HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi Weekly Signal, 1867-02-26, Page 2�jj % lu 7 �7 A. Ji 4"': Feep.ed at LAPPIWO%ar ihr,-t times through the T 73d 14' T A -0 1, IF, G of Goderi(h, Tu �,T. nd unfursien circuinstaticeoef the 10 ET E, 0 K 0 L 0 C[I A negro main nf$t Vicksburg, Miss+, Oli A kg,-jn describing a spap of 1wra. thin ut, *11! ar. IGOPoles which & 11 dultv (oz and I 1 11"011#4 the es Whigh aid Hay, Us )uu. 16, threw an bld bom4 at ell into a Lkill(h , f -11I)ey waqt very ...... I , I AFF&I 3 AND UOPERIt'll b IQT, After it long deb a I roprt W.-I't III -*e tho iii she aid, '.I I ut ivi Amblis.- . fire to see 4 the e rj I g lich all Tone. One looks ARRIVIS. tabiishing such t flacte la.,te L"k4 iiomrs e 1"In .. C U mu a Alcould not tell wl.ich Oe imif of I r. in. as resolved, to re or at if Ilia fib %tit ahraidy. but I don,% JhL P", rtn I weijt after de ot;e I nk it sui ad. a "der, and whipped de one it: a W9113017 IIA�,p �fi vacantly in tiodation ................ of. inpur wa womisan's fact-, "d iiepeateld, alow� r1i &41469 often at i6a oder kicktA at me. oV.Spres ma ......... qy Dr. Ti 11 ba )e repo fI flat; sillitia't think it suiwd "ah Id Ing it sit tome f....... . I) Kp.,LRT. -all rt of III mo do lurs ot 13 ING, Sir," ShO. But po�hapz- formin(s, his mill t 0 tits, was load a to I lie Road aiAd i I espetienre in unin oupoll"r rtli (If The ered for Cs�reni; rew 'LICItui egg qq* nall eats a era li-ve proved it, fit li drea Lnow lbe pi,,pertv was for siale Mixed .................. ........... 5:00 ti.m. 55. -The ng 81 fitpound of sugar and it is gone, and the pletig ym didu a, lays out in any voter way. A i A It ust-d tol bellong tu 7thiJ Gr.*44ttil, but Fxpre".3 Mail it, 1, haw evjd, itto be Goal. effectuai Teen. -by u I to ftil'6411 -,g W&V44LMaAr5jag Ikm by cold, or usual everlion of the vf,(-:, Mclated, Tow ... h 8 10-00 4 0 S It clo tit f I I i f ST "' coui,rhs, and irritations of the lhr()Iis� CI t th To all 4e ur, id aud,tlic ate all, 80110 now. ................... 1:30 p.m. doll 4 enfired rUbtle. - IsIV44 ta(3 su!livals d. It sed when czi I too, for atisght we 1141 rmalls public Spea4ers and singers il� fii.d cir Mr. !A d h wers, :I A tr I Is CAI I it 1, 6e; N1011 or bull -wig ftj;eX,!, :tL I ;,it r ll� t f I 1 N tu di,' itt 9 . )11 except 14 una 11ruokiN mud the - It a earin? 11121 th Nor apr"AD Thii VI _�Q avet .. 11 Signor Lui,i stocd at thegatt: 7 ne--- - - % . I I - . R -2734 1-w 1 1-8 5 OftAnn or 200 64 293 -redie its ri-i.dvii Ali, now WiL1i.0UIr_<ijIM;a. which, willtry ,alli came over him atid qui,:�%:,,;�d iaitu an, a to be called respectively the N is account f,. -r the strangv, unpulev ivided. into T Mu L be could uot it It lalute Iii nal 11 0 nfill ah 11) ThF-Courty of Psi d 01 , rt .1 �A NiO, 8. a sari ii for I c most uiadlollltitddr�; smoj I, thazi at e n C a tiesow 9 Bai coal )a Pj) I I - by n0inburs, thus f I end ro Rue nAu4- had -eauspd4hem- 'e d. siiej Ile sa,d to tLe women, e; TO VFrilleavy I rrie FCb 06 IS�7. 7753 -The \orth Riding' Shall consi gteem by aU w 0 have us�,j Alty; Afthrr alliraptlT. Can you Iril ate where I sbuu;d s 3 U4 V t fail I not- IPit ;% "I Uc 11 MUC-1 0 11' Is two T-4 I I a] Wall collego ! 0 Q__ 1, ___ Townshii ot'Wullace, HIM% stuAe lia n it is awy 11% ntuo� I I is ithen there tire the I ttle 19S r dowu4tic "tirt hga % a hirp, X i and turped T DIOS wilff at I if in co r(2 a away, MIA as he 6134 he asulteted to him Ellice, Morninpon,t".Nurtl,t List- Itolk of the Company as regards the towli. It but it without any. taste fur reading. V o, x4 j 8 in cii� nada: WIMLSM self, -- F.,,l c ]JA r 11, ft Tho 'Erie Canal -This Canat is 360 miles 11iii L 0. of lIyy Win in lerighil"t 9 h,JU,�Affl%4#411 t,,-jsW% -,Agwi week WLat is still 'raore- epeon 56 The South Riding shn, e 'age inn lay tLit)u,41i a' r ved oul.duri His way to th vi'.1 11 consist of ti Xr Will for it f I�Cclisiw fe 9row lipiplilt for V. tie corlt-ice IX boz* he W ll� flusit. rs blthsoru- A Townships of Blanchard, Do w W ii LowL40t -to' o�'-er' t Ifree' -Iri W dl I ars, 64 4. e i alaw!L-nown to e dtir,tl�Lll� t nearly ouble -the amount coi4ected that it will con1joue19, � du I!ky to any one d-,irua! ed thml-;y, aad the r-bb,ts rapped it, and -.)tAt 1 xt ortbe B tbit 441 A gentleman In the Apringtiaid of life, o0 ronr thope, Failurton, Hil)Ie I' a awangst the fer ite ut.&rwoud. III for th South Ea. t Account Stow Bli goods furnished if i, is the Brit6h orth uieriqan Prim wid the Vitlajes of Mitchell and 1865, amt. 811, rilleted 0 be'puid rytpu us year; and while our ijeiah- ;ways cuotcr,Nd that a Tloroughoy prilli m in any previo ays. S nor Luigi saw ny of th. a--- � , 9 -'1 when walking with a lady, stumbled and takec accounts. bors Is 'ye so much reas,,n to be pleased at INVoupled with this X-C don't thitili Ig as also 0 milis 29 cal Couiii6 qjj" jra�u, things as he Sat for a ul-tui ou the at.le, as laid t*fm I tie wita fell. On his resuming his perpendicular stfierintegrity and a lookitv, bas -1 iiato, the cuplive. 11 st:ea ad which it th6 �Ttr�ie ofi Finance coulf i ted recommend ..... 41& M141t9>9" that 4111:90eft Ie94rd:Vrqbr V wvlfare of 0jj'rjtjjdeu ing the paymei POI 94 Can" Jej ki 11� _i, A an 1W & 2A r accoul't Ito L -i Mot. una a vilin the The gret ten-th or 1* port adopted. f col tused to s I there on a lished below. The Wesleymn Tea-Meell ng. tr MIS un ft r it -ed woruden sem, with sorue trc else be 7 hud my for isaid he I only efroink a" tLearsomeths"S''., side bitti The set�t asgooe, i.ti i The tea mectin rd 10 toil, silLiar-gp- 1he fas: L4 in LLa caft, Layz - t"d eBill reiiii it itnrK SSi or us to puj�_ in the Wesleyan Chuli T. a VJ iroreacino in �em oust rated 4hV 011s was 4 correct co -4i k , qk .. I IV Sold by all Medi t 160%) pp. bt uch faster. last (Mondy OAS I "'m ciat dealers at 25 etv-pr bottle. -,,We, Lears y th"i tLe P bt- 00 traces- lish it I, -lay, but we ohalL eude&Votz eveitin,, went off well, Althou 11 r 4cd tity 61 agaim "liveN 11!1;44,� u 14; aLike MV said the putiater—i if% the attendance was slot quite so I rge as WM . whivli, &ddrM their "li jL ders at A f I e or. eived 1as t R0111`99ag"q �15qpa�,y4010wkfi an toy it i:sdiiifre our rea an czjrl� of further I , i transaction of tst ; -1 1� 4 aL.Lhe f % act like eveii d I;t Sit 154 His re cut o A§ Occ I M#=4j&, _ Ing quirc'Ibern I r -hen he te;a psi to the ton, and found a 11101nefit Ulth S`illch C11111111140111.3 as ve, 1 14 Tr it .. 1, b 1�lu-, as constant gi Liat, Nvits 01 r for 1he two woo is. fMe 9 -1 moth tetter waiting t,*r iiim. I ht h-Ld beau busy paill vi ration. und yatt, laagw ncesussar We also appen eiiAe 1, At, t j 0 , gov T 1 !�8�. flecund fi- - ers -4' j it r io or ent I mmenc- A' _k at the p1m ffict�, &4,d the awssruger had ithont any appeat cpr Z P i and aterred w ance of di- 6" forgotten to bii a I ed t It I t. 230 1h wig'. Showing thti &AIjutk lb- hich Ifurtill, orde ed- tiv Wrt 'Phi. 4p_ I& and get is N is, andil, n vre LAve 'for %vorinit fin chiddre known and rnelau_t,� the bo or o that e if they,--gre ii ot these, we cannot tail to succeed -%r or %V atav parposcv- t we lifive pro-r-li to-lbbi nT�c - WE' Lui�t tio�-k a Vert h, 1, r Gee, au -1 drey are to bb'diddah After tea I 6 T2 M—M jAto 1 *2' sic" of Go r w o Gaiumles after he congregation a 'ourned I'be resi Job are i huln* the bodT of the church, when Rev. From wards he 0,is.d rsave cul, t man's tiu.ers Ot t4e Otpil6aq' We wpuld- I �q jh c -e! V _ j MIJ. 