HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi Weekly Signal, 1867-05-03, Page 2_7
UA It 1, t,, G. T. Il.
(it once, Tiltic arid ag4in wo have dir,c
L' 4A it H Ul 1, T, A GooD i-NDICATION.-I"ll)r per cent force, we press a Small buttou
i Ld atwntivil to it, but, I in the well what line C
A JIM V 1. uothWil.6tinding above par is detuanded for stock in tbo .1uownuected bv "gra electric wire with bilnested'o In Call- If Great Britain remains placid unde
foralla. the
0"VriPt?oft of train, 7-Ymt. all the civ I'ling i:iflaeucts, for vvlii,;h w tile the V I it' I RETE01MOLOGICAL ME -
e Goderich salt wt -U. pper of which keeps on Russo-Americau bargain, who is o(lig to get A Bl'r OF LakCE,9T
N I .
....... ........... , 40 a -M, : P.-ty so dearl 1!:g' i lag US lorkw " tile bUtLOn is up the row ? 9 POUT. MAU Who was an eye Wit G. -A
tLj y, I inoreases UaLil at last it pressed. The crusade apinst Chinese labor on the fit -as 9"We.
i 10 r now salt well is kit the hand from the button and the alarm Pacific coast se some Irish I easants bel ret"
........ .......... . 0 II.W., has b.-Tolue iotolerable. I've pal Borne ceases to be increasing in Tio. Pr" df, 1,
Adirice I =/a ke '48' -1 by J hn HaIdan, Esq., fac, io, "Elgig TO a hciai
............................ now down "his P-iticiPle a French jeweller lence. The-B"Mo to Royallity. Sle met under p On sigo, at Hd,1,
$4000 or$,3000 , Vw to keep up a free 500 fct,, and the work is pro U11dits, of San Francisco, is .0" 01-erver at G0d6rIC,&. ecular ircag
greasing has. fl opted to a cravat pill. , The knob of doing all it can to set piAblic, opinion right Since There were two on Ul,e bide mstaneek
D,EPAR T. h township or S.
ischokdy and in retun, th, Touth of vigorously. tl ge Pin Is of various devices. the commencement ul'the illness of e 4 her nod, there and ed lucv If gig
Elpress mail ..................... r, ..I o the i It is a hare and to Fvest a race persecution. In a re. the Princess of Wal,,, the Prince un4 Prin. VAYS. of fo, e, I hE re was fou?oa the
with a Tailor or a drummer oltil his like) ta..1y,-visilted r
y to be
Acconlodation ......... ......... drum, cent egiltoriul it says that the uumoer of cess and their medical advisers hAje E ill
To" rise' to curse us to our fAct s and ad wit no filzbt- But it, order 10
p. 1,11116 NIguit Of the WISIon. or u death's Ile h a loose under jAW, or Chinamen in California is but little greater ibeen r her, orip of the a while the-ge ho -r
i:jiul our wi a dog. Whoever chooses To overwhelmed A 0 party
Ives anlsist, rS 011 tile PUt)lie With letters of advice an re. I Tune, 7 a. In. 2 cl - - a ar saw going at
5 Olbur side, 'behase. b,, a', Onted
pill has connected will) it liy 8 wire ft small firteeit years. 'I hose who are commendation. All hinds of e CZ 0 F 41 c! ne a buruiug' he, Si I he allanC drawn I
wear such a now than it has been any time in the last y
st.reets. And, now, tile r3te-payers are We copy from late rpes Rai- interestin not traders 'have been sent ; the most v;iried speciiLens It(,;( two so it would. for f, machinery, (I
9 electrical battery in Otte of his pockets. Ho usuaily p Ill and except
lz)b7. - Jol
asking tbew& lv.-s isketch of me scene in tile House II mil refer to work independently in the 0( leather, felt, and tin aplints and a thous- Mon.,&pril 22 join
Commons, flails his hLind into his pocket, touches' tile es, or " gardeners. In factories wid on and (and more) To-
mbroc lion
L:11- fill -._k 4 rrh what they P Jy heavy 91ir to
kill tile nwht of the division oil Gludstunue 28 Sol 34.1 1 N.11. I powers there's Ile chance If thcal, ly Lite &ad the poor gi
for, if n)wdyism of the worst char- gameadrue'ut railroads they fill places which white men 23 29.312 1 3 J 4 N W. 1 1 31 b, f there be'
tax button th lid off goes I Ile pin. The hare thel prescriptio 24 .406 1 With arvat fwc.-
el" imOWed' " ,Olieport or row at al.1 r 7-h
rs, - 25 -3W 2
[arid of course roccromends that a potatce be i Fr 49 26 .167 4ty.4 6 8 flew fr* e r#,gul
is to It In a After poor Old l`ovbu,k, here cornes beat oil his drum, the death*3 head to chatter did riot employ 101 he fig W -do
to tap varied character. One good Bout from .0 0 arid k guitill. Her w
I I of the
be on the ttbor, the drummer to would not take. The central Pacific road 4051, 1
3. 1,%7. Ser"foid 1100e, who 1111 Lee ft Wei* vi,,, death wiLLit, ba.
tt--kc 1, Whit is ill-- rem, dv ? hatred d worn ; and a lady sends a-lar,re piece of or- 881:* -4 271 .264 27.3 N. 21 101 31 &3 tuft
TIcA I pelled t do so by'the death of wh;te dinary ciii-silk, which she feel,,, certain - A disqr4ceful
11 ?1 de- 1-011 its horrid eyes, or ilia doir to bark Chinese labourer until 2, 01 111-eltly d,d
mocrAcy with dete tation of Disraeli, anti and swtp.
HE: 01,I)i part' hhand 'Iola, 0 from The - %',10(ity of the Wind 11 14 expressed in Lulea. a experience Would effect a cure. We approximately hv nulikkerm thus r7 ci,umh
l -A laid arld I who ve* is lifted from lah. lki!igg, double the wages paid to berow
Ics urers 88
a d nunciation of the I the button instantly all is quiet.
When a man that in ,.t r,,,v leader which was va),lah)a 10 Mo Yet the building of t lit road see it stated that, ill "it instance, a doination mOderate Uale 10, 'Y flurricaue,&r. gaintst is ill tLt
inStick) has op ned quarries, established mil and ol I was forwarded to some one who had dd 11 is exl,re-"ed A I S.
L 0 occupies three on T C rxl gll oful'sky cq ou cong1regation Ar
wrtb to amu. ! ca-" it u; to out the shown' how much pe,sanal is'luse is I oisi 1! , The
Trient he --nqat,7e. The term. arli ailleteell seats reegerved for the t Of aluchine sbop3, and started several Is g bott'e of embrocation. This JmU3t by number, troll' 10 to 0; ill,,- 10. denot,fi T 11 last be, as usugkl
lnwntaiy JanguLLCe." to When he r -sorts worst offen 1-rs, and rl spectable citizens I lid tie, tvIlic, wi obort hand So the woolen mills of -Sali Francisco, w hich That the bkv it vovvred Willi ckludig,' 5. that III&
lag 0' 0 th an;!ar, and wtiters, certain other papers, such as ih have been under very peculiar circumstances of wbich, being
4 vs-- the rcugr "rfool"he bows to' are liver -0 to any Such- publicity. Tile Standfird, the Daily Aeirs, &c., hqvc bail cuVertJ ; iNd 0 Lhat it Iliperleel1v clear, Jaeple of that St
to I obt the words, ,that I allay the now employ hundivils of skilled white opera' -not really forwarded at all in reward for BARUMETER.
L Sprin"
Vre Su a the advice or 1he embrocation. To have Highest 'aarornetr tfre %are Wheat ........... Itaviste quite a ties from one ineinber of -anged on the part of without the cheap Chinese labor. during the all 0 . ..........
all about him that be is not only beaten, rl. u,7,1 v su'lJ,ct Inyself to two. All is so well art each tivts, coul,l never have been undertake
this H"Us ( A01AEP'lCul Alay 3, 1867.
