HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi Weekly Signal, 1867-04-09, Page 3�� . S� � �•t2 E�P -�flF8II3• n;;sae. a�ae c��ed �.� ��,.�as e��. � ' ,'7`*tii.+ 3a:€� �a�it�i�- : 138 CEstaEattP°8 tD � �€s, a a 4 �e i:E3t � «. � i� � �&'�3 __ ._.___ .,.,,� s �].E�! ��it� Ftt�kxiQ� 3' �� �v.c�V� 3: t2�33c's� �f b�:.`C � ��,:�t�! Uy9 t2i! � �ta ��� c�� ��. )R�'L!!� te@@-p � � �33^P �t':E.�.� dE� E baFi sece�3es� t� 9.'t� 2� �il�+ �f1 i .� �: t� (�C�!!2'13i� �. i� ea�..�i':t�+d LE� p� _ .� �, ca ae�t� �' ca:n:�:� , tisrT a�, �I t� �a2.aEa,t�i �YSs= .a Ci&": C�L �.'"'f�_ 5��. rrc: c: rs�*i3i g�:'eS�- 1 �as�38i t3 E! COII- �'�ss� t� �iS� "�:�ETa4z�II *�i�g� �g �� t�! ti ; L'cs�:� t�3 it 'ia�� � t� !�:=�"�t�i !�. t'tA � �a�l a�,si� i�tL t1� t�s�, ,f � ece 6�ifl I �E17"��`L�: i��Y'at22f;a� �eat 1�m3.. Fi e�t:;%� : ''� =--� :`� � t�tLD iii �-4. �33 � �i� �i�tEII ,: �. Ea oeoL ja�i�`1� _�:�9L� F.�i 43�'O f� � �v s;e�s � � S�' �I s� :1d a�: j�a. �^w 4���^�'!! �� E.*a�:t�'� 3aa S�ii jt� g� i •�� fcsr fat�-��s ^ s3, . .. �-�aat� IS �s#�SQ�s �:. �It� i ' s ������ ' � C � Y GtVEN, . ��:� �v�ia bs gs�d tas S��`�rl�a�� � i � • Ai •+-� ea�mn de�i- r -�s�+ aCss3i:�� �t.t�i- � �-a.-S .:e.�z'�a. �a� � �.�=z::rs � rznec.le! � -. �Es �e vsaed �� p.uof : s,; �e= s�.9 t��� ar : .: es. £�13, caue-Gatt b _. .,,�^ra.,a=. Wa�� , . :..=i�, aso- ;�� Eo L'� r � rr>�:a,� pc�tlt3E'� y-ass.:a� cc:dang [+� '.�v ,�. �a•� ��i�s� r� rs �r:3 a� r � �eFiZF�3£F•- �er.:.�a ft`nx�es. �: La:es �S Csascia. ;��. R'! d. � �OTICE• .--"'�� � i, i '�::� To�. 'ss:� F.e �rtA ai P.7� - �er�s .�. (.e�' 1 l eo�e a : crs:, ss •�e hvs "�! � �=.:•a. se c� beais� ` . ke . i.e. { i�'a..�'.5 1tl£$��TO'f. 3ma•as�i> C:t.�. �,. wf13# ► Y . :' �.4d ti :�� !� T�sT�- ; .<:.3 :� 4"tS �O�'�i3 �i�s : ; 3ia; crs:, ca�.-e�e� i. i r.S.i3�i iTT ig.SU:+�r iuw>..sasp GEea$c- . iiap. t � iiid 'k - � ` _ I� 1 �� �. ��: � �� Cc-:�t�trs�a i> bet:ee� Ir3^.s.e� _I��rb_-� 9 ui'�3�fSg�� III`•ii�a' �i,° z`...�3�'� �'�tl3 �5�: �. -e: ' a.-d d. �c�:,-�:, �isa �e • �n c i B:�tsass �i e i � s �� t'�(? a'.l�O \ . j'. 7t)� )1i. ;'�a T :3'if��Li�3. :-_,;. �Ilc! IY,D� G:�A�i'�'E� �c Co_ , , rf I 3t � � S�O�� p c� �urg�- t u �� $. ��s'C.. ��is � 'sss ...... 29Y:73 ;' faz �ss� . . . _ 1 �a.lO � . .�-v�fl y ��;�. . a�.�o ^ �_ .1�.01 2�.Dt� �=.�r . . _ . _ _ 25:i� r.i�► . s ��,�s . . . 2 �.� _ • - .. . _ . . . 8_Q� " ......_._ . '.►'1�`.� �:�.35.53�' �=�a c�e ��t�, s� � SA.a�3ni�a. , .11 � - ��i����, Z��i�. ". --�-�-^-_= - - f �. � _� as;sr<es . . , f�3.1�ic � ��s_....... �� .. . .,xs .........2� ' �i=:c+y 3t �eacla� 9Ft.%� . e,, cas vr�, �'� ; � :�s ��'►: . . . �'� �' xs ,a�c3eassd � ,. � .:� asrs • -62>, aeaL �� . •e:�sy "�°aa�asn�.� �� , � #��'� • s-c.�v, a�s3 €a� � "�. ` :�u�3$€ST�. � �, j �t t t� � N �; _ � �,.� `¢.' x'� . ' h �i �,.. : � � ;.� � �� � T s� l ` � - �� t � af �.y�`Y. (, . . _ %•: Y �� f � �.Y�� �l�. u Y_v. � i,�i: ��-,t� .r-::. '�t` &�'y: a' �«_ . �;._fc"s �- ! . �.. - 7 .. . -. �Sg{ � �ry ,� � i5 - Y� �y ��� .� t� . 4 - . r .,f' � '� � • � - ' ���` y y �±1t r�° . � '+ -F , �.�.�,� �+�' -x . - k.. �r: _ Y�.��i,r��•`' - � � # . � - R . � a'�b .� t-_ ..1� ���� �,'`��4 �_{,r{ �.: . � �� -�,t�, _ -_ _ 7{!�• ��"'�►� ' _ aA'�. �z � ' • � a. - . _ :; -. _„��_ . .e.«_ ... _ _ ti.�--""'p`.'�"-."�'9"'s""'.` "�� � � _ �� -�-_..-..._ -'' - '-`-- .. . --" � _ .. ,. �.. � - . ...J ' ' ���_ ..._._.._ -..-a:�..�_...a..a__.,.�...._...�. . ^u.._�..� 3`__. _.F- -.` .. e. ' - ., � ' _ ! - � � - `� �ni'�ciiean��: �sr�ri�rwn�m�ea.�'ss..a�r'.� ���"'� :�':r.r.r��erei�.:'�3'i��MrA�� `-"'"� -- - � _ _r�+�'-_--_---C:� -`-=�s_�`r�"--"��„ �: _e.s. - .. _ .�, �...r�.....+���..�:. - _ - -- - - _ '_ NV�lU%i INSOLVE�f ACT'ur lau,. �� ��.•t-H�T�.-���. _ __ -- - -- ---- �iwortgage �ate of Land. ��' � �'i��� New ,�pri�g GQods - ' � � — ���r:,�s: n�.n•�� �•�-•:� rcu�rtd to AeaAh �n :+ �161ti ii1i1�)EC1�35811T81ii�. ctars ALL RZG � In the matter o[ John Kosa, �f � he v;lla�� ��. ,� � To t�e I�depe�de�t Ele _ �LL those indebted to t6e late firm of S. pw ��e,r, e�� ac�ryvrct;v� fNliri4fi. 7flPT IIIfFtil� „��_ ._ .. ., _..__. __._________- -- _- �E'AUL't' hnvins txrm m�<te �n t4r pnyment , AT THE � Clinton, in the �onaty of Ha�o�,, an e��,,��t �rr� �r:a�� •P�vre la�yznffeetiun. tnd D ol'a Mortgage by th� Inte Juh�� l}�it (6is �G1-���r t� U'. �'. lSLCwsit, e�ther by n�te oTbOok IQga�vent. av - oF TBE w�te joroing lor the.{�urpusr oP barriA,� �Fdn���v- IJ,� � � :t� c,�un+, are mqueatFd tu ��a�� the A3Q]@ to �� �,,�,{ 3is�y,w. c,•,,a,,.-,N�.•,�-�+ �n:.oea i� mnka (�n e �i fa�l�j t SOVTH RIDINQ' er) i,ear�nR �)nt� lhvFifleeni6dsy of Ih�i�r�nber, T4RE T�e Creditors of the lnao!tient, are notified tuts�rod:.�te��o�r-=ucerer.��eemrrns ���R. To Dr� �tlY�U� ����U O� �! y! ,f' CIiEAP CA��I � G. �'. SLCR�[irt &IDIiC^� biit� savH C��sis. .�� �� �p�,> �� ��. y�, .,,��i ��a a ��,�r „� thr p,��- +�6:�. The ii►Ilowiug ro ert w�11 bc �+�W ��� .��Q�GRAPA GALLERY IN that 6e hae mad'e 6n Aas�:��:meat of Lty ��p�usrd �ti�i ni etsn*q�� mth tAeeli�cu.���� r�u pre- n Ok T�;� �'uLhi• Auclion at .O. li�. '1 1{���A �I'� A Ucliun I �. � G. F; S T E W A K T. estate and efircts. under ihe nL<rv8 �it't� 10 ��� s� �,g Ftte sacn.,, wn�ch thei u���t n,�.+ n•cs� A ND �/ !� 01rg�Rs� - f Roarna on thc ___ . --- - --- t( me the undersi�ned Assiguce, ��nd ih� 5 nre �=Q y� �;�r±cwy,u�fwv. .\!T11x1 �. liR�•�a•IUf1a, l���cc:ti�. ii CQ�NT� �Fi a��oN � E P� 0 V l N C�, � .� G�derich I�eb. 15.1�. 1 rF7. r ����,qt Ast l`:+r +t ���i 1.,,�,r ilFrCU�+ttv. Titt' ou�5 f T�vnnt}�-t�l�ia ailj of April ne�t� 3,t i'� � T H `-`� .Tu�t ��rned � �.'tl'�B requ�red t�� furni�i� n,P, wittiin t�co m�,�,'ha ie►rT�ae•r �ei epn,;.0 �hr l4r�['n inw. ia lo YARI.IAMS�TART AS.IuCTOR9 OF TflE r . n�v..it�m r � F > I �5801'tt11C11t OI� Crom tbig do-+tF�, �•iili t�ei: claimR, aj�e�� r� �t�ea� ,nP a�',,,�r,�. a:�.i •,v�9: �n�,,rn�.��.n� ��nt.n nr nu��n undrr the paw�n �opinrnrJ in �h� �: i�l �VI i'H A ?�� ..�i�` A U C T I 0 N � A L E! L6e s�caritc they bo(d if anf, and t6e �:� � c� "" { SOGTfl RIDII�G OF flORO�'. (�ieaT� euss,--Iie�cing Unen noru�nnted nt + y ' ,�.�,,.�. �.. �„ �w� 1:��..�P' �• ,t �c n.,,,•• N�.•r. «�d��•r At,�r�qa�e, �iz:-[.utt+ nu�ube�x Une on tl�e Hur- � wt ' - ��j�� h•rewcofY. as�i �c,., c.tat t9rn� �i.��Euu�-nnJ (�lE Convention of tt�a I.i�l�ernl CIiOBCI'VUtlYti 'VeW & Ma nifleont Sk L� �` -r � Ciil'.\TS' and �iU� �' �R Of li � and Ii [lOT1F`. Bt8litf�,* lt1@ fBCI � l�G ����'nQ Dc�r I'Ta�. nnd Lot 1'ulec�n on cuuth skle uC W er� ' 9 y� 9 whole attrated under oall�. wit6 tLe toucL� e °"`� �� G 1: �i T I. I: �l F\:" part�. 6vld nt Citntoo un the 'l9th ult.� ua n atrret, iu t6�. To�s n ot �=ud,•ri�h. 'T�•rmn cntt, ur A N D S P1.1�. \ 11 T 11L F l� lI li \ IS f I 1: U (� o nQ1�f !'