HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi Weekly Signal, 1867-03-22, Page 2r.1- t E - 1 17 1 - F - ­�� - I - -, - I . . - 1� - � - I � . . . I - . - I . . � � . - � ��-��-�, _--- it- - -- - - i� . - --- - -- - - -- -- - - .- --- - - - ­ of. - - - - --- ­­ � . - . - --- ------ z � - --- � --- O"Pmp@-- ­ - ------- -- - I W - iry settleaqat not going to fight the people of Canada- we HOW 111W ladjans rhAiade ,.atone Nom 3blaigrastatty4u. I . - . rout* of 60 procession. and tbal.avivetill an 111PULNG AMXEdo OLLT An 701,Tuz Wan.— . rOod as a satisfacto . Arrow-13eadis. %'Jfr. TARL8, 0. T. DR. �ii i ' , - We tkad, therefore, go to Canada to fight British solafers and to -- - - — ­­­�- --- - stry'allo AND Sonalut-n WSTPICT, uick," rushed into the crowd, — - -� mmauder of d3a Aurora "I'tbis vexed quextion ' the "Alouble q, DeElorsey, co I duribg ite,course of the past week to consider meet English rifles ; -so will jo there with . AIMITIL and fought their way to wb§M tbdt-AQN- ,"b Marts ­ of Aniftind Nbi Prig# now Iiing at Quebec, has b"a MOM& -and to consider d4st anxioifol-whather th,i olive breach in oat hand avd the ', The heads of the Inditn offows, gpears, pILINCE 9F 0Rj1VGE "t,aL . 00040"M artraft. 7yme. panions lay bleediar in The streat, *�Jvs�, 71 . the javeling, @to oft�n foutyd in marry parts - �� -� - ow will can vae I I of rec'Air to that which commandid the suff- latter.tbqy.,y If tAIlow. Tbe-peo Acanuadattoo ...............­ t;;30 a.m. stol,altbataning -- 0 d'WOM J001cl DMW, yew westward, and wM be fbll�sd 6Y, tWO we should adhere to-ovir second,jroposition, sworl iw.Abe other, and b' ., -­ .- � - '- - I , M , ,a _ple of Canada of our continent, have been ad abed, but NNW 1406 aftsow X- B- hundred names, w.1th ofiloers,'and 0 i - DUNGAN10t.1 - , * = ---, I , - - the good stand tU,r mi ,,, _ - 3. 1W t, i i oll - 0 � ,, - Um "at -majority of the 0*bipet should skddrob to the armi of the Irish re - , - '- Qi` brAhe ComiNty At- neers. Vionegaills, look-OCW - idost public likeseasible, prudent people, aW III . ­ � -P Rxwm mad ................. . . .00 p,Am. a short time, they were overpOl � rages of the process of forming theid only eon 10. Y at Ike t ., - L" 4 I . istatis enp h of three 1 -& 13X,A,Cn. .M ,, bars, &W in their turn to -1 I � . � and at I o cost'af a sacrifice Hism&........................-, mAdened amailants. blipediag from . 4 - -'y . great deal of Vetured. Bon. Caleb Lyon, oil a reeent I . ""App*ed for 46 -brown- 0111-� �`� isteemed and valuable colleagnap to Present this way fhey save themealver a . ' PZPJAW. inMeted by the swordS of It'* bOrse =0 11, I town. .[Prototype, ----­..W� -- -- to Parliament thitt measure which. in the first trouble and Il,o labour of digging a great visit to California, met ,vith a party (A' . 1"r-PrIet(w. ­-...-� . ....... Avaded staves of t v sides the local soobers of the bar,. we 0 f Shasta Indians. and ascertained that they I . I Utz" ........ .... . r1*00 6 -IL the famidable spent, i 'rho Break-uln in the iritiga instance, ill& majority of the Cabinet cuts. many graves. He, spL1e Qfthe treatment o Ample . - 'biziet. . Andered tiae most desirable one. I need not the ronian pnel)IIIArs, and said that a minister still used those weapons which in most . ammmwmpoNk 11prew insit ..................... Moo I 4 am to front. noticed several gentlemen of tko robe 01-L - , I ' choice imam am ow a. AccomisdaWle ................... 1-30 NUL Ter. ZwT AT ITS 11910sr,- rgAitirri. 1101C.NM& from Toronto and elw*berAii. . — say that I came to the c.;dclusion that it vrat 41 6Gdwas made to do meniLl work, and tribes Lave been superoeded by rifles, or . Seni!ance. The excitement that reigred in the neigh- ad it% the positiou in which we for every indiltnity afrered to him, be would at leat I by iron -pointed arrows and spears. D-T—on, XAwSL to � � bylls NxplalM. our duty, plac I . - - 1, .- ­ - - - - ­ borhood of the riot at this moment was pain The followitig gentitimen of the drand 1phe East of Der Aire, char;ged- with the awful responsibility of be revenged a thousand times. fie ref -n -red He found a mat, who could manufacture I w9V , z1-- * fully ap mnt attlong the ift Ing AsAames, ol jury answered to tLeir nalson, and were t1dave . endeavoriog to Battle this great question. to the battle of R;dgeway, where 400 had them, and saw him at work at -all parts I - 0 , ­ % M11-01tthIg 1��10%131 men Wasswooven % ho ca Qw­d2 routid the spot sworn. I . ing of the 41h, seeing- no alteistive, seeing it was whipped 1,600 British soldiers, and -aid To. 1W wbete the officers lay trampled under foot. In the House, on the even proved last session, that our predecess- ronto wa4 England on a small scale. Ere of the procep, of which be wrote and — — I ­­­� -- - I and bleeding fmm tbo most gitasliy wounds. John Holmest Esq., foreman ; James the Earl of Derby said :- ors could nit frame a successrui measure on many mon-hs roll over our heads there will ouinuidnicated to the American Etlinolo- tram the men C�Tniti, Itobers Costs, Wm- Chesney, * infinite besomebody bodides Judge %ilsou to ad- gical Society the following description : INSOLVENT ACT Ul? IN4. . Before your lordships proceed to whatever this tubject, and seeing also the AD I . GSERICUs C. W., M114:11, '12 1867. ""d m"'wor" "re be"d Win. Fill- Ilk winir this question to minister justice in that city. Although not '4 The Shasta Indian seated himself upon HE Creditors of th.. underwgued are eat" I ---- -- - alto, though willing to assf 'be offi$'ers, Thowe'" Hadie, John Elliott, may be the business of the evenit.g, I ill! importance of not silo ed - . stood bat k in few of ineurring their fate, I the floor, and laying tbe atone anvil upon T to meet at tho. L'aw orke of Mem'sain OUR NEW YORK LETTER. .bilv saver*1 ,vousen. who wore standing near lay, John Kerr, John Kay, John Lou- it is due to 7our lordships, in the present stand in the way of public businew, intimating when the war would be reoew state of affairs, that I abould state to You,. to keep &live oprpetual agitmion and excite- or where it would be inaugurated, the speak - his knee, which was of compact talcose Toms k Moo-, in Lhe TQwn of'GodAlIxilgis tk by, were borne off the sceRe fivritin I. 01111111A fd�aboro-;Jolm MoNsugilftos, James Mo* without the shirlitest reserve, the position of mfnt in the c6untryz-1, for my part, what- er argued in fuvor of attacking Canada, and C011111 y of Huron, on Wedpesday the teak ay q slate, with one bloyr of his agate chisel he prif nezt, at the hour of ten of the elm* * ST PATaws-'s DAT IN TIM MZ"WPOLIS-- who bad the Itardihood to retuain in the ever regret I might experience in separating urged various reasons which we cannot re- OrAl Dowall, Xubs Patty, Chas. Moat, Robt. the government, and the cimumstances by 0 parated the obsidian pebble into two he fo.enoon, for the purpose Of rwetving state., INUUMS erUpotyla.%a or TRIC falaR.- vicinity, Stood hy ea!e and treablinji, WO it ht about- trum &hoap of my esteemed oulieugues who Cite, in favor whits seems to be tbe'fixed poli- 'Bel I ' . H-ftry Steep,, which that pa.ptiou has been brou; � , . another blow to the rn�nts of his affairs and of naminAr an Assignin * . -4 *LAiu.vG or -in& arugs *-Tax Fttocu� t mes weeping at the siglit they would'fain Scon, War. Seymour, ' � _ laying be- could not 61111N Iteir convictions into unison ey of the organization. He 'thoujht it not parts, then giving to Whom be ruay make an affagneawat _ oft I IM2% you Will forgive Me if, in fractured side, he split off a slab some the above Act. owa IM-&IQTS A%D BLOOMA90 AL"Q Tst &IIQI out from their TiOW. Meanwhile Wv. I John Sweet, James SeOtt� James Wat&on* Afore you quite openly and without any re- with those. of the rArmailider of the Cubinel, improbable that Uncle Sam might want to UNIC OF WARC111. -T119 POUCC A"ACI&LD. officers from various parts of the proCMIOO has been pur- felt it my duty utither to throw 4p the post eat up Canada. wbich he cuold do in twenty fburtti ofan itich in thickness. Holding Dat -d at Coderich, in the. Conlaty at fivion, A= ssT.mm,r sasriw-ramtrut. AND DI3- - disturbance hA' Itt addrew-ing the Grand Jury, His serve, both the course which I - ot be allowed.'ge the piece againat We anvil with the I bumb this 50th day ,H Much, & D.. i8n. to whom intelligent:3 of th sued and the present state of affairi� I refer which I hold nor, to abandon the hope of (4ur hours ; batillia must n J&MFIS WATSO, qwftz" scusca -abazz&L ur Tax aiovc*s ls-90 communiiLated, arrived on the spot Lordshi� laid that it hi -Was WO in Open- to a single fact connected whil I lie and finger of his left hand he 00111=00ed TOMS & MOORE. it . -period at carrying a Reform Bill. I havo determined said, Can&" is the key to liberty, and w, - AZZ§nlM, AC.. &I'. shorily atter thi� men ut.der -rdiintbmall jog the Court, it was no fault of hill, but which my colleagrues slid I took office. 