HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi Weekly Signal, 1867-03-05, Page 2t All Pat U111111.11101V oi- -C�,��vau A -NIL .1, It and III -J -111 -Ling 4; , 'rmittZhnm or" rcught a am wrqz. THE UTI'CA F8*4 d Ila --A' travag"ce Wduld Find W U K, Ike Clinton CoOft-11 ViONTION ee of rige& of n,1volvers or ammunitiou, and I.—The President 4birififfWi INA I oJilin i all the time enjoy IV �Q iracted it to Mr, spatrad ;a - Ir 1 ""4 1 �' I - declaring and ellian Ing my too ` -1 , i , a.&, p Wuh pro. It ed V -9 ik'EM24 i ' -Awed -Puna rn"YIR, it, I vur '"Itr" Idea at liti 1 deed, I suspect bita of conspim 1 1 1 hro C null onditions RWZ 11 WPM e 7u ou '110C 3 egg Or w ie con.mi,to their Une pu I v on the PrepaZw' inva"­440% illi. rmwqrw_"� . wowd MOA I it I ust feign a ea or 6P beat P b I ffly" Odwo '.. - 1. 4 *W Wilim, Utic4l 44; diIj to admission into b b t rpa fulfil am 'M a2r. M - State of Nebras flo 441 40 - $A mtt! il 1Ittedvion 'p.10 an assured][v eing i 0 �k 27t �01 Pont out rpaillt Tlat Last week -(b 14ram4 res, �Tg r M lowi n 1. 1 thak 'State n Hence and accepted, -and piartrany. t Ttt i_, ',A has flashed by tel 1`6 A 0 did she hople I ehaij V001 ev I at the b i- - ce:- Zen birth daS wax I arether bitter dose, 4) lautils. of u - 1� -git�pl imobtat op The annivet* is of reatly changed h and tir STTrowhin if n ]a ---Ll r, f State into the It DA VS. T tital LAOks Tisit *"bW"mpetedAktUM I By this time I wholl co rk t such1fleizur a spa M .64he of itl It'a4est ikPi be IV! i-,_ country about ie thi 4 _� - .. 1 4, but .0ads fifib U* W�kurned- this I querdiseaso w foit - - s4th Fenian cotnventl�il selisation paragraphs iJ130wd0k=_Ple1`s­ Its arrival. A ed d h t MR, &I E lame I, tl**y veines toft4,_-4wd ttmt the CA?untry have been filled with #tell tz ever aimtd y; Atkow, wi i a r 110 tit esp tons Ap )n of * two days. The Was $,ill tbtt*. of par all werellast mAnd- E' - �t­ - call iiderabiy avlWng after a ser8h about the alarming stisto of things across the VuT - t.`kc__W.Xe­aa will as sure auto colly Tunes 7 sk.p, d gent li �Wnggon or sleigh, O� As tj* 1 hi- We of admirattion rf -her superitir grace nt' it departed ink hi4h,spirits. and a St. Catharines Journal says that bet h Muni RI "-i *-b egates it It th par rapos have, no tim dais 4L4 bat-okoW&A to go 04 Rau There Emily, put in an appearance tit th ap In 0 limited the an i f this market. The de. del itel i1a I b 4,,6-f Cr1oh q ann a young in" named Gough. recently arrived I tickling ih the throit a"t;d 1111110_04ify,r I to 0 101t1d io reprodue, a oil t 04 are U. suk 1707)UN WiterO Sbt fviod ber mlicifig; us be benuiv, Some r"Pe- bl� Mit�ll -I v war an (XU ence WM -g&g, can t o it. said it's no -4 Aever Iiis stilte. n; &.ndi `bf eenian d rot-PnIP, p`� ortio go as 1867 ik Y�g for, L�� a marriage M., iiil:a. V4 jed . u. 101: ;`, in that place from the vii?a of St. Davids 10 �Islnts useto try;" othess toq" Oroy. 'SoOre cold!, -if lot dAWAW A Now tba a n I nise kinerv. hour. of green wh �,t6 6f pMit al Aealt,-1hat Al print fit a a no reri�d of en ripe at'd 11 fit t - nian or.4nization d,01011CI! Of 40 411CUM616 Wity,atitear EmAy rAe#n16ifflbd, qv"I t%ki some apples- art . - upon a new add --untr al Mat 0 s J9A_4"0_kV0_tbm_Md J W i others still " tinke away the country nuia ln,�A .. the pockets of their unfortunate dupes the Ii6iiiie- to itmie-Alia; to a fair one iii Thbiolu. -4ousuMI6 Wed. 4 19129.6 be tb* evalter T a 1, It -0 0 ea -- jol _act money- enourhitak buy, the, Uoual and the strPrigibef the strong I it its tiaderstood thut, rout of R Thom 20 129 T SoW*,,,pt -law Is IMI , poor and. simple -hearted emiziants. This Iti 0' rn., 9! 29.& e 9 Curce in groat demand, and 6319 rapidly..,bi di� - ub, 4a her awa$, hould­. b.9, -i Alw-hig one hyLLh _prankpe means known foe I he care' of these r,:0F3rq1 SPA, - - -221 2ab merry lan­hter m%erherate atis 4 tire) AnJ 6 Wii a, .0-1;fhe unable to hdfil pJaily rawell� 'pt� Ildliun pciferu,ance, whil I ; , p a r&&A `tthtt -tru ni p red in wOutal of petlearing it, an fails if neglected. The'rendiest and e the ridings of this County pda A' , " ttabi im, lea -.e ale :440.4 d througrill ' , r , f but, owin-, iothe injunction of' last - movPulaut on Chester, Castle,' as ibis of' capabilii" secret session, of the used and is 11 B�,van's Pulmonic Waff 14 I do not*dih tr-lleel tatillviii-t it Wilmots, whose represented by gentlemen y even the ali;zhtest way. o-TinZirving the next day, he parch spartments. 40`51'ecro IbOv-Tefuse 10 RIVA 'Oed difirkd dose of bpinalk. 41riendlylbeen thorouglil tdtd for the lost tw t tandewfor-th"rectionef their Irst -`Schua"� greatest hits yet m.de in this Wheal and. oi �Ioui� birth- iintiterial re a"QWtQtlIoJe,m4ttem W Swallow y t. Adif" -jfi�- Viva- that of, gin I 1111i,ve in rel -York it will bo vtori 6ppwrinatefy by ired an3 unha @wtiqg rema,010*4 aut "It in egriify the coullikou,911TOF the news reaches Now d hik'a from death at 'the last, years, and halve *ever been, 1known to fvL.