Semi Weekly Signal, 1867-03-19, Page 2�, To %
u e ad)-outrin-O'.- I f6wat Umt it e ewwiimber laid down on the arm inge a rite gain- papers asiert the
I g for the mumber fur 1. 0 erea aid-W-flie —cum- d
1VAISLEV G. T. U. five abilities of all and sundry who w6h Thi ballotti h- the int _A_ iii i ituri
X I - -ban useless attending the boirii will probably have it its full operation 4101irtling in the upper part of he
munity at large, than to render mutually 'Ayus worse t moo
to see their print, he Was nev4 So -ab Riding in the Local 1egislature, wits 13. 1 was very much struck when in Scotland better uov than at say previttas ti.. THE I
or PF' I ANO U0"-fUCH DIN�TPICT, then proateded with—giving Mr. Robert a riseable and satisfactory the intercourso'be- -On thinking over the matter on my wq wards the end of summer, or early in a -ottisb farmers. It is season, -414
Ire t
its Ak-majority 81
ARRIV'L more misvikett in his life. Dr. Sloan 08sen us strising from our ar ive dutifilit home from Braptiord,,on one occssionf� town. It f t, Ambirley, sysinat all odds, by the eaterprisu of SL
Gibbtin It—bei of ton Tot" i
-And hile, goo. Illit',A0111ce $Air
'as Judge and advocates. idetoccuried td�ro ah**&-ffitr*u8syLnptom ofshor;lyl be omiolt no-vacomman 9h?h& W see a tenant sit the
ought to k no IF that it is no put of' out over MI. -1he otheis whose arimi a opp"r The Emb to the "M—Tbe Dumber of
0"Wotion of tMill.
itmur stoc &01164- to fifteen pounds p "can* v'4'tmg '-he MffdOc gold fickle it fall do .......
pe 0, , � 1.Buffalo, a ry, 0 Alr�e vy best.. . .
A Aft ballold would ref - TO as af tliil I At W%f It a thrivillij little 'Villages having -j1re4d_y, the commencelvelat of a fease of nineteen years,
................... 1 1:30 a.m. duty, as a liberal Journalifs; id (k- � ere :-im-Ur.Arch- demen, I Cordially liceeptL your assurisope o If."it p .1 large $tot* - , a 4101111ij (tbs. er acre
%upport and ifisistance-In the discharge of my wow it) Be DfliOn - all0ed to; Delhi investing'som te,
1,to splaus
itilawgiallop, J T. Coz, Mr. CArling, drainslelilingl end other improvemeati.
Exacus usail ................. . . '00 P*ts* the can" of a man xho may -att maybe enabled ODD, en&l)jo 10 copfr0i'llbe Eloar4.1 4", House)tbe property of the oliblips0t Mrs. an very large, and ibe rush frora he ttiss",
3- be op. almr. Atoore. duties, I trust th d efte that gives him and the Spring is expected to be Many vau .............
Ifixed ............................ 10-50 is ponent, wbether he tikes side with t an t1vinks for the iml- stantly to bear in minid 6080 principffi of municia ted. 'my idiwa.,wiM one of(he Strw id McPherson, who bein lone'establitilifed here -No doubt it is the I tift"
ho Mr. 41IM9.4'ralturned . I wilt of every those who %id him with capital confidence of creator. Among those at preseat emlia,, Funt ...........
DIPART. He, felt conduct which you suggest, &lid which it is directora. who at once entered into my Qie*#, enjoys she respect sit good
Numd ............ conservatives or endeavors t6 slip in edge- !'*' in which he had been,slased. Again I anit to did the gentlemen in and around neighbor and traveller, for her ord,rliness a profitable return ; but beyond this, there is there are very many Californian &ad Barley ..........
F"S .............
5:00 it a high honour, and won , if elected, do my desire and duty to observe ian winers whnse plait exp"
rem Goderich, who rushed to the rescue with a courtesy and hospitality. Mrs. McPherauu the intellieence, resulting from a better edu- ence illbe,
..10:00 11 wise between both parties as- a neutral — his beat to forward the interests of the con- sincerely %bank you for your add The result Was. that at the f#ett meet - bas likewise in course of erection a large now cation than is customary further wash, sol tied to account, and used with Sheep ........
Expreas mail
will. great
Amoomdat . ..... ............. 1:30 p.m. Had he came out boldly asa r4orm car.- 11titurlocY, as he had always dane, in the qU A U'IVJW fit SE SSIOINS. ing of the boArd every director east of Brant, tavern, cut avanas age. It is staid that no I Beef, *0 cwt ..... .
Reform ranks. And now that he had con- and stablingstecommoda- an appreciation and exercise of this educatio ess than s" Chime
didate, it would have been very different ; sented to stand he intended to prosecute the ford Was seat udrilt. Our directors were all tion, equal to many oI your city hotels. Be- This remark will apply also in the farm are now on their way firre from 840,yrak Ri&s (green) ....
k2, cisco, to work the mines. 4 small ad butter ............
ne-following criminal cases were dispos- -ass of Brantford except a couple of Bract. sides thpae there are two bluclismith's sholia, servants, laborers, and iihepherds, who can
oped to havo the
fnlij,"4 . ford men. and onejoiaer,s shop, in either of which, as all read and wtite. A southerner wonders party is shortly expectea—Kingstujil
but he did not do so. and we are satisfied canvan vigorously, and If
ed of at tile SessiGns whic!i closed on Fatur Potatoes, ...... ..
liberal and hearty support of all present dut-
04 that we ist ere perfectly right in ignorinlf daVast:— When the Oraval Road scheme -was wider constilent- good workmanship ean be turned out as there he* the Seoteb can pay such rents � botthey The Diamand Slines of Mood .............
3 0 ing the election. With the aid of his good tion I was one or the liphicips) actors; I went top
he Queen vs. W B Soyder.—Larceny— c n fit tiny part of the province. I'lien down waste tio land in hedge rows and diches, Boston Leader soys "We have new ?. too
friend, Mr. M. C. Cameron, ho had Ito doubt Cavening so they are at P esent, while many ofthe
im' I be luke shore immediately below, we have email fields, and timber. �5cotttsb farmers, visit frorn Mr. H. M. Lan .............
stealing a watch -guilty, sentenced to three willwa we,c turgraivelilaq one road nordi.and instead at I e, who
6 of the successful issue of the contest. But
months in Cuunty Guol at hard labor. of the other. the ituron road from Goderich to Perth. the persevering family of the Thorburns, oat: wed to a moister climate than ouni, do not visited the diamond minf-,s of Brazil, Tan ........
GOVE 0 10t, C. W., March 19, IF67. XORTH BitUCE-The Owen Bound they hud plenty of work tv do. Two a This I strenuously opposed, for which I got Ulm
3nents were now to the Iiield r. D. The Queen vs. Win Walton.- Larceny--� it large amount of abuse throufh the SignWand from party of whom are busy preparing for the always succeed so well south and cast. They as that in taking the gems from tfift I'arkeys ...........
I am cor4m t jai at present you could surnmer's Ishi at thd complain justly of the want of intelligence driver places his gan or P6& ...........
