HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi Weekly Signal, 1867-05-31, Page 3bich there tail, med for illy ecuts Mermci. &C- :09. COIL eg?, -a --st emberf to M*Ate ,it. &ad, gaid lik*nf re dkae;pia be t; Agent. sw2f of H" 'ton as insol- me as 'As, tl�,e aboo-We ,J 'I'lerem cf tao l,,,IlI.WA,._,1g F—Per- ,.*1 VIr*-XXWq, e- I ne- SISw- - 11 -en e_lweu_ 67 rert. G.4 -1h eirtre 51reet them Go a mom a" kriowa a umr 0 11 FINDLAY, �xiisi A--si-ance, L%ilill r L E ACT OF IXtA AN!) IVILLAG 1ARX AND HE GREAT EN4111SH RENEIT ns(IR I the Ill tile ""HU" 'W,%L L L %L P E It it Co in -v of I r Ir if'relzo and hkdepeiideL ('orni% iOf ItiIn lbe'nialler tit Rol er, H:,niislih, OF Tflr AT RM. COMPRISING FIFTY the GOOD F Celebrated Female Fills. th eq at latid, about a mile from I linder,:atird W' Ill ;,. lh(-J A aer APPRE11,14:N SION T 'It of J. Court. I r A df t;ri 'ol me s-,,, lwrm,t nic .11. ys irian f�.araordiiiIII;'y S ignal Offic VILLAGE OF BLVEVALB, A It.. NO 1"I'll EIDING OF.HURON evil OF -ty-four. in the th-,cltilb-stion or Her being the north ha!f of lot thit NA 11, W'DrDri to the Queen. Tj urn HAN, first conreliflor. of the %I (.r"A I'(; I if. . a corni e stilecess 'It I. I * I -w 1!— be s,)I(l on moderate terms, part I�is A:t ri,eN , ad �,ttl j t:IN I wi,ship of T birthollay was N; 1' v I I A to berry, will D Ej T S t�1 tivit c, u'd uas a l I -_F 1'. r?I I till If FA are about 20 acres cleared, a credit. There ACT OF �,G,l A"D I in Lrood frame birn, &c. SuiIescellent, Ba -id rr d mll .4 -e -At C:I- 1�-' I. .... t61� E R S l%YOOJ timber. oiltIPro� �wc ,f itIiAlso, I wo Houpes in the V11irsize or Bod- IS HE tinly iIT r, ining foom, REBY GIVEN9 tlwith goo(l arid orchaid, all HAT-dw r--w.rds w,!l tic ;,aoil for TO N1kR7';;EB LADI, lit tile r Pn Fsq_ aC .I 1 -0 C rzi bout four ac:es of lulid. T the Oil tiu wi, r, i,,, ,c! Iba,e bvn a nfl 1L. oJNAVAL DESERTERS, j;j, �a,d A, out Cho .... .. -tt a d vv13 Ili a it I rt 2 1:, la% I AP1.1 A. D ISt 1,,-;i il;l't N% -1!, it11, anti firififirfitt,ort lend- Apilil 22. 180 . t jr, If) y1j'j. Ill %X 1111 Ij he b I'; till. h -d I For wea,-h Jc,etl,,r. f fur ng the I to T 0 4) N S 'It 11 11, 1* 1 tit sl�ilj it. I 'lie vear Ill 10. ill I(] lotion solid in iii It t--irilier 17C Rru .it lil.uoi -A AND 919 fILL RIGHT AGAU4 w S'j L I F A' -''r (1 1 t I ir n r I 11;�- fill or. mide I Ili to I itv, 't I p - - * 2 - pen at y f, r,, -r liti I, InIN IIL'T 1%i L 1 U U m.1de t� e r 1 o a r -I k il.... ... ilB a n I it., Cliecip for Cash. U Id.. rs L7 a I AOTOGRAPH GALLERY IN, I.-- I en all for niii-itl,l I I !.I rhour- J, bI.t I .1 . 1, flill- ytilg des. r1o.'s, _11.3 ivalierous U. to fte L 1 r n it itittif4.- 1 it aidoivn I,) -pp. a -d PROVINXi it -i A,,r, A Iliv �1, C. N, -.('A tan .... ... itA to its :]v thin-, ever t,e`11rV lvtfo-m'd ia ,Jew & Magnificent Sky -Light ail% per,,tin i)r I IitIiIit, inig, or a ­i -tme eclen, is will juccioe It 1w, ibeir oleduct A NDTDI.Y FURNISHED 'u MUC'l crle,j.j ar, 31'C itID I L F Iing A. F. R. Dc 1110 R S F T. lIaltelly Cblef. Ittt13 a s k e t off 0!1`;(�r. 1'rovin,ri of 17 -f -ala i Ile C.,u,11 Ill Altil t:ll,:, a 'a. coulitv It 1),e I of Ab,�Qt the ex- F i s h St. Lawren" and I,aLes if- I C4)G3P2r'Y. k tI%.(. Itill( .1 111!!V, it-vwl "A firola, !A Quo- fee, Fish lifco'Kz a n 4.1 Lini I lit the Milner (it i al-trolia an It s -1 - gifts mspecte,.1 in a --,Ace 2 . I - E4e Le J-011INSON N ii,ch 22, In(,7. wlI ldnii lwa. by Will'. of% on tilN of I;idduii.h� 7 r itoi-:r;s to inforin Ili.