Zzy- the London papiets, that I Sent aiwiliar recognition of the multitudiness wa!g ;19 1 d gentleman. who
e -hc;tr a dazger-look at D' lazthe week but that he cannot :Ioid displavin the here is nut a single case
1i I ft o' oci-Pm-un ucmday
or Soml othOr relilbld "but gib.,'3 from solve quarters mrght be cum paper Which can boast of* having a special of domestic survice the competition &lid no doubt well meant prescriptions 44 at 9 'c(. Oats fl:90 .65 lopened bts pew
Barornetrt(, pre"ure dur,ng [fie wveL- was .......
n f his nature. injurious, thOU44 the an d 2,,1 7bo - * * ........ 0!40
'n-ttaUle be paii I a spwific sum 0-1 conji- P:imIts to at, honest have been IlThe proceedings. The organisittion to be more lembrocatiins &c forwarded would have I Tl, at 7 -"-I"(;k 41.111- un unda -. ]our ...... 2:()o
longer ,ut of Parl' volved an expe u Mean Wron,etric preggsil-v for'Llie weeL Barley .......... "double (5huff
the broad w7gle.
-because 8:09 1.,
is the coada,-t f .)me of ,%lessm of Tile Bullct'u Says that those who hire Chinese ill' T:Se of manyl hundreds of ................ 8:50
vent iflan lit it, nyltes' short hand work is wonderfully%: car. servitnts would, ir their absence. do the work
t- tion that he clear the street corner of the never falat ried but. The usual length of its report of plies 0:50
y 0 weal 29.231 j.
chie ad SuppLjrtem 11 down and worship the uouilids, There is a large box fult sill. After he b --
They y)ang rowli- who couggre4ve nightly rolden itnage sL of the house themselves. of such 0:57-
ebate is from 15 The Bulletin letters. This is always; go on .......... 1:55 it was proper tu
t up in the deserts of Arabia. eep.
'"t tht" lst, and cannot f 01 'ht to tca o*clock. T o Vrei o I:i the cuur' to 20 points to the facts such occasions. (flours of Lbservatton 7 a.m., 9 p. to.) B ............... 4:00 5:00 had the galusic,
Ir a n r and mort I fica t on, ;.'s baton and a Ew arrests wil aof cL)ntL'("Pt w"ic!l Made hilak fi,r t:.e Ot Tile m')st efficient, short hand men, while lain of Cinint'sle competition, ill with typhoid I Vr, some o,' eCk Wdl, 53 9 11 Ides (Ireen) ............ 6:1)0 04 6:50 'VincinaU I PUP
eef, V cwt
se of his speech, Disraeli with an cOlu"Ins, employing generally about that the inere chants, When the late King f Portuaal was lying Higliest 'Feelperature during the w
help, in Th, saloon keepers barbers, &c., do not com-
a in )fuent a Mephiitopheles, merely sAld how wO Of the principal editors attend each bit and advises tile Jeoner assuring In wrote to Dr at I u', lock, p, ig. on Thursday, butter ...... . 5:,,o
t FACED L I ui,we wholesom-t, iuflLfL.Oce film that a certain cure 2ernur, during Ih, vveek was 27.3
thin all the 'a enjoyed (he gi.at-1,-mall, falbourers to full as ....... 0:60
,and Ili order to select all tha ow so Sensible and manly to k
8 t is mosi itnpor- turn sheep into the ower part o a. in. o(I saturaa, Petatoe We am sorry I
v y an exualple. fthe house, I ............. 0: 1&
n a and concluded by vu lIertiture lor it,, uod... 0.60 XontreAl has th
oil k was 3s.( . 2:00
was on Friday, lay, new to
aduriijg the week
and staff Of Such aL ........ pergsm in tbel-rf
them dishes up a report or the r debates arid I a,"y:re the hon- "l give you an idea Of the requirements sty sheep mi4bt bt! 8 at over in cruto.- -0&
0-io of moral lecturs, that C-iul I be given i h-li e likiwal s mgretted the absence of invec- fact and interestinir in the debates. This gristingthat it neces.'T"e 03 0.7&
tive f o,n , -r .1 day
fa the interests P1111010911fUllihing a Cannon 13all. th M
of society we ol-able . allem" Lbut whenever he e-chibils paper. Notwithgstandia British , , 4n e' nPVrature-being 49.67 E-- s ...... 3.
Aledical Journal. e the volunteer or(
me-etial, on which di" not -e Cold d. dursue The week was on 3:,D0 15:00
thousands of dollars on 'education 'a this House, I am a the bo glaturday,
ecintain Ili
IC -efts ......... titution il,
nnin- a d the interests of society ",cle he has spvken f Asia- I may remalk erit rvadersalways preferone number Ofthe OVvG GIRL HANSOULL) FROM urk a 111041gre from raids a
3 wor of truth from bk I%v&Ys Charmed. Ali& Aitin-9 of tie Aunerican press, nlell':' The London Journal of PAtatograpAV e can Teml&r3ture beins 28.7iD C Is 0 90 0.00 ins
imparati gives a very intereiting account of Soule A Y INDIIANS. T ey ...
I 'I'itues 10 ton of the New York Herald. The cxperimente in the photogra. ..................
%te anni should , b, hibitions whic ce About his e Phing of guns Indians, on 4-00 Consequently it ot,
to end, and wFich UD with tLe i & mnd that a woler. Z 0-25
veli. that there is a Bfitrist, grak' JOHN HALDAr , Jit. P 0:
-in one of the raids made by the Comanche Dated I hih 27L h day of Apr., 1867. ork C:40
crownin- whopper that The h takes the st n , out of what exact true an] impartial repor San Antonio
ineeting, in tile way.we have pointed out. h, Tallusion to 1-i'Ope'8 Oriental, t ill a paper while bein,, fired in the P*-CtUftX which months a,,, Texas, some 4.60 wid water on th:!
T3 like the'riuries is not without its influeilce up- were take ' the moment b I It u young g- er The Madoe 46 old jlegl(jin Cl* ri& Recorder.
at sux-ess for the conservatives Dutch ancestry icorupleteiy tarno ad bequ so exactly
irlS namwd Ste z.
of Fredo-iLkS. beat ........ $1.95
gal s 11) a par 6flz t the bull could actually be- seen
r. L --ozar,l, h.) Is so w,;1l furnish a h -d the Tar. Go the character of the proceedinT ed I hall' were egapture( i n the outskirt; the yo Fall W U, may Z 1867.
hat an t,) Pon 'at, and he sat lookin,, very lip Ietu). liamentary debate. pring do ... (% 2-60,
-Ayg. rs Members rern'ember that protruding from burg, a few miles distant. Anna, ung- The Majoc Vercifir-y Oats ................. (lr 1.80 EUILOR
Heraister was murdered. ...........
riagent in the [Louie as any kind . 0:40 (4 0;45
u each word that falls from their lips will be while, as we might say, in that gold find heen found on lot 29 in
honest with " 11il or cure " remedies for I' i that Prluces such an the muzzle of the ........... 1:75
he M p gunt t, wait raflEomed, and is low at her home gaY4 ;-"A report
The tnattr up he rely act of es the Barley
of Tuckrnswith Acid all this is doue Jesperate cases, brin at taLen down and submitted the following beavin., it. A description ci A 6etilleman wh.
