HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi Weekly Signal, 1867-05-17, Page 4A 7.
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STARTLING VIEWS". A U G, T 10 N 8 A If 1;,l �o AcRrs or, SALT
4 -TQ Wit: f Jj Fteyl papiris limped out to lease, pituaied on and adjacent to
top the River Idalitland, and jinti. ehimit
the Ugrot6d 10 GLOVES! IT"I GLOVES
7. �j_ F OIL 01-,A� L 11. county of tlu�on, I 1DY virtue of It
THE RESIDENCE OF THE LA1E i0HN offler Majesty's Courty Oourt of or the
a. '0 11 -11 Ell C I A L A Josephine's, Alexaptlej 0 d
THE 0- ffmox Jouvia's, Ducli-ex
AERTS ID r 11 T V V VP -A FP 11 GALT Esu Counties of York and fee*� and to me direcle r's. o r Ly
a e ich Ru,iway Z,,tatiein, filld rtontin
ASSURANCa COMPANY.' ag inst the Lands and Tenements of David Lace bacts & #lLzandrialfin whael ols Is an G. T. Railway -very conveuiei,t for a sidita 17) . r. J 1. � .4L - M
Mirk and James Clark, at the flt,f Of the, Bank I I It a. r 1,,, 1, fie, A I' f- 1"f
too oppo- co ors. The largest Block in the Court ie - "9 main line.
HIS propd* i# b*autifol.ly altun xerutioll -
A R -R EST ED6 THE Subscriber having T ofM0PIretk,,I irl sejztd and to en in F CHAS. H. ARcelBAI-1). Ajoply to, H! Up t site the 'Town of 00derich, On the the following property, vis - all and singular that
rnian W. 0. �ztrgvrh, rvq .. lo Ogle r for sale 19.AN'D X CORNIH=t LONDON, f;96LAND, ich, Auxuat 22nd. 186S. i0a; 0 1, 11 North Bank of the certain pareet or tnts-iol ldnd andpiennisessituate Ooder
lat The nship t r ciellorne, in
Iving and Icing in the Tow I I Goderi, h. They are sent to.Canadal Huron Auction Mart I RIVER MAITLAND,, th eCuutityal Huntin al-ral Province Of a d Nov. 211, 18 (16. v 4 -', if
i - containing by admew-urement ogle [EMLOuK BARK N I
0N CAIIITAL, (Fully Subsffibed) X2,500,00091CIII119- Ithe Benli of Lake Huren. It corl- be the itame more or less, bring compw.ed of lot
NOBU ACTION Of PRES - JOHNSON - � g pit ore or less. Western
'at, -XiErOSITTi"D Z"ANADA,001000. Inin .41 7-10 fler of Land on number nipe in the ninth con
rdat I the d3V I 01aY, B17. IMTESTD OVM $2,000,000 :.1 BE subserib-r wants 1000 cord3 C f Bern W.
with Dwvlling _,douse, -Outhouses, Stable&. division of' the Mid l,,wnx1op, which Lands and the hiheat market
0 V a lock Bark, for which WHOM [ARMS [or SUL
He demaTea 0WAdai'll thanks for Arresting ivery at his 4 li(
1 2 it,, n. o n t pre% dls-PF4 -1 L31, FIRE DEPARTMENT. W* ith larve Oarden, Vinery and Or chard 'rIgenements I shall offer of Sale, bt MY fft e, i
these � ih., I vA uatilt t, orwrty Iwinz k -t 3.'on th- I Ith "Yhe Wood Land consists pnricil-ully of Oak tHe Court Hou -e, in ti -e Town of Guderich- on price will be paid in cash on deI
]P=.TAN 0 Z=097 Theilstingiiihal,le print-tr4pol lite begi been the 41abli;binent of an equitable c-la"Ifi Tt,esd fill iwenty Will, day of June 14MI, at file yard at the Dock.
- r nd the flowe,ing Linder, Chet ry, Maple. &e. laAwolve (,f the cli.ck. noon. W. M AVAG OT 14, can 4, llowick, 100 nerii el" 11 1
ni hilli'll"I Iv. lit'i, 1�*O acreq, caitt ii,t-toorging in till t-ai,s,% it vi-t-twimi prol it, tilt �L. - hour 6 S E L red, a191- Lot 33, con )4, 'Wa-
WITU ALL I. with 1 lie iticceiv-s %% li�ch lilt -ti Il.e .pvti4t on. has beet, slicil as (ully Io galize tile I he Orounds art- in ve9y good order. Tbegre JOUN MACDUNAW. acres elf -a
-n ol "It I 6b. -riff H. wanool-i, 200 acres of the letter 100 or 200
Im-etrqatit brn arid find i itic Directors, mhu L,i%e remolvej toe-vild 4e.tuiluezis inme wideiv, -are thme never filiwi, springs of pure water P
f"C"'r Ui I-, ail offt r I,. it i, Call,10111t, liut)flr. on the Propetty ']'he gituaiion for a P, sherifrs office, Goderich, Z prepared to pay the acres to suit purchasers. Ternisliberal and
IWSI III PERFECT SECURTrY gu3x=teedby large Su�scribed Capital, and Invested residence cpatiotbe surpumed inthe Prov 8 T" subscriber is a reasonable cr*dit given ona paymew1_iwn.
ab -11 I-" a 4rkmiiJF11114,,. 186 March, 1867. S yo Titles i adisputable. - A ppl y t o
Sv.-orls, Bayonets, 'R. 4 111ce. --- I higbest market price forativ iinautil
of arms and Will i I , nd mil,% it very ns. The Directuia and Otinert.1 Agentit, being frenVenten largelir en- W r)t
- 1'ronilit zFelticlurntof ('181, For terms apply to wrol B. FRALW,,,
And all the mf -ti ki"d diN*n, or -rrtn t:.e , or %I III— f livr is it a liberal nl)d busincti. like view ill al�-questiunscoming belurc them, SHERIFF'$ SAIX OF LANDS- )� A:)- T'
wallie"'all eolk-et -41 itig I rv:ini running i -rough 11w T H 0 8, 0 A LT, Dingle. G t L r,r,r hattee ivr palVR7.- III WAI-t LIFE DEPARTMENT. Barrister, Toronto County or tiuron Vvirlue of a Writ or G. N. TAVIS- May rillt, lis.66.
to Wit :.
I�i rin. or D. SHADE GCODT\ IBFieri Facias ittsued out
A N_ 11 Ilie Compen) offers te to those desiring I.iie A!igiuronve unsurpoxi,"I 1,y any T.ifet (Iffice. D DEALER IN
I - - P., Ir-, "curtly ncreaAe the Bonus 113rrister, Goderich. ofHer Mai' I "llp Count), Court of the United AN U 1,'A CTU Iirdlt AN
.\I xkrat&Pren,t4vn Oonqmii, management. Lending to i
16-, T (-y ic,lav aod saine tituti, li, OW90 A Iron W gare,all Salt Territory I
I shall t cuunlies t4u'r.n and Bruce, and to i.e. d,,,ted Stoves.ploughpand Castings oieveryde
'FAT atin' it nie, amuugz'wh1)uk sal Goderich. 6th Julv. 186G. 1'in,(,*oppeIr and Shee
_N I A N_ knJ in i��, san a partic It er cent of profits are divisible. 17ce
wt the Lands and Troemenis of A ndrew . ription. Oil
Ior A)6 pa.il me inouth ativr i,r t f ot death.
For tbg Ist three em . ri, 10;0'�er wah a nlock, at the 5ull of john motiatt. I have lti:e Marliet8tove DePot, Markel Square, G e- 1 -'HE Subscriber ffem to-n-ny
A,,,d b- dv�ntageb, will- fi ulfiY be see" In I he Company' 1'rospectus. e following rich. pergon or
lAcgetranety LOTS 180 AND 18 1 WRO WANTS A HOME 1 'e'i'zuell as.d taken in Execution fit cornpaln alty ot one-fifieftth P 0 !i,
Yanks -3, G;arm-,n, T " Ten�,h & -glizzlit-A in Pirk �;irevt, Moriand, Watson& Co., pnoperly, %,.iz : all tire npht,tille and in legrest of 0 OAL 0 1 L ',) y for a rot
w h tiut'd., re )irri, iry inber forty of the prodft-Lion. one half acre Ilf land. with
it, I lie J't, wt oi t; "- r ha-.�- It t fire W, It Gener,ii -entsfur Canada. HE FOLLOWING VALUABLE PROPERTY the said delepila"t in nud to Lot nil
V,,tl I'arl of tile seven Jarvial' I trip Vivageoll'evalurth.in libout four hundred feet front. Land situa.
Enarlish Notions -and!T FRED. Coi,R, T 16nds and Teve- W110LESALE AND RETAIL. about eighty yaids frorn the preseal �TLOBEF�T 1. SL
1,-een set.*. to Secretary. the k*ouftly to )r ole, a-, MY offiec, in tile t3-Cosloll-la g1,&c.,&C._,0ldlrgDn,Cop- led
All of wh ch hA�ve 1,; sw _,tory traire TIP nd Sheepskins Goderich Salt Wor".
0TFIcE,-3S5 AND 3f7.:5T. PAU,,L k r1i E E'r, MOIN 1'11"L. In I lie Town tud 'township of Goderich I menip; I m oil ofler r of oluderich, in Tiles- r. Brasil. ItFI;rj..%% oolL,iA,nggg a
( ourt lit use. in the Town e
is offered for sale, oq. the most reasonable 'uv file twenty fifth dity ..I'June next, 01 the hour For further pahiWan apply b
alien in 27tf y letter (Y^
It io u r royor. Inst or of Agencies, terin, viz: noon. . ..... . . . .... personally to
I B U TL 101 R cill C&klv- T. C rlll.� 0 S ru.s I!. S. welve,ftheclocL so
irIH. Ito, OTREAL. 1. Lot 90,2, 14'rth street, adjoining, th JORN MACDONALD, SHEILIFF'S SALE OF LA=S. F. CAMPAWNE 4A
-s!eyan Methodist Church I ( ch. hersp, Higiro J U. 4 11AILL, il.i.iARDINElk (!()*.,A genlit for Mle rich and lucknow Win. Itagglall, Kincardine; J�algutg W( I it goded Keeper of Colgtity h6or.
1*1 and 13 on 0e corner of West z5h,rifl,'
where they are open for C-wadiaps to fvast i Aucitonee jamleson, \V allitrion and Stozeen. BW74 #Office. Goderich, W6 County of Huron. Y vittole of a Wri- of, Godericb, Dee. Gth, 1866. v4Gt1
Zbtb, Mamhi Ni I aid and Wellington Streets. On 13 there is a Alarch 51h, 1IS67.