Adoertiser savis that a Reform meeting There were three separate charges of theft other quarters. gig on &U e,xt,n4,c scale, slaves to a a i
tchle of Stanley, &lid Mr. Isaac Carling,
Ot R SOCT H U I-, RON CAN 1111111- this prisoneri on euch of which h#, hardly got a man but would say rumv was the proper name time that the
was held at Port Elgin recently, at which ' s,iiited enterprise of ia ow laborers, and of insufficient house room where the gems are found and pas oil Set
of ExetAr. These were not men who would rise. I the
DA IVES. In 1839 1 lost my qbe -
%wg found lruiltT, rind senonced to Count first election in t7 years. immediate. naval architecture,is condut.ted by Mr. Thor. and accommodat4on for man and beast. My earth in the water like gold wa The
steps were tRkcn to procure the calling of be foutid with RalPr(n $Two thics and would Fail Whist ......
Gael at'hard labor, two weeks on eao indict ly after my defeat I weill to 'I'orouto, and by my mou. burn 9�nior in the behalf of Mr. Thorburn Seo"ish frieuds.are appreciating more and nezroes are nakedito Prevenitheak
Uftsm Cameron and Gibbous am, n,)w a convention to nominate (Applause). The ence with the Ritteutive I obtained permission to cloth". gpiring V7heat
candidates to have to be combatted hiveat our sialting. fund in ibe redemption of our own junior,and his partner Mr. McPherson, ih the more oil -cake as feeding substances, and no the diamonds in th6r 0"149 1
forthcoming struggle would he expected, be Ny us Bafley ..........
f1kirly in the I lild as candidates for the represcut the Riding in the Federal and r had In The Q ieen vs. Thos f3onnolly.-Larceny daboatures, which was the first time it had been allowed construction of a fine laree schootfer,intended longer scold me for recd`mmendf#,g plenty of required to face the overseer, sed forWdjeo
one of the greatest tbel bad eve --stealing a watch Prisoner biae incor v) fifty municipollity. During the ensuing session of he lake trades the juitit property of the cake -feeding as a sure means of gfowin& to raise a band to the fite a& ey &IMW 02116 ............
Ckninsens of Canada and Asembly of Local Parliaments. The Reformers of Canada- (hear and applause) -and thift much CouticilWwasnuivAby Mr. Whitebead,amudedby for L. - . le I th I'lleas .............
;i4ib'o and havina been previously convicted Mr. Mctichael. That a vote of thanks Im tendered by latt-�r named young men, and which they in- plenty or corn. -Mr. Michi. awallo- the jewels when foun(L
was plain at the outset, that though the Yet they do ppmoes per bushe
Ontario, mpectivialy, and the re!ormeris North Drefie woutd the no-garty cry, Conservativas were busy getting up the tie- of felonT, was canicted of above charge. this Council to 11 John Holmes, Esq.. our late Warden, tend to have ready for launching &book the carry them away, by becoming so expert
fi,theablo manuai in hich he has condacwtithe Flow per Isb1
latter e.,d ofeummer, or early in harvest, AlCorse on the Fenians. thai'they can snap them with thei
and sentenced to L%o years in Provincial. business of the United Counties of Huron and Bruce for
Of the f4ding bare reason to congratulate isad appointed committees to make sr� oarty-cry, they were working tooth and nail _r filipm
oatmeal ..........
94enk�,lvvs upm having wcur-,d two vf rangetuents for - tile organization of tl.e for their own partys and never Penetentiary. (tie past ycars.-Cp"ied t "'and tong may her biAlib dra&oV' to use from the pan to the mouth without delecGo. r4 rash Butter per lb
e onions as the were doing this time. The Queen vs. Amos Tuttle. -Larceny- hLonf as the torefoinit'IT101 appc&r it i not a tythe of - Whilti preaching to his people a few weeks
y e dence that could a duce to prove that at toast floman
found _ I v I an . old salief fibraise. Si that you will per ago, the Rev. Dr. Moriarty, Catholic perdoz
the strongrst men that enn be e electio' of d Prisoner was tried ons?two seperate cliargell ine e Mr. 81jaal, and sit I trust Will your
Rform party stal for th n I unicipal matters I have Wen no Aip in porridge. ceiv
With to bishop of Kerry', Deco the following stung Bit
(Applause). �'fttv Adrtritstuats U =it lw.r lb
of theft and being foui;a guiltv was sentene- to my Parliamentary career, if u turn readers, that although we live up somewhere 74
associgst a& Mr. Cameron is a man of gats Ott motion of Mr. WILKI%so.4, seconded to rgeUfarfotho Journals of 1858. you will finine one language regarding the' Fenians Reef do
ve elected ioaudit the public account@, you ,vin a e
ed to 6 weeks in County Gaul on each cow- near the northern limit of the county of
great eneW of character and undoubted b, Mr. Bissor, the nomination in the case . I I we must condemn the fou'ish voutba To th A les per bushel 4
tion at hard labor. e Independ
Vic br.b?,b.he severw Jounitils that I was alwayis a Mem- Hurcn, we are not altogether bwyond the I
&K CO1VVFArIO1f o re. daeod boundary ofiatellectuaiiiy or the civil arts. who have joined in this cocspiracy, how much -hg South
at-ility, sud when retirmed,-a3 we fed THE REPO 7 Mr. Gibbous was made unanimous. ent per 100 tbs-
AT CUWfON. s next proceeded with for the The Queen re. John Ingraham and othe Voutinginit Committee, even when rr
Ballotini w* to seven membLra -%,-ou can see on he conduct of Electors of t Nbeep Stdns ......
.12 e- OW, 306, must we not execrate t these
-1sianit- case arisim, during the Court and Wil'.. and appendix 239 Your$,
safided he will be, triamphantly-he representation in the Federal Legislature of at 1810. and on W(Ung of Uumm pA-, per 109 lbs
designing villians who have been entrapping
wffi docredit to his in the NOMINATION OF CAN-DIDA- the North Rid witnesses not it. attendance, case was travers s 68, 67-297, M and 3" of The Journal of 1861.- DI jBY.
fol *action that took place in relation to a harbor of- work of'
ing of the county. The WIL innocent 7outh, and organ;zing this Wood, per cord..
TtFoai. ed to next Court. GENTLEMEN,- flay, per-Aon-
lowittg was the result : Mr. Gibson, 23 ; Mr. r4ageon take k1urtm, nounprejudicedman butillsay crima, I rhank God they are not our people
important chambee for whi, h he is a can- -4WD, that I did all that a man could do in my position in ri�- BEAFOUTH.
