HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi Weekly Signal, 1867-04-23, Page 2A 0 I Ma,160. 'Beginning of Emancipation 1n The New Confedlerati011i- T. It yeem in tho-counthry an I dw,,ile iitto their unrelaxing talons the confl. foheid in"Tudor, Atill-varl6iii places in Brazil. FA do a great deal of rumaiiiag, but, you wiKi lice I s le suffering industry, and by a re a - any Australian and Caiifornian bly lily i I' 1 :1 AND (014-RIC11 DISTVICT, find precious few soft enough to support htrcl i'vertano many grapy little offices, an F4, ised system' , of wholesale miners here, they pronounoe the Country - The N. T. Independent thinks favoura Ono- a a haz no munitory wants, norri� nourat till see .. in;'yb,ieg8I it f our 14new nationality," and speaks of it the ad Lai., �,, 7 Thire has By wayof England we have some details 0 A"IT& a man who can be guilty of such trans jilgler ig dvoolatiou sind irttriovable A, %ndoubtedly gold bearing. T T II P, 0writ.1ima of train. him far that-aame. Regorrall if he gits .uill on the tons Of thousands of those very been no prospecting done yet of any conse- of the measure which, has b6en adopted by thus:- �Jeratiori In a:1 .3 C;i--A Arr m*kN&lton ................... 11:30 A.M. parent double-dealing as we have POiliW walloped an bees suro to bemalavogued hoarts which sho@d ultictiatelyititlivei become qjIleape. th6 Bmzilian government as a beginning of "'The population of the new confe E;de 1 - I A decree of the will be a fourth greater than was that of the they b-, ti our indepen- 2- ................... . 3:00 P.M. out. this tuo the iuity siW av munny hp 11 hay the ardort arid virtual, life spring of social Farmers are standing In their own light the work of emancipation. thirteen States at the date of FRE H07 ENDENT Eve:l wb. '50 " ipotucis.' Whatover coloring asking enormous sums for their lands or Emperor, dated the 6th of November, 1866, M Ixod ......... .................. 10. AVIth r,-,,ard to 31r. Ctillson, the liberal till spiad %ill sind him aff into� a gallopin wealth arid lit TLe result is that practical dence. They are by tio means seperated kom; t6h 00 ivel of the* chance of testing the the the public domain who shall enter' "LECATORS the tru- a i nsuinshin as Bhure nz yeer redin this. may Ile used Lujustifj the system alluded to mineral riahle. decluresto befree the slaves belon;.,inm to 1DFPART. C.1111idato for the Asseml4y, we caasly the each other, or so distinct in interests, Its ,,,,L,,e and which seem to be one of the tnally men are depi ..it E lifixt'd ...... I ........... ........... 5:00 a.m ar of contra(liction th.at he is Misther Gibbins our mart for the lore concoulitaill, evils whi I ch prevail thiow-rhout County, arid are guing away dissatisfied arid army. The numberof these is about three our Stal�a at the ro, mation of the Coi -I bV '�tr i: 44 without fe tion. They are sure to grow up into a ,teat ma..................... 10-00 hous is a ciaoint ould gintlettlau ax iver tilt! eikrly stages of every colony, the fact doubtful. thousatid. The decree i3eis forth that this dut V. r man Cor the position. If stei ling peeled a pittaty. Ilets7bin the hid tn and powerful riation, it they remain apart all ................... :30 tile I all thut stiell it State Of 1,111110 exists, there are Motility,; ikpri 150), 1867. omancipation is conceded to them gratui- f'rom us. We bel eve there is no genera I d(- ty, str-aghtforward conduct in ever av the cownly fur years all years an so, - few, I opina, will venture to dispute, and it To -day there was anotiier `Lxaminatiun of lousily, end is extended to the wives of such hone, I sire on this side t.1 enlarge our borders toward Fd that department of life, arid a spirit of intel- ra word saiJ anin him bud wh..Vs good Cx- cati scarcely be expected that in a country Thonil-son arid Wright, who were re -arrested of th'ern us ate married. Two hundred arid in owt. ke tiurs, out of the density of yesterday, oil information laid by Mr,'Young twenty-five of those freedmen, many of whom the north, though the destiuction of the iiiiive NOR 111 RIDING power makes it P a are in' riled, and who belongvd to the hou.,je- , ra, k -,nce and entrprie can recommend ceptin one or two spalpeens who betutir I ossible, should it be des uz tin the %vall arent "tiny bether thin 003 As a!moit imprevious forvsii, the loftier as. before A F Wood, Esq. *Before their ac ble. That they may feel tire force of attrac. 01- TfiE any tiu:lu to tho consicloration of till human taind caa rise it, quiLtal, oil Thursday litst, several circurnstan- hold of the Emperor, had already left for cour;,;,, ou-,,t to be. Mr. Carlin whos agin hitil lei P"'at"lls of the tion toward the Ullited States is by no medils as t 1, e y a:-. Thoutas C e3 it fur proporlicia to what mialit otherwise bereck- ces transpired that went far to fasten suspi- the army, arid it is said that none refused ctors, jibson will head the unlikely. But, whether they shall one day ed to e tie. a dacont enuff man bud no tuore f Taking into cion oil The Em- COUNTY OF HUR Mied iis available resources, the parties, Thrompson, Wri,,ht, otid their liberty oil these conditions. njority. Ue i'l well `1)t thin poor Barney Bralligan.- 0 propose merging their exist-tice in oui s, or I heir loyai poll by a, swee I -,riot -isure. I I plug 11 . I p lit accouitt therefore the above naed antagon- Harding, arid they were rt, arrested yesterday peror is himself the author of this me whether they shall prefer growilig up into a IL11 Irish, 4. qaalified for the dischar-o of the duties. Ilecl it Up to spak baJ tire divil a word isLical agencies, it canot be illuch subject of' morning, wW held in custody until -to -day.- Instruction is also given for the exterisioa of n rival conterminous power, this Confederation rt."ovy are ri of tile office h- aspires to, arid we have lie can say at all at all b..rriti laffin in a wundev if %va of the north of Ashfieid are in The Town Hall was crowded, as the hour for this racusure to tht, farms ()I' the pablic is a most important epoch in the history of GEN7LEMEN, or better r! As far is the Krforui party is con- d way nz if lie thot biS 6 litle respects, though riot as a general body, the examination of the prisoners drew near. domain situated it) the provinces of Piauhy, the continent. and we cannot doubt that who are ',%t no hesitation ia sttinc, our well. -ground- lood Qatshure north. ;-adinew for the contest ed bolielf that a better 0 candidate could runnin at all was tho joke av tile Bazin.- oil a very li�utted scale of social and moral A Holland, lawyer from Bothwell, appear- Maranhao, arid Para, in tile extreme f roin it will date a new era of its material Ilasing received the nomination of tw rural N%'hiti­ nako an toda ad�aoccmont ; there ave Soule happy 'ex- ed ',)r the prisoners. Mr Greum wasentiploy- 11 Reform Cunve"ti'la" aud having been 2,$ converted I Ould Crab duz the s pizin Gold Excitement in _qlmcoc. - and poW tcal prosperity. " not b�� The opposition brou"Ilt ceptions. and Hlthou-h tho proiress'eems ed by Mr Young. After a lengthy examina-_ I quested by meQ of al ; shl des of politics W loytil lmv,� a candilate enticient- n agin Gibbons. When he gits up me decl. tardy enough, we call scarcely it ord to be in tion, the followin- was about the surn and The Barrie Advance states that a good Both the motheri of the Kinz of Denmark 1 offer myfwif as a candidate for the Carrain the urhe--_ IIII-ninst 11ina will be merely nemillal, and, yo kin swell briulzstone an fork tal e as h rry, for (to quote arid old ftda4e) " Rome substance of what developed: - cc the intere'-ts Of1 C, mons for your Riding ; I arg bt a sple�,,; 23ro with deal of excitement exists in that nei(,hborhood and Prince Frederick of Augustenburg, House of Corn u fuom all appearances, he will plane az if it w4s mild clooty. Whin he built in a day," and com4equenily it Wright had it speakiog acoluaintance w s riot whose conflictin, claims occasioned the Dau- now iii the field cia' n eq ence of a report that gold -bearing 'Inli'Z YoUr suffia,, good co,idul the Azrieliltur-al owrimunity, nd when j Itogether, our' giLS one lye out its shuvd dowm his throte rn�iy be after (lie lapse of a considerable state r Young'�s brother. Un Tbursday evening it, co a u 0 0 es as if lly brou-h,. on its Representative. repaid the the course. Taken a bud be me sowl he always haz anuther ol'probation that tile Philosophy of 6' New- as he wai making up the cash, fhom;)soll vartz has been found in some of the ad, ish war, and eventua be natural upilogue, the ,teat crash in Germany, hp Lak,� !,Is n on the 9,)or of the townships. ' Lands are said to n As there are no grext questions SW half despa., prcwpects in the North Ridiug could not *bich he got and 'e Duchess Dowager, ha will unquestion- reddy. Its a purty'nest of thim he must t -n may ct;tirely dispel that of a Diogeties, came fcr a bott!e of brandy, �0-lznli township of 11'ay died last mouth, Th prominently before the countr)-Confedew fmists of no -x r. cruyther. Misther We are riot hu%%ever, entirely void of the paid for, chatted a little and saw tile cash sou,,hi aft6r in the v%;ry wJ1 be brigh 1 6" to b� Louise of SoVeswigHolstein-Souderburg :1� tile work lb, -fore h' h3v down thare. poor ectual progresi, the educa- box put in tl.e desk. When Geo Young went where tile 1 dications" are reported 6' tion being, an accomplished &ct.it i2 tut. �ueer Ira tin t TON't � Gibbius must hay dun sumthin bad till `�Sources Of inteli very The same journal states Glucksburg,. the mother of King Christiun, necessary in a short address like thig W with areat tional system has penetrates our tilmost re- out. lie was met by Thowpson and Wr),rht, departel this lite at Ballenstedt, in the Duc- speculate on V7 � -e r ir i--, �r willoo 11,L3 ever dis- IVEAME11 66 CLIN have bL ene hin, ill hiz aitze of ould Ion- sine riz the CV8SV.A, arid ives protnise of' fait fruits arid and asked to play a game ofebeckers at the that a company has been formed with a caUl. hit the future may bri.gfonk I ou'rh:y Iris is well as lit rrived in port here oil Sunday last from r' 0. -st us Royal lio-el next door. lie went with them till of $100,000, for the purpose of working by of Anhalt, where she as butied. The or to submit any particular or specific PLIC salutary eff, -c - ff u!., -S - f4rm �In skotehinfll] S3yF, if i kin 61112' it- Out i'll let . Then we have amoH. chess Louise cf Schleswi �lcin -n it Arin kn,)wn Mr. Dctr,)It. 6he proves to be a very fine yt:z kno the r.-slu fur his bustin tile all variOUSpersuns of very su,)erior learuiiig and and played three dames with Wri,!ht; part Of the new mines. - Gold seekers, however, had �u 0 1 Ma, however, say that I wiii euj,� t p cool till OeBe reports are fully derdurg- Augustenbunr the mother of PriLCe b the earliest opportunity of visiting "W -ick, died at Primkenau, an estate of race h bon t, well buil t, -being only a few tnonths bag av his discoors so offen. I'll rite genius, with many of lesser ifts in the the time they plaiing, Thompson was out.- better ll�e ft ? �n locality in the Riding and explain may vievi f r 4h nv Y -IN wtc e,l I arrested next morning authenticated before rushin into speculations Fredei A temb, bout the ilictions soon. Giv nic mental degree, but ull useful, together with Wbeu they were her husband's , in the province of Branden- fairly and fully on both local and geuerd Katigas, la h i a CJU-",-Il B.)ard. oll-and fitted with every appointment more a certain seleet rarities in ihg assumptiort of WrigLt had about $3 in silver, and Thomp- that may not yield golden fruit. burg. matters such as the necessitv of encourag. a childer an keep laturdered a xv �� a P re D i r, 0-t n') Man I" calcal-i" to se.ure the comfort of pas- luv to 1"thlecu an Lb talents which they know to be respectable, ion some .913 in silver. The day before the The PrIncess of VVaIes. ing emigration, our trade with he UciQ jail. 11 tF. frum sthron- waters. No more at prisitlt i Dean's office, it2d the t lfla--ace over sengers and safety of goods. Her lare a but kilow no more. They seem, neveribe- robbety,Thompsoti was to go it C:,-)- A gentleman who has lately vid Ideputy Shr hi,i poition .I -re ied utioro frout yer afek-shunit kusin, Peuitentar 71 wriles to the Kingston ews States, -economy in the munagement of -ow its are hated with steam, endo-ved with certain aspirations, which where he rema tied for about 20 minutes, ous public departments, and the conduct of 11g bim. ' He 11 tolow reprobatAntives, cibin.- and saloo BAREY BRALLIGAIN. Aithough far beyond their real endowments, tensibly for the purpose of writing a letter; The British ffedical Jonrnal regrets to that the Feni prisoners are appropriately %itizen, &r,, - - - - 0 'to general aflains ofthe courtry. fr-lacritly in c.irrying ana in every respect she will prove to be operate with at le4�st a lacetious if not, with of course the wax impression wu supposed to state that Jurine tbe past week, April 5th, luarteied, thuzit they ardly feel at borne. Upon captu ti r 5 a I - prog-em indeed in The inhide of a prison is any thin- birt a au�-,,,i which ho set his mind on. a fi,ia p-issenger boat, Her trip from Alr. 7b:n Jenklins it bi ihiant eTect. Then Ive have at times be connected with this act of Thompson.- there has been very I tile Meantime, by The cro w miles Demi, So--z,-I must say that the perual visits from those eir.Attestars,whose p4lvi:e.,re When, ashed by tile tuagistrate if they wiobed tile condition-ol'the knee-joi it of ber Royal novclty to most of them. thou -b they have I have the boner to be, r brothear and C!intfin, Mr NV Dt!troit was m-ula at the nte of 14 of Your welcuille ep'stle Lave me Mucil it sAtems it) be capable cf pert' rm:a,- a revol. to inake any sta temenis to explain their con flihtiess the Princess of' Wales. There no d(ep love for such a risidericoe. Cul Lynch Gentlemen. itte j il In t I, �eiu,, Ian hour, which ii considered first-rate. uaion on any sort . f axis, or ow any or 110 duct, they both declined. Aft�r they were been sil,ght alieritiutis, Lut ilia presc tit is workin4 manfully for the liberation of Ire- -E r� f I tell you Ifint .,t -A at all t:rues a ftr Speed bt-ing of importance on the pleasure, but pardon me I at bit at ull. I hese itinu runt constellations discharged the first time, Wright, left for condition is ver% little in advance of that laud in the boot -packing department. F4ther Your obent servIt, SOM FTE I W ure *t atforded me arose more from (excuse my qnill ycii) of either sex, , who Belleville, arid returned with a hor.3C and %vhicb we rep 04 some McMahon e 'ors the privilep of sweeping IFTAND.