HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi Weekly Signal, 1867-04-23, Page 3T11r, MIFF` RIDIN(; TI:E nomiDau&t. of havinz beam Of politics W oras 0 addmss like this W '=Q -,o may brib2fortM calar or spe6fieptai- a" that I W-111 ess.* ,tW2-_*V of Tkajing saw &--d exr,lialoo my vievid I.C.1-and roan, Whh the U Of Qft th" cand=t of tlbd � .-�or to be� -Nhe,nt am I *t, W`Wtehead, I�iiS,. - so 13 LOAN, I& Vj aGMN, &C , F&C A- -,Kline rT-.--,!e0t surs-evis" 0. A. Jaucawy.sill -my CorM as I&h A. 3,11r. T. G. Jackloolit?j, on cams anctiIIII&P L At, W13 Sao �AFER I L--- �er will be to Kgonal offim )KS! '�COUNTRY. L N wcr's Z;" ,10 ........... I A* ianna r L" - ......... eat ............ JL 41c> in 40 40 J T7,9NERY S TORFO rLili Potatoes, IV ­1 n-mll,r,y Proa I 1,-_ ( _rQa:V A' - and A - �. a ll�v of OVER S EED, it�P ROW FAT PUSJX- I 5%4:V = a day or smoi I n -r PARD. k �t ' 3 cL6 per cwL -Y tviWEM -a. W13 1W Vy fj_%fP2j13LVr1 =Lge from tie �F I;LL- EVALF., &-Qr. in t]W Of TUn&- k'o terms, pot �,., the of Bd& m aA I -F. ChstaL. &A Act, of 18" ,6;:_Cl I_w* Ne" inar-, qs_ ei.-bt,lii d&y of Xw of. tb* &bO* sou m -ch iim thq doRw Oft lin, i.Be Torlivilt S a Shom ia 11ise, C*ati 14Y I,"467. Aur UF INC Ve U t, are tJ,, Z;;" Ac4 W me, wahia two =6*tu c4iniiiiI, veswila j, f atiy, "- the 6r oath. with tba, vm� ,�ne, as all parivas r0ow a 14A win -be FWD=, -kit* 20th 1867, L31IIIII& Uour.tae fillikilift Lojally of the Con,littabinfiry. %flu Adverflormcuto Mortgage Sale, of Land. A. Ir III the Surrogate Court Cidanty of Huron. AUCTION SALE I IN80LVENT ACT UP I hb4. Free and 1jidependent Electors ]YEPAULT having been made In the payment one gatifyin ; fact stands out distinctly- OF THE TO VOIX-RU XPT IVES. of a Mortgage. by, the late J6111. oult, (his Province of -Canada, 0 In I tic Cowt ut it,' AKE otice that we will; at the expiration Op Couly at Ruron. ( c'0,jni% �i fit' the adsssvirab�e couduct f the costabulary. The advai liser, having been restored to health in a -Wdp joining for the purpose at barri her dow- JOHN HARRIS'S Tof I wen IV days from the date bereof apply III The Maticrof lionaw etl 4")� ng REAL ESTATE. ar, -ni In all casses they have dispIlliveA unishak-en NORTH RIDING OF IIUR014 s""vecki by a Fultiple reinailly, after having our. bl"T Is0dri no dute -the Fifteenth day of December, to the J udge ofthe Surro4ate V on rt of the can a - Bide i -I -in va�l save very few instance$ ared for soverai-years with.% severe lung affection, and N65- "'he ti"llowni; pror-rly will be sold by tyofHuron, torletters at Gusird;unisbits over the. On Thursday Ilse j; irlail, %Imv ne,xi, they c0ura-.0 wl-1 Uliili*ArV Ilact I CHEAP CASH STORE! person and estate of' Janet Elizabeth McNail, theun�ermunedA-,i,aI,j,%, I- lt,r JTWgf, oltbe hat drea" "I'defts", CO3sumPtIlivii-is anxious to nink Public Auction of 43, - M. THUEMAIPS Auction said Cuurt, f,-ra Even whe:e w,ir a.;&Ailants outnumbered OENTLEMEN., known Its his, frc,jlo%e.suff,,rc,, 111, ineelld of cure. Ifoonis on the an intantander the age of twenty-one years and rpft Subseriher having received in4truMionf, Dated at L IA. To all who t1eilro it. lie Will sluild a clipy (it the pros. child'of thislate Hector McNeil. dece%ed. A from W. G. Smith, Esq., to o&r I-vr sale 1867. them fil'tv toM Il�ev 1-ove,f t4at thoily have Having been nominated by t he Re. ePIPI fill' lised (free of ullargd). %%'it It I its: direc I i0its for pre- Nuty-third day of April next, at 12 HERB HAS JUST ARR,tft D it large* ELIZABL�Tfl SI -LAW, at the the vu 3'tuff ut �4 hwh 4 are made, formi Co' and usi,ig vile sarle, wiiiell iliev wit, filitt a simm . I Telegalit-assortinew of and Mother of said infant. S. D. 't-AVIsIf. nvenuou, held at clirltod un the 4th "'ar"ll, noon, under the j)oweis coninIned in the brid JAMES HAW, Huron Auction Mart! cuna 4r APT113,1A. f?ltl;-,Vlll I tow. ('0110ITS bv tacia�.- aiv III the discharge of Lill I f this nionth. asa cAnd,dato for the Repre. Uni.m. aml Flind Luasr The on� Nl,,rgdge.viz:-L-)tsiiuribetnOije vithe'Har- CHOICE SPRING DRY GOON Husiland fsaw Llizabeth Shaw. A N, IdZity. Theii c,>"rage hvs ha as reward ; in sentation of your Riding in the Local Loe,,Is. seaditig tile Proseription I* bor Fial. ,slid i of Fifteen oil tpIllill 4i ON by, MXAt,Gd9Y, theirAtLoriley. asliacte. de ol, West have bevn selected will, 111c tillmost care. I.NS,J I,'. I N I' A C1 all cast -s ,,l hri, 0ey shovrol 6,;hl th�ey were lature of olllar;o, and huvin4 '3 Which street, in the'l'owil Terinmeallbur 1 cee'Ved as' Io 1)0 111% Uhlahle. sold It,- ev, Dated at 8eat torl Ill Saturday, the 18th day of ay, i86- -mftal. It be retuen�ber sunarrees of support rrom niatir friends over will try hiareme,1%. asit %vill C,,st t ,rK Puircrer low thoroW.y stwet. it ilig, and .-credit. Deed In be given under file powers con. leading floVelticsol the trade noisy 1141w lie this jai Liay of April, A.D. IF67. 3t nFav pr,,ve a blussintr. Illined in flienuidMort'gage. Forfutither purticu "'ell in grea - varie, v at I"s He that 1%ey aiv scattered di ounty stattiou the wil �le cc list I juenc, I hav� accepte'( 0 I'arliess wt-hmv, the pres-ripfi,.n. Far lars apply to a is deteraviiied to please, if alik-e at 12 o'clock, nolm. it not previously disposiledol. 4 at two r three. and rarv:y of mole t10111:11.41i"In the?, Inad. ttild in doin- so vv,by return Mal I price .11fiat'.valuable p-opert y, hn 3,'on-. the I I th in I) quality und �oorl Ali,] as "a essum in the Townl�bj 1) lot Gol borne. T4jere III Life llc­ n 1. al a:. d gren e ro a su 1) - It"v- A. fill fillies for varrviog oil the bli-illese re eqinl ,2 a d, z4n ; sili-t I 1,at it rvtLaaes o:ne ti ue Will plealictiddie" D. 3.11AT)r�, GO(IDING, 111.11 I" I ISoli-itor fijr Mort.-dgCelll tv ally hou" III 11113 duallisitill, lie ad Oil X1, �ouraze 1,, I,, p un 0. 'ir hearts, surrouaded port from you, to wll,)nl is entrusu: Dated 16th January, IS67. Court of Revision. - " they am by su,'cn d-a-TIC1.0a and exyo.b. V i I e1:1-1 o to 01 e fra n c E i � e. d the pri. __ ____ __ W5.11 sollells life it) alld exj"lle Isis -1�wk, ',,U(l �lolltf (of Cidlivation, wilt, tA to eneiatti,s that v,,,',:y o-tnumher them. My pri i acip!es are not' silcli aS, to satis 0V VOUT11, The aho %%'hl( -h ib �oljjvriwied In. part JolloA LA, v,z: a langre trame 6arn a nd a Liewed, Ivg hou,%e, utid lite V, itve sale is Positioned fill Thurdal, file of all.iii good repair. fsiod 1,,i Fill d Their is in ltzoe-t strililli I'Lev are every shade Lot' p, tv 2nd t1u), of fit To the Ratepayers of the Town � D;ite.1 at ll,,S A. t;,: -LI up'l-i-I they are* A t,,r %cars trom Nvryous May, lti.F7,,ut 111-11116 lime*and volurs, in iim-lise in f�e Township igi Iris,14 ai-i imie tenilh.i are Rjul.in Cat I , ,.it . ill, (,f)-.Illh 10 to 20 I clif, per 3;jrJ. I D., IS0. is I UrCulborvc, being IIliali a iude Irutij 111)lic hG-T;vcr, us is Will kilo -n. 0 maintai; what D. 91ande Gooding. FANCY seareely equallF,I ' AKE Notice, that III- Court of 11evision1will the ortLtmi, 1jravvI Itodd, and only Vaev am recruited fr3in the voun,, fus.-mvirs; is good -to rcturin ti, hiii, tit inoscreti.,ti. ill for I),,. iiskeor-afferiag huninnity it this ,,e,tiun III Myle and quality, front I(j 1,, 5[) hold Its tirq fill utillix on Tue-lay the 30th sh, rt distance rom the ile %I Fit _I Men Icte- 011-1 AvOrltl- to se ur � ri ht ruvern- it nlims: It%,- 14, I is wrrupt alud Oil& - ii, r ter or b�tter e'aas f the very Q C I, ly 1,N Sill cents, per -ard. Inssla-lit, at ha4l past 7 o'clook, P, M. at tile running it, who am, the a West Wawanos'JI, LUSTilES ANO Chambei, and will file e ljearnll�ca*"of pertFl. This jw rure F. hatice iur parnuo its wai,t 0 ie of Feuiazlism. Ille ment, in as economical a mitnaer as is con. i,y filtsadv,niseel; experieste all gradc, jiml cnstabe is, ia fact, a Fnian ,isteta lvith saietv.. I))- adruilsvig built tolored and plain. Apocul ngtilllbt the At-essiment Ivr file present a good rdrin. I .10"N year. Insolvent Act of 1864. questions I BLEACHED very cheap, converted by dx�i, usti!iia- asi.d. tru&zs wto a Thre it bef,)re the public Chatilbery.-SI..New Y, OTICE is berenv given llut a (Atirt. JA MrS Tll()M,-:0,N, Town Clerk. sainedayandwame time, I shis. hawng Revist011, and apf-a, will be holdn Goderwit, April Ist, IS67. rr,,vipee of rana& 0 t:,' I --it, with a�l k) te froin 10 cents per vard. And on the To* arib,;get and a 6 -st- rac v!li� N Uffer for Nalc the unhesitatin.; b, d.enc and ready actiou abs, rhcd a:1 others, it WID9 FACTULLY currUNS, ftoul 8 ecills IIs tily dt-Aire that It WHISKEItS X% HISKERS 1 1 on Friday the 26th day of April, inst., at the per"yurd. � LOTS 180 AND 181, lyal a spludid soldicr, a,l the sobti-ity and shau!tl receive a f kir ti i J, trusl:a�, tl!at it fir. L. 0. NIONTRZ" Cor -6a. the grenteRt tirn hour (If tell in the forenoon, at Mr. Chas I good conduct of a e�tv po iceinan. Wlie,i %ye vid be tile tne�jn.i tit aliy' talaior in tile W­rld. w,11 forve Woj Q- Several bales celebrated Conti, bin Nlaim- N tive 1.� hers I I- fg�j% 11 jj�'j %I' Iwith but;dic.go thereon Flituated on park Ftri-vt, Ili,, the secLional akers or its. Stuart's residence, Lot 14, Con 7. fact" Court of Re'vision for the Town&bip of in theTown of Gtotlericn. These lots are w�ll trislMd the whole Fenian phellotriellon with J-1 that Lave a,) lun- distmeted the to grow Fla 'he It1l"t tact- or chin ; , od Cuttolls, for Pale, either by 'file tilde ., WlivriU a fr trial seriLtree We, J .S C 0 T I,. at rella 11, at WhOiCildit privex. THL ten *I' file I it I I- I. Wir d,,p,i r, ered at its oddity, its , oun!rv. :Own It, filil. - Address W h MCI'Lillep, will be held at Thomns silualed and in a %-vry fibe to any ot r ticsirosi, (if t Ir its trie - rits aw Clark FhtIWI5,- Downey's Lati, Senfurth, town. On lot IhO there is a story and a half uij-.l (Hit u, a 8 -turday the thists of noaserss�. Ls of brave I jr, i ts been Lctiye!y for the hst RrEvr,,4 7h N April.13th 1867. V't to Fir] 12, d maiMe,, house, traine; and on lilt 181 a twt,-ittor% fra n. I - ilueertrait.s ol�Ir." men;ty, we Observe tell cairs 1,1 our the ex. 28th day ot'April, 1867, at 10 o'cloc , drr We haw A,j. y (No letters taken wilt -s-,; lirepa,41 M,29 (loth, XV0,4vils , k, a. W.. building, and well adapted fora large family ; all with great re:iet the ex-ellent (Inalities pz ricilee I have may, if Itiliborls, � for the purpose of flear, ('Wertc-h, 111th Usir, 6, A. f) you see fit it) -- -,4r]r jj.k N III. r -4, l k, Tweeds 1114 appeals from it g,,,xd �epvir, livid vjil Ge sold chessip. I I I have been displasyt-d bV m-1 to,ho are thor- e',ect me, pruVe LiSetill in further impruving, BUT TRUC. - �uisesslileliti &c. TIFle assesernent roll will be Jaities ii,tenTlig to 1,11r, Ila-- Cdll cally. For terint all part jeujars, a pply to �9 lough,ly Trish - Pal,nsts i a Li-waing and I a �crved. .our tluill:c pal and tjui-111 C -r)' �­ Linst' III-) y and uremlernnnintlie Clio n iner tham evor 1. vehelm Drillin xhibited for itispectiou at my place after the notF';erve at I- call hear stoinetht;ic very illuch it) Ih,ir advitntae to just, Ivy ust-lil purpt,se to go into an y rhillnl. IN11,111lis J-111FIES SMAILL. I N U L VE . IN I' A Iminedinte peNoual cativas-4, but I hope by aLldrcqsjiig the utitler- when 13Jankels IVM. JAS. SHANSONT, terrible tragedy occurred at Fort Szotr, Veratla Shirlmg. Goderich, 291h March, ISG7, 4,1 old I he contest fairly cummences, to Meet YOU in Oblige hv 'lot All Litherr. will please hirtaig ,3ti,pcx 'Township Clerk. il,-e of (*Fi rjadR, I IF, I t,,- oviddrims thwr -Awslicut ser"ist. 'I'll king IIl Kansas, Ias& week. The negir 0 Macs.