HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi-Weekly Signal, 1866-12-28, Page 2 (2)irrs Leg tire cc .64 tar -On It okekitt re A LL BE A.T /101M PM COVSUL tattoo up to tt ti.*-cloalci, a. ID. Whet day cams, 13:44.1y OB. IticLEANI 114 YSICIAN, SURGEON. CORONER &c. 0 4. acid Resierenesthirddooreastol fiRAGUtITE of the Medical Depertment flespital and Dame's:at, New York. Residence Poliochss Hotel. Bailee -A. w3t14mn'a a Coast [tour.") vlitn40 Sbaclair Walker, ilat SOLICITORS, CON - J..; vwxoss, Ste. Q:fice, over the Store of W. T. Oa, Editor and Proprietor. Johns Iliavisora Joints 13. ("-acirdoss, lea, Camels. West. OSeCr-oa AN'D IIITE.O.N 'AND. -BRIJIOE &DYE Torus .1b 3i1oores, -IL nab, c. Oiice - CRAMPS NEW elericb,....kusrest rah, 1864. retr103w31 liER ANN. IN AD.41 Business EnrectorD. TTORSEIZ-A.T-LIW, SOLICITOR IN Store, CrabYs Block. v150.9 Mouelf to tend on Real Proserty mai HENRY GRIST,'' Elmo Departmental; Parliamentary, AND PATENT AGENT, OTTAW A. Transacts business with the Crown lainds and other Government Departments ; Takes out -Patents for Inventions; Obtains twerp°. ration tor lamp* tues by' betters Pat- ent ; Drafts and takes charge ot Private Mils during the Sas. Rion .4.r.4..tor parties re. siding elseWbere. don. tor of Asencies;Colontal Lee Assurance Co . Mid CON MISSION 'Merchants T1SER. "The Greatest Possible Good to. the Greatest Possible Number GODEEZICII, C W., FRI D Y DEC 28, 18 ASOMMOOMIIMINISMa DRUGS, DRUGS DEALERS IN ALL LINDE OF PRODUCE, COAL, SALT, WATER (tIr Agents for first class Marine and Fire &troupe Companies. 11 ' HARBOR QUAY. Godertch. aPslz-g-SCgDqge'a New Block. Large Padlock. Jr. V'. ICtvireoCt. TittaatarBa„ ATTORNEY AT -LAW, opposite tie Past Oleg, Goderich. JarezAry 3, 1066. sw37 Chineery_, Conveyancer. , Godes-. aelt.0 W. 0./ce-Kayes Block. carter Odeon Haase Sqnsre and West Street- E3- Sloaey to aead on real property. slair36 C- Ciarice. • JA TT03.31 EY -AT -LAW, Sollenor Chan - S. Alselconsaana DAILIUSTEM, AtienteY, Solicitor, 0= Ste., MONEY TO LE.ND. CTOMOY-A-E-LAW, SOLICITOR' IN Otiancety, Murreyaneer. Svc- Walks -toss, Ca. 43race. "'Morriss vreeetinerrstet. CM!, A.ND PROVINCIAL al IL ENG INEER &ND SURVEYOR lir Constitute of the United States ot FISlar-hm-S.frons 9 o'clock, a. m, to 3 S ARC:art ECT, 1r HOLESALS AND ENTAIL 87 8; 89 ST. FRANCOIS XAVIER STREET, The Liverpool and London and Clot e duce to Liverpool, Glasgow and other ports INSURANCE COMPANY. Invested ands, • • • :$1.5;000.0001 Consignments of Ashes, Butter, &e., re- 1 in Great Britain. Invested in Ca. da, - • 250,000 I spectfully solicited. Advances made on consignments of Pro - FIB E ABT111 ENT. INSURANCES EFFECT ON ALI. CLASSES OF PROPERTY AT Cr 'T RATES. FARM RISKS AT SPECIALLY R UCEDRA.TES LIFE DEP A BTU ENT. 30 EXTRA Charge for Military Se vice in Defence of the Country. Life Policies for the benefit oftilife or children are seem from seizure by Creditors. A POLMY for $1000, by the Guaranteed Bonus Sestexa costs at age 30;124.70 a rear. Sbould it become parable alter 5 years, one-tourth ol the Premiums are returned, with the &int *mined t if atter 20 years. one -hall are returned ; after 30 years. three-fourths ; atter 51. the Sum Assured is doubled, and the heirs may claim $2000 1 ! ter Claims payable one month alter Proof LI death. G. P.C. SAM II, Resident Secretary, Ellio• tt, for Exeter , W. N . Watson, tot Seatorth. Goderich, Nov. 2,186b. w41 Medical LI all, DISPENSING CHEMIST -86 DRUGGIS.T Goals ti ,and Importer's GENUINE DRUeS air rootb.. mad 'Nall 13 eitehe HORSE Sr 0 A.TTLE MEDICINES at Lowest rade Pi -tees. N.B.