'tea i Mat, X5 probat' I If e Iri IT Ili 11p U_Ae__t G 01 ib WM;:Wabajp Flour @�aj tig wi, for his Vilijisrso callodTf W 4q1-uM;u a a ND .............. MammA is so my wrtite P�Ior litli fc nd we,, 0 e I enM-b. L.'Vaii, 14- MN.-, W_*,16iitW.iyeaZfi*ru Flaiii to g litter W$, e tfutue a lid .1 -A -A P, & - WI(4 ft &,- & Kft'#n , _' - Da*, - and she doeltn't know any one. 4#I0qii(s5(sakW � DS4 e ii U Is, p r if wiLh a r #5 i A tare a ;Jsg.,.. ii situalesif $01ful-th, oil t Eat a S -P, %, Naii ai .1 wtqqii an �e�n of a nson air wate-with " audwe will do 6' .1 io the mihst 01- fr The doctor sold Lisow her frieudishould be Seaforth ta� of a wir 00. fur The1,Wjjia&hAp ee go soul icu 134yfield river. And though, es wet­0�16(1116i�tAt*'Yb be kuo*iP)4 Vill iasn Jewish IJdtDe tell iiii limoliands I g The address of tho latter w a ar lalt e QQ1concezi NM lar, but I dluti't ku-tw whot am be, cxcl;io,- character. Built, to 0-Vir Fiakefield. Lie had u. hbns Will'urn Whom XW00 110*3 XMV poftiOX141 ly b-,mt twu l0a'r. bwde df eiulmrstc(-, if, ffiemids. Ste is allways caiha�-, for Lewis, f 11 n1s, its enlisted near 16- We Vatlyo and I cau'li N ic, and deep inorest as -Tit'sl i0ra6lftc power, I star. all onitj,� thii he m irenticed to a weaver Ie40=n;_ 7-1"1,1 Valstle fi%.�, pair, In and sound loj, first 6 , � me fit 6 a- n 0:14 0: 1 40 W4 I -ft up Eqp r1rat �fp ql* S ii ds tile seat a small picce S, _,w &.-nor Lui.-i ii no ma e thenl, but he matter. fjW e I he f UOL14. -e in brign u. rrz-n ere 0 oil it, disc reused up Ibis s:umbstriog otd tau to a We anti i are enabled to lay b.)fore our "'a ingt6'fuff Wolrdie I ch X1d-sI'toi6V1i'9j is no FrItiV to U r under R44je Acb]Bj e 8;00 3rA A the tefh-ient leadership of Ke oulAte, WOU ge be fouti ere y ton - P -1 -- - ce busy. 0 population Is between fi lid C�Wrs( th many a day Esq., Miss Eliuma &ndrews' presidis at t iix wa�y a." I t y were cd4filicUldai w �'i tz,; I aj) (60 0:00 Q,,eV, advanva".j, VvAkink-11 his baste,, it was night ........ runs- Melodion (a d1her C101KNEXX.5 a owith her uBua4 taste and ski T _4 :25 TouncailIg ft r fi- 0 ............. burry such as had been Busing fill are li _P *Ee k dia, r when he re-hed O. 20 ; and the Isadiady, of Canada, Nva is and ew b cel 1i I m it. I h Ir UI; T 0 20 0 stood caull��y tw-tween him Mud the would try an nia uL:41fiis rite it. Theii earej 1.61 doof 99 Iq-1 ex .... ............ 0- 1646 wick. '17 he copy of the BiII f trued to be well pleased :ith t vhi& audience so he sought to reachit b6unaz his progii E aria 9 14W64g0Wj 4nd 101 .............. 4:00 4:50 we print. is- an advance eoply:Aut a one Doctor and no as -.qppy%uLieq h! e. jbip, j corFspondent. atoia, Feb. 2d3f, 111fil- 0 work. IX few spjp4jpjmfj&M Let me passf"I said The paintee. I toli one kept by 0. H. Jackson, draw- at) tit Fo r Ci re uTir r oM,. - stau4 in t4 -s;tce of to this ad e. y aWmtiers made- ijru!W%. finally revis4d WAS [TING -rO-N?b BIRTI!DA'S a4dii vi th' A FdlI Wheat ........... $I:Go Ca� :j; _js. Lhe other by Julia L and am bar nears,.,t reiULi%e.' 014 0 1 5 vus - - 0 e that, i IkMWV T u While Lire hesitsli Ittv:e feet copies, we hove re"m Atf:-belibTe; wouN .1 G, whol. s likewise a large ealLublislitnent Z ON in;a who tece fly 6k Sprin do ...... ....... 1: 3 7 (d; 1:44 1oftvbpjt&wbu I ece ,d Datiy ctuu,; be mciely rerbal. %%'list we now pui cC#Iii the which wag but ut ribers from is list bL- 04L, ]P�Wipal London Consul evauss springing up the slaws, ar On Friday evoaiiig ]a. t, lit ing %A'asl - kr. Lo ran impo-ts lar ly from i3b *a6jR1I*ey were hunted, lisi L ercia Birthday. Gen. Alcock, it about Lbe paiaLeit's bieck.,.subbling. -tv besufly accepted as the msEtfurs at n"ton's thMae not very li Thf-j were, however C. W 1 u .1-1 1 - WICOW tho,-bam, -cosul& ba toon c I be severe, because he did not know Fe fvrRIPt3th, rVir., A She has tt'ked absat T,,u o4ten," sht Is Le a is, air? I don't t undcr considtxatin bjr American 06WA1t---KT-Codcrich, gave one savii, mill beta nn- t L 0 n of Pocket haadkerclixi's composed ineir pregent address. bildisaircuou, wilt V; hh4& jib *wWw n. 11.Vrjimuthy .1 la.dy, Who filFcr you, a--- thin" you are- angry periAL4 Fariiiamenu F7q I -SAI W: know. was attended by the elit, h 04th ellaills. Thal 611rddit At I :,W1 A= tffe r- lia-i been Showing off her wit Lit the presen the Im- grand ball in the Victori.% Hall, wbi a with her; buz you we not. am on rt!itl_b�il�skn�-�Oru a r of the town. experse The itovelty of a dati,ler, I'vo"u remind me of a barome . *, ter Ord came- wAth di t5r hir frOm Lui4 i with nothing, in t4v upper sto�j? The fat AT the departures froo lat ly lit a� Me er at ocument The 11all was handsomely decorale f the Cie end w"-suipes, and especially that is filled prominent amongst the on beep skills, fu0sfilifft4ass Blacksa a SIR 11 c oalpp..r&O I I nthafikipg si2ted in Mr. Gordon Brown'., desptellf Qftf 1"st lou,hruaker in lhe"c was I III) lie I Aith the hol ­-X0TtP are Ooked at him. vr*nd--- t hrrnsi jmme,@Y�r inpi rwd 1),Lisy- I 3aments be 13 -4A �t4liiiii Vqte*p-Vt""jft AWh Ithe word )Vashin. the new Joe- gitsi surrounded b� y lA4 0 L g let me Y� as* Faun, Hart -a iii not emkie her a" now, ilillift Oatvt I, remind To Owm sbo and Bri k the Amerig3n 4r story -Earg—a and _w Imst-ex m f btf. �`W y0a -*AA to have been aswated-tu by the Delegatef rD &dv6uttr�ttAhkttd Inoiftis 11110' #& A latu entirely.'' X 'ft witsive buijer ittAROt ptice of thq material. L one Gunsmith, two and &4VAW4 edltor Is aij-irsdi#JiM-4 Forku'A of th Interposed the islitudlady. madame are found in the Bill. Buti uufortunatc-' re Cia 4 Tailors sleeps a 6w. -Irn! 61, 0, Steels hocnink.'im establishment, thry Ga *y k,6 aze8 I or his w(irk. . All he asked- was likYrAW ers. writes ar4ic1qs,bw.tAbrj soj=W I he doctor fimns tfral She ly, other departres from the Quebeb;� le, Mes 5n- reaftpL'cd h- hq She Medea, in a wourpser, with a od ynt_�li _weL Ln,, sets type reads peaf,-Agdo and muils the lod -w ii attem is were not unsuccessful. twGodt %lew, ic at COMPasEnx-slate -ante towards ]D�4m, ­ 11 Scheme are found in it--rAbd some or p I t ; on her p&rt -Virlitch sh them, wb much regmt tsfii�wy, very f4 119!� qNdp orT CA u$ oll I'hltb doz�n of handkerchiefs, the finit of the the kind reqw be three ii Ijjj'ut as %Ir 'd.n wood, *0 pap baen 441 Ts ery 1�b "�r,. �;_= I ii abut introduci2&.Ljjam looijis. this defet, hi If rA,, do a lei D4,,V 0 a seems La ku p4l wI;9,. alls. 0 mean, to ro gig a undKed-thin on rn a �Ialg*j is a-) knowia-. Bat bef6m referrirt2 to these, on( alYundauce us qu!ck? Mu ton pp -r Ib ........ 0:08 0:1 I _Sp. �&I a 0 i r from being in -the ri.ght directiM. to V iser ZD heii and iq to :ive- Yoe might do her wil be rt med.ed, one wa,,-un maker. Gas! a MVVL I � no wor 25 'VFI- _G�tmw 11--- %__ good- their Ic w t 6 y ORP afir.t ISPI Ired.