HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi Weekly Signal, 1867-04-30, Page 1[70RY. 7 TORY ri adjacent to east of the freoiase on et for is aiding .11EliA111. Goderit w4.5tf or SAI.E, L»ra acres, 5() 4, Wa- r- 1 ae) Or 200 sa Otero% wad may -went dome. .11".1Cre. Dinette et, xey I t,rtv person of ' oroafifteerob e of and. with Land saute the present; by ietter csa A irCr'Sit . Ccosty Gaol. w46ti le in. the v -a. ;OM Godenche a the North,. SHOP I: 1_ 1211.111IF n acre of load, - ....a sone of kswit'h in. OA which win bik at.erat to gas. .f dowa, era l'asers. Fee wriss, or b3 BFLL, )...00sof Ashfielf4, HE.PUrt. .2-610q =cash, ecaspris- Wavd. Thaland ieriash, aril' will r•!? eaSk. App '7eDrON. IG at the GaciL Ice isaraisistaaoso st eaa acre* of irmiab ?-th con.. W olf,lik Leta* iee inawardee-143_, :EFT ALM, Groderark JTOR? - LEASE. ....resent Gardezteh.. .ANDBI • to E LL GORDO'S, ,).lettor, Gocefich 'PLUS L n.14 f• oriownig lewd, k ers mith, rvey, 100 eeit:vation.. a'• -!yr. well -suitext The Town. st !,t tre is o Caere aid ot- e..se a good or - ORRIS, I of S. 4 3' and 12,. s Feder calms. Asoarity thos as • 1. I Si eoft 3, q----aiitv of land- eteble titles. Few t. 4"• I. CAN-PEE:Lair eon_ Tuckerssaitb- L 1•431- wS3M11 - OTICE MB= . eons are Selhale HiEnAt and Brims at they are ob eee Micseries„ Ible erases Stetrast sad perseaa sow • o= ray oferaezieW W. BEAMS*, Proprietor. 1716 ut for the shove d to 511 e21 arias rnalic fheiz seise one asay rely epos ed to Wm- GORDON, • E. purobamed Ike ery arad Curare s ESel ,ao Eah bees se tier -at wepattay... Lag ate. tee cesium tbe. ratiLe terse taper- rto enjoyed. „ ois hood at aseWe way large Aseette- XaMalat prepared to Arai kW •--d prices, for cam. .e cell and imolai fere purebaste3 V. .6 seldom offered: IMAM .665. wit 11011 s keeps the urea of GLOVE15 UNTIES. E. ARCHIBALD. 1664. eyI03 13 usin ess Dived° rn V. A. McDougal Irru.t. HE AT HOME FOR CONSUL V V name no toil o'clock, a. fn., every day visitpatimiats at any hour atterwards,nigh er ear • tr-e . C. Settsonon.M.13.. OBINICIAN,iURGEON,kc.,Ac.,00D tams, C.W. 1340-1 y DR. PlicLEAN, DITYSICIAN, SURGEON, CORONER .• tee. Okead Residencethmidooreastol CentralSchool Medical. Richard Moore. pa ISICIAS. Surgeon and Accoucheur, Manchester, C. W. February 7th, 1867. w3yr -j;-;;;;. GRADOATE of the Medical Department of Victoria University, Toronto, and late oaf the Hosnt anti Dispenser f, New York. Residence e , t/1041,01Pa (Redid) Bay6eid. w49 amtro tra 1....0,071 • , Atiatsr R AND ArTCRNEY-AT Law, and Solicit...sr-in-Chancery, County Grown Attorney Poi:hutch ,'.:aaadit esi otfice • Court House v14840 M. C. Cameron, 0.1,111iStF.3., ATTORNEY, CONVEY ji %item • ,Ki atrium it reet.Goderic b ,C.W S1flLl& Walker. B& aalSTER.S, SOLICITORS, CON - V. Under Son. Goklench. John Davison ialtI3TEELATTORNEY,SOLICITOR B CarnerotriaugstonStreet,Lbxlerich. 9:4 2 car °time, over the Store ot AND HITRON AND BRUCE ADVERTISEIV:. W. T. COX, Editor and Proprietor. "The Greatest Possible Good to the GrIlt3st Possible Number." 4 $2.50 PER ANN. IN AD -1 GODERICH, C.W., TUESDAY, APRIL 30, 1867 ?VOL. 5. --NO. 70. Business Director. DRUGS, DRUGS! r.ar C:0 PI. 31:) (SuccessortoR . B.R eynol la) edictal Cesur-BeasseSirus•s,Godersra , sa Chancery. Sc Oilce, :Market Square DISPENSING CHEMIST & DRUGG Dealer a ,andl mporterot John FS., 41-0rdOrt TTORNEYAT-LAW , SOLICITOR IN GENUINE Cleanest+ ,Perliestem . Chancery, Notary Public, Conveyancer, ko., Ghxlertch, Canada West. Othee-on Soalthstile of West Street ,t buddoor (mut the u iartelgoase Sentare. Hair rooth. and Nail Brashest IST GS D. Shade 4_,Locidtng. kitRISTEa, ATTORNEY, SOLICIT ' ot. e..,Uvassalca,C. W -0v Flea Up stairs Hiratsoa's Block, West St.; asstranee First iloor west ol Glasgow Hoose. 'Toms &Nloore. %rTO R.N1 ES, SO LIC1TO RS, Ste., C; ode rich, C. W. Office - URABB'S NEW rata K ic r. runs- LEvtise.ltoults. ..rdertch .Auzusinth . 1S64. owtOSw3I William T Rays. TTORNET-IT-LAW, SOLICITOR IN 1. c haocery,Vot ire Pub! ic,Conveva neer ..Sr c. tf. .deriett, C 1.1T .