HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi Weekly Signal, 1867-05-10, Page 241P 7 As V 4- 7 4k T 7�; - ISM C::Y- Vienna stil wesits of walkin$ them out -jibile 2% A E'earful Anstrian ;L eliyo canaaa xot Derencelless. adversary, but, ileceived by the swelling IIIETF-OKOLOGIC" &JUli, h, capital where 4 9�iatV, 0. T. ft. ed, but, as will happen in tbkilest regu- T* a d meni . so . is I riiiper TIU NORM 2IDNA. lWays ii supporting tj10 0oulitl6n goverO- I i ion' fh­d mmed the slender POUT. A, 'est; abd rvc.thin the last 11tFVA10 AND GODMUCH DISTPICT, 6. - 4 ng. ab, The Quebec Mijcu4' isif the follow- body of iha pri wing bastdy back ecirrecdow 4'eir gl# 5 00610 perished from this lated office in the country, J* Ment in everything, hiif;�o.jk scircoly tw-4j.' 4(.T,; Is _�, e t e I t I— l4hiling, tradogy, which recent. n m% I Preparadjor da Signal by JOAX Z&U0X#Rar, ARRIVIL 9 overlooked.b the persotito whio it cied to co i' g :-40 The Dukos of Cambridge aid to reneit &be asisult, hooked one of his he wa kick out i1is' A pernumeratirs, 41. of Pi tip Station Observer as Godgrick. a young painter, a re had threatened to-,ao. Xessiii# Sloan%al:A� into th6 belt of the Surplice, and pulled the 12.30 am. was banded. When Mr. 11olmesj',., says ly occurrtd at Wilhelimadorf;' near Metiding. Buckingham and Earl RtSiFell, in speakine 2 k with Wit into the cellar. k known in Viennev, Iti, IIATSY MME 64 it TtjNCf*- Hai me& were both wolf reibiveli'. and 1�te priest bac late railway offil t to 1wing E riieq� FA quis, f00y.4V4,oyeats-old,, married, of the expediency of England's guaranteeing w" Ji6*er DArs. .................. . 3:00 pm. the remark was placed 0 i Nbs to with great uttontiliO. Thii oieeting' While" thnif fid (file' of his victorious the loan oicessilry for the afier he had tak4 50 to ridicule, be dates what at Ce least a two -third ma father ot'th4o living child,ani all the interest on loe. htte cat it regarded himserf, and . ............ ; ............. im in it n -at -WR0.X9Tlk& - 3 04, Z Y miserable antin hitt jority for the He.- and the foe he t I , all formers. They next ppoce It i correct. He is ridiculous eDough with- ' �_t � �, ' #ded to Bluevale, boyaj had served for eight years in the Imper- construction --of the Intercolonial Railway the na ural br6aevol6nab of his dit6poittion, I Timej 7 a. m 1-t. ; 04 be could not get i gipren ....... . ........... 6:30,". Not being it aty of the mc0dqtYq',prc- W.en Mr. Phin being ckled to the chair. have mcst plainly indicated the immediate burst forth in the exclamation consequently thn ial it�my, where he distinguished himself a. out any such assistance. I Mr. Hays proceeded to recapifulate the Brethern, take care of youqelves, the ISO. cco' iation ..................... 1:45 P' bem, vions to this, I aT urkabje to report t 14 Council Vusiness, (the political 'evital he like. for good,,coadoct-and.� bravery, PAQu.,April 29 29.1$8 4 :5. 4 A mo, ,pnd ob. and chief object of Confederation." That He also oflered pe Mixed ...... 4.45 The word traduce(4 so insultingly u.*cd so that tile )dates a legislation devils has got me." Tues. -- 30 OOS I b6.f of beer. but fortun % te jublib and the 6and) spews 4 havej eu 'ring minutely Into ibis tainOJhe gr�&%, by him in his Josiin.- sentence,,was never ' Z1 oilvir,meJul for *Rlor. In object was such u ited coloni I The exhortation was better obeyed than I Wed. May 1 .0201 34A N*w .1 it, and tht a save will have ;lo mit to the veracious state- tender for the Clerkship and some discrep- 1855 he received his conge and entered tLe with reference to a road so necessary or 11 iy he had delivered frow the pulpit --his I Thurs. 2 .210 28.9 V Wa 10 her infant child. umwd by us in the connection he hints at elGeneral,Gas Company in Pesth, military as for commercial purposes as would " I Fri., ments of flayq'satellite, " the Star man." ancies are apparent in is statements con. service of tb friends all Bed and left him to -his gate. 3 .634 33 .41 E 1, 0 5j. 3 1101 101i and he is well aware of the fnet. cerinug the Clerkslip, At Aluleyville :he wbi,:h he quitted nA 105 for the engineer 4 MI 40.15 ral paDera g -fill enable the Imperial Government with safety Aawng'the company was a shriewd farmer, Seve caq , at Wroxeldir,lib A large and respectable body of the el6c7 endewd to. test 4, 1 net il�k*.parlment of the Southern Railway. to home interests to guarantee the amount wbobadfrom the first supposed the fiend 0 The Velo( ity of the ft*, -,d Iptete Canadian cni n Mr. tendered for Mr. McKay, and here lie In 1865 the Southern Railway reduced its nately by numbers, thu -%hap Canal. tors met in Gofton's Hall, whe is em- of interest on 8 given enpital. without a tobesome, domestic animal, but, being a Opa=rate usic I it. Very 9: 0, C"! all otber coins. I 1 teidered for Dr. Stokes, but it all ended-- in staff. and Pasqua was dismissed from I f. ii I - lidation of British American intereW lover of fun, and willing to see a comedy, heavy H 15 clauded - is expres" i U. W, MaY 10. 1867. John Miller, havin been electe d c b ait"r- t The- extent of of sliry wrUmbe4ke. ithe system of Brii A writer in the Hamilton Spectator the manner of Iho non-acceptance of his ton. ployment, and compelle4,to seek his bread cos' kept his,thQugbts tAimself, and pretended b bers, firps io late&, and near] tio sufficient action coul aye een ta a. Z tin to 0; Ims: to. 4neto I man, introduced Mr. Hays, who treated der. and the squandering thereby of Sibl]lof -elsiwheirii.- Ageutleniati Whose whole fa:miiy Us. at tl:,W, would also effect a GIR ItTIVITOVS ADVERTISING orges the construitition of a ship canal, the audience to a rehearsal of what their County money. The Inspector of weigbts he had saved from death by a courageous act What share Nova Scolis should have adt to a I mpathize vnth others it, their fe y tip euvered with eWW3, 5. tj"b what Now Brunswick, and what Can&& a4 ought it tims, to interfere, and-, -snatch- bat[ covered ; and 0 that it is perfiddy ckar, Dfbasinesit, aul sa havinKas its. twMainizamiltow and -Bay- iond- meaures was alsodescanted -upori,�--The at the tisit-of -bit evo, life, ed to�ket ing a pitch knot from the fire, expressed his flAHOKZTZ discount on Atuer expretwus would be it' To'nLdCbao might only with difficulty and not without % I Council making Trainer (" getteral juggler him u pl4ve in khe Fr;inz Highest Barometric pressure daring A certain tory heet i3 extremely liber Railway joed: kJw the determination to rescue the preacher �or thq Wat 7 The quantity ot fi-Id. He argues that the Bayfield and was I elceted, such 4 ae man ii'nt it for the Council") a present of $85 for salary, other b6pis were held out t7o him for he wa; dtoco.iitent h8ve-been averta W the Signal. I case is different. England has only to do perish in the attempt. as 29 �634 at 7 o le.lock. a m. on cl in its modq of advertising Grand rivers -woul -act as -feedep,_ ;iud I we of Lowest Barometric preimurc dorinj the ,reck we 0 beld for export, is with Canado, Nova Scotia and Now Brans- in on Monday. 