- -7 with the.ai hand, -thic &)cictr cal 4* at to' On the other Itt 116 14;: X arli ey could be Milt 0. M 1 ,w feverz but then I Goderich Quadrille Band, led by Mr, cbeate outiot-halChis..is"ningd. E Wimep ft- - note a few points that do DOE entail 66. 1 WP,9TKhiW4Ln&MIl th, one I,utnber vard. to Ita es at bu ....... we 1 thallvphias is ab,,ut, and "a rux, a, -%-- I John Donogh. kUy#qk0%A4gMn in cus4iom And first -the name of th� -ilds,raw to A cWWiWhV"FA%""rfM4ffbUran p willa sucecs�' The t j e D THE KING a a 9 Laigi put her am 1, .6if;i borseq havl�e h eta t ay with geatle Unlit,,,d Provinces is to be An excellent supper was discussed b qAO0TTfl*Q41Ofj4-f Ilk 6) 13 A&ft such forcal. 4W a very =rfli smile oe his iips, " t, W& ._% 'I -AA a-mial meeting last Wednesday aight Spicche4 I , - p . ....... ow the Company about midnight, after wh MR 4 � - .1 r a ic P113 Al W o d r cord ............ 1:50 au -11 w -re delivered by Jala he I have no team, J= uti he sad- , zi I K G, I �%� -Grey and others. bira --followed by H. Ma J B Gordow,-FI-q , a Air -41 1 TITere was ll�eivise some excellent Biagi ell *k4ji Ty -nen clot 0 t t6 ermoa, proposed " The A alsacr h ate le prc._�id, 0 g, Q to ttiese, it was written in f cftKfth*uuIbjpf,&tW He pmaed into tho room, and wit ten�ip d � 0 .1'. - 0 §6 '00 Memory retain the old tRre or'Govetn6ir-Gene Washington," which was prol tho enther from the crest of a w Fall Wheat, 1 75 -have a -i on -heai i o I ....... Mr 5 of--" 0 1 46 e Id and kept it. Onm ths doctor rzotioned in, ill - r Sprin 9=pblc geztutz-vt to tAe doctor. tociiii tiss rest. low a L wave R_ e Vii 1 4011 i� I - )erly Its I all i4- q1z ta sitIs bin he would not. 'Many a wreafy homr: and his salarj 0-tv-be $50,000 per ceived. Ira Lewis, Esq., in a compl in the conalliercial Iii of Wasps ba t 0 he stood the;e�, agrim and silent scatme4, mentary speech, proposed the health lee w 3 25 4 aad acro -33 hi:s face there came by-and-by -numister e G died poor and unknown, after earnin- a V 'The adviiien w Crc4n., -Mmi tht Gen. Alcock, to which -C tei U 0 8, 4 Ott, -1 . , - -A re si mt fOOk so 112=aW. so fiall of the intensitIF of a' the General r wea-re subsi.�tarlce as a towd drumme-r. Peas ........ : cit went to a welt*dowa restaurant wher dreaded daispsar, t -hat event the stolid none, Feder -al Executive, are to be led Privy j di��Ib b W41. eS as 8 st5 led Privy ��p SEE who was used to arch cases, cast upon, hilu, Councillors, '2ind -,th I r are ra en pi�9t I Itears from a weeping virillave tft. a tfoor and a ering L 6 V tie body the t e Win a call from time to time a wice, at wend fro -iii dh0bo""if ELUP. i'A I W w r 11 O� tbiy- 6 t Wo" the most ta - I his saw the doctor -a hand upon the paise.,'Crown in the 617q of the proeeediaV,'aWk0*S a"bWAL �Rzivy there was a wrrweriwut;.� At lab r-;, ka- can coat ronto FAI an cents a pair o oves in ron the 49 p" a corchal to the feeble! Y, -S 4201.cernW *Ad ValeW him 4P"&"overnment$ so handsomely entertained, retired, sati oung man, f kid I 11 WK CALZ of Execativi fied with all they had see a an to retain the n heaM, 11plis, which mig, fu nerer speak to him agwo. As a F whis b er In er C ii p envif V 0 V, Flour ........ VS-_ Viii e nay fty a wo tbou-h' The' I back r 1 14014 rchin, who w y -_s0h, dear I exclaimed an If AV3 Tha -All and A to be mw -j r 'edcr, OM0 bn 'Ail as experienced during the ning- Thein Laigi we for*& -d. .eve Vouillex kzfo'�V4. .11 7, ehqtwin a reen a itit of 2g��Ie�-ve _alj�allowed an for I ety induc- W P ts W011.' -Be Meeting. od P -.72 . known �JM peas. ro marbus thin' ll ffi, and, ...... ... OMM L491 2ffi Abe P-ar6rriftt 6P Canr!d, bull I A meetin- of the reformers of Goderich &9VA)EAlb 940 111101111111d "bi U e ow IP 1 MUS4-*, said tiffe P*tfilr, firmly. "liTht: Upper Hemw A n odd fellow sai , and c ing jp to be styled T V t �e A cres , called for Wednesday evenin- at the offiz( 'y b htlnilll IA -1 "z PCOU:sg YOU that it shall do no harm rf VAQ" ED es e a giving me th ri Lw&iw�fe­ 7 ouse Tu 7�oj %S I a 1 2 com�osed of A%. _fr_v%.AlTIT *41)t OrS E 32 a 33 , VA NATE And th-. Lower R i M. C. Cameron 50 -or-iess-.- -xial-bdrIg F. 44izirED V%%Vt498 � lie bent down, claw to her. whispereA. It is importan Abo,W ow4=1 Bloat 3111 his. _4,ot Number W"ty. A YOGI , wells' said t M 1 M FA B that the attitindsom all. cent maSkcd 11111100*2" ecedi live for me P U VL&Per 48 Iwo- The Local L-islatures are i��* ta Doill Wdeij 5 iaid a� i 5 60 a 5 65 ToWnAW 6j,' riCh. cteil heart broken counte- that the.01030AM111841"Oft6l a tread Ashes- Pots. . . 0::),- We have received atiff-incoliterent let, a rawo CaArlEa V, I kn4WA,_11fTT11i It IN FP 4 n -ad Or STaUCT diew a it 91 W, f, , ter from a correspondent at Seaforth, abod I41dm artfl i6 VIA e espionag- wb bg sqa Wle At Chicago, Feb 23, �1867. fill nisi down its� ihe eaustry at Qkhr� �W ruer p -tee t r a sbirp castle. th ak-en of �Wheat ......... 2 2 0 some mpe owe adjudi�ated upon by squir _ I I d I hu oge I A m.con �Vdgjjwlv- vial Of! At UAAWA*d 0SfiWW&j 0 00 i &Rut? X-Md]og? -�Hruhswisk, &MPW�MIY UPL Ramsay, but as we have a regular corresporl 'V consisted a Cora f.o.b.... 0 8710 wood. Te sun shinnes over tb* hiiis, ftle; and S hersel gi- part' sk - g f 0; A% 44"1 0600 less Mud OD the lawn Ot the Old- Der Ciii is to have but one Legisla� dent in that quarter on the look -out al . mo ........ I for d �g%j� 2 A m Oall 0 39,1, (k�, twitic r ing tclized it 1, caa a4 bnfus� there is a meM pwiy. You —it is to be known a$ important items of local news, we declia- morttid IF d durino, r am suffecila tive Chamber, an 0W he became Ition is a between ftl be= the click of V* ma.11013 al-aiu_�t lue the co a made ch 0 M_ and P. cleing lied -:-Y =t baltit, and the bi= rif yourig voices: i THE L1GL9j"=VE ASSMSLX� OF ON,. publication, with thanks. racy, and file wire of lh i ynun,; mail wl�t' Swi Wm N&w.-_YqA%-,Feb. 23, I#V. WILL ft W So mew usil '19 cas Ve V s P FIPL5c to t perhaps the nwrr.- had also Ve Mad an s"The In the so the 100 est. It - rA4cr. u 15 ,4h reA P a to ber to bz MTtnc HO -N -to eOWq=nions,: but 1E0flGE-' B1901VN. �%&Wfigflb 801*", '00ir -itictit had aft nid life drank w iskey willbout depth to - E ond art� Robert 11utchj*0R Once, wheti'ea 35 (M 0- Hmqe of As"bty. de share wuu1d.bc ie to be weighed, nousen 4L 1) be so and to -ber bapitesilt. ch to bavc.a e-gislative Council and ifth hor JAWD full lai e phe. -M 90 11aii .fgj kjjpps� p The TO' 0§-­,#XsbAnd d Co. 7 " ro n bar zuID :2 Over, she goeis up to the tail Hon W rown i?"to4ddrw4 nt, 001OW410 as dDrupletely when it can Z-of4ha 1"OfWLAW& th to the aukmte;;�.... -2 29 Q0 wo 1V1k7,,P ervow 're Wu?ssVIs,3 10 (2, th Y owil 0 is wnd yet is not so he asked hi 5 son, a 'boy at school, how presence the N rA rotoc=ila" 4AF3Wf1il7, "Howgood it WI is! Ah, appointed by th9tipr9wo. 1, that _ , c Ob eleve - ------ W-10 co ftnor Lm4lit puts her itrulf, finger into b -;A The Speaker -e -the �;�,t:ofate i4biwitif o e 1, 0 and is to b 0 0 -pole yciia never pwnted cav Abai thq- x*Mo papa a An in D a amput 11-14-1000a L I gwtllgill - Arer Gf 16 drams one otttld�A�11 Hurrah I" shout. 