HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi Weekly Signal, 1867-05-21, Page 4lq� _4 �J I, E m 'A �d ir­ X J, z- .4 I _4 is U V IftTl S SKLE 00&,M]gff NMI C 8 j I 1 0.1 6ALT TEIMIT-07HY HAI 111171.1! A- 7 WA' virtue It W tall n6fdil A U. A 4� f H.J, f1ft'Fiert Facigitfiruvi out tillonandadjacent to G wit: �s Courty (,vurt of lie nited 4j,% Itimtr 0.%I;.i Llmill, Brid juo eist of the W,IjV­jt JOH 'INJV­VW% of tier M,tjest5r! A IdAl Sjol I ltq '006114011 10dileti"16,iway 'ttation, find froiting on 1,01 D - itn6c the - !"ay—tery top le STO 1 0 � -at a .110 G. T. I ft!n, I.t for a st&% C.— -W a I- and Jitnes Clatti-I ai thc III t AA -141" -Ilk ThJargcst Sto,h- idri'litit orin irm A WX I Iva Oolugiiryn, : anveseizt-d and inkcit inExecm, to [111111 il"it (-,I i rn ;Z: hil It ,11 . j P'.l- I a -Ai. W. 14 Ty:,, 0 e!fjl IE d& Or( - Pe f I V Dq r CHAS. h. p J� - I k1l, W�i ­ i I r trii,,t of 14, Goiter c It. A In 2t 12." �p ff* . , " " 2- 0 le It Womb M 'ke public jci rrl" It �:4. 214 W"tf quil qi afteam,wniivni V -k FR x" a T 1 1 .1 , .1 , - � pk 41- 9 r ft _"'I kit aft, A] ih A' 1'(:,A I BARK W114 9 rb ingloomPutPh -01*10t � I " Tj 1j:t iMall"'Itif " W- -4:11 'u'lie'r , - , a i . a it,�j hetri-lit, u y tww be -rf A�Gcrm M r H& I t: I'R-)*.—A L for w1iji!JI'Alle 1141-hel0t K A Stz 0 K C 1) lll� I ,bill ily.-I Of -, -d. W14P 411110- 44. . -e' 11MMOVID f AN f6l VA (IT tis III on delivery at IMF' CIL. MOT W- Cal PA a. 4, 11 i "rt 11 Nil. M. jUjj9AjAiW.UNAl,D� con 314, War. !,U! AIN 10ROADCLOTHS "our 01 fit -e (,I the latter 100 or 200 D., woft suit litia ii�,zers. Tiermalitleml lijun �1 a nd I 14s,w­4 I Goderictr -1 lie' w, i -9d 'td P'sky 1), mouou gall IV (132 1 qW th Ilawwolkall. `4N D I'M mnv �ov it10 Idarchja7t, -;Lwn, 0 '0- 1IPTIO8 f p r T IT , 41 p g"Za DRSC -I:T) fit d uplrard-'t 1IM:1 Ilurob, `11 till TWE Hilvin secmTd th odA& Pa Oslo, tie or a* W�ff ? 01 Iii F t a -ias js,,U.rd A.CTIJIMR A.N F'L'ollrt Of tbv ullitt'd Ir do- ' -Salt Territbey"' I t ISXV U.Vd lyf It, 004,04 +11 er( er I,, u ntj (,,a% cil ctrr� Land; all I are, Uoai- S 0, 1 curl%ilk r e lart;et' tdve vil Arl=X V littri -­Stil,-criber offerIll to -any, Tetwofirot- fit tho Sul,; j V1 &TI�S f1i , 4 1 if. TTr IT Ir IV I sip f, wfw, r 0A e0 Z.L. cap,piii I . f.yr a royahy A onefifidtiryk tie t f, A pr,411431 t 1'. IZ 0 0 !01 the product.ion. orle lialf acre pf kud, will, kkTi 1,4V N I Y [IF tw, ��h-pu 111,�t a 141 Q41 S. -al, ItI.