-Th jkch s, Idom, if ever, fa,1,1 t"me- the pleas I orted last week. 5 shr-vii I Ui Joseph WWtehea gaeltusetts, s lk�Lu but, at ta same time While lie route for which she is intended, we think the lively interest I ever take in the politics persnibulate the dark8ome paths of society buggy, on Saturday evening about 9 o'clock; ni lits the Princess has lept well ; at oi Ler A; out the chapel and keeping it in order. I be of the Clinton, April 18th, 1867. thore wb.-, no drawback in this particu- of illy own iiative arid beloved country, Can- ;itid a!%%ays ate- out tile bvnighted on hom be was met by Thompson out side ines her rest bas been disturbell. arid i here other patriots we ably doing their share to- in that villa, cil ir Linterests of hiJi own : le ust'ieut-their disturtod rlebula--, villae, with whom he had a Ion- conversa- have been petiods of piin. The general; l r. apt. K-ith, in conitu.,t-n,d of the ada, thaa tiout any b,!auty of sentiatent, to �h d if 1 0 - wards the removal of 0 seven. hundred years a d1l, 'e . I I - local genus tion, after which he turned back toward however. we outs MAGISTeR a car�ful eye, h . _,anee of diction� or correctness of co:u- oficii Call;Ll ' �o,rether such of out health of the Piincess has riot, cf "ll. grievances," by constructinn- b t f ii a duo -m-,icutuly person who 's i . I was .ad to iearn that the inter- homa.ts may �%%e a surplus ditne to spare Belleville, and slept at the ' five mile bousL. are happy jo learn, suffered durin- the wLek f -l'! to r,�.fu,mber that the� Court y o L I and shoes, chairs, tablea, arid other us4ul lembury (We I i, 0, a movements 01 Thonlp- articles. Their oppoTittuities for indulging ROBERT J. SLOAN, X. IY.j 1 1 doubt, be very popular at both , Ill-, tnterta:nmefit of ttielr tancies. or the During that day ill and medical men will know how to appreciate will, n est full 10 the P,)htics of the day was lly appearec HL,rju hal iatcr,sts� as a whole, whicl: I I ht, (Saturt this important arid favouvable fact.; The in conversation are limi-ed.but whenever they PHY61CIA-K, SURGEON, &C , &C General Iii 011119 of the roate, and contribute Ewiter- in-, in k, aad th.it th-o fire had at last culture of- their uiental facuitirs, each diffus- son excited suspicion, and that nig ed to speak, U' ertended to your own 0 b. cx�ept by It e . I Ing, ill accurate I CO breast also. Espe�i- Woportions such amuunt day,) Wright and Thompson were both ar- limb is still confined in si-lints, arid s1lutig to are allow Roberts, Sweeny, years old tll,3 success of the enterprise.- 1 Ill, -e to see the you,,,, taLlll , all )f b,) us value js may seem tautamount to s d. n them was found, bills that t the, inipfession o- i re to ive it ease. We hope in our next i eil, and the entire Fenian organ"tion, most st1d" --ad u Jut_ %Ve neVer firl latly to ally d a HRRE vears surgeon tot the U. S. A. datialf -shoes." 0.1 as satisfied had been taken to give a more entirply satisfactory r1eport- are spoken of in anything but complimentary M r. Itumball is to be the agent here, and received. Our school roortnt trial Mr Youu, wr T Like late w8r. -Oneoftae resident surgeM ititereat ill their country. hut is more the ieal V.11lue on the do; itt tlic mangvr -our trademen's from hi.s cash box; but as he could not identi- on LT HoFNte! Steaffler 91 1). A. Jan uaryP ESE— -nold i The Prussian o9cralor for tiT 15th Army Corps at f -I, ru his lar -e experiance aud energetic ch:,ractvrlStJc of a healthy inind ? A. arid sunietinies our parlors, or terms. s, are thus frequeiitiy brought into wits tie evidence. The case was BFULLN, April 19 (evening)- rhiil actuates so many and sivq, -1 that m, -n of stron,, unuds ever t.&ke work,ho, fy the Nos., of mind, a better appointment coull -heir couli- r-quisition by travelling, vocalists. showmen, remanded for Thursday. 'government has sent a strong note to the turn iivelr jtaere3t in the affairs of . Dc no 0[1�1 in th�, County cAa-sa`y' that made. -The int.-ation i3 to make phretiologists, temperance WEDNESDAY, April 1111. Einperur Napoleon asking the reason for the A FAT COW CANADA AGAIN AHEAD Office and Residenee-Mr. T. G. JaclMWI , -. n�)t b,: try." After ray remval to thii country 1 0 ratice. An extraordinary fat cow was slaughtered in Lower %4 ifigham. he p,:r,,-tcn6y or kuov%in,gly wronged it, colld not help nuticiog the w-arked contrat advocatei, and decayed cler.,"men, and A lar.e number of arrivals to -day and a military preparations oil the part of F We have I t1ir,-e trips per we4.k between Grderich a There was a lull A Bavarian agent has betri. sent by King London, ort the I I th inst., ard as the carcass N B -C-ortsultations on surgcal c2sm aucad, to t�e extInt of' a dobar. 1'J,-,grtss and between lite interest taken in politics iii mucl- time and talk rite often %aswd, good deal o exciteme t. rocure the alliance of' developed some remarkable results we give ed in al I pa rts oi t he c�ju u try. liorse which I and sla-1,11.1m whi,:h the boat can do (besides the dimes) on for a few days back, but parties have come Willam to Vienna to p wiagharti, C. W., marct, 91h, 1567. W13 W with a Choiii 0 1 Ciluada and the Unitel States; but I feel literally thrown away, intercsLs C lars for the benufit of our aaricul- (r the mater:.i. increases ia pop subjects a3 irrevalent to tile complrehensior, in with fresh specimens of gold from different the Emperor of Austria. the Varti u. a poor con with case in Any orinary weath..�r. We assureJ tha as the country tch tura readeza. The animal was fea by Yr. of the Pple havo ever LuArked Mr. elation, territorial extent, arid commerciA ai tliev a -e novel to the hearin.,.-of the audi. parts of the Township. Oil 17 in 2n con- LoNi)os, A riI 20 (evening) -A despa sell bidi, and Whit-h,ad's conuct in public llf�� and ish her every sacms. affirmed old has been from the 13-.rlin ag acy of the associated John Irwin, of Westmini -ter, and was ii Dur lInPortance, the interest taken in politics will euce, who come there to be etililghtened or, cession, it is positively _e' gnide. She weighed when killed, Some 5 or 6 person to wbu increase. I was much i,i other words, victitniz-A. Buffoonry of all round, also West halt 15 in the 61b coaces press, dated this evening, says a plan for the ham L' f�w mon am )nst - e Luxemburg, question w&s 195oftm. Messrs. C. Trebilcook and John WALL PAPER I a beautiful ho 0111111 SALT IN CHICAGO t):easod all seeing your account of the Ciilit.)U kiLids is hateful to enquiring minds, but sion. Manvol r places are mentioned, but 8ulution of th iarib,it:>l more to the zencral howina recently submitted to France aud Prussia by Santo purchased her for $140,w and her car- 0 he -had eith�?i us hiv, Goaverition. I have known Messrs. flul-mes, especially so when it appears iii the uise of need confirmation. Miners are s' h - lt.ichie and Carliag for a Ion., time, and illsili:mm' scientific, or philosophicaC know- considerable anxiety to 'ret hold of claimse,' the remaining gicat powers of Europe. case gave the lu. eard of quantity of 340lbs. A fresh Stock of New Patterns wilil be to -chased a e qurr-)EL-!d3 us. In bis busi A priva1e letter received by Mr. T. B. pu ought to be able to express a ri�ht opitilon ul I. dge hence our alternate preceptors- but the farmers are very reluctant to sell at Napoleon has since signified his willinpess of rough tallow This amount is said to 1). hand to morrow. an learning triess cp�tci.y his motto ha -1 been onic ird- VanFvery, of this town, from a firm in )t the proposition embr:Lced ine his larger tLau ever before taken from any alli, - i th ir adividual capabilare for uffice. Car. those of the bird of pssage type-und ruore prices withi-a 'the reach of ordinary meacs. to�accej had previous'. w1i'le, the pro8p*cis have improved, plan. Prussia, however, has riot replied. mal. At the SiPa Offim tiule value. miiling ente.prises, Chicagm, sthtes that a barrel of out salt w hu for along it ine car ned on the taii particulady our phrenclioncal peddler!�, from On the 0 e gngage� in exten-ave .0 1 - a,ed it, the estabh�hmcnt of Fuwler & Weils, with but many go away amiati8fied because 1rold here is a gro"itig feelinE� in th prosrerity has been compltv,:1y 'sent there as a sample has attracted the ning busLiie&i in Exeter, is now en, M affected so gr A lihxii' oF BAziEs.-Acl exchauge gets the LnerTantile life.. Ile k a man of p'lorer brain boxesas hollow or dusty inside as the is not at hand; for the picking it up, or work- formed circles, this evening, tkat these over- Darley's -A bound up 'R IL11 t1ij t uf the faruang com- I attenUou of large packers, who think that tures' will be successful, arid that the peaze off the following funny row amung the batiieB ty arid itifluetice, belag liked by eveiyb,dv. cha.L iltictf casts which they ciLbibit, have -at extra prices T lie weather is fit,e to -day. a I B 0 0 K -S I Condition Ate t' 11 not be disturbed. and their mothers :-Some time ago their was 0 murilly that he invarizblv secured the Lf all we produce is Of such splendid HLi iufluence l,as lately raised him from the ie!y, at least ill this quarter, become as After the. heavy rains we may expect bet er of 'Europe wi paration h= 4 & the a clancing.party given, -up North :" most of aood �f tlxo--e who had dealings with quality we = find an unlimited market office of To-riship Councillor to that of o.Tetisive te'ics handed down from the reign roads. Seven lines of sta-es are now on C5 Iteeve. too has elicited a rood deal of GoL%iC v'ripwience. We had, however, rout. one running through from Brighton via McKELLAR ON THE Po8lTte%.-At a meet- the ladies ttle babies, whose present bad h FOR THE COUNTRY, tsignature o himt, and,they might be numbered by for I be article in the west. Goo -1 judges iteturniers held at Thamesvide to notsy perversity required too much- attention 0 of pub;le c0lit:dence, havlu,, been a membe, )tie good exce,,tion here latel), in the per -sin Treutou and Stirlin,r. lul- of package. Uuide 2 Vok SM' thou:, -ads. Mr. Whiteheal is not one of alt in Chicago pronoanoe our salt de- i of the County Council, C:eLk of the Cutirt, �f a liss Danwis, a lady wlwse full woman's Tat:FMDAY, April ISLb. select candidtes for the new County of Both to permit the mothers to enioy the dance. tephen's complete Farders NaKhrop Youat i on the Horse. 1 I&s,-e vul,. �11411 roprzettirs ful He has a areat deal at stake lit the hert and noble brain, stored with ula"Y To -day Den Thompson and Jim Wright up. well, Mr. A. cKellar, AL P. P., made the A number of gallant young inen volunteered -ig. do of thase who fatten on the public by tak-, cidedly the best and purest tbejr ave &c, se.ritillaLionS from the foalutai-ts of natural peared before the Magistrates and were dis following among other remarks to watch the young ones while the parents Youatt oil the Dc .... Is ou,,h he might not make any M cAlahon 's America n Gardener do 1A ing everything and retartilug, nothing in 82en from any quarter. This is cheering Cuunty, and th 0 - lndulg�d in a break aown." No sooner baci Tedicine dez 0 � n n 6- great figure in the House of Commons. yot he genitts, and scholastic and historicl lore, charge A. F. Wood, Esq., the presiding The "no -party" cry had been alluled to ElliulLlb Atiiericati Fruit Crowerlb Guide , IV the way of value receive. On the con- can ry well tratisact all the business of his %viuld render her a valuable acquisition to Magistrate ventured telling them that the by some of the speakers that day, and he the women left the babies in charge &I the 0 Thoui:ztOs Fruit Culturibt ,,. - - .,. . - - - �' I A M-otberl sow. 11 of snow mmull, mischievious devils than they stripped &Lt Beecher�g* Fruit, r lowers, and Varming. r, S. -We had a heavy fa t tuency. True, he is not a lawyer. but any co ity iu which the feelings and circumstancial evidence was remarkably would desire to say a few words on it. Those way- warrag W trary, if he has made money amongst us, infants, chang clothts giving tLe -P�ddls YoungFarmet's �hereyesterdny (3londay) which melted still he can Y,:,te on laws as well as any of judgment of mankind mi,,bt erect a'temple strong against them. but as the bills" could using it were, he conceived, alto�-ekber _,ed their auW- over Dodd on the Diseases of Cattle ....... in CA he has enabled the farmers to make MOD ey) r : "if you �ppaiel of one to another. The d; known aud meiii them, althou,h, perhaps, not frame them. for the worship of the highest viltues, Her identified h 0 W heelerlsi E ural Houses death armong C fast as it fell. In other swtiqus of the 0 n _y the Nos, the Magistrates insincere. HA had made !his offe also, by paying the highest: price for those Mr. Holmes of course has been in Parliament subjects 'are phrenolcgy, coupled with the did riot feel warranted in committing then are sincere -if we are all oue-then let those It wl's time to gO home, and the mothers T�v Gra-diner's and Farmei-!,s lie" Vfly*76 be'bmAecrAy t1w I ess of her own, and S I I country it fell to the depth of several btfore, and You well know what is in It m. effect of proper training in yonth. Her for tritI. Neither party would giove any ex- R.furm members retain their metialiers and burriediv took each a dr lew n 8 tab,e Book of cll�_l emples wLich have cost them so much of fr' sun r Borne to tficir home, ten or fifteen T e rd - and aft avolit it ......... to dOmg, and a incha& and w hat I li� constituency may expect Om W hole I stems in ker subject, and the planation how the bills came into their pos you, Tories stick t6 your constituencies." started toil and anxiety. A.