-ey, % ho varit,us places ov%!r the Rid"Ift to mak-e ex- q� qj ives McKillop, April 15th, If!t67. w I 2td tnurdered 3 man 6st f-,, h --J escutled from planations, and set furth MY views at reater w3�.jy.gj TI, I 0S. F. r If A P 11 A N. Trinainings NOTICE- a-iri p� rt,.e m a Fid lot I, I I rd i I I .. .... jeju Ilis whereabouLi btic,, 1;nown, the ;enr1h, and until that, titne,*l WOuld ask you Ruhtscriber baving moved lo the Store 141kelk-It11 Its Skirts. Nvitj dow floflail,18 P ty sheriff and a posse atte;ipt to arrest tO rerrAiu fl-om your inifluelice and- oiie door east of file curijer of Kingston Hoop A OTR T T11" Court of Revision for the TownOjip On the thirtirenill a ell . 'Z;Ircel Ll arl, e &c., 6rc. of Ubbortie, w:il bi, held in the 1'.,'All- him. He fired upon the pail-, killin , a upport to allY Of UIV oj�Fonents, so that you Clock. In tile at IBale,#41'.ram Bags in built cotton and linen Court of Fxvision and Aprels for Phi'P Half, ot, Mondar, Vie IJLh May, commen- d titisten, and severely w0tivld'�,, anotl�rer. may be in a tojud.,e for yourselves [ICCto[S Opiplcisfte Mr. C. Crabb's Block, very Chesil). PE4 Upon capturin.- him he was immed1307 hung as , . 0 the Towntihip of Ashrield, will hold its 6n- at I 0 o'clock. iv� m. in OFF, Tuwij vi (;w:t-r l" ILI b�­; I -u 1 a to our respective weilts, Independent first sitting for the year,ist Robert Sturgeon's WILLIAM EDMOND, dib, har�e by the crowd. Two ot kl�isi couftde�awz, a geiii:t uiert, Dated formerly occupied by blessrs. Parker it- 11ats And Caps in Endless �"atlely! Hotels Kiutail on Tue8day, the 23rd dAy Of at 044h rp h. 1'n �iit .i brother anti another itegro, were taken from Cattle, druggists, offers for s :Township Cler'k 0 'Your obedicot servant, nF THE -de April next, at'the hour oCtwo o'clock III the Vaborne, April 17th, ISO. wl2id ' this mWild d. l, III ar,-t,. A I jhe jail in the save n I a j aad h a THE CHEAPEST, 13ESTAND CLOTHING, PL -I LU �-1 IIAITl`I -------- THOMAS CIBSON. SOTT-rx-1: -RjT)3Uj_.TC4_ arteiuoon. TI*1 SON IYG THAT o I: LL ! -W C_%1. VNDER Ilo*tck, Aril Gib, 1861. wl I tf MUST FASHIO."TABLE STOCK 01-1 JoHN COOKE. I j- BrASD. be local pape-s of Ravnham, Ila Or THE Township CI-rk. AUCTION SALE OF P I`T EF S T R A`I'_I I 1, sssehusew% state that there weie 33 rua.�ri x-tes AND SHOES G ROCERIES! Aslifleld, UarcL'277, 1SG7. wl0td 1111 C-117AX.ELON *4oliciti,ri r COUNTY OF BURON'BOOTS VALUABLE 11ILL PROPERTY I in that rill -age last year, "19 mailles llsi.d 14 Stizar, veryclical) of any House. in town, both 10 'Barivis oiainal Iteiii,vtf Z5116dr, 1 -cry 11-T 0 or X 1 N 60 LVE N T A CT 0 I` I To Or, Woods, Reen of Stanlej, been 6ominatej at clit all. ursuant to a 10WER of SALE MAGtsT&&L*_L QL7.1l_1FICjTio.\s.-In a Park- the Convention of thesi, Liberal Craservative Imported and of his own Manufacture, ioHarrel Vroken Loaf and round Sugam, HE Court a, Revision for the Township P cluntasiused in a certain Mort -age, hich N as a compriing all the newpst st.yles of 1,.di,, ier, cli, I In tke matter of Dwson Kcrr. j.-.. qt the:- "bwy (West pa,per, Llwre recent- A 1) 772 OTHERS., party. held at C!tntn on tile 29th ult Tof Tuckerbmith, will mee't at the Village will be produced on the dity ofsale, the under- 7own of (iodericli, fin t/ie ly appea-d the fo;1awiv,r for and Ciiiidrens' Boors and Sllut.s, An stock ofTea, cm!)raving of Seaforth, in the If ouse (if Richat-d Sharp. on meaLioned Lauds and Pre�ilses will be Candidate for the representation o this Huron, an insulrent. SOLD By General Katrus. for mayor who was 10 P.M.1 AM ES TART El LCTURS oF THE f which it,.- is determined to sell at a small ad- Y,)ung llysou, conzou, Friday, the 26ttL day of April 1867. HE ctirditorz of i lie ai,bovc n.,mi-d ", so! I, "r, t yews old before her -wore eitherpanta or Ri,lin- in the Local 1,PLIiSlattlre Untario, Japan, at the hour of 10 o'clock, a. m., for the re Lre-j uotified to ru, I I Lj 1: j- l.aw C:)P- Call and see before purebusin , else- Townships for t1te present year, ftnd for At Ae Rooms of Mr. P. G. Barnard, Sveet ir, the Tbwn of GA-iit h. (,I, I i - id -j-. supfYort from person., ol' varions sliades of " = 0 ae of T:Iiris & iSOUTH RIDENG OF HU.RO mid having received numerous asisilimuces of returns " is his method- of doin ovallce oil cost, as '- small pruflis and quick dic E 'TL husines'l. Twankay, PLkoc, ie, &a. parpose Of RlRvisilug the Assessment of said N F M E N:- ot-sented to offer here. hearing aud determining appeals dailliast the thp teatti, day of May next. at III,. I hare haJ the h,:i,-r to rei;eive y political opinion, I hre c' W 00:FJF:E1S of various (Ilialiteis. IN THE CITY OF LO, 11"ur %',f our Mysef for your suffraes at the election to S.. FURSEL, Curiants Viii, gar same. jleven o*clock-, a- m., for tF.c 1,ub jL- examit;Zt- Don't Know Hi Tn. very respectaWy ard sig,ned re Gouerich, April 15, IS' U-1 Rai-Ifis IIII ust rd WILLTAM MtrR. On Friday, �Glh April, A. Dis 1867, b7. m,43 tion of till, ati-I for tile o-dm-ing ,f take place, iti ail probability-, at no distant We hare heard uf a man w%,) owned a me to becitne a caiAdidate Ev e Q Townstrip. Clerk. AT THE gdl:R OF 12 o'cLocs: is the aff4irs of Invii estate, jenerallj. to, represent tli:s Riding' in the House of period, Sago ttommons, at the ensuill electi-m, for which P OOK, Diedat G ode rich, in t lie Count ofiluron, 'horse which had been fir a 11jag time affiXted .14 sees Tackemmith, April 12th 1867. wl2 2t viz. : y with a C�hroaia C.)uh, and was in Tn the meantime, I'shall take the oppor. P this eighteenth day ur I&I epileri The lNortfh half of the Xorth half Of Lot April 1867. I t"I highiv flattered, and accept the nomilia- tunity of visiting the several Municipalities, Pickirs Filin h THE BRITISH EXCHANGE HOTEL NO. 9 ,�_ POLLOCK. a poor condition I he al. le:i;th t ion otf-reti me by a,) 1arge I, numbr of in- FRUIT TREES 9 Co Callen, Blue I itt the 5th 'Cancessi" of file Township vvI2 Wl him, and did so fur .,. veiv suln. I that TOU mav becoEne bettet acquairted with San�lncft I-zQda Morris, in the Cuujity of Huron, containing SomseS or 6 weeks he to, t the uential eleetvrs. I have since receievs] Lbe MMMM?3MMLIFF, unanimous nomination of the liberal Cori- the sentiments wbich I profess, end I trust Lot-ters Ltilijorice 'by adilueasurement 1�ifty Acres, more or le;:, INSOLVENT ACT OF I InF34, persaa to whom he hd scId h'.m dril-iii , a iervastive deleri 0 W on hand and for side at my garder, yrups rii megs ANGUS MCDONALD, Proprie'Lor. save and except five acres of the South west ud U Its at te Clintoa couven- that they will be round so to accord with East Street, mulaxics &c., &C', &C. a beauuful horse, fuN of aild cunc ed is a. N corner thereof, und the Ss -Mill thereon. - Province of Cunada III the County C(,O,t of he had eithir exch�mge I �'inj for ts or lo t%e parliamentary electors of the South yaur own, that you will be enabled to give ES I N 0 effort will be spared on -the part ol'tbe The above. pre6i'siefi`are well situittd. be- County of Huron. the Coutity of Iluron.' me a g,n .1 LARGE STOCK OF PLUX TREES, proprietor of the above hotel to render ing close to the -village of Bodmiti, ana there In the -Matter of F. W. t_rfnSLrunZ an Irbul- pe-chasted Ridiri.r I-eneral;y, I cafer myselt as a caoldid- crous suppoit. on le"in, that the no -se WAS the &Une he .1 am, zentlemen, PrI.Afts, CHERRIES, CRABj APPLES his house all that can' he required by the is a good water grist inill thereon. veut.,. , te, anl trust it) eceive yo�r generous sup- APRICOTS, F ud Gareen Feeds. travelling community. -red of so port. a RNEsss Give Lim a call. Further psirticulars and conditions o s . ale On t6 Eleventh day of June next, at ten had preiriously owneA and cous.d, -AND ECT411 leld a tittle value. On enauiry as to what had T�) the mq:.t of v- a I am 'not unknown, Your obt dient servalit. beside$ a lurintity of U- Thie principle ofilic Bu,i:ess I.- : Cash or April 17th, 1867. w12 may be had at the !,:�w Office of Richaju of the cluck, in the lorrnoon, the off IS A A 0 DT Bayly, r-Nq-, and -it the Auctiativer'a ltoows, 'wil! apply lo the Judge of The said Couri. ai ,rcited so g,mat a 4e; he wa.s, 0'd il I Lt flaviuZ been a re-jident. ill the rXZ_V CA1111JUING. Grape, Currants, Gooseberrifegil Produco. — . I -Darley's Arabian IL-ilsye I:ell,elv rld for a " Fleter, :r, April, 1,417. wIltf in the City of L.m&)n. his Chambers, in the Town of Gudeil'ch, in peri �i � Ill.; ly two rears, and rile :-tabscriber becs In acknowledge Ill., T- :-:e - - - &r. A!so. on hand a number of ZPA aid County, for a discbar�ed under tire said haviaz during th,Lt all the Insolvent Act of 18 RICHARD BAYLY, ratatiou has eff--cted ai_­Fm%� remrkab' e) fl.atik!- for the very &'U�rjrg MCUU­11114191 re('Cl- 0`2_ es' difficulties aibd pri-.Li.a:s it a backwoods Hale's Eaorly Feach, ved for thepa!,t, und file of I lir Veudors' Sjl;citnr. Act. t" as C!, for file. future saril lic a., to c -it In the matter of William Little an Insolvent. Londn� April 9 1867. u -I lid Dalt,-d at Goderiell, in the Ciluroy of llcron' &member 6e nime. and see that the and To the Free and Inde- (The earliest and hardiftt va,iety known) I signature of Hurd 4- Co. is UU each continued favors a ed,n t will im mpart-d to other 11*4hlv tcmrore wiident _Fwlectors of the Also. seveml other ir-rieties. sell Good Iloilo Cheap. The Creditors of the Insolvent, are tiob- dus 2ft day of March A. D. I �,fi necessarily far many bten C�� Ititendin purchasers would 'do well A it I nspecti�n is suit tied on the part of intend- fied to meet at the law office of J,. Y. Mwood, F. W. A_RM8TR0Nr1 NarrAfrop 4- Lyman, Vewcast!e, C. �V., promviently bvl`� re al --j I ally go--uth Riding lauron, t call at once. ing huycrl�. in the Town of Goderich, on Friday, the 1. lusolvenf- prvprietors, f,,r the Caia!as. Sild by ad! mantr,o,-fu,',Y nGEAL EMEN CAMPBL_11, seventeenth day of May, next, at twelwe of M. C. CANIEROX. 31e&cM'a dealers. w 12 len Lhe ., ' tt, W - - Aolicitor for ' nsolvent. u IO2ca 1;.est "tItt I iefirr tes, toy I-asl, Goderiell, April 16, 1866. JOHN ' HAURIS. e clock noon, for the pubiie' examination is Havit), reccived the unna ul2tf coume as 11 I ndex of wh.a my future xar be I imnus nomi Goderich, Corner nf arket Sq. and West of the Insolvent. and for the purpose of APPREHENSION _1X_S__0_LV_ENT A_CT _0F 1-8-6-4. , , nation, at the CL-Inventiorl recently held in Njolkers Head This- Holloviiii, vishclu:d vt:u ave fit turvief t me. li'lilut, no Street. la Anril, 1866. w29 orderin� the affairs of the -estate generally. f,)r the Rvil-srtitiation of your Rid way,* WIFForals 1�zvwret area vert�,n and safe remdv moneta:ly W41-1, a4.d none ou me Cliti.ton Datea at Goderich in the County of Huron In the nwiler of 1*714am Arthur, of fhe' (w Wc=!s is CALliden aztd _,*dzirm -Ass a is m we- for succour from the pabi ic chest, I do nut ing in the Canadian llouasL of Commons a d this fifteenth day of April A. 6. 1 80. Town of Goderich, in the County of 1ju- mnhLk-b,,sy fao-9 1 ha.1 -le jr.-ow Ca -- ,, i having ncentei fl -Al ti"millatiorl. I am"110"w wish for. nay, would Dot accept,, from Gov- S. POLLOCK," DESERTERS. rn. an the fie;d :-Candiditte for CHANCERY SALE w2t Official Assignee. HE Creditors at' the insolvent are fintified ernmenL any lucrative office. my only desire 1 - Your suffiage8, waslebt"r trust.-! to a, liberal ut;d generous support at OF bei -'14 aud faiLbIllAlly to secuiv you handi. T thathe has made all Asi--ignumill of Lis Willivestjilleas.