HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi Weekly Signal, 1867-04-30, Page 4s
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They are aent to Canada
H8 d�aer�es l'satada�a tF anb fDr Ac��6
�'El`Y I�.L�1 e�Q S�$� �
� � :` �J �i �Jy � � J�1 �i
Swo��is, 6ayonets, Rifle�
And all th� mo-1e ki�ds of s�ms and �
�ateriai$ coliectPd ia
T.i 1c1 �� A�' Y N A LI.1
`IU �'F' �'I' �i �v�ION I
For ehe I,.st chree �e ��. o�e�her �vitb a
►..��-eY��rec� �f
yang�e, Gnrm�n, French dt
Engli�� 1lTeL.io�s and Nia-Nas,
�Il vf a�h•ch he�e l�eeo sa�t to
IIY s. JQHS3T� :�
�ltere the� are opeo fur C,�nadisns to fea9t
t�eir ey�� a�v0. �9 ��eap� aud
aPNzr 99 RF1C> 0} l�3@
Fenian Colla�pse.
'�` (� Y �
Of all l;� Pr•*m a Qxlt Bt�srk to s 3toe6sae
for ThresrfinQ Yec�dlPs.
A*en la� 3toct ut 6eautitul Cop Boo1-.e�
U. �a-r{�.srow i;vo�s toc ?,�sen:e
BtBLtS, A lBUM3, &c.,'
C��ag as
��1 T�����.
G.�dariet�, Dec. =1. 1RoS. R�
�,dl� P. � B� �CLEg11T,
;� __�� :=^ n
� � � , �
J ` - _
Q �' � � � �
i"'� .>� �+ . _ _
aF15 dLTST F�ECEi�ED 3. I.9F�(iE
£on,sbt�a� to par[ of �rat oi CsnsiAnd Brcad
eio:a�, tDe..ves^�. �Ae�ne��, Sca�tio+, Fai c�
Ba�s� �cvt<-n,aml Freac9 Tavze�.•'a•h�ner�.
�.��,..�, an=1 e vs��etv o( Caoaili8o l:lu��a:
P�ao. aa�, � rEvwe� vesu�+�, J��rta.
Gtvices, t' a�,o. sc-. J: c:
H.- Cre�.+ e�afide�t �i ; �ia; sat eQi,cuoo to a�
��j0 tp80 R9i.�Pi1HL �nh [he>r ordera.
T��J 3CtTb (a:l ��so�)312 aadopsania.
� �i. 3 —CQtti� done to Otder. �0
(��,-iet�. �e�c ?at6. IR66. i� �
���� � ������
M��ufaa to r y�
Ir(;g;Q�en2�eraaulda�ao.anceto tbepahle
1 of`iaroa aad Broee t6atbe has on ha�
' ands�fl�trtooe.�.erC-.ms3r*, �Vagana,Hai
_rosn. SLc_, �rtrieh w�l `be Rold eYeap forca� o
�pp�ave�.:sedit. Qib:adaedEvr �alec�eap,
JOHv P�S3ffiURE,
Yr_toris�ueet �odense .
e.n��a �� � .d9t,
` F g 6 v
� � �gi�a ! ��'�11,�
H .��•ST�Y
� i •
� y• t� �
� �
O p�1*T A.c�i D B�ANCY
T = lY �7`T � R
Cc��.�i ��s�
W H t) l.� S � L L� A� I D$ E T A I L.
� C u a l O i i L. 1 m� s d i. c. k e. O� d I r
1;..�par, was., wuo � r �.,,�a_ a o J � hcep ; L•
tat�:o u► es.:�auae.
J �c J, STU$Y.
��► �►"•.�,•u of che Large Coal Oil B�
tiuleak-h.:�4areh l�rt, 1�'1. w(i-
��aGP�� ��� Yr����iOIE Sto
QAV[:�G �eatea 4nd 6cted op the s
li y�e�� oet;ay�d Up d. F. ��ca6, for
�v*n �xasiaese� ! am u�w prepased W fur
fa,isilie� ��Lb
�ra: �:E�s and Provisio
�Fucb 1 a�stl aa�t �t tbe [.oWr.�t Cas6 p
�'tous aad Feed
1[oQt com�rsmk� uo baad,
A s6ss� of �onr pateans;e wi11 be th
iaflf eeceiTed rnfl f�ithlnEig atte4d�d to.
�i�ea sii, Liqa�ra, Cr�c�Ce
s�i Glsss,�a;e,�uuej G�eiB,
�,e., O�t�eal, Cir���f,
i►`EitlfrEit ��Oit�
�,Q., � C
�t�dL OIL LA�P
�3. BFR6Ti$ON.
p, g,-.Go:tds wifl t�e deli•Ered ia
�rt� 9f t6e towQ. '
C�os3�riab. S�b. 2ad.18ii. �w
83�71 Of Z11l� I
_ a r-g e�' a d I ock. �
g� (�ARDI t�ER � Co., �
�ardwaxe �A rchants,
Mar�et Sanare, Coderich�
E���'� o.�w ��o naud •compete�nd �eltae
�a,,�ted ��ock uf Hnnlwnrc, aouust�ng ia
�a r of
Broad Azea,
Chrp p�ng As�s.
Augu� �. $ruai•ea. Bora=�
�Yaggoa tf�:c�, Lauada Platea,
'C���aa, Uu•ry-C�.mbi.� CoRtage, Uu0!
F�rC�, Hnv Furl•a, h��c s, l:tue. G:au. Puttr•
Graea T�a� �*riods�rora, Powde�, SCot, G�ps
ll,ngrs u1. l-rnds. Iroo, Steel, 8pri�� �terl,
Huw, �p�l•es, and ktent �iufl, Bar
lw�ad, l.amp l:ta�. I.uot�ng
li�asara, Luvl• i»g - 131�ss
Ylate, Norse l�ai4+�
c�c ve��s,
Aad Ho��e� Ul.oauwline.CoalOil��llac6roer�
p��� vero�h, Pt�nts snd Color�, Coal
Utl l.srooe� k'�ough Aioulda�
hlulev ?avra, c; rw*-C ut
Sa�vr, HauJ
�' T�eiboce ��ll beeotd.:heaplorCuh.
Ql; LIi�Ta and STUBaEON T�PIl�1E
.�;�nTc¢o����m�ne1'Clil U"iOPaL�DtIOCQC0.�
ot L,cRd��n.En:land,
!,n �eote�+�• ' ' ' wi3
_ - �;�;�_ - _
{� � -- ��
� � _ __
— � . �
� TJ
� I1I�i:/I/� � ' ' �
railori�g & Outfitting Dep�a�i�ent . N
rH!S 8ubseri6er hege to infacm 6iai many ous� t�e and the publio geoersil� 16at 6a keepe Q
1 coustently oo'Awd the large�t vuriety ond best selection of ta
English, scotch, French, Swiss � t�erman Tweeds, �
Can�dian Manufactured Good�s, e
Having aetored the services of '
A 'R R �
1lft'r R. �7 , �i�er CiUTr��,
he ie prepared tn ezecute alf ordera with promptitude', an� in e� stple uneurpaased b� an�
11A�tC�FACTQREB �a this PROVINCE, Citfes nnt ta'cepled. Try Lim sad eaUoft your• 1
selvee. A perfect fit guarnnteed in every inFtnnce.
CouataoUy on h�od t6e LA8(3ES�1' STOCS �od LATEST STYLES i�
Centleman's Outfrtti;►gs o f E�v e r y Description I�►
AalEKiC�1N a10vEY t�ken at the highbst rute. �
_ Cl�as E. .Archibald _
podericb, Aognet 22nd, 1866. ew103 �
���5 GRI�FITI-g & CO., �
N O. 3y FRON�1' STREET, 2'aRON'I'O,
Chests, Half Chests a�d Cnddies, I'oang Hpeon�� (3unpowde�s, [mperinte, T�onk�ys, Japan
Young Hya�o� l:nculured Japans, Con�ous, 3uuchouos, Urnnge Pel:ue and Sceoled Cuper
Pe6oe. •
- SUCir�1 Lt�i : .
