HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi Weekly Signal, 1867-02-01, Page 27
OWL- - -7-11M 'Irk
t .18 iob were the result of natural causes, Alleged Indian Atrocities.
AV A of relief, by himself working through the I
btimper; the Agricultural in- RDEN OlF HUItON Board of Revenue as able as it was zealous, :Tnld jiymg him no credit for doing so - much
X 01P Tum HOLY LAND. -B.11' sacrifice a vi(stim to Washington, San. 29.-A letter received
ABLEAU 'Craved a fu evolence of the rest of
TA11116113s G. T. It- to ., I Kearney. states that Fort and
T st, being inL his opiuion the most import 291h inst. by enlisting the ben unus8iste4 Esger to superseded him sraw Fort Phi
ref !&llod tion ins. The Toronto GOO of the Bandon
et o William, it �;ndia and Eng p2blic OP rlion, Sir C
At LFFAI C1 AND OoDlgaWll MSTFICT. erenee to ur adverLW1% aint, interelitt in Called*. He x- spend, Mr says:- land, arid above all by apply ignorant of the people and Forts Reno and Smith in a state of seige. All
a serve that, ing for tile services of a: special en.mmissioter by * Coll ctor
Z, of historical udersoni Esq., of 8401ell', t ly glad to ob in before the the Sioux Indians, including those who
will be wen that this series, A We are sincere com- Our Order of Exercisft.
ARRIVE. Andersotl replied at ebusiderable loujj�, arid of Goderich, has been' 4nd extra offie &I staff at an early period. their I n uage, and insulted hi cities in Minnesota, are in the
gs is to be exhibited in grabb's Comte soliXt by Mr- Robert Gibbons, Esq ta d service by miking him his Sao mitted stro The forts were
Orwrip6os of traiit- 2Nme- paintin with, much applause. the nulth time Warden of'the 41ji the moment is was possible, a remedy distri gurrisoned
4 &4* 6fllluck-ersmith elected for istaut as 11 Joint. � Alarmed at neighborhood. r
1-30 a.m. Hall to -night and to-morrovu night. From Ru. %Vm, Sprtistj i I on, and for the seventh time b for the future was promised in a pledge that cessor's the ludians number UE following is the order Of Mr.
Acw,usodation ................ �scl slid County of Hut y F ty. report by about 400 men, and
ught down'We houl., ty years' assessment should be con. su4h an u A ciseb, as at present pur8ued in the
go that which bKv. Mr. Gibbons has been a faith- (,he thir �expecti d result of his has - between 4.000 or 5 000, well arme
Extirm mail ................... . 3;00 what tho press says Of it, W6 jud 4 'ill f acclamation. the Relief Com
Next came the so commeret Interests a
....... tul servant of the public for very many year 4 Verted into a perpetual settlement. The the CommiB,ioner retracted,
it is well worth sceing mittee pe.-iitioned arid the Board urgied Mr. mounted. Col. Fitterman, with a force of
Mixed .............. 10.50 r . I London Commercial Collega
Callsda," which th" vice Chairman said he well deserves the honour thus couierred �tlrallel between Sir George Edmon8tone and Lieuten. 81 men, was ordered out to protect a wood and Seminary. 6ucb chatio,
DIPART. ered were next in importance to tile. arid n him. The populution of Huron and Sir. 'Cecil Beadon we need not draw. Cornell's: reinstatement, but al the
5.00 nall. conaid it with the name of upo will promise in his ppointruent train , but the I)fficers not obeyinv orders, hereafter be made as circumstances M,41
VVc would direct attention to the -her disputed questionet to be ant Governor cruelly
Attri ........................... . agricultural, couplirl,' of Sesiforth. Bruce tuust be nearly half the tiopulation of Leaving all wt Uis fined 600 were drawn into ambush an] were
.............. 10:00 " Meantime require.
Express mail ....... glas Aq. rderoblit"ll, -evr Brunswic and about decided by the fuels which the commission to another d strict.
tisement of Mr. John Don, - Jun. Logan F - bodies wem found piled in a
!:30 p.m, ldver -roceries &o. is large and Mr. Logan inade a very goodsperch in reply the Province of N murdered. Tht
one-half more than tile entre population C" will supply, and by Sir Cecil Beadon's own fra. a mo�iitb, in addition to the far.more seri.
Accomodati-on . ....... nd fifty were b-ougbt into the fort. Forenoon - College.
whose itock or, a speech worthy of ail intellige"t merchant, p g. heap, a 0
ince Bdward Islan4 , iro be so re catedly defence to the Secretary of State, we have ous insull and wrong TTVE- TIACk-IM,
of Stanley -The 1", ue that Mr. Cornell i3 more at Writing for all rtudents,)
v by J. Anderson, Viecroyd of Canada.
will ba sold cheap. Song elected Chief %lunicipal kdrilinistrator of three undeniable truths :- 1. That Sir Cecil It may, be tr
except cl
'W"s In lowest
Mason with his apron on." (rum 9 to 9j %"r
;g�n AralimrUc and
WI as known to the Government which tL
As The Educational intprests such a territoi y is a very dinviablo distine- Beadvin neglected preparations for the per ase in cutcherry than on horseback, but if
9 Tito Volunteer Rerfew in advocating the
on tlike G. T. Unll'%VaY- Ir propoqln manout settlement of Orissa on the expiry of so,that I
Canada ;" the vice Chairman, said 811 tiOn-'* the asseisments which fell in last mouth; sent him to Cuttack, and the work at head he Vice Fxamirmijon of Students
of I tment ot Prince Alfred to t
ortance ; for ing with his predeceifsor'd 01 Bell.
Royalit of British North �kmerica, says ooksBRAXESMIALN KILLED.- YCSt0rdAy, would drult their great imn Canukdlall Lwecurlitles. 2. YLat up till June last Sir Cecil Beadon, quarters,� begion Writing �Trcla P in
a q the Board of evenue. and the arrears, wall.in itzelf sufficient for three men. lave' the first of a li
t -'ducation, we could noither be free R local bfficiab Let us ne of princes as I ii-w,si A.h- Feb. 1, 1867. tThursday) when within a ew miles Of witttou L nor 004 it may be true that he believod for a time in tnetic and French.
GODERICH, W, nor It ppy, nor have merchants, g 4 alike disbelieved in the reality or extent of hereditary viceroys, who will be all our own;
11 11?. 3, 1. The Cuba brings the gratifyins intelli. 11 Theorv, Bookkeeping &
one of the passenger conches Farm- rs : and called, u on W in. Gerund es of grain, but he shared
Brantford, e that a still further a4vance of one per cent tile famine which the public were. pressing the mythical stori and who7 would be so certain to win the Examinfition Llas Ln 1.12 13ellkxajw
�gh offieials who have ts of the land B-jok-keepu.g.