J. Wbiteboad, V? ; Somerville, 3. Having received the nomini�jon laoionto this matter. I got a grunt oi money for the put- Or? if they were, they ha7ve lost the Irish char. t the
dtdato. The fact that he is a lawyer Our duties as Secretary at the Con- Mr. Gibson acf;.epted the nomination and. MU' The schedule Of COUViCtiO1113 ill in pme ofa4ceptaining th� proper place, sts the Govt would Convention held in Clinton. on the 16& iM
The weather in the beginning of last week Acter in the cities of America. But beyood
,of grant money for such work u ithout the report and a
does not at all injule his populzarity, for, type, but has been crowded out of this them there are r-friminals of a far deeper -udt &is Reform CaLd the
tiun on the 1:)th,- having precluded returned thanks. idate for Leaillative
effinute oftheir Entimeer, and I hid the Promise oftwo was very mild, the snow disappearing so fast
the possibility of taking notes, we take The balloting for the L-neal Legislature, of the leadi the goverameat that action would tho men ho, *bile they send their dupes aembly of OiltaA�>, for ut
So h Hum.
we have muranciz from A parts of the North Riding, gave Mr. J� Whitehead a ma- issue. It will nuxt week. be taken with the Ungineer's report tne that farmeis began to prepare for spring into dsn er, are fatLeningo the arot a n having accepted the same, I a
the liberty of using the Globa report. in cow pr"u.
I :c oft y
venain reaLF(CWHII of the Fighe AcLandialsop4an I ed to takp the U 20 PE
riffing that he will remive an enthutiust' t of 19 ove- all the rest. There were ensaing)ear� I shkolloillAke Huron exempted from work a gan to taps but Paris aul lew York -ihe execrable swisidir's Id, and hope to -receive
Latter from Mr. Holmese
r. James SOMON'TWe, Mr. C. Whitehead, -adment made to the bill for e wile of Go". IAmus- towards the middle of the week bean to not to endanger the neckif of the m liberal support.
of M uoupporL Let the ffiends of libLrihism A large and influential convention I introJueed several bills, some became law. *onto wei a
As the election will not, probably, U1W
r. Jn,, Leckie, Mr. C. Morrow, Mr. 1). -ought a re- who trust them, who care not how many are
lodt m the Upper House and others did not get so far. freezis very hard, &ad Sunday b.
VAY aroani hitn', and success is �;ertaia- del -g;iftes from the varions manicipalid Sloa% r. Goveialock, and Mr. H. Horton. HotmesvILLE, March 16th, 1867,
es But whVdwell on a subject already too lengthy the murde.ed by the rebel or banged by the place for some time, I shall be able at t1W 331 X 93 4r.
Journals will show what I have done, -ake thiny ofthe gular snow storm.
Of r. 91bbem% who is so well kuowi,, of the County of fluron was held Mr. W'hitehoad said that he co.ild n, t To the Editor of the Huron Signal. strog arm of the law, provided they can' get proper period to make a personal c4arses of
trading members ofthe House offilic fist sail law con -
wis need only.,oy that his tong "perience 11,1i, accept the nomination uuder any cireum- Sim,-Wbile discanting on my mirits or fidengthistroy acts whiLe- in theffouse illitotauffer Thesupply orthis market last Week has asapplyofdoliarseith�rfarth-ir pleasures the Rid a- when, at meetings to be sipposits. allowed on
Clinton on FriJay afternoon. stances, thungh he felt hi lill 11.4ttered by the n If by a comparison the acts of any one of the bn.en limited, And the desnand keen. Fail or for thair wants. Oft I God's heaviest come ed, the views of both parties can be heard
demeritassa Candidate for Parliamentary am'
offounicipal life admirably qualifies him Four delegntes from ezich municipality in Vs ue t to stand, remaining too. wheat Spring wheat, and onts still rising. -His %ithering. bloating, blighting cur_iw- nd !ompared ; and in the meantiow, J.UW,
I Signd, areoU,,st Other As to my votes I am bound to say that V impartial 0 a
Th: refusal f.V,. Whitehead to accept hotioll, in your 183' oes am very dear and very scarce, but is on them. on will not pledge yourselves by triabifieu, - naer cousider- PULAS
for the duues of local legizI.Atvir, !tud, w ben t!se two riding -i were in attend4neo, and person knoixing the ancrits ofthe subject a an I pripached Its you last Sunday 3MIAM 12.r
Ilot. auun will my that my votes were right in 90 caim out will most likely fall as soon as pits can be on the eternity of hail's 4orments. Human r 0
the nomination, necessit-tted a second Its things you were pleased to any 0 therwise to an
ojested, he will prove to be " the right ety gireat unanimity sharacteiised. the 'I'h* next ballot gistre Mr. Somerville 13 Mr. Holifles is by no means a bad sort ortal). opened. reason i's inclined to say, "it is a horrid word I have the honor to be.
0 11 most may. Mr. Editor, it is sit unpleasant- pe4ition for
am in the right place." Hurra,thenfor Mr. James Somerville, -of Lacknow, was of -man in private I& ; his character is con- a man to be his own trumpeter, but I have been forced ' The people here be -in to talk politically. and who can bear it proceedings. a But when we look Gentlemen,
ahsent; but having aiguified his intention. didered irreproachable. and we are not pre.' to it fit order it) get the chip out of the porriilge- A reform meeting was held in Enuondwilie down to ibe fathomless dep!h of this mf4my Your coast obedientstirrant,
ow candidates, and work, men, with a a Hoping you wid.fiud twin fur this An your next sabblith S1
The Dclefzn" w -re : - not to stand, there was some debate'aA to pared to say that any of the errors of his sif"L school house, and sent cleogutes to the Clir- o- the heads of the Fen an oaspirac- we
win I ROBERT 01BBONS - -----
NORTH RIDLNG. what was tj be done, which resulted in it public career, grew out of corrupt or on- A am, at, youris truly, ton CouveLtiou on the 15tt;'tast. . The names must acktiowled4e that eternity m not long Goderich, March 19Lb, 1967.
ion of feeliair in favour ut Mr. worthy motives. So far, so good, and yet JOHN H001 of Gibbons 'ana Cmeron, were mentioned, euua,h nor hell but euoub to punish such mmun6m to $1
AsnFIELD.-_W. Alallough, Robt. aro"S express
N41111AEUVILLE DE. I Somet villa and his being chosen by a onani� the merest novice must kftow that desirable some would rather have one from Goderich, misc�
Clendining, Joe. urdoch Their. AndeT- mus vote for the Local LegilUture. A de- as negative goodness may be In those - who and one fro a some other part of the riding reants To the Free and inde- 0 L 14N CO. ASHFIELD.
putation of four -M r. John Taylor, b, r. C. surround us, mny a-ne4atively good sort of pandent Elea the Son. but wh:-u asked to nume some one, did uUt Ax ArtuLEss McmBert -!a the House of body is of no more use in Parliament than a -now of any. ]Hidine- ELuron.
