HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi Weekly Signal, 1867-02-08, Page 11it
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MA f14 W-0111110- -*put *fft w4kk tun is a sn"
zaa. C " ta the Taimb.
10 gems of 02- -as *X.
S CA uot s4ab"Wrm a
w, - iis ap' T4WfsTxip eg
ed ihoozod wwwwa-
t 6M z#A E_ ORCHAM M. lvi4 x*0dT031zzftd6
US%&oodZmv4 46
:gWroftan"k- to
Ggowzsm - I #
&NIT. 1M.
W azrcp "r;4"V im- hus�, and fibi
im 2�rd -aC*1xIz ar tagetzer to
rtioxai Es L'a 12 � __ _W -
SAM t" Ir
Two W�1%17;�Amfilwi%.
P [Writter, for the f5iguaLl Tlie other and her Chjj& -ry day The summcr sun shone trigbOly Oos ri It,3 pure beams sweetly smil'd, % 4t Doti U0, to Oclocki 4L. In.. eve w7 %Vill vcAll, fi,ac,itsat anV hour alterwartis,ifigh -ro pure and happy ones i
pon tp 4:r. mnibpr and her child. A That hapi y muther srail'd to se#,' Her boy so glad and fi.ir, IM. nctr-A A N D fl IT IR. ON, A ND 13 R U C IR N'DVERTISE R As ,-1uyfU:'y be tvrin'd his hands ok=e aid A ttj:d !jer suany hair. zfz- i,e a ; r, -,e on tb�, t fair child, W. T. COX, '"Ectitor and Pxoprietor. "The Greatest Possible Good to-the-Greitestlossible Number."' 9 , blooming on her knee. G P.Aoti-ATE of the 00113M'31-mt Of Vj"-V�x Vaiversstir. TOrtlint', and litc tt I he WI a g!ovsin- drenins of litippirtem, H IWI York. Itesidence E In fu--ure fife had ihd If B.yfi.ld. w4) 4m* '1a(jWkd --NO. 47. -t'of Lis expai,ded forin
$2.50 PER -ANN. IN AD i 'GOD RICH5 Cm., FRI DAY. 1867.' VOL. H s inteliect refir'd? B jj4t &,ad -;oM_'tor-iq-Chancvry, County nrzi-mhood*s o,ou men' an ay, Grow Q Ajigan.ey,Goderze C
h.-,aaadaWcs% tiffice Ai d nimil;, wf*s thr;ll:n miiid.
vl4n4d jel 16 a it IS V�j F.J1 ArA then blie I)reat:.*J ar, prajer, V r. %V1,i(.:j m �Iherq Tropmny. coNvry C.W HARRIS'S ft7l AT i, ti I?, t6591 FIENItY CITITST, 118", IJOHN That tl.e mi,:Ijt live 1. spe that babe,
Departmentai, Paillmeutary Tf,at terider cL-IJ a man, DRUGS, DRUGS Son%T Rropidtor.' Thig in th Tube l,'is e thrcmzb life, ND -PATENT ACENT9 largesuind bestCountry lintel in oin; B 0 X I" 'XE tV The tlja,(-r of ih.ir j, yet It, stor ot A -Coofula.and charges as n1o'derateasu#yHoual 0 T,T A W A. Gooidsonplingfo CHEAP CASH ST M IAIS -0 To ff"'t ` 1- j ` t* with the Crown Land* artit -;ey. lLyrsex1tnd,,3,4rnag06 for lipp, on AJ .64
Transacts busine. Ilor LAY', i, P I F 11 To eyes. 401in ol tier 0overnniont Dtpartmeluts;- r4tes out ho ShortemiNotiee ill 1LTrt)aN:SY.8A0LTCITO"R i kill all's iretwu for 4y L-ters Pat- that each m,)rtV DraltA a 1867@ 1) Now Is too time 1867 ad sia 9 19 R. IZAISINS N% 01;id 8 -MC 1,^-V cbarro 9;42 PrWate ea- I I
BOXESNET O'i I urhen so Fvvert 117C op'ning brad
RIOD.&O . for parue-4 ta- W1 I X C:)p I=t X)p A6 1V At Sohn Fair and Companys' old stand, 1% aiding eltio"Vitcre. w J,e4u.'f,I the rose, tOLICIT OR rN to subse ibe for here Jous 01 CHOICE RAISMS, T IrV I'VnIt IV kw, HAURIS is now the man. B R E N a E 8 bappy, prefAs o'er hie charmi? puh R E F N TI;0'
Add;tioral stock has come to hand,
otla� BOXI EW
X 0 e d i a I III ELI 19 the ar ofCrown! will suit exactly'.the folk Gi the land =47 11101W. 1. CALING, Lou- N 'I fowl VAL'Z 10111 iRAI L9 SLil er gi,w tl)e m,)t4er's lic-art.