GOLD IN CANADA. of the express train coming west,, ran off tracher of Egmondvil e, to respond, Mr has again taken place in the February and oil their attention; arid 3. That air Cecil that opi'ljiou with the Ili hea:ts of the hardy inhabitan
ustly satrificed him, and he a I
of f6rpst nod ake as the gallant sailor Prince Seminary.
f Be. it far $:)oner than they. The facts shu- that - L�wesi Written Arith-
n Madoc and the track, through the spreading of the Gerond. replied in a happy speech, frail ht Auguqt, and March and September bonds Of Beadon bus characteristically sacrificed a sa upl
T1.1e discoveri-�. with sound sense, and good argument, arid the Canadian guvernment, which,on the 13th local official whose only fault was that 0 Alfred ? There would be something pro
esent st
much rails, instantly killing Wm.' Archers, one gave a goo4 sketch of the pr " te, nird )st unprecadent eel ting this belief from his superiors, and the general result of Mr. Cornell's manaxe- phetic in the very - name. Britain herself from 9 to 92 Bryce.
-traction- were quoted at the aim( French ................ to 0 Alaybee.
'arada. lullt-i isis, un
etsewhere in Canada are a' was not greate
coach future prospects of education in r than British America is now 2,d or Ai,oium Wrinen
and A is possible that of the b-akesmen. Although the ed rale.(vompared with the price they Blood who o,ertasked himself to gr"ple unassist- ment of Cuttack during a terriblo or' i
tion just now, e."- ent below the Aruhmetic to 10J Bryce.
Itten Song by T. Dick. 11 Erin s my Orn 91 when the ancestor of the royal House of Eng Lower Algebra .. ....
tumb'ed into the ditch., tit previo is to tile irjection of the militia bill) ed with a calamity, the magnitude of which as 'sted'and with an establishm
jile next Toast, normni. strength, Is most crestitable to Ilia to 101 MiLyb".
they may be of very great importance to - rolled over an a sweet singer. A like further advance is &18 he recognized before his rash censor. land, Alfred the Great, shared his crust with Geometry ........ .....
Dick is of 98 to 100. 0 101 to 1oJ blaybes,
Press"iiiiiiii-the a call- 11 as to his indus We can *Xanu�
1. In all fairness it must first be admitted CapaCltyr as we k, -tio, CLil in Ar- I
none of the p3wingers wit& which it was vice Chnit ma try - Might not an Alfred
us as a people. Should the predictions of 0 noticeable in the January and July fi4 per the poor mendicant.
D eased ing attention to its general usefulness, and c the fullest extent that ev a such organiza- only wish for the Lieutenaut-Governor that 6 rat of a I ine of Bri till h A merican ithmetie ... ......... loj to ill BTe,,
miners, who have been proi�peicting filled were seriously injured. ec cents.� The stock and some of the preferen e to e experience the bitter truth which he"m" the 1--cr TLlital Aithmetic to 11 At
n no"i 0
with the mgernass that is con 0 litchell Advocate"to reply Ight call hirr4 too, Alfrea the Great ? all ,,,P, ttolil Idaybee-
was a fine young ma , and the only sup- migh;iy influence ; and calling upon Mr. E' bonds.ot the Grand Trunk Railway, as we tion as Sir George Edmondstone's and Col. he maynot �Kingffs, whose subjecia, a thousand years Spelling & victs arbee.
Davis, -of the have already had oceaslou to allow, have Baird Smith's would not have prevented fam- underlies the words, " With what ruea;ure 0
clastj in Arithmetic.
all be measured to you again." beace mi
port of bis mother, who resides in Clin- Davis made a short brt eloquent res. je"l in Our ood� High., hj,!.w nected with a seareh for tho priCCIOM participated in this advance,' and vyiLhin the ine in its worst former. The judgment is ye mete it ab Micht not the bri.-htest
-ponse-thanking the Com any for the honor Great from God. Nor shouldll blame, so far as wn be fairly won by h alleut High,r Algebra ........ 11.381. 12
,-, i�. a
inetal, be fulfilled, we may expect to see ton. done the " Press, &c. Love last month gone UD 3 to 4 per cent. Queen's ero C; --r& Correspon-
Western is also Willer, but has not imp!oved man is resporsible, be cast on the present More Scenes in Congress. sailor son ? it would bind us to the land of ence (Wednescay and
-by C- Me
qtates next spring which
a rush from the SW- We are happy to see that Masters Sent. 11 The Jun of Gowrie" tit, the increase in its ie victim of Fnday)
-and another to such a great exte auth wities. .0rissa has been tl our fathers with a silken cord of affecteon C
VM lar�cjy itcrea,-zed car floating popula- and McDonald, of th Lod, 11 The bights of Alme' t amounting to 12' percent. The bad neeing, of rack -renting assessmental The New York Commcrci�d says: On that no foe could part asunderp and the ornmerew La
is 0 stock at mos b day, Tuesday I I to 11.1 Bryce.
Johnston, Smith Inu h !lie by %Vm. Sproat -1 had n enri _lee a .7 day).
1�- - 0- able con Igo ma b cowic in friend vory great decrease ir the traffic of its west- and r.e t so great, th t more than One Thursdigy last, in the House, Mr. Cooper, young lion of the north, glowing with out
tion, and iritmtlucc toreigi:r capital to a -A c - of , - in I - and strengt allY SPeRint arid Dictanon
--.ed a creditakile examivatiou at idea, eru arid eilitern American conuectioni proba. � mine n undation fai b, might yet be the strongest
wwa, pa ere w" fam ed to effect a cure of Tennessee, told Mr. Kelly, of Penusyl the sea from which he f,�r Examination cias 11,3 to 1_2 Bry",
very col�.sidrrAblc extent. i V U le. The
It is best -not, Or si ce it came under our ru Friday, tile of tho- proAkings Of in Arithmefic.
to be too sappine in the osgoode Hall, Toronto, on the 22ud and Next came the 11 Iadies`-buruerousl bly accounts for th,a difference in the lmrrov vania, that be lied, and on hearts would throb
y And how our
mattier of SUA ed value of the securit�PB of the two great great preventive of famines is the etspacity of sprung.
.)3rd insts., and were admitted as mem- res?onded to by Juo. Logun, and H. bicEwain paw a half -way censure. long future before�us, there should Afternoon- College.
Canadian Railways. the people -to resist them, und the chief if, in the Actual Bustuesis in
41isio6verizi, but we see roreasou to doubt We wish them ino. Loon, 1 pacity is t 6 u On Satqrday, Mr. Huntert, of Kings Ooun- b native prince I Let tlaen keep�ng ........
bers of the Law Society. �s
ource of that ca h uture of the from I J, to 35 Bell Nl=b
e born unto us a
that a -Mt irler"Se is about to made to comps hami�'-and by T. Dowaie, 03F. � Corropondent of the Portland land teure. Almost the first question pressed ty, told Mr. Ashley, of'Ohio, that. he lied I British Americans;with one united oice that Btsl�ncin C h, J I
of �w on 1 -
every success. Seaforth. 11 Woman is the joy and inada.We5t, 'talk& iho� ill not be denied, petitiot, for Lhe sailor Zing, Ksung =Te- 3J to 4
Press, V;riting from Mi the attention of -the present Lieutenant- and at once Mr. Hunter, who was hither -
our indeed, the new na
It as
interested in Businss sensibly '10overnor when he took office was whether to unknown, rushed into fame. w prince.
e Iand." our Hot. and Hoitess.
the old plede as to a pernin It was short, but it
f Brilt6b, North America is to be All those Seminary.
