HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi-Weekly Signal, 1866-12-14, Page 3 (2)841 at.d &a t?, ci Ns jy � 51i Sia • 3 tie M3.11IIifl. 3 ' Cloths, T. brains, LLINART! BonrietS, Headressosa Feathers, R�1`bbonz,.. &e. For Sale by, . .T.YLO1t sof S_'^.r Let Scare God 1,0 t. ,for IN THE EIP OF ULLE :s ir.-e `y c:cea t*,at g.tdaef -i, cc• Jr►laS2buje ef. vele ten,sate . -9 e „,,,.r, thrrrta etetteibeit r.-c•rst>ar,Fri t :o t{ �, �,a a -..-0-z,.'. parts tt-..are w3".1 b cat.. is Auction ! cacre lei. `Tato `. a: "�a ms's E tri nein-NV i `" 15.2b day elJanury,,, ocn up at toe piteeimalse. re.e.faratise pas rn,,--,ev so the Wendor swim dtsy of February parabolic e9' at peweassIC Uarn..44, to' tLe Voider. ti ---van Al'ize Win t21. •ils.7ev Mr hely ilebert ers ee t.es Rev: tt'l stet haat* • Wee Aitglat Mawi sa▪ sflse- Ken Miss • Reirs Wns Wars.er E== Mrs 4 d4 m. 14th w4fr.3t 1,,ny. tate ace ETL d. attb prfee. will be i. ! 'HISBeRS1! D: L. O. Moi bt e greatest sum- 'TO ';1,.. b , i� ulster SAiiii'ccr �t�trisrerso Mee f >�� i r ttx ttow o the smoothest f�tcr or clan e t, L. �.-: as wlesR feile Sample for trill sent free , ' } - " � "" Dl Slut •=- Ste titsnder5i Ded' tiprAp au iron+ofiestaagBaa uze�i Address., t is,—t a th undera *>e` ,ie tore of th Its v •k. tom,„ 7SSassau ., ,N. Y. Elector of:, the -Tonal -.tib s.Go&eich, in Town of tioderich, respectlutly_ requrrt.thu „,,(oict kite .tapes ontots prepaid.), Iva, vim',,.of the valuable •setvieee •yott hate you ill allow yourself to he ptrt in Noaiirh STIVA OE. iii1G't'. ` T1.UE. _ lrende'ed to the ititinieipatiti for the past tion y t l i#I Yeor`� 18 7 e reeerkeyesatgeetteet�tnintt.ettoitedstatei two years, respectfully ask that you will 1�Vith respect, �, 'sit vara me•Ta to -their lorentisgc. by ' allow yourself to be nominated as Mayor rtauro matt efrco e3 cte}rrrt, by aiiee�ittt the aa+la� f -or the ensuib ear' atttl in Case: of a eon - ant rtotteDrt ' '1Esra$cg fats of Deutz ttuta u�r tY icitt � year, , thero:x IIttervant. ttiittsera will Pei" test, we pledge otic votes and influence in WT. Paul. F. C}L. PMAN. OS. Dat>z+twzv, New York:order to secure your triumphant return : : ;' • uisr lone fi ! k_ =i oi • • 101 ll .I.! I 1511 llil - • ['�.lSrISYYWIell1s60�w1�INN1511�1�.5e..eN l _ i .. ....r -. ,mss . K �.• r re'etOrS elf Towa of Gam* • recifiretitO 01104±. ay, 24th perits. to eeive as Reeve Deputy. Rao% vent Act of slaw abutect-Artelet9,14 i• kttc.'whoissalsoated mike IMO* i• ism tetkielftelfe; EitatbRa OF YOUTH. peaty, Kammer" Decay, and CI the &cow ofyouth. IstialiteVetietE will for the sake of safferies eumaalty seneer.te to an who iteeen, the reeve and directions fie* maittesth.aimple remedy by- whiehlke was cured. Se& JOHN 11. OGDEN, No. 13. Chaintiers St -Nevi Port. D. Shade Goodias, J Bell, ii.ugh Dunlop, John Bates,. tyil.iTn Be. C0ogx7iller, Eric, McKay,'" J. 13: 'Gordon,' James 'Guidon TO CONSUMPTIVES. ,,,..,_,:.F. Jordau, Alexander Watsoa .. James MeFatchind, - teredfiw several years with a severe tang affection, and Thos, Andrew!, D Ferguson, , gEluenuarymMitceDteenr7o.t, ‘Cw'.1int.itrihittoftPsisre:1.)5144'-'14' I ''. ' 41‘;'.41-7)111:111alliiita44'' John IL Dark, James Addison, James Denaldsou, exams