The Blyth Standard, 1950-01-25, Page 1, , VOLUME 55 • NO, 18, Shed Fund Fully Subscribed Arena Proposition Diseus. .Previonsly ficknowletkged , $1,1145,09 sed At Local. Meeting V, -R, Spelratr. ,,,,,,, ........ , 20) Jim Lawrie • , 3,00 Members of the Village council, and Dan Hallaltan ............... 5.00 representatives of the Lions Club, Leg- - 2,00 ion t (nd Agricultural Society, sat in on $,C0 a meeting with Mr. Hugh Wilson, a 2,0) representative, of the • '1', A, Wilson 2.00 Lumber Compaq; Ltd., of Ca,nitingtott, 5,00 Ont., at the Itlemdrial Hall, on Tudt 4.41 day evening, and in a round -table man- :Karl Reid, Colin McDonald Gordon Augustine . Gerald Augustine Ray McNall Irvine - Wallace ::s... ' The above fund has.now reached it's, ner, diseesseti an arena-buildieg pro - required allocation and- the fund ts position for. the Village of Myth. This 'Closed.' The committee in charge wish- business of building an arena here has es to express sincere appreciation to been discussed, we understand, for a all who' contributed, and hopes that =period of twiny years, Enthusiastic the chtoTeli shed will continue to be a meetings 'have been held almost yearly usefel asset to the cominunity, since, the writer came to town, but • - nothinf comcrete ever -developed, In the discussion on. Tuesday night, Mr., Wilson presented a suitable plan for an arena here, at a cost of $.:9,(i00.0). This figure would provide an ice surface 70 feet by 170 feet, with AMONG THE CHIJRCI-IES PRESBYTERIAN, CHURCH Rev, John, 1.16neyetan, Sunday, service at 11 not. IILYTH UNITED CHURCH Rev, W.,J, Rogers, Minister, -, 10;15; Sunday School, 11:15:Morning:Worship._ , 7:00 psn, ; Evettitir, Jam 31: Congregational Meeting, • TRINtTY CHURCH, BLYTH Jan, 29, Fourth Sunday'After Epiphany Rev. G. _Murray Wyatt, Rector:. Alice Rogerson,. Organist and choirmaster, - 3,00 pont. $unday School, • 7,30 vitt.: _Evening Prayer, ST, MARK'S CHURCH, AUBURN drs Gordon Tayl ar,. Organist ' and : Choirmaster, 10,a,m,; Snnday.School. •-, • , .11.00 a.m.; Holy-•Cominettion, ,TRINITY -,OHURCH, BELGR AVE ,for his kindness in attending and pro - MIs , Nora NiniCaitip,l': Organist victim; inforinatioe. • - • .._.:and Choirmaster, Nothing of a cocrete nature tlevel- - Sender -School; aped front the meeting, but the repre- 2,30 .p,in.';• Holy Communion, = _ scntatives of ,the various organizations hymn "Jesus the Very Thought 'of McKenzie, 1.ticknow; Vocal solo, "141t. present will 'take the matter np ,at Thee. and closing prayer by Mrs. 13, '..tle ' Bit of -Heaven," Harry. Lear, ae- = 'BOUNDARY', FARM .FORUM r Nitre meetings, and it was decided Shobbrook and the Benediction. companied by Elaine WalshCquartette, • LI •j, 1 u pi ONTARIO,41,I.ESDAY,'.-JAN;f:g5 1950 42..Subserigtion.ltsles $2,09 in the TJ - - 11 1 Celebrates 91th Blrtlid Congratulations :tie .extended to -Is r, INK 1 LAILIONIIIIPPIMM•rillIIMOMMILMIIPL I MO .4 1 . OnIfand i‘of Ileaid',.1;o0in.' On Monday mf)41 Township Council .• Jrish.Se Concert 1- _ • • Mr. !Edward' -repnrts • tli:t he Titek'COilittell met in the.; Townshiti, Harry Combs, of Brussels', former y . A crowd widelt over . -flowed the aude heard a 'robin sioging, on Monday, Hall on January 9th with all the !Bela* of Blyth, who , Celebrates his .e,git ttorium and aintost filled the gallery, while he was walking- through a neigh, tiers pre -sent; The Reeve presided. was on hand hriday night for the Ir- • birthday' on Thursday, January. 21, hours orchard. Ted tried to locate Idoved by B. Parrott and S. Alcock, •44-.•••••••••••••••• • •••••••11 .•,,,,,,,,•_ Islt and Scotch Concert, sponsored by the gritty little fellow, but failed to th'at 1.3y4,40,. No. 1, 1950, appointing • s=', life- Lions Club, in the Ifemorial Han, LONDHSB()R0 :,•-).fs. T but the warble was quints- • lownshio !Officials as read the first, hey -were,,,,not disappointed and th 'As-iiii'd him' Iheellcably that of a robin, he 'says. second . Ott() third times, be passed, The Mary Grierson lillisieti ,i3tindr"..caliltre' of entertainment was' of -. y--......... Carried, '-=••••• held their January meeting in .the. best and provided plentyof variety. ,..., Moved by C Coultes and 13. Parrott basement of the church on Send 4.1 '. Lion` President Fred Howson, wel- , Junior Farmers' Meeting January 15th, with the „President, Ju '4 !coined the large audience, 'and very - that Thomas Henderson be re -appoint. The North lihron 13.13.'s held their , ed to thes'ingliain High School Dis. Manning in the chair and Marguer tr capably acted as Master of Ceremonies „Lyt3ii at the piano. Isl cetipg °pep 'Cl dining ' the ' evening. In thanking the regular meeting in the Forester's Han( ItrieLBOarit)ohn 13)yans to the Sea..'„ rille?grave, on January 12th, with' sixtY forth Higli School Board and Mervin i with the Call to WorshiP, followed '''Y ",...Various, entertainers; he paid special. :During the- business part • of the !Board, aed that each board be re - Prayer to the Clinton: High School Jainor Farmers present. - , the liymn, "Jesus Stand Attiong:`,11 rilitite td Mrs. Ed. Wendorf, for her 1. and the Natiotial Apthem. The Lot' "S., splendid • co-operation, Sever -al of , Meeting, final plans were made to go quested tii fOrward a copy of the Fin. Prayer was repeated in unbolt, ,.Tie- the schools frotuliullett; township, as Scripture lesson was read` by ItfarjOir,wellfits the Myth; of whieli Mrs. Wen- iw1I"3' in Goderich on Monday even- ancial Sratement to the .Morris Town,. Young. .Minutes of last meeting We e. dorf is music ittpervisor, contribnied ilPg, January 16. About forty Juniors ship Cointcil; Carried. read by Secretary, Itfurter ShobbrO; Pinch' to the. program, envier the'gnid- . are taking advantage of this outing. Moved by S. Akock'and 13, Parrott, The roll call was answered by pays g • ance of Mrs, Wendorf, There was mad „ram were made for a skating party that the printing contract for 1950 be fees with 37 preseet, The trease• 4o be held in the Belgrave arena, with !given to. the Brussels Post for $115,00, report was given with $63,40 sent"' $ bf-toWn talent, which included 'Clark the building of steel construction, and JOIMStoll. of Belgrave, CKNX barn- -Ny(7.1dd be complete in every detail. • I Presbyterial treasurer• The new In FL," da'nce star, and there was a galaxy of Mr. Wilson's firm have Practically ness was election of•officers for 194; our own fine local talent, which im• Manning; Vice -p4; eluded people to whom the community completed the Seaforth arena, which President, June owes mitch for their willingness to co- operate in all such events. The program opened with a chorus by the Blyth School, fled this was fol, Shaddick; Missionary Stories, Daifl. lowed in succession by the following Alexander; Pianist,- Marguerite .1411 numbers; Offering, Barry Pipe; Musical ntni 4 Drill, pupils of S.S. No, 7, Hulletf; _ hers, Ola Fangrad, Birthday pennies' Baritone solo, Ron: Philp, acconman- were given by Muriel Shobbrook.. Oil led by Shirley Phillips; Bouncing ball tering was received by Barry Pipe,'.it. number, pupils of S,S, No, 8, Hullett; piano duet by Marguerite Lyon= apil Highland fling,.2 pupils of S,S, No. 6, Muriel Shobbrook. The Study Bopidlitillett; Chorus, pupils of S.S. No, 9, was given by Mrs. Joe Shaddick..TenetIHtillett;, Saxophone solo, 'Stuart Toll, .perance reading by Kenneth Gaunt! Auburn, accompanied . by' Marguerite Missionary story by Evelyn Young, !Hall; School chorus, S,S., No, 5, Hut - The World, Peace by Mrs, 11, Shoh=:.lett; Irish comecly number; Clark John - brook. The meeting closed with. the stott, Belgrave; Scotch dance, Prank Evelyn Young; Secy -1 reasurer,_ will include an artificial ice surface,, During the past year they constructed Shelthrook; Scripture reading, Mar- jorie Young; Temperance Secy, Keit- similar buildings at Brighton, Parkhill, neth Gaunt; World Peace Secy, Joh Stouffeville, Richmond, Keswick, Port Hope, Grafton, Mactier, The smallest was at Grafton where the population is 200, and where 'a $25,000.00 arena is now in -operation. The largest is at Port Hope,, which includes ice, at fi'cost of $105,000.00. Those at the Meeting looked on ait arena proposition with favour, and ap- preciation was voiced to Mr. W:lson to hold a further meeting in the near The January meetieg of the we. Loch Lomond", Blyth Male Quartette, flie regitlar weekly , meeting of the. future; . men's Association •of the Londesbdro accompanied, by. Miss. Aliee Rogerson 'Boundary , Farm Forum was held at The building of skating arenas .has, United Church was held in= the. base » all in Scotch regalia.; ,Aeferdai n :sole, .„,. *Mr.. awl.= Mrs, :James Barrie's with 46..• been -province-wide - during the • Past meld of the church •On Trtursday, Jan. Frank Unternahrer;:, SaicOnlqn•e FrUtiCes WalkerSang a duet; rEleanor Carried, • the day to be set at a later date. 'Opal arraogements were made con- Moved by Wni. Peacock and Chas. cerning the county box social being Coultes•;',,that the Clerk be instructed held in. the Clinton Collegiate on to adveritse for applications for sup- ervisor „•of the Warble Fly Spraying ;January 260, It was decided the Belgrave Junior at si.og;iier. hour, applicant to supply. Firmers would have a St. Patrick's his owtrtransportation. Applications Pay dance in the Forester's Hall, Bel- to be itby Feb. 4th; . ve, on March 17th, Amendment: Moved by Sant Alcock Maurice liallahan gave a report of and Ballie Parrott that we advertise the•Short Course at the 0.A,C7,' Guelph for applieitions for supervisor at 75 Which he attended the first week of icents per hour, applicant to supply his January. 'Murray Bradburn reported town transportation. Amendment Car - the happenings of the Junior Farmers' de& Conference lteld at the King Edward Moved by Chas. Coultes and Sam Hotel, Toronto, which he attended on Aleock that the Clerk be instructed to advertise for applications for the psi.Tuesday, January 10th, Ruth Bradburn gave a very interest- lion of Assessor at a salary of $500. Ink .address on a sight-seeing tour of to prepare Assessment Roll for the Casa Loma. Ruth illustrated her talk yean 19$1. Applications to be in by, February -4, Carried, ,with pictures of the castle. , ' Stewart Toll favoured the group with Moved by Chas. Coultes and Sam a_sixophone solo accompanied by Mar- Alcock that Road Appropriation By- giferite. Hall at the piano. Shirley law No. 2; 1950, as read the -„first, se- BI3triardollit it sangplayed i 0 iao pianowthElainesolo, \C‘t,tarirsiiel ject to =the approval of the District cond and, times, be passed, seb. atqlie' piano. Margaret Proctor and MuniciPZEngiticer Carried. : Bleth is about' the only, community of the clear, The meeting opened With ,\\,ightipaty, plap ed a piano Solo Clark:4101110ton; 1 1 i 1 R T n nd lit 'Stuart Toll; it's size left to take the step, , . , 9 ow se 'Present Tne ',topic for discussion everal ears and it is hel eve I that tars t tv Mrs. , , was "Slintild TiOiff Barriers be Abol- ished", with jitit Barrie as convenor, F011owitig etichre‘ was i played " it h`'WilLase131T1.4,,le.tit.: O&M and Mrs, Y O tidird'esro B.A.'sVin, Lose And Draw. In First Three 'Litho ..Wat$001.0latrYoite Welonme, raw. - - • A, Meeting Games a Ityiten; oflowed by prayer by Mrk. .Townsend. .The Scripture was ihqh, read- era' another hymn sung,. , utes of hist meeting were read -atiP adopted, Cards of appreciation. Were read from Mrs, Gray, Mrs, W. LyOn.•'' t 17- I. ICatl. bag-nipe selection, eratta and Murray McDonald t; 'Melt orgaq election, Mrs, Sadie CtintiliCaeeoill'- °ponied. by.. Mrs, := Fred Smiler:S. IIi,SCotelt comedY', number, "Jiiiiiny',141lt‘frie_1.i. cordian solo, Frank Unternaltrer ;Cor;‘: net•-solo,'Marlorie.°Watt accOmpanied I ti veather, and Mrs Henry flunking, The off,i- by 'Mrs. Watt; Mouth organ solo,..2ifrit. After notch d sappo it ng .:Trie: highlight of the program Was a mOek•wedding put ott by Norma Bryd- gq„Ferne .Nethery, Peggy, Nethery, MitrY•Itenbell'Nethery, 'Harry Brydgei; A144'N,ethery',..::,,,Terry'l':'-'Netlicry; and Thefiridal party goo. ::(firnitio'),i'Br'atik)urn.iwithkElaitte' Walsh SitiottAiY th'&straintil,Of =!!MOle _ he LondesborO 13,-A.'s finally got un- eel's for the year are; President, Mii.-',Ctiming: S'olo, DrFarquharsona.,Who' Aitilte lieIridernitaid=carrying a boU- ,nti:•aet'otittlalovere,..paid.:, ,., . - the' Illyth`United.Chureli-",waslieldi 'O.A,A, sc tedule during the Pa ...,.We k•-: ' ownsendi • • Secreta0, Mrs, L. Pipi; fthe aatnii.'*c'ilo,'dicrk 'Jo Mina ti 134 the, baietnent Of the ''Cisuferon- Tuea- They lost their opening gante. when i Treasurer, Mrs. J. Nott; Pianist,"Mrs, pipe selection,- McKenzie and/ McDon- unwillingybridegrocatt to 'intake an es- - Cecil'. olle,' f'n'ii , bounty,' 2,00; Ge(;,•.' daY afternoon Jan::24t1t, With •Mrs1.1.,T , Teeswater beat them 7-3 in Teeswater I T. Allen; Press Secy, Mrs..J.- Lyon,. ald ; Blyth male quartette , "Annie cape were hampered by the presence of Brewer,. f'ox'; bounty. , 2.00; JOhn War. Whitfield presiding. - The ifieding op'... Iasi. Monday night, No doubt : the Quilting committee, Mrs, J. Nott, Mrs. Laurie". . ' a shot gum in the bands of the bride's wick, •fOx bcilinty, 2,00; A.- B. Farcm7 ' ,etsed with the . hymn_ "Standing at the score -would have been different had , J..Shobbrook, Mrs, N, Watson, and The program closed with the Na- father and a.,pitch fork in theliands of har Co,l- repairsjor Sprayer; 8.51; D, N. McDonald, lac, 14,00; Howick_Fire Portals,11 .f011owed ' by the ',..-Scripture the B.-A.'s been in condition, but this' Mrs. W. Govier; Committee to soul tional Anthem. . the best man,: The ceremony broke up in utter con- Ins, Co.,'Ins. on hall, 6,60; Geo. Rad- - , . _ . _ was about the first time they had been sympathy atul, get -well cards, Mrs,. Ed . • , reading byl\jrs, F. Bainton. ' Mrs. R, -\Vood, Mrs, J, Lyon. Mrs, T. Millar,' ' ' fusion when someone present knew a ford, MCCall drain, $5,000,00; S. 13. El - East Wawanosh Federation ' cause °why these two persons should •liott, relief . account, 0.74; Jos: Yuill, not Wightinan" read a few- lesson thoughts "„Ice,,,!,111s wint-etr' ,-, Rad - �n the New Year; . M rs. L. Whitfield . Amon', Lee and Carter, were, the Mrs, W. Manning, Mrs, R. Townsend,, Mrs, R. Y11'10)610, „Miss Lily Adams,' nosh Federation of be hitched together in matrimony,” stamps and env,, 19.50; Js. Yuill, bal. • led in Prayer, The minitteal,of the'last Marksmen for Loudeshoro, The East Wawa - meeting were 'read by Itt?s.:,C. Salter 'Wednesday night of last week,' the Mrs. C. Ball, Moyerhy Bailie Parrott and Sant Alcock.,,,titat the road accounts as pre. senteiL.olly the .Road Supt.. be paid, .Mov,ekby Wm. Peacock and Bailie ParroOliat , Court' of ,Ravision the. 1950Assessment =Roll be,held on'- Feb6P,14..1::,30p.m.: Carded, .• ItIgicdli. by.- Sim' Alcock and Wm, . -PeaCPCFAhat-idlte:= meeting-, adjourn to • - meet,' n oft Feb. 6, 1950, at 10 a.m. ,frrbeiire ofsos Jotgroc4q#4v.' sjioiiknipiu:\',Ice,-..Proislott..;Atrqi*O:Vc(1,1115 arm: Cart. Agriculture held -a social evening in the and decided to sneak now instead of • anee of salary, 425.00. • B,-A,'s annexed their first win when The program consisted of a reading Council Chambers of Belgrave. Com-. forever holding' his peace.• . The following is a list of officials -assistant secretary, -and Mrs, L. John! munity arena, January 20th, with Di- Bill MCCIenaghan read a very good appointed by Bylaw No, 1: Clerk, Geo. they played Brussels in the new Bel- by Mrs, L. Webster; cornet solo; by ton was appoloteci the fligiV" Secretary, rectors, their wives, the members of Club Paper, Martin; Treasurer, Nelson Higgins; grave rink. .,The 13,-A,Is won by an 11 Phyllis McCool, .accompanied on the Mrs. R. D. Philplavoured•With an in- Mrs, Alin; reading,by Mrs, sEast Wawattosh council and wives, George Underwood conducted the ,Patrolmen: No, 1, Art Edgar, jr„ Jack stritmental,. "Down the River of Gold- to 9 count, This game moved fast from piano by The eveeing wIts spent play-. games for the evening following which Brewer; 2,:Fleinini Johnston.; 3, Win. start to 'finish with the 11,-A.'s having N. Watson, and solo hy Mrs. Fattgrad, Present. en Dreams," =Mrs, .,J, Pats' gave a Ing progressive euchre and Lost Heir, lunch -was served and themeetieg was Elston; 4, Ross Turvey; 5, Jack Wick - the lead all the way, Lee sparked, -.The program committee for the next conple of readings, "Slleers" ladies high, Mrs, 'dosed 1,,y singing the National Anthem. stead, Robt. Couites; 6, Chas, War- , """ the Londesboro attack witit four goalsimeeting; Mrs. j. Nott and Mrs. Breit- (euchre winners being, • Dick'Leggett, low, Mrs. Harry Sturdy, The next meeting of the North Hit- wick; 7, Clarence Yuill; 8, Russel Currie; 9, Allan Pease; 10,' Lorne Nichol; 11, John Craig; 12, Wtn. Sorn- ers;. 13, Miller Richmond; 14, Frank Bell; 15, Fred Cook; 17, Chester Rin- toul; 18, John Haggitt; 19, Bernard Thomas; Pound 'Keepers, Carl John- ston, Stewart .McLennan, Alex. Shaw, Robt, McMurray, John Bowman, Stanley Hopper, George Bone, Robt, Yuill, Mervyn Pipe, James Clark, Win, McCutcheon, Ernest Michle, Robt, Bird, Bernard Craig, Arthur McCall; Albert Nesbitt, George - McArthur,' Wm. Cockerline; Livestock valuators, Frank Shaw, Walter Shortreed; Fence Viewers: Northwest, Harold Procter, Milo Casemore, Bert Hastings; North - est, ititsir.tstileieCel ;31 ,t,ar:Ttuos. ,ictii eoersc1; Rob t.laretwe I. let pFo sr, ptiLiereNceri taese,otrisisrt, , Milier; ,e.;, Robt. Michie; Graderman, Jos. Smith; Truck driver, John Lowe. Harvey C. Johnston, Geo, C. Martin, Reeve._ Cerk. -"Thoughtlessness,' The treasurer's re - !while Riley accounted for ' five of port was given' by Mrs, P. ,Hollyncan• Brussels goals. I and showed a balance of $647,83 tostart off the new,Year, The flower commit- ' tee report was given 0bY. Mrs, D. Mc- Calltim,and r was decided tO hey two flower baskets for the church. A chor- us comprised of 'Mrs, D. Philp, Mrs, O W. Watson, MI's, ,D, McCallum,,N•Irs. F, Bainton Mrs. J, Petts, 'sibs M. In- tone and Mes. F Tyreinan sang "In the Garden," It was decided to _donate $50,00 to .the V:, and M... ftms1 of the church,' The netv gropps have been organized with leadenand secretaries as''follows 1,- Group 1, Leader, Mrs. •O MeCtellttin Secretary, Miss M, Hirons; -Group 2, Leader, Mrs, D. McKenzie, O ,Assistatit, Mrs. J. Vairservice, Secre- tarii:Misi M. Stewart; Group 3, Lead - Mrs.,' F.' Ostee,.Assistlint;:"Itirs, W. Seeretary; 11,1rs. ',G. ',Doherty 6.)