HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi-Weekly Signal, 1866-12-28, Page 1 (2)LA es' tin v tatl!t (letaca. it stt,ettt ,,, ti „ a attz t -s -s rte; ' a7t rMt`r' Yae_Tpr-=ortre cltraltl —Ileet belt ,ter tr. betaate# ea,tttie. a2Las ali+el W tips CI the t.2 weak tbite irowasa;a :be twats t s ro Sas ter*—sir t V-1 Wes* talk ver-soliottfailloo klar N Debs ya :itr• , TAMS Sue r .-- * 1r • r J at aeivats r L t to :ati poll drat p r::ae +s cwt c+ epie3titztie, Aa who aro ad neskec3 care. ttt, s"F, IC tiossmids tall Centers* +taM: ilk? ail zpt+ e > s eCiOrORDW rpt a astStz Avg boo* or. C. ,r t,eess 1.C. b1eWor Dant Block, N _+Emit QErN, Talt1. irk ,Tclorm•tvezirK - 1., r cl as i'e V:; t T_ -icer. :b• ecT cast. An gels .,. • t~. Vevzirts isflffsale- obe seem a thes'.x?, 19. t S tr Ifs 'TANTS A IO ! FLSJTALO,r_*=M.F.E. T Merl Toarmhp tr G'rli f r s:~, cc the man reotestAto t CL=11.,, t; €. r,, c ; eeermr ct Viet Oct L3 theta ill Fra, ' De L.ss fasaE as eseeileaC t:*far s 13 ca• 314;lehosse amt, yam e is a Ts.0;a frame f---+Ese•stie. ,. 191 c t•r of mer WI uzz-• g 2,-th t fa 'a se e z. 0-cel-ard. 1 V to 60 TOW/4- t i9 =er es of ex- eis Co theta is -a= iz• St --z) Ey k liT - Vrtarel s:s `3: s :to* s tsc t? cam: 6. e` s for a '^ n t tp t:s a=. E. FARE_ II 4 a Est ot"C-r at -Um €e3tC, tb& Tsip c& i0 az►a e s i mer epIti-- • - mesa is a trek up. ts.Tc mac/ L RAE ORCR.IR ilk gntrosrg€si . a has a g ud avid' road star -, ale i ter ROGg PROPERTY 7 Olt SALE <..:ii3NCE 1.tF TME LA'iE.1:,I Gam, Esce _ r Orey. tifor.r- ig - .tQ Tows of Gotectok. vis 1l4#t= la MAITLAND Es cy Lake B v Woes - 7 ---ria 8,=es o5 lama some kine fe, °elbows, SLOW !arae,tr=bis rriLdErally or Oat r a 4.3 are, ip very gam". oder. Tber* as cevec fIi tat-ctera. sates• E t tar atteisste as`yrov- a ,y 4N. ii." AHP. GAM . SEADFGOODIN `cie.':2. tit& rate. rti t3a adze wiCeb ilr f% its _'brie' ; rm3es, Wa fifa reelar~luse Se? PAWS RIOT APER sAN1D:-MOWER. - r 3 113 g 6111 WOO 41114 -- ZOTM pelt istasra tO E:a MEW'IseCtiX 813*,1861. x" s -ml II Il I II J., niant animas- Chuang, .. .Ittenetisirat 'WILL BE A.T /MG hilt COMM Y Mesa en to 1I uratQ k, *.,a., &Eett gagg. Witt visit patients st star busts af!'tertsntrtils,sttlt et day: Q'. C. $bunions lap... DI II YSICLIN,}SUR E(kN A0.1 0011 twos,.[c.v i " D.R. AICLCANs COIMER 1 Svc. OL Sr aari R,eaai neethardddooreaa Ceatul'840• •x?r. sitaribuirir. fiRADLTATE of the Medical Dopstrtum-t of Vietona Ihtiveraity. Toronto, and late ofthe itespuat and DI rt. Piero York. B #eD Pollock 3:I Rotel. o . • bra LwWteat- OA t FIST S S AND &TTGBNSY.AT LA taws and ,iteteinuacery, Comity Cres Atternary saodeticlts.•a tadaWeat, Ogee Court Boase t4n40 1t3. CS.