HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi Weekly Signal, 1867-01-08, Page 4A
3 -1
A1,A N
REDEStoves Ploughawdtastiogs Of everyd IN' THU,
viriplion - JL illp of Iron were All
ARGEST and Bet Seleded'$IWk oi "aulm mjb%�r 1000 curds Cf III FIRE9 LIFE & MARINE �k Bark, for which, tbe bi- I`OWNSHIP-OF HUL
L Copper and Slit:
T heat U1 E, ITT.,
L flab
-ptift will be pitid in c"h on delivtry tit his bauraqee Co. Head Office, TORONTO. yardait, the Dock. ln� it
ortiagi, dated the rkh�40y -of
Ili W101) lip Ec
0 9AL9� AND 4 -MA tido between Joreph'Zirrow; In ese
iL.i� will v"it pralialas
W. U. SAVAGE. Rea4x-. 4de Clo.thing rtment
or dat7t be so 'ter* .1iftrance Company Llmited.: u In, einhana-- 2711 _t694 1.0 lfirQir�l 419�1111111Y austoj4ers ant:
'- III at prices that will 114 bir""It" I 13a
WOOL I WOOL! WOOL I f,rsle'In tovm, *rich WM ge4W M(JoslOil Lautps,&e.,&,� Old I re" - 10 fl- 11111 t6wer,040 war# 41 v -of
and S THE �tnL-serxber is prepariad to pay the Wes ubqcr WA
Ji highest market pli"' ' for anv quwativy o THE 1; 'h'or I th�pz
llie gendrWly that jkt; keeps
Ricn, C.W.
WWI. DefY-- *Ompetitlon, NUN -TARIFF OFFICE. SNOLAND, constatilli bli halit-ibi largest" yhrictj, 4ird best seleefton �f WjIST STW r , 7 � GIMMAIM.
Public A action , !
FOR FIRE, LIFS AND MAWNE. hy SO -n Vnis NEARTHE r081T Ote.h. Fr oil S S,& German Tvveede,
OAPITAh X1,000,000 STERLIN(4 that valuable Arm composed cl Cat- ka. 26 itk tile IN ME 1001TNTTES-,�ALSO A UgGE V RIETY01? P
Caief Offices-? Waterloo lljace,� London 14 Coucesition of the Township of Hullett. con- A Go,)D aw
taining ]I)- adineaburement otte hUndred, can
77 King St.. forly- SUTHS Maheliester. gan and Steigh Mak" t vile acras, be 'be 881110 mirre. or leas. The zale Cana ian M-ahufa tured Good%� Gold and Plated hwei
flut.;l 11) ilia Village of
will tak
G�O.D E ICH �U. P. for Oldham, Rtfi:irm Cl6b, London, u 144CLISHI, FffEfftff 4& dERMAN- 1300 Myth$ ADCLOTHS, �WATVH'�
and th 0 U Stoll, near litantliester. ES- CLOCKSAND SI?RT" G I ��dq,_the 15111 day offinuary, A. D. WN—GLOR AN D F4rNC- D.E � E: P, r4 I Fr EPc A IN GRZAT V4ulp.TX. Xgmt tar Wanzeev Pirut-clan Sinju rt RES -7 Himspital and
M. A., formerly Fellow 4od SWI -044 186% at the liner of 12 o1ploek, noon. A COATINGS,10
a Wr B_ N. A., Ont�riu Ifull, ffaviti seefffed the treririces, bf done osbort notice. in good stylo An as-bortitlent consta . atly on 1, -nd.' Head Office CONDITf0N_0F4,AL9'
G 11tr Cburch,.�trect. Torptito, I..Thepropertyjstob0,.F! upset
price of S 1,000. rantedaceqrding 40 AgfeemeaL
SCOT DFGA eta U"_Vw�w%
2 The h I ht-albidder shall beinepurchatter; he to r4*pjKt*d to evicute, all orders with pvimpfitude, and - in a StYle itasurpused by sny 93' Wfddilig Rtngs always on
ab�b4irg_4 and it any, u;pujetrj#0A$jujh0 last highest V CAPT. rt.,�130AAS.,X-a`rine Inspector.' 6rsiXtItil woam r r 0iffesnot excepted. Try Umalia-satl4f
bapdetfu ly in� bid,ler, the propettysitall bepul'up at a fortner r yquT. � Jobs TMt Vnelanned in b7y bant1l; lillf
IL "Ing.