H.Jusox Esq., 11(ifoll-, Jon. Co at rt- Hou so svia-0, Godif I I THE S ,S GN Ili I C"%, t-,) QUARTER BOXI
ucf,sro ft La-Tq&- !Jnv.�tprnf Asrenetes�f*o!omel DISPENSING CHEMIST & DRUGGIST ArrolLNIKY, '50LICIT Tornto. L A Y F RF AT I inter mwid with -it carne, - %V -ov VICE I Vp Which is A s -id a:pl woffu! morn W&St entrance 11onlerta,find Importe.rol admitted.to be one of tbo KEGS NEW
oit rfjW wm ot Glas;fxw 110also tl,.t Young moth, r w:IIIT vlopt,
G 1"', N U I N E 1) It U G.S, al Good uots ita ea! I [fly bed, E W'C"y 0*.-r!,cr firrt her ott's C&S ms eals, Per/1" milt V, Best Local PAPERS in the country. - The f -weret now no loi�,zer lyfoom'd,
121 CENTS rE11 YARD. -
oaco-LIZABUts NEW tt sir r i, ith. an I .sil 11rumbeft kd - . I I I Wc:) .^.:FLT;L3: V V-4 -- - F Deatlj'B wjih',i,),, hand had iii,,'d the W4
rA1% T11,01 WS, Colon 0, I)VZ 4TUIrs, MUM NAJW CURRINT Aiid it %iiij the deal. ITIE B R-0 0 N FICTOLY HO USE �t CATTI,E .11EDIINFis E, AL GOOD FAIORY 1 ABOVE AT Yet rerl,.r to Weep a-4 mother nowt
PRICES IIARD TC BE' , IT, 11 ipe (lit Aho falling, ter, I rA T.V a D a,.& c., e, c. 44,,ixcaE:s, wmp, Midice! race punctually attendesh o CHFS N') part illy j,,y sa perman n I.
-I-Son & S011S. Orde,plrorn P A
at hou-sor Irade Prievs. t 0 Goderich, Oct. 23,186C.. v� 19 sfwre; crabli a 07actr. N.B.-Physician's Presfi-riptioa earufullydis. tjs . Isaac Doti 0 3PDX' 'WVLWC�i- pensej. t- What thou�,b no more hul Prattling voice,
maneV to LA d OU Real Fr"WeTty To clinrin thi xe car o jzi7�-nf
%vAb for the mallul:&ZI-irtj Ut ill .0018 it) Clod, 154 W. F_ R�,AL GOOD CANADA WEED No?; swe.ls the choir al heaveri. d el.,cl oub the scribern.,ste pre -pare toattend B to ail orders in their line of buqiuess from -W all Woolf 75ots per ya; 1.4. STARTL ii
lka't Nq# ..I I W� Wroxeler, 4ib 186""
'C any part of cmnad-s With plompLifeii AT WHOLESALE ONLY. v E 0 vroocit :4 �. n.j3jBjB.j, ATTOR % BY - AT LA Their facllitie4 itfr mi"Jut4eture will, 111% UgHT! LTGI1T LIGHT 00 �Iiout Too pieces Canudian and ltnpl)rted ALLEN SCUDANORE'S WIGER9
t -t them to compete w.t en--lbi ?00 Besides a full epitOlnO. Of all intereatingr f4iley and plain STEPHE.713 & ROBERTS z Q. ! It
( rga,p SW37 tiny eitablilshunant 0114he kind in the coun local news, we have spdoiat corresponden CHAPTER J& HOCK & COAL OILS9 ts 8�irtinz Flannels Will Allen never marry said little
in Now York, TexaA, Ireland, and in a::)- Factory i,j 1%meron i Block. King- ]EX"Idan Burning Fluid,Lamp Oils. A R R E S T ED.