% for hi 1 opponents, him in case of bib re-election. Ue was then stirring pathca �f her fervent eloquience is session. - There are a large number of veay I'bat was a fair test of the genuineness oll miles oll]� arid were far oil their way before Trio Hoube and all about tL ........ ohs It were daylight. But the day foilowinglibeir was a The Ham 3,a7d and all about it. 0-50 4 re ky �cw oMe Mr. Holmes may be considered politicafly MEETING AT ]JOLNEWFLLE.- rhose p!aced in the � post of b000r " by the Re worthy a far higher field of action than that doubtful characters just now in the village : the -no-party" movement i aild if a Ire dous row in the settlement ; mothers Fatria; Culture and all about it— ...i. 040 re efiNfief form party, although avowedly a Conseerra to which the simple desire of her own aa an exam le, on Sunday evening last about corceded it would secure to 11eformers at met' TheFarmandallaboutit 010, Owed ezvre=;Ut p ,defunet- Reformers will have nothing to of our Goderich friends who wish to hesr This, no doubt, speaks well of him, a$ woman's nature d ctates she should pursue, half pasts?ven o'clock. Mr. Moods two bar- least two thirds of the represen�ation ia. the discoerM that a singie night had c,;bwogf d Chillier's Complete Farrier live. 0 atilin disclosed Cliter'sCatile L)ortor .... 4W t1wWRy andfte 4o with him, and the conservatives, try the South Ridin- candidates would do it seems tht although in principle he ran on arid forms a wonderful contrast to the ab-' teaders-comparative strancrers bere-abused Legislature. (Applause). Hei (Mr'. Me. the se of ;heir babies,-obiovn %Mkive its; JKU M P ca. Such pbvitical phemonenaand then rommeseea Beaumont's New Cow Doctor .. as the may, manot et up a fbelin,r the opposite ticket, they (lite Reforriers) still surd jargon of'some who visited us shortly an old soldier for some trifling thing. Some Kellar,� had seeu "no-parly' m we of well to be present at the Holmesville e men were ever ready to support alli good some of the tallest female pedestrianim. Heaumont1gs Cattle Keept:e Ga TO I caufidence in him or his past Condact.- meeting on Wednesda , at I o'clock, p m. trusted in his integrity of character and in his before, and whom we have no wish to see chaps otthe villa, who were present cried e they Living iniles apart, it required two 6ys to ha onlr at the y ability to forward the best iat,,rests o the atfain-blotted fragments of an ill4pent ex- 4,shaaue." Words were eschanged, whena meastj res and oppose bad ones --� bet or n the babies, and as many monthi to '251w 3r -L zL 1 c -daze oulthe He may run and receive a stnalLvote in Countrv. jstvnce, ekein out their miserable span Lf revolver was drawn. threats made, and a got into the L"gislattire ; but once in, their untaix restore the Woman to Lheir sweet dis _D S T d of iL Mr. R. Howell bus a fibe lot of seed Your father, life by imposing on commun sense, and weneral row ensued. Mr. Moon at once eyes followed the flesh pots of Hxypt, and positions BOOK A -AT -A TIOERYS TO %rialli the aecess.. a quiet way, bat that Mill b2 the en -litreckon. To this day it is unsafe for any of the baby AND.ItEW JINKLI-Ni. bt ingin2 science into contempt. It is to be disaircried the bar tender of his revolver, arid the stronget party in the Eause wig joderich, April 16th, 1867. PAAtoes for gate. mixers to ;eature in the territory. %W Nor is Mr Sloan 'in a better posiuou.- Ann Arbor, Mich.gau. hoped wherever Miss D4oiels goes, she way ty the assistance of some of the residents confidetitiy upon their support. (Hear, and -icaw. —_ 0 330 Back bom n 1:3 shuffling conduct daring the past few C::)- See the cand of Dr. Sloan, Wiog- metA with ready friends, and full and atten- arid boarders order was secured. After laughter.) Bearin- in mitid the old story agazzRop a LV. tionable oentleman oc. A Western ed;tor thus cusses" an oppon- ative audiences, as there is not one word quiet bud been restored. Mr. Moon tbid the ab-ut a certain uumen ow crive our milk-, and his '117EICI-S- 6 weeks has very p operl destroyed his NOTIES AND CHARAC uttered in her lecture deservin,, to De lost. parties present that he was determined to casimially appeanng in dis,;uise, he (Mr. ent May his c eed Potatoes b tLkenootber TICS. badeggs; inshort, may he marry a prosp-let of a support from any reforuter Mr. Pollock advertises that he will As to temperance lecturers one feels have any man he could detect carrying a MeK.) would advise them, whenever they hens " and 4ned=t, 0 ogle -eyed editor, his business gor to ruin, and 0. 11. somewhat itizlined to question at times who revolver arreeted. Some cor.siderable buck lnEt 4 "no party" man to look to his feet. HE Subscriber bas just reedved, w* who values con&L-tency. While &biag receive ofrers fur the purchase of the Stot k h! go to-Cougress. T1 _11E GUE are the greatest drunkards, as in r-ating away talk wai g ven by some strangers, one of (LaDghter). Depenu UPOD it, they wom!d be 0 T door to Nolan & McMath's Blacks=A- for a nomination by tne Reform Conven- 1;c4l by D. Kerr & (,'c,, insolvents until Ile Al2HFIELD, March, ISG7. at the ,reat prerulerice of the evil, arid the whom saia, -,a mail bad a right to carry a found to be hools. (Loud laughter ). Mr. Me- . te 6i? e A -St. John paper calls- the'attention to the ing and Wagon makers' Shop, oppm tion or doing his beat to privent the &h of May zext. MEL, SIGSAL, ruin it creates, we are entirely at a loss to re;olver," &-c,. but on Monday morning the Keller then took occasion to advert to the fact that by cuttitig of the Bay Vetre canal Eraron Hotel,.,a qnantity of SIR bruperate person in a t%o bar -tenders, having been 'properly dis- intmalla"ement in the Crown Lands' Depart- Pelebr,, lDff 0 (n6 vL-q orduous or costly ur�dertal.qrig). the Garnet- Chili Potatoes-% of other,partles, he was seek' A you have kindly a --ceded to the cunc!ude whttherelie te B. Bralligan writes to his Uou- insertion of try first essay in local sketching commurity, or one who rushed wifb equal misscd by Mr. Aloon, had skedaddled. GOA ment, where a staff of some sixty-five per passage between We -v Brunswick aild.Ganada PY Prepared fri to work hims�:!f lati Lhe -0004 -Mces 0 sin Phellim of ew York? on 11 ea-erness to both the extrettes of djunkpii- exciteent is a I itt'e more lively to day, some' sons, drawing a salery of $75,000 a -year which have been proved nenrly Mrke, ALL leading, c-orLit:rvAL;ve_-. At one dw.- 4e The Postillion.11 I feel emboldeced to make a further attet"pt ne- Ould beshortened abuut400-miles, saying . ast the rot in the County of Brant, #a ss arid entire abstinence, was the most sa!es of land taking place, and good offers was kept to do the business ; whereas in the circumnavigation ol'the whole coast of aga' in that line, although my pen would seem irsatiallile swill after all,* arid it often made to land owners for mining by actual United �tates land office, at Marquette, Lake 'he several othrerorta. AUo. a quantity of was wiliiaz to run on the independcut a Pool 0 Nava Scotia. . 11 The forlowing is a copy of a letter sent to have a ratuer stiff point for that sort ot happens, in listenina to the disjointed- ar--u- writers. Land is too high, however, owners Superior, -where a cid'al more business was OATS, CLOVER SE -0114 ticket, and In a few lays afterwards- h,: T�erc trausacted, in the year he had visited- the care of all filos, 1 by, Mr. Bral'i'an to his cewin in _Ntew omploymcut. Indeed, I think I must fall ments and slimy diction of the migratory must moderate their expectations. W C:)P- The efficacy of B"an's, Pultuoinic BLACK-EYED MARROW FAT -4o vrhicilt ihe ft was frepia- abuut for setdcd principles. orilitor, that tcp3perance is not always bonor- are a large number of miners here, and what South Shor-6-he found only two me aters in curing, Coughs, Colds, arid all PEASist- York It has been handed us for publi- back on the old and partially extinct, altho' s"dwates a" ej ed in its advocates. With respect to those is remarliable,Lhey all agree in saying this (Hear and aplause.) Bronchial a0actiotis� and cheerinZ the afflict Alserexpected in stom in. a dq bul" aud Azpeedy c; The fact is, he was simp�y watchin,- his c!assicr-I at.d thimortal, goose quillpen, as i -a whom I have d,,ri_"n.,,e decayed clergymen, is a splendid mining country, judging from tita a proverb. Ih the Unitea carnload of fine ground I cition :- b a 9 of flexibi'tty rf point and genuine elasticity it happens fortariatly ' at their vtsits are appearance. uE justgnevences of the tuha;4 To chance to slip in arly way that might pr,, th T lants or ed, hai p,sed i States where these marvellous Wafers are IMT DEAR PJUA L r3r, -1 take up me pen till e the Red River settlement h%ve attracted con I K-JJAMR 017 PASM litis powistiv tsent itelf. H L- la --t escapade is to i may harmonize mor with the irregulari ties 11 few arid far between, as is said of angels nown, they bear down all opposition and i. -:sue n biderable attention in L'itallinA. lt se'emes k � - - ',� 0- brtag *a the in, inforta yez that we are all well, glory be of prosaic composition, and the erratic visita. Still it would contribute much better A Revolution Predicted. - 0 which mill be scild at 35 ets;Verrimpik.,71) e - an addre7ps la which lid anaounces hiulsel! to marcy fir that same, barria that Pe�;- phrase6logy so neces ards the interests of our common to have been conceded as unjust thut a set. eclipse all rivalry ; the demand bus steadily -4 -1sack*m0e, I aarily incumbert or perhaps toi, increased for tbej- ast twenty years, until-iiow HAREY ttGiill slisli didate unavoidably linked Cc, the dry detuils of faith, and the loss would not be mrich hinder. llement %vhich contains about 12,000 inhab- as a rejoruz,-r, " the pwples' Can A writer in _.Blackwood' s Magazine pre tants, whieb has a fine soil for agricultural the sales ave:&Ae over one hundred thousand Ocidericb, Aprd 20ttr, 1867. 'y's 13de up wid the rumatix in both e.mman li:e experience. Besides, I have auce to the furthereuce of moral and social 0 b*es a year, Eminent members of medical 114 i , and a hater in aaeral, of tho gloved , dicta a revolution, unless England adopts a purposes, and which s in mahy respects. --hoo M an wee Je mmy h3s the mazles an Judy a peculiar penchant (so to speak) for gooAe excellence even in tbe LnOTth of Ashfield, if 0 professic�n without number admit that the arr-_�tocrats of sociuty. The conservatives i. suila le more'liberal policy toward Ireland. Ile tys : mitiently fitted to become an important Pro- 3 wid the chliken pn' iU ere --a sort of tenaci-jus reveretice, they could find some other more h know of no preparation producing such belle- Fallp and 1i 1 hopia this may find 'I " "We are not alarmists -quite otherwise, vinee, sl;ould be ruled, or rather Laisgoverred who�_�i! support he 4�ourted, will be deeply . mixtsuo with the variou# resuiiscences and mode of gathering up our *1 orra, pennies -Wafers. When taken y LZ all in the same. j. ficial results as these hum.4,*e of school ti�y dreams. A leLa:ii,, that is,when we chance to have such -rather but we express, it is believed, the orinions of by a company some thousands of miles i is- . dL'1Sappa,juttxJ on acc4juat cf a man of such In season they effect a permanent care. ads the 11 ariti(juated intellectual %ca than. persist in following a profession for all thoughtful people, when we say that not taint. This coucession is followed up by a GOOD FARM, COMPRISMG Pnwo� Arrah Phalim d -ear, bud it's the bliss- towar" a - Sold by every druggist and most of. the A qui�lt;_-s descrting Lem fo nsof their ownpar- within the memory of living rden, nor long movement -in which large numbers of the acres of 1atjd,_,%b t a mjy* from OiArfitm-', pallial adLuirald, n ins been through life a sppcial bobby wbich it seems the cano -bout the Fro ed ruction3 we're a�ther havin wid our respeetable efores throu, Vince VILLAGE GFOlUiLUMALK ry atk*r nwarris hat u 1Y , but. we are iaclia,.d to ut* my miad, aud promises to be he,id ta in ticular sect, as well as those of nature, have before it, has 11:ugland stood in a position of memberil of both 11citisdi; of the Imperial- at 25 cis a box. being the north half of lot thirt ilict i,)ns. The queen bless her swate my U-nity, who, tkin very much of th,,-ir hitherto found them to be incompetent. My greater danger -or difficulty than that in which Legislature are talking part -intended to se- t�ia­t dt,5y!,_xt will be t' d PreVlIeDt fetlifil". fuiremoay, do 'A she stands at thm moment. Be the causes curce for the settletuent the udvantagea of Gooi) SIGNS. -It is a good ftion to see a first concewicir. of the Tawnallip 4&f TOW sowl has deviled the couatle av buron father in thq ftibles of their tiature�, evince a next essay, Mr. Signal, writteu-that is to 0 nosy. or N .)dy are of . Stromy desire of endeavorin7 -to -4 pluc�� it be -with a 11 goose quill en " I will for- what ttey may, the old fecling of loyalty to selt-goveratueul, as enjoyed by the colonies man doing an bet -of charitr to his fello*x. berry, will b"old on moderate terass, P&O, Full aweido tutill what they call two ridins, an too ­" wherever they may chance to d e- honor the constitution of which their fathers mitcle of the Empire. From the number and in- It is akood sigpi lo see the eol�ur of hiallb credit. There am about 20 Acres i!, which some publ.c iuierust, we do not feel that goose etect ward you io due seas have th "cageat hole tiaimbers for aicb'av thim. Ye might one. It is doubtless tome beriditary infln- to be, sir, yours, their boast, has very muckdied out amona, fluence of the gentlemen who have joined in a maurs face. � It is a gopd sign to see an good frame bara, *c. SuiLezeekent. AW it is wr,)-;- to pub:lljh� a couple of letwirs oaletterally think wede niver, git 'enuff ence of ti,is kind to which we must aur ibute DIGBY, large sections of the populat.ion of these The movers, we have