HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi Weekly Signal, 1867-01-29, Page 3r'H T 8 0 11CLIT
ExdWim- ON I
z1ft(It Z`I4,
war"y 1"Mat
mmvzo,q A? 3 01'CUW,4
Fun be
f It WJ
E.SM 7a
1131F THE
Soe-zlelt, commeaciat Wilk
&--=-d e --ding with tu
wt&r TA -M 11=0
harls mom amm"
Mtn Joka Haww* at
4 win
�, . . X earl�
ex.�T- A WE14
6 29, 1M. wl It
m bv %he andeers4plqd me
Fe"'TMUT the -4* f*
and FWShlng a
toot Housei,
tzgjtz!�a can be wen at
M=th3'L-Z= tkM dUt�,
==tbz ftrm Ak
raw W-nd
ililaffit UI 1=X!e!AM=
haj�_ffi:j; tz be finished 6i
,;�n� LV,--
lov snol(s
y Size & Qualay
Auced, Rates,
size front
to fla volum2m
le for Sabba*
& Famiiy Read,7.
J=. 2194 18-611.
J01121 I
r, MU ew k,
- SM,
IN JIL,,oVf 11-4 #h Ailelaftents F I R E F 1.1i E4
-Kiv- 06bgrUstment cens�liopnce of
DAI)n's 1 1 -
5i 'IR - 411 1 hisving beeii
5'� �J 0.4ji;A*Z3 7M"-jJ,"PJ.1i.Jz
,"peira�cp -iociiiii haa : W 0 L - - � 0 w i nzez 011d standi
Mir" .28 1 911
I I . 1 0 -ni beirriod out of his i
I at '0 , __?14tnb4ftty,1 tA —
1:60 ABU 1; the tindemigned beggs to Vale that he hi -s
i4*0,pp act, opened a new shop in Ite btitiding o6cupitt
!ztp_vt ihbrs -we-named.
-km .30 Jrsephine's, Alexander's, Jouviaar fiess
4401", 01*0 J4 ve -20 never known %[an of tar --v orn. in th.
Uities 1 0 01
i " U'r* ............. 6:00- o n qued lousto te%etin VkT Al-Illuftsow Is and T At" -therr�-J*A111I day
A& WX- .... . at as the S
at se fre
Co 78 Lis it of Usireh"IfeZI, at twelve O'NWK noon, toy the
at home. The -0 Co., 78 19s"a Ineki IS -to z, I 1 0 0 "1111W
wtor- Cm
tio W Lb P
afforded dblk5arl _4 Zan lit-, i 1,� 6, OST 6FFICF
t of jhq,4aW insolvent- In
Barley 0
'"yed against tht U101 M- p;s r 6 V Ito acres Vol
:W9ST STRE'r.'.,,
whole -veal And
to break 9 , lt 42VAi 1811 �Zv *10
- W0diihi. in Life:
h;p of Cy and 6�quniv -At 7
_Wff au �D" eet Lizar.'Ands
Where lie will bp happy to m
.4 4J U.,
led IQ pw of the Town,, Jburne.
"10 �Aw `94ftt- district Beef, -til cart ............ Nivery ysiu�g lady slid fentiqlinan jn;hq qu�nf�cd Meg! a
7- 4: . , onehiAd red's nd fillere and customers.
r. 'nont"wtiat ne On by- I
6,60 *ao bellift6tatfift Q& 6W& f6lbiillr4a � I ____ aerts. snore or rt:.&q. with t -he buildin2s ibetcor As he wishes i o reduce his present 14 At, 17
0*61 - -b I- hh y
ting, i�ad nf�t is a )H 16MEULDIL& erected, and knowa a-% tile van,%ionc FQrni,
. 'l, o0iii6a. ' "� tv
for" I butter .......... I. - li--- 4'14 foliarninsil(ft blifte)- I I the goods will be ufk-red At prices u.t.1.1;
z - S
0&0 a d
& M,0utT9W fOc 0 Q* ro 42-
--40 _q. M.
.,Thoso h Yin 114 1 of iN hu .14. PULLOI
Ct Vie liaij r IN 112111 liam 00 Official Arstgueevii V
)Nl - 2§ -4
6 nua 't" 010 e I 111,ftF, lower than hitherto.
etuaft wtelool to.
pt�ber& Jbislact Pre f::)P- A I I orders Von
Ia [fay, nelq V 1QA .4 11 0; 0 Qz (4 0*10.0 M W43tda
but 4buld not prevent 831_11r."Y. Now YlirIII -,.,�derivh. 20th J�qy..066,
04� afil 0 to L ", —
.4 f� ! a W � 2—;0 West St., Goil-rie'li.