�_ Moderate Gate-, A 4aF, too I inturpostlLusaa is there lliklbAllg now &%w thenakelvre objects q1 ridicule, &aid 0 amongst us, it would be 111��fklinnj to a 10,10ic' '71 t 0 doctor rescue Singers and public speakers will %Is6 t The extent of 4 .W hav I L h Qo* b _611 t �t h e y propoid 614 61 -di 9 4 12 iftl f.20,000 to the Sweeneye and o he6 A' I 4r" do toi y4u, I" p(As madt% th4ir is serious worlt Is in cin-Itetai'lat on there can be moment. I - fti� 6 RJQA9#t hIJQP_ of them. So ukiabcrs,-&*m L qr "I h4 evlml wrlda;light- ullow outsi 'ers unconnected* wi our �of a large two story house 60 by 36 feet,%vith -no- U- great benefit from the use that CbkwAy t"myr- ifkikubta,�for_ -thilloon-- -We knewwhocomposed C2 0 k�ft!d 704'wou d a -oil' Wd NwPY- remilidder 6M _AnwZ;;F=;_ make uur own Hqrse G'"Uas and authoritiew to a all ainedidue dealers, at 25ets. Per b.- c"rzcd very- you'ari to obstinate ii _1%ccomin '6FIn thr 614 qf. chal-acter. alik,,years, An epthwisatic tapheyet.wAo Waft, to us' I ji�bU14�lo -up** eutly,'loafe 1WtOt me in nday vompalpy. AK- play seackpitt fiddle !q-tbeit,: game. mi. Dis .9erfain: spi�kal .,0erforakiLaces The Illinois Contra) Re W43 grie"j,'bul not oftewled �,,ktasd 0 to*e an -mi ast un `T Mo _A� -S"e* e u er6dit to whi ,c,4% ved style. It will tl raeli ort the' Rtf6arm question o -1;Ievea miles in to MoSt ftpplLo Liiii '. ­ 4 plea acepiiie e could LAAS, ki= wbibb stify- ; ond among otber ul� in What Can be judged the south of Claicagoo 4re 6aildini fligbea Baromelne in to --VS of sol�ght to &3satim as, U trillini and 'fro llit fairly pales befol While he wtw ission the spirit u jj!fAhi*J VW the place and with 'xho rapidly Incre thinAs be aw bat on one ow wa&29.641 at 7 ol 4A net* -244 1XV '- - d new Kii wkin,r what thimble the pea was a Vale Eiaiiy of her W-44 her. C. '�agdbm of ohnadai will brkf-e no -esiy "4 h nee of Coro Cribs, the C"ek"Y Of wNell will bea Well, thesa, mppwatti; Wt YQuit 11141t Ilu taw-iqi tbdf 4 best men we U09 41111d give their out pnpulatioc of S -him, much t10 'effi- W -W7 U-149 at -9 *#clod ea ader, one - certainly bi of hIs mt flarnmetriq eaforth,will _' a4a!'4'ftZ1 years, th e millions of Bushels-, -Ibq ltrakk - woo i(kilerform Ali House know they were being hocus faink; and kisse4 tjaitk.��Af e r 0"6 these cribs to. recen e com i �8wjf v�xrpqr ae�, but the poor Irish in America will never in parment f(w, Tba Ums Blk"mc e] ed, at no very distant day, I have no 'doubt '�tha�_tfi6up era qilex 16%. cau;v e s2 bul�icl his gratificatior Jakily. 0771. EA, toi iiiiiijellbil -0 M_ ji, & but rather triumpht:d ;u her -to tliepasseig6 oi' eb(i Dlt lands purchased of the Comp, M4 jbfj &,was 29.29 - cousin's sucevas the dkilanded' ihO I, so she used io do whe livini. the cause ofykiiisr trouble 1 IVIlkili, therP will be a giammer school as w011 -Youdo.nat.mean to bay," remarked the Chicagoptidei to be Id for It ftijg in,l anion'whisP.4171111- to her auppy tathec. it a 1.fi - bill, wits strong in its favor, and the belief THE eve 0 1 dlerrfl�taudithelmakn!-' wbat a s4eet machiattl couple.i ho"4- CONCERT. -A vocal said instrumental Con and ilielarwill go ar U. d wife -rem� Corn is The greleat a what oa eartk cati�vw was 7 gRifirtaul stw-li $ 1 ld on Thursday evellialg 7tb wiis exprebeed tbi% Abe ­doininant p arty in ink to the heart's content of their seeptic. -Ast the spirit of your UV observai ilkt you "I wWk, takad will izaa t n relieved afif dii cert will be he Vto their' pie countrl, and the -4 -Cauadiaa Kin ppg,. o %ffrmbij ad has at last bee mforth kqsiited Congress wou-- eukhmeed you, and kissed you 7" $No, not Aow, WellizekA afi"o itlo*i thgl�-m Tempeminr March, by the Amatures of St leaddrs. The Fenthbe ihivgreater me a OF will all mikal with, it.' ruiio' that Dart dgbL exactly'tbat." re-pliod the believer; "bat ce as the best remedy in any co t ey oil Inn" at I o2elock, p, m- -4 n the cible Tbc� by the brass band of %he Six JVation InVians in this regard. Thp. trickery &19 to be cilisfmed than ae Xecks. . I a ft*_ -Tempera= her spirit took female 4 IDwest ndoapd1willikkot. Witoevertaw-use, ward is conaluered-at- last; 0 chOrwill, b?eti reappointed �X,.- district attorikey a disordered condition of the stomakebl.lizft prsp= at 7 o'clock a. m. r were got out by Mr. A*41941WWO under their Chief Johnstone, for the benefit d the greatest juditnation. The fol- i0mral and bowels, is opipbitted ilriaggro cause ,b&Tm'nl r wag tqr, -Xel' lh� 13, 1 am weeping Simply because -,Aft,, trao Conelbai'Lln'taf the festividesAo 81111MP experience in Eou6 of St. Thomas Church- �dorq io be epub- me I" nervous weakness and intense "is tolAng resolution& war *n�shn - if %vaimiet _"T dur Y' daydw Mean Ten its e&cts am mog b6iclicial pud W, ,twill that thia Wd e A oez:; ; Amy friellads wito cuume to a-vilibrute Autired her father it -6a; I Vie'lil "d,�Hothwell, ake. He I t 46%dati evaiiiii;.Z -lab roll ry 1'.49C day,46WMal I this dAC Wdl, surely 4xuzh , ah - - flA Raric.- ;oiree of I hS at your -IOU am bmtkAlke taodtjoyous Ii,tb dity sunive"a ftk"�W�tkv , - , " per -oattle. Sold by all Me&dzi ing , I , , "ll v the Mesa Temper " 4. i . -,- 0 4 6kis e h&L evve known. That testim-of morniq* 323 Deuters. �s he is prepared to providiat tfigifiet Mr. Ctirry wits cailed� to the chair, D,-. '-Resolved, that ail virc!ekk-within diiq state U price 25ct§ liaJ bz� 'Ail n �4_ -4 R ort to head-quarttirs promptly every mouth Sir Jut a *ri fiend in be- III ta. cbaatA *19 down 09 RicharalsomoreqOfLp ing hl.4 -7 deison tes OL 0 1004 I-B"WhTery-1Gr,tk2tT they CAh't'Whk_C ike sy;q .p Sun ct bappitiete" and mu YOU late I - 0 tv, J.,W0, t Of& theIr Able we Bishop ld posi- taP D.W il& ftif as M r. Li won ? the inkost rea.