�rt��rc.A,�,it�••�res-n;ueaa.Fasa.bqrctnrn a��l _ � �� f L� 1 �iC L��`1,■ �, ��g L T S T A T E• sr a.:+��e*� enY1�t. Lk•ed tn hr Fn••:n uud�•r 1he ��uwrre �•un. ia RupQort ot sNCh cltiima. �'��' R p�. F: n•r � R n.a: tcit_�c��v. 1 h,� � e h a d t 6 e Lu o o r t o receiva your Cuadidnto fur the irpresentntion of this �ninQd ;n IheraiJ V1�H't gu gr. l�orlt�rther purUcu �� �� �) �'[ ��. ,,,, llated at Godench in tbeCoSt.tF o.f EiA�on, �. : 1� id�matiurC. Kuut� �b.. A�.c York, r '' n�. � �er9 n � I � W . ..._... , _ . _., . � �� � �� aere n�pcctaAly�nnd numerously eianed re hidin� in tho Locnl L nislaturQ ot Outnrio, t l�i s t w e u� f e io h t h d a p o f 1 l i n r c h, l� t�. IP! 4°°Hd �'-�•� � I '�r_L�� v � ,. s, YULL�x;K. �------�-------�-- ---�- t1�S1t1An, A9�1[f UlP to �c•COUfH A Ctlil(�1��Altl �. $II �PT. �in�)T`Ivi't. �♦ �t - � . � �I�E nL.� n er Ir��•�n� rr�•�•�c�•�l Ine urlinn� �TIi.��iCF. B1�T Ti`i1�F.. q � Inu�l�u�iugrecciredv�ur.:crousnssurancca o! - ���i�•�tor!'u�Mur��a�er+. l'J• �/• �����►7�i� � � ��� - � to ['epresent lhts I{iding In tUe 1[ouSe Of � .� 1 Irwn W. G. �mrtfi, 1�'sq., tu ��Krf fur �e�e w10 Uffi�hal An.QignPe H. su orc fram crsons of �•�noua shadesnt �`� `'"� a�d Cioth CAP� ,...,,.,�.;.:.:uw! �',�sleman�n�h� i�„«•�:�tnte. pp p nat�J lf,th Jnnuar�•. t.tt7. w::t1 � at the INSOLVENT �CT OF 1864• e� �� l'�nnmona, at tho ensain;; eloc,tiun, lur which -- - -_ -`_- - * a� x --- - � �au kear •,•T""R.^C `r'� ",°`^ t•, `'"'t "�•""��`" �„ I teel hi�bl� flattereJ, ou� occej�t thc� nomiva- p��litie:►1 opimo�, [ hnve consente�d to o}i'er - � - - .j 2F•.e;� to n�G�nu hia r5fd T,,�tn,ne. and Ihr ���I,Iv� � , « _ PEWrn«�i F1ne.•t rha•i'�. �`�- a.:drcac�r: ihr r. �de^- a .l> �e�Uerplly� llril� lid Ii,�P, �LL uiu�•li ea(x�u��. )' �il)�t ;i� ���%\�j-� l. 1. Hu� on Au�i`�Q i fi�ail � -. .�rn,�;,4,,,,�,<w„y..� :�.-���s :�u„��.ut .t �.�.i tiou otfYred me Dj 3.� larea n nu�ubcr of in• iniscl(fur four suti�roge� nt tlt� electi�,n tu M O IV E Y T � L E fV D• fiUrd nplii�ruuuir, in ti�l'1:�VAR7�' New )i i� l; _ ON /n f/tP �nd!!t7 �� 1/vnrlf TTrfjt'y. nf llrc s �. �'r.�m,i .H•r�c:ng«+�ro'�. .�I'�,�l2�Ty ..'��t�s�"`° Aieet�usl eleetocs. I havo since rrce�erd tho tay-d place, io nll prbbubility, at nu distnnt . I;�u��k. �•uruer ur Ht+��,�h„�� H�r�ri o���I �y��:����•. 120� Tarcn.�1�ip�oJ /�naick in �he Cuunfy ��/� ��t,�t�—.,�•��r ������`�` Satarda tiie 1Sth da nf lla�� 1�G i �j�yt%�,l�pjt��Seti1 Ft7'�At'l, u:ta+iimuu3 uvmi:�3tiun of 1;��� I�berul Cun- '� r�� �� � r r� U P E lZ �T Y � UoJen�.•1�. in �u,�h a at�•Ir fl+ tu r,•ndur il�ri�� th.- . . � �'+ � ,� � //urot�. un f�soloe�tl. _ TN���: F. (`H.�P\! \Y. . Pertot�� - O � fiucat �n th��cuuiitr�'.nnJ tl�r br,:t mla��trJ (�r thr � ��nt I.n,:.�•a�, ('���r,iy�.'�i��� e�� �. �.�t .s� �� �tn�..z.• �e�r Yort: sercativC dele�ntes at the l'linton conc� � in tho menntime, 1 91tni� 1.A�:a t1�0 orpor• aec�m��lialuuen� ol fir+l-cln:� w��rl: in Iur �IrI1� Nh swJ � Lil�lrru�' si 12 c, �I�rck� n�,un, il nn[ prv. ���u�l�• di�p�na�d ol. �HE ('n�drturs uC U�c lori•lr��nt :tre naUbrt� _ t�Jn. ;i�at ve�uablrp+��rn�, hein� �•�t 3. o�i thr llth lh�t 6P ha� m:��1� an A�r��nment ot hin AT FROM 8 TO 10 PEt�, CENP. ead br+uulul art. '1'ho,.rdr�ir�i,�ut liavin� 1'u•- BOOr��v �Nn Ca`�U��.'�j P catatP aud r11rr•tn, unu�•r ti�r et��r A�•� �., oK; p�w pF 1 OCTE�. To the }�rliamenturF-elector.� ��f the �catL tenity of viaitinr tho sorernl muniaipalitics, t�zrr� .,C e, uncr•Fi��n in the Tuwn�shi .�t -���i���r��� 'fb.•re + . ERR Q�- Costs ver� modernte. � � liidin * �zecntl , I ofCer ni�seit a.a � c,�ndid- � ��at ou in:i bec�,u�e Urttui nc� a:►ii:ted wit6 „rc �-: u�e hunci�ed an� �w• niy-�wu a� �rr, the u��derni�:��r,! Ar���n� e, and i6.•� an ��•yn�r- -,�� ��.,�a�e.�.: t�r �a� �h„�.�,�.,�„ b� s v p 1 �. rtt.��c�s.c. n.,�r.n.��, C'' �� 1 7. 1) �t ��. N ¢� i.at��� �c�i��. c�ii•:.�i l�o�c c_�s�i. <� ,uJ n5:�crra in n�uuc1 stalr o� �•u�uc:+i�on, wrt6 � �o turn�Fh me, w��hio �wo �uu��ttu �rum tG�e A� • rrcU i ,- p��sure-u.�c9i, n,d nit ihe r�1rc�� �,rr:,u�n_ ate, �n� trust lo teCeive ruur genrr0us suE�- the seutiamnts �tihich I profc9a, r•n�i 1 tTust Solicilor� �^.� Iia�'a� L'Ipel,. I,il:cu Nill �il�•�Isrl�nn= in Ihe InuP�in�. � I�rxe Iramr F�nrn Alld A I,ew.-cl I,�� hvu.�r, uud ,xte, W'�th thtir �le�ni�, �{�e�•ii)•inF t� r lp �,�3,s. AC'riE ���f � SbTTTH• a ���,�,,. «,t. �:,r ,�._ .,,g� ,i su��:�gr G���..���c>� port. _ ttuit they R•ill be fuund eo to ncconl wit� f3o�lerich, April, l�ti7, wl ltt. Photo U.phs ti1k�II ln every Style � ` �m�•���c-:�I,� �n ���.,d rrErair. ihry h��ld, i� ;�n�•. �nd ihe ra1��Q ��r �t ; nrul �! Q,� • crhot�.-r.! �: •4r n�i•q+c an�i d,�rctn.na 1„ TO i�tf m(Sa: i�� FOO I am OUt l]p�f10wD� I ---_" -'- � 1k CtOti0T1C�1� �'1'SCC�t ��b� ��1, i. P ly �rui. tarm tn ��nrut ihc l�r.t itt I�i�. T��wnRni(� mme. btflliuF IhC la�•t : lf�t' wholr ait��.�.�d �md�r ��}jrpe r� s,l _ „�m�,�!� �,� ���h,cy',r ksasr�vrd. �n. � �'r❑ A COU11qUc�U9 resi�ent !tl l��t' � ivur o�vn, ttl8t }'Olt n'Il� tl@ �Oi►�1�f(� i0 SI\� r` r ,, known �o Ihe a��t, nnr! OIJ Aml�rut�•pee aAd Ua � -- _ u(t ul�K�ruc�:�ein� onlV al�nU' li;i:l ++ milr fr�m „plh. tti'ilh L�C �vu�'�icta �n cu�����•ft .�1 �ucii � �s� � �r .i��x n a � nl b )' t �1� - - -- - - - - ���u�xn�sso �e.^v,�i �p t'�a�dccrt�e:'a ccpccenc .�� I 1 �L• guerrvtV{Kr+ curi�Kl a+ ILutu_�rep6ri, A L•i�:r tlir N��rlb�:rn l;rav�•1 iGiad, amI ��III6 H�rn rlauu�. Rsdin� for a�e�ind of thirtc tn•o �cars, nnd � mQ a;en�rous support. �� i .�tUCK ul (+ilt nnil Hrnc-W.�t��I I'�tO�DPN AIW:I\n ��n llalyd �1 Ci�xlr.i�•h, �n il P:�n�.n�y o� flnrun, � do tu AS �:•frrss�c�g _ .rne� r,_��.n}�, h:lviui durios that t��u�.eueountered ull Elte n Q�r +� �h n di.� >+���'e Iruin t.�o .�ile . �u,. i ��e�e �� :+ i�c�`�t..1�w ForR. �• T nm� �ntlemen, I�ao�l. Also Al.lil `(�� vrrychc:,,,. E��i�I��I�T�:, UL1i��1 nevrr-iail n_ �'r�nm runu�n_ i�,r��u_h ibc pru- lhi•l ceulY-sia�hday'.�(h1arrL, ]W7. No.t3. �an,u _ dttficu�ties and privnti��ns ot n backn•onds I ' , � '—______ fl1: Cnutt of Ltevis�on and A renls Tor I'.. 1.. J•� in n•wrnin¢ Uianks lur thr libi�rai �irrt�'. �Chi� ix rarec•I�:incr(�r ��urin �:u wa��t o �. N��LL���:K� �_ Tour ohe�icnt scrvatit, � P ��� %���� — --- - - - - i ltte, t►,� �rei! t�s filled num�raaa electi�-c :tnd T the TuwneLi�� ot AthSr,lc1. will holJ its p�tror.n�e ol �h,� pu�l, I�•rl.r R:itisfird thet re� � ni 0� ��� :� �uuJ far�n. w10 �t cHf�•�:il A+�iYnrr L•r F�ur�n. �yr (GQpp .if:T1�LS,-�� @ F��d • im rucem�nts �a•ill enulJv"h�m t�r �ceni a conlinu � r, � � & K� vther hi;hl� msra»iblc udiees, therrfore � IS��C CgRLI1V G. firat sittinr lor the pPnr,nL Hobert �tur,�,�eu�i's a�r unJ iUcteaae .,� �6c anu��, I\3UL�'E�'1' .11,T Ur' I�G4. t�a}I etteat�enos nl! intercyted to nn article ., $otel hintnil on 7�urs • Aud ��n the sameday aud sa ne tu�:r, � al�all ��i sr.d achieh �ve woa:d ad �'�essan�p �for n»np c�•n� I hnve been � Lsetor, 3r 1 Apnl, lt+��i. wl itf , , dn�, fhe �3vd d�y ot '�'� E. L.!JFt5�0`. O� auY���f� �ettt. iOII110fq1I d@�OI'8 Utl� xqil I� e1i311r.