little doubt bdt that honest Ins weating'old clothes, and the wood timber. atate. Here the wide -spread and stereotyped tenden�y iqlands.. Wesaynothin(rofthe�itemperwbiibli the settle meut will shortly And itself fre,d immense sales ot the -CarlaWan Pain Des- Also. I We 1100W in the riliap in proof of what wu is OQ : 0 men for the ofices, bud be me Bowl ye'd is so painfully manifest amid the great bulk froto the 5hacules of tho Hudson buy Cum- troy is a �oc,4 sign that it is a scientific mia. with good garden an4 throughout the great family of' mankind, of -FRO-M X&DOC-_ ifuhn BLYTH, 6Lh April, 1367 be out in er reconin for we've gol� one -in running so frequently and eager�y on what of "h,people. With them hostility to Eucr pre;ration, qpd,proorly appraicated by the about four acre3-of laud. - 'glifty pill the Belloville Intelligencer.j &Old W 4here at 45 cts. per Bot- 11A I 0. FuLTI) till a commonly termed a wild goose chase. fFrom fish rLie is patriotism. They, are ripe for reople. Dtar S,r-, I have cu%s2erel e:eclion neerly ivory villidge whoos willin Bat I fitd I am digressing front the path I NAIYoc, April 13t�, t867. armed revolt ; and the late demonstrations in 31Wdagascar)l Amiable queell. tle m=Wrs -,ver �rtflty fully, if you in C.111lon "crifise bisself an the alther of pathret- hadebalkd out 117 the "commencement of The good people of this localit have bee, Cheater, Liverpool, and even in London, April ZZ, 186z�. !Vizt6l6i�� Y zr-p am cho,,jse t.j dE-t me out a requiition so as 1) show tbats far more per�ect organi2stion Her Majesty,'the Queen of Madagasicay is J 1; Ism at the rate ay 6 dollars a day canaday what I meant as a short p%raggraphical essay, a good deal excited and alarmed by the rob- --3ce to cottle out.. I will run and which you will be pleased to understan ich occur- subsists ong them,* not in Inaland saidto have issued a terrible proclamatib dJ bery of Mr -R P Young's shop, wh vet On W --ol Alat do my lwst. Y,u cau conzuit Mr. XcTa­ money. Bits av gossons that airut done but in England also, than had been supposed. forbidditigg-tivilians to wear hats with brims. 120 i"t., atthe fl�sideece of the Combo. WAUS gain resume, aided by the desjd,!ratum &I- red on Thursday night, the 10th inst, The &Ow- E. uidla gan ar,d othei3, And act as you think best- plain marbils an flyin kites are out wid a A weak government confronted in the Legis Government officers, of the - Mal -ache type- bride'afXkfXtWr 'ty 1 -he, Rev. C-anou uded to -i. e., a goose quill pen., facts appear. to be about as follows: On of cours- I mus, run as what is called Jnde- tbair addresses cz prowd as porei Mikky As say former epistle was somewhat de- rhursday night Sir Young- left his lificip ear lature mero4s yet divi eS of Hu Vke'Ahmeroj P ded opposition, are alone allowed to retain the cild-frishlon r6h iind Bruce, icriptive orihe physical and industrial pro- ly, litving his brother to loch-Jup the ciiih-and - by 4 'in To the #swell, � of - udagascar Him -Eliza pe-nde-ni, (,ut dr. Whaebea himself propo& while both are libelled andhreatened by well head piece. Mr. J4o�,,. it beth, Insolvent. (;rogaa's dog whin the badger bit his tale e eldest dii� es to s, me e�t*ctloa on that tiL:keL.- - C5 organized bodies of &on- out of doors - this the edict does not particularly Main 84 greis of the district around, and not at all, make all right for the night, as he slept in the ukattdr I caps, mailt as 1--t-me Lar irur- yout, and me, a ff. Divil a haperth Av property these as far as I can learn, unple iaig to tile e brother as usual counted his cas as store Th' tis a state .-of tbinga, which no thoughtful has taken to wearing skull wul J4,mcelyod, tin-ahe e! fir z 4� Moir sto" -t Yours, ac., iplate wit0but alarm. It the 'jolly do.' of Great Britain, a few years TRu Aum=ff. - chaps has U q4alffy an wity little crump- parties tu whom, I had occasion to refer, I and put it with the cash box, in a desk sitting pQrson can conten: is& *am pligned] W. S W A .5. trust 0at a few cursory observations oil our on the counters -fastened the back door , it; precisely such a oisposition of-Inoml- force ago affected the 'pork pio.' The poorer citi- named insolVent,49 sm inuch in 4he -JAWA in 4dow- % An a Faint* tion bud the brus av ould nick himself. ua. to wear their -old Pretty conduet, that, 31r. Sloan for a social and political, if not moral and intol. the usual manner, and went out for a short as has fa all timed past preceded and wvrked zeul; however, con%' the 4tock bad*, . *hWt c= ajft;0(** - - G IUCU, A -rd 23 1867. IF&A, T aill in Sich up to revolution.; and there is too muA rea- hats their exceedin I y,, old, hati-aimply ,gommoeh's no no more about guvern. lectual, status. may likewise prove relishable time; after being out for aboutn hour, he Auction, Mart ofr. man who h -s been a reformer fbr so m2ny 0 1 Boa tearing off the firiiii� Spring Wheat. ome de�,ree uni -tend to eultance a few wt;nt back to upprehend that unless counteNacted porving their ioyaljty tinted With some parties who w Qde#obj *wbo will shoW I Od& farther eSurt of attaining a still more ele. some groceries Having occasion to go into consists o ment than a sick pi, doi�s about hisamn- and reeirainedA. the Legidiatura prin- These Vilsirs may 6s of interest at a Fall "do .41:90 2*00 tie stock rt aruc 4 , or brok ciple loftier than fhe�'mre impulse of, part 'when the, bat of he Angto-.8azoll Q161 ...... I ............ 31r. thought b-tterof the matter, mother. The cousarvatives haz tride till ',ated and avanced state in the scale or the back sboD, he found the back do Flour ...... own.cuse, ViecWe,ana wask gentleman is clearly in a state of traasitii4. 0:10, GrOMEN ur y, period 700 Dry Goods%, put the cometber an me, bui If I don't sphere of mental dignity, and if so desirable en open. H -e at once examined the desk to it will; in 0 &.50 2, It has, so far as height is concerned, eciiiie Barley 0:66. 0:57 ery, ad Dog how, vcr, and entf-red in to sbufflu No. o revolution ilgain'. pow ut found that UP t beft citink tiIi there confusion at ivery riform '" '",entire may accrue from it labors, m3f see if the cash wag all tight, b ------- itzra slight indica. �1111:65,_ goose quit4pen will down by thqrun i ond t* which places hiul in 3 still worse li,;ht, as '-t. Dikttd W have amply repaid uit. the cash box was faissitig, which contained canuibill the endeavorts I have nap with notes amounting to 51,200 An American, turning his visaga to the tions in its 41ines4 of more-flowig a�d gener. p - about $500 of ri!. oxiscurves. Meanwhiiip,�the, proclamation CF1- - 6:50 comity meetin call me a hathin to obtain. litgue and misty i distaueg, of 200 des Uaron, tim twell QW11 a staunch ol I reformer." The second �A sty darlint, rid -e pqt in a wind. beer, if i Yor some time it was f citizen 5:50 me It needs no greit stretch of philosophic re to $1,500. hard to tell on of the Qu6�u of Madag"C#AL may, per 0& letter runs as follows d6arch td digeover, the many causes which what ccurse to pursue; but in tba morning bin the following stone :-Kous�o 'But r ............ R W13 one av our can- militate or a. L tele- suggest to S COBejr�allv' '14 deturTatca Wi Blytb, I I th A pni, 1867. cud ] Misther camerun,' adeleveriously against the ud- witzrants % ero i"ved by A F Wood, 4q., for in 9�*-Tbrk.. Time -A. D.WT ion. P .15 iiil��eeRsev I servant, dydates for the big house is what 0 jibman intelligen' graphic messagek ci.�a with 0:60 0.75 yiz va ' einent of "A short and easy x odeWing e G. FULTON, F -sq., vewe ce, when the apprehension of two parties known as whopresents hubsel at-,' Z�� ua Drt a Si In rpference to a note I eat yankys call a brick. - Jt!s mes Wright, who win o in a p &,QT i d eoPJQ called 0 2--a, 3.00 of -I d in connection with the natural asperi. "Den. Thompson"' and Jim. 40. ", 1 ,� - � 11 _W haz Hay) now V toa ........ Jaioa (4,,12. .00 you the oillpr day, I have vo mature cfo- ties and adverva circumstances wherewitit were apprehended phortly after. Nothing of fu�,;.6-�k-South America -E4 rcre in.tb- rruked in his gardin far sivirel. yearfri amlii . a - . I _'-happy to have e �Utter of Jamea W all= 4f ap*i* it t We and JmsH WiT.--,8:t%setwreof illiqlt whi8hy p . .................. 0:14D, (a) 0:40 not to interf"o at 'Chickens ation &rtert�ined rld bave' to contend, -in endeavoring to, any impgotance was ound upoir. their,per- ni in the election for the fofl(7w1"m an a bether man i never sna, Heel cum carry. into progressive ordeq :tha more ex- sons, but an impression of a ftfe ke him sup' ever miad in Ireland, all the 41 native" was destroyed 00,� prese y in. Waif h he Creditaim of the lasolvatill;t t v an afther000n an tawk till a Ito as alted sciences of civil life in a tie your coa siEpoa'r otlrer rpw�o-ris:-Im Altbouxh 1 nvv colony, was found secreted under a stairway, in Bud- tdWA In- five minutes with the ekoeptioh�.of-n smull-ibottleful, wh ic Jobo �retuing: Abri Mr. Johnson, 8i was pftseived- by - the-.Aceis-to ;be used, in 'Pork .................. 4.00 41b cGul I ap� if G.bson's. chance, I will not ca- free as ye pl*ize, an ii its hot'its matfide a from the cutting away of the rst impeding '11a;8tolJY where were stopping, altso a gg,,xigb e*,Ys,hb will- Como ; be is obliged to go to the ei the 'partiel cbh�fto. estate Amd effect$,, =&i t1m :Ai -.the era.We Ot -ih& last ter4- Sq for a pbn-enjukring�.the &are My o W 0 611CCeZA, as a part of the Con- quarter hed tass over wid Barney we boy liltlef*ig, t* 92 . key 6a et U ridenre, agaiW to., . Ciotti stump or rodt from whiell he shoots of itiipreion in %�ax wits found to corres he ulidersigned A .voulJ certainly make a dete pund the North Pule f6P 6 Mbtlaclllt� and. will 'call The day of Mal itrii�dtttib btittle� Was L 0' _ servadve3 , -1 'tW t - Juba rmirell heres somethin till get a dhnnk av ice r!17.. sr Mrs. here a -she comes back, gpster.. Viry duced And 1�naed 11 �, -r 0 M., effon W pul in a man ; and 2rd, there is no native wiloness may still show symptom of exactly witb the safe key ot Me Well* kq- a mitqesB whose powem- ve trid.&IdirW 4aie FRI w Ill Deans, N' VQM �W_ or if itsom1d, here& w1tat' Nuw yon, InSy *Jina up � t a* mac itle _&t4 -W e wiJ 1tJ[iLJ&1r*, cram of-dis'e6miustign,b ew the It piAiainent" (r) p'atforrn, no fixpd orinciptes, find future vegetuti6u. It would be too tedious Grey & Maegre.�or. Theie.were many very ting -the -ph to ED 0 W the security the . !y party kepe yer pipe from freezin,an none aO the to rez teleSts and were T4 1P 4 pwit all ske obstales, im, fact, alidost suspicious ciretimstKnees; but vp�h the exam- y 'for set J�'V�soiwih -be lier� i'm fly, unrifalli&-Aftej4, the 16alb It, if a man r idbes to keep his skirts clean, he aal m6unt2n1ewt' �oiusidemd AUC &1E tPity airs which wove own too much av a JiL opMetichbl * but'same wife that �s �i - - had bette- iand aside till somethin like a o'- f the sources from ination before the justices, A F Arood,-Jas -elm "n Ul ;�hol; zttgstedjrf�r oathyi pol:cy is enunciated by some party or other. the owld �*ol. Besides a1l that'hees as whiebr they anse are sufficiently obvious, avid O'Hare and John 11 Dunn, r.84 V�hjcb After tbkt, you may dust out the bilreibn. adihtmitoial llysfraticipi.,-, -In one poinit I have ad appointmept, 41 on of deb c armR. If do malie u' smart wid -the tung as yiz i - - ­ London fit. -ten for thbroog tition;to, .44e t1to bottlef taste Veq 'alook. It ace th(i liftid-ohilis of �pover- not advanced to commit the phsohera,, and ATM il, ster44 p my mind to interfere I shall liver seenmor lfliemas not do go till ut-ar the time of eiectian, and tial man. Och Ir , . %0'44ese the liquor my I it ow tattled weass, Im W ty coni A'111� Phalim if ye'd beer him 0,V _4 thees rdnnin agin There' nit W 'I We it�ps oWj lending ftit the -rudest toile of lire,. Ake pokeeu,'!! -The boUl%-- mas raiie41- t?, - his -1 run betw�_Ien Holmes and WhiteLead in the at mr. richy icquently, dischirg d, -'JJ t4,ey were quni Te Torobto, 44-1. Ulth, 18 It or Ladies to get a fresh orango� j. W-1-Alse UL -UULUP Y'OMili, from G cuon L er Hf)u,,e. From the disgatisftetion ez- do-othor Webb h6 rite 033 V11111the Is a geierlteeling.61 intecunty ere. There a VW -of f istinf, amon',* th-eir supporters there will be a 4a.manyed split fom the 0ibace of pr .0 cTestrolig. alt,111VI. Wee 0. are a large number of strangers around who 1hft-th id yer blissid sides wid the laffia. Mr. Richy h6oidr4i crood site to run, til'� bibuglW-ul, r Machinery and eXporitlafft olediei hatis no isibl'ie 'niti44f su�p6rt, and whot -�A Believe W% - with equal' era r anythins Wit �p V._grk�i '%OQO is a retired offis hoWder rich as a jew they rn another point �ie M4 jus" don't appear to be gold digg Friiince when he was mini*jer to b!; 991 - hi "Wyn' Well yo on wdn't ;op It ver sp -in a 4* %Aidi sweh-rits poteon, ut taix ifi M -air say an ut inds a dolla-r widout place filla different natio2alities, or gice, wgi try is now 1� eri. ifflivil At, b bdidfifid- Zsorted G - trees ir, eeds, inter else in particular., The Mounted 21 T's mfied Apple Tfees. The On tan, -lot Yours trujy, howl,din inquiss an its ttofortunit body.. ests sinithubits of e; -widely, scattered an4 hbpe, will sooi-,be hereo' 4'- Milch. twice. before tbe, _era �65'f -rallFoAdst imitad' WIL41AN SLOAN. -acksidint git till If be iver shud be ag ged.commlirnl�y, and, anon the over- The staget itill �ome� id fWed *fth ottlin- General Cassjour h H so be tweening rapacif very inq1ton in It.' The lightho-u-�W-_ -a will id site yon. will have of it be got is is wa cops T/" ay 1:*T ir seet in the he y of the lynx -eyed myrmidons -gers The hotbla are running overiande 00iutp 04 Terms -6 ont�V,zpproed notes_ -paw t A spizoud as had kepe it, for sorrow ; iR4 hel d e 'law. I of Ververvd justice, who under the bland avo,�abe place at which board can, S broughtfo; 8100.'. 41S a mostcollt I&Wie'* Saturd C neer, t6144 a R. ADVI YOU May ome in of gold being tarldious "d. serviceab '�3 W run between two others, take- the wurd he =4 say bud he's bin 1111tuill *fbefticto W a;&Affcoted hu lo uhlole. W&69 boroe�April 2.0th 1867% Reports 6till J�4 �ek 2- 4 V 0 I Ma,160. 