To Wit: fflFicri Facies is"Ded Out LAeU V)eill dp-� b1kF '-flie-SP, aut' rood frame honge nod bakery. of Her Mojestyls County Court of the United he These lots form an excellent site for it counties oi Huron and Bruce, orldto me direcled _R SALI: q,, A r talm�
F e n I a h C 0 11 a P S eg.1 No r it ma gr -_Saha of lands- holIel I the I ends and Tetlements or Yosevilig 0 N 11 �Wll on
flaintitor:k, at the buit of Arttmr Mitehell,, I have ------
a writ of
Lot 113 on Li,,hthouse street, upon County of 14U eized and taken in Eiecut'08 E i5gibscriber offers tor sale in the Vil-
lion, y gi:�Ies Wiled out if theright title
r _11111- tDrFAl,'LT beor, in th3 pay 'v hioh there is a large frame house, so ar. �r to *it.: ?BF, V,.',rF Find ilLeret gif"ilie aid deien"Int Joseph Hpin T ]age of Brifast. I � miles from 0-oderich,
m de b. 'rh.tnas It. I I I
iy ranged as to accommodate three folmiliest. of Her Majellity's Court of tock ih and to Lot N"Inbc? Fifteen in 'lle' 3a inflae from Lmcknow, on the North.
Of mil kinds fr-M a S. -ft W -let; to a Mach-i4e, and
V I tw.,e ltunihll (.il their 4. Lot 191 oil the corner of Rwiejj au Queen's Beni h. and to me directed o,-airlao the Fourteenth conce"fort oftheTownshl r Ha- k -�TL r,�
.1 Lap& and Tenements of Mary Russcll,'at the which �Lds and ern Gmvel Road, 13 1'
,A-. and istreets, upon which there is a smal nick in ilti con"Ill' of'Hurtld-
A very harmestock ol Bo;�.ullful V-Xv looks, glAoff-larrinett Ifill. I'ligave seized land tall; or sale, at IDY office, A GOOD BLAUK8NITH ROP i if-Ilowmir property. vir: all the "he w-Irt boo
d frame houe and good orchard. enernertis I shall offer f
Rot)" for presmts -rulleriv -Axili lie sold 5. Furl, lot I a in the Town. Exe,-ution the -frodLrit it, me, i2 be tuwFi of i3sodench, 0 ID o r I.
I , * 12. IhL 14. right title and -interest of the said dt -rue,,day tile Ninth ilay of July 'text, at the hour jo which there is attached a good fmm&
BIBLES) A LBUMS, &C.,, h% Pub ic ich, �Mliain�ng 16aeres of e%- and to those ceilimin pairceas and tracts of Land oftwelveoclocii neo". house; a good rden, 2 of rn acre of land,
Xttt n 1'001IT-1, Me of Goder of Albe- JOHN MACDONALD, d agood ga 4 C b"'P at cellent land. Upon this lot there is an ex. situate 13:i. g and being in the It well of water. This iff one of
Tailoring & Outfitting Depait n� cellent Tw3 Story Bilck House, Fringe llal.n Inallej, IrL the courilly cl Bruce, containi rig by ad- &icraf Huron. t bevii opejiinga for a blackligaiiiiii in Ae ca.id dal 1.4 April illext, at E) Dollin-5 r4nd outtguildiii2s. Also, a good bearing """'u'rement two hundred acrem of land Le the Slierill's Offire, Godurich, z
89TLER;3.1',�;w same oloreor Ies,4, being conipsed of Lots num inty Cf Huron. All ' of *1i6h PrilI be B
G,tderich, Dec. 21, IS66. w48 aq ier t"!w r-lweri; it, the sa;d Mort r 1119 9abscri,erreri; to inf irm his many customers and the public generally 6athe keeps 'brellitillid of choice fruit. begroli I and 32, in the fourth conrel-ion, East of sold cheap, as The subscriber i4 #bopt lipgo
L,,& !-- % 7L: I. It - rulii),r 0- e I h,)us.11)d I conit.ataly on ha'nd the lar,,c.st variety wid best A'decliull of C::)F- This is one of the best situations for a the Bury R,)nd athe at,wesaid township of Albe- on a farm. Terms %Ou, half down,'sha
.1111 F 7ir 01, the Harbor Fiat in Ih,- private residence in the town. inarle, whicti Ligads and reigementill I 'ball offer the rest in one Tear, if to suit purchaslem For
for so le Fit in y a tOce to Ie tourt House, in L E D
clx�h or credit Tweeds7. 'MONEY TO r
0 F.
English, Scotch, French, Swiss & German I G. ANEXCELLENTFAR11-117acret;. ' town of Godcri4�h on Tuei,,dav file LighteeInth particulars 'apply on the premiseii6 or by B
I i bp iv-ri U!A ItI., I.ilw$ cumained IN f 11E AL.,;o A LARGE VARILTY OF Lois 97 land 1.3. adjoioing lots, one firouti;ng day u1junitilleA11169 tise hour Vi TWeIVCPf the AT E' T letur postpaid to V
r G 0 WE _R I C If a on the Huron. -Road, and the oilier'on the clocii noun. E- IGHT I) INEIL CAMPIrPtL,
seventh con(ession, in the Township of JOHN %Icl)c)NA\YD. 119 sullis op Belfast p. o. Township of Ashfie14
'1, I I- fit r Mij I I in "Pe Canadian Manufactured Goods '�erifl of gron,
C - F God ricb�. 40 acres clenred and under culti- ulb J %I L;,,r 530 L? te III uton bru,�, 011E flundred Dollars and upwards. County of Jiur-on.
4 ion 'kpply to January 31, 180. s 2-Gmq
ENGLISH, FRENCH & CERMAN BROADCLOTHS9 pon which there is a brick dwelling B.
bousp, frame harn and herolls office, U,)dench, %%7 - MOORE,
The aho " -e sa:e ii pit I. Ones! Wl T A Sll� I ',%A E F,*,5 &- I VS X_ I N 8' , bill arch. lbb7.- (;,,r I e 1
the 2�1 day of U"V" at su e L:me anif erc
0VRRC0ATING8 OF ALL OTHER DES0.:,IPTI.)NS. I'llis tarm is situated 5 miles fro -n Goderich, SHERIFF'S SALE OF LANDS. lbb4. &�33t FOR SALE.
ler It, place. . i and 7 from Clinton. It is wood rolling land, A T r Ylivin- secured the services of County of Huron, I Y vi-tue of a writ of CIT No. 16, 3rd con. *awanosh, compns- N
T',.e a! ove k*,i :s d -uyiG well-waterad. and has a good ,ravel road on to Wit Fieri Faelas, Issued out L in- 60 acres, 15 aibr�.ig cleared. Tbeland
Q i-le-riell,
11h L;ay k I Juliet ut sawe MFL. 4CI A X1 XFL, rt-dej 40TJ"=3M'rt, two sideg of it. ()flier hinjesty,ii county court of the County of 3 LT C 11 104T :M "V" is sitn"ated 12 tniles from GodeTich, and vrill FA C M tia:e An4 Tithicia. bc- is rreTilired to execute all orders with pr-implitude, an -i in A style unsurpased by any Fur terms and cond4invis of sale apply to Waterloo, and tome directed against the Lands AT be sold on -indlasionable terlits fbiAegisK; Appl -SULU.
GEORGF McMATION, and Tenewent (d Arthur Mitchell 111C defendnt
AXE J6 J.J6 _JLL 0 1). Got) r)LN G. your a James Cowan VAC,3a-r IPMIZ cni-Tr to
in -this PROVINCE, t7ifie riot' excepled. Try Limiand satisfy J. B. GORDON, ESQ
r, iderich, C;�ts�
17th july, 1866. w 25 11at the suit of Morris U. Iulz an
ves. A perfect tit in every inFlance. the P'aintifl,1 havesemcd and.liken in Execution or E. CAMPAIGNE,
spi Lent on Mortgage. 2.
TP E "ub4ce berhal recemmencedthe Axe! Notice twWO-ol Growers. C,-nstantly on hand the LARGEST STUCK Find L&TEST STYLES in all th*at certain paree- or tract if Land and prem- 5, 1866. w44tf. at the Gant
stjz Im - in the Town oi Apply at
I$C8 situate Iving and 1, 111117 nnAlErsi_-re,l wou:d he to inform �.;Q Centleman's 0futfittlaigs of Every escription I Rintoul Brothers, Fo-d-itivig In ifige'rown-hip of Howick in the 317M. R. BAIN'S
ATTHE, OLD S TIA", COMM ISSION MERCHATS county o(- Huron containing by at4megitiagremeitt ),,,,r w -,i or less bLinz evintobed A LE.
on I hitm C orn er of cusiDmerig find 'Ifte lubfic 6at he Itil' AMELI!CA��MQSF-Y4akenattbehi�hdstmte- lock F 0
te f,unditerionilly 87&89Sli-.FRAVCOFSXAVIEFtS-rREET, Thirty Light neres more Chancery and Law, Office, Crabb's b.
Ohas 11. Archibald- I;$ all that part ofthe Alill elte anu Mill propwrlyl Godr'cb. Watel1oo arill' U;h+-Haiise Streets, in attedance -it the and Coth- .�otgll) orl.oulsa street in IfIeTown wick,
W1101 C Lrdit,, Goderich, August 22ud, 1866. sw103 it For Goderieb. March 8ib, 1867. sw55 OT9 F and 9, rang- t I- 10 writstirip a
J.'rysuld trigc1her with all the buildings erected r6ct T r
wo*M bi-V tb int imate to It Is nIc friend a, and as in; bu,ilicss at the t itand, Kil!s. f.4 tztanlev 120 pe acre- otsizrth
nis gly new eirges as tigivour rill b I rn wit lig R ea I I a ad Advances fdade on cousizrimprits of Pro Landssand it-nements I shall N
until 40 new factory in To- a he.c)mpleted, I ereon, Whi I eapkerbil (I uarter of lot 2 1 n ne 9th rou -, W. D.p fIrmt, that tie willt produce &all sell a luqe to Liverpool, Glas OW and otber port ofldr for 1,4ale. at my Cific e. in the Court House, W and barinz bad th�e macb: cotir.,gil;tee 0 Astifie", 64 per acte; and 20 Town Lott, in
ner in Great Witain. in the Tau n of(;odegrich, on Ttic-41av the Fouth Godericit,price $30.00el!Ch 811U 1111),wards. Ap r GEAXE.CHW with the same Dut iii ?kovd uoik-m�- ordcr an T , -i
WARRARM HOTAE-M Consignments of Ashes, Butter, &I,., re- day of June next at the huur of welve of the Plyto Jt!ri, h. IL I.:
A Lw id.Woies_�umped at a crna'l co�t. Picks., &c., der h s ri-vii persoua! s -,I;), -r it, te ride ens CIOck, rig"ou, � fll,PS WEATEERALD,
zade and St,aipened an short notice I tomers may rtly LP011 sailsfactirry workman spectitilly solicited. JOHN MACDONALD, Godericig
I sw2 Sneriff Huron. FOR SALE r I
ce, Godericb, jr ro W4
I w5
N.&-AL%o a number of z4etz-hisi on hand. Iship.
JOHS _McPHEXSQN- N B.-Tn ret:irrir, lbanks for the llh-�ml sherlfl`8 0-M
40-t Support of former years in the above busi- THOS G"0011' & CO., 22nd February 1667. TO RENT.