090. 1UMBALL, Co., Agents. tar C.6 lill A -aerfvet fit guar, 'tif_threL
Ono ra I m
AXE FA 0 0 R Y in the farmers ct 1juo ntood in every inkance. sold *vub expr1ratiou ALMOSt.,ze Jill
3. 7 hr, ptiftitser abilf, at I he time oft Constantly omand the LARGEWf ST00X and -L &TEST STyLjgS i
stid1he 13tiblic generally tbut he th, co a ale, pay B,
dowa a deposit in the proportion of r eV n fray
immenr-J the Axe Menced Abe above business 9Qpf It is poreb(INO inviley to I lit. gilt'Ll Is
It Outirl.tti
T HURRAH FOR TH[ FRONT I QUEEN FIRI & WE INSURANCE 0-0. ngs a f E v e r y Description I
Capital Two millions �'trrling. his old stand St, Dav 0!3*The beAL qZMjjty'6f V
itororagebt,and-sballpavibe -mainderof joe
id 91roe lhep rt A-MMICAN, AIGNE-Yuken at the highest ratp, stl��
th (fay of' February battle,
itid litt4ing now on hAnd' Ali excellentsissin next; and upon au0h.V*yIj3eat_qhe pum-haver . V.
uIrchase Inoney on the 16
-AT THE OLD, 8 1 -
U- D1
L tv e ir -p'o- 61. if 14e. best material ho jg�pre
the 9 L L p Inca -the purchas. 22pd 1866. GOdIllichi Nov. 14,1266,
_t' derlij" his lin- 4-r at the time of such late to a,gn an agreement
-d L�ghl-Honse Stre,-ts, preuvists lately fjt:v-upi�d bf G. F. CANADA BRANCH OFF4CV, UNION BUILDINGS, a w4ty Water!oi a r Tfff�ut._c r I I =,i a a 4 Ohall be entilled to h' conveyj ftafir 30.. Archibald
o gire satiarluctioll'. NJ` the cofujil lion -fibe purchuse. Jot
wourd N -Z to intkmate to his otc I -111 to
uAr . ....
-th anrl
r an 1,
ana owtqf% f
many aevr ozzes as t3voors unilk a vall acty tin vim lOtOW --v and-* -kit fttruil, tht ne W it �au!
W P edil, Ole Wdfk�jn ilia F '4 e Ithlis oft
WARRANTED HOWE-MADE AXE. CUR k AURI, Thovass,'K Ron 4 ki ond th
ry David Torrence, Esq. lWarmilt every article made by bita to be df 51h. The Vendorsimll n -A be compelb-d to pro. is )W-94yj
duce any tide ifred$ Liber than I rip otone-sintaped -it it %m-% I F`Icks, &c., hose at pre--ent 0 IND harriorore -uNj,tipg betwe*0
dShawperreit &a short ?misce, Bankers-Molson's Bank. Lecal Advi (he best quality, while hits terms will be found in IiLs pussession, U 41,.b 8tv US*
LIQUORS -4 vety reasonsiblo. [II'deeit, froun tile, as retAt boe)j Ili#
. � 0" Messrs. Torrance & orris. AWical Cotg&ny WT- I
N.BL---Afw a number qs zSleighx on band. to Jut4ph (21 the olvi4lboi-miftVill -
Skitti-erland, Esq., It. D, Farmers give binva Call I Idarigage r.611., J4evh Alorrow tti.tht Ventler 1:2
arA all cl Uns Apintia ditit
G sai4prtners
RUji y VL07 l"emr-lames fl. Soingle, -.WALjER Ili. NIAO DONALD,, I stidP110
Oct. sib, I,,;%. IS Esq. Audi 4nd see for yourselv#s. it CL St.=
=11 I tr-Thomits R. Johnson, Faq. J?emden b
Vendoes Sulicitor. C; p 0
and jobbing of _Alt Dated ny of Dec. 1866. hiPArellu be P-senteil totte pritsawL
G-0, TO oShannon & -Doyl-, by
'Secreltilry ailot r"ergrAVW' �'j6tjy alie . A --_
_r Racken. kinds str 4id tok , 6 , thi�
B00"MA S- 4 vr47 will 4 a
tzie 1?4rbiesi Esq.. %ted 103 - M�; -
LEWIS ELLIOTT Lpgan's Woofen Facto my. Sto,,ft Im.