-Ill! ilabout fonr Imi t'a 4ilW bot 2, 4k" urvey i it I tie V111.1ge ul lvflo� �,Ud *81tilm. I JL t, O.pmezz S. .ji IltUVl-;.Wj1Wj1 1"11 &(-, Old I rt, n: Cop— lih i"lid elike- ;jr tb, 461 I.kult - tibee, sL I it b 0j -r 1 4 a. in)- otrw,; tLeimi ofl( lr Sole ilk 4$ t0 E, T Ih 2791 dn -ur -11.1 14-17 Ia. UAl'I.A.DI'S It I'e'n ct IPst uctt .40a In - twe ve ic c4lack F. N Or ANI)S to Iltie Sal ----W j I Ketp" ST-49VI r, jai a M -Wile of a WrA of Goddj�cb, Dec. Gth, 1866. his Re C*nv - -Ma _y or Murion. I ICI w4 lj� To ri Facia- ismied oul CA Fji CP W I strift-, N72 - A I -..V. k., �).l "i.qV4 -�p 4. A pf,l 9? -P N . I ? T�� ;)tjlll%- Fittan elit- 'D�T "lilt! T T F: N hejoserill LJL---Lxw, and S.11 list ne FOR E lW Lie writ -of it anti Aien in F-�ecullu'n,altcir;94t li" Cou" Uou X tief',h [[Diu aWd intierert lcf I W ap r. HE bubircribor offers for saie in fhe V -R:* r., Tutert Fambs l"uttill out he a id f! iwPT9tfvcn in 0) . lage of leifW, V� milt's from IG 6derieN rts - -- T T� 0 R S Ariu E off lie Tavv-hi P vIf *1'3w- and m R -as from Tmekd-ow, o6 the North- C-. Inet 4te at: it, till I lie CollrIv T H F V t' I'd E 1,11,111:1111, --nis r r,,t, -IL It ri. vnt!i C?,Viz,,l und tah n i'all 1-PA&4Ftiz r V;f, -11 I -on, aol (;udenvh. u4 A GOOD qAr-IW M =10P.N to 'wl,icb there,is aLjac-bed a good 11 rame I (n,, i e he co irt I tasts, TLitif Cbestq al,d C.,�, ra,,�ivj T tit -ON y flext'aL I-4 id SceLtyl Caper r;��,t 1,1101c3k . . . . . . Cdlizcus, Pelie a, SAW1 e;vc ult-tva nooll. -den, ' (.)f i n acre of land, I Eli 011s a od, XIWONTed JtTmils, lh e a! T g qjutt Iing in the jol]N NIACDQpiAL11, 4 This is�jo (A Affie- suid a go %%_e�; If wati: ir� of I -i I;ruue. cuiAnlillux liv 84- tI-rd On to n -P 'Therar he T ill tr1c colintf rf til o test oT ni,-g@ fur a blacl-smitli i t Vclilictio, ISon. L .1 Shel[Ifl's "M, _ 14,4s)t94 �r cojricli, I B 2 -d (,I LylanljLil ll� I I&L Iit lid 3" PHA 61 q sold cheap, as A tAll Alhe- ,h, odorn, the ,R lit LAN W2 Huron. All -of 'Whicb will be d Yellu l"Ill 11bqb,--?drhQ M�C. aitir in lrt, Ln 1:11, 432 I tie "hscAter is about to go H all 01 #dn� .VW,k k4PS"" k� In AWA OFMEYI* With Itwl I"? rrA4 k4m&-te Ed Su a rs, a elljrlll� 1 51, ltNervjlbtwap.-�� tw ta o u rtyra Illparticulars spp'ysob lt!te premisels, or by t (' A tTh, N% -J 1- -EIGI IT PFR C, KFAL mw- IT 4_*W_ N ED C'kt*JA. - f�arm. Turimb 1 7-10 rest III Oc-O WWII 1,10a, WOOL 41� T 0 L E oi(to Suit piTclinsers. Fr UP!, -PAW lound. AT "t B leticrostpaid to Corn j title iiext, at lt.eihouv. lvI 1 ­,NT T d Very 1i6l"ilul V irA;I'l tiiOLasUp. In. TotlilfiEblip of A"Afield, + e volat an and