W [bF
ant,moarated the p tod by a LSE Dec. 2s, 1 SG6. v6414 it
f platform, a X f
-4 om u Mqh *Wsf 0 0 IDIL I
4 the Cf) at - nurt u I ot nite oun ies c
4(12WRISI ks I W . , 0 Huronati Bruce.
a zndaproved itselfwort4y the 0 M . I
a, -wl
the st NOTICE
ora"J)�ItZliman, cryinx out, we --know. bir!'ho
1-4 tilesiantleeof Wdliam ltol,crts, an insolvent
kes -*' Jittorsit foz* 7i I .
is lt�q�
Province of Caria.dl N rilltirtidav, he thirt-
%:d `T�i4�p to de- F,*U llmtf - UnittQ LounLis.. 0 first davol' J an, ' paid after thiA da owland
.&II61,prm"tei the one. SlIi, A , t t or Wil:iatns as my hai!iff.
21 ;VA 1U.. -uron and Bruce, A. D, 1867, the unde'r
dtol,ish bin, the olt tion e are H
X 4 -
affiserd 1k, at, A)'44' idd,7 '6 S HEEEBY GIVEN4 that no moner is 1*-'
ter qUO write he
J& te to Air. It'
-ties the Barley ............. a- fI 0.43� V'_" C�Ainfi rev� 7-irere is morekieot' ACDONA 1.1)
used t signed insolvent opp1% J Q11 IN 11
shield. to K"ter HIIIIIII vi6my'-iiii all others combined, and t t it to wit.
Pork,,�I.(I ;84 11 othe a discharg&'
mam go- iffs Office. Gullet ich,
aW m
-*ddre& , lei Dated *1 Sher
penupb"4111TWIN - - , � '69 - 11-1 —w44'2iTi. Wf1/L,.k.M ROL
J to the judge of the sail court for
N is the
9 Q") 1; ', . . ',dv *ndo
t .11,
, z r rp ; � .
Aeon, Jan. 5 1 iio defifit. . )s C tip I's 1999 N'0�relfl Dt:tebibef, 18GG. J
49 Look btirt; Jte e U4 41 e,
.-120 % I - . 1P
Ies. 0 Ing It=
I,Qbil; iVheat. . * - - 4,1, - " - a � V11%
V o require
;!w 4" %xiiii'l Spring Whe4t. 30 weadvisiI
113 JVQ C00% 4
X Isz: �:-A- - -- # f", _L I feialL Cheap I Clapap I
IW* kjqg , yt-Ur.Huut." K , -;a-mw InsolV6r-t Act of 1864 Cheap!
'ce ,Wb* .
gri � g4hilqrs*�j mud WDrk the, AT rHE
kirtdAo4Ivak"iaIr-we w they 11 bet Atill if
thstillery. don't you T' inquir*4 Mr. 9614' Pork- per. 100 lbs ......
9= IF
-.4 01t@4,64 84911 pt, i* C94 j;; ;,p I& each P, 0 �4`
�36,iv,41 In the matter o
f VAarles Days, an insal.
-ous" Vass is te V 0
__m package. N77 C�Di III
fit. r Mud 600t & Shoo Factorl.
I E-1 UJUM, 1867. 7 No!l#m z"n, Nelpreast1q, C W"ll a vent.
Butilen, I'shnotasharned 0 ', ?.I _ Y Irtruseortbraut4pTIty vested in me. at slos"g-tice
1. 5 rieldr8fdr1tre"'Ushittlas. sold I al! SulZor the ofibile estate of*
has got a still, Lad work it, too." Fall Wheat, V hall superior 1 50 @ I , rihr i&- egjiy,�V bove fabove named insolvent, unal,r
-Xicine dealers. taps dote in
1 46 ge IF Olm As fke a of li'll u , a e Is ssm= �B
�ortio sill r %i� the provisions ofthestittoveact. I shall offer far slar in, AX URL FU R3E has on hand atid keepd
__pney makes the 'mare Spring Wheat, do . ........ 1 40
here to L i the cong Iu et w�:f"ooderic,,hon.'ruesdit
iAe f = v at 'rirc1v
go. do you me4a that 1 AT8 come AT �-i-lt00kt1I1l:wIL6l#Rq.J
U L% 'tb F 01
....... U LU
get the money of the people tter .......... t 1 00 11100H. all the rig tyrtleand interelil ofthroissid insolvent.