-ainable term& vinniton and others. required by the constitution. line czy I don't ewe. New Yotw�4PAU-!tv Itichareson, Rev. .841 V.ba and I differ and to know thA left no. -impression. ­Resolvei, thaWhe Funisilk1rotherhood of tiVeli Bali in 1..6 ",;, w, t he 20th of Well, To ItINQ SEELP gitidirou ventiou 11114i , SEAVORT11 S mi caftil U%i;_Vhtd ii(I make ale on the P � " 1�' � Aw the staLte of New York In con �11141161'01[k a-' failo-aria- ilsy she rea4 with 'triin . SHow.-Tbis is�. NON J ACTe &po-t a letter from her betarometationed L 'alum=11 ra I I Wil dl� 11� 20tit instp-40ing AA tt ,I a pir.plai a el =---e SN't 11 dAy al. I. po tW4 d her hot W. now thret months, kro t3igeiice ut the ,enticmen who are deopl� ir-firklisted-10 I rp yea, t th?gfibitite get unale"Or. &tT!j 4ae, P Poor Iffoises. ferssat #dwts in eui Q, cousia"IFhat at sirA44--ly distritereited alxsellt lover. contaillillip itat cause of TrishIndepen once, oil 11 up 05. -expedilioll, and a promise U1 I'l se mg. 10 1p4#kkigmki1ilj thit anial 61her aw a V,m was fumil to be s,)u;jd- awl tijijt, He PC, T,%U:UV ;7buritithows how dea4r )OU -iUVMS3 of hiA Towtboice-of war q -f bgq Up a dinner at d seed their brotlief AtIf prett co up alut - but if goo ThanVee,air.' qA gy pw * I . d There are thousands of poor hors" dragg� mud witb*L coucLed inamob -Go-daf -y, the , _pesqe-were in the good and holy, work, until sqor affection to terms, as to 06wAket il�Witabip'. ere farmers love ee� aulf silkee '1$ is lour blr�, Sor, Veedl return, ic tliq,qqpntr Is in a warp, Ing 0 exis W014 now, fd to winning, TOA4 a Ni1r, 1�"ob in ed�,u our 'natife land is free from till shes des* jilike Condit 1,jo of the ;rest *hlp I OU84% hare your 0A."Y' I'M Promise the aiwtibering, bur not extinguialted flame , , I I .; f4p _ ;4 d'VilIV06 it.'. The fol 0 ut a miserable tence, suffering fjrofw you like best r, ,%UCI agri. in thls'ietabboi db potism'. I - I - , -1 . - - p reakvcts-,4hl.eA.r to toy' best anticipations prpup q jibe wept over her pas$ :14e lowing is a list of the Prizes: - I 3t Prize Fife a variety of diseases, rendering thess altassil Sluttt!24 Up ab in her heiixt. Jon. 46dkifie wel that we halre the utmost con- Slit: is ma t,ificient, gr,&A, itrooig flabricand - -- , 1� _ 11 worthlessthat would be restored to a bWtb the air." 1" %eket comPailk itude, fit having -well -uigh f6 oaten Whet�, Thqmas� Have. 20d do Alej. Broad- a va Go, illanki k4#94 fidenee in t10 Albility said intogisty of Fresi- on s"vjger� brikiev,squip ouffition, and 1111 as" en ome fare of the Qolanttg % - Vill gp to it a vu owsWed I; the Weadi- catie, who. for her saLo had' lori" ' 6' y in particular. f0o1,,,&d dd j4e0bJ3fi;Jep tth!LWx. W".u. IF lil Bed them of which their owners never 1, .Pp 0 ad tena"er , him our thanks, ord-r, atid witli more a eam- Po Nortb-Africark railway is ropol I flat a ettdr stea kill, Award Walton, 1111211h Of V?. IV -VV am Sir F he petilii of thi it -and, Jacob Mcgee, 2nd d is thi 11111dividual efforts afigielik, would tFe but an the means *itVm 93 W& eatel betw"n the twu WSS Willnuts; in The Sea is � -i ing ower an veneb .1 11)s�', I eour earnest said thei' and friends) lull nobly ved Ir gbo -61 st tho tit Prize Rio C d edi t she ever yet started with timitn(betweetS di�ve'n r ? Wreek-1 o R,)weil Barlev. I rom I to 3 packs, capt" a4al, resuX thak 1grasd tare to �sy ges call, ra Peter Itimmy auched. I van diverL a portionof the trade be -,,Osta, And dxnge of a siekiy chme, -ordt:r T1- - wo, since pi ize tw - at in 4e since a e w In auO Suez to i reict. r df Ir h Independence. son the' 11tediterrawan ports, now eu- wh-n tha elidtar W� remarked, I A rabian Heave Remedy and f rexily hope tbat rustic Cousin vin be to reuder his tortuue equal i. her 9 9140 Peter Runks:ty. 2nd do Davil that she will be-recozained,when she arnares t aid, w h6s soul k from dependency. and burned spirit enougk to-Uke.ir-Ur wamly, and Priwi four Rowed Barley, Win. Archill i1g. E.,FeIkht4,,Uedids;'-` ilj America as the finest ocean palace I I at tire y monopolized 'by'the Liverpool ate -10- cine will in all na produve ^ satisfactory her-, it will be to amudag to 9ft her nc%1 . . 'small Pelt wilb every convenience fer two erg. result ; hood test44 t reds &To 4 2nd do H. Wilson ; Ist Prize OK #Zt jet a,.t as xo?tt as 0 U., Gallaher Bufflaillo, ever floated, *Jsm 1113111113140 briV. Aed IStifily,, t0o-why. sh Mil -Jword Gam -, lit .: . - t6iA 11 - 1XWWLNGJ Thomas Wilson, 2ud do E ow tin or Remember the name. and.04 to 0 difirent Zotory wherr I thousand, palksengeM wilbout or di 4h a 2nd do 'Thomas Bill, rat kitilleteft b set 'a beautiful heiress i ad such was VA Ole Prize large Pens, Thomas Wilson, are A" Charstem ­fk,,,,%;auainghW0; Uticiat any.11ing to cauge discomfort. We tt!eal ckens, bilivingUen late- signature of Rurd 4- Co. is on J?q040,1arAq', ji&-, Charles Dii 'andy 110%vtrd. A in urniabin them at CourtuLmli. How hard they try to F Win. Arbuckle ; lat Ptize Potato Oatil, W -P. 01 wit 2 10-0 b ly exposed to p resit daniei mink, reckless 'pas0m.