vrancifs C door %-) Huron Hotel, Mrs. Denton, with a comically appealigir
treet, A i p I 0 various parts of Cau4da who'carefully 25 percent lower than tisra.l. TTOWN' Y. U-1. Si)LIVTOP, TV 11,0111 - I -
F. Par ale by Z lance -at hrr husband, who sat tranquill
L;W�Zej.v. observe and racord falAfally many of the A IS'AAC DO R -;()N SO N:4, F. JORDN'X. ti . ;:� corrercour, ;; A dividing his attention betveeen his break. -
60-Irrich, V. W. 'JideCM11.1111) - 17.1 i59 50 interestiDff doin gs of-t4e outside world. .10 They are sent to Canada fst and "he mornin- paper he was rapidly
1-0 A L A It G E' LOT Or" 10 scanning with the_ practised eye of a
1$10E NEW NUBIAS NOBLE ACTION 'OF PRES. JOHNSON man of business. Do, E tpr, put doru IB. A. or Clouds, from 37;g cents. that wretched y qu(t- HOTEL9 He deserves tLanlis fo Arrestin- WflUAin 1R_ Bain CANADIAN- 0
these lion." CLINTON, C. W. 'VVcll, little Wonian." sid her hual)-
T U DS 13 WITH ALL alid, looking up at her, 11 what is� tbier
A-ZZD city Proprictor. III, 15
T11 0 U H 0 E & matternow? VhowantsAllento MF*l
W 0 F F I. 4., ri,rT,ishrd w-th oil the the comtoriol NCW r;t;jLDj.VCS. KjyGs�-hoX Trejuirernenis essential to ry
;rl4tf and late GDDFk91GU The Liverpool and.Lon' swor-4s, Mlyonetsy Rrifies ,,Wb y, gvcry one. of course,'
And all the motly kinds of arms and war Mrs. Denton. It'is the�, duty
Mouer BUFFALO ROBIES materials collected in detq r$15,0 head of the house and here have I bew
D-spated and �etive Invested rluuds,� 0 000 Noeffortwillbe spared during 1867 'be 'hat thezy were. TAPUAINY I-TAJ-.L I putting myself to all kinds of troub - le, ancl
buds to rea at she at two thirds the pri w
sw3 L 02 000 to keep the Signal up, to the standard it Invested in Canada, AND -vow, oe
asking all the nice girls I k Ptrl
has attainea. MOFFAT MANST40NI 4
EM PHOTOGRAPH GLLE11`1 lPIrjZF. DEPARTMENT -1 - , I A posetogivehim chance -beforahe-goo
-For the -fuse threeve-tra' tolgetktr with a [NSURANGES EFFECTED WC ALL CLAS�Et OF Vick- to bury himsdf at that stupid 11"RESH, GROCERIES! PROPERTY AT CURREXT -RATES. x �b `L pat�L-. Conveyancer, &'c-, tz . W31 Yankee, German, French & a,
ctim'-da�-4cli Yr. FARM RISKS AT S-PECIAT LT REDrCED 4%ATES are, received every weeL-. Engfieh illodcinz and N=--Na.x, Stupid 1" echoed Mr. Denton,' I
A rsh T had a fittle more of iti, istugai-
LIFE DEP'ARTAMENT. All of- wh;ch have been sept to Bift k, aL, -a,-y* I=?, S CQ > on sticha 4alaq
No EXTRA Charge for Milita Se'r zi�-No One in Canada oells Cheaper I �hink of the Cha.
