HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi Weekly Signal, 1867-03-29, Page 2V V graft- _11fifichester 0bru'llity. Air jai -rifiturn-at the _41DO11114ral 661tilitilillir-"Irr6iV41111,1111114 T-K-VftNU-W OUTBIMA f4hi;6;" we bffv& met trild _1V11 TAPRWRia, T*Ilk- -Kit. FddrWgt kv:- 4U` during the above. met) tioned term, is that if a try 0. 3- ARV 00VUS" Vtf" 10 T, Adullamites to their alleginaw-I'4hr Mr. ences IRELANDr,-4. (Fromthe Rochestir Democrat) Payment. same idea. fi-pitflulness and the best senitary condition of Doultott, whoss votes agmust. the111beraVe. 'Ai"N Prompt A%RLVL. The amendment was i ted. Yen, later is ths timi to, : Just before noon yp-sterday ria OCCUrrelice form Bill of Wt- sessiott- h made4viii 4 g DrAinli-4-Maroh 2lat, AlfPrgin fAeK Und.on 71 pretty- ;ook pbt 6 an South St. Paul street which HE rmihw-riherii ihanir the-Holn, JI,,, -, prune -Q own A __ I. It synimptry x c lim I - 0, 0 iA somootirin the:vicinity. A vou ftina] -Y. T Co. Of 'New Haven. for of fmin. 77ilate ave the three is the dexjgn, y, fil AN 0 - nays, 1102, -and the L*4 cowmailly - " I )f shape land ng To the Editor of 1111W ho zeiventWU Ae present 0. uriag v Aevowilodatim ....... tion, W23 adopted unanimou*-. 19016 . - *k bo appears de to W.,Oot ive., then cutting d reatid 'be PrOn"Tall lode. 000 144 nt Of thitlOdf eon- anent of their to", s6wo, n Grain V,3 mony,tv trian wbo,was walkine, alon: the sidewalk a 9XVro-m mail .................. . . . ;koo-p.m. DtAR Sia, I EugliAlravc-1 tile wideeme wever, a, burnt igd is As, . 'Riorehoulle, fu 11 ror1JJec# domaired in (;aarterls the q iraiiyl and to a gartai odi orchardists anti, itiort distance beyond Court Street, was over - pointed t 'n )UL- Quel*_0 03 p, ti isq1odinat"oft Ong very large in'ajorit the 1',tn rh. OR 10.50 TLe LK99 Moments ot-47. W* C of all I AV I Aluk TO to 4 the insurgents f-ruitirrowersarAjilienri bid' men, Oeferri the latter i a gd by a man and woman, of (S' d) 374 g6ts, UILPINT CUItpTp bIPART. arm a gr4l ............ 5 00 a.m. W bile he *'Ahtt a titter pun* neve 6eturing country, and have- i6spress-ld t b b hto 6tke a simultaneous attack ill a lar,g just uni -it ell utile with the dulce, to rou whom drew rr;Im beneath her shuwl a ra of St. mat utimber of placps. But "ot straie(ric sldll to his person I a enfortli, Nlar,h 26th. ISq7. itty, i tto I)rductive bent)k it ir, likely that winter bide, which she began to apply IOw*Jt his "great moral rain. See,21st selves that the day'lliflay, yet come when those -e seems to have been very litt'ie, Her tuale compAnion, who JOITN HALTIAN i- Azetit for .................... pan, gaged in exhibiting pruning f A our fruit frees will inpidiv with great vi ror. show of fiWers and tae auimiles," c ve rse-IITbis1isth(3 heir; innumerable water privile-es, with their mil- attacks upon isola'aid police barrucl,s might e ul- Risk, wax ome. let us kill himi" The prosecution of n grow in f&vor until it becomes the uoiYersul we are infortned is her bubaiid J. V. V. lialdall'o, Law hilarlher.. e character cf Mr.. Syre is nolvedlIfin461y Uti(tifor Monday. 'liOns of horsetpowers-which the utilitarian: ciart6i'llY Jh0e 1,116 effd6t, of alarta I in -1. the rule. stood ly to overalwe the vi(.tiw HLd dwell;nz hotj es very low. i*rame, wolated 7 -ria" we knew but little of t pended i goverrime-nt, and harr,i8sh,g the trooph ; they him from resisting or runninz uway. After brLCk- 45c. Artemus Ward. We knew, of course, the 251h of Marlllb an wihiih day la; spatial grieves to sewex it valn. mbr migkt fiil tile loyal part f the pei.ple with receivin what the woman.deemed a suffici- petty semions will be hold at Market Dr y-tun motion to many millions of spindles sufficient epristernatinn, and with a belief of tille wide 1'armerls GarCiens. that his real name was Brown, find ITO in the county of hropshire. There is bill ent cwti,,ution, (be y,oujl,,, mri was p-rii.it- one inu i'll this little town, and every room to make ulotHwg for half the continent.- extension of tile conspiracy ; they might Aed to pr9ceed home. He 8UbscqUeUtIV P 0 ­ 'were content to laugh at hisquaint . humor has been lay the Solicitors' Of the That this will . eviir . be -so, none can tellil-but also terial'to bring irsto action whatever vin-. Perhaps there is no one tbing connected cui red a %% arrant for ills assailant, an I sb- fit UCTION SALE u.)DEPIrti, u. W., March, .29 18n - without endeavorin to peep behind the J&maica C, dictive a,,wnst the g,)verament mig with tile culture of the suil o' badly and was arrested. The case will tie attended tolA ommittee, who require extensive that nature hiLs covered the country with -un- be friund in tholmest class of the universally tieglected by larmers as their h3' Police Justice Bryan at two o'cloc this OF WHA.T NVILL GODERIC11i x"umed name, to discover what A. W. neeommodatian for counsel And nudierous rivalled means (or propelling ml cbinery is try. But -for military purposes they would gardens. flow many in your nei.,hbourbood, afternoon. DO I was m d"allidle. If we were to judge witnesses. Tbere is a growin holief that cortaill. 'the rutintifactories of the eist have be certWin to be useless, unless there wbrt We understand that the accused is the wife REAL ESTATIR r. Ey.-e Will be committed for trial. reader, have wl-at may be strictly termed a of his character by the tune of his writ- yet to be developed, and -o Ion I, as *e a concentiatcd rebel force to tal,e advanta,fe ood gardea fioin of -a street car cooduptort She alleges tLAt M 13 _year to year 7 How many ad of the, afarm and confusion they -,7ni,rbt cause. the voung man has been in the babit of ill - Wo mean, at we election.- ings, assomati, woo temoorrectly read, we- VWMAWANOOKI, country remn-ne-in-thehirmfis-of 'the 0 inferior . n grow all abundant supply of small frults for Notwithstanding all the effom of those Of thi,; nucleus of the inurrection the family ? How many have asparagus, suiting her as slYe sat at a v4ndow by flirting E Sub%criher having- received should have rt-garded him as a comical race, progrew will be slow. True, e4lt,*as G Lsq ions A)^ -c find no Imes. Tile his handlierebidf and throwing kisses at her, "'0111 V - -Smith, tiller for 44 The Counqitm .1 420th,.][Slyfiac two largest bands radishes and salads plenty or all, ear;y Wthe _Von Mar. woole.h factory w Oad'ida at the J appeart I rges him with who have been working strwou.