Ocifr.'302b, 1866. ness. he boM byminct attention to the same
to still receive a share of ruhlic patronflo. SASH AND DOOR — 9 - store. Cia-1,
r1,0 SHERIFF'S SALE OY LANDS, 'Hote LEASE. ilffonpv to L-nd on I
TrIOS LOGA"C 09 FRON F ST TO RO N : Maitla-ftftUp '1 FOR SALE OR
Goderich, 925th, March. 186"1. U911 JORY, County offluron, I F�lgrtuc of a h,
N 0. 3 REET9 FLku Writ of is. 1'.
ALLM-P. X ULEANS S A J-4 E To Wit: (BAlias Fieri Facias, is!;u ITUATED on the corner ot the Northern I TH I N 150 ftirds rbi -th4X_4;nt Godench i T
title from
Now OFFER F 0.' ulider-,wried havina purriliguietl the I-Ittin- out et Her majesty,s r,,tjni be unid. S Cravel Road to Lucknow. one I W Salt Woris.' A10,
�v 'jourt 01 direeit� Coderich, and within one hundred and ftixty
Mill arid Fash Fctory owned, and oc- Counties of Huron and Iiru�,y *,ad to ie I S . Ni
rits WORKS now in F A R M I N G L A N D S
go BARRY & BRO' riipied by Donald Cutnoling, are now piepured cd agnoirl the Land.; and I eneutri t harles yards of the 1; oderich SALI unpowders, Impe'rial's, Twankays. Japan ra cinvenleut to that lomfity. Apply to
Chests. Half Cbests wid Cad3tes, Youn- Uysong, C IV carry on the hu3iness of nianuiactur,tigg Brown, at tee suit of John I. cKrill C, I hay.1 ope tion, Tbt8 property is begawifully rit.nated
0 Oiptlge 'reklue, and Scented Capei seized and tak III into execution, all the rigi for a Salt exantailong one acre and one SOHN 431WL t;.VRDON
-4 Yuung ys-in, Uncolored Japians, Cuxl� Gus. Souchungs, land, with a Large tw"tory Brick Goae41+ k rt 1. 1 T L, -AWAX&
Sash, Doors, BlipflU, title and interedl of the said defendant, inland I. � eigiltli of Lorie H811 Goderielig. l6t Dec,lbM.
the N,,",b ball- or Lot Number Twentv in thk tiote], fill)- six by forty-six, and a
S U C -7r -, t U S Mioulffingsi,Flooriing fil,b concesitu u of the Tovk nstup of urrivi h . allactic-d thereto wirth good StablinWallEt Other,
,I*ere it, t never fait ing spring at tlpp)�'tt- ty I
ntAred Out-buddinfrs, Jaaua
2 1-2 and 3 Yellow Rt fined rusbe - Siding, rhJAnds and Tenements I sb the reigr cor the property sufficient to supply all
C A w"M iri T MARE119 ' P' county of Huron containing ene r
11hs Porto Rize, br'18. Nos. 2
and Ground. more or le*&, witic b
and all ll of offer for 1�ggle at my altier, in the Court tf2e watcr required for be ag a S�t Well.
nJ9 TUST RErrTVE1) A LARG, E 1011(3 UIOIL-41 I the Town f Goderith, oil Timsday'th Also for Sale, Lot No. 719,' T T 4) 1' `� EV- k
C IF n day of J une il at 4he'hour or iwel';Pe of thlii I�L lly
q,pyrgi',.Riv, Java wilill #11ift
atbabill, 664. Rdlosted and Ground. such aq Circle and II-i-thic Fash and Frarneig. clock, doon. djt L ".h, C. W
side of Victoria si teet, aorser lot an " e ftt L ..,atid
00 11 On he Town at Ckiderich. situated o' A
I V D -TURN ER-,� Int
AMTb,TW'NT GF C10TIM fromtheir oxperiezirre in Factory JJHN MACDONALD, Ining the A XD V
re-tof Eng -land 13�,-ad Thify think Plaguing Fac, With a Brick House and it end &r.
Con,%zaigi=, Val 9f Wcgrk. thAt th-v ran give 4tatistchollir to all vvbb *5heOf 11uron. 'irerill, Wig nevs. Bear -k13 -A. Falev- ANDUNDE Fratue Stable oil "AAMERS1 k5utts. I Os, Caii, ies Solace, T wist, and Va rk and I;rj g Ill 1-2 1113., Elixos aid Virgialia very hgbtan@ my, favor them with a, -all. --theignVa 0digre, Goderich, 1HE 84 ler,, ofr ciathq, HaIdas
F.09fill"efteb,4nd French rwed-,cah."enm, And also Lot No. 1017. Sc4l op the folJowilc, lin
B.—A liberal discount to ifie trade. 22nd Feburary. .80. w5 for sale, viz, -Mondav trim.
Doeskrnt,-, and a va-lety of CamOian in the Town of Goderich, i-iluggled on the"Niorib and Vlowmed V..U.... ft,, Goderich JAS BUCIIANAN,
Holer. Find nairBox", Now antrOld Valencia Ivaisinit, Hogt4s, i Roxegi,snill NicesNew Lnyci and side of East street, near the Railiond Station, A Fiftr efqgn
Gloves, He t-) at. t M - Il. kiai.,,inx, Huse- J and J Lortil n La -crlo, tjguilble -r-twn "yers, West End Layerp. (veryprime.) DtVID LAWSON, with a good Ir gme Ifoafe and iggirge Stable thefe.
UP conqtntft'v on hitid for sa!e a! arti- Kqgs pod I Keisizitea*-sp Aluscatef's I Cgs 8 kin Be ipii6, 115�rrtls Pstras Corriativill (nevir and bid) JAS ALEXANDER, A01 and provision stuirel on. Beinglot 22, eqn. 2 wiffi
lipmrill, 8
who may favor nim with weir orders cles in their Ii . ne. %uch as Elettle Pnine�; if] keyA, cartatons and glass 11 r,;,,0 rig it ge, Lcuiun a ad Citron Peei*4Iav:ed wid Goderkh. Mstreh -fill, 1�67 P w55 A clear title ran he given firigififte whole. acres, 75 ofwbich ate under Oultivation. Ury�taljztiii Ftuits (in Fancy Rose%). Boxes art() Ortia it :�ultarga Raisms, 6agS ftd BQAC8 Jordan, The above property wifi be SOIL 00 reasonable The land is of excellent quality, *V11 'water -
TWEED 91;M (all gireqt)$12 ard npwArds. B.dpteads, Chairs. Tablics, stift *jicli Alinunda. liValigists and FiltxirtA. Cbjt -,tkJL%;> termb tlu Sutt pur.-hasers. For particulars apply
ed, and v; jib hardwood timber. T41_ own-
id fitted up the store , B L. Goderich. or'
N. B.—Cattine doue to Order..A* I SOLs, &C., W I IN IF, S HAVING flented a, .1 ship is kuiiwxf� robtione 6T the bat Vipper LAW- sw 8 t1r- AlKinds of �,a ood-turn ing Jorip, such as Pipe, 11 hd.q. Qr. Casks and Octavellt, Ij t ira and Oilley's Ports, Pemartin's, Duff, La rge Padl ock. lately occupied by A. F. Bush, for th� G. M. TRUE MAN � Goderic . it, or the subscribe Canada for farmina.
()oderie% &-pt 25th. 106. C. ShAb NO.
Noo: portss, sviir ceekyokell, Ike G,,rd ln.�: uul., Clow, Sager 1,opezv co Pale and Gold.)a *Aherrie3l, Burgundy our above business, I am now prepared to furnish 1,1.n1,,indviIle,T?p of Colborne, - . I wood frame hous; frame -,taffp; %ad 49mr
breach Ports of vFkrjuus gnadc-, cbampagae3, and Hock February lbth, 18a'. lywill, In I - _611i G 0 1) E it I
a complete fatailies with buildingioW correspand. , Alw --goW arL
chard, of 50 hearing trees.
,ASSORTMENT Or COFFMS Vol Groo ries and ProViSiO
Hiltda, 1-4 0;sks andl Ca-qes, Martell's. Reggnevsy�s, Oiard, Dupuy Colo, Jules Robin Cols,.
and a HEARSE to hirre on reasonable term which I shall sell at the Low,-st Cash pnbes ---')U1a
G,>1eich, ay 3rd, TU6 15w6w"' (baloupin &. Co.'s, and other brands. tities to real estate Q
Be*in,14 -eb -
Che4erthaii over Za X C;? XT C110 3EL 95 e 3 losed oi S '4- Goderich. Dec. t%
Purgebrus Jamaica Rum., Hhds and Cast s DeKayper"a Holland ard EL-ioth's Old Tong Oin Durinviltelli ]Flour and 3Feed 5 2 b A,
con "10 nefts 2 6 es tffia�r-efi tr,,r
fru11"Siewart's and Harvey's Seoich Whitkih,'Ciinalian Uld hye, 1alt,11urton's TodJy and Cm- kept constantly on. hu'Ril. Tako,Notice, tion. Ile h;,hg1`biin& ii'�Zsjaliff thU-U AY90 8.
GODERICa rogou Whiskies. A share of yotg�r patronage will be tl�ank mott desirabia flirXii" rro'1N ET - % r- Z& 117 fully receivedana faithfully aLtinded to. blary PAlc-, 4
INER & Oo. 100 acFes, ho celatim, - aAd df S. I g,
'o Is Al" and Porter, Cases H. GAR l3bbliGurigneas' Oorter, Ba-,,ts, anti Younger's Ate, CRriddinn t051) acres, all Act -49111111.
