HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi Weekly Signal, 1867-01-11, Page 4L M14 #W1 t4 r io Sale ISAAC U m r Ots H F 11L WANTEDIJUST ARVY SR I AAD Dr L P of veryde- T aI$L BE ippqtraft4s , - _", -, OF IMU tal.100 a tht. Omit potk Mult,it TT %V&U irmai,patia tack: Burks, t; Which the hiAell, market 0 L test, San* h price will be Daid in cash orr defivery Akt kit el -6 We or d4f. ItAmerl,jaa Insurance a He V 0 A&.I$ 01 19. Z by *irldro4v Pdwer OVSaWcouttitieff in i I" at tbo pock- W. AL &I'r.&GR oWtment. T ge, dated the bib day of April, It.62, and d oppital $U.0600Q� Manporp WS014EM4E, AND ts. Ircal C �kjuss pqt. and Plummer Dewar, of the City OtHismil.- P vraleu, C y Clot I 411; midd bi4veen Joieph Mortair, therein stesgerihed t ft am of the'rom ustflip of liallettiyeoifta, "f (he firtt Eno T On GD-OR69RUBIO *-Co., Agou 0141 U, cap- peril 80alps. ROND ooll'inkingsand 8 I WOOL! W L t WOOL -t- W — ----- *ffitred br We, in t*wA wbich will alienist exchisnat. t�ft Es"Itexotibist- sairoud 0814, &her*: w#1- to ubscriber begs to inform We many cuSW WATCHNAUR -r. is prep&red to pay " be sotd mers and dis -public generiMy that lic keeps HE iubscribc at FIL;tiat Will Wedern Insurance Compay Limiteil a lJ by Tft" - fwAav qwAtitity o costantlY on t4lid tht1fitigest variety and best 5�1 VMST ST.. GojD T bi0ft1;"rk*t pric< -.ti0N-TAAIFF1JF-F1C8. ENGLAIND, ection 9, P 0 fie's t4% D ely cornp-oidon. PU T O]MCL- CentraiSebool ZOR FIRS, LIFE A" MARINE. blic Auction! F291ish, Scotch. French, Swiss -& Gerraan-'Tweeds, NEAR TU POS ReMember th"_hl Staud,, N T 11 E CO UNTI ES. ALSO A GAROD VARIETY OF that valuable farm compised ef Lot Rd' - 25 in the A GOOV A11sovtrmMT'-0P_ ;SIMITHIS Ctkief Waterloo Place. London 14 Cqueesston ot the Township of Huilelt. con. vil-tar-a U a As _ff t-utle h4ladresi*forty. Canadia GoOdS, Gold and G Kidg St., Manchester. Wagon and Sl6gh MWD�! Manufactured Plated Jewelry 9.4 ,us - - - (ire or less The seler R ripite: and Do olleft be -ibe-atiniso, Polwcu�s Lintel, k"lothiar 6l"poWuVs Ckairma�t_J. Tomlinson flibbert, Esq., will take place at Shane's Hotai its tic village of ENCLISHt FRENIDN.A GERMAIT13ROADVLOT148- WATES CR 0 D.FJ R 1%) listataide 31sirkatSquare. %1. p. fo Myth, County oJ Hurnis,on CLOCKS AND S Reform Club, I#qn!aoy, i r Oldham, & 1DOESKINS, IN GILZAT U!wston near bfoneb�ster. TAME". -; r— and the 0 dRes 4, a ai ST . : Tltdiy, the 15th ality of.lanuary, A. D. FRaLISIT AN k FRENCH BEAVER AN D PILOT- OVZRCIOAT-INGS I Jaw, a -ad Agent tot Vritaireet Firil-clita Singer ed 'at B tialthe hour-orlt (00 !RING rN'ALL 13R (;�ovrn kttoraev U 4 f�,rot . —, - RPA ESQ. litertypollow atidwAfriati. �,-OVZRCOATINGS OF ALL OTHEP. DZ$0.;1J3?TXON1S. 'Qaebn% Callsgo, Gitabrio r id. SEWING MACHINES. "'lecture 400NDITIPHOOF8ALIL flaving secured the service$ of done on short notice. in 9bod style Head bffic;W rot- 11—N. A., 04tvrio Hall, ranted according 10 "emeuL An assortmat constantly on haild. Church Street, Toronto. 1. The propany is i(bbe put up at an upset 4061X1qL, am %W14M ovdariek, Nov. Mb, Me. IZ SCOTT & DEGRASST, 2. The hihhest. bidde' p'shalf be Ine purchaser I he is prepared to execute -all rders with promptitude,'and in a style�unsurpwed bygny �'Wedlfijlg Rifigs ainys B Managers, B.N.A. and it any dispute arike'ass to the laist or highest MANUF)kCTURER in this PROVINCE, Cities not- exctpted. Try him ztid xMisfy yor I _P ., Jobs left unclaimed in ray hands VM CAPT.& THOMAS Marine Inspector. 113E Undersigned would rispecifully in- biddlifis the Pr011ertY 411011 be Put up at 0 kiruier selves. A perfect fit guaranteed in every inittanee. sold at vie expimtion of three d"UgUr- oralhe firmem tt,Hdrdir, %�dr &UCO�' Tbililding. I 1 k rt -a s r F, Min AXEJ XF—ACTORY 1 and.the public generally that heUs com- 3. The purchaser shial, at the tide Constantly on hand I he LARGEST STOCK and L &TEST STYL fray expensm orstile, pay 0:�w All articles warranted in V. Uetior z menced the aboye business dOW44deposit in we psVpOrtion ot.$10 for every Gentlem-dn"s Outfittings of Every Description'r repwa-tUL" HE I6tc? b. -r haviag remmuleaeLd tbL* Axe flURR.4H _fUR THE f1mKT QUEEN FIRE &LIFE INSURANCE COO S100 of his 1purch ise money to the Veadur or Ism AMERICAN XON`EY taken at the highest rate. 0::)�The best quality of C.10el- . Oil4jzl�61z� T flu saltritairor acdat'indshall pavifierethritudir o *,WTw0,4 . ph r t I st. -- -,� �� At lft -*it, at -d-Sti-bal Nis a bottle. lik'Purchwaialler. on -the off Af b h -,I low day dtirrusiry Goderich, Nov. 14, 1866. f?, AT TfM -OLD STAND, Chief io, d An e - I and upon such payment the pui*hs j&rchlbidd. Q cei, Queek ItOmmoo 1 e-110*1411 ham, 11- Td. '001, Ver Godericb, August 22nd, 1866. Ga , -1 1e , J q. ,ill be entitled to his conv —thi purchns- Bin chmee �=Out 0 *a 11s* cbraerr "the eyance Suburibe� buying opened on OrAttlietimeotstueb sale to e 41 a'- #-99 the a-gn an agreement UN16Y BUILDING3, for wattrim nA 1.1ght-House Streets. m** latelT oce'upled by F. VJWAD f . tile compt"rivir tiftbol- cannot fail to lvo,4aus uction. purtbasw� -. rpmr.'Comar of HtalitotL tfteat, x0b"rRF41- 4 DISS Y tvffb Woutd beg to taun4to to *s* oIC ateads, ArA as aving bag 0 Troave many saw-coes as Avours jam wjtb it call and Market Squares with atell assortmeatot BOARD: great experience in this rt I t PC" altid'! 