tfi, ti".k., I"Ir U. -I.., LLITL-k are I Vt-r f.1 flution. -Al-- ­'T lowl M F N and J New I L Le 1,11.1livii JUI e ellt, Ko:tivS, - I? z 'rfl Mb & 11`09RI", January 31, 1867. v2twq V., 0 rist Mayonmt9t M I4 e ',it], rich, I Th� it, qndred Dollars" aIlad upwarldr., 111yei *L PP Ly resAet%ce K. lei, -disit 80 1 q1t ir-dolli t4A1V0Wt)off"e"-�rd01r- 61SIVI. I to'll, -LOCK jut Klr�I t!d!VPr. NJ U0 wvi% FORSALE. U III squd* e - tdss I- SAL -E, OF LANDS OT 7o.. l6f 3rd aj#. MuvraDosh ComM F,r terms -v Adibilt T 7) 4rcs cleared.' Ule Y �r, ro A i) a 'WrIL of 'upat�d 12, utiloiroui"Godeicb, anl will xy,wi tue of J�FMUSTEA. 1 4 k LIE Gi QSkDqN --,F F or LWd that oo� 1%T 78to i-- vk, r t, -A -TA I S41 I q N- u)d offlovils %rii to W17; be soldibin se"ouaUe terms for cash. Apply oif lu t;herries, IJurgundy Dal; ,filer qP �ql, U, AT Itnterl in'Ait AU d Virim-CQOor Weelt o I I m. I fit n einn 4. -Ath, il Oil" to G de -lc Fin 0* 044; otcd 1-� Aat4t: MMV .f Lt;a, inir,3 fflj�-101 Oil VA.11 .,or, cr F. CAPAIGNE, ltkbe:CAoL ;0qtgI V. -Lent on MOrt949RI, illt: will" parev, ur tract ,I i,a!td all I pi -t -til - Apply at il,\:- I 3S. 6 Noig time ck q -'T ill Ole ALE. to It bb -S Wock ILw Ciflice, Cru 4111k idddy Ia" olo Kve; Vollf, Mortoll Cr,'S (,and 9, rature 6,, in a -witzhilp -9 all ihaty4rk 01 jht; %III, l.itc aiAu Nim maito or iswlk I is[ THE S" 1N t- Or— qljar�rr vi Iut 2 in toelldroii­ D, -I We IT if ui'di, L W A311 16 �llleiebn"WT i AUuc:d 9$1 per atpe and 20'Tolwn AA)tb iL kit- ttg t -e $30.4tkech anampWaMs. Ap r ale111 I&W irivei in the (1-tirl Iftntake, Chalicery,iiifit" b" coll uVt ut !111 WT-ZrA NJ IA'rive of L#e h, XV - -0 4 the CoRi"y -W U A. -AT 9 BER LD, w' allmitt-( -0, other IWS 44 I tD A FO,, S L G ilderit l"hand rfa'I , A;lit W yfill, 0 N11k Wit flu oj?r r -Ar#t nt4p - CjjMtk,, go t ar Stich as I'll bib's Blot ra sit Ill: t- - - -------------------- e:k to L omrand AVwa,,S,-rk-s, Bung"t FOR SALE loen' r B" T F V 1`35 S!Z* Bro ekles Sau A4111 Ick t, Be�i lj�q a fall P pip not Ia W 21 1 February'.'81 1. .W#1 IQVUS a 141 0 W "I rqw A segy York, ityarat 4)f the prts&t Godencl in nrts of WTL -4'- - o- I I III P- I- W. '1V8 I; -IOU% ;Vff i7a Z`Ile a Tmit 01 llijron,t thirridli A d di� obs-rve and reco L; W JqT3 i'l -- - a G�)J!rich, C.,rq r Of V,4ff i % R If% vf'c -e B41 ini, 4�SALI W juterest i 4,,moerit -, �'c oit. tflife(IL %hot fid-I!Aty. A I'V V n do, "VT'l g err is pi-pp"Jilt jsj*auVu* slititated ,&- AvitziiMl o o ppoiw Dome Blackl,!ad, I ntw-� ,I H uron ,It. cuwatatyg on� &erg ounnow, 