Martin, W m. Mills, Jane. John Butier, James Andrews, Martin Amann, fleimas John toe, -Isaac Newtottl ' Jobe Whiter, ' •J `'' Win. Mille, Senr., ' Alfred Callinsvv- - Joan Nairn. • Robett Thomson, Daniel Campbell Win Saunders, Dan iel Campbell, 'Elarvey Brace, David Wilson, Reerge :McMahon, Wm Andrews, J; Daniel McCaig, James Bisset, Williani Oakley, Wm Bray; John Payne, 4MAAR, RIR TO , E i;'r v , F s �, ;;[ V -, W .tie 'tid*rsigned respep i f many tea -dale ) ' ST4)R- lk tui :81( 1 b;orep trociericli, hut ,tho public may Teat o which SPOT IN TOWN," that dread ciasease, Consamptiou-is atutions to mak.) k110 -Wil tcyhMligiew-salereisettletimws of eore. To all who desire 0. be seal. a cutn• et the pres- Cozzi!, and ail Throat tin4 iinag Affections, The only ceaostres robe invaloaste. and het,attett. every sufferer *UHT les remedy.. as it will ens* meta nothing, and may proves bleissulg. Parties wishing the pre=riptien. max. by return matt Witaantsbura. Muss co.. New York. ...%-lYtal" BODY SALTS So.—That is all pno Ipree either used the eruct° themselves or witnessed its effects when nied by others ; all seethe and t.ty are only et to judge, are an- antsworm in the opinion that " as.r!ey's Ara biaa fliesve•Remedy" is superior to anything of the Mad bretofore or at present in use for Coughl. Colds, Thick Wind. and all dis- cases which afTect the Wini of horses. As a Condition S.lediteine it has no ague! ; there is nothin in it whteb can injure a horse whether etch or well—nor need the horse be bepefroist etrorkieg while using it ; it is just the artiele which all who own horses require, and *bleb they should have cousLently on Remember the 'time. and see that the etignature of Hurdi * Co. is on each package - Nor* Top Lyrrtart, Newcastle, C. W., proprietors for the Canaias. Sold by al! W te..._Coappbelli- Geo Jessup Hugh Gardiner, p Mi.ler, B. Trainer, - Rote Campbell, Henry Horton, Henry Wens, Jas. Me, N. Bracken -Alex Johnston ridge, , Jobe Pridham Neil Paterson, John P.isarnore T. Thompson, R. Bonnamie, Benj. Huebert ., J. Brophy. Nut -Robinson, Eli Wiggles, R. Barton , Win McNamara George Rtorthall Donald McKay Ira Lewis ' Alfred Liekfold, Wm flyllop Robert Hystop John MeLeed, HazIehurst Wm. Gardiner Richard Simmoni William Gil era, L W Old, John, McKenzie, John Barnes POt$r Urnriert, Allan Murray Peter ,Nohte, David Reid, Mei. Bell, J as Cooley C. Shannon, Georr Graham, Wm Blaes W Snyder, Ed tvarki Taylor;' Patrick Hussey :11:: G. Allen,' Lachliti Campbell W. Arthur, G. G. Lewis,. . Abraham Wilsoqr John 31eIntosh, T Hutson James Martin, John- Pharis Herne, f3elli, Isaac 1' Tome, Robert McLean, Joseph Martin '' Thos. Barry, Peter .Barry, J Sheppard, rhos Sloan. W J Johnstone . Thos Johnson, sere John Wliilock, rhos Grundy, Williatu Bingham, Ronald McPhail, 'hates Payne, . John Hylliard. Robert Thomson, • Lawtence Murphy, P Davits, 0 Forel. J 'Doyle M McLean Robert McQueen, J Cowherd, " John Taylor, D Mathewson Alex McLeod' Matthew Watts . , Henry Marlton antes or urp Amon the most, important of modern medical riug,h Bain , disc scenes stands the Murdoch McAufdy L"SISi41103, Braises, Cramps in Vie - t`totnach, 1.-xvis C. Moore, Coeferw-ntorttos.„Ovsentery4.