41 WILLIAM MOLSON, Esq. Clissirmitio, business, and idl work in his shop Oeing done othe, payments snad-Matoo shall be forfeited Cniaucerv. tna ao wilt pniw.-a and sell a GROOFJUES Thom", K Hall. John �oung, Hen under his persocal superintendeuc�, he can and the picasises iney be. re.&old. C�� c-, &r., -Crod ry Thom WV h 4 South ide a Ant ev-ery IR herewfore suliiialins betwA _Vn WARRUTED H01ME-MADE AXE, CHEAP AMMY duce any. title-di-edis &.ther than thoste at present rJr0 C; -et -A-I'ti'014a 40f N 5!b. The Vendor shall not belumpell,A to pro avid Tormace bun � to �b. �of aLw oU oacsiumped at a qm _J&q. . by demened, a G;Oqrt-Hous�e S .vfl cost. Pick.% &c. Bankerst-Mots4rot %uk. eat 914ality, witiibis, tij641h be i 8yetild groeers., his been11fisj1jy&1; -- - 1. �pnd - b. , N W - I ., .-- in is pultussloo, w1itch are [1] deed from the 7� Vftfreasona e. Olved by mutual ewnsest. Allililsteowilitto LIQUORS sm-Messrs. Tortar Canada Company to Jowph.Morrow-f2] the am N.IL—A,Eso a aur4-- w an hand. * said partnerabir . to be. -Paw to -%**I JAUS .4dviser-Wm. 3,40pThild, M. 1,),, F-trmors give Whi oalcl mortgage fioln Joses(a Morrow to the Vttdar. n, at GaZench; and *11 claims 16HN-z gLopffEmwV. - WALI ZA It. %1ACD08A 16D, JL JU AgXMK OF: ALTA F6 fiN04% H"'OR' OLOmITING said pa Milershlp 4wm to Surtiyor-JamesR Suringleft. AUdi. and see for yourael ves. be presented to the ka_ (I hissinom & Doyle, �PT Ciodsnejt, (M. 3ak, ][. 40-t DVADY la " GLOTMfff 'Vendor's $416tor. firm or s by *h.m stairs kvttaoa Z ! tar-Tbomas R. Johnson, Fsq. Residenf N. B.-Horseshoeing and jobbiho of all D&Wd 11ktI1ft(l1lltOl414iS 10111 day of Dec. Ism GO TO will be ippaleii, Secretary and General Arent- M. Hackett. kintUstrictly- attended,to. W47 Dated at "*ricb, this 24ib 4ay otgeftftui BOOTS 4 SHOES, zi Vo,bs, Esq. LOWIS ELLIdTTS, 'Lo—aan's Woolenfactory Sto low. 'Union Buildings, -26 St., Francois Xavier (;odatich. Dec., 27th. 1866. w49t I q W. D. 3H*X_N()fji, S&LT TERRITORY. &(--, vm3mspm 15A LA.MOAT4NE, TTO tot' INU Where ybuwftff6j1 -stock of I rich, 0. would 17"Peclfullr golicit a shire or Piablic GEO. RUMBALLt 4 Co.,Agentso cl a Isiji andvarikil ?n1led Cloths and Satinetts, Tweeds in great 6 I 1111G, K 4 0 ACRES OP &XLT TERMTORY Patronage. vat ' i0ty. White, Plain, Grey, Striped and Cheeked'Winceys 2 m les%e. sitkrated on and adjacent to TZER&CA891 orPwd=e ta an in The ubove Companies take ritka, ou tte MONEY TO LEIM the Riv*r Mjudaaf juat W"r. of. the moat (Avoumble terms. 137V A great variety of all wool home-made checked flannels, One yard wide; likewise Itisition and frollinz on TM RU rGW-Pi % ftlWay � I �Wavl ;tud compare Prices before purchasing GW. RUMBALL A Co. -RON A -ERIIE 0. T. WwV-ve.,7 couvouieut for a aidin elsewhere. God 'ch, 3rd A,:iril, 18.66. SAVZG9 MLOAN SOCIETY. W VIGRZY9 SCAR 9T* FACY ri n C 13 It'le-'a en FLAMMUS. au"a . % . For Sale the RST CLASS PLA The above Sucimwprepared to make A LI)T OIP V1 �14xzrr`S, E, Wit r TO NINE POUNDS PER PAM 0 sdo-r4ch, C Am'Zi J(Yhn Douglas. Iore, Cmbb's T. WSATHERALD, GO(krict', 201h August, 1866. *30 StOCking Yarng Ffile Finp Tarn HE premiaos now occupied 1;sy 4�* 31aney t and Un signed, in the V414geof XWSAIL"* W45tf L Ber Wools, aH in endl#sr, varletyr. one quarter ot a mfle from a COLO TICE -ON MOST ADVANTAOFOUS TEHMb. Together with a choice A*;&rtai:ent of -04e acre tid a quarter Set ,�WA, pf - - 0, e ecting a luld on* Ah NIAL HOU SEI I oul NO The cost f 0 i libad Will be found hill. bea-ititufly s�tuuted, cozl�zn AL visio 186 7. mucb-f6wer 08-4 in olootlocletles of a sinuirar 1Xf0NSEQUENCEoftbede#th.pfMr. $.0 nature, The alluitiol ofthe 13urrvwgr is cailed of the River Maitlanif Und %JlE� facto C0003, Print& Alpacas, I te W to 1hollict, That he %inll re6bive the fit)l amount of in 01 comfortable cottaze. Theft-=' valriiiii, amd b -r-- 91wis -A the lar-z"t DIVISION COURTS. WSATEACRALD. the 11 UllilleAS lldfttlllror� carried clest THE 1 -he 14an. without ar-py of gooif water. Also s selevoW, ojxksjj� wt &mk of oil uut:ar ill name Aa&L�*L*4 94 _4eduction being made for Dress GoQds, Ready-made Shirts and Drawers; MeW uad Ch'Ildrens' Seeks a interest 07 sidvaaaa. I Ild Stockings trait trew. in great variety. 0:3- A call is sol;cted. Advis repaid Monthly or Yearly. Ira' sitting of the DirWou C con w�y t ( ourts for For particularit appli on.1e prz�wt& siw t ( HOISERY & GLOVZB! TEia extending otrcrskti�rlvd of from one to fifteen upgisite t 1, Robt. Rundown & Co.) yearli. � THOMAS LOCAN. IN THE COU*NTIES. COUNTY OF HURON " . r Woolen FactorY Store. gast Street, FOIL FULL APPLYTO 10th SertPalher, 18 ma. s. ncaiBALM for the Teat 1%7 %Vill bls hgd at� tbi fitm must be elosed on or belb,re the - w12 Gode*14 July A 4i, JJ*f4 Q, WHOl."ALE-AND RETilt,, S.