-0See, over C. F.. -Arveltatd's Store, Cr' -bb's Block. vl5n29 Nona.v to Lend on Real PrIne.rty Et. L.. lq k R. al g FM. ,tc.. Gooiatott, C. W. " Orrice -Savage's New litoc.k. „N. M1arc.c.41. BBIRRISTER. AT roil:NEI-- AT LAW, Cen reyonc^er, 0.5.."0-B.ake's [Stock., opposite t t.- Pan O.&e, Golenc.h Janeary 3.1866. sw37 J. F`ra,ncis C. 1-1 alarm A TTOWNTS'Y r_L -; )Lic,:roR IN ft Caleceey, Er . Arc , tatIler- Irk, C. %V.. anti Bayorigi. W 0,Ece.--Kay 's Blare, Cc:e'er-ice, eau Mr. Patio eau '5 'tore, Bayne:id. ar Mr. Hata in will be at his branch office, Bei -deal, eve's Monday troin 10 a. tn. till mw&vir36 William R. Bain, B. A. AND LAW OFFICE. Caeaa's Na. Grtisoves. Kiveseas Srese GODERICH. N. R.-Conveyanciag. Money lent on reasonable terms.. Dt.souted and defective titles to real estate Qeieted. Goderich, Dec24. 1866. sw31 C. Clarice. A TTteall ET- AT -L W, Soh -dor in Chan- t V eery. Natary Olaveyaiteer, Ate., Chains, C. W. w3 • Mialcomscrn. D A.11.131STEEL, Attorney, Solicitor, .ke L P Clinton. c. sa.14 MONEY TO LEND. P AlNYS,OILs, COLOIS,DTE SY1719, HORSECATTLE MEDICINES OARDENSKEDS, Orderstrom Malice:men punetuallyattenclaOto at Lowest Trude Prtres. N.B_-Phystetan's Prescription pen.sed. liodench .1 an .10.185S . William Fraser. A cruforEY-AT-Lkw, SOLICITOR IN Tt Oft•oaery., conveyancer. &c. Waas-tra. C.1. of Bruce. •16n1bviv 'Thomas Weather -ate. CCITIL EVGINEER AND PROVINCIAL Land SCU.TE.TOT. TorontoStreet,Goderte.m. v I5n3 L.. 15. C EL ENGISU NEER AND RVEYOR %I Land Agent sad Conveyance r , Kincardine : earefullydia• LIGHT ! LIG-ET! LIGHT I Consulate of tiae Caned States e America. Is a t -C s T 7E: I... Offeee hoar, froas 9 o'clock, a. to., to 3 *clock, p. jAMES 2m4..N1 -A. ARCHITECT, i01.ANS AND 8 rr..IttlCATION8 of Build 4. taps, Sr.c., got up la a neat and correct style r Oce at the Huron Auction Marl, 31 ar- gel Seitscre.teoderieh. Isar vInllyly VD. Mc Et ougall ICEASEDIUOrIONEER,BAYFIELD .1-4,Conery of Boron. Hale• in village or wool 111G:4a.1, LILO culecho. w54aria ROCK &COAL OILS, Burning Fluid ,Lamp For Sale by F. JORDAN. Ooderteh Jae .17.1S.59 50 Jona Campbell. alt'Xitia.314 COMMISSION AGENT Conttnamoner s n Queen's Bench, tor taking c., &e. Odlceon Broad way • V illaae o fltineardi ne .0 .W . 9:9 X IP.R.USS FRESH OYSTERS! WHoLESAI E AND RETAIL, BY THE BEG, CAN OR COURT LOBSTERS, SARDINES, AND CLAMS. FRESH LEMONS, ORANGES, DATES, Cocoanuts, Figs, Crapes. ezc., &a., dm., at West side of Market .1/4'euare, Colder:ch. Nov.30.1S65- sw99 Peter NV Rae. FORWARD&R A N D COMMISSION ) atereaant ,livtastrsow, C. W. Notes arid Aec000taceiteeted. Business of any kind en- s sit:Alto nen will receive prompt attention. w40-11rSois GEO. RUBIBALL & CO., FOR kat COX3I 'SHOTS Merchants DEALERS ii ALL KAMM or PRODUCE, COAL, SALT, WATER LIME, an., *N- Avents for first class Marine and Fire surance Companies. 11 Bee BOft QUAY, Godertek. C. Ti NORTH BRITISH AND MEUCINTILE FIRE AND LIFE Insurance Co.. IN Fite, Marine and Lire lasarances glIVICCTL'D ON LIGASOVABLETILEHH. ESTABLISHED 1809. cArt lAL L2,000,000, S TEitLING. Fire Department - INSURANCES effected on all climes of riskaat moderate rates. Losses prompt- ly faid• Life Department. In virtue of the zuarantee afforded by their large Capital and accumulated profita, this Company can adopt rates lower Oleo are practicable by many other offices. To Farmers. Special low rates have been atacle for farm Inklings and other isolated risks. The node rsterneet having been appointed agent of the above Company for Goderich and surrounding country, will be glad to re- ceive F roposals for insurance in both branch- es, and will always be ready to give informs - tion to parties wishing to insure. Wm. RICHARDSON, Agent, Bank of Montreal, West St. Goderich. Mar 151.1866. aw0 Business Dtrectorn. Malcolm Nicholson. SURGICAL A.ND NIECHANIG AL DERTIST, ELECTROPATHIST, &a. TEETH inserted in either ['la tine, Gold, Silver, or Vulcan tied Rubber on reasonable terms slls•Oifice over the Post Office. West Street Codench. Office -I. F. C. Hidden's Law Chambers, Kay's Block. corner