Girvin, Mr. Juo. Mu.Thy and Mr. Brace Tj the Editor ot the kturoa Signal. Uummons in London, on the 6th tost., Mr. I S,3uth
Mr. Soncrrffle t:i6- ui that be does not WAITANOS11. 'EAST. -John MCCal- AL VISCOUN
ppointed to ascertain Mr. Somerville's tobaceonisibi' sign would be, except for voting Ms. Hoaos, -Perceiving Clat you - col- fhe Fenian excitement has again be- Kavamszh, the new member for Weiftird 1
w" & intend to nus for North Huron. 31T- S. lam, Thomas Sho -t--, W. Birch, G. Alao. intentions with mapect to the nomination. purposes. and even then, the chances are Umns from time to time admit of aariely ef it seems we are to be kept in a ferment thib County, Ireland, having neither hands nor GENTLEMEN:
would have cuade a capital representative Lay. It was resolved, that in the sections were that, having no very clearly-Jefined opini summer again, by threats sod perhaps raitts feet, was brought to the table in a wheeled Having received the anammous no*;
tributions from the rural districts, sod as
rven, comnittees are not found. the ddlegates on any important subi-ct. be will place hall con from these misguided meq.
lad he beca reuuucd. %VAWA140SU, WFST.-Charles Gi chair to be sworri. The honoi able member nation, at the Convention recently held
present form such committees, litsvik f8r his votes its the opposite bag. by way of b,l. I am led to cousider that such correspond- The feeling here 6 that the malitia ou,ht titer taking the oath. sigaed the parli amen- Chaton. for the Representation ofyour
Joh Savage, J. Taylor, Robt Wilson.
their object the forwaWing of the objects of ance, for fear thn't the other bit Hid.
armed and drilled as well " the vorun- try roll by lacing the pen bervefan 'he end ing in the Canadian ROU34,01' Commone, *w
Tu-&-inimay.--John Gemmil, - L. J. Poelf, I!f might b&ve sties has frequently an inter.esting efect on to be "P A
111111R. VVHIFTEIKEAD ACCEPTS. the Convetitiou. been too cc. If he does tile good, he the geoeia teers, which would enable Canada to make of his arms. He appeared to write with grem having ac--epted that nomination. f am a"
Brice, W. Douglis, S. Black. TheiConvention then adjourned. Claim$ that he does as little harm, and hence -kty of Your renders, as elicitiam b work with the Feuia,ts, and if the fluency. After signing his name he was in in the field ;'-& Can(fidate for your suffregee,
-of remark in tbs ge' e " 'a or%
(By sp-asl Irleg-ph - the SigusL) LIULLET.-John lNeelands. Thomm the irrvere,it multitude vote- him a very-cUp something worthy mi Washington Government assists the Irish to Ve usual way WiTc�oced to the Speakert t
0 trusting to a liberal and generous suppartg,
Moon, Jmes Brethour, H. Sue!l, VUE FEINIANS. in porridge." pro--relislofaticiety, or the pointing Out re free themselves from British Control, let whow,he bowed, and then, by plscin4 his your hands.
Clinton, March 19th. slop
Aloams.-Donald Scott, Peter Thornp- Now, air, with n1l due dererence for your tarding infla -nces where such may exist, and Hit land itmist the Southern States to free arms in brazi sockets and turasome screws
A deputation of influentiil gentlemen 0 9 As the Elections will not, in all pmb&VX
rriers to the spirit of improve. themselves from Yabity Control. irbich operated upon the wheels of his chair, take place for some montha, and a perwm- 1
son, %A'm. Arcustiong, C. %Vhi�qhead. A general uprising of Feui2ns in Ire- superior koowled,,e in such matters, allow me opemte, as ba waited upon J.-Whitchead, E -q., to -day, Howicr_- Itie,hard Young William land was expected on Sunday oight, but, t-, say that I think you have made a slight men% ; and, as local virtues or vim, i1rwbat. AcciDENT.--i be passed out of'the -House. Considerable
little child of Mr. Forter'i ,
canvass would be inexpedient, until about
mistake in this chip in porridge matter, And H rmoadville, fel I out of a hand carriame and curiosity was manifested, and sevetal hone, - s
arging, him to come out as a candilate _McKinher,Jod- Rogt:rs, rhos. Gibson.
as yet we have heard no apt-aigil news ever sphere of life they may. manifess, them- eve of the coattwt, may I hope that in tie
meantime. you, gentlemen, will withilea
North Huron, find he has determia- GRzy. - Peter ilicDonald, Win. Grant. in order to put y in riuht. I will take the broke its arm, under the able insuagem"ent of abiq members went to the table to insuect
Along the American frooder tile F. Wt; liberty to reter you to a few of my antece. isities, fire equally elilible to praise �or cen- Dr. Vincoe it is now dhing, well. Mr. Kavana
gb's signature. After the House
your names from such req talticas §i
ad to do so. It ii unders" that 31r. Arch. McDonald, Tho& Strachan. dents'both in nicipal and part6mentary sure. I have concl uded I hatafs tv passing sketch- rose Sir. D. L&Marchwnt, Captain Gossel
are assuming -Oa Mr. C"p'bplVs farm circulated in ude. Acciors?. now being industriously u
cKII.Lop.-Thos. G.4venlock, James life. As to municioal wattera-I wts, elected , Mr. 0
a, from this remote corner of the county might S. Suminervil is, had his arm teriousiy injured I nir (4 most ut, British practice,
Gibsola will run fbr the Assembly, which and Colonel Forvis�er were engaged in find -
n, Our Goveratuent is on the alert, find 14
McDowell, W. N. Watson, James Pri to the first Distriqt Council of Huron it. ing a suitable place ic the House for the ban- and he pr-.fcr.�% and Mr. Whitehead for the Sit iderVals fore a wife in the genera4 by a sawing machines. that I', hove will uisver prevail with
Lion in that
troopu an so disposed as to be immediately 1812. and moved the fint resola p ct;�ble member during the debates
any I threatened point. Council ; and, although entirely unacquain treasa-y of noteworthy Circumstances. sup. Vilim-rhelarge new wbea; granary be- E eaun-who prize a fiLir. free, wid
Commons. Tha Reform pirty is now CoLBoRx L -James Symington, Wil- aTai able at longing to Alr. Jo-nattion- Carter, was burned able contest far above and beymw a
ready for actim Ureen, John Glenn, Pcter Robert- aaa, led with muaiiipal matters, there are persuas posin,, then. tis%t you have sanctioned the A IMy Baried Aliv.-In the early prrt tempera, pol,
living in this County today who to the ground lost I iglit, or about y ;Iieel triumph), d t1m, Wdft fi
one o'clock QfOctub*r I"& tb= died at Rome, with an t
boll. Our KippCU 00T. and other in- will admit pralimivaryobervations, I.would remark in this Ibleris wits about 1.5,000 ebal 2torm, Signora Amahs Barbien r infiventl6im6,4
jiloorning. I' will refirain frem pleding you
I was no drone in that. hive. We this corner of the country. occupying its bushels of wbeat, and a good deal -ef park
MR. HOLME-40 LLrTER. CLINTON VILL!G?--J. Whitehead, teresting patter is laid over till ucxt Lifirofonepennyper pound and one in support to my opponent, until in the Casim
emic Ilya,
'peary wif) ofc-alt Bennicilli. After the funeral
E. Holoastsi C. A. Hart, Thm Jackson. L,,a u e. per &ere on all lands.- but the Canada Coal nearest proximity to the DoreAl renon it, the wheat was covered br iusursnee- The and throughout the Coctest, I sb&fl have sa.
