HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi Weekly Signal, 1867-01-22, Page 4. kim— TSAAC 011 a Imm Alittely MY AR DI JTCK
A- N V Y A CTUR Elt AND DEALER 1� gFoeS, P1ou0'#nnd_t*itftf1 0 eftrrft. has h*d ttv Veal- THE M h�nrlti* wants 1000 covis a He Tl'Glt' , 01 O" MARINE. whith the hlgheitNarkek B t Se1ccWk-$tddk ot Ullon d4livo� fft-0" Z ving ez,4. nd salary LIFE & 11 GL11 a c LARGEST abid es rich. P . SAVAGD1. 0 0 A 36- 014 W 110 619SALB AND _RH�TAA L. Cpital $400.000. arine Department. Ready'o-made ClOW -41 Taflormg 0 tfitt* Department 1
Co., Alepts. WOOL I W OL I W00 0141ron,Cop- v4 to I)ny tl)e eVer offorrc(thr�salc hi. Own, wbich will per?f3rams. Itaws Wooleidkin HE bacriber i& J)repai S*andfsheeptkias L
iftstern Insitranc-o Company Unlited U high`,'i't rattrliet rr�e: for U04 11iton bq. tiold at prices that will aken in exchart:;-- 27ti 0 Rubgceiber �ega to inform his mdny customers and the public Zentrally that he keeps 9.UUI W fi5t . - . j* Teonstantly on hand the largest variety and beat selection of WEST ST... GODBIs.,TCH, No\'-TARjFr VFFLCE, ENGLAND, Defy. Competition. ;ds NEAR THE POST 0 & En ish, Sbotch, French, Swiss & German Twee FOR FIRE LirE AND ARINE. bld Stand- IN THt. COUNTIES. 'ILSO A LARGE VARLETY Or, A GOOD AsaonxexT r
r.r k N V, i:_1 tt4 IELL NEIGHBOR [low
Caief Pluee, Loudon I Can' ltdian 'Goods, Gold and Plated Jewelry on Emdo
do you et along -with
Twn�irs.,n Hibbert, ip§r, EfidLIISH, FRENCH A GFERMANN RADADCL'
q-0 I rast side N11irkel square. %eatherl
.rjC "
1A t, E 11; S' 0 yotkr plowing t1iio wet Nk
M. P� for Rcefarni Club, London, N. C, 103ASSIMERU,,tS * 11301��SXTNS, IN GREAT VARIMY.
ami thp n"r Mnchester. Ag(-tir fnr Wanzc0s Firgt-eltiss Singer :tr.d jVhy, I have thrown aside URG-hisH.-AND FRENCH BEAVEA AND PILOT OVERCOATINGS1 14 F7�; aj� l�vizrgv-r-Arthur Scratchley, RPAPAILRING IN ALL BR&NRE9
-ww and Sudlerian LT�tior-etitdebtvd1o%1 -E, Itc E, I v Fsir, . A., fort-n-erly Fe)h a good plow that cost 21 dollars, OVERCOATINGS,OF ALL OTHER DESCzIFTIONS.
I - R I & in good style and -war.
Anotc,,r bootaccuutiot, wit f pleaLm I done on short notic
SEWINGIOXCH avino secured the services of -
lowitig %vith a log, ranted according to agreement.
N' A., Ontario Hall, At% eonstnntly ork lidjidt it Was I ike p 0 (I 3DEMIJ C. W. C'u 6, Totputo. Goderit:14 27th, U866. 37 -arid went to Searle & DaVis' C:14LX:LX:L9, Zt--i �01[3-.L-W.WL-Lv 6CUT r-& DEGRASS1. n and bouglit a- steel plow for he is prepared to execute al) orders with promptitude, and in 6, style ut"lurpassed by any D3WeddID9 RIDIP alWaYS fiTa Hand.
B.N.A. '11044ffte W1111OUtdOI&J, MAN U FACTURER in thLeROVICE, Citim not excepte4. Try him and satisfj your- Jobs left unclafuied in my hands ,will be
selves. A perfect fit uaranteed in every instance. so xpiration Of three moulthlito do
I have no sixteen dollars ; noit U KU. it L*.,i t�A LL, &Co., Agents. 019fles. onLighthouse Sit. Constantly oniand The LARGEST STOCK and LATEST STYLES in fmy expf
Next k Mr. Axdrew Donogh*p truuble in plevviug my horses V C::I- All articles warranted as repreaftle&
OUEL-li FIRE & LIFE V-42URANCE Co. Centleman9s Outfittings o f Ev e r y 'Dese'ription - 0::) -The beat quality ofOlock OilU 26 $1113
g go riu,ht alung, it cleans so nice ANIE RiCAN MONEY takeu at the highest rate. a battle.
For Sale - I Q . Godericb.- Nov, 14, 1866. TWO 9, fiagoll arid sleiffh Id . V
Ifl . Arc#ibald-
T 2 Of* It r% are real thistle cutters! Chas E
i2hiet Qo-n 1,isirtrice Build EL utut J 'a' 634:� Pit file o Godericb, August 22nd 1866.
iu013� AW103
Liverpool. AT 0AXXD_x DrANCH OFF10R. 1'\10N DUILDIVGS, A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF 1. 250' P ER "15" B R L Ffce. all % N ro". IA QUANTITY OF TDS. A LSO .4 K H-�n J,11)n Young, Hen 1Eo C�et &rtiele of For sale Cho for CAR
ry E -q. David Pormuce, Esq. A L" -G9 STOCK OF TINWARE P Wj0 Vmk. Lezat Ad0i IR 1 On hand. Si�m of LLn Tea Kettle, premilius now Occaliled by the =der.
i rz ned, in the Village of Maitlaudzilk,
Do 9 - one quarter of a mile from the Salt W411.
sp" - Tot mi,ee it- Morris JIledioa 6'g
at Enl n4orsi,rned W.Oulil respectfully '11- BASE LIN-E,,0LlNT0N. WINTMOR -CLOr"HING
!,44'urnr4,Pr --Jam" 11. Rnrii-lp. Rsq� Audi- 42.50 _"%R 100 POUNDS!. forin the farmers r.1 fluron and Bruce Vne acre and 4 Qnar4er of Iiind an the aide
I fiwr mas T' Yiq- Residew Wm. E. GRACE. and Lhe �ublic zenerally thut he has com. or.-EARLE A; DAVIS. 00 TO bill beaitifully giluated, comm di irl on y 0 is -,n CL, 1.1-4crNrtry,tutiGentragAe-ent-M.Uack-en- Goderioh.UecetubeltUwA '86%. w32 -i meneed Oc aborc.buainesa- Clinton, Sert. 20. 16G. w29 of ibe River Wail:and and tbeeuharbo%Tj'meWd
It his Old st"-nd St. David street, a comfortable cottae. There are to wells
of good water. Ai:0 a selection of choice
T-,iiou Ruihi*a4s, 2Gu., Francois Xavie'r Logan's Woolen Factory Store,
%u&havingnow on Tmud an exicellent-ussort- fruit trees.