- POLLOCK, Goderl* &a. -Mt 22ad, less. R -W and places foll."i.g. A.gent and Valulor ror tne -46e-ifty at Goderwh T 0 '..'I 19T DAY OFAPRIL, 1866. 'BY THE KE41 GAV OR! COUNT JANU kay. All parties indebted tolhe above fi�n argbam- *13 0 ourt.mosday J4-.%-Ae oy aotifird tWall itoteAns4t k aaaaa DINES, SALT TERRITORY mvmoa , rich. LOBSTER% SAR t ffouw Square do Tuesday aFOR SALE OR LEASE. "'d do , Wedoosiday 16- Jbirpurbey FRESH LEMUNS1, ORANGE% DATESf dic - I st tay of FE81Y next, WANTS A T ROM W'' litli 60 IN 1W Fa;ds it, Eke present Godench Cocoanuts, Figsl Oreoes. U-NID, alt.War", Atso, 71hj IN WrrL.1H. do wM be handed to their Solicitor toy collection y The stock on band will be sold 'S 6th qE � U UR"01D 003ap" Y-. FARM, ING LAN.118 I 4c., at, Y_A0 W 'P401Z :S. :B 3: Iq Q, JE -11 PL ;ba -1 S colveltiew to that locatily. Arpiv ft LThe Courts opea at Ito A. 3L 1 OR SHORT CRFDTT lVest side of Market 404uare, LA 19 AIRD P.20AiLCORNHUL, LONDONs ENGLAND, 'a ofere4ibi �zle, on the zg# ISAAC F. TOM% so�r. 'Jib Cvolltrseb6 te Me.. t9W. Deputy Judge 0 to w4ikf CA190ed 10 b-3 ING MACHINES r* ubScribed) py as extractati T- HR E ;_4 CAPITAL, (Fully S nge&Wrt ft from in0ow ir DAN- LIZA&% nBULL FOR SALE. Dozes, rNVESTED OVER,$2,000,000 -DEPOSIT ouft 1j; re"asonable -4 bo _e Vbr-k afdWremi H. mid B �19r*_:B or. is to -141.1 DIURRM BULL Cookin THURUCGEE BP add cheiy for cwh, app'y to d 'A L Aplej 1, �� � WIt" padadrevit will be Office 04 the Clerk of the Pestce, I 'i -, Imi � --- - � �. � [ 0 FiF'LE DEPARTMENT. ititles'ft veal Goderich, 15th Dec. 1866. 6 w4l F The 4-tinguishablve pnociple of the (*ompavv hastopca the ekablishmeat of sta equitstUts catibil, eborging jn;tlj ca"'A Olt of.Machinery for Gnat and Saw -Mills. Tbe,weeess wbick-'biis 4tt&*M the CtimativIb operation& 62 Deeii such a* fully to falize Ile' which llef-4%h srurg� -Titto hou*- It, 18; S. and now ooi!r to ie VauadtCn p' -o. I lea requiring the above artlickes, moulsf 80 A4CRES-OfLatNo-32, Eas ke 1110111sangulne ex ha%e rellPlVe]l toextetid the bumaasia mora P 1--t hih--Tt, t La vr4l 40� I to call and suspect the stock at once as tz,rA S., I Road, Bay. Eff. they we" act bargains. I ._* ii go ra FIRST - IkATE LAND 0 PERFECT Suranteeilby luge SUbSe&ed Capita, 24db.7ate& 4. Ut 10rtil t-fi-e- c 0. IL RTMC[AAN. oriler 0, YAWX upon tit FUM wit 13 Tervlseaiyj�ipjily Elgin stre*ts, U.,Ofto— proulpt-settleniftfOrckims. T -ho Directom tiad ASprits, being gentimen largely en- irame hoixe and d rd. mm_ � __ U - - * ' W,00 v;v 1 U w6b et�*�* UUALD STIT�n- RLAND, 0 Caged in Comalarcei wili,tik-eia, liberala ad hosmiftig.like view of all V - taitaterence to the above, ft. Roactman will ��wris ootilpz blafore tLem. 5. Paikiot tc.-co 3�evva on the Premisas, or "I C!, in The 'Tivi-7 - i, res A Salt TelTlt=7 I Farmers :41FIE _VEPARTmENT. ship of Godetiph, eant4- I be propared to carry an the businewol n -'s U.O.CAMBRON� B;kt# ere is r RE�, T411 n o Ig ro V 7 anjr LI& OAk &4lent lafid. -tbb `Gbde afiers tornisito illose desirm UnAmdoontrisetfor t, e eTe- U. A04miau re -Zen Q&rs ta,�Lsiy pe or pstain buy= ction of all vinas of me edient Tw3lStbly Hilck xgpe t*)Wit- t ciiapkaj 604 &'raywty .,Of on*fiftfts* Taw's ftessiat'"a yoss -Jq chinery as nassal.and will want!j godericb. Avril3f)th.1864. w14 -ti U-1patfairtt-st C!, tniolic whom 86 pit cent of Eq 'profits are divissWe and ordes*on'tbapretiamth"ll J�ir-vrvwax mmt sqt� A(IRICULTVRAL 1"PLEIRENTS APtainiltilaid one tnoath- after , A .9000 Of tll-- PrOductillv, one h&AM of Upd., with low g Ifard of ch A CrWINT bglet) about few hundred feet fivat, Lud situa. nm thow A1W othe- adVastilagerft ivhtelr�nisy be seen 0-T rTL ted about eight rt credit. JAM sell _T_ frivaW Tesidenj _y yarifi from tk present will ge trqe*k,,�% mv q*aQmM1. C1bdericbd)Le.21at.IS649 fw=w4ll WaftoLn Godeldch Sz:t 7, For furdier p&rdcaIz-.s apply by letta at Sept.11 , I C for judda. at wit Faun. OLIC add 11, pmonally to co the% on -A LOR 1 14 G rA ST. -PAUL; STIthef'. sevouffi -�6orersl T4 join 461,*� Toap� in 00- ourvo-yor. 9"cr H.MUN1LQX9 Goderi:% Dec. Gt, 18g&. -an - _-L 'aw 1�� vatiot, *on vrVich tbere' is P. came into the enclosure of the Sub.- -URNS HIs A10§ e F.*1 -1 SINCEIC E THANKS bo*, hZn barii un'd 1JEEgmi - W R a S (VIL 9 IS SAJiZ OF H. OARDIN R a Cop a ."4 14 T scriber, on or about the middle ot forthere7dattenrigea bal. Gw4crsch andLualtno '%V, _Rwall, gjacss4ke at eaura merit he $4 A LAA deceivedsittic'! becomnienced bus, cam in u011e. RGBO otem a r fast as, small betrer rising two vea OL hsvirtue or a vmt ot UnitedCoantres rich, not being able to ezeCtltC b UNK '�=ted red and wh#te. The 4wner is requfmt- Hwon thcoidersbrou to bim Iwitt prove propea w, ppy harges takeper ight to bim In Und 7 from,(' IxwaV, -Vr -coftime tear brldg "dto wedfir-ted R&-wn,4 thel landz,aW leve- Pan of Ism 2d -con, meaft Of HI., NeRfid --or john Dec. 12th. MO. w473t* 0 410- om-to Ilmest fift-TOWD PIONTOL L 11clittzit, I h9vereelzi:4 and taken in,'ejeca- V� at the mut Orthe 1TQlt_ I I ta AT 8 tic, FF& OEM". clistift" Bruirw lbentliti title ttid ints"est vi the ftid_ and ern HE D. GORDOR a ties Wt 9.01i Vel n One but fist-ciaes tradesmen iev"hisezperienc� as Cutter is I)t. 13. I 86.4�. C t of 1111ron, am Bode I foudant in, mid tatot numberetoteet, tone. iseepildto none In the Province,haOingearried th6'rownsfifti tit" Sifttis; ni 11W ermaet g & Barfister, &a., Goderich. 