Hhds Porto Ricci ISr'.s. I�Ioa. 2, 2:1•? and 3 YalloN Refiaed� CrusheJ % end A� Dry Crus6e
and Grouad. �
COFl�L'I:� :
Bars La (iunpra, Rio. 7nva aad �focha, elsn, Roast��d aad liround. -
� ``'`- - - - T013�1C�C:Q7�� : �
I (1'iiE OLDr.�T [` THE CUG'vTY.
!I � G���N Kutts.lQ+, l'ad��es �olsce, Twist, aud Lari: �od Bn�h[ 1•2 Ibs., Buzo� Old Virji�ia very light and
C.�Ia.tCC. �
• � �•�H,LJ11'� :
I, (�:i�a� ���I� �I-���1-'.� tiosesnnd IialfBoxrs, Fecc and O.d Vulrnu�s Hu�s�ns, K.�zrs+, � Roxca,and } Iiose9 �ew Laye� epd
APED U I�1bE�tTAKER� '��• K. Ka��in+, kSo=e9 � anJ � Lun<lon La�•r�+. Uuub�e� n�wrt Lnyrre. N�C3l F.RIi I.IIj'C�S. �VCfy' Nf1IPl'�
�1�oataAurr< anu [t+L! �UW 0[1 �Jqd 8 COm�1tlt� Kr� and � K�c� �erdtcw+ Aluscatrt9. �}�rgs J�.0 Ka���:�+ �_��'�'�� Petru� l: urrapt�, (ncw end old)
Elcmc E y.;+, E'nmes in kega. �brtoony and �lass jars, Urqnbe. lx�nun aud Cilr�u Peelc+� Koii:ed anJ
��xt�uent ue F urniturr,ut his �Yarrroou�s, ���„�wl�ard Pru�ta (�n Fancy E3oxra) tiqxee anJ Urum+ �ultana Rain�us, l3ng� aud K�sen Jurdnn�
i�EST 5 TREET. GODEBICH, ����t �o�.l aud \'aleuc�a Alu�unJy, Watuuro aud F�Ib+:rts.
scre as �ti" 1�i i�: S:
T�(1s, Rureau9, T.ih}ea, Redateads, F�air, pi�x, H6Js,Qr. CesL-sanJ(h•iavea, jaodem�a'e,timhu�n'9, und Uftlec's Porte, Pzmertin's. DuB.
C.aar ��d ti� �•�1•seate3 Chnirs. Ui�t ]�ouldiu� ��� �"n x�%�''g, Cramp, �utr: 3c Co,'y. ).opes � Co'y. PAIr snd (i��l���n �hrrnen, L'urgundy nnd
� o p� l:lercts '►1usc11r un� H.x{c
9�� �,���1+�At (r134Se8.in varietv ,01 NRp�y E'urt.+of canuun rodw, ��Aum n^ata, ,•
ga�e :�I iu�f3�tare aad Imported � � A �� � � � ��'' ~ '
Hhda. 1-4 C�•Rs nnd Cu�e�.:►larcrtf'a, Henn�y's, U�urd, Dup�>> S� Cu'a, Julea Rob�n 6t Co'e, V
p_ (}, �y�, �1 Wscs on SSud s Complete as �;6aloupie .1t Cu.'s� and uther brands.
irtTII�nt ,�r C�FF�183. �130� HE �[i�ES L= Q�- O R S a
TU �jR�- Punchens Jamaica Num. Hhds nod Caa� e UaF�uvper'F Hvltand or d BuotL'sUld'i'.��n f7�n,Duonv�lle'�
(� L1•nber and Cordwood taL•eq ln =- jrl,b, �trwnrt'� and Harvr�'a Jcu�ch WGw+t��,C4uad�an Uld kyr, Jlal�� �lurton'n Taldp nnd C�m-
,;�o�e�orFun�iture. R,un Wn�l•�r.. -
�wie��.:e.271nu��..►ss �= gL GL'3, PORTERSi. d'bcs., doo. s
i�ODE�ICH F'AAATIN�r �iTiT. R���'u1°neas' �orter� Bx.o' aod Younger's Ale Canad�an Bott(iu� Co'e Ale.� amI PuRer, Cased
d�y U f3rrnaid'a I.iinYrr �V �oe. Sch�alam �c�uappe',_�reoeh lryueurt. Coriliale, dtc.. Sc.
Rir�� L,�Qerpool coap, Brlmont ,end Freocb Caa.ftew, k3Wtoo &ne, Piu apo ln3� o Blue� �tnrch o
�(`HE SCB3C&IBER BEGS TU INFUEJI venuna kindQ, 8y�ces, Jiu1s�,8yrup.+,Lsrt�enrt aud iVasAi�g �o�ay� Eog�?ah and�anadian Cheese
1 t�einha6ita_it�oltDeCoontiee ofHuroa k'utt«! Fi h.D]raf,Sc,
�ndBn�cetbathe�s��il!\t�nfactanng,and64• Crosse �nd Blackwell's Pickles and Sauces,
oa band aoumDerothis
^ Salt in ��laasJara.�iaecarooi and Vennicrfli. L�quurice, Whitin , Candlewic{�, Bruom�, ��'rappin�
aUPE�l�Jfl fANNING Mlll� da PUMPS• PsPcr, EagliaA, Frenc6 ertd Canadian Yini•gar, �agu, t5eerand ��uC C%urksy Suugs, 5altpeter,Crcani
}ie v►ooW partkutarfq drnm atteotioo to 6i =�r, Pa�la, l3ed Corda, Day aod 5fartia'e� and Lawb's 131acL-�sg, �c., atc•
J�l�lls. ae he cv�ll varrantthem to free �vheatfrom A L S O,
nat�, eoet:e, chre�, 3te. Pnmpamadeto order ����oo. N.►. 1 liound and Labrad.�r Spl t He�nnq•, KWs nnd Kits '�ieckerel, Tubla Codfiah,
aa� °�a�n��• D�gby Elernn�s �o large and ema11 Baies, Livrrpo�l Cua-ec aod Fioe Selt.
F a ctorgox 11Fd�o�a �t.� betmsas P►etorsmtrse S a � e ��eote iu '1'e[ooto� for Jamc�s � gon's l�e�Cbrated llome Blacklead. ,
1 oad Caesb*ia Boad. ')'6e ebc.ce vill be found on inspeetion the best uworted Stocl' e�e� u9Crod �n 'Torouto� ard will br
At�o,aeen t(ort6e.ale of do r g ao's prem�nm sosd tow for Ceaa. or on nberal tr�mr for appruveil pepe�. .
, andpaLentC(1LT11i ATUR. �6tch buoeaer ye� Tlio�, GI�IF�'TTH �►; CO�•
� ailerP. tog�ve �eaera:sat�st:dsoatotumen wdo 39 NK Ov f STREET, 'PORON�p.
S sve �redt tiem.
� HENBY DODD� Toront�, \uvember 24, 1�6& �°'4 `
�i�ess�� Ay.1P23n.� JPti � .
� ������ T�� -
- B R 0 0�i :.'A�TO RY, �
T�E C O 1� I��RCI�L � NIO N
Lgaac Debson & Son. A3SURANCE COMPgI1TY.
fur the rnaaubsctare of Bro�ma in God- �. AND ZO� Ci��g�+� �+D�ONr F+N�L�D.
erieu, t�e sobscribers are preps*ed to setend
tu aIl orde•e in �heir Itne of baainess from C��'�'AL (�`Q�� Sabse�►�d - ' ' f.��5��,000 Sterling.
so� gart of C:oada with promptneas � l p �
A T W H O L E S A L E O N L Y- I�sT� �� mz,°°°,OOQ - DEFOSIT SIIHD tN CANADA, ib0�000.