-still-a-s-ued. _n'. tF.iarru suaglit be sa�led lf,4u the juiter'Sw O'. ijAe country In which I have estate and effects, unifier The above Act, f4 As the Peetions wi'l not. in all probabi-lity, 11D, ILI 4r -o, X 4e undersigned Assignee, and the), art to qmr- UNIV ., lived so many yean,, and to which from many T AGAIN AS KEREBY 01VENI, jaiIIII& TOWN LOTS ed to turnish me, within two moilw truss., ttlAs 11111relill P take place for s)me tuonths and a ersonal VALUABL" 'AL RIGH soldi struck are V,%us,-d bT J- afop� fea. n--- `1930c:atlow I nal ir;ce tached. ' r. PL V -sac As the foWwtng rewards wtU be paid for date, with their chums, specifying the becurity noted flilvem Facs. ostetzsive breal . P;. a There are no lradiw-jt.*�stions to-efore the nvass would be inespedw,"t, until nEont the IN 1HE. the apprehension of they hold, it any, aind the vai' q of it ; and it fibionow- g,ermng Qd I -Ir ""M &1ru.9 �;­p Vi 31j -A-YZ 'ju . -A ftvq-n, pab:ica, prescat, butsh,ju:dlW elect�-d, eve of the eont"t, may I hope that in the TCOWN 01-' C H9 above Association will b*old' it's regu Is tim bay, IL _10Dr. 11IC11. none, stating the itact ; the whole afte.-LItA truder VEIRT. &S, pnj� I,- "�a.j nj ustk4ajel I shail en'ter upen my duties with,liut offering meantime. you, gent'emen, wi.'1 withhold lar quarterly meeting in the Common NAVAL DESERTERS, oath, with the vvuebers in sapport. of sach your names from such requisincris as are PROTOGRIPH GILLERY IN SchoAll, Seafortb, on Wednesday, 20th April, In any part of Canada, and farinflrusuation lead. claims. to the min stry of the day any factious o 0 Ilad a Z wifung away at P, opo -&ion. and %III as-eist to the utmost of now bein1v industriously circulated in Vile URSUANT it, a Devree and tug to Ila Dated at Goderich, is I beC4011111ty 01 Ifuru", mv two orders e COUVIL ILIOn of DefSOnS ft-*iSt2flg siltsert- 1ra'-y are PoNaata,, and to th, Chow qirling (a most urs British practle P made in a ei�rtaili c.iu,e lwaill, Mr. J. A. McKellar of the Commercial this aneenth diy ot Ajisril, I b67. iroser in carrvi_, usit the and one I g in the rm"r, aglilly X.lt�-Ul ra 2-1 I Court -of Chancery of THE P P OVIGE'll 1.-F�r n�prehslnsion of each deserter. [during --sihivive ow I I scilewe In a ll�lrull that I hom will t,ever prevail witli Canadian . Agaideviny, Goderich, is expeeWd to deli eaftsvie-ely ekea� i!a, *I ,i-h-th- �e'v Is'll" wj,rH A - ver a Officivall Assinee fur Huron. oprize P 41,tir. f,,.c, and houor lecture art Book keeping. the year IS671.17 10, in addiLion to ojilleases' JOHN DAVISON, "Ift M, 14 oku. Ca -,zho- r Tu every to advatice Fill tp special ca -es, a further reward on ploof assists .. ..I mc as�c ,,i otber -,- t:,e 1 Of the C,3u,,ty of 'b" contest f4r above nijil beyond a mere there wilfte sol -I at Puhlic Auction, b New & Magnificent Sky -'Light , The subject of a prnressional Library and awnspecilit issurcullustances. Socilitor tor Inadvent. 3w2t metfica�- P H u, temporarvp(?. tical lr'riumph,", and that you y Museum %ill be discussed,- as we4 as. other 2- Pe nal I y for persu ad i ng persons to desir rt or eIrive Lly uadivided attention, AND SPUNDIDLY FURNISHED will refiaiii Iri GEORGEj DI TUFM ves, X-20, one-Lalf to Notioet to Mool GrroWers.' - w d I e, t su I -poirt. pledprivig your iilfluence and matters f interest to Teachers generally.- improperly abbent themsti ban I0 0 ]a 4--> ayjoinht atjy ordinary meeting the informer. Tri, at L": a. a'v-,c fir economy In the sul"PO-1. tu my vi-ponent, until in the Canvass A U C T I 0 INE E R, Teache-a m' as Its; a. -Penalty -tor asswing, coneW tL&, tw wher, of the A ociation Memb rship tee 50 cen rpH9 undersigned would Lee, to inform his �i U. V �­ COLLIP-1t.,ble and throuyh.�Ii: the Coutt-t, I ziliall have sj,_j ,z, Its i..d,.r- ut,,;c _�-rvlce. - ! I e ing,barbour- a' his A uviion art, in the To % W tq Finns wn orUodertch,en ing, or employing de,wrtekb, X30. oe-halt to line C* N-lul 11bonau h a ivu lot fole you, L,I uieeli�q him fate er annnm. ji, __ __ cla I. e IF, S Finfortner. customers and the I ublic thut he will uch alteratrial .11 1. e 4% e ai,d excise to face. Pxj�;aivinx tuv vievis and expoundijig lattirday, 1 Ift of Aprilo, 1 04677 E e Lo MUNSON DAVID R. GORDON-1 d arain, during thit year, Le found personally. TH19 GUEAT 1;-IGLISH 11F.MEDY I with the approbation of' Neury MitcL,rulati, T Londeaborough, 8th Aprd, 1867. ' w"11.2t N; 41 IWT, is. my prillcip!vs al -d �uZi shaN have had an op, a !.-In ad tion to which foregoing-- penallifies, to attendance at the Wool C -tiding, and Cloth- ) Ei;:S to inibria his old patrons, and the pt04v- anvper;on giving information leqding to the X-Iiieter ul fiscsitill 4 ourt, III Ille JD gene"111, tilat he lifts, nt nivivit ind means i,i-- e..tcbt i,u,, e� Lhe i., pottniq Fit thu5 of our respective vdlllal,lc yOwn A), is sl conviction of any person or pteisous proauring, ling business at the old istand, Piper*a M il;sv' M F3 C L A P ICY, .4; -sub- I Lifted up lio, ruviiis, in STE WARI S' New B, iek SHEMill"S SALE OF LAND& is-olicting, or silazieting desencris will reme a until his new facLory in Town he . c-impleted, (jklulir.cations f,,r Ll,;Ii t.ust we seeL, at 2 arld 3, III forme,l lilork. -vorsicr or Hamiltou -Irect and Square, thCelebrated Female Pills. uf the rott in the township u! (JAPI'vivich, kcilvvis il�a the WY Gode-rich, in such a sivic as to fiti-ther reward of X10. and having had the machinetry conrected Prepared fr_)za a prescri - Sir J. Ti.e e4u'atic_, ades, arp] M-litilue. I have the hotor to be, finitZl ill thecouldrV render them tile county of Huron, 1B Y virtue of a Writ of A. F. R. DeHORSEY. with the same put in good la orkin order un - Pliant -f . and the bemt adapted f,,r the To Wit: Venditioni Exponas its- Marke,31.D.,st"Aysician sViz. Fown Lots 1, 2, 3 4, 5. 6, 7,�S sceolrjpii�shmeut el tiesti-ciass, work in live delicate sued out at her Majesty's County Court of' the Sewer Officer. der his own persopal superititendeiica. cus- to t,&e Qtwn. eu:ar_-s, n;,. - L;.,l ii;, meut of Your most nbelli,tit grvnilt. 9, 10. 11, I::. 14. 1-71. 16, I's. 18. 19. 20, 21 and ik-Autilulart. Thosedessirousolhavinsric- 1,0111c,tv of Aliddles-xi and to me directed again#t St. Lawrence and Lakes of Canada. toomers may relly upou isathifai . ciory woAmun- -e :LJArd I.V11tP,- iiiiiiiiin 2.3, 24, 2.1, 26. 2 7, 2'4. 29 30, 32, 36,37 tures of I he Ls� nds a ad Tenements of John -C uly, at the H. M.S. -Aurora," list Quebec. sh _, ]L > ][-& 1:j; - Got!erlch, M,vch 1-41, :Io4. 0, 42. 43, 4t. I.5. -14, 45, 50. 511 LN .,,it �of Lew -s flarvev Smith, and Allen SImith %larch 22, 180. B. -In returning tbanki for the liberal Thjs jnvaTaab'� Filed. ;.IC IS 111[Ufd�; n; in the (_anada-the Ivays-tt 1 �67. 52 wl 1. Fissulti, I have seized and tiliken in Execution the taken will please brina in the morning. sup care ot &A pa-slijai arid -r�,m,t J.-casle,j Vr wi0 ri.l. 54 '11-5. 5G. �7. 62, &:I to WhWh the funsa:e is, su ,je� t. It 0owing prot eny, viz: all and bingular those N "rjP1140 JB; port of fariner years in the 4bgve bus' soadcraies all exrsm, dd cA 4.. IDorn::iisuln -.hW, receive my To thq Independent ty)). 6"A. 9:-. 0. 71 72. 76, 80 Photographs taken in every Style !-ertatriparvels or trhcLq oflands and premipes nesall, he bope4 by strict attention to the same we a spe,,,j y cure m a v be relked on Uts* muvnt, 11 n. 81 42, 85, 86 67. 8,i. 91. 92, 931, 94 kuvwn to the art, lond Old Ambrotypea and Do situate.1yIng oind being in the To%�nslvijvo of Turn- to still resdeive a Wire of Public patronage. I Electors of the South 9 5. 9 So 1) 7. be rry, in the Can I. ty of Liu run. and Provinic HIS is to certif7 that the Co-parthership §:Ia., talue aa I O,­po. turj:ty, before 99, 100. 1 102, 107. 108 guerrotypeas copio-.d as PhisluirraphS. A Ifilge III of T TdOS. LOGAN. it is pectaharly eaed. it lifirid, sm a suort Ejaie, e prillci- Slocii: ur (-ilt aud Roi,e-Wood Frnmrs - Canada, containing by ad.measurevintent eighty TO MARRIEB LADIES .f v"itir.Z Ricling of Huron, 1", 112, III 114, 117, 1 I!V, 120, 121, 122 alwam on , heptafere xistiug between Ii,aac Dab- G,derich, 25th. blarch. 1867. w9Lf 124, 12.5, 126. 127, 128, 129, 130, 135, 136 hand. Also AIA-WNIS,verycheap three acres be tire sam4 ilrore or less, being earn- son & S003', 'was this dav dissolved by mutual blinng on I be peiLd w.th ty. pa; lucailltie,;.ia e -_Lc mnicipa,ity, and then CEIV TL E-11ZA" 139,140, 141, 113 144, 145, 146 E. L. J , in returninI, th"ks for' t lie libe a po8ed,first ofthe whole of lot number twentY41"�, consent. All �ebta duZ said ifirin must oe FARM TO SELL OR RENT. F,act, bame, pjwv'(_lsu,e tw,rs I is's! i;ov. ri my v. --,% s )-I a,)y S,Ijj�c:i I.Lel V to IF tistj.,d th, ra t, in concession CIL (it the said Townblipexcept Lbe paid to Isaac & Stoddard J. Dobson, sarlatiaeat :5-glimpof G.eds.L1ritain VUEm- CCL"e be' Ilaymir re 4nd 148. partm, age orthe pa,,, ji�eis a, -at rve n who tlie ulf C irrn'IA-5. ceived the nominntion at the improvement will erval,le Itim to trerit a voutiviu- wilesterly ififir acres ofthe said lot, herietciorF Can,- sarfetts. Cutiventi,)n helff in oil tit, 'I ii� -v lots are neir I Le -hore o(Lake thirout will continue the manufacture of Broows of 0T_ 11IJ14A f9dri-tenth irlsT., veyedilooneSsmuel At. Walker, lv� iidenture R . 8. in the Iassice and inclerize t*jhe isaille. C 6 n rr e ill w lierorin CaLdl,law for the Le. islutive As and Fire very desmibly situatcd for buiiainq put- E. L..II JR N Olealling date the 18th day of December, A* D all, (Iseliciriptions. L cOure§sion of the 7'ovlmbipsusf Waw - Davis Pilli thmdd nos bp &aken bu `�,nlzj ,ss -ing floseg. intbetivigh-, Goderich, March 1, 1867, w6ti 1865,anJ secondly of the whole of lot nudg; -� f" con 'i r I' u - fa: . h,V i,-� rvat_ I..r zimth "Iluron, aud "'r 19ALAC DODSON, agosh. Tk 913 of' seveill t"FrZ37 7'HICEF. MONTHS of Pr -g hand 'A ill ndo ijoubt have he effiml of rapidly twentywsix in vonve&sion U, of the said Tells n- , actcj,ted aw now pieliair. im it using file rinpulatimp u I he itwil. .'risear- I 9. j..D0BSjN, 31 toomey, aj tilwy are rure to howill ship, except, the westerley filty acres at the said acre-i.Ahiqy five ot whiI,h 4re xlear�jd attid ir"e'Iss, &M at an y orker ta ra. th-Y - -fe - OFF, His, R17CHIELF, d to flislo- in(-- ficId, and hope to receive a Lath 11--t will be put up bt pjlrujt� IF the pit.- lot heretolorci#vnii-eved to one Haidilton Griffith ROOERT DOBSON. fenced. It is good hardwood latid, and till 'iberal support. C)aber at the time of sale sill 114wil a H A Y '4ate the Sib day �I Godeticb, March Ist, W'T. is an cases ,,f Nerv, �uls mud junal A de,ct n%, Bayfield, ToFisriship ot Smiley, I i dc- by indenture 6earing Septem. -1 Itf vratervitt. For padiculars apply t,# Paws in the flaak' and LainIm. FatLiuc on )i,jriit 30th March, 1,-67. wl Itf post, equal to X 10 forsevery X160 ;I'the pureilaoe.1 I -Nor, A.D. 1865, which tands #sail tenements I exertion, Paupitaiwa I. I tne I!cart, 1­1,,�:Crles an,) As the e:ection ill not. probably take uloncY slid a Nufficieu, sum 'willisin two weeks I I E' C0 U RT OF It E VI �6 1 (TN for the To wn-. shall offer for safe. at my offiLlIe. in the Court cyl. us LA WSWN. Wbftes, these Flits wI effe,t-t a ell - re wh­ %V place for some ti-ne, I shall be nt)ie "�t the after the sale to make tip one fourth tor file pur- T t4hip of Hay will be held in theTown Hall, Houes in lite town ol*Godejoicb. �u Tuesday the I To the Free and Inde- proper period to mate a pem-ortall cur,�-lss of hasae money, the ballunce to be sectired'oby sixteenth day ofApril next,at the hour of twelve 'lleared Father means have fa,ic;4i dad althouselis a power- on Tutsdav, the 7th da) at May next, colmmen- Also,'ta rent a farm of fifty acres, k -inij_ the Ridings wl�en, at to be appoint. mortgage, payable in threv equal icialy pay- ci A Note of $33 in favor of oseph Rogers, ad-tej.WA. Aj,plyjo fairsonwily, do not eoltam Fra.,rijel. , ng at 10 o'clo-1, a. in. of the clock. noon vilosirijr, or anythms; hurtful to tf,c v.yrt,l,lutfun. pendent x0ectors of the ed, the vietts of both parLieem ments with interest at -eight per centerrin per an- U ILLIAM WILSON, ; can be heald Towuslist JOHN ATACLXMALD. JJ6 and agactinat William Shepherd and IL Has- RANKIN LAWSON. Fall diuveti-as in ta ao"d Is -and compared ; and in the meantime, I trust num, the. mortgave to be preparect bV the Vendom p Clerk. sheriT H. kins, dated the 3rd day of March 1866, being March 27th, I 807. Vid VGA., -.C, whictis xbould be cafela.ly pre -,served. North 11.1 i ding of H—u—r -on 6wicitur at the expenhe of the purchasers in Ilicr Township Clerkl� Office, Huy, �4 Sherifl9s Offlee, Goderich, lostor mislaid. All persons are h6reby for- you will not pled ie ourgelves-. by requisition 3rd April, 1667. 