G 1: .). RUM H A U., & Co.,Aggents. est M, For particulars apply Cu the pr=iws to
3. L.--Djy41,-, tient'Of the, b axerial. he.is prepared to Mere you will find a lar.,e and varied stock of Ful;ed Cloths and Saunetts, Tweeds in great
execute atLorders in his line in Cmhb'*:te-,v HInck. I ,,s way which variety. lym. SOMEFts,
4n. 1:365, W50 1yo, a ab,v- Comparties take risks on the 9ALE 017 LA31r S cannot fail to aiversatisfaction; Or at the SigaW offift.
tHaving hDd rent experience in this Witite, Plain, Grey, Striped and Ch Goderich, July 14, 1866. -
M MONEY TO LEND- A great variety of all wool home-made cheelced flannels, one yard wide i likewise w25tf VniietlCountiesof Y virrue of Iwo W,its of business, and all work in his shop being done furmi atict Kruve, B Fieri Factas issued out Under his persoral superintendeiice, be can Gaderkt., 3rod A_,ril. 1866. W10 To Wit - of Her Map-stv's C-m1tv _,,ANNELS. Coust of I he Vniltd rlunil, so$ Hurva and Brilve warrant everv, artic:e made by bins to be of THE HUli-0—fil & ERIW_ WHITE, GREY; SCARLET& FANCY FI,,,- ------- 7�
3nd to we qhrr%:ttd against the lands and iene the be . st 4ijality. while his terms will be found NIN E POUNDS PER PATR.
SAVIRGS AND LOAN SOOJETY. L)T OF F IIIST CLASS BLANKErS, EIGHT TO Inctits of B-111lain JOM184 li,nt the lut'l of wil'into vol eeiukonah e. The aboveOvcicts- is prepared, to.make Sum- StocEng Yarn, Fine Fing"ening Yarn, Fleecy andlur
Farmers give him a call I ww HO WANTS A HOME I
1, 3 I .1 I a r A t S ed and inken in r%eentims all the right, tiVe and und see for yourselves. I -1 UN IMPROVED
1, terrst vi the,"id deieudunt in and to 11ir. Uh, BerHn Wools, all in endless varietya
hult Q1 lot nill"Ilrt.1 in The thad eon- - N. U.-Httrp shoeinz and jubbitia of all -Ula X*3M 3PX-C)1jP<�1XRt-_r. Together with a choice Assortment of
ILL.S It L r, P. 'WATEIZ' J I Froision Store- apt' thitt TofrVinnhop of WawranoAl, 11) the kindcistricily utletided tn. ON TUOSTADVANTAGEOUS TE1111b. =v ol ti liron, which lands and tenrtnents I -C rtt,,
st.all ;,'es for tcale at my udice in the Court Poo" LEWIS ELLIOTT. 'The cost _cof eflecting a Loan will be found _ S, .ts 4!,r .V the'l'.,%vu of ulwler1�1i,,m Tuesday,the twelith w491 much lower than it' "ller 6"etles of a FactDij 0 Hollands, Nots, Aloacas, Impoited Winid VALVABLE PftorZRXy Goderich, Dec., 27tb. 180,5. 'FOLLOwING dawot'February next, at ii.e hour of TWOV0 of nature. The attention of the Bvrrower is coiled tl T" tiocclocLuouno to Otte fact, that he will receive tile Wil atuount of Dress Goods, Ready-made Shirts and Draviers i Mens' an4 -Chililrea ocks- and Stockino3 1-W-4 aw-1 fitli-il up the stnt-t- We Loart. without a Isy deductiqu being inade ror in great variety'. a::)- A call is soLeited. In the TOwn and Towshipof G*rkh I
joaNxICDONAID interest or payients in advatica. lutply aceirl-ie,l by A. F. Vush, for t6 isciffered for sal, on the most teasooble
�i;.ff B. ,,%d nvo noav be epaid Monthly or Tnrly, THOMAS LOCANS term, viz: 0
I am t;ow prepared to furuish U111ce. CMericiz Ing eve rr Woolen Factory Store, E ast Street,
r a Pe tod of frini one to fifteen
uth Octub, 3� ' I ta U W 0 10th September, 1866. I. Lot 902, North street, TURAX%.sXA. , --- 0 W"sleyau Methodist Church, in C,ode&h
M ARINE 1;� -"$ APPLY TO Groceries and Provisions 13'V ILI FOR FULb PARTICTILA 2. Lots J 2 and 13 n the ,corner of West
liriti-;%, A-iprleaq Iisinrauce Co the LO"t Cush Pnees, SHE!RIM5 S&&E OF !.UTD3. 1 and Wellington Streets. 40o 46 there fa a
Agent and Va!uator fort he -�o victy at Godeich ------- good frame house and bakery, Uneed Cossrate tue of a writ of Gudeirch.C.11'.. 1666. rwI3 H t1roto and dru Factas t"tted out -i e n. 2 vi e :) -a rt t�y, These lots form an excellent alte 1�r a
to Wit of Rer Maje�tyls Cbsm ul hotel I
Flour and reed A- Lot I 13 on Lighthouse strept, Vpon
aunB ku. Queeu's Rea. It. and to itte directed against the land�; and lenernents of -%V Otarn Kennedy at tile which tbete-h a large 0 f,,me house so sr.
W13 still of AnJrr-.v Hogg, I h11VeWlA1!-d Und WI) 10 rRE uommERGIAL JU NION- nfly on hand. eiecution all the right tit e aud intertst of the L ranged as 0 accommodate three FSVAR;� �pharvt of your patrou&je will be thank said defendatit in lot -d to Lots nusabems, twputir. ASSURANCE COMPANY. 4L Lot 141 ou the corner of Fjwx _�jnd
ully received &ud fahitfallyattended to. 1woandtweniy-t�reejntheuinth Coneession 'of Elgin sweets, upon which there is a nnzH
'A —I- aill 'he Town -ship of Arran in tue Count7 of Brt fgi�e house and a good orchar&
C Park lot 14, coa. i C P, iu 4,he T�*".
my 4Ste vA tAeCourt lioutpta i betown 19 AND 20, CORAMMt LONDOXi ;ENGLAND.