solemnities the body was deposited in the
opportunity, before you, of aiee�* kiNef 60'
Mr. Holmes hfftcts upos our read. pany, who then held 600,000 acrer, rtirusfi,g and which, by some mistaken estimate in house was not. r. Carter bad -mated the Campo Satit-i. until it coWd he trausfertred to
house to a Mr. Tod who has 1111111, been here to fac!. explaining uiy ripwa and expou I
erll an in GfIlDralicu Tow. -i. - )1. G. comsero-1, SW We are rcitictantly obliged to to pay more than one-fifth and one-ei,,htb of the political 131,171bution of the public lands the ithurvilt of the MW
unmercifully loag letter elion, when the tomb my principles. and you shall have bad an
I for some time, supposed to be the work of an which was being pro:iared had been templet- Dil.
a penny per acre, we, portunity oi thas judging bf our respectivit
wkkb be &eta forth his public life for the R_ Gibbous, C. Crabb, L. C. Moore. 6red much oa account of ta:-diness in iucencli�ry, Mr. Carter's loss will be very
in 1843, declined levy. h a suff
abbricriate our Scaforth corresponden--c. taves until A u rast. Some of the
ad. The tomb being finished a few dayti, since
GoDzwca Tow-A-suipW. Hall. settlement there1a neverthelsts & gra4aal heavy. qualifications for the high trust we gaa 14
pW tweilty-eight years, and proves that D-11trict olti,:ials were determined to loice the
the corps was uncovered, when the fan beca- , your hands
James Wilkinson, Jactiles Torrance, Wil- a3d Itifeady spirit of improvement constantly vvftl I
of his acu were illegal, and many of ism McDoupfl. Btk=*00D AND THIC RZWLEWS tax, isud a I I was considereid te principal it DRANATIc.-The B-mondrille Dramatic we etrifitni that the unfoutunate lady had Meantime. I karc the
We haverveodred from the Leonard Scutt tbeaff4i- I was to 4a msdean3xsmp!ouft th developing itseIL §;ncb I beame a'd.-nizen association will give irotber night's enter been pinced in her coffin wbilo she was yet, Gentlemen,
tbem eXtramelY digUStdUl to & ll-,* STABILEY.-JamtS, Anderson, Jam -9 tei ror of' all Lbur.- Who Mignf. in like ca. -es of there a" OQIY,elapnd ten short years, "d tainmeat on Friday, 22ad March, from the living. The h*ndi were bfftl�i, the face was -Your most obedient Servant
aa C,�la. Publishing Co. of Now York, the current 1,nd. They, however, *ailed in their intentions to place the present aspect or the country in well known talent ofthe gentlemen of wbich fisceristed, the hair dksi�*
number ofthow he represented. By anit-�s, Josiah Secord, Josh -red and torn. The
"own showing' num!Ier of Blackwood and the Westmin. 119 next session of Parliawent the levy wait it is composed, a full house Is prediewd. lid of the coffinead-beei3lbreed up, and the
one of the Erst acts he w3Y- contrast to that which it then exhibited the Goderich, Mamb 18th, 1867. A
feclaied illegal, and an order was'passed
44 -R. iiter and North British Reviews, Ali of I muscles were 66tramd
if,&Y.-David Wanless, Isatic Win) to'have the money that oyout Vffort
Was angageu in on enterin- the Counties was paid -by all ta result 6 certain1r of a more gratifying
Brown. H. Lov& A Wbollesela Marderer. that had,bood FAM FOR
Ckmacd wasi declared to be iflegA after STEPHIC-11I.-Johoi Parsons, James which contain artialm of deep interest to parti" in 1443 allowed in their taxes. of ntture Than oqe could anticipate, train were whose the thoughtful reader. Then invaluable 18-14. 1 now pan iver a Dumber ot SWNJ
tithe of their the year 102, during which time it dull _.F.'
which he takes a leap over ten years. In Matheson, Cha�rlcs Brown, Stephen HV works are produced at a I's 10 cursory observation, untrainelled by the From the London Daily NowA6 yea
OXTAINrNG 50 acres f giod Fatuip.
,it, op - Pari% Feb. 25, 186T. -The assmia Le 00 sign 61 lik Ilk
arth. round of experience. At the time I referred pa M r, W biannowt of the contraction of"the raii: cost in Britain, �nd should be on the table Pear from toe minutes that I was & princi he on the 20th DAcembrr. muriff-red The rumers Of" C Land aboist 35 acres, of which we
to, viz : ten years ago, or even later, almost ed, it is welt wtered, log honw and
way dek we cannot see that he does more UsBoim&- A. Bishop, Clarles Men- of every professional man, and all who "tor in all matters of importance. LoJun� a laundress nam -d Bainville, whome his basttlf placed Vithm the, -to
1852 a blic meeting was hold in Godeth t is whola block forroling the Western division father wassibout to marry, was brought to situated 2J miles frons -the village of Tcw
Am show that he waa rhir -wd enough t teith, A. D. Freeman, R. H3auing_ wish, to keep pace with the intellectual
TucKmxiTvL-P. Ramny, G -sea e eorge to c_�Itsif.ur the advisishiiny of taking stock it, of the township of Ahfield. could reeiv lie i be Assize Court of the Seine, to tak his water on toe gravel road, will be solL A
bargain I For particallart
wiscoa a scheme
for 1controling, the board progress of the age. the Buff�!o and Brantford It. U. The Mayor trial twoy The tacm charged in the in. ly to
Walker. James Broaffoot) Thomas said to have made the effort of e ergitig from a
ter the money had been reall adiniapd, by the prisoner A vourig, mwopea went JOHN GAN,
of diredors, af 110110- For terms, &a., see the advertisement of Buffllo, Mr. chrillia, M.P. 11., and set or 1 m e* M
Stan. on Istpage. other gentlemen from Buffalo, Btuntford. Its primeval shades;- the little Village of Port witil, letters ofrc- Teeswater
mwcW xp by oxWdem Wz think his Mr. 1, C. Moore, of Goderich, occup with a cynical fra,skness afmoit unparalleled. 4omiiifeu'dat16o-t6 a isirge banking establish-
aul elsewhere, were preacat. After the Albert, or (for Poetry's sake) Avoca. wit I which Caused& thrift of horrisiria Cour� went. He called on the gentlemanzwho was
CuIrim, March 10, 1867. a rqw 5
tion with re�-._rd to the Huron Gmverl ied the chair, with Mr. W. T. Cox, of the Aditiress to Judge Brougla. mtetiaig wds adjourned, a CommiLtee Qf Ili- its saw mill, grist mill and two aqualid taverns, The prisoner live ith h father iu a bo
d w is use, w. ththead of it full of hope and confirtfince SHERWE"S SALE OF LAW
wheme was even worse. He j,)ined Huron Sigma acting as Secretary C-jun Its' Council was appointed to confer BrArround,:d by a few sterile acres of rid�e Pla. 10- Rue do Chat tm, La Chapelle, Paris. that he shoul?obtain employment. Tbe
The following is the address read to Judge with the delontes, namely, Mrsars. %'m
The Cftairmanopened the proceed k which belongs to the latter", in fee simple. gentleman heard what he had to any, lookd Count of H
land, bristling with charred stumps, and ua L� y
in with thew Ao wished to secure tbc lng'l Btough at,the recent msions:- Smith, D)ig. Hays, Hill, Mitchell, Cole. To Wit?"oe, Byll.,v'rim' of a wra or
his son over his letters hastily, and then handed the
inby expWaing that the civeation hal aire senior is a locksmith, and ert Facias jewed
roads in web a way as to advauca the in- beers held to Oelect caulilates for vie 7b His ftonor SFeKwa Bactrian, EsQriaiz, Wallace, J. C. Susith. and your humble ser u,dian thistles, and here and'there a little n0. Her majesty"'s churty'voilartot thti UDAW
mmisted him in the business. H i was always back to him, osiing. 11 W'S've DoLhinxi t"r Countlebot-york and er4, and to medlrecsolt;-
bole in the foiest, with its orwh fenceseff.rd. an idlf� fellow, and whea his mother die I on, ty do, air." The young man felt his algainst the Laada nd Terfeamts oI
Judge of the County Court oft4le Court- vaitt as chairman. Mr. %VadWortb addressi.