000 bushels less th #Alilldl. Tom MbsSfi oor;m qoer,",�bon when ll-bouest� sturdl, IN known ' nd respected ; but nothi sea i Sanderw " would &.Donft I don't I" shoo ed several. In its I -at isshe it devoted some seven or bave done it for the f6sf *644o stated tat them. Rif sangs, ur)d a small sum of that the '-iroul�c *_auld be a's'short lkn4 -Take along the Bible, it You will 90 1" The Mean Barouletric prewar # .. . -e the e* al, which if L gave a sketch of the Ai ey Morey iesul wi=n been merged into it. politically, ing period of taxi nleyviUq AcOtill", both those individuals had told him th iting teom�'& "lawsuit which he- c, l eight colutuns to this JOurn otherwise li�attcr than by, way of Lake I and legislatively. The whole suggested soother was 29-2205. J � - hid made as much as $25 6y -t one day for gained last May, radually melted away, and is now every indics and charged Mr. ,what don tip devil ewe for fire VP a-dd THERNOURTZR. Gibson's supporters h andhSitheA this year. has any efreet at all, will prove to the, country has tecome onel for better or worse, Siwcoe and the Georgian Bay. We hold$ plor Weis Tema was it appears that a few days s,so his whole (Elours of observation 7 am., I with trying dsturbviiik Li all interests are identical, their hopes and another. paVi* that the Signal is a newsparer (If of course, that Goderich would bra the on. 4 0 r day ; a ud' be wis -Infliepaot 74 tile worldly wealth consisted of two or thre"or- ishes 4he sarae, and this must certainly But, unheeding the coggestio,& and maw Highest Temperature during tho week Vu statement ror which he afterwards ajolo- Council for taking Trairer'a word all along ios. On Suiaday evening, at sdven-o'clock, ' 44 considerable importaum We have no ifestatious of concern for his safety, he at I o'clock, p. in. on Saturday. g�ys, A "d accid iy ftwstble point on lake Huron for suqh tend to the good of the whole whatever for the amount he made ror day by the he came home, after an absence of some Lowest Temperature during the week van$ owtoundlwd coo pposed in the g s A.) He then gave- a sketch of the ucZ pushed into the cellar, seized the animal by right to complain W11.11 0 a terminus, sad Bayfield next, atamping,,as wall an their taking Ross', the hours, in ectravagant sKirts, and informed have been the chief motive for bringing X one of its borns, and dragged the struggling at 9 o1c]" p.m. on I hursday. wazien have bpei a state of things to pass. That the road will The Mean Temperature tor tne week wei Act oe 18'46 to Treasurer's Statement in regavil to his per his wife that at length o had obtained em- searching tur sea:s discussion of any publi3 matter, or in the workin- of the Union contribute largely to our means of defence ram up stairs, calling to the abtonished parson Warmein day during the week was on ticisim of &e pubhe acts of any man who CRICKEr 11MATCH 1865 next of the Quebec Meme of (IuLsitatt. His political principles getting it ployAtient in he Schellenbefer Tile Manufac- ari ft"NiAw, cannot be disputed and that it most open up -Follow me I" The borrned devil was led in the Alean Temperature being 62.10 3 h8de less Conservative, and more lenien tory. He further declarek his determina Coldest day durtair the week was on Confederation, and a virulent* attack C, in the agpiree to the b*hs9t Position In thegpift of Between married and single eleven, on Sa - extended to some of tite membors-ot the tion to celebrate this good foqune by it little a vast e.atent of at present almost wilder. triumph, followed by the ecclesia5ti ilke Mesa Temperature being 28M.Tiallaw to the husbandman, the lumber, midst of the company. A momentary sigh- te and every uday. May 11, at 1:30, 11. m., on Long upon George Brown nud'Ae Globe, wliieh Countv Council, were the most noticeable feast, and sent his wife to pure�ase beer'und Be" territory the people, but we do depreca lestion, ing and hanging do�wo of heads enimed. but JOHN HALDAff worth's Point: e of points in his poUtical views. A repetition the materials for 4 brew of 1pun'ch.' The man and the,merchant is beyond qc Mod this 4th &Y ormay, 1102. A Centie,man wboxi eght-4iinging- perwn will deprecate the he oharacterised as the representativ; - two elder boys. Pasqn4 and his while it will reconeile all classes to each the pau scoxwwas. too ludicrous to admit of J)ebitity, Premanim DrA MAaanw -.-Messrs.- Gordon, Huss, Fin- f his being the 11 Man for Galway," re wife ate and in, anq Iatid peals of laughtet t nf them mmm and coutemptible everything that was holy, jitst, and 0 otheruprooting prejudices and extending that sober veffeetio 1�1 miiiieru0n. win (.t Y. Eiwooi, 11aedermott, Widder, ceived a full endorsement from the audience, drank together, laughed, joked, and vr-re kno wlpdze of each other'd excelleacies and burst from every sife, daring. whick the =no SETWIDAY 10 PARM-,716 seadfree tD all whosee enourb to drw privnte character into their lay, i yoo&' (The audience fully believed thatlimost of whom appeared to wish him tberei merry. At nine o'clocit the father and his rned out -at iU doorr.-tbe ptieson abscu- Magazise has an article ois do aimigassis RiLirms the simple reme requirements, arers wisbLing to profit Kivaban, Cliffard, Hattwumeryp Dancy) wed which centuries of semi isols- was to Mr. Gibson was next intrbduced, and as sons went into the bed*om with the avo 'and t6 sports of Sundoy by the workiog pe" of J?azit, We pit the small soul which these wer� his true sentimeiits in' m--ard t ceremony. WnungL Moorhouse. 