Their facili�;ea f,�� ���oe:��to�e •.��i, tbey F I R E D E P A RT M E N T. _.
feel confcdrni. eaa�ile them to compete �i►h_ The distinguisbablc pnnc�pleol 16e Companc �ab Leen the eatablibhment of en equilnLle rlasa�6-
an� ea�bliyh�uPnt uf the I[iud iu tf1E COII�- �a��oo�chsf��nR in alI cae�a a Otrmiam pruponiunalr to thr r��l�. �
�rJ. TDe sacce+n mhich D�e aUrnded the Campanv'r• �•perauona hae beeo eucb ee fully to �elize the
� 4actary on K�ng�ton 3treet� oppoaile "��taanguine e�prctat�ooe of the Dtrecto». w6o ba�e reavicei toexrend tho bus�ue� more w�dclv,
tlnrvo kiolel. Addresn. nad oow ofler totbC Cauedtan poblic.
tS.�a� DOs�ox d� So!v, pE��T BB�g�Ty g°�ateed by large Snbecribed Capitat, and Inve�ted
�� Goderich, C- W. FYn�pt`.SeulemencofClaims. The Directon sodGenerul Agenle, br�ng genllemen largei� en-
y peeemt�rr l l, 18�.6. w46tf 4����o Commerce,-wilt take a libera! and I,usiners.liL-e view of all questiun� cowing be(orr ttrm.
7'6e Com n o�eta terme to th�e Jeann L�fr AEauren�•e unPur eeaed b en Lifr. Office.
� Modnrate Premium�-Pertect�ecurity-t:cooumyofmaoagemrat.lend�nAto increaee l6n Boau
� , �_ �,� o! th.�se oq paniri�,atmQ etale, 4munq whnm 80 per ceat ol pro6ta-aro JivieiWe.
"�" Cta�m� pu.d ooe mont6 elter pr.uf w death.
� r�` r- __ _ ''Q � �• -- -- I►nd oty-• advsntagra, whi.6 may be seea �o tAe l;ompany's Yrospectut. .
�w - - IlRorland, Watson d� Co.,
� � � - , General AgentsJos C�nada.
� �b�� F�sa. Co�.c. ' ' .
� * Setrtlary. �
�fu�y�.. Irapeclo� oJ tigenciet,
C� WEST ST., GODEIsICH, H. �Ux�V, .�OpTtt�L. T. C. I.iVt= G�TUV, Y. L. S.
nfiEAB TKE POST Q�L� g, (}ARDt�ER k CO., Ageutrfor rodee�ch aod L¢o��P'_f Wto. Bartsp, Hineanline ;�]/��hu
�"'� 1am►eson. Walteriou and $ou¢aeo. sad�4
b Gold an� Plated Jewelry on Hand, "
b �.� a e z a r o e a t$ r�. T N D RY
� -� . H U R C� I� :� a� .
dnnP OD 6�aGrt n0lICB in qood etyle aad war• ������ �� ��„ �
ranted ucrordine to aSsstemeu�
� W c ddin� Rin;s alwa ys on Hand. _
� ry� Jo M le t t an c� a� m e d i n m� h a o d e + i l l b e -
� e�, l d at tDe ezpiration o f t hree moo t h s t o d e ,
rdv Plpensea "
�} A1{ aniclea ••arrant^d sa reprearnted. _ .
ncl. Q�'T��e beat quatit� of Claek Oii at 2a cte .• . :-... -.. 4
it a 6•,� t1e. _, , � . . w• � � �r , , �r �� �t� .,��n �t ,a� ' 4'� H I�t '� .
� Goderich, No�. 14, 1866. wI6 w,�,, �1.7 •. �..' ��" :'f l�:�����W Ut u�
ilJl . .'1�,�!STE�IMiENGiNc•WORK&n ry_. '. `
Bflon��r to Lend, R. R U�V C 1 Mt Q 11t � C d.,
�� {� N�er� reasonable terma. e�p�� e� �a111IfaCCl1r8T8 0� QrTlSt aIId �O�IIl� �
�� e B. L. nOYLE, . �
ui�6 Savage'� new Btnek. �1i'CL11�T� �L��,9 aIIC� �a•►�3�1 w�a�W-�1�i3�
Goderie5, 9t6 dan, 18G5.. �50 lyr - �
�a �� ���� ���0��'� � +��J��!��
�. gD g� s rt�I�,A.�S��NGi- 1VJ�AC�I?N�S,
�j� pL''lUR�6 HISh4US1'S1vl;EHETllANKB
[l1"ortb��eryHatteringeueoaragemeathe6a► �� ��� ����� p��E�
,eeaqedarnc� L.ecumtneaced basine+�r rn [ioJe- ������Ta
� r ie6, not I,eeog �blr to esecote over one-6a 1 0 . . _ J
t6eosdenb�Qr6se�ur dfacelit►sefo �o; 6artag ffiOW�IIj� SII� �iA$P�.g' �8C}1�II88� WOQtl BBW��
Carr i� o� B�si�ess Ext��si��l � .�.����, ��a. ��4 .
, • , �
Y�� � hsuaCastin smRBe ond Blsekamitb� wark dqne in s neaLaad3nb�tant�etlmanrier�
.cd Cm�toy� a�r none 6nt Arstrcias� tr�cleamen . e�Lin wf�rn ��escripeiun made Eg ocder. Aleo� alt icinda of maehinery
Anda.p.A.bel�rerbue:pesienceu Cqtteta• � �
��ondc�none�othePmrinra,hsviaaoarersda,p " fEUiitedon�thor�notice. Al�cge�tochot _
tr�n�ssaxtensFvely ae�lsaeeusfallyie Ham�lto��
Al�nc�psUf�r�ctwca�iomers tnd 4s�iog bee1D ��� ,.��L�v� ���og sTo�
$• Cnturc ia oee oi t be Prineipsa L�taWirl�seo • � n f
(:diobur�br�cotlteds he Pesrlewly.scatee to a AlRs�a oa �tnd� tioqar Sett�tea, Wegon scd Pipe $oxee. Aaoor psttnrne of �bs�nbore
a,sce�e�n� nobric �b�t � a(�j�s ippst apj1t44ed kibll� wi� w�ld eulicit an m�peeEioe of our �tock hefore pnrebni
ao� (!T,(j'1'i�T21iG ii�� Bl: MenE etse+vEtete. a�re are o�enng t6e aPove at `the (ow��t rea�unersti�e priees for �asb oe tor
� bis+atabtisbmtu eqn�datl►�, ^e�1 Eszsblisb�• �yrp��•(,`redit. Ojd Metst, B�as�� Capper, aod all kind� of prodoee tslienia ese�iaoge.
4b '��aj��ti�ee3o � at�;�� Gtoderieh,Oetober;186�. � � � � -�8!
��►i :•1fw�0 1
.� . . . . . �_ .: �, .. . ._ .
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CuuntyolHaron,tD Y nirtue ot a Wrrt ot (�( �/j�Q2 ACftES O�_ ALT TERRTTO$y
� 0� B A L E. To W it : i D Pren Facine ie�ned ont giD GLOTES � i1il� uLo \ LD `� O to lease, situsted o� end adjdceat to
i� ttESILENCE UF 1'HE LATE JUSN oi Her Maj�Rty's Courty l'vurt oi the Unued �� �he giver Diaitlrand, and jnet et�st o( t�e' '
(3ALT, E8t1. llounuea uf Yurk and I''eet end to me dvec�ted Josephine's, Alezander e� Joavin's, Duc6ese
a�e�nat the Lan�!e and �'enementa ot David Le�e baeks dt A(e:andnas in wb�te, bleck nnd a�erich Kai�way Statioo, ond froDtin�► pp
HIS�property ie beautifullq eituatBd o o• ���nrk noJ Jamea Cl:�rk, at thC au,t ot the Banlc colore. TLe larAest Stock in the Counties. G. T. H�ilwap-very ^ooveoient for a �idia` _
PP ofMonirea,.l navc neizcd aod takrn inEzecutioa CHA$, L�'. ARC�IB6Lll. ir�to maiu line.