-Grotip- 4, ,Leader, 'Mrs.' 0, ,McGowan, Assistant, Mrs,, \y. Login, $eerttary, ,„ .• Doxology Was s.utig and -Group 1 served a' dainty Mich," - - • .. H.O.H. 'ANNUAL MEETING ;Hitrott °Anti Old -134s Aisodation ar ,TOranto held its annual meeting on - Mettdaf.eVettinits- Jon. 9,. 1950,7,at:West utitiSitaili good imbiber hitt-niters Were present to 'elett,thi.1950 6u. tuttittee, distilis plans for 'the' Yesiti,j.ithr.to ettjoY` the County filitt,,he".13Poki'Dtive On,'!' 1OWIttig Members were elettettto the coitimittee to`represent'Illyth 11,nd Dist trieti'l)f.-1.6.',Fergusott, Mrs. W. D. Siteitilci,.'Mt." Bob • VolldWitsg,":the ..builittss -session att t 302 eh as served by -,,the lad-. '1Wed,1;the'`..A.SiotiaIloti and atithotitetat Colleetive.,"l'vlaitiegY=• enjoyed . tvle. K. ,'#:,-gtatibit.t.y,- :1949 .President, antiointeettli4t•the,:netvly elected tont-, The meeting closed with a hymn, and , gents high, Henry Patterson, low, Gor- ron 13.B.'s will be held in the Votes- 0ther Londesboro goalgetters were i . 1 , , 1ter . ., 1 pres- i: don Elliott, At the conitision of the tees' Hall, Belgrave, on Thursday ev- Millar, Snell, Shaddick, and Carter.ent, 1 euchre, Harry Sturdy spoke briefly, . ening, February 9th, ; ' On 'Friday night Londesboro and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Bageant and (am- and called Mr. and Mrs. Dick Leggett Daytott battled to a two -all tie in the Ily of . near Ingersoll spent Siinday at lorward and an address was read by WESIIFARMLD FARFORUM Clinton arena before a cheering crowd the home of Mr, and Mrs. Toni Fair- i' (1 Pnrdon, Prcsklent f I Town- The regular meting of the \Vest- a fans; # Lee and Snell proved thein- service, ship Federation to Dick and his newfield Farm Forum met at the home of selves the spark plugs for Londeshoro, Master Douglas Wells of Clinton ‘‘'Ife. They were presented with a „ Mr.. and Mrs, Marvin McDowell On each notching a goal‘ in the first per- spent Monday at the home of his two -burner hot plate. Dick thanked Nfonclay night, The subject for the Ind. As a matter of fact, DraytOit grandparents, Mr._and Mrs, Robert the Directors and stated it had beeni evening ‘6s "Should Tariff Barrlers managed to tic the score before the end Youngblutt, , • a pleasure to work with the Executive,. 13e Abolished?' The discussion which of the frst period, and front then on ;Mrs, Bill, Riley of Hspent, ensall Mr. Sturdy spoke at some length otl'followed the radio broadcast brought it was a battle between _the goal ten. few days this week with her mother, Doug,' Campbell, who has been Sec- : forth numerous suggestions and argu- ders with both of them stoppleg plenty prs, Nellie Watson. retail*, except for 2 years,' since the 'meets both pro and con: At first the of rubber. Federation was orgattzied in the town- • Honoured Before Leaving , ship. John Buchanan then read an ad- . , viewpoint of the average Canadian in situation was looked upon' from the LondesbOro lin.,eAlp; Goal, A. Riley; H defetice, Tenney, D. Snell; Centre, . Glencoe dress to Mr. and Mrs. Campbell, after ' , general, However, atermuch ,debat- Lee ;- wings, J. Snell, Shadtlick ; subs, • Whieli they were presented with an el- it ing.. The following item of news is taken ectric clock, . it was decided to speak from the Madill, Hamm, II,' Riley, • ,front last week's issue of the Gletroe Doug. thanked the Directors, and he I the farmers viewpOint, and that alone, Millar, 'Artnstroitg, Carter, Johnston, , - , v, . , Transcript, and refers to a parting too, had always enjoyed his work with as all retail ,merchants associations, , • `.,• presentation tendered Mr, and .Mrs, the Federation, but found ltis time tak- manufacturers associations, and labour =._ tire for Di •th where Mr R' I titittions I speak for themselves and mime ves alone. Conditions, ens- , ,. Huron 'County _ Christmas Harry Riordan, prior to their depart- en up with other clinks to the extent . Seals Comniittee - . , , tortlan has 'that he found it necessary to resign as already assumed his ditties as CPA, Secretary. Doug, Is a member of the totes, and standard of living between The above tteeount at the Cattaditte station agent: School, Board of East Wawanosit. i Canada and United States, being what Bank of Continerce, is open Until jail!. Mr, and Mrs. Harry Riordan Were The new • Federation Secretary 1 , they are, it was decided we should ttary 31st4 . , ' Pleasantly sutrised at their home, Simon Hallahatt. 11€ has been, on the s have free trade between us. This North Glencoe, lait Wednesday eeeti,. Executive almost since it was organiz- would give Canadian farmers at least ' The whole , of Hunan County. coritri, • lotted $6,318.00_10t year, 'This year 119 i itig, when over,10 Members ineltulltiq ed In the• township. )as good, if not,- on the average, bet - date the figure. Is $4688,00:0 - ` 1 wives aiid husbands of the Lawn m Myth (includittgBowl- i The meeting adjournedeto meet on . tier prices for farm produce, yet lower --Oro And .ing Club gathered to hOnotit them be- February 3rd at 1:30 p.m. ht the coo. , the cost of equipteent and commodities , r A .--nAesis _ _ , . adore 'for Myth, Ray dl Chambers at the Belgrave Commun,- , used on Canadian .tarois For other Auburn) contibuted43400 last yeartote theft denr,, this year to date the tonotitit-eontributi faisholin, president acted as chm airman. Ity Arena, i countries, hosvever, tariffs need not be Court whist WAs played end high • "-"-L---"'"-- removed, particularly for nations with ed Is $462.0O, And May yet tooth the , . objectiVe of $500.00. • ". ;.,. prizes wete atvarded to Mrs, Nelson 1 DEATHS - , 'ridiculously cheap labour, v=-...--,,. Re trait and C Da ,id INirin , • i` 3 L. . so s. g PERSON AL INTEREST'. the course of the evening, C. G. Yorke 4)e; -Annie PoiS,' �f TOt01110. Sint{ and Mrs, Carey spoke ott behalf of the the. weelc-end at the home otlirs. D, club, and Mrs. Walter Thothpsoit pre- . _ sented Mr. 'Mid Mrs. Riordan -with a Mrs.. • wint: tOgan....is visiting he beautifel silver rose bowl. 'efresh- tinele, Mr," Harry. Midis, of Brussels; inents Were then served, - to, be eresent, on the' odasion 1;f his -------0 94th* birthday. • • *HOE. PROM HOSPITAL - Wear e happy td repot' that Jeanne CONFINED TO tibSPITAL . -Hod:gins, Who has been a patient in • tnittee''w641:',Ittee'rehotttr,t&choose Mts. Wnt:drey Is a. 'patient in the, the Wirtgliam hosoltal,.whete she mt- . ••the.,2e3cietitiVeY-Ottletra • and tistriot Clinton hospttal, having recently un- derwear ati operation, has retitetted to 'dergOnt tin Operation ; her 'none: notch iniprovecl in health. •••• COOK -At her residence, Morris St., Myth, on Tuesday, January 24th, 1950, Mrs. Leonard Cook, in her'61st kear.' run:eral service on Thursday, January 261h, front the Myth Vetted church, tomthencing at 2 p.m.. Inter. nient hi' Union Cemetery. , CONGRATULATI9Ng CotgrattdatiOnS to Mt% and Mrs. George Attlstall who Celebrated their, 29t1i weddin.g -anniversary ott Sunday, Ja Peary 22tt d. Despite the claim tat farm price supports atid free trade could not exist together, we could see Ito reason why not, providing the tountries involved had floors at the same level. Mr. Levi Good, who with his tam- ilY, for some two months last summer, . toured Western Canada,t; the Pacif'd Coast and back east by *ay of the western States, gave a Very interestin0 AM detailed account of his trip, parti- cularly as seen through a farmer's eyes. The next ineet4ng is toile held in the Westfield Uttited'Church. W. I. TO MEET The,..regular meeting of the Wo7 men' Institute will be held on Thurs. (lats.', February 2nd ii,the Blyth Mem. orial Hall, There will be two inter- •esting paperkon "The Life of Stephen Folter", and one on "Newfoundland.' Bring a half dozen of your favourite cookies and the recipe, and this Will answer alie.:Roll Call, • 44.4.444....44.4 4b. Possesses Old Coin Mrs, Harold Vodden, has in her pos., session, a collection. (114 old coins, two of which she brought to The Standard Of fice fee display. -One is ' a Bank of Upper Canada 'Halfpenny, dated 1857. The other is it United States penny, dated 1849. Is Your Subscription.-Paidt I11•111111 Saiada Tea Bags are handy for afternoon tea "SAUK •_44 • • . A.0141/41.0 HRONICLES °r6/.. 1NGERFARM Go.fo.,ad.olime C lecke IT EA BAGS Early in the year 1 had reason to feel I was like the old Quaker —you remember—the . one who said tb his wife—"Everyone is out of step except Inc and thee—and thee is out of step most of the time." Why didI feel that way? Just because the radio, and every paper and magazine I picked up spoke of 1950 as the beginning of the second half -century, whereas I had said in my column two weeks ago that 1950 is not only the beginning of a new S.'ear, it is also "the closing year" of a half cen- tury. And you know I gave that little matter quite a lot of thought before I wrote it, t also sought ad- vice frotn iffy menfolk and We were all agreed that the second half of the 20th century does not begin until January 1st, 1951. Then came the papers and I thought ter' my- self—"Well, either they are all all this second half century talk in crazy, or I am", Even MacLean's Magazine jumped the gun in one of its editorials, at which I was very surprised because I thought MacLean's prided .itself on being almost infallible. However, in a few days, J, V, McAree, in his col- umn, backed me up—not that he knew it, of course—later a letter in the Globe and Mail, and another In the Family Herald, all pointed out the error of calling 1949 the end of the first half century. So now 1. feel very much better, de- spite the fact that Don Fairborn said that while those who think as I do may be technically correct yet the popular opinion is that Father Time has closed his books on the first half of the 20thatury, Oh well, everyone has a right to his own opinion --but on one point I am sure we all agree—that 1950 Is bound to be an eventful year, When I started writing this we were having a little bit of sub -zero weather, but by the look of things It will be like spring again before this gets into print, Personally, I would rather have It a little on the cold side—except that we are grate- ful for what the rain does to the ONE yard of 35 -inch for the small size! Little'more for the larger, As shown in diagram, this apron is ONE piece plus ties and pockets. It whips up very quickly! Pattern 4118 cotnee in sizes small (44,16) and medium (18,20) Small size one yard 35-1nch. This pattern, easy to use, s1M- pie to sew, is tested fir AS, Has complete illustrated instructions. Send TWENTY.FIVE CENTS (25c) in' colas' (stamps cannot be accepted) for this pattern, Print plainly SIZE, NAME, ADDRESS, • STYLE' NUMBER, • Send order to Box 1,• 121 Eight. oath St., New Toronto, Ont. — ISSUE 4 1910 wells, The coal bine have also ben- efitted by the mild weather, which Is just as well because the coal nowadays is like the old grey, Mare —"it ain't like it used to he' We have one bin of Alberta coal and . one of American anthracite, and both kinds burn away far quicker than they should. And, oh 'dear, the dust in the house is worse than I ever knew it, I wonder if other ' housewives find it that way, Daughter was almost in '1 despair when she was home, Had she been here very much longer the vacuum cleaner. would have got worn out. The poet was right who said "Dust will keep but violets won't", Dust will keep all right—for the simple reason that you can't get lid of it. But I imagine Daughter won't be worrying much about oursclust from now on—she will have enough of her own to look after, he has al- ready rented all the rooms in her nine -room house—and two of the roomers are young couples with small children, so Daughter, has probably been the means of soh,- ing one of their major problems— for which I am very thankful, Mar- ried couples with small childreu must often be just about desperate. The sun is shining and icicles are dripping from our windows tight now, but the other day when It was cold the windows without atoms sash were frosted over, Just to look at them made me think of the west—especially since. have read several letters in the papers recently about the lonell- nese of women on the prairie, Reading them I thought of our own life in Saskatchewan and I remembered that the only thing. ' that really got me down was some- times living for weeks at a time without being able to see through the windows at all. We had no storm windows and there was frost on the outside and frost on the in- side. Sometimes I would clean off a small patch with salt buLit would soon freeze over -againA orally saw nothing beyond the four walls of our own home during stormy weather—except, of course, for the times when we had to go out, Partner had a few chores at the barn, and water to draw from the well. And he generally went to town with team and sleigh once a week for mail and supplies, no matter how bad the weather, I remember one time he could not see to drive through the blinding blizzard so he fastened the lines to the sleigh and left .the horses to find their way home by instinct— and that is tnore than anyone 'could do with a earl Our faithful team came home all right and I heard them stop at the bad( door, But when I looked out I found Partner huddled on the floor of the sleigh, his back to the storm, and in a semi-conscious condition. It was Well he had no further to go. But It was not always stormy weather. One remembers things like driving hotne from a party on a still, frosty night, with the Northern Lights hanging a fringe of coloured strea- mers across a cloudless sky., •At such times one hardly dared to breathe, it was so beautiful—like a winter fairyland, Lonesome on the prairie? May- be . . . but it had its compensations. • From parish magazine: You are helping to improve our churchyard. Will you add to this help by bring- ing your own clippers and cutting the grass round your own grave? CROSSWORD . PUZZLE ACROSS5. ttoddea 1. Little masses . units . Spoiled Clain! of sled Watches 0. Cr fl10. 8hIginaesis ooh rt 1. Small bowleg swath' IS. Indian ‘, 14, Minute orifice 16. Grieved 1IVirginia willow . Extols , Leaf ot a corona W. Pheasant brood 11. wboitheenerrla's 11. Beleaguirment 25. Brother 26. Vapor • 29, Disoonatars 51. Any monks/ 28. Electrified partial, 14. Savory 55. Remain 37, Elea tod 21. Stalks 40, Early New Flatland settler 44, Dimness 45. Interoret 41. So be N 47. Wing 13, Ventilates 45. Cattle drove 50. And not IL ',Mean worme DOWN 1. Hornet 3. Cupid $,(1141'e name 4. Mock orange Her Night Out—Charies Kane, of Windsor, Ontario, anxiously clutches his daughter, Noreen, 7, after the missing child' was found following an all-night police search, Noreen had spent the night with a girl friend, withoul,telling her parents,- Kane spotted his daughter in the street, as she strolled ;with friends. AN NE vow, MEDDLING MOTHER-IN-LAW. A mother-in-law who tries to separate her son and his wife must be stopped in her efforts, But how? She cannot be disciplined like a chil d, though she deserves to be, She cannot be shut out com- pletely from the family life, though she is n ot welcome. Yet ..something must be done to prevent her ac- complishing her vicious purpose. One plagud wife relates her ex- perience: Her mother-in-law tells actual lies about her son. She informs hirh daughter-in-law that he is being un... true to her, which the wife, thank ' goodness, knowis not. so. She exaggerates his faults, even advises the girl to leave hind Of course she is jealous, eager to have her son to herself, Added to the faults she interferes with their children's training, to the point where they actually fear her. - THIS MUST STOP * Of course this wife sees through * these machinations, But it is hard * not to become upset and nervous * under their influence. * She,should talk the matter over * 's her husband, and enlist his * support. (This 'f,:,does not men- * tion what Isis attitude lc) He • * must stand behind her, give her * his entire loyalty. * For the wife will tell her * other -in-law, calmly but firmly, * that from now on aka Will not * listen to attacks upon her limo * band. It is not loyal, and she has * too much respect for him to sit - * quietly by, without protest, Even * if they were true, it would not be * proper.—And she w/ill have no * more of it, * She will also remind Iter 4' mother-in-law that she and her * husband agree completely on the * way they are bringing up their * children, They, and they alone; * are responsible for the training * and they cannot brook interfer. ence from anybody, • * When this mother-in-law coulee * to see them (as she does regular, , * ly) the wife pill make a strong * effort to . keep their conversation _ ST awl/se/4A— * impersonal, If the • older woman * offends again, the wife will rise * from her chair and refuse to listen. 4, , * A HOME OF HER OWN "Dear Anne Hirst: I've been mar- ried almost a year, 1 want a hotne , of my own, , "We've been living with my, hue- , band's parents, and we have a big and noisy dog, My husband makes , the dog an c..euse for not moving. "Of course nobody wants to rent . us an, apartment with this dog, but lily husband's parents are willing to keep the dog for us until we can get a house. (1 would be willing to move into one room!) Yet my hits - band refuses to move! Es a man's dog supposed to mean more to him than ins wife? "1 do love him, but I've even . thought of leaving him becasse of ; WON DER I NG" 10. Open court 11, Bargain 14. Beds for raising willows $5. Daubs 31,13itter vetch ' 31, Billow 38, Young devil 14. Man's name 35. Winnow It Emmet Pigpea 30. Staff 81, Relating to marriage 841, Make , correlations 87, Ot the moon 38. Persian ruler 89. Not melting. 40. Horseback • game 41. Set ot three 41. Subtle etnanation 41. Cape 46. Put un 1 Z 12 - ir---- 7----- 3 • 4 :::•:%':.,$ ..•\ k .N., lb:* 1 $7 .... `• '::8 9 10 II elii;,i':i .......:•:. 19 :.... •:. ":': 7 .."'•••.: 1 :::::::..f.,;:i:i• 79 2 24 - ..;;;C:.. Kk zs 10 ' 1- 31 31 f ) • x . 3/ ...., •%.,• :•:-5..,:::'-wp•' .