Wiaes and Liquorsjf Crockery .,b on Tue�4av the Nttwteemh ddy'01 February ship of Goderich, coviaining10'
-a of cellentland. Uponthial zerL
and- Glassware,Fa"y Goods. at- me buur of Tweive.)f the clock U000. at there is -ji2 ex.
ed) 2,500,000 Sterling. JOHN cDONALD. CAPITAL, (Fally Subserlb cellenkTw3 Story Brick House. Oatmeal, Cora z Slient), H. & B. meal, and ouibuildings. agood bwiAg
'71terifil, offil.-e. (jrerich, I 7
1, IW119STIED OVER, fB2i0W,000.-31)ET`0SIT:FUjq lNdANADA,001000. orchard of choice
llurRwheat Roar, Oth November. I66. [ FRESH OYSTERS10 frui� WHOLESALE AND RETAil This is one of the best s4fiatw'
FIRE 'DEPARTMENT, , , vi Private residence in ttre tOW13: 0 I I., 8&LZ'0F LAAWS. BY THE KEG, CAN OB COUNT The distinguishable -principle of The lt:*rnpany It" been Lbe e-ktablishLatel3tof an equitaWe dassifi- 6. ANEXCELLENTFARK-112,,
ention, charging in all eatio-a.a premium proponionate tio tbe� T.A. AftQIN LoWff and aj'adjOiDifl :A2q]) LOOTERS, _S IESI g lots, one (T149 OLD f%r THE CoVW'y. ndedCountiep T virtue of a writ nt I The touocexs�which tias attended the Cornpany's. operationoo has been aikeb as fully to salize t1m and AND CLANTS most "ziguine eitpeetations of the Directors, w,lio 11M e ictsolveJ to extend the busiaess more wAelv, on the Huron &ad, Huron and J:Sru::,'� B Fieri Facias issued out 10 a V4 thO Other *,a ICPAL OIL LAXPb. Ij 11-0
concession, in -the To-walm of
To wa of Her majwt-tyN FRESH LEMONS, ORANGES, CATES. P nod now *ffer Lotbe Canadian public. .
D. GORDON, FERGUSON. P4 .,. - - PEUM SEDUILITY gamwteed bj IMe Subwribed Capit4, and IuveWd Godench. 40 a0red cleared and under �Callrl ofthe f1nkcd t1ouittiem of 1-1 uron and Bruce 0 ca a the Inuds ajid lt�ne� Cocopinuts, Figs, Graes, 0 Funds. �ation, upon 'hie
P-SGooas wi!l be delivtred in y .: 4 , & & : - - -- W, hthera isabrick4w
n1e1dt94,,Wtlr1*ft* McElroy. nt tho suit of J..tia Prawric-S'ettlementotClidmi. The.
birectors and 6eneirrd Agents, ;being .gewilemen largev en- house, frime barn and smug 'Part of th�' t-�vn.- ten in ex do M ro gazedin Commercr, will take a liberal and AND UNDZRTAKER, 1. Mef(erzie, . I have seized and tak 'e. 5 10 , - '
I Gedde.ricb. Feb. 2ud. I 896. aw45 tion at! we rip hi, fille aud inteiet w h, .,de'du :S I INT G� 1-1 S A LARGE ORCHARD. ill
%lanaracit=es aaa Les nivr on tiand a eomp!ete QQ a � LIFE DEPARTWENT. Thiff ta fi-ndant tn stud to lot untuber eighteleu in tue stxth We8f Side nf M(jrht %'qUare, rm is Situated 5 Miles frov cout-ession of the Township ur Morris in itte TbeCinparfy oEersterMtlolhosoitl Goderich. Nov.30. 8W99 X.zi a i ;0) z - and 7 from rlinton. It is Odom
WEST STRMT, GO111,FRIcH, Count uron, containing one loundred arres, to Moderate indrease -the Sonva: �Ood rll; Cr )IN* - -_ well-watera-4 - whictiv2and tenements I. shall offer for mir - I - - , - � and hasr4pod grarel lourt House in the Tov. a ot Claim.-% paid 6ne inout after pr,of di death. two sides of it.
t1i my office in The God-eb on I uesday, the twenty-nitith -d;iy of Por term and condhi a 0 8 e a to
Satfas, Red--teads Et Londou aad Ptr �04' !6� =
air, - I t ' 4, _j L.'. L. � A%d othev 71-lVailligCS, W111.137mit be seen in the Campan3�5 Proopwu%. Treatmuit on f
C=e and Wor.)!-Seatwd Vaers, f; i: t 3lomldin January next, at the boui-ofTwelve of the ckxk, i GEOR and variety,ot Elk Morlanti; son & 00..V OR Mc [loon. t
ft 1866.
Home DJOHINSOrtys at Agentsfor Candda.. w2sit
F 0 R 8 A.L o D. G. rias wlrz an hard 3. C-IMIje office 'and Digne te as nsary,. Office,Godarich, I - . o00 on-dient of COF-k-4,4. Also, 64, Little St. Jame Street w39 f Lot,,To-92, East Lak 0 OFFM 85 ]i�&D 397.'ST. ------------ e 12 , TO Elf?.& ILI) 0 lZoad, Bay. P E-4 C?UrV4671-, . . I 41 - rX 1: Z., M -A -I T, e, A e. g4 rtjp- FIR U For Q i - If. M U NO, jlo"ng.r. --sitare, ST - RATE LAND C. UVf- IDNI ehanzefar Fa W2 -Dise-e&&I rAe ai I Tcruiseasy.ap,)ly to Lack -now Win. Rasttiill, Kin I cardine; Jughua LAND
&-mi'lid VVea-Aness; and, a,,. H.GARDI"Lit & CO.,AgeutsibrGoJerich and FOR SA119
i)ffj� 4,e., Fewde ca=jv, J4 10-1, n, W kerton And satigimit, zw74 onthepremisps or .4 SUT a L -jai ex ce. The iou conti,m 50."r,4
borah,tnd Par't** devotes his attents X Pf grVortoqkcoutly .9
LTE OF L0NDC,E:DlN % U.C.C.IMERON, F D 'AND Goderien, I Bra efteb, 46
e-,ftredou the twe iota. The lag4 e vt*:rred to iz th �_i A otioo. CIO--avely, to th Trratineut of tb� Can,,plunts Goderich, AD6130th.1864. W14-tj 0 WATER POWER. -wateW and ta EntropelLarld the fro to perform -s A m the Pro- Tery mmarfrtble cnre,.; Q,tj bw so acre*eacp> IDV'gr IM cleared the 111-4 1F1 P7,el-anhip 1 alu laz (be bt-st and TatoW. rente. HE Subwribers oXer v, :& A 0 tfiv3ks far the mama re snrh'� betng 10 e rm-P011dence with the &