40MWJ_wbil�' PO' � jj* 4AF4 ves. portrAit r, "1rV0NjL*6* EP =Vromwents. retiring fro ;4 9i The TLea alia Ma ;Ca- 040 3 back -to tL& game, the Of nec"i 0 Create Senators VISIT HE R*"ft F'v r', a c4wto =8,110T ' The I It, 1#921 sfW1 renthmma 9QM intso fhe briese thraigh 11 the stipahted ILI - =ITO& I T4 gventy-two, is limited t4 Co. Uniron Agricultural So. in tWWW%lV7WcVi@14 . . I dav, will Pilym-causorde an opea wis&w f ffmil" fligh. ave wsyw�l 0�10N I . -.i , - iud"o &U. be ;ivithout it sit whii* some onetUe, sit�, .4 ry Ebon kaff -40:wsli M&O ceft6auci i0q, #9 oi One of the CIO Tre. Not quite cliety. _q:bjtIfduKt" ck-ft�*9AdAj0.# price watching the t0d " ot t oh I so r*e the Varga --*t at umfli Yet; tsu T6, ae'clioin's at the hour tor kc use Malta. Ountry unn, ttd 60111%, tie 029M A, am sffiow 414A ftalle doon. I r ne,Ubj�ftt f AR ers OW, he thi'llks. a3 he tooks dolim uplan her- Commons adnimoned 4 t1ii Ati-, The Directors of this SoCi cilitle a& i" I M tin fil a or a ety met i 4) powers fii ram -he be so Don t rely for Fuccess upon empty praisp. te - And. iosue-how, the ch4,,jge in her E-tmsee= 1 a, should U 3 to repeat itse'f in his o The St. L a gen t -r upon the steam of lile should r the first Houses of Assembly in he 8whnni a at a inf;i le- T ar.1 Come.* gay& the *A& -t, -I I haTe, i pie- ecst are to be under thJ 0 tan to -akaw yti diregic"fA-e. Jou es al t in bat preparations Cou d be milkle or his recep- k&k"f* bladde rs. at Tt�enf tk--y stand to -,ether beirij CoW Va_ Lion. all IN tIrlVill 1 0 a that one l re4 ? I I r A raving lunatic in an asylum in Culirornia apply t ich he painted W 66 --ret, in bitterness cli Lrsikil � MSL-uct -It= _4M - - , , - two Mz b LOBERT -DONO to -1 Xyllells Or tits was restored to reason by seeing her father. u fit 90 A Vil'o i hea t e e e f sea The Executive Government of Onta n -her own pertrAit 'not very much; to be held on the #aW trom lXo b tLile radient f`ace "t looks up at hi 16 tA Mlu 4AI ated this .9 a? p - 0"Lul A rzu 1 Ig OITEtp A 0191 0 L, 02we h I� I on rij e jcglug c-AyInt I=V= a" away from the cavLs. �g. j M a 111 -60&uboa 'fe' -rote i 4864" G�sdaricb"J V!, e ij b he ftria bis,tyl c 6 tA un a iii ext; the wheat taking to mll z du' li "Ithotif-htl ontv wanted reve 0 remiums 4014 211111111111111 it ! dis-4rict �-1 EO consist of five mcmbers� n re4to t tkaturdli�,W 7 said. 1 raneW was-akgoy. Daurti sold to memi at 20c. in, and -in 0060 ovei__ markel ratt, now admi�k_ When plat I V071 too h' e IN 8 Can YOW andemtaadl li inconsistency whi re , Me ef a th ou*encin L took hipa bum U WROck, M-amilthe h of flid-Ho IfliAlt ' A g price on show day. the United eived him ljq�, F� art in' titorney-de'6gir.- WNW KA Qr- arm, � 'R feuds a man to torment the thing lie tns�ft 191ftwile Fe _Vu r6he 111i spriLg seeds from the It Tuesday a er na OVIZ boat on earth In ring eds he was a it it I L ft raw *"Irs; Surrau, I& V.Djm4stj air' IS Ali ;CValsaand k- PC 11: Ah. you ! But rren are difitent," sad' Mimi"' The premiums for stallions to be $1 2 li icateely I thint A Treasurer. shown to be the sam 3 as last year. 0 'r' The premiums for all h, A Provi cial tim was lie IS pair. lind I Pon the 11P I doll t think I could dur iL' Ic =iwdu as A Cm oner of Cro*wn Lands 1 arsli., virtue Ing I and fair 5 19 RV he f and 8 W. or a Deno crimi- 1M0t0W1Wxjth4#wab&p Rao wrii do IL; (3Q4 6, i �ha w I was cruel to'ps."' Mide A litttv " she eia. nal court of a. &.1 n1iftl I X Its The Secretary is to act also a.' Do. f s Regis or bulls to be same as last year. now ad -In' 'tands,' f TWe, 7 a Lovin", you ail the whir," he 464 be iroilet and Az A Commis, Mr. Cox to v�44 CU bbinj toyselt through you.� have the priating same a 440 fas a h, parties er Setts, Lamps, tilasNwarc and L rookery. any �3- Al- the Bar itnim Ifixt That's z4 ov*r, " ishe nid, yGiujug tier signer of Public Yorks :q to d*hprp last year. I NION is a itarrativa of M t!wl tAR13 I ff ures iud Kitchen in tory of love urri-i ure, with Aurldry other artlefes -too u"e. ba --d on Caver up ttar 'picture, Ile Arb 4 a If The judges for stallions and bulls a row/ lueles ot . .,MOWN= Lewis: Provision is made for thl missloq &be spring show, were appointed as ofuge N at, said be. Xrld yeAr tre hap"- a of ad fo ams of -sale, Cash, 4"kiGg dtft-.:ht UP tto bis face fearless 111fiteafteir into-thff- lows: -Tho. Dark, Jas. Torrance, an K von on. papers wu an s er tLF, 9hel ans-Nered him, '4 flappier than ette, land, Prin Ff "j4 12. lmd Rupert' Wall loam; i A d tulaa- .11390 to a ai I was ;a all my life before." Ve- t a urn lljo,_b Land, the 1-T 8th of on out.- -W . of murder comutilioMn the -to rag. L di_ —1 t de ou le, with .The NeW American Ta cember last, at H. The mur gut, tor ouisvil 300 passe W at t'd brutalit deris d o - - - - - - io now. New YWjc T411". Its Vic rbp A"fi 4rar is hes Flom the -urim- W M. . us vIC tehi or oiler on Sunday noon. Labdg rV.- njAs I in sev eme"ll. � - - , - afte P go As t it 16f Jobts The CUamber of Cd ' cc h III a nifes south of t is city. -X%6 forward pa 4" xre unani. wously adopted a cue riall to Congritu cl, )I the boat torn to p "WAINIF-1141C IM111i 101 �ii;Tj! ie aw nd i nd M .icst the Tariff Bill wbt�-h now awaiwt h he paulga Ian. MW Mary nn Runu Fij* a t to 46 ticet or. with Irsigwents -djai6fibe ac: -.IQ,! L40 Bouse. n the air, t 170 due paymeat. as beartrettidi G fasi that, while profembalk Isto lost. The scene is describbd Prot creased revenue ffew im theVII i�ill sh 0 ent n cia ti sculp- serioua3y 1*re the sizi tro4e, and- _411i espec The clerk read the mandamus in ith, itte the 28A day o 0 � w en If victi his supp lemea the, ged4evetaiaafof the goverumtrit tion case Smith vs Savage. tan 312111 or. atime when fts utfe4ot'gabd W An amusing letter from John Stoww Vlau eTeT. The enwtillie0f of the Ae* t I Tn;* Coivir f y a , 4�4 Esq., of Stratfocd,claimitig an account.. I.Wau a Iii thg cPiniOn Of the 041'Onts OfVvt/ York, iradri tw t*,etp WA "D Wd about ,a4 1-1 fifteen years' s"NAVA1as read, when tact that t un: will be to W_ e4k-eu the Public credit. ' Tht upon a knife --b-718 - - - !"C�sm Amid cults, a on , %,4 e,, - Clerk was directed to Communicate with Ili w commerce, t1isp "rebantile- jbirfai alld other access o the table. the met Ste*art stating that the Council dectin C t0. Sk, e e io, adverta t went of the amount. t I n _ I mpbsx�a b. raw past rc upon Ahe emet f exorbit t *ftiction Petition of D.; MLCagae asking lerjoh-An the Volu Me interests pelateotetL tjW df 1`3 for pe t911300111", thei expei I-Fw- . ot d out maneut'relief was read- and fyled. V1. XXAALUifX to A a 410 in" - 44 A l Utter from Mrs. Marsh asking for 00 Vq 4 din atu law twzajum out T" reg r son who is sick. 0 n r in uragois low dayssitico r"cuort In rilm -a prAi v.d strefitiously.d tills, to all . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . fo (an Lhe Ar-miufacuillnui n balm corwit i TOwallhipe of A town IF that there 11 -ted -bee at usbWo ZOderi* 2A 'he wit #a IM JG ff� 0 0 R C 0, P, Y 7.