U21kilBuildioV, 26 5tq krango avier Godetieb.Dec, 27tb. 1866.
I I -of
COLONIA1 ROSEIiwou!d. Z P W. M'15HAN14011 respeelf0v solicit a W:ry of Public arge imd vatied stocle of Pulled Clothif Vr36,3M1_
Leeps the MONEY TO LEND. "I a.- Plain, Gre Stripled First Q"T Wmljo
G EO. RUM ALL, Co.. Agents. hereyou wifffind a I
rf= TE -1 -NIS CAS, or Produce tal-en 10 ft- The t1ove Companies take risks on the
-IL va-zeti'a=d best Stok 0f chaage. y ind -101mi
t favoumble ternid. Wflhb-
C411 and Compase, Prices. berb v purchasing 'nos THE gres" "triply Of all W001.1ioMe-maife choelked 11000, one yard wide; i e
GLOVES GE0. 11VHBALL & Co. _Ism_ HURON ERIR Gderich. )'rd A,;�ril, 1866. %10 SAVINGS A11D LOAN SOCIE1--y. WHIT199 6RBYs SCARLE' ale dnp f
I John Dou as. T &r RANCT FLANNrLS.
COWNTIF.S. 91 - . The above sawlely Ir prepared tornake A V)T OPPOST CLASS BLANKST-S EIGHr TO NIN-0, POUND)3 PEP. PAI& for
Godericb, 2loth Au�ua
Stock, Wig Yhr4j�,,VjUe
Godezie'h, Aumst 1364. sw 103 PR 0 ing Yarn,
P OV9 FleedY;Md J'HR prenlii;es now, 4wcupir-d by the under.
er -W- o t
_r, - signed. in the Vilia�p 6T M&A'JuArAe�
ON A DVA WrAu Ev U S T E 00 a mile fWnt lbe7 &It' rT01WEY-
- found T0gether with a choic
T The coiii of eflecting a Lt)an will be e A380
WORT'N" NOTIM endhiss
_ptmen:4,of one acre aid a (juarter of land oiti sillw
Faucb loyrer than in othot-,ociettea'of a I L 0 h a 4 o'N'
"lure. "'The attention of the Borr. war eailtitulJy situaved, 4w,=mandiag a -T"* stor44 CiJbb% -
to the fact, that he will reeelve the full aniount of (if the River Alaittand and the 1tarboriakt,
E p deaj Alt. I
bro qatitlid (he Loan. withouta uy deduction bvi"g made for D - x4alty- to
Otjkof I rewlGoodi,'Ready-made 31eu�, it d intervil; 04P.21yu4pits wgilvilse-e. . � - - e ot good -wAter. Aha zelem�ou of cimm
first A tinv o4- the Div.aion Cvurts for I Ch It j
Norto'sa6#e Sale ot
ne"lualp:-be r.4-psjd;Aovt�jk or, Yearly _11dre .0 9 k. and Stodw
the to great ritriety. 02w A Cail is SQl*,Vjfe41. or -1mit -Wes.
N D S. C 0 U IN T Y 0 F if U R 0 N Fbobt. Rudman & Co.., . . . . . . . . .......... k"t A T
-on the prmitleffia;- 3
Notor; Store, East Street, LftAX. waL som. B QAMW-
,jr the Vvar 186's will be held 4 FOR FULL PARTICULA.,S APPLY ,t tho tilpeq munt be clo*e4on or before the - FRIESH 10th Septeitubgr, 18,66.