0 tion could not have effected. In Earl Itusse "a do so by slildreashig ust a proceeeded to demolish his charges intention of retiring to rept, but Pasqua de speech there was a tittle something wonhy of the evenin were resussed with better a qoots %ounals of 6esm one more glass belore b1m k with their wivw as is- iticapble, thmugh shwr envy and Slw against the County Council -as a, body, &Qd alared he would have A cbfidm' :_Hessra:­Hoag.� Diakm. t. H - to i' at the time of Dickson's election) No. I of pecia[ attention. The robfe lord virtu- sPirit3 out to t goin wbed,, awi-eirdered Ius malice, of anything nobler or better than Itbertson, C. E. Robertson, V. Elwood, t i t Coo ty Council busi. against Gibson iff-pairticular air the embodi- wife Jo feteb. - a and,then wen no u 0 all laughed at the bugbear of out 11 extend Pleasant Uttle Vilhgn food P44 cat of all that wasr bad'in that Council anotf&jug'of beer. She at first �mrused, Y petty deti action. Better the bludgeon wity, majdan, T1tomps-)n, Rield, Garrow, nos ; thq Qo"; hq denounce4 as th 'a ad frontier" inviting aggression, and W4, Mr. Gladstone as a Leader. azil make tbensovei; througly bZW=jW W In regurd to the Ularkship, to said, Hays' but at length went out, broupht in the beer, i the simplest coaftom perbmp ibib dw tk. L. 0. Mo-rez I body M the application was' received witit unanimous- and then went in a military sense, -incapable of defence, in uirdav stater in the worlid. I or knife of the midnight Lisassin than I he J�,hnston. most iniquitons and corrupt into her sleepThg r6o6, where 4ustancing the gallant and successful defence The Sal Iseview, which has said as tination be Scesax or You the youngest child, a -boy of four months an d,r6ion a d indignation by all thii momurs. tarb" to grow on kathsofte attacks of the man wh ca- P-ayers am requested to be puretual- provinde,'and cited various fkatitot'prove of Portupt against the well disciplined many hard things as abybody else about Mr. fLoses. Weroe are a "Ji ot* 'PUM -sown to AdI Whateer might be, their Oodlital $rInciplet, old. was crying, and ondeaoured to soothe neverL - harsicler of another his position, such w tendering for th3 usurer:s not makings, ii to sleep. T�p two elder boys had &I military hordes,of The Fitst Napoleon by Gladstone's management as a party leader, beside Scievist to which AN Aabda 4W;'A� to any one dmirouq 0 deavors to st3b the c 1-4 LoNDos. -London the lit- in re�ard to the Tre. . a the following judgment of his claims to 'Py Wellington. There cannot be a doubt that give ' Boulevamm soon learns to bend his Rair-was & Co., 78 Ni lion. We County Clerksbip, for Angus McKay, correct statement in regard to his erquisites, undressed, and were in bitd. Presently she position.-" If he in not to lead the l of a chim or tatters U&eu I that he m'y occupy his P06 thi, iA fatuous for crime. But- P more numbers do not wvariably win-battl that when in acearc of hx" faith enough in the generous in. d tender bein He bext be said the Ccurity officials w6re men who flaneW thut she heard- bar son Frodific, -a Liberals, wbo-io to lead them 7 It is seriousif Puny beloved of journalists anti MOM g refused, &o. nor are exposed countries always subdued. g7aries are of nightly occurrence, almost couldbe trustad, and.the veracity of Sandy a',ild of sevf-n, gtpinz.* 'Taking' the bb y Were thatso, where would even grancs at toeant that he is to be placed under a worn stilects of our common humanity tot Wieve n wiai� very eay reach. bor az gem 9Ld a fellow who enjoys the name cj denounced party, and had hitbarto Cott- Ro-is was unimpeachable. In regard to in her arms, she ruhad into- the adjoiniiig ut Whi pee 4A th;shourbe? But the experiencWoflilll, 0 9 r, who is to " coach" bfm, omnibus oonveys one from -Any pan that the care --r of the vilifier will prove a ducted his canvass upoa 11 no, puty Trainer. it wauld scarcely have paid the- room, and aelted her hustiand what was the JWwM y -g ladyand Slippery Jack " has for many months 12, '14 and '15 cannot ypt surely be for- and show him the secrets of Whig art? city; and once arrived, there' restsuraS4 C lunty for the Council to have fol!owed tualter. L�t him alone,' answered Pasqua, con kear something wer fillare, and that be will, re0eive as s r4l�, answer to a question Let uj hope that at IeAs,t this stage . of POI a de cious garden in wwat� succeeded in eludin- capture while h principles, but in gotten. Then, as now, the United SUtes I witb 11 ty fi-esh a I him ahrowid and esagained, fully into the I it is all over, My children are already in wealth and military strength, much our' Ccal descrepitude is over, and that the Re - eat, and with a cook who acight, be ��eoveW Tliose having i ard for his develish labors the fullest indull," in his midnight rambles through from NV* Gi, Walker, he evil,- off stmpiDg erticess; foibisliart he would not cared for.' He ha given both boys term Bill, i(it does nothing else, will make noticingth a strong passed Canada, but The result was that for a by some of the Pretentious hotels iu-�dwU" measctre of coutmpt thit, can fiaw from have cared for the office ;.7he was sure Mes- dose of poison. mixed with beer to drink I- siddre" Lbeis abectism at the fence, ari(l stool avowAly a consor- ossible. Not only of the town. A short walk throgh the P* the W -rooms of slumbering damselL- r Canada, in the uume of Euggland, held such an absurdity imp ser waii Vie same, but perhaps Mr. W. T. Taliin� h a wife's hand he invited her to drink yea ion of M?chigan. and, on the declara- there no rival to bi m in the Uberal partm. where on fine days the great Ban th hearts of those whom estew and possess may be ws_1Y49 By the wV, " Jack " could do a gooi Rays would have done it for a — consider- with him, savinn,. It is all over with ine a . a seen pacing zbout'in the sun vibili Mr. Gibson was next called on by the &lion however as his friend MF. Messer ww; was ticin of peace, was in actual military occupa� there is not even a second to him. And i de&W friewlsbp, is 4H that, we, c= crave of o0nng c u save me. Our feast to day many respects he is one of the' very cbtet of to 6 casual fne stroke of business by publishing a hif - tion of a portion of Maine. War taking place nd'his inimitable uwiW 4 Vo Coiqr� upon the Sala.wies' Committee, he might, of one of joy, but death.' She strug.