'At to bi ing forward and submit to, Parliament, want to grasp it in our hands 'and open the a series of continuous blo;18, every one of Solicitors for Insolvent. wr I -ded In filghting their ,we , having with such assimance as I can obtain, the lock. Canada is the country made by nature urr-ft - -qveml Cue"Vowhrial .1 Brown. and saec*. Y did not that time Her U,&jeStv'&'GuTer0menI, I - ah clipped off fragments of the brittle - comrades, bat tecause the railway authorities � it -h it was at fiivt intended to in- and ordained bv God through which Irish lib will' to the side of their prostr4ft flilod in carrying the Reltrm Bill which meattare wh A, substance. It gradually seemed to &a- INSOLVENT ACT OF is". Naw YoaK, March 19. only aseirlialy to contend spinit, %he ovi!r * keep their engagements as to Lima. Ire ,hey bad introduced in the House of Core. troduce, but which the ciscutustances that I arty must be attaimid. The speaker here pn -ick's Day wAs celebrated here wbelatiag numbers which closed round theal regre min$, felt it -ard I qitestion have explained to your lordships led us for it to vote whether Ireland was ever to wat quire Shape. After fit,ishing the base Of p,0,..urCansda, (In the Cog, ,nansig , SL Pain ttcd to we that, there W43 a heavier to be their duty _q C als � arid attacked Ifieni witkatave,club and aword, the moment to abandon. That measure will with England, and the unanimous response the arrow head (the whole bei,ig little county ot Huron.( County orign". C te hey did sa6sigh - In the Matter of Donald McTAAjv" an fasotrear. yutrtd3y with more than usual anthusi until they,too.succutub.4 and fell bleedinic to calender4ban ivaL Then were three not whether I Itly or wrongly be in a very short time laid before the other was in t'h'e affirmistive." ass a�znng the IriA by a gir-in-i civic the tartlit, to be trampled uader foot. So ahargAn of a t) resign'uffice, and tile 4ueen was, there- . I trust that by the . 41W over an inch In length) he began striking On Wednesday the thaleenth day orlitay next,, and mili" panda. Notwithalianding s.)4,u as the riote . ra had &lutted their vengeance in at W401t, hY Which the law ,i.te, left 'Without A gOVernenent. Under Huu&3 of of Pat hatut"t- . gentler blows every one of which I ex- the un4L'e i ed Will ippjy to Attie judo * fals' I I as 1110 clestruction d almost any kind those circumstances, I felt myself unable to espiration of the present week we shall be pected wouldbreak it intopiceus. Ye& said C=71C a Zh=! vmder-the sold so. � , the be -ivy snow storm of Suad3y, the sun tq cuttiag down all the oolicemen who dared the law of Englan(l resist thl,appeal made by Liar Majesty thutj I able to replace adequmtely or not -the coI. B111,016. such was bih adroit application, his skill Dued at Chaton- th"' lfth day ormarck.A. V* � . ' to cmiroat them --and not onsi offiftir who ofbailding- Unlike I would form i ministry, and in doing so I oh- leagues Whom we have bud the tnisfor(une - and dexterity, that in little over an hour 1867. simae bTightly overlmd, and the weather w= in the vit;iuity shmnk from the contest- our statute did not require that there dertook the responsibility of offlee perf"ily to lose. At thp expiiation of this week we In the 13 ouse ef Commons on, the 5th inat., D. MeTAWNIL tirvly pmpitious for the ,I p& -,A ­v of thrio scizea hold off officer W in House wen to committee on the Brit- he produced a pcirfect, obsidian affaw-head. 8. MALLOOMSOLY VMS eompara should be the inmt to-ilafmud, the unpledged with regard to %he subject ot Re- shall he ante to present a complete and unit- the V�l Attorney for InsWirew. vim, � - grvat eccasion." Eady in the morning B4rrett, who lay uneoascious in the street, of buildicg, form. At the same time, I must IsT tbat ed Cabenet, end I trust that at too distant ish America bill� ou clause I 18 a ilLneussit,ii I then requested litin to carve we one I ard after brutally stalsping upon him 11ting simple finug ONDY clam the almou immediately after ;be formation of period we shall be prepared to lay before arose The clause relates to the proposed from the remains of a broken bottle, whicn INSOLVENT ACT Or 1864. the suvots wwa cronded with them of hitu down a cellar way one of them remark Join property of another, is a felony, whather the Gove'rnmenA, 'my colleagues aiid I canie Parliament the measure which we originally Intercolonial raAl­Way, und Mr. Aytoun had �after two tailures) he sacceeded in � I i 9. bod sexes who delight to honor (7) the I int as thebodf nmek ltea,ily at the bottom to introduce; and we hope, given notice of his inte--tions to move its !q ,, dulent-intent or not, and the to a unanimous agreenifent Oat it was abs! - determined and siepta, 1, Let the damned dog lie there IK- fra 0 He gave as a reason f;Dr his ill suceesa, ' Province of Canada, I In the Con ty C*Mqfaa up( tho atone ,a could altogether lope most earnestly, that we shall be able County ot Huron. %County ofHunv. memotry of th, Patron Saint of the r6ruer- lutely impussinle that w ., . ft rejection, but on an appoal beinir mbde to he did not understand the grain of t -he f h the latter crime womid be equally established ifft ignore that great and prussig question i atid to bring it to a tiatisfactory conclusion dur'"' him by Mr.Giadstona before the bill we,al irt in the Matter oi Witham and Edwad aid W and the military and society part oftbe bloody contest Reline, ' 0� expre h a to glass. No sculptor ever handled a chisel Josolircuts. aiwal -" Captain m -in set fire to hii own property to as to tile question which then A rally pressed o,s the present sestion. I cannot 68 I e cointrimatee not In perse.vere ill his amend- . . of Ulinten it with greater pre6sion, or more carefull On Wednesday tte thirteenth day of"1111121 � Men were kept busy all the fort -noon W ho was titanding at the comer of anot her, but one Could .us was, considering the tallurf) of our prede regret Vfeel at parting with three of the IuQnt. itimmuch " tile clause did act c�omm y the otAdersisoed will apply to the Judge a ig i _ street and East 1�vnadway, was intormcd of endanger that ccuort although they bad the support or aL most important and most valued of my col the House to guarratee a loan tb,Lt is Lo be measured- the weight, and eff,;et of every said uourt for it diax-harge under tbeftW am n3king the necess:ary preparatioa3 for the. what was occurring in 6rand street, and i party if in the mid C Im- destroy his own pro dle , itagues, to whom I am united by feeli gs of i than this ingeniot a Indian, for even Deteel at lintoc, ttas ISti day, of March majority of the flourie of Coleman& in whsl n ra Bed for the construction of the railway, he blow, 'I A. 61UND FARADIC mea.miety,tartompany with Sergeant Bamets AII friendship : but if I withdrew the amendment. When 46wever, amotig th, m amw making is � d1stinct, D- 18b7- It - , It'id th.ve men,wbom tie had stationed in that Of a field or other detached position, just intioner we might bri..g to a successlul iastke, political and person . WILLI&M COWAN , i of the Irish soci,tics; and regiment!A. a question which, for more than eleven yeat6, had not endeavoured to go oul shoald have the clause was reached. the question was put trade or professioa, wbich tuany attempt, EDWARD C,041iF . . ,n. inity, proceeded to the scene of the ri,t. as lie could destroy or throw away his bad baffied the ofrorts of every precedi6g failed in my doily to the public and to my to Mr. A-tierley what wt it 10 be the - amount but in which fcw attain excellence. ,Ht; 8. MALCOMSON . , I, Aboat 12 o'olwk the line was formed, I where they were met by a crowd socue thre* own money if he was foolish enough to I felt, as I have had doveleigu. And whatever pain I tday leel and a signal for tha march " fired , hand -d strong. * litch seemed very demo" do so. Still, if S a government. My lords, � .of the loan, and be stnted that it was propo- understood the capacity of the material ALtomcv for Lasolvent& C, 4 w2m, � ot in nowise bent on WLU-hief. ated -_man met fire to his L4 honor of taying to you already in the on account ofthis separation, I trust that the sed that a loan of 13,000. 