Itiun a Carmichael, returrAed thank on behalf That the d nent setti,ment, his matren speet-h. -tin tTm I to 2 Brym
on, vrill be pleased of Mrs. C. and himself: and sung with great elation to which u informed ..... .. ..
bom with 3 y0ldea spoon in its moath in- j and a liusiness Educat to the States is a question in r olembly renewed by Her Majesty's Govern. Menta'Ariihmcri�,::: I to 2 Ataylx-e.
took e=eedingly well, and the House at Gold in Victoria. -We have bee
for and ot be re- on what we consdergood authority tbat.gold French ......... ........ 2 to Maybee.
suad of a Order of Exer- glee, 11 We have aye been proviJed predi t nothing. That Canada Wesit. -if merit about the same time, should n mee by, a vote of 84 2 to Bryce.
i;rer one. The signs of the'; with a perusal of the I eas to 34 nays, or -
;a will we yet." Several Capital 900gs,it'll annexeld fairly, would become a nobli, a ealtity halt been foand-and that too in no insignifi- Algebm ................ 11
deemed on the expiry of the leases which fell 'him. Had 1 --sl WrittenAnthinetic
times are certainly propitious. As the; cises " pursued at the London Commer- lowed. and all was zoing merry " a marriag- d tbe.Speaker to Censure of Ridout
intelligent, loyal state, I have no doubt at- 'in a month scro. it is to thp credit of the dere cant quantities -in the tow, ship aii aybee.
Ash -
bell. hen e were admonished by old and Lutterworth in this county, k"fermedium A to 4
great Coafederatiazi szheme " On to- i cial Coll�gu and Seminary, which may be all. That site now desires Such a relationship �Board of Revenue, or at least of Mr. Grole, they at the same time rebuked Mr. and also in 2n
Father time that we had wet among 1 the & Corres d -
0 0 a rn
matim we begin very natu- found in our adveitising columftS. I do not believe. That she never may it is ithat this was evinestly urged. Haddue ley for his unwarrantable language, they the township of Sherborne, in tile- County of U Pon
FQ (liVedneway and
wards consum join
I ed -
we short hours ayont the twall ;" all quite probable. That many of bar beat men ipreparations been made, Orissa would have W;ul i have shown that they were actuat- Pcterborough. If it really be true that the
rally, to- enquire, upan what can we do- In sin--ina " Auld lang s tie, It and then tuok id fear as to ed to some extent by regard for the honor precious metal has been dian.overed in three C-trunercial 1.8w, (M
ertered on this famine, not am - day Tuesdayik Thi
believe annexation would promote her best must nojL forutto npend should the Imperial Authorities tel I Goderich, Jan. 31. off their several ways. interests, I think is true ; .
the future, which has led the ieminars to and credit of Congiess. The majority is, s6perate places within a comparatively small d.
add that tile comparly -wet e mucla indebted to b It Spe ce-
curp ilet their lands go out of cultivation, an
us to take upon ourselves the respou-sibi-1: To the Eitor of the Huroa Signal. e posed to disturb present relatioss to 6L d the however, too large and too prestimptuous, area, there can be but little doubt t at t e IK4.d Dictation. .V
Robert McLean Psq. of Ttickersmith—bos - 'to another tbihg. That ',ryots to refuse canal water, but with a fixed must be pretty [lent' IlLstory and Ueogirapby will be taught to any
such a result is qui "auriferous depnoits"
_Nt, -11 Son have the kindness
to be auimous.
rities involved in a separation from the D"a SIR, canny stories and sly jokes contributed much lie two countiles$ land tax and eageF to use the writer in order magn ful in this neigbbourbood, and we are told who may desire on Monday and Tbursday
intimate relations between t ad
in through the medium of your interesting paper, ing The Principal, and* Frafewre Bell a
mother country. The prospeot� even to the hilarity of the evening. and the cultivation of kindly feeling! are de, to increase the ama of cultivation and the that such is the case, that te have been ann, and asawtants, teach Itle rommem-W
gratitude are on- The �reatest of good fesiling prevahod, ok copany with
to state that my feeling" of sirable and would be beneficial to tLe peoples consequent supply of food. It is not too M,*s 13Y Ademde Cable. taken to form a Joint Sto Branches on tbese evenings. Mr. Hutebissm
sach a case, whieb most of us would w1s' So endvd the
bounde to those Gentlemen who tU7aed out and all were sorry to part seems as evident to my mind as the plainest ucb to sa that the certainty of the Iong- a capital of three or four thousand dollem, gives lessons it. Phonography trom 7 to 8 tack
r held in Sea- y 0
to avoid as Ion; as possible, is by no firit Burn's Anniversary eve I titAterneut of fket� and Lhat at no distant day evening it desire - Mr. Rowley inves instrue- 1)
on the night of Manda last, to search for my th- I hope it will not be the last : and I promised fixity of assessment would have London, Jan..28. for the parpose of making mearches in the d Lt' I
mealas dish-e3rtening We have magnifi- wife who`wus suppo-d to be lost in a snow' for the people of tho two counties will think bets made Orissa so rich in grain that the mortal- . i. neighbourbood above mentioned, and settling tion in Telegraphing i t desired, trom 7 to 10 ON I I
0* , they will The Jollowing correspondence between , -Lindsvy I tiestlay, Wednesday and Friday evenings. bit. I
drift through the midught storm, undautste ter of each other because better acquaintod ity would have been reduced one-half. Not e
d hope when they have an otherone _e I the question one way or the other.
Highness Prit Wilkins insiructs bus clasq in Drawing, J*juatiars
wmt fa&-lities for internal navigatiii , G. Bennett and His Royal
they searched and searched ain do;ng all have ti-ttter weather, and a large company. with each other, seems to be me equally only did the Lieutenant Governor neglect the Alfred -i has been permitted to be published as ModePinsr, &c.. from 7 to 9 on Wednesday #iid
amount �f wa;er power to drive all the. h,:t becmsa man, 11 do more if you can plain." sabject-he is said to be now dealin :pressed in flisHigliness' Friday erenings. M2yor Gla". is enjinged to
ited Orim I' the aeptiments ex American News. lecture on Commeticial Law once io tarm
Ynanimity of IRISH LETTER. with it -but when he vis ast letter, are of an interesting character, and
Tbe nobleness of spirit and ma,
,�ry a country can require, forests OUR wetk*. and Rev. Mr. Smith delivers lecture2st
iiiested on that fear- WAROENS JULECTEDe February, at& time when famine had al- mind was beautifull—al I similar periods on commercial Ethxs. tude
of ahnoist boundless extent and vulne, fer- tul ni-bt-in search of the supposed lost - ready carried off some, he refused to gpee to,. allow the feeling of England towards -Miss Kate Holimeister residing in Boon
the United States: in Actual Burinew Book-keeping remire their
l0thJanuaryj 1867.