�ee n� . - !1 G�u}�u•n'�rr ii:�� rr�.�����•e�l in<trut•tiunF (rom ��11e� I��r nale o�e s14 in �nt of Cu ¢ice � tri�l. �'e refer p � f S 3� I --- -- --, Al,ril nex►, at the huur of te•o o'¢tuck iti lhe Gudari��l�. Dlan•I� 1, ISG7, w��t� T Procm�e oft'ni ad�, I In ehr(',�u�t}• c'��un Uf�hb t'9 ir3Dists Se;�ce I1eme�p aacl CoD• man trut..fulty to yy} th�t I tivronSe� h�w in df►e uu� n. 1 A1rs. �:nl''C• P� �l{'1'1'.�{. <<� ��flrr t�r rali b}' L O�'S' 1 SO A N D � 8 �� ('�un�v ut N� r�n. � Counh• �I Humn. to Diu'ey tRe sa�ul;est mutter. I�efer w mp ���t JJtIV COOfiF.. Yublir Au��t� �n: ��n " �iC�tClnf6 � h'f ����a Qoa eetensis8lf wilh Luudin�° �'uer.•,�n nitu:�tr�l �,u 1'nrk �trrrt, ln lhP Mattrt ui LonaM M��7av�eh an In��dvent. � �1�a4'3I L`u`iSP dealers in �ntsa 2q n�� i�1es uf w6:tt m� f�ture a:ap be, T �ree and Inde' 7�Ownship C�erk. �' T Sal�rday� �%/�ll (�ay of lpril, 1�G7. Un 7'huivaF �� Uun��tfi dei ot Mxr m�at. ,�b�manp of ehe �e should pou sea 6t to elect me. Fiuviu uu + � ��� C i �n tlir'I „wu �.1 l:�nlrnrh. �J�ho�• l.,�a ere w� ll Ih� un�rrai�oc� will epp��� w thr JudFe M thE • t�tese �en haee �i3Cooec'ed l��t � AeLGeid� �ACI'� 2i� l��i. W��1(1 ' Kit��Atr�i fln i in a Vi•ry �•��i�v�•�i r��t �.nrt �( �h�• &��d /:ui�rt I,�r a diex:hnr�e nadrr tt,e ea�d ar.l. t�COapt�• QIOOBi$f� R9P.1, anci nOne depeudin^ on me pendent Eleetars ofthe -- --- J H� ������ `� attlteHurnn Au�•t:�n 11:�rt if nut �•rr���w�ly �„�,n Un 1�4 I�0 Iht•rr iR a Kt�ay nnd a half � ��py�p�egtlte CORdIUOR of the hors8 bc � �] Ah1E: into (he en�•lu+ure of thr �u9Yeribrr� � ��r M Ji• �oK�l ��1. tl�e uwl.nu��nli�•ni•d IYdledatl.l�ntuo. tLis �`�thdeyof Marc6. A. U.{ for succour lrom lhe public c�est� l do nut ` y I . I�uuse,tramr; and .,n �ot lrcl i� twu-•[un' �ame I��. n��R' t� b;�p� yn� rema�ing from th� SQutly ��1� +-�ui�n� C hieitland l{ond, Tu�vnHhip ol 1:.+�leneb, n- � I,uilJioe, wnd u•rll adapterl fora iare�� I�mi1y ; ell U. McTAtl`SH. R;�� ro�, n� W�a�a o�t occept, c�o�, c�oQ- � CHEAP CgSH ST��E � �a�uabi.e Pxcperty � aad igcer all tbat precents theis l�ealt�c ernmeat sn �locrutiee office, ru urr! desire twut the 15.h Febru �rt•, I�t67, one �:wr�and �ne � n F���1 rrp++ir, aud w ill l.e e��l�l r�hrap. 9. MALC�Ob'fSO1H `�' 1� ���t! ��� 3P���, f j (i� :� 7`I,E.i%�.' �: la�t yenr'n Wether. Lamb. 7'A+� ��worr ie re- YerUr� inte���lin� to Purv•haw• c.ill eaily. nt �n the im- ��a ��ne *etical! nnd fnithfvll tu secure i�e+trd to rote �ru ert �a oLnrre� and ta6•u � V � f���' Au.�rnry f�r li e•I�•en�. 9w 2m �e nf the a�imal, ahicl� is � rb 9 f ' 1 t6� nn:►nimous nnmi y �' ��' }� � Y E lrer trrme enJ purucularx a i��fr tn �ro�nF�e�sa tAe int�restr ot the eour.t in �4icli I hu�e liaviu� rece�ve� thcm awa��. �' �" i��: t JA��1�� SJIAII.L, �+ p� ��; oeasoa �vh? 6o�e d e a lers ttse t t a9 � nt►tioo at the C�nveiiUon rctont ly 6c l d in 7JHN HUN T��.'�i�. TI�GRE (lA4 1L'ST ARRIVL' D e lur ge nnd Td��� �� ����,����� � ' Auct�onee jr'SS1LVi�VT ACT UF I�G4. s��fyy eaabiud to ;et betier pnce9 and liied so �nan� geurs, and to �e6ich f� um mnny � . ------- t�te �oc�atiuna 1 r�m sincerel ntt�cLed. Cliuton, fo� the RPrre�sei�tnti��n of your Rid 'I'�p Go�lerirh, I►iarch 25t1�, 18G7. lOw'.'r i elegnot s�.y��rtinenl ut QiPe lh�ir Castomet3 suosd S - - - - � � � � l: ��+ :��,3. E�"�3 �ud 6�;0, I}'in� �n tl�e �����tl� xid.. r�KlPr�•4�, 39�h !1i,n+h, 1f,C. wl0td p�,��•incc nf �ana�i�, t tn �he rnnnt� ('nurt oflhe ���g u� � in� in Lfie Canldian ll��use �f f'otntaonA� nn�i \v 1 1♦ 1. I A M° 5 �[IOICE SP1t1Nl� DRY 6001)8 There nee� ao leedin�; yuesti�ns hCfOCP Lbc' � „1 Al��u�c.�lin �Lrret, vpro,Ur iLr re-ukw•e ol C��anty ot Hnn�o. S('u��nty� ofHun•n. a�dEse,+�lthp hu'se�- y, ablic at resent� bot sh�>u1d 1 ba elacted� bnving acC�pted ihat n�iu�i��ation, I am n��� � ln tl�e 4lelter ��t �� �Iliam end [;Jw•ard Cuwan' . and sC@ lbat t_e p P y. wlnrh hnvr brcn selrctel with Ilie nlmu�l r'arc. .1+�����> VVatr�an Ery ���u tlii:� pn�pertv thric �., a . . OASS2£ 1❑ L}de field :�l.f�D��1�jAtB lUC our su4i�a�e1�. „�i� �1N5c���m_ ��^�'K••,�I��L��K Hnit ��uth��u��e� al! f�OR�_Tl�1�• 1nhUl�•r_nfe. R������' �Q b I s!�311 enter upcn a�f dut�e3 �vith�ut otPr�in; � � � a�s a�d Melodeor�s � � l llJ i.'O. t9 0�� eoe �letoria Q 'fhe Irad�ng nu�•rl��e�ul tLe �r:��c m++y n��y+ lir O�� '1{�d�i�a�• tt� t6i[Urf6 Jay d1 f�iaj^ne�lA �t�+g of Ej� � truslin� to o Ilbecul un�l yeneruus support a� � ,ern in �jPCH, vnne�v at hin rstabli�Lnirut Hr ��� -�,��1 r�l'���' ;:�l"' :� rplr,��l�cl xx•��it�nru� ��I tl.r � s�s to the min;stry of the da� nny factious op- tbe uodrrR��na1 w�tl ap��ly i�� i6C J��da�• �i �t+2 �a.,"�'. r� an �s'ill assisi tu the utcno;t ot mv I ioa hais�ie. ie drleruiiucKl iu plra�+r, if E„�r,�ble, aaike in cLo ce+t Fru;l i rrr�, l, urrain bunhr�, �n rxc�•I- . � Aw,n L tii 8St1� C. �., P`'q t'ua a , 1� ALLT'SE DIFFEREN'IST1 LES. � ��.�,� „„1, n TIII. �O��rt �.f �vi:siosi t'ur the Tnwuslu(� �i eAi� t:onrt wr nJ�r��6nrL'e in�drr the�a�d wet. �p7`i y��Jtt• \� � o ti9 ibC �'.��'Ctl�)C23-t��ti� flOi. Itl 3�� �roG�hl�lt', pricc, qunl�tp and �o�� g,�"J... An�7 ux h�n "' t' t pu��er 1R CtftTfllla OUL tb@ Confedemuuu F y Iut iliue� fur rarr��in� un tli� �Il+inese ure rqual �����r ����"�'r�lN•r �+•���i1�� ��.�rt �•ularlc r:�ll tlie al- l V��UeT:�.fi a�jj� ne jirld :i► E���Imesvi!l�� llatrd at C'finwn, th�e Iht[. day eN� M�rc6, TFpZOTS f0� L�l£ L:�Q3+��. JOId h' sl. �berr,e in o Iibetal s irit. taL-e place .fc,r ���me munths, Blld O i)CI:i00RI � ' trp[Iu0 �d � l��u�li��s ���in•�i��"•i� ��� li"" •.�Ir a�i IfIP � seb lm P , ���lstratAd Gataloguas Free• �u ony hc�u%e in thta dumini��n, I�e c��ntidi•ntt^ Inn, �n �lon�laf thN 2^t� d:ty of Anril next. D.� I��'. �1'ILLIA'�1 CO��'AD, ��iCiDE deslers_ __ __ To e�ery mCaSote Ca:Cu�ated t0 81�'ancc es�nPssss �voald he iiiesE�ed�Mnt, until abqut Ibe ��rlic��s Ihe pnblir tu ci�ll and rxeunne In+rt� ck, prn�x�ni �+ .�� �� �• �� •`� P"�� "� �h�• t���vn, •r.nJ �' ,. • ust ,�. �,- I a ai x� � in e cu e h ur� .. , ut heer � fin for c e l! - �U�1 nlfll CU��'A. . __�_ n�u.•t I��• c„I�; on tlie �.i}' ol +.�1� �t u��t ��r.•Viuu�l) P e � $ $ �� the �nterests �il� �@�i-F��O� ��f the �Jttntp Uf ece of the C(NItABt, MV � huPA tftAt tll ihP �- w2�ich��� coni�,ii.aJ ni ��en ae IuU��w�x, ciz: R9ye58[neOt �C. Q, f�\ Wgj�$S _ VSHI H.�R • -0 anoRN'S�-ft.5. �I'illinm's,'['nronto ` �u•n�•"•�i ��t. A7A1,('OV!' - - - --- - , 9w2m � Haron. ��i)� gi�� mf un�ivi.le� nttepUoo� meahtimC, fDn, �enil�men, n'ill withhold YIiIN"I'., fe�t c�d��ra, in �aiu�nesu v:.r�eiy, : j:,�r trrwe and purticular+ e�riv tu thrrub- J�[�\ Si3.1�C, At+ornev I��r Inso v�nt! �. L_ p. ►9o.rcz' C�rtcha, tGe fir�eatea2 •=�n� and best suFp�rt. �onr names fr��m such re��w�itic ns os nre lY. 7. Cos, Es�., (3oderie6, whe �ill sup fr.,m 10 to 20 crntn per �•r+rJ. •`'• N JO y�ri��. 