* (ild patron. and the pul Iv - On thi L f inp r.rvt. t tPr, > is, it 111111�-t e Ilie fthe clt undi-irst;II d k -'I SHERIF.9'a SALE OF olives Ml Ila At tho '3ig c"� c I,, %V A R e w 8 sltv n!.,v!- rn U h qf I tit!, (I tip his roomill, in it, v I.. corner I,r flaimli,la lIr--ct and Squ I(e, S will ILT,ply to the Jud,,e if tile s-iid Courit, at v6-4,- boi ,preeeded by he n :I'C' I N.16 .11 1 I ...... tI his Cham,�)er�, Ili the I own of derivIt. in lerielf. in a sit, le as tit rvivie - then) tL.Os.h the prilICIE1161 5 1 r" 'A v �le I Cow tv o,:rlie o! a W7 .(n v,cl tin Ifir of I I, L ill Courity, fx a discuar.,ed uijder tile Swill apf ,=d and martml ­- w,irL its hir dclicilt c r ;ind s. t f*,,i Ili in% I,!\-. all lot A be-ititifnI art. Thosed,.,:rvusvl havinj Pi� t I Dit,l at G,,,`Ier�ell. ill Ow ('.,u, tv of-Buron, must rEunark here tha Ilures of' ooea n-1 the lands P.nd I f, -Ce )I F-ceter Is an Iit r lit -1 Ilk - I — l;% m -�? I h day of \i,,r( h A 11 1 lo <� 11 1 T, I ) J_Z I-] - - "d that tht- ir Captain. Dr bilill voll -1 bl� - I _N ,, JAm at 'lie -1,1 (A illia-ii -A, RM I ti i11 tt-the -,rise 0 1-11 will please 1jr1n-,, ill Zile Ino -11111g. san lusnivelo. ,,nLiemao in evetv it 1. 1 f UUI he ilIf the hi,,hest p lie. Pl-.wographs taken in every Style; If fl,f bein,, fit tile oij. C. tttile R'l, anti O'd A n0)rulvpol Find Da in fl(;ouniy II Kruee, cQniaminiz 6\ 1,,r ns IreT.t. t I oi4L b A- F Iiitil, cti\e nw? its, tie butidied acres of land- lit ,en under tA laF,,,- fill, o Ili re or s. slid ),I ing d N i me a, e n I 10 16 ll Ull A C r c,,4. mrsteus matches au VAS T �i 0 -A I'll S C q, E3 0 '13 1 Also A LIJUMS, very cheal, . Iintm I lei in il.e ,! 1 r I lie ';'-I ra I lP,ovin'-c ofcolorl, ldi, 111' It. the vjn.v rourt of I L46 1,0 L. J . in ficiurnilt:i: ihai.ks flas shtier-sbeftrio,'- a -, 'evattd S­rrv- 6,r *Ile Ili InN. ollice in tile livuw, Ili list wire e that recent oil -r u,.iv of fj ur.,n. u,itv ,I ur it will cillents w unake him tit wei it ot connnu the I it tile niatterof j. W. Li.v)t,an jjt,;!%ert. e �our of (wLlI*t _�affwe to ssy that every & In ll'o, I ' tltbanie. comrsts, titee. xLv wh d,v of FebruarN, at ill On the at tell ofthe aa by Ililosill 1v I r UU U Ulf ul I tic ho"u. in tilt- n.'the und -r-j­n wl N MACD!)NALD, -o lh.-Jud.vo: ih, ,der previi!eAl amonz11, a] J0II_ '[wrid Huron. n tile Tow,i of (io in _l 1"I,r a .j -eta&, p. the N_,)'U-.tt-V7 ll V -j T Iio,'erich nd SeWhaMplon Linea S!!t-rl a's Gal -e, list liar�,e undei file Act. 'UNr T NN -2 -d at I, i -Fol It. lit itte C-,Un.1- Of fiLirtion, 772 OTHERS7, 1.hr it--' tots the b" C �j 1Y ,.M.eu with torch i 11 so 1.1 Ill ov Iiii. A D., 1, -ell eights ever so, 41 T 11 E S T F A M F R ol,e weck, 11, J'. W . E L 1. 1 Kwter- M ria -1 'tNP7d tile Ili if arcti, I is,,i , % 17 per CAN11, kt,N. h A att,,ra,v. zjTj d- L: N fiweneed about 9 c, I'lle above si,'e III furilier pes .4 VE plave and It )ur. IN SOL NT A(,,T OF 1864., iA. 6M17- favorite rarting tuT tL­ V INlI E P (re (-n, of the rs- a rvJ M r SPRAY r)". j,e I� further pos!p,,,nco] ill: tile 11 tIr ILV 9 Nla\ bul. W13 in the County Isapma ente time.. r I rl e. !I an e7i amd th v C W. I,- %% t.: 11 Master, ieal)ov,, ';,ilp is further p­triono-d unt, o�/%Hitron, an Insult fit-,- C, D. ROWAN wh= Ali separaite. filith 0,o- Graild Tties,]Lly. the 14th inst., alsauie lilac- till, IfEcred,torqofiEe Jijso�veotare notifiL 11.1, run in corli (,cl )if bmUca Oft he that he has made all ut his Trunk It. It., dilv I 8,) u t h.., in I., it jur. 5. CHL c I! ot -il. i IF!.it\, -tt k 11-4 1, state and l,ffll utid,r the ab ve Act. to -h every e%er-- r,i I urn. .,1 4 o'clock, c. -The ill e tle is turther postponed utili lie. thp undersi.rfied assiirnfe, and they are ? a hepha d -_r i_ -ha n, t Kiric,odme, In Tuesday, tlip 9--,-Ith inst. w-1 G equired to furnjsb me. within two montig THE I Port Lizin, juthamptoll %'lull Ilion tliii date. wit:j th,-I,r c!aims, 8; f T oeatner permittin-v. The above sale is fur'ber rortponed tl he "curov t1wv Lutd, if any, and the iniat r -k I ti_G Tu4,sll;,v the 4th dity ufJune next at sam, if it and if vtoiie. suoloLT the fact ; lite 1,,'-JLFR.N1_NG EVE11Y It tA sit:- f ni I ill. lace a:.d same huur. %hme attell-ted under ollith, witi, the vjuchers outhampton I-( filicil S,rrim; tvae-,It .......... I'T;iI f, the at 3 0*60eko a. rn., ...... ..... . 7 uneci J)Atf-d ail Gud-i ich, fit tile I. ountyof Ifurou, d tsilts Intime to co llsit& ----------------- I ei'll.teel'Ill of Nlav, 1 U,.d Ill ir wI 1) tGrawl Friii,k Ion G. T. R. I . ................ is for salp for all pol:its Ik� o tili;ls east. 7 OfrAciul as�i,,nee for�Cuunty flurou.' Iitallfl............... -!u ;it.!. [!I I rLOR SON. -------------- -Vel I) Aliv I J. V. DF SlIERIFF'S SaLE OF LATUS Peas .... .................. -v d,i k dricb,May 10, 1 R67. W16 SOT A7' r 1� Peef. 4 Di�) —U-1 -1 ­-�'-TTP f: I I inso!vent Act of 1864, and the Aerd-, 1! nt rul ;;fl j! 1!!,, c )u: It County of Hull Y virtue of a Writ of To Wit Venditiont Lxp inas I.-- ments thereof .......... ; eir' t ..... . : gut,J out of her urt )I tht 7, ------------------- T T .'ourty Of M ddles x, 'nd to in�- Alut ...... ........ 2 U c I -ton :I I r .11 tli,v to,; 111,, 1, �n& nnd Tent-iijenti; of J. ton CuIV, at tilt [if the matter or TI-orilias Good, ot the Town: flult of L,,w.s liarvev .15inith and Ala'-ro !nnol Vl,)od ...... .......... r t viv i e * -I, cjT Fisner. I have seized and taktiti in Execlutrin fl.t Ship of Co.bot tie -i it the County of- Huron, Ifty" new "lia ....... liCLr.r, ;,i i, tr.-! x Insol,ent. tc!!owinst pro teilty, viz : 'ail and binsrular Owslit Credoorsolthe Ingolventare notified thit a HL ph Whitehe urtainp'un-els Or trixts oflands and pi�etn'�e- NOTICED T . . . . . . . . . . . . . . tsonate iving drod being in the TownslKip of -Turn- he hasnuide au As,-ignUlleill 01 his Ctlialle a.) -Aects, undcr the above Aci, an it- amendment, Tarkeys -------------- n.and Provinc I tverrv, Ili Gie Comity l' kitiro It- use, the uadeinsigned orisid Lbottlyareire- tI I L Courcil of the Corporation of the Canada, Containing bv adaiteasurtiment eight% PIA .............. tripjaholl from this' I free acre- bet Ile sa tit quired fit iurn-sh me,within lwo e I ore or being cost - -ing Lecurny niber twenty-five- -ate, wall their claims, spe,-iq the poiiied.fir-t4the wh-de ofilil nu in r and the vaiva of it if County 0 F2A U beat C, of the said TQwnzliJp,ex(ci,l tt,t hev hold, it any, t e,toer lit, sit I,,(, of Hur e, stating the fact ; the whole atiesied under I Li sh, witt, Lhe vvuL-hers In Isupport To-, 1 1 � t we%teriv 151fivalt-res-I [tie -ai(f lot,heretclorecoji- fi, -a treved to fine il�am .1 4jr SUCK A ue M. waiker, Ivy kridentar, .. ........ r -lairns. I.'! meet at the Court a 11 house, G derich, tie' I Ina date the Itsth (lay of December ' A. D. ........... .... n be' EIALDAN. Jail; lo-b!i.and secondly ofthe whole 0 lut urn JOHN fre i,�l it:, upon pesg . . . . . . . . 