site tlte Town of t�pderioh• �o ���� i6r folluw�ng property, viz : ell oad singular that Aj� 1 to, •
irth Bu�lt of lhe �•eltain percel ��r tni�tot land and prcmi�eaeiwatr Goderich. Ao�aet 22'od. 1865. �10 P 9 T, R�ATHERALD,
�IV ER 1Vq A ITLAN D� Iv�n� and � ing in lhe Tnwne6ip of C��tburne� ►n
the Cuum ot Huron lnd Proviuce�l Cannda � N �{�n
cl on the' B�uks of Lnke Boron. It COTr �untaining by edmeaeurement one hundred acrer E-I E M L 0 �� B A R K � 11 �i 1� L vov. 29. 1866. _ Gl5tf��
�ie 31 7-10 acred of Lnnd muro Or iees. br the Rame moA�or leer,be�ng compoeed of lot _
numl�er a�ne�o the�nt�ith conrrsa�on, We�tern gE subar,riber �vante 1000 eoct�s ef Hem- �
i6 Dwellin� f{ouse� Uutbonees Stahlee. divisio�ot'�hesaid t��wnehiv, dbich LandA asd f 1��RO�EO �ARMS for SAI�t
:.., with IuruE (iarden, y inery a�i� Orehurd 'l'enemeo�P ! ehaU o8�� ol �ale, et my office, iu ! lock Barlc, for w6ic6 t6e hi�best market
ie V4'ood Lund conaiata priuci� nlly of Uu6 �he Court Hou-e, in tt e Town of G�dcrich. oe piice wi�l be paid ia caeh on de�ivery et 6ie —
d the 8owe� ing Linde�, Cherry, D1a Ie, SLC � ueedn �h� twen�y 61th day ufJun� uest at the �srd at t�e Dock.
p fiour o�w�lve uf ►he"cluck. noon. W. M. 9AVAGE. j,OT 14, can 4, Ho�vick� 100 acr�s, b0
ie (3roui�ds nre iu veip good order. Tbere . JUHN 51aCDUNALD. � '- +� acrea cleared� alsn Lot 33� con )4� W�-
a thrQe never fuiling aprin�s of pm•e Rat�i , 56eriff H. WOOL l WOOL ! WOOL !�$nosh, 200 acrea ot the IatYer 100 or Z00
� the Prope�iy Tbe sitan�ion for a pri�ute gberiff a officE, Godericb, acres tfl eait nrc6aeers. Terme libera1 and
aidence cunnot be eurpeseed m t 6e Prov lS�h hiarch, 1867. � d8. 1 H E -gu becri ber i a pr e p s r e d t o p a p t h e P t
Ce� , ' � I,ieheat c►arket Friee for sD� a}o�►ocity o g rensonable credit gi�eo on a payment Qown.
F`or terma oppl� to $$E$IFF'S SB.I+E OF I.AIITA�. '9OOt. ..�5t TiUtaindiapatable. Apply to
1 EiOS. tiALT� Eeq•r • ...� . T B.FEAI.ICa�
Barrietcr�'Corooto Lounty of Huron Y vinue of a Writ o` G. N• ��vj17 �tay 3lat� J866. ��E�
' D. SHADE DOUDI:v'G� tu wn : � B Firri Fecias ia�ued ou� n� A N G N A CTUHr:B A14D DEALER 1N w19
Barriat�r� Goderich. ofHrr Mnjeaty'e Couaty Court o! the UnitCd i` s����,QB p��,u hP and Cebtin s ol eve de- '�alt Te�YtOr� i �
(3oderich.6th�u�v.1tSG6. Bw9Q� �%������''PofHuronendBru�e,nndtomed�rrctec] + � � ry
age1u�t thr Lenda and Teorme��ta ol'Andrew H. i�'r� ption. 7'in,(�opper and 56eet (ron Warc,at
� Nc�uinluc6, ot tlie suit of John MoHatt. 1 havr the Marl�et3tove llrpot, Merkrt �quare� l'*ale- '
��O w�� j s� H��� • aeizrJ a�:d taken .,in Esec•uuon ihe fullo����ng rieb. �`HE Snbaeriber OS'ets fo sn� pCliO� 6!
property, viz :: al� the r�ghl title ond �ntrre¢t �� - C O A L O�� � � company for a royelt� ot ooe-fReeat$
the raiJ dc'ruJant ia anJ tn Lot un�nbrr torty � ot tbe product�on, ooe balf set�E O( la d� w1j�!'
1HE FOLLUWItia VALIIABL& P[iGP68TY ��en Jarcir' `urvey,�a tbP Vdl:�se ot�4ral��rtl�.in �HQ(.�;SALE AND RETAIL. 9bOUt fonr handrcd feet troot �,3p� $f(p/i
the � vunty ut Huroi.� wh��h Isnde anJ Trne. •
a t6e Town and To�nsbip of Goderieh! mente 1 es ell otier t��r Sale;e. my otfi.��. �� t��e II�'�iU°�n'� Lamfe,dLc.,�kc. Old Iroa,Cop- ted abnot eig6ty yare}a fFod h�e DrP:sepf3
o@'rred for salr on t6e moat reasonnble LO11rt H� uec, in i6e Tuwa ufG�Jrric•6, on Tu�•s- per. Brneq,-Kege N cu�l c�ic4ings aod S6ee 2`m� G�derich Salt �9 orka.
� day tLr t��rnty 6�th Jay ..f June ueat, ut the hour al:en tn e:chHo�e. - Fur fnrther p8riicnlsr8 eppiy by Iettet Of
�rm� viz�: ol twelvC � fthe cloclt, nooa. personali� to
1. Lot 902, IJorth etrtet� ndjoinin� th JUHN MACDOtiALD, , GGDERICH . $• CA�iPgIQNE,
Tcelepa�r Dlethodiat Churcb, in «odeiich. � Shenj/, lturor. p Keeper of Connty (}a9i,
2. Lota 12 and 13 on the carner of �Vest �gheri8's UtHce. Goderich, � � '_� Godesach, Dec. Gth, 1866. w46tE
nd WeUington Streeta. On 13 there ie a Alerch 5th, �E361. �6_ --- "" a
oud freme honse �nd bakerp. �': - C r
� �.:
(j j Tnese lota form an e:cellent site for n SHER,IFF'S SALE OF �.ANDS, �-� _ ' �i �R ►J' 1'�LL+ - �
OIeI 1 4 ' � •
3. Lo1 113 on Li�Mhouse Btrept, npOtt Cdunty ot Huron ��Y v�nue e( a v�•rit of )
w N•u : � F�rn Facias i�Fu�•d ou� �'rr � � �j1 9E bobacriber offere tor ssle io ths V1�
r6ich t6ere is a lar��e f�ame houae, so ar• •� of Her Mojetty's Court o� ' L lage of Briiast; 18 mi)es from Gloderich�
uused as to accornmodate lhree fumiliea. • Quccn's Pen� �, and to me direcled aRainst the ������ �0���� �
4. .Lot 19l o�i the corner of E�aez an Land= end 7'rnemrnt� nt Mary t{uK�ll, a� �ne aod 3n mif�s from Lnctcnow, on the North•
?Igin streets, upon wbic6 t�ere i8 u smal rutt ol 1lemnrlt �'lill, I have nrizeJ rud taltrn iu ern Grscel Hoad,
'came 6o�:ee nnd s good orch&rd. i':ae, utwn the G�Ilu,vme propeny, viz: all t6e `w� . C� T R E L E A V E N� A G�OD BL�CgSMITII SHOP t
5. Yark lot 14, coe. "C " in tbe Town• rigut utiC anJ interrst uf the Raid drfrnd�nt ii� rr _
aud tu ihu�e eertain ps�rc•Pta anc! Ir�cts uf Land t0 wh�eh the�e iH attSeb2d s good lea�
,hi� of Goderic6, coutaining 10 acrea of es• e,tua�e lyi. g end l,e�ng in the tuwuship of Albe- 600ae ; s good garden, ; of r+n acte of land�
el ent land. [,'pon tbis lot there i� en ex- mar�e. io the rounty ol k3rucr, conta�uin� by ad- � 1j�m aed a�ood we11 of �vater. T6is �t one of
;ellent Tw� Story $rick Hoase, Frgme Bnrn ���raeoremrnt twu hu�dral acres of I�nJ I�r tht ��U��m��S� H�adsto�es, 1 UI11 �� tbr beL1 oQening/ for a blacksmith 1n tj}C
►od oulhuildin;,�s. Aleo, 6�ood bearing B��ne murr or irey, being �•urnpo�rrd ul L�tK num D� y
bere3l and 32, iu,tbd luurtb <'on�•r'a•�u�� Easi ol �able�s �Table-Tops, OGC. CO�ot9 Cf H�ro:►. A�� Of Nb1Cb �Ili �
�rebard o1' choice fruit. tfie Fiurq R�ad of i�e eA�resaid t�wn�6ip o(�1tf+e- + sold c6eap, as ►t,e sohscriber js abont to go
(f� T6is is u��e of the beat eitnatiooa for a martr, wh�rh Land.�an�flenemrntw 1 at�all of:er Obio Free Stone kept oo haod for Baild• on a farm. Tet�s �$80u, 6slf dowo� the
Privt►tr. residenc� in the town. lur�alea� m�• �Ifce in tne Uourt Hvuse, i� the �n ar aes snch as Caps, .g►1�8� BS• rest in oce fear, if to enit porc6asett. FO= '
G, AN 1:YCEI.LENT FARN-117 acree. �uK•n of l;odrrich un '1'ae�•day thr Lightrent6 g P � � articalars e 1 Om the remiEea O! b
Lote 97 und 13, nd'oinin� lotE one froutin ��'Y uf Junrneat� at tt,e h�ur ul "I�we�ve oC t6e BCb� &C., Cheap for �ash. P PP 1 P � %
J � � g r�uc6 uoon. , GODERICH C. W �etter postpaid to
on the Iluron ltoad, und the other on the JUIIr htci���a1.D. NEIL CA,dPBFLL,
seventh c'or.ceasiva, in the Tuµuehip ot - �hrrifl ot Hnron, - Belfast p. o. Towns6ip of Asb� ,
Godeneb. 40 ocr@a cleared nnd Eiuder culti• Lnte Hwun bt tfruce Coanty of H¢roa.