-Camsrone p vtatarsa, A r ro CONVEY LP .ones. tee.,Ciagateta strew tiodeaia>t.t3,W Smclsir !to Walker, } t„RISTERS, SOLICITORS, CON- !? re escas, Jto. Oke, over the Stere of . V. Delos 3c Son,Goderich. • • D gUjRO AND BRUCE ADVERTISER, W. T. COX, Editor and Proprietor. John Davison, AgatST uli.ATTORNE '.SOLICITOR ca Oltoteerf. Svc Oik., trket f a re sreet,l eriek. ataerut,iin $2.50 PER ANN. IN A D• 1 Business ElirettorD.: Business rDirettorv. DRUGS, 1886 BIM H N R' GRIST, t Depart>tlental, Parliamentary, AND PATENT AGENT, . n T T A W A. DRUGS ! "Tho; Greatest Possible Good to the Greatest Possible Number.'." GODERICH, C W., FRIDAY DEC .Business f itertorn. The Liverpool and London and C tnt e INSURANCE COMPANY. Invested Feuds, • • . ;$15,000,000. Invested in Canada, - - • , 250,000 Transacts !witless with the CroweLaudsother F aT O 41. N' FIu F. DtEPAEi`L'1!i>E;YT. yy rINSURANCES x err ot.sserd o' ration 8, i806. i3 D C H CURintoul Broth rs, COMMISSION 111 EI ANTS do 89 ;3T. FaA:t oce $AvrEtt TOUT, . 87 • ° D14 IA+_O T IL E A L . Advancer made on consignments of Pro. duce` to Liverpool, Glasgow and other ports in Great Britain. ,/j Consignments ofs es, Butter, ., - Sept.3, . Ashes, B tt &e ro " epeetfully !flicked. I' visas. awl THU OLDEST ESTABLtSHMENT T ODD STAND, AXE FACTORY 1 (fo cement' Departments; Takes • BYP6CT8D O lyfetttsfinia enaaostt3ht Obtains apo- (8 rt K 8 eyaolLj FBUPEItTY T CCI;BB>sT RI'PEf,, TklEBub,er.b.rhev,ng recommenced the Ase L Burmese on the Cornet of ; A , ,afl l 1 W ter!eo and Light -House Streets, - 'would beg to intonate to his ole friends and as Joan 13. (0orrloat. A.TTORNIMAT--bAWs. SOLICITOR IN Outwore, Notary ?akar, Coanisionsr, are Sawa silo of vlost StrisotatItieddeuarfroni the AN map/blast Soar*. D. Shad* Gooding, MISTER. ATTORNEY/ SOLICIT oc.-ka•-.C11rogeicri,C. Sr —comp& Up MAO* Wawa's Sleek , Wrist St.; eateasee Valet 033T west of Mateo House. ri• ch, C. W. 011ee CRAM% NEW vsetsitsiza TTOVEIC-A.T.LAW. SOLICITOR IN sump, CothYs Block. v151319 Nonni to Len& on Real Ere:Derby Es. Ls. laortO. -1,11 Oterns—Smixtge's 'New Blade. for lemmata.* by tier. a noeasso o est; vatfts and taken he See of " FARM RISS 1s SPeCi ALLY EEDVCED Ra?LQ IST 'I' 0 7CT1 '- ptivatr BM. during the See. M A it [' s3, H . . LIE DEPAIRTMENT.. DISPENSING CHEMIST et DRUGGIS:1 er , 'idiot elsewhere. ILWoststals Leads. Bon . Oaat.111e, Lon. /71 msey.new ones as Issuers him with 4a call Re luso*. Esq., Baran- don. Lif Policies for the benefit ofWife or trial, that he will produco and sell a re tea. R. Butt. Esq., teepee Tomato Lido Assure:wattle FOR WAUDERS, DZALSILS Of ALL KIFDII Or PRODUCE, COAL, SALT, WATEB eclu. Agents for first class Marine and Fin; S. "kr. liCtesood. kaarma, ATTORNEY - AT -LAW, January 1866. sw37 tzt...ser Somme:le West Street. • ItLiney so ',cation real property. s& -w36 F". Cbaroxe, S. maiconison, pealUSTEtt, Altmann, Solicitor, 6= &C., MONEY TO LEND. waits= sr-raser. A ET0aNEY-AT-LAW, SOLICITOR DI OIVIL EgaIDIEER AND PROVINCIAL ‘J Land Suessyse. Toroatodaseet,Godown.. durance 11 Large Padlock. U.. Fs. Elsrozattxt, cos n. VINGISSER &NV Su tuv *JOE A.gent and Conveyancer, Etaesxdon A O Clunk, GENUINE DRUGS Perruine y, filLsir roue'. sad Nati Et mettle a LIG& ! LIGHT LIGHT: ROCK & CO.LiiL OILS, 0 Ten ire swum from SOW= by 2 A VOL. 5. --NO. 35. 