-Jy in try- oddilky, a memtaletited Jes4 IODS'e, at-' to have been t lose which skirmished melons cucumbers, squashes, toma and we believe she also cha' tempts at r. cowl XA Obstponemont- omsent, A Carrie;, but Ontario has mado much more of her with the j olice at Talla4bl, ticar Duhlin, season &c, speaking of her in such a manner to prejudice Huron Auction Mart t a re wrtting wera not awarded any If. Helps, L. Nethery and T. Taylor. ing to get UP quisition t Nfessrs. toes, cabbag?s. peas, heaw, corn, Vpd at ' Kilmallocbl­ The purpose ot both -in the 8umi xier rionthis ; I ON Ritchie and Carlig, we have #very rewon r,4-ognized place in literatare by the over- rhe minutes of previous meeting was read limited means, and has at this day, a marru- and celery, vege her reputat+on. On I lie oth-r hand the young to believe that tha., town of Godeich will I 0 - 'factlixing stlatus of which, finy yougg nation Lfie-ie, however, was only local, find we do table oysters, paisnips. turnips, horse-ra,161, man deities ihtt he has bet:n guilty of ally fAstiditaus, and who had neither intellect and"apipfoved. not learrieAtir from the nature of Lhe opt -r- & e, Satarday, the 181h day in the fall, wiiaur, and early suring I jill act tha(should subject him to such an assau! of 'MaY, 1867, ht be proud, - NVe 'need hardly expect 0 t. 'Wepa Luger majority for e -,r&Came- T'he Clbrk produced hiq bon(T, which ations, ifthey may be digiulfitd b s"ll " farmers should atid call haxe them, notbin; It seems to us that whatever may E pt was mig . lave 4)ee, At 12 o'clock, non, if not previouxly ditpolldgr, ti pr -Ambition for 5uytkift bighot: or 4110-calligveoranli- wiih Massachuselth, Ma), name, or from the boasts co'fthe conspi "a to rs which they eat is cheaper, more grateful or her pi-livocation., the woman should have de- that valuable p operty, tieing lot 3, on the 11 &-on and Qibbons than has ever at -mraelid bler than the cap and bells in which he a gpeliked. - 0 . ell 4 1 no I Lf r , I , N K*pr or Glalligitil, as laer ptivilegta are -in- flTemselves, that there was tiny desl,6'ra 10 healthful than tl e3e, together w:th tU sum- pulled the ch4stisetritnt of the offeuder to bpr in the Tuwnsi-lp oWolbme. There its poll -book& A,-zhopatten -trtlintedto Pete form a ade . you t alre (122) on', hundued aud twentytwo At a large meeting of tho Uttle 663s Re wits i0diter main Republican army of Ireland, husband. if she could not content !ietselfoith acraes, :: oiaiiiactI thali expetitric f irior to the former, while she hits not the mer fruits. It we can persu, o ta I(,- and tibacrels in a good star-- of elliti - friends of these gen h-men held iQ the field. o 14Ltdr.. -Americans- with it cotulAander-in-chief who sl ould have ces. such redress " the law mi -lit afford. We vat!ool W* 6c langaroo. AaJ'yet, lx s the' la' the vains and incur tile slight expense ne I a Jorge frame barn and a hewed nip of 9A) .01 tho tw rc-ular sai y to their production, w; sliall be am I Circulat from T. L'Idoorhous,6 was read . supreiiiii powers, and conduct a 0 ly hope tile day is not tar diZWt when public I-encii-g- lall in good repair. uad' Albion Hotel on Wednesday enaing last., i his life flickered on the approach of the libetality is proverbial with Lhemselvets army. In the soutb, it is said, there was It bentimen wl Tt,is ia rin iz onew the t ill justify ladies in patiolling the rtlwardA for our iabours by the gratitude best in the Tolwas;uir when it was resolved, That the C'Itirk procure , -have aimed well directed blows at our in- desion amono thp leaders of tile different n which w know those leel streets with ruw bides or other weapons to I of being (Inly ebrUt Wilr sub-ci,immitsces ere appointed, to can- 1 -list enemy, how touchiu- to behold the nd s-ttisfactio . froal. 4. tw,eopos ofthe JTew Vuhicipal'Mandel. the.Norihern Uraycl Road, and only a vey, v= the several wards thorougAy, andL gnodtle" of tie k4a. Wd faut industri,ii trade, by their I igh d ities- and batiss to cour"ie to ether at cortai I points ; who tire dependaut urt y7u for support and avenge t1etuselve8 upon younz men w ho then disco'v=ei- By -La 'To I relatiag to thas-appoiatment 0 happen to offend them. b rt diziance ron) t4e \Lh, filills. There ts a -ted 6Y f- an"f is w ho eat dai iy at y ur w6le. never-vid.ng stream running through tbte pro. have succeeded in curtailing profits, yet never but thi is unsuppoi proo4 It may be aa, from the feeling manifested there is no, of to yuship opcers. wa read and unproved i6ite It should be ig to a woman to have Iiisses thr:iWl. to heT Th Is la; rare c1litum for parties in Want of I ad that lie had 3 heart tender its 0maidelfi 'alp -s, was there the amount of activity exb hardly consistvnt, with events. When you a arden spot ? 0 Perlv- doubt thaCthey will have a healthy state A pe6tion of Hugh McQuarrie and othei d from the street as she sits at a socoad .r a g . - and that incongruous as it 19,ght tippoar, praffing for pecuniary aid for widuw Moodie. by our leadia., manu P or thre huAred men had collected, Iheir a ch,)ico or land ; not lar,,,-, but rich is nut Uod farra. of things to report upon on Tauday elren-' Ileturcra, at any formLr first impulse wits to dit;arfn and take dry, wariv, ticar tht! dwellin and enclo,e(I thirdtory windaw, but it certainly the -great showman, djing in the midst of of aickly -aqd in 111digent eir. ti there is.at' bre3eut. Aurt we may erti the,local police, aud nut to reir to a to rr#,vent t a I ". 11 he depredations of towls wid very dangerous. Andorlbeisamedayandsairle time igg next. a ho3t of lovin neesa 1tiasicad,-*hen it Was"moved by Ives ' der an ua r for sale friends on a foreign hore, cum indulge thahope, that those industrial titer. readezicitis., or place themse an animals. - If the soil is poor you have tile Hel0s,- sbtiondiA Mr Netlery,that genorat command. me.kni ut liand to maki, it rich ; if!,eay.T and LOTS 180 AND 1131 wulil aWw for his 1360MIa- Mrs. Moodie rec_ ivau theatim, nif thirty dot 4wo -&a." , lars -ests may be yet so developed that our nation DECIDE;Ly- WBONG. Yet tile tactics they ad ted were well et. thorow,hiv uAri-drain it -as it is &mail. -Carried. A-411 rauk amorag the first in manufacturing with bu [Ax g- i hereon situated on park tions of our holy Christianity. The 0 0 calculated to embarrass the lovernment ai.d you call afyo)id'this expetiQe. We repeat, ;I Tn Dungannon, on the 20th inst., Mrs. A. in lbeTuwn of Goderien. These lots ar4 W Ive an crtdibly informed - that the Moved by Mr Nethery, see. by Mr. Helps. 