1I E twitil in vorkession c, of the said To -A n- ot fl, Offi -ial Assigmee, County of Huron, . �j .. -sot ill,- saw at lt,-rvc- ul. I-t ,- f 11j�div, the third day of Xt. qhip,t:xcvpI, tile westeriey fiityacrt panter ... ... -1,, line ti,imillon Griffiti J. k'. C.11alifan's Low Chambers. td -on veved f, rt) IN( If E iviettiforel: F L A BLA N K d T ly tit, ,li by i.ide-tury bearing, date the bib day of Septool Goderich, May 11, 1861. Wfir sPETER ADAMSON.. .;5, which landA qnd le.ientenis .. ...... ... TY OF Il U 0 IN N,tat.. *-s COU: Ler. A. D. IS Court F ......... . ITstiall od"er for ale, at my 4,q)ce. in the County Clerk. TS I �N 0 LVE NT AIC T 0 F 1864. tHoue, in the town of C;odcriclol )if Tueedaoo the Mav "o G ill i I i it k X, Coderich, ay 96, 1867, 1 6,A 3t. sixto-ol day of April not at the hour oftwelvt -6age of the Village oti C, hithe Matter ofThernab CIIJULty Of BUninal 111111 Ftl,:', Wri-at ........... ... . 2 :5 ;tl,itv of 11tion the of tile clock. i. JOHN MACDONALD, 117romebur, in tht: :tl it on t`�L U't., [is a en I. S; --m W be Lt 'It 1 , . 5 -it ........ G. B. WARE'S. r,a, IV. Is. X 0 r. EADY Flaw per I.Ii ..... ....... sIdwe fir thL ttiSilt ri 111's Office, Godericb, Tile Creditors of the InsoLvent are notilien t6at t'A I -,V 18th March. 180. if- till inAde an of his estiol and of O.:ti -e sat _Lq, under tf�ie above Act 9 to Fne, the u voldonril C Inut-,prous of -oned until Tuesl . and they are require te nitruish ba� lulz I n e7 anadian Connyaric or 1. -tit thisdattio, wiLh their .. . ..... ..... :1 Theabovesale is posti t, at Sam( IIthe fourteenth day of May nex line. within two in,.)nths ir. ........ . rt fI .,:n of %at iw;�; t5ptlIC1fVLng the sle,-urtiv thev hold. if anv, 11u, Fileah 1'�Utt-�7 1.�;, I.!, if Ill) L,!I,-[ a scloction of concise precedents in 'place and hour. tridinevalueoril ; and if none, SLA,Iug the fact; Ev,-- Per dc in 11-0 0 A C 0 F L k N D (he ulet i I n it, B conveyancing, carefully revised and he whole attewed un1er oath with the volacherst; 0:' ieII invit if fo� y0ur at ice under the recent acts The above sale is further postponed unti I n flu pport tit s,Uch el a I rn,ii. N=en riler lb ---- ----- - W: " 1) " - I . I ll i -ted to the pract E�3 AL C� it, a, uj �-Collnty of Harou; ............. .7 n 7 tabe Tctin-propeity- Containing, in -addiLion Tuesday, the 22th inst. w 16 Dtt-J at Ouderich in tb '7. this twenty-th ird day ct May, I 8b .7 7. 44 ilo III,-. ordinary forms of Deeds, Mortgra,,Fes, S.P )LLOCK. 7. tCr 1.1-Alie, n, I)r!r5 TelatsI117 The above sae is further posEpored till take iic nj por- oke., m-iny scF, WIS 01WALI Aloignee, tool Hurion. e rnew tpan f) idil St. Corr 2 t iloilse! TuesJoy the the,4th day cot June next, I the srto) the procuring and transfer of Pkitelit Pi its, the W 6eat, da. 5 1, of y I aequisitionitand transfer o0lining same place and same,lbour. M;jV liitlo!no I r hat you belief acquainted livalL Flitfur, per IU0 with other special Forms, LBsolvent Art- of 1S61 Inlelit-.4 ul,ich I r.iid I tru:;t so v first published. P.-m-er ......... ....... 7. PM .......... ........... r uill lit, f,,und s) to ace -wild uith ail introductory E isay on the law of John Converse Chall E. CulsonJohn 4 -A- -'.S 0 LU r I PATL-v, I j - I 1� I , 1Ive. ivp nIT your own u will be t:,Ial)led to give Property in the Province ofUntario,especially oatN' _._. 