Court House Square and West St.. Goderich, C. W. JOHN HALDAN, Agent. Goderich, 27th Sept., 1866. w36tf FIRE &MARINE INSUJIIIIL1NCE. The Liverpool and London and Clobe INSURANCE COMPANY. Invested Funds,- - - $15,000,000 Invested in Canada, • 250,000 FIRE DEPARTMENT. INSURANCES EFFECTED ON ALL CLASSES OF PR0PERTY AT CURRENT RATES. FARM RISKS AT SPECIALLY REDCCED RATES LIFE DEPARTMENT. I No EXTRA Charge for Military Ser I vice in efence of the Country. Life Policies for the benefit of Wife or .1hildren are secure from seizure by -%reditors. _ _ ikPO I_ IC Y tar 1000, by the Guaranteed Bonus System costs at age 30., $21.'70 a Year. Should it becanne payable atter 5 years. one-fourth ot the Premiums are returned, with the Sum assured ; if niter 20 years, one-ha:l. are returned ; after 30 years*. three-fourths ; earl, 51, the Sum Assured is doubled, and tue heirs may claim $2000 ! ! ! 1E7- Claims payable one month atter Proof t death. G. F.C. SN111 11, Resident Secretary, Mosrasi. A. M. ROSS, Agmt fur Coderich ; B. V. Elteet, for Ell ter , W.. N. Watson, 101 Seal..rth. Croderieh, Nuy.2, 186o. w41 liataKZENIX FIRE ASSURANCE Company of L London England, estaloisbed in 1789, one of the o1dest, largest and best offices in Canada. HORACE HORTON, Agent DROV INCI A L INSURANCE Company of A. Canada, Head Office I oronto. Will take risks on Country and City Property. Mange tisk* taken at as tow rates as any.other first class office. 18o59) HENRY GRIST, [1866 Departmental, Parliamentary, AND PATENT AGENT, OTTAWA. - Trassects busbies& with the Crowe Loads and other (Several:neat Deperenonts ; Takes out Patents for tneentiocs ; tebtiturs latorPo- ratios tor ',ofripeasent lay Getters Pat- ent; Dress and takes charge of Private Bills during the Si.- 8i0e.k.e.. for pasties re 'siding elsewhere. , 13.EYERENCES: Rom.A.c.xpitzt.f..cons- W. It. WILSON, EM.=mow ofCrown Suncoe. Laois. GAELISSIboa- LJUI,E• EN., Hernia doe. ton. R.13tree. Esq..laspee M !wag Leans& Sox, torofAsenclies,Colomal Toronto. Lite Asatonticetio. HORACE HORTON, Agent. MONEY TO LOAN $20 000 mls on goodi'a ro. secant y payable froee to twelve years. No titer.- retained in advance. HORACE HORTON, Agent. aw7 3odaneti.March 91.1.1866. WILLIAM'S Victoria Organs and Melodeons IS ALL TUE DI rirenevr STYLES. IllustratPd Catalogues Free. ADDRESS -ft. S. William's,Toronto W. . Cox, Esq.. Goderieb, who will so catalor-uks w50 New Marble Wor PollOck's Block, nsiues irectorn '1' LI A. IN wy- Permanent Building & Savings Society IS PREPARED TO MAKE Dr. PlIELP§i. SURGICAL & MECHANICAL DaNyorr, Iooeneh, C. W. ROOMS aver Mr.F.Jordan'sDruz. Store 11:2" Teeth extracted without pain by use of narcotic spray. January-13th.lsoo _ PRINCE OF ORANGEIIOEL DlJNGANNON. 75roprietor. Ample accommodations. choice liquors and good at- tendance. Dungannon, 'Star 21. 1061 vc9 if MAITLAND HOTEL, GODERICH HUSKER, PROPRIETOR: THE • above is inostpleasantly situated on an ailment e 120teet high. overlooking the Harbot and Lake Huron ;-goorr Orenards, Gardens and aura I Walks otaened. Board $1 perday ;singte Mealsor8eds.25eenis v1u510vIt W. Ms ZSAVAtitmg . BUYS and sells New York Drifts -Green- backs -National cuerency-State notes, told uncurreut money, at current rate ot sitchenge. 19th Dec., 1865. w47-1yrSt NEW PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY Ott I 11 - ).•4 ...* C..) 7 0 a a • . t' 11 --'7----'..; 1 Ci. Mpb 11 .%1 tl • _ t , V ci g °2 -• M I3 .4 C g -i'veg- iv- . „.... _ . ...., .. , . ., ...r.. _ rooritatca. SUP661011 LIGHT ARO TASTEPV t,, ROOMS. PICTURES taken in every style and in all kinds ot weather. Porcelain or Opalotype Pictures, and THE HELIOARISTOTYPIA, OR "BEST SUN PICTURE," Taken in various styles teem $1 50 to $20 (colored in water colours or oil. Life -Size Photographs taken on reasonable terms -either plain or colored. lja PRICES LOWER than elsewhere in Canada. D. CAMPBELL. Goderich.June 1, 1866. sw27 - Auction & Commission. GO DEIIICH &CLINTON Elsta.blished llf-..IL _ • tio"ALES of Muicellanents• Property in CoJerich li.J• every Saturday, and