-tiawel corn- a Fraser, The Gait A.DIAN PAIN DEsTiloY8lt has Wartir 'Eck, sptd eterbereeecruees), is Jean ithed, never fasbnc- P. F. Walker timely used, earl we have never xissiwu a single sbin sy,„- I/ P-- ,„,„„,ordi,/ssmiri4jens where the direeetioni have Jaz Bei-rkre' home property folltrared; hat, on the contrary, ill are delighted with its operations, arid speke in . Poilock, tee lasticeet =airs of ns values and intaign*I. al-- Jas. Conine, Wespeak tioni experience to tins matter, bay- te iv W. arytnour, n ill. Papa. Jae. Efarreson, are mitre:mg from say of the eomplaiuts for Jobe hf array, ihe asiopshnig eiheacv ot the Canadian Pain Thera itobettion Thoall Yam -very, y 0 u mayrclepead_ptCH, t Ire el ,aslieted •-I OIL Destrcimrarreityysi the diseases -Ai which it is wino r,ilier, 1 • WM 'Salta, to the heat eitesif ability, distilloige'tthe 41J:hhilu Blie.e.1)31 Ga4O4ridd;:, '.-Altfl Ja• i* the torturing pains of Rheumat&ar. at.dta k.'41)t 1.0 41c,t1110.312, and maintain the dieuity c>1' thP cffice. relieving Nervous Affections, enutle it to a Inch Thos. Kydd, A: Fraser. James Tier, John Murray, Will. Sharman, Horace Elortoin, Donald Campbell; John Haldan, r. Charles F.eicher,. Thos. Logan. Samuel Bulk, G C. Benton Jas. Ranciman, Henry Curwen, 'Wm. Wright, Jas. Millar, Wm Kyle, F. Stn-qtth„ lir. Gibson. Win cabal' Fletcher, 43bt- Hyslop Jas_Calletta, Gal dinar Hy Horton, Ft [timeline!' Lipbt Wilson Jim Reherteon, Jias Miller Thos 1>tlor, Robt Carr R 'Barton - Ira Kyle Wm Gil, oy Win Barnes Jim M. Kenzie Wee Gardiner Rota Whitely tiont McSween J Rubinson _ Ilin Piper Geo Jessup J Barnes Chas ty ells, Thelpix on-, ai r170; Onto, 'Alex Green Neil Patterson A Lickfold , Wm Weight B.Butcbard Tbo's Legal' McLean Hy Martin • J Faris Win- Martin 1 Black Geo Rumball J Buchanan Win Campbell D Lawson . Km Rebinaen Pt 0' Rourke ' Win Oakley R McPhail C Sinclair D McKay Chas Robinson II Rastel Jas Bissett if Sults Daniel McKay A McKay rhos ,Ba tea J 'McDonald Daniel Gordon h:rie McKay, tomgoiNtmmit To Edwin Clifford. W.G Charles Widder, _ Smith, G. M. Trueman John °Tali' Jobb artin, Tbos and others. Hy." Martin, Jes Co'uoly, M. McPherson, Jobn Videan, oung Mud Phi& os Weatherald After -due coneident-tio-n- 1 ac- Hugh Buie, F sulk cept your preposition to allow myself to be Gabriel George Lewis,* eta in- diaminatien fee. „Meyor, .for theteitisue_Wm.,Ilidglet-on, :5 the last 28 years always done) do all in m Doueld McDonald, 1'14 -rrr nald Fraser rank in tee est 01 Me:led-M.{ for these comma' nts, _ Thos. Healy, - Ja (Seders are coninog in fro -n Medicine Dealers in ir - sett pasts of tbe country ter further supplies, and- ae The Canadmn Pais Deltrayer nevelt. tads to . 8Ivesetslearate tenet mi atedieme dearer, Wee) the lawn. pf.Goderia: • Pree only t.-., emits per Wire. • i. i-C,I, tic Lf11 AN, After having latl the honor of your confiawice fist. the last two years, it is --,T, -- - A: ,is I, therefore, in age.ordance with your itei.s gelid Thig.