— can hearso6led"t we , q4,placpsiout are only f 2,000 Was., I fisve taken rLway a Div? Bulfalof Newentle, 0d, V be gettize-1 ; but ties of a* use, if they allov Anti here *e leave such minute details slid Aabuckle, 2nd do Peter Ramsay ; Ist Pri7e .!L '' I reaurn nisil Elite of ch, s -b ruig- -imixa� " W hrettu -mdk edeam t 2nd do 14h( in LA Committee. r left pu driving on an Huglieb ra&qYp has writ- Nb4tL" 4PLYMOS, tgue& Tbom liza Wg Atrlt h"'arle. C -5 Ratty. Conno1jy, Esq., well, commork osta, W in -0hesney, priet its for- the Cackailm &1d by am uOtteivar I ,4 every W that would spoil -the comfod-bf a Ir W. Thu.. in- ten to the Lgpdon Tinkos q er -ust mmviuce eveiry weltbred persom- (if othv Seed. David Fei- sipreviout to the adjouronmeni. the cc . n the subject. its 114,111' ot se cral dal "y reitara, thii Wilaoul Ist rrizt Tiw utions thanking the May catkin. She will, I thinic, this year prove harskeWr- dicine deile theirtow arigin. I t WbVcb_1�I!QW%d, the UW* r kut)wn in Canada ai an elocutionist of kici ie ; IS% Prize Flax veni,ion Passed mol reat principle is to be inaugurat- Thilk innuT of 105 k4w is 0 po;t of th � LS gusion, od-do Win Arb, whether a 9 bi i , - - pre r woa:d hare h�m tf.ng ft.vo, but the 0 for kind istifr-:-9i It it bettor t6 ' vent a horri, nutk o D.tvid Fertu or of Utica, Gen. James McQuade. 44 trelft &a rare talent, will 'on Tharsday evening Seed, James Chesney, 2ad d 93 at ortee or indefinitil postponed : whether silly dKillss too -MeAtiliai y caution, ti .!;04P=splendit1 pkkrtii4� Vift xffi�atloli 0 r aeila *rL son; ist Prize White Beans Thos Wi!son, ,Vsl0hqwu the brotherhood in Fivin r the ident by timil tan County o whe hall spent the7th .4Lgivoatipturel great steamers connecting Europe and Am- ble tied reception by - hit , I , ,, %, ! It -am At tkat zatmeat Ed2ily, _iU ��7 2addo Win Arbuckle ; let 'Prize Potatoes, uA,6f the Otty Hill durint theii ` bera- (Iffence A091C WLTURA-L- bridf-, and her flatterium , � J, � T; modously to absiarve after its d above all, the euthe , . -, P_' erica are yet to beAeme a feature as marked . VO Cos her &,,glish frietids &a '"'I�Wjjactera, 4' 0 . - ­93mbitione advernaw. Imr, man? bouts in dreWng and dvilling tior,& oIk­'fhqj0c?40 fS Junk! Full 8iV' r -steamer -bare thit Wy one -m4asiow witit, the circm- coakatilik, pres-eated bor to hergrtae*m varttiti Olt �111 David Campbell, 2nd do George Chesney. ilg aqd the evarvreeks bylit *very a reform of the now happy FAvily, ?c;kkd1tIg4 h4th Lover Ia oftr, C rafton, 0 L;��� of what Americans will have when they com - gt&nee out of 'a wh" a charmih1woman r said Sir 94- be t hich; it arose 4night have cred for sevend yew* mandit. 0(dAUtdattlefilvikovi4ced,that N Extubition coakn&ned with the above, C. ry � A3tii!ja�lit endess. C64ei that 4y inidd A -wail-, -but bt--ss ini!" 'fis the count --;' - 4'-4d the' VieUrk Haffj on WEbT WAWAN08111- Windsor in Ilk Tumilts. forese mvm�arvhcasad vvty. flow S*le4lv site among the quiet gro%ra 0 At. Winds swett wliA occa--. Mayor Detlor will taka there is no other nation and no -other port, i Sion The Cou5pll met Feb. 25th 1867, pursuant rhi quaint mail ultofily quiet town of but yotkr axis that ca6 make her success- r ung To 9XVJWAe*,0 A I looka ra th- t Zimp!�d Vh:qe uvwi and tbst 4-gp- jiill sio-A Mac invsklit� nii urged a yo ing Sekeds, Stalligns & Bull 116,qie - -i - - t -�, i, ' � - 1; ' - � to adjolkh�itlt linal1ill the members p W ip(6or hits lately experienced a spasm in to shoot at him with, a balless Spir the chair. As Mr. Connolly has appear resent. Of fig, and we shall soon see whether she wL.tr zvose in her IIMHful Wr I' U es�I.�ement. which origin 'Much priferred af* tuake bpr pro- w0u, -u t1ljake *cc at AWDEM14 paringluitmaking the 6L Ilautpo of last meeting were -lend, ap- �ted I& a ilcandaleas be 66: calmf4coxxtrurmN., Cmtis. and all'Mrom ke, say pid y� brid, ed before large and deeply interested ]:he pistol, and, sitter'she had done so fell down WC11010111 3td day Of A01, 1 �1446 louisa tried Oropp6akred to try) to maLe TA13160, 0. 'r- U- ' I before eol'ce Magistrate Caron, fitable ailadgiyV, 1p,4010fic-acs, so (6 ad of 11' 7 N r and proved. ittial digmed OS L40 I�ueve. criminal ti I*a I __.1 I audiences in the principal towns wreat fierrvAiLii id 41iiailli sea and pretended to -be dei(T.: Zhe throw hef rumanee as she bad been instructed, but -r7-- "a - - I to�bplaint of Wd Uri,' a f the loss of v& --eh presented the following fa�!ts :-Mr. travelliner, a g bcsig ikeaffiiinm at iiai: % . M ption, and ail .0th;_ Min,- -him whenthe lollowing premiums WJIA be at"Wi4p 'ter two or thrm awkward alwaipth she xv _00 62L be tha exce herself wildly upon the �kody, a g al StFryj� EgFULtM DJStf cittes,Qf the Province, we trust he will Aisp:by dooll io'Dorember last, 111kas hea`14 John Boutty, undertaker and furniture dealer, "nets s=k into the fir.A empty cbx-i4 sayintie despair- V 1A hacged 4 workmikaunmed ar risks less than in any other ocean steam- hef'darliag agdilfier' belovdd 'WhO4499a will I& retsear, all I ad -do" maillp= a blamps. AlQp 1 mulpal"'Of Ome er." a auTied her� Novel mode parats ia- - pflais- he got.up in *d 05; best Ib buc-ba Outs $3. 