-Physician's Presettptioos rarefully dm. tioderich Jan .10. 1858. 49 Hardware Merchan.ts, u AVE auw-Bn hand a comp eteand well es - 1.1 sorted stock of Hardvrare, emulating in Adzes Broad dies, Waggon Boxes, thinada Plates, Chains, curry -Combs, Cordage, Dung Gram Tin, Grindstones, Powder, Shot, Caps tifingm- al. kinds. Iron, Steel, Spring Steel, Rube, Spokes, and Bent Stud, Bar Lead, Lamp Glasses, Looking Glasses, Looking- Glass _ Plate, Horse Nails, Cut Nails, And Boiled Oil. ladaZoline,Coal 011. Machinery OIL Varnish, Panda .sael Colors Coal Oil Lames, Plough /Moulds, Saws Hand 13- Tire above will besold cheap tor Vasa. GILLUM and STURGEON TWINE FOR SALE GHEAP. Agents for Commercial Union Avettrance Co., of Lendos,'Eagland. tst Sentembar toga w43 fa4s, clot op in it neat and correetstyle o1•7'st the i.iurort auction Mart, Mar - LAND ACEIIT, Id.tr keit Square, Goderieh. Toads.; 6.13 ;a.: e :cry Wedaesday /ruin a•es 0..141.4 it it A.b COMMISSION AGENT mornitVillazteafliacardrne-C-W• 9111 Aacouoiseetlectaid. Business °fon, kind en. ROCK & COAL OILS, Burning Fluid,Lamp Oils. For Sale by F. JORDAN. Goderich.ian.17,1b0 50 THH OLDEST EST ABMIIMENT Il\T 'TOWN - CABINET WAREliOUSE 1111.1TY3 and sells Noir York Drafts-Green- tatels--Satiortelcunzney-State notes, and asentrent _mono!, at carrot Asap, ot 191.1 Dec-, 1865: w47-1yr$1 MARINE I2NURANOE. British American insurance co OF TORONTO. Marifie Department. GEORGE RC UDALL, (THE ()LUST IN TH COUNTY. D. GORDON, WI Ken's Short Gatechisni1 (To be commtlted to memory ) MA TIN AM&NN, 1-1 ers, that is still able to sell for cash,1 at the lowest rate ILL RINDS At his shop on Kingst the Huron Hotel, Goderic FURNITURE street, opposite Give hlm Where can you obtain the best Business Course in America ? At the London Commercial College. Where can you take a course 25 per ent cheaper than anywhere else ? At the London Commercial Colle7ge. Where are twice as many teachers emple.y4 ed as in aay other Business Schaal ta British America ? At the London Commercial College. As a natural cousetraenee wLere du students get the Most thorough knowledge of business transactions in mach the shortest time ? At the London Commercial College. Where can sou fiad the beat teacher Penmanship in British America ? it the London Commercial Cellege. As the result of all this, where do :het hare the largest number of students ? Why! ofcourse, at the Loidon Comm ciA jar 3E,r A. pub; cial College. • AND UNDERTAKER, Where have they the best necommodatio anti for such a ;mailer of students? wtanutectures Ina nab nevi on hand a compiete WEST STREET, GODERICH, Whom must fifilliddresa for Circular *UCH Air Sofas, Bureaus, Tables, Bedsteads, Hair, and Leek inr, Glasses, in variety ,tit Home MInufacture and Imported D. G. has always an haud a complete as- ortinerit of COFFINS. Aiso, HEARSES TO HIRE. 0::rLamber and Cordwood takhn in ex- change for Furniture. Goderich, With Oct..166 w2 eoie-grif d.artai. dales ea viliaget or emelt thcrilur,tiocierie,h, C. W. 1,1111,11, N