• .. ... • N.' 41 42 43 * 16 1 , :•••::::::: ." ::. ..... ., 4/ • >,.::„. r ...:. r•- 1 1 — .. . . AtIeWer elsewhere on this Pelt * Of course you will not leave * your husband for such a reason, That would be childish, * It is hard *to believe that your 41 husband refuses to move on ac-* * count of the dog. It is more likely that he feels comfortable where * be is, He has less responsibility * in his mother's home than even * a small apartment Would entail. * I suspect this is the real reason • * for his wanting to stay, * Few men have any idea of what * a home of her own means to a ▪ wife, In A, she reigns supreme. * She manages it alone, and it lie- . *, comes the foundation of her fam- * fly life, No matter how kind and t toughtful - her in-laws are, she * cannot relax, completely in an. other wotnan's house, -- • ' * Husbands Wito lack imagination * do not realize thii. Yet, it:a man * loves his wife as 1 expect. your * husband loves you, he Willirovide * her with a place of her Own. Un. * tit he moves in there with you, he 4' Will not understand what joy he * too, will feel living there alone * with you, * I hope your husband will find 4, a good place for.,you soon, Every * wife deserves it, . * 4, . When'older people offend, call on your patience and your tact. It takes a great deal of bot* but if you do not lose your composure, yob can win, Anne Hirst will help, if you write her at Box I, 123 Eighteenth St... New Toronto, Ont, He Builds Planes He Never Sees Ninety -mile -an -hour model,.planes. perfect to the thousandth of an inch, are being built by a '46-year.f. old blind mats, Mr: Robert Jones,' of Brighton, This is how lie does it, His wife atid son spread the plans of a plane on the table and put pins- In the outlines, Then Mr. Jones's wonder- ful sense of touch comes into op. oration. By letting his fingers go round the pins, he gets *"the feel" of the model -to -he. Then he gets 'busy. Deftly he builds the planes, -using ordinary materials, including fine. gauge wire. When they ate fin., ished his son flits., them, Reently his, sots entered one :ol. the -.models in a ,contolled flight competition, It did 81.6 miles an' hour and young Mr. Jones /eh Sure he had won a cup. But he hadn't. The trophy went to a friend who wort, at 90 milers an hour, with an. other aircraft whith hid -been built from Mr Robort lottees'planti: Katharine Cornell Got The' Part'. 1 think it ,was the advent of Maude Adam's Peter Pan in my fa• titer's theater, that first made me know that I wanted to devote ni) life to the stage. I had looked tor- ward,to Mauch- Adams with. such eagerness that, when the time catne I hid my face in the curtains of the box because I couldn't bear to look, Then, afterward, utter en- chantment; particularly the flying part. After that the theatre—everything about it: backstage; front of the hoose; performance time—that mar- velous hush just before the curtain goes up; the clutter and clatter of rehearsals; the glatnour of the thea..re's great stars—Bernhardt, *help and Marlowe, Tree, Sir Henry Irving, Mrs, Fiske becatne an intimate and realistic part of tny 'life, Naturally I saw More plays than the average child would see, Jessie Boustelle.. who even then came to Buffalo for a season of - stock each year, was always lovely to me. She would let me sit alb day, 'day in and day out, and watelt her ,reheorse her plays, I never got tired Of it, lIurry and grow up and play • Jo for me," she said one day, I was thrilled, of course—but never dreamed ft would come true . Miss Bonstelle played leads, of course, and did her own directing. • She sad that rare gift of getting a ,smooth production together In- a week—week in and week out. She was not a great actress but an ex- traordinarily good one for that Par. dole,. job, She could manage any kind of stage„ In Selitember—tha' was the Fall of '19— Miss ,Bonstelle had decided to do Little Women in London with an English cast, Marian de Forest wrote the play (in. 1912, you re- member), and after fifteen managers turned it down, Brady bought it for his daughter, Alice, who played Meg—beautifully, they say, I never paw her performance. "Who for Joe?" asked Miss de Forest, "Kath- erine Cornell!". answered 13onstelle, .--From "I wanted to Be an Act- ress," by Katherine Cornell. Poor Prophet T Back in the hills; 'just out of-. sight of Manhattan's night -glow, an elderly character with a prophetic beard is hiking in a little house in a valley. ',, Yeside- ththouse, handy to a snow -bound hous'elrolderois, large pile of fireplace wood, neatly stacked.The house itself is stoutly banked with last fall's leaires. In, the larder is a store of canned food and cured meat, But all last week the elderly character himself sat on IiI‘frout stoop in his shirtsleeves and glared at the sky. Last fall, he forecast a, heavy winter, an old- -.fashioned winter full of ice and snow and bone -chilling cold, The week before Christmas he said the turn vas at hand. On Christmas Day, he said the new year would come in with a howling wind and two feet of snow. • It is obvious what happened. The lilac bushes in his front yard looked, a few days ago, as though they might burst into leaf at any moment. There wasn't enough ice on the near -by pond .to cool one long drink.- The elderly prophet hadn't been able, try as he might, to burn one full cord of wood; in fact, as he sat there and glowered the other day, the doors of his house were wide open to the balmy breeze, And he knew that if he went poking through the woods, he might find hepatica in' bud, Maybe even shadbush on the verge , of color, Winter isn't over yet, by any means, But it Is January, and Groundhog Day is going to be here before you know it, Then 'February will fray away into March. And the January that should have started off snowbound stirted off with a burst of 60. -degree weather, Those who know the elderly character best say now that he is about to lock hp his house and take a trip. He wants t� get ,way froni this awful winter, they say. He talks .of going to Northern Canada. —N,Y, Times, Jan '.8. Chairman at church' gathering• "Wewelcome tonight the Rev, Mr. Jones, This Is the first chance he has had to speak since he, married." They Had Sausage 2000 Years AO Sausages have sheen a popular dish since 'the -fifth century, 13.C. The Greeks,liad a word for themI The Romans, to, arc know0 to have, indulged in fried sausages made from fresh -pork, chopped pine nots,1 cumin seei, bay leaves and black pepper, They are also Ctot.glit to have :introduced the haggis to England, where it was very popular at tht time of the Commonwealth, Since then, the delicacy seems to have retrealed • over the ,border into Scotland, and many of as would not recognize a haggis if we saw one. No doubt many of us have chucided over the story Of the housewife. who, receiving One. as 4 gift from her husband in Scotland, planted it its her rockery and proud- ly displayed its flourishing condition on his, return. In the. Middle Ages, the "Sans. age -Makers' Guild". produced a pop- ular delicacy consisting of ground I pork flavored with eggs, powdered pepper, and spice, encased in the neck of a capon. When sausage are cooking, there Is often shrinkage due to loss of 1 fat and water; this may be reduced by dipping in boiling water before .• „ 1. • frying, Fine Idea Gerry; "Don't you think it 4 good idea to rate all cars according to their horsepower?" Bill; "Not as good as rating drivers according to their horse sense," 111111=10•111 I 11.1 II I 1111. 1111 1 0 I I 11.11 Upside down to prevent peeking, 7 ` 9 31V em V 9 N illd I .1.1 alit,' tatop Od VIVO AON1V 7 7 9 a, 3 3d Efig 3 And the t RELIEF Is LASTING Nobody knows the.cause of &mine. tion but we do know there's Ono thing to ease the pain s s s it's INSTANT'S& ' • . • And when you take IMMUNE the relief- is prolonged becaAse IN8TANTINE contains not one, but three proven medical ingredients These three ingredients work together to bring you not only fast relief but , . more prolonged relief, Take INSTANTINE for fast headache relief, too , or for the .pains.of neuritis or neuralgia and the aches and - pains that often • accompany a cold, Get InstantIne today and always keep II bendy' ••••••.' nstantine " 12 -Tablet Tia 250 Economical 46-Tal;lei Bottle 690 , ,Gingerbread CupXakes;:. COiisbIne,3 oun'ineltea ihorteniiig: and 1k - cops molames and ad i 1 beaten egg;,,Stit • Well blended; MIX and sift togetheilk sitipse Bitted flour, 1 teaspoon Magid Baking Powder.1 teaboan .Magic Baking-SoOil 1 teasp6011 eln52a. Mon .1 leaspoon ginger, .14, teOepo011 CIOVeS, , , teasitoon; eat,: and ' add alternately. with k oup hot watj,flak. In 24-2W • aup like pane in moderato Oven (85O) tor 80 sninutei. Then blend. op. 8 -os, package ei ereanicheese., with enough .: Intik to Make of liatioi consistettoy40 end: - serving with a'spoottfut- : • „ FOR QUICK RELIEF BEYOND BELIEF... COME OUT FROM UNDER THE SHADOW OF PAIN I • PO; relief from the pita of ARTHRITIS RHEUMATISM, NEURITIS. Or SCIATICA ..441 e bottle of DOLCIN Tablets today, DOLCIN has relieved the palm of thousands of sufferers. DOLCIN 'fables are not harmful, easygo-take, tesentable in cost - 100 tablets for 32,39; ohs luso econommize bottle of 500 tablets, 310, 11 your dtugght cannot suPPla DOLCIN writs to.DOLCIN e UNITED, Toronto 10, Ont. ttb ,11 • e TAIIITS 1410. trauma 111411, DOLCTN Is the rem Ids* tredemerk of thle product. DOLCIN •:, • Land Where 'Time • Has Stood Still •••••••••••••• ' Arnhen Land, Northern Australia la a place where time' has stood still for thbusandi of years, and the aborigine inhabitants have not changed 11 custom nor advanced their mode Of life since the time Caesar invaded Britain. From this little known territory a party of explorers recently returned with twenty tons of specimens, which 'they will now settle down t� study im an attempt to bridge the gulf of knowedge that exists betweenORII today and his primitive. an- cestors. Of the few world territoriee which still remain largely- unex- plored, Arnhem Land holds, prior place' because of its exciting -scien- tific possibilities. . Entry Forbidden , Turned into a giant aboriginal reserve by the .Australian Common- wealth many years ago,it was 'forbidden for any to enter, this .country except missionaries and a Jew officials,,Thus, it hes remained 4,Xlasmn—etertitare—tiettgliir . some brief mapping flights by air- craft. Many questions puzzed the Eden - fists. Why, for instance, are the aborigines as primitive today as their :ancestors of, thoueuga, of years ago? It has been siTenTffiCally accepted that the elm-Alpe:I knew how to build only the most elemen- tary kind' of shelter as a home, so how can one explain the ruins of a city observed from- the air in an arid part of Arnhem Land? And was it true that the story of • a thousand yetirs of aboriginal life was contained in countless fan- tastic patterns made of string? One day the natural history ex- perts of the party, keen to collect as many specimens as possible, hit . upon the ingenious idea of form- ing a "cockroach comtnittee" of • aboriginal- women and children. With the aid of their natiee help - era, the experts showed them what was expected of them. The follow- ing day, they were confronted with 'the staggering spectacle of, num- erous aboriginals holding in their bare hinds hundreds of live insects —ants, termites, beetles ' and . the • larVae of butterflies, moths,' flies, wasps and native beetles! Payment was 'made in . sweets and tobacco, and these two induce- inents- brought- more handfuls of specimens each morning and after- noon. Among them was a. spider known as the "St, Andrew's Cross," because it fashions its Web In the • shape of a cross, Snakes .and liz-. ards .were also abundant. Some dangerous,' but all handled with skill' by, the natives, ' In mid-suminer 1948 the expe- dition Moved to It. second base, Kirrkaa, on tbe mainland ot northern .Australia, using/aboriginal natives as porters for the and jour- ney. Research work at this new base, which was situated -close to a great swamp believed to be full of giant crocodiles, yielded numer-` ous species of plants, fishes, and mammals, many of the mbelieved to be hitherto unknown. Dr, Robert Miller, one of the experts on Oahu, collected 350 different species in a single day off • Kirrkala Reef— a "fishy" tale which for once. is .unquestionably authentic! "The men natives went turtle hunting on one .occasion, but with., mit success. Howevell‘turtle eggs • were quite a common item in catnp die. These were 'eaten raw, boiled in %eater, or cooked in the, hot sand, 'rite women's catch varied. Often when the low tides °cored early in the morning, they would go for shell -fish, stingrays, and ay- sters—these were. eaten for break- fast." The women often walked SIX to eight mies a day in search of food. Near the camp were A few • eyead palms, the nut of which is the main vegetable food in many parts. of Anthem Land during the latter part of the dry season, These nuts have to be soaked for three or more days in running water, and they, are then cooked in paper -bark packages,.ibr, are ground .to flour - like powder 'and cooked like'ddmper (unleavened i bread made of. flour, water; and sometimes salt), • • It was. the Australian anthropolo- • gist Fred McCarthy who had the good fortune to come across some extraordinarily interesting "string - patterns". These can be compared with carved Murals or bas relief drawings which—in the Mediter- ranean area as well as elsewhere —have revealed a great deal of the ancient history/ of different races, Reef Petroleums Expands Interests The manner in which United • States capital is being poured into the Alberta' oil fields is clearly shown in the case of Reef Petro- leums, Limited, a Canadian com- pany which has secured title to reservations and .leases totalling 183,000 acres, Standard Oil of Indiana is work. beg on' 28,040 acres of ,these hold- ings, paying Reef $28,000 cash and bearing. the drilling expense, with Reerretaining a 25% interest. Rio Vista 011 Co, Ltd,„„enether large _U,Smpanrisubsidia17, .of Rio :Kayo •Qii Co) is working on 60,- 000 Reef acres and will share well or wells on a 75%-25% basis, with Reef. retaining 25%, • A. :erode Petroleum Corporatidn; one of the largest of. the American companies, is. testing, $8,828 Reef - controlled acres by seismic survey and may drill ,an exploratory well for three-quarter interest. This coin - patty has a similar agreement on a • block of C.P.R. lands, reserved by Reef, totalling 8,979 acres; In addition Reef Petroleums holds 2% interest -110,000 acres— in Bear 011 Limited, formed to explore 5,500,000 acres between the pro- ducing Redwater field and the tar sands of Fort McMurray, under direction of Dr, Theo. Link, with the following major U.S. and Cana- (Iian oil companies as partners: Pacific Petroleutns Limited; Sun- ray Oil Company; Pacific Petro- leums; Tower Petroleums, This is the most ambitious oil seeking pro- ject in Canada at this time. Reef Petroleums has bought a large block of ground at Stettier, . Alta, from Tower Petroleums and a well is now being drilled there. Reef has 'also taken an equity in the -Dodds farmout of Imperial Oil, with a well going down, and in a third well on the Spedden farmout of Barnsdall Oil, Company policy is to participate in any good looking farmouts and acreage In the past two monats $15(1,0.00 has been placed In Reef treasury. • The combination of substantial working 'capital, the financial and tectnical assistance of powerful American associates and an im• mense potential •oil-bearing acreage places Reef Petroleums In an ex- • ceptionally good pos)tion. !"Plity. Pace" Proin Prinkensteithe "I950 race,!' as !list ordained 1;Y -fashion experts, is -mocked by actress Patricia Neal, left above, afterna facial going-over by Hollywood tnakettp expert'Perc•Westmore. Says Weittnore, "It's the same Mon- strotiscontoctiOn I put on Frankenstein 20 years 'ago." At right above, ,13titticia -"Wears - her ',"natural look" --the 'Otte Westtnore thinks ihe should haves 'As fot. New York's "1950- Facei", West- niOre Otititittet i."It's tWitt1 Its futtitY, They didn't•telease that tnanneqttlit fate. It escaped." • • . _ Accused Of-•Stqving Child -:==-Mr, •and Mrs, Guy Scielzo are .booked in a New York police station; charged. with homicide' in.the starvation death at theirthree-year-old son, Guy, Jr, The child died in a hospital soon after social workers found it starv- ing. Another child, also suffering from malnutrition, is on the critical list. TIT $75 -a -Week. salesman offered.im explanation for the neglect, 11••• Trains That Ride Just Like Velvet Is there a halfway vehicle pos. sible between airplane .and train— & kind of winged centaur, as it, were? The French nationalized railroads think • they have developed such a creature in their rubber- tired streamliners, Hard-pressed Cana- dian and American railroads facing airplane competition may be inter- ested, The French have attacked the problem in a very logical place, the wheels. This might seem a much too simple approach in an age when complicated technicalities hold ,the floor. But when you get right down to it, the body of a car and the body of an airplane being so much the same, about the only place for change rests on the supporting surfaces and the driving power. In an airplane, some noise is . caused by the rush of air past the wings, but its oftet: excessive noise and its vibrations come from the pane engines. Soundproof cabins with which many airlines equip theirplanes have helped some, but not too much, though the -neiest British -built jet planes are said to travel at high speed with no engine drone and virtually no vibration. In a train being hauled by a locomotive, there is no driving noise or vibration to transmit itself into the body of the carriage. The only sound and vibration come from the support element, from the wheels running -on the tracks, Ergo, said the French, let's attack the probletn there. This they did by using pneumatic rubber -tired wheels, running dir- ectly ott the rails, with a, 'metal flange to keep them on the track. An ordinary railroad car would be too heavy to put on rubber tires, so the French designed a light weight modern type of streamline train, with carriages weighing 14 tons instead of the