25 Mothers Heald Tbll U 11 &TA_M.,-, at CONSTANTLY MANUFACTVRING
,.yes,U,shtw liant, dat is iust what J Dressed hog3, per 100 lba,.. 4 90 @ 5 MwER CIO 'IV" , V 11
medy a I in and to that certain parcel ofland and premigell, s*o it
066 certaino.sild itafe Vle A
9WO , _.lH --- r -_ - in the-Towtuship of Turnberry and county of Hurom
t, f orm;:8 Los ff- 9P5 - A� - - - N
Peas ....... �..do ......... 0 63 ChillNe. X 81dultit.-As it is C RG lt�� FUJ containing two acres, be the z2am more or lesna. being EiEPLY STYLE OF
ku 0 tqft I f,
Very tw- jp�l tT. 1p, 0 46 t6t 9 48 e i It comprised of part of4ot numbert wenty-tv ari n concession LADIE8, GEINTS', CHMDRENS'
re on temperance M,Xlrats ......... dal'. C, fit the said'rownship,&I'urnberrv. witli the buildings
'lecta nd'Altv,
mmke trioncJs 1V be too deeply impressed n the miluts of palle is thtfi , �9t thereonereeted- send known as Day,& Rotel.
0, -V makes HaT ... . ... (QJ n ir th so -------
enr� cat
V Iffa as y?U say vu
make mo f, f, I - muff 41-pirictzlAssqf4ee for R
�! I tn. I % doli
yem ng puf!yo-a of
from it
out in all tbei, ori t.
0 wing
ie ft;l
and, p1t brint out 1p� t I L 16
11ti , Wines.Brand b, 30th Oct., 1866. S w-40td
ar emor Emrs R
5 are ofthe very numerous stympto a and elutep OGERIES
stspetili,ema- t
—Canada. ...... ham caused by Worms: deran
Boots and Sho
By iMs tjme,�ffw whole vits in a Wheat ..-1 47 1 52 Ff am at- Qea as --the. Cheapoift." INE
CiWa extremities, offensive breath, i requests pio 6 odl
V61I dolightj �-*j&fvtm *.er!s followers Oats—Per 32 lbs .......... V 32 a, or 00 cla 88 0
the note, grinding ofthe teeth during sleep, 112
I -n,
The be4y,VW I lins aloolrN, ap ometi 6 con- baml�! lb -Lo e solvent Aet of 18646 He algo, keeps one of the Largest Stocki
merrimint -at the BaTley—,VK48 Its ......... 0 a 0 5 :van
tould 17,>n rl� ch� quiet of imported Work to 'I own, all of which he
"61.144 all
AbLv spirits, dreamiti, and 9 a
flesh. in Wood and -Bottle, (tYis Rrtic e is e
tHE creditors of the above named Yn. SINUEL FURSE.
.w a lar;e number of the ircial" pre- Ch Et A_ ",,l, ? :'," Elgin Street, huron Road.
elvi&rft i - bo Q1 f n *Vwkf71, ft
kZ.V�..0 Jn' II inatter o
'is In URI James Howson, an is determined io �011 as cheap as any house
1he trade. 0::�- Call and see.
efit, 00 Id, ft
- ItZ Lnd u U
pZeZIN ellunt e"AdiAr firs I I . , insolvent. in
Tbroutbi, J". 25 186T. They arepali"e todsolp4dinklikii on
wi. oat.. In
auld &tong, tntid 3 of 31yers I __d"ve out the worms thork uglily livogn. at
Fall wheat ............... 1 60 (4 1 58 dou t are h,&,b - noti6edtp meet
If - alstor List'
ejy no"
6, oL L, 3C o '1-4(f =tZRh!wzt" Y Goderich
Bill I%e 00 --as diiion� :U&T., Solicitor, 'Aov. 19. 1866. w43 tf
0 isA hQld g himself unpleasant cai ics--as in The use of cither, worru, WS
-;.t,. 6 gs� of Cli4on,in the Coun(y of
1114int. Palo -
M our ................... 66 84 '0 00 i n the
? liriliamr. qo weeftine. - ISU311,1101 371 Villa,
Up by thair 00 P;rj4c It q- "R 81 'It, I Tenders WaIAMr
td Ott dof . A, A tqrcn, on Tuesday, the nineteenth day of
'I ......... . % .... 0 a 48ci t 14", a f_65 w2r UE
ong man so drunk that he QQU A _0 pail' In If'# 1010' i6 I . � y 4
sole. 7prietors. 14AVR-111S DAY OPENED
in�k to a TO = 14 &Z
.. 4.e% V , . I A NEW LO It -OF FAS H [ON February next, at the boar ofeleven o"clock 0 to 100 cords of E=n W,,6A
1U �; I ! i J. G. ZRTLOA %jDR tram 16
not stand alone. 0 00 7z -unination of &,l. I
The old man started as if stang by ess_ 0 -71 able Mantles. to be delivered near the
W": for the public II Stat lon
14 00457.