'j�uwucUiE� Clerk. Qiaiar m tae w,•rt�l, w.:; (.�ne R'ntyl'ersur ht�» . 'j0e1�a�AK��eS. FANCY URl:�S (il�(�llti, scar�•rlV Pqnallyd 9; w93 Insolvent Aet Qf 1864a ��� j� �,�, L,;, �b� .,;,,.,.��,r,i i3�.• �v �•d�a; ! sha�t be a=i advoc�te f��r economc in the nuw bein� iodustriou,�y circula:ed in t`�e p �an'j$S �,jiia���+ \f:�re'� _ th,_]BGT. __ obltc senicP, s� fs� as mnr bv cotu�otible K��in� t� m��ct u� ltriti;h ,rachc�, nnd one _ m thi9 aecuon in +tylr uu� yualuy�, lrum lU t�� 5u �uc iuucer. y�� tnv�o to fa�L 3ar.p'e (.,r trzrl sent fere p � � I ceots, per yanl, 7� i dDlArant3�t'ail+��7ua �,� Egents_ siJd.rrss a,ith tho:oc�h cfiiciene� :� s���1 e�lvocxte that I hoDe �i!! uevrr �r�vail «•itl� ('�n,tidian G��a�•ri�•L, 2G .li.�r.h, 1�fi7. w9�d � �� `� � Prov�ac�e �,I('snada1 N the ('oua�y t'��n*1 ��! �c� �. Co.. ��a-�� ",� Y. ' fwir, fr�C, ar�d honor n � C� R Y S� L� 1.US'L liEg A\ D I'(713U1:GS, in all �ra�es. -- ---- -- L r� � 1/\ r� tL 1,..' j� L�_�. Cuuuty uf Hurun. ( 1 the �'uuntp ot Unwu. �;`p teitcrs tsrru uole�s pre�*axi ) w� � 9cC� fi��ernu��rc in tQe ct�.itom9 a:ial rSc;se I E'ector�-Who �+size A V�� botA �olorrd nnd pinin. _ t l•J 1 lu the �'1�tter.4 Hrnr�• Haackr, an losui�rut duu«; ss wii! be ¢�ust bene5cial to the Au��ts �Dlr comest fnr 3bovA aud befon� n mere BLBA(:HED �1U"I"tU\8 �•crs, very chrap. * �y ru�;ce ie n�rrbv ��ven thai „n M�nd��� ihe T_ __ snd n3tans �f the �re:,le�t number ot the iu- I tempornrc �o!.tte�►1 tr^nmph;, u"d ence und. �F fr��m IO eent+ p�r ��nrd. •NO�l�i�'1 l�`� �(�QL 1T�0�%t�ii►5• ���iIF. Suh�cri'•et ofTers the fo�1c�,wtn,�, land �wPntt'•seventh unS o1 MA�� next, et the h��++r ..t ,�jg _ N��n� 6�bita{�ts, keepin�� in virw the mainteiTaoce ��ill refroin (rcm �lyd�in„ ���ur io�u ^ rI W1!)H' F�C"1'Ui{Y CU'1'YUti�, 1}�u� S cent� ten ot ibCclock, in the ���ren�n�n, �•r ae Hk�n as �Of�eTs iieaA r � sa oct tu at op` onf'nt, unEi1 in the Canvesa I11uR[�,� T��1 �� ���s - f�vr sale� �•iz :- wuue�rl can b� bearcl. thes uiiden+�gned m�l! applp ti n'.�.-� ►a,zr+cse� 3^C 9 f+r s�v wmi ser.- *rm�t> ; of Lhe ,uDl:c CredtG PD y �' V� U�J (1 U 1J J 1 0 YY 11 . PFr }�nrd. TIII�: vnrl�rni�r.r�1 wowd h��� to infnrm hir t., theJ ud�e uf tl�e csaiJ �vurt tu� a du�c4erge uu- ��.-�sm �¢t,�m� a=� +ru�--+' '= b a���' TEe publie debt-m;ulAtion cC trnde, nnd and throuah���t t6e C��ctc��t. 1 shu'! have nn iv TLL� II�- �evernl bnlea cclrt�ralFcl Cnnn�iinn �1anu- 1 �us���mera :+i�d the � ub{ic thnt lir ���li A Farrn in Tuekersmith, drrt►ie saiu Act. !e� �'��*"`"a",� �; ��'I `•fe �"'i �"� '" de�elo meot of ComrnerCe-the �*ostn) �e�� �pportuoit�, be•f�re c�u, of ineetin� him f:i�P - (actu�rd C��Uun� I��r .ale, ei�her Ly �hc b:yle or ena��� �����.���D th;E c��ar, Ae f�uud t�erannxl.� �a�+�^ c,�� � i,-v� "-�+ ��r, „`y�lt� I � , � I3einn lut 2'l, con. 2� i.uron Sarvey� I00 (Co.lerich, 19th D;arch, A. D., 1f67. ,�,�� � u,,.�.k,� s� ch� m��a�u;rire„i3 mC vice-the enlar�ement und impro�emFnL �f to faee, eapinicing n�f viecrs and ezp�undin� r�'t �N OF �GODERICH• at retail, et whulwnle En��•ea, j;� ;�tten�lance tit ihe 1Vuol CwrdinG and Cl��th• e�rNe, 7a oC which are ouder cultivatioii. W• �'• H�Y� be4 �� + l� BhnWls, S6frting �' - -- _ ���;` �x�,:,r c.:t,. c6ilil:rn u. �� ; ��� ;nland . a�ter rommunieatiCa �vi;hin mc prineipteg. aod vou ehal} have h3d an �p- _ � Tlie lan�i ia uf exc�•llent qual�ty� well water � Atlu�neY fvr (na�IvefrlA: .��,yg�d¢¢�er��ssa+++R •Rc ���mju.•ry;.• n:id :rv� �s�isr i� . - •� �'16bUC•� . ToH•C�u�b 1;1� hil�tlrlPBa 8t 1f1C O�� BtJtl�d� � IDr[ 8�11�:F� �,�t_�,,,,_.�,,,+.,,.;.�,;,�-t„ m„?�t'•+��P-.trvn, lanads--�be Ii.ui��ra�-s-a�.d �c:iera:lf what portunitf o.f thnc �+idrin� of our r�spPctive un ��I h�iy new fxc•tnn• in 7'u��'n he c�mpleted. ed, and wit6 hardwoodUmber, T6e '�'own- 1\'SULS'EN1' ACT OF 186-�. �� �tyy,T,1y� �p n',.sv:_-'T'�e h�;toann� � U�t1�1CAU0II8 fU[ the hi��h ttUSi N8 9@N:: fll �'i8nll� ���Uth� �������cny ����n e�er �i;ln.dvanee tha welfarean<i importance q o L�;,$� t�\T to a I)ecrce and two orders H�hbunR �1�Weeda and�'hacin�t ha�l �he m�chinery c•onuertrd 8�,��„known to be one of the besi in Up�er �� Kp ��� �R, ,tu,nP,,,Q, ,�.,n�+c,,,m, a:ut ,tri��r• � ' (;a,rKda for fxrming. Un the lot there ie n Provroce a( Cenadn, % In tFre C��T��P coart of tLe ��Q��� ts„�: .���a:�„�,,,,.,C+,re: ��s-I of the [►om:a�oa of Ca.aadx� nhall recei�e m� your hands p����e in a cer(ain cause pe�dino in t6e ��!k� C.,twnades witi� th�• sacue put in g��od �turkiu� order un• - ��,� �=Fn�u�, ,�ir,�•-,.o t�3it,, :��c�� p;rc�« at � besi aiWction. J[eantime. I bave the hvnor to Ue� Vrlcr�c llnllin� der his n« n���r<o��ul su���rir.t�•u�icncz� au+- ���� fr,.me h�ru-e, frame barn� ���d out- Gaoniv of Huron, � c��vnty of Huroa. �uur1 uf Cl�ancery of G�nml�ama lieutu� kv Jcao !n t6e Meuer ot 1'eter Ftrnith and (irorge Cou�ts uesn�e, � �a :�< <�:5 s"::"-°'r��' °an�""' "r I I a6a11 t�►h-e nn ee►rly onportenity, befure Geat!�men, T • tornere may rrF � u;�uu sutisCuctr,ry �� ur��na��. hu�Idir�Ke to cuireaNund. Alsu a rood ur� ,� yie bei�•ammr�rn: �,m� u..�:� � x.���+������- T�nr m�stnh��ii •nt ��rsnnt. GIIi130�13 Pa. FiI TGIII�SO�� Plunnel8 1lruni�s j es cupart+,ere aud Peter�trauh, iuN�vi�ivally, ��e �: �, �, �,r ��„� ,„,� �o��s, ,u��,r� � the etect�ons come ofF, of vEs�t3o� the princ�� t3tnnktlta lte;:atta F�iirUn� sbi�• c6a�d, uf �0 brariug treeF. josolvenLa. vresat,� n.���- �j�s�g�«�n. �� �' al locsliuts ii e9c6 munici s�tt and thcn .�t. ('. C.la1H:LCU`, there �vill be aold �L Pablic Aueti��n� h� y,�vier �wrt�oq �eripa► N]3.-Tn rc•turrinl tl�sul:x ior ttiie liho�;il Uo the tl�irteenth da}•ofAlap oezt, at tea oft�Er �r�.- .� , _ , � F - P° I. Y, �+ �. �„���; �;,,i,,-n,,u�.��n.,:g a�c ot I Got�erieh. Uarc6 l�t��, 1�6i. wnR, �;I�,vPR '1'��•����� sup����rt of f„r.ner v�•a+'s in the ahnve t,�;; FARMO �� WfORR es�:n�a m vieRs on an sub�et�s I�{:elv to � c{oclt, in the forenonn, t6e underai_-sea wi ap- �. � p j ' . _ _ GEOR,G� lYI, �RUEMAAT� .�q,����,��,:� �,a<.,:;�.':� �:sser�.i �., ta•• �t+�:� come bt:ure the Eloase of Curr.mo�.s. ., Tiimminge PluunCis ne�w, h�- h„J,�s i,y rtri� t:�ttPn��on to t6� s.�nie RFin� 350 aErPt+. eomr�osed o! S. � 3 and 4. P�S to the Jddye ot the�-aidconrt, at hiachamber'; �e ocu.�c �r.�s :a•'n nxi:� `�'"a'•�� �'°'°. ana j base L�e bonor te be ` A U CT I O IV E E R,. ( ���a•klc� Curtaina lo still rrCeive a sha�e �f �•uhlic au•nnn_�P. �n the 1�own ol l;odericL,�n sa�d couut�, fur e ���r� cl���c t3e � ft�`��tt�` ��^ 1 yH` � � � 2u0 acres } 25 acrns noder culttva d,�,har�e onde� the said Act. �� �c o�,��,�. .a b�,,,.,�,-r, ,, �'„s.., iqi �r oeaer Gentic men, T o t h e I n d e p e n d e nt H�,�� ������ W indow Hullat�d� con. � at hia c\uctiuu Jl�trt, iu lae To�Fn o{ (iod Hag�;in� d:c.. btc•., �c. T�it)�+. LU�AN. � t���p 7-�„� �and bein� of first qoality this is a paeed �1Oodench, ro tne Conoty of Huran� � �ro,--a., u, �nc � � �r< <�;m }'oar faiihful serca_�� * Guderich, 2:ith, �is►rCli, 1f�Gi. �Flectors of the S�u�+� crictL on Balea of'�;rain Fiags in Luth cottun anil linrn _ _ H��f �uo9t d�•SirBblu (arm. 1118n u. 3 19 Con 3, th�s aCc�uddaV of 11.arcu.A U.