In;Z ofthe Town Coun capturedl,both were WnOunted ]CIII of Madve, about a couple of Peas .................. 0:65 ( o
Fni ell from the village of Bannockburn, orButter ... re"On. will
j hill merning to the appreciation of it umberiess by means ofwhich this exavuess was secured, homes and instafit'y hurried away. The elder 1 6 0;&8
inter,,sts of oll V n tjernen Wh L f f the ul,,chalkism hen they were 4th concess' 0:50
0 are the next meet' cil. 0 lfileseupon 8tu;tu Debility. Precgggatur
g from Mr. PI
reprt ,-nt,:J as par:%,- ns of prfection the moit ninusi-i" btin blic, fur it is commonly said in England will be interesting, It will' Friday Las caused a fresh Sc. Floor 2 U I uligitzsc
u 11, has naturally &end tree u, all W40
ur"t iili-e-rery - . or die, 7:50
Licke, who by the blip,uf the ton- pro- i'"t, Thanks to the papers, the who:e n.,Lloa evident that it Of course. be sister told Anna that Ifiev must escape cess 0 0
lords of IN DEMAND NVe have 0 person, however &licatle his fexcitement. I he Minor was received 8:50 ffir.flfnpi re,
8.4 age" is present at the parliamentary debates. percel,
e Le words -household that ske would riot be Lf-ried off alive, Potatoes .............. 0:63 are's W1ii&&frlg I. P".
h id, for some da ys past, a Spt 11 of Ill Lion, could set with sufficient quickness i
of all that i era If Ih. and by some wiLh the feelig of incredulity which 0.70,
"I I ou!" suff:&-e " A great deal Qf to expose the plate fit the thut she preferred death to the fate wh C" do so by addre" .
curiosit exact instant 1ch is grow,ng wor
b!v rold waaih, r for the * very ARRIAGE OV A% [I it 19 F
In LIV. ,,j y follows e, mOverne'A of r. ,DIAI- C, e prevalent, and oil
thi. flew Tog' Twice she
et them com- 1 7'. Oil TO A WRITY desired. It could only be done by was e vide atly in store to,. them. day, after , lapse of some dayst Wedues Se"IOrth, Mar 3n lg67
q y 1, ish tilval4er, bo, n we heard Fall Wheat
haparrel, but was each lime a
warin, and tre ll r,j in the p"pttt he Day,the ranged with a disk ji, front of the lenses. c- have however been Bho%n so IZ101 ............. WHISKE
-1;49 It 1 31111 set up oil a bench. a c, 11brated Indian chief. has taken it new wile a Barley
pare lbt re[, TE f [ht mV doesdiy woruil I'V01111giv.-The St means Of jumped from the h )rsa and endeavored to 1 that It bad been pronounct! a humbug. We
I Ist i Pad, Pioneer re. electricity- A Stereoscopic camera is Ar- reach the 1:95
Ic w. It' wlt , ut -mi or cor.lzi the. followin in
m the fie is wheeled into Spring Wheat
the S.rlu- f. brought b -6 of the gold 1:76
4 1,76
of tprio!r weather, If ru ui 1. 13 11 s I o vOlvin? of' its axis. This disk has two holes ack and Placed upon the horse-- Setually obtaiiked by gentlemen who saw the 0 .................. 0:45 0.5s
coneuct"d ou th ir it not with but a- sudden chant, lit' can be ats ............ .
ge of? , I the Uv ha a tl'i-' tlln varYi0Z the programme by s lectinir in it, eithor of which Again she attempted to escape, which So x, in Ltae vv,,r4d.
and stron lri h face, ite w4man us his male. a spmoo stuff 3"llich it wascortained thrown out ........ 0:45 0.50,
wind to the Northwest reduct! ;rk, healliFy and Lit ,4,, by its asperaLed tile Savag es that th-y upon the shaft, and who bsbedi, 1hemsell, of Peas ............. logirow on
r. a .8. revolution, to currespond wi h the line of her and buric-d their tomakaw 0,55 0.60, known to faill
-d ge I e Ill o'Lt'urts ft,): 111 n Il I
V have we diilil ne d , ewrl'o"Ity WILh which llo;e-io tile day are at present stoppil:'t lit 9,113 lenses. A circular Spring t is attached to ks in her brain. P14atOes per bushel ........
fir to we t4e zame W,apons lri-mo alnfort to lFrom about two handfuls to bulk, a isufficient Flour per LIM .............. Uarvis & Co., 7zi
the freezing pa(,i ,%- I iinspectkd tile Nl(r,hants' bott:1. M: s we to 1r- the d Anna bill. 0:50 0:60, i any one dcw'mu,
Isk, that when '10t free it will 'make a femd hersel, to b as cur the fl,lfdead with fri ht auj horror
Speaker ,.:k%v peral,ts i,l tile gal f ld vis hie to the nakedeye, w Oatmeal .....
ti*,.Lht heavy cloki-ds ar,)se, was a dom 6:50 9.60
e carried uff without once ,t the I (No LeAteirai taken
7stic employed in the faun. lf"Iftevolution with the quickness -of a flash, attempting to r,-bable richness or the mine, Fresh Butter per )b 5:00 -4 5.50
OPPOue rs, "rtln- the !1 9 We COUA ing t e gr,guaj w He is rich ; kevDs loxi dry depa Talent the hotel in Waiihiupon thereby bringir one of the holes ill a line escRpe. After two weeks 'the Our informant -(one of Eggs per doz
hve rakel up sowe racts which an ill tLe won), houds and all I
-Is w.1, i V is Marr- was ob,ained.
i e buts of the ludi 0:12 44 0. Ij
ifd aud h- six cla.-idrea, ail L)f -in-the day and his .......
an unprOMI-44111g, plos IL is it -ere with the leases, and admitting the li ht for ails were reached.
unfortunate young girl was Ire.,
Ilut rt4i-- h, but we P ea(y confer. iiii instant. Led horribly.
0..()§ STRANG
twith snow 1; it s a grognC rt to ki,usv have Urals durill, the rec,-ut trsuj wborn is a gent'eutian Mining in Australia)- Mutton pr lb ............ 0:010
plittill 0:10 C,
-e )tile r foiks. Lasi 11;ght. i1&rull tchipp*awa 8 LIV the Young Her hairs wa. cut off, and severul times!8&e pon whom we can rel
here ha -q b -e -en, Yy have furnished us Beef 0.12 very voliag I", y an
b -,v eladeaored to rafra'u ipiect for the - nd of 31iy. T ---------------- do
laywas b with the following particulars concerni... Apples per b h * .......... 0:08 elw bear songleduag
"as heeled in to vote anwho was cotne'y in persun, NeW ZcUlland. eatco and larcerat,d 4' 0,12
bitteru,-ss uf p,t (!IOLflicts. Of coure litti or no ve-getat -alyz h er, A, len 1,1 In a teir bie man, this new Mille : Mr. Johnson, who is wtir Hid ef .......... 1:00 0,00 wre I Iand we can only ho e for t Ile is a white.h fi I
We could ion thus far I "r limbs are P& -d. fie voled bought hifns,.If she %would make a restore to her ea per I 0o lbas ha,.Clv
friends upon their payment Gardiner lot, Sheep Skins
acve mcin to his harem. So he pr000s- ir George Grey writes t -00 e by not Uaicicki;
that in the iravel I he best. The, eaded aod blone I d Go7enjor S "'g the mihilig claim on the 6:00 it 0
Ile all "I'll 7' fixed poll he bOuntY has gained his experience in California, Idaho Pork, per -
roA,: anaLt,:r throu, can it too I, ho W O:d Inarl, with a -ood a:)d intel i., fit rac-. el, count ofs, recent tou" an .. by6er The other day and Cariboo, and he is by .......... 0:50 1. 1 dre &III&M.-bedtrut
4h cu,p_lb,e fl e741ect in advacate the e"ti6n 1, ]vrc was soul e lit Much ado or formality 'was Captors. 10*0' 1 b's, -00
r in New Zealand,
ethM,4 hard kind strel.y in r. m-irried after the manner of Christians. rs recentJ . ourney I have pased t 4:57 41 5,
Due `f C4 ,-Ulatioas, he sad ,le He B shop Du )Ois perfurmed the rite of coufir- practi I. eir another .50
1 Of 3 wountain range to shlit out the Hu
d Upon I v,)i-.-e and manner ill t betrayed a young lady ( f modesi and Itateljige through the '70 cia rain Wood, Per cord 1:50 -12 :00
tit rth Island, traversing its en. and, Allan, Uetxjer I'h"r P-Pa-tcas are such Ray, per ton . ............
e sun] -if grijkl thous ad -Ron ths rerk,,tlk oft'lle sea with Her royal husband, tral arid most accessible dist a as to lsbow at once to any any one initiated
BIF winJs, with any prcspect orsuc- lappearance. we tk he first confir* ......... 12;00
ndt-r- ricts, portions of wed.