tUcaso, Jon 25, bi S, insolvent and for ft pr�eriug of the utf�ir'g r -before -let vfMarvb. Cash on adivery. Addrt so
Nt ish
Box 60, Goderiub p. o.. or APPI %- at t1iis otrier.
rylirs for I Cbrn Lob ............ 0 784
1\1410W Dated at Gloderich, in the Count oi Goderic-li, January 7th, I 1`6b.' W50
43i �p?Ajh�.IAL`h �4�2 gq e, i l -
ly et and rally,
7 IN . I
adder 'bnt was obliged to re I VToi if,
ourciaals twenty-secod Ohy 'Of
ii�ri ttcqo, udwz xw�v is % =-"BROMANTED.'
-too r XTRV a -X11itec -9 rb,,, 1867. STRAYED NOT(C;
-New# �Y� o#k. Jan. 25, 1867.' m i
wn. I- '",
an4 crest tbiro, .3 .1. 11 '1" Q T017117M117
xiI by e.. tin et- a
AME into the enclos
a perfect roar 00m 411 Jor— erfine ...... 89 LtS% P. ggri nlil uc -T= SA h and—"(T G.ren dine. Als
I r, lie new at upply Of Official Astuirnee. on or about 6e middle of September
-�Sfy C
Here there ed It
M'Flht IYAy'dim a rilI
wa,"resunlitd, Mr. Heat' d (Y I JN THIC 1866, lot 19, con. Ist, Usborue, ? head o.
rinted to another son 2 39 2 39 1 young Cattle. The owner is reflutisled to
VID R COLOIAL HOUSE! ars, and taske tLeth
JS tepem as IMek 1wTotatol-villes 3 10 d prove properly, pay chat.
7 illords Firewo away.
70 V
401t TA XE18; 07AR-RHAR
hite ichigan 3 00 1*1 #i�bLiWrvolq , 2, �� G,
o D R S
-fioUI4 knots
ficat?" HE
4 isple, sd ourt Houscy 1I ..,-Subscril;ler always keeps the largest ANDREW McCONNELL.
delsvere*fb�tbwith atltbe Will take place at the C if -%Q�_k of -
crest-Mlem look. find lidibi# to be Usbome Jan. 9th, 1866. w6l 3t'
plied I be OW man, w" 'It tch, on Wednesday, the 23rd inst., at the
4- He h" begin riding yniar w1raii too, and ER4�01IZS 401F VAKTH. CF30NTIRAL SCHOOL. hour of 2 o'clock, V. m. e C h 61, n SOISERY GLOVES
got a t=tae.' A few Thousand DoRars
za"I vmx=wuss. JUHN MACDONA i�x -rim COUNTIB
At tliti&-POW th* Ord nit" Put up Detility, Frenm�t all the effects of y C"_ will be required for the due fulfilment of the Sagrifr Ituron. ed on good endorred notei at
OTH S ILL be advane.-
lowds irp al,most immouringohnotr, and ex- 0 ESS -C ALD. W shortdates, in sums aot le- than$ 100.
; ul cad:screlton, will for 4be g4e of suffering humanity Sheriff's Office, Goderich, CHAB. H. ARCUB
claimed: sit, IV if yon won't contract. f
arict Mishter Eltint,
16th 4anuary,
sicuilfree go U -has i%IhJgcWeIIlPJA Ihe-A School Godericb, Auzust 22od, 1866. sw103 ly to,
say any vaorift, I will be id1l." D. SRADE GOODIN
Tbisanoicioneement wts received with Wq SAX&Od LA"S Gdlich -Ub Nov#MbeL,18W- W44t? A
'o d
Z�A tust'.ht", wid fr m that R
roar ot a A LARG ANT
secretary. -r E.,Q.0 ITY OF
d to s Will of
WomeatHr. Hunt-hWilill trie-ZrQuu 'United rounti virlue or a
Ike Add JU7. T. Goderich, 18 Jan., 1867. w52 td uron," IKicn Facias issued EV S T d Or Parcel Lost.