tell ortheir own manieipalines, whO- County, for the Local and ederd Legis.
ty of Huron, Ife-, VC. el tar Committee, and after a long speech in- but partial David
-protection to a few patches' 1865, he said, in answer to some observation eart sink within, him. He was reistly to CLark and J ames aark, at the su-t of the frs&L-
ever m*bt be the suffirm in c m" men(w. laturail. I
e following woeds: 'Ili oiarain a Ill other vngretables, slid its pristine of atten I nr buist into tParx. But thereas no help for of.Monum.1 -nawr saQ and taken in
M.Lir xT P41CASS YOUR HONOR, of -his father about tte- nece'ut
The per4k of Goderich township, fiuding, Some discussion ensued at the out-3et Thu members of the Huron Bar embrace the -Counties take stock to te amcunt of shanty edifice yieldiag sa equaill sorry sheit 0 business, that it would be easier now since
*A bow and reti-ed. As he the following property, vis; Ak
it, soits made hi
certain parcel or trati-of Unif and
as to the manner in waich the delgates 1125,000, the road will bet complopil to er to I he toil iucked pioneer, being the only there Was oue month few to feed. liras passing in front of the building, there
that they were to reecivt, hardly a dollar ba tip aily, fit y,)ar first Court, of
t e - GArdch in ten than twoyears i ivesj,'penny abstracts from the natural wilderness. flo Iving and keing to the T-nawaskip
should vote. &me member advocated own'titiAmaira. senior, though op.
the general gratificisition afforded by ads, L -at aut
eaL of the Y-30,000 to be raised for -6s was a pin lying an the pavemenL He &to tho County of* Harooi and Proijaca'fisi
will be expended -witblih the viz. public roads there was none Pic
by resolution -the majority wore your appointment to the Judgeship of this of the morte iterally A dowo
votin years of age, deterthined to usarry again. Etc ked it up, and then stuck it containing by
ciuntics, SL you will never be asked to nut one I The surveyed lines of
gravel roadis, while they were wildled in favor ofvotinc, by ballot, and the latter County. The relations of the Bar to the istwd propitsed to, sud was accepted -by, Mme baref4fly uadpr tile basom of his coat.- - be the same more or ton, being wmouW. j
M p ity one sixpence of tho moner, the Uum pany only in idea,.itidezed by a chip backell eat be a mbe a no in the ninth 0080- *11 W_ - - _ -
with a debt of abont S-2,000 a year, felt con ultimtely resolveJ on. For Rench are:of such an important nature, both ed out Safe ville, a laundress, who rented a as& of tThe gentleman with whotu he bad e no r will pay the interest as it matures, until the the side of a tree, and impassable at many apartment* in hi- ivisio-jefibi1i said towasilb, *JtWk�jk
&lid d
to the padies thmwives and to the general TpT
a house. where she lived With opeak�ng4asatattding'at -the win;ow? Tenements I &WI o0r ofldsle,,eat.-_ay
&A he w2s not in that case a chip in convenience of consultation the delegat road is completed.". I then replied Mr. points, from swampy ipterventios, and al- her d?sugbter, a girt of saireliteen, and a saw what took place, In an instant tbs the court noIf_e,,1
c3mmunily, as to awaken a wide -and lively
in from eacti ri4ing sat aeparately in the hall ofvwed&
porri4ge-having done them a WWI! interest ia every change in the judiciary; for Wadsworth, wbal you say is &I., that we can most ioterminabis debris of fidlen trees, often young apprentice. Tne to'firruge was fixod thought occurred to Wim dw theyoung, man Todway litt twenty fifth day v0-
justics-4rad they- told him plainly guougli be ap that upon the healthy rGe
It was�also, r-wived that three arutineers it is well undmtood, desire, and -toore than we expected ; but causing divergatic" from the Proper coo , to take place on Dec. 29. On Dec i2O young *ho*&d such intbiti ofeArefulness as t6p h"r to 6 T4 Vilt,
pointed fr6m the North Riding and condition of these relations depend, not only what Zutirainte will you give that what you as tortuous w the snaky windinp of the Lemaire�itged 19), bavibjr',�uctkrta th.1t in such a tuoment of diuppointment so d JUEM JUODEYNAW..
that they woA] in future find wine U04 It be %scomp3awd.11
three from the South Riding-thnise from t4e harmony and confidence that elevate and Ile repliad: multit-din-ma creeks, at rivulets witill which -his fatter was gone out to dine with a friend ick up a pin itrusild make a asefql businem 1L - -
The verdict the former to be scrutiowis for the balot, r, -fine the intercourse which the Ju,1-, fAhiscOUnti abounds. As my toldMrs. ftiovillethathis iathervmnted to- an, He sent immediately vId" tailed him
rmt better to their taste. CPO must b7yvlwuin guarantee to give but my word tb;o section o SheriTs office, Gode
and honor. " Several of the members of th purpose in wrid-g, however is not thaL of a speak 16,he Im marcit"n
of Ash&IJ, Colborne, Gaderich town and ingor the latter and vict: vemi. The constantly have with the counsel priacticin ro and by wat means, in facea-leir ack. Elegave him a humb
lo 8 Committel at once field that was, quite so "fore him, but to a very large extent the gaz-jtteer, I will not weary your readers by to accompany him,tvtke rooms- occu nt. From thAt-'he rose -by
_�ied in his extablubm
eciratinem appointed for thie North Ribing
Wawanoah would have beau the same.- ri;hta and securities 4of those whose interests cient. and that it wait ridi ' ewous to ask moro. using much detail to Iticol descriptions,- by tbs 1,�mairea. As soon as slie got iftive $egrees, till tie became the prin6itial, partwtr
were -31r. VV. Hall, Mr. Brown and Mr. foirm the subject of adjudication. Your And 6.tlie stock,was 1116n.' During that 14uffice it that for the most part the t the outer door, auttatte.iripteCio pas an&ereatualfy i"Am .�)f V12 -
With regard to the Harbor of Refoge, we various his aiiii in the concein,
A�Ilsion I was chairmin of Equalization, the drawbacks referred to have b eu uppi
Freeman. For the S,)Utb Rid*n,-Mr. honarable career at the liar. your long and a aawd a 4pe round'herneektarititivoich -lie sod the ebiefialiko SHERMS SALM Or- LATN_
tbink he did little or nothing, e lie,
W stra" in Paris.