usual 40 tons. Even this weight caused for wide distribution In using ' pneumatie tires, so there are 20 wheels to take it. These are divided into two trucks, foie and aft, of 10 wheels each, 5 on a side. - A gauge indicates the pressure of each, and a failure of any one would not prevent the train from continuing to the next station, where the wheels are always checked. •To 'see one of these trains pull out of a station is-ati untanny ex. periente. A great silver, rod sud- denly slides past without the slight- est Wind. The only thing you can liken it to 11 being in a motion picture theatre where suddenly the eound track gots dead, Inside the train, the experience la the Snit. You are tnovIng be- fore yott know it and you glance quickly to be sure that, it is your JITTER • frit. le A PIN R MksSi sank •-rHRoWI rtorigtriroliolerearlih ensile S "Hat INVITIO 410413 PON A DuCK Ming, VOW NOT 1111 AFTER A WHINE) 71 Ett/ 411Alasill V Pi ' train that is starting, and not the train next to you pulling out in the opposite direction, The take- off is handled smoothly by the engineer and you find yourself slipping through the rail yards and across switch joints without ,sound • or vibration. • Naturally, the level for converse• - tion is just like in your own home, It makes - airplane and • ordinary 'rail efforts to deaden sound ,seem feeble by comparison. So You slide. along in something that 18 as smooth as an airplane in perfect weather but much more silent and minus vibration. bad stretches of track, be. • eause• France has not yet restored all its main lines to good condition, you get bumps which rubber tires cannot eliminate. Otherwise, the trip exceeds in silent comfort both ordinary air and rail travel, The work the flanges have to do to keep the car on the rails is ap- parently very slight, because you cannot trace any sound or feeling °to that source, . Naturally, this easy running is translaled into economy, and the cost of hauling this train is much cheaper than with the ordinary steel -treaded -wheel cars. As for speed, the Paris -Stras- bourg 'trip is 3161/2 miles and, in- eluding'two stops, it has been done for months now on a regular,sched- ule of five hours. Here again the airplane gets competition because no time ,is lost in getting to, and from airports. Considering the • small time difference plus even smoother • and more silent travel, there is less reason now for tak- ing to the air. The rubber -wheeled train itself is completely modern, with beauti- ful fluorescent lighting and•all other appointments giving maximum comfort. SAM'S JUNIOR GARDEN TRACTOR $1492 Delivered 11, You Twelve months to pity, tinier nu) atm get Yours when i ou need IL Two years gnnirantee, Very narrow for dose Planting. A CHILD OAN OPERATE IT. Over powered with moat modern' 4 ode air cooled engine. Light Mow Ink. eultlyntIng.,,senillng, billing and weed eontrol. Power -take -oft for other' nom Blmple, strong and molly handled GARDEN POWER, TOOLS LIMITED ' West Mill (Scarboro). Ont. /TABLE TALKS" elarCe Andrews. Some folks eat liver for 1016013 of health. Others, just because they love it. I happen to be in the sec- ond catepry, personally, and am al- ways on the lookout for new and interesting ways of cooking and serving it, * • * Up to R few weeks ago I had never heard of this method — and perhaps it will be a novelty to some of you as well. It's called FRENCH FRIED LIVER 'Cletin liver and cot it in strips (as you would potatoes for french frying), Dip the liver strips in a beaten egg and then roll in a mix. ture of 1/2 flour and 1/2 cornmeal until well coated. Fry in deep fat, (The fat should be hot enough to brown a stale bread cube in 60 sec- onds.) Fry until golden brown—this does not take long, Remove from the deep fat and drain on paper tow- eling, Season with salt and pepper and serve with spicy tomato sauce. Dip„liver into the sauce and eat with fingers, * 4 4 More and more women are buy- ing pressure sauce pans, and most of them agree titSt they're a won• • derful help, and a real time saver, Still, a recent • eurvey shows that there are many whd use theirs only • occasionally, and who are not get- ting their money's worth out of them, * Take meat, for example. A cont. mon objection heard during the course ot the survey was that meat cooked in a pressure pan tends to use its flavour. But there are things you can do to retain both flavor and texture. * * First, -sear the meat to a good brown on all sides, Mrs, Roy Potter suggested. "If you don't sear it all around," she said, "you lose the juice and then it's more like a boiling piece," She uses an iron skillet for this, al- tho you can do it in the pressure pan before putting on the lid. * * * Then be sure to hold the prep sure constant while cooking, Veda - tions in pressure tend to cause juices to escape. The pressure used makes a difference, too. Some books advise - 10 • pounds for 'meat—others 15 pounds, Probably texture is better when cooked at 10 ixtunds, * * * Ever tiy rabbit in the pressure pan? Mrs. Harold Whitley did, and liked it s fine, Site browned it well . . Seforwessurin it. In winter, Mrs. Whitley used a coal range to heat the kitchen, so fuel saving isn't an item then, It's in summer that her pressure pan gets a work-out, on the hot plate. * * * • In another part of the same coin. ty, Mrs, Carl Lueder likes the pres- sure pan for cooking pork. Pork chops, when done, are put in the oven for a few minutes. This dry heat seems to harden the fat, If you have a broiler, that will give the same result. • * * * Mrs. Potter and her neighbor, Mrs. Leroy Ilenniges, had given pressure pan demonstrations for their neighborhood. Meat loaf was one of the foods they prepared, flere's the way they did it, Take: 11/2 pounds ground beef % pound ground pork 2 teaspoons salt Pepper , • 2 eggs, slightly beaten 1 medium-sized onion, minced , 1 stalk celery, minced 1 medium-sized carrot, grated 1/2 cup bran flakes 2 tablepsoons barbecue sauce 1 tablespoon lard , 1 tablespoon water 4 large potatoes Combine the beef and pork; sea- son with salt and pepper, Add eggs, onihn, carrots, celery, bran flakes and sauce. Stir well, and form into Iwo small loaves, Wrap in waxed paper and chill at least one hour in the refrigerator or other cool place, (This prevents loaf from breaking apart while cooking, and helps sea- • sonings penetrate the meat.) Heat potatoes and add fat, Brown each loaf well all over. Place pota- -toes around loaves and add water. ' Place cover on cooker and allow Stearn to flow troto vent, Cook 15 minutes at 15 pounds. * * * Swiss steak cooks nicely in a pressure pin, says Mrs. Ralph Ol- sen, of Hamilton, She also recom- mends this recipe for other sorts • meat balls: 11/1 pounds ground beef cup rice *.e AND Al THIS ONN VINEGLED OVER Lime CHUGAMAWUMP LW, MOWED A WO MV TISWITY SU AND... • 1 teaspoon aalt • teaspoon pepper 1 tabiespoon onion, minced 1 aril can, Minato soup Vs cup watst • , Combine meat, rice, sail, PePPer and onion. Shape into small balls, Heat soup and water in cookeri drop meat balls into soup mixture' place cover on; cook 10 minutes at 15 pounds. Let stand until pressure goes down. * * * Green beans, carrots, Isiah pots- toes—these cook wonderfully well In the, pressure pan, "And baked beans,' said Mrs. Potter; "are really out of this world. The pressure pan leaves them nice and soft and moist," * Steamed puddings and breads are ideal 'for pressure pan cooking, Ac- cording to directions, you start by leaving the vent open. That gives the effect of a steamer. You need plenty of water in the pan, becanse evaporation is avid. • The bread is set on 'the "trivet," or rack, Final .cooking ia done un. der pressure. Boston brown bread is one of Mrs. Potter's favorite re- cipes, • * * She recommends the pan for dum- plinge, too. "They cotne our so fluffy and nice," she said, "Use it just as a steamer for that—don't put the weight on." * * * Be careful in cooking foods that tend to foam, like apple sane and cereals. The vent -hole can become plugged by food particles. Then, after a high pressure is built up, it will spurt out with considerable force, One wotnan ended' up with apple sauce all over the kitchen ceiling. * * If you are inclined to be timid, it will be best to follow the advice of one manufacturer, and not use the pressure pan for cereals, Used wisely, you needn't be afraid of your pressure pan. And it ' will certainly save you a lot of time and fuel, Are You A Joker?' If so, write for our free catalogue of Jokes, Tricks and Magic Nov- elties, COLLINS JOKE' 8c MAGIC' SHOP 375 Somerset St. W. Ottawa, Ont. ..WImlesale and Retail QUICKLY BREAKS COUGHING SPELL Fast Action of Lymoicis Leayes Man Grateful! • "Ihave used LYMOIDS for cough relief for many years,"writes 'Brantford resident, "and their quick action almost always relieves hvi• lotion." Carey LY2.10IDS always with you. With its • oonoentratedlnedioinal oils, LYMOIDS usually bringinetant relief in throat tickle, ooughing and hoarsenem. Most Mores eel' LYMOIDS, but U, unobtainable, send 10.) in stamps or min, to LYM0ID8,119 !earl Et,,Toronto, • ' 1.4.5 TRY Do You Suffer FROM A "Weak" Back? Does sitting In a draft or in a damp, chilly room sometimes bring on an ach- ing back? Many people say they get "cold" in the back—or in the kidneys —so -,easily, At such times it's good to know. abottk.the quick relief of Dr, •Chitse's Kidney -Liver Pills. Remember, both kidneys and liver must filter out impurities from your bloodstream. So if 'you •feel tired, worn-out,i headachy — with painful joints and aching back—look to both your lddneyi and liver. That's why Canadians have been relying on Dr, Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills for over half a century. Give your system a chance to work properly. Always keep Dr. Chase,. •Itidney-Liver Pills handy—especially during damp chilly weather. The name "Dr. Chase" Is your assurance. By Arthur Pointer ISSED. SO YOU 001/4NY Ma AT COTTERS/ 0A0111•4, ?INA a 1 anuary Sale The fellowing items are also on &11e, but were not mentioned in last weeks' circular; BOYS' TWEED BREECHES $2.9S ALL SKI CAPS $1,00 ALSO REDUCED... STANFIELD'S RED LABEL UNDERWEAR PENMAN'S (95) UNDERWEAR PEN)FAN'S PREFERRED UNDERWEAR PENMAN'S (71) UNDERWEAR, THE IN'Ew KITCHEN'S JUMBO OVERALLS ARE TOUGH AND ROOMY --CAN'T SLIP OFF SHOULDERS,– Phone 211 ---Sanitone Dry Cleaning-- Blyth. ro Pure Pork Sausage LARGE 43c LB, SMALL 45c LB. TRY OUR HEAD CHEESE... LB, 35c 3 LB, LOAF LB. 32c 1 THE" STANDARD WESTFIELD CARD OF THANKS Mr. and Mrs. Norman McDowell I Wish to thatik all tlaose who sent j- visite:I on Thursday ,with Mrs., Osbal•• me floweis, gifts, and cards; also Or. deston of Guderich., Farquharson and other doctors, special Mr. and Mrs. George Wightinan nmies anti hcisdital staff, Rev..Ro..;ers (I Alberta of Pine River visited on and others, for the care and , kindness satnrday with Nil., and NIrs, Charles shown me wIlle I was a patient in the Smith, Wingliam hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Wightmait were 18-1o, , Jeanne Hocigins, Kitchener visitors on Sunday. NIr. and Mrs. Jo111 Gear and children returned CARD OF. THANKS to Icachener.‘vith them 1 Mr, an Nirs, AA'ut, NIcArittie and Mr. Eddie Taylor NI esses Ila and Mrs. , \Vim TaYlnr• Ivish 10 exPress Norma Taylor attended the Leo For. their heartfelt thanks to their many , ten awl - Myrtle Snell Wedding- nt -friends for their ,,iyanpathy and many , winosor on ,Saturday, ;Nis° visited actsof kindness,and those who sent ' M r. and, Mrs, Jack Snell of Wipdsor, flowers ; a ml,Jt . special' thanks to Rev, anti, Nil.: and , Mrs. Laverne Pentlaird: Mr, Dewitt. for-liis kind understanding, . _ ._.....• - - - . their recent bereavement, of Courdville Vetroit over. the :week:, during FOR SALE . • M'''' runt lfrs. Eloak -and :MiSs'' Vic): 1 triitle clO•set nod 1 iingle closet, in let Cook onStindr,ly visited, with Misi, ,,,,,i state d' re'•latr, , Apily, . AV, 1. Pearl Janties°11 1.0° is 11 Patie!-I•t fO ;lite Clark, 'phone 141, AVingilit111.1 'llnx 1r.2. Wir11F:in Ithspital, NI r. and ' 1 rst ICenili. th • Ca' inPhell 11 . 18-111. Ive-e week -cd visitots.at T.oronto'and 1 ' . COVIING1 - Kitchener- \\Idle in - N itcheller ' llteY., Plan to a I tend• the choir concert- of ''•' e.I with lr. . mull Mrs. Arthur Myth United Church on Fehrilary 23rd. SpeiglebergA .. I Talent _fro:» Toronto, ' M,pa,rt'ctitl8a .1s. r. A; E. Cook• of Myth Aisited 61 . later. . . . . , Sunday ‘vith Mrs. Fred ..Cook. - r. and Al rs. Norman: •• MeDoWell : WOOD•CUTTING visited Sunday evening with 1Nfr,. and' Now is tlic lime o 114•Ve Your:wood Mrs. Carl Henn of Wingham, cut hy Chain -Saw,. raild'y for nex' —• Mr. and •NIrs.- Howard •Caimibull v's: "Mee' C°"t"t "s it.°41' A' R. . •iied om. snoday with ....it rs, F., RIZ. 5,,,I3riisselS, pliOnt 1 3r1 8, Conces- Johnstoa..01 vest, \\Tawa. !cash:- - • . r 1. 1 sion 4, 'Morris' to.Wiilliip„;'.; - 18-2. .. ' The ninthly meeting of the W. M. 1 ''.;APPLICATIONS WAJVTED _ S. was held on AVednesclay afternoon Kpplications - fOr • thefollow:0(i; ros- in the 'C'hurch School fO011 1 with 16 tions in Morris township will lie re. -- • present. The call to worship was given cotyed by the understgned up trail by the groin) leader 'NE rs. 1Toward Feb. 4111, 1950: - ("m1111411, The oPenin".; hymn was "I. Assessor tO assess the Townshin for love to tell the Story,” The theme -'for the year 1951 at a salary of 81:101"19. , (lit' ineetinq was "Tile Bale" and the SuperviSor of the NVarble Fie Stra'v- Scripure tlesson,swere , read from Dent. t, ing at 75 cents per honr„Apilicant . chat). and Isiah 61 chat'. hY Eileen -do supply Iii3 ownflransoortation, Taylor and from Psalm 61 and Micah 18.2, GEO, C. MARTIN, Clerk , (,111 chap. by Mrs. Fred Cook prayer 1 _ _______. __.. was offered liV Ii -s. .T. L. McDowell 1 The Voice Of Teniperance and Mrs, Howard Campbell. Readings chic/ Justice J. 1), mcfNer has given were given by .lanetta Snell on ''He his Judoticot that "Limior Is at the goeth beforeP ;hid Mrs. Fred Cook on 1 root. of omst of the cases of homicide "The Bible!' The chapter in the study't coming ,before the courts, and in solve -17001' ''Gr°wit'n. will' the Yearsywas 1 large measure responsible for the too taton hy NI rs, 1 toward Campbell, I-Iymn i frequent attacks on women and girls erThl wr'rds of 11fe'4 was s""g' 1 and other serious crimes, Liquor and COOKED PORK HOCK '30c LB, Arnold Berthot MEAT FISH Telephone 10 --- Blyth. •••• 1 The president NIrs, \Vim MeVittie was brk oen Ito tte, are the two great for. in charge of the business. "f need I re: of crime in our comminlitY•ii The Thee men' hour" was sung, Respon- itt.',gment of th•• chief Justtce should t - Wednesday, Jan, 25th, 1950 MEN'S KNEE-HIGII Rubber Boots' of F T QUALITY RUBBER pre-war style with heavy red soles Only $445 Ve handle C,C.M. Skates, Hockey S cks and Equipment, ' SKATES SHARPENED, adiirs-Shoe Store MOIL "Be Kind to your feet, Wear MadIll's Footwear," ' Weak, Tired, Nervous, Groceries Pepless Men, Women Vegetables Got New Vim, Vigor, Vitality ' Frilits . . Hay goodbye 10 these weak, always tired feelings, . . depression and nervousness duo to weak, thin . . . . , blued, flet up feeling fresh, be peppy all day, Ian a for blood building, body iii rung then.,ig, stimularion, plenty of vitality left over by °veiling. 'fake tbitreN, 011111111°i iron, vitamin Ili, vale'''. , pliosphorni Cooked Meats Invigorates system, Improves appetite, digestive , powers. rota 1111 le, New "ert neipininter sire only Gee. Try Wirex Tonle l'ablets for new, nor- , inal pep, vim, vigor, this very day. At all quggista, Federation Suggests Poultry Organization sive reading on "Our Reftsge" ._ taken from the hymn book. Pray'er, wm , he enowth to deter any community , The annual meeting- of the Ontario . M rs. 1 cAlit tit'. llie minutes of the our r otttietz 3et.el'a 011 of A g ricultur e that was from openin7 iln or inrreasing its 11- 1 ! ti I Dec illeeting were read and approved ' ',Ile more liquorl-the liel,1 in the King Edward Hotel, 'I o- -- I - ' marc criinc, ' The roll call ,i'as answered by a verse of seripture. The treasiirer„ reported . AUCTION SALE • 222.00 sent -to Branch Treasurer. The ' aOfO Cowo " allocation for 1050 being 165,00. It was -- copied by the ,a'oting delegates, The Lrit 31, 6111 concession of Gode- 4,~~~."...,••###4.. decided to have a quilting 5nd pot : At most intersting resolution frcnn the / er Feb. 24th, NA'ords • of appreciation 1 ' eieli TensmshiP' 1 mile smith of Porter's. Rtaitripoint ,of Hurott County 1)elegates Hill, on, TUESDAY, JANUARY 310 at 1.30 pin., consisting Of ;'.• • • (Itiee'-'• .. cilealt, with Price support for fariii orb- ,/ , luck dinner in the church school room , on Feb, 8th and World's day of Pray- _ efor leuers received were iciven by ,Afrs. Ditrfkg the ineetit.g1 a fact was plac- 5, Jerseys, balance llolstetns and 1 1 i - .1,70.1.i.o. illrf cflowell, Closing hymn, "Jesus ,,, Sof these Cows are I ei' 'iC'Iien the "elegates that tile Pni. Pilot NI ell Prayer by Pres- -------------------------, . ' rt•11(0, was well attended' by members .1 of Huron, Coant.y Federation, '11 was a very inwpiriel•-iuceling with many .resolutions helm preselitc4-atid..ae- BLYTH PUBLIC LIBRARY Open Tuesday, Thursday. 