in Clinton every Wed- neada y. Money advanced on Property (1 r immediate sac and erompt returns made Farm stock and other Sales punctua:ly attend- ed to throughout the County. G. 51. Tia EVIAN'S Auction Mart. w61 Market z -quare, ti Wench Money to Loan on Real Estate, A PPRA1gE a to the Train and Loan Compans El. of Upper Canada. G. M.TRUEMAN, w61 Market Square, C °clench . Land Office. % REGISTER of Improved Fame and Wild .i. I. Land tor eidem -0 M. TRU EN1AN, Goilerich, March 1, 1867. Market Square MONEY TO LEND. ON FARM -PROPERTY, AT FROM 8 TO 10 PER CENT. ni- Costs very moderate. J. FRANCIS C. HALDAN, Solicitor, &c., Kays' Block. Geoderich, April,1867w 1 lit DENTISTRY. WANTED BY MR. NICHOLSON, a Triune Man of good address. who is desirous) oi studying dentistry. apply by letter prepaid, or in person, at his rooms over the Post (Mice, West Street, Goderich. 12th March, 1867. - w7tf 1NTOTIC..1&'. ALL those indebted to the late firm of R. & G. F. bte wart, either by note or book account, are requested to pay the same to G. F. Stewart at once, and save costs. R.& O. F; STEWART. Goderich Feb. 15th, 1867. , tl J. D. CAMERON', HMI EZIKOVED FROM Tus CENTRAL TO The Baytleld Hotel I (formerly kept by Mr, Lull.) • -e- , CIONSTANTLY on band, the best of Liquors ‘.../ Cigars,dsc., and en attentive Loader, am ' by strict attention to business hopes to merit i share of public patronage. Bayfield. March 8, 1867. . w7 Sm i- 3NICA.-Y", 1867. CITTINGS of the several Division Court o 0 for the County of Huron. let Division, Goderich, Monday, 27th May 10th " Clinton, Tuesday, 28th " 2nd " Seeforth, Wednesday 29th a Downey's Hotel 11th " Ainlerrille, Tlionsdey, 30th May 5th " Exeter, Saturday, 1st June, a Drew's Hotel 7th " Hayfield, Monday, 3rd June 6th " Dungannon, Tuesday, 4th " At 10 o'clock a:tn. each day. Friday, 29th March, 1867. • (S'd) S. BROUGH, i • J. C. C. Huron )- . o I certify** above to be a true copy a entered in the Division Court Record Book s pursuant to the Statute. , , DAN. LIZARS, 1- Clerk of the.Pepe, Hurom - o 'um_ ..r .t.. (nark nf the Peace. 1 7/227021A T0 @ODIAIIIIL A. M. Johnston MONUMENTS, HEADSVNES, Tabl III tope, Posts, kc ,Teunba, of every .descri lion and style of wortmanship, furnished short notice and at the lowest prices. Lib rat reduction made for sail). All orde punctually attendfd to. Designs of Mon meats, may be seen at the shop. octencb, Dec. 19, 186b. w47. Godorich, 29th March, 18b7. w47 CANADIAN . HOTEL, CLINTON, C. W. W. TUDSBURY Proprietor. TE.!stablishinent is furnished with -all the requirements essential to the ni.iinioriot quests. ar34t1 ROYAL OAK HOTEL, LUCKNOW. JAMES CAMPBELL, Proprietor. BEST OF WINES & LIQUORS. Good Accommodation fur Travellers. GOOD STABLING AND AvrE:s-rivE 110STLERS Lucinow, 5th March, 1666. svStf MONEY TO LOAN THE COLONIAL SECURITIES COMPA- NY OF LONDON, ENGLAND, 11AVE a large amount of Bfonev,to Loan I upon the Secant,pot Improve° Farms for Five years, upon the most favorable rates. For terms and all other information, apply.to WILLIAM DURNIN, Treasurer. Township Wawanotib, Dungannon. P. O. or to CHAS RIDOUT, Clio:0%r 1.2 CHAS WIDDER, A.LE1 ROY, BENJ FHA LICK. Dingle. I BENJ ELLIOT Exeter. N. B.-Deposiot received on ,account of priacipal at any time and interest al:owed the rat- of 5 per cent per annum. January 21st, 1867. .52 m4q 8 1 ao 0 • THREE PRESENTS! -TO-- Every 15ixty Studen.ts. 1st. Sixty-five Dollars in Cash! 2nd. Fifty Dollars in Cash ! ! 3d, Thirty-five Dollars in Cash! THE above prizes will be distributed among every Sixty Students who shall. alter the 1st day of April, 1807, purchase of me, Full Cou•se Scholarships in the London Commercial College and Seminary. Said distribution shall take place i ntnediste- ly after each consecutive sixtf-scholarships are purchased in Some manner of which a majority of the nti.defas themselves shall approve, arid hid] shall give each student interosted an equal chance of obtaining them. If any such student shall, at the time, be absent, be may apeoint any other person to represent him. We give AIOS'I' COMPLEFE N PRAGTILAL BUSINESS COURSE AT THE iall!eaM111110111.1911 New Spring Goods AT THE ADVANCES 1:1V APPROVED REAL EMU! CHEAP CASH STORE SITUATE IN WESTERN CANADA, . litirl,enlitiiiireoedhtaoirieydeeaermlyeach $100 advanced ............. 