FIRE & MARINE 101/11ENIX FtRE ASSURANCE Company of I- Leaden England, esta Wished in 178.9, one cf the obieet, largest and best offices la Canada. lilagov Main INSURANCE Compsity at L Canada, Head Office Toronto. gill take risks on Country and City Property. Marine risks taken at as low rates as *ay other first class Agente JOHN IIALBLIS la,. GodeAch, 27tli Sept., IBM w3601* N OTICE. tiote or book account, will please GALL AND 'SETTLE Office on Lighthouse St. Next to Mr. Andrew Donogler. 260 BARRELS SALT MONEY TO LOAN. $20;000 from caeca...04Z. Neu' iatere retained In advance. ELIVATILDIA,T,014T, ed. TETI Itliserted in either -Ws Gold. Silvar, or Vulcan Rubbery" velsangsbletertass atranew errer,tite ten 1:1410"v Street ill as ill NORTH AND AT other informatton? Principal of London Commercial Volk THE GODERICH COMMERCIAL AND MATEEMATICAL ACADEMY, MR. 3.1A. MeKELLAR, PRINCIPAL, is affiliated w411 the College and the Same branches are taught therein as in the College itself. co pa ,OVER G ODE R ICH AXE FACTORY 1 rr LIE Sub•cr.ber having recommenced the Axe L. :Business AT THE OLD STAND, on the Corner of Waterloo and Light -House Streets, .vrotita beg to intimate to his Mc friends, and as many new ones as favours him with a call and trial, that he will produce and sell a WARRANTED HOME-MADE AXE, CHEAP ats6 GM ones tamped at a smalf cost. Picks, c Made and Slim pened en short notice. N.B.-Also a number of Sleighs on hand. JOHN MePHERSON. Goderich, Oct. 10th, 1866.. n40 -t • cn cd PICTURES taken in every style and in all kinds ot weather. Porcelain or Opalotype Pictures, and THE HE LIO ARISTOTYP1A, Olt "BEST SON PICTURE," Taken in various styiei trom SI 50 to (colored in water colours or oil. Life -Size Photograph& tikes onreatpaUble termq--either plain or colorid. n- PRICES LOWER than eIle where in Canada. D. CAMPBELIJ. Goderich. Tune 1.1366. sw27 $1.25 PER 13Bia. A QUANTITY OF - IRON! iffactrims FIRE Mt un. insurance 00e- zsTountim Up/4171M PteptiOtOra:- eitanaaaW auatatialr taw -4044.404 • riSURANCES effected err 01 ohnsee of • Asserted, - Goderselt.Decembe;r2Ind *Ws. w3244 ARRIVED TH13 WEEK, 011EAP CASH STORE, BOXES NEW LAYER RAISINS, BOXES NEW FOR gALE. OT No. lq, 3rd con. Wawanoit, comprite ing 50 acres, 15 acrei Cleared. The land is situated 12 miles from Goderich, an3 will be sold ori reasonable terms for cish. Apply or E. CAMPAIGNE, Wanted Immediateiy ,1 YOUTH'about :7 or le years of age ho /11. hashed consideiable experience in a eral store, and who ran be well recommend A.ddress,prepaid, giving references, ands from last -employer, Goderieh, 26th Oct., 1866 w40 NTEb. SAL OF ACRES OF SALT TERRITORY' to lease, situated on arid adjacent to' the River Maitland, and just east el the Goderich Railway Station, and fronting on G. T. Railway -very convenient for a tiding into main line. Apply to, T. WEATHERALD Goderi, h. 20 Salt Well Privilege ! rfAll pobseriher Otte: s tor sale n splendid Fait JL on tne banks Of the klaitisi,d now undi. r full operation, and close to the track ot the C. T. lintIvray, tins doing sway %vitt. all teaming to the stalion cr turbot.. This is one LA the best privileges to be had in tbs vicinity,end it will be sold eneap. Apply to JOHN HYSIA.T. Salt Territory r/ HE Snbscrilier offers to any person of ol the prodni:tion, one half