HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1949-11-23, Page 1GODIRICII = Signal -Star Subscription Rates $1,50 in Advance; $2.00 in the U.S • Dr. WilfordTo Be Guest Public' Reception Held For Lions Club Meting WEDIMNGS Election , In ' Blyth, For. Coun- ' At Blyth United Church Newly -Weds • ' . • - .- • . ' ell On December 5th 11., W.Iford who has been a tnedical A public reception•was• held nes aY fe 011 ties ay evening 1.) le -at es , , . - • .• , William If, Morritt.'aiven Reeveship ' ' ' ' ' ' T 4 d ' T -d ' ' I • tl I • II - .1' Leggett •-•Kennedv The ever-hungrY . Lions were .well . , , ni!ss'.onary in China for some 35' years, night oil last week for a, IteWlY,Wedi-lell of St, Michael's Church, TwelltY-sev-. A lovely 'autumn wedding took place ' f:Acclamation, . , \till speak at the 111011101g serViCe at East \Vawanosh e.,3ii,:le, Mr, an it ;Ars, en Lions a4 twelve guests put on ilia in Trinity Anglican church, ftlytb, on . y - ,, o„,,,,_, Riyin united, church, 1.)r. Nvitfordis Gordon Caldwell, The rece141011 ' WaS nose bag, and in, Spite of .frequent In- 'i Saturday,:.November 19111,r 1949, Nrliell Myth voters will go tO the Polls on father was a keel preacher in 1.111s held' in the Memorial Hall, ltilid Was. turruptions bY ail over -ambitious 11011:•Glad)'s Kathleen, youngest;daughter of , IR:cumber 501, to ','ole for members of coma unity and 111 be remembered bY largely, attended, Dancing was enjoy- ,l'anter, the very fine meal was YiliklY"; Mr,- and.lIrs. A. C. Kennedy, 01 Blyth, the Village Council. \Viten the time ipany.,. lir. NVilford was ra'sed in ed . to the nnisie of Mrs. HarveY ed by all: Guestshieluded, 17raidc 1•111-.t.was united hi rinarriage• to Richard for signing had terminated' on Tues. Plytii ae,d attended school here, \Via: Brown's orchestra, During the' even- ternalwer, ,Lonis Stadelmantli : Nfrlit'iordont LegAett, eldest son of Mr. and day night, five candidates had signed Ernest 1.•eggttt, of , Last 11 awa- I for the four council seats, as follows; .....,---,v,...........-- best surgeons' im. \Vest China and in Caldwell' and:Mrs, ,George Fear made `erativcs .for Ontario, Mr, Fred. Rut-'; nosh.- Rev, - \V. M. \V) (111 officiated. I George Radford, NVin. J. Iliehl, Lew - of tithed Co Op , Itt rs, In China be. was rated as one of the ing an ,itt 1 c,ress 11 41S rLici. by Mrs, Ralph. Nicholson, ibreitor . PURCHASES FARM later years he was the head of the stir- the presentation of a purse of money, The \vedcling Music was played by •Miss is \Vhitrield, all members of the 1949 'Mr, Gordon Holland has purchase "" • . . . . se- - Alice Rogerson and Mrs, I -I. Campbell, council, and- two new men, Trarodd lettAe. and .G.ilbert Nethery. " gesy .de„-artment of AVest China Uni- ?1 r, Orval Met:Iowan also presented Mrs. James licNichol's farm, on th .versity. 1)r. \N'iliord was loved by the young couple., With a . reversible, The club 01'141 t° Inc musi-ca/ of 11,1yth sang The Lord's Prayer, end ; \redden and Lorne Scrimgeour, ij . , ,, ,:-• both. Christian mil n-11-:Cltristian in blanket -from the eilivari gang, CM'. leCtl'"s red n're'l bY 'frthr4llte411 .11 ec clianntug. (1) , I T•fect !‘oye.. 