� ISb?. �• t:s�� �=��i°:' t.e `�r-•." •° ,�"�,•„°tP° D. H. R��(�iH�E. D r !�aturd:tf� 13t1i ui .�pri�� 1 RC?'� �•rry chraD. 1�U ncres. no � earm� ; a�d iY. ?� ofS � IA, �N:TER aftt�lTH aed !�;=�op � LTY1-�- �c�C3-•IdG. C- �� �. ss'9U are �he LapfieiJ, Tocse,sb:� uf 1t3ctIPP� iLl�ng �1 �ur�II� �ith the np(nubatiun cf [lenry A1»eUermult� ` t c�n 8, �0 aC�es� all best quality of land. �'�R�'��'���p a� re aod ���.�. . , Hats and ��ps in Endlrss `'arirt` ! In tue SurrobateCoart Covut} of IIuron. �. g,-r�s �Y N<�«�a' �-•-a '�=^•=� =�'g"� 30t6 Jt[ur�h, loG:. � �clltf G�; �'TLE.iIE.� :- � �.4��•, JI:►ster uf the ani�i Cvurl, at Godrricl�, � 'ferma rcae �nuhle. IndiepntablP l�tles. For pETER S?RAI'iH, �odid�duafl�: ����s ��,;�;� ��ly���� �u�:.r:•�r- I . the fuiluwinb valuable Towo I.ote, beirg A r� i7 � '�1 - Fiac�n, rnceived tbe nom�nation nt tUe . e ,� „ �j I� U 1 11 1�f U. �1C E V��t�ce il�at t�e wi(! a� thr ex�rrati��n pa�ticnlars aud tertrfs a�plv to M C. CAMERUN c! 4� �"�a.�a,:i• � rs e. r r� �shece. w Vi 6m f �` . -— --- -- Cvnveniiun hPld iu Clintoo. on the l�th inst., 3�ibdivisioo of Lota 2 ond 3, io Con. A, -- 1„t 'I wrutv a�}•� In��n thr d:+le herrut anpl}• �L�:Y. C4�: PRELL� �olicitorfor Insolveuts. Sm hElT ��f;Lt58 ti��D�t I1 lormerlp in the to�voehip of Goderic6, now to th�� 1�nl�r ��fthe �urro�ete (�ourt ol tt�r ���un- let 22� 'lnd cn��. Tuckerem�th. IN30LVE�iT oCT OF 1864. T� � ._ 10 the Free anel Inde� ��form Cs�di�iate for the Lr;;�s�:►tive As �� �he 7'own of t)uJerich, kno�vn u� t6a ,��!►. � R p C E��. I�l � �' Seaforth p o.� Aiarch�, 1�G7, w9 3m tt-of Ilur�n, tnr te�tern ul ��uerd:aush� ovrr t t ;embly ot Untari�, !cr `oath fIur�n, nnd � f��� CL3rbE,S son tinrvev. J • per+��n n��d r�tatr o( Jaiu't E��agl,e�n �IcNr� .- Province of Carada. Ia the Coant'Cour� endent IIeetors of the `h�vin� accc�+te�i the sam�, � am no��' prPrar � an tnlant un�lrr ihr aee ��1 twrnt�'-our yi�rs �i�`� -'S •i p ed to tak� the 6eld, and 6uEn to receive p Viz. :��u�n Lofs 1, 2� 3, 4, u� G, 7, F, H,�esh��ads of99uecovado �u6'sr, cer}� �•heap. ch�lJ ul llirla�r Hrctur 11ci�ril.Jeceacrd. Connty of Hnrou. of Q1fe Gootf •Oi CC�llebrated Female Plils- � I � 9, 10, 1?� 1: ; 14, l:i, 16, 17, 1t3. 19. 20�,21. �p K�rrrly biontr�al Hetinrd Sugari �en• E1.1'I.At;�:TH �HA�V, D E f11 T I S T F� Y• ia R'�t' �orot�' � �j .. libera, �orport. D1oih�r of aaid infent. Ptejx:red !'*� a FTestn?tt°n °' �1r .l' jy �/L �h �Id� of Hnran � ����, '13 1� � i Yt�, '�7, 'L�. 23.30, 3'�, 36, 37, c•hCnp. In the matter ot �obn S•ewart, a'h Iasol�enf: � � As the elecuon will not, probably, take � +"� ' ��TANTED �Y &IK. �1CHnL�ON a Yonne . 4'(a7'l�e, D-.P1tt�'ician �s'ttaut�t�f"�r :3�, d0. -1'�, �:5, d4. d�, �lG, d9, �iQ'. ;,1, 62, IO KarreJp I'rut•rn Luxf au� �round Sngarv, JAA]F.� FHA1�1; ` � �, tS7' ., � . to fhe 61ueeA- GE\TL�uE�i� ��nce f��raome tirue, I shal! be �hle ut the �,� �� Nu�band ��f�aid hliz:�brth : baw. Mgqnf'gua! ndJrea��. Nho �a Jer�r+ua ol N the tweotf-fifth day of Apri nextr t_8 propc�r peri�d to make n personal cu�r�'ass of ��;� ��� '•'• �b• `i71 J,•�J, 6� 61, Gti. G:i, rer�• cheap. �, c, �;. N1�-C'AUtidEY, thrirAuoree �. � y � rtaJping drntistry.:rPpl)" bY lettrr prepa�d� or �u apde�iiaued will apply io th@ .TndgC o¢ ti [�if3,er :,rdinsro circu-nqtancPs the term �he I�idtn�• �rhen, at mePUngs to be �ppoint ��+ s�, GG, 67, �`�, 1i9. 71 i2� 7a. 76, SD� An i�nmron� atocL• vf Tra, em �racin„ :- Dx��,� a� �en1�,��h, ivva et 6�a euuuu�vver lhe Yosl Udicc� W�est 1 ouo� IIywo, (,un rou �t,�� �si �ay ot a r�� A.D. 19G7. 10:a3t �" ' the �sic7 Conrt foradischa ae ebfl+er ttie sat ih��ncs:vahlr me�,riac �� anCn.:.a_ in t r � • . , �� ;�1. `�Z� �3�, �G. :�i, �3. h9, 10. 91. 92, �J;i� 94 ,� ` � � � , �tr��,(iudencR. W�oE �'h,,�.e pu,nsul and d:.n:'esvu-• d�`ea� �f t6e preseat j rori�tcex� I arl�a�er�t would Fd, the v;C��s r>f bath �urties can be hPAI�� � � __-� w?tf �t• � tu w�:ch �he tr=z.are .-�a�.�ut�on ,s •a��}rc�. It � sermcnate �n a(ea. dnve, but sin� the last apd coni d• and an the meantime, I trust 9'� g5� �7. .�-', 99, 100, 101. 10�, 107. IOR; J�pao� SouCl)cn�, 12th Mar.•h,'It367. - �' 109 1 L2, 113, 114, 117, I t3, IYU, L l l, � zz. Court of RevisYon. I)ated �t tfle iow� 6�` �'iatlericCii, im ti � �tCl3u@=a•yg�n�jR,•jBUC�IIHJYlr[�9ClIaMP7 ,,e�Prat Flectson, vert preai policical gnd f�oo p�(I oot pledoe yoiusrlvea by requisition � � 'rwanka Pekoe� di�C.� �. -LIST �r LETTERS `eonnty of Hurba�� t�iie 19tL day of C�'e6ruzr» s�te�dp �afe mas be rrleCd o� cuosututiona� Cuan�e5 have is�cn piace.which ot othervcise to au} o:6er c:►c,did�te. 1.4, 12•i. 126, 1`27, 12A, 1'29, �30.�135, 136, S� ' Remaining in Goderich Post �Ce� Gn g- D- 2867. TO MAR�IED LA��ES ca�1s for an ieamrJiut� diss+�lution of Parha� I hare t6e bonor to be, 1:i7, 138, 139� 190� 141, 1�t3� 141, 1�15, 14G, COFFEE of rarious qu�litris. TO t�le �u1tf 8'QiS of tl�e Town 01 . JOiiN S?E�%g�i': i!•� peeniiarlp •a�t�. 1� �c�al, rn a a:�ort ume, ment atid 14R. P� the 20th A1arcL, 18f1f�7. TO�S kD�OUS+�' Genttemen, Cn��enis �'«�P�A* • brnre o:s tec moutb�p t►�t�od ��'h'^�"�°^;s "I'hese c6an_e3 csere f.:Qnd necesmry, in � our most obe�ient spr�ant, TheBC ��� arc near the ahore of Lake gai•�na Alusta�tf Guaerich, Armstrono Jamea Kerr Thomea $olicitora tor Insc,l�en{. b�v2a! �� �TtFr� P�e (h�e t�,[iar. ber.nthe Goe- Haron,.and arz , verv d�sin�bly eituatFd for R� � `���� � Ai'.E :�oti�r, that il�a Cou�t ol T:evir��n will g��g �y� ���� �ta�p ai (':reat Kt�tu.n to tevrnteoun- ��e4acnCE uf t6� manf d�thc�lties an�in, ROBEitT GIBBONS � � y SAs� r ' � RSCOD A. Ci. p � baildino ur ���s. 1'be reCeAt didcover of ����5 hulJ us 8�+t miellug nn Tue.v)a •�hr 3ttth -�Solve�ct gct of 18�4 ��;�, ont ot tLe pror:er earrctn; cx�, uf mfponsible � , 3nit in �he nei�hbo�hood �riil no donbt have ('ioder:eti, S.arcl� 1J:h 1�G7. K8 e ��i�c.� �s.enrer+ in�tant, at halt paKc7 u rloek, P, 9., at tl�e Beekett A. Lawe AleZan nr Loutat Jam�,s C�L`Tin�- ::��ernmPat a•�drr the L�r:inn ict of i�It3. ___ ' l'orn �tnrch �����ncil � hamber� wn�t will the e hrarall caserol Burus Uavid �� .�= P�,'1 <hrsu�d ,�c ir r�r� �v ���sr�lc.r dn'�ag 10 I'���.i a('��:+ it�nn (i �cernc�e;i� va� fhrm- —" lLe effect uf rx��dlp tncrensin�� ihe populnt:oo Prp�er� e F Yicllre �tarch Ap{x:ul Aoaiunt the As•r�atrrent I�r the preecnt genett E Si�' rison Anooa at� FIR � 1 TSP. F. E_�10.�"TH� o/ P�'$ Pd f��r t hP ,�ur����e .,f dr� i�in � a remedy f� i 1 ' o( the loa'n. La�ro ��Ue �•ear. I3radn� Jo6o , Dia�Chiaon A /n the mat�er o,� uhaslea Days� d9� ���' waacg ���v �„ 'L'° "`'•"`= °A �i"""- ;ae esiytic>> e��i;, aad 3 L�i��n uf the Y,ritiab �� E S� S�� C� 1•:ach lot �ritl be rtit u� eeparnte}v, t68 J:��SE� TiJnVI�•)\,Town C'lerlc. �ary:inr• Suda l30 •ti Aia l►1i�sa Altddleton Chutle8 aent. v�,;��; �,n,�m�,���rlc.