006-VBKOO of awstf Sa one hundred 'We ft*44fij been and leffements shall offer for sithi otter in one at t he Prin4it I Enta'blishmen a I is at myoffim sts the-Vourt 119use in the- ,rown Q1 R inhumb, Scotland, he fearlegslystates ta Godeneb on Tbesd I[IE [DO LE PROPERTY cD he twenty--zinal day of ivillat $19"Antu TO MA" offwelve oftbe cr&-k, an January next, *I the IF Olt- 3 `: � , -ph.1 - (MVINING CAN 132 'NA 1) F, -T-ft RESIDENCE OF THE LAIE J16HN JOHN X -A UNAM, smultm. CD Ablidw GALT, Esq. mi -n* in Tbronto &Votltmal. W40 Zt� : Opp* t4 sherw.A.3' B. N WESTE0, At the L*west ZZ�QTIM DAILr, AZU $9LD ftgUre, .4ite the Town of Oodeneft, on the _4_LT_,UATE I -OW -HE -X F_ [rrA P0149 T, -- f01- INS. ; 0 E� SWNHARD STBACRAN wwri splibint4lis Ai J1 %ji F g A 'ent Act of I" 901111b side markill Ian the Batiks or-r*k*.a rt 1111 -4, tiva. i undei.�' a *dTr keam. 117pavable Wmz A are. SrOG t4i 1W. Squ 9HERM"S SArx op LA". tattle 31 ?-IQ acre Unit -W TO swstr ts of Lan4. moto or les& at propo -t-e to '18 e unstacc-datt of T- witli E6810ni 116w,, Outh6 .Stobleal,, �irjy 1W­0i.6T0 46V- 0 o ir tb a- Pftdjw" zp* I th, -dvv*,%es­hjA sit Hurea and Ze c, with large an - rrcbttd Tlt,&T- v, 'Fieri Facias istguedda Garden Vine "Sul ship O7 (urb G 410an,4p0at at the exptrati -a t e debt is vnfr� �.QiuiesLt "notiX an 0 Oullt"Ofillim"Allid0rusle, _444requoked beforg nivrestis allow therXMW4� owecing Linder, Cherry, Maple, Ike. 0be made in a iva", sM,411 *d hLdsii El TATEr its Lou= of Her 4aja&W* Uounty The, Wood 1;wd cona;u princil,ally of Oak or AlPlioulit of tf* loan is advanced, "Ad tome &rvow &L its F oj� SALE ralaft MO landis a THR-Dill 01 0 nd "i"e' 14e Grounds are in vely good order. There is $ i I I at **41 -n a t he bu "Now, _46*09 4 1 �_le term& wilt o(iWant BRA TW. Fo rulattion; if '$a ry*[l crl"l F. MIS W-Rasivge a" FoberWleadentaing, thav-emlz, three n f pure ater Comprising about 460 acres of land, ITO of ,,r a fyo!o,�r talp to ,pe 4Q= 100 a -unto �fpcjfftlft tDr jo;�;fjb ttle -vtow? 10 r" 9* Of Is d* lOwnstap o ed itad talrens execution wtitiw n&t, a -e assa for a private which at* 01wed. 'This propii th& pro bWi a N r; film Oda 4 'A 2 to toe 91heon., W. in halt bi lot numbet Twenty��wo, I ZaT the third, ap Incl%* Salt Works, offers very' favol'able indu '�Wtsscre; rl�aal 1* isere's Of fluth intftst of the said det4adant in 4p4 totbe EW, iouca Inhe prov #*-sear the town an4 sa tear - thei Godaid& ow a tafox investment to capitalists, or per gem; aw -6wa," 16, edolloss ofthe Tlowhshap ce-� 3 auw�rds_ Ap�_ 4* wawstaos For terms ap I to 44,40 ft ah, fit tfis' SUR O"Or f P�JEWS,, GALT, Esq. itinf; 44irus Orin"nq into the mazipfricture rJor", lith at 4sle at my offm to tbo Goart 0 W*,",-Vr -owe do ith RHOS WRATHERA1J) m I ivAb# T**tt of Gaidenih, on-Tvividity,the tWellth- ISarrister, W;6to. ar"It, t 00derift;g 7 of V'ebmarr Box% a the hour of Twelve at or V. SHADE GOODING$ for one-third, down and bala! ce in -Ti& YOW p10-_ V IBM with tittereat at 8 '4 17 t6 ni JOR 'IV 411oderieb. 6th July, 1866. -why, I bsvc-,i4hrimu MACDO, --aside 't- ame flpp� 99"'Pi -ant 1 W10 -or 16vol A WALTER R. MACWNALD. ES went Searlt".'o So.# Ila tow TO; 1� Barrister., to TG�,141 DERI G*4"'Ch. ZL7fb PC Lo= i9 Ara., or te PLAXIBik ALEXA.11DRE unittao BY ofthe L say- Kh, and Jordars. stre�tg Huroaland zrtico�j id _V TM,6� Q Wit., w43 2t Do, Hor- is a 96' rlit al 0 gild to medirqeWa' 4itsist, The limb slid tsi"w' lw-reatthistlq �utter_s f Acatis at Tlionsaa alkill ikt the suit& joh!k J11rRive .......... A&Keade and Willi' t r a Cot *6 ht, titiolin -ib olta& oAW p IW' 0 Wt WO leesith 400'es"Iell Of the TOW L E A&ip ofG, T" 'ARUr Wour A'TV D r to� furnish L coatuyotntrbni� 1 $ "Is a ad Waa Aud moreek ed Win bw*Aw*tAwga1*a 1.1 -0 !KKM# 'its OR F -M -M 6FI, -,A - A A"t _T,� Y* Aa�_ 01 94 wa f9 . I ;m 40HN� MACD NCI td low. !sT rktow, of the ONALD re �itioisvt bli-V A"W" je *Alp wrff,*411W�V"" -aft tone kopt fU of tot W 1111-40116M. A- ra a Pat ti* HurftW L, aIa6 W1 U 0t0i F, and lafted'.. I ed tot andiuduisw-W im-for to �1* b, , ' -,-, __ L ?_ - - , , . :,:4 _ I Wo," so t Weh,144"w T' 60 .WUTs,WUy 0.1 L ataJ21#. Applir to , tt J111POO", W__ P. S.