'The church was j \Villiam 11. llorritt returned to the 44th crnices$k" °I irci(i116P 4(Iiv.;1511 China and on,wore than one occasion dots replied_littinglY, exPr.essing aPPre' "c`v Ca""'llall girls °''' ': femininity Lecorated with white mums I municipal field after a loose of several BELGRAVE -. he was called upon to act as mediator dation. for -the thoughtfulness of Ole Perscills (}I Heidi -Hug' I'de'la 1 Itt'''''t SeilerWe `vere not lrisht ' . I yes, and Was given a Reeveship ac - between Japsnese. and Cli1aese, I friends,. Mrs, Caldwell . was formerly an'Silvia ' ': alt anCi-veernt.nmrriage .1:y in•her father, the clamation, -wilco Ntr. llainton announc- inel;h:t tint:Ighioanv.ice ofV‘tri°11eillePlIre'ssiejlillts1-1!furtSe , • •• ,.. „. en his sixceth birthday a group of I Miss Catherine Me Dc unit FollO ‘viu , .. .. i . ,, . nride wore a gown of white silk tat- l, ed his retirement. .\11 conned aspirants sure of the. words; bin fronvilie looks ... Proctor for their NOventher'illeet limit. • enerals rals-il a fun I and pre, 1 is • a ccpy Of the address; ' ni.1.,:nttil'scsitaacteiseitoritani'irlaNtv'ic( ‘tjvonttickrinnatillersesr tlill:lt , feta,: . with . ' fitted ' bodice, short ' have had previous experience et the ../' S' sented to the hositital for the piirpose 1. Dear ' Catherine and Gordon: -.We -. - .- _train ruffed sleeves and matchiti, lc- Blvtli Council Board., . • . . • ,...,,,, ,....vc , .., ,, , •., . mg with a good.. attendance .f.. prese111 . .... • . of hiving certain dritgs iis a token of have ilathered here tonight to :eonsc""c °f ' Ille;s°11,,gs w"e '''' .`Y,,,. Cesiprie.i. and mittens, A Poor -length J, T1, \Vinson; a member of the Coon.- - - ' ' The meeting was 0P•e9eciWith.itlIe'Pdo and Lord's prayer. The 01104,5.14: tl.. 4116* reS-ect for the Doctor. , Int.:anion: von on your recent marriage s , . veil, • , ' • v trimmed AV1111 liar41-111ade lace fell ell for the . . . past number of years, also i)r.- Wilfrird has three children. all and to extent' to you our. ne-st 'w:sites. o . ast rresuient wits -were pre5.2ntel ,f1,001 a Coronet which. was trimmed ann-mneed his retirement. previous meeting and .special;ineetitt . , , ,., , , , ... do -tors, Inint, 1)ittst• a....,1 Miir'el, John Gordon, you have been a life-long eat- to Bert Grav and Norm. Garrett, l'ins :with seed rearls; She carried a cis- Of the three nominees for the Sch-ol were rea(1 and Trea"rer,i's.:-t,c-t-''-gi. , and Muriel are itirti-led to Doctors, ,t7ell of this community and at all timra es were d,,e Fnklin Illintitn •aneTr )otor code bouquet of I,eistre Iiil)bert roses Board, t•voG , . R. Augustinand e, Jos, en' Plans f°r- .thc batifin!.)Yer-•'-',4!' r. Lnclv.v00,1, were t•p for re-election." cussed. Correspondence Wasjea 11,114 presented.. Dr. \Vilford is in this plc- joy to our community when one of our ,, presented to 17. T. Bainton, J.'S. Chel- .sister of the 1)ricle, as matron of honor, liott, replacing Rev. 1V. J. R will he Gordon. Et.' $1.0. was givett to Chddreit's Memorial ogers, a • Hospital in .1,onclott,' The date'lfor - . .,,.... At the evenint service the film, "The have' been' \Vining to .do your part in -"Todd Itut were absent' from this meet- and blue forget-me-nols. . , Head of • the I-ionse Of \N'attg' will he promoting it's tvelfare.. It is a' great ing, 100,Percent, atteniance Mils tvere : Mrs,. II, EllingtOn of Teeterville The third member tyre and will IT at tne service to in- Imys weds and remains with us, uor- lew, N. P. Garrett, J. A. Gray, 11. Tiall, end wore a gown with a pink satin member of the Board for thepast two , . ' next meeting ss is set as Dec.13, a -wee . =, . . . troduce the film.' don, we are glad you're not going NT. Ifolland, F. 1 Inwsor... S. Robinson, :brocade bodice, whit net yoke and full years. ' earber than usual. Roll Call waa:.r , . , ........ er................ away, Tor wc. nave iiken yott well for . w, J, Rogers, V, R. Speiran, J, B. net skirt over rose satin with a rose \V. G. McNall received an oedema- sP°'ll-al .33' WL.' a 1.:' I I t ' 'ill line of wisdem --- .• ‘V.,:A. MEETING. carried a colonial bou .. , verv: interesting reading tvits`given;:liy, . , .. , „ • ,. , many a day." Cailierine,, we welcome • \Vatson. and* G. S•7arling, • lace headdt'ess and pink n•et gloves She Bon to. the P.C. Commission, replac- - . . yol. We know you. will 'trove botli L , Lion Cecil Wheeler intrciduced the quet of pink De- in g Chester Morrison, . - Mrs. Stanley Cook which -W•as' ntuch• The regular meeting, of the \\ . A. ) 1 I 1 r ' t 'r ' ', guest speaker of the evening, Mr, A, .liplit 'Roses. The nomination list with. movers and enjoyed. A piano.duet by :George and of'the Myth, United .Church was iteld 'that God's richest , blessing may rest H. Creighton, 11is!rict Suuerintendent ' The groom was attended by his seconders follows: Mary Procter was enjoyed,r, Mrs. G. . 7 " •lo •al a lt t lle I is ()a sincere wish ' of Colonization, Canadian l'acific Rail- 'brother, 'Mr, Itobert 1.eggett, of f)ttit- I. -R.F.EVE—G. Radford, by A. \Vals,11 Bosnian 'demonstrated 'folding ..a'table Ian abundance of health aml•prospertty . • ' 'dos, Ushers were Jack Ken•nedy and and A. Taylor; 17. 17ainton, by Win, cloth, The .speaker was .yri.-SerInt, both and that >roil may have I I ' •' • 1 f tit t Church •on '111100 Yoll Tuesday,- November 22 ' at 3 o'clock, wa vs, Toronto . . geour of Blyth, District Preaidelit,,wh ' through a long and happy married life, ,......m.gor, V N..... ' Mr . Barry 17.11ington, of Teetervifig, Richl and j. T1. \Vinson; NN in. Nforrttt, with 'the president,'Airs, F. liainton, 1 slic.ke on 0 Anntial Area Convention presiding.; ' . 1 As a token of our good wishes we ask brother and lirother-in-law of the by G. Bailie and G. R. 'Vincent. , „ cii . you to accept this gift of inoney and ,bride. , I COUNCILLORS—G. Radford, by A. winwas held in October. in Lc, The meeting opened with the hymn you use it- think of your' friends, 'AUBURN A recetion a '.' pnd dinner Ives held in Taylor and A, Walsh. F. Bairton lty don, and gave a good idea of :the -do. I both old and young, svItOttvlsit you the Join\ Doer, the sclmol room of the Presbyterian J., B NVatson and 1 'Whitfield. \\Tin ings there, The singing of the Nationo;, 1'0 Masterlet me walk with Thee" fol.'. las Mrs,' R, I/ Philp played a t•ery elijoy l best (1( everYthiug• . And-, now. that Nits, Thomas Ilaggitt and lirs, Ernest flitirelt, Mrs. Mrs. Geolge Beadle, ItIrs 1:ennedy, Mother. of the Rie1;1, . bp E. 