2:30 to 5:30 p.m. Saturday, 2:30-5:30 -- 7-9 p.m. EM BERSHIP FEE-- ADULTS 50c; CHILDREN, 10c, SOME RECENT BOOKS:— NONFICTION–This Nev Canada, Williams ; Th; ; v ,s ,S „ew.ount„anc., l'odng; The Gathering Storm, Churchill; Their Finest 1 lour, Chur- chill ; Ds Search Of South .Africa, Morton. . FICTION— The Big Fisherman, Douglas.; England Made Me, Greene; Case of the Cautious Coquette, Gardner; Pink Sugar, 0, Douglas; Shannon's Way, Cronin; The Precipice, Niaclennan BELGRAVE Fehrtiary and March. halan:e trY Pemilic'rs ha"' no organization to fresh ; sospngers; - ident, 1 represent them similar to the Hog Pro: Plan to attend this sale if you want 1 1 ducers or the Cream Producers, ___ , new community room in. the new arena; _ coWs as they are hard to get. These 1 his committee has NIrs. Gem John: 1 cattle are of good quality 811(1 'r,. - mon, Mrs, G, if. Wheeler and Nirs, j, ; Wheeler as . memtested. _ were also decided on for the Belgrave School Fair. The question of the new utes of the previous meeting were read charge in the educational system as -and adopted and treasurer's report Planned by the petit' cif Etbleati°11 was Mrs. Herbert Wheeier was hostess , raised and all agreed d protest should - given. Correspondence was also react for the January meeting of the 13e1 be raised and Mrs, E. WHitinan, Mrs, ivhich inc'n !ed letters of thanks from i Geo, aliehie, grave Women's Institute. There was Irs. W. Scott ,and Mrs. a good attendance present and Mrs, Memoijal Hospital, London and Chil-; C, IZ. Cotiltes were nainell to draft a \Vatter Scott, vice-president, was in dren's Aid- Sodety, Goderich, for do- resolution 40 be presented at a meeting charge of the meeting, which was on-. I nations received, A committee was, in Clinton on Ttiesd'ay. MH rs. G. ig- ened in the usual mann'er. The min- named to buy some furnishings for the gins and Mrs. J. M, Coilltes, conven- .._ • _ WE ARE PLEASED TO* ANNOUNCE THE APPOINTMENT OF BERT ALL TELEPHONE 23r5---BLYTH, ONTARIO. Authorized "NA-CHURS" F &TM ER Dealer GROWERS REPORT INCREASED YIELD UP TO 50 PERCENT. Letters in our files from 1948 and 1949 Wheat Champions, as well as from oth- er well-known grain growers and general farmers, indicate increases in yield U1) to 50 percent. when seed grain has bun treated with "Na-Churs" Liquid Fertilizer before seeding. EASY. TO USE -- NO EXPENSIVE EQUIPMENT One gallon of "Na-Churs" Liquid Fertilizer Concentrate is being used undilut- ed to wet down eight to ten bushels of seed grain. No new equipment or ad- ditional expense needed, Just wet grain–mix thoroughly–dry well–use in or- dinary seeding drills without expensive attachments, • "NA-CHURS" WON'T PERFORM MIRACLES Soaking is a very economical method for supplying an initial part of the plants' needs; the remaiwier can be sup- plied by normal fertilizing at a correspondingly reduced rate, There is no reason to suppose that a sufficient a- mount of any particular nutrient element can be introduc- ed into the seed by soaking, but the nutrient so introduced is immediately available and of maximum dfficiency, COST ONLY 1.00 ACRE -MAKE THE 10 -GALLON TEST Seed grain, treated with "Na-Churs" Liquid Fertilizer, apparently germinates more quickly gains healthier, ear- lier growth; develops more vigorous root and top struc- ture so that it in better able to withstand diseases and ;,) drought. The cost is little and if' it will increase your yield it is too good to pass up. PROVE IT TO YOURSELF p As little as 10 gallons of "Na-Churs" will tell the story, Try it --you be the judge, "NA-CHURS" PLANT FOOD CO. (CANADA) LTD. - - Canada London Sale under cover, 'TERM.S CASIt A. E. Townshend & Son, Props.. Edward W. Elliott, Auctioneer, IC, W. Colqulimin, Clerk. , TOWNSHIP OF HULLFIT TENDERS FOR GRAVEL sEmy..1) TExpE,Rs will be reedy: - ed by the Clerk until 1 o'clock, Mon- day, February 6th, 1 9F.0, for the crush- ing and delivering of 12,000 able yards of gravel, Nlust go through a five: eighths screen. Township to supply the gravel. Work to commence not later than, Jtme 1st, 1959, A marked cheque for $200.110 must be, enclosed with tender. ',WATS t or ;Illy tender not neeessarify accepted. Work to be done to the satisfaction of the Road Super: ltitendent. _For furthei Information a.pply to Leonard Caldwell, Road Snperintencleat, or George W, Cowan, Township Clerk, 18-2, ors for Ironic Economics, arranged the prolraut. The roll call was a sttg- gestinn for -a sandwich or salad coin- trnli for appendicitis on, Friday night in ada, should trade with other countr ks bination. 'Mrs, A. Scott, aceatriPallied \\Ingham hospital, Mrs, llud Cruick- We did' not think that farm' Klee sup- bk Mrs. George Johnston': sang a/solo. Shank ef W11%1411111, wilt supply until ports and free'trade could exist togeth. Edith Proctrr gave a demonstration on ,sheds able' to resume her duties. STE ART S GROCERY ' WE DELIVER PHONE 1). Skinnyntan,women gain5,10,151bs. _..eatNstyl.12gpllim, Vigor Mat ri 111713 pa out: dilly lin n Ali up. hint 110 Ivitg(T.H4T714.' ay body limes ha 1 - starved, b,ekly banhipole' 'fkaucautIn 1..1w*, rift!, 1Vpis Lrrpsr F14.11.1 pia,41 re 11.1.1 pra.k,1 broltify•in'tkieg l'hey Nana tihn!11,44101 4•11:01'4411i14111114, 41a314/11111111114 wale, OAR; 114 stimulanta, invtgorator$, Iron, vitamin pi. °A 1,7rlea blood, Improve appetite ' ali1C4[11,11 Lo 11110 r,IVCA 31111 100:0 titri1111111 (Aid 1,01111sh)neilt. Pul flesn'on bare hence. I hue t fetieettlia; Whit. Mop when you've Reined the .% i; 10. you tce normal velftlit. C041:1 Ittle. Ne. 1 ",,11" pri;l014111N1" F1ZO on? y Gee. 'fry Fain(1114 TulliC labiate La' now valor and added p‘enfli, trtka very day. At all drill:gist& AINEMIIIMMININO.001101•1•11.11. FERTILIZE susmooliat A SPECIAL SAVING ON YOUR FERTILIZER If. Taken During .January Don't Pay 011. end- of April 1”.0* . • CONTACT THE: OFFICE AND- GET YO.UR ORDER IN EARLY TO OBTAIN- ' - THIS SAVING. Carillon Hodgins, Ma Blyth Farmers Co -Op Assodation TELEPHONE 172 • BLYTH. ' 1. folding a man's shirt, An address con. . er, The minutes of the.previous meet. tabling much information on food vat- , The .ustial N•verkly ettchre.waslierd In • • nig were' ' 'adopted and the t ollection tics was given by Mrs. George Nlichie, ll,'e e°"linuhltY tc)301 °II Wedll"(1,aY taken. A collection was -also taken for ,Mrs. Walter Scott gav. a very inter' trant, . The _high, prizes, weje won ny, the rott„,1„,1-.....•,,,, (. - . • cstorc reading. 1 he, singing : of the 1 4 1‘,11c 1 s m101,1111.1 Tt tie•titx' litteeiti •Irs. L. Alont-gb•mery and"' Chris Nr,eit,li.,• '1' ''-', . . . , '""" , Xing closed the meeting and illitcli 'Ws cry, and the low count .went to sutr. at the -home Of Mr. Mid M.S. a \VII.' it,g,it, w,,, ..le -,te.c, Served by the lyistess. assisted by Mrs. cY MaSks' and f" 1\1°11114°InerY. ' . .1 kinson,...and ilie Natiottai.Filin board • C,. Purdon, Mrs. A. Scott and Mrs, L, ;' The 13odmin Path! Forum nier at stile pie:titres.- will 'be., -shown,• .Pro` gress!ve lionte- of ,Mr: and Mrs, J: Yuill whit A Hover.... • . _ enehre. was enjoyed . with Mrs. E, 'Mr, Orval Taylor, who has spent the good attendance, The C131' htb-adeasti.Pleich'and Rae 'Crawford winning high t t hlso CICNN program was listened. to, past few w.,eks in Toronto, returneu point's 'and -Mrs. Latigridge and Frank ttfter which the qtiestions were &sees - home on Friday. 'Miss r.ois Kelly of London spent the sed. • It -was decided there should be and -a Pleasant..time enjoyed, • Little.' low score. Lunch was serVed free trade between Canada al& Great week -end at her home here, , - , Britain because Canada' Was a great „,Two .carloads • of, faritte.rs from here. .Trevor Moores, wh° is In training export country and Britain a b:g Mt- attended the Crop Improvement? meet, spending a mouths leave at his home with the Royal Canadian Navy, lilt& that Can- frig In Toronto. !nit Thursday. Is 'porter, Jt Was also dec here. . Mr. and Mrs. GOldie \Vbeeler and 4 son, George, of T.ondon, .s.-ettt tIv.! week -end with Mr. ad Mrs': G. H. i - 1 • ‘Vheeler. :: ' ' 1 Mr. and Mrs. George Jones and Clill.,•, dren, with Mr. tad • Mrs. J. E. McC11- -- 111111, The new arena was the scene of .a i A. • * our Complete St happy throw; of youngsters on Satnr. see Stock of Pipe Fittings, B atty & . , day n Nei -tit -Km when they gpt t'heir first skating., and also in the evenittl assey-Harris Repairs .. Pump Repairs, al kinds,. when those ovel• 16 'Years of age.' had _ their innin7s, . ii. ' ' . - ..--,, , • Mks Pearl Jamieson, our teacher _ :the 'Senior school, uncicrWent att opera:- yu LILO! 11,1, 111 IA 1 . 111111i 1 1+11, 11.111111k.i, 1 01011.1.i1,161111, STEWART JOHNST roil MasseY-Harris and 13eiitty Dealer. Dealer for Imperial Oil Products. Wednesday, Ian. 25th, 1050 osadiaireassoliisosassalsraseaMsiramakamae. Vill1111111111111.1111111111111211261111s...iAli „ CHESTERFIELDS AND Ttal NTAIDAltii 1 CommerciI taurant 'Mrs, Helen Luke and Mr, Arthur Reath havelpurchased the business of the COMITIOP-, cial Restaurant, They are taking possession February lst, 1950, We extend sincere thanks and best wishes to our inany friends and customers, We have had many happy associations, andiwe leave the village with regret, --Mr, and Airs, Cliff, Elliott, . OCCASIONAL CHAIRS REPAIRED Wayne Morris Janis Paige, 13rothers", starr.ng Wayne Morris ple in i'Mr. Belvedere Gosi to College" OXY THEATR CAPITAL THEATRE CLINTON, NOW PLAYING MN26.Z8 e PAGE 1 REGENT THEATRE GOGeRICH, 8EAFORTel, NOW, in Technicolor: The Younger NOW: Clifton Webb and Shirley Tem. *and RE-COVERED, FREE PICK•UP AND DELIVERY "THE Char!es Laughton Bruce Bennett, Geraldine - Brooks, Robert Hutton Gregory Peck, Valli Ann Todd, Robert Douglas, Helen Westcalt, Robert Aida , I For Further Information Enquire at J YOUNGER BRaTHERs,, A screen classic 'front that maker of' felling a suspense story of conflict, and Janis Paige. Monday,..Tuesday, Wednesday Mcnday, Tuesday, Wednesday JLock d " IliIc wvid a Seknick, the picture between the law and the lawless. • WOO S ig out aw irothers who shot their ff you'll never forget, , Furniture Store, Myth Agent, Stratford Upholctering Ca toir#0.441.14*NNOP Isr ..**04.0.0 0.9. ...... 114418,4MIMPIIIIIMINIMMINIMMossusik.mloiminawasikur41741104141irad iTaiiiiitininisittereisizaracrisicansiaisacert, -11111MEM,11, illanompa NdiuLcri,/ 4.1 Walk 14 Li .1. La. • .641401NMINIM#46.#mp#4,44416PM/ eN041M116~41.4/ ..`66.4.4,#411h14P.P,4146#.###•441M~ 1 Ready or siness WITH A COMPLETE, STOCK OF ,en's'aRd Boys' Wear and War Assets Stock. / We would like to ielt you our BARGAINS 1 Blyth Bargain one BLYTH ONTARIO , (located in the former Kechnie Radio Store) BUM ELECTRIC in Steck ), RADIOS, RANGES, . WESTINGHOUSE WASHING MACHINES, , RANGETTES.. . OIL BURNERS, HAMMER MILL9, ROLLERS and GRINDERS, ir##•4someem#,•••••••~#4!•ere•mowNes.44,rnmare.nivermomes~o* PIGS FOR SALE H011IICIDE" ; straigloest atter the • g• t•I "THE PARADINE CASE set s nog it. : MON., ,, ., JAN 3) -FEB, I ...... paTurprostluagyia,s,Frciediaeys,teSnatouirmdayand Ann -. — Thursia-y--, Friday, Satzrday (Cliailliti'lyt in Sheridan comedy -- iw,ly, robust and nigged— Wa I:co Btery, Marjorie Main, , Linda' Darnell Richard Conte Here it is! the comedy you have wait. ed for, about a bathroom baritone u ith a drainatic punelifull story and a - • and operatic wife. . vast caliable of it's impact. I "EVERYBODY DOES IT" "BIG JACK" 1 • . 1 COLOR 1: \' "!WAS A IVIALE WAR BRIDE ADLIT ENTERTAINN1 ENT, - — COMINGFred AstirdOP aenGinger CCMING• "The Fountain I -lead" star.1 Rogers in "The Barkley's of Broad. Mat. Saturdays and Holidays 2:30 p.m, ring Gary Coorer and Patricia Neal! vlay•iP , (IP dl .., a +4, a .ft#4.4 4,90.1p#0.,,,pq"..,,,p4......#44.#•••••••••Nrorie,"nroir,r•ipopo•r•fiwr#•••••••••••••44Pints.cowed. ••••••••ownhonrmihrw. diNinow.#4•4 ±F.1.••••••••••••••••••••,.....•••••. ...: . mon , ,........., :1. .L,111.1 • 11111 4 .1 .1 I.. . j- .7.7 H.747- 73 :3; i 4-----i”i .i.- 72. .' " -41- $l$$$4'. - Renfrew Cream i LYCEUAI THEATRE .4 4 ilkers, • WINGHAM—ONTARIO L,eparatcrs and M , .scs _Two Stiows Sat, Night p_o , I ws, Manure - • i -tures suoect to change without notice. _ Iwo Shows Each Night starting AI 7:15 Xhannes in time will be noted below : Saturday Nlatinee at 2 p.m, Contact Your Eleatic Shop • • for Satisfaction in I kprances, Sovice, ,and AnsenentfallnintreszeMnanasn..„.4,,, Ka . • I.,' FEED CORN FOR SALE We have a good supply of corn on • Cob, -Ground Corn Meal and Cracked corn, at all times, Custom Cnrn Shelling and Grinding, Anyone wanting alfalfa meal .ground, get in touch with us. IMPLEMENT DEALERS FOR H. • McCALIJUM OLIVER IMPLEMENTS Spreaders, vnd Fertil!zer Sow-. , Spring -tooth Harrows, Land Packers, Ruhher-tired Wagons, Oliver Tractors, both wheel tractors Mid crawlers, • Plows, Discs, Spreaders, • Mowers, Hay Loaders,. Smalley Forage Blowers and Hammr Mills, We also have repairs for Oliver-Coekshutt Tractors ( MORRITT & WRIGHT Phone 201, Illyt!i, Telephone 4 and 93, Blyth, Ontario FOR' SALE • J, C, BLACKSTONE " Garage, 18 ft. long, instil brick, re- FOR SALE • cenq tainted and shingled; iron sal- ' 9 vork pigs, ready to %%Tan, Apply, 14 chunks, between 50 and tOdiounds. Piano awl Organ rimer, is in nut lied, springs, mattress ; 1 large fern C. L. Hollinger, lot 15, Con. 8, Morris Appty, phone 13r12, myth, this week. Phone 119. 18-1. Apply, phone 59r2, 18-1. two. Phone45-5, Brussels. 18-1, ..cos 1,11 o m. 1, 11. 1 o.d dd. 011131M1=11303Erinnearitt • o••••• 111601..1 ,{1411 o 11. id I. ,o.dardalanlini=1 I ol 1111 I PLYMOUTH SPECIAL Dt LUXE FOUR•DOOR SEDAN " Including special equipment , Men to see this great VAtuu-l'AcKEn Pasionrn Nut It's a beauty! like Its longer • , lower • • 6 w-i-d-e•r look! ',There's new beauty, ,n every.sweePing, line . . ..atid extra comfort throughout its spacious interior., - Compare the 1950 Plymouth! You'll Iik Its BaPsTrl -A 32% larger rear window and large tvitidshield provide safer vision—night and day! Wider treads give greater STABILITY. You'll appreciate Plymouth's CONVENIECE . • !gill- tion•key starting , I Cleatanr thilik with eaSy .to•operate, counter•halanced lid, You'll like the hew, longer rear fenders, detachable ,for Eco- -." NOIIIGAL . "eitairAigit" seals for ,RusTPUt COMPORT 011 dariong &Nee • • • linger.tip electing for . sweeter, SA1001114i1 HANDLING., You'll thrill to ilia zip and Powea ,- of the big 9714, higli..compression engine. It'S - 4 miser on (utell The 1950 PlYrnouth' is pricked Willi VALLIE . 4 and ready to prove ill Compare itl Drive it! You'll agree that feature for feature, dollar for dollar,PLYStoUTii again offers the' greatest • - VALLIG,OF Going away, Plymouth I;n n lower, W-I-d-e.r look. Tito sweeping rear whitlow adds twenty and provides safer rear vislott• Hider treads Increase stability. 0.* IMP Plymouth's new styling is achieved 'without sactiOcIna Interior room and condort. Vent Wings on all doors per. mIt.Inditidual control of Ventilation. . • N6 MATTER HOW too LOOK AT PLYMOUTH.. i IT'S A REAUTYi SEE.THE VALUE. PACKED PLYMOUTH Bros, Plymouth's 97 11,p. engine has plenty of zip! !tett-way cobtiretIon and high (6.7 to 1) compression ratio gives you Peak performance at all speeds. OW s • • IT'S ON DISPLAY AT Garage, Phone 259 Blyt h. Friday, Saturday, January 27-28 _ "FATHER was a FULLBACK" 'Fred MacMurray • Maureen O'Hara - ; Tn--)eo—stieladve,-.1J-171-niary 20731 o - • "NIGHT WIND" • • , and "MISS MINK OF 1949" - iWed;e7riav, Thursday, February 1.2: i "THAT MIDNIGHT KISS" - : Kathryn Grayson • Jose Iturbi J. R, Elliott Gordon Elliott ELLIOTT r4 Reid's' POOL ROOM SUNDRIES'. ;Tobaccos, Cigarettes, Pop, V4 and Other Sundries. 145 • FOR SALE Baled oat:„straw, Apply to Gordon Flax Limited, phone 114, I 10-1f, _ —,— TENDERS FOR WOOD - The Secretary of Morris Township Rhool Area will receive tenders until Tuesday, January 3Ist, 1950, for sup- plying maple and beech body wood, cut 12 inclie,s in length, to the schools of Islorris Township, in the following aniounts—S.S. No. 1, 20 cords; S.S. 3, 12 cords; S.S. 4, 12 cords; SS. 5, 12 cords; S.S. 6, 20 cords; S.S. 7, 10 . I cords; S.S. 8, I() cords; S.S. 9, 20 -Real Estate AgencyI.cords; S.S. 12, 15 cords. cords; S.S, 10, 8 cords; S.S. 11, 10 BLYTH. 1 wood to he delivered anl. piled be. fore June 15, 1950. Tendeirs alio for supply two cords of ' THE FOLLOWING DWELLING cedar for each school. - FOR SALE WITH ININIEDIATE The lowest or any tender not neces- , :S ION, wily accepted. storey frame, instil 'brick and 17-2. R. E. SHAW, Billerale. 011t, vietal-clad dwelling, situated on the --- • Jorth side of Hamilton st„ Blyth. COURT OF REVISION 1, Court of eRevision on the 1950,As- sessment Roll for the TOwnship of Morris will be held in the Township 110lIN C, hydro, 4 -piece bath, hard- 11all on February 6t11, 1950, at 1:30 p.m, wood floors, drilled well, barn ,40x50. i Ratepayers kindly govern themselves zeinent. stabling; 94acres, level, i accordingtv, 1 arable land (medium clay loam2 ). i 18-, • drive shed 20s20, CEO, C. MARTIN, Clerk, 104 acre farm, near Walton, first lot off high Way, small instil brielc 150 acre farm on Gth con. Mor- ris Twp,, 2 -storey brick; house, 7 rams; barn 40,50, cenientt stabling. Loteast-half of 34 in the third concession of the Township of East •‘yawatiosii. 100 acres of hod, about 5 acres second -growth blish. On the premises is a comfortable frame %Tiring, barn on stone wall, witli good stabling, Possession. One -and -ore -half storey brick dwelling; on Morris street, One ac- re of land. Small stablei A good • buy, and posse.ssion as required. A number of other properties for sale. Particulars noon remiest. FOR SALE Sieger sewing machines, cabinet', portable, electric; also treadle ma- chines. Repair to all makes. Since • Sewing Nfachine Centre, Goderich, 51-tf, R. A, Farquharson, M.D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON ' Office Hours Daily Except Wednesday and Sunday. 2 pni. o 4 p.m. 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. Telephone 33 O. Blyth, Ont, 47-52p. Canadian Cement Doherty Bros. GARAGE. A CARLOAD OF CANADIAN CEMENT Acetylene and Electric ARRIVING NEXT WEEK, . Welding A Specialty. CONTACT THE OFFICE. Agents For International 1 Harvester Parts & SupplieS - BLYTH FARMERS' CO-OP1 , White Rose Gas and Oil 131yth, Ontario, Car Painting and Repairing. r SeedCleaning OUR MODERN SEED CLEAN. INC PLANT IS AVAILABLE TO FARMERS OF THE DISTRICT, PLEASE MAKE ARRANGE- MENTS IN ADVANCE, IF POSSIBLE, GORDON FLAX, LTD; Phone EARLE NOBLE, 114, Blyth. A. L COLE R.O. • OPTOMETRIST and OPTICIAN Goderieh, Ontario • Telephon4 Eyes Examined and Glasses Fitted, With 25 Years Experience THE McKILLOP MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO. HEAD OFFICE • SEAFORTH, The Annual Meeting Officers • President: Chris Leonhardt; Vk.- Pt Hugh, Alexander; Secretary, B YTH AGRICULTURAL *.ictritht 1.° and Manager, M. A. Reid, Directors Roberti; Archibald, Seaforth; Prank of the SOCIETY will be held in the McGregni, Clinton ; Alex. Broaafoot, Scaforth; Chris. Leonhardt, Born- holm; E; J. Trewartha, Clinton; John ORANGE HALL, I3LYTH, , L, talone, Seaforth. John 1-1. McEw. SAT., JANUARY 28th iig.,_plygl:. thigh Alexander, Walton; S. II Whitmore, Seafortlt; Harvey , Fuller, taz. 2, Goderich. at 12:.30 pan, ‘,q, Agents All Those Interested Are 11,1JeVienrciEle.i. Pepper, Brucefield; R. F. • Welcome, 17-2. Brodbageni; Geo. ikINVja.tt,P1'31yit3hrleef: - wyn Baker, Brussels. Parties desirous to effect insurance HAY FOR SALE or transact other business, will be promoly attended to by applications Apply, Langridge Bros, R.R. 5, to any of tile above named officers Brussels, Ont. 18-1p, addressed tc thtir respective post oi. Met •••• ••.