02 Fr!dav JaEL I 11h [eleventh] 1,867' 1. - or I the
7 and plues followintr, , _L - OCK, Goderich, July 14, 1866. W
*BOI-ESAI-E AND PETAII., S- PO � L 111113 be aT_-red Coq %al!erit ft ow -1, by Agent and Valuator for tile �scjety at Goden
G. M. at Lit* Auvtjua room-rju Goder (-b
18T DAY OFA-PRIL, 1865, BY irg XEGI, CAN Ot Ucdeirch.C.W.. jaiG6.
ticks, Allpartiesi�tidcbtq.4 tbibe B Can ircya"
- -i%; tats ander and bir Innue of the D-VT'sion COCA mon'lay 14- G iderteh. by notified thi 1 all ii�6W#a nd book a6couniWover LOIBSTEftt, SABDINES
PQWM evaainal ta tbe:r rcspecfive�. ti0ti do Tuti-sdaj 15. .0inton.
Wedumday 16- arpurbev due on I he AND CLA-AM a.
I t4e &1-4 eonez--,sion of do T 17. Exeter- I st day of FeBIY n4
tke T_wasbip oj tirry. ia z:10 Coauttr of jjurna� do AITIV! **S_ -Atntei v Ite". Mt, apesi.
coanizing 100 acre,- az--re or 14mr. ander a da t%f-nqay b4e hauded to their Salle,, 401, Cocoa r
nuts, Figsi-C, TOra-is CWlingwoul aad do Tueattay
Martz or lecion ind v ASSV
Id 111 qot &0�41
2.� The ir=ct pan ufoe sc", The Courts open at it at
Iti balf at tot. num- 1 0 A - K. O;q
ber thiriv, in the eighth o3c,_-mL-,* as the Tavira.
ISA 3 OR SHORT CRFDIT, M$t'Eidi Of Atarka Aqw In ae Twn and
C"Ounly 01 Hama, canzaaa. C F, Tl,)Mq, ItconsistsofqlargeassottmentotPlougbs,Culti. De vorl-30. 19 AND 11 . 1. � -CORNMUlt LORDON7 XMILAn. lit b0p.re& �j'
r A
1V ing forty Mare oi le -is. aad-,r a q0 ag: Certified to bp Ontf Judei ff &-R
and 92=
a true caU a* eximew
8 Wee. z=t*d M A_G+t1N
a0in the I mC 0; more. -TKFtES ES
Oft dft satme day-. and immMistely after the CAPITAL (Puny'Au6jer.bed) Lot .911, xqek 110jolpin A TT310q
abovi: too Wit; Wol edlur zy_
urc I' An�
Me. aftutsa pftVacm."y &swmed of byrrivate Clerk of the Peam R. 0'. Q I;NVXST'E.D IOVZ&, 00,400,M1WOSMI�M ZN4qANADA and B and 13. ou tNec6rh
Cooking,v Parlor&,Roz Sitoves, 02;Q
t6e TIOW3 Q&eDf fheCrtrk of the Peat
cofttracz�lt�e wnavria&t h--n'ce 100. i S t i e t s . nV five, Goderich, 151h Dec. 1366., w4l A good tecond-b-aR4 on"
ID-E-PARTMENt. goin rAme
tv Ituadrimll and ten, two hundred ant) smy.,
anew two -ed macirtow. aad utree 4pleof the en�aWfi*s Peen the
F 0.1z S A L ts The diatinguiguable Ortnt 19
e-44WIihment of an equdxbIeehLsSI&, holej f
....... OPE4 %rvniluin�orpart%hata to lba, rw
11111111dred andave. MTTo stir", i P-4, ? = C in &Uc
All pant" requiring the above articles -would So ACRES
V-01141-tioas of Sa!e wide lkna wis at Time of amcceits which 'has attended The C L01 I--
satet or om apilmauOr. to HA-Dry1ft-Dermott, do well to cull and anxpect the stock at once as -of-LotNo.32, FAit, 0 -juipow1ga 1 Z on- t*IQfiV*f1be Directors, vbh�o Lgt%c
0 which there is b a arge- -*ize, thOT Wall get bargiins. I)OW-611fift 161th'-Vahadian'publie- � 1, R"di Bay. 111631 8mgmae otpec *-lize the