T. N 0 _a4but 6 miles from !;Odedeh. ferm I 0 4ad sheaand 4egm terj,') e, atj 'Ifts Of lfti� old w arid, Lbat NN y Mn rair�-y brVan odarjojW-ewen � L y the uraortoinateol . SALT TERRITORY AND A,NEVER B -orrURY& Will be so e �02! at th� 93,M-3 speedy -and perfect e ts to - I ummg So Its' S l7re. t4i Al W, .98 APDW Z3- bTu!. %OTH To rF, R WEAK.—Or John' '�_FAILIXIG WATER, POWER ND to th:lt t I f -stare he wili be ciottv —1� Remedhw -will resj,,re in 1V I XI P 110 V9D 'P4 -RM$ U*WLEPARED a TO XAVX .3 Ver to -'d at h7 "'t stand P"O"O of at wtioare inl,cled vr ir W.Jj b�z tbb to any per%on or dompaU fir a royalty of one AT a PEI% -CIERT I TOE izilkletowi. Ittl Xcrvons Debility, Lou tenth of laeproduction. Territory situated S,�It. 2t I those at home a3- t 0 OTW&e-There is an Wx Mile of the Gabrich Salt Well A YOU."oG MEN,'rAE:r% I ' ADVANCES, Or f WE ISM T1 4 fie within
ra4j JAWO; Umwio a eall. eii ha'�oit uste-a coml, -Invest' in Towh Propert ,u,1�4 by boy'at s.;ftuol, to A V _f R UN -Ty BLA CK. cm'vl* UP -ith them to onanhood.; the milich is no -v in fall operetion. and turus ent at J. B. G 6 RDO-S T e. G -L f QRAOLE T - - - - - - - - - - - - Goderich.SeDt.13,1864. aw$ tj Am6bnf�&9_jjftd lit, eri,:h_ A Fit 5-.b. 1866. ftto of S#Xt3r Oarrej# ch, TME L WIT Is Of this evif praeti,e is most deplurakle, t;rdop The Salt bloel: oderi a", dre- &e. All who ar, cal be sOcOnstrtie- *6at a iWitch' train the G. apply to Dr jX_4on,u,medi,j,j) r. H. R, ca is b;m LbFOU,- t t toth bul,cing The bo 44yancea in years. _10-Toolm- _-_W 40 aadht:traietreeta "PerclY and veweet cure. O-e-Bgs or Inv ISLoob, eze.-It iii # dred ynrds� Thovrh ph� co.st-of e-teRsairderrfek all;l I.0 m-211044AY fact triat thougmads all vi& -FR , 8 AT f Inis 10 bona- a 6 inch "hate, to tfi� itepth-7 of 16au feet ving to t lnd'Ztaching water power will not ex- Ci "T'skiltul and frnproper use 4 _PRI, 64 VV4CIL as f. 1�0 he latereg Dr. jullosowit CO r "494'beetfi A OKAIJAi U� : on raw'-$ tit
nipound Syrup -ed the sum ofT)2re Thousand Do',fartf, 0.3 eX_ 0 is enireiy r e InSolVent ALet Of B '*s"h';6 e&- imok: 44icalsl dillmstatithsingfrom eavatittgn GO' ee under th nd o0lieh*1Pf4iai 6r'yeat. liptattlev
jjejned,e,� an the so] emsary, buriag c . ad be commenced 1864 for the r tile enj- id cock. OW& Counties Ofou rt tuAv"be redo in .lore[y 10 'its U. ta#) W. T d 9 lours 0 loatd�.War* fjVPlv U I from crturth I in alWeron"s 13100k,- BRATS. jor Further injormatli eller or per. A
Flour [011ie Pwwietors lit tfle 06derich Chas. F. jobason X ruarr 20 186d fij.Littfe t. jametbi Ilia. tiQRAOE HORTON ESQ". reeUX011treal-Cf. E. A 8; W SAV WE & VAETKRY, p okiy; ERBPRT Va Aso GodertaSiNeov. 23rd, 1�66. tru444 J. ffE _e VYLUA �Tieesurer, Toout 16th Oct., v3ftwl4 R F i Pt E & M A IN' E ast few ye, of me tp�. F M 3 Z S C ff gC ry,, 0, MAROLE WORK --A to amp upw WL a Ikli =V trevrr *Aar��t and mw YfLI ba% trl'., ,-.red& of 1�arw SOSABLE TERMS. -OR-T026 A AND f*01fe C, rof IS E E"A V F, N. rine 04, Life-, -1a zs EFFMTED ON REA, W. C_ Fire$ Na MA' UPLUXTILE AND. LIFE Offlee-&T. F. C,r ffa�an's 1aw 01fa,' P Com - . 11111� _,�= Canada, Head oir any at -jroa Oud: 0. It Kay's Block. corner Gaurt House Square .ls on (;,,nijt nsuraee Co. S ....... re an city Fropettv, T West St.. Goderich, O.,W. Tab 'T . ...... f-l"o4t- taken at as lo%r rates as arlyot &rine Tablets, JORI� HALI)AXI, iaaw -Topst Oirv. . t, 18.09.' 7 Age4lt 0�io Free St�6 P
tept on liand &r 1149d. S c4ru'AL 2,000,000, STIf-9LING. in& pitr P d Fire Department. 'fSURANCES, effectod an alk- losses ol ICH 0. W. C riekst mod 104M T L
�WODER OAX eirAte mtelf. 14mcf; prowpt for 011� 40wtt 4M fwj�f��y per cet iu ,a:_ -01( SHERIFF jS A-04 4 t, 0 9 we a Do 0 ,1Y. 0 ag, tour -,rft tw oz I *ez - It to f -T o the Quuue�io in sdystW�, e, do(. rbelr� W F ST U jtW V" Ito, _Tft":, Huron andft go Ga. arge pits ang accomurated profits, thloj t 4 adopt rales lowor than ore as T'V"jy-toar Cents (;o lertch. fdrcb3lt. 180ire LlUrLon "da AIA
van �-flp_ Aia Majellty'A Von
a 71mr to, -niav other 9-f4cei.- + imebta,effhofnstt 13laiki-at tile sulljof-M f A tea bavdbeeh. inad Ike an(d 140 14 17016'r for ". execif too, a 1AA the- rigWtitle-auji, _jn Tbe- a4deraig appointe'd To rar Special ta;r ia Th6maa 10 Xtrr 'A VRO an. 7 tw.o it the ahove fr IN0 gibe enijil-& to rezelve, Adingff and- other isolated iisks, A 3. 8 6 7 A mew tou 6,e oftfie rerjoAj. agent of the above Company for Goderich Oatit in and �Q lQt.aUMbV Dr4ISION Cd URTS, ve havin or SDI t7 -CUP t�'e 14 qnd aarrounding country, will bg-_glftd �tqr T,9.; - -ofeta the: bjA , - 1_� $ - I )vs ed -an for 1809, emla,4 witr ht, 61!, eel -for ift� I;outa 0 if 1) Coons ve fropoiffJ9 4o on f the 'Divisio fflibranch- the or,* 9 wis fugjo insur _,:� av" at - �M'. our ou 1111 0 0 U N T'Y'. 0 F` 11 U R 0 on toparf'o �* i=g, L Nor '16 a th 'O e find V�jlj e jofor-_ N"Itij before Aprit I 0-67, the, it' 14preq % jT ve, T t 0 -W fto forth% he be prihicr*40k � _DT the loft Q, -art. Zud lax Vic X�!Ar 2153,ij Olt 4 t".ar 'Di"11091 CWn, M�Wlsy IL W aiL =1116 I I ti- n&L Aub-stang
D 0 o T d 9 X�o t gum, monk* oNO The,qburft opewat ria OT 14 t. ry bo rag, PufAll WjLTk0y$trf #t,(gW f4j*; IQ 11144 -wilt Aug uldnoi4f
f Mal �iuf Wit alilso Lat sa rofte4r _ all WARRAME0 X Alfty ��*-*U lark vp tv - '016;
_0"j, - - - 0' ov, " _A� �g L- : L, ' . QW -V LT:-" � f to
a t �Z �- Aka ord, _? y
Oftbe I G r RA �W47 18%
"^ X*._
W" 99 Al
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or 4kr. rakau
P 3Y410"'V's
&lift, O.W.