0 should be rai- striking tue first - a tross the City flail Park, and the rro- simlive, 0 ty, Without endangering that ecutae of the presert session, that it was a remainder of my colleagues will be equal to Bed, w bich should be ruarnoteed by the I -:I. 0 i&A � which the captala and his men had very lilt ir own proper ' -- in- question which could not be settled by the the occasion, and that in the course of the perial government, but the aning of the blow, by Surveying tile pebble, he could Ingl Act of Is 8,20, coankm Lbm moved down &-st Broadway troub',e in t4 -tier og To U,11ow the Hiber of others, for the purpose of obtainin I � 9"juse to that 0 1 � - prvaeut session we way briu to a suceetaful clause did not comajit the judge of its a7aLlAbIlLy as well as tile sculp- I lony. In cases of were authority or iufluouce oi any govern W . 0 Prov4sce of CIA nada I yN the Pounty Court, .vf ami tlasth!sm Str,:eL w the Park, where ai- A who had &I ready left -,iLs the capWa , sarnnese� that was a fe went whatever, and that if the government conclusion this great and paramount - q'uertiou guarantee. Mr. Lowe said he abouill hav- t,o, judges of the perleotuess of a block County of I aron 41 the County of Hang- � 6 st th iu-4t, buL OJ approacnia.- tt�eui it w- ar" it must lip proven %hat there was of last year was unable to settle the question, which litis �eo lung b,sffied all administration. thought that the claw did commit the House 1k 11 " were reviewed by the Mayor aa,l Z. make auy attack without - of Parian marble. In a moment all that In the Mauer oi Henry Haacke, an InjolveaL 10-aut] "r* --A to a.3t merely an attempt, but an actual fie- still le" was the present gonernineut likeiy (Cheers). bat be supposed they must take Mr. Adder- -given th" eg Us, v the botb boards of the Comizaa C aaacil, So- rianifurcements. He 0en disected Cattait, ing of the building wught to be destroy- to be able to Command such a majority as � ----- — -- - - I had read up(.0 the imujact written by Noticia is herebv a& I . covallanied Isy thd Iter. Faher Quinn, of t: I t mazt. of the Elevei i h precioct and a fr vs P . ley a declaration on 1,;ae part of the govern learned and sperulative antiquarians of twenty,4eventh ulty oi Mav next. at tb& how ek men r,f rite Seventh, whom he met. to follo- d. Until recently this crime was*pua- would carry its, measure again[ I &'I oppos"1*00-1 CAPTURE OF A FENIAN sPY. ment that it,did not. Ide hoped the Rutise ten of the clock, in the luieno.s. or as sow as Sz. Pew's Chu�ch, and John Franei r We found therefore, that the otill mode won d refuse the guarantee. The clause the. the hordenitlig of copper for tile working countA ean 15,� heard. the ti-tw*gmd Inu ap* 0 1 1 , I i be socirty in- is%able with dtath, and even now, unde - I W, to'f'L'J -%e of the said court for a dackaV Us. ' ' I , and they succet tied in annoy . *n to us!,- that the only prospect which We leam from trw Hamilton Spedater of A, der tne said AeA. . --is. A rtain CircUMStalaCeS, it was a capital of passed, and the other clauses having been Df flint axes spears, chisda and arro Maguire, M- F , Gf Cork, Irdand, who I the supu ten cons.derabiy with their locu isil Al beture the 'eimp . ..P,l seveiial ca f was held out to us ot a successful iss,le to yesterday that an impo, tant arrest was made &!re, -d to, the bi'l passed through coultuitter. heads, van e le" GoJericb. Ift Neirch. A. D., IF67. took a pirousticent positian on the plat- I Hi,14W-temart:13 went to w are or,nqe. There were . ses 0 our under"iag-was to proceed by what I on a tru; -of tile Great Wesaem railway as 14"er. . mechanical process. I felt that the wodd W . T. ItAYs fame. The 69th Miment Ph i I his woiadwl men, three of whom i -.e f,-uad-ill abbing, on which point His Lordship ex- mav calla sort of tentative 'process, and to it neared"the Suspension bridge ni, Salamay) . bad been better served had they driven W9 Attorney f- I nqojveft� eIllz � a shanty, several lying on the stree,L, arit. 0 t. 110cstructive Fare at Boallilwall. 777---------!-4 � . to which they had .beei p lained the law very lucidly, defining the in,11j, tnecubers of differeat political opiuions and that there is liule doubt tahat the prison'r the pen less and the plow more. INSOLVENT ACT OF 186C .Zoaavm (99th mgiment), and the fat I others in houale djerenc* bettireen 0001USedl outting, and in the'House of Coulmons to consider whether is & ventable Fenian spy, who has been I-= %. C 1 carried by citizens after the noters had left I Bothwell, Mai -ch 19. - MAtwit of A" i&U, headed the Drwer,. � plercina, wounds, and dwelling particu. by an arrangement which might be more or rating in tilticily anO in the county of - ----"`ss`- ProvinceofCitnadsk, #in the Gonscir cotirterda I the swats. 0 A fire bralie out bere last night, about Gt,unty of Hnron,,fcmntyof , and imatedntely after cam the � ,. l,ily upon the Went with which the tea arceptuble to various parties in the Irork for some titne previously. The deter- 0:)- Early on one morn tig I&A week; tha Into*. , I&M 3501112 1ILSTUBBANCE-TI11111 rtGuMa 11LUIll House, a conclusion up?a this gn:at questioa tive police of this city have been keepin; an hat -- it�,st eight o'clock, in rear of the Carroll landlord of the Mansion House, at youngil- to the Matter ,I A ,ter Straitil and George aomtw ,` There was one . ? , CriMe WaS committed. House slid in ten minutes it was one mass town, Ohio. was greatly astonished at win& as copartners and Peter Straith, individedly.1 civic societiat, hearing aloft green banners 1 ED. MIgh'ttleorrivedat. hiflordK.itwaa with eyeouii�emoveinevts-of certain auspicinas 0 mal,lawnwi with carious devices. Quite I a the H.bemiiina proceeded up E -ii, o.se of horlwaWliu* This was an 4)f- - we detirmiued in the first loolting, IS -lows for amera of flume. Extendirig to the Martain House a man perfeedy nakel hancufFed and hop- Insolvents. Id this view that I days past,but they street. t'b.-,y. f nsa punishable with more w"riiy than instance not to proceed by a Bill,but by in mam,ged their business so adroitly that tho adjoining, and crowing *Main Strrtt� it con- 0 I e thir i b th pled with a chain, ride u ,,o h -door. He 1, h tet dayofMav nexi,al ten4faia Bro.wway. afwr l"iring Grand . D- is dock, in tile turefto., IG Sumba# of li=dsoine American Ila -,,i . . -n, the un&-risixtew will ap. I fur some'russou or another site" a citis D orAnary am-l'oflateeny, because a hone trodneir.g a series vf reso-ations. through scam a evidently never susperned that a trap nected wi Baxter's Exchange Office, the was taken off the herse 'nsarly frozen, con- pi), Lo the Judze of Lhesaid court. at hisc --I.