„,„,81,08-fo. wishes, again offer nrys:Af as a Candidati voilateatniaeur*accrnigninal itere'resiettY r for your suffrages. for the office of Mayor: le ted be assured I will continuo to dealt arans-...,„ etataren is from Worm. atone. n motel ire c (Li 4•:„.2475e;j35.1,e0•••C‘,43 Ofeh de reEl Cille41 be $2..Ved teen best of my ability. ars.' Fpx-pr.the vaei tIMEtesonte_t%gm.pitatas tont grislier., I have alb hcnor to be, NOSTHISO? & Liman, Neweastie, c. W., who are me sole proarieteas. N. FL—ask for Hammy. Worm Ler-cages. and ' take t• other. Saki by an the druggists in er.f. ..... Gent lem.en, I remain, gentlemen, Years, truly, gh :Dunlop mob Alas. McLeod, j nit -- la IT FOR IttE 01.111YS I npt6oeldnteci Display - OF NOVELTIES PO te ASO P SEN TORY' ' ommmrdidmintMtE THE. GREAT ENGLISH BEMEDT , NO vELTIESa 4.1. for the manufacture of Broome in Gxxi- erich, the, Withacribers are prePargd to attend 111/--V1111/4$111 PrescriPe°45 tir ---7'1,„" alf ordens in Aeii line Of business from Oliztkei-ALD-,Palfizeian Eziragrfinza'f an rt of Canada with proniptnese AT WHOLESALE ONLY. Thuittivallnable medicine is *mailing sn the to wiled?, tha Aimee canto.ution us subject- It ;..feel copAdept, enahle them to compete wit allewees'wgsfrenwesellohstrgePOws. an, OS`fahlishinent. of the kited ,the,00en- TO iliWIRIED' LADIES' ea- Factory' in Cameron's Block, K:ing- it is pe4,441.71r P4i4g0c- it *ilk ii611 811,4111Mei ston Street, next door to Hart's Rotel, eminent Ssateip (a Great orititin to prevent count. , sesoklEYTKM Thasilnits-40tact7sabstrikerthififtedersuring -( iv k, exert.oneleeiketatien other -neat?, Hestenes and other means have failed; and afehecereh owe -WI fultotaady. do not =edam eatoute‘seifts- moor. or anything hurtful- to teeeenstitution. Fall dixectioas in the ,patoptslet„,4rossod each #X44411•011.04**, 414-010A04 OF 14734gPIE-T-IlisNY imam till' —mkt, -.IP =la- Sitifitierrolierich'b* Parker 4!. rittifiA a* ' = "r lays' of, Dezembor.'in-Stopt, , : • - 1-, % A 3)". /*'.7.;17,11ZNYIXtelAr! $414 long, t ft. beans, snd 20 inches deep. The !men 411-:iantitfitifePpiee. --i NOVELTIES FURS FOR:THE SEASON ! • Ladies (mt. FOURTH SuiiPLY OF Hats nd Blfilinery Goods ! .itru.) R SIXTH SUPPLY OF Glasgow Houss, 23rd .Nov.'1866. w24 J. C. DETLOR CO, HAVE: THIS DAY able Mantles. • y - DS Sligit Catechism akt bo committed to memory.) CoWursheeriencni:eyrolucao7bisio the best At the London Commercial College. At Ow London Commercial College. Where are twice as many teachers employ At the' London Commercial Colege. As a natural cot,sequence where do students get -the most thorough knowledge of Lammas transactions in mach the shortest time ? At the London Commercial College. Where can sou find the best teacher of Penmanship in British Amer;ca ? At the London Commercial College. As the result of' all this, *here do they hare the largest number of students ? Why I of course, at the London Comelier- 6aliVCiioerlleeghea.ve they the best accommodatious for such a number of students ? At the Lindon Ccuimercial Whom must you address for Cirtailar and •La• Befitting, would intimate to dials wishing Business - J. W. JONES, Principal of London Commercial College, London, C. W - THE GODERICII COMMERCIAL AND MATPIEMATICAL ACADEMY, Mit. J. A. -McBELLAR, PRINCIPAL, is affili:.ted with the College and the satne branches ale taught therein as in tbe College itself. ARRIVED THIS WiEKI tri iqg CASH STORE, GOOD PHOTOGRAPH ! give him a call. 5aving secured the