'Jolint;on and T.' La . al Anthem closed the meeting anc111/ social tune was. enjoyed ,when the host..._. . lowed by- the Lord's, 1)rayer in liti,'son, able ,,instrumental "llinnouresque" and • noisy chivari gang ask you to - accent atterAled ' an Anglican bride, received the guests, wearing a retire:, 11, Vodden bv G Elliott and , . G. .wIntry 'nights it will keeP yOu warm, misses Joan Anderson of \yatford -white Kilarney roses, She \S Is assist- and J. Lockwood ., -L, Scrintgeour, Patterson, Church liazitar at Walton on 'I'hursday. bro‘vn crepe gown with tr corsage of R.. D. Philp; R. D. Philp, by G. Elliott - ess served Muth, assisted by Mrs. ,\Nr;* - Scott,. Ws. C. Hanna and Mrs',E. lira, \VOodi gave ii reading "I wonder 11.'3 1 1 gift, NW hope that on the cold 'urers re.port was given oy i /\trs, r,,, ; and oft brill pleasant Blau,:1ns of the and Jetrid An•derson of .Stratford with ed by Mrs. Leggett,.gowned in. a black R. D. Philp and G. McNeil; J. 11. NN'at- bY 1\rightman, ' if they 'really ineriMit Mr," The trees, l -1Iollyntan and showed a balance of ' night we hammered and. banged so mr, and mrs, ison, crepe dress Willi gold trimming and a , son, by N. T-Tamilton and 0.- Stubbs. . . - met in the club rooms on Wednesday': 17he Belgrave Euchre Marathon Club $109,50 reallied froin• the supper, . hard' mrs. \varner Andrews, Marie ancl corscage. of white 1<ilarney roses, 1 School 13oard—G. 17.1liatt, by II. Tait . . • - • , NV, T. Rob Ruth Andrews, with NI, I -I. 1)obie of . e Id lig 1 imer was gelled litt am — •-ant .toll. .,. -0e-woot., ly ...... t .„ • tir the ',attics' Guild. of Trinity .Church night with 11 tables in playt'. The • high It was decided to have the next l'ard• —Signed °" behalf of - your • The w r i ri • , I \I II il • I I k • 1 1 R meeting on 1)ecetiihr 1 5t11. 'lirs, L. nelgIt')°1"'s "I'd frIcilds' ,-. 1 he bride s table was centred with the listine, by f -f• v"ime" a''''''' u• '''"'Ilt: . . 1). Phil;) and -\\T.r J. IIeffronCG.s,,c're, Hft., taut" Tis.`.,_1)Y• last . .. _ • . , , , , r. , , littnimr; out. as she Won .trie prize Johnston favoured us \with a reading - - Toronto, corations were, white and pink mums week the prize was reverted. to Mrs. J. like this tvord of ours - Unity", The Ji. ---a, A ntunber of friends from here at- ,three -tiered .wedding cake, Table de- C. Johnton, NV, 'J. lieffron and N. ., .. I-Tainilton, emit C - Proeter, who was. second high. High ' ' WillSTFIVI n meeting closed with the 1)oxology and lir, and Mrs, Ernest Snell were 'tended the golden tve0dis•..g of Mr, and Colborne town- and pink candles,. After - 'dinner the 1 . P.IT.C.---Gro. licNall, bv IT. Voddell . . oleic! the Board.: , ... • . . , . man was Gordon Pengall), and low Grutili 3 served a .dailltY .hilleil. ' Toronto visitors last Aveek-end, ' lit's; Gordon .rottlig of i . exore molt by' Airs, C, Robinson and - \ I 511111 on November 16th, The bride.and onests left for the lionie of lir. and and G. Augustine! Earl Noble, by \V. \v. ' ,._ Nir,,.and Mrs. Gordon. Snell, llr. grooni of .50 veitrs ago are rc..ilLi.tablY . • in, McClenglian, conducted.' the election. of. officers' 'Ar •.,1-.4.- ' S ' Mrs, It Leggett where the gifts Richt and 1. B. Walsall. 1.1ter i'lle bride 'find I —' _ . . - ... ,. • . , - - ...-. ••- • • asper, nell,..Mr, , and- Mrs, ,--pouglits 11,attetyled-tneetir7,7 le . in -.- ... -. , - - .. . . - .'',... lliss Patsy -Anderson spent ,,,the.,.... . 