11 Slack, of a ton. as she now'.doesia a-ricultural ones. Speak* to terrify the loyal population. If thoy ha a faith that was in him, was manifested b 4 a lipvd wit be large. for ;. small garden we situriled and in a very con%euieot part O(Ille That the Clerk Send a copy Of the cuinutesof ill- of the manufacturina, interests of Water- succeeded in inking potses.,%ioii even tilled is much bett;r land less cos.71y than a town On Jut ISO (here is a glory and-& heir. He the proceedings house, frame; and un lot tmi at its, asserw of a town-bip not cue hundred the performance of no* eds - fit the% Council, after each places ad MiJaletun and Kilmillock, to buy onp overrun wit -h weeds and cultivated miles from that in which one of the eon- ` cr - 'an 'agged meeting to the Ebtor pf the Huron Signal too we may mention t e flooring capabilities uothing of others of zw)re im;i(iftance, 6 In this town. on Friday last, afto-r a severe hudding, and ell adapted fora 1 0-" made elf atmote provision L_ e- tile lite fields. Leafmould from' the woods, With 1!19 1_ family - all- @!rvativa caindidaties-in-prospective livey for publication, - urried. which are not mean. There ar 12 flouring fielet 11 illness of some weeks, Charles 11. Pa?st, aged in good tepair, and %di lie got heap. I mother, providect for the education of v r4oluo would have been told with every lo;pj ashes, Lme and pla4ter are thi best manures Part" interading it) purehiage cdj Tb,*- Trusliter'a Uwd was read antl ap- ul ills, in A square Of 60 Many miles, A e of exaggerution that the Fenian bad attatit- YOU enn use, poless yen can spade or p!ou.,,,b 18 vears. Fur terms and part trutars Apply to is enTying, from house to house, besides, his intelligent page -a Canadian youth, proved. eight runs of stones. The a6unt of dour ed, and betiten tbo Que jn'8 1wees, that I- in deep fice b4iftyard manure. This year --- JA XES SX&ILL. bis A§sessment Roll, a requisition for we believl -left numerous legazies . to Moed by Mr Helps, see. by Mr ­!Tethery, manufactured by them, in the course of a portaut towns were btid by - stI ri-40113 of Fe- Y,,u ,uould rila THE NIAAKE TS. ly That Mr Uu4h AlcQuarrie and Mr Jar. Me- year is pretty considerable, and is mostly ni,,Ilsl all 9 - lie a compost heap, atil have Auctioneet. Mexd* Ritchie and Carling, and eager children, and bequeathed the remainder Calludif bt appointed Taterr d Otiat the communication between' it on hand fur the next. Golerich, 29Lh Much, 1867. WlOtd j Wpettom, and shilipt-4 to Montreal, on account o.' the Jdfu- sAiciting signtaturtit. If this is aetufally of his wealth for the purpose of founding bit JkL Bmwn ticense, lusoAabr far I the car- nese p(Aicy. over the border. The chiell.in. difforent dis ricts was completely in thir If the -arden is small, it is Lest not to GODERICH, Mar. 29, 1867. 1:5 power. Both in Ireland "4,ubroad'the in- Z king done it 6 dwide&g wma rent year, -Carried. dusnial pursuit here, of much note, is tl e terest at a ex- plough, but rather spi je it. First of all lay Spring Wheit ........... 1:4-0 0 1.50 an aylum for aged and decayed A astonishment would have bee m printers 1 Moved by Mr. Helps, see, by Mr ethery, Woolen Factories, oe which the principal it out well i make a bed ir border, as 1114-Y Full. * do ............. $1:7 182 sbDuld be put a szop to without delay.-, (he was a printer himself, and owed trerne. The continent wollila have declared 5 That the Council do uo%v adjourn to meet ones Ol'thill province are ill this caunty. It'- thflt the Irish It­Dub!ic had already, half V400 arO called, four or five feet witle, fall round. ................... ID -40 0-50 A public officer, wbibe engaged in the'muh to % at 14a residence -of Alr 11 bleapler thorilt are twQ. which would he a ' mes, s the outside. Next to this a wall k ; then one Flour ................ 6:00 1:50 the press). It would be well for lita to--morro its liberties, and irgo 'by Lhe Xil perfarmanim of the duties for which be is We , fp - 3, Esq. credit to any tountry. Thst uf r. tle or two broad crOss-waik, and ruierve the Barley ................ 0:50 (6i; 0:57 sP e"' Cable would have set the Irish of OP United many a man, who is wiser in his genera- JAME3 LISDALE, with adjoining buildings, is said to ba%e coit rest for beds rilid wal'k-s, as crops and circum - I o a tates wild with exci,erneo. Iw defAult of Pzas .................. 0:55 0:63 JOHN HIRRIS 9 Ini4 by the people has no right to use bis tion than the children of Ii, ove, a million dollars. I he main bu.Idin , stances shall dictate. Sheep .................. 4:00 5:0V 7ht, if liagould Township Clerk. ctilig agaiast the Brillsh- Gov- effice, either directly or indiuctly, for the is about 3QO feet ion., three stories -Is grand atruay a Beef, 'V cwt ..... ...... GAO 6:50 CHAP CASY STORE I die as did the genial, aobWsouled !Artei. I ,a&- -erugignt Ilbe idea of afi apparently eSeral U.D t oin ' in C3- Two car._,oad of U.S. troops, have .111'Xi parposes of partizanship, and it must be ,Mffs W:trd. VA wA L z,. PaEszlxm Jt will be built fr all exa.ellent quality of sione;- halls, not a bad oup for politi 5:50 0:00 ribin! as, E)er arrived at St. ziNaus. BL.tter I ............... 0:14 0:15 The a tame community indeed that caa sub-' i4eiiiy1y, thie tititerlisduleutl of the London - ' y cal. purposes. Is are ot the best description and the labrici Ue execution, however, has been in C:: - Buffalo despatches tell us not to ex. PVmtoes ....... ........ 0:60 0.75 H E- E H AS J UST AR III VLD a large and AW- W-3 have to notify our various Commercial College. that three presen i T elegant skit to such an outrage. At the eusuincl, manufactured thiere, rak fiist-c'a s. About assortment of a N 11 zvery close miserable. 7'he rebo &,:!e pect a laid for aPinotith or so. lA )od ...... 