aLa, *" so
*=Amex- 4WT*h�
14 OI=L
6 0
Muft W443'as* a
FfftA D004! we& of
A lot X:X
Ck G 4erickilD.W.
suw�sllcr"* X*"T to
1-44 TS To 9
0 4W .04K
�0 T:M.L*J.''
va A W
OLIWO-Irs-W sr
_G 0
rivamme, %nos.
Oft to W1 am
-494%4 **ski
IM_111t,*��V*��_ ll_�111
_1 -, : Z _ :
7. fr.
. kim— TSAAC 011 a Imm Alittely MY AR DI JTCK
A- N V Y A CTUR Elt AND DEALER 1� gFoeS, P1ou0'#nnd_t*itftf1 0 eftrrft. has h*d ttv Veal- THE M h�nrlti* wants 1000 covis a He Tl'Glt' , 01 O" MARINE. whith the hlgheitNarkek B t Se1ccWk-$tddk ot Ullon d4livo� fft-0" Z ving ez,4. nd salary LIFE & 11 GL11 a c LARGEST abid es rich. P . SAVAGD1. 0 0 A 36- 014 W 110 619SALB AND _RH�TAA L. Cpital $400.000. arine Department. Ready'o-made ClOW -41 Taflormg 0 tfitt* Department 1
Co., Alepts. WOOL I W OL I W00 0141ron,Cop- v4 to I)ny tl)e eVer offorrc(thr�salc hi. Own, wbich will per?f3rams. Itaws Wooleidkin HE bacriber i& J)repai S*andfsheeptkias L
iftstern Insitranc-o Company Unlited U high`,'i't rattrliet rr�e: for U04 11iton bq. tiold at prices that will aken in exchart:;-- 27ti 0 Rubgceiber �ega to inform his mdny customers and the public Zentrally that he keeps 9.UUI W fi5t . - . j* Teonstantly on hand the largest variety and beat selection of WEST ST... GODBIs.,TCH, No\'-TARjFr VFFLCE, ENGLAND, Defy. Competition. ;ds NEAR THE POST 0 & En ish, Sbotch, French, Swiss & German Twee FOR FIRE LirE AND ARINE. bld Stand- IN THt. COUNTIES. 'ILSO A LARGE VARLETY Or, A GOOD AsaonxexT r
r.r k N V, i:_1 tt4 IELL NEIGHBOR [low
Caief Pluee, Loudon I Can' ltdian 'Goods, Gold and Plated Jewelry on Emdo
do you et along -with
Twn�irs.,n Hibbert, ip§r, EfidLIISH, FRENCH A GFERMANN RADADCL'
q-0 I rast side N11irkel square. %eatherl
.rjC "
1A t, E 11; S' 0 yotkr plowing t1iio wet Nk
M. P� for Rcefarni Club, London, N. C, 103ASSIMERU,,tS * 11301��SXTNS, IN GREAT VARIMY.
ami thp n"r Mnchester. Ag(-tir fnr Wanzc0s Firgt-eltiss Singer :tr.d jVhy, I have thrown aside URG-hisH.-AND FRENCH BEAVEA AND PILOT OVERCOATINGS1 14 F7�; aj� l�vizrgv-r-Arthur Scratchley, RPAPAILRING IN ALL BR&NRE9
-ww and Sudlerian LT�tior-etitdebtvd1o%1 -E, Itc E, I v Fsir, . A., fort-n-erly Fe)h a good plow that cost 21 dollars, OVERCOATINGS,OF ALL OTHER DESCzIFTIONS.
I - R I & in good style and -war.
Anotc,,r bootaccuutiot, wit f pleaLm I done on short notic
SEWINGIOXCH avino secured the services of -
lowitig %vith a log, ranted according to agreement.
N' A., Ontario Hall, At% eonstnntly ork lidjidt it Was I ike p 0 (I 3DEMIJ C. W. C'u 6, Totputo. Goderit:14 27th, U866. 37 -arid went to Searle & DaVis' C:14LX:LX:L9, Zt--i �01[3-.L-W.WL-Lv 6CUT r-& DEGRASS1. n and bouglit a- steel plow for he is prepared to execute al) orders with promptitude, and in 6, style ut"lurpassed by any D3WeddID9 RIDIP alWaYS fiTa Hand.
B.N.A. '11044ffte W1111OUtdOI&J, MAN U FACTURER in thLeROVICE, Citim not excepte4. Try him and satisfj your- Jobs left unclafuied in my hands ,will be
selves. A perfect fit uaranteed in every instance. so xpiration Of three moulthlito do
I have no sixteen dollars ; noit U KU. it L*.,i t�A LL, &Co., Agents. 019fles. onLighthouse Sit. Constantly oniand The LARGEST STOCK and LATEST STYLES in fmy expf
Next k Mr. Axdrew Donogh*p truuble in plevviug my horses V C::I- All articles warranted as repreaftle&
OUEL-li FIRE & LIFE V-42URANCE Co. Centleman9s Outfittings o f Ev e r y 'Dese'ription - 0::) -The beat quality ofOlock OilU 26 $1113
g go riu,ht alung, it cleans so nice ANIE RiCAN MONEY takeu at the highest rate. a battle.