—Gooda 'Will to 611v a t"t aim% EDRUD BAYNES F.FED WIM , 4;7;14J1D W 0herta's 00ce, (Gf -Flt&LlCxL - 14"08. sov. ted in an ate', Mo 0 am,oftrin -ow, a Lpwrin remunerative rieft rL or tor ap; 206 Vidt"t., w4s4 Gib mayamw e. part of the t6wu. JORMTON. proved ON& Old02atals, ras% Cop", and SU muds of produtie t o4luezomse., W19 Godericbs Feba 204 1860, - SW451 Sopt. 23 1866 woft Go4jith, Ockpber, 1862, 10 I L M14 #W1 t4 r io Sale ISAAC U m r Ots H F 11L WANTEDIJUST ARVY SR I AAD Dr L P of veryde- T aI$L BE ippqtraft4s , - _", -, OF IMU tal.100 a tht. Omit potk Mult,it TT %V&U irmai,patia tack: Burks, t; Which the hiAell, market 0 L test, San* h price will be Daid in cash orr defivery Akt kit el -6 We or d4f. ItAmerl,jaa Insurance a He V 0 A&.I$ 01 19. Z by *irldro4v Pdwer OVSaWcouttitieff in i I" at tbo pock- W. AL &I'r.&GR oWtment. T ge, dated the bib day of April, It.62, and d oppital $U.0600Q� Manporp WS014EM4E, AND ts. Ircal C �kjuss pqt. and Plummer Dewar, of the City OtHismil.- P vraleu, C y Clot I 411; midd bi4veen Joieph Mortair, therein stesgerihed t ft am of the'rom ustflip of liallettiyeoifta, "f (he firtt Eno T On GD-OR69RUBIO *-Co., Agou 0141 U, cap- peril 80alps. ROND ooll'inkingsand 8 I WOOL! W L t WOOL -t- W — ----- *ffitred br We, in t*wA wbich will alienist exchisnat. t�ft Es"Itexotibist- sairoud 0814, &her*: w#1- to ubscriber begs to inform We many cuSW WATCHNAUR -r. is prep&red to pay " be sotd mers and dis -public generiMy that lic keeps HE iubscribc at FIL;tiat Will Wedern Insurance Compay Limiteil a lJ by Tft" - fwAav qwAtitity o costantlY on t4lid tht1fitigest variety and best 5�1 VMST ST.. GojD T bi0ft1;"rk*t pric< -.ti0N-TAAIFF1JF-F1C8. ENGLAIND, ection 9, P 0 fie's t4% D ely cornp-oidon. PU T O]MCL- CentraiSebool ZOR FIRS, LIFE A" MARINE. blic Auction! F291ish, Scotch. French, Swiss -& Gerraan-'Tweeds, NEAR TU POS ReMember th"_hl Staud,, N T 11 E CO UNTI ES. ALSO A GAROD VARIETY OF that valuable farm compised ef Lot Rd' - 25 in the A GOOV A11sovtrmMT'-0P_ ;SIMITHIS Ctkief Waterloo Place. London 14 Cqueesston ot the Township of Huilelt. con. vil-tar-a U a As _ff t-utle h4ladresi*forty. Canadia GoOdS, Gold and G Kidg St., Manchester. Wagon and Sl6gh MWD�! Manufactured Plated Jewelry 9.4 ,us - - - (ire or less The seler R ripite: and Do olleft be -ibe-atiniso, Polwcu�s Lintel, k"lothiar 6l"poWuVs Ckairma�t_J. Tomlinson flibbert, Esq., will take place at Shane's Hotai its tic village of ENCLISHt FRENIDN.A GERMAIT13ROADVLOT148- WATES CR 0 D.FJ R 1%) listataide 31sirkatSquare. %1. p. fo Myth, County oJ Hurnis,on CLOCKS AND S Reform Club, I#qn!aoy, i r Oldham, & 1DOESKINS, IN GILZAT U!wston near bfoneb�ster. TAME". -; r— and the 0 dRes 4, a ai ST . : Tltdiy, the 15th ality of.lanuary, A. D. FRaLISIT AN k FRENCH BEAVER AN D PILOT- OVZRCIOAT-INGS I Jaw, a -ad Agent tot Vritaireet Firil-clita Singer ed 'at B tialthe hour-orlt (00 !RING rN'ALL 13R (;�ovrn kttoraev U 4 f�,rot . —, - RPA ESQ. litertypollow atidwAfriati. �,-OVZRCOATINGS OF ALL OTHEP. DZ$0.;1J3?TXON1S. 'Qaebn% Callsgo, Gitabrio r id. SEWING MACHINES. "'lecture 400NDITIPHOOF8ALIL flaving secured the service$ of done on short notice. in 9bod style Head bffic;W rot- 11—N. A., 04tvrio Hall, ranted according 10 "emeuL An assortmat constantly on haild. Church Street, Toronto. 1. The propany is i(bbe put up at an upset 4061X1qL, am %W14M ovdariek, Nov. Mb, Me. IZ SCOTT & DEGRASST, 2. The hihhest. bidde' p'shalf be Ine purchaser I he is prepared to execute -all rders with promptitude,'and in a style�unsurpwed bygny �'Wedlfijlg Rifigs ainys B Managers, B.N.A. and it any dispute arike'ass to the laist or highest MANUF)kCTURER in this PROVINCE, Cities not- exctpted. Try him ztid xMisfy yor I _P ., Jobs left unclaimed in ray hands VM CAPT.& THOMAS Marine Inspector. 113E Undersigned would rispecifully in- biddlifis the Pr011ertY 411011 be Put up at 0 kiruier selves. A perfect fit guaranteed in every inittanee. sold at vie expimtion of three d"UgUr- oralhe firmem tt,Hdrdir, %�dr &UCO�' Tbililding. I 1 k rt -a s r F, Min AXEJ XF—ACTORY 1 and.the public generally that heUs com- 3. The purchaser shial, at the tide Constantly on hand I he LARGEST STOCK and L &TEST STYL fray expensm orstile, pay 0:�w All articles warranted in V. Uetior z menced the aboye business dOW44deposit in we psVpOrtion ot.$10 for every Gentlem-dn"s Outfittings of Every Description'r repwa-tUL" HE I6tc? b. -r haviag remmuleaeLd tbL* Axe flURR.4H _fUR THE f1mKT QUEEN FIRE &LIFE INSURANCE COO S100 of his 1purch ise money to the Veadur or Ism AMERICAN XON`EY taken at the highest rate. 0::)�The best quality of C.10el- . Oil4jzl�61z� T flu saltritairor acdat'indshall pavifierethritudir o *,WTw0,4 . ph r t I st. -- -,� �� At lft -*it, at -d-Sti-bal Nis a bottle. lik'Purchwaialler. on -the off Af b h -,I low day dtirrusiry Goderich, Nov. 14, 1866. f?, AT TfM -OLD STAND, Chief io, d An e - I and upon such payment the pui*hs j&rchlbidd. Q cei, Queek ItOmmoo 1 e-110*1411 ham, 11- Td. '001, Ver Godericb, August 22nd, 1866. Ga , -1 1e , J q. ,ill be entitled to his conv —thi purchns- Bin chmee �=Out 0 *a 11s* cbraerr "the eyance Suburibe� buying opened on OrAttlietimeotstueb sale to e 41 a'- #-99 the a-gn an agreement UN16Y BUILDING3, for wattrim nA 1.1ght-House Streets. m** latelT oce'upled by F. VJWAD f . tile compt"rivir tiftbol- cannot fail to lvo,4aus uction. purtbasw� -. rpmr.'Comar of HtalitotL tfteat, x0b"rRF41- 4 DISS Y tvffb Woutd beg to taun4to to *s* oIC ateads, ArA as aving bag 0 Troave many saw-coes as Avours jam wjtb it call and Market Squares with atell assortmeatot BOARD: great experience in this rt I t PC" altid'! 