rw_Hl ;o tended tvio of thadt u 1 V -i fjw A mpress of A itstri g0ling VID, _90 ceied large sumv-110r-eltra eflilirillon Davin i6ifd dou VC OdlWWO I all and fro#" esplainations but wslad kvikWs ryThiribi Vhe and lxm tbot we we at &b& chaWau at irlpfarmers ot Upperili;&Jus" be_4iad tot 4ftilliltd MOIG than the erichtg, FtoWwffi, remiting the homage elf a putcd, fur Hays was 911rideBOY Oqg fivirthe.tory-paitv hoPC4 still 116 rule the lCtfibned thouilit was righti They wem (.a a 'his neck in -4 at ypke aV 180 tin 171 h 7itule e naf6wd. Wge party of the Friev011 aablesse, sire to be let alnue. I -bawo becli' at- e (aww, War.) Lie thought Alit a* CmIlIng tour, and if some 00 OON 01-0 allow him -to retira 0 family, -ttlere till, enjoy the ieP66-w vilitc ttelined not to take awh an unraTorabl'. LIT011110- of obtaining the bertificate from man who came into the country and cleared Dr, Sloan he would tell ab at it. (The Dr. 71 S, A,