••••.d. New Kind of Pole-Sitter—No food, no water, nothing for a week —that was the experience of this cat in Mindsor, Ont., when chased up a hydro pole by dogs recently. The maze of live overhead wires stopped any attempt to rescue puss from the narrow crossbar 25 feet above ground—too dangerous, the hydro ruled. But the ending was a happy one. Coaxed by hunger, the cat finally inched its way through the wires that stopped man, to earth and safety. 111tFAIM FRONT kiliauseit In a fashion magazine, • of all places, I ran across these verses, by an anonymous author, which I think will appeal to all fruit growers who read this column, and maybe tome of the rest of you as well. The title is A FRUIT GROWER'S WILL and the verses go like this: When I am dead Don't send me, pleas To a place with white crosses And sad little trees, Put me in the orchard, Two splits deep, Where the worms come and go And the rootlets creep: Where the salts and the acid', The phosphates and lime, Will make good apples At apple -picking time. And when pickers come On an autumn day, "That tree's a good one" Is what they'll say. * * * Down in Tampa,. Florida, bug - fighters from seven different coun- tires recently attended the joint ses- sions of the American *Entomolo- gical Society and the Association of the Economic- Entomologists, And right now I'd like to say I'm glad I'm not the Mayor of Tampa—not If he had to get off those titles in his speech of welcome. * * * But in spite of their tnouth filling tags, these scientists catne out with some interesting facto about the never-ending fight against insects. .Here's what one observer reported: * * * Men who study insect control are something like plant breeders. Theirs is a constant battle to stay one step ahead of nature. Now and then nature wine a round. By the time Clinton oats were re- leased, plant breeders had better verities well on the way, But'nature crossed up the research men with Race 45 rust, Race 45 got here ahead of the better oats. * * * So it is with entomologist'. This year, the European corn borer won a round. But plant breeders and en- tomologists win their rounds, too, , It is always a see -saw battle, For example, none of the entomologists were surprised at reports of DDT - resistant flies and mosquitoes, They new that insects : many kinds have always built up a resistance to most poisons. * * * So entoinologists and chemists dared not stop with DDT. They kept on looking for something better. ,It is well established that many strains of flies and some mosquitoes' have built up a terrific resistance to DDT in some areas. * * * For the moment, they can be han.. died with other chemicals which have not been so widely used. Nor used quite so long. It takes several generations of exposure to build up a resistant strain of bugs, * * But in the Department of Agric- glum laboratorie; at Beltsville, rink 14. Babel.i has one strain a 40.1e-illeg that resist the action of DDT and five other chlorinated hy- drocarbon chemicals in current use —like lindane and chlordane.. * * So it is to be expected flier will become resistant to lindane and the other chemicals now used. What will we do then? Go back to the fly - swatter? Those resistant flies were bred so entomologists could work toward new killers, And new killers are coming, Already they have been , tested, and work fine on flies, It retnains to determine their danger to people. * * * One thing will work for sure, En- tomologists at Tampa, Fla., who 'work with flies all agree on this. It ie more important than chemical control, Fly control begins with effective sanitation. Destroy breeding places. "Fly prevention is always better," In the words of Dr. S. W. Simmons. * * What about other insect pests? Corn borers, wire -worms, cut- worms, sweet clover weevils, and so on Do we have the answer yet? .,'fhe answer has to be "No." In corn borer research, it could be said we have come along far enough to now know how little we really know. * * Maybe born borers will build up a resistance to DDT like some flies. Then we will have to use something esle. One thing, however, is sure, No resistance is ping to be built up until DDT corn borer control treatments have become a general practice for several corn borer gen-. erations. * * * Maybe by that time something better will come along — a new, chemical, a resistant strain of corn, or a mechanical method. * * One new approach appeals to sotne entomologists fighting plant - eating bugs. That is the use of brand-new chemicals that "translo- cate." Now we put the bug killer on the plant. In the new method,you use a bug poison which will be ab- sorbed into the plant, It can go into the roots or through the leaves, • Then it translocoates—moves into the circulation system of the plant. The bug takes a nip at the plant, or starts, to bore into the stalk, and he gets a bellyful of poison. * * But such a poison must not be harmful to animals or humans. That is also one of the problems facing DDT and the chlorinated hydrocar- bon,. Enough tests have been made so scientists can tell you about how much DDT, chlordane, lindane or toxaphene you will find in meat, milk or eggs if animals are fed grain or roughage treated with a giVen amount of the chemical. * * * But no one can tell you what happens to humans who eat such meat, milk or eggs, They know what happens ..to a rat's liver if the rat eats, too much DDT, But no one knows what will happen to you or to kids that drink too much DDT 'in milk. Nor when It will happen. Nor how much is too tnuch. * * • There, the Food and Drug Ad- minietration has to operate Solely on the best opinion that can be mus- tered in the industry—and on the thesle, "if it ain't naturally in an apple, it ain't good for you.' •For example, many research men are loaded with DDT they have ab- sorbed. Probably spray operatort are, too. Find a plump research Zhemist who has worked with DDT a lot,. Gently slice a slab of fatty tis- sue from him, analyze it; and yoU - will find DDT, * * * That gives you a rough idea of the problems facing entomologists. Chemicals have become vital to con- tinued food production in many casei, These research men have to figure out something that will kill the bugs and still not hurt the people. And it must be low In cost, easy to use. It's some jobl PORT , antTC "Was Joe Louis the Greatest?" is' the intriguing title of an article in a recent Colliers Magazine. In It the author attempts—or at lost starts out to attempt—settlement of tthe velced question of who was the greatest heavyweight of all time, (And, by the way, no men- tion is made of a guy Rained Sam- son although, according to Cecil B. DeMille's latest opus, Swingin' Sam packed quite a wallop, at that. Still, Samson carried_ "the differ- ence" openly, in the form of an ass's jawbone or some such, where- as more modern heavies concealed theirs in their mitts.) ▪ * We said "starts out to attempt" advisedly because, when we get to the stql of the piece, we find the questioiltill more or less, unsettled. However, the author is a M"an whose 'opinion must be respected, even if-, not accepted, being none other than Gene Tunney, ,himself a pretty fair sort of leather -peddler and one of • the few champions— you could count the others on the toes of a timber leg—to quit the ring with practically all his earn- ings intact, and his mental eggs unscrambled. • * Not to keep you too long in sus- pense, Mr. Tunney quickly boils down the "greatest of all" contend- ers to a mere two—Joe Louis and Jack Dempsey, And surely it was merely by coincidence that we no-, ticed, a couple of weeks after the piece bit the newsstands, that the Brown Bomber and the Manassa Mauler are due to "battle", some time this summer, in a movie en- titled "The Battle of the Century". It wouldn't be that Mr. Tunney —and Colliers—are sort of gaily - booing that epic in advance, would it? Perish the thought, • * Tunney's method of brushing aside all fighters other than Louis and Dempsey is simple—almost too simple. We'll quote just a bit of what he has to say about oneof these; "By scratching out 'Black , Jack' Johnson too, I'll probably earn tthe lifelong scorn of a small but vocal coterie which still in- sists that Johnson was the lad who could have leveled Joe Louis, A more or less accurate line on John- son's real ability can be gleaned from a record book, In three of his outstanding contests, he did not register the effectiveness required' of, a great champion. • * 4, The three that Gene goes on to cite are Johnson's tilts with Tommy Burns, Stanley Ketchel and Jim Jeffries, pointing out that the first two were much too small to be real contenders, and that Jim Jeff - ilea was a mere shell of his former self. But Tunney forgets to men- tion that in those three engage- ments, in fact in practically ,every fight he ever had, Jack Johnson was in effect fighting in hand- cuffs, Because of his color, and because of his out -of -the -ring an- tics, feeling against Jack Johnson ran so high that there are those who believe that never once, in all his career, did he dare to—tor bother to—cut loose with everything he had. ' • * * "You don't have to take my word word for this apparently arbitrary dismissal of battlers whose names we were brought up to revere," continues brother Tunney, "And you don't even have to compare written records or refer to excellent treatises on the subject. Television has settled the argument definitely. Recently the coaxial cable moguls have disinterred ancient films show- ing every great figlit since Jeffries surprised the world by kayoing Bob Fitzsimmons. These flickers, in- stead of supplying thrills and ex- citement, sent spectatirs into con- vulsions. They howled at the ridicu- lous -looking pork-and-beatter stan- ces, the windmill swings and Don- ald Duck footwork, not to mention the beefy spare tires flopping over their trunks. Even Jack Johnson, who had a genuine touch of great- ness in him, looks far from itn, pressive in his best bouts when compared with the finely developed ring technique and clever footwork of Detnpsey, Louis and others." Gene Tunney is known, not only as a former heavyweight champlou, . but as something of a Shakespear- ean stud.ent as wejl. We suppose that if he should. happen to tee some old, scratched -Up film' taken of John Barrymore hack in - the days of the 'silent inoyie,, he would conclude that Jack must have. been -.- a lousy,Hatniet, Gene never happen- ed to think that film technique might have improved considerably too • with the passage of the years, did he? lint no—ntevision has settled the argument definitely." * * Time), describes at great length what he calls "on i of the greatest ring battles of all , time"—the Dempsey -Willard thing at Toledo on July 4th, 1919. Then, later on, he • admits that he wasn't there personally but" has seen since in movies of the bout." Dempsey's long -swinging left hook, which smashed Jess Willard's cheekbone into fragments is, in his opinion, one of "the three mig'itiest blows delivered during the last three decades of boxing", * * Now surely — although Gene Tunney never condescended to mingle much with the rude char- acters of ringdom—somebody must have told him about the very shrewd suspir'm, which- still per- sists, that ,1,A Dempsey, when he cut big to pieces that swel-* • tering July nay, was carrying a teeny mite of illegal assistance, Some say Om his bandages had been dipped into concrete which, after water had been poured over, quickly hardened into rocklike solidity. Dempsey himself has ad- mitted that he had two or three times the legal amount of tape. There's no doubt that Willard took a terrific beating. But if his hand- lers had been as shrewd as those of the present day, we doubt if Dempsey.would have flattened him In any three rounds, or even twice that many, * * Space will not permit us to go much further into Mr, Tunney's very thought provoking article— but it is interesting to note how he goes out of bis way to helittle most everything Joe Louis did and. the majority of the opponents he fought. This is' hc.w he finishes the piece; "The answer to whether or not Joe'Louls was' the greatest ever gets down to what one thinks about Dempsey. For if Dempsey was not, surely Joe Louis was." * * Tunney leaves little doubt in the reader's mind that his vote would be for the Manassa Mauler, if it came to a vote. Provoking the thought that, as he wrote thpse words, perchance , Mr. Tunney might have been just toying with the idea, "I wonder if anybody will remetnber the lad who licked Jack Dempsey not once, but,twice in a ,row—a lad by the name of Tun- ney," * * * _ Still, it's a fine article and one one well worth reading in its en- tirety, if you can tnanage to 'get hold of it, Still, it leaves us per- sonally as convinced as ever that Joe Louis, at his best, would have licked Jack Dempsey, at tops. Also that Jack Johnson, AT HIS BEST AND WITH THE HANDCUFFS OFF, would have beaten both Dempsey and Louis—with Gene Tunney tossed in' for good meas. ure. Iceberg Census An "iceberg census" of the Baffin Bay region has been taken by aerial photography. h turns out that in the 1949 surveythere were 40,2 ice- bergs in the regiot0These bergs later may become a menace to ship. 'ping in the Atlantic. Hundreds of spotted icebergs will disintegrate on the 2,000 -mile trip before reach- ing the shipping lane. Others will not. Danger front these to ocean vessels On the usual routes to Eur- ope is reducedto a minimunt by the Iceberg patrol of the Coast Guard, ..Classified Advertising.. • AGENTS WANTED , • MEDICAL - - 1101IISPHIVES WELCOME THE PAMILEX MAN for the wide and varied range ot guaranteed necessities; reasonable prices, Premiums; quality and SERVICE, Become a Prosperous business man by using and selling FAMILEX producta-wrIte today and we will tell you 1101Y.-PAMILEX, 1800 Delorimler, MONTREAL, A'PTENTIONI Agents! Men, women, every- where, make money quick. Sell our door name plates of plate -slap and metal, Sells for $1.75. Coate you 750.' Write for circulars. ?Jake 4.t enA money, Claire, 1153-W, .mheret, Mont- . HAIlk 0111411410 • PoULTRY.KEEPERS Be sore of.tt good healthy bunch of baby chicks this coming season. Good chicks mean good heos and more egg's. Place your order„now and take advantage, nr the early order diecount. All breeders ere government banded and pull, orum-tested. Satisfaction guaranteed. Write for our 1950' catalogue and prices. Monkton Poultry Parma, hinnkton, Ontario,• • FISHER ORCHARD CHICKS Day old chicke, pullets, and cockerelavailable weekly rear round if 8 tootling breeds and crosses. The chicks are first close, the Price moderato, the stock accredited. Write for 12 - Page coloured calendar and price Ile, Fisher Orchards, 11.0.1'. Breeders, Freeman, Ontarlo. _ 1950 WILL be a good year to be In. Because • the In and Outers will be out, We predict egg and Poultry prices this Pall and Winter. Ile sure to buy Quality Chicks. We can molly It.0,1', Sired 10 many breeds Mao Turkey Poulin and Older Pullets. Free .Cata- logue. Top Notch Chick Hales, fluelph, Ont. ADAMS • fast feathering Barred Rocks and Crossbreda (Hump x Rock) are bred for high production and meat, Clean blend' test for three years, Started mond a. specialty Adams Barred flocks, -Paris,' Ontario THP1 emphasis today is on qualitY-QualliY - that tneano better livability,better growth," better feed utilization -and all those character, !sties thot mean greater efficiency and better poultry products, In the light *of today'e con - (Mien we believe vitt caltnot. Ignore the ad. vantages of 11.0,13, Hired Chicks, Send .for early delivery price Bat and catalogue,. Broiler Chicks, TOrkey Poults, Older Pullets, Breeding Cockerels: Tweddle-Chlek 'Hatcheries Limited, Fergus. Cintario. T00 many hens are being sold now, This means Malt pricee for eggs later Order early chicks and get in on this market, Durance Laying atrains and Broiler cockerels available now. Write for catalogile and prices Dionne° ParnIS Hatchery, Sarnia, Ontario, BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES AN OPFER to every Inventor -List of Invert. Gone and full Information sent free. The Ramsay Co. Registered Potent Attorneys, 978 Bank Street. Ottawa DYEING AND CLEANING HAVE YOU anything needs dyeing or clean. Ing? Write to us for Information. We are glad to answer your queationa. Department 11, Parker's Dye 'Works Limited, 791 Tong* Street, Toronto, Ontario _FOR SALE NEW JOHNSON Outboard /More. Canadian , Canoe Co., Peterboro Boats, Canoes, Trail- ers, bought, sold, exchanged, Large Mock used motors. Repairs by factory -trained mechanic., Open Until Ono except Wednesday. Strand CSele, Hamilton. GUNS -Largo assortment new and used. Bought, sold, exchanged. Guaranteed repairs, Scopes, nights Installed, Fishing Tackle, Hunt- ing Equipment, Sporting Goods, Special Team Priem Open until nine except Wednesday. Strand Cycle, 41.1117I1totre-....., MOTORCYCLES Harley DaildisZir-Row used, bought, sold, exchanged. Large stock ot guaranteed used niotorcycles. Repairs by factory -trained mechanics. Bicycles, and com- plete line of .wheel goods. Open evenings until nine except Wednesday Strand Cycle & Sports, King at Sanford, Hamilton. SNOW FENCE, Model Vence ComuallY, Ste - Hon • 11,, Toronto, 000D ADVICE! Every aufferer of rheumatic pains or neuritis should try Dixon's Remedy, - MUNRO'S DRUG STORE 335 Elgin Ottawa • $1,25 Prepaid • POST'S ECZEMA SALVE Banish • the torment of dry eczema reshot and weeping skin • troublea Poet's Bourne ORIVII will not dleappoint you, . tolling, scaling. burning eczema., ache, ring' worm, pimples qnd athlete's foot, will respond readily to this etainleee,• ndorleen ointment, regardlese of how stubborn nr impales* the, mem. fr ' PRICE 91,00 PER J411 Bent Post Free on Receolt of Plies F'OST'S REMEDIES I189• St D., Corner of Posen ,• Toronto EARTIVO Oxygen features uur Vieth, Moon's Hydrogen our Putt Sun's. Nitrogen out Spirit; Nature's Influence 91.00, JON ROM. 311114, 4111 Witmer, Niagara Falls, N.Y, it, OPPORTONITIES FOR MEN AND WOMEll BE A HAIRDRESSER .101N CANADA'S IMMO 001100L Great Opportunity Learn . Hairdreseing Pleasant dignified profession, good wages thou:panda successful Marvel graduates America n greaten( system. Illuntrated wag,. logtte tree. Write or Call MARVEL HAIRDRESSING SCHOOLS • 460 Older St. W. Toronto. Branches, 44 King St. Hamilton • & 72 Rideau Street, Ottawa. KARN 310NEY AT 1101116-4pare or;full-tImn,-; nioney7making, 'Learn, to '.make candy: M homer earn while learnhig, emilpmen1 • , correspondence course., National I. atitule 01. Confectionery Ree'd„, • Dolnrim101 P.O., Ilog, 152, Montreal, Quebec,•I LEARN piano playing athome' the. now - miff •way-the'Vhord system. BP0011.1: Intl*: • ductory offer -you may now have a conyouy , forty lesson 81mplIfled rhino Course for erg, One Dollar, Write;Slinpltflod ModernViane Courae,• Box 61; Hanover, ,Ontarlo,'. PATENTS FETHERSTONHAUGH A Company PAWN Solicitors Established 1890 860 110 Street Toronto Booklet nf Information on most. A, M. LAIDLAW, MSc" Patent Attornef; Patenta of Invention, 58 Sparks St, Ottawa, PERSONAL WHY grow gray hair? Write for, my Fri Folder! Box 339, Transeona, Manitoba. ' WANTED REGISTERED NURSES For GENERAL STAFF WORK 8.1Iour Duty, 0 -Dau' Week Salary $150,00 Per Moqtb Phis Maintenane • Apply 8111T. GENERAL HOSPITAL • SIOUX LOOKOUT, ONTARIO NEW, OLIVER 99 -Used Oliver 99. Tractors • in nee/ condition. Best offer, Garnet Mc Falls, Centralia, Ontario. L0005IUTION legs, arms, braces, Preeleton built, No shoulfier straps neceefotry, Guar..