2:00 3:00 dents that 14e7y cannot send their amounting im aA to 0 -yinent 2:U0 alections the townskip in -question will he oorresp" tie lundred -and fifty 120, hllid ti, d constant gin p '&"u ntowh,ri made a podfigAt. It iis-range CJ6 The Goods thi,; spring have I lay, new ton ........ 10:00 (a. 1 CHOICE SPRING DRY GMS I good wages. The weekly pa;frmeot,4 iinuou,.t4 b caused ggS, . . M.9-8. is heretofore at the rate of I at. dollars in cabh7will, hereafter be dist4ri- a to read of Fenian [)ends counted by hundreds a d E 0: 10 (a, 0: 0 0 which have been selected w-Ith the t.oft m preVy evenly divi4el pOl1tiCAUJ, 2ad it X early Z ­800f; and be it remealbered, a a reat losi of property in the Souther . an 'I he Ic"ing novelties of the trade igailly Dow be I - . but -d among every sixty studetits pur- to ' surruttAing barracks -ceijned only by a fev Staies. in renuesse the loss Is es- Chickens ........... 0:20 (t,4 0:23 is aumasonalue to suppme that a Jarga; pw ouqce tw 1). 0. authorir*s­baving l try large: proportion 61 the opeTuii as ate police. and vet unable to master the little Turkeys ............... 0: 3 0:40 iseen in gica variviv at hib estblishnealf -JU chasin- full course scholarships ifir fem:06s.0 The mana,rer. Mr. Cliavelaviiii. cets that V I n .1 timated at $2,000 000. Pork .................. 4:00 4:50 is detertuttied to pleause, b d6cov.,ered that such matter must be ,wrisuti The Funiall fire, one woq!d - if pumitble. alike lia bz-p,ying minority could tolerate site flouriship- ins'.1tution. This in connec- $1,500 a pac ; the water averar, *33, Land price, quality and good gaaidtl. Aed " lis a 0ink, ouht-to, have destroyed thost. Seaforth, Mar. 27, 1867. , Nvilil7Aiep,anj, other r on an insalt from the assessor, wLo is hired rattd the same as lettez& Their liberali- tion, _ re !udtt.ce -the lemallps, $20 a '011tb- Ust 11 -er %how it was concentrated, yet in must cases TIiE IIENIAN RIOTERS. Fall Whnat ............... 1:75 fa, flinea tot cart -ll -mg on the businen we Falling tj(, it seems, only extends to authors. ments helall forth, will u,adoubWly Uestly 300,000 i3ounds of ' not wer fason (is 1:80 w e madi into cloth, I t,, any houEe in thi* dominion, be conideaulf, aqwfly , by them to discharze wrtain it'was quite ineffective. The couia,d with Three of the St. Spnna Wheat ............. 1:60 (a), 1: 64 eolicas the public to call and h increase tWe Virl large numbetof'stideirlits m-kim-, about 70G,.,4l0ds daily Mr. Jacub Patrick's day Joters a exucDtnc is stock, speciflil: datics,12nd trothing mom Even flespler is a Germaii of 'the eneroetic w hich the police na ]led furth, attaUled 14eir have buten held to answer for their oratal Barley ................... 0:45 :00 which is cumpripwitl in pan &is tiollowils viz: JJ0- 31r. Harris has received a choice who'are uoiv availing ihemselves of the I Oats, . . 0:45 fast colors, in a zmense , I assailants, and captured rebels to a numiter cond, varwti. Ueough - the whole To"Inship CGumil lot of spring goods, at his sterer., advantages of the admirable business cast; be came to Canada somt! -10 years a,ol laraer than th-ir own, shows how clwap they ;,t:ot net. One has bt-en committed to -,aol. Peas ....... ** ....... 0.60 0,62 fr,,ni 10 to 20 cculz per yard. and travelled for years - as a pediler Wo w ber held to bail in the stim (it K2.000, PANC Y DKE" CH K)DS, 3 8 Potatoes per el 0:55 0:65 --celv equal1w AcU14 Wd the same political ViEW3 2W' helYtheir assailant$. YVt thou,h the rebel, and the third in bond of $1.090. This look in alias isection in style and quality. from 1010 jW vld course pursued. he is oae of the richest (Pell It' the province' did not st-ow either skill oi- I ' * 8 bush ...... the functionary named, they are bound i About one q6tier of a d*e koull itier--:nbove spirit in tneir ;18 if the people of 4ew York intentied to do Flour per bill .............. 7:50 8:00 cent, per yard. howr and fairnese to put fe stop to such 46r- Mr. A. Smith has on hand a t 2 VILLN HILAIMU Aalt dinT it hauctIld "tll)t atta hs, they mvere bloodthirsty enough. y Oatmeal .................. 5-00 6:50 xL ir If U of somethin , in the wa of totecting the police JXST, L% AND COBURGS, in ail Cradles, t 'LW4411 L' Tracy generally fired ou 'the police without ,,m Fresh Butter per Ita ......... 0:12 0:14 Fadv ' Amerilearts.; 4 e per. 1110h violence. We shall see whether bolla -olored and plain. splendid stock of cloths and clothing. At 8'0blET*ir-The_ first spring show in :1 provycatiuq, and in one IfisVinve at le.131 a Mo., %ill azqin overawe the courts nd , haps equal to the former, the u1joinnig ones E,gs per doz .............. 0:10 0:00 BLE A ; 8 E D CO f TON S vrrT, very beleps etideavoied to set on fre the building -in 010 froura ju cents per vard. cour-ectiou with tis Society, as lield much inferior. Here is manuracLured chiefly 0 icurap l Ifte abAndonment, of the prosecutions Mutton ppr lb ......... 0:08 111essrs. Acheson k Smith have which thtir e-nem,es were protect.A. Ir us it lid in last year in the case of the raide-s' Be"If do ............. 0:08. 0 0:10 Vi 19 E FACTORY CUTIONS, fro, 8 aliate at Ainleyville on 0ALT11 savur" & Friday, the 15th inst., hosiery, and the enormous slacis of stockings, received the advance of their SPnug when -3- 1 81hiplWillfrom here wkeklTulmst short, there,is notbin in the mantier in which Apples per bushel .......... 1:00 0;00 per yi td he follollial premiums wqre stlins,ibclt, they made war to p,,tll late tl eii uilt. They pe; 100 lbs ........... 6:00 0:QU bales celebrated Caftdian unlit. At the Reform Convention held in Port goods, consisting of boots and shoes, snd awar&A: # & Hides exceeds bid ief. 1)tmt'Ag lastjeitr theY7 mal4u-- pill.'rit,ed treason, und sou,ht to carry it iULU -AVhYWoMeu Cannot Enter Sheep Skins ............... 0:80 a1:25 factu-tal LGtwus let e fuctureA upwar-a . of 250,000 lbi of wool, m th r by the belle @a on Lbe 2bA in3tank Dr. Da%las " and caps. which *am very cheap. Best entire horse for general purposes, priacipally C4nadian, sold q.o-is to the effect by suddenly surrrising isolutcd places Masonic Loagj!,s. Pork. per 100 lbs .......... 4:67 5:50 all reLa it, at who6saille prices, and cominittina what is tittle better thin Wood, per cord ............ 1:50 2:00 Shia N 13, Sibirling of that V hge -was noadmated aw a caudi- Joseph WeA, $2.00 2%d best, Richard o a0a, For boaft wd stoes to so it amouct of near $120,000 ; the . total expe n. assa--sination. They have made war rei.cher- - Frequent complaints fire made by ladies Hay, per ton .............. 