-.;- -were t1w borne in the procession, but the named Laekius; kad two ufficem otthe'NeT. Lould [lot be protected, and a man which he had hoped to elicit from the House was being laid for them. Ott Saturday ollp Commercial Bank; and other buildi.n.'a- ducte& to a. 6re, blankets thrown around him in itLe Towo of t;o,lench, in said count, [,.,! i mWAsinKLng coluir- gVerywhem the eye tarc- eat b precinct, named H tram Cole aud David aijrty buildings are C01111111m0d, thawed out and led. A boarder recognized discharge Under the said Act. I -uLity Of it not �;ly stole the anitind, but of Commins the views they took upon I I he ofthese visitors left the city for aatuillon, About I C . . Martin. who went to his mecue, were set up- 0 means of escisping� with iL His main quitations which would be uece,Aarily accompanied by a shrewd .d9tective. The Loss estimated at aix ut *60,00(L him " an insane inmate of the county infir. Dated at U oderich. in tee, County of server ,ad litsurday van Ire= -" wearing of the on and ae6ousiy injured, they receiving - the iuvoived-in any Reforin Hill. I adinit tttat The Great Western Railway station and ill" accand,day of bo,arch.A 0, im. 4 mver Lordship explained at :ength the natury spy, as he sultsequently proved -to be, was I Mary. L PETERSrRAITHAsed gram "--given banners, green regaliall, &I tiabs &W cuts from a* ords and WATIM ths, resolutions were.somewbat vagiAely and povirly clad, and carried a well filled satchel Offieft were saved by great exertion. being --- -- -A— - - — 0JEONUE COVTT-S as I 4rem Ssxtbers,- and plumes. grew Tug WotINDCD. ,if iflic WiMe of sabomatioa of perjury, indistinctly drawn ; our Afteire *as Got 10 over his shoulder Upon arriving at -Hamil- on fire. n . of less than six times. It was feared . THE MAILKET5. co-partuen sad i ,fter -,v;bLi,h the Jwy was directed to cuter pledge the Government to a Nlecific point ton he mast have had a presentiment of his at one time that tha fire would extend to the PETER STRAITH, M&"Imuf- �reun drenes--*1raes every- A large number of the police -a. severe- .. v aced Ita At to od as the station, but owing — , M C.C.AMPSKON . meek4cis. g ly, and perhaps fetally iroanded ; tweaq-Que upon its duties. - upon any one of those resoluti.t4, bat;to I ,As, as he appeared ill at eaae, and a i rg pi of wo - - Mar. 22 1867. solicitorfor Ingwitents. V' t1ing one coulil think of -and worn of then being cut, mabbed, or injured so -- -- etidtavorto ovtaiu the general opinion of iindesire to escape observation -a. movement to the extraordinary exertions or the employ colutzricul 1 4oniftep, im sitany cosse by de&ded,y gre�� sist,iousiy that they bzA to be cuTW away 10, t:)- Theze will be Divine service-Jil 'fit. the -H ouse of Commons ms to what measurelt Oil his part which convinced the detecti,.as ees of the company, and the citiveca,. -6 was Spring wleat ........... 1:35 @ 1.40 - Pam for Sale7 h. im . rail 'do - " Fininegans.1 " After paying a parting I medical attendance. A mt., would Le likely to be acceptable. My loras, t I he, d a guilty -conscience. "A cl.n -save& ............. $1--60 IL -75 - -- . * ( ............... 0: a — the House of Commons has not thou&ht fit "ich was kept on his- movementi, and ti,e . uts, . - '*' — - at I I o'clock. . - .1� Flour .................. 1�:1(10 O&IS 10T 81116, Z@91[W�bo� east-- in f1rout of the City HA the pro - I im - - -1 moment the train arrived from the west bi ONE Or D.&ML WCONSCU'S STOR11M.- 7-lio THLr,-atA`u1'6`a"rcAonw12. Locknow. T --MRF-, �. seltm= AT Tus ST kTws wormL the �1- w entertain the ps oposed mode of proceeding 0:60 &" wa at jap" novad oat of the Park and march- I As the wounded men at brought into and eonsequently we were depnt-ed of the hurried on nuard wad took a quiet seat in a One of 070onaell'a old atories wsed to be 2"tey "­­­`­­ 0:45 Wavirmamb,75 c3 cleared Lt ad up BroitdiAy. All alon tbe-fine of statim bou a the aL�Asew in its immediate jW There is not a particle oArMth in Cie&% advati-age 4.1' being able to collect what A:- roer. A couple of detectives also entered aboot & Mtn Homey. Her father made a PC as .................. 0:55 0:63 with good spring creek rusaing througli it. A npmb the . chewed by vicmity astre crowed by an excited crowd of the assertion " Rev. D. McDonald wastheOpinI040fthil House Of Commons- the car and accompanied him i and 9 few min- will (wd OTAcael), disposing of the bulk Sheep ................. 4.00 5:00 good too bam. fm" I I and staNe. z1aS . procesmos was . and in a short time Main Points Which we deiire to ascer. Astes before the train reached the bridge they Beet V Cwt ..... ...... 6:00 6.50 dwelling house a ith IrAnie addition, two pumps, WLFON of idlers, kaff-druaken Irishmen, Ville" Ass I w0we", aft *an fishing for a nomination in one of on- the of his fortune to pubdc charities. Whenbe - .00 one at the bouw and one at the bam, a gawfi, i taread oag of 1& a lsjw d ollicen wen brosig*1 iDW L Qn, I vo not, of cousi, say that we were be,orined him that it us customary to have is hnusekeeper ti'des (green) - . . . - hasd. Apylv at the prooLial W aisd quite a number wen bt;tier . ............... 6-60 0 be'r'ng ore X. 0AMER01_4. * � was upon his dfttb bedi b 6:14 0:15 1 rge roomr of the station they wu* surroun,01 Lb* f*D98 Of 11%rM prepared to adopt any mode of pr6ceAsdinj S.t,bele searched before"Iroesing the bridpe. asked him bow much he had lei% to Miss I the rAnks and chym-A of.their calars for . will, the Houseof Commons might think Petatoes ....... ........ 0960 0.75 Goderic�ht Marab 2t,lb*7. ~ In ed by th-?tr fview* the woman crying =4 '- . . Which fie rienionstrated, contending that be hild Mary. He rep!ied that he had left her induking too frody in 11 patrick's wr tng;wr their hands in auguidi,, and the men tW The 'req Astsirkin 'men are being fit A but what we desired to know was what n;)tbing *1 contraband" in his pome4on-- Lloog, which * Vlood......, .........-2.00 3:00 110 " headed off in grand stylo throughout the wreapments might be made, what compro The detectives, whom he doubtless took for ttay, now vton ­.' ..., 8.40, a 0:10 . would d(� very well, if she L"mets wM &-iebrwe Mae day ; ard2slarly their fellow officers who �` married any sort of cGod'husband. 16 Heaven " drawatiox *a shaisrock " and drinking b en on other poM, "- who had not learn- Rwing or Soitth Harga by.* friends of mite was likely to be acceined, and in what revenue inspecto-s, told hiu3 that there bl our l6onw," cried the house- keeper, Figgs ........... -.:-.. 0: I a C4 0:00 To the fliands of their companions vatil re mauner we milght without any Ilserifice rse was 44 Chickens ............ ­ 0:20 0:25 lm�. 4 -SL. Patrick" but it was ed ft ksgeoll , iieved noth.,ng U116121 -al in the COG they were d r take - � . to tbo,- beam . k 71what decent man woul cite . 1z wjkiu-- their weth in anger and guartrAg messm Camer(a 'and Gibbons, *h6 an our own convictions, brias this mqasares 0 about to petsue, end that if nothing impro- with the nose she has got T" - Wly, th t Tor" �.*� ........... 0-20 0:40 - 0 dAAAA11 0 0111111i­ 4viding InKer"y that lt=idreds of then * . roa....... --...,. ­ .. 4.06 1 4.50 - *-.J-L--.& in the babu a good dad too deep impreagions againirt the Ariotem It going to work with a api6t that out en- a sAtisfactory conclusioe. The House COAD- per wferp found in his pomaston he woulu be is very true '- vep4ed tile dying fath , ' I -_ asp a ti-eir dis:n' allowed to proceed: I � I i convicston of the superior wevitt of Vpii� - -- - , indvA a si-fiff to wore %be nice& hard moos, however, having show When the train stopped ;' and be lost no bw&rd4 Nit. W�1867- A London Commercial Coltegeand Spitaili; efflaw- Armewn. If the iteformers never thought of her nose � W- ened, and many L; eye that bad been went sure maniwt a clitiation.to proceed by way of resolution. at the bridge he woo taken into a house and unte in adding a todielil tbat gave Mtsf li!a" Fall-Wbmt ..... . ........ L-66 @'1:75 . TIM Uam rwas. =nwitnuistened apou seenesof blWd tithe of their old zeal and enr;U, sad we and having expressed a wish that a Bill searched. and documents were found on him an addi, ion of X150 a yew as a set off.against ry, has. evidently, becane well extabroheill! Mwdy after I o'dock, as the _ with tearp and the lips of more thism have no fearR with regard to th-.ir spirit, should be mtrounced with the least possible which showed clearly that he was a Fe spring- wheat.. -.1 ........ L-50; (� 1:55 in the mifids of the Canatlian rablic. Tha . . I daisty, HI L M.,"tT4 Iliac her agli-,esl- .... 0:43 @ 0:00 na,orth - beginamg to be appreciatetit, is, am was moving along, tbgir passage was one atilrdy patrolman quivered with emotion a glorious victory awaits them. r g.,Vernmetit -did not spy. He had a plan Gf the Niagara frontier, � Baday .-.-.-r.---. . Is . � . - - - 0 `50 evinem in the factr that, 0 L soanwhat obutructed by a truck which at the gight of the fellow* as they lay bleed I a a hesitate, notwittistanding the great disadvan- and plants of the banks and principal build;ugs Tat FlAys or BmToas.-We ettomend Oatir`4-­........ .-..-- SAS04' ­ . of !ng frove their terrible woundmi though atttr- 13AT FICLAD. . sage ut der which they ow laboured. to un. of Torortua, the names and residences of I from a recent nutabor of Peas ­ .... ­ .......... 0:60 0 00 I - L had became hemmed in by a mass L&i; So Word of C�ow "' . "ill the following taken toe& per bimbet ........ ". 5 " 0:65 UPWARDS OF 200 910� a�l vilides near %he junctim of Foam Brwd- ;diaburC4 Journal to the parti- plaint. I 4ertake to bring forward a measure i and it jurom who itat on the recent Fenian trialsi Cnambers' k Pots way and Grand strest. Although the . TRZ ARRK--T& I A "rT airdrAlile surpriise took pkee then became th,; duty of the- Cabinet to the i.amcfi of the judges, and of the proeetit. cular attention of sit our leader& bitten with Flour per bbl .............. 7:00 " 7:50 Are now zonnected with our cinases, wbidiris; r immediately without a minata'e de- tog lawyers, and even of the witneaws. The tue eactlethes &-ribendi.-Larg4s as is th, Oatmeal ............ ..... 5:00 " 5:60 tha 0 drivw of th-3 tmek took speci2l cam not Two men named respectively Bearard here on the evening of the 13th inst. A cons"de 1 'I i Ly, the provisiuria of a eb a Bill as they g"W a .p had even in Fresh Batter per lb ..... ­ 0:12 , 11 0:14 her at the society of the quarry. his POssewiOD the Dum' ctassof would-be contributors to a periodical 6, 0:00 : Clark, a atom the table of hers at the lots and concessions whete the 19 to diptarb the order of the processiGn, by man, and Thim. NewmAn, were wrested dur- I trge number of the congregation of thouelit tisey could lay upon the - 113 u who exhibit grr�w curelesauess in their nun. VD, a per dor� ............. 0AW " 0:10 Any other two GOMMW keqft. bis horses close w the curb out, �,g theaft,mooti by the Seventh precint, pot Rev. Mr. Pyre, Wesleyan Minister, the House. of COU,4.- Lhe main provisio j rors reside, and other facts, connected with conformity with its regulations, there in � Mutton per I b ............. 0:08 . a ofis Bill had been the subject of, anxious th,ir residene-s. This showing that he had soother section almost as large who err Ili Bepf do ............. 0.08 " 0:10 - cial Colleges In Cam " &M Im of march, im was called a" m,,tba tirmer of whom was engaged in tbt A rjwd from diffemt parts of the eir, ui*,, enquiry in the Cabinet for some time posti, been collecting informatio,a for the use of the wbat may lie calle4 the opposite -direction. Apples per bushel .......... 1:00 " 0-00 nada: '4 . - by several Alif the ofimrs of the Fourth Grand street riot. as be freeiT, couresses IiRded with various kinds of delicacies, but we had not, up to that pe1iod. actually ,ambaads who might come in the de id o, Instead ot not taking pains to make them Himin per 100 lbs .......... 6:00 "' 0�qfl � I - . ---.. ­ divism to croL-s into on3 of tbz by streets Newman was, it is &lle.-ed, one of the two I I a - 4beep Skirts ............... * 0:80 s- 1:25 � men who attacked the officer in East B vad- &--, and having met in the Church pro- rmmed a Bil!, arld it, therefore, became ue' ni,,r,t and assassinate those who were en�Lazed saives acquainted with ther style and natu . And. what is sfi!l note an . . 0 re :lacciars M eatery to coni; in the prosecu oc- Pork. per 100 lbs ......... 4:57 11 5:40 'r. c r. 4w- ,,, go soon as he bad htard the arderst, the ider what the provisions of thn of the Fenians. His of themagazine theyfavor with tneir attention number is constantly iat S. * ;�4� drfm attempted to reach one ot the Way- The Ainarsha who dA Barb fearful ex- -dad to the parsonage, where a commit- f ?a " WGt)d, per cold ............ ItSO 41 2:00 P-Cution with his swo.-d dun� the �Bill should be. Two schemes were - cupation's gone, hawever for some tinle, &lid � I for,, we haw taA the blood af- - Lbev take a great d"I too much pains. They Hayt per ton.. that it Will CondinetO 40 160.� . by streets; but to do so. it was necemAry 10 = in tea of1adin som arranged things for a der the consideration of &be Nbioetg varying and thpre is a probabitity of'& fiec ride to seek out such individuals w maybe common ............ 8-00 11 8:00 at ways contended that a Thievolsmy Too-, favin Grand street is - - 'A from rAwb other in that asseativil Clinton. 9 Air. 21, 1867. 1 * ji!&A- Ew bin t6 arose the line of march, Particular-. the penitentiary being extended to him. He I*Jnm%- - - w�aw wl�ivh B,;oklyu. He is dowAbod as having the delicious FeSSL -After the ladies' depart- friends of the editor, or even ofilhe proprie. eat Course of Buinen T ' � ba attgupi,ed to do. 410 � namely, the amount of the extension of the be kept at the public expense for, a Fall 'Wheat ........... $1:70 (& 1:78 - 'I - As his ititen, ica be- ,ippearance of& perfectly so:.er man as the meat had been amply dealt with, Mr. ma Lor and send their manuscripts' -through their strict integrity Mid a itimsere - - *Afp I franchise. One ofthese schemes was more Mve month at least even if he should not hands, instead ot. 9 ­ 1:55 ZA 1:55 welfare of aur oluditi* was XWR* -1 � � cam -a-if-int au outwy was rai" a. ime that tie struck, down several of the of- . . by the uxual channel. They 'ititrin do ...... .... - John Holes road an address and present- 1 extensive than the other. 'The more exten- be found to be a fit subject for engaging in oat$ .... 0:36 (i4 0:40 ,ater, to via ,tie -coeg&DO j!?!`�E . I him by the mam-als sad aids on ficers, and did more ezem-ion from be ele- I I . could scarcely make -i girrater mistake ; foi I . Virtu - - -- � . vated posii ion on horseback with his sword ad the Rev. 31r. Dyre with a well filled 'it" 00001 may say' was that'to which dbr -she 66 puddling" business with Lynch and Me. I taking an ex-trieme caw of what they would rtarley' *,­::* *.,*.':.': : .... 0:40 C4 0�;(411 at large. � 71ho faciier ii "Amv% -11181"M - -,i, - ��- .;6 and, in ordler ow. to create an.1 lusions originally pointed, and more Maboo., call the -best' case- namely, tha Peas .................. 0:58 6 demonstrated that tbia, . - I they them waiwa-vocrect I - did any four of his men with their staves. rs,i of money and a beautiful oil paint. re" � � - . trowbk, he drew his vehiLle up. to the than pa especially the fiftli-resolution, which, though Better ... ... * ...... 0:124 @- 0:15 .�� . -�- � Re has also been arre&W and locked up in selves are the private triends of the edippr, . sion. We beadly t5auk tto P.Noble fte - - .71 Assirb and Sopped- veiatiarned to ask one the stu,io,h... ing, by 31r. Thomas Cook of Vama. Mr it has not been formally communicated to RUGG E-STION. and that upon that ground they (more or less) porlt ...... ........... 4:50 4.85 paironago . so liberally bestowA ang'm ; � ' _ - of do processiod oficialq, as he did so, D. Dyre replied a' ro.wriatelk, though evi. your lordibip'q House wast, I in ty mention, claim to tie its ,contributors, what an. invAi. Potato" ............... 0:62i a 0:75 at the same time, Asssure tlliev� ftils"M -�- I . what they expAW aim to do if they - -T to tha eff,-ct that the introduction of a system A leading American journal, speaking ous position are -they placing him in? Th4ir Iforitred, Mar. 20. 