-actribellibaving twved to the Store' 0 'WHOLESALE AN -1) RETAIL Wines alad Liquorsq Crockc-ry
H Z Sub Bernard's (]-I a zer W inu. Sch,cda rn Schn a ppsl,. French Uqueu rs. Cordials, ke.. &c. Teraw-ma"nable. ledisputlable titles. For
1%ft - AttAra�r.�
o -e Atilliggri Pao of t'te corner of Kin67SEon TOGETHER WITH A LARGE STOCK OF andfilasswareffFancy Goodsy NASIURL POLLOCK, Esq., late Deputy particulars and terms apply to A [tRI -z rER, Strftt ad Marit-11, Hardware Merchants, &e., Oatmeal, Cornmeafq 5 Sheriff has bele-n appointed official Alsgitgn- r, : B
A 16kpj
Mee- Liverpool Soap, Belmont and French Can3lei, Butloll Hjue, Fig and InJigo Blue, Starch o
'rabb."S1319C clicew Xark6t Sauare, lvent Act*of 1'864 ror the
OPP40tte Mr. 0. -4 k,i various kindw, SinceliI, 3fulasses, Syrup%carbsuvt and Codeiich, Buckwheat Flourg e under the Ins
t2 conit *t
Potted Fi h. birat,&c. f Huron aQ Bruce. 617
formedy occupied by. Sl-_Ssrs. Parler L, LTAVE now on hand a comO etc and wel I cill, finited Counties o) lu
Caula. dm-- offi-irs fnir sale Wr Crosse and Siaekwell's Pickles and Sauces. LJL sorted stock- of 1111ardware., consisting In &C., &C Office ia Gamerrin's 01wk, Kiog-'
'At" HBO' Pat of '.A. Ili C) 1311 1 A
TEIRLABORTr, CHEAPEST, BF3T AND iah in (11hiss )ars, Maccaroni and Vennielh, Liwtorico, What Candlewick, Irmo'" W rgpiag Adzes, i()a. all -.1iturve
umil' ,;"LB STI),C&OV W C T R ELEAVEN. Pawr. Engti,h, French abd Canadian Hierand Wil. Corks, Buing-5,581titetet, Broad Axes, AND Yebruary 20il 1366. W50,
fartes, Palls, Bed Gurds, Day and Martins and Laulb's WaLkirg, WA,.. &c. Chopping Axas,
I - - . 4 IV I L E 14 (i I IN BE A 6 . , 1P
Augru,s Brtj6ges. 110 COAL, 01L�,LAXPS-
n 8 A�atgad-i P ate, Land
Dund and LabradorSol t Heirinir, Phis ard'Kits Mackerel, Table Codfishit be,Coirdaggigbung I
Digby Herrings ih 1;3r;v arid small Boxes, Liverpool Coa-se and Fine Salt. P,.Ily, P. S.—Goods will be dell-vered in env
mon—iiarin, 1 13-4 *L*Am
#f any Housee in town, both fleadstcau ambs oRnT un& Ira ICE C
Blacklead. 'gg, Vowder,,Shot, Capa part of t no town. Sole Aggents in Toronto, James & Son's Celebrated Dome ri fQ# , 'is 1-4' N (i it Tablp,tq, Table -To 's. &c. H in -es a 1. k ind. I rival, steel, S Gqdericb.geV'2nd.1866. 8w4&
lmrited and of lk own �hnurhdure, C Land Agen 94
angmWe n the beat assorle poke", t P The above ill be found oil i d Stock ever olered in Torout% ard will be bs and Ben ufl, Bir 14W
eodbriiiitfrg kill the newest girrifes of lairlits' 0110 Free tnue krpt on h#nd fPrBPii1g1- pki tow for(;ASU�aroniiberaitesmgtorepproved papeo, Glapses, Luoll
6-d tree in tbea;t 4
Giants, ad%A CW"relas' Ut3 ando ,$hoes, ing purpo�:es uch as Vaps, Sills, Ba- Glasses. LoukingwGlass �Ile t fals a wh" ;A 1=termiLe4 tv st! at a small a4- Qh. Plate, Horse. Nailas, F 0 . -patu
39 FRONT STREET, T RONTO. Cut Na�ds, 0 . -_
Bch, &�.. Cligiap for Cas
THOS. GRIFFITH'& CO. LP ed *t. CAllin
T=CP oxg, -08t. V&' SM111 PJ�Ofitg a0d qtliCk GODERICHIC-M 0 Raw c -# . , §tew anO -I) n tic -I,.
returns" is btw- method of (iolog 4amuesta. Torgiatot overgiber 22,1866. will, Add 1`16ited Oil, rienzoline,113on I Oil, Machinery Isaac DO' n & B. Udber Or )gets a noW 0 Tice hours fro at p- "finitl no Irdivie yurebabinl- tt:,sa- Oil, Varnt6W, Paints, and Collor*, Coal )w aftho i itifIg iF911, a clock, P. M.
bluley Saws, 0�3-,CUL
Oil Lamps, Flough Moulds, IfIrth e Con"
Crottertebir4prI115, IfilJ7. W4341 - d-
crielf, the subscribem are, pre re D atlend 625 May, 18 WIS I
"-The above wil I be3old cheap for Cash.' "" t' r, . V ARCHII
to all -orders -in their# lint-, a t, ..
L&NS AN 0 6
MAKER R, abyrpart of Canada,, with proraptae4p P ingiii,&c.,gol.41 a
r the aboTV
the I li"Ik-
L V im Offize at
GILLOG.andST I URGE N TWIN , E WKST ST.. G0J)FJ*1C13[,,_ �91.E$A,L.� ON.L all order Itirit Squagre.Godericl
A Jr In the' eir selec,
FOR SALE GHEAP.-, NEAR THE MST QFFIGE111, Their-ffidlitie4 fQr monut4cilurp th� su"r tr rely upon
--7— f no pej$" ous may I
Pn' for(
A reel, confidentioitic4le them" povq-A ared to give utu-
1i - E S E D A, 1-1 %KW -11
0i - Llc
It -wting
I JUa ndo A Goop ny estifiblisliment of 08. 1xivid. in 41.0 0
ryri couttly of I
r, raw hated Jewalir Aimid., Gol dand P Jane Ist. I
nev, to undip ATCHM' CI:OCKS AND S-PEUAP LEt How,,. Addreflo, r E N it A L CIMMI
-Commtsitionerm" a
So G
IN GREAT VARIETY. ',j I I ; r A . ; �-Uadezicbt U. Mizi 11Z VN 14 6 U 11W I I W U it
N "Whaotibble -term.. Arply to Deliember Its 1806.4; riiil
(;ODE R1_CtL R XP A 1,RTN Into - " - . I i N . - o IN LL on .8
B. L. DOYLE done on sh6rt'
W r10N It 00tice. iP 9004,StAci fiq0 wv iiii
T M,ENGINEoW K Sallr6gee-new Block.
oJund ,e h , A 1") - .11
e and enure
A6i i 0 a -to 063ericb', 96 Jan. 41865. *51 lyr, arge SW &t.count5cottected.
R -U -N C I MASU a I i re-citi6e P
V stied to 11im W"
11"13HRRV, wi I Ile 1111111"Publie Auction P-9 W�Mvg Rings dwaFS 811,H4111d. & 11
114tet, in The 'Town of e Jobs left unclailai6d' IP tpY handd lifill - U,
Old at iltio eirpiritl6ri'of three moatoff to �A�, T&1i
Hanufactur of Grist ancr GEO Al
LV�5- 'A It irtid`109 warranted as reftaii cr. G 0
fit 0:jig-Thle, bat I (il
Will, Ifie Vfollloiring Latirds and 111rewises. 'Juallit., of Clock Oil at 25 utip
at a .1 2314, 18P7. cir6�1�&,'Vulav and Sa-S)i SbW__Xi1U Z
G(Wrick,- N--ot. 44j, is6ry. IN
Indegirto 6,11"Wrtoalp, wb=tr stiff be pro� ty
pairit"FArit to pq*ers of sale contained in W,
dueed illit t%p- titne- of ftle.;
_ A-- %fit 191LODUCE, C 0 A -L, 8,
;-tl rCU40 t, 4=0 2-
061)Z1t10H 'FANNING
i. rite &-at t14lf 1*4(h 35,, UATHER. Z111, 3M
890ttM013 AND U
of PI-tron and Bructi that he has on band Weft Halt of Lft Va. 36. in the 6th eon 1&h 41
cession of the Tov,-.a-.,V Af WiIiiialwagish, 200T ViELdt;d
-rtoorderC,.rr#ol %Vaao-ns,H lakildrit i�bb tMI-AIM surance ompantewl;�_'
and will mal; C
Vf felt, w0the 4old cheap forcrish I b . repre ared to continue tw
JIFebrufary J 12,1865, vir47
Jk- theiiihabAgai9oll the 046jit UZ
vWift-'1*1�06 Townshm of Culboea&,� con. Dili iifi*berms to Par' HENRY 0
4nd Brucetbat,b6ia will Mauu&L;tn 'ILI i
2. A Pao of Lot 61G," is the Westpew approvedl.;rgiis, b#pd ild Wil sirlacheep I I rMEEtUBSORMER131908
taining, 165; serm and wiren tentf* of an A
ihao*rs -akU* have bilb A ed.
linea 00 1e o eniov
acre. W49dm- Ing The 11%bserfliers. DWkwental, Pa,
'Squarell, very-4wge 400"ll-
worthl of t! C� C31`XU37 CorA zta- a Cr 101,04h bowmarkew
Tbe�w Properties, are very valuable, and .4 00419" jut
Caphodiggillir. -e uttOction .. ot Farmett sod HcavOuld-0211rikyWaIdY drawattehilmn to hi, Illnent of
4, 11,
0 T T
Terms of Payment, kc., w Isor all ki k
for Salell
dA3r& Xtditfii!wc*kdon a a nest and iti,listantialwalliguers 1,
0"tih-s of ony description made to, order. 1140 of machineiri IIt Out 09I..el-cbeaLtAoc. Pumps'
"M Z9T CP madettooriler busingess vi
h9rtnotice. A 14r and 4tritilled." Tjfl� Sphs&41*5 of Fer o%
knovir firt the time of sale.; ill be made rertaired ow-# gestock off For V-liplicularg; appIr to 1, �Uffl bi ift1tF, GM4kA� 1 atentis for Inven
ON M240VED FARRS, . tWiek ffilp",!Wpair Patioryon, Nalsox it., 68ttvalgin 1rietahastriii , 0 ffib. dreenock. Co. , -Bruce. A ntiall
LRY4. HcAlUlZalrff &ROBERTSON Illelt.
and Cagil Rogd,
AT 8 PEU OJENT subs Solieirors, ke,, Tatouta, 4-m ring fifteer�feij.bpad P7 X" to
,(segA - . ,p � 11
A lwafs 6 hand, Stigur Ketittles; Wagoh driff?1pe Boxes. As o of. Private 1 Its
or to JOHN HALDAO, _dr.papernq of the above are 1360.T,,S A In 16 SHOES ATmolag 4forthip;
sile 40' si, wilreacty 'been'- c6n#`ujfA '�ojl
atock be&irc purchasing
oiled kind, we -would'-solidit an inspection 6r4i
10lue W Invest in Town Property eC'Ifsevehme 0:jP-IA9teisrSiy1ds. Otmp-Folt CA:$ am] p'attititcttTTIVA'rog'.P'ir"bioPl"boas 111'ev+ rvet', Terms most liberiiiV'ForturifFer pilli Pqrm siding
Cal rices- b -A -re pu
-'PaOl� -pat 9
G. M. TRUMMAN, Auctioneer. t are oTenngthe 0ove at the lowest remunerative prices for cob, or _10r lillp- gertaphisattiffadtion twin fliihkig� ap& rubadtiber.
their stock birid p c
W bsv use- them. p E F F, RE
J. R. GORDON, provedCredit. (jIdMeial.I$r or Cppper, and all kinds of produce takep in exchanje. where, &Sitleborelliffmce is seldom
Ba"ister, &c., Goderich. ACIMSON SXTTH. W. MARTIN.
Toroaw, iv. Ma, 1867. W15 td. Godericb,Oc ifl,0. I 4glutSIGneir glit'Cio WI)
GodedobliSaut.13.1864. aws-0 tober,1862. W30. 11ENRYODD, 9 Gree R.A L,C:OM-
W19 40illgigrV.61i AsIdAAriftift" DOOL 4001 oth 1W. w126t 66. W38 ];$ads
Godericb, 'Oct. 1-150, IS
'ton -
4 4"
13-H Lrwis&
A 7.