2ndAo 2A_ ARRIVE. be well reoe*4 1 'Q.!4fji94_ Tliek'ad- and ce;jjo F 4"at Girvia 4 Scutt J P. d Brqt 10 bushels Spring Wheat $8, 2 Tbam I call t du it. Emsiy and Descriptinn of I raim - Tiate. a I ukount-04d"ges, ten dollars, 'waa ordered *& ea* 00, it's of out we to u3W, vW.' be, 25 Ceuta, ptid out 61,1116 'do�, t�%'fat;d, __aU6 4 A %_­bW diWarg of determining the state of a woman's do I ft best 10 budw F Ad A* Accomodation ............ 11-30 am. mitianc-00- to 60 -er at Allod 111,1111111011111 XTEHP8j#f!,0V � A E , FRE.14Cfl RE- Ord do 1.00; best 10. t�ukibs PA!jey S11M. A haH sapprostud titter ran through the The Piw-Bress says.-nW'The elocu- il�isiat by Jas. Smith, damages upon Mr. Beatty And 4pulanded from him I pjd, A% Milk similar com ­ - j,", borvkva� , - skffe6t�ow. .2-A A 'Ah 41. - &U eyes were turned scrutia- 4 al at five dollars, ordered to be paid.' the -sum of #10 for�,104' og Mrs. Bar Las apartax-tuts. and ... Dir Connolly awe& -fie gad du:1,00; beg 2 bushis .. .... ............. — tionary powers exhit i, ed bg � I A peution signed by Win. Anderson, "d clothing in #j 61vo *N!5 " * I say, old Joei bow many rebs did you Ord do 5W; best bush F) u! ,Iy upo;t bar - 3ir EdwarTs in, phy and DEPART. are of no in a a1dad. � Ilia. memory is U beeil com- Seed 1.50 2W adwaratiou ; for 4"w, or usaggiasedbe-law, ttliny one others 1 raying for the enadimen' 0. knitted on b`­� timo I B rig to kill during-1he wist-V HowutaaknT feblit 4A AlItI6151"tO ea one.a _ - 4 .4t 0ai6§011i was .apaiamful W"ca!*sprckkd ker check, at her Mixed ...................... 5-.00 a.zat good, his appreciation of the author keen it By.LA%w to reqt.ire I olders of Licentikes fur unsoevess he trade th.... I a it Dan lot inatal. ��iiuw a- IIW-nwn.bers :Yalv, Q 1"o " �- -.1 1W _b aN % S, I 1"kill ?—how many reba did I kill ? W _ e 5ocirt t E#rcw , - , -1 . III -th-e Iii y, , - 11' d - lit-once4i'OttOADMIC '12j01IW11P!C:=1 avkward situalkaim. the sale of Intoxicating Liquors, to give -I at 0 lfl` don't know 'zaetiy how many; but I k ow a Quepee III fqtiouil, is alrp- :h a ,41 thougild yowsolW tne�uho 'kar Accomodation ................... 1:30 p.m. �and sa'a "m security for the due observance of the Mu 'I- 'down n l" bat as arrested, AaiH vill6fe in 9ver rd above I be mai ker price on tnat day,*&- ft- vx� , w missiles, pea it repi the W nt at on which an advance of Wo liter 0 1— life- :il t ' i this nkuch�-I killed a manya' them as th mn kfrikW, a 1-$ 60 fia; akkaking the as a faithfid re -so OW ip.1 By Laws "a received and read ; wh. re- onvi e a -porter.. Amid did d'-* ake.11 -tageloyetj�d aburg ttl wX livoking country giti,' skid the younger Miss bushel �m _�fljv c d 1-M to- the necosdtiet; of the audience, and, a wam Mered hv Mr. Grant, 19 Tu -04,41tat. a-1 *1 - \J-4 vti�! to bler-ikicer. �ecoaided gisskait. on ay, ar wif rrii& ,y Herbst 4 of �gmnes of comblitants,, Stil V , bi r. Cummings, tl�at all holders of su-h the ivort-mlar ed an' idformation before ry over fbir pav th'.. a a &TAIZIOM 4 BULL& ;f And so Sk it, Vuly Fkaylm been seek, the euudddtKan.beiu-4di9tZnct� not aWord, 0 1� licerses within 'bii township ithall give two the maifo _ CHANGES'. .2v BINW ,�,%attffth all at tbe aididoo', RUOR OF d -A ' 46A63ili BeFt Stallion for4emerel[Viaotis& P, $14 0 to di"ie the fiw� by b b6ity4as- sainted, $eoald speW as 2nd do. A 4kwMWWM WIWI! iihist. The tong _Jsjept up to the end prayed tor.in said as ig iio&-hiki. rexatil 4rklq in wii- A t!ea"Clotheis.11 Bow digillaing but ry %ureties, as San , Is ihere was a rkwor ......... 10110 pet.i ion, under a penalty of one hundred dol and ott die etxaminoiiiwbel<te.4heAoLgiafmte sh- lmdi-al in ty aJh1hg.W I&* pf filan-late "Yoll maf to Iie rop _g t iW. the President r"', Bull the Cletk draft a By-Ltw 0 41tes wW is the she bu dowir "t of the sentences, and nothing is left to be % t k the P1k.4tFZ uteep-F iii,,cfeid a of bin Calliciet 2nd all fo and that Ofiqd &4&Lax, it r, ratber soosk 'L4 _41emay or 'E Ed R 7. .10 that -ills W*6 to G V W., Mud 5. -186 stii Initiation ........ ;pX effect -Cucrted. Mr.' Ifekity% A with bo tone te*(�Oiokk. is skid Judge Matiggelot, *idsout- beeding his vidarice, -,is 4 , try of St4es. I he .6tallions taktnfrp�rilnillaks mtkWiwir 14W -dWt -40p:aysilm,�t4ingor other? ted to ""I -it. while &---I Secrete &I - I is -air &sett� disporttiqll ahstiket of 'Deasirers that be thrn attemp erq of his lie1rcrs is Some �Audjioii. Black itiqi1i dg� at toe folloW,4kil; ibeeip, Awir-9-141111, ten to t ask4 lhillis tained %iS'p93iti0lI, rt The oa,% 0-0-tio mMuberry, Attor- I � seem to B(loks �Vkv Ncsivcd, and aftof liberties whil hi Ra�skl. a hei ',� aft � seewn. vils : Godench UP It"' i" �, - Wa: bt ihin te the can fAw "M r. at W22 was adopted.' tomoij ney Gerrkkj� PC ailtir" 4owmiatip wo r torga i aMdoMiig I - speakers w nthebiller. Aies of all his viorkmen,hWtaii bornr� rtf es Hillo C 4tat to saaw thi coantry I Only Riesiat it be ashamed of themselves, or are at an aspect of 11ii-conflict. Copy his witshes i %but be, took hold of her and A car *s*kdent ofthq B"dord Courier ainton. be of -notion from East Wai4ucasli� tau E*LAX� T we' a dell re, So ne of our nei.