�at�on, upoo v�6ich ihere ie o L'rick dw�lling Fhene'r OH'ice, (;oclrnc6. ! , Jafloary 31, 1867. �v2$� _
bIh 9larcd. 1S�i�. f �7 �//�//�//,%,/�.1%l�rTii•
hnusA, frame bafn nad _ _ _ _ —
,/ .�,�,
� Lnr�c�� oz�c��A�ti�. sH�F'S SALE OFLAr�'DS. �,� � u�� ,'�:
Thi� t:�rm is srivated 5 miles fro n Cotterich, �-- �� FOR SALE.
aud 7 from l'linton, It is good rolling lund, Count • of Huron, Y virtue ot t�o wnts o� Ureat Rednct�o� � OT No. 16, 3r� Con. �Pawanos6� COm �'
well-w,�lFrad. and ha,� o good oravel road on �o �'�l : ���e�u:������� f:snonas ai�0 � I\ PR[CES A1' 7HE �»e 50 aeres. 15 acree cleared. The ls�
. � tavu wniK �r(Yieri Factac s,
two sidex of it. iseued out �f Her D1ej�:�ty'� Coo: t �f (%omruon �% �s sitaaced 12 miie9lrom 6roderic6� en3 �i11
Furterma oud condi!�nrs �f sale apply to + ,
. GL'OI.GE AIc�IAHU.\' f'��'ae and('uurto(Quren n Brn�h, at:d tu mr /�' ` be e01 �n reasoeab;e terma for cas�, AP�� �
r d�rr�•�rd a�ain� thr l:�ndn and teneme�ita o1 j� a� '�QOT �, SBQi to J. B. GOSDUN, ESQ �
G�derich, lith �uls, 186G. w�2�tt H�nrY��.Vamhir,Jn6n � nit and ]ra Lrwie. y, ,i �S T O B E. OT IS'. GA3�PAIGI`'�'
at lbe suits � t S�AI�•ulm M�•PhrrFrn�, The f-om- No�. 2�� 1866. w44cf. at ehe G4�oL
— - - mer.•�a� Rerk ofCaoaJa, Ceurge F. Muorr, �nd � —
G � D E R I �,J � 1be tSnrk of Montrcal, 1 6s��•r s:ized end,lsLcn s; THE endernigced 63> ` ` ' - -
in v7�Pi•uUuo Ibal �•a•rtaiu ��arcel or �ra� t ot land 4" a nuwoo 6and a larg� I� �1� �ALE
being par� ollut �t 1)" �'es�ern Divisioo ufthe stoak'of ISnotaandShorr •
Towu�hipal G�Iborne, Pod more pen�colarlc �•ft�eLe�t mannf.�ctu.r
pNA��qq. descnbrd in la�. deedes lrum Rubert liroham ,,; �%�:ilAreas', Ladiea', an� r UTg 8 and 9� renge B� �o the lo�nshtp o
i,,,'Y � Dunlo{�10 Uacid Law•scn and ��'�Iter Lawson. ��'Z-y; ; Uenilemana' L Siaotrv �20 peracrc ; Eaet2a aeresofs�ut�
� �'�',� ' and latrly�br pro��ty �f tr�e late Juhn lUalt, �' � ff.CBB�Q� �C. ea�trrlyquaner u!'lot2 �o loe9thoon., W.D.�
'-- - �ogether w•t6 t�r mncbirrr�• ut+rd in dncins tl�r �++ !; � AFhncid, ga per acte; and 20 Town Lole i�
� �aw null, .iz., the bo�lrr, ru�ine aod otl�er :' �I! uf which will be sol� (',�erich�pnce $3Q,rri� each aae a��ards.-AP:
S� � �uBeeFos l:e>t�,
%, .j � me�tunerV ruonrcleal. thr up��¢6t sau. anJ alc�u ; P�)'to .
�`_�G� t6r m..c�ineryiti�rinrct�d w�th thr. r�rcular saw, � «-n�.l�utvc:�N. TQOS �EATHEIt6l.D,
X 7 and �6e cernegr ol 11ie san.e, aa atao lbe turo� �� Cioder�ch, Uec. 18, 186G Qoderle�
toa IaUiea in thn Fai�l mill, the pruprrty u� thr w4i$p.n��
� raid J� Un Galt, n•hich lande �ud trnrmrutd 1 I _ 'r• - —
�g� -FACTURY. r���� utler �.,. �e�r u� �Y a���.e ;� �►,r �„u�� �# zy _ �. SALT TERR.ITORY
Huu�e, �u �6e toKn ol (iixlrnch, ��n 1�ne�elay, "`-'���
the tevrnth .+a� ��r ua,� �CY�, e< <h� b��� �� FO R SA L E O R" LE ASE.
TN E Sub�cr,ber having recommeneedt6e Ase Twrl�•e of tLe clw•`, na�n. . �: �-- �
1i�esinefa JvHNSiACDO�ALD� � � `�'
AT THE OLD Dl lll, L � x 4c.:Q, X• � S11�i.:i� �.��.5 SAL�: OF I.bI�TDS. W1THl N 150 yarde M the present (iodeneh •
� JhenR�EOHire.l;odoiich, 7 �alt R'otks. dlso, - I
on IheCoroerof 26tb Jaauary, 1.86Z 1 Wl Coon�Fof Hnron, t"p.Y vntue of a Ii'n: of � g$� I N G L A N D$ B
Water?oo and Li�6c-Houss Street�. To ����t: t i� Ficri�F�cias isaued out �nvenient lo thpt locality. epplyw
. of Her Ma��t}•'s County Court of t6e Umted JOHN B�LL ('rUSD0 8�
w�vld brR tu inUmete to h�a olc Irieods, an�l a� counuee oi Huro6 eod Sroce. nndle mP d�re�•ted - �oucitor, tiooerte�
many new nnra ee lovouro him w�th e call anJ S�' 8I '�'S gALE OF LANDS• ARa °� �tie ! aude ead Teoeroents oi -.lr�eDh Grdefl¢h, let Dee., )i�t66. �v�iit!
tnel, thbt ne will pr o duco an d se 1 1 a Hains ti�• 4� 8 t t t � r e u i o r Arthur Mu�hell, l bave
WARRANTED HOME-MADE AXE, CHEAP co�p�r of Huron, BY P�n�e �� ��o ��»o� `��� °nd talen in �=e�u�»o all the r��ht utle
, _ to wi� : � Fieri : a� ae i:sucd "nd �atercst ef the r.s+id dr�en� ant 3oseph Hain- �1 "�
alroald_goealumpeJot aAmaUrost,k�c6o�Ste., ont of Her :19ajeaty''e�'t��e k io en � to Lnt Num l�rr Ti l lr e o � o ��r L�1�D� F O�.S.��!