--�ti; 7. �,v a
4 -
44 .Z,
-%MR L
STARTLING VIEWS". A U G, T 10 N 8 A If 1;,l �o AcRrs or, SALT
4 -TQ Wit: f Jj Fteyl papiris limped out to lease, pituaied on and adjacent to
top the River Idalitland, and jinti. ehimit
the Ugrot6d 10 GLOVES! IT"I GLOVES
7. �j_ F OIL 01-,A� L 11. county of tlu�on, I 1DY virtue of It
THE RESIDENCE OF THE LA1E i0HN offler Majesty's Courty Oourt of or the
a. '0 11 -11 Ell C I A L A Josephine's, Alexaptlej 0 d
THE 0- ffmox Jouvia's, Ducli-ex
AERTS ID r 11 T V V VP -A FP 11 GALT Esu Counties of York and fee*� and to me direcle r's. o r Ly
a e ich Ru,iway Z,,tatiein, filld rtontin
ASSURANCa COMPANY.' ag inst the Lands and Tenements of David Lace bacts & #lLzandrialfin whael ols Is an G. T. Railway -very conveuiei,t for a sidita 17) . r. J 1. � .4L - M
Mirk and James Clark, at the flt,f Of the, Bank I I It a. r 1,,, 1, fie, A I' f- 1"f
too oppo- co ors. The largest Block in the Court ie - "9 main line.
HIS propd* i# b*autifol.ly altun xerutioll -
A R -R EST ED6 THE Subscriber having T ofM0PIretk,,I irl sejztd and to en in F CHAS. H. ARcelBAI-1). Ajoply to, H! Up t site the 'Town of 00derich, On the the following property, vis - all and singular that
rnian W. 0. �ztrgvrh, rvq .. lo Ogle r for sale 19.AN'D X CORNIH=t LONDON, f;96LAND, ich, Auxuat 22nd. 186S. i0a; 0 1, 11 North Bank of the certain pareet or tnts-iol ldnd andpiennisessituate Ooder
lat The nship t r ciellorne, in
Iving and Icing in the Tow I I Goderi, h. They are sent to.Canadal Huron Auction Mart I RIVER MAITLAND,, th eCuutityal Huntin al-ral Province Of a d Nov. 211, 18 (16. v 4 -', if
i - containing by admew-urement ogle [EMLOuK BARK N I
0N CAIIITAL, (Fully Subsffibed) X2,500,00091CIII119- Ithe Benli of Lake Huren. It corl- be the itame more or less, bring compw.ed of lot
NOBU ACTION Of PRES - JOHNSON - � g pit ore or less. Western
'at, -XiErOSITTi"D Z"ANADA,001000. Inin .41 7-10 fler of Land on number nipe in the ninth con
rdat I the d3V I 01aY, B17. IMTESTD OVM $2,000,000 :.1 BE subserib-r wants 1000 cord3 C f Bern W.
with Dwvlling _,douse, -Outhouses, Stable&. division of' the Mid l,,wnx1op, which Lands and the hiheat market
0 V a lock Bark, for which WHOM [ARMS [or SUL
He demaTea 0WAdai'll thanks for Arresting ivery at his 4 li(
1 2 it,, n. o n t pre% dls-PF4 -1 L31, FIRE DEPARTMENT. W* ith larve Oarden, Vinery and Or chard 'rIgenements I shall offer of Sale, bt MY fft e, i
these � ih., I vA uatilt t, orwrty Iwinz k -t 3.'on th- I Ith "Yhe Wood Land consists pnricil-ully of Oak tHe Court Hou -e, in ti -e Town of Guderich- on price will be paid in cash on deI
]P=.TAN 0 Z=097 Theilstingiiihal,le print-tr4pol lite begi been the 41abli;binent of an equitable c-la"Ifi Tt,esd fill iwenty Will, day of June 14MI, at file yard at the Dock.
- r nd the flowe,ing Linder, Chet ry, Maple. &e. laAwolve (,f the cli.ck. noon. W. M AVAG OT 14, can 4, llowick, 100 nerii el" 11 1
ni hilli'll"I Iv. lit'i, 1�*O acreq, caitt ii,t-toorging in till t-ai,s,% it vi-t-twimi prol it, tilt �L. - hour 6 S E L red, a191- Lot 33, con )4, 'Wa-
WITU ALL I. with 1 lie iticceiv-s %% li�ch lilt -ti Il.e .pvti4t on. has beet, slicil as (ully Io galize tile I he Orounds art- in ve9y good order. Tbegre JOUN MACDUNAW. acres elf -a
-n ol "It I 6b. -riff H. wanool-i, 200 acres of the letter 100 or 200
Im-etrqatit brn arid find i itic Directors, mhu L,i%e remolvej toe-vild 4e.tuiluezis inme wideiv, -are thme never filiwi, springs of pure water P
f"C"'r Ui I-, ail offt r I,. it i, Call,10111t, liut)flr. on the Propetty ']'he gituaiion for a P, sherifrs office, Goderich, Z prepared to pay the acres to suit purchasers. Ternisliberal and
IWSI III PERFECT SECURTrY gu3x=teedby large Su�scribed Capital, and Invested residence cpatiotbe surpumed inthe Prov 8 T" subscriber is a reasonable cr*dit given ona paymew1_iwn.
ab -11 I-" a 4rkmiiJF11114,,. 186 March, 1867. S yo Titles i adisputable. - A ppl y t o
Sv.-orls, Bayonets, 'R. 4 111ce. --- I higbest market price forativ iinautil
of arms and Will i I , nd mil,% it very ns. The Directuia and Otinert.1 Agentit, being frenVenten largelir en- W r)t
- 1'ronilit zFelticlurntof ('181, For terms apply to wrol B. FRALW,,,
And all the mf -ti ki"d diN*n, or -rrtn t:.e , or %I III— f livr is it a liberal nl)d busincti. like view ill al�-questiunscoming belurc them, SHERIFF'$ SAIX OF LANDS- )� A:)- T'
wallie"'all eolk-et -41 itig I rv:ini running i -rough 11w T H 0 8, 0 A LT, Dingle. G t L r,r,r hattee ivr palVR7.- III WAI-t LIFE DEPARTMENT. Barrister, Toronto County or tiuron Vvirlue of a Writ or G. N. TAVIS- May rillt, lis.66.
to Wit :.
I�i rin. or D. SHADE GCODT\ IBFieri Facias ittsued out
A N_ 11 Ilie Compen) offers te to those desiring I.iie A!igiuronve unsurpoxi,"I 1,y any T.ifet (Iffice. D DEALER IN
I - - P., Ir-, "curtly ncreaAe the Bonus 113rrister, Goderich. ofHer Mai' I "llp Count), Court of the United AN U 1,'A CTU Iirdlt AN
.\I xkrat&Pren,t4vn Oonqmii, management. Lending to i
16-, T (-y ic,lav aod saine tituti, li, OW90 A Iron W gare,all Salt Territory I
I shall t cuunlies t4u'r.n and Bruce, and to i.e. d,,,ted Stoves.ploughpand Castings oieveryde
'FAT atin' it nie, amuugz'wh1)uk sal Goderich. 6th Julv. 186G. 1'in,(,*oppeIr and Shee
_N I A N_ knJ in i��, san a partic It er cent of profits are divisible. 17ce
wt the Lands and Troemenis of A ndrew . ription. Oil
Ior A)6 pa.il me inouth ativr i,r t f ot death.
For tbg Ist three em . ri, 10;0'�er wah a nlock, at the 5ull of john motiatt. I have lti:e Marliet8tove DePot, Markel Square, G e- 1 -'HE Subscriber ffem to-n-ny
A,,,d b- dv�ntageb, will- fi ulfiY be see" In I he Company' 1'rospectus. e following rich. pergon or
lAcgetranety LOTS 180 AND 18 1 WRO WANTS A HOME 1 'e'i'zuell as.d taken in Execution fit cornpaln alty ot one-fifieftth P 0 !i,
Yanks -3, G;arm-,n, T " Ten�,h & -glizzlit-A in Pirk �;irevt, Moriand, Watson& Co., pnoperly, %,.iz : all tire npht,tille and in legrest of 0 OAL 0 1 L ',) y for a rot
w h tiut'd., re )irri, iry inber forty of the prodft-Lion. one half acre Ilf land. with
it, I lie J't, wt oi t; "- r ha-.�- It t fire W, It Gener,ii -entsfur Canada. HE FOLLOWING VALUABLE PROPERTY the said delepila"t in nud to Lot nil
V,,tl I'arl of tile seven Jarvial' I trip Vivageoll'evalurth.in libout four hundred feet front. Land situa.
Enarlish Notions -and!T FRED. Coi,R, T 16nds and Teve- W110LESALE AND RETAIL. about eighty yaids frorn the preseal �TLOBEF�T 1. SL
1,-een set.*. to Secretary. the k*ouftly to )r ole, a-, MY offiec, in tile t3-Cosloll-la g1,&c.,&C._,0ldlrgDn,Cop- led
All of wh ch hA�ve 1,; sw _,tory traire TIP nd Sheepskins Goderich Salt Wor".
0TFIcE,-3S5 AND 3f7.:5T. PAU,,L k r1i E E'r, MOIN 1'11"L. In I lie Town tud 'township of Goderich I menip; I m oil ofler r of oluderich, in Tiles- r. Brasil. ItFI;rj..%% oolL,iA,nggg a
( ourt lit use. in the Town e
is offered for sale, oq. the most reasonable 'uv file twenty fifth dity ..I'June next, 01 the hour For further pahiWan apply b
alien in 27tf y letter (Y^
It io u r royor. Inst or of Agencies, terin, viz: noon. . ..... . . . .... personally to
I B U TL 101 R cill C&klv- T. C rlll.� 0 S ru.s I!. S. welve,ftheclocL so
irIH. Ito, OTREAL. 1. Lot 90,2, 14'rth street, adjoining, th JORN MACDONALD, SHEILIFF'S SALE OF LA=S. F. CAMPAWNE 4A
-s!eyan Methodist Church I ( ch. hersp, Higiro J U. 4 11AILL, il.i.iARDINElk (!()*.,A genlit for Mle rich and lucknow Win. Itagglall, Kincardine; J�algutg W( I it goded Keeper of Colgtity h6or.
1*1 and 13 on 0e corner of West z5h,rifl,'
where they are open for C-wadiaps to fvast i Aucitonee jamleson, \V allitrion and Stozeen. BW74 #Office. Goderich, W6 County of Huron. Y vittole of a Wri- of, Godericb, Dee. Gth, 1866. v4Gt1
Zbtb, Mamhi Ni I aid and Wellington Streets. On 13 there is a Alarch 51h, 1IS67.