'Beginning of Emancipation 1n The New Confedlerati011i- T. It yeem in tho-counthry an I dw,,ile iitto their unrelaxing talons the confl. foheid in"Tudor, Atill-varl6iii places in Brazil. FA do a great deal of rumaiiiag, but, you wiKi lice I s le suffering industry, and by a re a - any Australian and Caiifornian bly lily i I' 1 :1 AND (014-RIC11 DISTVICT, find precious few soft enough to support htrcl i'vertano many grapy little offices, an F4, ised system' , of wholesale miners here, they pronounoe the Country - The N. T. Independent thinks favoura Ono- a a haz no munitory wants, norri� nourat till see .. in;'yb,ieg8I it f our 14new nationality," and speaks of it the ad Lai., �,, 7 Thire has By wayof England we have some details 0 A"IT& a man who can be guilty of such trans jilgler ig dvoolatiou sind irttriovable A, %ndoubtedly gold bearing. T T II P, 0writ.1ima of train. him far that-aame. Regorrall if he gits .uill on the tons Of thousands of those very been no prospecting done yet of any conse- of the measure which, has b6en adopted by thus:- �Jeratiori In a:1 .3 C;i--A Arr m*kN&lton ................... 11:30 A.M. parent double-dealing as we have POiliW walloped an bees suro to bemalavogued hoarts which sho@d ultictiatelyititlivei become qjIleape. th6 Bmzilian government as a beginning of "'The population of the new confe E;de 1 - I A decree of the will be a fourth greater than was that of the they b-, ti our indepen- 2- ................... . 3:00 P.M. out. this tuo the iuity siW av munny hp 11 hay the ardort arid virtual, life spring of social Farmers are standing In their own light the work of emancipation. thirteen States at the date of FRE H07 ENDENT Eve:l wb. '50 " ipotucis.' Whatover coloring asking enormous sums for their lands or Emperor, dated the 6th of November, 1866, M Ixod ......... .................. 10. AVIth r,-,,ard to 31r. Ctillson, the liberal till spiad %ill sind him aff into� a gallopin wealth arid lit TLe result is that practical dence. They are by tio means seperated kom; t6h 00 ivel of the* chance of testing the the the public domain who shall enter' "LECATORS the tru- a i nsuinshin as Bhure nz yeer redin this. may Ile used Lujustifj the system alluded to mineral riahle. decluresto befree the slaves belon;.,inm to 1DFPART. C.1111idato for the Asseml4y, we caasly the each other, or so distinct in interests, Its ,,,,L,,e and which seem to be one of the tnally men are depi ..it E lifixt'd ...... I ........... ........... 5:00 a.m ar of contra(liction th.at he is Misther Gibbins our mart for the lore concoulitaill, evils whi I ch prevail thiow-rhout County, arid are guing away dissatisfied arid army. The numberof these is about three our Stal�a at the ro, mation of the Coi -I bV '�tr i: 44 without fe tion. They are sure to grow up into a ,teat ma..................... 10-00 hous is a ciaoint ould gintlettlau ax iver tilt! eikrly stages of every colony, the fact doubtful. thousatid. The decree i3eis forth that this dut V. r man Cor the position. If stei ling peeled a pittaty. Ilets7bin the hid tn and powerful riation, it they remain apart all ................... :30 tile I all thut stiell it State Of 1,111110 exists, there are Motility,; ikpri 150), 1867. omancipation is conceded to them gratui- f'rom us. We bel eve there is no genera I d(- ty, str-aghtforward conduct in ever av the cownly fur years all years an so, - few, I opina, will venture to dispute, and it To -day there was anotiier `Lxaminatiun of lousily, end is extended to the wives of such hone, I sire on this side t.1 enlarge our borders toward Fd that department of life, arid a spirit of intel- ra word saiJ anin him bud wh..Vs good Cx- cati scarcely be expected that in a country Thonil-son arid Wright, who were re -arrested of th'ern us ate married. Two hundred arid in owt. ke tiurs, out of the density of yesterday, oil information laid by Mr,'Young twenty-five of those freedmen, many of whom the north, though the destiuction of the iiiiive NOR 111 RIDING power makes it P a are in' riled, and who belongvd to the hou.,je- , ra, k -,nce and entrprie can recommend ceptin one or two spalpeens who betutir I ossible, should it be des uz tin the %vall arent "tiny bether thin 003 As a!moit imprevious forvsii, the loftier as. before A F Wood, Esq. *Before their ac ble. That they may feel tire force of attrac. 01- TfiE any tiu:lu to tho consicloration of till human taind caa rise it, quiLtal, oil Thursday litst, several circurnstan- hold of the Emperor, had already left for cour;,;,, ou-,,t to be. Mr. Carlin whos agin hitil lei P"'at"lls of the tion toward the Ullited States is by no medils as t 1, e y a:-. Thoutas C e3 it fur proporlicia to what mialit otherwise bereck- ces transpired that went far to fasten suspi- the army, arid it is said that none refused ctors, jibson will head the unlikely. But, whether they shall one day ed to e tie. a dacont enuff man bud no tuore f Taking into cion oil The Em- COUNTY OF HUR Mied iis available resources, the parties, Thrompson, Wri,,ht, otid their liberty oil these conditions. njority. Ue i'l well `1)t thin poor Barney Bralligan.- 0 propose merging their exist-tice in oui s, or I heir loyai poll by a, swee I -,riot -isure. I I plug 11 . I p lit accouitt therefore the above naed antagon- Harding, arid they were rt, arrested yesterday peror is himself the author of this me whether they shall prefer growilig up into a IL11 Irish, 4. qaalified for the dischar-o of the duties. Ilecl it Up to spak baJ tire divil a word isLical agencies, it canot be illuch subject of' morning, wW held in custody until -to -day.- Instruction is also given for the exterisioa of n rival conterminous power, this Confederation rt."ovy are ri of tile office h- aspires to, arid we have lie can say at all at all b..rriti laffin in a wundev if %va of the north of Ashfieid are in The Town Hall was crowded, as the hour for this racusure to tht, farms ()I' the pablic is a most important epoch in the history of GEN7LEMEN, or better r! As far is the Krforui party is con- d way nz if lie thot biS 6 litle respects, though riot as a general body, the examination of the prisoners drew near. domain situated it) the provinces of Piauhy, the continent. and we cannot doubt that who are ',%t no hesitation ia sttinc, our well. -ground- lood Qatshure north. ;-adinew for the contest ed bolielf that a better 0 candidate could runnin at all was tho joke av tile Bazin.- oil a very li�utted scale of social and moral A Holland, lawyer from Bothwell, appear- Maranhao, arid Para, in tile extreme f roin it will date a new era of its material Ilasing received the nomination of tw rural N%'hiti­ nako an toda ad�aoccmont ; there ave Soule happy 'ex- ed ',)r the prisoners. Mr Greum wasentiploy- 11 Reform Cunve"ti'la" aud having been 2,$ converted I Ould Crab duz the s pizin Gold Excitement in _qlmcoc. - and poW tcal prosperity. " not b�� The opposition brou"Ilt ceptions. and Hlthou-h tho proiress'eems ed by Mr Young. After a lengthy examina-_ I quested by meQ of al ; shl des of politics W loytil lmv,� a candilate enticient- n agin Gibbons. When he gits up me decl. tardy enough, we call scarcely it ord to be in tion, the followin- was about the surn and The Barrie Advance states that a good Both the motheri of the Kinz of Denmark 1 offer myfwif as a candidate for the Carrain the urhe--_ IIII-ninst 11ina will be merely nemillal, and, yo kin swell briulzstone an fork tal e as h rry, for (to quote arid old ftda4e) " Rome substance of what developed: - cc the intere'-ts Of1 C, mons for your Riding ; I arg bt a sple�,,; 23ro with deal of excitement exists in that nei(,hborhood and Prince Frederick of Augustenburg, House of Corn u fuom all appearances, he will plane az if it w4s mild clooty. Whin he built in a day," and com4equenily it Wright had it speakiog acoluaintance w s riot whose conflictin, claims occasioned the Dau- now iii the field cia' n eq ence of a report that gold -bearing 'Inli'Z YoUr suffia,, good co,idul the Azrieliltur-al owrimunity, nd when j Itogether, our' giLS one lye out its shuvd dowm his throte rn�iy be after (lie lapse of a considerable state r Young'�s brother. Un Tbursday evening it, co a u 0 0 es as if lly brou-h,. on its Representative. repaid the the course. Taken a bud be me sowl he always haz anuther ol'probation that tile Philosophy of 6' New- as he wai making up the cash, fhom;)soll vartz has been found in some of the ad, ish war, and eventua be natural upilogue, the ,teat crash in Germany, hp Lak,� !,Is n on the 9,)or of the townships. ' Lands are said to n As there are no grext questions SW half despa., prcwpects in the North Ridiug could not *bich he got and 'e Duchess Dowager, ha will unquestion- reddy. Its a purty'nest of thim he must t -n may ct;tirely dispel that of a Diogeties, came fcr a bott!e of brandy, �0-lznli township of 11'ay died last mouth, Th prominently before the countr)-Confedew fmists of no -x r. cruyther. Misther We are riot hu%%ever, entirely void of the paid for, chatted a little and saw tile cash sou,,hi aft6r in the v%;ry wJ1 be brigh 1 6" to b� Louise of SoVeswigHolstein-Souderburg :1� tile work lb, -fore h' h3v down thare. poor ectual progresi, the educa- box put in tl.e desk. When Geo Young went where tile 1 dications" are reported 6' tion being, an accomplished &ct.it i2 tut. �ueer Ira tin t TON't � Gibbius must hay dun sumthin bad till `�Sources Of inteli very The same journal states Glucksburg,. the mother of King Christiun, necessary in a short address like thig W with areat tional system has penetrates our tilmost re- out. lie was met by Thowpson and Wr),rht, departel this lite at Ballenstedt, in the Duc- speculate on V7 � -e r ir i--, �r willoo 11,L3 ever dis- IVEAME11 66 CLIN have bL ene hin, ill hiz aitze of ould Ion- sine riz the CV8SV.A, arid ives protnise of' fait fruits arid and asked to play a game ofebeckers at the that a company has been formed with a caUl. hit the future may bri.gfonk I ou'rh:y Iris is well as lit rrived in port here oil Sunday last from r' 0. -st us Royal lio-el next door. lie went with them till of $100,000, for the purpose of working by of Anhalt, where she as butied. The or to submit any particular or specific PLIC salutary eff, -c - ff u!., -S - f4rm �In skotehinfll] S3yF, if i kin 61112' it- Out i'll let . Then we have amoH. chess Louise cf Schleswi �lcin -n it Arin kn,)wn Mr. Dctr,)It. 6he proves to be a very fine yt:z kno the r.-slu fur his bustin tile all variOUSpersuns of very su,)erior learuiiig and and played three dames with Wri,!ht; part Of the new mines. - Gold seekers, however, had �u 0 1 Ma, however, say that I wiii euj,� t p cool till OeBe reports are fully derdurg- Augustenbunr the mother of PriLCe b the earliest opportunity of visiting "W -ick, died at Primkenau, an estate of race h bon t, well buil t, -being only a few tnonths bag av his discoors so offen. I'll rite genius, with many of lesser ifts in the the time they plaiing, Thompson was out.- better ll�e ft ? �n locality in the Riding and explain may vievi f r 4h nv Y -IN wtc e,l I arrested next morning authenticated before rushin into speculations Fredei A temb, bout the ilictions soon. Giv nic mental degree, but ull useful, together with Wbeu they were her husband's , in the province of Branden- fairly and fully on both local and geuerd Katigas, la h i a CJU-",-Il B.)ard. oll-and fitted with every appointment more a certain seleet rarities in ihg assumptiort of WrigLt had about $3 in silver, and Thomp- that may not yield golden fruit. burg. matters such as the necessitv of encourag. a childer an keep laturdered a xv �� a P re D i r, 0-t n') Man I" calcal-i" to se.ure the comfort of pas- luv to 1"thlecu an Lb talents which they know to be respectable, ion some .913 in silver. The day before the The PrIncess of VVaIes. ing emigration, our trade with he UciQ jail. 11 tF. frum sthron- waters. No more at prisitlt i Dean's office, it2d the t lfla--ace over sengers and safety of goods. Her lare a but kilow no more. They seem, neveribe- robbety,Thompsoti was to go it C:,-)- A gentleman who has lately vid Ideputy Shr hi,i poition .I -re ied utioro frout yer afek-shunit kusin, Peuitentar 71 wriles to the Kingston ews States, -economy in the munagement of -ow its are hated with steam, endo-ved with certain aspirations, which where he rema tied for about 20 minutes, ous public departments, and the conduct of 11g bim. ' He 11 tolow reprobatAntives, cibin.- and saloo BAREY BRALLIGAIN. Aithough far beyond their real endowments, tensibly for the purpose of writing a letter; The British ffedical Jonrnal regrets to that the Feni prisoners are appropriately %itizen, &r,, - - - - 0 'to general aflains ofthe courtry. fr-lacritly in c.irrying ana in every respect she will prove to be operate with at le4�st a lacetious if not, with of course the wax impression wu supposed to state that Jurine tbe past week, April 5th, luarteied, thuzit they ardly feel at borne. Upon captu ti r 5 a I - prog-em indeed in The inhide of a prison is any thin- birt a au�-,,,i which ho set his mind on. a fi,ia p-issenger boat, Her trip from Alr. 7b:n Jenklins it bi ihiant eTect. Then Ive have at times be connected with this act of Thompson.- there has been very I tile Meantime, by The cro w miles Demi, So--z,-I must say that the perual visits from those eir.Attestars,whose p4lvi:e.,re When, ashed by tile tuagistrate if they wiobed tile condition-ol'the knee-joi it of ber Royal novclty to most of them. thou -b they have I have the boner to be, r brothear and C!intfin, Mr NV Dt!troit was m-ula at the nte of 14 of Your welcuille ep'stle Lave me Mucil it sAtems it) be capable cf pert' rm:a,- a revol. to inake any sta temenis to explain their con flihtiess the Princess of' Wales. There no d(ep love for such a risidericoe. Cul Lynch Gentlemen. itte j il In t I, �eiu,, Ian hour, which ii considered first-rate. uaion on any sort . f axis, or ow any or 110 duct, they both declined. Aft�r they were been sil,ght alieritiutis, Lut ilia presc tit is workin4 manfully for the liberation of Ire- -E r� f I tell you Ifint .,t -A at all t:rues a ftr Speed bt-ing of importance on the pleasure, but pardon me I at bit at ull. I hese itinu runt constellations discharged the first time, Wright, left for condition is ver% little in advance of that laud in the boot -packing department. F4ther Your obent servIt, SOM FTE I W ure *t atforded me arose more from (excuse my qnill ycii) of either sex, , who Belleville, arid returned with a hor.3C and %vhicb we rep 04 some McMahon e 'ors the privilep of sweeping IFTAND.