he h` I,) r,):Itv:jd : a;id correspond. stand, does not desj Il it, the science of gold misirlg thult they am TO Co
on to ew Win ,,, to his harem of half dozell fur several years. I was everywhele rece no novices in the businets end -V
4 0ald noc hav'c bftn calit, ubilance and to take her tj (;row 'Vbich bad not been visited by any European that they The adveruser, havL,
, didn't. We could have, LLe 11hle c-Mmuril"y. g 01 humor -which hjwt-d that he or More iv The Mcxlcan Muddle ln faat work.' They have carefully Defected -ewvree" Ilya Verys
fore- Indian wives- That would not be very plea- ed with joy and rejoicing& by the native
I e h; s t ri u in p h. s.nt for the last Mrs H. their ground ; they camp on
I d rve the hearty support of'in; e'4n abvUl I)isrue.i When the dvbate was Ile designs living Ppulation, even in th.se tile spot ; and hat dr.d dms eas,.
char -ed stj)r- At Kiaburn, over, a -,d Mr. f a, St Cloud, in the style and at their I I osp where Now Orleans, April 30 -Parties arrijed they have their for,e and bellows With them knovirli to Lim f, ho
svtematically 1 districts
f b. recently, a fellow 1)Qds06-a gentleman in a I. manner of I white )f men during the war had been so as t enable them
ls irked he pay ll-mt 0 1-11 ist propor- %rhile cravat and r6ffled aleirt boso fo'ks.' He is abundantl by th!X WOuning's steamer from the Mex* M to k-eeD their' drilis in T. .11 1.1b. def
Who is reput :,J t 3 be in ,bl is. as he Mau
largei but these men had all fullen in places first-rate work-in, order, without IOU of time AWFUL 10APwri "ev
tion uch 4etter adapted c Eo do th
191ous controversy than grl)WinC!diviiiun, Tkrwg and w4q
or reli 1 9. remote from their own territory, where morals was beei ,ed In fact, it was t
who act instead of the speaker is a man of great wealth, havin4 a large I. border, report that Main,
s, but we tlida'L IiVe cpu!d -ordered 7.1 CITF, A ID
he Only instance our intor Accra a &r Coxil
it was as the partiag of sheep acd co"" bad for a few'days by Canales, and who w 0
t 1. gone 10 join tbeir fellow countrymen asta mant Met with, during an extended Ise ut,
i have e as annuities from the government, and they
one the memoers re pa. --ed I-r,e farm well stocked wi'th horses, cows who were id arms a, mpico, It is believed al4O that 0
t)ry, but we h,k Ora-, Wheat Or Ntaloes asked If It was nut a route for Ta' BOOT C-Vus, and &U Tkrum
botros of L anllilt us, and their star- ks & 1111seel arthefteirwrtiser
. ; , ) Is I bring his arm saw al3vtbing like mining in, the beigicill the 41itfucted. gkin
S, 911-tTir InAuence had been vu, relations adsuated in the most unre- Y frum the north proper sense of tbedeptt of about 20 feet;
,m pazsi(- t run,, a ket raie. eaoh r"crd h s reservation lit a mile square Cortinas wil in which tie
Many little thi-i j, Q_ fact that the 4y, drop the flood and aid in expellinz General i urriozubal from and the suite W
Ur,ht by ;3 Wh1wheal. - lye pre- Tlici ort:
vvill try ilia reginedy.
tlJeY mix up and roar li',e a v have so far uM wilb W
10 This
Outst le ofprivate life, b.) returns to the at Crow Will ,. He is an ludlan 4 n served manLer thug we were not to blame for the ubernatorial chair ofTausaulip, the
Whch we shail inary kind. 1-1c is tht! smartest In 1 e large loss of life which had taken p:ace. Q&T Prove a ble"ing.
may be tOueh'd slnla that he his arnived at wt-J"J"la flowl. Tben some one eriters w 0 his tribe, and has ]ork been desiFous or livill dicuics tiluit OrteL irges them a continue their work.
up alt a pinch, and Wua I this con- i h h I cOng der the native Population to be now in a is still alive,and ambi DUNCAN -Uhuwthe
o n -11
8"ht Of the Yet unannounced ar er the style and ogipo become President of M' proZrm is impeded bv water in the TTAS received athigtoe West luda
exico; that
-ure3. Disrae,i sits wt Ujil ambition can now be it Rev
W40 b-clu3t- we refu5--d to print his fi "` Can manner of ilia pale face' tter mite than I have ever previously proc shaft itself, and by what co, ket Square,
WiR3 h q uive. iu,, known it. r laim his first p Mft fr011s crericegs large Summer Etmk of i a
t iety 1MbeiCberai fro intersecting it i
i lett. r advoeitin,7 the ej3iw of h he natives express great anxi r0chlillika ion
it is the fi.. filLDent 01 a!, Ill,, dream"s fied: that Europeans should getfle amon,, Correspondence f ihe And The gold is found in the Boots and Shoeg, whicli si!l
2 -Ig a
i is wh ,'Pprecf them. debris thus eartied to the bottom ofthemMe
Thoy cbeerfull aid norder 0 -1 be sold at iFely
among the y corform to th e views arid Papers confirm the cap. trom whielk, after every blast, it is baledout
ishesofthe overnment upon all matters e massacre of the nt , bcket, and then hoisted up and empt.
We anderstanI th -It certain candidates
----------- and all, into a cry -a acrea:m--of j,)Y. The be directed ied into a truu,
of Puebla d th
A POOLL ]DODGE. Toriel. Suddenly, sharply, they burst,, one 111aftill 0111ithePirfaccas 01 Wales. w 11"Wcem of an LOW Pfli
I -ward, and several 1: onortigh!e From the Brin,la indeed. theyappear to desire to the garrison. this way, more or I
g-rowd presses to US FOR CAOu
Mcdwall Journal, Alkni Is& to bcsbown- what they should do to Washington, May Romero, the is fou A every time, bit not as
ow. c
13.7in- cla, a lea are almost tr2mpled down- Oat- During the whole of last praoicable a rapid amalgamation exican Minister, received to day the full yet in what
n o support, I M PA
borne Hardy among them ; but n,) matter week there had reader an be called P-Y"n quantities. There is 'In great VE
Ltle or no progress in the state of the Pea as and themselves. I ill4 telegram from the Alexica enough I
Lby are " pr, paml to g j for" i In all comintinitieq maw, be found a few beer] I between LheL ' net!r rom 18- -BOOT'S
:udi I delight in doing rodsout, the liouse aj New Orleans watch Ube opem,tiorils-goill,
viduals who se -em to the "Position is s'leat-the big Majority kne joint of her Itoyal Hi,,hVess the princes', met everywhere, in the districts which h In Con I sul at however to atLract num" to 3 eta opwards.
cut In -3 down all the been regarded as unsafe, the 0 Our and tavern
a cc- Utmost reapt ct, 133 are already making for visa
apd I was treated with a kindness 00 attentive
ge e cheers riag out over sleeping Curr"I Which continued duripg April
salaries of our is L-ansformed to a 'I ""I es, aid on ThuZay a ral New Orlears,
the Devil's dirtiest work from Babel, and th 0::3p- call a
Saturduy, and Sunday, when go dealdy and eonsiderate that it was qu Tie totacbill, Airatcon e
County Officials- 111 -til none but th pure love I London as the grezit clock t%unders two lira, in the midst of the d iuspeeti and you viLl be MUV
30 -To Afr. Ro. sicccammOdatio
patriotic work -for -nth.' as Completely repirdless of dead -Imperial forces d-" to buy"
alero, Mexican Alinist, Witshington, D. C Z
ng -and -board -them- 'of m'sch' f, o'clock. Od forest where tb
mine as situated. The same gentleman ex
renew A luq The spl 0 1 feel sore bat the European popuinijo banded W31. Mr!ZCAN.