3.14�0- Htlo y roYo, cd a� -1 Iht7 with' a 1 -1 � -.1 V. in J a I IT� La if VKA #yjge 1Wo-&toF% t; U xrwa-i; rul will bF a Ldr 4W -k eves ole w4btj -4 un or it pproved pa pel. n-Awreto livitib %,off in ',tv to I 1 lie te de V f3fli . � out- IRA D - g G M 1th- .1 Jim WA 0 SEY-1 lqo N,,,Ih Lalf dj��bet rFV -aufficLeat to,, -sur 'keep the slijad- 2P 0- int'd LAVIRS olALF 1T I 10"It, G .01 �i -wn 2-tv 09 REET,- TORON. tillh 15F 1, .- , kas att.., ed. OJT 1 at AM, ambr$401 wou:dJ f cc" S�r HE, S?bs(!hber /OlTe% the f6flowing land Ver for Sale. at qnf�offlice, in Ili curt il 07 Lit4kh'imi"I'lle h, hir"I'lle Bak* 22, IS56- <81 the We&t 11 j I I ft r imlei, V;z vini; the Vww I I"! iIje*I*uwnoIt;oLjt4k 3 j IF a4 Xbrhaur Of elve t-itif"I Wjiti Ifnd'a #rLsittilill life o. The n I rah. VilaWlIng L 1h Tuckeftmiffliv a timda4mo Will) r n Ar ,-ntpj,�V #&r ;X, 4 'AF j4a 7. not cKma i -toa Survey, 100 lit old ARd AIL vwduam I ri 10i :2 �ni 4 T 00 9 GO A Edition is :puhlitbd a a rt-lila.ed to fuT AvIllik-h �rb findir cultivation. unt] I it new ta,ti:II7 ig Tbvn he c,) iuW lfd Vorl iwreiar 4-S go 1 -h4j. sy civ reA -exc r-quilm well water - and as the times a el, ile-ar I te advaluee t! - *Q U Oe machinery trjjjY The land isvlIll Alloa 0 VWIII4 goa-1, felt ere r un tfd&.e 96VI iaO,e TO tailed, and witly.bw we are uixAt desir L z o(d P i I-, , Zj,h lin good wor �§*Sd timb, rIbIvisio act* in all C ]V44riw-a*A to W-ofie of the best in Upper prices wig t*Lsot in ov C"s L A Vi tmers m-ty rely it oil sati fac - r work- an -aminable Cautda. ful�flat'inkfg. (Yu the lot there ifle FIR :Wes I eiTtlerl Ir to tlItIculamappit, Caintit's Mrw l3cV.1 -,�y nsf )ur% tt2sers--c. Pa *e'Mast� fra-me 13-arn, rand -out- toL. 1XIVEEI, G -t -i;/to con-liq*nd. Aho a good er- kand reid -In rrtu :RA Ailgsu" Yrv­ -4 iu hi. T -R VE RIG all e r plip Of h;ept C rn - _,of r ve USI MAN, Goderich. or I lie Th onstant;y o--qhalA- - p . dD - t C.V de#tqh4 frees. if , 9 to still reepive-a illpdville. T of 3itl f'! - at -ended tff.- thI6 to m4 Ids eStat KO ql-�s,icbWoAed 4; -AN I L fu s e of 1 uh';e ptronal, 19 W 20i -90, Edirio-i is pubiiA4f6D Taesdai an TITO';. LO(', at cb, I R 6 W cr arrek and ubder calu Friday aftru000s� ma Talp�,. it's V:- V We are happy to s3y that 1* Em 2n C,11'ITN4, M D ffV.Q&ff AM A,, a 50 4 am gATC [I R A KER' & at �14.OL Also 1219, con .4 AT -1 ment ,;I I I cl and 51 -ors. os; has Iltl-adtiv Ell QYEF, �iqSIT V�tb T T 3, 50 acre wheat, R eoll. S, Oil 1ekt 4iilarltv lof-lan&­k� C h 111PItt e M- 141, Prwrleof tile