-bbQrs of the United Jff1teMMWr3L1_-�' c.-� - exempting Widow McGowan from payment futened her hands behind her, and put fi� 49a you not hear me P cried his, friendr tells ort auk�4tering t3 hb hylkincr over 4,07 stock go Goderkh, MAreb 4th, 160. sw "d 44rfisg M ocke another.- -,It 6 certain des I ki�g,$70 lbe, orseS 94 1 a what th to remain there 5000 lbe. Sbded are, appaycittly vury rauch iliceaud of taxes for 18G6, was laid before the Counc�, handkerchief, in her mouth; She stmggled again- we] - I pe I calf & Qbakn im no celebration A correspondent _of the same ps r,. nearly said mation was confirmed and a loi.ted,' and resisted -until sbe�s'ueaeeded in rele4skitig rOw-' four mlioiik 46 moutfis old wOighin INSOLVEW ACDOF48" it the�formialkfkk of a confederacy uniting at aw a, writin from Lucank, remarks:-" Thas ptitI.,u from Win. Wilson and 1--venty. ho will guard ma. But sitted you' 1000 Waid saeVeLp last sp ingip 1eighing 9 � wif- Abut bv theg #icked ei Fiat"t 'Heaven -Howierdt OW an4 especial - in- I 'i boat 'this. I Why, Leaksif said Mr. the British Provinces, kku. 9i*1;donty4Ly,,-1sq., iWit seven otherd, praying for a yearly altowance ('0 *in I�Iich she suffqA seKere injury, Peer are going, oblige we by handing these not" over )Jis, imud jaks. cars 76 so -t1w matter of Donald Unkofit, sm llkikdt�ei&p- van 740,W]w Cc e, a 9find man, was riceived, em, that I ri- credii 6 Mr. Wallac coditiod being m& illat',shili was Yet in to my journal. Please tell III 1i E ors of the kilbore ilosed insolveme Well, t1low shanA Ilkiink, they wouM treat by hi ltures and readings in this r 1 ftfxud,0 rd arai kako�r nolif q 1 1; . see. by Mr. Cam a -of more set'11130 iellulIL' - . re. Tare hereby wa to kkkeetm!jt� 4AW over dftA Kiugdom 0 T�Idy say that a OSN9"O�, 1190,9 ):2- We# dom- of wrsh' oa Six. utuntrob. Esq.. "a UpT"m Gfe,- rnday and Saturday evening Or atinum be allowed ;ommen talk load enough so lesallear tbem. f place on' ov�d by Mr* Ww"in ST. U a�ty riservid Like testimony to big de47tb ladies- who cotnptqin',, of dys- th I finy d la of p oAefice, -field to bail in thi' rnalis 1861, at tDe hCVT 61 ten rankill begisk to tMilk themar we tva girls there pmedal monarchy sucli, as, oars i&, SW last, which seime& to, take samzing the ti.1 has nabecom4ableW 'd and he wdi f1l pepsin A d in the mine gly, u!u, One be a alve Youtiaz man I toldoel- ­ - fatikei'ssapp�it, the of $800 for trial of J� A6X w a tbeu ivay may blPfured b" ston prepan be ked grateful t Mjzel�r Tbasto was SUMP t�j P" -c eksidinatign of th, J=ZZ a (po4tlisg to the vV0 Wiliskut0am pok WX faka to (and we should par iculaxly,h�j lecture on the pecqljari-. c,i,ui54L_ to-vui their I , I- . 6tiop of . . . . . . . emir %mves. Arli"Mo w.' comb. -,.it _ tial qu are'Ovideialy tw the qu -.=the c4kkva� a4 If 1"d worn my big .1 money to be paid in eal o - Oslo islion hot S St IV arter . y lasta. surge 2W #roodsaw. 4rdert, rsot-InatEastineges, ish 0 _" 'I - J)kk� - - aiss& ouamay neaer tvei��� a -A my fior the 001111PRIneut ) w B be a ties of 'the Ir hliracter,',4130 his read- ments by the -Treasurer to the ordet"of 8:Lid flet or delerritig, to make tiny complaint of for. In the - 0�v uriped, awsk, 10mum haw wrpoewd to standing menace Ao tlko� 0.1 alleged awault -)f the 9th ?'eb.-uary, and a -no b A rd exwrtn RePPWit -�iuga._from 8, Lo -And Lever." AAre you wckpfWwar� e sur-geon haxetwealikilig" au foe Esmil hem tWd w t It e bOy aad fregmem and's, source, mod ini- bt Mr. John Mallough informed the Ccatcjs the subseqaent difficult of the husband with hen, he artivia­ THIS XAR-RT5,-r 0111leatal Assipee -9 8, risib . of LN for his lemploye Al cc me so i but now I don't see .er of bats Book -case beclonging tothelowashi 1.1Lt 160 yqu r, wvuiJ- give: stron,, grounds YeR.' re causly, ' or -b=x as he* I am droned awlkshum- potUp� Ion two evenin-11 s bseillant to that an- talue about si lef L in tho P03- a lieliel"that Mr. Beatif �sentiroly Invocen ate What.can these peo- x dollars, Was find, itab4e as imas cam y9p, although to be sure I riliof ? They have notinced. ateisija ot the lite Jotalk blc:G�attekk. H qvilsimmum here-,01'"ais aid to We beei 4KSOLVENT ACT. OF 180L VA, I You ptmu#e Y -mm"01 --t Attilrot*ril,ing!�' Spring look a " prettier in my own clothes. lilwed by Mr. Planter, sec. by Mr. �odld. lathe =Wterof Amdrrw Doilogh an hadvat **AD Bnt the-e'tis J love my cousin, sad I gam been boastin- for a eento 040- macb. Fal - do OL1. a ......... 11:60 - McI114ain that *.6e Clerk write to, the legal i1t will 481citO Y04 0-6 ry of their cone said the docto..; L 0:35'-; yoird zbouglits she loved 4w we, if, you'd try as possesbing the reatest national GETLEME.