&Ied earthly good. ch-iirman, and in coming forward defend- there would, of course, be much suffering in Liberal leaders. No Engli&b statesman a' tory of his life and- adventures. 0 mce cooking maccroni -brings one to #* tilkle Mie advertiser, bjtv* perhaps, throw some more light upon the with him to get loose iier arm and snatch the ed the Cou*y Council, and -did 80 to the ell If 1hd County Canada, as there would also be in the United Fox has had as much of -%�q populir fibre. of Boiorne, from which the Bois "I= in owweeks bya wesysin 'C66neil:- halt etuptibd glass from his hand'; but he action of the audience. He next Alt he iot r ebis intendea � to owed the rest strike out word'4 r stroll of bsifaa ,ilori.-It is stated, rava Statep, but such suffering is a concippi"at o! No living gtatesmso as, in his beat moments, ame. Thence anothe" 11ber wed (Nracreml yam w A"Itber Letter tr4lift Tar. NEw DomL tightened his grasp and swall every war --the conqueriv and the W IiWbresth dad.4boughts orsothroughtheby-paths of thsVwJM ho droad dissene- Com Holmes. e poison, at a -the on authority, we presume. that the Cot.. parine if e e be sai& t bat 'as far E�3 if�) s7 of i h raught. He thed oat on knawnsokafenow-600 trave a graphic description of the misdeeds was cancerned he (Hr G.) would go in by ac. tht bed and -tried to 'Undress himself; but the ed suffer. The only question is --would 0at bum to ries the voyagear to St. Cloud. Fran -as To all wbo desim Lu -be To- t1tis, Shm *ftU Histair ftlfftr- federit' ion Act will take effect on an after Canada, be after a contem of,longer or natiou. The rek! ' db-* first to the test Sunday of that wontit, fob crLption =404 115ree ofetm of the coalition government, which his op- �iumation, as the election was stake4 on the posion was sudden in its effect, and he fell Using cbe ant* -shorter duration, conquered 7 That surel One POliticiiiin froni-, saii� k onww of the most obstreperous tind is Sip, -In year Im S%gwaf you were the I st ot Jul next. It is thought, how- pouent was avowedly intending to sup- ve acity of the treasurer's books, but it. the back dead. The two boys were alreadir Iiie- y witkis admits of doubt. With the means of obtain- a tbe mode iw-which hd park, almost under the very wfagm of, 0 CoLmand all Throw at the prowd to 4evote meantime. he was determined that he would less, and the poor woman was so horrified by 4he palace -a fact which makes is abteen �)( the ad rextise r a n your leadOs editidial to ever, that the parliamentary electio�s will rt, he insstA upon Confede;:*n,itself ing men, money, and material of war from and. no 6ne toatiefit the affacted. and PO fol tow Hays to' thR la*e in the canvass.. He the teeriblti apectable. that she was seized truth 6t1is erceptions about -11W r -or should had sne giving m a be staved off until after harvcsL the mi'lit have erred at L its comm'encement in with covulsions, and the sacrament was ad o t;niter emumves to be wtvujnaN t the w=3 time a new U1J9 being in accomplished fa; t, and tl�at Eugland quickly, Canada arould be bette derstand why the Empe n rgen#M Xhils ... as to -ghat emu furnished for the atrife than the' d lit erindeacend to notice we 'Vaters of -Vichy beneficikl to his cowtititusit' win" knreaulay. AsAl is C&aliiion ministry came to a close when toing too bashful, but he was mettirim over ministereA to her during the ni$bt, no hopes Statep, with 0 their vast resources, could �orllbea patron and ga&y p-- a bks -g 4 t" Aui that munth, and --%y the' rmg ot 40 so arider some new name,' . Gunboat Prince Alfred thpt), and he'wml3 have to tharil B,11' Hays beirify ent&tained'ot sa'ving her life. All Parities wishing the pre being. but-4"'iiadwho- om'thfv lately y pssibly be. They would ba crippled on the should bt to anrious to refresh Lerea aflw­ Hko 4a men by d the new parliament. was called together for k,ockjug soe of his own bro4s.into him.- that was found in the apartments was two or llthat. it Jy before yQa am done with me, ia port. . he lost elevle e3ertion the poor the tragic side of English life, &be fAigues of the jeagon �ht tU iA pW tun in any way waves at Biarritz- The filir Am f ir ft' highway for the passage of Tim speaker resumed his amid loud three 10 kreutzor notes, the empty poison sea -board Enaland'd coast would be clear, No on* ew approach Iii bave as viss" Mann* &3 the rettown- on Saturday last, at Windsor. The he then stated that his priaziplas wero and if the ocean ch ers. bottle a table two beds and a few old cloth- P�efoi;m, and had.always hean so, th2t h3 I Y her troops could be kept unimpeded, her in most of the fust requisited tor she leader- noiglealt of SU conceiviable plhwwxa�, ed She& Of Persia. I 'a am =rPr'wd that Aurora is said to have lost some 130 sea. M, asrs. Sloan anif Rolmes, ttlenoaddrested ea. ship of the LA I partJ6 and is is not o here Don't E Aould aw ILI& 0#10 artillery, it is *1 -reater monetary resources mould ultimsitel) t 0. men Lo a Alatd*er manner duriag the past was cot a man wit4 WO Or three faclli.s, the meetiog, au4 Mr. Holmes. Inwing give her the advantage. the rety increasing lquestion his pre eminence to ask him to. roe- In Newult, rteentll, - Therm -tho rw;, ksock4owis ar A satisfactorily' a q�iesbon ir .5 , the right gm% few months. one for every different shade of political anserp Pene- Prussia-thic civilization of the United States bein a dis. _p feeling -in train himself,.- to keep down the fury4nd We bave beard 4 WgId, whieti th-_ resilers of the Si-gual can- 11. Leeclit, in regard to his vote on the Squat. rpbple nVo6woX, to War. ion of his lau,�usge, and w understand sisairried lady, becomin.- highly enr*pd so opinion, and that he intended, if elected, ters' land question. Mr. Messer was loudly advantage to herself and an advantage -to an Pam horse which had bew to recopse and duly appreciate. ni#j; Apd; Sq. the conduct of the wife of � Willim Nallar. MA tail aw The correapondent who sent us 6) conserve what was good and invading fbilie, etuipared with the time-Nvben !what tb06-' about hint aris thi Vith a ettroctica3a" 'A kk reguit to this Meeting at Dungan- remove called on - ter his e:gplanatious aboyt. the A Berlin letter in the Sitcle,'asys -.