11. • ARRIVED THIS WEEK, Af THE CHEAP CASH STORE BOXES NEW LAYER RAISINS, BOXES NEW BOXES NEW SAL TEL - 2n ACRES OF SALT TERRITORY AI to lease, situated on and adjacent to the River Maitland, and jost east 01 the Goderieb Eirilway Station, and fronting on 0. T. Roil way— s ery convenient for a siding into main 'tine. Apply to, T. W-EATHEI1ALD Goderi, h. Nov. 2'9, 1866. sa4L11 Salt Well Privilege ! sobseriber one's tor sale n splendid wan J. tne banks of the ittnitte, R 11 cr. within a few hundred yard.. of the wen how took r operation, and clese to the track 01 ihe C. T. Railway, t tut doing uu ay wit,. all teaming to tl*e station narbor. 3 his is one of the belt privileges to be had in the vieinity,and it will be sold eneap. Apply to JOHN HYSI.A.P• God r rich. Nov 24, w'26 Salt Territory 1 YIE. Subseriher offers to any person of ot the prodactiort, one half acre of land. with tan) ut four bundred f...et front. Laud situa- ted about eighty y attli from the present For further partieu:ara apply by letter or Keeper of County Gaol. CHOICE RAISINS, G ode rich, tee. Gth SQL BOXES NEW VALENCIA QUARTER BOXES RAISINS' 0 OM FACTOR'Wiwi LAYER RAISINS, A PottrIT tor stow, by the Ousranteed 'REGS TO INV.ORM UM 01f, CUSTOM stso (Al ones jumped et ama-11 eon. Picks, ere., SEEDLE3S RAISINS Isaac Dobson & Sow, r), Bonus Syslue emit,. at see SO, gg.430 a " ors, tint be te still able to ell for cash, blade and Shan ponld en short notice. the Sum awned trader W tes". ona•half Goderich, Oct. 30114 1800. for the matint-ictuire of Browns in 0 4 one•founh +Atha Premiums are returned, codtis ALL RINDS OF FURNITURE JOON IiicPLIERSON. - .aelwrian.ak. HAVING ESTABLISHED A FACTORY rear. Should it become parable atter years at the -lowest rates, N.B,—Also number ot dleixhs on hand. returned ; atter 30 veers. t ree.fourths ; after At his shop on Kingston street., opposite M. the Sum ,Assured doubled.. end the twits the Huron Hotel, Ooderich. 'Give lalos a FOR SALE. tr Claims payable one month after Proof ea' 0, F.C. Mall% Resident Secretary, ArIONTIIS AL. Goilsrleb,Nor.2.156b. w41 Yqung Ken's Short Cat 'e.chisin1 (7b be committed to memory ) Where can sou obusin the best Business Burning Fluia,Lamp Oils. Course in America ? At the London Commercial College. Where can you take a course 25 per col.. For Site by F. JORDAN. Goderich.Jan.17,11149 60 cheaper than anywhere elite ? At the London Commerpial College. Where are twice as many Waphers employ- ed as in any other Basin* School in British America ? At the London Commercial College. As a natural cobsequenee where du stusients get the -most thorough knowledge of business transactions in innch the shortest time ? At the London Commercial College. Where can sou find the best •teacher of Penmanship in British Awe' rica ? , At the London Commercial College. Goderich. Tuna As the result of all this, where do they - hare the largest number bf sinder.ts N. IMP