- Feep.ed at LAPPIWO%ar ihr,-t times through the T 73d 14' T A -0 1, IF, G of Goderi(h, Tu �,T. nd unfursien circuinstaticeoef the 10 ET E, 0 K 0 L 0 C[I A negro main nf$t Vicksburg, Miss+, Oli A kg,-jn describing a spap of 1wra. thin ut, *11! ar. IGOPoles which & 11 dultv (oz and I 1 11"011#4 the es Whigh aid Hay, Us )uu. 16, threw an bld bom4 at ell into a Lkill(h , f -11I)ey waqt very ...... I , I AFF&I 3 AND UOPERIt'll b IQT, After it long deb a I roprt W.-I't III -*e tho iii she aid, '.I I ut ivi Amblis.- . fire to see 4 the e rj I g lich all Tone. One looks ARRIVIS. tabiishing such t flacte la.,te L"k4 iiomrs e 1"In .. C U mu a Alcould not tell wl.ich Oe imif of I r. in. as resolved, to re or at if Ilia fib %tit ahraidy. but I don,% JhL P", rtn I weijt after de ot;e I nk it sui ad. a "der, and whipped de one it: a W9113017 IIA�,p �fi vacantly in tiodation ................ of. inpur wa womisan's fact-, "d iiepeateld, alow� r1i &41469 often at i6a oder kicktA at me. oV.Spres ma ......... qy Dr. Ti 11 ba )e repo fI flat; sillitia't think it suiwd "ah Id Ing it sit tome f....... . I) Kp.,LRT. -all rt of III mo do lurs ot 13 ING, Sir," ShO. But po�hapz- formin(s, his mill t 0 tits, was load a to I lie Road aiAd i I espetienre in unin oupoll"r rtli (If The ered for Cs�reni; rew 'LICItui egg qq* nall eats a era li-ve proved it, fit li drea Lnow lbe pi,,pertv was for siale Mixed .................. ........... 5:00 ti.m. 55. -The ng 81 fitpound of sugar and it is gone, and the pletig ym didu a, lays out in any voter way. A i A It ust-d tol bellong tu 7thiJ Gr.*44ttil, but Fxpre".3 Mail it, 1, haw evjd, itto be Goal. effectuai Teen. -by u I to ftil'6411 -,g W&V44LMaAr5jag Ikm by cold, or usual everlion of the vf,(-:, Mclated, Tow ... h 8 10-00 4 0 S It clo tit f I I i f ST "' coui,rhs, and irritations of the lhr()Iis� CI t th To all 4e ur, id aud,tlic ate all, 80110 now. ................... 1:30 p.m. doll 4 enfired rUbtle. - IsIV44 ta(3 su!livals d. It sed when czi I too, for atisght we 1141 rmalls public Spea4ers and singers il� fii.d cir Mr. !A d h wers, :I A tr I Is CAI I it 1, 6e; N1011 or bull -wig ftj;eX,!, :tL I ;,it r ll� t f I 1 N tu di,' itt 9 . )11 except 14 una 11ruokiN mud the - It a earin? 11121 th Nor apr"AD Thii VI _�Q avet .. 11 Signor Lui,i stocd at thegatt: 7 ne--- - - % . I I - . R -2734 1-w 1 1-8 5 OftAnn or 200 64 293 -redie its ri-i.dvii Ali, now WiL1i.0UIr_<ijIM;a. which, willtry ,alli came over him atid qui,:�%:,,;�d iaitu an, a to be called respectively the N is account f,. -r the strangv, unpulev ivided. into T Mu L be could uot it It lalute Iii nal 11 0 nfill ah 11) ThF-Courty of Psi d 01 , rt .1 �A NiO, 8. a sari ii for I c most uiadlollltitddr�; smoj I, thazi at e n C a tiesow 9 Bai coal )a Pj) I I - by n0inburs, thus f I end ro Rue nAu4- had -eauspd4hem- 'e d. siiej Ile sa,d to tLe women, e; TO VFrilleavy I rrie FCb 06 IS�7. 7753 -The \orth Riding' Shall consi gteem by aU w 0 have us�,j Alty; Afthrr alliraptlT. Can you Iril ate where I sbuu;d s 3 U4 V t fail I not- IPit ;% "I Uc 11 MUC-1 0 11' Is two T-4 I I a] Wall collego ! 0 Q__ 1, ___ Townshii ot'Wullace, HIM% stuAe lia n it is awy 11% ntuo� I I is ithen there tire the I ttle 19S r dowu4tic "tirt hga % a hirp, X i and turped T DIOS wilff at I if in co r(2 a away, MIA as he 6134 he asulteted to him Ellice, Morninpon,t".Nurtl,t List- Itolk of the Company as regards the towli. It but it without any. taste fur reading. V o, x4 j 8 in cii� nada: WIMLSM self, -- F.,,l c ]JA r 11, ft Tho 'Erie Canal -This Canat is 360 miles 11iii L 0. of lIyy Win in lerighil"t 9 h,JU,�Affl%4#411 t,,-jsW% -,Agwi week WLat is still 'raore- epeon 56 The South Riding shn, e 'age inn lay tLit)u,41i a' r ved oul.duri His way to th vi'.1 11 consist of ti Xr Will for it f I�Cclisiw fe 9row lipiplilt for V. tie corlt-ice IX boz* he W ll� flusit. rs blthsoru- A Townships of Blanchard, Do w W ii LowL40t -to' o�'-er' t Ifree' -Iri W dl I ars, 64 4. e i alaw!L-nown to e dtir,tl�Lll� t nearly ouble -the amount coi4ected that it will con1joue19, � du I!ky to any one d-,irua! ed thml-;y, aad the r-bb,ts rapped it, and -.)tAt 1 xt ortbe B tbit 441 A gentleman In the Apringtiaid of life, o0 ronr thope, Failurton, Hil)Ie I' a awangst the fer ite ut.&rwoud. III for th South Ea. t Account Stow Bli goods furnished if i, is the Brit6h orth uieriqan Prim wid the Vitlajes of Mitchell and 1865, amt. 811, rilleted 0 be'puid rytpu us year; and while our ijeiah- ;ways cuotcr,Nd that a Tloroughoy prilli m in any previo ays. S nor Luigi saw ny of th. a--- � , 9 -'1 when walking with a lady, stumbled and takec accounts. bors Is 'ye so much reas,,n to be pleased at INVoupled with this X-C don't thitili Ig as also 0 milis 29 cal Couiii6 qjj" jra�u, things as he Sat for a ul-tui ou the at.le, as laid t*fm I tie wita fell. On his resuming his perpendicular stfierintegrity and a lookitv, bas -1 iiato, the cuplive. 11 st:ea ad which it th6 �Ttr�ie ofi Finance coulf i ted recommend ..... 41& M141t9>9" that 4111:90eft Ie94rd:Vrqbr V wvlfare of 0jj'rjtjjdeu ing the paymei POI 94 Can" Jej ki 11� _i, A an 1W & 2A r accoul't Ito L -i Mot. una a vilin the The gret ten-th or 1* port adopted. f col tused to s I there on a lished below. The Wesleymn Tea-Meell ng. tr MIS un ft r it -ed woruden sem, with sorue trc else be 7 hud my for isaid he I only efroink a" tLearsomeths"S''., side bitti The set�t asgooe, i.ti i The tea mectin rd 10 toil, silLiar-gp- 1he fas: L4 in LLa caft, Layz - t"d eBill reiiii it itnrK SSi or us to puj�_ in the Wesleyan Chuli T. a VJ iroreacino in �em oust rated 4hV 011s was 4 correct co -4i k , qk .. I IV Sold by all Medi t 160%) pp. bt uch faster. last (Mondy OAS I "'m ciat dealers at 25 etv-pr bottle. -,,We, Lears y th"i tLe P bt- 00 traces- lish it I, -lay, but we ohalL eude&Votz eveitin,, went off well, Althou 11 r 4cd tity 61 agaim "liveN 11!1;44,� u 14; aLike MV said the putiater—i if% the attendance was slot quite so I rge as WM . whivli, &ddrM their "li jL ders at A f I e or. eived 1as t R0111`99ag"q �15qpa�,y4010wkfi an toy it i:sdiiifre our rea an czjrl� of further I , i transaction of tst ; -1 1� 4 aL.Lhe f % act like eveii d I;t Sit 154 His re cut o A§ Occ I M#=4j&, _ Ing quirc'Ibern I r -hen he te;a psi to the ton, and found a 11101nefit Ulth S`illch C11111111140111.3 as ve, 1 14 Tr it .. 1, b 1�lu-, as constant gi Liat, Nvits 01 r for 1he two woo is. fMe 9 -1 moth tetter waiting t,*r iiim. I ht h-Ld beau busy paill vi ration. und yatt, laagw ncesussar We also appen eiiAe 1, At, t j 0 , gov T 1 !�8�. flecund fi- - ers -4' j it r io or ent I mmenc- A' _k at the p1m ffict�, &4,d the awssruger had ithont any appeat cpr Z P i and aterred w ance of di- 6" forgotten to bii a I ed t It I t. 230 1h wig'. Showing thti &AIjutk lb- hich Ifurtill, orde ed- tiv Wrt 'Phi. 4p_ I& and get is N is, andil, n vre LAve 'for %vorinit fin chiddre known and rnelau_t,� the bo or o that e if they,--gre ii ot these, we cannot tail to succeed -%r or %V atav parposcv- t we lifive pro-r-li to-lbbi nT�c - WE' Lui�t tio�-k a Vert h, 1, r Gee, au -1 drey are to bb'diddah After tea I 6 T2 M—M jAto 1 *2' sic" of Go r w o Gaiumles after he congregation a 'ourned I'be resi Job are i huln* the bodT of the church, when Rev. From wards he 0,is.d rsave cul, t man's tiu.ers Ot t4e Otpil6aq' We wpuld- I �q jh c -e! V _ j MIJ. 