8:00 11 8:01.1 hi aie,,, Toweltua f*r tie Commons, and Donald Sill- any GrIhAMPSt.00. Best two bushel Spring ses were about $108,000. leaving a margin ously and c-uelly. and the most sent mer-tal if) reILLIiL 11 to Masoqry, and their principal Mantle Uloth, Wwlens age or wx, call and see the stock opened Wheat, (Pifie), Alexander Stewart, as profits. . The am -Ant of celpi. Clinton, Af:ir. 28, 1867. Ribbons, Tweeds 411", Yaq-, of Port Egin, fac the Local out ct J. C. Dellor & Co.'a Emporium. 0 2.d do, John W. Shiel, $1.00 3rd do, tal ievested cannot e'sceed,$100,000, so you call hard.y regard them as-enwinieti . wjrlby of arguments ate, that tbeir.hushaiids have no Fall W beat ........... 61:77 (i 1:80 Cottonades 3ee good intervet. is. retafrafffl. Un the prem me.-cy ;ti thel'r fall. business to do snything that they cannot tell Spriagdo ...... ...... 1:55 1:63 Drilling rbomso Walker, 0.40. pst 2 bushAi i e& there I is no fire, the whole )lipltig h4ted In this case we speal;-, of course, less of the Weir wi7aeg-that that which is secret must a................. 0:35 OF: 4 0 Gin;,bams Kentucky Jean, VUB CONFEDERATION tjlai We are requested to suite thata, meett la m Pose, David &bson, 8 1 .00. B retched dopes who made U I Ib#- rafitc nd be wrcing-that it is oulf a mean excuse, Flannels Denials ' sl by sterim, from an enwine house' some little Brle ...... 0:45 0:50 bldnLels in- of the St. Geors 'a Society, wilt take mto 0 fileyo! t49 rcbels tha y ........... Itegatta Sitirtlag e 2 bushel small Pease, John W- Stleil, d c, from -he wain bilding. It is be4ut la of the leaders atid Lh.ir and s -i on. One branch of the subject seems, us - ............. Hosiery Shirting A long iilotdvig, however, to be capable of logeodary explana. smilea - I pnneipaV agenLi who, after 0:58 Ga to -16 Butter ... ... ...... 9: 12 0:15 piace on Friday, tte 5th OP prit, for the 1.00; 2od do, Alexander Stewart, $0.50.. ful to see the knitting maciiines working and, I Moves Ticking TU amendmeaft m a hetouk themselves -to open treason. it ii, ti,)n. and the Norfolk Journal patillsbas Trim nings Flatineis p& by the Rome Beat 2 bushel Barley, W. G. Hiu,"gtop" the spiced with which lihey tu;u out the web Pork ...... .......... . A-85 5:00 election of officeri, at half past seven t,tereon th2 following paragraph Buick, Curfams I saisfactory to learR thut these men are men- 2od doAltzander Stewart,, $0.50. t),eomes Jul in % t e 7f,)rtn h' Kin. as r"t il I a young man he 1, d of 00Uz=z L. this BM wen immaugY WcWk tx a. $100 t" am" tie we rtIlly kutown, hnd that triany of them a,, Solomon w Potatoes ........ * ...... 0:621 (g 0:75 Boop, i5kirtis VVindow Hiona"s B st bush. oats, John Broadfloot, 40.50. r stuckitii ii!g, and the stockings, - Bagging 459powd of oe- the 12tb. Of worw we 0(- t)e-,u apprebended. They appear to ha ve ni,it ried b is seve n i h wife. SLe was a beaut,. Lotdo#,- War. 27, 1867. &c. a Bet 60 lbs. Timothy Seed, N, W Liv- Oi wha ever thej mat be, are been wifficiently cullspicious in most to Jul viouleg; Amracilitailis. with lockt; -us black Fall Wheat, IF bohariiiia .1 Bales ol'Gram Baggs in both conon and 111:111,111111117 vW Sur o -f the Roy2l assent Imag given MfWs Pit (a theleillk I ed letizI.4.1 Thislgiv" tmpl:.y- claeup. iogstona, $0.75. be recortjized by the puiien, andthey eiihe s 1he ravera's winz. and ees as brh_,bt as Spring ;, do, .1 6 1 0 vwy dwnly. . The following is a brW t to priatly Wom0d, sewittgAbet on tile the eavle't. It wits nelievi-A that she was Flou 0 hidlem' Varietyl. The London correspou*t of I DANIEL STEWAkT, are, or sire lil,ely soon to be, in custody. A, r, 4 50 llats and Cars in he G!obe, stockingit, Arms tv the shirts, and fr.nges and, nPort,of the PMqKdirW2.-- was expected, the leaders are mostly Amei i- the favqred fair one among all the sultanas; Butter 42- writing on the I" says SedreLary- talisels to the Tito hands all et Th. 0 can-jrj h- men who, bavinAl become unfitted of the 15reat King, for his affections were Dress d ho ,qo,tb &M . ft per 100 lbs, .4, Ll The Commons' amendments to this zood wag, le ; Mr.' C A, manaaer, has .31,200 CLOTHING, comsidered. lifeati Bill slipped through f,r ifia`ly Industry. by ths habits game(i not divided, then aa tl #y afterwards -became. Peas. 0,60. 11-1 Bi-riin,*March 25. y9* -ndiove of thel-temale oveme -rs, w bent upon SI.e knew her power, and used it unisparinjly Badey, ....... do',. . IlWlffewi a(Locilstlim other niglit without mistake not, eti $40 a month. Sbouldany itiring folir years of war, are no Lacd Lymillea asked a question with propenities at Cltfj ad op. IzeB qf,,your readers bappen to come in iboi direc. referentes to the comilwy of the Bill, the t 'G ROCERIES remuit; or observatioo, and ill* Confedetatio. Dear hd' !Spring Assi i fy in.; our expense. Ili uddition to her other qual;ties. she was peat as inquisitive as ever was a woman rtlty and, labourers who make up o:i th's Hay-; -4-!, sehente basbeeome law with a raoldity and was oonAthisi morning by the Chief tion a visit to the Heipler facto, ie -i, es e,:iai-' 0 ea,lb. One evening King Solomon atten&d z __ Cku 0 11 Vie bulk f the Fenimi levies, follow these hogpheads of Muscovado 8 gammatee, of the Canadian raitoay. ly that of 11esus. Randal & F"r will well Hamilton i- up?, very P. eompleteness wbicli stonjshaz those Off 03, 1jutice. The bar was well rel)reseateil. en with imill7cit ot)edieuce. They End lodgre on --some grand occasion, and staid 10 Parrels Montreal Refined SpW, The Duke of BmkinAim said that t Amber WheaL. 1 50 160 wtio are accustomed to the dilatory Ways of par tbertrara iale. I,i Galt there are two -ood on l0eap. a resolution on the qubjec There were sevoral civil cases, and one them bold. voluble, confident In ame0lon * somewhat late.. When hv returned he befem the t mould be Ind x2to e -a tolerably large one ill Watpl 100 lot', SprinWWheat .............. 150 4-65 Parliaident. they see iliev have good clothes. and plent? lie faundb fair Ammonitariss in the dampe 10 Barrels Broken Loaf and gmad 3 House of Commom within a y Barley 094111% criminal case. an -1 so iI half duzeA. of Je4jqr note in this f y ; and they believe- they hu and pouting, just like the dear wives of 01 ............. 