W 71, "1 1 � .- V ��W&,7 �s %i&' aiesty's County
ao, A N 6urt of the r - oiled counl4ea of Ruron and
>1E$4 - ST on,& G. T. parept
The sdi bftl� ftsturmila-bean M Railway twifir.
to 44 P"el, I I idises;, u —4 V 4T Bruce and to rn� dire led agaiwzt the hands
e remedy. aftlarUtring. Sa(. ewweieks bya yrry"pt Lo stinina a letter. a patr o a 1e
istilur renementrot Jbh Galbraith, at the suit of cont f W offection, and .... . . .. ..
rated for sseveral years e finder
11I.SeTere lung -rn in witf
exer6ti�� all the riFht, pue and tqW.est of
-suiI the ml 1t9( we T 81 Y u"'I d D jlat�n a dp4qlwarois, aal a lAdger and DAT Book. Th
TERRITORR o' ' founedyJlinve seized anUmt:
4A T
ia �',T A.,
k ery sell oblige by irtrectint, the same to
.5. Lu -know, or kaying it at
or I Ltte SL tas bro en kiii6vrts I., iiis rellovir Ev t t
Vft- 1pp MijiIiI tin, in
6A''It 'SE. I L R 41 U 0, �n 0. T. Burofir
out wl* an eschange *es.1I FOR ILE� oilal stock Vf Wc9Pdchtis5,6Adrortbe aLwasbigiRlArran,
with the the 10
C�ipld`�n =%ed (fi-" Of ChZtge) "N-awwwo R 0 11 C IA& 41M tenements Mce f8r that x�urpoiiq. t
fi�Ua to P0101L ItElle for new paring sold using theear4kh w#K gst�, 14 JjA50 vards of the present "CrIch CURE G'st conav �Cgj-alil )n CAM011
W Bw m"M �"JoriT,4 office/ th
3 UU.Tueyda'y.
bto=nas; d Long Affection!. The sillily Salt Worlis. Also.
and aliThrooft0l a si-lit. 33t,
NOV to trylat4ate in two dim-suipas
ViO Prescripton is to Is A N D S of Me tn bell
L I L twn'3t
A Dec. 31, Isf,6.
r, a a- d,
ofteu heen F A R HA N G is fgat his attemot' benefit the affiteied. will spireadinibrawAk"i irlkh to
h6d a quantity 0
ramr � ., Is MACDONALD,
el bl news bq& .13HN �. 1 , -,, .;o NILWfl"U. 4
U f twglv,, tiftire c ock, noon.
&UZCeWrUdJJy4l Affalrew rob.
g, asid to oat
wAd, We d. -lands.
Rev. 17DWARD A. WII L I �'
agleaa�, X9r rerwshwent "ke nurkynoi.-Swilrbw jili �L C I SM -,3
pr� If
00�� 2� gat LQ
b 23,d fiqt_4kJtera-.1cI bmk Lbeir fibi411, Iry - ( ff, ��! T
4RrP4AP dq
-Tswe FAMAT 3taving been made its-Itteffatent
tau -
Fast skate 0i Mongage miife'� by Th
"-Shoe it
U6 �&4643 Tok.,4 and George Iturnbiltil 011lid -Lbi* wives
taeujoy theinsel Tea Every
IP T. 1862. The tollowirsir
SHY, i
,3. sit 40iov, ocession , DI IF IR 10 10 Ad the 2
fthtiq am way of the rest 19 the matter 01 U, authow I"Pip V it. sqkl by ilublia Anctlon at G. A.
or -�zoon at a S E V E it C NIS AiiiefirsoRrissmsontille
,,of thft k 29V tab MUSH. FRENCH, and CLASSIC 1,
it you Wa4t to. Then is no Is Q pree.. EN
new be--Iflner fro;� sitting do -a whenever he #1#viate,_.the di 'it .;.-,
SIR J49FSXI;;A-R'1W8 i-9teregitort of tbwabo"mauiedn�.olvent; A"Fav -do` f ALNEMINARY virill be opened on the FIRST Seund 1100n,
ID I , I -&y- d AF& Wtt. At 14
ore notified to meet at the office of fiessirt
cou 0 Ru" so d It of JMNUARY, 1867, in contierlion wittr the
has an M L
n to do so. London, C. W,�q '0 mA in the said MartgVef
an London Cornmerwal, College. in which thorough tinder the powersileGuita
wh n you meet a pa As I pW Worittr*40"
irtiestarly handsomF Elarris Brothers, in r2*m*nd and
4. taltion, if -C 3 to ues L - JL0 instructitou will be given by Profe-esors of higb Extrairdinary usu illo it�_ r"43. up e9tirely
lady, try to skate on botll� aides of her -a 1-hursda 'y of febmary;
the fourteenth 4& n sw 16*1111
deny to mopc kurlior,42"
to de Qgmn. D. 1867, at the hoar of -mandi and up I 'b, 3%aiih Deed to be
This i3SrY M_ '�hajvsoivent,': g no'Mer reraydt. RXZV fjk! CLA Term
,ce.. �nd,4
-qy the -AVh&4;ng. Cgo
jl�nd sq= to area a pubhe- *X40WaU;Ij�F jro) n hitis, P. & a (1111(ftlit, I in our llyon P thi �04:1118
Vs. too tirdw__ I - NT& Colleg"_ Young meh Ana" r -
generally. P`�' AM
for! the h hr
IfilleW bi&brother is in contained in Mortgage.