- inr,- her territory wu one root wilderness, ten determined to give that lady athastiessiw* b scu, r never. ta4 eilber there or elsewhere, the report of the nfettingw in North liehat was corrupt as to the re§ult of -tb'e County official &Jafies. In regard to the otyrealsid-fai RUCT-10M., The present political situation in the miles from the se@board, andimpenetrablo I RL E: U 0 X 5 'Llu"C"74 _CG but, for fear ofbelh, aefllebai�ij god dw go directly or indirectly, that the editor of the fluroin, writes to say. -that he should, in a a' Clerkshi he said, that w�atgver Hays l0t toul d ism some 676r -f weeks was a bed ==6 Qr a saaa I she disguised h -drb4 - a" to be lection he had not it doubt, bqcause if ered capital, an. consequently in all Northern iman Indian junle for cavalry, inf.viry or raelf in male attIrs aw saV to L contrary he &elievA he r to know. person to whom IN I cert in place, have wd "Mr." or "Wa- Mr. Hays considered himself " the man (or the Clerkship for bimqelf, than the artillery. It ii surely gratifyin Fortress k4prok May' -.-The Yese to the coritraq not- a And if the Germany, is much less. strained 0"t- and set oat no her mission. Mee" from the bes�t sources of information that � -do abesubfil liorse, fat' J gratiffying reports, have b6en receivedifirtim 11 - ff 19 withstanding) Let that man come out ever liatu" McKay, instead of Angus McKa. for Galway," he (though not "the am Cuncil bad given hn's the offer, "his father- Paris journals seem to thinL. Even in the Canada ir aitit to be denuded of ftperial. theregistratiortistrictsf th lady in dt� of' the pablie stre4 11" he had ekbeir excb -nth _bn reall name, aso I will prove him a bar by in-law and brother-in-law fiothL being in the is State AL for Galway") was undoubtedly ths man County Cou�cd, it would ha*e' wad army -war is not desired., Jn ffie country troops, and that in high quarters-obilot beipg of the James River which furnish conclusive istely set ai wolk Rog* PU another any nisisiber of witnessel- I never used the WzsLzTAS &ciAL.-A very iriteres- e a nice districts people still rw6ib�er toe burdens iiw�, to pass, and so it, logo" mifitarleven-thenefence ofC6oa&Yith evidence of the concibatory manner in whicb things d on learning tUat tbc' for the North Ridin- of Huren and re. little family compact, but they were unaul- 1 'word 1m; I ne beard it used until I cam i leaud,,4pon bad ting, social tea meeting came off in the 0 1 which the communes had tGi,,supDQd--, to willing heamit and bands, is not Pre, wimady ownel the idli*itatills a refusing. Solike of the members m revelvia The case, the husband- of 9- thi* Cars&. " tW fimt man 17 beard make Church 0 mous in happening t9 pm- - � the wayp, Abiw to sumcd his seat amid great it plaitie. enable the Government to underitlake itt jut as hopeless. uttli walm On ex of ihe word his nwhe was Cox. So much W leyau n Wedensdey eywing observed that Hays would only consider the cam 11 the war had lasta -m officm itfid assistinj theni inxthe pWlitibi' e5 ouths leffected so great a eJ Mr. Sloan Wii 'vext called upon,who salary as a ret�.iufa measures of the Recoustraction Bil.l. The as be ithoatchi'k Vilin bmfu*A 4. Dar) Ate. ]Ind his own p 'thilruegallast 1pJitclhe4;-# -4tZt1w veracity of Mr. Yise, your Dungan- lag. Tke auendance was large, and the the tMiltuand finances of Prussii6josti$%ve te istr;oww eatmost good feeling vis 4;010p soia cortespondemit. expUned the difference between Reform- opinion was that Hays' services wou!d have A Dcj4i�Lua f e mow' t6t 46W question 'ot 'thrir rA. mr having CoodiWgt "tables ft. ladin all tbit, requircid many yiars for their il�%4iiiiblah r,2. has -bed ep6ft seld V�& $s#ir41WsAad;a=d led the assailant afJ1­s..11uD w, be Now, air, having toW Pit witst I did sot provided by bwiL detr at. nothing, for the office itself tZry d Conservatives, then toac m0rit. WhateveAhe Germaw,�o rus6a I wNun you sone of vW I did may. co won A, rtterldr-to*as of New say, *6W _W his Surprise, tb*t-he had severely owve3 Rissiseraber the n! ok to uld be desire& After tea, our towns- er3 a' ld have been nothing without the trim. journals may4sy, Austria ir7 o6i of woeris are beginning to* -e tke prime virtue employmenv. and are his Owuwil!c. Mft:Wi1W`w Him; way sued, or was seed ; It mad what f Tb�-XiQgdbmof.Ss- he W0114eir to -the coidneil�,Vf Ytiot, -tickiq, am founi %f cestors still posr u a hold on't be people, the andl* -4r�,'o � E� favorable TM am telatiog to my pavate charactair r Of Victoria Collemddivered a lecture on 0 1 4tt �bold vef "Vote 4 gee Miller. Confelentiousis the basis u n w�iph mings, He (Mr. M.) 4id notcpre whether 1-iiid thisirl neverquarreUed witli any Pw man X-Det1w Faq.; W1W is avaduate ill feeling the effect of thi e as wlresli& (1996 'England, where the superstitious of our a aiin one side &Ad an assault, and battery 6 ilt he next spoke of say 11�thdif fact$ Nod" wou he Na�ionalverein, who a! occurred, a few years since, of wMch offetg their It% a' na(r was to be bu and furnishing them with agricultural implai- lield to bAiL kreproachabia. any office. :Tay&' L t said tW that the -Man in Relation to Society To regard to 11 that it ww subject ot' dreams the whole universe controlled, or at the following is a true narration propmtorg f*r the 11y the Intercolonial Railway and reduced Miner that the nominw-s of the Clinton least guided by the German race on the An- honest farmer and his family, preparing meats and matelialls. coming from say grd" P06111call "elly 9ek' which visa in intellectual treat indeed. deaters. vallarsdis. -A -vion who. in bill Ispon of the Convention were set up at a caucus at othor, soundthifakers a' her ci celebrate Thanksgiving at his wife's Colat fhe' ideas advanced were deverly ar_ postage, opened up. the northwest, which g 0 to not wanting eit� Tbe Ma60C Gel* Region. Clititka; Convention makes M my what 1 IDono h w telp Mr. Idesser state4 that he at Berlin, or in the large commercial towns fathetr in an adjacent town. were burried "Ya :-It is welimichely- to am Malang nes*r said. for the parpium of bolding me up rsn.ed, and the lauguitze used chaste and was noq kpq0;0g stt1le 49or.of -ourJin- wa4 there when thf, calicos 'Awas k,*-- it orNorth Germany, who ask with good rea. ant confused extremely on the day preceding t Canadians -who. in The -.Wry OZUOMW It to public ridica:e. H6 makes me say flial for admiasion. Mr. Sloan was listen- was a Conservative one; and its ol6lect'lvas to Bellevillo, Jky 2, son what would beco, e of Me trade of Ham that festival by the multiplicity of things that want are -,26tsmiqg 49 aw iiatift-l" it is evideLt that Mr. D. 