41 WILLIAM MOLSON, Esq. Clissirmitio, business, and idl work in his shop Oeing done othe, payments snad-Matoo shall be forfeited Cniaucerv. tna ao wilt pniw.-a and sell a GROOFJUES Thom", K Hall. John �oung, Hen under his persocal superintendeuc�, he can and the picasises iney be. re.&old. C�� c-, &r., -Crod ry Thom WV h 4 South ide a Ant ev-ery IR herewfore suliiialins betwA _Vn WARRUTED H01ME-MADE AXE, CHEAP AMMY duce any. title-di-edis &.ther than thoste at present rJr0 C; -et -A-I'ti'014a 40f N 5!b. The Vendor shall not belumpell,A to pro avid Tormace bun � to �b. �of aLw oU oacsiumped at a qm _J&q. . by demened, a G;Oqrt-Hous�e S .vfl cost. Pick.% &c. Bankerst-Mots4rot %uk. eat 914ality, witiibis, tij641h be i 8yetild groeers., his been11fisj1jy&1; -- - 1. �pnd - b. , N W - I ., .-- in is pultussloo, w1itch are [1] deed from the 7� Vftfreasona e. Olved by mutual ewnsest. Allililsteowilitto LIQUORS sm-Messrs. Tortar Canada Company to Jowph.Morrow-f2] the am N.IL—A,Eso a aur4-- w an hand. * said partnerabir . to be. -Paw to -%**I JAUS .4dviser-Wm. 3,40pThild, M. 1,),, F-trmors give Whi oalcl mortgage fioln Joses(a Morrow to the Vttdar. n, at GaZench; and *11 claims 16HN-z gLopffEmwV. - WALI ZA It. %1ACD08A 16D, JL JU AgXMK OF: ALTA F6 fiN04% H"'OR' OLOmITING said pa Milershlp 4wm to Surtiyor-JamesR Suringleft. AUdi. and see for yourael ves. be presented to the ka_ (I hissinom & Doyle, �PT Ciodsnejt, (M. 3ak, ][. 40-t DVADY la " GLOTMfff 'Vendor's $416tor. firm or s by *h.m stairs kvttaoa Z ! tar-Tbomas R. Johnson, Fsq. Residenf N. B.-Horseshoeing and jobbiho of all D&Wd 11ktI1ft(l1lltOl414iS 10111 day of Dec. Ism GO TO will be ippaleii, Secretary and General Arent- M. Hackett. kintUstrictly- attended,to. W47 Dated at "*ricb, this 24ib 4ay otgeftftui BOOTS 4 SHOES, zi Vo,bs, Esq. LOWIS ELLIdTTS, 'Lo—aan's Woolenfactory Sto low. 'Union Buildings, -26 St., Francois Xavier (;odatich. Dec., 27th. 1866. w49t I q W. D. 3H*X_N()fji, S&LT TERRITORY. &(--, vm3mspm 15A LA.MOAT4NE, TTO tot' INU Where ybuwftff6j1 -stock of I rich, 0. would 17"Peclfullr golicit a shire or Piablic GEO. RUMBALLt 4 Co.,Agentso cl a Isiji andvarikil ?n1led Cloths and Satinetts, Tweeds in great 6 I 1111G, K 4 0 ACRES OP &XLT TERMTORY Patronage. vat ' i0ty. White, Plain, Grey, Striped and Cheeked'Winceys 2 m les%e. sitkrated on and adjacent to TZER&CA891 orPwd=e ta an in The ubove Companies take ritka, ou tte MONEY TO LEIM the Riv*r Mjudaaf juat W"r. of. the moat (Avoumble terms. 137V A great variety of all wool home-made checked flannels, One yard wide; likewise Itisition and frollinz on TM RU rGW-Pi % ftlWay � I �Wavl ;tud compare Prices before purchasing GW. RUMBALL A Co. -RON A -ERIIE 0. T. WwV-ve.,7 couvouieut for a aidin elsewhere. God 'ch, 3rd A,:iril, 18.66. SAVZG9 MLOAN SOCIETY. W VIGRZY9 SCAR 9T* FACY ri n C 13 It'le-'a en FLAMMUS. au"a . % . For Sale the RST CLASS PLA The above Sucimwprepared to make A LI)T OIP V1 �14xzrr`S, E, Wit r TO NINE POUNDS PER PAM 0 sdo-r4ch, C Am'Zi J(Yhn Douglas. Iore, Cmbb's T. WSATHERALD, GO(krict', 201h August, 1866. *30 StOCking Yarng Ffile Finp Tarn HE premiaos now occupied 1;sy 4�* 31aney t and Un signed, in the V414geof XWSAIL"* W45tf L Ber Wools, aH in endl#sr, varletyr. one quarter ot a mfle from a COLO TICE -ON MOST ADVANTAOFOUS TEHMb. Together with a choice A*;&rtai:ent of -04e acre tid a quarter Set ,�WA, pf - - 0, e ecting a luld on* Ah NIAL HOU SEI I oul NO The cost f 0 i libad Will be found hill. bea-ititufly s�tuuted, cozl�zn AL visio 186 7. mucb-f6wer 08-4 in olootlocletles of a sinuirar 1Xf0NSEQUENCEoftbede#th.pfMr. $.0 nature, The alluitiol ofthe 13urrvwgr is cailed of the River Maitlanif Und %JlE� facto C0003, Print& Alpacas, I te W to 1hollict, That he %inll re6bive the fit)l amount of in 01 comfortable cottaze. Theft-=' valriiiii, amd b -r-- 91wis -A the lar-z"t DIVISION COURTS. WSATEACRALD. the 11 UllilleAS lldfttlllror� carried clest THE 1 -he 14an. without ar-py of gooif water. Also s selevoW, ojxksjj� wt &mk of oil uut:ar ill name Aa&L�*L*4 94 _4eduction being made for Dress GoQds, Ready-made Shirts and Drawers; MeW uad Ch'Ildrens' Seeks a interest 07 sidvaaaa. I Ild Stockings trait trew. in great variety. 0:3- A call is sol;cted. Advis repaid Monthly or Yearly. Ira' sitting of the DirWou C con w�y t ( ourts for For particularit appli on.1e prz�wt& siw t ( HOISERY & GLOVZB! TEia extending otrcrskti�rlvd of from one to fifteen upgisite t 1, Robt. Rundown & Co.) yearli. � THOMAS LOCAN. IN THE COU*NTIES. COUNTY OF HURON " . r Woolen FactorY Store. gast Street, FOIL FULL APPLYTO 10th SertPalher, 18 ma. s. ncaiBALM for the Teat 1%7 %Vill bls hgd at� tbi fitm must be elosed on or belb,re the - w12 Gode*14 July A 4i, JJ*f4 Q, WHOl."ALE-AND RETilt,, S.