� y w- f the istate can 4)e for .1 it
fltnatio�.� a and for the ordering the affi rs, o b
a�� - - Thtsittysilluable medispne is unfailing 10 lite
colt lore oCaft -homer pod -And dangerous diseame and;all ionsitthp,'i4no an ksu riaseivesin the shorteEt powib;o time
small boys at Once.— C AARUD here fit the ATF, GOOD] NG,
5. szate over xU the UCE eery -an
and 631 WbICW Ibs, fedidle, iconAturIon is subject. It THO`MA'9 CtftURCHVRl For sale at �1)0 fjjAS rVt-Cfts* Teachens, or 09r, quW-- Knock 'em down. It mzke�f great (out all obatireetwoo, JOE[N QJ3LE11'"arbUr-.0h0 a2altlrys 1861.
ing. ibe TJiLve!1u1y. al Vilted Ifth 3
moderates all excess and removes -AWgmejor. the "y4esimWe depee bTotf.
and litspatilly ctma�aisay b6velted on. W59 in er-mWinsit)
—they like it. %del! a
Couxt.vof fffiddiwx- Jant FCourse; and tholie
who purchm beholikirsbips for
;"MARRIED LADIES W'C*UV,,* wiff, - b-6 entitled twtaka Ift
It 70 Skate into a hole in iec tate our admirable
Think how you would fee4, if the TO Dated at London, C. W., this 22nd day of'
it clooly. coliarly uite& it will, in a short ttE6e,
January timp, r bring on the montitly 186T. wl 2t __uo
it is pe athb, litivactlotit = any or
wlittee wak boifing hot ppe period with regularity. Mortgage Sale. an ffi6 bFAnocagaught 44_.tbcZquulnW
7. are top art dre One Dollar. bears the Gov
if your skates ry buy a Each bow !Mortgage 616 of Land
r E�ep buying jqew Paim -til i 401�,
new PliI er of Sale contains in 'EF TNEPA-ULT baying%eeo made in 1he �avwenf
terfeits. NUM 0, raw It, i U
-fiad a p#ir tit" are aot slippery C AluIrlo1q. i -,RJR -ft-W :" cHARGE- John (4ft (hize
III, sitting down. do, it radvally. Don't c4durilng I I I - =U Mortgage made -by -Casper Hofme eri of We have wourpil sistrofewol* firybe 14etnm IJ ota Uwtgate by",the'late
27ues PiUs C6" bTfA!W .186g6w *I -a joining Jet%
be too st;dden,; I'm may bred;r the ice. f/W FIR., A AWIV TIFS *f Prog- the Vill of Harpu e -In the Cou I of T. A. BRYCE, A. M Graduate of C tepurouse at barring her dow- R
OiSOJOH91 1301� r, "Ameyer hi er) bearW O&W IUFA-oewh day of December. ,e
I of -Co-partn�lwhip- it's
tAiy are,,"rs Miscar� 11niversay..;iind author ot 14ussei-ve-& Wxi9t
Wfienjl6utattl headlong, examice the WATUt.%,48 Hirrt�q, a# 91 21 hO. The E wIll be siold by
idso. E
(being a pary or the pn 'ommercial Arithmetic; and A. N. MAYBE,
an 3
n Esq., a superior
yoar "es i er Oyprep French and cias-siral scbotqr.
Rp h retofore ezisti Poomis on die
r erell e .4Ault having been to 0 .