'tea i Mat, X5 probat' I If e Iri IT Ili 11p U_Ae__t G 01 ib WM;:Wabajp Flour @�aj tig wi, for his Vilijisrso callodTf W 4q1-uM;u a a ND .............. MammA is so my wrtite P�Ior litli fc nd we,, 0 e I enM-b. L.'Vaii, 14- MN.-, W_*,16iitW.iyeaZfi*ru Flaiii to g litter W$, e tfutue a lid .1 -A -A P, & - WI(4 ft &,- & Kft'#n , _' - Da*, - and she doeltn't know any one. 4#I0qii(s5(sakW � DS4 e ii U Is, p r if wiLh a r #5 i A tare a ;Jsg.,.. ii situalesif $01ful-th, oil t Eat a S -P, %, Naii ai .1 wtqqii an �e�n of a nson air wate-with " audwe will do 6' .1 io the mihst 01- fr The doctor sold Lisow her frieudishould be Seaforth ta� of a wir 00. fur The1,Wjjia&hAp ee go soul icu 134yfield river. And though, es wet­0�16(1116i�tAt*'Yb be kuo*iP)4 Vill iasn Jewish IJdtDe tell iiii limoliands I g The address of tho latter w a ar lalt e QQ1concezi NM lar, but I dluti't ku-tw whot am be, cxcl;io,- character. Built, to 0-Vir Fiakefield. Lie had u. hbns Will'urn Whom XW00 110*3 XMV poftiOX141 ly b-,mt twu l0a'r. bwde df eiulmrstc(-, if, ffiemids. Ste is allways caiha�-, for Lewis, f 11 n1s, its enlisted near 16- We Vatlyo and I cau'li N ic, and deep inorest as -Tit'sl i0ra6lftc power, I star. all onitj,� thii he m irenticed to a weaver Ie40=n;_ 7-1"1,1 Valstle fi%.�, pair, In and sound loj, first 6 , � me fit 6 a- n 0:14 0: 1 40 W4 I -ft up Eqp r1rat �fp ql* S ii ds tile seat a small picce S, _,w &.-nor Lui.-i ii no ma e thenl, but he matter. fjW e I he f UOL14. -e in brign u. rrz-n ere 0 oil it, disc reused up Ibis s:umbstriog otd tau to a We anti i are enabled to lay b.)fore our "'a ingt6'fuff Wolrdie I ch X1d-sI'toi6V1i'9j is no FrItiV to U r under R44je Acb]Bj e 8;00 3rA A the tefh-ient leadership of Ke oulAte, WOU ge be fouti ere y ton - P -1 -- - ce busy. 0 population Is between fi lid C�Wrs( th many a day Esq., Miss Eliuma &ndrews' presidis at t iix wa�y a." I t y were cd4filicUldai w �'i tz,; I aj) (60 0:00 Q,,eV, advanva".j, VvAkink-11 his baste,, it was night ........ runs- Melodion (a d1her C101KNEXX.5 a owith her uBua4 taste and ski T _4 :25 TouncailIg ft r fi- 0 ............. burry such as had been Busing fill are li _P *Ee k dia, r when he re-hed O. 20 ; and the Isadiady, of Canada, Nva is and ew b cel 1i I m it. I h Ir UI; T 0 20 0 stood caull��y tw-tween him Mud the would try an nia uL:41fiis rite it. Theii earej 1.61 doof 99 Iq-1 ex .... ............ 0- 1646 wick. '17 he copy of the BiII f trued to be well pleased :ith t vhi& audience so he sought to reachit b6unaz his progii E aria 9 14W64g0Wj 4nd 101 .............. 4:00 4:50 we print. is- an advance eoply:Aut a one Doctor and no as -.qppy%uLieq h! e. jbip, j corFspondent. atoia, Feb. 2d3f, 111fil- 0 work. IX few spjp4jpjmfj&M Let me passf"I said The paintee. I toli one kept by 0. H. Jackson, draw- at) tit Fo r Ci re uTir r oM,. - stau4 in t4 -s;tce of to this ad e. y aWmtiers made- ijru!W%. finally revis4d WAS [TING -rO-N?b BIRTI!DA'S a4dii vi th' A FdlI Wheat ........... $I:Go Ca� :j; _js. Lhe other by Julia L and am bar nears,.,t reiULi%e.' 014 0 1 5 vus - - 0 e that, i IkMWV T u While Lire hesitsli Ittv:e feet copies, we hove re"m Atf:-belibTe; wouN .1 G, whol. s likewise a large ealLublislitnent Z ON in;a who tece fly 6k Sprin do ...... ....... 1: 3 7 (d; 1:44 1oftvbpjt&wbu I ece ,d Datiy ctuu,; be mciely rerbal. %%'list we now pui cC#Iii the which wag but ut ribers from is list bL- 04L, ]P�Wipal London Consul evauss springing up the slaws, ar On Friday evoaiiig ]a. t, lit ing %A'asl - kr. Lo ran impo-ts lar ly from i3b *a6jR1I*ey were hunted, lisi L ercia Birthday. Gen. Alcock, it about Lbe paiaLeit's bieck.,.subbling. -tv besufly accepted as the msEtfurs at n"ton's thMae not very li Thf-j were, however C. W 1 u .1-1 1 - WICOW tho,-bam, -cosul& ba toon c I be severe, because he did not know Fe fvrRIPt3th, rVir., A She has tt'ked absat T,,u o4ten," sht Is Le a is, air? I don't t undcr considtxatin bjr American 06WA1t---KT-Codcrich, gave one savii, mill beta nn- t L 0 n of Pocket haadkerclixi's composed ineir pregent address. bildisaircuou, wilt V; hh4& jib *wWw n. 11.Vrjimuthy .1 la.dy, Who filFcr you, a--- thin" you are- angry periAL4 Fariiiamenu F7q I -SAI W: know. was attended by the elit, h 04th ellaills. Thal 611rddit At I :,W1 A= tffe r- lia-i been Showing off her wit Lit the presen the Im- grand ball in the Victori.% Hall, wbi a with her; buz you we not. am on rt!itl_b�il�skn�-�Oru a r of the town. experse The itovelty of a dati,ler, I'vo"u remind me of a barome . *, ter Ord came- wAth di t5r hir frOm Lui4 i with nothing, in t4v upper sto�j? The fat AT the departures froo lat ly lit a� Me er at ocument The 11all was handsomely decorale f the Cie end w"-suipes, and especially that is filled prominent amongst the on beep skills, fu0sfilifft4ass Blacksa a SIR 11 c oalpp..r&O I I nthafikipg si2ted in Mr. Gordon Brown'., desptellf Qftf 1"st lou,hruaker in lhe"c was I III) lie I Aith the hol ­-X0TtP are Ooked at him. vr*nd--- t hrrnsi jmme,@Y�r inpi rwd 1),Lisy- I 3aments be 13 -4A �t4liiiii Vqte*p-Vt""jft AWh Ithe word )Vashin. the new Joe- gitsi surrounded b� y lA4 0 L g let me Y� as* Faun, Hart -a iii not emkie her a" now, ilillift Oatvt I, remind To Owm sbo and Bri k the Amerig3n 4r story -Earg—a and _w Imst-ex m f btf. �`W y0a -*AA to have been aswated-tu by the Delegatef rD &dv6uttr�ttAhkttd Inoiftis 11110' #& A latu entirely.'' X 'ft witsive buijer ittAROt ptice of thq material. L one Gunsmith, two and &4VAW4 edltor Is aij-irsdi#JiM-4 Forku'A of th Interposed the islitudlady. madame are found in the Bill. Buti uufortunatc-' re Cia 4 Tailors sleeps a 6w. -Irn! 61, 0, Steels hocnink.'im establishment, thry Ga *y k,6 aze8 I or his w(irk. . All he asked- was likYrAW ers. writes ar4ic1qs,bw.tAbrj soj=W I he doctor fimns tfral She ly, other departres from the Quebeb;� le, Mes 5n- reaftpL'cd h- hq She Medea, in a wourpser, with a od ynt_�li _weL Ln,, sets type reads peaf,-Agdo and muils the lod -w ii attem is were not unsuccessful. twGodt %lew, ic at COMPasEnx-slate -ante towards ]D�4m, ­ 11 Scheme are found in it--rAbd some or p I t ; on her p&rt -Virlitch sh them, wb much regmt tsfii�wy, very f4 119!� qNdp orT CA u$ oll I'hltb doz�n of handkerchiefs, the finit of the the kind reqw be three ii Ijjj'ut as %Ir 'd.n wood, *0 pap baen 441 Ts ery 1�b "�r,. �;_= I ii abut introduci2&.Ljjam looijis. this defet, hi If rA,, do a lei D4,,V 0 a seems La ku p4l wI;9,. alls. 0 mean, to ro gig a undKed-thin on rn a �Ialg*j is a-) knowia-. Bat bef6m referrirt2 to these, on( alYundauce us qu!ck? Mu ton pp -r Ib ........ 0:08 0:1 I _Sp. �&I a 0 i r from being in -the ri.ght directiM. to V iser ZD heii and iq to :ive- Yoe might do her wil be rt med.ed, one wa,,-un maker. Gas! a MVVL I � no wor 25 'VFI- _G�tmw 11--- %__ good- their Ic w t 6 y ORP afir.t ISPI Ired.