—We have to- rr,wrser.tatres of the late John Mer-tristlon, Fcarful z1ragolem-withas Luna- Ycku mot OW Z@dn ql 6-QO-- 7160 are hemby kk0tffibd'_*' at tbal no, D 0. d seen kov she cried and took oil, for fear I'd f said Book Case, or at 3 * 'ThaVill-Auk-wo W mources and the purest form of govern- ceie, etter from all parts 4 If uron, in requesting restituLton o 0:35" #-.45 J. B. Goadda, EST, R*rWim. 4 �Wl 19 WSMI resent, 4W &be Ao VC140 A. 34 sa slea Ole X40 - A been enac a4'Apn next. at boar a dri jvrt 1mg-bed at sad so I -told her to riv Tne tit Put o0ags see. by reath. for , WOU C* ON 170 it's Yalu I I R_ _Vw;�X*ytug meat under the, sunia an -1 if the believe w1gah -1:#p rii be sp ted pea*-. 0 lD p!e*ws, tio4h I ciald "y ra p 9 4 - . the rublic Exam at licap from crying. too, to ddus; how very ail e &A& and written, or the men as qudidate* firr lqgislative honors, 9.)ju1aikgT"maqd ik. Ia one of the $PoSLOX - I �# -- ii- t. , $he" "0 a, in., for the rublic Examiuski Weltible of Eng 11 they hali E%ch;one to his taxiii; 1 mine6 tol4ionlele 'Bee& C10 00 land-Tintal�l, .1111 -rde _#rIqj0 #hke an the vent, and for the fiderigg off que" L dw" took.' we do not wish to make &-h of current year. r. -AGiv& tdd Ydar awls"id! f I :bo half of it, they canuok surety fen for one but as J north coast of 091OWN Visitors to the few- ibis Affiii rew mck#e-d"by 3dr.'Gaunt' sm. a -by Mr. Cum- 0. Ebwe vindiaW. -R At that maomem air FAwwd, who really Iskinis, that the accustomed Wo-Aellit. Write tar me -at the-lbottit 0-1-5 Dated at( aft] -other," and have not ship ads Trebarwith E.ni*.T, all sat Ste a pro mment that the ea.le of Itepublicanism one and flesh of an salaries i 19" tbe.Xomm -we ibis postscripitm oPelock. thisloarlh d jVWX who before a roora tqr a. we sukinit that -it Officers 'for the correut year be. so pllowli, to inissic amaill prerAiled on a -top his umjestie pinions' wouldbe take oaakider b th' It t ........ 0: 0.75 a Psi twenty minutes P. ad Wter ardisebar9t will drt 4 treasurer $71, A+Vwi1XAh an 1h ood ...... ........... 2:00 (0 3.00 he to be �wtlul to tako her viz., Clerk 880 i, ' A"-idr 'ravern and License In aid of donkeys to co sighd from the of inualreVy by the soldidrethere wad -1bui Asnow yo�nrkg British lion. If monarchy *is th the bay, now V Ion ......... 8.00 (i4 0:10 safts at the piano. 460, C-Alectot $50. dwoung the,,ranlis of tht 0:10 0.00 0 miserable farce-Aineriean orators and Convention, which, we hope i% ill settli Egs. issAvErr SCr Ok- 1864-' pecter one dollar foi each certificate given, wounded and one dpW � . .. - . I �_ _2. It1w r as . ............ 0.20 125 After the er-arJusion of lkw'adukirAe per it, the rei'd"t,oldst the q micable xan� bi him. ft=V �Alk anA- f chicIlm r.estious ratidd id an a - 19W one dead-;111"Ilig to lin 6 130 Ica 0 to.!) trilled , - V 0 flotilsim.ca, 'Mtse 'Wilmot was in -wiled, Awbo wfitOrs Ov pictur- 6 b i Turkeys (1.40 tx tlivilil", Maved in amendment by Mr. McTlwpi becomerAq. ugW( 4' 0, , H, � na� and h*vfl( V* asurer be e@q9 iTews 61 1 at V00V who, t ne replied it$ L -un,_- Take away dmt camutry be beneficial to th is dead?' Prk... -4 e inhabitants 9f Uncle %4(16C Od ;.c. by Mr. Hunter thuL the Tre t�py of -111 replied lIkangelot, and expired. n%4 I - ikiieltes' -2 be -efiditers of 4he ibcait a sam"a domini)ns. Hence, we ask, what -aid 01 ty 4010a or the-,,eurrO9ft-,.- _eoili4r-ahat hk 4 "I will witbalr4w, and move Irlm I , _j & f ad hii Cllot�tk, Mar. 1A11 am herebyaOLIEW440413lat"At go year 'di liy%SQP 6f MW.-;S� av During the 11 ii tit 1: 4; J. B. C rdon the sir Jqhq XcVo visitors, It e taken of the locality he a -live beenbproWitient. moon,' aare they afraid of ? We are well aware T L troubliev "Walikkujul tbemanowulske. I Clorkend rqd We resi4-mitiola, ago to r.epiesent the city of Ottawa. T e dookieys I Under the head, "the full of the post few weeks.--b6*ev*i.i III 16-OAMADW the im ground 0 0 unfortunate &he.7 31[im fton iburW and nddissitsil; w1rile'that some Americans are ruder f Sir Zdwa4 almostconfowde&, Vawd after. �w in ses4o"t T -Til, ander ate We ve to apologgise an cat I man, whose Aide as 180ii9h, has. exhibited di -%D e There n-cMalpt to it%, great an .111KAMM-01* the tvro,. to our Ber- austaflicieqFy -of Ato in me fyw Uongs to tile Srb 13U lin coV C 4, �q M1 extent JS of Peas r, drant, 3e�. signsormepw Fk�we_ gentle ladyi -be a little wore -tri 0; fV1s'c9&'nenf e _thint,ft A in WVb arlwill# hitulat in tho a I a, ht4, f 4-,W 4:76 titllW co f th lu es I fj1J**ofifeIAlod! ;;e A . ....... " *124 0;13 fount oup MiZbt reasouably, lyresume that the pur IF canfitl III fumm; send Loci" drily i ab ue SLUM eleldsirdy, �bift eVaethiiiiqht 0 6" 1'fi& a1W page UIU admitiniter raod ftbogitaki-tif ejj�jj *edr. to I e o 01filf patato-as-, - that intelligent mett W disca awh next wecL may be alter each rittint, to, (W propZMfor on the!4i6W*'W Q for publicaiiii6n­ 11*111@6tv on Irf TAdqw rbq14pa1j� of 1M6d,4vid'wwuhudF of the Huroq Signal, dw ofk attr so- The G013fealcration Bill has been 'Carried. Qatif dik0ff'*PA Wulk W;lmot P*W her- U,=& Th,7 A�nen'icans� have It 6 Senfortli, Mar. 21, 1867. raftief, to who li vr:i4t watch- tkupayVlate , sh"Id giapted' a ittoidecittlihilmour one ,ting and con* ubvictiov) th�t thd ift4hbdired- lialli` alreiady wro, ing4 and inethe a I place, but not ey 66* By4Aw No. 1, -for reena( -like to 51 c C L *hit'to domid he � w 10 t6ft, law that I" Ludt that) baeaufiful, but difficult Ito read twice in tlIe'i Fouse of Commonsan a a W7 of t tilliking certain