To Wit: fflFicri Facies is"Ded Out LAeU V)eill dp-� b1kF '-flie-SP, aut' rood frame honge nod bakery. of Her Mojestyls County Court of the United he These lots form an excellent site for it counties oi Huron and Bruce, orldto me direcled _R SALI: q,, A r talm�
F e n I a h C 0 11 a P S eg.1 No r it ma gr -_Saha of lands- holIel I the I ends and Tetlements or Yosevilig 0 N 11 �Wll on
flaintitor:k, at the buit of Arttmr Mitehell,, I have ------
a writ of
Lot 113 on Li,,hthouse street, upon County of 14U eized and taken in Eiecut'08 E i5gibscriber offers tor sale in the Vil-
lion, y gi:�Ies Wiled out if theright title
r _11111- tDrFAl,'LT beor, in th3 pay 'v hioh there is a large frame house, so ar. �r to *it.: ?BF, V,.',rF Find ilLeret gif"ilie aid deien"Int Joseph Hpin T ]age of Brifast. I � miles from 0-oderich,
m de b. 'rh.tnas It. I I I
iy ranged as to accommodate three folmiliest. of Her Majellity's Court of tock ih and to Lot N"Inbc? Fifteen in 'lle' 3a inflae from Lmcknow, on the North.
Of mil kinds fr-M a S. -ft W -let; to a Mach-i4e, and
V I tw.,e ltunihll (.il their 4. Lot 191 oil the corner of Rwiejj au Queen's Beni h. and to me directed o,-airlao the Fourteenth conce"fort oftheTownshl r Ha- k -�TL r,�
.1 Lap& and Tenements of Mary Russcll,'at the which �Lds and ern Gmvel Road, 13 1'
,A-. and istreets, upon which there is a smal nick in ilti con"Ill' of'Hurtld-
A very harmestock ol Bo;�.ullful V-Xv looks, glAoff-larrinett Ifill. I'ligave seized land tall; or sale, at IDY office, A GOOD BLAUK8NITH ROP i if-Ilowmir property. vir: all the "he w-Irt boo
d frame houe and good orchard. enernertis I shall offer f
Rot)" for presmts -rulleriv -Axili lie sold 5. Furl, lot I a in the Town. Exe,-ution the -frodLrit it, me, i2 be tuwFi of i3sodench, 0 ID o r I.
I , * 12. IhL 14. right title and -interest of the said dt -rue,,day tile Ninth ilay of July 'text, at the hour jo which there is attached a good fmm&
BIBLES) A LBUMS, &C.,, h% Pub ic ich, �Mliain�ng 16aeres of e%- and to those ceilimin pairceas and tracts of Land oftwelveoclocii neo". house; a good rden, 2 of rn acre of land,
Xttt n 1'001IT-1, Me of Goder of Albe- JOHN MACDONALD, d agood ga 4 C b"'P at cellent land. Upon this lot there is an ex. situate 13:i. g and being in the It well of water. This iff one of
Tailoring & Outfitting Depait n� cellent Tw3 Story Bilck House, Fringe llal.n Inallej, IrL the courilly cl Bruce, containi rig by ad- &icraf Huron. t bevii opejiinga for a blackligaiiiiii in Ae ca.id dal 1.4 April illext, at E) Dollin-5 r4nd outtguildiii2s. Also, a good bearing """'u'rement two hundred acrem of land Le the Slierill's Offire, Godurich, z
89TLER;3.1',�;w same oloreor Ies,4, being conipsed of Lots num inty Cf Huron. All ' of *1i6h PrilI be B
G,tderich, Dec. 21, IS66. w48 aq ier t"!w r-lweri; it, the sa;d Mort r 1119 9abscri,erreri; to inf irm his many customers and the public generally 6athe keeps 'brellitillid of choice fruit. begroli I and 32, in the fourth conrel-ion, East of sold cheap, as The subscriber i4 #bopt lipgo
L,,& !-- % 7L: I. It - rulii),r 0- e I h,)us.11)d I conit.ataly on ha'nd the lar,,c.st variety wid best A'decliull of C::)F- This is one of the best situations for a the Bury R,)nd athe at,wesaid township of Albe- on a farm. Terms %Ou, half down,'sha
.1111 F 7ir 01, the Harbor Fiat in Ih,- private residence in the town. inarle, whicti Ligads and reigementill I 'ball offer the rest in one Tear, if to suit purchaslem For
for so le Fit in y a tOce to Ie tourt House, in L E D
clx�h or credit Tweeds7. 'MONEY TO r
0 F.
English, Scotch, French, Swiss & German I G. ANEXCELLENTFAR11-117acret;. ' town of Godcri4�h on Tuei,,dav file LighteeInth particulars 'apply on the premiseii6 or by B
I i bp iv-ri U!A ItI., I.ilw$ cumained IN f 11E AL.,;o A LARGE VARILTY OF Lois 97 land 1.3. adjoioing lots, one firouti;ng day u1junitilleA11169 tise hour Vi TWeIVCPf the AT E' T letur postpaid to V
r G 0 WE _R I C If a on the Huron. -Road, and the oilier'on the clocii noun. E- IGHT I) INEIL CAMPIrPtL,
seventh con(ession, in the Township of JOHN %Icl)c)NA\YD. 119 sullis op Belfast p. o. Township of Ashfie14
'1, I I- fit r Mij I I in "Pe Canadian Manufactured Goods '�erifl of gron,
C - F God ricb�. 40 acres clenred and under culti- ulb J %I L;,,r 530 L? te III uton bru,�, 011E flundred Dollars and upwards. County of Jiur-on.
4 ion 'kpply to January 31, 180. s 2-Gmq
ENGLISH, FRENCH & CERMAN BROADCLOTHS9 pon which there is a brick dwelling B.
bousp, frame harn and herolls office, U,)dench, %%7 - MOORE,
The aho " -e sa:e ii pit I. Ones! Wl T A Sll� I ',%A E F,*,5 &- I VS X_ I N 8' , bill arch. lbb7.- (;,,r I e 1
the 2�1 day of U"V" at su e L:me anif erc
0VRRC0ATING8 OF ALL OTHER DES0.:,IPTI.)NS. I'llis tarm is situated 5 miles fro -n Goderich, SHERIFF'S SALE OF LANDS. lbb4. &�33t FOR SALE.
ler It, place. . i and 7 from Clinton. It is wood rolling land, A T r Ylivin- secured the services of County of Huron, I Y vi-tue of a writ of CIT No. 16, 3rd con. *awanosh, compns- N
T',.e a! ove k*,i :s d -uyiG well-waterad. and has a good ,ravel road on to Wit Fieri Faelas, Issued out L in- 60 acres, 15 aibr�.ig cleared. Tbeland
Q i-le-riell,
11h L;ay k I Juliet ut sawe MFL. 4CI A X1 XFL, rt-dej 40TJ"=3M'rt, two sideg of it. ()flier hinjesty,ii county court of the County of 3 LT C 11 104T :M "V" is sitn"ated 12 tniles from GodeTich, and vrill FA C M tia:e An4 Tithicia. bc- is rreTilired to execute all orders with pr-implitude, an -i in A style unsurpased by any Fur terms and cond4invis of sale apply to Waterloo, and tome directed against the Lands AT be sold on -indlasionable terlits fbiAegisK; Appl -SULU.
GEORGF McMATION, and Tenewent (d Arthur Mitchell 111C defendnt
AXE J6 J.J6 _JLL 0 1). Got) r)LN G. your a James Cowan VAC,3a-r IPMIZ cni-Tr to
in -this PROVINCE, t7ifie riot' excepled. Try Limiand satisfy J. B. GORDON, ESQ
r, iderich, C;�ts�
17th july, 1866. w 25 11at the suit of Morris U. Iulz an
ves. A perfect tit in every inFlance. the P'aintifl,1 havesemcd and.liken in Execution or E. CAMPAIGNE,
spi Lent on Mortgage. 2.
TP E "ub4ce berhal recemmencedthe Axe! Notice twWO-ol Growers. C,-nstantly on hand the LARGEST STUCK Find L&TEST STYLES in all th*at certain paree- or tract if Land and prem- 5, 1866. w44tf. at the Gant
stjz Im - in the Town oi Apply at
I$C8 situate Iving and 1, 111117 nnAlErsi_-re,l wou:d he to inform �.;Q Centleman's 0futfittlaigs of Every escription I Rintoul Brothers, Fo-d-itivig In ifige'rown-hip of Howick in the 317M. R. BAIN'S
ATTHE, OLD S TIA", COMM ISSION MERCHATS county o(- Huron containing by at4megitiagremeitt ),,,,r w -,i or less bLinz evintobed A LE.
on I hitm C orn er of cusiDmerig find 'Ifte lubfic 6at he Itil' AMELI!CA��MQSF-Y4akenattbehi�hdstmte- lock F 0
te f,unditerionilly 87&89Sli-.FRAVCOFSXAVIEFtS-rREET, Thirty Light neres more Chancery and Law, Office, Crabb's b.
Ohas 11. Archibald- I;$ all that part ofthe Alill elte anu Mill propwrlyl Godr'cb. Watel1oo arill' U;h+-Haiise Streets, in attedance -it the and Coth- .�otgll) orl.oulsa street in IfIeTown wick,
W1101 C Lrdit,, Goderich, August 22ud, 1866. sw103 it For Goderieb. March 8ib, 1867. sw55 OT9 F and 9, rang- t I- 10 writstirip a
J.'rysuld trigc1her with all the buildings erected r6ct T r
wo*M bi-V tb int imate to It Is nIc friend a, and as in; bu,ilicss at the t itand, Kil!s. f.4 tztanlev 120 pe acre- otsizrth
nis gly new eirges as tigivour rill b I rn wit lig R ea I I a ad Advances fdade on cousizrimprits of Pro Landssand it-nements I shall N
until 40 new factory in To- a he.c)mpleted, I ereon, Whi I eapkerbil (I uarter of lot 2 1 n ne 9th rou -, W. D.p fIrmt, that tie willt produce &all sell a luqe to Liverpool, Glas OW and otber port ofldr for 1,4ale. at my Cific e. in the Court House, W and barinz bad th�e macb: cotir.,gil;tee 0 Astifie", 64 per acte; and 20 Town Lott, in
ner in Great Witain. in the Tau n of(;odegrich, on Ttic-41av the Fouth Godericit,price $30.00el!Ch 811U 1111),wards. Ap r GEAXE.CHW with the same Dut iii ?kovd uoik-m�- ordcr an T , -i
WARRARM HOTAE-M Consignments of Ashes, Butter, &I,., re- day of June next at the huur of welve of the Plyto Jt!ri, h. IL I.:
A Lw id.Woies_�umped at a crna'l co�t. Picks., &c., der h s ri-vii persoua! s -,I;), -r it, te ride ens CIOck, rig"ou, � fll,PS WEATEERALD,
zade and St,aipened an short notice I tomers may rtly LP011 sailsfactirry workman spectitilly solicited. JOHN MACDONALD, Godericig
I sw2 Sneriff Huron. FOR SALE r I
ce, Godericb, jr ro W4
I w5
N.&-AL%o a number of z4etz-hisi on hand. Iship.
JOHS _McPHEXSQN- N B.-Tn ret:irrir, lbanks for the llh-�ml sherlfl`8 0-M
40-t Support of former years in the above busi- THOS G"0011' & CO., 22nd February 1667. TO RENT.