050 (tt 0 53 very cberap. I told you in my last, that the Princess of-, doink well. , I stpr tO1 0 mou" ve the weelt, an until that rewlatio had been towaship, left d by 0 32 '035,. ,,Th0,lttter wis that of Gdoite' strf-rigili not only of the Ame perlia. Masons do sometimes now when their lords eas .................... 065 070 An iotmenti,! Stock of Tea, embraciag &mW44 it was not propowd that this Wales was seriously Ill, and that her. pare, uti", 1: . viell, etw-ged With stealing money. 6y' orranlZatl')JI, bt of the U i,,d thenti stay out too late at the lodge. She upbrai- -Young Hymn, 00gDU, is- dealers, tnat 066it'lisifundine the hih I P Bill dioul ")eeed fWther. had bwn spnt for. now regret openin our peoi,le (an undersell the Americans in to say That letters in the Berlin post office, solves behind them. Considerin that two ded him with n9glecting her, insinuated that Toroutot Mar. 27, IM7. Japdn' Soneliong, I capadt report an a her condi- their own markets, -the internal revenue is succe4tilve- Goverumeiis have aeu armed he hadn't. been'to the lud-,e as he pretended, Fall wboat ............... 1 55 (4 1,60 Lord Mesdak uked w1liether the Y wneadment i he bein an employee in sail post office. so hiAit it) the Ur.ited States, that it has ca Twoulay, Ptkoe, *A., tiimz IU people Of Marlborough, House are 0 us Spring do, .............. 44 -1 45 to be Permanent or for a Thep"ner, oil Atecount, of his extreme -!L.,* ieral-del vrown iwirode. A lar$e wool with thi oowerlbf-suifimary itoorlsoun;ent, tt and insisied that in , ture he should give F extremely reti,,en; but -enough has leaked ed is stran,e that such men should have been proof that Fe went thdire by having hersulf llou - ........ Y0 thy in coua, er j cto 1' l B rll*6 e n- d, so that she . migght -go there and CXD3F_HJE:8 of various qllftal out tol=ify grave alarm. 4;iecuteaitack ry is to bq #rebte( 0, - I I. I , allowed to come and o so freely among tile himat, 0; Curi-ants rinegar Th* Duke of Buckingham said that of rL e BY" summer, , ca a small'one in V terloo. watch him. 'D,Lucrhter of Ammon re lied - a film from which she hs ,suffered lie b on years of a e, and ta a e's a ret 0 Barley .............. 0 83 1W MU$t r== -W 4CUililll unlit the prepMlls em amee her couf 0 rich of industry is regarded with much people. [a sume c4s rried Irishman ap *0 inemenk hasproduced in. of a very prepossesssinar, appearance. 'Vuck s bra mustaid Thi of this kind IiAs,,been wandering about the the kiai thou bust hehaved thv elf as ofie 0 4T Rive wem laWee the W& of the ort"_ ijoulse. I term exhAttaia agamlailed, b favur here and a great amunt of spare capi whip am interest was manifested here in the case, ejuntry for wooLlizi %itlioul; 'wole&L..tioll of the (oltish WOUT-11, in preinmung to ques- Yontriuli Mar. 27, 1867. Sagan Were perpetua to the qurprise of every one he plead limited spate treat mor 6 faily of it,at presen though everybody, and es ecially the lo tion thyJardandamer. T4ti art not "lieft Tiw Commons! a4mlimeniff I steeplessnem These are foes eyen but tal is beigg invested in it.' I cannot in thi so Flour' Superior Extra.. tz 50 a 9 00 Am agarwili t&" more difficult to contend with than the ori- t, p0lilte, knew his errand. Peppers ed quilt . This is thought all t4c mO Z other cas,..s a ajigry .-.vitlt me as thou pret4 (:6rd sumh re t MV rasau e fhtli .0 Iect ai goidesit to be 78 -1 7.5 -Ir"L. fee -I- Y. Two days this w uee" v i 32 Itij..-. -0,4 D Starch conie up from Witidsor time. Vaperst Blue eek the Q remarkable as the dettidtive who was the suspected conspirator haE been locked up, for fdr'the true reascati -of this lb ha-idr is libi expretqy to see a while, and afterwards let OUL to return at insatiible wliW lboa."excelliest. Barleit-Per 48 lbs. . 0 55 a 0 58 Sammes ]KO" of Air. Ram" Neimuse. ILOY chief evid9nue the pro* sh aHi, bneu- I am ZW to be sib le LOCAL, 1Tg?J S. -It is almost certain Mr once to.&a former oceapatiou. TheGovLrn- Eve herself. -Know, then that I here trard i A as- Pots. 5 80 a 5 85 'Labsten to 814tet that on Monday nijrht she -slapt. wel I. since,&64. 'Tbi-a scfitbnil(34 is'not' Yee Ao%'Vman wifl be taftured for the comm ius meat has, no doubt, bad durin, the last six t fint neither tholij any of thy inquisitive 25 a 730 beeD adminis- giygn, but as the judge cha ad the unopp I Gm Ran"-fissagain rendered him- The most potent opiates 6id usA Moses tbo Ift nadoths Lhe prataif-worthy desigir oTlilli-minish. sex after thft ever edfor - ilia porwa of -4 &r - Ever wred, bat without ef!ICL Sul hall enj y- er a will oet the nomirl'atiou of t e event Chic go, ka '-27 186L WMVDQ§rieUft9 by &60ing a ri&Alus r, cleans fQr Grand Jury with more than U sevtrl- 0 ongly Opp_s It co 110- jug its much as possible the utruiber of the Hiisonic 1,6d e ; but I s h f I - - I I TOBAUCOR-OF when rctlring to find a bill " 1 1 ar rd ony. wo% ,R n-,- rest to tire& natere had been tried but He wiU be str ed. In the StAith to pitrace t hroqg with his iswo e -ding IV "Wcmerz--Vrift- 901t it tbi Fenian edripiraciv wus I dying out. bat. sbal attempt to enter a 10p e, en in rt in fain. TWIllat Medicitita' how- b rr--1MtMW to "" , , IR . ; . -1 .. _ (4 0_00 lr,zolaftwi the U,& Roam of 84 e Y ptr4ous detained. i For a while it seemed $2 A5 R 2 60 v v Poo Y. wat"iTm to -the c&ct that the Amen Ili anti run two candidates for the Commons.- ilittr the faiiureot' the Canadian isid, and thee, Queen of Arad tbouggh if 0 o 411 Field and CaWs Uo& beiamije *hich i 11cre is nothing else of importance in The German papers are prejud cing their em government koU -pirith someth' khe convictionfiobtained against, the - j!j4na that orditianceof, that wisest New Yotk, H ASO. a _0 soporfic, and the poozXrincess after parta4 couit" dointrygeiks aifnd aziiiisV "ItIn ii3wliher * aia ofthv,as:i piation in, Irelsind, it seemed cOulf-flued.-iiii fo, ri iill this day."' The priu-i2le skin 116 ilitm 4t tU MabliAtmetst ef mg of it, sattIr into a psteduff glumbir. 