rim44AM&I6.'Iddisputable tides. Fw M fm itch TZE TQ$T -0. een CIIFT n lr' 4 "A:Pply tb d in -OM tivenlir IAM-9181�4 lihoriffillag bee e%per lv"� ofJ§GA lint 22 rid cion. Wickerimitt-W 0 PlaUd ewelry on: Hand. ee un4erthe tL' "k ndt,d aw canipirot 9 a�n b 7 EbIlvii;- ul tile L)ire&tumo. toexte ifog riou"C laadla uAl,4. , � , -teed ;13�wr Ito WijjW;0ountlts T VyAW9# Snbwfl�e Capital, 4U. ail 0 and InveAtill'. A �ral Lw 1, 1 Tt 'Wit I "Oki, un —I THE en 4d , - .3 .,e 11* S CLOCKS-ANDSPEC-TAKU Lpes= A 71 elf lent%tof CIL tills. The VVtjQ0-,ARd§enerr.l Agents, be[",- gentie MI -' hi,h order. Uuf Gi -elation -,VU 6 It T . .' $ beill., . iitjj�u IN GRkA'V�-K1E*- r - VP IT T vt-it; k1j Wa. ali iiacttiotis -'alliltig -before Ite kiper jU'1!,5hefj W z�b 4 Ll C-) k� r "PA grLater tan that f its ]LIL-mv 1"LiALL TV in the G)Untics, dice$ pany *-rs terms to I. (,ste destring Life Awwo-Waflinwir - d on short notibe in good style alij aIro trr, 'be, ua� out: no ement t i�ly any Lire 0 ready to sh­w aldve to increa.-oc CM -III -fo I vt secuij I �Ns iii* t"buqview 1)fjlw �liqyiqf j I rreern tried in the*s f Irse 11,nn P kwung 1311T ftw -onst"suco nte1 to al ,MrtTo a, ou rnb ql;lS-jW0 pideteaor.10Wt 3beyare-sib is to certi� th4t Blem cla!mj4z, f m han& wilk,bv fiz -rL It j uWai;1�1x"M 10 th-, ad% a Q'ts- rr, tained from the St. VatWies this T pa.d one mg cm 10 S r Qdc�r �tlhe no t It ree M�outbs -to de R b7i ate Abe out two from my nurserw A (i I'Li"b2zed to'sel OUR DIP JOBDI-1 - '' I 19W SVR FILE;D. COI -E!, V ad tQW61or afl SUpIp I If* A 11,�l or for MortWPjftiPz; Which Is entiirel�yy s! 3. e&#1 t Jinuory, 6T. Y53tf 0ETjcE,-3b5 A NV3 _t�5pThe bea quallitg 0 0 0 a IG Fropristoro 11 1 MiLLS & pu*i� t J-1nuory, w eq I It 0 See kours fraills UCC W L'Y�� 0 durreyor. 5 ay, 1866. wig lvr� dexpxrie d L T d ALI' Tvo�; I ti -es auch as Lo M wart -414 TR rjr, orde of Its fr 1'ia' -V . E�ja 4:>:E %:!o 0 - dersi-nedi-'Agents" TofrAbofibove Ld Or j d CO., Agents for Go lerich and Ltickfiv- �re jiI�pzired td'fifl all order Weatly rt:du.ed V. Cie, 0 T t arn, teson 2 W a IL e; to n a ad S-ilulflAtla A urseries, to AbL6-y' -ut -thieir - selft- offmw, q wq eir 4tronill tmiy rely vpon, lad Godurwh �Iorraniti Premium Tupsday, I he 4t a will be, ed,llof It d F P, a,W.ock $ale 0 Pp.. a ICA whivia, it","rer irlr UP7 C -- time and plafe. ,_-n to 14 10t�tlj who w15 01tDOIL 4 ew r lei e. 7? -Vuc A- 'IT, 4 swv AW0 7 Sao LW a; GQD 111ortr 1E R I -C ]a E rt I - ", I 0 W9 low, Saddle rrZ'E wi I he so�d ffbbfir- t L4. Hton Hotel, j