Ofi. n f,3 a. IC %7. vr4 IP I. 0 : %- this.
t=$ vice in
Of Saw Mi-ils, Flonr and camplid] Defeiiee of the 'hat careworn bugluess Woo len C6 - - Count ]BUTLER W*1 The.somew Grist Mil!4;, PmFK- Iiiiis, Thmshia� Ma- Life Policies for the benefit of or t waled to Lbe win -'ow, autl looked Out 1* %vai"M Vtf-ase'.. chinv�, Foundr;L-s a;id Uaehine Shojr, &e-, Go ;qWd!,eja are senre frmam sei by nTA. JOHNSTnx, I,", AV_L-kW, 40LICITOR IN7 1-3 iCreditors. Good ,00ds always:at t1le where thpi, are open for Cailmlian:5 to,feast ydhd�the litile gat,ilen With its tin
PO; ICY for - $1000, bv the Gual their evin upon,- buy cheap, sud and flower -beds, to tU Zusty Viab. road
-it a ge 39, S keep as relies of the 4 0 i .704 ory lowfbst with its thr�ngg of vehielts:and - estriza
Use tho Lubric OU A - Bonu% q.-Ic M CoStA rad --ifi,
yenr. should it beenme parnble after 5 rea is G 0 D it I C n - P ei b USY _161, one-lourth oi.the Prenfuzin,; are returned! tftth Fenj a 9,0�1 1 AL S e- all endmi tlilir W�J-. 140
4MANI1F1CCTrREJD UT ": MOVINCIAL Eatoa 9_JQKT AND TASTEFULROCAMS. the Suin wsurrd ; if niter 20 ,ears. orle-h 'i� are C rrt timed ; after 30 vearq. lbree,fourths ' 4�-r 70HN HAIMISP- close by. , A.§ he,_gaied, there Was Ur,!
PI-7TUREStaken in every style and injull 5;. the Sorn, A rired is otiabled, and - the deirs . % � r lotype m9%. (.1aila S2()oo I ! I oderibh� Corner 4 Market -Sq. and West Of all Iduds fron?j a &%It Blotk to a', Machme away look in the darh eyes that told,11A
A-inds of weathir. JPorcelain o' Opa D7,-Ciaim.s payaLle One month after Pit.01 for TNY4 13- U-milm! ()il in the mirkpt- Pictures, and r I death. ltitfeel, Nov. U4 1806. w29 Net -dies. he =s:at'that momen't'luxzileing irriai. .3, I I ii very large stod�& �t Beauliful r, -)y Rooks, agin � n '
tviL URVEYOR Theree i Jes4 frit4ii.)n with il,:s than with THE IIELIOARISTOTYPlA, G. F.C. SINILI fl, Resident Secret iq The W�ekly kc� '--laneous, Bo6ks ifor ke�enta atio awfa jh_- dewy shadas of MiijAd ce any Other isi'l and olvinS t,;, itj excellent body Alo-fAfAr.. , a smaller q-latLitv is cunsuaied. Whille on Olt cc BEST SITN; PICTU RE," A. N1. RoSb. Ag�nt for Coderich; B� V. 0uhlisbed fit$ i.50 a year in BIBLES A'LBUMS� &C., ion e br) M 50 to 9110 elaiolt, fior Exeter, W:N Wat oiSeflIrtl n in various stvies from 5 son, , h The sun'thon i_:�bdy itib the Aier
the other hand Talce oderich V41 advance, and its the ti nes are now good, It coagglato all size United statesol (colored in -ater colours; or oil. ful , npaCy appitlited roo, grxtt�&j*f
Life-Sizr Photographs talcen otpreasonabi T. -L
jA,mertc*a* IT FdF-VF-R CUU-3 we are most desirous of carrying out die tbesilver antj chlits-, zpprofxitjg�
JL IM TC S '111 C> 'r 1_- r- ' to but rua3e-we-t-and IPet,s th., bearings and terms--paber Plin or colored. cash principle In illf 025 0. God rich, Dec.. :�l -1 #4860 . W48 -f iroas 9 6!clocici a. m. Workinj partq_xnu)oih and c". tly oil ii�e fresh r'nuslin dress o tho 1: 3::y. pRIGES Lu W- ER than else xbore in -ner- . - -1 I... rectatr� p I -ur ,gists, Go, 0 e104, P. M- Sold by m-19 Canada. tw, anl pfaying bo-pee-p-amoug ,the and oil Dealers in the country. A CAMPBELL. c3pz Rill, a t�6therss, cur Ask for the '366 sw 2 7 C TR Z.T' L a rge PadJo k, i, zis t of *e gentleulau fir�t ja Brantford UbTie Oil Comptly" 'S oil. Goderieb.Jone 1, I r AROHITECT9 sko*VS-9 kL i� -the
N0 srmulFICATIOS of'guild JOHN H. SIZATFORD, ed far m9se 11mu 10 IMJ"
V Lu" Ylu ap a a a jacat a Mg of Pro. tony whicb, on Via vecollat.-dii-
e ad correct5Wtv The Sem', -it t ; .- � -
f t
an an, ar- W -,J M9 -.L ports -of M eousWi qarotl &act' BmutfGrd. Julir 3. U&6- 001,11 British FeWodicals
-An turbed tte !�Ind' Isw vla'lvlv . ...... Hdition is pubfishea' n:Tufloda in wife.' Friday afternoons at .50.. 'r;k'sE6A 'Battr, 0 erftuve., itiflie )Tr D& I been f4i 1 �r it LT 01 AT NewlffarbleWorks We are,Uappy $0 say th t itff bircufarilo, spe�tffillytolio 9 her own brief warjv4 lifb� t4� L A,*D ACENT T �Kk anylkAypt. ral.) in
lias teadily inere W1 I
PolloCk's BloCky aseil-sifiCeItS COMMe Cc e-Cifutch, - - Attc*lv CLEXt-62 67cry wefteway -was always iiOUS tdt t1IOSd sh -3 kifta ment,in 1862. te C : -7, P � F - *1 4 a a ! M- I'MMA H. GARDIMER.4 C 0.9 INEIT-ty w -who ver,ayet -111 il;,a istate. �br zli
.& C pl� WHOLESAtE AND RJCTIIL it 17.1 1 blessed ess ;xjJ brecluie a onn Ca-pbe"o SPECIAL NOTICE U. 4h7e sami b �-iwtl to
liSTO'N AGL7N.T y Hardwar6 Mereha comu*= rja QAmx rwnch,tor taking ce WOCATife ofj�pjy.. 0.1. kirk6i So uare Code: ich, of the;fy 04 . Are this ns'ror the -eo dti�*Vo
lks V W9 m ST Wavat zkm Aftezm. AVE now on hand a competesna W 11 as- 1-.aure, WJ11 ld lad ID'HaVej theol, 1111tin
thosw i7 -Wis=w 00 -,AV1t,1;otfi her JUsopd!#
sorted do6k of ffafdvi-are, c6 0 -'g1IP1=4dto 2pla.- h _1" lit -
7 lifethWhem wi o4amQy be v, yfblloW_ in tyjjj..0jj tasa It" Mireffm4crtain Per%ons aresolling nsistitig in
A 11 0 Counrieg of guroo,and Brucor par of ;he Prove ur haropoon s6lence a= -etew WIzae. trees in th Adzesj C09MISSTON U,,jer the false. Oretence -that they are ob' "On'�V-A.P,JDMt Chwse zas A -Iouiply'.Te f9i 4 PN-* t est. C th ses _Nlurwiie, tbb Broad Ax, waggon Boxes, GAJI81iln lilate$, or anytWf-oulle R16 -Q - 0-. � I - tnranyon$plth� e%" �.#� - p I orax, 40tc6sind talued trom b Cbopping Ax!�aj_ orad wita elft-; s Stewart and ktj,;ufs. BrusPes. B P
A�_Z a 14c, ted is to certify that HeSMS, Jame Lauentl9a. - 0 ', 41 lor;bvilyiw it was-; 04or u --to3a "jf kail .406.11$ flaertGordan are the only persons now USX rall PC 0 c, 4TI tr ex 7pr A WO. or of dia.11c me Ic rittle. life, atlth�rlzed to sell trees from my nurseries -CarnbsCorda For4s, Hay- Forks, b iles,(; 2