1 Sb# candidate'und must have Can guler Te -u -ch- F16ur *:w 10c lower r6asonahle to expect that the partisans of the r 10 80 Thti -ubscriber boo. -to ackso"a ger, but on b V r a'a pqblic would recogtitze Uteir uvrn -00 ,W ex Ile rnselatift - illianot appar. r to be iq I I ' F1 0onf--itleratiom His Fenian P(1111116M dA4 Thakl] I k "AQ isk 66 C: 'we 85 fWk*fot Lbe very and is Alters aud thu little h)pe that remained she haa endured so wait ai - War hardly know "presed 'a Hit Sul; A is Got a whit bWarr thb t em of r ch 1 90 na 12 75 VeaforthoplitiL4 aud, Jmptfiae-the ,tsle iof faine, that consideraliale 'C'oi.servuitvei-w-itrirroVa6iyvvirl'in g-out 1101513. Une of the honorable members otc6nir"s Ir acifariValkortou llail Cost 9 pore than double evoluLid'utzirig their country business for the luture Wilt o - . be 4sueb as ill" dbouls -1* ANA. anti-ty is naturallf i0t by her medivall at a in of Galt. fr Wh 't 48 210 * if he OM all 'Judi iiii thoughlull,li WJ it cauzht, to have dune, it appeares fr ut. we must now acknowledge that the ex- otn It pi mber lin good w 8-10 0 09 conti-suedfavocs. tendAnts. I need not add that people a our salt lissinking mu ;standing" of the Methodj5i,.,,,Ch ' a I irodz;a the Mel tions re h fasLor into -c1gd traqqi ility_mia tfurtherooff than ever. 001 the nian who n accotiuts to be aLwrelehed 49tch of III: n g. self, rigod QOods Cheap greatly alz;raved at the protrac b4i ial tho roetki. an& not a. An laspecl#a?z Ue man, 4014 ')A I., - -, 11 ow"d tied Uluen of The r* hi(vols V to ilgovide [Ai tbat -the leading couspirstarirs %ery much of a "praying -1 , very tre(koent aiqaeudapt, a ;F buyersq -j, _Jlaxs meetings. tw tin Ham whkik adopW thifm Here dw p,,.Ce^ and that their fimm we intenji. be set i-siat;10 caten 99 watr durm' Operations havle nien suspfide Qi some leoum4ed Ont, the restoration of the habws g rumd. D e nee a a mte in '. rather,, eing pres Of t el thel 2M tied by the abseneel of bulletins an4 6f floohng ii an 'Udly put together thit timle, buti are hboatto be dm med--4t is -14DI 0 B * I - 1 9 IlWy pwpw. ana-valtiod-ii, cW.efly As a means for JITO= Washi", NarA 27. -In Me Roan Iker rieed cog tion ore S C ay by Tppie ise. tm,,v4- t authalintle" statements with rel(e!e!ra__to any person can put their handli down bet. feetdeep. The Prestoners' are determined fin e a p qq4tig &reason. R _ Go&tichai CornierW --Isci. idi ween in1500fogtdeepr otbei'rday hiiA nau%-passed,4here would -ercii W -day. (;eq. Danko; 42avt , ytMoke,'11' ldpt, witi;i_4 Mull, - The sa=*'auth6ri*frdi* rridifiattlegell igh at p;r'e':`l;e'if,' at last prhyer. Beftire he .ed A iOi" r9S0 he toodir bpit - ell. 01 the bYh6 alis tea4qr to close file q* repo have ob. are iff.; ;nged, almost evervtbin,6 is Oad #ntlk titreet. lit. April, 1866. latigo declaring dmt the 460* of , the t4 Alch, I out of have --been if" Geeral" for-everXtebel band. 4ecline the i W t ime pliti.1ifid ih re i's lack of' (A Ovet 200-" jedd "ra;so4d, As acavernmerit hi ; tlius alike for an(r-ob- vitation. the peo rcba W ateirloto maTk 14 file to stat,- -that United States canna regard -the propmed '*h!!) "n -so *gq 1 ,Y4*1W 0444a r -Aces- were ps, p b. &be Princess of Teck is severely W-tifti4lig a Od ly, fbi the c Lai renewed po shOUld use (hem Ae ft frouidepremon of spirits; 'Altb_ elber, the are so Amiageif as to give faci 19"11 'Ud their liflee Vionfederatiom of the BritiN Provinces on litio for the to 24 falledt exigntthat Way " neceaary 'on b y arre8i the aorthem frontier of this prospects totia cheerfail,sawrit, for t1w com-is pr Ne, bave bad -i ',stillitnffom I Irrayer. Thre rabye"O" 0(tant %bus eon - ea If imers. fir, the piii lic fi t '--apd Cam" lar fro a, deli", 010 may be Mfe -I reif sup- promising buir let cerned, wWw-jt extreme solibitd& that a Will- r IVen T 6e federation; of 8tates on the -ihe people. 'Ibless thi today I& timght.; to t "14 , thew g ticinatioule id -AW, 'Ame iL ra pliclatio, matinea fouddepreallin treason afhoikig, A uandry exemplified A baker wit U4.01 IS yjl t phurch, its i-36mbership. ed. h'eetin wading frogs ocean jo ocaj 112fAor% _U I .# , W 1P be, ar t, RV in the le of IiWtrousersiI _t r oogaultink the peoplo of the Pro- tioc, 0 tbA Be I i-, I a cum ed-ii4-remium last Piers, especial a=, r andtabove ib" Nothi eT 0 njjr eaublisfied %**e Propibr Tione it Ab te Olf-INi overilquent. A --Cabifipt week, they'iiis ittit beyond par at presento r fill, eil 4V &c.. a, euta a a" lu"ded on the wanatrehical Council is being ilwild whirs I whte, U his C:Y Tbg Hercules gunboat, at presf at at a the meell wit pray - IM lflud& for I r ,T.;­ -in ail act'! I ; Anterl, w9 arjtW lly it tag t principle, eimatob,be cowkdered otilerwift ml,elti Irse cafle* 'whidtre the co'hatitutional idittlition of than 1&,# in eontraventiont of the tradition he m be agreed upon. The gen tree _e ecial,ly ver1ruit irees ot, all sorts, 17, e .11 . - 2nd. Ffftyl)ollan -deel&ed priEbeiples of the Ftion of the 1413ay" battery. --At 1110M 91. Ill3mr IOLIFAnee I DN'T. KNOW iT wAs TIJEELe.-One and abnoltantly Olvening: dinaiij it on Oral implilwitain is, tbAl they wilt Vadeaor to Thq, P p $19 91 wokles D 110 a su act of Meir, co id o the ZhaU3tiV municipal iti-we quality huawhold euTra 6, or mther- to tinter a r tal ire I Toronto to 11hen th a is no flow of,gap 'I ), , Governavit; y recently sent from ot -0061 or, e w - AdveOu.pf. the k0l; Iffor- iffl ge 1111at 'c6aceszios by a zydvall1*(4a*j vot. .1 ha; juatl ariied­i ple6e bf ni3*i irbich ,11te and ing ter"CA t It Unt lateraiiaxid WWII% tat iface. reves,,,, -ffla oni lopp4-in saifd q rPHP 100"a ty, cuts 4 *Mdy =11111111mots forcr than a walk." Not l9qX,,A nu is yr , go a freig t, raiin. 3=2 ft- t It w time and of itil takhe _,the, Ito, sun In -istbw, wotads- that tboif* **Ilf bill gr It it -that the, -#boV b Lf % - - wa iluiin te 1907 t# lanewVage 1'3't'0'6e`start;! in V -P-WW1UXL. e free stands tor of,1611 A 114i bar a --ve pill i&eusible to perpetuiew tha Is IWA 'The 90- 1 --- lanib IV OxWng belem t ti r!i6caU0,% We PMeW1011 of ceto the A Observer resu suffem Its the 1 t id ey of, 1861, rheumatis watlaremments. of Willie Will "tlertl* *t@fi" & 'detibfo and transferred to a new abode. on the Mobile & 9hiao"Iceld was consitler. Abe a or I;* aAfUr alime-disounaw,betwea Nesm. vote. Lord R r§y has, Much. No bullelins- luilburau r tv prime. -,-06ti # tug ,qd during n Ulm are issued begatiats it is ably behind timill0i andthe a" c alwA a r on Belaki Brook, of the-raik find t, r d Y for Pugh -006fith Without Said distribution thallAskel- wo 8 Wiikid Umadler, the 11R.Or - mi ued to dasit'Wit thtO fAndou.0a But the Queen of Denmarlt b the s 0441% u r s slid. efo sf r jAA an -been sent for "A -Morrow On tfiig,- tbeoudlo, gallf son wat Pilmed witboillitr a Uili- to a new brick church, at it"atimated cost of fi ctWtlly proven r efrort to idu;; tind is expected in a day or two. Meantime ItAfter each COUPturtiv - 114 now d idad Ascordarit $9,000# 1 e h9rit, I "Aw f4etions to pull ly caacerned, and her visit Y ousequlent exbausiou of the ,tree b t ,y e*Masive *r"&Uk9, **fr w thO UM COMO& Th. t t he: wW The Coolie immigratifill, t6bUbd-11111 rip'idli io tfuckij igai A, where she is no* 44illlige of its vitcl 614. bar u:zr biw1leaderar 264 iit I a oli a metit ud-vilad.