awav Goderich, oa ir 7, Map DA OTA4 Ptak 4 1 et,,jol =7 M& d- Pretris a ttn, w Thu, at Goan, the fo!low Lands uaret Go tSPA sxili- PqW VID At' bzz V 4 rurina-11 to Powers j tp ia. Q 91=11 4 Indentures of Vorpop, wtu 'aft." gg duced at the Uwe of w4q. TA korZ2 le -e 155"St tL4,f "UN94 -450-" I - QpAx Ci .93-A — West Half -,f 1.0)t -V WORM o C-51 T HE Subter.ber ha 'W!j zlvu tim-2 0-17, 1 -- — - — - ORK WORM in- ces3ion,uf the TvwtiZzh�p. 8 U S acres. vorably I K U us#-, �i. , : nd Mal C 0 r. 11.0race Hortabi -*bb%u 46`111:11011 2. A Patrt of Lot 1,113, ir V Wesi twe a bo me, co t,, HAy F . rkkj)LsAijV0vA i4rw# - Wnshm ofcoll _4#1 �15 re Dr-AP110--d Wmflii* Mvision of the To' Tllblas.-Tib Grain 411 G n4�tq taiojag 161 &am pn the saqe favorable tftm to pw-,� "ree IRV -V herto 4A-, dw,"Bay, As they baw a and ieven tent k ff-i2havt at"-' e W, 1 N !A,,, acre. A kesi 'Rif& woij, These Prniterties 14 P, a9lGiwink" I ef e Subscribers have on hand at thifir *YAM aw"o very U a IM Wil worthy of t. -o attention at r u a b '42 tnent of a -small cost, know. at the time fadb, I V7 F'VgM amm 00, r olieIalax, xUl", a t0a Capitalists. 606 tic M , $� 40 'alp Ternu -if Payme ,nt 10L.S. C., For earilical-ars Ap I t �law kmftrx�, Saddles 01 Sleig 01) all tdil M 41 Lit- UBNCH'a ROBEIrr A Ir ,YS, * SON I MCP r ItuldMg , UV4 AND uder h. -hased the 11Rid- I&C., ttief We pb� trung, are purr to JOHN HAI -do* JW r-- 0. te-bapoess ot nit G. 31. TRUEMAZI, tweir stock �ftu orwitl­ � - �­ -1 - -1. I j"fg t4rn ;a - 6TL-*'j gw 'where, as such 'Patents forilnvv May, 180 9, W.10 ft%'S'*1W( od SAW139 or ,-Iva r-!Mv 14r L smd 00*S - � le dpe-A nag an Sul P � vs wli*Ad total a 6' ind 4 T 0 ON M1881 4% 01 't 4;V*t3M leea%siere d sholl FALSE AN 6 �b a I&V16 ild 4VOw Ra "froffi'thrur lisiper cln� P epr tentie -e4 4111111& IhAy rati give sattlaction to all who -#6 o iro-nerat, that he has, It. V. 1pf; P, It pill at terns of the b0p 1`0! Ale terms. Af�lt f ti-l-Aliberal-ditt' a -t eW& rue 4heTawn of "idenct, W4 Wme I1Z Subeerther wotti ARL Antairto 'D r T e'to It =oo Gja jaiz4d Cevv so i,� un 'TA, efore p rchas nr =zts lil"e rewirted, for theprp*i YC - �N I ur bitock b E a "M W t th U -1br - -: r JAS BUCHAnWi, :61,G -Britain. e A *,01 4 WLR. qre o ering th Vitil­ 4( t Is B. DOYLE, -V gnments of-Ahes, llatter, DaVLjj?, ads of�pti&&de Ueta]l -jJF*.#j Col�ff and all L AR k _LAW KID Gvdim:ch, Aprd 2ft, 11-6671 wJ4 Im A9008113111 sp Afuily solicited. ciy IAU- id F. 003v tGw6rieb, &�r�h 4Q106. w47 Sept. 3.4866. -A P 0 0 R C 0 P y