servo tation is aimed tablished as tin artist ta Lai profession, be n furnish _ kPhotegr Its of Every' St3lu known to th always on end very cheep. Insolvea Act of 1864 p vinne of tbe turbot -ay rested 1. me it. assignee the tueatioany of Februarv next. at elve mend in that c al!' • :ed d and pren.ices gime, r. in the said l'ucre.l: •he umlauts -1r • ASsieiltX• 101 It Insult rut Act ol 18°4 and Amendments In the matter ot re Vant.tone, an insolvent BY Vince ot the euillority vestea WC. Assignee of Hie ,astale et the above-named 1 shrdi °fret tor sale in oat Court tioom, in the 01 March nest, at twelve CA-tt./ek 01.101l, froll rig,m, tale and Lacteal. of the stud' ;nault•Let. tis and to tut number seven, aud fittee_n eases of Huron; c.ontateing in all one hundred ard Micro S, Mwe or 1, as, with die budding' theteen OPENED A NEW LOT OF FASHION- 'BOXES NEW Ladies' Hats, [Silk, Velvet and Plush], Ladies' Knitted Vests, - Ladies' Fluted Coll The new styles of Pallsigheluding Shetland and Grenadine. . a fresh supply CHOICE RAISINS, ars. Also, VALENCIA RAISINS, QUARTER BOXES KESS GOOD$! Some Choice GolOrs in E;NpE, fSS CLOTHS. alla uoods anal Groceries! LAYER RAISINS, INSOLVENT ACT OF i864. In The maltreat Wslitern Reber -Is, *a tasolvent. Huron and Bruce, A. D.; tS67, the uuder- Province to Canada ((lb 'Thursday, the Slott. Usittedt-ontitiesof k..1 first day of Jerinarld, to wit : signed Insolvent will apply to the Judge ut the sant Court tor a discharge under the said AN't, KEGS NEW IN.SOLVENT ACT OE 1864. SEEDLESS RAISINS, In the matter of Laughlin 'McDonald of ibe Tottni, BARRELS NEW GURRANTS. .THE ABOVE AT PRICES HARD TO REAT SALT TERRITORY AND WATER POWER. rrillE Subscribers offer • • .ii.IL1NG WATER POWER to any perton or company for. a ;Willy Di one tenth oft tie proem -writ 7a.serniary situated -within 111 , . Which is now in foil operetine. rive tures eat at tha rateolStaty Bassets per day. The telt Weir- comply with' your reale:It, • and, if eleete,d. CARE"E quisitiou to allow enyself Ito be pot in Nom-.. _ mwiyll aebniduetayvo, r to serve ye ir interests et both Town and Coenty Councils to tLe best of .A. PU SALT, SA,L14', SALE, Slab be rectuvlid Or: the:'-' gaWey,Taillie sale ati4 shIpinent of ell sail in4u4f#0.1F,F4 044, 011 di•tanee from Main tine beteg outy about Ave hun- to•tattahtosgoulidecierp.orysorhsg can he 6:m41a-iced THE eieditors at the above named insolvent ceed the stun issTeisee 'Thousand DigiarB;t0ex_ -du she matter of Richard Ironstone, an meolrest- rinn'Itta6hing 'Orate?' Power will not ex- • FCY iureng,r partkuIars apply Int letter or INSOLVENT Ame7TrIrdeatbyth:Poi:ficel:esuim"6 4yji CLOTHS 1 per., the;rreu:tkin., .einycis.:terifsiedeb.toon 6.1 fi 'BE Creditors of the lasetvent are notiGetithat 1 he has made an Assignment te hts estate wadi efredle, tinder the shove Art, to me the gander • me, within two mouth* from i his date. with their and the value of a; aud-if noac stautig the fart, the whole attested under oath, With the vouchers m support ot such (lams. Dated at Gods, tell in the County of Boron dos' third day of December, 1E66. 