- -7 with the.ai hand, -thic &)cictr cal 4* at to' On the other Itt 116 14;: X arli ey could be Milt 0. M 1 ,w feverz but then I Goderich Quadrille Band, led by Mr, cbeate outiot-halChis..is"ningd. E Wimep ft- - note a few points that do DOE entail 66. 1 WP,9TKhiW4Ln&MIl th, one I,utnber vard. to Ita es at bu ....... we 1 thallvphias is ab,,ut, and "a rux, a, -%-- I John Donogh. kUy#qk0%A4gMn in cus4iom And first -the name of th� -ilds,raw to A cWWiWhV"FA%""rfM4ffbUran p willa sucecs�' The t j e D THE KING a a 9 Laigi put her am 1, .6if;i borseq havl�e h eta t ay with geatle Unlit,,,d Provinces is to be An excellent supper was discussed b qAO0TTfl*Q41Ofj4-f Ilk 6) 13 A&ft such forcal. 4W a very =rfli smile oe his iips, " t, W& ._% 'I -AA a-mial meeting last Wednesday aight Spicche4 I , - p . ....... ow the Company about midnight, after wh MR 4 � - .1 r a ic P113 Al W o d r cord ............ 1:50 au -11 w -re delivered by Jala he I have no team, J= uti he sad- , zi I K G, I �%� -Grey and others. bira --followed by H. Ma J B Gordow,-FI-q , a Air -41 1 TITere was ll�eivise some excellent Biagi ell *k4ji Ty -nen clot 0 t t6 ermoa, proposed " The A alsacr h ate le prc._�id, 0 g, Q to ttiese, it was written in f cftKfth*uuIbjpf,&tW He pmaed into tho room, and wit ten�ip d � 0 .1'. - 0 §6 '00 Memory retain the old tRre or'Govetn6ir-Gene Washington," which was prol tho enther from the crest of a w Fall Wheat, 1 75 -have a -i on -heai i o I ....... Mr 5 of--" 0 1 46 e Id and kept it. Onm ths doctor rzotioned in, ill - r Sprin 9=pblc geztutz-vt to tAe doctor. tociiii tiss rest. low a L wave R_ e Vii 1 4011 i� I - )erly Its I all i4- q1z ta sitIs bin he would not. 'Many a wreafy homr: and his salarj 0-tv-be $50,000 per ceived. Ira Lewis, Esq., in a compl in the conalliercial Iii of Wasps ba t 0 he stood the;e�, agrim and silent scatme4, mentary speech, proposed the health lee w 3 25 4 aad acro -33 hi:s face there came by-and-by -numister e G died poor and unknown, after earnin- a V 'The adviiien w Crc4n., -Mmi tht Gen. Alcock, to which -C tei U 0 8, 4 Ott, -1 . , - -A re si mt fOOk so 112=aW. so fiall of the intensitIF of a' the General r wea-re subsi.�tarlce as a towd drumme-r. Peas ........ : cit went to a welt*dowa restaurant wher dreaded daispsar, t -hat event the stolid none, Feder -al Executive, are to be led Privy j di��Ib b W41. eS as 8 st5 led Privy ��p SEE who was used to arch cases, cast upon, hilu, Councillors, '2ind -,th I r are ra en pi�9t I Itears from a weeping virillave tft. a tfoor and a ering L 6 V tie body the t e Win a call from time to time a wice, at wend fro -iii dh0bo""if ELUP. i'A I W w r 11 O� tbiy- 6 t Wo" the most ta - I his saw the doctor -a hand upon the paise.,'Crown in the 617q of the proeeediaV,'aWk0*S a"bWAL �Rzivy there was a wrrweriwut;.� At lab r-;, ka- can coat ronto FAI an cents a pair o oves in ron the 49 p" a corchal to the feeble! Y, -S 4201.cernW *Ad ValeW him 4P"&"overnment$ so handsomely entertained, retired, sati oung man, f kid I 11 WK CALZ of Execativi fied with all they had see a an to retain the n heaM, 11plis, which mig, fu nerer speak to him agwo. As a F whis b er In er C ii p envif V 0 V, Flour ........ VS-_ Viii e nay fty a wo tbou-h' The' I back r 1 14014 rchin, who w y -_s0h, dear I exclaimed an If AV3 Tha -All and A to be mw -j r 'edcr, OM0 bn 'Ail as experienced during the ning- Thein Laigi we for*& -d. .eve Vouillex kzfo'�V4. .11 7, ehqtwin a reen a itit of 2g��Ie�-ve _alj�allowed an for I ety induc- W P ts W011.' -Be Meeting. od P -.72 . known �JM peas. ro marbus thin' ll ffi, and, ...... ... OMM L491 2ffi Abe P-ar6rriftt 6P Canr!d, bull I A meetin- of the reformers of Goderich &9VA)EAlb 940 111101111111d "bi U e ow IP 1 MUS4-*, said tiffe P*tfilr, firmly. "liTht: Upper Hemw A n odd fellow sai , and c ing jp to be styled T V t �e A cres , called for Wednesday evenin- at the offiz( 'y b htlnilll IA -1 "z PCOU:sg YOU that it shall do no harm rf VAQ" ED es e a giving me th ri Lw&iw�fe­ 7 ouse Tu 7�oj %S I a 1 2 com�osed of A%. _fr_v%.AlTIT *41)t OrS E 32 a 33 , VA NATE And th-. Lower R i M. C. Cameron 50 -or-iess-.- -xial-bdrIg F. 44izirED V%%Vt498 � lie bent down, claw to her. whispereA. It is importan Abo,W ow4=1 Bloat 3111 his. _4,ot Number W"ty. A YOGI , wells' said t M 1 M FA B that the attitindsom all. cent maSkcd 11111100*2" ecedi live for me P U VL&Per 48 Iwo- The Local L-islatures are i��* ta Doill Wdeij 5 iaid a� i 5 60 a 5 65 ToWnAW 6j,' riCh. cteil heart broken counte- that the.01030AM111841"Oft6l a tread Ashes- Pots. . . 0::),- We have received atiff-incoliterent let, a rawo CaArlEa V, I kn4WA,_11fTT11i It IN FP 4 n -ad Or STaUCT diew a it 91 W, f, , ter from a correspondent at Seaforth, abod I41dm artfl i6 VIA e espionag- wb bg sqa Wle At Chicago, Feb 23, �1867. fill nisi down its� ihe eaustry at Qkhr� �W ruer p -tee t r a sbirp castle. th ak-en of �Wheat ......... 2 2 0 some mpe owe adjudi�ated upon by squir _ I I d I hu oge I A m.con �Vdgjjwlv- vial Of! At UAAWA*d 0SfiWW&j 0 00 i &Rut? X-Md]og? -�Hruhswisk, &MPW�MIY UPL Ramsay, but as we have a regular corresporl 'V consisted a Cora f.o.b.... 0 8710 wood. Te sun shinnes over tb* hiiis, ftle; and S hersel gi- part' sk - g f 0; A% 44"1 0600 less Mud OD the lawn Ot the Old- Der Ciii is to have but one Legisla� dent in that quarter on the look -out al . mo ........ I for d �g%j� 2 A m Oall 0 39,1, (k�, twitic r ing tclized it 1, caa a4 bnfus� there is a meM pwiy. You —it is to be known a$ important items of local news, we declia- morttid IF d durino, r am suffecila tive Chamber, an 0W he became Ition is a between ftl be= the click of V* ma.11013 al-aiu_�t lue the co a made ch 0 M_ and P. cleing lied -:-Y =t baltit, and the bi= rif yourig voices: i THE L1GL9j"=VE ASSMSLX� OF ON,. publication, with thanks. racy, and file wire of lh i ynun,; mail wl�t' Swi Wm N&w.-_YqA%-,Feb. 23, I#V. WILL ft W So mew usil '19 cas Ve V s P FIPL5c to t perhaps the nwrr.- had also Ve Mad an s"The In the so the 100 est. It - rA4cr. u 15 ,4h reA P a to ber to bz MTtnc HO -N -to eOWq=nions,: but 1E0flGE-' B1901VN. �%&Wfigflb 801*", '00ir -itictit had aft nid life drank w iskey willbout depth to - E ond art� Robert 11utchj*0R Once, wheti'ea 35 (M 0- Hmqe of As"bty. de share wuu1d.bc ie to be weighed, nousen 4L 1) be so and to -ber bapitesilt. ch to bavc.a e-gislative Council and ifth hor JAWD full lai e phe. -M 90 11aii .fgj kjjpps� p The TO' 0§-­,#XsbAnd d Co. 7 " ro n bar zuID :2 Over, she goeis up to the tail Hon W rown i?"to4ddrw4 nt, 001OW410 as dDrupletely when it can Z-of4ha 1"OfWLAW& th to the aukmte;;�.... -2 29 Q0 wo 1V1k7,,P ervow 're Wu?ssVIs,3 10 (2, th Y owil 0 is wnd yet is not so he asked hi 5 son, a 'boy at school, how presence the N rA rotoc=ila" 4AF3Wf1il7, "Howgood it WI is! Ah, appointed by th9tipr9wo. 1, that _ , c Ob eleve - ------ W-10 co ftnor Lm4lit puts her itrulf, finger into b -;A The Speaker -e -the �;�,t:ofate i4biwitif o e 1, 0 and is to b 0 0 -pole yciia never pwnted cav Abai thq- x*Mo papa a An in D a amput 11-14-1000a L I gwtllgill - Arer Gf 16 drams one otttld�A�11 Hurrah I" shout. 