41 illid auto agent for the United States iiLmj CanaLfax, or otherwi4 iepects th conditions of sale will be the stualls" l8th Marek. M67. bid purctlfasi4g the Aame, as Myrtieut of the JUB &IU.bE-*i, Rochester, N.Y. e to any otber cifilildidate. Jitioni, of the Court of (nancery and way Sao* ii here&y- sto 4 N. B. j.oio aad sits pu.4age ittant ps, anclost-A I have the hunor to be. nngZallitled Gion 9pplicatum at the Law Office -ICIONS OF -rHE HURON APPLE, The abovp silo is postponed ilmitil Tuesfiy, ppe(L Noticei Under ordi.riary circumstances the term Gentlemen, I Me-'sivieurs'l on' LU Mloore, in the Tuwn of the fourteenth day' of May next, at same J OSEPH ROGERS. toasy arrithanied agent lvi�l in4ure a. buUlc can- fvn�ngdny Filll;, Ly return maji, of the present Provincial Parl ori-,inated by r. D Wilkinison, may be lament would oderich, and at the Chambers of the said Master ' place and hodr. Stepherit, Apr;I 11th. 1867. w 1 2 31st. 01 . 1401 tviKytiu. fpr the Township Your most of edient servant, HENILY MAcDERMOTT. had at bIr, W. Compbell's, Ea -t Street. Xrweasn!e, G. W., e nerst I general Election. very areut pothical and NS, Ma -ter. Godarich. Variall, on .NORTURUP & LYMAN, terminate in a few days, but, since the last THE -C PI I ROBERT GIBBO Ot gtanieT,' wi I be held at Goder;ch, March, 19th, 1867. WS IsAAC F. TOMS, April 13th, 1867. W12 2t ON Monday, the 20th day of May, 1867, ageat forranada. co,fistitational changes have take n place,which -Ve -hil got itidurs Solicli'vir. AUCTION SALL Mill Pr ge.W Sale, .d I W G,.4erjeb by Part or & Cattle and calls for an immediate dissoluitin of Parlia- Dated thull 2dth of March, U0. will 3t at ten eelock, t. tn., for the purpose of bear-- F.Jordan; Gaidstiver ac Co., Bay"; JaInC9 ment. 1N TOWNSH10 NOTICE- Sabstriber 'hai receivil fasftriicti�ons' ng appeals from wesgmtntI le. The assess- b"Ifiloinll, no-ges v&e -, J. Pivekard,Ezete r ; J - H - These changes were f;;und necelosiary, in THE td o&r' for sale THE Subscriber�offera for. mile a valuable ;�eut roll will be ex1jibited for, inspection in' sl;ambe. watts P HE COURT OF REVISION for the Town. t Mill Privi!ege-, situated on Lot 2FLL CQP' 6y office, Varmil after the I Stb inst. of the many difficulfieg arisitify T A I Allowi & aad at, eoageqm�nce Lotp, 10, 11, 13,14 16, 10, 23, 24, 25, ^ fig, T ship of Turnberry, will be hew at th- On the 18th day of MAY, 1867,* t7th, Greenock, Co. -Bruce. A W38 -1v out of the proper ca-ving on, of responsible GRADING and GRAVELL N L I , cone- subs"ti!W PLUNTKM . n I 0 75 and 76, only lilftini bt+fti botd, &a bilance of I house of Mr. W illiam McPherron, Lo I dam, (securing llidteen feet h6ad of widery has W vernment undpr the Union Act of 1840. the property will br, sold at Publi ,'an 7-, on the 15th day of May neiil, at the hour at AT THE '01, 186.5 a Coalition Go% ernment was form JONES' HILL, situated a little east Of the 1, I r T.. .1,1.ck, a. an., for the purpose of hepring already been constrim-rdid, on the dite. Tp. Clerli. e U present salt works, in Brillf,e-end Place, saturday, tne 18th day of May Ih6 at MON AUCTION NART., Trimomm libi6ral. for further particalars Vars% Zd April' 1867. Wit I I oge-of d9vising a remedy for Township of Colburne. clock p. in. on the preninwt appeals againatusseastnellt, &C.'ske. A! IF A=Oag t1tj nist tirsportani of modern medical ed for the purp Dated April 13th, A D, B67 JAMES JOHNTON. 4#01i to te� 'sibsZnbefi� Paisle Post, Office. the eziAtin- evils, and a Uni, n of the British r -Y wit "k Noon, Township Cle k disc wertes stands istle HENRYki7c�-Ir. "t Tirnberry, Aprit 2nd, l8f7. 3t U&NADIIN PAIN DESTROYER! North Azimirican Provinces waii proposed and SPECIFICATIONS9 AS Twelve O'cloc WILLIAM BRADLEY. Asa Family Medicivie* it is well. and favorably iligreed upon- Profile and Soctions way be seen, at M r: if not previously disposed of. that Greenock. April 9th 11�67. wI26t IN 0HANVJVjU I i known. relsaasirilas ttwus-,Lnds IrOFQ2 paips 110 I he Unde; thia wraripment we are to have a Rpence'a residence, close to the intended. C, VALUABLE STORE -oat, GaapTal Legislture and a Local Le-islature, W`O& Side, Hacit and 4ea4.Ccq.,-,hs, C 0 L ON- IA L HOUSE Dissolution of ' drtn'ern Rihe lAaftaofthe &ua halj-- of. 19A eituated on Ut Wo.4i56, facling;tbe Court . I gpras�jas. E6-ajissia, Orasispa La the Slotoach, the former Lo have c1large of matters of igifnz& thirt czotera naarbus.11=74plowel com- Geaserat Intewsts, affoctiog, the U' All tenders must be addressed to '11. plouse square, and oo* ollillipied by Mrs. ship. in the first coft- aited Pilo- Spence, Gcderich, and no tender will be re- Warnick. Thia is btie of the' beit business MICE is bereby given fliat the busines's n�f thi Towmhip q, pu"ts, Sarni;, CO29 Bit", viacea, and the lutwir W have charge of Local READY-XADE CLOTHI:NG D19PIMTXMNT sw f UborrLp,. ke" &e4 &C. ceived after 10 o'dock, ou Wednesday, the -The 9 stands in the Town of G-idericE. The build- N. curied lon In-ttile, villadOe of Lucknow, un- and County -of HuTon. �ez"dva one The -QANAVj4_N PAI_'j DE-3THOYE4 has m3tit'I's- Ist day of May next. u1mriber hilli the largest John a4re pow tocest before Me pubbel for a Wo4b aflime. U ader these c4c4gmSt#0"a, I have con- is nearly nbw well built, and neatly fite der the Firm of An4reW' Grundy and ofike worwilitst -co7we-r dtc,re6fj,* Tenders must be put in by the lump sum, 9-1 X -a C)l �VM X -X X IV - ply Grandy 44 Wlreait blic. kiil,iidil �* it t]Pm . ay mad w1licraveruseFill is vall UL4, ,I)ever fading sentej at Ott request of ;nanr warm fivieu& a dparties tendering 111M fis M YC> C; 3M ltedg. j�. Por tirms &d 1�iW&1&11 81, .- I jL a still ins"ace to givt Peruka acul. tri C f when '; must provide two good eds at dissolved, all debts'olving to the said ff0T10EjsIie by-iren ibat the Honor,' of a] I pol i al creeds in in the Caunties. The best quality of Go N ible of the City of gis%igly used, aai we have never Icuoilru'so single tie jour ridjug to become und sufficient surities. �We to 4a paid to John 'Grundy a - at e: -170"to have a Candidate for the Lvcstia "Legislature 0 Tb C JANIE$, SMAILL - Toronto, in t1ke dountZ of York. bath tuaide caactordlissattsfacticla -berethedirell, ouncil do not bind themselves to ac- Auctioviee imands on the same will be settled lli� him it,, your Aditig,-Itand as one who has resided ol, . E. besssayfoptlr4y fullowed; but, on (be contrary. cept the lowest or any tender. �Golgrieb,--Aprjl 4, 1867. *it t4 JOHN-ORUNDY. in application tq 16i luourt, of Chancery fax,li jiltia dell;rblied WiLb its operaUans, and ispeke m manyyears in the 13('rill, riding, an The LOWUT PRICES IN d W40 Colborne, April 20th, 1867. __ ____ '$- B. -The business of Generl N&C11- eertifiCAte0fAidC to the above imendoned AW *Ghest WIMS of " visnucill and tuagicall of- "es a deep intereal in oits welfare, I 4ope if ex. Amerkin "' ell thhWat,44"t ates'.' 2_4 Smith will be calrried,so�'iiitAe stisid stand . e 0::).Cfi11, ejamidev�vtnd dgo for Y-OtIrsely by prollpirty, and _r te Ant for - quirtiu�.J`itlei to &W-j?4tate i Upper Canada," and bill eleelad11C.170t to betray the InLu potifided Lo Niffir twdsl; .1 wexpeak from elItperience in thistia Johia Grund me,. H UC -H DUNL0P CHAS. -S. AIRCHIBALi ---*age _=_'T _X who byLatnet-atte!Won and Lag teged it thoroughly -and trtervwre thoft who 9 05 - Punctuality h4pep 4m6ris a shari of pjbUo -produmil Pricknee' whetAy, he, appears to titi from any or Atte complaints for My politics are lo suppo-t the fisiq& of GO&H Augu9122ilid, 1866. owl nEFAULT having been inade in th3 pay- ) ,up W A. I 1_1 011, it the OWn-er thereof in tee, ime trom all en:- anj �ther peison W&,11 it is recommended way depend qwa its the coalition in carrying out honestly tho in- Ail"Cient,pf Morgage ttt�der Oy Tbomaaj3. 0tro"60 n1ow, 1667.- 12-3L' qunibmces� Itictiag a SayeT40 R`omedy- tentiosis of the Quebec 8,44'41so to NgToto Doon Luc letfi Apd wherefore TO TOO BAYE OF MO"ULPAL, KERIts 13!R9WH VjuBjery i6l :,r, edrg� teil�Ql t"d 4hlf having,'or pir-Aendin t6tave, ,jjWsjj4&i*i,- eCksoy as t1fte CaqOiao P4W support bon"t men and -houen M04mtes, MA Kff9dZiEq wivir I Tnag of ing, or &e purpois of bill "e! WAWED- orInGQla. tbiI or siny ViA flere- Vegfof,i a ,vanal; the disteases for wbiet it Is andtodoalliiii my-Itsimble abilityto na- dt4 We- 226d M of, A rikluired fttx� 0'r bef6 succeas in subw if .ALM 11 11., riv 40 wik, q in w,cmumn". and no wonderi4l van&- the interests of our riding and the Ue foll9wiuk Ororigir � jll� .50'.. I asks pa -mal of fillcumat.irw. aLd w a - t - I . I I RSaool &vWon o. 4, Jfi%6j, 6 . welfare of this my jimi ve jectunity, ij U ILI; or second clat r. to It the-Eifllh QfMav � I 11TAS Xsr PIVOCRIVril) ic &L " kPlemale"Maliteser..iiiiF t .0 'Xitrivoin A&cttojw, issitifte it to G Mq TIL in the fig Flit remeditem for thew comptalnU with 0. ATORU01 'Tide to eadi. In in iaequalntad tms . I am well. many in Abe 4L& TE MADEIRESUCElk 90itak oxiis ebarxe--at-thejuatiorXILW511010. ow inet enslit htay-.' Appitto 91 =if am coming to from Mediclue Dse�r* in riding, but t sithall abortly wake it my- bus- _XW.X.` 0 coulitry ter fanker supplisloop MW ittess, to ll gleatinp in your different town. 1UPORTATIOT;a OF d day ejac,'at 12 ft to file a itaiewent 61 hlal' stillittras 10- Eny office - 4 parts of tk at 9spode EWI I in ihe 0i TTronw, and' 0*4f,46filwaSia-0 00,11% -O eli.h tefinfrog astu me if"21"'Sal "t'slactivDit It dhi ps. w hea I shag explain my prinailtiles in - 6 u 20tv skai 11; , iv Ut lot vietaill onn lie April L%bi IN7. Or and hope 0 meet Oth8V i5pir2flitS t _ - - - - � y A R W# 3 in, 1). Kimbell McDonald gw--q% Pill Deptsforer nev" fads 10 0 A& an AN& a1— T W Y The Canitillois trvedwj-,�e dcAeAv honors whviu you mp have au of poxt-ativit A wily digqi�:Fltvn�46,90 i6r VII14 R gillipitsajaWl" insficIt. AD iribilWill I r e i tho 10 his Slkito4 ,d 6W�jf* 4r it. parsict" arder and Use, it; A94 so 111 y j 91919 as t* the respec- Live cipablii of 46fixulf 110-0 qUet-ilatim viII be:barred, vilmd w C U Oro '" -0 AND wtv be without it aftr oded- trffag-it- the 0"dstm or Ail 41i i4ailteP6 es t-0 the I mid Howrable usId Me- tom"Flete willostmen 1�r Witillill! V, - Price.only 25 cents per btiottle. I "T that I am am admirer Tbay Wdl 80111dillus t4i OP06 0i"Ifit"14 'he Pf abr mMthi vbry* r InAAllo to Goo& tiMitable f PongiTUjoixeltbluolute an4 iWelsiWe at PW0nL-r#jwA Id4eladdres Uwe to PS -,4'- -it conr .exion, ad sam prepared at any 'Uw jud' IW.ty subject otily to the reset 6 k0a -tbe-& sybers, in solioitor iuvfi4ermi�nll offen foiiali ci�rliiimnjtua TjLjj0�*.