'on father-in-law out of th The Daily Inteftencer has ibis fall Wrthis fbg�� wca6jo" of refined. hope it witt an eonefinded Ahat I made rdin ed to attentively by the audience, and -m put HV e Warden- burg,, Brem- hfi; U(iick &.. in casd ef a -must be done before they could lea" home f the raid yesterday on the table inatini6ions have bi*a callsid *nU:ww- County of Huron wku it was.11 Wlat I pos ieEses a mind of more than o "y abi p. Mr. Messer having given 'HUTS a war with France. CouTd the Prussian navy with "Sy. The house was to be --banked Pan'colzrs- 0 peatedly cheered as he made some telling thorough dressing. resumed his sent. This keep the sea for a single day in face o' the up, ' and the gleanings of the harvest -cab- Richardson Jl,e, from which it appears did�wy, after depktiuZ whisit the Huss Tract force and etearness, and we hope to bear that -from actual want numbers of these destitsor he re to satisfy the, - meeting watalmost u, animons in favor Of t F the object of theparties was i us& whass I sealed in is, what it is at PrUent, remarb, and having resumed his seat was och Vessels ? I have not been, therelore, bage, turnips, und so forth -put into the Aetwnin- wanderers, Tempted by do 4edw utins, tW I occupied, I buiron aj�n future ooemons. stives of the truth or falsity of the fabulous Reform candidates. The Win -haw wee Im q Is4 �much surprised to find it observed in the Cella,, to gain they sarej knew - vir sad tW public poei that the external entrance thereto followed by Mr. Holmos, who, on rising, the next day war hearly a repetition of f,;rin irickness of the Practical saitiers who Gaid that - I hoped that it would be co d 4--loo� C _Aae., popular journal of I might be clased-fer the wason, Having car- j�dod ' 6"10661161 A" 'Weariew went into As wi`he*1d4ove3tigated1 tborougli- howes in Canad UVO AT TIME SOUTH compWued, of the pr%vious speaker$ not, lea er proceedirigal, and gave a large majority circufation,Ibat On 18'eneraies, of ried in the vegetables, ths, boys were dis- a to oe* Ibeir faftow 0 - ed Mat I anisteif in makin; the Cmmt SVFFBIIL io di�JiV ;egre in him ft to the geform candidates. ly the rock puars74(-ftt6 most positiv-Ay Atat what is iiL* This I said enuld be proven 7YY me or himself. He recoun- States. A brief m4ny Find Frauiz4VdWV'bm14y desire such patched to the barn for straw to fill the wmmberotwitneens, botla friends, =6 By private correspondence and through it exceed sod that nothing 111"Unght not led his long and faithful services as a pub:ic a war." passage with, while the good old man himself what they heard, a few of them, that floyAkilk. T the d4nedthis substgnce.for Senforch. was busy on I furtheir said tbm -psite sideof the house cait exceed the riebaen of tije mine, *9' .hw I said fle press, we fearn that the people of the man, and chafienged -any one to show t6i ,the opp 4 w4w0ir, 211111 1, VOL meanj political 4�nevsks. for I di I lack quartz will. yiel& $0,000 to ithe iais& Ao;vld 'rim the -horsed 'patrnirch of ton, and -that from one qam of earth 111kay, j)o in he was 6 Liar gue.�y in the world. Southern States are auffering from an during 0e.who!t ti e 4ament tree Masonry. sot tbink that r had an large 111ock; of sheep, keps on the farm, ha.*S is p"4 isid of the neemaries of life h-9 had c a bed measu; e o a tad of (be atatterid 'canbage leaves, washed r13 of gold. I Aiso, said thm ten f amw before the actual want Ter voted tot' May G*tb, 186� iI did expect op- Lost week the' weather was unfsvourtkbl� The Telek�24o, of Daltimoyt, has a me$! rved enterect the c3sr and -silently con, 41 pubfic for eliectiow, likes r aica -Sdod "�6 I* tie-# %4vertod td4he unobsei frogs s* Slgw4 bet I expected an 0 � Fmitallous no" t Wi to farmers bAng cold and raw until - Seto.- --excellent arlicie on the profusion of Mwjoie TIke JkcUft*dsWNRne. SACUrLtGJC tir tinned his feast. The avenue through which -ti i that I had not the a etatr�Wwn pit* businsol i's at iv. staa&- bsme�fits he conferred upon the settlers in the day, which was very weL Sunday was wild jewelril and concludis thiis Itholle - ittilich or tMa town Vii bmilo"i -Ji6 59 Oppoiat OR he had entered was immediately closed up, he back -township Hadoe cerrespoindent of tb* X&n d is 00-W t1s the iiihtnr of till ,a ia e-ard -to the gratel and pleasant anck the, weather yrim it He who has%been the subject of Masonic and all the necessary work Gazdto in his repo71 of the said onthe sad cznd estick, Qsiq at$100, ts t te" it" still, whole distrialfhaveleen inundated __ I Q L- arrangements trsial on SonaT night last, and a saver Atlases" I warm westgr immediately. gust- waild #Crio* t6 the low, coratemptable subter- sit, and famine questions, state(rhis poli- ptedii Us um -09 by the ficihe&i n - leachinga, who iiiits his lodge oillit. after being completed, the larger boys "d girls Schrdson mine says: - "Frow one of Assloort _4 it is not to be r the froah, - TI asid dissiselaring VMS tical principles to be Conservative, and gat ness is dull and iiarket-prices stand the same nia"lit. and finds no improvemee i in his set olylin foot 1� high lee, the dog rauillo ie Litiamejeaat W intera 401 figo, of datorting my words, 9 blasts, I learn from what I consider a reliable 4ho wilaomm, - -V at mp acti*m ev" irorpolitical eflicit. wondered at that all, who have the means down. This tsecting, walr mearly ugante-102A last week. moral c1ndition i wbose heart is not eplarged V"I sbi Bois 01jid 6Tr nd barking before ibew. anurce, tso fif 44 k You �csir; tl=t pt, itiad'Ablot, when g0dztarki�isme Uing �Wd �Ihst 4w gke desecratisin nispan fros An -old reiident, �orlitbati CtL*r 94 their'llittle -7,fttd Ica wbat I Ad pot 'ity, ire anxious to I=* f kv. J' .