1867. , futur", as in the Paillitt it shalt b* oar --- - - - - dently overwhelmed by the occasion- A of plurality of votes might allow as to reduce 0 ' I I - ,9 aim o to deal with and teskllil ­ � '� would not parian him tD cross Grand at., ' f a riot in California, in which a party of contributions must be either fit for insertion Ft6ur­�-,Suporior EMM.....8 50 a-- 75 'I It "ft - � , - _ � _ ­ MO, Those conservatives who try to get few hours were veryplemotly spent with the franchise lower than could be done under a - If- former, why in it n&BAB"ry Wheat,-C'sn.da ........... 1 55 a -1 60 'As to secure the X*nirie spl= Aftt, I- - 1, - ad, whWmz Aipi� ese, to remind the Mitur of the p - acquain, , - 0 31 a 0 32 Wiw&WtheGood. 11we -�. - Woo he would b* imable rsed W]Lth Short o1ber cirequistart"s, and to estakiish it on a Irish atta ked some thiry Chin, burned 0 an" the rivate -,ba?e the strects. - up a fe" objection to Mr. Cameron be-, WOK A�wng. M&qlp bads. The other *M a 55 a 0 58 ation 01 tbani we ,,in,,otr*a46,,. .�. ,r f& =W MO cli 91W 6 W-cial , , , . . Olux-Per 32 lba ......... g 0 _ fj& ---�� ,� 4c"UCzas" or Tim sow. SAaw he in a lawyei, shouW remember !Paaahm ; and when the time ofeeparat- firm and daralble thbir dwellings, destroyed their Pr"I` tance which happens to exist between,tbem. Bwle,-Per 48 the ......... ­- , �L _ L _ in- arrived scheme of lea exWnt. Both of thcse seliewei M te itre 1, -5 65 we have prozatitall to this IiFett whicb an 4111 � " - As . di* witbous deigning to answer " that I he leaders of that party in Parlis- a 9 all felt pleased with tbe occa- were anxiously considered by my collea,gues sions and killel' one of them, remarks,:- selvin and hi ? If the fat r, ..&bey A hei-PtIts. . rst � . . , ..., 5 60 & - -, 01,WWW, - -- .9 . , 1-ure as the Everlasting Hills?' W# ""', : ' *­ ' qfficwais or . )h brou, and myself,and though one very distinguished The Iriah are im r implyendeavorin tomishie him act etontrary to eaf;" shosria�,. any wildagaeu to bait Sion Whit bt them together, with 0 , patient of the i- a dn PAllillZI& fi "'L ....... 6 95 a I 00 if Wko- Im _, r I their march wr a =�,,Asteut to alljw the drive ment aire, and always have been, - their -amiable Pastor, suttl with the man. I to, his conscience, and to tile inte-eati � therefore, say to a an a . I - - I pt his r P"' member of the Cabineltentertained 6tibuX valry of any other foreign labor in tue . I chicago Uar. I 9, 1867. r "I - -- �� ­ �, to PSM4 althou Mear ere illmon'.j at.. � .­ . 82 40 (& 2 4t - . . ployers and the public. Of mmirse, private I , hark in Business 190'sa Moseena. -Come with us and -we go . . -1- gh his track stood so close tp lamit; lawyan I - ' -ing country. The China , the *'D Wke 0. .. *..... , " , air in -mbich the emius had been Spent. objection to dw course *a iNere eudeavo friendo of editors have as tnuuh tight to con Corn fo.b.. ..;­..... 140 - . .�� 11so a -wiralic thu aim<wt double in* number aft thU in older to secure most peaceable, orderly, and useful ofthe tributeiQ his periodical as other folks, but . . 0 7 P4 (54 076 * - -OW to pursue, yet he f for, The Lord ball swke- ­ ---- �Ulf men w , IF, in the Oats .................... 0 391 @ 0 431 . 911110111 VUEFu,wm-m --. o Ito veto in line "d his EXTINC r.-Tue Leader dtclares that ALIPPENO . the great object at perfect ammizity laboring populatius in California, and they otibbld forward their proposed contri. Israel." Oar mot5e 4�iarjscfioa is so #1,-11� r . �walked an widwma benstobstracted in their a-waservativism has no exisfance in Cans- I �. — Cabinet it was nix duty to waive .auy -ebjec- have become so numerous that their labor -buttons as others, do I and when rejected, — � . - -- — highest Ailegree . I �,,­ somircis by thatirviviele, ft4eral own brote matters we procoadiag vorl astistaeoril.v tione he might personalli -vateitain, na he X9*01 a1lberttsewsms. . �.-t I from d3 at present, and having been the o-PlItt to - J ire that t � bis,ques They take no instead of multin)-f it a huff and qu,4rrel (" / - - : -, - am raithao jumpW into-4be truct sad ivistant- arnest desi tion is quite indi�pensable. - 1%011,� - �­ w" the erection to this'place, ofte, church. skared in our a - . I �menew bei'tit* him with their iron of the party, it ought to know. might be settled. I bad then hoped that ioteiest in politics, but Otend rtrictly to 'hey often do,) they ought to be well awaie ISTSTEX&M and ]PIKATIM& ­ = Arta -m Vot =test sith throwing in conneadou with the Church of8coiliand. that the fault must lie wholly with themset. WAI.WrrJOID A" WX - � - :. - I with that excsAion the larger and wore ex- their own private affaim Havi g a ves, since it is only reasonable , . I 17 I � ' The plan has been fixed upon, and Mach - ive sch6me would have received the. no- to 0 to ppome, 'Wer. halt of Wt -- him biveding to the bottosm of the relit-clo, = SW The U. S. Government- ha nut ,Of tens votes, they recieve very little attention tad is been a ease of doulit-whethe"r or not- A good tenant for the No. 1011eir sitav=flawm W&VAU. aw ::� � - � i I � , I A tion&rAiiif mom furious by tne Ariglis of th, . dw building materials hat been drawn to the animoue consent of my colleagues,, end we t*rom the politicians, and the Irish, who the article -a quetition should be accepted- 1.1- in tbe� � ninth concession. West division; $"as ag no 05AW Von , janwril -L- r - - - b4md &bat i6w,-d prohiwiy from %be POIC? ths 4-nd repamt to the frontier, to She. With only two or three exceptions all were prepared to subtait that scheme to th Colborne: .1 27 acres lutely owned end t=upi- . . �1 1-t - ,mAes woumU, whitp,he cried out piteousiv smist io clieckipg the Fenian raiders, ig 4 have votes, are allowed to treat them very friendalilp,wouid- have, turned the scale in- I I 40advaume" �� �.-: . other Atesse of Parliament when, to my re. k d"er." ed by David Clark. Esq. Apply to � - ". - I � I I -or dmm W spare his fife, they go inha4i-ants around have shown an ex. much as tbey pleam" I , A V, . Q rr I - - -- ,.3'.....", - �� ged. . . glet, 04 I lz , I - kicked and is .11,, ditt and have coubibut-4 cheerfully ley add, somewhat to my our I is I I I I �- . INCLAR& WALK88-* For Circala and Oider 4 . - --,P- - , --J, I adlentspir I - 4m Arch 21, 1867. ' wl4t* addristitiI with stamps -1 Astamiled upon the prostrate bAl uI thicir prise, I ascertained tkat two of my most valu , The remedy proposed that the, Mi- � The Perth cou er Collion 0, us . -ictrim ts-Itil it seem At that their Inteown and liberally, both in a PilleuniNT WaYt and able anAl fa'oGt4batiagaished coltea,gues, oc- n of the 8th says ;- . . I - ; ,- 1, . -r him. SW- The'New York State Legislature by the irs"PartatieAS of mat"W to she true cupy, nese, should become voters under the pro. IiOn Monday last, while proceeding Mo;g the -- — r I . I faideed 00 to murd - most important postfin the Govern- . . '*lway ashritt distance LIST OF LETTEFLIS J. W JON"'. 1 4 �Z----- I &Mlr&g. OF Tax POLICs, lkas pumed resolutions depirticatiog Can& Sion Of Ilia Odifift. 111ad. upon a- recousi-dazatian of The visions of the Civil Rights Bill, when track of the B. 4-01. � I I I PAR tics,Allk , I Even Roinan Catholiels-.011111114 this Aide dt Irkh, Creek, a woman, who" IMemaining in Goderlich 'Post Ofiioe, ou ��j r 4011111411. 1#946-0 *�M", 7. ;.- , I � , )Ili� � I r nMl' ­ y - ­ - , .*1 R to I'list ans-nine the attention of a police dim Confedezatioa. Vezily we " soon and ss�wUrif of S 9ty of prisn& heve fig which had been presenti-d to tbim. tip woold.bebome an objeat of intei, st ritaine wo hi"' ituable t - ­­ VIIW*r '1� ill* 001 F" I o learn, dmeove. #*txmv Sith, 1W. _ r . #&car wiso hA- come to the conclusion that our propos-All anivimportande to the officers ofluitift, red a broken rail ; .and kno " the train the 20th Plarclip 1866. � -1 pixesed to be 6t4ndiDS in th, UaV%: to ask th,16 Of Pcrmis- lei 9 9 helping hand, and seirend of the" wbo arrangements, aspecumly in regard to the WIVS I I W�- 0 � I � - � ero-d an Cho OP"aalk, witere be bad be" . Sellidemett f I and seftz!e some protection Und&r the would soon approialst with admirable fare., Armstrong James Kerr Thomas - ­ - ---. , t, 9 on to plant our pogatoei at the pmper were not asked have kindly cam forward small borongivill would .produce liuch &it as. I .',,/ " -��P - - , � wadiewed to keep the ,peopw rrwa 'aterfori"L C',00. I � 6XL The Irishmen of the UDited thought and presernai - of mind, hoisted her Bacon' -A. C. , King Win ' � . 