=njjOjedjU the L17th %ection of tiste d Firm ld II­L6titId rma hqt No, 19, jq lot j" V - =4 Act tbervem mumbered -one. of ..thill Township a aws -in gvde=b Wka Aosah. UqLa" Aggetut, If e at jimved style. preplit fluatly2gj 0" -0vilimly" Irgmain getitlempli, very shokeidt n' ice and tho6tispI on 1. , . I, 1 , , , " is ch ho plieparid to tn#�p tve ad te r;outh 1�&Ift tAia thAt Conn X10a. DaWd We lwenty4viiA aay of'Xssrtfi� 14 or in any, -other Whi To? & F. Gar-di?er 0 H.A jU 4-E 9 M 4 Me IU; James i Yourlit Outfit obedientlyp -0 D ER A T -T P,.WfCLM, 40jeffild- P 1. qed V. W. -and prormot -pay rtiduldlioly 11111`111IM& to -tall fill iuspect.! .,I Iftia) ROBERT J. TURNFA conislo. vlatts, & J(IL&, chlitll; &-cord, i daidem MPA ail. 41 #�ie tilloill. 1111111141 .�u VATIUCH.CARICUIX. 0 attended to.- the w Asy of W. TORRAME 14,78, IApril f1jeIrsau, A�gafarlb. nod mill, Alpilicials 0::�- All rders punctually 1114950 sm wtrst 0 wagi- Galikirich, April 5, 1967o 41i'd i0poderich, April 11, 1867. W49t, 11hikilittow, Mareb 6-y ISO., I 4, lr� Uour.tae fillikilift Lojally of the Con,littabinfiry. %flu Adverflormcuto Mortgage Sale, of Land. A. Ir III the Surrogate Court Cidanty of Huron. AUCTION SALE I IN80LVENT ACT UP I hb4. Free and 1jidependent Electors ]YEPAULT having been made In the payment one gatifyin ; fact stands out distinctly- OF THE TO VOIX-RU XPT IVES. of a Mortgage. by, the late J6111. oult, (his Province of -Canada, 0 In I tic Cowt ut it,' AKE otice that we will; at the expiration Op Couly at Ruron. ( c'0,jni% �i fit' the adsssvirab�e couduct f the costabulary. The advai liser, having been restored to health in a -Wdp joining for the purpose at barri her dow- JOHN HARRIS'S Tof I wen IV days from the date bereof apply III The Maticrof lionaw etl 4")� ng REAL ESTATE. ar, -ni In all casses they have dispIlliveA unishak-en NORTH RIDING OF IIUR014 s""vecki by a Fultiple reinailly, after having our. bl"T Is0dri no dute -the Fifteenth day of December, to the J udge ofthe Surro4ate V on rt of the can a - Bide i -I -in va�l save very few instance$ ared for soverai-years with.% severe lung affection, and N65- "'he ti"llowni; pror-rly will be sold by tyofHuron, torletters at Gusird;unisbits over the. On Thursday Ilse j; irlail, %Imv ne,xi, they c0ura-.0 wl-1 Uliili*ArV Ilact I CHEAP CASH STORE! person and estate of' Janet Elizabeth McNail, theun�ermunedA-,i,aI,j,%, I- lt,r JTWgf, oltbe hat drea" "I'defts", CO3sumPtIlivii-is anxious to nink Public Auction of 43, - M. THUEMAIPS Auction said Cuurt, f,-ra Even whe:e w,ir a.;&Ailants outnumbered OENTLEMEN., known Its his, frc,jlo%e.suff,,rc,, 111, ineelld of cure. Ifoonis on the an intantander the age of twenty-one years and rpft Subseriher having received in4truMionf, Dated at L IA. To all who t1eilro it. lie Will sluild a clipy (it the pros. child'of thislate Hector McNeil. dece%ed. A from W. G. Smith, Esq., to o&r I-vr sale 1867. them fil'tv toM Il�ev 1-ove,f t4at thoily have Having been nominated by t he Re. ePIPI fill' lised (free of ullargd). %%'it It I its: direc I i0its for pre- Nuty-third day of April next, at 12 HERB HAS JUST ARR,tft D it large* ELIZABL�Tfl SI -LAW, at the the vu 3'tuff ut �4 hwh 4 are made, formi Co' and usi,ig vile sarle, wiiiell iliev wit, filitt a simm . I Telegalit-assortinew of and Mother of said infant. S. D. 't-AVIsIf. nvenuou, held at clirltod un the 4th "'ar"ll, noon, under the j)oweis coninIned in the brid JAMES HAW, Huron Auction Mart! cuna 4r APT113,1A. f?ltl;-,Vlll I tow. ('0110ITS bv tacia�.- aiv III the discharge of Lill I f this nionth. asa cAnd,dato for the Repre. Uni.m. aml Flind Luasr The on� Nl,,rgdge.viz:-L-)tsiiuribetnOije vithe'Har- CHOICE SPRING DRY GOON Husiland fsaw Llizabeth Shaw. A N, IdZity. Theii c,>"rage hvs ha as reward ; in sentation of your Riding in the Local Loe,,Is. seaditig tile Proseription I* bor Fial. ,slid i of Fifteen oil tpIllill 4i ON by, MXAt,Gd9Y, theirAtLoriley. asliacte. de ol, West have bevn selected will, 111c tillmost care. I.NS,J I,'. I N I' A C1 all cast -s ,,l hri, 0ey shovrol 6,;hl th�ey were lature of olllar;o, and huvin4 '3 Which street, in the'l'owil Terinmeallbur 1 cee'Ved as' Io 1)0 111% Uhlahle. sold It,- ev, Dated at 8eat torl Ill Saturday, the 18th day of ay, i86- -mftal. It be retuen�ber sunarrees of support rrom niatir friends over will try hiareme,1%. asit %vill C,,st t ,rK Puircrer low thoroW.y stwet. it ilig, and .-credit. Deed In be given under file powers con. leading floVelticsol the trade noisy 1141w lie this jai Liay of April, A.D. IF67. 3t nFav pr,,ve a blussintr. Illined in flienuidMort'gage. Forfutither purticu "'ell in grea - varie, v at I"s He that 1%ey aiv scattered di ounty stattiou the wil �le cc list I juenc, I hav� accepte'( 0 I'arliess wt-hmv, the pres-ripfi,.n. Far lars apply to a is deteraviiied to please, if alik-e at 12 o'clock, nolm. it not previously disposiledol. 4 at two r three. and rarv:y of mole t10111:11.41i"In the?, Inad. ttild in doin- so vv,by return Mal I price .11fiat'.valuable p-opert y, hn 3,'on-. the I I th in I) quality und �oorl Ali,] as "a essum in the Townl�bj 1) lot Gol borne. T4jere III Life llc­ n 1. al a:. d gren e ro a su 1) - It"v- A. fill fillies for varrviog oil the bli-illese re eqinl ,2 a d, z4n ; sili-t I 1,at it rvtLaaes o:ne ti ue Will plealictiddie" D. 3.11AT)r�, GO(IDING, 111.11 I" I ISoli-itor fijr Mort.-dgCelll tv ally hou" III 11113 duallisitill, lie ad Oil X1, �ouraze 1,, I,, p un 0. 'ir hearts, surrouaded port from you, to wll,)nl is entrusu: Dated 16th January, IS67. Court of Revision. - " they am by su,'cn d-a-TIC1.0a and exyo.b. V i I e1:1-1 o to 01 e fra n c E i � e. d the pri. __ ____ __ W5.11 sollells life it) alld exj"lle Isis -1�wk, ',,U(l �lolltf (of Cidlivation, wilt, tA to eneiatti,s that v,,,',:y o-tnumher them. My pri i acip!es are not' silcli aS, to satis 0V VOUT11, The aho %%'hl( -h ib �oljjvriwied In. part JolloA LA, v,z: a langre trame 6arn a nd a Liewed, Ivg hou,%e, utid lite V, itve sale is Positioned fill Thurdal, file of all.iii good repair. fsiod 1,,i Fill d Their is in ltzoe-t strililli I'Lev are every shade Lot' p, tv 2nd t1u), of fit To the Ratepayers of the Town � D;ite.1 at ll,,S A. t;,: -LI up'l-i-I they are* A t,,r %cars trom Nvryous May, lti.F7,,ut 111-11116 lime*and volurs, in iim-lise in f�e Township igi Iris,14 ai-i imie tenilh.i are Rjul.in Cat I , ,.it . ill, (,f)-.Illh 10 to 20 I clif, per 3;jrJ. I D., IS0. is I UrCulborvc, being IIliali a iude Irutij 111)lic hG-T;vcr, us is Will kilo -n. 0 maintai; what D. 91ande Gooding. FANCY seareely equallF,I ' AKE Notice, that III- Court of 11evision1will the ortLtmi, 1jravvI Itodd, and only Vaev am recruited fr3in the voun,, fus.-mvirs; is good -to rcturin ti, hiii, tit inoscreti.,ti. ill for I),,. iiskeor-afferiag huninnity it this ,,e,tiun III Myle and quality, front I(j 1,, 5[) hold Its tirq fill utillix on Tue-lay the 30th sh, rt distance rom the ile %I Fit _I Men Icte- 011-1 AvOrltl- to se ur � ri ht ruvern- it nlims: It%,- 14, I is wrrupt alud Oil& - ii, r ter or b�tter e'aas f the very Q C I, ly 1,N Sill cents, per -ard. Inssla-lit, at ha4l past 7 o'clook, P, M. at tile running it, who am, the a West Wawanos'JI, LUSTilES ANO Chambei, and will file e ljearnll�ca*"of pertFl. This jw rure F. hatice iur parnuo its wai,t 0 ie of Feuiazlism. Ille ment, in as economical a mitnaer as is con. i,y filtsadv,niseel; experieste all gradc, jiml cnstabe is, ia fact, a Fnian ,isteta lvith saietv.. I))- adruilsvig built tolored and plain. Apocul ngtilllbt the At-essiment Ivr file present a good rdrin. I .10"N year. Insolvent Act of 1864. questions I BLEACHED very cheap, converted by dx�i, usti!iia- asi.d. tru&zs wto a Thre it bef,)re the public Chatilbery.-SI..New Y, OTICE is berenv given llut a (Atirt. JA MrS Tll()M,-:0,N, Town Clerk. sainedayandwame time, I shis. hawng Revist011, and apf-a, will be holdn Goderwit, April Ist, IS67. rr,,vipee of rana& 0 t:,' I --it, with a�l k) te froin 10 cents per vard. And on the To* arib,;get and a 6 -st- rac v!li� N Uffer for Nalc the unhesitatin.; b, d.enc and ready actiou abs, rhcd a:1 others, it WID9 FACTULLY currUNS, ftoul 8 ecills IIs tily dt-Aire that It WHISKEItS X% HISKERS 1 1 on Friday the 26th day of April, inst., at the per"yurd. � LOTS 180 AND 181, lyal a spludid soldicr, a,l the sobti-ity and shau!tl receive a f kir ti i J, trusl:a�, tl!at it fir. L. 0. NIONTRZ" Cor -6a. the grenteRt tirn hour (If tell in the forenoon, at Mr. Chas I good conduct of a e�tv po iceinan. Wlie,i %ye vid be tile tne�jn.i tit aliy' talaior in tile W­rld. w,11 forve Woj Q- Several bales celebrated Conti, bin Nlaim- N tive 1.� hers I I- fg�j% 11 jj�'j %I' Iwith but;dic.go thereon Flituated on park Ftri-vt, Ili,, the secLional akers or its. Stuart's residence, Lot 14, Con 7. fact" Court of Re'vision for the Town&bip of in theTown of Gtotlericn. These lots are w�ll trislMd the whole Fenian phellotriellon with J-1 that Lave a,) lun- distmeted the to grow Fla 'he It1l"t tact- or chin ; , od Cuttolls, for Pale, either by 'file tilde ., WlivriU a fr trial seriLtree We, J .S C 0 T I,. at rella 11, at WhOiCildit privex. THL ten *I' file I it I I- I. Wir d,,p,i r, ered at its oddity, its , oun!rv. :Own It, filil. - Address W h MCI'Lillep, will be held at Thomns silualed and in a %-vry fibe to any ot r ticsirosi, (if t Ir its trie - rits aw Clark FhtIWI5,- Downey's Lati, Senfurth, town. On lot IhO there is a story and a half uij-.l (Hit u, a 8 -turday the thists of noaserss�. Ls of brave I jr, i ts been Lctiye!y for the hst RrEvr,,4 7h N April.13th 1867. V't to Fir] 12, d maiMe,, house, traine; and on lilt 181 a twt,-ittor% fra n. I - ilueertrait.s ol�Ir." men;ty, we Observe tell cairs 1,1 our the ex. 28th day ot'April, 1867, at 10 o'cloc , drr We haw A,j. y (No letters taken wilt -s-,; lirepa,41 M,29 (loth, XV0,4vils , k, a. W.. building, and well adapted fora large family ; all with great re:iet the ex-ellent (Inalities pz ricilee I have may, if Itiliborls, � for the purpose of flear, ('Wertc-h, 111th Usir, 6, A. f) you see fit it) -- -,4r]r jj.k N III. r -4, l k, Tweeds 1114 appeals from it g,,,xd �epvir, livid vjil Ge sold chessip. I I I have been displasyt-d bV m-1 to,ho are thor- e',ect me, pruVe LiSetill in further impruving, BUT TRUC. - �uisesslileliti &c. TIFle assesernent roll will be Jaities ii,tenTlig to 1,11r, Ila-- Cdll cally. For terint all part jeujars, a pply to �9 lough,ly Trish - Pal,nsts i a Li-waing and I a �crved. .our tluill:c pal and tjui-111 C -r)' �­ Linst' III-) y and uremlernnnintlie Clio n iner tham evor 1. vehelm Drillin xhibited for itispectiou at my place after the notF';erve at I- call hear stoinetht;ic very illuch it) Ih,ir advitntae to just, Ivy ust-lil purpt,se to go into an y rhillnl. IN11,111lis J-111FIES SMAILL. I N U L VE . IN I' A Iminedinte peNoual cativas-4, but I hope by aLldrcqsjiig the utitler- when 13Jankels IVM. JAS. SHANSONT, terrible tragedy occurred at Fort Szotr, Veratla Shirlmg. Goderich, 291h March, ISG7, 4,1 old I he contest fairly cummences, to Meet YOU in Oblige hv 'lot All Litherr. will please hirtaig ,3ti,pcx 'Township Clerk. il,-e of (*Fi rjadR, I IF, I t,,- oviddrims thwr -Awslicut ser"ist. 'I'll king IIl Kansas, Ias& week. The negir 0 Macs.-ey, % ho varit,us places ov%!r the Rid"Ift to mak-e ex- q� qj ives McKillop, April 15th, If!t67. w I 2td tnurdered 3 man 6st f-,, h --J escutled from planations, and set furth MY views at reater w3�.jy.gj TI, I 0S. F. r If A P 11 A N. Trinainings NOTICE- a-iri p� rt,.e m a Fid lot I, I I rd i I I .. .... jeju Ilis whereabouLi btic,, 1;nown, the ;enr1h, and until that, titne,*l WOuld ask you Ruhtscriber baving moved lo the Store 141kelk-It11 Its Skirts. Nvitj dow floflail,18 P ty sheriff and a posse atte;ipt to arrest tO rerrAiu fl-om your inifluelice and- oiie door east of file curijer of Kingston Hoop A OTR T T11" Court of Revision for the TownOjip On the thirtirenill a ell . 