Ocifr.'302b, 1866. ness. he boM byminct attention to the same
to still receive a share of ruhlic patronflo. SASH AND DOOR — 9 - store. Cia-1,
r1,0 SHERIFF'S SALE OY LANDS, 'Hote LEASE. ilffonpv to L-nd on I
TrIOS LOGA"C 09 FRON F ST TO RO N : Maitla-ftftUp '1 FOR SALE OR
Goderich, 925th, March. 186"1. U911 JORY, County offluron, I F�lgrtuc of a h,
N 0. 3 REET9 FLku Writ of is. 1'.
ALLM-P. X ULEANS S A J-4 E To Wit: (BAlias Fieri Facias, is!;u ITUATED on the corner ot the Northern I TH I N 150 ftirds rbi -th4X_4;nt Godench i T
title from
Now OFFER F 0.' ulider-,wried havina purriliguietl the I-Ittin- out et Her majesty,s r,,tjni be unid. S Cravel Road to Lucknow. one I W Salt Woris.' A10,
�v 'jourt 01 direeit� Coderich, and within one hundred and ftixty
Mill arid Fash Fctory owned, and oc- Counties of Huron and Iiru�,y *,ad to ie I S . Ni
rits WORKS now in F A R M I N G L A N D S
go BARRY & BRO' riipied by Donald Cutnoling, are now piepured cd agnoirl the Land.; and I eneutri t harles yards of the 1; oderich SALI unpowders, Impe'rial's, Twankays. Japan ra cinvenleut to that lomfity. Apply to
Chests. Half Cbests wid Cad3tes, Youn- Uysong, C IV carry on the hu3iness of nianuiactur,tigg Brown, at tee suit of John I. cKrill C, I hay.1 ope tion, Tbt8 property is begawifully rit.nated
0 Oiptlge 'reklue, and Scented Capei seized and tak III into execution, all the rigi for a Salt exantailong one acre and one SOHN 431WL t;.VRDON
-4 Yuung ys-in, Uncolored Japians, Cuxl� Gus. Souchungs, land, with a Large tw"tory Brick Goae41+ k rt 1. 1 T L, -AWAX&
Sash, Doors, BlipflU, title and interedl of the said defendant, inland I. � eigiltli of Lorie H811 Goderielig. l6t Dec,lbM.
the N,,",b ball- or Lot Number Twentv in thk tiote], fill)- six by forty-six, and a
S U C -7r -, t U S Mioulffingsi,Flooriing fil,b concesitu u of the Tovk nstup of urrivi h . allactic-d thereto wirth good StablinWallEt Other,
,I*ere it, t never fait ing spring at tlpp)�'tt- ty I
ntAred Out-buddinfrs, Jaaua
2 1-2 and 3 Yellow Rt fined rusbe - Siding, rhJAnds and Tenements I sb the reigr cor the property sufficient to supply all
C A w"M iri T MARE119 ' P' county of Huron containing ene r
11hs Porto Rize, br'18. Nos. 2
and Ground. more or le*&, witic b
and all ll of offer for 1�ggle at my altier, in the Court tf2e watcr required for be ag a S�t Well.
nJ9 TUST RErrTVE1) A LARG, E 1011(3 UIOIL-41 I the Town f Goderith, oil Timsday'th Also for Sale, Lot No. 719,' T T 4) 1' `� EV- k
C IF n day of J une il at 4he'hour or iwel';Pe of thlii I�L lly
q,pyrgi',.Riv, Java wilill #11ift
atbabill, 664. Rdlosted and Ground. such aq Circle and II-i-thic Fash and Frarneig. clock, doon. djt L ".h, C. W
side of Victoria si teet, aorser lot an " e ftt L ..,atid
00 11 On he Town at Ckiderich. situated o' A
I V D -TURN ER-,� Int
AMTb,TW'NT GF C10TIM fromtheir oxperiezirre in Factory JJHN MACDONALD, Ining the A XD V
re-tof Eng -land 13�,-ad Thify think Plaguing Fac, With a Brick House and it end &r.
Con,%zaigi=, Val 9f Wcgrk. thAt th-v ran give 4tatistchollir to all vvbb *5heOf 11uron. 'irerill, Wig nevs. Bear -k13 -A. Falev- ANDUNDE Fratue Stable oil "AAMERS1 k5utts. I Os, Caii, ies Solace, T wist, and Va rk and I;rj g Ill 1-2 1113., Elixos aid Virgialia very hgbtan@ my, favor them with a, -all. --theignVa 0digre, Goderich, 1HE 84 ler,, ofr ciathq, HaIdas
F.09fill"efteb,4nd French rwed-,cah."enm, And also Lot No. 1017. Sc4l op the folJowilc, lin
B.—A liberal discount to ifie trade. 22nd Feburary. .80. w5 for sale, viz, -Mondav trim.
Doeskrnt,-, and a va-lety of CamOian in the Town of Goderich, i-iluggled on the"Niorib and Vlowmed V..U.... ft,, Goderich JAS BUCIIANAN,
Holer. Find nairBox", Now antrOld Valencia Ivaisinit, Hogt4s, i Roxegi,snill NicesNew Lnyci and side of East street, near the Railiond Station, A Fiftr efqgn
Gloves, He t-) at. t M - Il. kiai.,,inx, Huse- J and J Lortil n La -crlo, tjguilble -r-twn "yers, West End Layerp. (veryprime.) DtVID LAWSON, with a good Ir gme Ifoafe and iggirge Stable thefe.
UP conqtntft'v on hitid for sa!e a! arti- Kqgs pod I Keisizitea*-sp Aluscatef's I Cgs 8 kin Be ipii6, 115�rrtls Pstras Corriativill (nevir and bid) JAS ALEXANDER, A01 and provision stuirel on. Beinglot 22, eqn. 2 wiffi
lipmrill, 8
who may favor nim with weir orders cles in their Ii . ne. %uch as Elettle Pnine�; if] keyA, cartatons and glass 11 r,;,,0 rig it ge, Lcuiun a ad Citron Peei*4Iav:ed wid Goderkh. Mstreh -fill, 1�67 P w55 A clear title ran he given firigififte whole. acres, 75 ofwbich ate under Oultivation. Ury�taljztiii Ftuits (in Fancy Rose%). Boxes art() Ortia it :�ultarga Raisms, 6agS ftd BQAC8 Jordan, The above property wifi be SOIL 00 reasonable The land is of excellent quality, *V11 'water -
TWEED 91;M (all gireqt)$12 ard npwArds. B.dpteads, Chairs. Tablics, stift *jicli Alinunda. liValigists and FiltxirtA. Cbjt -,tkJL%;> termb tlu Sutt pur.-hasers. For particulars apply
ed, and v; jib hardwood timber. T41_ own-
id fitted up the store , B L. Goderich. or'
N. B.—Cattine doue to Order..A* I SOLs, &C., W I IN IF, S HAVING flented a, .1 ship is kuiiwxf� robtione 6T the bat Vipper LAW- sw 8 t1r- AlKinds of �,a ood-turn ing Jorip, such as Pipe, 11 hd.q. Qr. Casks and Octavellt, Ij t ira and Oilley's Ports, Pemartin's, Duff, La rge Padl ock. lately occupied by A. F. Bush, for th� G. M. TRUE MAN � Goderic . it, or the subscribe Canada for farmina.
()oderie% &-pt 25th. 106. C. ShAb NO.
Noo: portss, sviir ceekyokell, Ike G,,rd ln.�: uul., Clow, Sager 1,opezv co Pale and Gold.)a *Aherrie3l, Burgundy our above business, I am now prepared to furnish 1,1.n1,,indviIle,T?p of Colborne, - . I wood frame hous; frame -,taffp; %ad 49mr
breach Ports of vFkrjuus gnadc-, cbampagae3, and Hock February lbth, 18a'. lywill, In I - _611i G 0 1) E it I
a complete fatailies with buildingioW correspand. , Alw --goW arL
chard, of 50 hearing trees.
,ASSORTMENT Or COFFMS Vol Groo ries and ProViSiO
Hiltda, 1-4 0;sks andl Ca-qes, Martell's. Reggnevsy�s, Oiard, Dupuy Colo, Jules Robin Cols,.
and a HEARSE to hirre on reasonable term which I shall sell at the Low,-st Cash pnbes ---')U1a
G,>1eich, ay 3rd, TU6 15w6w"' (baloupin &. Co.'s, and other brands. tities to real estate Q
Be*in,14 -eb -
Che4erthaii over Za X C;? XT C110 3EL 95 e 3 losed oi S '4- Goderich. Dec. t%
Purgebrus Jamaica Rum., Hhds and Cast s DeKayper"a Holland ard EL-ioth's Old Tong Oin Durinviltelli ]Flour and 3Feed 5 2 b A,
con "10 nefts 2 6 es tffia�r-efi tr,,r
fru11"Siewart's and Harvey's Seoich Whitkih,'Ciinalian Uld hye, 1alt,11urton's TodJy and Cm- kept constantly on. hu'Ril. Tako,Notice, tion. Ile h;,hg1`biin& ii'�Zsjaliff thU-U AY90 8.
GODERICa rogou Whiskies. A share of yotg�r patronage will be tl�ank mott desirabia flirXii" rro'1N ET - % r- Z& 117 fully receivedana faithfully aLtinded to. blary PAlc-, 4
INER & Oo. 100 acFes, ho celatim, - aAd df S. I g,
'o Is Al" and Porter, Cases H. GAR l3bbliGurigneas' Oorter, Ba-,,ts, anti Younger's Ate, CRriddinn t051) acres, all Act -49111111.