L,imbs, Fatmueo. slight -f -.11sern Me
, *1 __ 040 91%,
wry ow-efully barring 4W Pilot alld ;Be Iyubbe you get up. This will make everybody and I Bot4 Q.tthese gentIgmep bkng wM
*401* � "ter- zextir It 11
you fell became your '2�e- I amp in the Ub ioneftheRA f— under the asme and firm of Forsyth in the dal� Twelf, and due , totice 01 Wra da of AVA
on Ifla sad yMe ___ 1 Aj
dissolved by mutual coosent having k �iid patties intei )Ste&, "tre V-efte()v I qr
g,i,ne always do you know. exertion, Palpitat care wher all Son, is this day 4�ve =a their
0 1 0 " a 11hirlirlust be qvident. tained ib'Ae said
Its c1dk . 11 Wbites, them Fifts will e&cif a id firm hr'Ablic Auction on Wd 'I . W OR he can .0
10. Wear a heavy 011'Orccat Or w` It Sch are r moi
iodh, uhder
WV0111 4WD 6 r rnbers One od, tHe Bar-
ed[&A Sit bar 11at. alid lAot Fifteen an aouth side of V
cphly wxrmed up, an wile rtgslge,�vi.._
you affet thbrbuq
roxatiI Jan. 19, 867. in the Tows orGod-r;eh,- Terass calsh't'll"
ig. -iw;ii College sueet
off and let the wind coot YOU- 01 nyother III
utro Ar it At you Fall thrections ittap pilimphlet Aroqqd each noqn,-A; L-. 166,rJLsuT o a. will msure you a fine cold which will IV at 12 In th� World. credit. Med twbe givc-iii under the powers ron�
k1. t, 1,43 � �
packa&,�4 whieb shobld be ca eFor further particu-
slefu V Elokel,,ia the tained in thesaid Mortgage.
'ftillS060 sliaiI - - Z& IM as You w4fi�v V or f ofirVanlr�ercial tudents ars apply to
ve_� qr the _* Mari By
ter you _ets�yoa can �kate tolem- -Rochester N.Y. rty 05%gly4im this arani9keWit
r1rie same mo 0 com- 04,y�� tz�? -t have unparalleled facilities for thorou iygmund- D. SHADE GOODIND,
skate our effis -enclosed of FN b IV,
r,RSi -Wiocl istr paAw-stdirit' ing themselves in these fundame for J&00�tffees.
bly well, wt. sick imm q Pill ntal rauebes on
battle Coll- Pof iou �nectzzsarily
led of Village lot
kNe*,lolf, toad* i6thorbiiii ftent, witlinsure': _h _Mmud.commety jai educat
Illf - - , - 4,
Don't lbat reilonably ibmt it ;`ski e Ilag-e- -four hadrs--skate fizintitally—l"U tillfair Emnigglitty PH out which tiley cannol lsomfiir
9-dMrWW. rAP usluess Lite. Rentembor iIi
FUHRup LYUN, of HaMurber,--wittirbuildilit Isi tj return Mai of George Gov n ockvs' II NO n negotlating
can,,t s*4 up.' Do thts every 4a.1, *ad it W.,general forlIlid any PII ler IFARWIFOR SALE.
nick al�jasti aT T d e r
ties of
ctes f wol be "m to =akc YOU, I qpe $100 note and three n
on may die, and that will -bikifsa imcel. by we' in �fftvatir lI ED T an get
" by Parker 4; Cattle mW eacbp Wsd& .146614 . , I 23- SOUtwetllda liIA 101i Pa vo NEUTION TOW NSMP OF HURON -
B field; Jamm nev" E E, 1,.N
-ay $91 hairb
%ft 24thi 7186n 4 EIN50 ,HfA %gqw, it will ba such, a good exsmpk,
Ig ptople. _=w Rogelvillies; J. ekard,E ME If TH
-. U*LNE$S
to'the rest of the yout: W_; V -X= The subsillriberaert for *akaAne 'ft
A few simple directio senthl I b _ ENZW%U a . . 0- ii The towut�hiip of
i Is TOE: Tn farm
I;AlseS�tainiiify Only- Will be -
Ut 21., ta , Q ff� �tt -Ibw 4th cono
&I'mters an C l;icksios r I as for lady or ANTHONY HOLTO rter fir tastruallizia- fjvuqtf oj,*ucle, bems Jot 4
added L acharged Fivethillart; per qua t, siserp
100acmi. Agawspinge"t soTht cenlret
aIneitheiCaminonand Higher Engitsh, French
you ear titters on the ice be ssiII Januar i!aznd%itboptvd& -9111,0111
wi Tea I)otl;xr3
JW HQ fe or Clowics; - and
roperly adjusted. $]"I it' quartc or 00 ocres clears
tha; yW calves are p inysoni,-Gunp 1re.aiwill'eu
apan There
L 4 0
L r
;4 -3 tatithl fletem.