selves gentry will accept of t the characters ofuthers as they are them- at -Marquea comple h i a little pi (
"as 6oding from tely defeated- I --e C r qpart7
My journey that they can again Queretrolaken-Maximilli" hidden. 0 us Ve ks of gold, from lot No
v contaLi
ato LE W
This i matioa existed. Gade"Ich, MAY 1867 hera cr to euse the limb
S C;Uop. pr-(-.Vell Fe
T&!C GUAI d the So
kind of preac ing Will hardly be received I Selves cll ivoid of every noble or upriht I the pAin whie I kl'e'Y Traverse the nterim o (Signed), UV ann
must have boei) f the country,
pr caued otherwis DIAZ cession of Tudur, tie till
by the honest e by the neceUa7y UI0%ementgs will begin to spread into al 0 owned by t and CU
ecroalary El arqn, who gram crops Parts of it,
of I To this coutitrr the culture of nhDISSOL
itleipi liftheY Prostitute re ba n
acquired polsh to their diabolical pTiM' must necesuril 1.1 harid.ing the erquisiLely the claim from which it UnON of PARTNMRV Large
the 9ophistry in the world 41 'veloping the g at rpsOurces of valuable PAIIIS. -April 30ih, evening. as obtai
know—and all tender juin I districts - The Moni- d, bowever, bel ging to Mr
of pract- y be a m)3t important branch c Orofurt-I was administered by Mr. which am now but little kilown,aud tour to -day officialif announce& that or e learn that m,ou. Ttiop,,,,,' Eiii'l hereby bat tb _ Pa,
lea clover' OT
caramt COUrince them to the contrary- are, j Ust
y V as pro idtng for 113U tore
0 'On Of stock the pu,pcse. On Saturday Mr. Czes, fort some I mbung berwI=
ea ily di-scemed, thou- more hideous in Ifir u_,b a long winter. Th 3holinglis BIR kirlder the saitarg,,.
off h P.
the advance of this northern isFand in wealth have been i ied to stop the recent military 0, Oiil Tuesday-, a
arid in the lower walks I he 1 falit"Ming from the necessity of with the apparatus which he has invented for of'Zoee N
the sustentati nebo obitaicied
A Id Population will be consequently hence, prepare, MO itsubirt i
ers to do rls:lai and
certain e Frartice in is throughout 1"rance. wasaed f -o happily becomin., on general, o B19176SELS, April 30th, evening. If 01 Kober
Hawkins and M . G orze Pollock were cal r esfg-oil, Estan & JWl'" C*j,
now r e very rapid. a C' "On, decayed quartz. ty I
p lc e a WO feet from [be Surface, on IL 1111CL silklibrSt in thk
dy dl -mod by aakfalual roignialiffig and itke
crops, to isome extent lges ieua glan goverom nt is au-menlia,, is inqit,ry Int a very shert distance south of the ri Vdiage or4,;;cS1OM1A, wask his
nt of work lur nothio- it is morally POT—" of t"Oral U' inegs- How clearly raisiug root ed in tOnsultation at the request of Mr. Pa -The 1 el-
eertai a that he Wil. caritIrive to steal such characters are hit off in the f0flowing the cattle. get. They found, however, that the condi- It UssianAtnerlea. estabo 0 . 0 illsigge led is SLOW
lishmeut, arid Preparing to raise a new Of Queeasburok. Mr. B. C. Sil nm wdl be benefnh bWAi- ag Lbe
IS. of Madoe RoLnuQn only, ca"71P4,ou by Jjgliglikhess.
keeper's dependence on ran, but after ail it lion and treatment ofthejoiat were such as
enoegh to reEnua:,t-- 4 from the pen of fl. W. Befther. our
I mportance That informs tw that h - and the said matithen,
L- for hi is o,' the highest i loan.
Ls time and Abundant no- to call for any further sug'estion or for New York, April 30.— Is also washed wme gold'
th of other arties, on the eelve all
1119 , le 401, is Outhorized to ditsellutrCt all debTS aW we
lUivil upon such hum_ read erg V" ill have no difficulty in fastening storei of gaY should be provided. With ca The St. Peters. 0 t
arrant Plenty of hay and 1`001S, in addition to com.i change bince Sunday the burg correspondence of the London He- Petitions are below circulated in Tex,& sainItiplateepwrebsiecahceis suppose the" pirm,
IV r, -
bugs and all who support them. t -e wirror hele preseatcd before the faces lortabe sh prayin The general n o be a clerl y sh'P-
condition ofthe joir.t has relax.. rald says: -The report that tLe Govern- S overnment to divie r=rv; M101ri, The - Id was taken away at -ealiorth, this Ist day w May
an speculatorswho bare agareed
h in&-pende-it and may sm late In two parts. Otte to be called the me by
rio in G-Oderic eiter for his animals, the farmer is el, and is still suYsiding, although it has not nient sold the, U, the sm
tie defiance ar the y1t ed away. Her Itoyal Hi'Thiliess's rest Anierioli was at first thouff is to Western state or Texas ; the reason alleged p
sett, erflen
W!9- n est and hardest winter that is ever ktiown has lyclase the farm of Mr. jo 13ELL
"E; Pt HCHASE OIF E: The cynic is one who never tolerably in th ho &id, JANES If.
00 i i Canada reeln ,
g9od this week, ezeep,
see a - d on Wednesday nirbt, milt to be a is the loyalty of the Population of the pro- 10th concessioll of Madoc, for
PA PAL U 12,111 UJIL L E -N quality in a man, and never fa canard that oririnated with speecilators. polled new State and. the Preponderance Of 11t5!000,'pavin
C US to see A- The when it was much dis- ge
a bad one. idea that any deicription Ofland, how turbed. The $100 down to bin the bar, W15 ZZ
persiqtence Of the inflammation act ier port on. Whatever indications,l
Ile is t -e human owl, v, but When it was aseeirtained as a f secessionlats in the otb-
and tendency to relapse are n 1 -ion will ,
Seerl of the support -rs of the highly 1 ever poor, will rhise grass I i otne dissatitsfac and I-sbowrl
ait n darkcatss and bl'nj in 1* is extensively aturally Sources
ble, learned, In,"rar v2r-nin ani ne careruil watch is P M U N I C I P A L
'(,lit, mou en,ertaitled, and als xprmed by a f,'Ctn Other parts [nay Le
I that hay nay be' cvf, Ofarixiety, and the most ortion ofthe public. but 8 e Present indications an that th reported, matters N 0 T-1 IS. 00dench. March
and in every-wa ver sceing nrble Year after year without sup,,lyug ept upon all the symptoms nothin, I t inure sober men e trial little- IV-1thout the ex: enditure of -mu
.7- 0 p ch Tq E Court of Revmon
--atile g has, saw wisdom in getting- rid rid hard labor, and of considerable cap TiOr ILlae Towmag qr
The cynic puts all human actions fw aglls of manure.
ill two cla!tsses, openly, idely than it is that timothy, one of the After further depreci will be made,, Tile wivisability, of ement ma . obinery, gold Mining, V held itt Wm. Damcs .rerem
On, or to lead to tion of the valne Of admitting very Outset, will not be likely 1,3 `G rey- on -M ollds Y the ftlia day ol May"
e 14 as we stated in the Thwupiot ,
most . va. aable and widely -cultivated at'tur he fia&I -the country, prove re. "151 - At 10 of the clock a an No
ppear- Says Russia would have been ever l prom ing considered. muneratire. Plaundireepers, and Fei;; vsevrers M"W%
inent persons have been lately po.uted "me 0 -V. vrlu
itubsiitrices in re Princess has not lost flesh, and she h S -Aillef had she t ri,l -0 it without re, iriquirin,, re aidin T to car-
r,qn,res very much the same result. respondent or
inflence of the I ly bad. All virtue and generosiy and w U:'-ef aoableofan'gouirnies.momf"tl' the cor. Davis to bail -18 130 be Path
'ates have a,- It sho lid he known More urred to indicate any chatirge of what Vrall on Monday, but that a ful-ther P031pon
tory candid loss by owever, Oe Jeff Davis will not take place in Richmo of
s-rted that the bad and and secret- Worth keeping. ital in JL Grey will I
has been Purchrxd by Cameron l!allt erestedrkcss, are merely the a
I the sull as grain cropst, in older to be grown no permanent seass of suffierin or expression P 90
aac G'LL oza We always suspect the ance Of pod, but at the b OttOm, with profit- The failure of,grass crops, often of art 9 the Case of sleir. Davis fishing, Hun
it * T139'
honesty of m - I 1, h o XIeLY ; oil the contrary, she rutains all caving any pay. with the'vie! 0 obtain trial or release. ATMOSPHERE or GRANT
n who attribute impum that no nian does a thing except re'zarded as a mvst * MOON.-Astron- Towash 4U4 E. D. Colborn
etivas matter arA va,-uely her Is O'ners for a lorim period ligsve not Ila
lv- s to other-, 3nJ We fcel certain '17 r nrofit, The eff,.:et of his Con racteristics, slid is bOrill that the admittea
M t, a happy and genial chit aiserted on tile highest ant y Aingleyvine, M -V Jsti 2967. 'tre=Pzsfitl,,- on said
to f4u't3 in 'he s. e 'or peculia.-,- govertimut offerp tll al the moon ;Ossessed an -it
-that upon your: versmion ready to be amusect, and as kindly and viva d to release Davi mOsPbere. but the fitifil extent of t
1- Mr. Sewnridill's Ac-quiplillon parole, bt be positiv 19 on his from late improvements in
if thcicse who are now d(Ang reel'nn-P is to chill and seir. ties iQ the session, if not to th 4t exteasivt- Ous us when in her best itate of health.. 'in the own ely de
. "IJ4: fie la-alcer " bad -luck,,, may clined to astronomical in. 500 TO LEND, a Colborne, April
up such "'s th"M to send you away sour and morose. There is, of course no foundation for the Wesig. accept freedom unless uncon atruments,
for 31c--sm and Carling are not i His crtticiims and inuen-does fall its troe explanation in the impoverished eon- rumor that b?r lioyai Rixituess is about I ditionally.11 be settled that that telapercent. A
orten find it seems t $6
d ti 0 t and vPrY rare atmoE y
bouzht up, they I ell ind L take a journey to Derinia- in the Scottish American. eriff of the County of Essex in lumin J ary hasuali,ho miss
n rk for ibe benefit of a Tuckeixmlth.