MALT:KM:R. cis"! College - E. GARDISER & Co., CABINETWAREHOUSE Hardware Merchants, Market &mare, Cede-. loll, saw on hand a comp ideated swell ts- LI sorted *tech of Hardware, consisting in • Broad Axes Chopping Ales, • IN ,TEEE COUNTY. (THE OLD Anglo*. Bsusbee. floras; Wagionffoxes, Canada Platen. Chaiss, curty-Combe, Cordage, Dung Forks,Hay Forks, t• iles,,Gluo.Olass,PettY4 Gram Tin, Grindstones, Powder, Shot,. Caps 11:lisiges af. kinds. Iron, Steel, Swing Steel, Hulse, Spokes, and Bent StuN, Bar bead, Lamp Glasses, Loolusg Glasses, Loolun" g•• Glass Plate, Horse Nails, Cut Nadir, - Raw Oil Lames, Plough Moulds, Dailey Saws,Croes-Cut Saws, Rand Vri The above will besold cheap1or ash. GLUM MA STURGEON T W FOR SALE GKEAP. ARCHITECT" of Letadoe,Eashosi. r • acme at the asirein Lactose start, 'Let swase.ciodenen. tow vs:U*1y t. am" OIEMT •sra▪ r.trdiaseaticiaoar-c-W- 9'9 MARINE LA ulcANQE. D. 011,33 ILIIS British American lusuramco Co OF TORO/MI 'Marine Deoartment. GEORGE RIIMBALL, GodertCh.A,Drit2501 w131 ORDON, Go n4° -t— 13ARREIIS NEW CURRANTS. erieli the subscribers are prepared to nue, 4 ing 50 acres, 15 acres cleared. The and ov is situated 12 miles from Goderich, and will NEW PHOTOGRAPH CALLER' be sold on reasonable terms for cash; Apply OYES to J. B. GORDON, ESQ i\P 0. Campbrl (/) 44 PICTURES taken in every s le an& in ell Pictures, and THE IIELIOARISSOTYP1A, Taken in various styles front 61 50 to s,20 (colored in water colours or oll. Life -Size Photographs taken on reatonable terms--eitber nlaiii or colored. PILICZ_Ft LOWER than elite where io Canada. UNDERTAKER, Where bare -they the test Meommodations for emits -mailer of stuients? • es sus nal; now hand* complete - went ot,Fartuture, at his Warerooms, At the London Commercial College. ST STREET, GODEBICII, Whom must t6traddresa for Circular FOCH it ofas, Bureaus, Tablets, Bedsteads • -and Lnokinjr GlaSses,iu variety ,ot Prindpat of London Commercial THE GODERICH COMMERCIAL AND D. G. has 9,19/apt MI 'baud complete as- ortinent of coFriar S. Also, HEARSES MATPIEMATICAL ACADEMY, MR. J.11, - Home Manufacture and Imported London, C. W.-, D. C.1MPBELL. 1.1366. sw27 A or E. CAMP ALONE, TEE ABOVE 'AT - to ali orders in their fine of boomers Irvin PRICES HARD TO DEO, Goderich, Oct. 23, 1866. w19 feel confident, enntile -them to couain,,w any establichoteut of the !tool it; the coun- 0- Factory in Cameron's Bionic. Eine, otos; Street, next door to Huron ilutelf ISA AC DOBSON Si SONS. Goderich. C. W, December 11, 1866. st46t1 any part of Cansda with promptsPis A -r WHOLESALE ONLY. ALLAN P. PI &CLEAN, EC STEADY, reliable boy at fhe Comontr- 0 cial Academy, to take charge of the ,j Tution will be given tor his services :;t - Academy. 