-with lore for his fellow; who feeh; tiW'giowtfi Soon after, ibe parents- and or tbb NortIL Yew, in favor of 1b9b 91fw0l P. died on Tuesday'evening 30th 1M0# a of those L sac nd b t pi., =A wh" I did say relative to you, and as, I -wera peoplisin W04ern times0webm-eallW botbr poll a considerAbIb vote. but Ilays fia4 his raide6ce Egmondwiller" He*"Tollow -NO_*hieb ones having put out the fireiand rfastenect the o fast da ached a �ce of uarts or. act mentmnaii]. -No elm _12WO Us you ed mal, h resting his doors'sifid *ifidowb`to keep out thieves, star spar bee, bout this ig� "To &hWou dq 099 e im abetter iisan,- adl onid dot" whi b, and obtalme"o, ifk Ld bet Makin h such ti�qAle trials not Me ghost of a chance. time, of a patent pail pe Ctjy studded with, Wafford JbJV p9rootV who W bet pop to Ran thr The candidates to the grave by all the early settlers as well sts&h 6." el. td for the same destinatien. Lmloiceitin tiw e9awas of ae Signal the people of SesdID31i *14 - ggmund eille. 9( thi fW On the afternooniiif the day fullowilair the held together Vgd1d;.' TAe value of AYw edin the mysticart. A where or how it will all and, it is, next proceed,d to L-echville, aud, ME Rubt. rtultsitl of pottiog matters right, I 'hope I .- I- deofortli, the Let no one isasaine timt because he bas Astival the family returned hosue sicsompani- lump is variously estissatM. 16. Caia*M Leech ha*i t1cen cailecTut a Ztcyoa will be plemd to Vve this lirtter a �w]?Owqblelo predict. marchaitts,out of resW t cloud their shut- pafsed through the ceremonits of the several ed by some young cousins. . Some of thipar has ma& the stateitent that 'there was one Aiag&a . Hays procieded-t6: -tge�-U Qquitook and that 4R Z, . - pticii 'in your next WgW. . 4 nours Nraft, and become a Tem%larMason, youthful neiglibots of both sexes *cre invited seam iti� 1% iaju6, 11;b= midell WU14i4 he I amok, I you STATZ er Ev aom-1t, is fearal and corrupt County Council, no was:,,huried with Masonic he' the order MAsonry has done"its Work poll bifb�Vffl in,.And quite a'alidirry Thanksgiving,caro*41 cou!d cut out a -slob f4urlext Jong, &A 6,z 4 ftpee fuR - it, I d eridefroisfMittmhell, Wroxeter, Clinton, that therefore he is bright i the noble art, in fsll tid� of gince al 0 gati� JOH.N HOLMES.,, or ao five honest men in the Huron bodom, his wii essf peration when inch" wide, whic h *6614 jolt d. jr c2reful"bbselycks of o sigm Ainleyville and Seafer1h. and conveyed him and that All that -"mWna po zkto do one of r hit, is to the ljoys, who haff been-sdut info the by the gald, A dlmm in Europe tbat, the Interns- oyAW. sqppers was piquautiy funalshediih jib, thd graveyard at - Hapetbey. - �mr. car. -1 tp kii my M41 . love adorn biaieft �wftiraiillj, witfi Masonic e - cellsie withsAffle tow wick ftikile whic� chance, to --am ille interior of ter was one of the first settlers in Tucker h light to make -dark"" visible 'pronounce it th impertinence sauce, and to such a deSM J blems andproclaim�ta. the worUthat,he ins Riwnim-31r. Holmes,bas XS tionid0brigress in, Londow-culaotar, gate suoug _qaostwooderf9a dePoo in he anathematize Reaves sait Deputy-Keeies smitri and highly resincted by all who know luminary in Ilay sacril to draw cider, raaback inio roomi wah iothe historiiiIiirifimlogsAisco' 'dwd which IMM Oicr thli f0V that wombers of, the honest yepipan made. a h-4 tewrile; biq rather kansit of sinothadag up sar paintra. dis- the war Fail let himj4- tUe in regard 'to ills '"tion, an4lim- syen glaring wildly. uttering Ae" half-malto- d A-P pow in vdisaw of words, the teenoi Lux:emburg, Fnam sad Pmuis mix wi its noble ripcieles -add generous eating exclainotina, I wagco of skins&-Xhaborem a agined 'he was cadvussin, io he Reeve or 11b uhliii -'V-SU lions, -feeling of "The dev"I'l is- inihe�cellar I"' 60"4110 an of VM4 xwo attealtil to are still busialy armog, and the stu y16g its moral 'teachitigs, an ezpao a tit molielf,wasted on these _Wled ""uftUd L)eputy of the township, instead of a rneu� THE DOWNION OF CIARADA. a c ble niiAdiillft ot's mala dkft sort of way that he is six up- hosiflity' between. 'the two oountries is bi�- her of the 1,ocat Legislature. His foli�icaj "Poob I" mid the father; 'you have on 'ex 1001111re IY l4iorinsome departments of awbanics a in drying the team of Ism TUB bou" rincip heris were of t1ye, and and mu;ehwabumd as& Wb*t eming tra Conserve, beAn frightened by your shadow. Give me appreciited bittaror day after day, War is QUZZN'S PROCLAMAT16N EXPECTED BAR- 't midow siddlorphatfi cheering the heart al enc!rtqP01. In the wit0ow-l-lass fiet0iW" is speech c out of the Leader to suit ihe ligdt.l. ststjA a to the oat= of his gUietwes, owmiideted and somer think thts LY IV JUAIJ;. the desoliate, so that when -he kawks * the Pitiabork, the "blowers" and the al �44GR of 'Codgervadim4a %bo Bush. 40br 6todi�'Orand Lqdae'ibofe, ont'supreme Saying this, he seized the candle. -leaving receive as high as $250 per , nook 'while a' P the iftwl i& the sooner it 'comes to break the prevailing The r bag' stated's tWA IAT., Ila 1 -1 .0. � Oyr -I, upois the *ditor of ys Pli candlestick fast in- the listud'of the boy- few; of the, z*atiWifflittoften 14 , - ��4 ` ` -ZLECTIoNS -TO', 6oii orr ir ir6u, I Wiwi d0or their- ter ceive as b4h will 68i, iW' Colut tepi r ftw'id W� w boldly rnsb*d he hett4% a intfir ma on S�p btlW_ d die- lid Fasent Alm, DairgagAm qgv*is�** �!M the an of my'Vath;i, VeAt'llie 'iin iG i. �,,r M to thavellar stairs but . I I . I - __ 9 repa - ) unamw , a is Mr. Gfibson, wh6, in reply to f ty temled per- fortjW irk& next introduced for you from -dese I -M ra in -works receive from of Intg4l;i aid he f the world; bs, rt he had ended-6wofthelstepsip the at th Ite steel t4e oyder business" stated that he never W1'4­1'i�vp Ae meati, targe saucer i,,qyeis_M%d etormpu4jito f the $20 to $22 per day. Glen-silverers, in U40 Ing! -or- dranit sty indgegav, to ot* tli� atiwtu that be had txmt 4w�oystor 'I Wrl a el _14nalk-1wast works where tb6 largest sad-vo0i expand" ir" t ad I A% a garewl ujwn <*,I f I gla g th4a 6CT k off mirrors are -4 #10 is son saying: lary,+igh, 0 " I ud&&' Amu 4 Ott humble wzdf Uri- -d "ffor ons, i%Wioxal m*p A14mation, creating the Dominion of Can- re sitough, I-, die devil Tin in W *&Tes- In "i icissi'Aiw the 0 to' riticise pponut I tookv. W. him, opresentadons; ind if lowOrmblo to -the hm bjr most unmercifully he was rl'v� ate pel tb­ digii.4k de 0 be good man send this gr*M -Blbls� mW lial a Jbi 7' 6 qR ok 0enste, 4,,,th at- ofthsiate'llaustict stop, however, as Mr. Hays le the ads �and appointirig lipopib APT0 I'm -6-stam rAidiNg 0#90106 dot w-' .11 be issued in about three weeks and