C. W, or the tiadel- )tow.. twolvei-toeme, dt e.
0, Aw 0,
R. RUNC61AN. ST RATE LA -0-01,
Eftuv Q BAY ES REED, ST. Unwas
e ebrj�iie,
gin, ujg�p VU
Losdon,(;� W tPiumpt *,4gttlejn TIM.Dkerlorz and%n'
a19, Itzb. Dirrterence tothe above K. Runciman will ;--onimerve, wili wIS4 I iiial A&A larlmir 4m�- frwt4i� e and j or _4and_jjjVrIqe*djjj Cotai B*WaM f, 01) iIT* a'
to caution yon 2 T
I -bow wea Isba&", -tow tr
torfisra Moser nt-lare Am Ont I�Ud IDL
"Joderidli. Apt
Ageltit 6f
UWz . t - �, "� --lim
Nu mries. L16 it , I- Eta III tz P1Ibbw--'dd part,
EnENTS ,",-SQperce
not ii-thorm-d to set $loves andcastings,atir iWinims pa.crone month kf'Zi got
Salt Tpre3Ltiory 11DOM theSe nUrWrieS. and paltZes bjLjypa5 fron, h= A*Avthe-z*dv"tjrgej� ce
Vhn not gel the'r it&-* or short Credit. Tr
r"M MV ea2blishment.
04 or *Aks
D. Or MRW48 ne, 1. . t,41
q3E19%%9eriber offiera to any a to
pema or St. 7afhartnes, Sept. 2,18, JL bOmPaI117- for 4 r0yalty ot Gne-fifteert
Of the production, o --a tialf acre of land. twill, $4C Aq
hundred fe�let fivaL
land Sit
Ulf- Ahoa eVjt T A-11 L TIT 4W, -neat
_y Yw& fmm lite p� 0
Go&-2f&S31t -Ydr __ , - �& - t
ITiCIZA F. A D; aT 61
For Cwther Pwticlllam applY by letter or SHERM"i Came into the enclosure of Vie Sub- VM.UR14S, $0 - - AT."' 4 ()
A' 30iberi, On dt"about the middle ot Lt forthe 0 rid
irer fiattail tt I uAR61,
UnitedCounti epleulticir fast a saiall heder rising two years seceivedstmv, he ttt
V_ CAMPIUGN _y commenced
vitirtue or a writ qt old,.tpotted red and v, bite, T J417110011, WlkeAft -and Keeper of Coanty Gas]. Huron and 8= OFF11 -be owner is wiluest, iub, Dot being able to execute Over one -ba I o k.0
41tt FSefta i*ied otif ed ta pr6re thaoiderLbroilghi to bLr" Ift4jaeatton.
Cro&riak Mt- 4h. UGG. w46tf To wa of Her Maja.-4ys counI7 prpel fT., PUT- e Itirges- Ord take her
dow docured ftttnhtic�fur rt ofthe flatted C�Ovjntteftof Hur"a snd Bruce 4'-A'
IrIents Of -,jV1j9L and to
an ALI
1 it
P= - JDA
and, t :&P. d 144; Z1 con, U61bor tar
lion all me ng tftle
and votsiest of the xatd de e7glo
jing�� no
.,,.) en
'eab-ou rin
cou-cssion nf the Town,,hip of Morris IM the seqvndtn ri n the P
0ounty of Huron, containing one bufzdred Here#. ACRES OP SALT T9%&MjRy wb'ch land% OL -d te"am"111t, I Absil ofier for %Oe C�
� 9
rl*nd-t in hfid to tot ausuber eignteet, in the sixth A +J aq bel
TIVA, RXrORY. one I. aa 9, &
Lit, lease� sizuwed og and jadjacent to the Tow.wei Outteiritioneof thepri"
at my-palce to the ("oun #OW'
as 13 0
ver Maitknji and just east or tbi� panuaiy - at the lt�mr ofT ly I
THE Wuburgh, Scivitand, iliff
welve 01 the clock, diftbOrhing publialkil
Go&jjQh g�jjWay itIlln, ,d froof
M;r oft
GALT. Esq, T
ake Notice
,A4)p,!,y t:
eery cauteuient for a Si -1101
Sher'll's Office, Godarich,
T. WEATHEMAU) is b—eaut
iffidli, gAnifted op'
Tms IdW
site the Town of 60denell, on
Noir. 29, 185Z.
11*� � � 4e IC"
-nr* OR SA 4e t
ount- 4*4A $10D advanced -Aa
-1� t of li�ft rKp®e b
-WAX 14 7 49:46 .............