- POLLOCK, Goderl* &a. -Mt 22ad, less. R -W and places foll."i.g. A.gent and Valulor ror tne -46e-ifty at Goderwh T 0 '..'I 19T DAY OFAPRIL, 1866. 'BY THE KE41 GAV OR! COUNT JANU kay. All parties indebted tolhe above fi�n argbam- *13 0 ourt.mosday J4-.%-Ae oy aotifird tWall itoteAns4t k aaaaa DINES, SALT TERRITORY mvmoa , rich. LOBSTER% SAR t ffouw Square do Tuesday aFOR SALE OR LEASE. "'d do , Wedoosiday 16- Jbirpurbey FRESH LEMUNS1, ORANGE% DATESf dic - I st tay of FE81Y next, WANTS A T ROM W'' litli 60 IN 1W Fa;ds it, Eke present Godench Cocoanuts, Figsl Oreoes. U-NID, alt.War", Atso, 71hj IN WrrL.1H. do wM be handed to their Solicitor toy collection y The stock on band will be sold 'S 6th qE � U UR"01D 003ap" Y-. FARM, ING LAN.118 I 4c., at, Y_A0 W 'P401Z :S. :B 3: Iq Q, JE -11 PL ;ba -1 S colveltiew to that locatily. Arpiv ft LThe Courts opea at Ito A. 3L 1 OR SHORT CRFDTT lVest side of Market 404uare, LA 19 AIRD P.20AiLCORNHUL, LONDONs ENGLAND, 'a ofere4ibi �zle, on the zg# ISAAC F. TOM% so�r. 'Jib Cvolltrseb6 te Me.. t9W. Deputy Judge 0 to w4ikf CA190ed 10 b-3 ING MACHINES r* ubScribed) py as extractati T- HR E ;_4 CAPITAL, (Fully S nge&Wrt ft from in0ow ir DAN- LIZA&% nBULL FOR SALE. Dozes, rNVESTED OVER,$2,000,000 -DEPOSIT ouft 1j; re"asonable -4 bo _e Vbr-k afdWremi H. mid B �19r*_:B or. is to -141.1 DIURRM BULL Cookin THURUCGEE BP add cheiy for cwh, app'y to d 'A L Aplej 1, �� � WIt" padadrevit will be Office 04 the Clerk of the Pestce, I 'i -, Imi � --- - � �. � [ 0 FiF'LE DEPARTMENT. ititles'ft veal Goderich, 15th Dec. 1866. 6 w4l F The 4-tinguishablve pnociple of the (*ompavv hastopca the ekablishmeat of sta equitstUts catibil, eborging jn;tlj ca"'A Olt of.Machinery for Gnat and Saw -Mills. Tbe,weeess wbick-'biis 4tt&*M the CtimativIb operation& 62 Deeii such a* fully to falize Ile' which llef-4%h srurg� -Titto hou*- It, 18; S. and now ooi!r to ie VauadtCn p' -o. I lea requiring the above artlickes, moulsf 80 A4CRES-OfLatNo-32, Eas ke 1110111sangulne ex ha%e rellPlVe]l toextetid the bumaasia mora P 1--t hih--Tt, t La vr4l 40� I to call and suspect the stock at once as tz,rA S., I Road, Bay. Eff. they we" act bargains. I ._* ii go ra FIRST - IkATE LAND 0 PERFECT Suranteeilby luge SUbSe&ed Capita, 24db.7ate& 4. Ut 10rtil t-fi-e- c 0. IL RTMC[AAN. oriler 0, YAWX upon tit FUM wit 13 Tervlseaiyj�ipjily Elgin stre*ts, U.,Ofto— proulpt-settleniftfOrckims. T -ho Directom tiad ASprits, being gentimen largely en- irame hoixe and d rd. mm_ � __ U - - * ' W,00 v;v 1 U w6b et�*�* UUALD STIT�n- RLAND, 0 Caged in Comalarcei wili,tik-eia, liberala ad hosmiftig.like view of all V - taitaterence to the above, ft. Roactman will ��wris ootilpz blafore tLem. 5. Paikiot tc.-co 3�evva on the Premisas, or "I C!, in The 'Tivi-7 - i, res A Salt TelTlt=7 I Farmers :41FIE _VEPARTmENT. ship of Godetiph, eant4- I be propared to carry an the businewol n -'s U.O.CAMBRON� B;kt# ere is r RE�, T411 n o Ig ro V 7 anjr LI& OAk &4lent lafid. -tbb `Gbde afiers tornisito illose desirm UnAmdoontrisetfor t, e eTe- U. A04miau re -Zen Q&rs ta,�Lsiy pe or pstain buy= ction of all vinas of me edient Tw3lStbly Hilck xgpe t*)Wit- t ciiapkaj 604 &'raywty .,Of on*fiftfts* Taw's ftessiat'"a yoss -Jq chinery as nassal.and will want!j godericb. Avril3f)th.1864. w14 -ti U-1patfairtt-st C!, tniolic whom 86 pit cent of Eq 'profits are divissWe and ordes*on'tbapretiamth"ll J�ir-vrvwax mmt sqt� A(IRICULTVRAL 1"PLEIRENTS APtainiltilaid one tnoath- after , A .9000 Of tll-- PrOductillv, one h&AM of Upd., with low g Ifard of ch A CrWINT bglet) about few hundred feet fivat, Lud situa. nm thow A1W othe- adVastilagerft ivhtelr�nisy be seen 0-T rTL ted about eight rt credit. JAM sell _T_ frivaW Tesidenj _y yarifi from tk present will ge trqe*k,,�% mv q*aQmM1. C1bdericbd)Le.21at.IS649 fw=w4ll WaftoLn Godeldch Sz:t 7, For furdier p&rdcaIz-.s apply by letta at Sept.11 , I C for judda. at wit Faun. OLIC add 11, pmonally to co the% on -A LOR 1 14 G rA ST. -PAUL; STIthef'. sevouffi -�6orersl T4 join 461,*� Toap� in 00- ourvo-yor. 9"cr H.MUN1LQX9 Goderi:% Dec. Gt, 18g&. -an - _-L 'aw 1�� vatiot, *on vrVich tbere' is P. came into the enclosure of the Sub.- -URNS HIs A10§ e F.*1 -1 SINCEIC E THANKS bo*, hZn barii un'd 1JEEgmi - W R a S (VIL 9 IS SAJiZ OF H. OARDIN R a Cop a ."4 14 T scriber, on or about the middle ot forthere7dattenrigea bal. Gw4crsch andLualtno '%V, _Rwall, gjacss4ke at eaura merit he $4 A LAA deceivedsittic'! becomnienced bus, cam in u011e. RGBO otem a r fast as, small betrer rising two vea OL hsvirtue or a vmt ot UnitedCoantres rich, not being able to ezeCtltC b UNK '�=ted red and wh#te. The 4wner is requfmt- Hwon thcoidersbrou to bim Iwitt prove propea w, ppy harges takeper ight to bim In Und 7 from,(' IxwaV, -Vr -coftime tear brldg "dto wedfir-ted R&-wn,4 thel landz,aW leve- Pan of Ism 2d -con, meaft Of HI., NeRfid --or john Dec. 12th. MO. w473t* 0 410- om-to Ilmest fift-TOWD PIONTOL L 11clittzit, I h9vereelzi:4 and taken in,'ejeca- V� at the mut Orthe 1TQlt_ I I ta AT 8 tic, FF& OEM". clistift" Bruirw lbentliti title ttid ints"est vi the ftid_ and ern HE D. GORDOR a ties Wt 9.01i Vel n One but fist-ciaes tradesmen iev"hisezperienc� as Cutter is I)t. 13. I 86.4�. C t of 1111ron, am Bode I foudant in, mid tatot numberetoteet, tone. iseepildto none In the Province,haOingearried th6'rownsfifti tit" Sifttis; ni 11W ermaet g & Barfister, &a., Goderich. 