1l _ . _ 1; 4 ', , 4- ihavi6luable to students. The whole forming a Mortgage Sale of Laind. Latin, Plai Affs. Bay ----- ----- tT ill N- ()TI ;ill t v n:,! it tn!,�i v, 1,efore tup, a generous 81JJ):l0It- UL having been made in the Ion,sor-eni v.,itil _r tile pI "I el- all, pact and convenient collection of Con EFA T - the litte Johl, GHK (lit, John Douglass, N vc yancing precederts. tit 8 lijorigpire by n,.. e.j:, Ya- isi.I r Ole if t t ach Y. Alld thf-11 c,hcd'ent of ball Iferdow- Defemiant. r *-,,if ,, i; I -­ I,- - - tortishe purill R .0 D- ERT T H, Ill,!.ely It, h iav of Dereml)er. B 0 ii,ly B Y J- RORDANS. er) hearing dole the Fifleem ( . WrLLI: of Attachment has issued in Lhis sold In - ISAAC CARLING., �65. The fllowing property will be , A Whea- Caroada, ---------- 2 a 1,, 1; 7 SECONI) EDITIO-ii, 'D EIMARGED. d. 'I'RI)EMAIS Auction cause. 32 !bs 0 41 a -,If 11,,11,�r Ili Lt., Exetv-, 3ri April, FLEVISIED AN Public Auction a, C.. r JOH-K McD"irJAIAD, ......... Boolits on the TD -�hoervff Huron. -Fer 4!! 169 ...... n m e PRICE $2.00, FULL BO 7 . UN Barley Has i It a d e an ss! lTo, __ To the 14'ree and 111de- Twenty,ill dar' of April next, at 12 sheri 11ll; Office. Goderich, P'ta- . - 4 - . -, r; n, r - - a - - -1d fday2let a -1 : !: - it � , 11 . _. 1, , :I! : r) :� , , - il crsofthe Sent free to any part of Canada on receipt do Pt:&r!3. ........... I D. H. fUl"'C3412 pe dent Elect - pooB7, under the poworrs contained in the !".t of amount. 3 -nber.,One nthe HRr- "olor-g-dre, oil Vi z Lots n u york, Njay Tit 1 1,1 South Riding Huron, J. RORDAX-,, bor Ff a t. n rod 1ot F I flec Ill n tioul h side of Wel-11 f1mr - s a pe r T- lie ....... i I 30ift arch, Law Bookseller arid Stationer, street, in the Tow Ternissrash wr n of"Good-rich. _E_N7L E 11E�V giv�_n un&r tile Powers ron- 7t- 88 Kill, St., Tot�Enslo- credit. Deed in be ex t ra .......... . 1 -5 i2 Fur further plarlieti INUMBI HT ELECTORS lI'jV:jtLr rol tile unrIntn' w17 inf,'-Iv. tained In lbesaid Mortgage 0 12 9 1) o IOUs nom" lars apply to F THE choice ........ W. T, thm In May 20, 18137. -2 2 35 10 T I f the ntli,",'n, tit the colivei,tion reecrit'y held in 2 W D. SHADE GOODI\ Sol I or for I%Iortga ve".. It te, cal"17 rn: 3, Lo C 0 n. f" -seutfili011 of y.,ur NORTHAN -S-OUTHRIDINGS v. I aT.1 C��ttle farrier. pendent El; r the D d r I h. NI t 2 IIng, it, tile Can"dian lJouse ot'Conitinowit, and HUC H DUNLOP9 flail 1.6th Januarv. 11-67. 211 Torc;Lto, May 30, U 111 n o w pristfinned fill Thursday or HURON North Riding of Hum 4itiving thrit 1 too the 114 e-if-pin(lidnie for your Eutfrages `X -4. 1 11, 430 It I'lie above -ale is and . ........... 2 00 y of Mav, IFZ7, at thesitme tione GENTLEME ................... 4 j to ust fit, to a liberal and generous SUIT01 t al 2nd da %-!n- been requested to repreSet V0111, 0 n - I a 0 TnE Bmm oF MONTREAL, place. 0 5u ta, lands. �XEXT DOOR T ............... t 'L 0, nrol ou I oi- the T_*nker-A-1a,ter l;enterat oftbot; 1COutistj of S T R E E T. [juron,Cusloiaary Battery, we now adillr our Orr-, 0 G 0 (a 0 all probithillity, I WEST D. Shade Gooding. .................. T A itfill t;,c 60 llurliati.Plit would As lisp, E oetinng will not. in 0 7 0 71): 1 bT tnutu I ills. )V; I lie last 1, )me mollilis, and iss. personal vu at the large Tin ShOP, & W; I -I da 7 (1 fev dayd, Lat sillert t akephll ort; The above sale is further protponed until viess- to represen-I P. fta tit, ulitill about the Base I ine. t itrton'. oI10. been residents o lit political all(,] do _U Havin r the County for a t. I, ?e l7w;, very Lift uld he itiexpe, ITAIS J ST RECEIVED Tuesdaj, the 4th day ot Jane, 1867, at Saint' 9 'it 2 1 t , I�a Ile & Ihope that ill the time find lace. It u ni ber o' vot a e p1m C, e of tile conifiet, mIq I and out having 16tat! tv IPIL- Amber Wheat .......... .. 