16 - rooms. TO EIRE. McKELLAR, PR"INCTPAI,, is affiliated with: Lamber and CordwoosIgtalcon in ex- the College and the Sanaa branchri are Goderich. l'Ith Get..156 wt taug'ht therein as !II the College itself. chaneefor Furniture. Of Saw Mills, Woollen Ils, Flour and Grist Antis, Paper Mills, hrashingt chines, Foundries sod Haat Shops, ke, Wanted Izinged t"" ALDLattetiONO:rittbiettni " A ThiMatnaiz:grtan:iif Ee:cvho Use the Lub io on Goderieh 26th Oce ISA. 8" "erich P 4;;40 It Is the Best an -d tnaapest f store and who ran be well recutnmend2.- 0 9.8 at the 14- r4 ott Foi .123 71 al tit 174 r a3 rkg atini ikar ato '0112 t12 CD ts at - 2 i rcti 0 r. 0 7:7-3 Mortgage Saleof LANDS. nAS JUST RECEIVED A LARGE Consisting in part of Westof England Bread -- _ ASSORTMENT OF CLOTHS cloths; Beaver., Whitneys, Bearskins, Fat ey will be offered for sale al Oa Frida3 Jan. I ith [eleventh] 380-, 12 &dock. noun, blr English, StOteh, and French TWeeda,Caitioneres, G M. Trueman, al bis Auction Roorna iti totter Main, Satin, and Fiowered Vestiogsf shirts, Power of See con.ained in their reapertive whHoernfeaeylefacvo6nrfifidimentvtofthgithvienirgadSliteilSrefil..ell0111 te all 1. Lot twenty -me to the fifth concession of the Township a Grey , in the county of Huron, TWEED SUITS (a-11 weol)S12 aid opwarifs. Mortizage made, by Thomas Goltingwood and -. • comming 100 acres, more or leaso tinder a `Goderich, Sept 26th. 1866. )3* 8 ber thirt+, in the eighth ezncession rot the Towo '''' ship et lierris,tri the Comity ed. autoo, amour Mg forty ar. more or less, under a mortesge , above tots trove berrOtsposedi will imodsred tor rale, unless •priCiously dispoeed of hy private -ectritreetithelullowingelfolee lots tis -4*-71'...tvo • ..1 oftiodenell-: Lola One hundred cud Amoy, ,fice; ion- r_ ......, _ . two hundred and ten, ttro hundred ' itna taisty- 0 liN , ,,,, AiitRit. 1.K tzen,drimaillufinvdied, and 1%1=1y -tour, and MAIO w e_tottititictswegole sande known SI Vinitber:f Safe, or op application to ile.nty McDermott./ Esq., sarresteri-Ooderielt C. W., or the under. - Ai iota f4r Mid Cot4anys' old stand, Where Jona HaSitIStiS tile Manz AntlitibuilIstocli las Come to hand; That will suit etaelly-the folk of Ale hind Real Good Wincey TLIRHOTEL GODERICH' REAL:; .'00:1)1ACT.ORY GALL km, airins erlirisit:preiPsid. siring retferentee, andsalary SIA113FIVTURL'D B CB, - MU • Office on Lighthouse St. Next to Mr. Andrew Domes, Por- Bale 260 BARRELS SALT! FORNLEDisg- AN D .0031MISION FIRE & MARINE AT BUYS Ataseits N'ear York Dra DaeoldostroIsagest asd-best OffiCti ut Canada. B 0 W. 101. SkV ACE' DILENIX FIRE ASSURANCE Company of 191.1 Olae., 186&, wn-ii-rwt K Canada, Head 050, Tercet). gitt take . ' IX aleraciuseaft • risks on Country and City Property. Marine Wm. E. GRACE. f _tOSISED 3.gerrossta, SAYFIELD romiztak. co ate* lowzates assay othm first class Godenelaleeeanhetnnat IS& w224 Jog dinuas. 44 Aaron, dales ut *dins es scant soul aorarratit Asonity, ;if curops WO of N I _ Assorted, at +btoR 100 POUNDS' Lehi -mating Oil in the market. 'There is less friction with .tbis than with any other oih and -owing to i excellent.bpdy a smaller quantity is rotiso lune ou, the other band , working parts smooth and Imaritigs and Wilt* cattrtry.