r, of Burford. tell the people whether the new assessment
ze Brant.-Isanc B. lienr Me, while waltzing at a ball on Ne
tfle delds, spindid fisheries, mantlme. Mr. Hoskeri's Hotel was her place of refu ,OFF Cowrs, Dec. 21st 1866. ville, w lessons in the Seminary in the fbreauon3 a"
spaper agitat4on R',11and.-6dward Lee', of Wilinfleet. would be mrimanent, bat warned them that OU Ro i in TheorX So6k-keeping receive tik*
id who&- kindne" and hospitality will not be A great deal of uew Hiraisiss,-At Lordl Len- Year's eve, fell to the floor, and instantly stndenu
Imbocs in wbLich the navies of the worl y YAL
by has lately been cireated relative to certain Urey W. K. Flesber. ct Artemesta. it would be higher than the last, proportion. -h--sotsin the Semmary in the alternoon.
a abund- J. D. BLUETT. nox's dinner, on Friday lasit, you were pleas- expired. Prof. Bryce is a graduale of Glasgo-r Untrer.
might have sufficient room, salt i Pert&.- Fhomas Ford, of Fullarton. ally to the rise of prices, arid indircoly ow -
correspondence of Lord Dufferin in the Lapablon.- Robert Rae, of Busanqupte ing to the sale of 'canal water, Adill'trable ed to �atch your yacht, the Viking, to Bait The exemilingly savage name of a new stly, and holds the degree of A _-M. He is tm
ance, peat when the woogs fail, and if a the Henrietta around the Isle of Wight, eext Texas weekly new;aper, intended to instruct author of Musgrove & Wrighi5s Commercial
large pomon ef our terntory &o the North I Hurn7o xnniversary in Seafe rtli Stornw-ii, Dundas and Utengairy.-Dr. polideal economy had there boeu no famine
Tintes on Irish affaim His Lordship ' Auus for a cup worth one hundred pounds. the population of that curious State, is said Arithmetic.
but abowing culpable delay and a childish I coui not say so then, because I was bound Prof. Maybee has for the last seven kears bees
A. R. Sherman, of %Villiamsburgh. to be the Sairic"ic Bowie Knife.
ds that the oreat emigration of the
conten Hallon.- Archibald Campbell, of N&38a-' hse... of statesmanship, for the old !eases ecepefully engaged in teaching French, class.
is rough and =ky, it will, perhaps be as I [Fmia our special Correspontlent.1 tu ma" the match proposed, but in fact this The New York I-inxes notices that in
Sc3forth, Jin. 231 1867. Irish is not the result of heartless cvic- maw�eya. were to expire in eivilt mon.abs, and the Cs, fUgl-!r Mathematics and other bmnek4a
ment will somewhat interfere with the Hn '114 -
is arrau J
valua1ble as the plains on ac=nt of the WrUington.-Johia Smith, of Pilkingi6n! Lieutenant-Governuroind not made up h that city "two excellent akatin., Canadians ;nprtwd in the UosverL�ty CGurae.
disposi on which I had determined to make
minerals --iron, eopper, &c, -it is known I I have found m way here this even- tions by cruel landlords, but that it is the Messers. Cooper and Brown- have been eriorqualifications as a Teariber are fully ex -
0 1 L I hea in ne rapid- advancement of how
Simcoe. -Thumas R. Ferguson, of lnuls-� mind as to the future. of thy 7.acbt ia case she should win the Ocean astonishing the natives with their vagaries e
ney of a people who, not har- �fil
besides gold, I ing, in a tremendous snow -storm, which natural tende - U= his charge. Ali students holdifig-Acholar.
2, We maintain that this had everything
to WntaM in TIASti quautitle,t as to supply them Ontario. Juhn Ham Perr race. i I beg that you. wil I accept, as a New for some daye."
y, of Whirby,' to du with the extent of the mortality, and hips for the Commercial Course vrLlt rewive
gh snow iog sufficient manufactur k taL an 1nglish yachtmati, from an
according to recimt dis-Colroift. A ciiiin- comm-inced tit I I a. m., throug M iiitOWTI). it itrose from tfie fixed belief that the grain yet ri i" In the United States'Senate, on Wednesday fref instruction in anything taught in the Units
41 ite amount of employmenty Ame �,n yachtman, the Henrietta as she
thm p=096WE', reso" cakulated to dri.?ts 3 an 1 4 feet deep, to be present at with the requisi -e orthumberland aud -Purham.-John. dealers and zemindara had vast stores which Senator Edmands, of Vermont, presnted a ary.
cultuTal now lies in perfect order off Cowes; and I petition from onef tha St. Albans; banks, CAUTION.- Examine your specimens of
farnish a great difirerwity of remunerative, the anniversary of Scotland's Post, Robert cannot turn their attention to ag Fisher, of lia.1dimal.. they were holding beelt only until prices Peninamship closelyj forat least one - Cofamer-
ad have i�structed Capt. Samuels to boid her I asking to be reimbursed for money taken
tans, to be celebrated by a dinner in pursuits, inasmuch, as a much less popu PderboyW.-P. M. Graver, of Asphodel., till hiaber. Yet the non'offleiats who b sub'ect to your orders. cial C-oflegein British Americiai,12 that boasts TM
employment t6 its population; and, more- i -Hiram, McCrea.' lived a' 2 th6 � employers of JaSepdingouteagrat
Leeds and tirenvUle. mong the people Ko unbounded hospitality with which the from the bank during the memombla raid. much of its penmanship,
ovw, blieswd with the institutions Carmichel's Hotel in. this place. Often lation than Ireland. pessessoil, would be f Kitieyt tabour who had to provide foe the uture, lmeri�can yachtmea have b-eu received by all specimem.'and many are deteired, A.4TONOR
of civil and religiow liberty, mwt go on during the journey, was I remindea of found amply sufficient to till the land in 0 Lelin and Adding-ton.-StaneT War-' them to be BONA FIDE SamPkill of WrWlilfi;� We
ox began to I Ort rice so long ago as last Jan- classes in England will always be mmember- will rend a&AL spectmena,01 the Peuml"P
aar SiMcil Beadon knew that the East
y. ed is riiihe United k5tates with the warmest FOR SALE. lexemed in Tars College on xecript oll 0,amp to
the best manner. Therefore, it is argued, ner, of Ernestown.
amd pirogWz. It may, in its infimey, be those ponplets in Tam. 0. Shanter, rely hope that you will V.,, raturn
not York.- H. S. Howland, of Vaughan., India Irrigation Company ha4 reported the it - and I since
a cradle of dorms�, but an 11 The win blew as twad blimn its lasL tblat the surplus of the population, L 't Prontenae.-John Flanigan, of li"gs$ robability of a greater famine than India gr" or Circularor otber
Me" irk argy The rattim,-,r showers rose on the blast, erative employ- Varldon.-John Holm;;Z of *11undfay. 1, K to their homw directors in the not rive meofthe opportunity of acknow EM lbsqriber offers for sale in -the Vil-
finding a'stifficiently remun ad yet soon ,An
and mtCM.,wil, progressi will sarmotint 0 led "' thismost cordial receppon, by pre- T J. W JON—E-SV
And sic a night to tak the road in Afid&esex.- Ratissit Drestiel. of Niixtbf i�us Oct6ber, that importino n ag# of Beifkat,� 18 miles bom Go4arich,
Yacht to L
prey seatin and 3J mitas from Lucknow, on the North Principal London Commert-ial �6�s,
add ment in manufactures cr agriclture, nat- -rWed the wages 9 the winnin the represenu.