5 years. 10 years. 15 years. ON THE FOLLOWING FAVORABLE TERMS: Amoui Loans at -pi., If pavable yearly. . port lunate rate r for ''' -in 6.50 2, 4, 6. 8 or 12 years. ' : ... 26.55 16.45 1.3.34 g12.95 8 62 The abUve instalments in, lude a Sinking Fuel, which nay off the Principal, as well as the Interest of the loan, 90 Vila at the expirati ,n of the term ag eed upon. the debt is enireiy wiped out. The fall amount of the loan is adaanced, and no pa yinent is required before the end of the hall -year or year. Payments may be made in Enivalli'e,atid interest is allowed thereter •, or the mortgage may be redeem- ed in fall at any tittle the borrower desires, on erriitable tell fLik EXPENSES STRICTLY 1110D ERA FE. For further information, app'- (prpaid) to HORACE HORTON, ES")., "appraiser to the Societypt,odench LOWEST FIGURES., For Circular and Order of Ex- ercifihes, ',tease address witir stamp, J. W JONES, Pnncipal London Commercial college, Landon, C. W. March 27, 1867. w2 2mq EXTENSIVE SALE OF REAL ESTATE rpHE Subscriber has received instructions from .1 Mrs. CAPT. Pi IRTER, to offer for sale by Public Auction, on Saturday, 27th day of April, 1867. at the Huron Auction Mart if not previously disposed of, the undermentioned Valuable Property! IN THE TOWN CF. GODER1CH: J. HERBERT MASON, Secrets!), and Treasurer, Toronto. Goderich. 16th Oct.. 1866. a w38sw14 LRAM Li, Fli SALE FOR ONE MONTH, AT THE EMP ORIU Al! 0 AM," .491,0911..../' GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICES ! TO CASH CUSTOMERS. THE BALANCE OF OUR WINTER StOCK WILL BE OFFERED AT MARVELOUSLY LOW PRICES'! Lnts Nos. 03 and 660, lying on the South side of Montcalm Street, opposite 'the residence of James Watson Esq., on this property there ta a good th90111113 house, stables and outhouses, all iii good repair; also a splendid assoitinent of the choicest Fruit Trees, Currant bushes, in excel- lent order. The sebsenber would part cuirirly call the at- tention of i tending purchasers to this sale as the property is in the best part of the town, and must be sold on the day of retie if not previously (Imposed of. For terms and particulars apply to the sub scriber. James Smaiil, Auctioneer. Goderich, 26 March, 1867. w9td oewee-4,,,,ovvoes .‘es CLOTHS AND TWEEDS AT -COST. DRESS GOODS AT COST. SHAWLS AT COST. MANTLES AT COST. SKIRTING AT COST. HOOP SKIRTS AT COST! 1111•=9991 Splendid Bargains in Boots and Shoes !4 AND READY-MADE CLOTHING ! Wishing to have our Stock greatly reduced before the arrival of our Spring Goods, we are now giving Decided Bargains. J. C. li)nl'r I_) It CO. GODERICEI, February 15th, 1867. w16 THE OLDEST ESTABLISHMENT TOWisT. MARTIN AMLNN COLONIAL HOUSE. READY-MADE CLOTHING DEPARTMENT The Subscriber has the largest La CIO 1-11 lit INT VT IC) 4:::) ME. • in the Csunties. The best quality of Goads at 'BEGS TO INFORM HIS OLD .C17STOM era, that !leis stall able to sell fok, cash, atthe lowest rates, p. ALL BINDS OF FURNITURE. At his shop on Kingston street, opposite the Huron Hotel/ Goderich. Give Wu a foal!. Goderieh, Oct. 3. 1866. svillw37 The LOWEST PRICES in TOWN 13.-Ca1l, examine, and judge for yourselves. American money take!' al highest rates. CHAS. E. ARCHI-BALD. J M KERR, BROWN &ejACKENVIE Goderich, August 22nd, 1866. ewl AL I IL 7r CO TV, ANNOUNCE TO THE TRADE THE RECEIPT OF A PORTION OF THEIR SPRING IMPORTATIONS OF STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS • They will continue to open out during the present month, a very complete assortment o Goods suitable for the SPRIfi C, AHD SOMMER TRADE, (rje Cash and prompt paying dealers are particularly Invited to cell and inspect. \ ' Hamilton, March 6, 1867 Just opened a Large assortment of GENTS' and HOYezt FELT & STRAW and Cloth CAPS, FROM 30 CENTS UP. laof Ladies', Gents', Misses, ALSO -over 1200 pairs and Childrens' BOOTS AND SHOES, CI.. Latest Styles. CHEAP FOR CASH. ACHESON (lc SMT TH. Goderich, March 26, 1867. w19 MONEY TO LEND ON IMPROVeD FARMS. AT Eta PEh CENT! -ALSO,- Some to Invest in Town Property J. B. GORDOS, Barrister, &re., Goderieh Goderieh.Sent.13,1864, aw3-tf G. BARRY & BRO., CABINET MAKERS, WOOD -TURNERS! AND UNDERTAKERS, Hannitcn St„ Go.d.erich, VEEP constantly on hand for sale all arti- 11 cles in their line, such as Bedeteads, Chairs, Tables, Sofas, &c., r. All kinds of wood -turning done, such as Nool posts, stair bannisters, neekyokea, &c Always on hand, a complete A.SSORTME/fr OF COFFINS and a HEARSE to hire on reasonable term Goderich, May 3rd, 1866 15w6m* JOHN limus5s CHEAP CASH STORE! THERE HAS JUST AREUVLD a large and 1. elegant assortment of CHOICE SPRING DRY +Vg, What will Happen in Case ei NV a r. It is remarked as significant that sou e of the German papErs have already begur. to discuss military' Operations, as if war were actually at hand between France and Prussia, What has attaocted meet attention mu Paris is an article in the Gazette of Nor- thern Geri:flatly, a Pi assian minis e, aftwasarw says it -h France, the German mies will have to operate on two pi ince...t points -Alsace and Lorraine. 1iel;i ii •• the Lower Rhine, separated by the I., y country between the Sloselle and the N'. - . in case of all offensive aita:ck - west, or the upper and middle kiwi., would be necessary to secure the irepa t r line ot onerat.ons, Mayenre, and Metz, witch leads trio the the Marne. Th'b line pasig•s throu; wok of numerous fo • Wn/Ch the most im:,0,1.1l,t is M, 1, a 01 the List rank, arid yet if tit 17' • tance, if Lit.7.ee,urg, distait st 1'1 a • from it, is In our hands e;al k Co ck. lie bolder of Laxt41-rg u, ina‘ter at be valley of tlie Sarre, it only closed by Sriric!ou.s ; hot ts va.ii-• Cuts at iibt try;es the Pr., ofare tailor a already me t.-ned i a:. army enter in urn die middle ae fee " If. on the oilier hand. Lar French .ortresq. it is, esr.eeia'a io co,.t rt with Metz a daii..:er for tbe ;lies of eon- mdiii ation 0: that ertry, and, more, . w aid force it to weuLtil iiif cons d- ra, nv P tachntetils ker /014N.S111,2•. A P, uss CoYembur,;wed their 6e ,o. us a c, • a French Luseret,ara wcu'd menace line.; of cernmuen ation Or the 1-.4111 6 k. re ()lieu cTssa st.s1°,<L-i a"ILue da:1.4lerlbu .it'o,. the '-i he ht- iDill.%(" "11 Geinert army uria...nnin; a an) th • - Rhine into Bel -2iurn. Four liertc of r sa, et which the (ii it o. ju,icture is L'JX, 1011U1 Z, gee to that fort, se a Spec ;41 1,1);)u. Lai1 t r by t-easori of the LICI liraatr,. d. o by ;al • Fa is in actual werfaie7 1 hoe ,i! es ale- Nanyy, M iz. L.xemburz ; 2 Luxerna: 4. Namur, 13, us.sels : 3. Lux-mle.,g, S! a. Lege ; 4. Mayehee, Sir Treves, Luxr ai'mr,g. The II, st t 0 u pealle: to ti.e se19 ..1 'fortified ulaces, ad ar, in di t con, tnuui Con with the central point. 9S ne!I :it well the south and north of the couto.ry_ " The SO att-y a the Fiench witty whi...•1 b t gaily favoled by Oita rai-iroad to the front er ; and .ti• dis,o‘o.ertir:1 at v•i: fram the south the n nth, aid rice rt is , tv,m.d be easy. The Luxe:11)..J.•;, runs pm -sl te! to the Pruss on i • Beige -Luxemburg line, eorrnerts lilt ca'Seyi ut the SloceLe and the Mete,e by the a -heft -est way, end eu-,s the Ci.oii4i.e-Liee-ii.lrussi lire near Ver -viers. To Luxernt Lig and tl • junction point of _these ttiree hues must b attached, in a French point of view gre.q importance. Fouithly, the intim-tent ne:. work counecting the valleys ot the RM...., the Nn.iie, the S,rre, ai,d the Moselie. houches on Luxemburg, aid on it is the on y line cf camrnunication by rail of the theat. • of war in Lorraine and fielgiurn. It is cC capital importanr.e for the Germans. Ti,.. great importance of this place for us wuu i be increased by the -compleirori of the preit. - ed line, Treves -Cologne and Treves-CAlent4 by which Luxemburg could be put in cIre t comrnuuication with the stron:est places 0 i the banks of the Rhine, and serve as an a - vaireed post_ 1 bus the question relative a lortre s so well Suited both for attack ad defence should be the object of serious e.