Ic Ae a lwapfif
'c% 010
411 am generally crili
proletprqrrty� 041 lsaffa,mili.�t *61 4t f14e#P*c-9 very
qwJ0 to 4
Wo *em, haill me,
awayi 'y -.one600. -The acelac say one
am pretU -to
2. SM ly ti�dlr hole wf6Wr,g to ffitir
Addrelis z at the WHARD-190;U.N.
the arm 4) : 24tb Vlo Isqueeze. mAis hia fk En Oats,
London, 0. W. !tflzii
MZ#.= threat. Itt to
Ofr*rU 40ML "In ou'"am , m - III I a ACI and adjae Y
froia " Es W1 SA - a T- AD , ILI 4rwj
Is At
T, i `�rt4;.T) r
and G
to Is 490- ho 2W isse, situated oi� rgpf- is preuy to, a he QWerr
UnLypar the Stomach# just east
"'W d a
pmas, Bruisesp Citampil In tvLmAbm A;Qlfzgr�
GW"h M WZY i mttw ow it. a and fronti4jr on I tno 4 eat for a Oidiqg, 09 Virzi dikii--talf t
. IWIway—yery conveni 14214
Wr the 1501- The AN&II PAIN DESTROYER has into mAill line- - �, � TN G;1rMZjI!s "T ;& 4� w49'
*11 &Mud n one of now been before the public for a length oltin* Apply to, - V1. IN Plueza AT THE
never fait", WEATnERAD,
oc- and wberever useii is W46�
Ut refielfwW Godirich. Boxes an a Old Valen dub! Ito 'is 4 �Sjfs P Cr
oil 1 0
,6r WflVrr
tow w efb*dish lot. 111"."
cam of dissaugractoirrhere1y IVE. ns
by IL a singte Instance at sing1w ad
been opet3 f T S_ 0 all,
timely used, itno will 20,1866.
s diftWons- 11
city, 11swilia 4 *W,00 Alt
Wben,the FrUJIM-111trOOP el�
Ur -u"16y"Otapd if— reigned ha a. V
r two are 44,- �_
U se- trio itighest, ten* bf its and a larg W 3rd�cpn. sit,
OT No.
a6ldie"', T6 ihhw
ffbis dgty -its lavery fads. fr. IS Aet4 iliji". Thb land'
tbeft til and Shoe S�L I- A Lmckg
wexpeak from' be beortalanufactuire W,
ill towairclis his go are soaring fro, Wo Pipes, rrift, Borgne is nated i0rxim.6;dericlit, all$
0hildrens', Ladies", an to and -Hock.
tag tested it thora t
6f thtin showed "ch op#z liz Go.lt, iville and Out on Nhe
X -7 Gordon
any of ther
ob-q 1 0 - liveaddwit-40 Ilia d*ft J. B. GORDON, ESQj that t 9-tAftirr;pi W6i ner, which itis reaom to
y- EIIII &e
bewl his sl�frord on the table by his side with
gaSovere 'i-Ximed ots
dk*iy of &W0afAdiW),?& H P
n said I tie asp, the QU 91, f will be sol. J -
a WS Deo"ei,*i tivestanefrk, . . Xdf.12k 1-86C W"tG -0 nX=t gesture. The countryms; hi o.1 $CqU.
me saded. SUIX 4_6 onosput stloom a spe Ps 1pq�il, AW Le lyi �i i t ork Wit" 1111111011111 . .,d 1 .7 . av?. -40 VIOW&A01 :V:kn"$
lot with so enormous pitcbf w � t �4 A izaltillfir
00 &word ug"b"Mm" -ol 45m," it ic old Do ilr�j
rsHoll dgid8pqttes
Taiarnod in a ro -a !y I
Ir k I _ R T1 11 The "I -W to *11
be --thessis cents '-,"'fericb, Doe. 1* 180. 01 A"
t Ilit of lf;finleidws for them cGrall I
wft ja jeyx* the other quietly ob- rank in tht
7�I, 6f I Orders is, T
fe 4
all =40" pp
twitylaff as to t ifluilrern, matisfactlon it
lao I' I � ;&rusdMn.136#Ilft_c0;?& Alex and PoiI
W1 itaplemenW i - I in and Younpr7s leg
't',12"" gal al�-471tllW
acors. g -�D
ft4odj, �,ijOUKOht" zoo 11.401 iia 0140 pat hi alftril away P
--pliyociiiI oe and use it and no a
Muet Stiltrob
A RIP ista,6121yy' tilhillptic
so hiI tboqght fit ar, or t
10 W 9 IFATII 'tile -addraned-to *na
d= be
aSMOT or and
Ca Vim
-3 II bar IWN The III BroomIf W1
We LIM - ___84 Aeso
_y_ ; _._ for tr 9 �), � ,ftK$U tt"Ift DOG
t ri IV
it , fI r
Aowt T* -
on toc POUCY, Iva
XTa . . ....................
next, AM. after
at Out alma
r� Bar $A lf� Art
ad, -Z-t;on S W" of 0&
.-7 - -,�! , co,
11 to A- t_b# t.
Intl 4bf
t 0
tha town.wt