nwast obatacJexi while every year will Dirchester. �Ftco from Calcutta, and ha tive. ofEuglisli yac -
As neer poor sinner was abroad in." itmen. Undon, C_ W.
t I urally turn their thoughts arid hepes, to ern Grsrel Road, W2 Un
strength tz the limba and courage to the In reaching Crmick's I found wha Oxford. -Arthur Tow, of Blenheim. of their employ es, He knevi that the un- 14ve the hotor to remain, itc., February ist, 1867.
lored solitudes GOO BIAC"MITH
ay the virgin foresta and unexp LtnC61n,-J. C. Rykart, Of St- ClIlhin' certainly " to'ethe character of the J. G. BENNETT, Jr. A
bean of the stripling. . In the important dreaded, that the storm had kept, aw
ye2r we shonld me most of our leading men of the county, of the Far West, and further, that by settlement had thrown land but of cultivia to which -there is attached a good Imme
&MoTeries, of the pat Huruft.-Robert Gibbons� Of. GGdQAcb tion andiprevented the easants from pur-
CLRENCE HorisE, house; pi. good gar4qn.. of An i
pre fous than emigrating, they both benefit them- (town). past
a Providential opening up of the path Of 'who had been expected.' pant chasing the canal water which flowed St. Jamn, Jan. 22, 1867 and a g6nd Weil of ater, This in one of
pelves, and those they leave behind them. lVenitwrth.- Alva G. Jones, of Sl t their doors use.essly.. Ile knew that some
DER My- BENNETT,-I fird it difficult to thebm opening& foir a blacksmith in the
our Confederation to whait� we foadly had bap
n made for Over. one hundred fleet, ials at least had been of Huron. All f -which will be
the subotdinate-Offiz expreiss how gratefully I appreciate -the 'Lind. Coniitr
t down to the very This is provad by the large sums eint terliri a n
liope, will piroTel to be a glorious isms. and scarcely forty s4 JZattinis - G. 11. Botilter. of 9 W agerly petitioned for relief from stariatio ly feeling which dictated your letter of the sold cheap, as the subscriber is about to go
is send home. Lanark. -D. Galbraith, of Ramsay. by the people months before. Yet the eon- on a farm. Terms 680U,, half dowh;, the
Igplended dinner, provided for the coca& grall
as well as the splendid present
victionot the existence of stores bf grain pu
ses - of cru
el Elgiin.-T. M11alm, of Malabide. offer to my acceptance, but most rest inne year, if to suit re'llasers For
L -q LsDm-`We print iii -D 'Matthews. of Windhim. I
T9Z FAMINZ ion. The table literally groaned with There mny be,indeed, ca N"fiiilk. prevailed. Early in,April the first cry for U ars
par to
it be it spoken f all the delicacy vdth which vou seek to I apply n the promises, 4ar b M' il Conhac ts.
a2other phm an accciUrt of the awU its load of good things. thave never seen evictions, but to our cred I 4Kpt.-Caleb. Coatswortb, of Rumney. ublic help�ras Bounded ig., our Columns' diminish the personal obligation �nder which letter postpaid to a I
fe w. Of course Vidorta.-Joseph Staplep, of Bexley.
fife but above all they are comparatively The recommendation of the Board of Revenue yoa would lay me, by giving to your gener- NEILCAMPBFI,4
fusine in India; which- has already cut a better I that the formation of a piliblic cam
_�pread in my 'burti; of Streetsville. mittee offer an international characteri It is Belfast p. o. Township of Aghfield,
n e evictions for non-payment of rent cannot 11e.d.-Dr. Barn Ons RS, addressed to the Poatms&W
-#-v TE`D`
Oc=knial irk- yas an enormous Haggisis,which ev ry Genersa, will be received at 0ttaws,
4E a samion of people. should be encouraged was pooh-poobed from i deed ibis last consideration only which has County of Fltion.
NV hat merchant 11
tissatims have�reaiched u3 of destitution in body d into,- it was pronounced C'ma under this category the pleuant bills. The cry of the province led me to hesitate in repliing to your January 31, 18GT,. w2-6mq until noon,* on Friday, Sib 3tarell, .186,71
is it, who wearied with the uRfulfilled Startling Offidal Report. and the public for more officials was answer, letter, for personally it would have been im- for the e6eyanqe of Her Majiisly'r UsUsi,,,�
the Eass, bat the detailis of the sifferings by all to be a 11 -mnde ane." ed by sending one magistrate to Balasore.
0 onproposed Contracts tor four yewl�, OR
ises of a tardy debtor, wi:l mot seek p ssible for me to accept so conly a present;
justice hall been done to prom iAnd above all, only "en the monsoon burst TENDERS WANTER and from the Ist April next, between Blue . . . . . .
cif mcit vast aambers of our unfortmate After ample but I felt bound fall to consider the question
le,_,almeans to obtain redrem, I I , JUX 'times _Pst Vftk,�
d b e c and it became impossible to land rice on the Vale and 'Morrisbank
fellow subjects art-, most appaling. We the eatables, -the cloth was remove y v ry t the light in wbic you were good enough a
that landlords are one M111,01M Deatits from Vains, cowt, was the diream of the eitistence of I&Me - twic
sometimes comphtin of the climate Of the toddy brewed- and the company �ud can it be supposied to ptace it; and it. on full consideration, I ENDERS will be rectived by the' under- each way ; Benmiller and Goderich,
Fastern India. stores, digsipated. Not till Ub June was T per week each way Brewaterand Zan*
of milder mood, or that they will not Ine In feel compalled to decline your generous offer, signed until
Canada, but how deeilly gratefal we gathered. round the table to enjoy the men rice imported by the Board ; not till 29th I trust -that. -neither you nor your gallant com- ReXt, I twice per eek 'each, way; and Teegirstaii
r the possession of the land June could it reach the dying. How much Thegevtnth Day Of FebMrY
seek to recove rgre, will and W ingham, three times per iweek7AK64
shoald bts that the cry of actual watit, is night. If the company was small they petitore, nor your coubtryinen.at Is,
'd lesif
in no rent. Now mortality could have bpen arrested by sp!4y heli ngila�n F 0 R way. Printed notices containing farther
t nklow, if ever, heard in our midst. made up for it in enthusiaim, and proved fur *hieh they M obta everiAhal the yacbtmen of U
I would ventore to gay importation, even after the threat of raising appreciate or less reciprocate the feeling of information as to conditiOus of vropowil
that in 16,1andf (From the Friend f India., Ala.. . may be 70 ards Firewood— i
themselves good fellows indeed, 20)" the land tax W reduced cultivation, good fellowship which prompted the offer.-�- Contract may be "eel and blank torms of j
'Hr. T. Ravenshaw, Commissio -net- of Oj� imagined trom the fact that. the greater num- n -at the Pint Offices
The Brace Council. TLe night flew by wi lungs and clatter, at least one half Of the ejectmeuts actuallY The Henrietta is a vessel which any man Beech and Mapl� sound and free Irom Irnots tender may beobtai. ed
was growing better, executed, are for t a her of deaths took place in April and May, h a 'the above mentioned, and at the office- of tbli,'
A_nd aye the --ill non-payment of renL issa, has sent to the Bengal Governuten , may be proud to poness. I trust she may and limbs, to be delivered forthwit t
0 Never when the baffled, indignant public were cry long continue in the ban& in which she has a ribe
t rave and rugmil.