By-laws therein meationeilka of the lkkkkatic�& whiatel'ho,liddompanied bi, I'll! pop little diattarbed at what IIA trampired, b d-38 11116 -he 40� thi�k holdmot Licensee,were passed. -d to flim the of Canada to the from ck -Wi live g Orm%ae(I suf& 1, and feeliug a van *011' sad by Law No. 2, -for exaetiag su�etieb for a walk n thb-%Uin�jtco�road, whieh is cut- xcuse fdr ca"in8-Abefi *WA tin Kingdont of Cidid int �'~l a r';4ove 0i �.l - - 1, the ea, -by Mr. Grant age. by Me. Cum- A 11140t AR lit giyjs atill daylaboriiW04"it AR elk saverfmt tille to the portion we hue i Movett needy,ze # 0 4 the COM-? -dimes that have been y -left- thMh&,UuiA% is sky turzu breeze at any moment. he clerk be paid tLe actn'tof one Mr mings that t kind;Wi edtilliisAd lluaw.)Iiim doi -Apti twwardi, With 4 musi cat. panion andmittom "W&�fjoui those least able ta� share for X", two wbft.; I-VA4044 -a a K- YMP as W, X42- W ! Cal bol -ed up6n 0 steppial ' lin4red dollars for the current ytar- %mut-A apply to the Jail lau,l espea truggle. fo 0 she rekki�wikd dw se" witich Mily; tage. Tk"- -is -plAfj�- W -I'liat thaid I p of Uw �aid" r Ii Aw" to theater. 1 11-2 44 10'ar U RX tied. "a" .......... room for two cadvaincement of a cause7 Ong 16 rAff, f madness gave to Ifft bad t4t, As, hor-deS" A y/ cin C_ -6, -assured iitacceiss. Fur t)atmesil ensued, but the f0dj14, 5:0 natim, and the _people north of th pp... 6 -P r -0 no-*$ qreq font of ma& goths r. iwt time iicUi Moved by Mr. Gaunt sec. by Mr. Cum leadera held up as an _Atchi Ab%� ate qwt _�Q�N b , WAubtorflage ls�WQei;4: 41. for alkings that the Council now bdjoutn to meet -ARC iad`in a Mround bar, �isnd -wbe%, without ispparent l[ne "d John 111 ow so . a to gra3pt r U M41P, U tl,� QWO twye, 66st of we at a-110,640 1100cowildly cow. ad the fer 0 .. I A I I It r t part" - r t CT IF w saft thIne residence of Lt. Rel Esq., to I S, ta i U on the twenty-first day ofillarch next, or was but anlittaut tow A 00-ru _d miss In ps con have vqdted�, Vitalism on w won" hi haud,ift; order. to lay tho -1had4tiobs-,or with the council of East Wawatlo It as to a 'JDA 1#ck jW0 pa, wba PA&M oirs between the two town- 404pm bin" FAsim -,A& -9 Xan oftwe ,Jho JUM Pa" 901 &F AW47 one a" settlement of aff 1 U U. to ew net loss witte i�ad Itte, -a rav, pretences, and the vask ;F --db d ftogs , weri insured iWA#W3Be&7& ships, and in ewe of necessity th& Clerk �,h , or their b d t I I tri Ana -saw That manifest false allWfiat a maysiorious angel sbe is I thouSht T I reas.13 Sing. tw, tion, of otonto. dir WkwariL asilit be viewod littrwigh rap brelly authorized to- call a speand.. juseunr W1111.0 siaft 'he cron 0 Fire Insurance associa I -in i m4l#� the Stekt -..A.T -440 a w4k1x1kcepilk ug_ V ellian stat5 convention,. WtJ9 retioa '�t What SWe Qf0= And woro -rappers J 11 1 e in and washed the I awSY4 In deas4ime-Smith -put ia� his oo more than a ga%herlog of spirit 00 Satdrday arternoon'the bodw of Smith wag Wit.* hat 400" 1 what Confederation Bill in fall, and we fail to a in pr per Tp. Clerk,, it Ilylk Wiltr­be thi -#Ubjeet of aki pok 06110 Miami t 0 form to verify the cla Fasuianism was buried at Cam L'.� �.,w - - . t J. "" " -iiiiii- -a-h-bF -N I 4ifi e; haill -Cmadian King. what Acco, men we see that, the words " �r . I -41-M 1.O_r V.. 5 11; W. "a inquest shortly. Both Irishmen, bewaro-of coroner too short to reach it. i so Abu Itandi doe' are used in it at A The dWtL 01' I wi =e fratily peeves; of a piot I Ay!*JffJ I bovsk, she is Mgt - for the the Bill as published by the Globe s6mie -Vixi pt Alga end. n M 414 T7t our., per -4 tor a Fe u cadsed Smith's arrest on a charge of _& ATAA r G 1W air t.525 c am, into De C WE A!r slaq -to-Aefraud them. Tho' 4, . i =4 The jury with intent In The am was -heard at Kiticardine -Pqw hay yr*dr,,t*ghtbeUer-acfitwa livot orll� WAeJ ward cm*t4y sullailaw ot 0" at- I to rMillf us n ada ad—onet" a me' oTb -b6 to a consular position 3 .90 ur isrow u she having long since made appljkoitiouk 1 10 _K=iAg Uu*--Iad 0 a syl lwii thil reglest blew 1. Thor- --no aw Una c inch on appointment. In& IJ cau J 4, V 1 60 are 110ttick altalum And addifidna hel� re ar5d ro cute, ard to alaw ............ e ikp4� our. 16 th �Sq 3u for; P it - � & _WW MWF 'L _V111 :10 0- - Boot difillItIOUT -ifns the UMw0brr­*t she 771nes, "fallarns that the tassi,-' MP&1&7t�ff h d 'R g, till P at matter thus It* P are &J-,WWbdW i instea mokly in the impe"bate T11 V of the most flinny and itrelevaut nature Thdk_'Vuk0*of­ Ituttanus 81111114tew illW "07, a* -ANTOS of having been fall nibr*64 he cabinet changes akto go"i atill report of t Soo I! DUW-A AN* finaft lei LEI t -W luin A in faf Mg -of- view r 11141111% g-500 my, au- W04 ia 1, 1 � I MBXIC#J. 1pIrts I" lUftinS ill baire under Gotiledrlation. spatchei, W patio, M& cub r t lerdm;" -rch S. a do .41 Bob wuWA This 001 W qwm matL-r is simple and has been fully on race MIN be ived here from Veia Crux I I : t�,� -� �r 6 Q'ittil 41 041116 M t ra We Local PuUo' �rori for the f4rotto nAA aCompa 'Wig Xef%w#QW maw, _P oild for. to 111 he'a re AM 2M qs in 0 1 MA"l gountr less I 94 bo fro "91 A aus., Z� un of'* - Mee ki far, *4 �Qier _0 0 .110rell Al W� IF r ,4