'Z;Ircel Ll arl, e &c., 6rc. of Ubbortie, w:il bi, held in the 1'.,'All- him. He fired upon the pail-, killin , a upport to allY Of UIV oj�Fonents, so that you Clock. In tile at IBale,#41'.ram Bags in built cotton and linen Court of Fxvision and Aprels for Phi'P Half, ot, Mondar, Vie IJLh May, commen- d titisten, and severely w0tivld'�,, anotl�rer. may be in a tojud.,e for yourselves [ICCto[S Opiplcisfte Mr. C. Crabb's Block, very Chesil). PE4 Upon capturin.- him he was immed1307 hung as , . 0 the Towntihip of Ashrield, will hold its 6n- at I 0 o'clock. iv� m. in OFF, Tuwij vi (;w:t-r l" ILI b�­; I -u 1 a to our respective weilts, Independent first sitting for the year,ist Robert Sturgeon's WILLIAM EDMOND, dib, har�e by the crowd. Two ot kl�isi couftde�awz, a geiii:t uiert, Dated formerly occupied by blessrs. Parker it- 11ats And Caps in Endless �"atlely! Hotels Kiutail on Tue8day, the 23rd dAy Of at 044h rp h. 1'n �iit .i brother anti another itegro, were taken from Cattle, druggists, offers for s :Township Cler'k 0 'Your obedicot servant, nF THE -de April next, at'the hour oCtwo o'clock III the Vaborne, April 17th, ISO. wl2id ' this mWild d. l, III ar,-t,. A I jhe jail in the save n I a j aad h a THE CHEAPEST, 13ESTAND CLOTHING, PL -I LU �-1 IIAITl`I -------- THOMAS CIBSON. SOTT-rx-1: -RjT)3Uj_.TC4_ arteiuoon. TI*1 SON IYG THAT o I: LL ! -W C_%1. VNDER Ilo*tck, Aril Gib, 1861. wl I tf MUST FASHIO."TABLE STOCK 01-1 JoHN COOKE. I j- BrASD. be local pape-s of Ravnham, Ila Or THE Township CI-rk. AUCTION SALE OF P I`T EF S T R A`I'_I I 1, sssehusew% state that there weie 33 rua.�ri x-tes AND SHOES G ROCERIES! Aslifleld, UarcL'277, 1SG7. wl0td 1111 C-117AX.ELON *4oliciti,ri r COUNTY OF BURON'BOOTS VALUABLE 11ILL PROPERTY I in that rill -age last year, "19 mailles llsi.d 14 Stizar, veryclical) of any House. in town, both 10 'Barivis oiainal Iteiii,vtf Z5116dr, 1 -cry 11-T 0 or X 1 N 60 LVE N T A CT 0 I` I To Or, Woods, Reen of Stanlej, been 6ominatej at clit all. ursuant to a 10WER of SALE MAGtsT&&L*_L QL7.1l_1FICjTio.\s.-In a Park- the Convention of thesi, Liberal Craservative Imported and of his own Manufacture, ioHarrel Vroken Loaf and round Sugam, HE Court a, Revision for the Township P cluntasiused in a certain Mort -age, hich N as a compriing all the newpst st.yles of 1,.di,, ier, cli, I In tke matter of Dwson Kcrr. j.-.. qt the:- "bwy (West pa,per, Llwre recent- A 1) 772 OTHERS., party. held at C!tntn on tile 29th ult Tof Tuckerbmith, will mee't at the Village will be produced on the dity ofsale, the under- 7own of (iodericli, fin t/ie ly appea-d the fo;1awiv,r for and Ciiiidrens' Boors and Sllut.s, An stock ofTea, cm!)raving of Seaforth, in the If ouse (if Richat-d Sharp. on meaLioned Lauds and Pre�ilses will be Candidate for the representation o this Huron, an insulrent. SOLD By General Katrus. for mayor who was 10 P.M.1 AM ES TART El LCTURS oF THE f which it,.- is determined to sell at a small ad- Y,)ung llysou, conzou, Friday, the 26ttL day of April 1867. HE ctirditorz of i lie ai,bovc n.,mi-d ", so! I, "r, t yews old before her -wore eitherpanta or Ri,lin- in the Local 1,PLIiSlattlre Untario, Japan, at the hour of 10 o'clock, a. m., for the re Lre-j uotified to ru, I I Lj 1: j- l.aw C:)P- Call and see before purebusin , else- Townships for t1te present year, ftnd for At Ae Rooms of Mr. P. G. Barnard, Sveet ir, the Tbwn of GA-iit h. (,I, I i - id -j-. supfYort from person., ol' varions sliades of " = 0 ae of T:Iiris & iSOUTH RIDENG OF HU.RO mid having received numerous asisilimuces of returns " is his method- of doin ovallce oil cost, as '- small pruflis and quick dic E 'TL husines'l. Twankay, PLkoc, ie, &a. parpose Of RlRvisilug the Assessment of said N F M E N:- ot-sented to offer here. hearing aud determining appeals dailliast the thp teatti, day of May next. at III,. I hare haJ the h,:i,-r to rei;eive y political opinion, I hre c' W 00:FJF:E1S of various (Ilialiteis. IN THE CITY OF LO, 11"ur %',f our Mysef for your suffraes at the election to S.. FURSEL, Curiants Viii, gar same. jleven o*clock-, a- m., for tF.c 1,ub jL- examit;Zt- Don't Know Hi Tn. very respectaWy ard sig,ned re Gouerich, April 15, IS' U-1 Rai-Ifis IIII ust rd WILLTAM MtrR. On Friday, �Glh April, A. Dis 1867, b7. m,43 tion of till, ati-I for tile o-dm-ing ,f take place, iti ail probability-, at no distant We hare heard uf a man w%,) owned a me to becitne a caiAdidate Ev e Q Townstrip. Clerk. AT THE gdl:R OF 12 o'cLocs: is the aff4irs of Invii estate, jenerallj. to, represent tli:s Riding' in the House of period, Sago ttommons, at the ensuill electi-m, for which P OOK, Diedat G ode rich, in t lie Count ofiluron, 'horse which had been fir a 11jag time affiXted .14 sees Tackemmith, April 12th 1867. wl2 2t viz. : y with a C�hroaia C.)uh, and was in Tn the meantime, I'shall take the oppor. P this eighteenth day ur I&I epileri The lNortfh half of the Xorth half Of Lot April 1867. I t"I highiv flattered, and accept the nomilia- tunity of visiting the several Municipalities, Pickirs Filin h THE BRITISH EXCHANGE HOTEL NO. 9 ,�_ POLLOCK. a poor condition I he al. le:i;th t ion otf-reti me by a,) 1arge I, numbr of in- FRUIT TREES 9 Co Callen, Blue I itt the 5th 'Cancessi" of file Township vvI2 Wl him, and did so fur .,. veiv suln. I that TOU mav becoEne bettet acquairted with San�lncft I-zQda Morris, in the Cuujity of Huron, containing SomseS or 6 weeks he to, t the uential eleetvrs. I have since receievs] Lbe MMMM?3MMLIFF, unanimous nomination of the liberal Cori- the sentiments wbich I profess, end I trust Lot-ters Ltilijorice 'by adilueasurement 1�ifty Acres, more or le;:, INSOLVENT ACT OF I InF34, persaa to whom he hd scId h'.m dril-iii , a iervastive deleri 0 W on hand and for side at my garder, yrups rii megs ANGUS MCDONALD, Proprie'Lor. save and except five acres of the South west ud U Its at te Clintoa couven- that they will be round so to accord with East Street, mulaxics &c., &C', &C. a beauuful horse, fuN of aild cunc ed is a. N corner thereof, und the Ss -Mill thereon. - Province of Cunada III the County C(,O,t of he had eithir exch�mge I �'inj for ts or lo t%e parliamentary electors of the South yaur own, that you will be enabled to give ES I N 0 effort will be spared on -the part ol'tbe The above. pre6i'siefi`are well situittd. be- County of Huron. the Coutity of Iluron.' me a g,n .1 LARGE STOCK OF PLUX TREES, proprietor of the above hotel to render ing close to the -village of Bodmiti, ana there In the -Matter of F. W. t_rfnSLrunZ an Irbul- pe-chasted Ridiri.r I-eneral;y, I cafer myselt as a caoldid- crous suppoit. on le"in, that the no -se WAS the &Une he .1 am, zentlemen, PrI.Afts, CHERRIES, CRABj APPLES his house all that can' he required by the is a good water grist inill thereon. veut.,. , te, anl trust it) eceive yo�r generous sup- APRICOTS, F ud Gareen Feeds. travelling community. -red of so port. a RNEsss Give Lim a call. Further psirticulars and conditions o s . ale On t6 Eleventh day of June next, at ten had preiriously owneA and cous.d, -AND ECT411 leld a tittle value. On enauiry as to what had T�) the mq:.t of v- a I am 'not unknown, Your obt dient servalit. beside$ a lurintity of U- Thie principle ofilic Bu,i:ess I.- : Cash or April 17th, 1867. w12 may be had at the !,:�w Office of Richaju of the cluck, in the lorrnoon, the off IS A A 0 DT Bayly, r-Nq-, and -it the Auctiativer'a ltoows, 'wil! apply lo the Judge of The said Couri. ai ,rcited so g,mat a 4e; he wa.s, 0'd il I Lt flaviuZ been a re-jident. ill the rXZ_V CA1111JUING. Grape, Currants, Gooseberrifegil Produco. — . I -Darley's Arabian IL-ilsye I:ell,elv rld for a " Fleter, :r, April, 1,417. wIltf in the City of L.m&)n. his Chambers, in the Town of Gudeil'ch, in peri �i � Ill.; ly two rears, and rile :-tabscriber becs In acknowledge Ill., T- :-:e - - - &r. A!so. on hand a number of ZPA aid County, for a discbar�ed under tire said haviaz during th,Lt all the Insolvent Act of 18 RICHARD BAYLY, ratatiou has eff--cted ai_­Fm%� remrkab' e) fl.atik!- for the very &'U�rjrg MCUU­11114191 re('Cl- 0`2_ es' difficulties aibd pri-.Li.a:s it a backwoods Hale's Eaorly Feach, ved for thepa!,t, und file of I lir Veudors' Sjl;citnr. Act. t" as C!, for file. future saril lic a., to c -it In the matter of William Little an Insolvent. Londn� April 9 1867. u -I lid Dalt,-d at Goderiell, in the Ciluroy of llcron' &member 6e nime. and see that the and To the Free and Inde- (The earliest and hardiftt va,iety known) I signature of Hurd 4- Co. is UU each continued favors a ed,n t will im mpart-d to other 11*4hlv tcmrore wiident _Fwlectors of the Also. seveml other ir-rieties. sell Good Iloilo Cheap. The Creditors of the Insolvent, are tiob- dus 2ft day of March A. D. I �,fi necessarily far many bten C�� Ititendin purchasers would 'do well A it I nspecti�n is suit tied on the part of intend- fied to meet at the law office of J,. Y. Mwood, F. W. A_RM8TR0Nr1 NarrAfrop 4- Lyman, Vewcast!e, C. �V., promviently bvl`� re al --j I ally go--uth Riding lauron, t call at once. ing huycrl�. in the Town of Goderich, on Friday, the 1. lusolvenf- prvprietors, f,,r the Caia!as. Sild by ad! mantr,o,-fu,',Y nGEAL EMEN CAMPBL_11, seventeenth day of May, next, at twelwe of M. C. CANIEROX. 31e&cM'a dealers. w 12 len Lhe ., ' tt, W - - Aolicitor for ' nsolvent. u IO2ca 1;.est "tItt I iefirr tes, toy I-asl, Goderiell, April 16, 1866. JOHN ' HAURIS. e clock noon, for the pubiie' examination is Havit), reccived the unna ul2tf coume as 11 I ndex of wh.a my future xar be I imnus nomi Goderich, Corner nf arket Sq. and West of the Insolvent. and for the purpose of APPREHENSION _1X_S__0_LV_ENT A_CT _0F 1-8-6-4. , , nation, at the CL-Inventiorl recently held in Njolkers Head This- Holloviiii, vishclu:d vt:u ave fit turvief t me. li'lilut, no Street. la Anril, 1866. w29 orderin� the affairs of the -estate generally. f,)r the Rvil-srtitiation of your Rid way,* WIFForals 1�zvwret area vert�,n and safe remdv moneta:ly W41-1, a4.d none ou me Cliti.ton Datea at Goderich in the County of Huron In the nwiler of 1*714am Arthur, of fhe' (w Wc=!s is CALliden aztd _,*dzirm -Ass a is m we- for succour from the pabi ic chest, I do nut ing in the Canadian llouasL of Commons a d this fifteenth day of April A. 6. 1 80. Town of Goderich, in the County of 1ju- mnhLk-b,,sy fao-9 1 ha.1 -le jr.-ow Ca -- ,, i having ncentei fl -Al ti"millatiorl. I am"110"w wish for. nay, would Dot accept,, from Gov- S. POLLOCK," DESERTERS. rn. an the fie;d :-Candiditte for CHANCERY SALE w2t Official Assignee. HE Creditors at' the insolvent are fintified ernmenL any lucrative office. my only desire 1 - Your suffiage8, waslebt"r trust.-! to a, liberal ut;d generous support at OF bei -'14 aud faiLbIllAlly to secuiv you handi. T thathe has made all Asi--ignumill of Lis Willivestjilleas.-still-a-s-ued. _n'. tF.iarru suaglit be sa�led lf,4u the juiter'Sw O'. ijAe country In which I have estate and effects, unifier The above Act, f4 As the Peetions wi'l not. in all probabi-lity, 11D, ILI 4r -o, X 4e undersigned Assignee, and the), art to qmr- UNIV ., lived so many yean,, and to which from many T AGAIN AS KEREBY 01VENI, jaiIIII& TOWN LOTS ed to turnish me, within two moilw truss., ttlAs 11111relill P take place for s)me tuonths and a ersonal VALUABL" 'AL RIGH soldi struck are V,%us,-d bT J- afop� fea. n--- `1930c:atlow I nal ir;ce tached. ' r. PL V -sac As the foWwtng rewards wtU be paid for date, with their chums, specifying the becurity noted flilvem Facs. ostetzsive breal . P;. a There are no lradiw-jt.*�stions to-efore the nvass would be inespedw,"t, until nEont the IN 1HE. the apprehension of they hold, it any, aind the vai' q of it ; and it fibionow- g,ermng Qd I -Ir ""M &1ru.9 �;­p Vi 31j -A-YZ 'ju . -A ftvq-n, pab:ica, prescat, butsh,ju:dlW elect�-d, eve of the eont"t, may I hope that in the TCOWN 01-' C H9 above Association will b*old' it's regu Is tim bay, IL _10Dr. 11IC11. none, stating the itact ; the whole afte.