-goationj agA It 'i Ttl a rqajority of the istizilento -As arrested4kir 14 fall- i%Lt oil its --return ihb, engineer'zi% IlIftlaAnk th" fri sw 1102 U#f r xetedviij ]a &Ail pruning prNieflinglifto beA Ily I*tb. 1. 7 b It ,I now tbv Vhk no'ver succelfstul-oudy partially, because With ar,afiurej T! t W11.11000 in On# 'and. FAI- "of her daughter-in-law 1han b %be State Alia i I =1 "BOOM "US& iW SYMPOAY -to tho Wtaduction mapirel P 641Y, bky thaIi 11100*60 Itch" 4ndVsn&z is & tWr W" 01 w" witEseaeii fvow,-frinto ihe 112- $0-FulluLry 5cieutitim s4vaom, h+itg-con- them. If any irk ere you t y . upinious, fouzidedii they -1-1 Pon train which just 466M4 alfor fn jonty of the :Hnuft of' C OM-Weft.,- cobedo, with 13,000, are within ISMilds"lbf iMi6i424kh are out forward. Min;sterit.1 AM fime, be-fabeentV be _ intow 41-8 in& &ab r sterday without slacking 0 philosol "SA 7. immita b ruafdre f tretipii" F b" 4ve 16h ar ifiat perpetuate IIA r pruu Ailld4i Vy "kat ilia iv attue extetid aud ut 1"49 le fkill Pikiniton eaqh other. A, batd P"Yo Yy (04 _V3 and iche ate teal 4ashed by here ye 1 7 Of BUtCS to '&Vif& Jbilt *K to 0044 bft- whiWSir J0 is can ?I Ke Rl i all a8ked,the Xayor.c p" IF a. on Infanticide is be er to moo in $I? I ills, Abe lid war slashing the corrf it" I -cc dt a train -et pdt fl to." it inA a lot V fawy a 1111,134 or IrIk we can -A no I _*j I Fill at iss we 1few Atime five weeks sa Whit "New ':B speed its that dIT4689 1019 lieu lias ing pracdcalisud'personal testimony "I did repli4theteijla hi rgemfm, &,but 990,F904 14AS prem calli upon this autbon Jes prompt rwith xwbgtazi xar&!T2&, The,-, allgre I It frl!&! -tbia ttorribI& fir fiqly tkm, as any ci reill otidt A I i - d of the Laord than two hundred cliards Ill to day sent -to Vcagiediiilllili w enT, a 2 -am" 1111111-willh-sw Cr4 d An --NNW ri One of (be beat of Dsi 8wift's g0A I. eave Ithr luk i PrDV0 ad,;I rtil'itu 1*r the a TMI IWO(10*11Illit Very cdWb tot. th I nest, IV A--.- wwmvzh-uWvnfTua44o into GM tame claims. a ilying the tecit f maw, I,, ad t with tbei! clat2i 113411110- tronk L upon tbom. U lbuir to go- wtv bitter fil e per V1100 *ft n dunn e to telling the rbOlelattested u er- jer-01" t of CM &RKUI W-GEW kilVVIVOItiW, rNt awy Aw- T eaull'aw inill of A 441 fiat 11 use no libmilf W -P lao lucke th tbey $11(fteed Ja her, W 060 awkf, d tothe sticond readutf; without a aT h, debate olit utiol Mae. b Ablil :1 iT, T11 ba b" n Aze for rat ptomot" rollf A t T__ caper h in$ 9 th h 9 The 11ontreal U,, &-rinderlom firs bi 11berall 6 readou to Ili to America if a stric fEe tharacter of the &dTnm the North C McCulloch, oftbe U a circular directin I Prewleirt the landi. hides from those por is in force it, Canad pected, it we mibtaic distrias in the aprinf iorcuialtaggious hide ra sickam throu-bout, Priori It that 0 - Virl care,"Pit theref(,re amthonties to keep a beedlessly expose tbi to the enormous los, fallen the larmers c preebely similar car The'New York 771 in& pointed remarks 'finilitee Fenians, uni Expaensive amusemeu Tt is about time th. to to bow tar Fenian, United States to pay I Canada. There has b spent in this mannei suppsed the expendi byet and over azain. leaders choose to rai Considered, the orgaw of expeditions agaiti i peace oeghl inot to be bar border fin a milli Netrtirtbeless our Gov zoild view of the suhjt itself with interpoeill- have commenced. -Not only ought it t we are not at ---war w being the ew, canod upoe our neighbors b, Almitfican people on- i ic foot the bill more Issit mid took place it but is was expensive t, bm,dens enough ot the Gentral Meade If r Lnke Army of the Irish R alfid not suppose that i repeated every year, z I dot have been so ge: have no right to cause sambliciboacy in the W: & ;_comie to an erd, 218 ChOOSe U oI then Pirn ified that downw. If America fet to know it, but an I di eitber by native or lot her not be plagued 16ithorized and illegal i viesion tron our shores Willie Reft Our telegram by the 4111adW" bu pronour, form Bill of the Ministi tian in the conserative retirement of the three theinapposWins of -the Gladsitione would be mc seat the doom of the tan adventure. Nothing is the Bill to which objeci catk oWy wait fuller tot< jo& ft is to be reg quixtion seems to be i thrown over for a longe Pk-asifix anticipations - arient-te vhich twLe e C-7416AL lFreemas Tbm ip no human ghhe that ever has or e- on -Wy so many etc arterinall toaffict as the I XU wise foilinders, if it ei i0d k upon a tewt simp] moke, whilab conizaigisd lair teat ha4apon the a lates, and which furnish- trowpirlty, simit no impr( no ebange. The laws fi2ed, immutable, faud taties. The old PiLtnarch Er. w3mm a T414r ofstone, a throaglit thil micghtyloaut! to two of his sons -upon . awad m=Wm where I the flood ded, and and blusbilid a, --=-n *ith i a tbecesiosom; Vociele, old priaists on the bau4 men of Gebell earred of the 11affiLerTaum two JUrams imollitlpted t] at Jeramdemi, and the ba, tat ttm Tempte ailread andviler liqez,as, mail &as to the UWiedwW eW try befors ow Terhiii Xwch-15, I K( inthisci% ku written asoka IL6 Arranzement gw y and tU Emperor of Loadov4 1110cit 25, ]ROG of comilsons to -n dU Reform Bill was re Glen* ma.40peiech iw againalbe Govemnwht aDpowd the secirand A Pwo corrteponAeut day 64zette, Isay, Utat. _Iq Der of Amerioaa-61%oem A Comaili Sum by warprise. -i Tim *4xioft, Nation A;U01V*—Q aeoffilia'a, J iftlawaxitu Uirlw amp e44 As lit UM-10er ILI Y Well, mmis Y I ander the ZzAtW4ion'Tp A R nWnld lil rAL, jwi& - 4iiie boo b4 -noftaTb_w— " "o—Am '37 IMN A MO Ab