�z.e..'t.. ' , � arch:Lser et 1�e'time of axlt ahs►!1 pay Luh+trr• L� untice �*.�lench,April t+t,lw�,7. 62«wAt ) �' -�BMtnJu6n Yvinueoftbeass�l�ontpvestediome,• aaltc�'u�e *�„ \��rth .irn• : i:�u 1 roti•inees �:v j r�,.��.scd avd P - 9 -- - T- Klbir �'Frr. (2) B u(the esutec�ftheaboce named tIIEO�VC711� u,uicr !o n:: ca.e .f �er�.,�-s a�Nf �n�na' Arirr+��nc. t pccn o deposit eyu11 to £10 Cor e¢ery �100 vyraps Nntm�•� Patcss ie t�r�c: a�l L�m�. Fat:_ �e un e:�_o+. { e;�P� I n�.��. , - Bennett «'m biCDoR9gb �i' wepn,vis��uff5e_aboceact 1 sha11 offer for ewle �ti i4 ltCy bLC.r tt'C. — ��„fl, ya;�!at:nn . i�or tiCart, H�Ker,� nnti � of tte urch�se mouep and u�u�'ic•ient enm Mulaa,u;s Fg�,� TO SELL OR RENT� Camphell Bn�ns McEwen 6 Ju6n the Coart Rnom, �� the Toaa'c� oftiodcrich,ou 3'�eatlso. I (� n<, r r t h�.; ar-, r � e m. N n t�r � a re t o ha = a p � ihe iwet}th Bay of Februars ueas, � Tarelre o�cluek y F within t�o w•eel�s aft� r�'e snle ta mn�e un ('+ t Wtn�s,�h� Y� . w<<1 ed�c a e�t.e ���-r �+ ('e.P-al i.�•.iY;atur� an_3 x LOCa: Le"�3Iti1[1CP. �'Q�i�✓('i�s �F A�I, t�R3D�S 1 __ CarknffCatl�erin�fisa'.�.cConnellJamee �i) „�n,aucher���,t�si�eeaudunereciotthe�iu�ntc=as�. nt'srr maeaA� tsace Ca�tai : an�f aiino�rh e;x�x- i�_ (� fvrmer @o �ace �har�e ��f mat�era ot one fuurth Of t6e purChuse mo�e)', the bs►I- rea,�v, �3.� nc�E cV�iein �n>n. �-at.,mr=. an � ,• , � � `�-T�` ance to be seeared b� mort�a�e, p:►ya61e in . � � i OT til"Jll;i:Ei A, in the fonrt�enth Cerke Jamee U balde�stpoa Aleg ��To�°°e1 p���°���T��� ��ls�e.�s� � f� �a Genersl li.t�rea•-: atirctin- the �-uited I�c- L;��� �'.�I�,R,Il1.lJf1J�� . � r'le�d and 4arden �:eede. �a.z�-. vran:-t5�a= nu�tu. t.� r�rr...e�+;:tu����a. �. , pnd t}:e :atter lo hsvC C!�ar-� - IJ e.on�, e,,i��n of the Toacnehip of' �5'c�K•• l`arrol Jamee coLtauun�iwoacrea,ba the E.�nGTEIn it�. . three ei]ual peacly �af inenta x �th ieileces3 at phjli :�1'm I11r8 �� ,sedof �ftoi numben�enty=to�inc�caFioa taEt ��mi�oca� �n er.r :+$�.F•..:rc acvuo� ezcS v�^eP . ��f L�eal C.atthesaidTocensMpol'7'urnbe .witbtLtbbniidm611 ���._ �,�,�ti .j,,,, d�,C •-a,etn.:y � ert�. m�t�-s. eight per eeotum per annum, the mortgrge . a�nch. 7'1�� farm eonsists of aPcentrei�ht Col'tins q � P � ��r th� l a�te� `���a� � anac:a+, "�,+;er t?,ese ei�cvm�.ance� I t:a�P con " to be prepnred hy t6e `'crdora Solicitor ; i�r� ebe principle uft6e liu�i �ess �s : CasL � r' ;��ncedthi�i is �ood hardwoodrlandeaod wela Cant,l� T6�omaxe(2) RAes E A�Jd� �2) �'�`�°�`��."��O`°D� ��e�e�eL 5vie are�t .. L 5. PULLQCIC. ��)a }il��F:�. K.�ches4er. ��.��. ��.P,j ni t!:e rv�u?st of ms�y� �srm f �rn� G I�- S� •�t the expeuie of tlie nurchaser, in otGer � Fhr `uLscriber tx��e to acknuwled�e hi.3 f �' ; �, g__ �.� aasxi s�z po-ea=r +c�cae�'. cnr'.�rd �� ,,,;;.icui creeds i�� oar rid�n� t�, becume respects the conditions of s:�ie a�ill be t1:e ���anL-K G�r the vrrV [1•�u�•rr•� rrcurn�v��u recri- �a�e�p�', Fur part�culars app�y t�� Uropen T�umas m �� �on �� m (�mctal AFai„nee�sU&O�rC1a,��� lo! H.� l� S oE � f e CI RGS LAWSU1T. Cullina'fhomas Ca�t. � �rsocd Eo anv an?so»aev a_ent w;li io.�re a EW:t.e con- 3 Can�3edate fc: t5^ L�enl I.etis!ature of 3tandin� coqditions of the Cua*t Ot Chancery ved fur t6e� p�sat, and hopce thr conduct uf th� lsodetieLr, S�iHtfel,ttlt�9. { ta:sagnnv P�;ts.t.: �C'arn ma�i: Dunsters'seor�e Smit6 A d 31isa � i t 3 E:� I' E 1 K� Y� L��i ��, S�nr r'�iin�, a�.d us one n hu hse re��deJ a t O r s � u"d mas be ob+ained apon oppJicatioo nt ti�e �,oy�p�r tnr the hrture will be sur1, nK to mrr�t Don�+ehaa �obert � Sut�erland Ang� a<i:e t:- �Y• zrarsnt ma�� ea>s ia the nc.rth ndino� ar�d wl�o a n d P e r a m� i u l Iata U ff tce o f J t e ssi e urs �uma &, Uoore� in cunt�nurd G�v�re. Ao ed�rl will I�e epareJ tu �I;o, tn rPot i► �&rm of 6ftp acrea, Cleared ��a� � o g�o�on Geor,�,� T6e �bove saie is postpoi�QB {r�1 `�'nc�l�; tiea�c , ,_ . F and ie�.ce�i. Apply to � t4►e ]fii6 da bf � it n� at t be a bore t i o i t the Tp��n of (:o�:ericb, vn� t►t tbe Chainbere 8z�� �a� �oaia Cheap. a3enc tore•aRa?a. tb�e� e dtep interest in its welfare, I hepe i� , • AF� in�prcti.,n iasoli.�ted on lLe part oC intcnd- �q�g��j L���SOv. Ell�ott Aaue 14iise S�6offield 5Ir �a �a�•7 P� S� pp�V�& f the s�id 1laster. iu hu cra. • w10 L''��iutt Jobn sm��Y �"��8��� P �i �� � y�a � r,Q„�rt;�y �,� pa���- .L- ('att:e an:i e:eceed ncver to betrt,f the Vwt coofided to _ � , 8 �� � 1larch 27ih, 1RG7. Faulkner Jeremis6(3) �ora� Mr '� F.Ju�ian: ('•ai-i;Q.-r ,�c ('.>.. Barhr;<i ; Jamr. mp IIE:VI►� !��CTl1:IZ��T�, JDHN HB.RRES• - - KGu:4n:fl. Ei..a����:.� ; 1 F'.�-Icarl.F:srlrr : J E1. Sr` I,�;':,;:, a-e to su}���-t the l�an-?� o� � hi�ter. � Einla John Schroder n'm Goderich.Teb. I2, 1$6fi. w�t$� ., 6 "% Y CosuD�. 0', a:,a S; )e`.h. !'''"�"�, ``•c"T'�, L""`- t��e coa:iti�,n in carrcin� o.,t 6U!lY3tI ti�e in- � hus ju9t re- lS.l �� I'. TOSI3. -- Coderie6, Corner of Mur�et S��. aud ��est �-�A�'__l 8 •• Fiuiae �m Thompy�n Hehrj� esoar, E. H:c�wn, �a:�,r�n. acn3 �u Sirdieier -, Y H E SI; B�C RI G1':I: w29 IN$ULYEI�TT ACT OF 186+� tent�nns of the (jnebec scheme, aud also t-� � -+ITTT'3�'+S of the srvetal Division COtitt1 (�u��caii6 Daniel `I'!�ompsun Jessie �' iss � x3:-iv frc�ah so �) ' of' the above j Vendo� Solicit�r. J Str�et. lat �1Fril 18G6. �p.�.. cci�TeJ a t867. ��`�-3t _ _.. , � — au�pnrt 6 r.e�t men aod 6o�rst rnea�urPs, r E 3 ' D�tr d t his 2:it h o f M» F c b, � G l e e s o n � d i v a r d �' e l s h John " and to do a'1 in mc h�:m b1e abilitv to :�. �hich he �r'il! s�ll •rt _ __ __ furthe Countp o f E iuron. �Filson Jo�o P�� i a� o f G� n a d a i a t h e C o a n t v C i o� t# o� � � � � � � , Uilmore ThumHe C o n nt y o! flnrom � t�� �onnty of S�� �� � -�ao� �f m�ulern met!�ca! °�ce the ir.trre�ts� of p��ar riding and thc • �ort ga ge Sale of �ands• I o t h e M a t t e r o f F. W. #�'� n b m��� �o�o e� �7� ,m�.. — _ � � � �' o � � � � � tst Dasision, G��derii�h, Dlooday, 27th Dtay. Haiman Edwerd R:a,iers J '�S Dlisa (2) d�s� ��enP� s ta�� �� e �e�fare of thi3 ms na+�ve coaat y. ;� � l Oth " Clintnn Tuesday. 2$th `' I Higgins Ed��ard �eat. 1 am well ac r�uai�ted with man y in t!�,_ �� R y L �� R A I� S� � �YH�se D'Iar�aret yliaa O Q � b� E� v e n t 6 day* o�. i s a e a t i� a t tea t;arAUtlti P�1C DE�TR(�i' E P.' rid�n_, bnt 1 ieai; shnrtlp make' it mv hus F F d L� L T 6 a v i n� b e e n m�tde in t1�� pa y- _� l�,d t' Se:.furt�� VYednescl»y L 2 9 � h a i H a n � a h J o h n Duwne e Hate l. l ieir A o n i e 4 f i s� •��'er���� �*� o f t 6e e loc k in t he fore o o o n� t b e n a��� As a Fau+i lv � 1��ifle, �t :s coeit aed fac<�n'vl�� iness to co'! m�••�in �s u� vnur dif 3'erent to�vn •� ment cs( �iorgage m+de by Thomsa 13• m�E Subsc�ibcr hns received in9lruCtions y- y� \yi��]a�8 Jane �1Sr8 ftaovn. se=�in3 t�ii°-"°=�s from pa�oi ie ihe b� $ whF•n I rh ill rz lain tnv �rinci ies in ' �'ant:very and �ieor�►C }�am ba l t (an d t heir � j �to offer for ea le 1 1 t'.i °i Ain l� yville. 