1)tiring. the" meeting , lir, Rogers „ committee conipos•ing " of, Mrs, ' V, smart and aclive;' lirc'Young is 'Able- weee dis,"--,la.:O..,1;. . At a At t . . , . Ilainton,- Mrs, 1,-, Johnston, Airs; 1). - clay with Mr; and Iles. John Boyd, Of antl .N1r, Young who on that day ccle- iiirino,toerinittrog. Siiniiitalie‘rynineOisdi al kr i ci(iret 1,ise, Ilivriicntee _ I the some evening, the vari- tveck-eno 'in -.Toronto. - • - - ,-• ., This weeks 17arin Forum met in the COmplicil and children visited on Sun- 'to attend to her Men household duties oroom- left for a lion.eymoon trip bv l the hall McKenzie and ltiSs- Margaret Ilirons waiton. ' '-- ' .' - • oils candilates exontincled their views. 176resters Hall, 13'elgrave, in. the forin:-:','-.'• . . . • .." '... V ........."".. of a County of 1-Ittron rally With sev.•;--,,. was appointed to get a president,' 1 he ,m r. .• . brated his 8?nd birthday, takes a %vide built.. t t f It = . coat and black accesortes. On their nu-mown/I' A 0 SEAT . 0 A Air , . . w,,,i the ,aoles each day. . . . farnrin Fast \Nrawenos.h.. - urintiDlitsni.3 . vrii..A.- .cral visitors, from .Bruce County For-.. tons, - The broadcast Was followed, ' . John Gear •of itilt,-k•lietter spent = =s i 1 the arm work and assists . 1 N folldieing. are the 'of f leers : elected : se- The Alemle t'etitrit tliev will reside on. the groom's . . the week-eitd.:Ivith Mr, Armond Mc- to 1 A erelary, Mrs. Charles Sallee.; treasurer . • ;visiting , . w•as tastefully adorned with large, bas- PAIGN OPENS • • and Robert McMillan of Seaforth, Of- cretaut 1°.rs. N' Radf°14: i'ssIstallt se" flurney and 'other friend's.... . press secretary, , Mrs, F, Tyreman; ll r, 'and 'Mrs: 17; jamiesow of Ash- from Milvertdn, Rinsed,. Goderich, Neighbourhood Friends • -, . . Huron County Tuberculosis Ass Mr, \V; A. Ileecroit, Chairman of the ••ocia- . to lead in comMunity Singing. Mrs, 3,1,....'", . . . t Mr. Maurice Bosnian is — v the Huron committee, acted 'as'. chair.: Mrs. 1?, Holtman ; pianist, 'Mrs, , R.. - .al kets of mums amid roses, in keeping Presentation Made By ; man, and called. on Audrey Bradhura --, • the home of his son, lir, Jack Bowan loth the Foth wedding anniversa•ry. manse e°""11 eet I's- • a ",°' t field visited on .Saturday with Mrs, Du 'Lon, at a recent meeting of the exe- e.s was on ant he weicorned.the„. '. I), Philp, assislint,"Mrs,. NV, J og ; t t - 1?- --•e"s. anc. ',Ars, Bosnian, of • Dresden. ' Friends and relatives tvere present . • , . . red Cook,: 1 f il ' am am y,..., . , . it -utility, .DaintY refreshments were 1 7riends. andneigh•liors , of lir, Geo, gins in this Count , on November 21, • • • to su »ort . , , , , ..... ) . 1 forums and annottnced several meet--. --' Mrs. R. .Vincettt, Mrs, D, lieCa him. ' F ' 1 - .- - '' ' n rinnon and the surrounding co411- , - elltIve called. 00 el 11* 011e .1 1 Bradburn .acted as .uantst. - . in Iti ' ' F - B 1 t. t' • - • - -..•.' ' . ' • -C R. Coul... .Ittr, and ltfs. Duncan McNichol and ,served, Sloan, and lir. mid Mrs. Charles Sun- He stated that workers across Canada the Cltristmas Seal campaign tvincil,be t . called ' , = , . - . • . , „- int:Ts. of the Federation which.'will be:: .. • t wan mein ,o. v,etv of their departure progress is being made in the "16vasdue dereock, gathered at the Sloan home feel that - W. L TO MEET - : Phyllis, of Waltott, yisited on ,Stinday , . _ on Monday itig,lit to spend the.evening enti.o.ybcyd.