If a EUaTT is he ative air. The Prim-ess; is not in u "I"re intense believers in t trouble, according to the &cord. A writ height, capabla'of supporting (according to RarimaIley, V.gils,
chased Io,iy oJ glure in tile enrichment of the i
Could be put- ythin, like froit a on a' the soil, and at once its prevention Pro The Sh phere, of abon; one quarter of a mile 2ad eon M"VCAPEELL.
b0a- s at a Ver r What the 100AORE
y chi ,7p fl)wers. eon on to be moved, and tLe qucstiou h a ctrinsi ru ly to wms itistied on onday last by Albert Bruce, the Calculations of-Proi. Loomis, of the Cin. INSOLVENT4
9id chc-ntc, h., a3swers Yei in the diti he
said to be pure Atiother important Matter, had one 631 have expected CT OF 1864 ANjD 8j -
day- caa:jot be 903 strOagly pressed upon the not been entertained. Ulow the announcement f the purchase on behalf of the Corporatiou of Essex, cinnuti ob.servatory), about the 45th part
rate. Knowing no bi- er or nobler p do
of an b of mercury-whi le our atmos IN the Ceinalty C,st" 44 ed
than that of ;C OfRussia America by e United States I
ciple themsefv._-s d. t "le, a WOMan is pronouoc, ,l virl attention of Canadian farmers, is the cu!tiva- ill o cEw4n. to iecover $3,300, Priince of canad
he , as) against Sheriff
he Viill reply: yes,'as yet. Mr. A., nou ofelover. This wij flou.i,,b in soil of 8necessi a it would whi.:h he is alleged to be in default on ac- p Vinuattr
im-igine a;l otheri to be as loose be vain for us to )rts; 30 inches. It is so rare tha of Huy We Collarlyef Hwosto
sTHE usit"erililgill
-jy ban here a
Yes, on Surkday.3. M r. B. moderate cgik;,acity; i ud lFatiure In Lit conjecture, attempt to count )f Land Tax sales- A nOther writ was -pp t Ili the Scatter el jolan Brelt
I e c
Vigether as We defy ar!" ij ust hall fit contains a good oro e What Mr. SeWArd's special I cleed. h perfect vacuum that On alklitardav, th A=
d have looked forill he same the air PUMP- An European Iningaed w I apply to the judge of &W SSkd 9
y Prtlo" Of POta h, lime and A writer in the Saturday Heriew remarks I e most 0111b day of myeit, use
We church : Certainly, tL gypsum, while be P o;uced b can C
a 'O'r'nq Ma Imued out against him for trespass-damames U d f,J'1pp,)rf,--r of th, to prove thal; e the great advatil., line ot national lory and
-ections are e0flaiing oil. The mials.e e -ages his plat confers on The essence of practical . wisdom. is ional propess laid at two thousand dollars. Messrs. Kerr, st C -111t, for a dacharg, a,d,, be
whi(h it gruivs, ren& we do not s -rou mer maintains that reflected light Con- ORW Act 'a pni I tik, 1%7.
n acti'm 0`0 reciable quant SellLfOrth, 2&h day Of APrils A. D,
BY man or make the Lim for all escape, arid 'which will le, a y a three foot IIII-ciflaeat; for be JURN BIMTT
have soll our itifluence to a the pcl is called at, cxa al j, le of dili y it of 11-e world as we it and ' Presume to calculate.' B
r of the land in take BCOWII & Co. haillve brought ta, Zlins an' np
't be tried
is his trade. Such a coin is 0, ver felt erivy can hard! home fiies at tens' &0 e5cl by C - JkCA UG HE r, :ROBEI&T J.
PAny. On the contrary, it Li W n Inown of enerous: djLply into the sOj liviu., toat car r Was
the i"gildit value. Clover sends il routs it. The me&who Be L e o Otte thing 'a clan'r-now that We have call at the approaching Ke Zisiad a
lire fe't emulation-th#t is to sa y
thRr ua-m's isiderable hand, in Which the wh nt Ass;zes. The and sensible thermometer. ba
Y, one of merits of the transaclion are discussed- thousft
money, Tht man is ,,,e,,, ,, the subsoil, and what is daiived by the most valuable anta,onist frces to isloth are also- laid at ttro DZAT1j OF Tgg
t,;at we Lave bul 'ly expased ob:i ;in- To the acti an of I that the d and dollars. hIGHINT MAN IN FaAxcg.- INSULVEN
acl,lmaps id this case Att-eY, ad literini.
full suiipicinn
and ebeat is leav,sfrom Lke atmosphere. and frivolity which we pos:en. A Mina of ('sJOtic thrones Of E u rope are not luadditionto thasecases The COuntide Greffullie, w O's reported to T Acr oF 1864 AND if".
L r amung its LMNE 740" 1ptirg
is eye wains Contemporaries and rivals th Fmnee, died on Province of Canada, the Coianty
aaa IS shaken io their centre ; nor apparertly, are tortim, The prosecution, it N sai,4, have the 7th of Ap T
every Thisplarat requires adeep. di 020 who are pf Mr, Sewad,s mrvel at the age of Cam the Late-livar
is a little fl, uod quality, and takes in only oil and likelY to ran it hard in the race of life Mrietyqwc. couttly of td S
in I 8 , IOUs diplonsia.y. mcnL ril COUntY 01 figuron, JL the
to a seu-se-to use a You. Tit' There is no better ffrt-ea Manure than a crop an.v,, toughness of fibre soon geloeta' they shaken at ail by the 'atest revelations been &dvised by a member of the Govern. dis fortark U. S. Homo
upright Be- there will Zia one against him charging ex- have been the richest Man
Woull have p, -i i d `U-4- le is g` len. Thus bi plought,
d urader when in bioem
y e is est
C, the bad-as'thp vuhure, 'Ouse care the Season A There is, in the imated at
it is own, in or-Jer fJ.W qualms of envy do not work Much harm leading British from forty to 'clothe 'nailer offlotert Hannah, an IgnscilyanaL AnMant exerawr f4ar
leara froal our po"i when in the hIgh-st that - Jourtals six al "Itudily,
tie -d Op- 'leaven, will s., I WaY,,nul, be enfeebled a tone of provoking indiire Y MilliOrill, which he has bequivathed to the SIxtill day ulptdy assaxit, the
I it dy cl in the beg
by living fliaeke and fierdgig use Cutting incing undersigned
but comes like &ft arrow down whe they sting the languid can hardly grat rence, whic l
portent"', tile i1Jflu:MC0 of the a the grain is reaped, or &.9t;oyed by energies into rigorous activity. ft the irterse self-apprecis, Nxivap" The French are ex. helihews, Cliarles and Henry de Grefful- will aPPIY to the J udg, f tke SaW
UPOia tLe tart, 4t 00 wise tiveness oft be. COurt. for a dacharge under the OW Am vVinghsta.