2: POLLOCK. t Metal aelegnee 41, ft Mkt Solicitor for Insolvent. w46 2w INSOLVENT ACT OF 1864. , lu the matter or -William Wadstf6A, an insot. or the !opal:veal tire tiotifma tate and effects, under the above Acts to atee, thy torattll me, wittnn two months from date, draw. and the !aloe of it ; alga none, stating the fact ; thewhole attested under oath, with the vouchers in eupport of autli Med at the Town ofGodetteb in -thecoauty trardh; this 311te day it Seveniberi A. 114 1866. wails Solicitors for inselvent Otficial 101600104 3) LT OF -IAD ; Goderie-b, November 9/1111866. 16 Township of Ashfielti,,19,•Onutta t-•• 1P10 - on tbe second darCf Amami' -AO: 4 App y ea er persona or 13y letter (pre - NOVELTIES NOVELTIE A‘.‘• 4.V M.Y5 • paid) Port Albert, P. O., .o t e 'undersigned, Port Albert, Dee. Ilth, 1866 w46 3t -,Mossrs,Smallk -Thomson reepectfully request, parties indebted to &emu litVnee :od. Play Uwp4,6o.ttdher-: mai'fori' unpaid. 114 p,toticiniittasuoixt.satiT.' W OFFER • Yto;u7iff.:::777:.11:cro;:r4eial:Jf.-7.1,a.::::songopis,•4807:4:03,9,73.4ogv, ,,,,,,P:.:-V_to,,:,,-3,1,1S, r•Slti„tedfC. ,., !per; Rhdeirqrtot-p,itip . Ws ,Nps. f 1-2. 'nd 4. Yello;.:01z,:tt31:0.:71:4%Uri rtalrfei4fL: 'Al ,7 D'' -'117;11.7:11:1'T.41111'.:; t':''' lie; ; ;':': . i. -MESSRS. SAV AGE As VANEITERY.. (-- htion'so:lfil!,:avtoci:PLorreelnlirdeb:rIciln:tgro3i;r:h'es:iffatial"-ltra °alit -43111s §ALT TERRITORY vete Metal Aseignee H. & B. iljs situated 12 inilestrom Godeiielte 'he will or E.• CAXPAIOE, meettng wilt lie held melte Jews...Hall la elset arthe_perpose et nominating a Item., -privilege on Atte banks of the,Itilditlitsitt the best privileges to lie had in At iiieibitki anti It _cfli.lea4L titveolt: itat441081,0addiesSolliee,Tsrist,,aultufda and Aiwa. DP amnia oxes tan 1 Iso OW Wei(' WU - • Sigl. Shell and, Vifiencet Ahn ade, *tits , .„ siitTI- o periiiiitily IQ fat 03ttpty 04017. W5'1 41** C14 3,119(jk 7Prt 40! t.** or SALT ITERIIITOE'Y tilt% ,ei.teett;:eineeThcase:etflhtw;tillifeil4=7:iplatwrZ.Eltiza!''.itertesSfitrigtsio=1:: tieTtre 0101 clr Towitoilitkot- Morris, Aorenabehis66_, the Padkreke n. et.heetifCte oicend teflon Teets $0147,1 incur enfp.main _ , Pemartin4s Der is" t" to • ir,ACtsitiot ifiarge' of the 0-1001,N,* worm "Tatiiin will be gitootontiteervime.----, latiortOss&WIMS, Trustees. es - 4 -1 Jona* Cop 171 rr not for thee h.-810 arire0„Senteli Whieloca :0 at ligJii* eri Pi Desk 1141, r :-W4 !it =, Blite;AiereetteeT44apAilmotit,ist„-friincli-Candl- fint**ott41 C9!"8 IP. P*Otickirmialleatigag,krbt 00102**Or , in_136_ :itioar,:ripuisitalwkiadi,si,:ww.t,„,,htioliweii-,-Syretts.Parliertet- and: bidir60dalh"gn Pic as' woitar _atone a tee. 't4tOrtingir.ZrOddia' • taleanadianCisaisC sauce --' '46Et..hlasa,z,e;i1Tnuriegials:ntelotiy,D_tihrelsi2O4111, oaf Bir inat nazi, Lat.Doon. tor the law*. iteatessailialf o onts is IlerobYSjYtilliiiiiiiriiirt *III liviiii/1)1-11014'::::0-f:toulleiwiesneti:fer' 4.sse'- - a -'' Irsi:411-1::::::::::::, :111614't'iluto.,:errqnioriiww:np:itrd'o:::15:101:rioiroieltilfir;b:1:-.*:att :11:1elgart• 4d41,1:117.14- r ' OjELEETS01,,t, -- tnraingpSeer, Wet:, Welt". lot Ai et`54,./4. tor one deplaty tiiiiteinelePpott. itoetii:In the To !,•a;:,4 71 3:: t41.1"asrejailiar-its.• StE" (iodation; t • OS 114. '6454 9 ay -43f -Patitbar,initant .4.44177441)0:17, tritt4T. • ar