For Sale - I Q . Godericb.- Nov, 14, 1866. TWO 9, fiagoll arid sleiffh Id . V
Ifl . Arc#ibald-
T 2 Of* It r% are real thistle cutters! Chas E
i2hiet Qo-n 1,isirtrice Build EL utut J 'a' 634:� Pit file o Godericb, August 22nd 1866.
iu013� AW103
Liverpool. AT 0AXXD_x DrANCH OFF10R. 1'\10N DUILDIVGS, A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF 1. 250' P ER "15" B R L Ffce. all % N ro". IA QUANTITY OF TDS. A LSO .4 K H-�n J,11)n Young, Hen 1Eo C�et &rtiele of For sale Cho for CAR
ry E -q. David Pormuce, Esq. A L" -G9 STOCK OF TINWARE P Wj0 Vmk. Lezat Ad0i IR 1 On hand. Si�m of LLn Tea Kettle, premilius now Occaliled by the =der.
i rz ned, in the Village of Maitlaudzilk,
Do 9 - one quarter of a mile from the Salt W411.
sp" - Tot mi,ee it- Morris JIledioa 6'g
at Enl n4orsi,rned W.Oulil respectfully '11- BASE LIN-E,,0LlNT0N. WINTMOR -CLOr"HING
!,44'urnr4,Pr --Jam" 11. Rnrii-lp. Rsq� Audi- 42.50 _"%R 100 POUNDS!. forin the farmers r.1 fluron and Bruce Vne acre and 4 Qnar4er of Iiind an the aide
I fiwr mas T' Yiq- Residew Wm. E. GRACE. and Lhe �ublic zenerally thut he has com. or.-EARLE A; DAVIS. 00 TO bill beaitifully giluated, comm di irl on y 0 is -,n CL, 1.1-4crNrtry,tutiGentragAe-ent-M.Uack-en- Goderioh.UecetubeltUwA '86%. w32 -i meneed Oc aborc.buainesa- Clinton, Sert. 20. 16G. w29 of ibe River Wail:and and tbeeuharbo%Tj'meWd
It his Old st"-nd St. David street, a comfortable cottae. There are to wells
of good water. Ai:0 a selection of choice
T-,iiou Ruihi*a4s, 2Gu., Francois Xavie'r Logan's Woolen Factory Store,
%u&havingnow on Tmud an exicellent-ussort- fruit trees.
G 1: .). RUM H A U., & Co.,Aggents. est M, For particulars apply Cu the pr=iws to
3. L.--Djy41,-, tient'Of the, b axerial. he.is prepared to Mere you will find a lar.,e and varied stock of Ful;ed Cloths and Saunetts, Tweeds in great
execute atLorders in his line in Cmhb'*:te-,v HInck. I ,,s way which variety. lym. SOMEFts,
4n. 1:365, W50 1yo, a ab,v- Comparties take risks on the 9ALE 017 LA31r S cannot fail to aiversatisfaction; Or at the SigaW offift.
tHaving hDd rent experience in this Witite, Plain, Grey, Striped and Ch Goderich, July 14, 1866. -
M MONEY TO LEND- A great variety of all wool home-made cheelced flannels, one yard wide i likewise w25tf VniietlCountiesof Y virrue of Iwo W,its of business, and all work in his shop being done furmi atict Kruve, B Fieri Factas issued out Under his persoral superintendeiice, be can Gaderkt., 3rod A_,ril. 1866. W10 To Wit - of Her Map-stv's C-m1tv _,,ANNELS. Coust of I he Vniltd rlunil, so$ Hurva and Brilve warrant everv, artic:e made by bins to be of THE HUli-0—fil & ERIW_ WHITE, GREY; SCARLET& FANCY FI,,,- ------- 7�
3nd to we qhrr%:ttd against the lands and iene the be . st 4ijality. while his terms will be found NIN E POUNDS PER PATR.
SAVIRGS AND LOAN SOOJETY. L)T OF F IIIST CLASS BLANKErS, EIGHT TO Inctits of B-111lain JOM184 li,nt the lut'l of wil'into vol eeiukonah e. The aboveOvcicts- is prepared, to.make Sum- StocEng Yarn, Fine Fing"ening Yarn, Fleecy andlur
Farmers give him a call I ww HO WANTS A HOME I
1, 3 I .1 I a r A t S ed and inken in r%eentims all the right, tiVe and und see for yourselves. I -1 UN IMPROVED
1, terrst vi the,"id deieudunt in and to 11ir. Uh, BerHn Wools, all in endless varietya
hult Q1 lot nill"Ilrt.1 in The thad eon- - N. U.-Httrp shoeinz and jubbitia of all -Ula X*3M 3PX-C)1jP<�1XRt-_r. Together with a choice Assortment of
ILL.S It L r, P. 'WATEIZ' J I Froision Store- apt' thitt TofrVinnhop of WawranoAl, 11) the kindcistricily utletided tn. ON TUOSTADVANTAGEOUS TE1111b. =v ol ti liron, which lands and tenrtnents I -C rtt,,
st.all ;,'es for tcale at my udice in the Court Poo" LEWIS ELLIOTT. 'The cost _cof eflecting a Loan will be found _ S, .ts 4!,r .V the'l'.,%vu of ulwler1�1i,,m Tuesday,the twelith w491 much lower than it' "ller 6"etles of a FactDij 0 Hollands, Nots, Aloacas, Impoited Winid VALVABLE PftorZRXy Goderich, Dec., 27tb. 180,5. 'FOLLOwING dawot'February next, at ii.e hour of TWOV0 of nature. The attention of the Bvrrower is coiled tl T" tiocclocLuouno to Otte fact, that he will receive tile Wil atuount of Dress Goods, Ready-made Shirts and Draviers i Mens' an4 -Chililrea ocks- and Stockino3 1-W-4 aw-1 fitli-il up the stnt-t- We Loart. without a Isy deductiqu being inade ror in great variety'. a::)- A call is soLeited. In the TOwn and Towshipof G*rkh I
joaNxICDONAID interest or payients in advatica. lutply aceirl-ie,l by A. F. Vush, for t6 isciffered for sal, on the most teasooble
�i;.ff B. ,,%d nvo noav be epaid Monthly or Tnrly, THOMAS LOCANS term, viz: 0
I am t;ow prepared to furuish U111ce. CMericiz Ing eve rr Woolen Factory Store, E ast Street,
r a Pe tod of frini one to fifteen
uth Octub, 3� ' I ta U W 0 10th September, 1866. I. Lot 902, North street, TURAX%.sXA. , --- 0 W"sleyau Methodist Church, in C,ode&h
M ARINE 1;� -"$ APPLY TO Groceries and Provisions 13'V ILI FOR FULb PARTICTILA 2. Lots J 2 and 13 n the ,corner of West
liriti-;%, A-iprleaq Iisinrauce Co the LO"t Cush Pnees, SHE!RIM5 S&&E OF !.UTD3. 1 and Wellington Streets. 40o 46 there fa a
Agent and Va!uator fort he -�o victy at Godeich ------- good frame house and bakery, Uneed Cossrate tue of a writ of Gudeirch.C.11'.. 1666. rwI3 H t1roto and dru Factas t"tted out -i e n. 2 vi e :) -a rt t�y, These lots form an excellent alte 1�r a
to Wit of Rer Maje�tyls Cbsm ul hotel I
Flour and reed A- Lot I 13 on Lighthouse strept, Vpon
aunB ku. Queeu's Rea. It. and to itte directed against the land�; and lenernents of -%V Otarn Kennedy at tile which tbete-h a large 0 f,,me house so sr.