Is coubidered so valuable. To him religion is hypoc- Tag to cattle and sheep during the' -fall MAU continues to be Secretary of State. Nobody tremely amused 5WOrlb., 2kh day ofji rill A.D.,
0 And interested by the A DecOICATZI) DOG. -In the Crinfean ed in &V Peru Of the
doubt,risy The harborenv'y, ailder any seems to care about tLe thilikup. display of Euglish tiewsuapers published OBER T B"jrAg
bon -sly a pr cost of sped deters many farmer, preferemes or proy cation If the people
eVaration for (-and, virtue fro "a settled inmate of British Co'
bome Pe"Ple WOU11 be glad &0 Pay a hand- o';lv -ant Of Opportunity, and -rowing clover, but with a little art of his bolitow. ia have ba` heir anxieties an English engineer war bY S- G. MCCAUGHEY, W,
"Me trifle to et rid of its Opposition Purity, aceticism. I*he li undeniable a'ad care this diffieu.1ty ma ention It soon ceases to stimulate momentarily t in England and the colonies during'the called Snob, which regiment Petted a doir hill Attorneyi ad idem.
ve y be obviawd by and tb,-n its action is Only to numb, NOLL! a way vVhlcb has Only been in past ear. They SeeM was in four battles, and -W15
'on' day he will farvaers growin their Owu8seed.
c"O"IT sit with Sneering tsomewhat aston. was subsequently decorated with a blue rib- 1X80LVRNT ACT ()p
fure th. y ar, duue wilLk tLis contest li ing butthe most. insensate van- has ifiltilid their unanimous ished at the iM
p, u 9
tterin'? sharr, In conclug' fr can lead -a declaration in &vour of ad tneuse numbe ofour poli. bon and I& medal. Th anitosil died
1864 AND 1865.
manner, d i c opis when lun, we will only add that aralls mall to seek for triataphs in many, perhaps Blitish America, 1111D barracks in England last mat_ Proviscue ofean lip -I&
sPeeche% in the qu ' an _rown mission to the tical, literary, aftistic and at MUCH
makin- ;lolwbed pbras,9 ttaasfi i for fodder. sliculd be' cut a more than one or Confederati That, inddistrial re- Onth a a" I IN
%lug every charuter ei. r.y. A jur7le amount of the b two, provinces of by its on.
elf, is not ak very great diplom views, magazines and periodicals, expms- advanced The departed of Rurgan. litthe Cotfuy Court of
atic iain nionrii- IT 0 V"UkIty
07,rtures in that liis words tire ay produced genninework. To accept your inferiority ar to I t a Gountv
aireajy 'at if pre!seiiled. I H softer al l over the r. Seward. The Lond sive of c Snobis M;sjake in v. 2 1, on 7yines wt. very shade Of political feeling and fellows. Xtiter OfJcftph TV011, an lasuireaL N=r DOOR 'To
) I I rfui koowled:e of burn, CotkotrY is rendere worthless Your Proper portion in all but your OWL think, I hen 0 . pinion. It is with feeling" of a as ra- A C age. y the Sith dy 4 jully ext, the
a gre,zlej Pa. or nearly 00 bY beiliz allowed to rather hits the ciall on the head on $Stgurda
but th,,j? ncrcr han oil, yet they are drawn swords.' for M In the m
ed by his
d dmi OUPLINZI,r.-The Emperor of Braed undemigned wil, WEST
their live4. Ail this to thti young seems a won- stand foo dulmain is rapidl seen to be the merelit it attributes the Origin of the ibargan It w ksPPlY to 116- Judge
10"g- It should common Sense. having heard of the desire expressed by warts tor a d'
an nature th, y be cut while the gLalk is L what, it may be asked United 8tiltef Governmentlo 0 the t1on, not 111111ingted Vvi& eary, that the sina to taste a particults Ros- 1: the uM
1yet terthir and'fall of nutritive juices ifyou are beaten on your o desire to retali. cOntributors to the French pregis out IOU - coffeet the r kind of BmZilian Selfbirtli oct'arge mader (be rtnilidA1.
inai.alitid. iever left to mature se la 53 Till he iffilte upon 'h dgav Of April, A. L). IM.
Wautc-a A Nigill Cou"a. iLwnur a wise who appetare to have fourd out ano %va ground? T Y the Provinces Er frm[Lg a lag 9 excelle' 2"*
'"t begin to indulge themselevs Qd9 ale a c;OP , amwer is that ifyou are beaten shamefully I OSEPH Twrr JUST REC
y 7 own for the purpose ofobtaining liced. and political UJI;On under the 13 glances of these productions Of the greatly Praised, h nee of which bad been bF S. ldCAUGRE V
3P with and hopelesil;, it is not your ground at all, This is exeeedincr[Y probable. a quantity
Supercilious ut for feeding gtock.-Canadion ritish sovereinty. as sent to the celebrated aImPu ent ton ue wayfrin;Z to an 1 ud that vanity. not intellect Of a free people, Ushaokled by maestro e5- - power ; aspiration,. not altogethe 01 lItl enclosed
empty bralli, call to n:,u4ht the wi-e, the Av EXTILAORI)j r Eatis iWlOry to Bad a community OX inlaid witf, tho most. precious ---------
I-nipiration, bad led 1 " '01 b WISSAW.-
Are our t,)Wn aa&ho I to enter it. V the dread of what Mealours les Oen_ b a
r ties aware of the I I ried, a ad the vene, able. Yopr of three or four millions, contIgisu, Woods
C"L e -your most precious in- United I WED*
fatet that It i!q -In the Woods tie Aity ' OV POISONING fflurea way be mad You , I ill'. Bar's tuay say or think of Brazil,.aud of the MOU UqWs, WA
imi,ossible Jor ail unprot ar Breslg u, U. W., 0. atructur, ifyou are 811111tes deliberately preferislig manship. to work
eg, lady to Pa" alur Sttirday, tfiq 27th two YOun- lads . ast them teach you hot too conceited to let e8tAblish a svistein of government on prinsi. A Tcxas paper tells of AN" im-cad Carder. Apply to
JIZ ere Arid the best way to lcok pie pwi
the Bidt-walkis ofj ATI-EMp-r accidentally polson, I R5011109 coUple Mr. Charles Bianconi undenigix-,4 At the Goidderih WOOW.
which 0 jo; GCOMpanied by nown Atil:2.
-vu ag) a couple of men, who are innocent w Y wild parsnip. consider them outward proof that a the foundation of the British t.;On- a clergylueal), wha was has been
this town duria even the early hours of', t A day or the Tupposed to be the is as purely in-inamilial as tho., a which, 0. Who clap d n horseback a Irish car proprietor whoie healswell-k AW
TO SaEAK JAIL.- a by eating'a- root at your friends' successes and laurels is to sti IT the
ere sons of Wr Abraham C slitution. This 1U3rrY them.- in a precariom state for some
these per- 'iML
the evening, without being grossly i 19.,lt- lemme who 11usk he. either by luck or TEIOS- LOGAY.
GfeOume,but fee ry i's What Confederation The lady's 'father gave chase, and was firing- from business , and has announev is re- Goderich
. 4 good wartage means in its broad serials. There may, be overtaking the party sale his ,lines of road, I r, his
some, en- about .13 and 020"t, found their appropriate work d for
ed by the -roups of 1 Confinement irk lives close to Breslau, and were s not vet you may Ist, 1867. 'Which he is pre
it I y are sure to do It you are butAle and clerical fritnd, g;- ()ant,& 13"mber- 411 in perfect in SHMUPPS . ...... ....