--..;6 4.,3- -
"At 'o ON A ps* ;or A in those Counties. NTS, HL 1fabl rn'ff N . 0 ;TA111.11311ED 1% wherewitli, I
70fa �" ' �7.V Qgrack* d and any wo,,Qf the D. W. BEADLE, SAVAGEj Posts, &c Tombs, of every gryTr afts�- Hubsi"Spok0s; qnd -fit- k D� (;reaii Proprietor. ion style of Workmatship, Puraished on Lead, Gjaitej J;,Looking, I B w18 tyr t 9 f�rliiaf adurld 'oft iRv_ 25 gay short noti�e and at the lowest prices. Libe- rate of LdokjflLgi0lxas-. tatijiti Osorv�ler A aaerm-bed bache
J)u, it j '11t VaS urtearttat xnt)aP4. ati. curnnt ral redueffon' made for -cash: All- orders Or t tlettit) 00. k to'
all -jr-N SL RUE fr%�to_ pt its, for the above punctually attended to, -Designs of Mean-, xM43, TO. TJJZ nnde ms�_�AAb ',F�0 of"�
ae pi�ej -r may be.seea at the -shop. R a Tr ,rai ne4, AV "VER 5ierod to fill ail orde iL, Nurseties, f lities of a J 'a in their h:;e, and ag-theY Ina" their Pelee- Godeneb. Dec. 19i L865, *47. 1 yr And Boiled Oil, oanzolldoXotil, el iifery THE, 'SIGNAL, prese ita. miie - I pl��v,wid d jor,6,ur ,of -'jWa,
y P�4 - ky'�;, . I L2 -f6 7,� 'iatl, Vdrmoh, Paitift'41id C61bra, it 8'." Qur cir falittitin ti6h� rievvianci tbetf patrons InRY re oraer. - - $e a _Vmr, S JL ly upon 4)1j, VloujW Mould Wi A Msaxi � - !$ ib - - jtbat.aq pains Inli, [*spaved to gire ititit- *eut ify t of' Adv, ibl'
greater than 'a, �jbje *A �pne,by one
-4 'We Papy V$$ _22�_
T46* 06 nq� _PMfor,ifili r e ,,art atiW-lej% itir
t-.jction. it me 8�detj iWW bl* j p.(,- ICA 5TEW,4RT',& GORD01q. aWss' -Hand aws., aold nb spw vertiagra �fo Tilde lat, I=' hat it ext9A ex, ore�wi . I r - 4wjxo L
rolPan rBVU6� aijor, r0m jqjjl;� An z' to all arts. t-foilf-arm , DsF 101i- t,�GO t -Fla,
T-10 Pf a 7 rz U_ utp WAGON I L Tj N M R04SX-0or- F 0, R _S� A �,L E.,G '14 Swk- -Oki willovolfr*gTauvi t If t. ilk 911 AV - I d _*azrme,for he Uie z-m)r f geAts fo ;Q In 1 .-$ n Ftipt - - 1w
qt,, op o B Romp -pril 4, ve d*� -"- 4� � - ff _I* - �UgJTOL�JU VA=& -ne I lowifir-'Im r, Ain Pe ar
c, lia
g. o if Y! tjils Wo "pep 14. A 4-W :Single bt tok D aard$jperJxY; rO 1,T ,jo, uardens and CIA
OAM veall" Julia he V -A-*tin I diet M1%;4 HE X itOD 'T 110 fl; tj T_U NE lie PW 'Otirg m -brilliant. aud- jill _a tjjhd_ e W -air, TAKU U; . artt�jj_hjtj Ad IHe
.�r Eiitb libi ttib qrnormf AMKx We orftrwo vlde�Jfurtni Alie j -u 4*t > roll- -se rglit0ji,,. U -CrIOFT ri"; ay:,L, rcteMo Itit, _T� Al A AA41* i� Of& oo 4 -- f . o � 16T- "it &hit, 'MOW -1 IN PF14; W � Wk ra ii ;F, Cot% ntly'M .00 , . L 1� _ _ p, _ til , 1: * , D E & 4T a,,,.v 1�9 AV 4 I
4 indmir ItVIS, a 'N ry 3 -0 n -1, at aekw.- _--W-f# M100luji-� ms Dan.
ldostiil W* wil 010' OIfi FULD lielt -Ahtj A �T *-WJLT IIaAY, &f 4461rtfl