‘ amination." Tire Difficulty Betueen Eng -i land and paias Tbe origin of the difficulty was the setzu-e by the Spanish Admiral, in Anglia of It. year, of 1.1r4isli vessel, the .` Tornado - which had cleared at Maderia for Soul ti America. The pretext under which the seizure was made was that the vessel wa.4 carrying munitions of war to the Suet American Republics, which Spain at IE.& time was endeavoring to vanquish. Alter the captain and crew of fi!ty men had berif kept in prison for several month, the Spann,i authorities released the prisoner, with ILI exception of the captain and five seamen; who were detained to give evidence respect- ing the alleged illegal character of the "Tornado's" cargo. The English glover). - meat very naturally protested against tie. seizure of the vessel, and demanded the re- lease and liberrion of the captaia and mei.. Spain hesitated to comply with these de. mauds, and finally concluded .to send the cilAe before a prize court for decision. The doe' GOODS ! rgland, and so ri British fleet tea been seetat of the matter was not satisfactory to [' which have been selected with the utmost care. The leading novelties ot the trade may now to Cadiz to demand satisfaction for what is he seen in grea. variety at his establishment He regaided as a gross i,:sult to ttle rights ot is determined to 'please, if possible, alike in British citizens and seamen. The late,' price, quality and good garids. And as his capable deepatch in regard to the matter' facilities for carrying on the business are equal states that Spain IS diSp0,ed to make DO to any house -in this dominion, he confidently • solicits the public io call and examine hconcessions. but after hav;rig been heatedis stock, by some of the small Sou American which is cornprieed in part as follows, viz: PRINTS, fast colors, in iamense variety, contest ishh et the ilpl power of f t hui int kg laonfdi.-irs- froFMAINOCty(3_20 DRESScents pertoyard.psscarcely equalled Paper. in this section to style and quality, from 10 to 60 cents, par yard.iEgA AND COBURGS, in all 'gradesi both colored and plain. BLEACHED COTTONS very, very cheap, from 10 cents per yard. WIDE FACTORY COTTONS, from Scents per yard. • 11:2- Several bales celebrated Canadian Menu- fartured Cottons for sale, either by the bale or at retail, at wholesale prices, Phirtine Toweling Woolens Tweeds Counnades Drilling Kentucky Jean Deuims Regatta Shining Shirting Stripes Ticking Flannels Curtains Window Hollands ace.,6c,c. 11.001.5S JUST RECEIVED AT THE COLONIAL. HOUSE 3 Cases of HULL'S CELEBRATED WATCH SPRING STEEL SKIRTS, in tall the latest Fall styles. These Skirts in shape. finish, and quality are superior to any other make of shirts in America. In fact they are the Ladies' skirt of the Season. LADIES 'CALL AND EXAMINE- THEM AT C. g's ARCHIBALD'S'. Goderich, November 6th, 1866' ' .41 To Get a, First-Claiiis Article of WINTER CLOTHING GO TO . ogan's Woolen Factory Store, Where you will find a large and varied stock of Fulled Cloths and Satinet% Tweeds in great variety. White, Plain, Grey, Striped ond Checked Winceys, A great variety of all Wool home-made checked flannels. one yartLwide; likewise WHITE, GREY, SCARLET & FANCY FLANNELS. L9T OF FIRST. CLAS BLANKETS, EIGHT TO NINE POUNDS PER PAIR. Stocking 'farm -Fine Fingering Tarn, Fleecy and -Berlin Wools, all in endless variety. T•ikethitieirith a choice Aisodment of - actor! Colonsfilollands Prints,- Niacas Inpited Wincies Dress Goods, Ready-made Shirts and Drawers I Mena! Mid' Childreuf Socks and Stockholm a great variety: elvi. A call is solicited. ' 10th September, 1866. THOMAS LOCAN. Woolen Factory Store.EastStreet, wt3 Skhilhlabowsi Mantics.n Mantle Cloth, Velvets °Foil:non:n:1:1r Illankets Hosiery Trimmings Hitnuaocgokgplcinssgkirts Balesoaci.aram Bags in both cotton and linen very ctie Hats and Capsi in Endless Variety! CLOTHING. G410CERIES! Hogshead's of Muscovado Sugar, very cheap. 