* anteed, Acme Artificial Limb Co., 54 Robinson Street, Toronto. 01NUINEI Broad Breasted Beltsville White Turkey eolith], eggs. ItIvery breeder govern- ment approved, bloodtested, Free Circular, Dunning's Turkey Farm, Pefferlaw, Ontario, ammo: clover honey; twelve 4's, 88.00. Amber, 70-1b. can 37.90. Wilbert Link, Delaware, Ontario. FOR sale -Neighborhood grocery store, in -good location; illness In family forces sale. Store has modern fixtures and 8 -room house attached. Apply 45 13roadway, Welland. Ont., or dirt! 7338. SIX REGISTERED Jersey bulls, from six to twenty-four Inontits, for sale. Apply ArtbUr H. Rutley, Berwick, Ont. HARROW Creamery, Harrow, Ont.) 40 ice cream customerst sells 3,090 pounds butter' per week in county. Apply IV, CI, Melding. 1100 Hall Ave., ‘Vindsor. Ont. REAL Photo Postcards for Hotels, resorts, - camps, Send negatives or good anaPshots. Free LIst-Old Ships and harbor, Photos of the Great Lakes, J, W. Bald, 274 Fourth Street, Midland, Ontario. IIELP WANTED • FARMERS DO You Need Skilled Farm•Help7 Experienced praotIcal Farm Labor, families or single, available this epring. Write us now, Latvian Relief Aseociation, 820 Day Street, Room 1304 Toronto, Ontario, MEDICAL EliMERER8 from Rheumatio or Arthritio Saillel If you cannot cot relief, write. or 829, Transcona, Manitoba, ' LARGE atTNEMEXt- SIZE 65e • Check it vdth , , • wor.por 17-4 p. Just inhale the sooth .Ing healing fumes, fd quick relief, It's fast actingl Get a bottle today Wild Fiery Itch— Dr. Dennis' amailngly test relief -D, D. D, Prescription -did the trick, World popular, this pure, cooling, liquid medication tweeds peace and comfort from cruel itching caused by eczema, pimples, rashes, athlete's foot and other itch troubles, Trial bottle, 350, fIrst application checks oven the most intense Itch or money back, Ask druggist for D. D. D. Prescription (ordinary or extra strength) now, tyromliD SYRUP Relievethat comgh NOW before it be- comes serious BRONCHIAL ; Syrrrp ualticiallyemaucgthe EASE .. COUGH Instantly torelievi &arming col • and. bronchia eympttnne in chit- LDI dren and adultc• AT ALL. 2111/aara IrIAGDI 1Kr:10NT:0F LYMOIDS, 'IgSUE 4 — 1950 • •-Cool in any pipe! Honey an, Hank a Gym Gems -Getting in.ahapelor. the "Miss Photoflash of '1950"-. contest are beauties Martha Lou Edwards, swinging Indian clubs; Peggy Smith,. on the rowing machine, and Jean Brooks, on bicycle„ George Cooper, The Creator tpent 40 Years Building, Fixing In a wing of University College, • elm by the Soldiers' Tower and looking out on the Hoskin Menu playing field, is a unlit old-fashioned workshop. In the workshop for 30 year (and on the staff of the Uni.: vereity of Toronto for 41) wee quiet, competent George C. Coopert. George Cooper spettt hir'entire ing with the stump of his leg, A time bulIding or fixing up different bowling alley was set up, The kinds of apparatus, He put together • scheme was eminently successful, from scratch such varied items as During the last war, George Coop- snowPlows and rat mazes, He made er constructed a recording device twenty electric clocks, before such for R.C.A.F, Link Trainers, He 'also were on the market, rigged up a swing-AkaLthe air .• force -used- era; air testlfflizcruite, George.,Ooopet!s-oflicloSellie was 1 I The words "technicianP The swing was operated by hand . and "mechanician" • ars used. inter- untilCooper powered it with elec- ed a ?title' in a large bowling bail. A cable Could be attached. to the stump from which hung a pitt that cquld be inserted in the bowling ball and held by a spring 'attach- ment, The veteran could then swing the bowling ball, and 'let go of -it at the strategic time—actually bowl, changeably to apply to Men whose tricity, job It le to-turnout equipment for The twenty electric clocks that tudent labaratory use ofor re- were a product of Cooper's talent sr search or just, for the maintenance were put together from bits and pieces, Only the dials and the hinds of tIniferaiti property,Usually the objects are modelled on a sketch ,were bought, The Clocks were die. tribute1 here and there in the 'Uni- of object that can't be purchased by a prgfessor, They. are the kind versity There was a master clock anywhere, Their fabrication requires and a,,,big drum punched with 900 holes., Pins passed over the drutn ingenuity,- and the ability of some - and settled in certain holes at cer- one who is an inventor every day of hislife. tain times which rang bells in dif- ferent builpngs. It was quite an Two major qualificationa made operation. Taking them all 'round, George "Cooper an outstanding tech- the clocks did pretty well," said Mein, First was his training, He Cooper modestly, served his apprenticeship in a small The Cooper workshop was filled - shop in Gravenhurst, Ontario, where with machines he had set up hint. he started by sweeping floors and self—machine and wood lathes, a helping the blacksmith. Gradually-- milling machine, a platter, a band • he startedworking in the machine' saw, and drill presses. All this -ina- shop and the , general repair -, shop. chinery wait taken over by jack He was there for three years., Clark, who succeeded Cooper' last The second qualification was 8 June. natural creative ability. During the thirty years he worked During his first eleven years at for the Department of Psychology, the University, .George Cooper Was George Coimer became mildly inter.:. attached to the general .maintenance • ested in the subject which -was the staff. He fixed potato peelers and ice basis of his labours. "I used to read.' cream maChines. He did innutner- certain books on psychology; - able jobfor membera of the am- sometimes I don't think learned a' demic staff, Dr, C, A. Chant,- then great deal," he comntented. He made ' headof astrophysics, wanted a' min- rat mazes and perimeters and most 'attire set of planets to show relit- . of the gadgets that fill the pay. five sizes. Cooper madethem and etiology laboratory in the Econo- :- mounted them ("the - earth was it mice Building on Bloor Street, In little wee thing"). He also made a recognition of his work, the Depart--• 24 -inch celestial globe of brass wire, ment of Psychology presented him • a complicated affair. . ' with a fine engraved gold -watch He.made the first snowplow used when he retired, George Cooper 6ii University grounds. Year after had a true', sense of humour, "It' year it Was put to work bucking - .would spurt out of hitn all at once," • snow drifts until five or six' incites, a friend says, He .was easy-going, - • had been worn off the boilerplate peop e llked him, bbt he inindeds that Cooper had turned into the ac- • own business. He lived a regulated tual blade of the plow. He also put but • busy -life, He liked going on together the first Carts used foi col- motor tours with . his wife. The lectitig leavewin-the fall. Bit. by bit, Cooper's only son .is' a paymaster • George Cooper's handiwork .started popping up all over the campus, , He ,itever -let "liiinseit 'get /stale, - "rve been a kind of -.student'. all through tay; liter he said 'a: .few weeks ,agO. He took, a corremon- dence course in inachitte desigikand '•• -Mechanical engineering, and' for -two .- y4ara he took mechanical' drafting at a' technical .school. Meaittitne, he - made keys and locks and a rotary - turntable for a copy, of Venus de • Milo; He' constructed' a large ma- chine for, picking _up. display cases - and moving 'thew bodily -to -Ono- ther- part of the Museum, *When' the Arst Wtirld War : was underway; George Cooper entered - one of the most constructive phases of Ms work as 8 technician. ProfW soy E, A,, Bott. (then Captain BOtt) . had nine men -working under him itt Hart Muse, operating a civil 're-_ establisliment. centre for veterans. Cooper was tailed in to construct • devices -I to help - disabled ; vetetahl., get over theli-disabilities. Otte of tht- things that Cootie made is typitil of. the kind of --Work he did at That: t time., Captain Bott wanted a , ratud that would helP„ifettatte:*ito had-, 'oak A-. leg ,-thatte age of the 'attanp 'is a preliminary further .1 rehebilititleni NJ*hint, Cebint.- bior In the Toronto Police Department. Music was a dominant force in George. Cooper's life, At 14 he played a bass horn in a band. He played various instruments in boys' bands and -later In' regitnentril bands. ."I ain't claim any brilliance about my playing," he said, "but -I man, aged to get away with it." Ple also enjoyed singing. He sang in the -Na, - Hone! Chorus and was a charter member of the Canadian .National Exhibition. Chorus, "I don't know how many church choirs. I've been in," he remarked, Ills work made him a philosopher. From time to time people would ask him to make gadgets that he knew wouldn't work. Nevertheless he would follow the ideas of the man who gave him the job. But he would come home to his wife and remark that he had been "planting the cabbage upside down, and if it doesn't grow, well all right." • cleorge Cooper's mechanical abil- ity wis evident when he was young, He made himself an ice boat and a pair of speed skates. The speed • skates were 16 inches long, and deadly, They were designed • along new lines, and he won everything in , sight with them, There used to be soup hot disputes by speed skating committees as to whether George Cooper should be allowed to use his dangerous new skates, But he not • only won the argument, most of the time, but also the race, • In October 1949, a heart condition • -frniti which George Cooper had been •.suffering grew worse and he was talieu to hospital, Ott OctOber 18th he passed away, —From The Varsity Graduate. True Chivalry , At a dinner party the hostess, during a lull in the conversation, gave a lottd and rasping hiccup; A Frenchman sitting by her, immedi- ately apologized as though he had • committed ,tke faux pas. When the women had left the dining -room an American asked the Frenchman why he had acted in this manner. "Ah, monsieur, we are a chival- rous people,".-wasthe reply, "I saw that the lady was embarrassed, so I tried to turn the blatue to my- self.". Presently tite,tnen joined the women, After a while the American found himself in conversation. with his hostess in the middle of a -group of guests. Suddenly the hostess hiccupped' again, This time the American turned to the guests and said: "Say, folks, this one's on me I" Old Bible Edition—Dr, Nelson Gitteck, president of the He- brew 'Union College holds the newest addition to the school's rare book collection. It is a "limited edition" of the Penta - tench, the first five books of the Bible, which was printed 1842. Quickest way to balance the household budget would be for the neighbours to stop buying things MT can't afford, , • Siirrealifie 6(166 Wiiik—Stilvator . Dal famous sttri:e'itlist and tuystie painter, &playa:his painting of the Madonna, which he ...showed to the Popeduring ttcent visit. 'Arriving in this Is:coontifOltort white ago' Dali brought four other painting's to • - •-: exhibit in Neiv York. •. Winston's Come -Back A Brisbane man, who served as P. young soldier in the Alfiershot Command fifty years ago, told Aus- traliaps this little-known story of Winston Churchill the other days The,ex-Premier was then a young subaltern. One day, after travelling on duty, he submitted an out-of- pocket expenses ' account to the • paymaster, Among the items was "Porter, two shillings." The -paymaster sent Ohurchill memo, instructing him to use the word "porterage" in future and never "porter." $ Churchill at once replied: "I shave 'toted the contents of your memo,' When hiring a cab, should I also itemize the expense as These Ltidy Drivers A woman drove into e service station to complain that her car was tojng up too much gas. Th* attendant pointed to the choke lever which protruded from the duh. board. "Do you know what tide is for?" he asked. "Oh, that," said the woman airily. "I never use its so I keep it pulled out to hang my handbag on,", • The Annual Meting of .har,eholders ,The Royal Bank of Canada Programme for Trade Recovery General Manager Calls for Exchange Stabilizer Reports Assets, Canada's reputation, achievement and strength offset Deposits Are Up anxieties caused by world conditions -=development Mr, 'I'. II, .A;kinson, General of resources, increased population Man, ger, reviewed the 1949 Annual and foreign . trade needed • A five -point programme for world _ recovery was a feature of. James ,Muir's Presidential address at the PRESIDENT ADVOCATES - Annual Meeting of shareholders of FIVE STEPS TOWARD The Royal Bank of Canada. Mr, WORLD TRADE REVIVAL Muir also stressed Canada's econo- Devaluation has at least broken mic development and her continuing role in world economy. the log jam; but we must take immediate ad antage of this Reviewing international currency experience duriag the 19th and 20t1) trade initial break in the barriers to centuries, Mr. Muir referred to the trade which have been thrown stability of sterling before 1914, up by overvalued exchange rates ,.nd rigidly held. in place by "Several itnportant factors contd. government controls, buted to the enduring dependability of, the sterling standard, First, ...TfAhlelottecps, in my opinion, are 'debtor nations accepted exchange parities which they were able to —It—ir's-i,":;;ations of the world should maintain through relatively small sire-learn a basic ,lesson of adjustments of prices and mone the first world war, and settle incomes. Second, debtors were wil(- their war debts ing ;13 accept the discipline of the Second, for a certain fixed gold standard and to acquiesce, period, we should let the market under the ruleof that standard, in L determine rates of exchange, as the price and income adjutitments it did imtnediately after the first which their trading position re- world war quired, And third, the wOrld's-cre- Third, at the end of this period ditor, Great Britain, made additional of free-market Valuation, we sterling available through the vigor- should stabilize currencies by financial and business • community free-market has determined , . . reference to the rates which the ous international lending of her govertmient. Fourth, having stabilized ex - and the free trade policy of her change rates ae the level decreed • by the free market, the world COMBINE PAST, PRESENT ' must adopt some device to keep "In tneetin g any emergency we them that way .... . The gold . must combine the lessons of the past standard kept nations within with inventiveness and imagination their means before the days of in the present, In the past, as in any bility for international economic the great illusion th relatively at inter - normal period, responsi- etability was 'divided between the achieved by clamping the fetters national equilibriutn can only be _ creditor and debtor countries of the oinfte erxnacItronsigaei tcraodnetr!l. tt, pon free , world, But, in the period immedi- Fifth ately following the second:,world i s I the gold standard (or war the primary responsibilify lay t equ valeta) must be made to this responsibilit work by the prope,. discipline not with the creditors; and in meeting y, the United nations as well. only of -debtor but of creditor States and Canada' embarked on an — - - -- - LThis means+ a unprecedented program ()limns and return to the two basic requ.re- gifts to the war-torn countries f tnents of responsible creditor 0 nations: vigorous ittternational Europe , . ," •lending and free trade. "The nations of, Europe, through their own efforts and with the -help . of loans • and gifts from abroad, titan our indirect earnings of dollars have built up their production to through trade with U,S,-financed the P -re -war stand: rd, Further Europe." , 1 progress in production would Mr. Muir referred to the danger be immensely beneficial, but of losing established markets in the immediate probletn has be- Europe but "the continued tailtire come not production as such but of our overseas customers' to earn efficient production. In other words, sufficient dollars, through trade and we are back to normal dines again investment rather than through in the sense that the old problems gifts from the dollar area may force of competition in international trade, us to realign our trade. That is, we such aa costs, prices, and salesman- may have to contemplate the con - ship, must once more be met, Under traction • of traditional markets in these conditions, we still need the Europe offset to some degree by 4.inventiveness and imagination which increased sales to the dollar area. have helped debtor and creditor "The • least transferable of our countries 'by co-operative effort to major exports overseas are wheat progress as far as they have along and wheat flour." In this case., he the road to world recovery, But we pointed out, "shifting is difficult need also to restore as nearly as owing to large exportable surpluses we can the 'favorable economic of these product within the United environment that made international States. To finance wheat exports ,. stability possible in the golden age through new loans to the United of the sterling standard . . ." Kingdom would mean a return to THE CANADIAN ECONOMY our lending policy of 1945-46 and a • Mr, Muir discussed the Canadian return to our dollar -short position economy in 1949 under four main of 1947." heads; "(I) Canada's reputation, (2)"The most favorable development Canada's record, (3) Canada's weakin' our world trade would be an ness, and (4) Canada's strength. • increase in our Imports from Europe (1) Canada's Reputation, Mr, Muir and especially from the United pointed out that among foreign Kingdotn, or increased dollar earn- • observers "Canada is at once the ings by these countries in their bulwark of free enterprise, and a trade- with the United States." regulation; the possessor of an further curbs on imports from tile "To- attempt this shift - through niodel of wisdom of government adtnirable private banking system United States would be a move Central Bank control: the stronjr backward to more rigid exchange controls with all the disadvan• and f the best practice In efficient hold of a sound cotiservativetra • tages of such a move for ourselves tion and the home of interesting and for the world economy, ror- experiments in's political and econ- tuttatejy, the recent devaluations mule order." have provided sonte incentive for "We don't have to be too modest, precisely the shift we have in tunid at least atnong ourselves, We can without an increase in controls ..' spare ourselves an ittfe:Iority coin- "The plain truth is that Canada's plex and . the, abnormal national domestic prosperity depends upon behavior to which it may give rise, our handlieg of t, complicated Te. As a nation, we have accomplished foreign -trade problem. And in the much; not . all of it is good, but final analysis- both our domestic the power for good is there; and prosperity and the future of world in 1949, as ' itt previous years, out trade itself will depend upon a good repute is, in large measure, com.erted international effort by supported by, our record," all nations to return along the path (2 - Canada's Record, Mr. Muir we outlined earlier; that is, along br efly summarized Canadian bus!