� w-
;liede and .'tia� ened eu s6ort a�ot�ce Fou�terut6 cou�•� c�mn ofttre To nship of N� g�.
P Cooatp ('ou:t of t6r �fnit�f Coanurs of Naron ��.` �n the csur��t of tturuo. R'h�ch laads sod � °�� �-' �
N,B.-Alxw a aucnber ol Jlei�hs on 6end. er�J liruce, anca to meairrr.tecl e�ninst t6e l�anda �rnenirnts ( rhall o8er 1or e�ale, at my o8ice, io IIE Spbacriher Offere t�e f011O�vtog 1sDd
JUHN DicPHLHSON. and�enement.o� WIH�•m Con�ter ancl (i�orgr �he w�rt hou�e, iu �he tuwo ol(CoJenoh,oa forsale �iz:-
4a� CouNervt the �n�.F oi fhomaR Ca�6tarn Krrr, Tu�1ay iLe Aintb da ofJul t,est 8t tbe honr '
Goderich.Uet.30i6, 18G6. luho lin�wn and W�ILem orbes Aiurra�•� aod y p ' A Farrn in Tueker�s��a
Roclolphus Lngland, 1 Lave nPized end tx6en i� uftwelveu'utucc ncwn.
J/ &j �� �I�� ���iii�i� execuhon ell �hr ngtt, tiUe and 'euierert of, the ' S6eriffHuron. BeiDg lot 2i, Con. 2� �QrOn �y3tR7lj� 1��
\ aeid delrnd�nls io end 10 �lin suu�A 9alt ot �ot sher 'a OQi�.e, Coderich� acreo, i6 of w�i� are under eUfti�atiOb.
�rr , number 1��ar, in tbe �hird �cnce�iou ot the � � w2 T6e land is of ezCelltat qaaltt�� weli �ratee►
�Q •� fnwnrLip oF Morrie, in ttre Counly ot Hnron, l..t April, is67. ,
T�N ��ia �• �t'hirh lands nnd Irnemenlr / s6a11 i�8rr lor 6alr ed, tna WYib ItSiawOOH llmttEr. The Tow�.
at my otT�•e in tue C��urt Huu�e; in the Tov�n ol Qy to L�an s! reasoneLle t a1e aLip ie koo�n to be one of tLe beet ia IIp�;,,
1 � :udench, un Tuc>dac,�he r•e��rntl� day� ot May. ����� * �pp�y to Cauada for fnrming. Uo tbe iot there ii; � �
D�� L E�� urzt at t6e 6our oC1 we�vr 011he �•lock, ooaa. Y _ o
JUHN h1ACllONALll, ,�-C.C�h1EBON. „ood frame 6onse, fiame Mr�, and o�b
ShenQH rodericb hu�ldings t� comeapoad. ALo i.�ood er•
1N Sbenfl'f U6ice,Goderich� Chsrd� uf 50 besring ttee3.
� F6lhJaouary,��s�. f w, MO���( t�. LEl1i�� FARMS IN MORf�IS .-
LEATN�R ���GI��S . �
i��.,��. 3HEB.IF�'CSA� OF L�1/S. �:IGHT �'��t� CEN'1' 1�ing35Qsorea�composed ots.; 3��;;,,
C�ODERICH� V. �. t� $Qy8 �� con b, 200 screa ; 25 aer2� ander calins.
Coant o' H�ron, Y: v�rtue. of a cvnt o� ' t�oe. 76e lsnd beiog oi5rat qoalit� th:� ws
1�o w.t � F�eri Eaciaa rgsued out D�E Aandred Dollars and apwardo. m�; desirsbi� farm. Alao .�'. � 19. eaA '��
Febraerf 12, 1565, w'47 � of Ner h1aj��ty'e t:vunt� ,�PPiY �o • ,
— -� Coarl ofthe ►1m1ed CunnueAofHamn and �icr ""1�1� � a10�RE, Z�Uacres, no e.eanog ; and R'. � of3. ���
end to me direeted agaro+t �Ihe IRnda and e• Suln:ito� �on 3. 50 �CreS. ai) be8t !]uilit� Of �e
Rintoul Brothers� • ments ot Franr�a Aic���oty, at ,i�e 8��� pr x. eRaaB+s �vcav Bt,oce� Terme reasonsble. Indispatable titie� ,�'�
C O'�i �I I S� I 4 N b1 E H C H Av T S Par` und (:uuk, J l�eve seized aod �tekea �n ��c6. SeDt. t�t . Itee. a�33t p�ticulare snd terme spp11-to
8T d� 89 S'r. FRexeors %ev[ea SrsecT CaC°u�"'p all ihe r�gh�, titl a1�d interret of th�• ciLE%. C��,'P$EG�y ��
+ 9eid defen•�ant in nnd to lot numlier n�ne, ia ►he lOt 22� 1nd Con. Tucicersmich.�
a�� Z' ����• �ourt6 c��ce3aiuo 01 the Puwa�A►�. o� Ath6eld, �� � 1.� �� gp�forth o. Mateh 22 186T. =93f�
' easterndiviriiun, in tl�c Coonty uf Hurou, con eT P' > >
�\dvBncee made on consionmente of Pro , fl„�i„� ar,e huad�eJ aeree, tuore or lers which
duee lo Liverpool, (}iase0� nnd othe� port Ier.Js e�a tenrsnents•1 shaN o8'er tor Falc at my EZGi3T P�R Ci�NT SYEC1AL N��;�. �� �
in Great BriU►to. otfir.e in t6e �%ourt Huuxe, in thr. Town w Len� On Mortgage �1 Q �
Co�sigomenta of Ashee� �3utter� ��.� ce- Guderich. un'I'uesdfly, t6� �+�venlh dny uf �1ay �, a` • ST• �l��i'��1�1
nest� at t6e bour,vl t►a•clve of tA. rloc•k, noon. —� ����
spectfull�y solicited. ,�UHN b7ACilQNALD, �� y ��, R. BAIR''3
Sept.3.1866. ew2 l. a� S6eriII'H e
3her�8's U��eaitodericE�t `' Chaocery �d Law OtTice, Crabb'e b:ock IN��'�IICH at� certain �►eeaon�► .�.se'lt't���
° 2b Januass. � eti7. i wl Godarieh. � ci�esY�i tbe Coaati�a of Spma aad $i�
° Goderieh. March- 8�b� 1867. ,' ew6�i a"a!* tt�e faise preteacas tfist the� srs oi
A S H A N D� a 0 R � �' � �ained from the St. Cstderia Naraecies� L� s
� ��iERIFF S SALE OF I.ANDS Co�nme�ct�lIIotel.IIi;cdcil C.�v �8 to ���� t�.t �t��. �s�. ss�w.� s�
Couoty of Hyron,t . Y. vi•�ue of a writ ol -" . 9 R�bert (3ordaD sre the ont� �ttso��olr =7
J� to 1yU : t�` �ieri Farieo, �yaued ont autboTizea l0 iCii te+eel ftOtn nt,� �1t�lrli�
F ACTOl�. Y � oGHrr flTe�eatV'�'County Court of :he Courrtyo+ " ' "�, . • in thOse CionOties.