'Fharsdvv, 30th mny. liern- Ant6un 2) wi11 appli fb t6s Jnd�e of ti�e esid Conrl. a� g��, �ac�a aail head.�'oa�hs, Co!*�o,=�re inro�s, g� P .� �' FO R CASH, Rives jotinin� for the purpene ot Garrin� �th �' Lseter� S: turdnp, let June. at KO&��1 AtD08 LZC9 Whiteiv R o bt E irs ��hs��� �n L e T��a ����� � �.� ('ran, �n tie �to-nac6� �ietail aud h�pe t� meet other asrfirants for QII i118 18th day Of ��� �Sfi7� Drew's liot�l. , Al$CHIB�I.D D1CR8UN aid Coautp, for a�iac�s�$gd �der t�E � „pra,os, B . p'� , t d oWer�) beu�in � d�te th� 22��d September. •� m p�st iNa6�Cj. Ac� • 9 E�,e� �n�Tbus,t�v+�otery, Ko�e1 corfl- &onors w};en cna ean bsve an rrpp��ttonitf of g�2. f� }'�Ilowing propc+rfy aitl be eotd � TAE It6 �� R:►jfield, D'[o+da v, 3 r d June. _ � ,j,a�, K�n,s, �c3;.t�• �roaz tS�tr�, o3�in as w the res cLve ca bi�ities ot � � 6tb `� Dun�a000n, 1'ueada�, 4th " patpd at(�a�i��ini�e�:dtinfy�f�T�l p� Ste., �:��., ��. '' g � � � ����nr�� Aoction at G. �. TRUE31nN�. gII�,ON AIIG�.'ION DIIART. � . che candid:st�. At 10 dcloek a. m. each day. Township �f Cel O%n�• � 28thdaj �-?�• ���-- ��e (;9�AD1�� Pdl� UESTI.�)YEK �haP I map ea that I am an admirtr of Breti�h At7CtiOq ROOmB� OD 1V@ �T �-- �. AB�d$i��1fiL� �: a� n5t� tor a fe!s2th n: Ume. s Seeona da� uf April next at 12 noon� � I'riday� 29t1� 111arch, 18G7. ► HF Cnart of I�e�isian of e AsneesmPnt �1 ��b1�t=#: ��w �D �fQ� a i Coni P2ioo and am rE ared at an time t� ` � ' a:�d whe:eree use� is xr{I 1�6ed, nrcer fai.�o� , � P Y _ �wQ''VQi O elock i�oon� (S-d) 8 13RC1IIGR� � � � �� a��,�aa�io�;Qe permaaeui ret.af05en fi;bt in the t:eld or in r,np ot6�r sp6ere in _ under the powers contemed in the said,Mort � �' �I. C. GA'.�1�ftOi+T. �t „�� aa.i We pa�c nrser k��o�n a s�ngte life, to ma�nta�n that eoanea�on. if not presionaty disposed of, that J-. C. C. Huron. itn I of the `�R���i',ra ern` �m't6 e �lici�r fot �n3olteu� . 1►�$2�R � WHEELS OR SR-RINCS, ?A�e v�z: Lotrunni�onamberOneThoosand - wiil be hrid at Nra. caseof di..-�l�dp+�n `RtiCre the ��recliooes ha��r I rems►io ge��tlemen, • ���a F�>�y ei�ht, on t6e Harbor Flat in the VAL�%%�Bj.E $T��� I certify the nbnve to Le a true copp tts ����� �i� M���dap, the 8th da] of April� si � PTQper� • fuU*��+n�l ; but, on �he caotra Le ani Ypprg maat ubediently, ean b¢ tiad soparata, if reqoired. • t�9 �lOY[ of LCO a C�OCl{� b. iII. TgE 01�DEST ���j�L+�'���� 2� ,�,.; � 1 e� �v;;,ti ,ce o p e r ae,ons, and qpr - aaid '�'oNn of Goderich. Teru►s cnsh or credit. g�tDBted on Lot No. 96G� facin� the Court eut,�rrd ir� the I?ivision Court Becord BuO� .' J���S ���SLEY, t� ��� t��� o( ite viRurs an d maD ea l a� w� TO�RANCE fl�YS. T. J. �i nUROUSE, Dee d t o b e g i� e a u n d e r l 6 e p c� w e r s c o o t eined fl o n s e s q n a r e� s s n d now oCca p ie� bp '�irs. pursuu�t to the Statute pt��. L T Z � � F� S, _ P Townslup C1Qrk. IN 'I'����+ b, p � , S' i y n�• l Q� c e I 3 o o 1;, a n d S t a t i o n t r � S t or e. �� ���rt�ssge For fnrther narticulare apply to Nrarnick. Thie is oae of the beat bueioess �-�ETk �C t6� Peace� Huron. • . R•'�p � e a� e a r f r v m e z p enen C eln t hts m a u e s. h a v- C� o t l e n C d ri f 5 I F� 6 7. w l l t f F j. S H A D E G O U D I V( i; � n o d s i n t 6 e T o� n o f f r a d e ri c h. The build• A pril'1, t,867. �� �f�d � Lh,,.oa;��y, and tneretore �ho�e who (7oderich, Apri l 2� 1 8 6 7. el0 Sokicieoe for h' Iort��¢ee• �;�� � nParl� new. we l l bai l t, an d a e a t l y 6 t- O ff► r e o f t h e C i F r k o i t 6 e P e a c e, t ar� an fferin a tn.m any o� tee evmplainrs tor Uate d � 1 6e 6 Jen a a r y, ,1867. ` w�3�� , Farm f� r � a��' . � � e 5 ��, �� 9� II� c n a f de p eQ� o p�o ��A P t ed n p. For terme and Partieulans appl}� uoderich, 29�h �►.►rc h, 15�� 7. S 'W4? e�.a �r�� �B'"�T. �' nr�e Founti. -- ""'— `� 1 A M E S S M A� L'.L � � '� �������� `�HB �nb�cn bero@crs �ur R a l e, � o u t b� h a 1 f o t 7 t�e �a�.-�►�a ��� oi tbc Canad�an Pa�� . The abo�e eale ie po�tpon�d till �'harsday . . anctioueer. �H�� L) Lo ls. cun 13. Lucknuw, Tuwnsn�p c►f •� � ` DeKsoil► in cnnng the d�.eeasea for iv6ic4 it u� �� N�a,,�ad ns soadednt succeas m snFi IIE Subscriber lound in the Village�,ot �he 2,�d day of D'Ia,�, 1!3'F7� st latue,timfl. end Goderich� Apn�14, 1867. wl l td Wn�een sh, 7 5 • c re a o l�- e► e d aad well tarm�; �,$ �iDb 6� K�2CqiD8iFDiD. �ed m� N G Piaee. , -To- witl� go EP�n¢ creek, muain� thmn�eb it. i1 �� ���� ��� �� � �� � g beaforth, s pnrae cootaining s coesider �gRI�� I� G(}� go� tu narn. framc shede eod �aabte. 1.08 ��� ��$� A�cRieaa, eetirle rt� a h�$� able som uf mone iii it together with otber . pys �j�} * Qn# °�II EGS T� xNF��� �� ��'���� zts� ia tDe le� �t ren,edses iw c6c�e eam�+laint�. Y �Q�l1 � Ailb�l� SU��VJ.�Y�. darethn�hnoae with Irame addit�or, tsvo p P�i �i+ � = 1 one ai thr 6vuee and one at ihe barn, a�ood ���,y� fhai �ie ts �till,z�1E �t) �e�'idl Urdess ate eo�§ng �o from y'ledicioe l�:irra in Articlea. Tbe owner wi!1 provs pr,,pertp, �� a.� �. O� � T • ., bearing'�`rchaetil, Applv a1 the �vemix� �� at f�i� loee8f tstee�' . : 1 �UL(� �;ip�rts ofc� evus+=cy te* tunher �oppf�, and �y e6atgea, rsnd cake it awav. . � L '--'� I ALEX. Q��KON. • e� tea�t��3`s�a asto the aa��ersa( saiasfacvon �t d:13f�:.`3 r. ea$TER, . � 1�1 .,Q ISt. Slgt�-five Dollars in Cash! �s;t* ' ea. E+monariite April 4t6� 1867. wl l. It' ��� (#alerich, �nrah 2l,1a67. a�4 g��� `�� �������. � � �{j� "—T fi11f[ENT �j � The Cana�ns o�'aen Deair�er arc�r ra�l,� �o e r rj I Ne �,���F� �iII(i. Fifty Do'llara i.n -Cash �! �t hts dhflp Du $in�StQn ��eCLi b . g.t ,Q��,�� .,�.�.t ,� n �i��,:... �,,�,e� �e� s�$IFF'S SALE' OF iANDa F� READY���� �1✓ ++ O "" � � • ' � �� � �'j , the Hurqn Hot$lri tiodericb. CT��� ' '� ►t. Parsusa�s» 6nle�e�.r'�1. °�''� �t ; eod no lami► I� r ao�1 t�r �j ,� The Su6scriber hae the iargeet � ���. �'njr'�,9'�y�l �Oi�'d?61I1�i`���i ��� jJ ��11: � ��J 9e vrat�s.,�u �t aft�'s oneC vyting �t. � l Y vtrt�e of a writ af Ven .!� ��t n�" T �T � ��� �Q C p �_ �.! - u � taot�'o. (;oni t atF3omn, e to r �' (�oderieh, U�i. 3. i�6$• ;t��� � Sa� the P � �� � Pr'tce oalg'Pv eerrt"a� per � � th ee a T- O� �H�i` ibo�e riz�e w�ill be disti�ibnted rAq usden E'ssu;rt �q ad�res� to To W �t : 1 d�t�uni Esponas issurd aa� tinitQ snn�nn t���ed a �= ir .L�1 �� T� . u FH �L r ac Lv31a:�, ��it of Her 31ajeaty'e �onn�y �oort ut thc L' nited y apee t��as 1� �ent ot � �- y �� �� cc aod to me directec' ��c �� g�° _ in the G��untieA. T6e beat qnality of Goeds st ` smon� evory Sixty Stadents wko ada11. � a ;yc•arcastte,C. W.ti eonnues ofttosoo and Bru � sn0 �tiO'" _;�.: .