006-VBKOO of awstf Sa one hundred 'We ft*44fij been and leffements shall offer for sithi otter in one at t he Prin4it I Enta'blishmen a I is at myoffim sts the-Vourt 119use in the- ,rown Q1 R inhumb, Scotland, he fearlegslystates ta Godeneb on Tbesd I[IE [DO LE PROPERTY cD he twenty--zinal day of ivillat $19"Antu TO MA" offwelve oftbe cr&-k, an January next, *I the IF Olt- 3 `: � , -ph.1 - (MVINING CAN 132 'NA 1) F, -T-ft RESIDENCE OF THE LAIE J16HN JOHN X -A UNAM, smultm. CD Ablidw GALT, Esq. mi -n* in Tbronto &Votltmal. W40 Zt� : Opp* t4 sherw.A.3' B. N WESTE0, At the L*west ZZ�QTIM DAILr, AZU $9LD ftgUre, .4ite the Town of Oodeneft, on the _4_LT_,UATE I -OW -HE -X F_ [rrA P0149 T, -- f01- INS. ; 0 E� SWNHARD STBACRAN wwri splibint4lis Ai J1 %ji F g A 'ent Act of I" 901111b side markill Ian the Batiks or-r*k*.a rt 1111 -4, tiva. i undei.�' a *dTr keam. 117pavable Wmz A are. SrOG t4i 1W. Squ 9HERM"S SArx op LA". tattle 31 ?-IQ acre Unit -W TO swstr ts of Lan4. moto or les& at propo -t-e to '18 e unstacc-datt of T- witli E6810ni 116w,, Outh6 .Stobleal,, �irjy 1W­0i.6T0 46V- 0 o ir tb a- Pftdjw" zp* I th, -dvv*,%es­hjA sit Hurea and Ze c, with large an - rrcbttd Tlt,&T- v, 'Fieri Facias istguedda Garden Vine "Sul ship O7 (urb G 410an,4p0at at the exptrati -a t e debt is vnfr� �.QiuiesLt "notiX an 0 Oullt"Ofillim"Allid0rusle, _444requoked beforg nivrestis allow therXMW4� owecing Linder, Cherry, Maple, Ike. 0be made in a iva", sM,411 *d hLdsii El TATEr its Lou= of Her 4aja&W* Uounty The, Wood 1;wd cona;u princil,ally of Oak or AlPlioulit of tf* loan is advanced, "Ad tome &rvow &L its F oj� SALE ralaft MO landis a THR-Dill 01 0 nd "i"e' 14e Grounds are in vely good order. There is $ i I I at **41 -n a t he bu "Now, _46*09 4 1 �_le term& wilt o(iWant BRA TW. Fo rulattion; if '$a ry*[l crl"l F. MIS W-Rasivge a" FoberWleadentaing, thav-emlz, three n f pure ater Comprising about 460 acres of land, ITO of ,,r a fyo!o,�r talp to ,pe 4Q= 100 a -unto �fpcjfftlft tDr jo;�;fjb ttle -vtow? 10 r" 9* Of Is d* lOwnstap o ed itad talrens execution wtitiw n&t, a -e assa for a private which at* 01wed. 'This propii th& pro bWi a N r; film Oda 4 'A 2 to toe 91heon., W. in halt bi lot numbet Twenty��wo, I ZaT the third, ap Incl%* Salt Works, offers very' favol'able indu '�Wtsscre; rl�aal 1* isere's Of fluth intftst of the said det4adant in 4p4 totbe EW, iouca Inhe prov #*-sear the town an4 sa tear - thei Godaid& ow a tafox investment to capitalists, or per gem; aw -6wa," 16, edolloss ofthe Tlowhshap ce-� 3 auw�rds_ Ap�_ 4* wawstaos For terms ap I to 44,40 ft ah, fit tfis' SUR O"Or f P�JEWS,, GALT, Esq. itinf; 44irus Orin"nq into the mazipfricture rJor", lith at 4sle at my offm to tbo Goart 0 W*,",-Vr -owe do ith RHOS WRATHERA1J) m I ivAb# T**tt of Gaidenih, on-Tvividity,the tWellth- ISarrister, W;6to. ar"It, t 00derift;g 7 of V'ebmarr Box% a the hour of Twelve at or V. SHADE GOODING$ for one-third, down and bala! ce in -Ti& YOW p10-_ V IBM with tittereat at 8 '4 17 t6 ni JOR 'IV 411oderieb. 6th July, 1866. -why, I bsvc-,i4hrimu MACDO, --aside 't- ame flpp� 99"'Pi -ant 1 W10 -or 16vol A WALTER R. MACWNALD. ES went Searlt".'o So.# Ila tow TO; 1� Barrister., to TG�,141 DERI G*4"'Ch. ZL7fb PC Lo= i9 Ara., or te PLAXIBik ALEXA.11DRE unittao BY ofthe L say- Kh, and Jordars. stre�tg Huroaland zrtico�j id _V TM,6� Q Wit., w43 2t Do, Hor- is a 96' rlit al 0 gild to medirqeWa' 4itsist, The limb slid tsi"w' lw-reatthistlq �utter_s f Acatis at Tlionsaa alkill ikt the suit& joh!k J11rRive .......... A&Keade and Willi' t r a Cot *6 ht, titiolin -ib olta& oAW p IW' 0 Wt WO leesith 400'es"Iell Of the TOW L E A&ip ofG, T" 'ARUr Wour A'TV D r to� furnish L coatuyotntrbni� 1 $ "Is a ad Waa Aud moreek ed Win bw*Aw*tAwga1*a 1.1 -0 !KKM# 'its OR F -M -M 6FI, -,A - A A"t _T,� Y* Aa�_ 01 94 wa f9 . I ;m 40HN� MACD NCI td low. !sT rktow, of the ONALD re �itioisvt bli-V A"W" je *Alp wrff,*411W�V"" -aft tone kopt fU of tot W 1111-40116M. A- ra a Pat ti* HurftW L, aIa6 W1 U 0t0i F, and lafted'.. I ed tot andiuduisw-W im-for to �1* b, , ' -,-, __ L ?_ - - , , . :,:4 _ I Wo," so t Weh,144"w T' 60 .WUTs,WUy 0.1 L ataJ21#. Applir to , tt J111POO", W__ P. S.—Gooda 'Will to 611v a t"t aim% EDRUD BAYNES F.FED WIM , 4;7;14J1D W 0herta's 00ce, (Gf -Flt&LlCxL - 14"08. sov. ted in an ate', Mo 0 am,oftrin -ow, a Lpwrin remunerative rieft rL or tor ap; 206 Vidt"t., w4s4 Gib mayamw e. part of the t6wu. JORMTON. proved ON& Old02atals, ras% Cop", and SU muds of produtie t o4luezomse., W19 Godericbs Feba 204 1860, - SW451 Sopt. 23 1866 woft Go4jith, Ockpber, 1862, 10