1 ctat I III. ill withhold D. S. GOODING. lversona', earur%Zss, to thosr vinshing to knoF ).5 Noll t1le Ma. of V 003EE -1 Spni oyou, getitlemen, w15 ng Wheat ........ .. front such requisiticns as are ur views on the great questioub of jhe day. we Your n 0 70 1) a;l d,.,c:­'pt!ors. ence-I Carder. Apply to tl:c sly circulated in 00 world beg to state that Ve are occidectly i a fitToir, -clary, in -in, industriou 0 1,2 0 35 li�A AC 'I'll Ifo e jn�,s ,,ere r,;utj(l neces now ho. OF ..... ..... uIL-lulbl.,,ned, at tte Goderkel; �I,'t)ujejj Riin�'(L most ut, Biiiish practice, �,nd to fie 0a, I4mps and chmn-eys fit great 9masiday. 0 65 of the, ill; of, respo ahope will tieve ith trind UONF90EUAT1(jN o , 1--. 1, 1' 1)1) B 0. -1- carryinz oll , tiqit)le r prevail w n Facts for 1.1111 Peopl(3 I Chicago, May 30, 1.�,67. wl I If TnO.S. LOGAN. Act Of 1810. ecturi-who P.-iZe V rA` Grderich. ),I;Lrfh lit. IK67' nivelit 1111(' L�l We will warmtv sup"n, iboat tbs. L, I t f gove, the 2 r 2 �12 -S Goderich, lht, 1867. far bove and beyond a niere r nuilub--if. ....... 82 ill (;,,sernment wa% form- abiv contest AND more unions that isali�e plare the geeide n -ly for tlitimph), and that you eninwe tact itint all should [lave ill I red to at a lotl tile 11 it IOU of sitiovell, v% ill.be req 1 .02 �4_ 1 124 1 * Cam fo.b .............. 4 -urpoie of, doi, a rl;rne tenipozmItlY POT It is an und L I n IdginIr -nee iind. G t out oftliq pro[ ir, free. and botior 730CM DODS 0 CABINETORGA existing evils, and a Uni, I I of the Brili will reffraill frem F) yrnur influit mmn thorough traming betorenlering upon fille oren" compeie. re have a larr Election INT ofice, Ill and 8uppotit tu Dy opponf,nt, U1161 in the Canvass of busin,,its fife. tt is ail a. knowledzed fR('-1 tha WIL" we V-dif 841 charrist. s propose , -jorth American I,, ovirices w, make upon the Ishould bill bo:,;h�ediwl"reheftsiOlve AN hroughorint the Cortest, I sha'l b ve %n Which he is prepared to such a transtiag . 11 L-noWn t�et 11,11811. the ANINEXATION. and t' "I It is a we tig eed up -1 I fatee most approved style. and pr-ictica% �dlv oppose, altboulth We 114VO j"29: STRANGE, BUT TRUE nt we are to of meetin- Ili Ver e ptirlsued at tile We dectdo _A1 E L 0 D ve a copporturilyto beforip you. -Y iihortest notice and Coure "i, EON S. Mr. flays haq elille'l tile, �ndi,r this jrranii`f1MA I large. lot of Build cagef-) K vli�ry yoang lady and gortioliJ erolast Mthe tee La"'s ri, and a Local Le'lI'l6laluriv. to face. explairin(sol iniv, views and expounding relat an ne xea to ail or block a A to state 11-11, 1 1`11,11A I'Gcnrlral IIaturol I C 11 A R G B- DI 0 D E R A T E. Collegi Baby carriageii, Childremso I OXA. &C. fta ,,eay$o=e4h=g very touch tootiftsww of matters of shall have had ail nP- COMMe subseN-r bis a numober of N'ew attend, and tlie (lieml,re as candid. r to havu charge my pri?eiples. and you JEL)TICATION. rtiturn 7sj�tea ot etilwg-Is. -by a4*e-Au--.- th, form, A Pic- lly of thuR judging of our respective All orders punctually attended to. and SeM;ItELlry 1137-d having f-anoo Ild betug hartii-g� il Cailjrjet Orgains and -Ioleonfi for tes for tl�e If )us,,, of General interests, affoclin tile Unite porturol se If wo essential chat acter is lei$ to We are inclined to Iqt the public ImoW6 that -).