The Cwmfy Council of Brace met for The storm without migh 11 But if, oat of the other half we take all report of the famine in that province.
has so heart-rending a picture been drawn. ing to the local government to allow them accomplished a(i tnumpbaut a success. . We 0XINTRAL 130HOOLN "Ac r- GILBERT GRWFINP
They did na mind the storm a whistle.
Ille fust time at Walkerton, on Tuesday, those where the tenant is dispossessed be- A, official whose bias# if i; exists, -must I to help with money, and imploring it to pour must do our beat to find axival to lier, and in Tenders to state price per cord, and whether P. 0. Insptaor,
Peter Railmy, Esq., of Sesforth, was
the 22nd inst. James Brocelba*- Esq, mpoverishing the ftnd, or letom, him to toile down the hotrible facts-, eati. in rice at once. common. w4L all Englislimeri_, I sincerely drT or green,sawed in two or whole.- Security Post Office Inspector's Office,
gi Love cause of i 0 ih be disposed to show _11 friendly nivalry may . be the will be requiredor the due fulfilmeal of tIfe Iondon,C. W., 25 Jan., 1867. W2
calm to the chair.; and Hu mates the loss of life from want of fo;4 and 3. The public mi. -
t,b - t Lope that sue
The followinni ting tltiir
0 -_ ways
Milli r"Iected Warden. q, Werten, Rig, -POn 9 its consequences at from 500,000 to 600.000, merey to Sir Cecil Headon for these two ter -
Esq. Juar., of Bay, to the Vice Chair. Only-rdeseription of contest in which, our re- contract.
appointments to offi-_ were made --31r. upon the rights of the landlord, and in some places at three-fourths of the rible't rrors-delay in announcing the perma- spedi0e, atintries may be'engagad. It hall - By Orderof the Doard of Common'School
rhe Cttairman, introduced the proceed- i0filng'ng whole population. There is amonoi the f Pat combined with a threat of to 0 Trustees,
Sproit, Tmwum ; Mr. Gouli, Clerk we shall find few evictions which have Out neatsettlem given us grea pleasure flatia cordial to
sm, deaths to be to the recommendation of the 'board as td a, you I -
ings of the ivenits-, by craving a bumper ons of Orissa lone, where riiisin the land t= and the refusal to agree and your cam
Mr. Ben Z3 and -&-half milli janions in. Ung- WN. MACIUXI,
arisen from no other cause thain wanton Cnand I feel aisured, if my professional
31r. Hamlin, En. 8 In th-e ntatter of TAomas B. Va*,Ukq
the and nmfiL
to our noble Queen, 11 God blew her,, the official reports show Secrou
i hSPfttEX uti in Goericb,_18 Jan.,1867I *61 -td- asd-&eorge RuvibA nsoh-
of Weights and Measures d eli coi and of her Mi�eaty's ships
drunk with allUe honors. all hands join- cruelty. Im a certain county in. the north still g,)ing on at the rate of 150 a day, The public committee combined with the resolu the above m&=4 bsW
severe proportionally tion to in ade -Ift aid ey ' ke. 171Mweditlirs of
f evictions mortality was not lesi
Ireland the proportio
Mr- Rkhardson, Care -taker of Court- of 2port no rice till the monsoon, in. 0 me to your shores,.1 should
Incr in kin-ing the Queen's naticnal ail. distri-It-of Midnapote, � with it too late to save thousands. F�riOiill f --meet, i
C )n the part of my brother se vents, both so individnals and as aness;
tis p on judgementand 'b�
n "I in the-adjoitim ther�
(from every cause) to the area of the I ti f more thin hair -amitri4n. want ofimaination -even when men, 1 with a repeeption not less hearty than 9HERIMS SALE -OF LAMM bere of the firth of VituEvm * am
them. I po U 8, so
with nearly ';amillion'a-taoplep 'they itivolve calamities like those of extend. that iirhich we have been happy to afford you arsi notified to- meet -at the Tice, of the
every 35 square aGarjam?
Next, from the Chair, came the G�over. county is about,�pae to nth
Cozzzmo,,%c.-We made a slight mi -
the calamity was comparatively ligh� but do throlue of rebellion, way be stoned for, in Couritt of Huron, Y virtue or it writ Of undersigned in -the Town oi Ui*iv in Abe
Believe me yc on
ong for he is a jolly good miles during the past year. Facts such famine, diseases and debilit some measures by high principhl, stern con- . : to wit: IBVenditiom Exporlas and
take in Ftating that the w1aries of our nor Gencral: y swept away, Fieri Faculs residue, issued out of -Her M tv-18
tme -ofChotai�- N*V- so eass- and'
Tbo,'gilme is generous magi ALFRED. 00,mt5 Court of the Count: Taesft, Ift-4aq of, 'q
lentiouin (Signed) rth, and
as this show that Ireland is not thel laud thopeandu Wentvii
town oftci2U were fixed at the nme rate fellow. Mr. Rusisel,ofthe Royal Cana- -we he
to Ore. ve's, reliable 'Fec�r& or, Ple' It was so that Lo.rd, Canning. left India a tome irected against the Ian& and tenements
6 a' is- popular, eve it a areat i -C It, - 4
d ew Kift of patipers1rom famine man, fiowilibstanding ount Bi� marck of John McAuley at the*ult of Williamillarltrig, A. -D,' 1847 at -1
lmd year, as we aNe informed a few than Bank of Seafortb ma a a f very of wholesale evictions it is supposed
in"Jan, 29, noon. is
the Germatt Parlia. I hae serizqd and taken in execa i - 101 A1101 parp e
tricts in Calcutta. And to all these the mot. '57. ,Bat Sir Cecil B nomin4ted for 66n ur
rincip. sn&A reductions wer made. 11ke fol. appropriate- remarlm in reply. be. cation is true to t ot of land nd llirem� the *&I"-timinserest
In connection with Fenianisp3 I may tality in the other districts cf Ben -al from bais marlied his official Career- ment to," represent the cityof, 13erlin. am 0 utarlhaf 'portion 'o�tra he ToWVSWp