rFinasce,_ and the Railroad Committee,,, by &,better order of things and lbave"A. I he 0
rven and Mr. Prin- ratinsaft experience in its rights the in ded to bang bar toa, strong nail, whiel
was broadl hinted at the tune, he put in g, and dut'epl From which it� would appear 11b tL eta- nenafrural life has- of Heraff'-a
y a. &A tte reputation f,r patient slid laborious' af t had &]ready driven into the wall for the put -
6 Witt sit
bolmof-tka Couteil did not cifosider too a least proportionate to its own enterprise, and ptigs,. &a misted sufficiently top Lh M
a good word for IoveAuroo, where, it Balloting thers proqeeW, with the fol- study and ri4eareb, arid for infleza'sle integ- reveal Pgi%OID�t,,T6-7=-PiMIC.�Owing to VfHw
ut'It. which was announced by Of I enterprisp is conittantly (at,least from fastening thet rope, and thereupon he e udea3* to�Ah6 teen. c0untift of Huioii aM
wn ann-ted, he held considimable proper. low:n- res nty. which has preceded your appointment. chip in purvidge. :that tbs
0 The Railroad Committee of that year, of with very few exceptions) in the
ive us the, certain assurance, that whi:e our rd, also to realsioeek add tilt b d
against the 14n& alw
Chaisman A be ar 4W
lemen forsubscriptions; to churchs, public Ifir -"a -- - I --
ty. Mr. Uofmes did introduce wyeral on privilegs as Advocates will be fully re- which I was a memberava subsequent meet se�le, being, gradaully ougmeuted by the her in twenty.places, exclaitallis reptat I Ike 20*0(3,aNam,
-1 � -
South Riding-(3lember for Federal mi, closed their Open by saying, 44 Y hatities. Ac.7. he',hu been, compelled to rdx. sisixed asti'Vkes to Exrestva latter, which will
M.Illsed and upbel by you, the ezeases car ising demand for farm produce uud encout- that, alth9rif;b, she would not be bing-ed she lish the 0110111b* 404r. tirty, viz :-&M
IX the Committee would further sahtgerst the pe h influx of populitloa, experi. should Aii idt ibe same. aiW that be would INS bill", (6hi e - t of-leftenizZ t1le be
Wit; in Padiam4ent, some of which be- P.rliament)-Mr. 31. C. Cameron, God iulo which z_ -AI for the. interests entrusted to
aged by a fres
cane law, Cwas not oo,! of them for the crieq, 19-bu-ing a majority of 13 over' our care may occasionally betray us will at. 6ciety of excercising a control ovitir th 6 thfid �e,nce, and public dpirk I am confident in stick her till the loss of blood carried or.
rreispondenco rthe!nfhre:---fAr.,Georg-o C04"c"W" vmtt ilf t7 Pre
prWection of IseJ in these Counties With a �fmaviagtbssmtemeat thati * �: wild gme?) while others all titoge named who were --Hoa. Dinald ways receive Indulgent 1301113ifforation, and ra c this, hithekiii TAe iterems of the unfortunate we -*10411 star eabody, iuteadi soon to leavi for FA
were stra t it r f r view to save ounecessail-interest, 447isp that �almofit obeure corner of this- county, the mpd the concierge and other inmates of t
wi.J act be attributed to disawpee -v he u
their own accord - but we remembar that
nglkid bv the fiords, or died of McDonald, Mr. Thomas Gibson, and Mr. fie land, deems it a duty due to biwistif An lecessa -todse. She contrived to sts;
e wilich he aforessid loan be obtained in such common business of life with its n Vr to the door, form all th
nly o
a oa whit, during -his vi ten in timlow,
31r. M.,C. Cameron rose and returned you,lf personally or for the offic lmourlft Onty as may, be found actually- 'allied quota of induary au,l sci of
p acas you at our head. And while as are se- which she opened and then M11 dead on tho steere thanive, but reiteratedvilis sutewe it vevessary for the Pros caprithe in his written to
it was extressely, diflicult to gct him to assured that in order to prespr we I lie relations --cution 'of the work, quisition, bids fair to rank in Dome an degree me 7"
iILU"I to it
that he coull n,)t, in justice to him --elf 61146 CIA b i 6 *416 airl oinit -01 ISO Rey, d
introduce the Bill fur legaklia" reeabie to ae', tke-" Notwithstanding the'resolumon, at cumpari.son with that of many --older a
tho de- bet,e,n ad in a healthy tone, ag XbOgurdeor waslotic orar and family, except the nomination. Wadsworth by some means got bold of the _y institationsil adUcAptiot
ourselv-s and beneficial to the commaiiity, ore 'favored settlements, Wfore',zlit6 Jidl -chArif feedve'Gravel flAnd By L tw. In Pact, money, comiAeted. the to Bftistfurd.,did pin ev, tbirike.,ortailitanbe-for 11wens.
31r. Gibbous hoped Mr. Cameron would Lbe-Jud"a Most ra i &liberal confidence rpiiace. Had,ttie. Coitity-rouril 8"Is Gfee�oodoifi bf 14kp on, and ripem
some grading west of Brantford. sod then cu od the C00464011 selves and atb3rfisl tb it thwa"t variabar, of
sWillughof much importane- it was be induced to alter his decisiotf. U& i -i the bnuor of the several members uf his UsVsth a compbetion of the gravel road is 15BbfNW Im
hiM_ rial, - thett his _;Iuteution was, after the3b---*bmmuuic*UoD5
Llu&d ever to dome one elae to be attend doubtedly, Xr. Camero was the beat man Bar; we are equally satisfied that that confi. topped for want of fetift Our. Warden. year, a great msjority,'ef- the settlers here hanging Mine. Uoville� to
from time to time,. reported I Set bar daughter mible, bir hiiii to reatf or viewers or - Atm The sibow sale ispootpoised
- . the post,' and damage would 0 rite latterdirty has -
for I result to dence caa!oaly be maintained aubrokeu by 0 the Council would virtually have been, as it were, in the and apprefitioirA40cowire1jriutohisf roomsad
ed to. We have not time to fllow Mr. that he could do nothing ; that the B the conviction on your part that we accord uffalo enjomintof a its* hold vfeiftsion6jiiss- -7,-'
infolt dispose of disiDi. it -41sev-saw _11a hoped
Reform party it that gentleman still :ad would give part of tbi-difficulties under ir ah*Korq. been as4igned coolklently: 4)tbM.
the folk had it all their own way,
tbroagis his laudatar epistle, but our our earats support &,-d mistatica in the Iiich th6Y Dow in eftet the'thiW ddise. then Auds many oftlie writers have reque6id The %b�pw,004- U
vatios, should be kept xwre
discharge. f your onerous duties, and that Is
readcra will agree With US Eh4t h, bU Got -ortilon otionttoAsbouts, WoUld _havo, Wen obviattidi!, he would W*9 Jbi--iiii fathees that their si�pli 191b Unih
persisLed in his oliarm no satisfaction. In 1854. now W
31r. Wilkinson said that if they did not was elected, who boxatel that be w9utd take Iselog, chrefly attributed- to th Aer that he r. Peabotly -would-state--fti- to us,�Ibirf
our exerst as tend rather to lessen and Ale- 0 State of 11be eoming ikomeauld mar-dw -him.,&
PC ',W Ule chip after all. moarran yoar judicial labors, the "ball bir the horus and briuSz- thw roa& in the spriagg, �ntf 1411 whiih keh�ill,ihe money and val -13 "IN -, - - *
goo, they viaw than e would be" is U kit*rB, *0110111fitillit gets strongman like3lr. Oni, of' the year, s"
The fabovo
BffAlo gentry to the right w1oat'r tat lies are aeuerally the beit seasons for the dispos. bles in. the two hous holds,
-ASURATE CANDIDATE. t with him on, your elevation to the Beach. we are alga t
would hava, a poor chan to carry a While pte"atias our own congratulations 0 And
too, soon found that he was Ovivless. At III of cc �nypp, Ps, StUd-last harvest litiri offrildnseirb 4airs.
candidate in th4Tt riding; wear %be Its
war -ranted in expressing tile general gratigea. rd tseet ag. mQnVy..