* lotord. " T1, -w � P'eaw Market Square. he latl er to have charge of Local ust we seek a W491f conitot" the i AJ sille cheap, at bis sale ro,,rn, Broo's �urrjeils, Wlilwauush, 4th Juries t quittlificationt; for tile high tr �G!o;e 3 April 11, 1867. it grgittoff extent than that which call be found in we are Selling 6 Wtik Pans tor -$1,00.. J h- THilys. F. CIIAP%l G. N1. TRUEM t your hands bimila'r jaiillullion. haviag largiq dairiles would do well to C*U at s3i Dr.,adway. N,w York; p. Istlices, I have con- honor to be, y SEAULL ISAVIS'lli, ,,der tooe circun It is ustollitteloilli w17tf NlXrostie's at b, Meantime, I have 016 bIlloa fact that a far greater d P attend this cmoniecial Godericils, May 201h, 1861. 1 Geutlem AURICULTUS, L e at t 0 request of' m:in,y warm fr ends _qn, 8 P. M. sent creeds in your i-iding to hoetcome Y'our Ujosi obedioloint Servant. AW UL CH number of at, teniianyother in 1hp P-ii'lin-it a new It 11 nolill 11111 Q Collie thwit. all erap.onragoibaving iut reeei Luckzuw at o a po ittial I - from tile lar-ofl State11i We Will) r I M C CxMLItON. feat vollng men come , ialure of and I- - Wooden and rJuNver See - P. in. for the "Wals' J'A ronnectlidul. itionth the express FstO( I oat 12,j p.- your riding, and icb, Marob, 181h, 1867. w mnliaii, &) Fears ill the ncrih rldinz-, and who irstentioris of attendinsil is galinSilyed. thatthe freaduairs of stt!ej Ploughs oluld Airfouttur 'it IMP-Cilluebts zCL- _GR E A T B A at 8 p. m. many I n its welfare, I hope it .. Ile. accest-tutuv I tag very chCap . Kitirabridel, Ashfield,7tb Julie' JL Candidate- Is one %Nho bat; resided Goder' n8. 15UU it M 0 M11,117 of MIW884LIP1,aad It.is a jrtcl Ilbat eltnisovist growin -atiod Imported of 'a Aarge- AAS-Ime"t .,N KR rT� �.ft b 4 -itand In her It, the eatualation off Port Albert do 1. at 8 P. m. takeig a deep interest I the Independent this do lege flOM03TEA115 LAW. the trust confided to To WM. DUNCAN - busilloes- linen gelsoMly, than, lboSI-- opf other -.d all &iiitiev (Simned) ted never to bell -of thb South ercial collegoill And this fgrt j$ —ified We are strionrly atiath- 119 CXF iii, W ILLIA31 SLOA'i. plec Electors '4[LT* coinm May 1�, 1861;. wiS me. r AS received at his store West side ther.lactibeathey-tatte- Ifiss: hit'st s"I'lla- good ho'usitix fVe base a large assiourimetil Huron,, ibe United Statess. It lilies are to RUPP01 the banis _H nmer stock of hvttwa ln.IC*nada and Tin and Gelvanizipli -Eave Trouglita on hand, 0 Riding of a large Sot tions both My pro, ket Square, which will &-- Put Up. in the mooftit w9rkmardlikv ii�out boneatly t4l in- Is for board. oke'are lie coalitiostj in carrying .1 be sold at TbrY is a ntutable fact that exPvvl QLber IM y IDI _auUer,.havj,,,,g had & grells, 4elf, oft emp othingliq Boots and . -- -- t� PLEIIEN Boots and Shoes, which wit I any _eriencq. C1 T11H CELEBRATED ', alla nISO to much Jess in London. thilt if in thost , '. DryGo tentions Of the Quebec Bit"Iteme that' ne. We guarantee "tilifilistAllifill suppor, h�nest imen and honest medaures, Iraving received the nominliotion at the Gariside. Anditlisalwal'tct Ball's Oiho Reaping Machine ! timble ability to nal, pritivention held in Clinto'n. on the 15th linsT., CAM. -t! �Ivera call i and to (10 all in my h C LOW PRIGNS. FOR 4011 Sht)es, Groceriesq &e. ts'Of your riding and the as pefoyrrr Catdidate for the Je,!islative As W.JL50 IN CAW_� vancil, the interes on, an(, , .. . - 'it, ixT L. A SAWYER & CO.1 I 4embly of Outarb'. for. Soutb oftHull terbe-Atstributed amonir ev.ryZ I Under the neVV COOSIllitution welfiltra of this MY "alive count'y" PRUNELLLA BOOTS vnlj hereal - I proprietor v4 to ppep up with the age in all ustooprove=911111, STUDENTS, who