S", when -the maiden 0 It n forty
foul-mouthed youths de tvcgretl to fures!akll the A 18 years old, respectively, and whibb other elements of tini(,n than that of a com- , id tD ;or
congregated at every General Gaol easy I ,
8trt:,:t corner ? If' D--fi 0 Comprehend moo adherence to the manarchial system "Irking order. SAU i7ery " ani save the lawyers trouble, L-on!d have co how,at their years, they courageous enough to unweariediy- seek it. and he whi inarr Y011 oldest his - or ZIA"
C the very 41toden n0fice
they are not, evi-i Mmitted the -act vvh They have had, mate end of the C6tk Us as we run ?" The idea took, w" biurfitlng beell established in 1819. e Coun!y cal M,
llelic is fortheo bf ich consig t
we have oft y 'Dr
never doubt, failures and as and he commenced the ritual at Milan GighLY-One eanif jalgo. He d
[Dili at the pol rhey had el 'hero to alm')st instant de4th. cn pointed o,,.t M20 nrtne 01 a writ cry,=. IC U A:R G E S
a way riot know
eatiam the wilj pars,,ip, independance. But is likely the bride's father clutched 'her bridle rein i Facial re"due- Issued out of Her At
anY W O(UeIIE W proVe Instead '0"f didapPointmentak in abundance, though you ond jujit T6 -Wit Md
"t distinctly that I pick d a dlzg, to be its cattle An Ireland Young, and began as an itin.
Lng y meanwhile, the scheme
ded, Lay appeat tar have ga exactlY alike : and whatever or Whoever you of union, as it Standit does tak9 the form the clergyman pronoun County Court ofthe 0onalty of
scenes bO;d of a root d a Wcntw
fr them, Or most deadly poison may be Cal, Iiiiiii
which Woul disgrace l4rge Cities, o half an far in I You ta;n do Something. it you search anti-republ, of an an wife boa ads and swessaw too brilart f d gilder. 0
se, but 1r. Campkne, the gaoler, was of a deliberate declaration in favour 10 er M n in CIO 1 11118 a carver a q to me directed e8ainst the a
sceaes Of Lhid are enacited Dightly_ PO ff small fOOLhOlds for that par- the n4dupmae. otthem- NOSWO minds tire iirant - PriatEellei. He, tfuLfi, Tiently settled Fier
ce th V carfle rid Go&
anti brow,11t the ea- hOLr after eating 'It for it longnotigh Icnn system. The father was so pleased 449 the want of cheap conv rv- OfJ ohn McA ul
and which are d 0 one of the lads better than anybo It would be e7sknew in She Yattillesuit at Withi;tna W -
goat ,-he started a public 1 have 41ix1d and taken in execaltion ag
But it fibiltare only sours ou-It y.,u are too this shoulcl give rise to Met atkd Catlira car between CIO.. singular that Porti
Wrt4"lY di- gracdll to a Lerprise to a 15111awary concl ?&down deal in the wood&; Sell the dy else, it A With the dashing acti6a that, as the Story
usion. at heart-burninas
helf,-Apprehending a on one side. or recriminations on the (,theo g!awig IT 0 gave them his blemag. the On of tmct of land and
Small Wwa like Goderich. We declare like fate, ran home beadstrongand vain to tsks in the lesson Whatever the Confederacy r. of the immense beginning i6es situate, lyinir and -heing in 1be tow ; mipar
S; Y- The A raterican AgirlCultu riat in with a!l thc(speed of vhi,.h he was capable a LOUV?yed by stunning wiscarria, &-you it if I to, may develope ranifificsitions iu petirly all thewhich h" its ouiromin- theclounty Of 15ruce,
a "a
pos't'vely that, Ca"PeciAlly on S?z n d2Y our estimation, :StstIthmest U to
in order to seL-ure medical aid, case is, humanly speaking, ho.., ge odiricoftreineat one r,
Counties Ofllr!8 hundred acm got laA Q 06 r Be n It present it is wisest Toe BIG= MAx. 'The late Sir Mary land. I
eveaing-,s, it is absof far in advance of any and inform them ofthe fate which It have alread esi- you the scheme as to regard Smith, Igag X. p. the same more Of k=, akd being 4,mnpMd spr
if posRible,
Ut-ly '-Pors" for a other agricultural paper in one e for Colch
ad beflif. y something More s8entially provisio &I of the est6r, Was one
len his brother. A Saba. wa-
lady ti3 pqss the princitoul crners on the U i ted But he had It convincing in its Character ; and bool, ariCaraoll, ------------- 101 a umber eleven, In the filleenth costialpti" a#
the n ardly rot 1. than bloses and the P-ophets ; land it 0 er weakness tories of the old so iezj
tates. The o. for Itfy eontIfU24 many. the house when he, too expired, leav you could be shown bp 0 great the advocatiis 03F, 'A curious insilline. In the 0onZZ;yQi&VM Q0QW=- AR debta
gref ofreform his resolute oppo,
square without being Subjected to i lug, the will no; take heed of that any outside Power 3i- derness in the canine cam Of mhte;u&l ten- Itfortisaida *1fiel jancla, and tefieltiettiffis I to hm A;
Usults tficken paronts I YOU will not be than to take ambral e at an Interco 91011 to all change gave him 16 reputation for wilis stated th for sale at mY office in the court houre, is The
valuable hints- to or ver the persuaded. thouzu one rose from the dead." partnership which t "atenis not folly and obstiqu.y which will e0atinals, 16
wbieb cause he face to burn wifb I d, farlZers and horticul. 'untimclY aud shockin to [no n O other day at a Bitting of the Societe d'Acell-
n c'uldren. death of 01 t4LJr ire was not borne out mat ! TO -11 of filuderich, an W-ednesda).. the t
bg and UO- by his real characte '00 iD Parial. ' A Poor dolil, bein
and, even if accocrip body w seventh dary OkFetarguary, at the fionr of
hich is* r. On one occasion he ed of her pups tokk fauej
anied by a a- Elegent and consequential lady: conventetae, or 4 for the n the presence of numer s tkat had lost 9 depriv- .1 the Q0 k
gentleman, her eats are liable to be pro. ZW- The Among "I won't time to be such by those Most immediately in. was canvani4g I U to &,rating Iamb c , noon
If a wonders of the Pa. is Exhibi. oblige you to have one, and you #A ons
gunboat Cherub has pue qu ji go, except in a ladies' car; the rf-gulati tdrested, arid which and'Ou asking a heavy looking- far 'is WOMP.P. The Iamb throve
L friends ,
a erui4e to Collin,,wood. am its the Liter mightily well
un_ 8 the ast new invention in the way all." - Ac. or seek to disparage., but with, the 10fis 91 vote, the inan replied: under he regime of-dog,s mil
faued in a still More Painful Manner, 00 great Power can envy for his' ShergillHum.
-- a a cravat in. The toy is amu of commodating superiutandeat: much self and r length took retuge 10 jeed. k, 8herifi-'s Office, Goderich, lem her eompan' e Certainly -respect. I'd Votei f-ot ye, Sir.Uenry, 9A Usual, only Thisithe poor 11 as on gram, n 186
This cryingpvil sho-ujd be stopped, r. I)unoln,s lildVertise.,nt how bells are ;un. You're such a fool Ill- foster mother cou
and or c1leif, bojts and shoes. and New ament, nor the 4. F 001, am retorted Sir Henr means in he; h.5th'sbare Sale is POIBILP01111M ons, week, till
8109 ma'stiqi, certuinly, I'LL orcterbite immedjatel It is exceedinoy gratifying that neither and she attempted OT every The
Lon carries a stout cutd- 1. MO- 863 M EV!rYbosy, bas seen 7.
the new but tkul, bab III not bear
bOtelill in Paris, London Y 111 your arias can,t go on it the press, the p rhi If Of MAm-b
and mlik. it is he mother country care 0 In the very matt to represent you.,, Is L867.
York-- lustead of pulling the bell ma'auR: it must 8447 f1l the gentlemeallt carp wentoft 9 vern. p 49 then Power to prevent her foster child fiom d
In- it ring by an tZertiou of b LL t" indebt
ed to 0 work.
into a flurry over Mr. 88ward's new Polar This ahaft of wit penetrated the fariner"s iour, but found at'leng4b it was to 110 DUr. March. 1667,gamets further postponed till Ift-
140chaoical gr&c'ng itself bV such nucisiltilp bobs, The above sale
territory. It tAkes two to allik. sconce, and with a load gUffaw he prommij page, Place and tiour. e wart,
it quarrel, his vote. and resigned ficnelf tQ_bor din est
ThVillbove Salo IS further postponed till The 74 on
W40 F.
Gbde`694 Feb. 15t