W13 still of AnJrr-.v Hogg, I h11VeWlA1!-d Und WI) 10 rRE uommERGIAL JU NION- nfly on hand. eiecution all the right tit e aud intertst of the L ranged as 0 accommodate three FSVAR;� �pharvt of your patrou&je will be thank said defendatit in lot -d to Lots nusabems, twputir. ASSURANCE COMPANY. 4L Lot 141 ou the corner of Fjwx _�jnd
ully received &ud fahitfallyattended to. 1woandtweniy-t�reejntheuinth Coneession 'of Elgin sweets, upon which there is a nnzH
'A —I- aill 'he Town -ship of Arran in tue Count7 of Brt fgi�e house and a good orchar&
C Park lot 14, coa. i C P, iu 4,he T�*".
my 4Ste vA tAeCourt lioutpta i betown 19 AND 20, CORAMMt LONDOXi ;ENGLAND.
Wiaes and Liquorsjf Crockery .,b on Tue�4av the Nttwteemh ddy'01 February ship of Goderich, coviaining10'
-a of cellentland. Uponthial zerL
and- Glassware,Fa"y Goods. at- me buur of Tweive.)f the clock U000. at there is -ji2 ex.
ed) 2,500,000 Sterling. JOHN cDONALD. CAPITAL, (Fally Subserlb cellenkTw3 Story Brick House. Oatmeal, Cora z Slient), H. & B. meal, and ouibuildings. agood bwiAg
'71terifil, offil.-e. (jrerich, I 7
1, IW119STIED OVER, fB2i0W,000.-31)ET`0SIT:FUjq lNdANADA,001000. orchard of choice
llurRwheat Roar, Oth November. I66. [ FRESH OYSTERS10 frui� WHOLESALE AND RETAil This is one of the best s4fiatw'
FIRE 'DEPARTMENT, , , vi Private residence in ttre tOW13: 0 I I., 8&LZ'0F LAAWS. BY THE KEG, CAN OB COUNT The distinguishable -principle of The lt:*rnpany It" been Lbe e-ktablishLatel3tof an equitaWe dassifi- 6. ANEXCELLENTFARK-112,,
ention, charging in all eatio-a.a premium proponionate tio tbe� T.A. AftQIN LoWff and aj'adjOiDifl :A2q]) LOOTERS, _S IESI g lots, one (T149 OLD f%r THE CoVW'y. ndedCountiep T virtue of a writ nt I The touocexs�which tias attended the Cornpany's. operationoo has been aikeb as fully to salize t1m and AND CLANTS most "ziguine eitpeetations of the Directors, w,lio 11M e ictsolveJ to extend the busiaess more wAelv, on the Huron &ad, Huron and J:Sru::,'� B Fieri Facias issued out 10 a V4 thO Other *,a ICPAL OIL LAXPb. Ij 11-0
concession, in -the To-walm of
To wa of Her majwt-tyN FRESH LEMONS, ORANGES, CATES. P nod now *ffer Lotbe Canadian public. .
D. GORDON, FERGUSON. P4 .,. - - PEUM SEDUILITY gamwteed bj IMe Subwribed Capit4, and IuveWd Godench. 40 a0red cleared and under �Callrl ofthe f1nkcd t1ouittiem of 1-1 uron and Bruce 0 ca a the Inuds ajid lt�ne� Cocopinuts, Figs, Graes, 0 Funds. �ation, upon 'hie
P-SGooas wi!l be delivtred in y .: 4 , & & : - - -- W, hthera isabrick4w
n1e1dt94,,Wtlr1*ft* McElroy. nt tho suit of J..tia Prawric-S'ettlementotClidmi. The.
birectors and 6eneirrd Agents, ;being .gewilemen largev en- house, frime barn and smug 'Part of th�' t-�vn.- ten in ex do M ro gazedin Commercr, will take a liberal and AND UNDZRTAKER, 1. Mef(erzie, . I have seized and tak 'e. 5 10 , - '
I Gedde.ricb. Feb. 2ud. I 896. aw45 tion at! we rip hi, fille aud inteiet w h, .,de'du :S I INT G� 1-1 S A LARGE ORCHARD. ill
%lanaracit=es aaa Les nivr on tiand a eomp!ete QQ a � LIFE DEPARTWENT. Thiff ta fi-ndant tn stud to lot untuber eighteleu in tue stxth We8f Side nf M(jrht %'qUare, rm is Situated 5 Miles frov cout-ession of the Township ur Morris in itte TbeCinparfy oEersterMtlolhosoitl Goderich. Nov.30. 8W99 X.zi a i ;0) z - and 7 from rlinton. It is Odom
WEST STRMT, GO111,FRIcH, Count uron, containing one loundred arres, to Moderate indrease -the Sonva: �Ood rll; Cr )IN* - -_ well-watera-4 - whictiv2and tenements I. shall offer for mir - I - - , - � and hasr4pod grarel lourt House in the Tov. a ot Claim.-% paid 6ne inout after pr,of di death. two sides of it.
t1i my office in The God-eb on I uesday, the twenty-nitith -d;iy of Por term and condhi a 0 8 e a to
Satfas, Red--teads Et Londou aad Ptr �04' !6� =
air, - I t ' 4, _j L.'. L. � A%d othev 71-lVailligCS, W111.137mit be seen in the Campan3�5 Proopwu%. Treatmuit on f
C=e and Wor.)!-Seatwd Vaers, f; i: t 3lomldin January next, at the boui-ofTwelve of the ckxk, i GEOR and variety,ot Elk Morlanti; son & 00..V OR Mc [loon. t
ft 1866.