-Th jkch s, Idom, if ever, fa,1,1 t"me- the pleas I orted last week. 5 shr-vii I Ui Joseph WWtehea gaeltusetts, s lk�Lu but, at ta same time While lie route for which she is intended, we think the lively interest I ever take in the politics persnibulate the dark8ome paths of society buggy, on Saturday evening about 9 o'clock; ni lits the Princess has lept well ; at oi Ler A; out the chapel and keeping it in order. I be of the Clinton, April 18th, 1867. thore wb.-, no drawback in this particu- of illy own iiative arid beloved country, Can- ;itid a!%%ays ate- out tile bvnighted on hom be was met by Thompson out side ines her rest bas been disturbell. arid i here other patriots we ably doing their share to- in that villa, cil ir Linterests of hiJi own : le ust'ieut-their disturtod rlebula--, villae, with whom he had a Ion- conversa- have been petiods of piin. The general; l r. apt. K-ith, in conitu.,t-n,d of the ada, thaa tiout any b,!auty of sentiatent, to �h d if 1 0 - wards the removal of 0 seven. hundred years a d1l, 'e . I I - local genus tion, after which he turned back toward however. we outs MAGISTeR a car�ful eye, h . _,anee of diction� or correctness of co:u- oficii Call;Ll ' �o,rether such of out health of the Piincess has riot, cf "ll. grievances," by constructinn- b t f ii a duo -m-,icutuly person who 's i . I was .ad to iearn that the inter- homa.ts may �%%e a surplus ditne to spare Belleville, and slept at the ' five mile bousL. are happy jo learn, suffered durin- the wLek f -l'! to r,�.fu,mber that the� Court y o L I and shoes, chairs, tablea, arid other us4ul lembury (We I i, 0, a movements 01 Thonlp- articles. Their oppoTittuities for indulging ROBERT J. SLOAN, X. IY.j 1 1 doubt, be very popular at both , Ill-, tnterta:nmefit of ttielr tancies. or the During that day ill and medical men will know how to appreciate will, n est full 10 the P,)htics of the day was lly appearec HL,rju hal iatcr,sts� as a whole, whicl: I I ht, (Saturt this important arid favouvable fact.; The in conversation are limi-ed.but whenever they PHY61CIA-K, SURGEON, &C , &C General Iii 011119 of the roate, and contribute Ewiter- in-, in k, aad th.it th-o fire had at last culture of- their uiental facuitirs, each diffus- son excited suspicion, and that nig ed to speak, U' ertended to your own 0 b. cx�ept by It e . I Ing, ill accurate I CO breast also. Espe�i- Woportions such amuunt day,) Wright and Thompson were both ar- limb is still confined in si-lints, arid s1lutig to are allow Roberts, Sweeny, years old tll,3 success of the enterprise.- 1 Ill, -e to see the you,,,, taLlll , all )f b,) us value js may seem tautamount to s d. n them was found, bills that t the, inipfession o- i re to ive it ease. We hope in our next i eil, and the entire Fenian organ"tion, most st1d" --ad u Jut_ %Ve neVer firl latly to ally d a HRRE vears surgeon tot the U. S. A. datialf -shoes." 0.1 as satisfied had been taken to give a more entirply satisfactory r1eport- are spoken of in anything but complimentary M r. Itumball is to be the agent here, and received. Our school roortnt trial Mr Youu, wr T Like late w8r. -Oneoftae resident surgeM ititereat ill their country. hut is more the ieal V.11lue on the do; itt tlic mangvr -our trademen's from hi.s cash box; but as he could not identi- on LT HoFNte! Steaffler 91 1). A. Jan uaryP ESE— -nold i The Prussian o9cralor for tiT 15th Army Corps at f -I, ru his lar -e experiance aud energetic ch:,ractvrlStJc of a healthy inind ? A. arid sunietinies our parlors, or terms. s, are thus frequeiitiy brought into wits tie evidence. The case was BFULLN, April 19 (evening)- rhiil actuates so many and sivq, -1 that m, -n of stron,, unuds ever t.&ke work,ho, fy the Nos., of mind, a better appointment coull -heir couli- r-quisition by travelling, vocalists. showmen, remanded for Thursday. 'government has sent a strong note to the turn iivelr jtaere3t in the affairs of . Dc no 0[1�1 in th�, County cAa-sa`y' that made. -The int.-ation i3 to make phretiologists, temperance WEDNESDAY, April 1111. Einperur Napoleon asking the reason for the A FAT COW CANADA AGAIN AHEAD Office and Residenee-Mr. T. G. JaclMWI , -. n�)t b,: try." After ray remval to thii country 1 0 ratice. An extraordinary fat cow was slaughtered in Lower %4 ifigham. he p,:r,,-tcn6y or kuov%in,gly wronged it, colld not help nuticiog the w-arked contrat advocatei, and decayed cler.,"men, and A lar.e number of arrivals to -day and a military preparations oil the part of F We have I t1ir,-e trips per we4.k between Grderich a There was a lull A Bavarian agent has betri. sent by King London, ort the I I th inst., ard as the carcass N B -C-ortsultations on surgcal c2sm aucad, to t�e extInt of' a dobar. 1'J,-,grtss and between lite interest taken in politics iii mucl- time and talk rite often %aswd, good deal o exciteme t. rocure the alliance of' developed some remarkable results we give ed in al I pa rts oi t he c�ju u try. liorse which I and sla-1,11.1m whi,:h the boat can do (besides the dimes) on for a few days back, but parties have come Willam to Vienna to p wiagharti, C. W., marct, 91h, 1567. W13 W with a Choiii 0 1 Ciluada and the Unitel States; but I feel literally thrown away, intercsLs C lars for the benufit of our aaricul- (r the mater:.i. increases ia pop subjects a3 irrevalent to tile complrehensior, in with fresh specimens of gold from different the Emperor of Austria. the Varti u. a poor con with case in Any orinary weath..�r. We assureJ tha as the country tch tura readeza. The animal was fea by Yr. of the Pple havo ever LuArked Mr. elation, territorial extent, arid commerciA ai tliev a -e novel to the hearin.,.-of the audi. parts of the Township. Oil 17 in 2n con- LoNi)os, A riI 20 (evening) -A despa sell bidi, and Whit-h,ad's conuct in public llf�� and ish her every sacms. affirmed old has been from the 13-.rlin ag acy of the associated John Irwin, of Westmini -ter, and was ii Dur lInPortance, the interest taken in politics will euce, who come there to be etililghtened or, cession, it is positively _e' gnide. She weighed when killed, Some 5 or 6 person to wbu increase. I was much i,i other words, victitniz-A. Buffoonry of all round, also West halt 15 in the 61b coaces press, dated this evening, says a plan for the ham L' f�w mon am )nst - e Luxemburg, question w&s 195oftm. Messrs. C. Trebilcook and John WALL PAPER I a beautiful ho 0111111 SALT IN CHICAGO t):easod all seeing your account of the Ciilit.)U kiLids is hateful to enquiring minds, but sion. Manvol r places are mentioned, but 8ulution of th iarib,it:>l more to the zencral howina recently submitted to France aud Prussia by Santo purchased her for $140,w and her car- 0 he -had eith�?i us hiv, Goaverition. I have known Messrs. flul-mes, especially so when it appears iii the uise of need confirmation. Miners are s' h - lt.ichie and Carliag for a Ion., time, and illsili:mm' scientific, or philosophicaC know- considerable anxiety to 'ret hold of claimse,' the remaining gicat powers of Europe. case gave the lu. eard of quantity of 340lbs. A fresh Stock of New Patterns wilil be to -chased a e qurr-)EL-!d3 us. In bis busi A priva1e letter received by Mr. T. B. pu ought to be able to express a ri�ht opitilon ul I. dge hence our alternate preceptors- but the farmers are very reluctant to sell at Napoleon has since signified his willinpess of rough tallow This amount is said to 1). hand to morrow. an learning triess cp�tci.y his motto ha -1 been onic ird- VanFvery, of this town, from a firm in )t the proposition embr:Lced ine his larger tLau ever before taken from any alli, - i th ir adividual capabilare for uffice. Car. those of the bird of pssage type-und ruore prices withi-a 'the reach of ordinary meacs. to�accej had previous'. w1i'le, the pro8p*cis have improved, plan. Prussia, however, has riot replied. mal. At the SiPa Offim tiule value. miiling ente.prises, Chicagm, sthtes that a barrel of out salt w hu for along it ine car ned on the taii particulady our phrenclioncal peddler!�, from On the 0 e gngage� in exten-ave .0 1 - a,ed it, the estabh�hmcnt of Fuwler & Weils, with but many go away amiati8fied because 1rold here is a gro"itig feelinE� in th prosrerity has been compltv,:1y 'sent there as a sample has attracted the ning busLiie&i in Exeter, is now en, M affected so gr A lihxii' oF BAziEs.-Acl exchauge gets the LnerTantile life.. Ile k a man of p'lorer brain boxesas hollow or dusty inside as the is not at hand; for the picking it up, or work- formed circles, this evening, tkat these over- Darley's -A bound up 'R IL11 t1ij t uf the faruang com- I attenUou of large packers, who think that tures' will be successful, arid that the peaze off the following funny row amung the batiieB ty arid itifluetice, belag liked by eveiyb,dv. cha.L iltictf casts which they ciLbibit, have -at extra prices T lie weather is fit,e to -day. a I B 0 0 K -S I Condition Ate t' 11 not be disturbed. and their mothers :-Some time ago their was 0 murilly that he invarizblv secured the Lf all we produce is Of such splendid HLi iufluence l,as lately raised him from the ie!y, at least ill this quarter, become as After the. heavy rains we may expect bet er of 'Europe wi paration h= 4 & the a clancing.party given, -up North :" most of aood �f tlxo--e who had dealings with quality we = find an unlimited market office of To-riship Councillor to that of o.Tetisive te'ics handed down from the reign roads. Seven lines of sta-es are now on C5 Iteeve. too has elicited a rood deal of GoL%iC v'ripwience. We had, however, rout. one running through from Brighton via McKELLAR ON THE Po8lTte%.-At a meet- the ladies ttle babies, whose present bad h FOR THE COUNTRY, tsignature o himt, and,they might be numbered by for I be article in the west. Goo -1 judges iteturniers held at Thamesvide to notsy perversity required too much- attention 0 of pub;le c0lit:dence, havlu,, been a membe, )tie good exce,,tion here latel), in the per -sin Treutou and Stirlin,r. lul- of package. Uuide 2 Vok SM' thou:, -ads. Mr. Whiteheal is not one of alt in Chicago pronoanoe our salt de- i of the County Council, C:eLk of the Cutirt, �f a liss Danwis, a lady wlwse full woman's Tat:FMDAY, April ISLb. select candidtes for the new County of Both to permit the mothers to enioy the dance. tephen's complete Farders NaKhrop Youat i on the Horse. 1 I&s,-e vul,. �11411 roprzettirs ful He has a areat deal at stake lit the hert and noble brain, stored with ula"Y To -day Den Thompson and Jim Wright up. well, Mr. A. cKellar, AL P. P., made the A number of gallant young inen volunteered -ig. do of thase who fatten on the public by tak-, cidedly the best and purest tbejr ave &c, se.ritillaLionS from the foalutai-ts of natural peared before the Magistrates and were dis following among other remarks to watch the young ones while the parents Youatt oil the Dc .... Is ou,,h he might not make any M cAlahon 's America n Gardener do 1A ing everything and retartilug, nothing in 82en from any quarter. This is cheering Cuunty, and th 0 - lndulg�d in a break aown." No sooner baci Tedicine dez 0 � n n 6- great figure in the House of Commons. yot he genitts, and scholastic and historicl lore, charge A. F. Wood, Esq., the presiding The "no -party" cry had been alluled to ElliulLlb Atiiericati Fruit Crowerlb Guide , IV the way of value receive. On the con- can ry well tratisact all the business of his %viuld render her a valuable acquisition to Magistrate ventured telling them that the by some of the speakers that day, and he the women left the babies in charge &I the 0 Thoui:ztOs Fruit Culturibt ,,. - - .,. . - - - �' I A M-otberl sow. 11 of snow mmull, mischievious devils than they stripped &Lt Beecher�g* Fruit, r lowers, and Varming. r, S. -We had a heavy fa t tuency. True, he is not a lawyer. but any co ity iu which the feelings and circumstancial evidence was remarkably would desire to say a few words on it. Those way- warrag W trary, if he has made money amongst us, infants, chang clothts giving tLe -P�ddls YoungFarmet's �hereyesterdny (3londay) which melted still he can Y,:,te on laws as well as any of judgment of mankind mi,,bt erect a'temple strong against them. but as the bills" could using it were, he conceived, alto�-ekber _,ed their auW- over Dodd on the Diseases of Cattle ....... in CA he has enabled the farmers to make MOD ey) r : "if you �ppaiel of one to another. The d; known aud meiii them, althou,h, perhaps, not frame them. for the worship of the highest viltues, Her identified h 0 W heelerlsi E ural Houses death armong C fast as it fell. In other swtiqus of the 0 n _y the Nos, the Magistrates insincere. HA had made !his offe also, by paying the highest: price for those Mr. Holmes of course has been in Parliament subjects 'are phrenolcgy, coupled with the did riot feel warranted in committing then are sincere -if we are all oue-then let those It wl's time to gO home, and the mothers T�v Gra-diner's and Farmei-!,s lie" Vfly*76 be'bmAecrAy t1w I ess of her own, and S I I country it fell to the depth of several btfore, and You well know what is in It m. effect of proper training in yonth. Her for tritI. Neither party would giove any ex- R.furm members retain their metialiers and burriediv took each a dr lew n 8 tab,e Book of cll�_l emples wLich have cost them so much of fr' sun r Borne to tficir home, ten or fifteen T e rd - and aft avolit it ......... to dOmg, and a incha& and w hat I li� constituency may expect Om W hole I stems in ker subject, and the planation how the bills came into their pos you, Tories stick t6 your constituencies." started toil and anxiety. A.