1VJr-XX%40M0�&, L �-%� - I&It the proamescia as it� pissaid by, was at . pre3knog their aid. The church is to be tonsive and injurious affect %bat they were in red As a 1 as a sirill, to warn the engicedr Beckett A. _ Lawa�Alexander - � _ _ ,� Compelled tj withAtraw"' the udlis4on which States Will WreOiste the oompli ent in b wl . ! . 00100-M . ww,�p , " � , ". I unrAd to AW t -wk by the centusion o ofwhit* brick, with a str.)ns foundation 4J of Sho,danjor. rite cars soon cattle thapiler- Bu" David 11 UqtttJam14 . attaick upon the driver AW A few evelling's or 10m are 57 feet by n Pellet. I need the paragraph we have 4uoted ; it shows in�-along, and ihs, attention of the 4;iver genett E % �. r Morritoti Angus Hb - w0craigma 1111svios i"M I110 "M r- '- T'" Incioest t ,a tbia,r foot in highi ; the dimensions r' �.� .00 wortb of cloth from ` behig Wwft .25 fM hig-h bud,17-11111B711111911 Ki . f - - I I being attracted,by the frantic efforts of Ili* w- ., I ure lia;kp wp end Afthsdw,�oi � � - �9-�gad *,p,d OPOO if* stole some $15 pro - aM held, I I., Bradny Job' `­ * X - bWn A , K1 and sailb ra"AaAr so the ,%a , _ �, ,r, . It, gas to the I" A& AW#Xk WSJ VS tbdra"flAtiflond Ili* othe' � the estiu.stion itk which ,'$key T ­ , - Middleton Obarl �� I '%,JfW 4W week to protect the O" of the RIYC,iY,w � is with buttresses; the wtudoiss are to be colleague of whom I have spoken fromattY -and the reason thei nivi'tolerated by voille wpm.r4 to induce hi the Boyd -Mary aijor � fid =­ 'r - r I I � . Ila ;67*0 - - .11'"dabW110- &"a -- " - � .. . . ff* _ � — I 11 - - he 4W.0 WJbd to Use door Of the the-dooc of Mr. Booth's dare. The r - - obligrAlou under which he might have lei 1� 1. . ngf I role , % us in a Martin John �llut lv�Aw I iiii1ok-41 - - -veni(:Ie awJ goods p$hip, and, thetroof corrospondin,;. There t Ameritan, politicians. ltistluitesoomi 'a road b It 4i ility BWr Win' - (2) . per to - 11 I 0 , -- ,-1,11&6w- -- hin&N flaW. I ."Ad - loy collWacs were Bennett W -m... -� McDoogh E C�o k - � � I "-&-* 4 1# 4i be 4 - 4 isid lure am- -to ihe 'administration ofjus. vivo IT" - ---1,r"- ­-, '"" &at � � r plimen't, too, for . X - I , a A . - will DW placid in th I tul position of having waf4ad-tho um . 10- ,C , ner. This deawdly act was wheemed by book yards bat tk thW has CoaWyed to be,^ belfry,jwd ' , I - be a novel n, - - ' ­ . tiom Camphqll At Zvea 5 John � � , -. � &;UrAs . L" r line in the United States, that f0migneris 00609-40te,ut. We tindt . 1, P, ` " -0 , " 't I , . I *4 'O -IrA&,-t to -,. � I .. r - I 1), � fttoe* hurth bz' , t* -IiW ' I 610 - N , wave subwqtmdy found bidawsy, in I N!"SwIlat mi4ht bave,irtathediis a ­ tramplvd under foot in the most brutal man 111 6 - , - Me . I .- . g tied ha� a &Ila pot all '06 *04 I � VA I � ... I , U6111 "X Lfle - lles -11111 . - offlears Gileman zn� Kemney, who hattoned , sI 114 I I A114. to rec Carkriff Ilifit "t to the amistau.V 41 dkivi axother offwer. is ­ , M . ,, IS" � h, -- wilir'biliored itfiled. _ 'I - Robert -' ,_ � _ _y 0 Porl - ­ d6M ,_ i o which we are aura she U tly go C*ke Jac , � . " . I �-L . r - is kov JW7.9, . I - ik�] _ f can only secure the protection of the7laws 41-Y 4&TO . VA A XgCoatiall,jamics (2) -h, uft*ak. IWL � � -.10 Wr I . ijjj04*CW8j - � f,� , '. __ r j' 4i . Gaelk - - . � __ Ai ra a the extbusivii ky, bewming votew-4 pretty ada-9f sif. us � - - -� � - ­ - - L" I -minew . - 11 - . � W. ��-- — � - - aftar a desperate dtruzZle I tell in the"r - ­ Conduct like bersia - wo;thy i 'RiT01446- 4�- : - biWiiiiton Alex - . � the people of happy experinies in their Moore A I Of the highein 4, -- ­ I 1 1*7 0. - -�7 ,� �rr I , . . Are of Reform. when such a pr ' is � I turn bea�atb ibe blowAs of their asnilsn* - LONWX &ctzw,We lauve rase-yed mother country. Accommodation is to be mum . , , : "I . praise. 0illins- Jolla - , Ph omilias flialts certainly.-Glub& P� Vp �'- At I , I .. � - � . tUlp - , 1. L . a .- rr .. lkt they were 9;�ion on their f-,ot, ".dmp. pro!14W in The area ol t* O)qcb for 400 w0uld lead to,our make Wing diminished by , - - .."'Whowill,� Carr gag& min ki�isb . � 811.9 rr 1, I I I L -1 . - I � , - !rOu W- 0- Chewatt & Co., Toronto, the pair"M Atted- P,� .is, ",j to�,W*qe for tbo " 140i Vf,UQ fo*#i ttaft tht'" - - - - � - 11 1. I . . themselves bmirefy trusis the top ofthe truck, to on I . - I., &Oetaries of ]FIGNIANISM 1X BUFFALO* The Paris corrolip'-stueut of the lAndon Catitk*Tkants (2i Ituita E� A"' (2) , . I . of - IhAsall mJn'of'1W1f]adL eb&fte . , - - I I -,e � I I -10"p-"Wo G1d*L*Jyb:-"P1ij&Je lettefS from N014tid 11- . 1. � -1. ­ . 4 "I - - C,��?-- '. , 04110 -- � L - le ­ �,�­ - � . .,- I:W T-11621111AAC , , " - --W.0.10� I b -tog nqoired. - - I I id will so" - bti . ,*r,,'J,r '" . . - I blows riglis wW left ot them as rapid- AL erection of a front gallery in the sivent of its Th _ _ -:F : "M4 Match X(L of tbis,jpkn&d WoL It may stna. all " d U A�j !) , : Robertoomblis Win "I _ ,iar is tbe Cabitio4andad ol tbvis men who , - - ly as they could wield their clubs. The 90 PuAssed of Moorhouse. Altogather tim stmeturar I There ram a fuze meeting of FOW&OS r P 4,that a i0ind , pme iZ' sisaivA-inAtim . � I -�-,', - - � i . , --f I OWAM - 5wr - �.L' � ­�;g -ik­fA 0wiloll, in. - and � . Ntma - ­ - . - - -- . wi� be on on Sunday r�$4 lost 'besf� -knowni In .9ol . - '. . . � I �­­ � . -- - J Min , , - , -- I Church of 9c -itistid, r all rp §mhb A � r2194M finding that the OEM*= amid iii worthy of W� in their several pomunnit have 4play;j ift Wf,jo ' - - 00 Of )044L'Atirts`�O( MO $0 Dauste- 6. , 004 i . , - ,�Iosr, bait Is [Ung v6rP!me;%t1W1fush4-,up.,4t is,tha . -- i-ifiA, �Lp� - 11 -rosined to coke to than oidiwy ability. f ; 40iesideniA' Hobart% he maile I �, vast stither , lism _ _ - i - !-I 011 a des ar We Make roon to -day &r a &OP. Omo-wisfavisestANd AvAnattkoftb6surmenti- =01 - , , t *. 'find' Angus , MA' I poswo resist. I I- �� .1 Donnebau -Robert - . Mo 11 ­ " J.��411k- � I ' igjsr A Wv maY of we, - h �� e f the - After- � � . �� ­ - - ­ - ­­ - . �t, - #80 " labs as tlwv wom, 00 t1w truck, im� IT I spy not live ussal- Fenian style -quaufitiis of Jilatunts, pla"And othei*rtiplos 44 WAAWT "I I � r :6 I - 09 ---1 - � . - i0tCrOging 1111111111068t 49( tU _ g4istriatr.-arboos beautiful houses W4 bigb. , , , , . . " .1 L . ,Rklward Ge6 , Stanton George - � -1111 -0-111111-00% - - �, rM I ­ _L . � 1- - I k% , ald"j,, Ut-1 coulles 11itat -Veduld ... , . I - ,.-OT17 ji bent, he of valin, 4hathad been dilini i d i . 'L I 1#1 -, w:.� Mm_ I- I - �� - ­, totlitff'-t , . k a Rt" "Scer"M Elliott Anne - Ur T -111p, ­ r-., "I - ': . �� . -­ , n - - . L' -­ -1 . - r - asawAr Pa "; showmen to the sihie, r"a Witisted Uds so I ­ . ­ .- , - L - . . mus Schodkid '!�Iw - -311�� ­ . I � � , - - - ­ � A -desim lWas Ill -A bank as At � � - ­ I 9XII0 1114a" - V-0 IS win - -- I . - - , I' n . I . t. - - L r � towt-mmd-W I - - 4- , k king. 'klQitm4,Vi4b&en shatr". . I - - - - I , . L " - ' '� �r I a r agliand a I �� 0 Gore no , as- 0" * "' a - - - - - I , _ r r . at" E41iott John . ---�Wl A9291"19 it coopk*IY r . " , -$Zl 07116 � b0l; . smily � , IT . from oar spedW �eorrqlpon" �i 4 �60'pai�, neq , � P1111 !rn do ofike 001irAiL6411i - 0 Ion , rq! . - riW id n Occupying a I I L I -, rs as ­ - r high -Fa d ---r . 9 --r qlm 40� . . . r - I rdots-90, Igin blk-A�Aciou ted, and tbav a perso , Any fic. AD s" pm.4 sal:.� receiving 10 w" -,4 is a pawt perforitted r � 6110W. -We hM bam Asymd with - -, - r .P 4 U 11, 11MISIMALF" U111 a 'I's L n V48 pplknerJere i&W) Spray Mir - _r . � ­ I As, Awfal -A*t frotis the sword of onAll I Schroder Win � . " rr I . 