m -Sore dated the 3rd, mpted to read, but the canJle burnt blue clap of *61k" V atttm roo;r reported ;p beAk. lk,jesard tA r-nt-d ibis morning at halt -past throw subli a 1se§14i light oti- ps^ Not one in a. "md,of &NWN 4" i6w 1*461meol ione of them -5 --effwt tho fi wkq. maks 'is C04ity 1�01oll *no% 10 sag#ta PQ irla t he ba thq! the a4l; will rst vteek Q!Cllock. HeAid not make any -declars, &no thd book trenbNdib much,ia 64 likiads'111ij attempt-aij 4jjj'jW*j;S jbi 'jj4a�jdte %I� Xivbn one vot* -M Aoteredkibil 4s, state of- 0 . a Our sorrespopt and SICU04 tplet�+ nadity, to o in-Vidy, irheni�Lord MoncitAll bi 8, kept a good countenance, and died in f f he res4r, dikt he 6buld not, died iab degres ci in 0 Wi ia-48i ths4rob, Vjoeroy or -0 t, tee mia n01'sub A& is irAipaintly dooialL, Suppose the street. They have been lodged each, gien go the re 0 -id na4UedelositWtheir,.fiftriaswairAk,and the An epontry Prqv COM is 4PRd i Tin the cr*d,aiid ching,,16 their mother -, the gids! jilieniag stftl.x t 1,4*4U Lrib word yese," drowa himself ii 6 puddle a arster on L00116il 'thst-bi'll pbpaloW _,�witho )e A94v%4�e on word from mother. The little children out first, iiiiiii 6&., IU Will 24ii toir 4 .,Thea i4t tollow- a, " toi sad w gaol uujtl uncillors . an&j Iiieuteti in VdMeii, d of Privy 4 d pl, . par preesob, an oiftt ^ prop t1_ -0 Isom Clerk, a me 4 cad. i Fq GovernorA rantf geew;yqp - t on of firin and erect ito the, a, ""g1n$..u9,,ho6sa4WAi shakiii with agitation of its remaft M SW tumue of tW ww4- -43m used by, Kr. R -AL-n-ta hall an Englisk- Scotch what shall be nReeves on se obilt-of 1he eitr�i I& demented ihhabita&s.' One bright -4hooghti 46w&i hem. Itis too 9, the departments or the Confederate anal R! of 'imoW St- smad HU 11 yees?" to done with t do aiiF ed o orlibe scaffold be ke t' bo�revsri 406curred-and a unmoor w do oi� GiiMsd siars--IMPOW A' mm- GUM& 4brktbff Absiald hav ow IWO, -deir.- r, Local Governments. It is suppoised the th, All LONGMTY."A. 4w_ agq, p, colorad the course, did roxeter. 1110VA., UY Ast tbalk - is bo, "ham- 7oi I Cox did use it, don mr. flofaotaeft� to tha towkkspy. AU& 01101:0. "t rites 0 Ti. -8 Pon' lblo ir6fidd lrli� at fli"beAvintstarAw-oomer wd plJ;6,lbd %;. sy the sued' at W elections can aidif tAb neokuii I 'fWeiiiid �7 tj 66 - , rs, ribi chi_A; irhon b6 *aid it m14WU"made Men 4=70, The pa*so�17 isbio citlebrattil for piety and 'Ottawa as 1) *kussj rthey ap)tqWd­ mo, - ft . L)er" Th i"Mng put oybe �-4dafity thao fik Went and heroism, -slipped twil persoosi----co a --,w o odor is that e e Bows* Ws VeuWt give a fw The Quebc Daily Vmo states that th A A i. 44fr "'Algaz 49 Pont W of airdnat 0 to CAicif'6r iheir 0 cl 6, M 103-aad the 0s, who lsU%ed of tW idiom 10mmissioner of Public Works has gien or. W -T ��. ­­ his tlep. the bolt audj;lp� body at �A, DiSASTW-68roza 4*11 -Bible-iiailo ohis pock9f;,. put op &W therin-3814, VhW oWiiib er a in -iiW4q ,Ri Tpar, oqri% eith sders for the imrnejUzte-f~v&of #dI oft $we eleg, a e en is fos, and - aw age nd 5UP"Clef'th"'he Mighli ZPPW to be the last 0anad;%n_LJj1X the or wo =%a wepo. The do4umee of D41b, was the pulse toemiduble to b -same as at I ljb� that Its, - ceitaiiiij to beat po6iblo,,A.0 of those emanc ting the Conservatives were in fall fortej� litchreachid that port yesterday, It esdiiii- T: d,'hv4W.aed,4o The relief of his Pants Of the Parliament House, in order to much tw Mr Jititek !A 9�holish- th* ido**Ahed oftW of Ca nice 401" rquolop skit kis still hale his, bitildier ad a Tqe-ii�iiffol we' man of tbf( *b' but ma"Y'Acopiqw.attlioug t1iff.mill _Ym 4 epote ani'hearty. t is comj4 ;!lme -coming to I ril:4 d �ffi� cot fe ewe f Pu over' -1 6 -thip'r, u- (Sojhi; Bench Wtuvatilike wall h4oad Pro- itimposiihie to�, lio bon as 04dolivettir, and lmplored,�b wb'*­'@HnV to 2H ATCW WA4 tIW War PArlifMillat of I for �1 4wa w ohs of the Elybrid 'throggh the paaejli of 43 lxmp� an -w AG n sWry tomse to , , 1. til *16r V`st' for' 16a� "er"viashedoverbosid:' ti. oogsjr�lli Es 400", aftboqft It may disgust X w1wof dooth,,had to hp. ri roilq t_ 2 4ieW6. -- - $ , td q.4 qw le; t,,&41Qsenris@s.,%tth*_nm� 40 her iell. POOR the to witness the, driver. the- dpvit- sw� -.1appen 'V But ON troin Fort,_,Huroaas follows.; 1101111411. 24101411 to 11M ito sonsistall. Next dpy they pr to r1e up i6b to on* orairil V1 -Ift clee0ed. to por, was killed. t a bad iso lei t a I� � V, I ' ill ad ii whi HOLUM twtionally A OtId011; writer dneribes Job& at Ila- 1;1 rrll ell 60. L mV e I Alis on 'Alt 614 reiterates, that we in f6k6fi-vi- tw4i #iblfha& acei tenced f4 '21 ,"M A P disfikoed pel Ap,#estr6y the gallgirs_ Unie penvn9w_� sav- rans& be, aw '%but -1 i* Hays'sapip procqe4d elected cbstrquar Up. -66dW 0 ;;F'l 04 culto Va 9 �,, . dAL maw 4luit, the as*rs YJ he execution ta 0 *C ere, cellag, the most con elm T sty U ntrue. I'lle Immense Congo r WAS IWO eepi _W "I, his voiew -w feebWo.wid- requi to rW so castiia tc��*Iplval? M, n the So* - 01 - _11i "T 11 - 11 _V - W1 Iq � X -W_ -The tb* Son$ in 9" 4"�We" Tw -W NOW111 0ouldswenl breakdown. Itirwirm no its rce a 'tano Simt, cud if hw be PZ! Hays .,,yests Zl I I A, 3na % - & -a . ft 71 R-1- _4 �r7 a copy of the I idesVA On -fold at least by bie 9,9,w qd F R Tot op-tW4 ild th 0% --phi -Wv%W t1liste 4*60 b iod to play bav4p*w ting 0 YC go It. shoong o foar tEm 0� the2"o rAM-, to dw pVw plaw Jr#C14 b1pif _.-M. rA in vain. Era politics wela foosiz , J�, -, m no V an) ins Ippi W I ORWR 4, �*-ftammt�ar 1b be J).-Wjr With M _14, It --b 411, suA r6l , URN "gb W; f iruelt al, notpurtis OR bps& w=M be soadaded hAA" 6o' 17 F 00 - - --- The divine itistalatty fall oZkgbbJWW 0 ;�Lh NO Lot Analp Cwisslly- WW, it teJ t,#0 bifte 0034T -wit a r; A4, $11011lit t Y r" womat- t -0 UdI a WAW r �pjj� 11ir G�i t ri No ic three- regi sWet4hmr--mad coo,; 9 yes 11 1 a eam. gradually reenter rom ghl A. about ie p 0 Of V%kt of If" - of ut , _,twWotiolkbf an te- Vm4j�� V"'A th error' '16 "'t qui be Clark* in the town lAnd Department, er was dlmpMcW69thwV&4s@6"2 ot sy, I Ivan otber repipenlo the ;;apomjwp', was changed to emield- factory. lie said It6s mo4q, 01 �_cf action would be the day morking, a himtos butting aontast� sad*: rago" ull strengthY&F-1 0171 6*Tb a %11 his miju T-61 m0sippo")4 1� Wthilf'Tkirbday tow Chi r---GaderitVAW. Wl%-. w7t;;L