% for hi 1 opponents, him in case of bib re-election. Ue was then stirring pathca �f her fervent eloquience is session. - There are a large number of veay I'bat was a fair test of the genuineness oll miles oll]� arid were far oil their way before Trio Hoube and all about tL ........ ohs It were daylight. But the day foilowinglibeir was a The Ham 3,a7d and all about it. 0-50 4 re ky �cw oMe Mr. Holmes may be considered politicafly MEETING AT ]JOLNEWFLLE.- rhose p!aced in the � post of b000r " by the Re worthy a far higher field of action than that doubtful characters just now in the village : the -no-party" movement i aild if a Ire dous row in the settlement ; mothers Fatria; Culture and all about it— ...i. 040 re efiNfief form party, although avowedly a Conseerra to which the simple desire of her own aa an exam le, on Sunday evening last about corceded it would secure to 11eformers at met' TheFarmandallaboutit 010, Owed ezvre=;Ut p ,defunet- Reformers will have nothing to of our Goderich friends who wish to hesr This, no doubt, speaks well of him, a$ woman's nature d ctates she should pursue, half pasts?ven o'clock. Mr. Moods two bar- least two thirds of the represen�ation ia. the discoerM that a singie night had c,;bwogf d Chillier's Complete Farrier live. 0 atilin disclosed Cliter'sCatile L)ortor .... 4W t1wWRy andfte 4o with him, and the conservatives, try the South Ridin- candidates would do it seems tht although in principle he ran on arid forms a wonderful contrast to the ab-' teaders-comparative strancrers bere-abused Legislature. (Applause). Hei (Mr'. Me. the se of ;heir babies,-obiovn %Mkive its; JKU M P ca. Such pbvitical phemonenaand then rommeseea Beaumont's New Cow Doctor .. as the may, manot et up a fbelin,r the opposite ticket, they (lite Reforriers) still surd jargon of'some who visited us shortly an old soldier for some trifling thing. Some Kellar,� had seeu "no-parly' m we of well to be present at the Holmesville e men were ever ready to support alli good some of the tallest female pedestrianim. Heaumont1gs Cattle Keept:e Ga TO I caufidence in him or his past Condact.- meeting on Wednesda , at I o'clock, p m. trusted in his integrity of character and in his before, and whom we have no wish to see chaps otthe villa, who were present cried e they Living iniles apart, it required two 6ys to ha onlr at the y ability to forward the best iat,,rests o the atfain-blotted fragments of an ill4pent ex- 4,shaaue." Words were eschanged, whena meastj res and oppose bad ones --� bet or n the babies, and as many monthi to '251w 3r -L zL 1 c -daze oulthe He may run and receive a stnalLvote in Countrv. jstvnce, ekein out their miserable span Lf revolver was drawn. threats made, and a got into the L"gislattire ; but once in, their untaix restore the Woman to Lheir sweet dis _D S T d of iL Mr. R. Howell bus a fibe lot of seed Your father, life by imposing on commun sense, and weneral row ensued. Mr. Moon at once eyes followed the flesh pots of Hxypt, and positions BOOK A -AT -A TIOERYS TO %rialli the aecess.. a quiet way, bat that Mill b2 the en -litreckon. To this day it is unsafe for any of the baby AND.ItEW JINKLI-Ni. bt ingin2 science into contempt. It is to be disaircried the bar tender of his revolver, arid the stronget party in the Eause wig joderich, April 16th, 1867. PAAtoes for gate. mixers to ;eature in the territory. %W Nor is Mr Sloan 'in a better posiuou.- Ann Arbor, Mich.gau. hoped wherever Miss D4oiels goes, she way ty the assistance of some of the residents confidetitiy upon their support. (Hear, and -icaw. —_ 0 330 Back bom n 1:3 shuffling conduct daring the past few C::)- See the cand of Dr. Sloan, Wiog- metA with ready friends, and full and atten- arid boarders order was secured. After laughter.) Bearin- in mitid the old story agazzRop a LV. tionable oentleman oc. A Western ed;tor thus cusses" an oppon- ative audiences, as there is not one word quiet bud been restored. Mr. Moon tbid the ab-ut a certain uumen ow crive our milk-, and his '117EICI-S- 6 weeks has very p operl destroyed his NOTIES AND CHARAC uttered in her lecture deservin,, to De lost. parties present that he was determined to casimially appeanng in dis,;uise, he (Mr. ent May his c eed Potatoes b tLkenootber TICS. badeggs; inshort, may he marry a prosp-let of a support from any reforuter Mr. Pollock advertises that he will As to temperance lecturers one feels have any man he could detect carrying a MeK.) would advise them, whenever they hens " and 4ned=t, 0 ogle -eyed editor, his business gor to ruin, and 0. 11. somewhat itizlined to question at times who revolver arreeted. Some cor.siderable buck lnEt 4 "no party" man to look to his feet. HE Subscriber bas just reedved, w* who values con&L-tency. While &biag receive ofrers fur the purchase of the Stot k h! go to-Cougress. T1 _11E GUE are the greatest drunkards, as in r-ating away talk wai g ven by some strangers, one of (LaDghter). Depenu UPOD it, they wom!d be 0 T door to Nolan & McMath's Blacks=A- for a nomination by tne Reform Conven- 1;c4l by D. Kerr & (,'c,, insolvents until Ile Al2HFIELD, March, ISG7. at the ,reat prerulerice of the evil, arid the whom saia, -,a mail bad a right to carry a found to be hools. (Loud laughter ). Mr. Me- . te 6i? e A -St. John paper calls- the'attention to the ing and Wagon makers' Shop, oppm tion or doing his beat to privent the &h of May zext. MEL, SIGSAL, ruin it creates, we are entirely at a loss to re;olver," &-c,. but on Monday morning the Keller then took occasion to advert to the fact that by cuttitig of the Bay Vetre canal Eraron Hotel,.,a qnantity of SIR bruperate person in a t%o bar -tenders, having been 'properly dis- intmalla"ement in the Crown Lands' Depart- Pelebr,, lDff 0 (n6 vL-q orduous or costly ur�dertal.qrig). the Garnet- Chili Potatoes-% of other,partles, he was seek' A you have kindly a --ceded to the cunc!ude whttherelie te B. Bralligan writes to his Uou- insertion of try first essay in local sketching commurity, or one who rushed wifb equal misscd by Mr. Aloon, had skedaddled. GOA ment, where a staff of some sixty-five per passage between We -v Brunswick aild.Ganada PY Prepared fri to work hims�:!f lati Lhe -0004 -Mces 0 sin Phellim of ew York? on 11 ea-erness to both the extrettes of djunkpii- exciteent is a I itt'e more lively to day, some' sons, drawing a salery of $75,000 a -year which have been proved nenrly Mrke, ALL leading, c-orLit:rvAL;ve_-. At one dw.- 4e The Postillion.11 I feel emboldeced to make a further attet"pt ne- Ould beshortened abuut400-miles, saying . ast the rot in the County of Brant, #a ss arid entire abstinence, was the most sa!es of land taking place, and good offers was kept to do the business ; whereas in the circumnavigation ol'the whole coast of aga' in that line, although my pen would seem irsatiallile swill after all,* arid it often made to land owners for mining by actual United �tates land office, at Marquette, Lake 'he several othrerorta. AUo. a quantity of was wiliiaz to run on the independcut a Pool 0 Nava Scotia. . 11 The forlowing is a copy of a letter sent to have a ratuer stiff point for that sort ot happens, in listenina to the disjointed- ar--u- writers. Land is too high, however, owners Superior, -where a cid'al more business was OATS, CLOVER SE -0114 ticket, and In a few lays afterwards- h,: T�erc trausacted, in the year he had visited- the care of all filos, 1 by, Mr. Bral'i'an to his cewin in _Ntew omploymcut. Indeed, I think I must fall ments and slimy diction of the migratory must moderate their expectations. W C:)P- The efficacy of B"an's, Pultuoinic BLACK-EYED MARROW FAT -4o vrhicilt ihe ft was frepia- abuut for setdcd principles. orilitor, that tcp3perance is not always bonor- are a large number of miners here, and what South Shor-6-he found only two me aters in curing, Coughs, Colds, arid all PEASist- York It has been handed us for publi- back on the old and partially extinct, altho' s"dwates a" ej ed in its advocates. With respect to those is remarliable,Lhey all agree in saying this (Hear and aplause.) Bronchial a0actiotis� and cheerinZ the afflict Alserexpected in stom in. a dq bul" aud Azpeedy c; The fact is, he was simp�y watchin,- his c!assicr-I at.d thimortal, goose quillpen, as i -a whom I have d,,ri_"n.,,e decayed clergymen, is a splendid mining country, judging from tita a proverb. Ih the Unitea carnload of fine ground I cition :- b a 9 of flexibi'tty rf point and genuine elasticity it happens fortariatly ' at their vtsits are appearance. uE justgnevences of the tuha;4 To chance to slip in arly way that might pr,, th T lants or ed, hai p,sed i States where these marvellous Wafers are IMT DEAR PJUA L r3r, -1 take up me pen till e the Red River settlement h%ve attracted con I K-JJAMR 017 PASM litis powistiv tsent itelf. H L- la --t escapade is to i may harmonize mor with the irregulari ties 11 few arid far between, as is said of angels nown, they bear down all opposition and i. -:sue n biderable attention in L'itallinA. lt se'emes k � - - ',� 0- brtag *a the in, inforta yez that we are all well, glory be of prosaic composition, and the erratic visita. Still it would contribute much better A Revolution Predicted. - 0 which mill be scild at 35 ets;Verrimpik.,71) e - an addre7ps la which lid anaounces hiulsel! to marcy fir that same, barria that Pe�;- phrase6logy so neces ards the interests of our common to have been conceded as unjust thut a set. eclipse all rivalry ; the demand bus steadily -4 -1sack*m0e, I aarily incumbert or perhaps toi, increased for tbej- ast twenty years, until-iiow HAREY ttGiill slisli didate unavoidably linked Cc, the dry detuils of faith, and the loss would not be mrich hinder. llement %vhich contains about 12,000 inhab- as a rejoruz,-r, " the pwples' Can A writer in _.Blackwood' s Magazine pre tants, whieb has a fine soil for agricultural the sales ave:&Ae over one hundred thousand Ocidericb, Aprd 20ttr, 1867. 'y's 13de up wid the rumatix in both e.mman li:e experience. Besides, I have auce to the furthereuce of moral and social 0 b*es a year, Eminent members of medical 114 i , and a hater in aaeral, of tho gloved , dicta a revolution, unless England adopts a purposes, and which s in mahy respects. --hoo M an wee Je mmy h3s the mazles an Judy a peculiar penchant (so to speak) for gooAe excellence even in tbe LnOTth of Ashfield, if 0 professic�n without number admit that the arr-_�tocrats of sociuty. The conservatives i. suila le more'liberal policy toward Ireland. Ile tys : mitiently fitted to become an important Pro- 3 wid the chliken pn' iU ere --a sort of tenaci-jus reveretice, they could find some other more h know of no preparation producing such belle- Fallp and 1i 1 hopia this may find 'I " "We are not alarmists -quite otherwise, vinee, sl;ould be ruled, or rather Laisgoverred who�_�i! support he 4�ourted, will be deeply . mixtsuo with the variou# resuiiscences and mode of gathering up our *1 orra, pennies -Wafers. When taken y LZ all in the same. j. ficial results as these hum.4,*e of school ti�y dreams. A leLa:ii,, that is,when we chance to have such -rather but we express, it is believed, the orinions of by a company some thousands of miles i is- . dL'1Sappa,juttxJ on acc4juat cf a man of such In season they effect a permanent care. ads the 11 ariti(juated intellectual %ca than. persist in following a profession for all thoughtful people, when we say that not taint. This coucession is followed up by a GOOD FARM, COMPRISMG Pnwo� Arrah Phalim d -ear, bud it's the bliss- towar" a - Sold by every druggist and most of. the A qui�lt;_-s descrting Lem fo nsof their ownpar- within the memory of living rden, nor long movement -in which large numbers of the acres of 1atjd,_,%b t a mjy* from OiArfitm-', pallial adLuirald, n ins been through life a sppcial bobby wbich it seems the cano -bout the Fro ed ruction3 we're a�ther havin wid our respeetable efores throu, Vince VILLAGE GFOlUiLUMALK ry atk*r nwarris hat u 1Y , but. we are iaclia,.d to ut* my miad, aud promises to be he,id ta in ticular sect, as well as those of nature, have before it, has 11:ugland stood in a position of memberil of both 11citisdi; of the Imperial- at 25 cis a box. being the north half of lot thirt ilict i,)ns. The queen bless her swate my U-nity, who, tkin very much of th,,-ir hitherto found them to be incompetent. My greater danger -or difficulty than that in which Legislature are talking part -intended to se- t�ia­t dt,5y!,_xt will be t' d PreVlIeDt fetlifil". fuiremoay, do 'A she stands at thm moment. Be the causes curce for the settletuent the udvantagea of Gooi) SIGNS. -It is a good ftion to see a first concewicir. of the Tawnallip 4&f TOW sowl has deviled the couatle av buron father in thq ftibles of their tiature�, evince a next essay, Mr. Signal, writteu-that is to 0 nosy. or N .)dy are of . Stromy desire of endeavorin7 -to -4 pluc�� it be -with a 11 goose quill en " I will for- what ttey may, the old fecling of loyalty to selt-goveratueul, as enjoyed by the colonies man doing an bet -of charitr to his fello*x. berry, will b"old on moderate terass, P&O, Full aweido tutill what they call two ridins, an too ­" wherever they may chance to d e- honor the constitution of which their fathers mitcle of the Empire. From the number and in- It is akood sigpi lo see the eol�ur of hiallb credit. There am about 20 Acres i!, which some publ.c iuierust, we do not feel that goose etect ward you io due seas have th "cageat hole tiaimbers for aicb'av thim. Ye might one. It is doubtless tome beriditary infln- to be, sir, yours, their boast, has very muckdied out amona, fluence of the gentlemen who have joined in a maurs face. � It is a gopd sign to see an good frame bara, *c. SuiLezeekent. AW it is wr,)-;- to pub:lljh� a couple of letwirs oaletterally think wede niver, git 'enuff ence of ti,is kind to which we must aur ibute DIGBY, large sections of the populat.ion of these The movers, we have little doubt bdt that honest Ins weating'old clothes, and the wood timber. atate. Here the wide -spread and stereotyped tenden�y iqlands.. Wesaynothin(rofthe�itemperwbiibli the settle meut will shortly And itself fre,d immense sales ot the -CarlaWan Pain Des- Also. I We 1100W in the riliap in proof of what wu is OQ : 0 men for the ofices, bud be me Bowl ye'd is so painfully manifest amid the great bulk froto the 5hacules of tho Hudson buy Cum- troy is a �oc,4 sign that it is a scientific mia. with good garden an4 throughout the great family of' mankind, of -FRO-M X&DOC-_ ifuhn BLYTH, 6Lh April, 1367 be out in er reconin for we've gol� one -in running so frequently and eager�y on what of "h,people. With them hostility to Eucr pre;ration, qpd,proorly appraicated by the about four acre3-of laud. - 'glifty pill the Belloville Intelligencer.j &Old W 4here at 45 cts. per Bot- 11A I 0. FuLTI) till a commonly termed a wild goose chase. fFrom fish rLie is patriotism. They, are ripe for reople. Dtar S,r-, I have cu%s2erel e:eclion neerly ivory villidge whoos willin Bat I fitd I am digressing front the path I NAIYoc, April 13t�, t867. armed revolt ; and the late demonstrations in 31Wdagascar)l Amiable queell. tle m=Wrs -,ver �rtflty fully, if you in C.111lon "crifise bisself an the alther of pathret- hadebalkd out 117 the "commencement of The good people of this localit have bee, Cheater, Liverpool, and even in London, April ZZ, 186z�. !Vizt6l6i�� Y zr-p am cho,,jse t.j dE-t me out a requiition so as 1) show tbats far more per�ect organi2stion Her Majesty,'the Queen of Madagasicay is J 1; Ism at the rate ay 6 dollars a day canaday what I meant as a short p%raggraphical essay, a good deal excited and alarmed by the rob- --3ce to cottle out.. I will run and which you will be pleased to understan ich occur- subsists ong them,* not in Inaland saidto have issued a terrible proclamatib dJ bery of Mr -R P Young's shop, wh vet On W --ol Alat do my lwst. Y,u cau conzuit Mr. XcTa­ money. Bits av gossons that airut done but in England also, than had been supposed. forbidditigg-tivilians to wear hats with brims. 