,in loving are the sums to be paid this year. from the Chair, came the "Amy Ises Altuatilis lying and'boing int ;eitherf ailt�ali AN6 Next I_
29, tloon.-Diositches have lltissin.1be ,County Of � racei, 60111111- wt�
te, r Saugor Islard to the Petals, and the borders 3w� to Make a soaps t�,Of lilie Aur
and Navy, and Volanteers Of Great say that an important seizure was latelj sgoia - . Lo�dod, Jan. 6;.D*
0.00 Ws' --,S a fjoie
Trenwer, $140.00 Clerk, S27 of Nepaul, and we have a record f Alit ion the' tra iof Cuttildk- bayd b ll�eiqi! received which State the �Oretan war has tilinextiti-rement '01de, -hu adired acres 01 --u*, 14
ApessoM ($80-00 each $I Britain. and her dependencies" ; drunk W. made in Belfaiit of cartridnie in the courw of life which exceeds in - horror and extent in discussing this c the Sublime dio jimcnioreror.-It",4Ad.1being com
60.0 been!renew T�aer 0; ed ins
ricef-thir -Waal Vie;
with enthusiasm. The Chairman btated,- of the ail eu nant - a nWkctor, $140.00; Town Constablit and of' preparation. Mizhael Haolan whor thatofa4yone gmAt, drou&` �vernor should have' n op. P�Drtiii for peace werast�oiufltdly Wjiicfd by lottluMb_ r.iptit,
hat the Gentleman who ad consented India ddtitig the last century.' Be
t 146 Township -61cialrow Ltuteprovided, =d for
i Strei4 Ins - Bell-ringer, S tOO; t f6re ortunity 0 req kjietretilins. A battle Usisince been f 9f jWq , Monts o1a
pector, $200 -wems to h&Te been the - first &men,, 6iO4 ;a ... i"'M Ill Aunasatill tene
destroyin e g ht of t f%ho I fisim
kl: -1 , 4 - - 8� � , bht t�b TeAd' -Th0ervals ap- itorAjeatt jac6 in the Court Hon*,ph Ibe
nghts aud Heasurm $ 11.2.00. to reply to this toaSt, -and Who he- knOw Dgel takes its, 11441" flight, - th Fi he retract4tiort, L coliuirxiiiiper ItU not'state
P-11 inounted tip beyo�& a li�illipu 61�0ifiaiil'tfta recop- poent y- mue, T-,dvW of 'G%9riii, -on Wedneily, theltiventyw
Impector We lators, a -and m3 inexibemoftti f= qf V=3v1lT1&.
woul have done'ample jutice to it, had the fcr�moit Of the mani 8 a tale will gave illid ation of the card, !aim, on-bothli'des, and
OCR tooth day of February,
I own deathi. This is worse tlia� in: he a4d-therepeesdutWorXiof I I non-61liciiil wa�, W d to' tue
0 like manT otheribeea kopt buk by the'_ civilian holds rank as a gardener, vrbile in ka neighboring
11 A Serious Lou. groat fam --at G rick
W it, Auth oil . a -BAS. we, � � I I , Ina which carried 61ttdO 00tr _11, opiaion. - Butthe spirit which I cloor, la odt. jDaW Ode
.6ei-ifore w6ld ball,on Mr. the would be Fenian army he is said to iti-the A jaipc6itquld sasrifiJc9,,;A MACDONALD,
atormi.- #*drd* 109" 1 .8 reterabur Jail. -29�-4 sWill Oat
-reason 1 00 incapable o, A ]a ifrelng. Xr. -Mr. Dsiril-, Reid, teamster, A hlrd-Kid ofSeaforth for aaong-Hr. Kid, hest ColoaeL The oth`ei�_qnspirjltQrS Ar-, r4 sell to We hivii the' X4
working and worthy man, lost a fine gae Rule Bfitfinis in gbod Atyle. co6eil whg[, stands at the ho e m(eut via iw& 21vr:
i l6tmliboriltrs and 01TIbIc Of 411CV 710, Waa not Ore jthless in n Januiti
diliiau Gover
in thaity of
we had now come Church ,
I d dill con.
That Of 1 its compe ition wl
while drawing wood from The Chairman, said,
emait , Igickas tuagistrate sad collect
murderous work*atu this. which stil or. last Febru.
to the toast of the evening, he' re ofhumble.rauL R eater part of "" "Jjjfound-lh�judiial The *nimal in stru
lin- , pested
Abe bush., hem � to- fiff - their I or Dfk greatly 12 I-ey t ei cati
and, vWt�'P��Mia U�PAGW Arf W1119 Ita-4 40 00 r firy. i4e
sad . J 0 'idUnow nothing of tho'dis. o1i it
15w"gh the snow ran against, arreir. H co I , It -:,,M 'a P silence, dink to tba-merdory of' sdotland& informaboil, T
tric16 and, in this absence. of all �j%ico�Mlleid out 160,00.0 'ilia
&Wide extent of ieMi0iflf, or" AMOLIS mi
wVwh poinetraflA its borwels and caused, poet I . I - -
Robert Barns. U.'e, the chairifis"131, f !a, lions of people, but within an &its not I&V from his preditcossor,t'is not -
M to be wondered tfip overnment of Russia has Airdered tbat
0 te.,
dt*b in a fW minates. regretted that the Gentleman Who h4d
ban illit of st,that,be, acce shall and *n 11w let of
orcontineacin,&-hostj4hies in I ptel-thii,opinlontof the, -Com- gi, -a �litarjr
enzazed to respond.to this toast, had also Ong a peoCe, w 0- 0 110 exc" 6 Z mi Marc i. � , 11 — I � — . ; OfUrgeistorea.o _!,CrWtl all
oP's f d 'tbe
i fi the cud ok,�06 rqtqai japfOlfill It d
A 44 been kept away by this inWe
a JiA:Tt�ak Issit - a -mumbelilb Ag ins 9 aw
orj4 ut aftt�,thqi, Vltftj
enqolilli� - --- I , W, -, , , -- A twenty-four hourW thAv h2s reatly therefore call , I %I _* & I V
upon, the Vice Chairman. Me. 'k UTief bi:tiih an y 'WOPIO the idea ever entered the b of the weather,, under thee circufastunces hip rain rt t th 't thero vtoula U no iterionsitif
jitigement weth-
Chief organizer;i as he is pleased to ih ea
-made bif
adwed tht lipow on the roadp, 4ud if liu h hicEvu. Teacher ind-Ur R as� OW
cord, has engalphe& mid 12A bXg) �.�su lie& tilit
001 �01:111=x 11loit1b, X1 [I were well postedt call last Jamider of Idill Smith W"
himself, the result proves bit it to be a
"'orlist to 01
fit., 0 $13, cari'l d ff-balLA I
P is n "
*;Owed b. rwt, which smigt. pro, -It may have ew tr fein t to de- alloviatorittiTh to _;4A T sh�rp f in. Ab history, of the Poet, sad gr"t,,&d- 0OWnd.' �en acquitted
wM, be ftsf�rate. for it few reluarki.- hibs* skigh—ino mitiedtf his wri it"' welify arlit -silth Us sirl" ho.�asjustbe
47 d
i alluded toi each, brkflyAd-' ceive the British Gaverntrisat and he b. �b fur� The Gentlemer In 4.