W aterloc�, and tq me d�•ected atsmst the Land+ TOHN HICKS� Propr�etor. Thie i= dh : n
.�HE �uideTe+�ned hav�ng pnmha�ed the Ylnin- �/ lnrgestaod trestConu�q I3ote! tn Wester D. w. BEd��
and Tene�nent of Arlhur I�7i�chell Ibt detend:+m ' �_.;:� •
�ng Mi1j and �esli Facwrv uworJ, 8O(I OC- At the Euit of Morris C. Lutz ann •)am� Cowan g y p� ��T•
'anada,auJ char re as u�pctereteaeap H�ns p
eu$iral hy Dunald Cuminiqg, are now prepared t6e P:ainti8,1 have ee�zed aod .aken �n �:aecuUun n lyit�6Cll. Stage Propnntor. (�uodr�.atd►ngfo 25 �isf� 1866. w� �
w carry oo the huss�n�s ot maoufactur�nq ��� �h'�� �*'ry��n percr. or trect ��f La�d and prem- GO Hu�rE. Hurse�ead Carr�a�es for Hae� on , _
isra eduate lyin� and heiag in tbe Toa-u n� S6orleAlNot�n�s �e•� "�"
a sa►�h� n��r$� Bll]j�$� ' Eorcl�aich in tha ruwnFhip o1 Howici iu t6e ` � �HF. andersianea, Aqente for t�e �bOq �
. Countp c►i Hurun contninmg by a�mea�ureme��t L Nureeties, are ptepnred io' fi!1 a1l� Ader
Moulding�, �I�D��g' TM�ty �igbt ncrre mure or IeEa btinR �•um�oEed �Al�� ��R ��• in iheir liae, and �n the� ma�e th£�`�!1¢�
Sla��'g • of all �hal art ofthe Mt11 �ile aao M�0 propertf -• .
P � tioas peraonell�, �bea patroa� ms�salfaipoa��
11111 � �out6 ofl.owse etreet fn the'Cuwn ��r ron+w�etc, �`pNTAINLjd(} b0 acrea of' oal F�rmi�
8 $�tt6at no me will be a ared !o. n. a�1�lE�
� aad ell kinde of Elurcea�d tn�tther .*�it6 ell the buitdinga errcted �� �;d about 33.scsQs�-of a►h�C}t 8T! Clea[= teCtiOn. � `" p �
C I R C L E� O R K �hereon, Whi_n LandA end Teaements 1 rhall -
a oBvr to� 5a�e. at Fny Ct6r e. �n the G�ur� HUucc, �d� �t is �veli wniered, loP� hoaae and barn, ,S, �*j*,i �d,g� �(���j�; •
ieuch na Circle and �jut6�c �eah and Fritmea. �o the Towu ofl;oJench, un Tue�day theFuurib i�tuatea 2� m'ksx�s�om the viilnRe' of Teea• Jnoe lst.1�.�. '`
Theq thiok Prom their ezperienee in Factory aay of luao next ot�th� hour o f Twe lve o f t he wateC oe i�e �r�E1 roat� �ei11 be eold. � ,
• �lock, noon. bar¢au► ! �ar�particulara oPF'�7 � • :;��T�
W o r 1 �. � h a t t h r, y r a n g� v e e a t� e f a c t i v n w_ n l l w n o J O H N M A C D U N A L D, � �
mey �avur them with a r�lt. ' J O H N L U G A N,. �_ ;.
N. B�A tiberal d�ecouot to t6e trade. Saeriff Huron. Tee9water p. o. � RnderBigned hai�ng p1ttE�ted #�_�
J A 5' $ U C H A N A N �beri�''s O�ce, (�odericL, 2 Culross, Iliarch 1Q, 1867. w8 ''
' 22ud �ebruars 1867. f �6 �-. � r g� s t o c k o f S a d d t e� a x; d e n f i t� '
_ n�vc� L�wao�, . Horsea for Sa1e, � � � � �' � � � �
� JA3 ALE�AI�iDER, ; •
Goderse6. Miereh 4th. �ss� .�� SHE$I� F' S S A L�: 0�' L A N I} S _-
• � O ft 5a le Lp • t fie Sn bscrt" b e r a'�"�pan o t g o p d
County o f Hurou, � Y vi r tue o t a i�Fit n f s tou t l�srm Horee�. = ,`�� '
� To W u: �� AGan Nicri Mac�as, unueJ FREI�EttIGg WIL9t��. , d
� Take�. No�ce�' ap«%Hrr Majesty'u Cunaty l;uurt uf tLe unriecl 3ignai�eta Faren• � � • �
` Countiex uf Humn nnd 13ruce� and to nie direct- ���rh T',p. /� pp1)Et�1S67 - lOwtt �
� ed aga�u�t t6d Landy and 1'euemrnta uf Chartcw --
- Brmvn, et tce snu of �ohq f. MeHenaie, 1 havc � _ _� A
se�zed nnd tal�� a into esecnt�on� af! the riahi - a "' � .
� � utle nud �oterert of thesaiddrfcndant, inaodto ��� ������ �'"�
. u► alf o Lo Nvmber 'Cwent iu �he 9 _
theAl 6h f L V
.� _
�d�iIIFL PULLUCg, Eaq.� late Depaty b��b u�r�es°wp otttie Toaneh�p �t Muena in t6e Q� �� ���� � V� ������,� = -
Sheri� 6� been sppotated oi6cisl dasi�n• �iO°�Y �fHuron conu�imnR one h�ndred 'ocaey ,� flf Mr. SotaCl.$Ot#Cn� w�ip bif beeA � i01�
n�ore o��esa, u�ltioh Lande and Tenemrau 1 ehaH , anil �f��prabi knowa in th�►t _ �e �k
ee under the IoBolvent ACt of 1$64 for t6e oper for..8ald. a� my o�r�, �4 tae Cou�t House, THE WELL KNt�W-!1T, T �ix�?• l. ,: -
� Uoited �oanties of Huron and Bruee. i�6e i owa o[ Goderich, on Tuer�ay tt�e tvurt6 • v stste thet �re sro prepsrell to COAtinBI1 ��
� O�ce in Cumerna's Blocic, Kio�- �ny-of J nne riezt. ut ihe hour of twelve af ilir ���������8 ����. ��a� on t6e asme #'s�orible t�ao-s �o�•- _ ,
cioctc;noon. : t chaaenas;6ej.Lsvehit6erio enjo�ed, -- _�
sta� street. " � .• JJH�T MAf,D0i3ALD QITIJATEb oa the corner ot t�e NonLet� .�he gnbscjvhera hsre an 5aad st � �.
Tt ebrnars 2�tb.1866. WGO � ShEf'if f L�ul�ott. U 4reve1 Aoad to ,L,uctnow, one a�it�e fc»�� ' � ��� � i� ��,. ��-
� � �Coderich, su� witb�n ohe hnndred �nd eitty � '�u'get s• �� ,e .
�6erid'R Vdice, Goderieh� � • a,�,l&-af {he f� alerieh ��T W OBiFB noir m'�nt of � ,•e�
;22nd 68burary, .�ti7. � wb U�ration� �'hts Qrnpettj is t�ut�fpily. sitaited. ,��4p[�T�yQ� ������. ,�
9 MUNEY TU �.�ND• _ f o r a S a l t W e l 1, c n u t a i m n g o a r � a p r e � A a O J 1 0 Zg �CRT fTT3.t�"s
, y - e�ghth of land vg�ith a;large tsvo-stor�r �3nck.