11"" " lf= for 140 c9p,gregintitivil t1iough . . 4,41to rilish Houssi" 'V t I110% the .- Finlay John - .r - m- - � I - - ­ �� ­ - - �, nanba4cwsidossibe was Wlijig. -a 1b, an old-fashioned anow atom ­­ . &-eompromisa., lkli I 'f & rep4rt 1, % political position Was a pUrty to the abstme -1 � 11 - . - - I � '* I I y aftdp,y A* J a rr-" I " I . % .!I# 9 - I - - following - from a t 6 come, 11166I and. profitei lot by it. , ribmajofille ­ - ­�­ � -.) .r - ,.,,-r,,, I ,�,� , r -.-. :, wnw",*d-�� F�ry. , , It -1 L i " , �,'p I VIF Uouspion Hentry -SidtWi, ' ­ , ___, I I A% rash ,e � ,, ,_ �J . � I - . �� i ­ -L I'll ­ � V4 - -- the' - Finlay Win - - , . I - � " - fine "' i- ,. lao , 0 ler:- . . I . I � vi0so.b!" 41 &'Is"o . i#1 L, , TbommatriJewis 111111111 �- � - -, 1. - ­' -I 1n4h7@4SAU-o"S-":v8g"& ing roo"loat " r .', 'Uie bood'so d in 8 �* � . L ... � �f a , Sit Iajt� ;_­AA.Atine should look at thfs i i&� - 4"Ided" . - I . I , - -W 4& 06 4'a& bf 40 nOwra for A& as and to -dal (2 Ist and 22nd). - G" old ­ ­ ... - - - ' ' 'is , .Can$ 2, to have %ialli I 'by -1 � a � arm, and � Oalbraith Dogn - 11 .. . � � � .- - I t . - I ' -le, * =_ Vsjo�m j# At :Cebiaotv 01 - � I I 60" ­ _ , . confi$ca 64 leason Eatiard ' Walsh, John - - , �- I- � ftlm%ft polic"Wit to a" 40 they bad Wintgr does WA "Wy ralm Ilis �� � i 7, r � ­ � -- , to _q* ' , � 'b ' - X - - ca"" - . � . _ W - r 1. . ftcw-,� - an itian% but should 'it others have I r , � -41 �, ��Iw - I a" I , , li . I been r*aeik,1Ap Ptris� T -he per- - U " -- - X�, vjr-� - 11�-r�hlldl-c­=6�z .1111m- - - - 40, - . , .. - - _ = *r W-., amorts Thotpaif Wilson J .6.i. -� -z�&W�T-- hold. . W4 -11, rrr suism"L - o" of06is� - - � I 0 1 0 ,-11 I I . e - roLW to tha gro"4 %to aft*1 lor . 14 -or , wbi b pen me.0 1, ]k �­ IV I I - � 11 - - 11 r I r I r _*' ASS pelfrAtora i"bbe ' r_ , - r to nave . I AIR 1warum - r - — l�4FANP-R-W-- - - oftili Most, Of; pal .1 yXfI . , _ ­ _Ay now of tha� ry! �- -1 ­ ' -, - 1111111"EVA 1- xl­-M-t L O"Z 1:3Pb Th#,Ud, Um of-aw Comwd I - - Wil1in Itilin � 4 . i" theu-"OWSIWW&n Us *0 new , =3 Altw 40, --wo - ruedy " a I - , , 11 -� . - io , -41, ....... I 0 ­ _ 41111 - I— it" VAN" --"A - Ali bop, t 1411111 berei -Upon Iristimili to aid him In thmight,that UP ,over-, . & ,politf& - -,,-,.," "AAArsrd rattarsj'U �X (1) INN -,A- Wo - .� mom , - � which 1,1 , _kVISU for GrPm* " . ro � ,..-W. 19T­00ft I I - * � - ­ .Y, 1A a - T eel ,Bdwud i 11 in �, 010 - g- R A , _- r' I . b"b -0. ­­,., 11 � i I 't - - "I ­., - , � ­- - . � ­ - ­ I ; � C -4w - I � -1 .7--� t--- ­U&� -7L . -11 I ­�. W!" -p-1 WalwUlty. - W4 I �"w I" they auuAlk John . - - - - __- - -0 791111110t. 1 - All _ #Alf X91 _I '* - , W -gfbr6 reply __ 44;* 11 -M � Aaday Wmoa A-1wil Sid. - i , , - - -tA kw -00.r - �#Y.".­ I I " w*rob"Ing Antotber eolif&&& In mrid if' I - 1111111i *Pod , �, , - , , ­ I 1IN111111 � � J,fi -0 . . ti�, I** waish jurearet u;*;- B L - - 10111 "'11111111--011111- we-. Allbs-ioleof uu4e $ain;, ror�piawl law", .1w. ­ , WA to ofteir fw th* spring - AW - a and Ili - Abortir" . . . , - 'dodeft � a On. it - - , I ; I - i - , ­` iils � - ­� , . � I - AT , ..", - .. . ­WpT1VatAsuM Won -,Ipr . -� 'L r - ; IM�&.----A 111111111% - -L _', - I - r - 60 offloor , was, nsiW 'a" Awiwi&- '. - L � .1 1� !-� � . - I � - 41-* Coullpet -14- **itiv-, - -�#� r!!aP%-# - - ­ - Antiie Ilia I V *06 I., I 04 446 - Me ,clssi� - 1. J4OW4K* , - -0 vaArron 0 Mrs I . J's"Orsiss w1bg h" mostba, aboalld be Prepared to do . - . i A1111110A. tha P.90 . �* '. --rt �:,! � ,'L ­- �A:'. . . . .Kai r , I - � _A '- . rp,, � � I I -- ..& (2), willisma Jantif *Is .-kvli�OW.- - , . ,PU.,,, r lt,W,A ­ - I ad, , ,r' ' .- - r— - � ­ t, i.7 '� *L.A -. L. , bow# of the figu st a ownirt F44ce Imm - - - - - - - r . ... I 7L afdtj� . _ I - . ,�� F,#m Mitt 'tal, r I 11 - - -1 ­ 4 14-1 I � ­ t -1111"r " �,� -', �­s - - I .- .- arbana rr t" � . I llItl i� orbqi and so surliss 0 be �woiaoa 141 �),' W. *** ----7-77� I � , _ ­ _ ­ - .4 V � WhI 'Vi � .. ­ , L 7r!�, Ilte L I 1. 1- lik ­ - - r r i ., � I ­ r, I 111.41 . I - by the i Dili it ��' a " ­ I or- r -.-� -E&-21�z= - of 410111te am ii'n I ,� .;,la . ,� , , -1 hillio � . I'll -, :� ­,­­ , ; . r � , . , 11110 AM-" 41lisi 414 ,rissiblo. SMIal - 'm� 4w" ,,* Robt live ' armagavatta Mau, wkb tbm wko *4 to , f7-"--TP--F WMIll iitl tue a 'far 4101ant W an-wesba BIN- t I W'D I AS litt I - SLZ4 ; - �, � - -, - As� atio wor4 of glw tM beginning aftba, Wen p 414r to rkwfAilwas grown Asn4 jlbree OY rm, k � 11 - ­ - , I , , g, 11111MV-Dwou" . - � - of a Wil, b* r, I . - . - -4L 'Respat tb' fa . .. I I . - � 1&",;�- � . , , , L- I I I -... - = itr . - . i % 't I - , . � � I . � - I r I . I V" .10-A - � , . �' r I L I Gl!�Cr dRuff VW Irtils d4titibuted &" SM J= the OV111=11 d111111111111111111. - " . 40 6 t * 0 - -W - - ,,�4� � . "I *­ , - .. I t ". . . I .. I I 6 ov 'r, ­ � -14- - 9555EUi��� (44 - . . , . � " � . ��� . � i I i - � - C', t'�,Y-;, - �, - -1.1k . - . I . � � -� . -, s - -J-* ." , .� -, . - - ­ , � �, . I � I � - ­ - I 10 I r . I I : . . - � I - I ,izk' . .. - . . I I �.­ I I . I I , �­ , - I � x- . . l'?, � -r", , � . . . . � '. z I 0 - : %-- . � . . - I � . ­ - - . - ­ I - -- ­� pi �­!.­,. . L . r�f. i'� r,4 I.- I.- - . . - - � - Le.� " . I -; " � I I , A I , I I , A I A I - I I L - I 1.6 t. I I I I I i i J I I I I I I I I I I 1, I � , I I 0 1 1 L t ", , "' C pr [! 1,*60J` I I i I " - dai 1�, I- ;0:--" k.'O----- 0094M - 11 I 1�;, , ­�, . . . - . - . - � , jrr� I � 4�-F­,�, . I . I � ,��, , ,I' e 0�­ . . - . I . � � `�- , - � - �, �­ S-1 i.s­l r. �, . . d . . -1 . 14 , - , -1 . . I -1 - - �­, , .e.� ,- I � - . I 1 , . I . ­-, -, � - a I . � � I . . . '4�,- � 44 . � . .. r - - ;19-. - . . - i e , r� . -1 . - � . 4 -i . -, - �- ._ - , ��� ­ - , �� , �� .. I .1 . � I. T- -�� -1 � L�"�, � . I ., I '-­f­;'r­ ­.. �-- ­­ � -, - . . . . , I . .. .. -� ,,,.:,r. ,. I - I � . " .1-i . .. . � . . L Aj - , . �6' - L- '- ­ * . r 11 ., " -i _ ­.- . 11,� � " - -1 I . - . I " 5, , �, , , , � - , �. - . I a �- - . - .1 . . . - - - . . - . � . . . 11XK. . . T. "I � - ,., -�i - ��'PA�-L i I 1'.�, � . . . r � . ... .1 �� ­ ­ . . . . . . . . I . . . I . . . I 1111, . z - . I -. .. r .- --. r... - . . I I .., r.' - . � � I . I -, I - - - Y. I.. R, �­ � I -I . I ., - L. 1. - - . - .- � �� - - - -.�'��,' ,��r ---" , --;-:f. . 1. � L 1� Ir , - 1. - � - ­ I . I , , , - z I'll L ­, - _,. ­� ­­, -- ­!­ - - . -- ---" --111111111111111111 . , .. ­ - - , . ­ -1 C . . � L - - , I - I ­ - . . L, -, . ­� ­ -41����'IrL..�-�,-,��,f�-�4-.,�� .1 - . I - r ... �� - � -. , 2, ­ � - �. r I -J_ ,'­�­­ :�­ ­­ - 1-9L- -,!,�� L--,- L�� ��,-�-,­L�g.�,�­,t-z z -- , ` WX A, or To the In ziectim � PAding ol GEN7%EX.9N:- HmM received I ACURVention hem in Q as Reform QL&illsw selawy ,or Owbui3, I having aemer4ed the a ed to takp the field, a fiberal sapporL Axdw election wi p6m for sonae time, propw pe" to easki the Wing, when, at I ed, the views of botb sad conpzre� Wiaud i you Val am �dgvffe y or otbwwim t i () 0 any A I bavo the hmo _ Ganuemen, " Your m GodeA* March !1 . To the Frf� IR, GIMMAWN: Haviaig rece, ,1-116& - maties, &"&a am"u. for do Rr in * tbo I -L � that " - ;-A . L to a Uberal � year llmn& As &a Elections w tab pkee for some cantrum woald be * ". of.do I , YO!1113, - . . N*Ow I EV&ng (a a un B that Ir bove win De Zlectors--wlito prize aftile context far &be UmTorisry pomical I .�. - will refisin from ple 4 ort to my oppion d2dwouCtibut the , ----- . %-PPI r --L ty, before. to SM explaining I my principles. and yo pairtnishy of thus jud� - 1111 --"�------- for the ymiands. ILMOlime, I have I I Gentlemen, Your mxn� � GockriAJI, March 18� L I i 11 � M-ffl', X31 3: gs,cj 1 au*irm- on a �Jlxcan 30m aini sw-ft.%.-AJL� Imphimb Sd mastinift to $10 - 4" " JL I ARJUM" " . Ilwou­1 4 — - 1 , ; f-� z t�� il 2 - May THII Wdft GIM6*0 *,-,. * . �4- V. � #,-,-r -XI �qw 1,15. ;�' 11 . I �� � 4 qW.M....6— Tot t7wJ72 �- . , I - I . 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