-actribellibaving twved to the Store' 0 'WHOLESALE AN -1) RETAIL Wines alad Liquorsq Crockc-ry
H Z Sub Bernard's (]-I a zer W inu. Sch,cda rn Schn a ppsl,. French Uqueu rs. Cordials, ke.. &c. Teraw-ma"nable. ledisputlable titles. For
1%ft - AttAra�r.�
o -e Atilliggri Pao of t'te corner of Kin67SEon TOGETHER WITH A LARGE STOCK OF andfilasswareffFancy Goodsy NASIURL POLLOCK, Esq., late Deputy particulars and terms apply to A [tRI -z rER, Strftt ad Marit-11, Hardware Merchants, &e., Oatmeal, Cornmeafq 5 Sheriff has bele-n appointed official Alsgitgn- r, : B
A 16kpj
Mee- Liverpool Soap, Belmont and French Can3lei, Butloll Hjue, Fig and InJigo Blue, Starch o
'rabb."S1319C clicew Xark6t Sauare, lvent Act*of 1'864 ror the
OPP40tte Mr. 0. -4 k,i various kindw, SinceliI, 3fulasses, Syrup%carbsuvt and Codeiich, Buckwheat Flourg e under the Ins
t2 conit *t
Potted Fi h. birat,&c. f Huron aQ Bruce. 617
formedy occupied by. Sl-_Ssrs. Parler L, LTAVE now on hand a comO etc and wel I cill, finited Counties o) lu
Caula. dm-- offi-irs fnir sale Wr Crosse and Siaekwell's Pickles and Sauces. LJL sorted stock- of 1111ardware., consisting In &C., &C Office ia Gamerrin's 01wk, Kiog-'
'At" HBO' Pat of '.A. Ili C) 1311 1 A
TEIRLABORTr, CHEAPEST, BF3T AND iah in (11hiss )ars, Maccaroni and Vennielh, Liwtorico, What Candlewick, Irmo'" W rgpiag Adzes, i()a. all -.1iturve
umil' ,;"LB STI),C&OV W C T R ELEAVEN. Pawr. Engti,h, French abd Canadian Hierand Wil. Corks, Buing-5,581titetet, Broad Axes, AND Yebruary 20il 1366. W50,
fartes, Palls, Bed Gurds, Day and Martins and Laulb's WaLkirg, WA,.. &c. Chopping Axas,
I - - . 4 IV I L E 14 (i I IN BE A 6 . , 1P
Augru,s Brtj6ges. 110 COAL, 01L�,LAXPS-
n 8 A�atgad-i P ate, Land
Dund and LabradorSol t Heirinir, Phis ard'Kits Mackerel, Table Codfishit be,Coirdaggigbung I
Digby Herrings ih 1;3r;v arid small Boxes, Liverpool Coa-se and Fine Salt. P,.Ily, P. S.—Goods will be dell-vered in env
mon—iiarin, 1 13-4 *L*Am
#f any Housee in town, both fleadstcau ambs oRnT un& Ira ICE C
Blacklead. 'gg, Vowder,,Shot, Capa part of t no town. Sole Aggents in Toronto, James & Son's Celebrated Dome ri fQ# , 'is 1-4' N (i it Tablp,tq, Table -To 's. &c. H in -es a 1. k ind. I rival, steel, S Gqdericb.geV'2nd.1866. 8w4&
lmrited and of lk own �hnurhdure, C Land Agen 94
angmWe n the beat assorle poke", t P The above ill be found oil i d Stock ever olered in Torout% ard will be bs and Ben ufl, Bir 14W
eodbriiiitfrg kill the newest girrifes of lairlits' 0110 Free tnue krpt on h#nd fPrBPii1g1- pki tow for(;ASU�aroniiberaitesmgtorepproved papeo, Glapses, Luoll
6-d tree in tbea;t 4
Giants, ad%A CW"relas' Ut3 ando ,$hoes, ing purpo�:es uch as Vaps, Sills, Ba- Glasses. LoukingwGlass �Ile t fals a wh" ;A 1=termiLe4 tv st! at a small a4- Qh. Plate, Horse. Nailas, F 0 . -patu
39 FRONT STREET, T RONTO. Cut Na�ds, 0 . -_
Bch, &�.. Cligiap for Cas
THOS. GRIFFITH'& CO. LP ed *t. CAllin
T=CP oxg, -08t. V&' SM111 PJ�Ofitg a0d qtliCk GODERICHIC-M 0 Raw c -# . , §tew anO -I) n tic -I,.
returns" is btw- method of (iolog 4amuesta. Torgiatot overgiber 22,1866. will, Add 1`16ited Oil, rienzoline,113on I Oil, Machinery Isaac DO' n & B. Udber Or )gets a noW 0 Tice hours fro at p- "finitl no Irdivie yurebabinl- tt:,sa- Oil, Varnt6W, Paints, and Collor*, Coal )w aftho i itifIg iF911, a clock, P. M.
bluley Saws, 0�3-,CUL
Oil Lamps, Flough Moulds, IfIrth e Con"
Crottertebir4prI115, IfilJ7. W4341 - d-
crielf, the subscribem are, pre re D atlend 625 May, 18 WIS I
"-The above wil I be3old cheap for Cash.' "" t' r, . V ARCHII
to all -orders -in their# lint-, a t, ..
L&NS AN 0 6
MAKER R, abyrpart of Canada,, with proraptae4p P ingiii,&c.,gol.41 a
r the aboTV
the I li"Ik-
L V im Offize at
GILLOG.andST I URGE N TWIN , E WKST ST.. G0J)FJ*1C13[,,_ �91.E$A,L.� ON.L all order Itirit Squagre.Godericl
A Jr In the' eir selec,
FOR SALE GHEAP.-, NEAR THE MST QFFIGE111, Their-ffidlitie4 fQr monut4cilurp th� su"r tr rely upon
--7— f no pej$" ous may I
Pn' for(
A reel, confidentioitic4le them" povq-A ared to give utu-
1i - E S E D A, 1-1 %KW -11
0i - Llc
It -wting
I JUa ndo A Goop ny estifiblisliment of 08. 1xivid. in 41.0 0
ryri couttly of I
r, raw hated Jewalir Aimid., Gol dand P Jane Ist. I
nev, to undip ATCHM' CI:OCKS AND S-PEUAP LEt How,,. Addreflo, r E N it A L CIMMI
-Commtsitionerm" a
So G
IN GREAT VARIETY. ',j I I ; r A . ; �-Uadezicbt U. Mizi 11Z VN 14 6 U 11W I I W U it
N "Whaotibble -term.. Arply to Deliember Its 1806.4; riiil
(;ODE R1_CtL R XP A 1,RTN Into - " - . I i N . - o IN LL on .8
B. L. DOYLE done on sh6rt'
W r10N It 00tice. iP 9004,StAci fiq0 wv iiii
T M,ENGINEoW K Sallr6gee-new Block.
oJund ,e h , A 1") - .11
e and enure
A6i i 0 a -to 063ericb', 96 Jan. 41865. *51 lyr, arge SW &t.count5cottected.
R -U -N C I MASU a I i re-citi6e P
V stied to 11im W"
11"13HRRV, wi I Ile 1111111"Publie Auction P-9 W�Mvg Rings dwaFS 811,H4111d. & 11
114tet, in The 'Town of e Jobs left unclailai6d' IP tpY handd lifill - U,
Old at iltio eirpiritl6ri'of three moatoff to �A�, T&1i
Hanufactur of Grist ancr GEO Al
LV�5- 'A It irtid`109 warranted as reftaii cr. G 0
fit 0:jig-Thle, bat I (il
Will, Ifie Vfollloiring Latirds and 111rewises. 'Juallit., of Clock Oil at 25 utip
at a .1 2314, 18P7. cir6�1�&,'Vulav and Sa-S)i SbW__Xi1U Z
G(Wrick,- N--ot. 44j, is6ry. IN
Indegirto 6,11"Wrtoalp, wb=tr stiff be pro� ty
pairit"FArit to pq*ers of sale contained in W,
dueed illit t%p- titne- of ftle.;
_ A-- %fit 191LODUCE, C 0 A -L, 8,
;-tl rCU40 t, 4=0 2-
061)Z1t10H 'FANNING
i. rite &-at t14lf 1*4(h 35,, UATHER. Z111, 3M
890ttM013 AND U
of PI-tron and Bructi that he has on band Weft Halt of Lft Va. 36. in the 6th eon 1&h 41
cession of the Tov,-.a-.,V Af WiIiiialwagish, 200T ViELdt;d
-rtoorderC,.rr#ol %Vaao-ns,H lakildrit i�bb tMI-AIM surance ompantewl;�_'
and will mal; C
Vf felt, w0the 4old cheap forcrish I b . repre ared to continue tw
JIFebrufary J 12,1865, vir47
Jk- theiiihabAgai9oll the 046jit UZ
vWift-'1*1�06 Townshm of Culboea&,� con. Dili iifi*berms to Par' HENRY 0
4nd Brucetbat,b6ia will Mauu&L;tn 'ILI i
2. A Pao of Lot 61G," is the Westpew approvedl.;rgiis, b#pd ild Wil sirlacheep I I rMEEtUBSORMER131908
taining, 165; serm and wiren tentf* of an A
ihao*rs -akU* have bilb A ed.
linea 00 1e o eniov
acre. W49dm- Ing The 11%bserfliers. DWkwental, Pa,
'Squarell, very-4wge 400"ll-
worthl of t! C� C31`XU37 CorA zta- a Cr 101,04h bowmarkew
Tbe�w Properties, are very valuable, and .4 00419" jut
Caphodiggillir. -e uttOction .. ot Farmett sod HcavOuld-0211rikyWaIdY drawattehilmn to hi, Illnent of
4, 11,
0 T T
Terms of Payment, kc., w Isor all ki k
for Salell
dA3r& Xtditfii!wc*kdon a a nest and iti,listantialwalliguers 1,
0"tih-s of ony description made to, order. 1140 of machineiri IIt Out 09I..el-cbeaLtAoc. Pumps'
"M Z9T CP madettooriler busingess vi
h9rtnotice. A 14r and 4tritilled." Tjfl� Sphs&41*5 of Fer o%
knovir firt the time of sale.; ill be made rertaired ow-# gestock off For V-liplicularg; appIr to 1, �Uffl bi ift1tF, GM4kA� 1 atentis for Inven
ON M240VED FARRS, . tWiek ffilp",!Wpair Patioryon, Nalsox it., 68ttvalgin 1rietahastriii , 0 ffib. dreenock. Co. , -Bruce. A ntiall
LRY4. HcAlUlZalrff &ROBERTSON Illelt.
and Cagil Rogd,
AT 8 PEU OJENT subs Solieirors, ke,, Tatouta, 4-m ring fifteer�feij.bpad P7 X" to
,(segA - . ,p � 11
A lwafs 6 hand, Stigur Ketittles; Wagoh driff?1pe Boxes. As o of. Private 1 Its
or to JOHN HALDAO, _dr.papernq of the above are 1360.T,,S A In 16 SHOES ATmolag 4forthip;
sile 40' si, wilreacty 'been'- c6n#`ujfA '�ojl
atock be&irc purchasing
oiled kind, we -would'-solidit an inspection 6r4i
10lue W Invest in Town Property eC'Ifsevehme 0:jP-IA9teisrSiy1ds. Otmp-Folt CA:$ am] p'attititcttTTIVA'rog'.P'ir"bioPl"boas 111'ev+ rvet', Terms most liberiiiV'ForturifFer pilli Pqrm siding
Cal rices- b -A -re pu
-'PaOl� -pat 9
G. M. TRUMMAN, Auctioneer. t are oTenngthe 0ove at the lowest remunerative prices for cob, or _10r lillp- gertaphisattiffadtion twin fliihkig� ap& rubadtiber.
their stock birid p c
W bsv use- them. p E F F, RE
J. R. GORDON, provedCredit. (jIdMeial.I$r or Cppper, and all kinds of produce takep in exchanje. where, &Sitleborelliffmce is seldom
Ba"ister, &c., Goderich. ACIMSON SXTTH. W. MARTIN.
Toroaw, iv. Ma, 1867. W15 td. Godericb,Oc ifl,0. I 4glutSIGneir glit'Cio WI)
GodedobliSaut.13.1864. aws-0 tober,1862. W30. 11ENRYODD, 9 Gree R.A L,C:OM-
W19 40illgigrV.61i AsIdAAriftift" DOOL 4001 oth 1W. w126t 66. W38 ];$ads
Godericb, 'Oct. 1-150, IS
'ton -
4 4"
13-H Lrwis&