� ! 41ote1 fitt s�a �b lort +u� �nd � Ln e Hall ' -
THE N�ROW d� •Eftl� SHERIFF S SA.LE �FI.gNDS. Ro��►►pa �e�to w,�.epgz�i �fa�,itncH a�n� �'dt�,88,'�Ct'�5,;/8�31888r
sg��t, ���'� Uut-bu�ldinEn, 'Ltiere in b oevEr fai�j�,R sprin�tat �., �.� �rL'tclj��ie 'st���E� t0 �l�,
11,�5 �� �� S�Q�+�. Copaty ot Huroa � 1i YiKve ot four'�qrits ot the rear or t�o ptiopesrtT su�u�nt tn soppt� sp �� b�io si �I���i �a1�� %
i!' o Wit : �� Atiat Fien F�cial� �asutxl the3arater r u�red�'oe iwtin a$�It 1Y-�11. � �' "'�
� ��
' The ��va 8oei�ty �s prepared tomt�e � � e4 8 ���� �» �areli t+D 4:s11 ��Rted �Ot�lt'�
out otHer Majeaty s(.onaty Con rt aftb¢ {ini�cd
S$��%�-�� V,�� Count�� ofiiuron an8 BrneC, and to me-IdtrnGteu, A180 ft31' $818� 3�Dt R0. ?�9�j' tbeit�etbck a�i�;►siees�efore ��r �u� #�' •
� UN lMPROV,El,I, ,�'" ::.a ; '°��rs� t6e Lnnde and Te��ementr of: wauer �� �e Towo ot.i�nderich. �icoated on iba Wect w��� ���L � eesnee is eei%m o$e»�3-"���=
.r. �•1��.�.�. � s�.O pO��* AlesEade.r at the ani�s of Ad�a. Hope� W. B. eide o! �actoria stccet, a hoiaer I�t sdj�anin6 �tte _ _�, ,�. � W. MA'$TjN. �
ON MUST; DVANTAtsE0U9 TEfib'i�.� ���H��ame9 d. �vane, ! have eetp�ed anci �"}siain� Fector�, wuh .� $;►�k Ho4se aai w. ._;�,��h� � 1$tbi �86fi, '�`a ��
$$s; A. � tp,�eq �n Ezegution tfietuUuwih�c pro�pe�ty. v�s; :F�raP�eAtable lh@reoa.�• _°� ,. � p -- �
The eoet' of, e8betiog E=Loan �►ill 6e-fnuq�t slf �he �ight utle and ihtE�et ditho e�id ' defend �n$ 8,180 �,Ot �0. 1�1'1, �• - ;� '
much Iower thatt In; other��oCiet�e� owa simiiu 'anf, io �nd to lot �numberievrn �oihe�i�h coo- ��� �L ����� ,.
petore. Tb� attent�on ofebo •Bvtc+�wer ia caq ln she Tow� ot:Gader�ch,��Tus�e� oR t6e'1i�nh _
�1: .�rron u13he-To�vneh�p ol`f3niy m lhsGbuntyof $ideol E�et etcee�l - �uar. the Sailro+��d �;at�un� ' >. . ,��
- t�� the fac�t. t1�st 6e aill r�xeive tha 1'ull nq�onot �t fluron eoat�u il�qcne dund�ed ec•rea bn the anme w�th, a$�al 1''rama�EiQatfi aad largo �taLYe`ihsea "" �
' 4e Loen�wtthout tny detipviioi� being tp�de Tot more �r (ese. wbich L�ode And. Toaev�en #7 enhll � �� �a$i�criber st�rs� keeps ;De ta�!
�attrest or paymeatr �d advaaca. offee fue 8sle� at fiy r�ire, in tfie 4`oute� �lonee, O°A clea� title ann,bn given for the �whota.r � v�tiat��nd hest $to�'� fl#' -
� Advanoes #uav be cepaid Monthtg ��►r Yesrly; ia t6e T� wn ot 4alerich, on �ue�lsy Le fuur. n '
are e:tending ovec-a pertod o,�fi�w pn�e �o bAeeA teeotb�ay oiMsy�tratt.atitlta houeoft etvd af Tb�ab°ve p�°p�q�li i'°=°k�rt �tu°nabfe
ycarr. F• ; � tba•rJoClcr� term�tosu�Y pan��la�r�t�. Far�uUcnlus sppty $���Y ���iQ'Ip►'�9 -
�� • � �� ' d��i+i`Mc - �o . �L. DOY.�.iE..`}3�Tr�ster, i�:. Gode�ksh.-or
„FUS EU`LL F�RTI�QLA;t9 ti�Pl:Y �'O : DaNA `U
ap•' s� ,� � 9heri9' uroa. �'��TSIi�'i�dili�ls��s�b,C�B e eNNUN r� �T T� �.(��TT�i►�. �
$. P d 1� L� C K� I s6ene � U�ica t3adertctr � �' .
A enl and Valuator fo� t e Soclety at Godeich Fe�rua bih 106?. '� ' M's�iroodviile,T�p of'Cnfborae, • ' '�' 8HA9� $. ARC�3B�I�. �
�odeirch.Q.W..1it66. rwt8 �' j ii6 Fesbrusrv 18th, l80" '!�4 n G�rich, dcaaet 22nd.1S6i. swl�i3
--�3�i5itte5� �t
�jF,r_ 1' .- s� : Y'i �
��l:.i�i �'I:�il' H�)]ii:
jg1tOD i1D l0 i 1 v°rl �t�n
�+�(1 v+�+uPataautsat ao ti' n,� i
O�aeY• � `�-�i�ar�n��:�
�jy;t('[.i\�:'�.t ;E�
F.RIS H, (
` U�t. 3iefi,t:
���+� � �,�, �'":';;;
1 t� !i e aa�f !.r.,3�'.
K �'
Cr�tra��rl�uul �
�Y�F�d'<j ���
RioL:.rd tii�
P� t�[ct��, ,. :•.. ,
�I >ns•�.� �,� .
Febf�ar3' Tit,, t �„7 .
' t9r. t+ra,�+•
G�aecaT� ot�,., . :f•�.
�tct.)fia �-t#lira'f� :Y. i �
H�P1�1 and U,ssn-�*`�' • "
fl Mclwuga., - (tics.,, :, Sia
- i �.� t . <. ��•
�,� B tti� T � ►z �. ` .
I.a�, a���j : �% �� '
�i�o'ovn AttA3Ae}a�'�d�r'rR. .
� Coo�i tio�C --- -�-.
—" �1. �� �_'�,,,
�jp�iZ�(�Tr ti, � � � �i .
+.a�ct&.� • ,e..i_-: . • .
-- " Sin�la:r �`L' �
�`�'tI9�;:R�. �'r�'-'`
v EY.�-F. E a. J�%(a. � I.fic.r s
� V.11i�furS� �on,G.>1en�
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Cnan•rrt•. '►.st��'• •
b-e.e 3�4.�,ti�a:er.eh. l:a:�+�.
b � �odtb st le ��i :t'e.t `• rr.,,
U toT1�i'loase t3Q� a. � -
,_'-_i� �3`r-a�iP < �
,�3$�i6T��3. �TT�►.
08, su., >•Lc�;�., , �:
Stai7'A� lP`atevt+°i l:io.�k , •:
�ir�i�adr vVesl "i c};an„��
� m - 2\ �
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v�r. u:���C
escb, C.
B �..�cx
' S(t4.T��Yt.
[t�rJtnch, ta�•»t?it�. }�
«�i3iam 'P
1?'�t'vR1TF Y- � T-I,a :;-
' CO�n�erv,*idt<a.va'.►�•,
G ider�r6,C:W..-U3u:e���-
3t�FT�t�rabl�'.s $1v�4.
-Il'i�ney to Lend ou ,
� ��
. iJ is
. �: -�
B� R R i 5 i i: :.. 5,�..
Oe�tcs-Cao,�ge's .
� 3� �. � ��
��.I_T}�i� A�I'�.
y,� , � �� �?.
Januar� �, 1LbL. _--
.r:'�ran@i� i`
e��oR� �;�-�t ��-�.a��
�l,. Ch3t.'cr{a'.l:.�nr�3•a
�.�,C. We. and SapfiCid.
Btock, Co'erich, aa� '�`
B ��►ea. �
�'�1r; H�t1da'n sv�ii t��
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ti�iaii�P.� �ate Qd�
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��U�lV EY-A�•� k��
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�Cisuc�ss�. �.
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QAIiKtST[:Ei, Auu:cir
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isnds. '
l�,,.�o�o�,Esq., ii
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