40MWJ_wbil�' PO' � jj* 4AF4 ves. portrAit r, "1rV0NjL*6* EP =Vromwents. retiring fro ;4 9i The TLea alia Ma ;Ca- 040 3 back -to tL& game, the Of nec"i 0 Create Senators VISIT HE R*"ft F'v r', a c4wto =8,110T ' The I It, 1#921 sfW1 renthmma 9QM intso fhe briese thraigh 11 the stipahted ILI - =ITO& I T4 gventy-two, is limited t4 Co. Uniron Agricultural So. in tWWW%lV7WcVi@14 . . I dav, will Pilym-causorde an opea wis&w f ffmil" fligh. ave wsyw�l 0�10N I . -.i , - iud"o &U. be ;ivithout it sit whii* some onetUe, sit�, .4 ry Ebon kaff -40:wsli M&O ceft6auci i0q, #9 oi One of the CIO Tre. Not quite cliety. _q:bjtIfduKt" ck-ft�*9AdAj0.# price watching the t0d " ot t oh I so r*e the Varga --*t at umfli Yet; tsu T6, ae'clioin's at the hour tor kc use Malta. Ountry unn, ttd 60111%, tie 029M A, am sffiow 414A ftalle doon. I r ne,Ubj�ftt f AR ers OW, he thi'llks. a3 he tooks dolim uplan her- Commons adnimoned 4 t1ii Ati-, The Directors of this SoCi cilitle a& i" I M tin fil a or a ety met i 4) powers fii ram -he be so Don t rely for Fuccess upon empty praisp. te - And. iosue-how, the ch4,,jge in her E-tmsee= 1 a, should U 3 to repeat itse'f in his o The St. L a gen t -r upon the steam of lile should r the first Houses of Assembly in he 8whnni a at a inf;i le- T ar.1 Come.* gay& the *A& -t, -I I haTe, i pie- ecst are to be under thJ 0 tan to -akaw yti diregic"fA-e. Jou es al t in bat preparations Cou d be milkle or his recep- k&k"f* bladde rs. at Tt�enf tk--y stand to -,ether beirij CoW Va_ Lion. all IN tIrlVill 1 0 a that one l re4 ? I I r A raving lunatic in an asylum in Culirornia apply t ich he painted W 66 --ret, in bitterness cli Lrsikil � MSL-uct -It= _4M - - , , - two Mz b LOBERT -DONO to -1 Xyllells Or tits was restored to reason by seeing her father. u fit 90 A Vil'o i hea t e e e f sea The Executive Government of Onta n -her own pertrAit 'not very much; to be held on the #aW trom lXo b tLile radient f`ace "t looks up at hi 16 tA Mlu 4AI ated this .9 a? p - 0"Lul A rzu 1 Ig OITEtp A 0191 0 L, 02we h I� I on rij e jcglug c-AyInt I=V= a" away from the cavLs. �g. j M a 111 -60&uboa 'fe' -rote i 4864" G�sdaricb"J V!, e ij b he ftria bis,tyl c 6 tA un a iii ext; the wheat taking to mll z du' li "Ithotif-htl ontv wanted reve 0 remiums 4014 211111111111111 it ! dis-4rict �-1 EO consist of five mcmbers� n re4to t tkaturdli�,W 7 said. 1 raneW was-akgoy. Daurti sold to memi at 20c. in, and -in 0060 ovei__ markel ratt, now admi�k_ When plat I V071 too h' e IN 8 Can YOW andemtaadl li inconsistency whi re , Me ef a th ou*encin L took hipa bum U WROck, M-amilthe h of flid-Ho IfliAlt ' A g price on show day. the United eived him ljq�, F� art in' titorney-de'6gir.- WNW KA Qr- arm, � 'R feuds a man to torment the thing lie tns�ft 191ftwile Fe _Vu r6he 111i spriLg seeds from the It Tuesday a er na OVIZ boat on earth In ring eds he was a it it I L ft raw *"Irs; Surrau, I& V.Djm4stj air' IS Ali ;CValsaand k- PC 11: Ah. you ! But rren are difitent," sad' Mimi"' The premiums for stallions to be $1 2 li icateely I thint A Treasurer. shown to be the sam 3 as last year. 0 'r' The premiums for all h, A Provi cial tim was lie IS pair. lind I Pon the 11P I doll t think I could dur iL' Ic =iwdu as A Cm oner of Cro*wn Lands 1 arsli., virtue Ing I and fair 5 19 RV he f and 8 W. or a Deno crimi- 1M0t0W1Wxjth4#wab&p Rao wrii do IL; (3Q4 6, i �ha w I was cruel to'ps."' Mide A litttv " she eia. nal court of a. &.1 n1iftl I X Its The Secretary is to act also a.' Do. f s Regis or bulls to be same as last year. now ad -In' 'tands,' f TWe, 7 a Lovin", you ail the whir," he 464 be iroilet and Az A Commis, Mr. Cox to v�44 CU bbinj toyselt through you.� have the priating same a 440 fas a h, parties er Setts, Lamps, tilasNwarc and L rookery. any �3- Al- the Bar itnim Ifixt That's z4 ov*r, " ishe nid, yGiujug tier signer of Public Yorks :q to d*hprp last year. I NION is a itarrativa of M t!wl tAR13 I ff ures iud Kitchen in tory of love urri-i ure, with Aurldry other artlefes -too u"e. ba --d on Caver up ttar 'picture, Ile Arb 4 a If The judges for stallions and bulls a row/ lueles ot . .,MOWN= Lewis: Provision is made for thl missloq &be spring show, were appointed as ofuge N at, said be. Xrld yeAr tre hap"- a of ad fo ams of -sale, Cash, 4"kiGg dtft-.:ht UP tto bis face fearless 111fiteafteir into-thff- lows: -Tho. Dark, Jas. Torrance, an K von on. papers wu an s er tLF, 9hel ans-Nered him, '4 flappier than ette, land, Prin Ff "j4 12. lmd Rupert' Wall loam; i A d tulaa- .11390 to a ai I was ;a all my life before." Ve- t a urn lljo,_b Land, the 1-T 8th of on out.- -W . of murder comutilioMn the -to rag. L di_ —1 t de ou le, with .The NeW American Ta cember last, at H. The mur gut, tor ouisvil 300 passe W at t'd brutalit deris d o - - - - - - io now. New YWjc T411". Its Vic rbp A"fi 4rar is hes Flom the -urim- W M. . us vIC tehi or oiler on Sunday noon. Labdg rV.- njAs I in sev eme"ll. � - - , - afte P go As t it 16f Jobts The CUamber of Cd ' cc h III a nifes south of t is city. -X%6 forward pa 4" xre unani. wously adopted a cue riall to Congritu cl, )I the boat torn to p "WAINIF-1141C IM111i 101 �ii;Tj! ie aw nd i nd M .icst the Tariff Bill wbt�-h now awaiwt h he paulga Ian. MW Mary nn Runu Fij* a t to 46 ticet or. with Irsigwents -djai6fibe ac: -.IQ,! L40 Bouse. n the air, t 170 due paymeat. as beartrettidi G fasi that, while profembalk Isto lost. The scene is describbd Prot creased revenue ffew im theVII i�ill sh 0 ent n cia ti sculp- serioua3y 1*re the sizi tro4e, and- _411i espec The clerk read the mandamus in ith, itte the 28A day o 0 � w en If victi his supp lemea the, ged4evetaiaafof the goverumtrit tion case Smith vs Savage. tan 312111 or. atime when fts utfe4ot'gabd W An amusing letter from John Stoww Vlau eTeT. The enwtillie0f of the Ae* t I Tn;* Coivir f y a , 4�4 Esq., of Stratfocd,claimitig an account.. I.Wau a Iii thg cPiniOn Of the 041'Onts OfVvt/ York, iradri tw t*,etp WA "D Wd about ,a4 1-1 fifteen years' s"NAVA1as read, when tact that t un: will be to W_ e4k-eu the Public credit. ' Tht upon a knife --b-718 - - - !"C�sm Amid cults, a on , %,4 e,, - Clerk was directed to Communicate with Ili w commerce, t1isp "rebantile- jbirfai alld other access o the table. the met Ste*art stating that the Council dectin C t0. Sk, e e io, adverta t went of the amount. t I n _ I mpbsx�a b. raw past rc upon Ahe emet f exorbit t *ftiction Petition of D.; MLCagae asking lerjoh-An the Volu Me interests pelateotetL tjW df 1`3 for pe t911300111", thei expei I-Fw- . ot d out maneut'relief was read- and fyled. V1. XXAALUifX to A a 410 in" - 44 A l Utter from Mrs. Marsh asking for 00 Vq 4 din atu law twzajum out T" reg r son who is sick. 0 n r in uragois low dayssitico r"cuort In rilm -a prAi v.d strefitiously.d tills, to all . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . fo (an Lhe Ar-miufacuillnui n balm corwit i TOwallhipe of A town IF that there 11 -ted -bee at usbWo ZOderi* 2A 'he wit #a IM JG ff� 0 0 R C 0, P, Y