#of ocfol very -up taanyin thei Us I
they feared a thing. nubilit
0 caukU - I.".
lowing motion Was paged, W
We are itiformod that Dr. 91win of tion, which your appointment has griven to Meg I give taitied-intherwip"t and putattie crops, 'the ulob
Mr. Love in order to tot the feerm" verbatim;- -el Moved by Or., W-silyj I
-Ing J
hoflluc?� f
Blytk =a his Imsfilh 116'
water 40dond
tifis,00mm nitf. Your f: osition at W004e; Advantaze xioo4 by' the heavy prices of Com
righ' bmd "Ppo"W havel of the convention on the subjects moved ami Pried - r
per flays,. -a -ni ea by Ur llayviThat tAklV' -these coffif6d1iteii Ara little lifiared by tbose As AIYSTX the Bar of this Province tend the repatatija a,UAA*t;,.
higlt; tailed & #0 iiiiDo
"M It to write letters to this Chatots that there be a urAoiritcoug o4 askin of our, lelst tion tbs Ion,& serviogs of Mr, Holmes, Who have to re"n at home, while thei ani- V
4d, tho opjWyftI1It
-10 of, His. acill I nelglibbu-4- in drive into, to t
aftolt- - id&z 9 4 A u co
Biu, dewuncing the jor�, in 3
Siptal in no zes ur. Alr. Gawroo to stand for the Fedei 11 priscipit h Wernpir bb �p ly�W*ould wassiV.1bettor. al of W At
- '-District Wt 11 11 1 '' M_ r4 ied Factsairsisidea
9 nvt' *111t-tft aur W
et I'-- 111111 PWG mi fill Vamity0ourt oft"
ealne it-,
od forms, beeause is w6aU nog psrmig Parliament.Uarried amidst aorlaus& 1r UL with &M CO iOii-
Ur. U. C Cameron fro" amid applause �-by
@&I and its nth ofradia perfornsed,wit-11"an irearyings-nall and' pa cesmelf ison, and secure the best Frio" 7040
administered with intallissoc
anq�-- ly AIPWandl- why
gbd 441"C"I of the CWMI of the Dr. to and said hefwas, justice will Two Queni am dqft_040� A -1W
'We are of opinion that that gentle i gradually onward pace in the merely agricar- - . a -
%?Its sincere in his desi;� firmusiss and impartiality. I opkiratt, )a ---no ilifJ&Ika McAs it tilitia
worsli 61IOU14 own WWMbdakle?
p4dUlmotary hwore, although; be be Uouse but with to onani. Y.004 hess boqov, a eAn tural sense ofimprofft -6 several - JW4use they JAM
not to enter ttle J03N VAGAHAJ there at rnti.' iiv 4111W
isonfer-, that -falii* 0 6606ii to thillig at& Jngs, md low a 7010_ On behalfafthe Ifurlm Sr. F spe.cullottions which its for promise of
other k gt*at prot Dt I= mwer Wets Wirt! of hitherto in hearing that his ervices were Od, the our warden iir the pre nr year. -Car.. ofsucceWadd; it U hoped;-wift ultimistely re. of gmt e0aseJutflus to the party " a candi. Wb alloul fB *�"iO* With POlitiaL Not b* tied unammousiy,, 9, "na; cute -be nal To, whiclit 11ts -Honor replied afs follows. ripit in much the p,%r;ies immedi fr - rulm -)a- risadutylo sacrifice perso
felt WWI
It W84 risolved at the first meatios offie
efor tong - - - - - - -
"C16413 the MUMS tilluded to when glitne. fiselia.- and ia"rei;4 and come forward &I GENTLaNty Or TRZ On or0luigay: is lil;6400112� b
-foul let peiglibarbov a4
W p'le"Juirtil'your' addr ib
He �.Ausrd of ix� d amolijai may �bo noted!
such a tme. (Wed applaaos)� ont '0 A Ing OTW the coltifiens of oar Vil6ge 0011 what had been done wit"tir A; 25 6040 V two
#,000, but
alwitro-wofkad! toprovent; Pill, Cionstiteency congratislauA: a t 10 mile
-no "tigrimiod. s0 the covid lmy,-,A,f th ow -
0 my liptim !n
*ssoPertiq# 'to Culint fURY &MCCUtIll $be from fid ilt into th4 bn& tb* Consery4p Jud'al(ki- of sod singoto lk 4 Abbo
-, I _`T .1 , 11 �vhich has
�compowtoa W lil( M, iii; 1 -1 �
464115W.- I i �;iitnended opstition, and _eft*q they. alit
of the prwima and the tiresi-andon tbn ooewon- he wits hsaFdl� W it two. A ��*iq T"a OF
OV exots 7qu 49 Ahe verrbw� ine-for tbs Idure
pnwnt ht
PJ �
determined toctinfintse tb* good work, no me on toy Coming amoupt 101* 111111V to Pl��4%typ 4 yz'Po V, AP
jT41-- Akod: walk rticle hitherto
t4A I -tilt law. tlilt it -'ter*
Upirso -69k, . �
great bo"ur coof 'IW � po "w ingot in reilillof "d id, oakia, lmd 0 hot ear* attli4i: 1hr, Ir jisnd 21111- oil If Ck w4Wwo d6
o&V only %Lack iht.`ick mde
forthe tbok
ilet- bWWp tile laziltry they 1myci Wg1g. c y 1, -, � [It
ATIM tmute
*d in. %Dr. 81ino h" any in tho~ oftit Aectm tboT won d A g= wbick-1-,A_x, voced' is, "it - i re- rodj hilsL4orthws1tX%AcAbai!1 fows,of -tw 6*11006, DWI) _m gas KOM-* U
tht hoould ant, bw- a o*y a& _oak 10 A itprkd)F&01� of -Owl" Do tu ap"neog
ON !'P
PA1017011 prinelplell, ;end wzl� -
Scift 11timm, he thoviN sh" &be= in yewle terms is , V � huge pt
X01'"'a ke I_ -coo tutowt24 1W wvv Ion Suit
itL tbo
ofty, J44
opcm_~ 4a big erwaly till, liff
has& T: a
as low saw I" FR% and wo. voisH to oppoor bef 44 b" if he sh" 1111V