- the path to multilateral world trade ness conditions in 1949. The year unhampered by exchange tcstric- saw "a further inctease in Canada's dons, bilateral pacts, and all the pea - industrial plant and equipment, the phernalia of government control," maintenance ' of the high levels of (4)-. Canada's Strength. "It is re - consumption attained in 1948, and freshing to turn tram Canada's the over-all expansion of 'tht. net difficulties in the next few months and gross national product beyond to her prospects over tl e next' few the record levels of a- year ago," years, or betterstill over the next He noted too that "Canada is one decade and many more to come. We of the few countries today that can have the essential elements that still • boast it substantial budget need _only a little time to bring surplus. This not only contributes about ati enormous increase in our to stability, but it turns prosperity aationel wealth. These sOurces to trood accotim by Improving the credit Of the government." (3) Canada's Wealateee. Mr, Muir ref-tred in some detail to Canada's . export position and her_vulnetability to- the current, unbalance in inter- national Markets. After summar- izing -Canada's tree in 1949, two . main Conclusions were stressed: "First, our over -401 surplus with the wotid is dwindling; and, second, our filet earnings. f dollars through Report and stated that the bank's as - 'sets had risen by $112,498,000 during the year to $2,334,985,000 and that liquid assets constituted 76,27% of the total liabilities to the public. Commercial loans had also in- creased, Mr, Atkinson reported deposits at a new high of $2,192,140,000, an amount two -and - a -half 'times titat of 9 years ago. The number of deposit accounts totalled nearly 2;000,000, which in - eluded more than 1,500,000 savings accounts in Canada, An increase of $1,400,810 in profits over the previous year was noted by •Mr. Atkinson and after providing for the customary deductions, includ- ing taxes of $4,435,000 and divi- dem' for shareholders, there was a carry forward .in Profit and Loss Account of $3,860,313, IMPROVED FACILITIES Referring to the provision of new premises, Mr, Atkinson said; "Since our last report eleven new branch offices have., been constructed at points where facilities were inade- quate and where extension of exist- ing premises was impracticable, and at forty-six other points improve- ments and extensions of a major character have been completed . I In order to better serve the public itt districts which are expanding we opened twelve branches and six sub -branches in Canada, At the year- nd we were operating 665 branches in Canada and 62 abroad." SERVICE TO TRA DERS Mr, Atkinson stressed the role played by the Royal Bank's 62 branches abroad in facilitating for- eign trade, "For well over a quarter of a century we have operated an extensive chain of our own -branches in foreign countries; in fact, at certain points we have been esta- blished for over half a century, and as at November 30, 1949, we had 62 offices which -Included representa- tion in the key cities of the major South American Republics, through- out the Caribbean area and, of course, we are established in Lon- don, England, and New -York City, and our affiliate operates in Paris, France ." "The widespread chain of branches oupled with our extensive corres- pondent relations throughout the world serves as a constant source of statistical and other, information including 'import and exchange re- gulations which otherwise might not be,readily available to us, and our central bureau in Head Office Is thus in a position to give up- to-date and complete information to Canadian companies and °theta having under consideration establish- ing business relations with clients abroad. We firmly believe that through helpful inforination given to Canadian businessmen our for. cign, organization will continue to serve a most useful purpose to Canada in the development of markets abroad for surplus goods," PROUD OF STAFF A warm tribute to tl.e bank staff was paid by Mr, Atkinson. "There's nothing this Bank. Is prouder of than the quality of its personnel, Within every officer, I believe, there is a fine sense of pride in this great institution—pride not only in its achievements and its pre-etninent pia -e in Canadian and world bank- ing, but pride, too, in its being a good place to work, The execu- tive, supervisors and branch mana- gers have all travelled the 10111( road of apprenticeship within the Bank; they talk the same language as the young people who are fol- lowing the same route, and they are united in trying to make working conditiond as pleasant as possible , . ." one resourcealtat is itt short supply. In this way we catt remove the one factor that sets a present litnit to the growth .of our natural. wealth. Against this prospect the few 'tun- dred millions of U,S, dollars that measure our present dollar diffi- culties pale to insignificattce," "This prospect of economic inde- pendence does not mean a reduction. in trade. We do not have to turn our backs on tlie interdependence of nations that accompanies inter. Aloha! commerce, Trade among independent, industrially developed countries is the most profitable trade of all, The world is gradu- ally moving away frotn trade be- tween industrialized countries and under -developed areas, away from trade that requires colonial depen- of economic strength are our na- dence, to trade among industrial tural resources rd the temper of:equals. And in this evolution of our people. Arid economy, Canada is at "Canada's scarcest natural re- present leading the way." soutce is her working population. In t' development of Canada's Here, as with our forests, mines and natural resources, their use by a oil felds, we must practise conser- larger population, and the exchange vation through the wise and econo- of her increased industrial output mical use of what we have. But to in "an expanding and enriched parallel otir new discoveries and foreign trade," Mr, Muir saw "an to ensure thejr full and efficient effect' guarantee that • Canada use we must embark on a bold shall achieve an assured and pre- AaPorts t6 the tilted States is be- policy of imntigration. In this way eminent place in- the economy of - - coming relatively Ettore important we can increase the quantity of the. nations . •'Tim -,!1 WALLACE'S Dry Goods --Phone 73-- Boots & Shoes. Agent For French Dry. Cleaners GODERICH, COMMENCING' THIS WEED THERE WILL 13E TWICE -WEEKLY -PICK-UP AND DELIVERY, TUESDAY MORNING & FRIDAY AFTERNOON „`'t'd'��f�2F'bi�3►d'.i'�d'd���i's`��►�id��:+#w.'».'W�+4�v�F�+° Siopertor Mr. and Mrs P, J. Kelly wish to 41) TIM littritArti W ednesda , Jon, 25t i,10 PERSONAL INTEREST 1 BeautyShoppe� Mr, -Phil Phi111ps has secured a pork lion with the Mac Craft Idiuvirs, n Phillips s has secured a posi• tion the Craft I�niustrics, of Sarnia, And 'commenced his duties on Atptnlay, Mr, gray Dahl'? tb of 13ly'th, is also pnrloved with the same firth, Mr. and Mrs. L. M, Scr:m.,ecur stent the week -cod with Mr, and Mrs, R. J, Cameron of Elmira, Mrs, L, Scr-itvgeour visited last` week with Mrs. R, \V, Du\'aI, of Win'ghant. Mr, and "Mrs, T. A. G • Goril'on are spending two weeks in Toronto and' Montreal, While in Montreal Mr,,Gor- don will attend the meeting of the Ilan Association. Mrs. Fritzley spent it. few days last week with Mr, and Mrs. Peter Brown. of Windsor. Mr. and Mrs, D, AlcKenzIe and D. A. were in, London on Wednesday tr, attend the "Capping'' ceremony,' for their daughter, Miss Alice McKenzie who Is a nurse -in -training at, Vi(itoria, y hospital Alice will accompany them home for an 11 -clay vacation, CARD OF THANKS • FOOD STORES For Thurs,, Fri,, Sat,, January 26, 27, 28 Niblets Corn 2 tins 31c Ellmarr Peanut Butter 16 oz, jar 32c Campbell's Tomato Soup per tin 10c Shredded Wheat 2 pkgs, 27c Tide, Oxydol or Dreft large pkg. 34c Jell -o Jelly Powders , , 2 pkgs, 17c Fresh Readicut Macaroni " per lb, 12c Hand Picked White Beans 2 lbs. 21c Hart's Orange Juice large 48 -oz. tin 45c :k Baker's Dot Chocolate half lb. pkg. 35c Fresh .Fruit"-- Fresh Vegetables, Pioneer and Lifeteria Feeds, Vr a Deliver, -- E. S.ROBINSON. -- Phone 156 y; �t++++++0 i..... i'. .i 4-444`"440 �M'+,O:4 (4. 4:44+4.+:.+:• +:� + +*+ i +H•,': 41 thank their many friends and neigh- bours for the gifts and congratulatory messages received on the '.occasion of their golden wedding Anniversary', ti FEED SERVICE 111•4 000000 5NUR•GAIN —FROM THE M/.YfQ70YOU BALANCED FEEDS They're always fresh because they are made locally. POULTRY, HOGS, CATTLE, ALL THRIVE ON SHUR-GAIN, made by feed experts from the high- est quality ingredients, and scientifically tested each step of the way. MILLED LOCALLY, you can always be sure of SHUR-GAIN freshness. EXPERIENCED FEEDERS KNOW THE VALUE OF FRESH FEED. Distributed -in Your District by LONDESBORO, ONTARIO. T. B.- ALLEN, --fit!---- 414...__4 Elliott lnsuraiice Agency BLYTH ONT. INSURE NOW! AND BE ASSURED, Car • Fire - Life - Sickness - Accident. J. H. R. Elliott Office Phone 104. Gordon Elliott • Residence Phone, 12 or 140 COURTESY AND SERVICE, 111/0 Fifl/ ►i haat .14a F tie aidtill bait 1. Involved In Accident Two cars, driven by local residents, were iii a main street collision last Saturday evening. Wilmer Giousher was driving south on min street, and Ur, and Mrs;' Alfred Machan were proceeding north. The cars collided in front of Walsh & Armstrong's gar- age. Mrs. \ftchan was thrown front the car by the impact, and required medical' attention, The front of both cars suffered -extensively. Provincial Constable Salter investigated. AUBURN Afr,, and Ors, Ellis Little and Joan, spent the week -end with relatives at Monkton. Mrs. George Wilkin and baby son, Ro'tert, have moved to London after upending several -months in Goderich, The. family were unable to find lions - int; accomotlation until just recently, George Wilkin 'is an, employee -of the Imperial Oil in London, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd B. Raithby of l.or,don, with "relatives here an Mon- day. Donald Ross, of Galt, with histuoth- cr, 'Mrs. Fred Ross, William Kruse of Galt, with Mr, and Mrs, Edgar Lawson. Mr, and Mrs. Arthur Grantee have had their farm wired for electricity. George Raitlthy with Mrs. Cowan and Joan, of Goderich. Mr. and Mrs. Mac Alliston and daughter, Betty, of Parkhill, with Mr, and Mrs. Gordon R, Taylor, Mrs. Thomas McNall has returned .from Goderich hospital. - John Arthur, young`, son of Mr and Airs J. Keith Arthur, is a patient in Goderich hospital, His many friends wish hint .a weedy recovery. Grant Riordan, of Blyth, renewed acquaintances hues on Friday, Resi- dents of Auburn are pleased to heart that Mr; and Mrs, Harry Riordan were_successful itt securing the Blyth C,PR, station, They spent- several years at the Auburn station, V Mission Band Meeting The Mission Band met in the base- ment. of the United Church, Afrs,' Rut- ledge read a sto•g' from the naw book, "The' Flying Umbrella." Mrs. Rogers told a very 'interesting flanclgraplt story about the calling of four fisher- men, The following officers were chosen for 1950: President: Carol Tyrctnan, Vice -Pres.: Betty Galbraith. Secretary: George \\rebster, Treasurer: Mrs, Rutledge, World Friends' Secy: Marilyn John - 1 NOTICE r Our Beauty Parlour is now, located at: our resi- dence on Dinsley Street, where" we will be glad to welcome our customers,'; both old and new, For appointments tele- phone 1Blyth, 52, Olive McGill sommommrsesrsoisamar IT'S NOT TOO EARLY To start you Spring de- coration plans, Nothipg add;- as -much happiness to the home as bright, cheerful walls and ceil- ings, When thinking of de-, corating, either wallpa- per or paint, include us in your plans, All work completed with neatness and reasonably priced. Ask to see our samples, F. C. PREST Phone 31.26. 1.ONDESBORC BRUSH AND SPRAY PAINTING Sunworthy Wallpaper Paints and Enamels, 44. Glorify Your Hair with a NEW PERMANENT • NOW $3.50 UP. ALSO FINGER WAVES AND SCALP' TREATMENTS. Please Phone RAY'S BEAU'T'Y SALON Phone' 53, Blyth. stop, Temperance Herald: Larry Walsh, Peace Herald: Margaret Ann Do- herty: ATTENDED FUNERAL Mr, and Mrs, Laurie Scott and Mr, and Afrs, ,Mervyn Gooier attcne:i the funeral of Mr, Scott's aunt, E. E, S. F. Hougliton'in London, On Saturday. WORKING with and for You The courage to accomplish is a powerful asset in banking, as in other enterprises. In the front line of that sweep of land settlement East and, \Vest—over the pros- pector's trails into the mineral regions— in new lumbering districts -this Bank's representatives developed a nation-wide ;h and unexcelled service. A proud record? Perhaps so, but of prac- tical benefit to ourselves and to,the public has been the close association with enter- prising people of all classes, winning their way to better things. And so, this Bank joins forces with every man who seeks to improve his position in life, for it hasgained much in helping people in the past, no matter how limited their resources. `- t!4• r THE CANADIAN SAN OP COMMERCE 4 • 'i .et: 4 7,,.,•. ,l•, Stock Tonics and Remedies We carry a full range of ROYAL PURPLE AND L -R, BELL'S TONICS, - Royal Purple. -- Stock Tonic, 60c & $L75; Poultry Tonic, 60e & $1,75 Hog Toric, GOc & $1,75; Roup I"emedy; 30c & 60c; Horse's Cough Powder , , ,,,,,,, , „,,,,„.,,,,, 60c Diarrhoea Tablets , , , , , , ,`. , , , ,, 50e and $1,25 Dr, Bell's--, Tonic Indigestion Powder , , , , , , , , , . , ; , , ,60c Kidney ancl Blood Powder . , , , , , , , , , , , , . ` , , ,' 60c Distemper and Cough Powdery , , , , , , c' Bell's Medical' Wolnder ,.. , r't , , , , , ,,, , , , , ,',I,'::162°6 ,,5 Penicillin Bougies, ' iCooper's •Dri-Kil Green Cross Insect Powder, Creoline, _.•PISS-. ~DRUG$, $UNt)Rfroa, R'ALLPAPIi:R--PnoNE zo. • TRY OUR FRESH RASPBERRY OR CHERRY PIES, HIGH RATIO ,a CAKES, BUNS' AND PASTRY. FRESH WHITE AND BROWN BREAD, Plain or -Sliced, YOUR PATRONAGE "IS APPRECIATED. The HOME BAKERY H. T. Vodden, Proprietor . , _ `Blyth, Ontario HURON - G1UL RUTH.. ONTARIO. 45 Cents And. u1. Meals at All Hours: FRANK GONG —ty Proprietor Arilow-Psices on•,Fll :C,on ire' 1• �eals` Speiran 's PHONE 24. ar ware BLYTH, EVERYTHING IN HARDWARE. .-44444.46, mmusammesolamoomemmr1 NO�s'.. is the time to ,use SOOTFOE to keep your PIPES AND CHIMNEYS .CLEAN. See the new EVENING STAR Community Plate ,Silverware Design, 34 -piece service for 8 in tarnish proof chest; $56.75. Cooper' Dri-1<i1 , ... , , per Ib., 30c: Cocoa Door Mats-,..,,, ,,, ,,, ,$1,95' Coal Hods , , 4 , ,', ... . , + 95c,.$1,10; $1,30,: $1,55 Flashlights with Batteries, ..4 , , , , , , $2.15 SNOW SHOVELS Holland's' Victory Standard Peas , . , Quick Quaker Oats . .•, ,6 , : 4 ,. , McCormick's Granny Cookies , Harvest Corn , '+ 4 ,'`4 .. Nature's Best Tomatoes :':., , Libby's Deep -Brown Beans. Rosedale Tomato''Juice” L' G. A. Peanut Butter ,', Robin 1Iood Oats ,,,` 4 , . , 46 Crown Corn Syrup .•+, , , , ; , , 001 arket 2 for 19c' 16464 444:,. 29c•.'.. ,6444_ . , . . ,. 24c 4 . . 2,for23c' 20 Oz,, 2 for 25c for- `83c; ,. 3 :dor: 25c 4, 4.44 + . 4.4 4 f , 4i +,•. 4 + 4 s, , 4 , 59c Jelly.Powders(all flavours) 4 ,�� , ; . 4 , ,�_ 2 for'17c Watt's Rose Brand Feeds ' Pioneer Feeds.` Fresh OystergThis Week -End; ele ones e a llelive LIVE V!t'litt PA1kM 1+dlt lM 94.9 The,tive \Vire l:arnt`Portnt met at the ironic of 11r. and itrs .Tib chat, -and firs. pert 14unkitig' gali"on l\lenday, evening,. \vlth2 !them' 1 hors present;, ' After' the brow icatt ate` i ctfscttsstott -was licks `, f3atiies �ttere.'` Played and ltiticlt Was.` served. ext , tneet#ttg will be: at: the haute' of''Mr,