ptilrinhase of the I am well acquainted with many in tile having accepted tAje turn,,' I am now llf�epar Iiide., lull course mholarship . sin Sit' ;d r0egeis. in Tinsward. . Thooie­ *-bout atarung Cheaw Manufacturers, ridmg, but I staff shortly makO it Iny bus- and' ho to teceive a cat '4 .ed to Mkin the field, pe in great varleti. From 95 cts upwa m please addressp with Faetonz stiou Id give us a i farVati;. III - J17 Fout further follfrticula W Till. S r:r ]F, W r 11 A 31'1 L T 0 N , C. W. iness to elloill niffietinis if, your differeut�towfl hberal suppoil. - piohilbly, take it I LOYALTY, 0 ill As the election wiil noiv C:2. Call insped, and you willl be sure stamps , routs offpurch;'�Tllil ships, when I time, I hall and J. W j0f4E8q wel-benoll in. These desil JR, & undersigned bega to announce to It 08 fo Im vood Breechilloaduag Itiftes -ould.410 well 10 61vo. AT Flip 1: hall explain my pffinctiol6s I Co.1 the idetail and hope 0 meet- 0 h#e aspirants ful rso be able at th" I to buy.' jIlIrinelpat of Ljondon corumarvial collegaii, id AVING BOUG11T THE STOCK OF D. KERR . y_(u, can havoll, an QPportanity of pla inal earivass i a doy.19 v1`01 fit',* tt�� ole stock at such farifiers of t lie County of Ifuron, that bonors, when I i Proper perio(t to make o perfic W M. DMICAN,.; Littudons, C. T. ism a call, and by*' Auction 431e, will offer the wh wbert, a"iefifings to be appoint 'W15 Tvy 11 pay for a year's tachment to theevwie'vblcb we, mdv,—I- e Ridling, 1867. &IjFTS W, he continues to act as agent of the above judging as to the respective caltubsilitiles Pf th Gadetjch, May 3, :a CoMMEItcIAL ACA D1 MY- A. firm, and will be happy to receive"orders fDr d- the vievio ofboth Particia. can be betaid tuition in the GqVIRILIC our Provitall name is Ill the candidates of 13ritislis e lrerf.doUars in advance—libe V Tl took the Ist prize diplOMIL may Bay till gLillimilva stif4ent.0 tias anteried the Actlwl But"llilm our-PoLovitival are 'A itilware. RATES! ;at I am gn siatuirer 'Ittiffliantime, I trust IslUe- after lie ()u,.COUqitUqop 14 strong 'a"n). tbeitim fine. and coinotilred; and jA t! D ES PERA T Ll' L Y LOW Ishion TO BLAfs Lf-jupon these. A -until $iel)t- I Jobbing.' at the last Provincial trial, and is co-tisidered cont.exion, slid am prepared at any tilltO tO . you will n6t oledge yo�ifiirselves by requi studentfivilin tropill Oulf Atsnendulienls��Rll lkin&o firifftelass warbine. A in tile fielA or in farty.other sphere in 'ori odherwise to any otber eauaidate. Itl staria 10, - rus, a have the holatior to be., ffentlemicuil all respects 4 Olt s"E, the,Beat Blateirlml ISL fulter which itch�oiarsllip will he ise-led at- 1UH Nv in fizbt r to be, is going farming, For further Is a. eannot kil 10 effect a speedy clearance. specimen mpebine -will he on exhibition at r hiLve the hotao F � Croidedril Tbet,08061bler price, pay'Ale in advance Your onsildient servants. life, to Maintain that conne:;Llon. the 1jarket Uouse. Goderich, where Mr U. aentlemen, Avplv to 5 With Stamp. I remain geutlemen, obedient slosirvant, and'W01 tell cheap. 1HAcffA.N, t'DR Plea" addres" W. MCKBIURvi GEARLF DAVIS- AY 27TH 1 Whi'ttely id authorized to receive orders. yours moat obedientlYl Your most C W14 Julim"' SALF TO COMMENN ON MONDAY, M 9i . "t MMI: Gwermh tint0lill- A71"d ROBERT GIBBONS9 w2 JAS. WILKINSON, RAYS, Agent. Wit TORRaCE' vililitf Goifferich, Mrch f9tb; 186T.' At D. KM� Me, WS OLD w1i, Godericb, Nay 17, 1867- WIT& Goderich Apra 5; 1867.' %*neh, 3tq 23,d, 186T.