120 i"t., atthe fl�sideece of the Combo. WAUS gain resume, aided by the desjd,!ratum &I- red on Thursday night, the 10th inst, The &Ow- E. uidla gan ar,d othei3, And act as you think best- plain marbils an flyin kites are out wid a A weak government confronted in the Legis Government officers, of the - Mal -ache type- bride'afXkfXtWr 'ty 1 -he, Rev. C-anou uded to -i. e., a goose quill pen., facts appear. to be about as follows: On of cours- I mus, run as what is called Jnde- tbair addresses cz prowd as porei Mikky As say former epistle was somewhat de- rhursday night Sir Young- left his lificip ear lature mero4s yet divi eS of Hu Vke'Ahmeroj P ded opposition, are alone allowed to retain the cild-frishlon r6h iind Bruce, icriptive orihe physical and industrial pro- ly, litving his brother to loch-Jup the ciiih-and - by 4 'in To the #swell, � of - udagascar Him -Eliza pe-nde-ni, (,ut dr. Whaebea himself propo& while both are libelled andhreatened by well head piece. Mr. J4o�,,. it beth, Insolvent. (;rogaa's dog whin the badger bit his tale e eldest dii� es to s, me e�t*ctloa on that tiL:keL.- - C5 organized bodies of &on- out of doors - this the edict does not particularly Main 84 greis of the district around, and not at all, make all right for the night, as he slept in the ukattdr I caps, mailt as 1--t-me Lar irur- yout, and me, a ff. Divil a haperth Av property these as far as I can learn, unple iaig to tile e brother as usual counted his cas as store Th' tis a state .-of tbinga, which no thoughtful has taken to wearing skull wul J4,mcelyod, tin-ahe e! fir z 4� Moir sto" -t Yours, ac., iplate wit0but alarm. It the 'jolly do.' of Great Britain, a few years TRu Aum=ff. - chaps has U q4alffy an wity little crump- parties tu whom, I had occasion to refer, I and put it with the cash box, in a desk sitting pQrson can conten: is& *am pligned] W. S W A .5. trust 0at a few cursory observations oil our on the counters -fastened the back door , it; precisely such a oisposition of-Inoml- force ago affected the 'pork pio.' The poorer citi- named insolVent,49 sm inuch in 4he -JAWA in 4dow- % An a Faint* tion bud the brus av ould nick himself. ua. to wear their -old Pretty conduet, that, 31r. Sloan for a social and political, if not moral and intol. the usual manner, and went out for a short as has fa all timed past preceded and wvrked zeul; however, con%' the 4tock bad*, . *hWt c= ajft;0(** - - G IUCU, A -rd 23 1867. IF&A, T aill in Sich up to revolution.; and there is too muA rea- hats their exceedin I y,, old, hati-aimply ,gommoeh's no no more about guvern. lectual, status. may likewise prove relishable time; after being out for aboutn hour, he Auction, Mart ofr. man who h -s been a reformer fbr so m2ny 0 1 Boa tearing off the firiiii� Spring Wheat. ome de�,ree uni -tend to eultance a few wt;nt back to upprehend that unless counteNacted porving their ioyaljty tinted With some parties who w Qde#obj *wbo will shoW I Od& farther eSurt of attaining a still more ele. some groceries Having occasion to go into consists o ment than a sick pi, doi�s about hisamn- and reeirainedA. the Legidiatura prin- These Vilsirs may 6s of interest at a Fall "do .41:90 2*00 tie stock rt aruc 4 , or brok ciple loftier than fhe�'mre impulse of, part 'when the, bat of he Angto-.8azoll Q161 ...... I ............ 31r. thought b-tterof the matter, mother. The cousarvatives haz tride till ',ated and avanced state in the scale or the back sboD, he found the back do Flour ...... own.cuse, ViecWe,ana wask gentleman is clearly in a state of traasitii4. 0:10, GrOMEN ur y, period 700 Dry Goods%, put the cometber an me, bui If I don't sphere of mental dignity, and if so desirable en open. H -e at once examined the desk to it will; in 0 &.50 2, It has, so far as height is concerned, eciiiie Barley 0:66. 0:57 ery, ad Dog how, vcr, and entf-red in to sbufflu No. o revolution ilgain'. pow ut found that UP t beft citink tiIi there confusion at ivery riform '" '",entire may accrue from it labors, m3f see if the cash wag all tight, b ------- itzra slight indica. �1111:65,_ goose quit4pen will down by thqrun i ond t* which places hiul in 3 still worse li,;ht, as '-t. Dikttd W have amply repaid uit. the cash box was faissitig, which contained canuibill the endeavorts I have nap with notes amounting to 51,200 An American, turning his visaga to the tions in its 41ines4 of more-flowig a�d gener. p - about $500 of ri!. oxiscurves. Meanwhiiip,�the, proclamation CF1- - 6:50 comity meetin call me a hathin to obtain. litgue and misty i distaueg, of 200 des Uaron, tim twell QW11 a staunch ol I reformer." The second �A sty darlint, rid -e pqt in a wind. beer, if i Yor some time it was f citizen 5:50 me It needs no greit stretch of philosophic re to $1,500. hard to tell on of the Qu6�u of Madag"C#AL may, per 0& letter runs as follows d6arch td digeover, the many causes which what ccurse to pursue; but in tba morning bin the following stone :-Kous�o 'But r ............ R W13 one av our can- militate or a. L tele- suggest to S COBejr�allv' '14 deturTatca Wi Blytb, I I th A pni, 1867. cud ] Misther camerun,' adeleveriously against the ud- witzrants % ero i"ved by A F Wood, 4q., for in 9�*-Tbrk.. Time -A. D.WT ion. P .15 iiil��eeRsev I servant, dydates for the big house is what 0 jibman intelligen' graphic messagek ci.�a with 0:60 0.75 yiz va ' einent of "A short and easy x odeWing e G. FULTON, F -sq., vewe ce, when the apprehension of two parties known as whopresents hubsel at-,' Z�� ua Drt a Si In rpference to a note I eat yankys call a brick. - Jt!s mes Wright, who win o in a p &,QT i d eoPJQ called 0 2--a, 3.00 of -I d in connection with the natural asperi. "Den. Thompson"' and Jim. 40. ", 1 ,� - � 11 _W haz Hay) now V toa ........ Jaioa (4,,12. .00 you the oillpr day, I have vo mature cfo- ties and adverva circumstances wherewitit were apprehended phortly after. Nothing of fu�,;.6-�k-South America -E4 rcre in.tb- rruked in his gardin far sivirel. yearfri amlii . a - . I _'-happy to have e �Utter of Jamea W all= 4f ap*i* it t We and JmsH WiT.--,8:t%setwreof illiqlt whi8hy p . .................. 0:14D, (a) 0:40 not to interf"o at 'Chickens ation &rtert�ined rld bave' to contend, -in endeavoring to, any impgotance was ound upoir. their,per- ni in the election for the fofl(7w1"m an a bether man i never sna, Heel cum carry. into progressive ordeq :tha more ex- sons, but an impression of a ftfe ke him sup' ever miad in Ireland, all the 41 native" was destroyed 00,� prese y in. Waif h he Creditaim of the lasolvatill;t t v an afther000n an tawk till a Ito as alted sciences of civil life in a tie your coa siEpoa'r otlrer rpw�o-ris:-Im Altbouxh 1 nvv colony, was found secreted under a stairway, in Bud- tdWA In- five minutes with the ekoeptioh�.of-n smull-ibottleful, wh ic Jobo �retuing: Abri Mr. Johnson, 8i was pftseived- by - the-.Aceis-to ;be used, in 'Pork .................. 4.00 41b cGul I ap� if G.bson's. chance, I will not ca- free as ye pl*ize, an ii its hot'its matfide a from the cutting away of the rst impeding '11a;8tolJY where were stopping, altso a gg,,xigb e*,Ys,hb will- Como ; be is obliged to go to the ei the 'partiel cbh�fto. estate Amd effect$,, =&i t1m :Ai -.the era.We Ot -ih& last ter4- Sq for a pbn-enjukring�.the &are My o W 0 611CCeZA, as a part of the Con- quarter hed tass over wid Barney we boy liltlef*ig, t* 92 . key 6a et U ridenre, agaiW to., . Ciotti stump or rodt from whiell he shoots of itiipreion in %�ax wits found to corres he ulidersigned A .voulJ certainly make a dete pund the North Pule f6P 6 Mbtlaclllt� and. will 'call The day of Mal itrii�dtttib btittle� Was L 0' _ servadve3 , -1 'tW t - Juba rmirell heres somethin till get a dhnnk av ice r!17.. sr Mrs. here a -she comes back, gpster.. Viry duced And 1�naed 11 �, -r 0 M., effon W pul in a man ; and 2rd, there is no native wiloness may still show symptom of exactly witb the safe key ot Me Well* kq- a mitqesB whose powem- ve trid.&IdirW 4aie FRI w Ill Deans, N' VQM �W_ or if itsom1d, here& w1tat' Nuw yon, InSy *Jina up � t a* mac itle _&t4 -W e wiJ 1tJ[iLJ&1r*, cram of-dis'e6miustign,b ew the It piAiainent" (r) p'atforrn, no fixpd orinciptes, find future vegetuti6u. It would be too tedious Grey & Maegre.�or. Theie.were many very ting -the -ph to ED 0 W the security the . !y party kepe yer pipe from freezin,an none aO the to rez teleSts and were T4 1P 4 pwit all ske obstales, im, fact, alidost suspicious ciretimstKnees; but vp�h the exam- y 'for set J�'V�soiwih -be lier� i'm fly, unrifalli&-Aftej4, the 16alb It, if a man r idbes to keep his skirts clean, he aal m6unt2n1ewt' �oiusidemd AUC &1E tPity airs which wove own too much av a JiL opMetichbl * but'same wife that �s �i - - had bette- iand aside till somethin like a o'- f the sources from ination before the justices, A F Arood,-Jas -elm "n Ul ;�hol; zttgstedjrf�r oathyi pol:cy is enunciated by some party or other. the owld �*ol. Besides a1l that'hees as whiebr they anse are sufficiently obvious, avid O'Hare and John 11 Dunn, r.84 V�hjcb After tbkt, you may dust out the bilreibn. adihtmitoial llysfraticipi.,-, -In one poinit I have ad appointmept, 41 on of deb c armR. If do malie u' smart wid -the tung as yiz i - - ­ London fit. -ten for thbroog tition;to, .44e t1to bottlef taste Veq 'alook. It ace th(i liftid-ohilis of �pover- not advanced to commit the phsohera,, and ATM il, ster44 p my mind to interfere I shall liver seenmor lfliemas not do go till ut-ar the time of eiectian, and tial man. Och Ir , . %0'44ese the liquor my I it ow tattled weass, Im W ty coni A'111� Phalim if ye'd beer him 0,V _4 thees rdnnin agin There' nit W 'I We it�ps oWj lending ftit the -rudest toile of lire,. Ake pokeeu,'!! -The boUl%-- mas raiie41- t?, - his -1 run betw�_Ien Holmes and WhiteLead in the at mr. richy icquently, dischirg d, -'JJ t4,ey were quni Te Torobto, 44-1. Ulth, 18 It or Ladies to get a fresh orango� j. W-1-Alse UL -UULUP Y'OMili, from G cuon L er Hf)u,,e. From the disgatisftetion ez- do-othor Webb h6 rite 033 V11111the Is a geierlteeling.61 intecunty ere. There a VW -of f istinf, amon',* th-eir supporters there will be a 4a.manyed split fom the 0ibace of pr .0 cTestrolig. alt,111VI. Wee 0. are a large number of strangers around who 1hft-th id yer blissid sides wid the laffia. Mr. Richy h6oidr4i crood site to run, til'� bibuglW-ul, r Machinery and eXporitlafft olediei hatis no isibl'ie 'niti44f su�p6rt, and whot -�A Believe W% - with equal' era r anythins Wit �p V._grk�i '%OQO is a retired offis hoWder rich as a jew they rn another point �ie M4 jus" don't appear to be gold digg Friiince when he was mini*jer to b!; 991 - hi "Wyn' Well yo on wdn't ;op It ver sp -in a 4* %Aidi sweh-rits poteon, ut taix ifi M -air say an ut inds a dolla-r widout place filla different natio2alities, or gice, wgi try is now 1� eri. ifflivil At, b bdidfifid- Zsorted G - trees ir, eeds, inter else in particular., The Mounted 21 T's mfied Apple Tfees. The On tan, -lot Yours trujy, howl,din inquiss an its ttofortunit body.. ests sinithubits of e; -widely, scattered an4 hbpe, will sooi-,be hereo' 4'- Milch. twice. before tbe, _era �65'f -rallFoAdst imitad' WIL41AN SLOAN. -acksidint git till If be iver shud be ag ged.commlirnl�y, and, anon the over- The staget itill �ome� id fWed *fth ottlin- General Cassjour h H so be tweening rapacif very inq1ton in It.' The lightho-u-�W-_ -a will id site yon. will have of it be got is is wa cops T/" ay 1:*T ir seet in the he y of the lynx -eyed myrmidons -gers The hotbla are running overiande 00iutp 04 Terms -6 ont�V,zpproed notes_ -paw t A spizoud as had kepe it, for sorrow ; iR4 hel d e 'law. I of Ververvd justice, who under the bland avo,�abe place at which board can, S broughtfo; 8100.'. 41S a mostcollt I&Wie'* Saturd C neer, t6144 a R. ADVI YOU May ome in of gold being tarldious "d. serviceab '�3 W run between two others, take- the wurd he =4 say bud he's bin 1111tuill *fbefticto W a;&Affcoted hu lo uhlole. W&69 boroe�April 2.0th 1867% Reports 6till