wed te 'a atiper'
iiiii�-bfjherft i .-,- , - 004MA to Fr- jAeorp
f -their way still we'ditate, den6ent upon the Old JU o-esiOd titifb d indlisobedienci to"At
dres" the qtWiffg quilin. d wlia oor_Tfiii�� to be Mon of int0genco, no
W up -tin
Shores of freland,.go that I may have the 'hiff - � _ -6 fixt hadtlibe us, 4ani '90.*�oThe turvey f6r' this 04 0%0%0%
&mot tilel ligifiabitiints of this Taws. thoroughly appreciated writings a d in. tu� %ati � I �- , ' ' "
rshit -be4ato �ouudary. )it rit,
fluebm oftbili isAr Plouthinatt misfortune to announce to you on A among whom rice, sombtint to U -foot, me, � ween the ter pri drI&,
the ftbai
Aip hitrl
lis_ - _
at iiflt� for mailly-st- oil a Jr I -
1, '' _,I:, �A ft
Irs, Diok� F An 14.000A stistastized' and 9f A,
Aq of U#.'.`fb1lowe4 wills ih4i witill usly litir
future day that a boatile 'army has W_ t
thais being song "ThereLwastlad'w" born ia
Cho ed. '�A -IWL� -4
W1 MUt 1* s4id tW an eff ort
Will ... ... . b* AW& to pt a "apany to proeted to 0-11 8* The BAnkii ita Braes ofjionow Wftk we -ha 4 oft 6 "Oporl �r 0;,tri&Ui6tsnt:*iX'
Me T wompatticid by tteiiooi 144MACc6i'let0f
th's 0sandIM kold W(k 4211 During ibe past and T Jobixione, r5sq",6f &42 landed, lired
have, a a
sPrilig, The next toust from thel, chair, w diopitt,
theiL CIS
modfiseverestiow storm. st Ch 4_ h14edUs_ I t* pe
RIA thq na, bettefluy at 4""? WinUrof su bilrof-4ifW1 llifii�fo One varpvy i- A4. t0ii
song bn as Sh. ;is for Bir. lus.
of ibis. Tlit0&codut it
-powers er jiobtfi- ins cp Auli d -
a- th r ib
Sesiforth, 14 Sootillimd yov',4ung i ine yleobaltisnithis collesgueSL i d Upol
Tho, Clistirma theaatst� on tot
Y on Dy
_4% S1G:jtL!_Aj the TOWR Cona., on* more toast to brisag b ore, their noticv, its fla
nio To, If exce
4o*"t#dL.'Jh6 ViCa Chairman ion, bed 111101 wiotoii usitu 'Palo
t that
149'siviening, Word in-th6-hil
61 UK 0 6"'rd'er t* PartUs Wh* '"T to 91
and able to ork if em- he r?Oft 0 Th diiii 4uin, t6 drink,to i4eptty TabsMAP0
to 111mi oa SfA to
-,Jf -of, lr�). bift' r 14 r
we haiU4'.
Ilis, fiw, t1C tlo 101113d, I WOUld AUgges ipu I &,FeJT 11pr -,Yet Im T44-
�be Olailloyell W T
Amorkwarti now llimi% t -pot aa nowl, bow A1111y;wOuluA.
ITT to r nizd pribiai respectfilly
ilia, 101!6d bT thdi UAdidrdlk t thd a ,do#r.ope of!= -ol taik
*111 Car,
taw 00 Some of 0
'I lie
to: t he -Aw jot o0,-QM9 in, lind,blo -butith
res. T %I supjil
wto mi is e
W Cars. of Uri QQM IL 4R
06il� to *,ow 49,40 �40*t4TO for we oner a ---Nffio6,*ul;hor1ticSwith,&yJ* . t OHN _-W
-- , --*%* dL i all
TM twa*"
-Ow 4ty fa*rs would thaw, hay* Siglgi*$ , AlWA fit., be 14 Caudles,
large- TIW' View Ckah�illav, tht-4 gave "T 00767R dent lie for the t earss 110 a .1867
;10briUb J of CAnadA." Inju 0. *hi&_hi' rdi
- A' w9gretily I IAWAPtA-di'l #W1 M, 0 (M I-imIn
Sir, -14. -6
404.1vito , ,
01tufal' fnt�eresfff ilia
a Rolle] N#
A Raved, bl;o Afar
28 Caught, Arn
Fairds Tince - 7
(From f&, k�f
We are exceeding
Upon to recoid annl
depravity in higib 14
to the poor, t;ut f
uipper strata of Z,
not expected. In tl
no exm-e for thie
purau%ely epsT circ
U Clerk in one or 0;
it is presumed that
moderste want, -q cm
band, who receives i
her fall from t�� cc
Aanbvta�,.e to an U
or moral insan.tv. vi
impels them,
which they have no
delisquency is O'X-1
Aw,ly traiai.lng, whic
temptation, we mis
;he result is dep1ioz
untcrtubate vie= 41
013 yesterday two
ied the store of llavi�
and were waited un,
of that frist �l
warned by p.-st e, -r
,have found it to t!
'their P!e-rks to kc -eV
,watch over this mc,
tomers who aiDpraai
this case the �igillai
exercmd in vain.
While one of the
in looking at varia
fore her, the clerl
'-bsindling a bolt of,
ver. He said ncit
eyes open. Looli;J
she *wss not obserr4
-�ed the bolt ofisalk
and it disappeare4
C112ed of the -theft,
her innocence. A i
the matter, and t
ozker lady saL�sfiecl
bad no Land in the
4 d but 'her comn
-en to the police.
Policemen are sc
with cnrninals th2
delicacy of foelinz
tews acd entreaties
�_*ben they beHeve i
Tercmy. They proc
She was tertbly ag,
to snarch caused
,mmutes she recovej
-c4ded. Again tN
ore, eollape4 and
Again she revived
hands of the cmeen
of her skirts.
It is SL sad thinry t
,come,out. U.der
lady's dress were fi
r:mls4e exprewly for.
the owner mi, -Lt
from the opening it'
were fcuad sererul i
agegrtlifted to Lave
cby goods atom.
a" terms the *miJ
wick in tEking
aw Advices I
I 9th inst havie bi
Imkittion of the I
U_return home, i
11berals wre &dF'
��Jlrila the ospito
herore them. Tt,
the wmtem citie
*gA of the
Fail do ......
Spring Wheim- - 1�
()Utz, .........
Barley ......... i
Ftas ......
Sheep. ......
Ree� T cwt ....
*,od ...... .
new V ton
spttn �
X Wheat
Badey -
iorl-, 00 5
Amber WILeat.
§priing Wheat.
Oats ...........
Pau.. . _. 4. .. - -
Pork per. 400 lbfil
TO Col
Tke sayertmr, Im
evrweeks -byAL YM
01at All"d 4i"1111100T
Ani*4 Ao
As a Faoal�rJleii.