-. '• mostpleasandrsituated OD an- emnience 120feet high, 9449.7 :fi.,.tiibiCov'lliairrbof and Laketittrotit-::-toila Orchardit,. Gardena and SCOW- -1401/ MAR N. 5°115 IL 8*RAIF°"'f• Kirt:ititad;e; be'e„ Ito, tat. ise•att• -fstqd And lar -an • TO FARgps, Li_ cent interest, - ChkirgekrecloCal• Apply if hy letter, prepaid. to, KATES' it Ir. -FLATE, in great ydric1y the nign of Goilettelli bee- I* MI ir45 ,.4._ 1"-Tdishithip of Aslifielel, to tom:fled& -*aching duce testimonials ofcluirse.terske,, „ _,, ;Apply .eitket fielloinillt *1.4 letter (pre, Paid) Nrt Albert P. 'f),...,4nal_annualegitigned, Art -OM CANADA. TWEED- • jitibierdier, 161- Yoko shore_ ro, ads .AshOeld, ontiment Ikatisonestinnibt, oTrt (al... "3'N rr X -Str 3E1:54' IIONEY TO. LOAN •,_ al -115A -030g V9tVnilefii°9024122 C. W. ,nnnongood farm security payable - HORACE HOZTOli. seas, at+ eap for; Cab. • titManee °final pa mot, " — • ., t..t,,, -94-19"41461144vgaito,ito*if-'' tvit from *ends 4a4 easterners 7:141X-CITOCIlt!IP3,,Y!,* IS Aleut s it 00192 WE iiikSDERIC St020 1418'117 Goderieli, asichaist. -woo impatitqahtsio- 11:51.11"3 'NORTH 13RITIS. ittrr '131 It at LI" blisuibers. NERCO -TILE 'ME AND litrET , tap* Mork. comer Court Ocala Stinsrean - ASSORTBEINT, OP INEURAN 09Ser'steeigatitt.on-Litiosligifas *al. inp4sE.,Iriet'oonotinstiotia;ti TETtrilliserted in either -gra lipid; sp- ofzient. ,1 laeClibtr:Llealicatati51.7- *-1,4°_„testV-titemisultrioste7 Car! ple,'tstlehatifulloSe'tain.,18.1ntttellidritto,:ea;idepredt.ottabuil.-istitilittlit--,,-, oolskeretts fie sseebeso• 111.140 - wok, tirativ, 1 known tn. _ ties 'Area - 8 scriber to ssunot.-401111.1 1t11111. -11R,,, ways *hall trintl:$111.eg ;roll lwatoDtVellisti:44: - Geri? Of the OlEaVfl.P &Tells ittt.tttel ;Ltd k Corny/en fliamdtoo, C. W; 00 Runes. EtOrAOSO Camases for HMI, elf G. othea, hot a Con -3, /dorms he ShortestNottee 1411 1140 suite thirlseiStO:re ett • UnirStigi, "lite,: In- TiltiblVlYbklatrAUTERISSZ by Dahl the awe iptyle-o-lereterare., :These*,er.e totem rgaltild0; 0000 *inn negavtistinorikenotiercesni ROBES:0:700023eF-e:418);tfutLatimt'AT:A;;..::: r:42r"BiOelit:Lftli::::ii.eits;;;;::: 2= Oleddflasitur -41.24E4t-.Enar „topics at the lbw itez *.xis.11311.441:Tioti.,....04.FrirAfg:reltInag;siistilV:Ebt4a4trivriver:70443agellit-uxgrIciuiakentsanfotT ex mem, any WOE of V* "flkitr.-Rtv-Poo,P5 lot New eunOndberi to all Pre bf.the'r-eriod ia :eTivot SiliOe.:rb1416:b8.777-418:1141,,it:titkaiOA147?";::::41;11irt:14771. 11;"14e0411° 120-,ihee:41rioci.;:ritif:jai.4041701:1::2;2:44itti;Qtairierita- Dabein-- wWfot,, lb* year 05 baud 1655. et the talitial l'eat toga to )oiitiiittar prieolorbick. Muni. lObtt se ao ReAttliYalrerdtreet.Netv Vette 00,11 fotilifi.; i is. kV .petaterafEist Asbfisld, 414 per -Seto 'asap TOW,* iti -aroma, le ply to Dederick von ons-psynon 1. APplr gots Uri& ROVII 1 if It6e. it Nor. ortrai 4g5, 34‘rria, tbattfire -MO old. The o norm ttei'lltb,1906: prove 00,PERIY, Tar vlaufei, JAcasoVe o