-LItA truder VEIRT. &S, pnj� I,- "�a.j nj ustk4ajel I shail en'ter upen my duties with,liut offering meantime. you, gent'emen, wi.'1 withhold lar quarterly meeting in the Common NAVAL DESERTERS, oath, with the vvuebers in sapport. of sach your names from such requisincris as are PROTOGRIPH GILLERY IN SchoAll, Seafortb, on Wednesday, 20th April, In any part of Canada, and farinflrusuation lead. claims. to the min stry of the day any factious o 0 Ilad a Z wifung away at P, opo -&ion. and %III as-eist to the utmost of now bein1v industriously circulated in Vile URSUANT it, a Devree and tug to Ila Dated at Goderich, is I beC4011111ty 01 Ifuru", mv two orders e COUVIL ILIOn of DefSOnS ft-*iSt2flg siltsert- 1ra'-y are PoNaata,, and to th, Chow qirling (a most urs British practle P made in a ei�rtaili c.iu,e lwaill, Mr. J. A. McKellar of the Commercial this aneenth diy ot Ajisril, I b67. iroser in carrvi_, usit the and one I g in the rm"r, aglilly X.lt�-Ul ra 2-1 I Court -of Chancery of THE P P OVIGE'll 1.-F�r n�prehslnsion of each deserter. [during --sihivive ow I I scilewe In a ll�lrull that I hom will t,ever prevail witli Canadian . Agaideviny, Goderich, is expeeWd to deli eaftsvie-ely ekea� i!a, *I ,i-h-th- �e'v Is'll" wj,rH A - ver a Officivall Assinee fur Huron. oprize P 41,tir. f,,.c, and houor lecture art Book keeping. the year IS671.17 10, in addiLion to ojilleases' JOHN DAVISON, "Ift M, 14 oku. Ca -,zho- r Tu every to advatice Fill tp special ca -es, a further reward on ploof assists .. ..I mc as�c ,,i otber -,- t:,e 1 Of the C,3u,,ty of 'b" contest f4r above nijil beyond a mere there wilfte sol -I at Puhlic Auction, b New & Magnificent Sky -'Light , The subject of a prnressional Library and awnspecilit issurcullustances. Socilitor tor Inadvent. 3w2t metfica�- P H u, temporarvp(?. tical lr'riumph,", and that you y Museum %ill be discussed,- as we4 as. other 2- Pe nal I y for persu ad i ng persons to desir rt or eIrive Lly uadivided attention, AND SPUNDIDLY FURNISHED will refiaiii Iri GEORGEj DI TUFM ves, X-20, one-Lalf to Notioet to Mool GrroWers.' - w d I e, t su I -poirt. pledprivig your iilfluence and matters f interest to Teachers generally.- improperly abbent themsti ban I0 0 ]a 4--> ayjoinht atjy ordinary meeting the informer. Tri, at L": a. a'v-,c fir economy In the sul"PO-1. tu my vi-ponent, until in the Canvass A U C T I 0 INE E R, Teache-a m' as Its; a. -Penalty -tor asswing, coneW tL&, tw wher, of the A ociation Memb rship tee 50 cen rpH9 undersigned would Lee, to inform his �i U. V �­ COLLIP-1t.,ble and throuyh.�Ii: the Coutt-t, I ziliall have sj,_j ,z, Its i..d,.r- ut,,;c _�-rvlce. - ! I e ing,barbour- a' his A uviion art, in the To % W tq Finns wn orUodertch,en ing, or employing de,wrtekb, X30. oe-halt to line C* N-lul 11bonau h a ivu lot fole you, L,I uieeli�q him fate er annnm. ji, __ __ cla I. e IF, S Finfortner. customers and the I ublic thut he will uch alteratrial .11 1. e 4% e ai,d excise to face. Pxj�;aivinx tuv vievis and expoundijig lattirday, 1 Ift of Aprilo, 1 04677 E e Lo MUNSON DAVID R. GORDON-1 d arain, during thit year, Le found personally. TH19 GUEAT 1;-IGLISH 11F.MEDY I with the approbation of' Neury MitcL,rulati, T Londeaborough, 8th Aprd, 1867. ' w"11.2t N; 41 IWT, is. my prillcip!vs al -d �uZi shaN have had an op, a !.-In ad tion to which foregoing-- penallifies, to attendance at the Wool C -tiding, and Cloth- ) Ei;:S to inibria his old patrons, and the pt04v- anvper;on giving information leqding to the X-Iiieter ul fiscsitill 4 ourt, III Ille JD gene"111, tilat he lifts, nt nivivit ind means i,i-- e..tcbt i,u,, e� Lhe i., pottniq Fit thu5 of our respective vdlllal,lc yOwn A), is sl conviction of any person or pteisous proauring, ling business at the old istand, Piper*a M il;sv' M F3 C L A P ICY, .4; -sub- I Lifted up lio, ruviiis, in STE WARI S' New B, iek SHEMill"S SALE OF LAND& is-olicting, or silazieting desencris will reme a until his new facLory in Town he . c-impleted, (jklulir.cations f,,r Ll,;Ii t.ust we seeL, at 2 arld 3, III forme,l lilork. -vorsicr or Hamiltou -Irect and Square, thCelebrated Female Pills. uf the rott in the township u! (JAPI'vivich, kcilvvis il�a the WY Gode-rich, in such a sivic as to fiti-ther reward of X10. and having had the machinetry conrected Prepared fr_)za a prescri - Sir J. Ti.e e4u'atic_, ades, arp] M-litilue. I have the hotor to be, finitZl ill thecouldrV render them tile county of Huron, 1B Y virtue of a Writ of A. F. R. DeHORSEY. with the same put in good la orkin order un - Pliant -f . and the bemt adapted f,,r the To Wit: Venditioni Exponas its- Marke,31.D.,st"Aysician sViz. Fown Lots 1, 2, 3 4, 5. 6, 7,�S sceolrjpii�shmeut el tiesti-ciass, work in live delicate sued out at her Majesty's County Court of' the Sewer Officer. der his own persopal superititendeiica. cus- to t,&e Qtwn. eu:ar_-s, n;,. - L;.,l ii;, meut of Your most nbelli,tit grvnilt. 9, 10. 11, I::. 14. 1-71. 16, I's. 18. 19. 20, 21 and ik-Autilulart. Thosedessirousolhavinsric- 1,0111c,tv of Aliddles-xi and to me directed again#t St. Lawrence and Lakes of Canada. toomers may relly upou isathifai . ciory woAmun- -e :LJArd I.V11tP,- iiiiiiiiin 2.3, 24, 2.1, 26. 2 7, 2'4. 29 30, 32, 36,37 tures of I he Ls� nds a ad Tenements of John -C uly, at the H. M.S. -Aurora," list Quebec. sh _, ]L > ][-& 1:j; - Got!erlch, M,vch 1-41, :Io4. 0, 42. 43, 4t. I.5. -14, 45, 50. 511 LN .,,it �of Lew -s flarvev Smith, and Allen SImith %larch 22, 180. B. -In returning tbanki for the liberal Thjs jnvaTaab'� Filed. ;.IC IS 111[Ufd�; n; in the (_anada-the Ivays-tt 1 �67. 52 wl 1. Fissulti, I have seized and tiliken in Execution the taken will please brina in the morning. sup care ot &A pa-slijai arid -r�,m,t J.-casle,j Vr wi0 ri.l. 54 '11-5. 5G. �7. 62, &:I to WhWh the funsa:e is, su ,je� t. It 0owing prot eny, viz: all and bingular those N "rjP1140 JB; port of fariner years in the 4bgve bus' soadcraies all exrsm, dd cA 4.. IDorn::iisuln -.hW, receive my To thq Independent ty)). 6"A. 9:-. 0. 71 72. 76, 80 Photographs taken in every Style !-ertatriparvels or trhcLq oflands and premipes nesall, he bope4 by strict attention to the same we a spe,,,j y cure m a v be relked on Uts* muvnt, 11 n. 81 42, 85, 86 67. 8,i. 91. 92, 931, 94 kuvwn to the art, lond Old Ambrotypea and Do situate.1yIng oind being in the To%�nslvijvo of Turn- to still resdeive a Wire of Public patronage. I Electors of the South 9 5. 9 So 1) 7. be rry, in the Can I. ty of Liu run. and Provinic HIS is to certif7 that the Co-parthership §:Ia., talue aa I O,­po. turj:ty, before 99, 100. 1 102, 107. 108 guerrotypeas copio-.d as PhisluirraphS. A Ifilge III of T TdOS. LOGAN. it is pectaharly eaed. it lifirid, sm a suort Ejaie, e prillci- Slocii: ur (-ilt aud Roi,e-Wood Frnmrs - Canada, containing by ad.measurevintent eighty TO MARRIEB LADIES .f v"itir.Z Ricling of Huron, 1", 112, III 114, 117, 1 I!V, 120, 121, 122 alwam on , heptafere xistiug between Ii,aac Dab- G,derich, 25th. blarch. 1867. w9Lf 124, 12.5, 126. 127, 128, 129, 130, 135, 136 hand. Also AIA-WNIS,verycheap three acres be tire sam4 ilrore or less, being earn- son & S003', 'was this dav dissolved by mutual blinng on I be peiLd w.th ty. pa; lucailltie,;.ia e -_Lc mnicipa,ity, and then CEIV TL E-11ZA" 139,140, 141, 113 144, 145, 146 E. L. J , in returninI, th"ks for' t lie libe a po8ed,first ofthe whole of lot number twentY41"�, consent. All �ebta duZ said ifirin must oe FARM TO SELL OR RENT. F,act, bame, pjwv'(_lsu,e tw,rs I is's! i;ov. ri my v. --,% s )-I a,)y S,Ijj�c:i I.Lel V to IF tistj.,d th, ra t, in concession CIL (it the said Townblipexcept Lbe paid to Isaac & Stoddard J. Dobson, sarlatiaeat :5-glimpof G.eds.L1ritain VUEm- CCL"e be' Ilaymir re 4nd 148. partm, age orthe pa,,, ji�eis a, -at rve n who tlie ulf C irrn'IA-5. ceived the nominntion at the improvement will erval,le Itim to trerit a voutiviu- wilesterly ififir acres ofthe said lot, herietciorF Can,- sarfetts. Cutiventi,)n helff in oil tit, 'I ii� -v lots are neir I Le -hore o(Lake thirout will continue the manufacture of Broows of 0T_ 11IJ14A f9dri-tenth irlsT., veyedilooneSsmuel At. Walker, lv� iidenture R . 8. in the Iassice and inclerize t*jhe isaille. C 6 n rr e ill w lierorin CaLdl,law for the Le. islutive As and Fire very desmibly situatcd for buiiainq put- E. L..II JR N Olealling date the 18th day of December, A* D all, (Iseliciriptions. L cOure§sion of the 7'ovlmbipsusf Waw - Davis Pilli thmdd nos bp &aken bu `�,nlzj ,ss -ing floseg. intbetivigh-, Goderich, March 1, 1867, w6ti 1865,anJ secondly of the whole of lot nudg; -� f" con 'i r I' u - fa: . h,V i,-� rvat_ I..r zimth "Iluron, aud "'r 19ALAC DODSON, agosh. Tk 913 of' seveill t"FrZ37 7'HICEF. MONTHS of Pr -g hand 'A ill ndo ijoubt have he effiml of rapidly twentywsix in vonve&sion U, of the said Tells n- , actcj,ted aw now pieliair. im it using file rinpulatimp u I he itwil. .'risear- I 9. j..D0BSjN, 31 toomey, aj tilwy are rure to howill ship, except, the westerley filty acres at the said acre-i.Ahiqy five ot whiI,h 4re xlear�jd attid ir"e'Iss, &M at an y orker ta ra. th-Y - -fe - OFF, His, R17CHIELF, d to flislo- in(-- ficId, and hope to receive a Lath 11--t will be put up bt pjlrujt� IF the pit.- lot heretolorci#vnii-eved to one Haidilton Griffith ROOERT DOBSON. fenced. It is good hardwood latid, and till 'iberal support. C)aber at the time of sale sill 114wil a H A Y '4ate the Sib day �I Godeticb, March Ist, W'T. is an cases ,,f Nerv, �uls mud junal A de,ct n%, Bayfield, ToFisriship ot Smiley, I i dc- by indenture 6earing Septem. -1 Itf vratervitt. For padiculars apply t,# Paws in the flaak' and LainIm. FatLiuc on )i,jriit 30th March, 1,-67. wl Itf post, equal to X 10 forsevery X160 ;I'the pureilaoe.1 I -Nor, A.D. 1865, which tands #sail tenements I exertion, Paupitaiwa I. I tne I!cart, 1­1,,�:Crles an,) As the e:ection ill not. probably take uloncY slid a Nufficieu, sum 'willisin two weeks I I E' C0 U RT OF It E VI �6 1 (TN for the To wn-. shall offer for safe. at my offiLlIe. in the Court cyl. us LA WSWN. Wbftes, these Flits wI effe,t-t a ell - re wh­ %V place for some ti-ne, I shall be nt)ie "�t the after the sale to make tip one fourth tor file pur- T t4hip of Hay will be held in theTown Hall, Houes in lite town ol*Godejoicb. �u Tuesday the I To the Free and Inde- proper period to mate a pem-ortall cur,�-lss of hasae money, the ballunce to be sectired'oby sixteenth day ofApril next,at the hour of twelve 'lleared Father means have fa,ic;4i dad althouselis a power- on Tutsdav, the 7th da) at May next, colmmen- Also,'ta rent a farm of fifty acres, k -inij_ the Ridings wl�en, at to be appoint. mortgage, payable in threv equal icialy pay- ci A Note of $33 in favor of oseph Rogers, ad-tej.WA. Aj,plyjo fairsonwily, do not eoltam Fra.,rijel. , ng at 10 o'clo-1, a. in. of the clock. noon vilosirijr, or anythms; hurtful to tf,c v.yrt,l,lutfun. pendent x0ectors of the ed, the vietts of both parLieem ments with interest at -eight per centerrin per an- U ILLIAM WILSON, ; can be heald Towuslist JOHN ATACLXMALD. JJ6 and agactinat William Shepherd and IL Has- RANKIN LAWSON. Fall diuveti-as in ta ao"d Is -and compared ; and in the meantime, I trust num, the. mortgave to be preparect bV the Vendom p Clerk. sheriT H. kins, dated the 3rd day of March 1866, being March 27th, I 807. Vid VGA., -.C, whictis xbould be cafela.ly pre -,served. North 11.1 i ding of H—u—r -on 6wicitur at the expenhe of the purchasers in Ilicr Township Clerkl� Office, Huy, �4 Sherifl9s Offlee, Goderich, lostor mislaid. All persons are h6reby for- you will not pled ie ourgelves-. by requisition 3rd April, 1667. 