Vu I n Wo Writs of with Dntlio
ttwit�d Uaqaffes Of 41 y!rfue Of I pited Counti e?.
Orchard JN wd vinel- it '�4�
oti" 11010 4 - P �'p -- , -
Oui6 To
of fier'AL-liesty's couRty piet. Wo0j JaS4. -.ship of Plb,or stpa lltreet_ ,IA4QduAtIrk6rHuro*8n& - M a to I Ul Oak pr of lb f of kft� nk.043 A'NS ON'- Molt"�A" ad lop W50 nanbut
8 Plf 104 JOWtue,durectcd gglijast the lands, A J14 the flo*� -*NNW-
LO "W1
ftnt it7ter-eiL Charze reduced. ri#g 1-4 Tb
rAts Of U"Jli2jn Johnscritat the sulf of WiLiam The Grounds -11HE. DUN
arg in very good order.
On* *04 61niriiing about dWi-acrefr
Appl" by ad flub --rt �fendeantag, I have seiz. are thivenivst f
in execution all the right, title and
,-,, i fat*
hear tho''-v
-aftsu0i be -1
cleWN00 of the Toffb#b a W rash. ig the, Itlee.
tj - 7 � �, C, C6 -propen
'r e sit ation for a private IThI3 -
tilterest of on the Prop�rty. rt f E. lt
s-fj Kinz and Jordan treeu. fthe said defendant in at. -d to the Fjul
Toronto, 191b Par.. 1866. w45 ft at numbet Twentyvro in the third do _ a- Ace �tintiot be surpassed in the PCOV So"ftel *64nd 'th t"
0 ofter for saT6 at alj ol&. in theCourt Eton" ditatod tatleItned" I F'or teluff AP to -A rir _Urojtfi_
40ps, desirous afLjz.,oin$t
"r the'rowu Of Gode"Z-12, on Tuesdaythe tvrallth
��Jrov�lget along wi
arratert Toronto;
)&;GOODING lit one L t dav of February next, at tile hour of Tweke �vt
the clocic goon D. SIM
Raw. fat, P OwIng t SALE' 4-odeveli LILL 1- BVULL "OP TEI0HvCiGH gaigf) DURH MAMMA t ..Ji �js wet
-A B. Goderic44 6th Jtdr. 1866.
1_14, L
to2r Team pedi�rce, will be SDI& October. 186S, ----------------------- a0a
I =k apj4y to W.0 _,gDod P1 W tlla�t C04t 2ridollaij: vp_
A. B. WIL30N
Port lbert 0. Seario
14,13;6. $V.ent to y
004144 27t'k bft, 86
w47 U* GOD
W skazu" S ISALE OF
:LLA"45. thow"Ieft a*
,g d
0 t0iub
6ALE JUOT" **a
1926 rip"
the $airs of-MakV114
14imner of Wt 2 to
JonaWjj4ftra F. IdurrAr,
04 Per 'Loa - !W T -0111r; 56=4- 244 tow a6 o
rd4r, Ap.- 119436 IW4� -a 00iiiiiewbip"ce $Wow etch men UVW2 ekee 6f the 44W 40
4=0 lit t1le- thi f Vr:e
-h A,
ill and to tot autnber
'WrA X
'T QK,
jer;cj, U164111Y Of Huron# coulainpor oije I�v o flijiff molt qck4 ter 'W
ea y
afy oxce in the court
(46 TovA) of dodm4h; on T= t*
IV:,, "IFIWO it -11a Ili
.Q _
V r
c�_ W
W -A
Pull A
4 -A
4 *0 1% AN%
1 Tab,
UtK 4
-14 A
7 he'Ditelt.
A 4�,
�OW#Sf F
I . -
Z; A �Q)Upw
HETn Tt 41:
by .4
wi t;7"-!'- AM
swotf, UOM441i
AV 1w1J:C-
( 4,f 4.
ft"d a n d
IMF _y
4f f
: � t, '& 4
WN r W -xr*&* 4 71.
00-L70tiltz, otf�r4, j
AT vo
—.7 Mw
own... Aftr
it -Town. **ft
WNL 4 j --- 7:7-7-7 —ALM-- _r
f 0441
luk-R. � �- /- . : - - A
(N AM*.
01:1 -