acre of land. o tar about four hundred flet front. Land situa- ted about eighty yards from the preseut Goderich Salt Works. For further particulars apply by letter or personally to E. CAMP Reeper of County Gaol. _Goderich, Dec. 6th, 1866. w46tt BOXES NEW CIIOICE BOXES NEW VALENCIA RAISINS, QUARTER BOXES LAYER RAISINS, *KEGS NEW SEEDLESS RAISINS, A STEADY, reliab boy at the Conner- ." cial Academy, to e charge of the rooms. Tution will be give tor his swe4rv6ieteis Apply at the A_cademy. en- ary GaDERIOH Grist Allis, Paper Mills, Thrashieg Ma- chines, Fonndries and Machine Shops, Lc, Ilse the 'Ankle Oil 24.4.XtTIP;PCTUEED Br US : IN NB EL ht it is the Best and ChOpest Lubricating Oil in the market. . - • There is less friction with i.his than with anyother oil, and awing to its excellenthody •a entailer quaptity is doliaomed. W bile on - the other hand IT NEVER _GUMS .bnt runs Sweet, and keeps Om, hoer working parts sinoollt end did: - Sold by most respectable druggiii la Merchants and Oil 'Were id the JOHN H. STRAT Brantfcrd,4.uls 3, 1846. rti 1.4 L0 ee i in II a :2, •E sic: . ili E; ! e4 111;1.4 01 P4 iwei4 14 'i. rri 0 o i-64 F"roof i A Pit '11' '1 F. ei-ft). ;:::eli-710 4 "-'1 0 t I 0 '111. ;52'4 . - 4 :11 0 4 .7-slaire oll .4!..' 41* pc) .417-Ft:xt...ruf, BAWLS NEW 011111113118. PRICES HARD TO BEAT. ACHESoN Goderich, Oct. 23, 1866. w19 CO CO CO eel elt Se CI ,40 C) 0 in.AS JUST RECEIVED A LARGE BR 0 Olt FACTORY, Isaac Dobson. & SOW. ASSORTMENT OF OLOIES Consisting in partof West of England Bread Main, tin, and Fiowered Vesnapi Shirts, He feels c fident of giving satisfaction to all who may favor im with their drders. TWEED SUITS 1,1‘ w001)$12 atd upwards. 13- for the manirfncrure of Brooms in G.4- eric'a, the subscribers are prepared to attet 4 to all ordees in their line of business :rear any part of Canada with promptnees AT WHOLESALE ONLY - Their facilities for nianutacture will, 111.1 feel emit -idea, eaetile them to compete watt any establishment of the kind in the even- 0:3- Factory in Cameron's Block. Eine., ston Street, nex•t dour to Huron Hotelf 110 H N liARRIV CHEAP CASH STORE 1 EHQSKER, PROPRIETOR. THE. . above is mostpleasantlysItuated on an ngs end 01314D lid the -beach, opposite tb lot 14, Lake -Shore Reid, Ashfieldt` off or abeat the .30111 Nev. half a • New Sbot 29 feet lange,4 ft. Want, and /0 incheg deep: The otimee canzhaie the same by praying iiropht; Jetta MARTiikj. MBE undersigned having dist) of tis tw- iripaarip,nelissBousinkti 4iesi Ishteis Tthuevn31, ,Itregs. iltenbtte. it ak frem his friends And customers a 001g tiouanee'of that. patronage he h so Haig, those indebtedito- hiin call early aa ht 2; ei :1114,0,13Ase:788:6.0", E ondorsigned having -4.P 17:the AND mow franiilt„ aerie tante Ca tar tam tiutt atik, le by Czar 'Ober officsit; suoveCCOAVant far Oat -RI** -11t4PrUtor. This is. -,ingsAnct charge* as moderates& say mai* %I.itehaft. Stage Proprietor. Goottatablingf0 00 fferse.s. Eteriessa carnage* for Ha* cat etr -constantly on band kit ;ale ait artiz-• 110,, fit*74.0At At diviir-wooilitinpirig;4011, 18S11_6? ASISORTMINZ A GENT et the C. W. Farmer* Mutttal _ Stock CotriesaYslinintiloPri C• Uri I • • ft"Pferiettlahleflir146"141-2111114:1‘4P.1:Cler:g°1:11'::14.414'n'C°44311541tIf sir,* lo4tge o • imaot TNAS311101tAis denial pernotte aro -tinder the false pretence that itheyt-f Robert Gordan 'Or tbe only kers neW Mike re :ob- • 'rfuriertes eve -Ore re -tal rat s. • ;kilt Mr.11oritce snd fatorablyjatewti in that ea liVatitiorlheri irk* daie on 0- ealieerther, lot 1p, lakeehore "pad. „Ashfield, eiecia the ist of Nev. Iota, -two Sew Pigitellalit ISAAC DOBSON & SUNS. Goderieh, C. W„ Mortgage Sated LANDS. On Friday Jan. 