Home DJOHINSOrtys at Agentsfor Candda.. w2sit
F 0 R 8 A.L o D. G. rias wlrz an hard 3. C-IMIje office 'and Digne te as nsary,. Office,Godarich, I - . o00 on-dient of COF-k-4,4. Also, 64, Little St. Jame Street w39 f Lot,,To-92, East Lak 0 OFFM 85 ]i�&D 397.'ST. ------------ e 12 , TO Elf?.& ILI) 0 lZoad, Bay. P E-4 C?UrV4671-, . . I 41 - rX 1: Z., M -A -I T, e, A e. g4 rtjp- FIR U For Q i - If. M U NO, jlo"ng.r. --sitare, ST - RATE LAND C. UVf- IDNI ehanzefar Fa W2 -Dise-e&&I rAe ai I Tcruiseasy.ap,)ly to Lack -now Win. Rasttiill, Kin I cardine; Jughua LAND
&-mi'lid VVea-Aness; and, a,,. H.GARDI"Lit & CO.,AgeutsibrGoJerich and FOR SA119
i)ffj� 4,e., Fewde ca=jv, J4 10-1, n, W kerton And satigimit, zw74 onthepremisps or .4 SUT a L -jai ex ce. The iou conti,m 50."r,4
borah,tnd Par't** devotes his attents X Pf grVortoqkcoutly .9
LTE OF L0NDC,E:DlN % U.C.C.IMERON, F D 'AND Goderien, I Bra efteb, 46
e-,ftredou the twe iota. The lag4 e vt*:rred to iz th �_i A otioo. CIO--avely, to th Trratineut of tb� Can,,plunts Goderich, AD6130th.1864. W14-tj 0 WATER POWER. -wateW and ta EntropelLarld the fro to perform -s A m the Pro- Tery mmarfrtble cnre,.; Q,tj bw so acre*eacp> IDV'gr IM cleared the 111-4 1F1 P7,el-anhip 1 alu laz (be bt-st and TatoW. rente. HE Subwribers oXer v, :& A 0 tfiv3ks far the mama re snrh'� betng 10 e rm-P011dence with the &
T. N 0 _a4but 6 miles from !;Odedeh. ferm I 0 4ad sheaand 4egm terj,') e, atj 'Ifts Of lfti� old w arid, Lbat NN y Mn rair�-y brVan odarjojW-ewen � L y the uraortoinateol . SALT TERRITORY AND A,NEVER B -orrURY& Will be so e �02! at th� 93,M-3 speedy -and perfect e ts to - I ummg So Its' S l7re. t4i Al W, .98 APDW Z3- bTu!. %OTH To rF, R WEAK.—Or John' '�_FAILIXIG WATER, POWER ND to th:lt t I f -stare he wili be ciottv —1� Remedhw -will resj,,re in 1V I XI P 110 V9D 'P4 -RM$ U*WLEPARED a TO XAVX .3 Ver to -'d at h7 "'t stand P"O"O of at wtioare inl,cled vr ir W.Jj b�z tbb to any per%on or dompaU fir a royalty of one AT a PEI% -CIERT I TOE izilkletowi. Ittl Xcrvons Debility, Lou tenth of laeproduction. Territory situated S,�It. 2t I those at home a3- t 0 OTW&e-There is an Wx Mile of the Gabrich Salt Well A YOU."oG MEN,'rAE:r% I ' ADVANCES, Or f WE ISM T1 4 fie within
ra4j JAWO; Umwio a eall. eii ha'�oit uste-a coml, -Invest' in Towh Propert ,u,1�4 by boy'at s.;ftuol, to A V _f R UN -Ty BLA CK. cm'vl* UP -ith them to onanhood.; the milich is no -v in fall operetion. and turus ent at J. B. G 6 RDO-S T e. G -L f QRAOLE T - - - - - - - - - - - - Goderich.SeDt.13,1864. aw$ tj Am6bnf�&9_jjftd lit, eri,:h_ A Fit 5-.b. 1866. ftto of S#Xt3r Oarrej# ch, TME L WIT Is Of this evif praeti,e is most deplurakle, t;rdop The Salt bloel: oderi a", dre- &e. All who ar, cal be sOcOnstrtie- *6at a iWitch' train the G. apply to Dr jX_4on,u,medi,j,j) r. H. R, ca is b;m LbFOU,- t t toth bul,cing The bo 44yancea in years. _10-Toolm- _-_W 40 aadht:traietreeta "PerclY and veweet cure. O-e-Bgs or Inv ISLoob, eze.-It iii # dred ynrds� Thovrh ph� co.st-of e-teRsairderrfek all;l I.0 m-211044AY fact triat thougmads all vi& -FR , 8 AT f Inis 10 bona- a 6 inch "hate, to tfi� itepth-7 of 16au feet ving to t lnd'Ztaching water power will not ex- Ci "T'skiltul and frnproper use 4 _PRI, 64 VV4CIL as f. 1�0 he latereg Dr. jullosowit CO r "494'beetfi A OKAIJAi U� : on raw'-$ tit
nipound Syrup -ed the sum ofT)2re Thousand Do',fartf, 0.3 eX_ 0 is enireiy r e InSolVent ALet Of B '*s"h';6 e&- imok: 44icalsl dillmstatithsingfrom eavatittgn GO' ee under th nd o0lieh*1Pf4iai 6r'yeat. liptattlev
jjejned,e,� an the so] emsary, buriag c . ad be commenced 1864 for the r tile enj- id cock. OW& Counties Ofou rt tuAv"be redo in .lore[y 10 'its U. ta#) W. T d 9 lours 0 loatd�.War* fjVPlv U I from crturth I in alWeron"s 13100k,- BRATS. jor Further injormatli eller or per. A
Flour [011ie Pwwietors lit tfle 06derich Chas. F. jobason X ruarr 20 186d fij.Littfe t. jametbi Ilia. tiQRAOE HORTON ESQ". reeUX011treal-Cf. E. A 8; W SAV WE & VAETKRY, p okiy; ERBPRT Va Aso GodertaSiNeov. 23rd, 1�66. tru444 J. ffE _e VYLUA �Tieesurer, Toout 16th Oct., v3ftwl4 R F i Pt E & M A IN' E ast few ye, of me tp�. F M 3 Z S C ff gC ry,, 0, MAROLE WORK --A to amp upw WL a Ikli =V trevrr *Aar��t and mw YfLI ba% trl'., ,-.red& of 1�arw SOSABLE TERMS. -OR-T026 A AND f*01fe C, rof IS E E"A V F, N. rine 04, Life-, -1a zs EFFMTED ON REA, W. C_ Fire$ Na MA' UPLUXTILE AND. LIFE Offlee-&T. F. C,r ffa�an's 1aw 01fa,' P Com - . 11111� _,�= Canada, Head oir any at -jroa Oud: 0. It Kay's Block. corner Gaurt House Square .ls on (;,,nijt nsuraee Co. S ....... re an city Fropettv, T West St.. Goderich, O.,W. Tab 'T . ...... f-l"o4t- taken at as lo%r rates as arlyot &rine Tablets, JORI� HALI)AXI, iaaw -Topst Oirv. . t, 18.09.' 7 Age4lt 0�io Free St�6 P
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