10 Barrels Montreal Refined Sugar, very cheap. 10 Barrels Broken Loaf and ground Sugars, rvery cheap. An immense stock of Tea, embracing :- Young Hymn, Congo; Japan, Soneheng Twankay, Pekoe, SUL, &c. .CCIX-E'MM of various qualiteis. Currapts sltilpsepagiatlpiecosopinesrs PickleCaSari.iPrs enses. I S7r sPtMolassese3r4 TOBACCOS OF Vinegar Mustard Snufi Oils Essences Corn Starch Starch Blue Soda Liquorice If otmega 6te., &co Acc. ALL GRADES,! ......... e The Shelby (Ind.) Courier relates an amusing incident which occurred in a neigh- boringw village, An organ had been purchas- ed by a congregation, which played 40 tunes. The sexton had instructions bow to set it - gomg and how to stop it, hut unfortunately he forgot the latter tart of his business, an I after singing the first four verses of a bymu fibefore the sermon, the organ could nut be topped, and continued playing two verses more ;then, just as the clergyman completed the word.'" let us pray," the organ again clicked and started another tune, 1' he sexton and others continued their exertions to End the spring. but no one could put a stop to it; so they got four of the stoutest .men in c the church to shoulder the perverse metre meek and carried it down the aisle of the church, playing away, into the hurch yard, where it continued eliding and playin away until the whole of the 40 tunes weer , runthrough.g Oj ---e.....--... o.Twenty en .... yens . _experience in win; Bryan's Pulmonic Wafers have proved theta to he the most effectual remedy for coughs, and irritation of the throat, caused by colt!, or unusual exertion of the vocal organa; public speakers and singers will find them ,mmosdtbeleetpuenboca uistTheiagret.ieennttrefreedom sirendersBryfroavin,s Pahnonic Wafers, or Ct' nigh -and i-roiee Lozenges, a safe remedy for the moat Micelle person, and has ca,rsed them to be held in high esteem by all Who have used them. Sod by all medicine dealers at 25 cents per box. Field and Garden Seeds. icr The pnnciple of the Business is: Cash or Produce. Flie :subscriber -begs to acknowledge his thanks, for the very flatterref recognitiiiii recei- ved fol• the past, and hopes the conduct of the business for the -salute sirill be such te to merit, continued &vine. 110 effort will be spared to sell Good Goods Cheap. An inspection is solicited on the part of intend - log buyers. 1701111 118311tifil. Goderich, Corner of Market Sq.and West Street. 1st April, 1866. .29 , GEORAGIE FORBES. Iwars Daigle P. 0 A 0ENT ut the C. W. Farmers Mutual and /1. Stookilompany,ffamthon,t,. W. G.Forbet,Lot26,Con 3, Morns. Jeri:cue Wrr.-Curran, the witty Irish barrister, eras pleading the cause of a certain Miss Tickle. The judge was a bit of a wit; and Curran opened his ease with, 41 TickIe, my client, the defendent my lord -'1 l'be judge interrupted him with, 'Tickle- her yourself, Curran ; you're as well able to do it as lain." v=11. New Yotts, April 26. -Additional advices concerning the situation in Mexico'confirm the news published yesterday. Three rant- missioners were sent by Maximilian to Juarez at San Luis, with an offer of capitulatioe, Guarantees for the lives and property of the prominen1 chieftans, it is said are demanded by the commissioners, but will not he 'grant ed Juarez. Mr Sewards messenger bearing intercession in favour of Masimilian, was furnished with an este3 at 'Matarnoras to ttn Luis Potosi, where he expeeied to t nd the Mexican Psesident. It is reported -that Maximitlian offered to surrender if granted a free depnrture from the country. Tile RIGHT or Ses.sca.-i-Probably tie -question is less understood between naeons than the tight of eeareh, there is no general law laid down, and conseqviently they have to be governed by precedence which haepee• ed long atm; this is not the case with the "Canadian Pain Destroyer," Ancient history does not have to be traced- to feed out whom it baa relieved from the tortuous pains Of rheumatism sudden colds, tore throat, burns, &c. Sold by all liltdicine Pesten 445 et, per bottle. • -