'Eh televentill 1867, will be offered for sale al 12 o'clock. noon, G M. Truenian, at his Auction Room% t; oder tett, the enlowing lots, under -and by Inane ot Power of See eon.ained in their reveetive I. Lot twenty-nine in the fifth concession a the Township of G rey the county or Huron, .contaming 100 acres, more or tessornder a Mortgage made by Th-omas Collingwood and Collingwood, his wile, 2. The north part of the south Lalfol kot. num. ber thirtY, in the eighth eoneession et Tow's, ing forty ari.es, more or len, under a mortaege made by lohn Marshall Ritchie and Catherine Oil the Same diq-, and itninedisetely titi• the above lots have been,4;sposect*Nvai beOffired tor sale, unless previously disposed of by privnte contractithelollowieg thole* lots in the Teem b dred and five. Salt, r on Application to panty l=le.„Derrniet4 • &dons 01 Sale made IrnOwe at 'rime of two hundred And -Dimly- tore; *int three wo hundred anti ted, twe hundred' tnid testy.; eieneda Esq., Bit er.tiODZNicsohixiCuie.tteiWyr.s4,14iactrinErstliettinbil;%..-r: Dated Locdon At John Fair atid Com4panys' old a' tend , Where JOHN HARRIS is now the Man: Additinnal stock bas come to band, - That will suit exactly the folk of the land Real Good Wincay lq CENTS PER YARD: REAL GOOD FACTORY 1 340 ci-ta.1!room'31.6sk.:v&i itEiri -600D CANADA. TWEED ee pieees Cattadati and Imported aim? an(1Plaia lug rinhu.e 25 per cent lower than usoil. dr dlonctslircnit37iitOW Noy .1hVo. W48 4 • TO F .0 cent interest, • Ctigiaes- Sit TESI, Ti OKAttg' in great valely,,v,t the sign of JJ :the Padleek; ' OstitbiNtialir CO,. tioderieh, Dee. 1660; 474.1 ed on the second dey Ap. plicanla required id lade- Wagespald jaw 101.et00.0101,0010, ' 1-f ALQ- 11013E8 St AbVsetite • 70010 .;°"°6 -e*rtefire...1117t-7.-:171-1‘..10,. -!k.• Ant "tief Oodenck Tirtrainjindfspl' nctibtedllit•glAveitPle„._n it aim, Usgi :Puigft 4311rall.4114,00:91.._.; • a- ate • paid) Port Albert P. Q.--t4ckgwAndegli nedi ritish-Perio 'Mi.• ' BEI IlliBtrilbilltEltltlf These forsigo.Pahlieitions art Yitralialr Viotti Um% gid ilea. titre no reinnet4athese *Om the gull witpfthelestfaw lute porthcliesl5terauter,;_*BAb 'gainto- liars shalt spin Withiltiarifikatleeitilithese. who sour tieveractbave :t:ritkitiflaitoo.Y7iitil:Olotile,magicuttslivientliwee::::::::fi_ ...u. - 'r,,attnVot FPI' BlielciOndertilotie Itevaew .: zbittii8A8Sick4ntit,Tergrty tar- lee- *ale be aie riiwed to cleat of fear Or mew --pertecs; - "her, tom' emus, any bite,o1-1110e-“,Paur Xsofireetp. foe 18687; .,liewlinbeeriberillo all 0=e -aiheiwodi. -$E7010i1EiTrilln:1114eiw:Iiitillli:t4"if- - inhotalS6geincliisiVe 1-, Use Elbe.*** la eat* tat: -arty It.ttieVrt; ,:trIvssl:Atittl --thiai leak* , * for vointtlivin1.404.016-01;:e:14, 0 74 Of Apvuip:r_titr4tuinzit,,oitti_: 0. p...9, v.0.:-fipv.touetifylfirsvd:7141)727_.i::144,0hhetowngese:rrLociiita'rett*Iitsat*Inik:vcno tamer Ausrluesormitt urnet