• aiter the lst day uf Apri4t 1�67�-pnrchase 3TiE WE4L iitti�iW!Y �� -���� �������� ����� ,������' l� TO�� af ine,, Fufl Coatse'Sc641urshi ib the ; _ �� - t3ererel Asent for Canada. a�aenst tbe l�nda and 'Paoemeota of �oseph �,� ,� Th� � � ' e���� � r�go#a m rodercch b�r I-nricer Sc Cattle and gaeoa jar.� at �hC snit o( Iau1e9.Ia[D�e�n• 1 6ave ���� � L� London Commeceial Cotlege and Semivary. M��] .!„�n : tiavd�ner uo.. ti�vf�e�; Jame9 ,��ud and taltea m t:aecat-un t6e following v`he � � L . �� ,. � . ifi►i�!����� . � e eud intereat �r �j e'�a an@ �alecn.ict7�ghest ratea. , Said �i�stribntion ehnl! take P�8 scb arsh s t►tt 1ri ri tl y. nC c #��E� on ihe _cc►fner of ihe 1Locihem � �"� � 161, g� e,.,, g�; � P► e t a r d, E z e t c r, !. E i. p e n y, m c � a l l t h e n g b l A f r�� f M y �.�9 1 1, e a e m i n e� s ri a ti j� d g e f o r y o n r l e l v e B s A . 7 n - � y g f c e e e a c h c o n 9 e c u t i v e a_ y P 1�' _ . Cflm�., {�yra� �, 1rbb, Ctiatoa; Secord, Lccl:- eajd drlendaut in aad tu lot number }'7 ►v t6e f jrst � QV � V i �on��' t�aoo, :eaiUrst�. Snd eIz b2ed*e�ne CAQCCbal00 �ouih of t�ie Dnrh�m. Roar�� in the CHAB. L�'. ARCHIBALD. �. 7,' R�� �. � • i i n t of t3ruce,eontain- a� , des�to�°S ti ou �j ' ure pnretsasc� in some mAnner of whieh=s.. (stavel Roaii ' t o Luc L•orr' w. o�� m U e f i r� i n ����� - e�., w3ts �wnsbi p ofBran t, a o d w y . BwZ� majotif q of �he tStqd�ot� themsel+Pea ahall Gvderich, .and +�rittiin ons haadred a�l xixt � 4� s ehut ^ d i s nod ti p tp C�lo. ic n u a� 22 ad� �$66. • . etudeac p� s � t �'� utx%rich SAL� WOA1� nuor ii► -���� �� -- ing 50 acrr.6, aehicd Luadt� and Ten�ment 1 } M n�e �� s�pb � (}oder 11�r Q 8 appruve, nnd'wl�ich a ha l l gid e �P a C� �uQa� 1�s � M� t i e s u t t t ulf+�' ritn� ted • uSer eoe �Ic, ac ;ny Uffiae, �a the Gous� Ho»e 'ng � ¢at�ee �l �, � � ' `,� Nin t6c town of Goderccn. on T��eeday the 61i6 O assti° em�t �h$ � a „ � interested Bo eqaal �chaACe of. obt�+�n��n f�g Salt Well, �? tn aimng �one aene �u�ane: - +� o t 1 e e• rch ur.i� at t6n bu�r of cwe►ve of the R.em �rr bhem. tf aay euc� etndont ahaA, at t6e e1$ht ► of land� with � lar�e iwn-stor� �ti ���� +� ������ q 1` day oCAii � w� � �AC/�����;G S 9 Hote��,8ttj•azby tostyaiz, am3 a�rge [�s1! ��� � , � clock ncwn. � tt; K�Ra! gR.� . �. timc+� be ebaeoE, b� ma� P�oint au other ► od StabliN�rnd ojher - __ --� J Oi�N 3tACDONALD, � person to repreaeni Limr tiVe �tve ai+aet►� �fie�co cv� b�o ' n�r a� ' � COutt ot $�sisioa fnr tt� Township �Sheriff, H. � � ��� I L T Q�� � . Uat bUddin�. �'t'here is e never iait�'�► '_ SF, , � =�" • � � th� rwret trii�uieed er Luring �at� W�1►rP�9 dl ��������t'� � ai Staa�Ej� �sill be held ai Carna� on Sturi9 eQtfee,GalJricb,� �+3 ; . _ . " TH� MOS� -�O�P.LETE . : � , a � 2nd Pebroary 1887. ; . ! Also �or �e. �o� ��• %1$�� • 18�7 — {�Pif3E'it3 TH� TIi�AA� TSE RE�iI�'F .��' A PORTIOI�T<b.� TH�1� SPR�I�t(� . , ,.���� =�� ����� ,�t�, t]� �+��tl �� 4f �9' � The ebove aele ie pos�poned t�l1 Tueednv �t}e • g !T' A�'i� . _ , - , R�T�1TfC�N� bF = � .z , :, . . AT>D - Ln tbe T.�wo ot (;oderich�ait►. .utted on lb�e �3'�t �f , F � ,. �, . A :1�% �� . � - .I11�PU ' � � a -: • f� �he ur�teae of hear- t2ttr diy of Marc6, at the evne'}ime and qac�. � �Serc.banL Tailor. � ' • " � A'- `-� =; ' a - !h P � . s- ; ,�. , . . " � � . � � P imag �'setosy,.�wi b�or�e� k ii��ai �� � �CotlEtsriti]�o �'FO�� �� `i�� a� ten v c��eir, a. �t, - _ R t - ,� i[ts�s trom ass�sameat, l�e. �he aasess- .�� T ._ �', �• ��������; t7��1���� ������ o�P� (3odeneh, blereh 2E1h, l 8f►?: ar�`J. - ��% �� R`l .'� � O� � _ Fruiue �tabte thereou � • r tle�s ift titttr li� �C� si •.: -_ p. setxb rr�l +rt1l be ezhibited for inspeetifln m Th�: �bfl�0 sale i» furifier poatpOned till m p '"� � D �A � � r j 1.11 y , .{.� �1gc� �,ot $0. IO1'Z, . se • • �1�1 �� �• - . _ . .. �: ai't+rr the 15th in$t. I9th �larch� 186T, a�me hour p�d place, ' ' `- 1T Tft� -. 8• ._ $ deF'�aa�, �h�i�a.3 ����l.'� �ry office. Yac�a, /f Luattxow A ril 3rd 1867► '�.:z. .� _ . ln�-the Tovro �[Go�rich;anua ed�on.the Vonh. � _ �; WIL3.IA�i PLG�iRETT --� - • r P r • ` ` ....�o�.. ,_ .. , � � . y__.� _ ��p - c w � ". o � . ` ' a�ale ia %rther postponed antil � FOIiD . � - ' '�aortrdeut b , . + �, .�i��� ��,(�71`�,�►�* .. � ol Eas1 stree�, near the'itailcoad. �iat�ua,� ��s �'s � . Cfezk. TUe s6o�e • MB� BO$1.R� RUTHER . ��y .�" t e ree3�nt idbodtb� � t�rg Cdaf���� a ,;�Q �fr . �arith a Suod Ftame Ho�iean� i�rp%e S'�alils fh�te� .�r - _ Q � TneEda tbe 26tb Marcb. At ssma time et�d ._ Atl ��ip� Q� �bbfl #itiniug da%e, stci �i � wal 1_ p 7b�wTcs/�p Aehfield, T6dp dr�l Cnns�aQ !o op�� ob} duriag h P, . ��n. � Nooi oe�s bt�r_ �T�; ���� . , _, �. .._ �' � F�ss 3rd dpril, 186T. lsco. o��ola�►i�a for �*hat . " t�oQde aa�table tae tho .: � r For Q�rctilar e.�td O�r�ler o! �z. oleae tit r.�e fi�t $�x�n�#or-�h� �ihoh�_:,,,- P r p �._._.. DE�c� Ssuy-I ��g t p, , . ' � , : l�xL�e ait�re�s: '�YitLi /�� -. . � . ` _ . . , , ` . � . ' � ec�iYiPl�i > 1�, �6ea�bove�iro�y w�il i�bsb'k:o'n +�e�sna�e �'� �a�� ' ' �' �-. . terni3 t,o suit, purthft�r�e. Foi part�culars api�lY � � �� �i �� $! �il � - ' � ' farther � oned u�t,t I have astd a.bout yoP taMt�� eome t►heat� ,:, . ; ; {� 4, .:, etutifp� ,�er, t�c.. Goderi�;b. ur: . ��'� �� Tbe sbare sate �s , P �4 . . . : . d s�t ut � . � ,, .. : ,� � o ' e $S t41rd mee ance�tam� uo �4 , �.�F i ' * �, �� �` �o !i. L: i�Y�+ �' s� . a e� ril nest, at ram trom m ► 4 , � � ��� ��� �T . , . . � . ` �% : `:� Q i��� f : a, esda� tt�e 9tb cly P _ �.so �f ou • � �� _ , .. �. � . p �.M.:'�'R�EDddl�:i3oder►cbi,atx3►esabscriber. sn$s��i�'����ir��+onreasQ�lstsrsa asnsforthe iYes: hsli af LotN Tu y the ati Lteat fonnciatton. I am �9 Y ����, .�5��� -�� '�C:StlAN�T{fiiy� �" � ;� diszYwv. lac� aad� hoar. $ � � , �` �Prmcipal Loodoo Co�nmer��. 1� Col}ege, : ; .. . - eiatb cence�iou, iYeat , p �_ 6�avo enstafned sa� dsmage Y�hereb�� end : - - .�� aon � ci �1�'i , ' $qt�e�+Cii. �s►�r 3rt�. ��6$ �b�t�a�� . ti, ta the � r wi�i enft'ice: � ,b . d,�t�oh t' 1D�`aE818TA sTB�ac[IC01$�If 1dv��Ctl t0 CbII 0t1a. itllf�ZiY �i ,� �j ":�2� 1$G�. � � - i� 2mc� �+�"n�qilte,T P�f�olior`ae, .•. , �at�rnt. 1�7 aeres t�tety ovrned and __ � �e sb-ore eate is fnetheT paatponed aatil t�opo ihia apOtogy �' Cl�s �1t � . P, �� : , , �i �t�`i: u , ..� . l�a�� � + ��.fiiru�A iSYb, 18w�.� �Y��� . p _ . ae . . . . � b� �"a ���' �gD�� � L$e 23rd A rii� in3caat, �t�su►e �i�+s � Yoars traty, , �' . . ,' '.`� � . ro ' ` - � sl:�ICLAIR �c tYALI€��. Taeeda� P i IlUB�tiT $ADWI�i. HaoultoII�.;�I:iCI1 %y 1 %i .' . , q fi,• ` `'4' I WLi�I �. �.,iborae, Siarch 21, 1$GT. 4t•Ow sIId p�ate. . - - • _ • _' . - � � . ; � . � � , � _ _ - -� � . .�� �� � . � , � I �! � . � � o, . , g _ i � �':'.._ �.'".-.c, z - ' kl�L� P' R �� . .. _ , ,r.. _ _ _ `�.T _-'�. . . .✓ �Y'= • '�y. • � � � �� ,3