41 illid auto agent for the United States iiLmj CanaLfax, or otherwi4 iepects th conditions of sale will be the stualls" l8th Marek. M67. bid purctlfasi4g the Aame, as Myrtieut of the JUB &IU.bE-*i, Rochester, N.Y. e to any otber cifilildidate. Jitioni, of the Court of (nancery and way Sao* ii here&y- sto 4 N. B. j.oio aad sits pu.4age ittant ps, anclost-A I have the hunor to be. nngZallitled Gion 9pplicatum at the Law Office -ICIONS OF -rHE HURON APPLE, The abovp silo is postponed ilmitil Tuesfiy, ppe(L Noticei Under ordi.riary circumstances the term Gentlemen, I Me-'sivieurs'l on' LU Mloore, in the Tuwn of the fourteenth day' of May next, at same J OSEPH ROGERS. toasy arrithanied agent lvi�l in4ure a. buUlc can- fvn�ngdny Filll;, Ly return maji, of the present Provincial Parl ori-,inated by r. D Wilkinison, may be lament would oderich, and at the Chambers of the said Master ' place and hodr. Stepherit, Apr;I 11th. 1867. w 1 2 31st. 01 . 1401 tviKytiu. fpr the Township Your most of edient servant, HENILY MAcDERMOTT. had at bIr, W. Compbell's, Ea -t Street. Xrweasn!e, G. W., e nerst I general Election. very areut pothical and NS, Ma -ter. Godarich. Variall, on .NORTURUP & LYMAN, terminate in a few days, but, since the last THE -C PI I ROBERT GIBBO Ot gtanieT,' wi I be held at Goder;ch, March, 19th, 1867. WS IsAAC F. TOMS, April 13th, 1867. W12 2t ON Monday, the 20th day of May, 1867, ageat forranada. co,fistitational changes have take n place,which -Ve -hil got itidurs Solicli'vir. AUCTION SALL Mill Pr ge.W Sale, .d I W G,.4erjeb by Part or & Cattle and calls for an immediate dissoluitin of Parlia- Dated thull 2dth of March, U0. will 3t at ten eelock, t. tn., for the purpose of bear-- F.Jordan; Gaidstiver ac Co., Bay"; JaInC9 ment. 1N TOWNSH10 NOTICE- Sabstriber 'hai receivil fasftriicti�ons' ng appeals from wesgmtntI le. The assess- b"Ifiloinll, no-ges v&e -, J. Pivekard,Ezete r ; J - H - These changes were f;;und necelosiary, in THE td o&r' for sale THE Subscriber�offera for. mile a valuable ;�eut roll will be ex1jibited for, inspection in' sl;ambe. watts P HE COURT OF REVISION for the Town. t Mill Privi!ege-, situated on Lot 2FLL CQP' 6y office, Varmil after the I Stb inst. of the many difficulfieg arisitify T A I Allowi & aad at, eoageqm�nce Lotp, 10, 11, 13,14 16, 10, 23, 24, 25, ^ fig, T ship of Turnberry, will be hew at th- On the 18th day of MAY, 1867,* t7th, Greenock, Co. -Bruce. A W38 -1v out of the proper ca-ving on, of responsible GRADING and GRAVELL N L I , cone- subs"ti!W PLUNTKM . n I 0 75 and 76, only lilftini bt+fti botd, &a bilance of I house of Mr. W illiam McPherron, Lo I dam, (securing llidteen feet h6ad of widery has W vernment undpr the Union Act of 1840. the property will br, sold at Publi ,'an 7-, on the 15th day of May neiil, at the hour at AT THE '01, 186.5 a Coalition Go% ernment was form JONES' HILL, situated a little east Of the 1, I r T.. .1,1.ck, a. an., for the purpose of hepring already been constrim-rdid, on the dite. Tp. Clerli. e U present salt works, in Brillf,e-end Place, saturday, tne 18th day of May Ih6 at MON AUCTION NART., Trimomm libi6ral. for further particalars Vars% Zd April' 1867. Wit I I oge-of d9vising a remedy for Township of Colburne. clock p. in. on the preninwt appeals againatusseastnellt, &C.'ske. A! IF A=Oag t1tj nist tirsportani of modern medical ed for the purp Dated April 13th, A D, B67 JAMES JOHNTON. 4#01i to te� 'sibsZnbefi� Paisle Post, Office. the eziAtin- evils, and a Uni, n of the British r -Y wit "k Noon, Township Cle k disc wertes stands istle HENRYki7c�-Ir. "t Tirnberry, Aprit 2nd, l8f7. 3t U&NADIIN PAIN DESTROYER! North Azimirican Provinces waii proposed and SPECIFICATIONS9 AS Twelve O'cloc WILLIAM BRADLEY. Asa Family Medicivie* it is well. and favorably iligreed upon- Profile and Soctions way be seen, at M r: if not previously disposed of. that Greenock. April 9th 11�67. wI26t IN 0HANVJVjU I i known. relsaasirilas ttwus-,Lnds IrOFQ2 paips 110 I he Unde; thia wraripment we are to have a Rpence'a residence, close to the intended. C, VALUABLE STORE -oat, GaapTal Legislture and a Local Le-islature, W`O& Side, Hacit and 4ea4.Ccq.,-,hs, C 0 L ON- IA L HOUSE Dissolution of ' drtn'ern Rihe lAaftaofthe &ua halj-- of. 19A eituated on Ut Wo.4i56, facling;tbe Court . I gpras�jas. E6-ajissia, Orasispa La the Slotoach, the former Lo have c1large of matters of igifnz& thirt czotera naarbus.11=74plowel com- Geaserat Intewsts, affoctiog, the U' All tenders must be addressed to '11. plouse square, and oo* ollillipied by Mrs. ship. in the first coft- aited Pilo- Spence, Gcderich, and no tender will be re- Warnick. Thia is btie of the' beit business MICE is bereby given fliat the busines's n�f thi Towmhip q, pu"ts, Sarni;, CO29 Bit", viacea, and the lutwir W have charge of Local READY-XADE CLOTHI:NG D19PIMTXMNT sw f UborrLp,. ke" &e4 &C. ceived after 10 o'dock, ou Wednesday, the -The 9 stands in the Town of G-idericE. The build- N. curied lon In-ttile, villadOe of Lucknow, un- and County -of HuTon. �ez"dva one The -QANAVj4_N PAI_'j DE-3THOYE4 has m3tit'I's- Ist day of May next. u1mriber hilli the largest John a4re pow tocest before Me pubbel for a Wo4b aflime. U ader these c4c4gmSt#0"a, I have con- is nearly nbw well built, and neatly fite der the Firm of An4reW' Grundy and ofike worwilitst -co7we-r dtc,re6fj,* Tenders must be put in by the lump sum, 9-1 X -a C)l �VM X -X X IV - ply Grandy 44 Wlreait blic. kiil,iidil �* it t]Pm . ay mad w1licraveruseFill is vall UL4, ,I)ever fading sentej at Ott request of ;nanr warm fivieu& a dparties tendering 111M fis M YC> C; 3M ltedg. j�. Por tirms &d 1�iW&1&11 81, .- I jL a still ins"ace to givt Peruka acul. tri C f when '; must provide two good eds at dissolved, all debts'olving to the said ff0T10EjsIie by-iren ibat the Honor,' of a] I pol i al creeds in in the Caunties. The best quality of Go N ible of the City of gis%igly used, aai we have never Icuoilru'so single tie jour ridjug to become und sufficient surities. �We to 4a paid to John 'Grundy a - at e: -170"to have a Candidate for the Lvcstia "Legislature 0 Tb C JANIE$, SMAILL - Toronto, in t1ke dountZ of York. bath tuaide caactordlissattsfacticla -berethedirell, ouncil do not bind themselves to ac- Auctioviee imands on the same will be settled lli� him it,, your Aditig,-Itand as one who has resided ol, . E. besssayfoptlr4y fullowed; but, on (be contrary. cept the lowest or any tender. �Golgrieb,--Aprjl 4, 1867. *it t4 JOHN-ORUNDY. in application tq 16i luourt, of Chancery fax,li jiltia dell;rblied WiLb its operaUans, and ispeke m manyyears in the 13('rill, riding, an The LOWUT PRICES IN d W40 Colborne, April 20th, 1867. __ ____ '$- B. -The business of Generl N&C11- eertifiCAte0fAidC to the above imendoned AW *Ghest WIMS of " visnucill and tuagicall of- "es a deep intereal in oits welfare, I 4ope if ex. Amerkin "' ell thhWat,44"t ates'.' 2_4 Smith will be calrried,so�'iiitAe stisid stand . e 0::).Cfi11, ejamidev�vtnd dgo for Y-OtIrsely by prollpirty, and _r te Ant for - quirtiu�.J`itlei to &W-j?4tate i Upper Canada," and bill eleelad11C.170t to betray the InLu potifided Lo Niffir twdsl; .1 wexpeak from elItperience in thistia Johia Grund me,. H UC -H DUNL0P CHAS. -S. AIRCHIBALi ---*age _=_'T _X who byLatnet-atte!Won and Lag teged it thoroughly -and trtervwre thoft who 9 05 - Punctuality h4pep 4m6ris a shari of pjbUo -produmil Pricknee' whetAy, he, appears to titi from any or Atte complaints for My politics are lo suppo-t the fisiq& of GO&H Augu9122ilid, 1866. owl nEFAULT having been inade in th3 pay- ) ,up W A. I 1_1 011, it the OWn-er thereof in tee, ime trom all en:- anj �ther peison W&,11 it is recommended way depend qwa its the coalition in carrying out honestly tho in- Ail"Cient,pf Morgage ttt�der Oy Tbomaaj3. 0tro"60 n1ow, 1667.- 12-3L' qunibmces� Itictiag a SayeT40 R`omedy- tentiosis of the Quebec 8,44'41so to NgToto Doon Luc letfi Apd wherefore TO TOO BAYE OF MO"ULPAL, KERIts 13!R9WH VjuBjery i6l :,r, edrg� teil�Ql t"d 4hlf having,'or pir-Aendin t6tave, ,jjWsjj4&i*i,- eCksoy as t1fte CaqOiao P4W support bon"t men and -houen M04mtes, MA Kff9dZiEq wivir I Tnag of ing, or &e purpois of bill "e! WAWED- orInGQla. tbiI or siny ViA flere- Vegfof,i a ,vanal; the disteases for wbiet it Is andtodoalliiii my-Itsimble abilityto na- dt4 We- 226d M of, A rikluired fttx� 0'r bef6 succeas in subw if .ALM 11 11., riv 40 wik, q in w,cmumn". and no wonderi4l van&- the interests of our riding and the Ue foll9wiuk Ororigir � jll� .50'.. I asks pa -mal of fillcumat.irw. aLd w a - t - I . I I RSaool &vWon o. 4, Jfi%6j, 6 . welfare of this my jimi ve jectunity, ij U ILI; or second clat r. to It the-Eifllh QfMav � I 11TAS Xsr PIVOCRIVril) ic &L " kPlemale"Maliteser..iiiiF t .0 'Xitrivoin A&cttojw, issitifte it to G Mq TIL in the fig Flit remeditem for thew comptalnU with 0. ATORU01 'Tide to eadi. In in iaequalntad tms . I am well. many in Abe 4L& TE MADEIRESUCElk 90itak oxiis ebarxe--at-thejuatiorXILW511010. ow inet enslit htay-.' Appitto 91 =if am coming to from Mediclue Dse�r* in riding, but t sithall abortly wake it my- bus- _XW.X.` 0 coulitry ter fanker supplisloop MW ittess, to ll gleatinp in your different town. 1UPORTATIOT;a OF d day ejac,'at 12 ft to file a itaiewent 61 hlal' stillittras 10- Eny office - 4 parts of tk at 9spode EWI I in ihe 0i TTronw, and' 0*4f,46filwaSia-0 00,11% -O eli.h tefinfrog astu me if"21"'Sal "t'slactivDit It dhi ps. w hea I shag explain my prinailtiles in - 6 u 20tv skai 11; , iv Ut lot vietaill onn lie April L%bi IN7. Or and hope 0 meet Oth8V i5pir2flitS t _ - - - - � y A R W# 3 in, 1). Kimbell McDonald gw--q% Pill Deptsforer nev" fads 10 0 A& an AN& a1— T W Y The Canitillois trvedwj-,�e dcAeAv honors whviu you mp have au of poxt-ativit A wily digqi�:Fltvn�46,90 i6r VII14 R gillipitsajaWl" insficIt. AD iribilWill I r e i tho 10 his Slkito4 ,d 6W�jf* 4r it. parsict" arder and Use, it; A94 so 111 y j 91919 as t* the respec- Live cipablii of 46fixulf 110-0 qUet-ilatim viII be:barred, vilmd w C U Oro '" -0 AND wtv be without it aftr oded- trffag-it- the 0"dstm or Ail 41i i4ailteP6 es t-0 the I mid Howrable usId Me- tom"Flete willostmen 1�r Witillill! V, - Price.only 25 cents per btiottle. I "T that I am am admirer Tbay Wdl 80111dillus t4i OP06 0i"Ifit"14 'he Pf abr mMthi vbry* r InAAllo to Goo& tiMitable f PongiTUjoixeltbluolute an4 iWelsiWe at PW0nL-r#jwA Id4eladdres Uwe to PS -,4'- -it conr .exion, ad sam prepared at any 'Uw jud' IW.ty subject otily to the reset 6 k0a -tbe-& sybers, in solioitor iuvfi4ermi�nll offen foiiali ci�rliiimnjtua TjLjj0�*.=njjOjedjU the L17th %ection of tiste d Firm ld II­L6titId rma hqt No, 19, jq lot j" V - =4 Act tbervem mumbered -one. of ..thill Township a aws -in gvde=b Wka Aosah. UqLa" Aggetut, If e at jimved style. preplit fluatly2gj 0" -0vilimly" Irgmain getitlempli, very shokeidt n' ice and tho6tispI on 1. , . I, 1 , , , " is ch ho plieparid to tn#�p tve ad te r;outh 1�&Ift tAia thAt Conn X10a. DaWd We lwenty4viiA aay of'Xssrtfi� 14 or in any, -other Whi To? & F. Gar-di?er 0 H.A jU 4-E 9 M 4 Me IU; James i Yourlit Outfit obedientlyp -0 D ER A T -T P,.WfCLM, 40jeffild- P 1. qed V. W. -and prormot -pay rtiduldlioly 11111`111IM& to -tall fill iuspect.! .,I Iftia) ROBERT J. TURNFA conislo. vlatts, & J(IL&, chlitll; &-cord, i daidem MPA ail. 41 #�ie tilloill. 1111111141 .�u VATIUCH.CARICUIX. 0 attended to.- the w Asy of W. TORRAME 14,78, IApril f1jeIrsau, A�gafarlb. nod mill, Alpilicials 0::�- All rders punctually 1114950 sm wtrst 0 wagi- Galikirich, April 5, 1967o 41i'd i0poderich, April 11, 1867. W49t, 11hikilittow, Mareb 6-y ISO., I