-Rnuott from the neighbourhood, A large gath- tiltririve194titicaslititos Ntr Tottlbaet rfc,t)11.otshisc.'fli'i.liset ifiiigiiteireitsi . •altielltill'Gsictoorrgliey:peAocitieiae The Christmas meeting of the NV,L with 'Mrs.; IL 130Smilly.- ' ' The exchange of the, Huron County Will 1)e iteld:in the ,lientorial hall, on Mrs. John Harrisen and lir, ,George I _..ibrary . books.- will be pride at the • i 1 , , Thursday, ,December 1st, with Mrs, . . Berger of Goderich, visited on: Sun- Auburn, 11 11115 ott Saturday, Novein- cuing was present, and the evening was history the death rate from this' dis- Ca•nbert, of CKNN'tias present and kolci,'• hotv he would be glad- to tell of fariti'.'"'' y date, . I prizes being won as . follows; high ease has dropped i.n.to the thirties, , Clinton, who, is the Docter: In . the 1 -Iii-...' McCallum itt charge, -Roll Call, "An ti,l.t.Y with Mr, anti- Airs, \\..A, CaluP- - ' ' r ' ber /6th All books should be in the .• -. served. The Mission Band: met on Sunda There were 37.1 deaths per 100,000 of meetings, etc,- int' his 'program: Victor '[.:,,•• Exchange of Gifts,' 1,titich will be bell. - —41- hands of the .t 11.1118.11 prior to" that with v4.,........._, the population. This gives- woricers att roil County Health service, and who ' spent playing progressive euchre, Roy of Clinton, introduced Dr;.Aldis of-:". oftennocitt with a good attendance, The The Baptis.t Ladies Aid was hem on lady,Mrs, Chas. Sundercock, 10,w lady, \yhile these fignres show a decline, tne incentive to get °tit to do a better job. " i . I b • ceatin the mem- 7, . • 1 `i ' , f Betty MacDonald; high gento,Chas, fact that there are as many deaths, . , , ' ,,- - r ..licws the tremendous .task which stilt gave att.. outline -pi - tile .•ntenniers oi:. The Voice Of Temperance - ,- ' ‘ - - . , it s , Y ,. _OW 1400 lick 131 k ' SI the staff and their work Dr; Aldis- ThC ' Ontario Departinent, of 1408'16; hers' P"rlmsa' witil':J°111111"tizliallan Mrs 'Wilfred Vesterfelt t he business .1 suilderellek, *1 . itt Chagre-c.f the tro rant The Serb). .,' ' . Daring the et:entilig.cpresenatactions fae'es• 'is' 3 tiny osier, 1:11en . Practised in liilveribit lor -3 ..-years-;„, Is estaldishing a hospital forthe 'treat- 1 g • ' • Teri oi toe .tneettitg.was concincieu ,ity I, -,,, j were made b • Jitt F ' ' . , i i t ti e sale of se before taking this office II ' meld that the ligitor situation has wor-, - - t 1, 1 . --- matt , Itfe•Dowbil; reading by 13arbara ' - ,. , • . Sloan was pre i t • 1 ' felt, 1 he Lorfl s pra3er was repeated , 1 pencil se‘i';voitinteeren to conct c i ., , . . e state .--$ The 1 ions Clubs of -the Countv have I 1 •itl Christmas parents had to work with the unit to . make a success of -the work ''sii-that--,•-, tuent of alcoholles .it Erindale,-- 'rids - . -.. T { L ac otta L. , ..r, , . • . • tde peesnien, ,,,,rs. ,,,,,, .,-,owson. 'toe , . titre' lesson was, read from Psalsn 23. t '. : i 4. NI r A it Prayer was given, led' by Mrs.'. Nor- pro,i.ant was in it. r ,. f \ 1 . N7 t . I Netherv and Betty \ I I) . 1 1 Al .setied• under', the:GOVeritmeitit's LicEttor ' Sollthr StudY 1.1°." was' tame!' IV Mr.'s' iit unison -led. by Mrs, N7, 'Kneeshaw,Again this year, .e ters w i , . . ., seals:enclosed, will lie niailed' to every - The work much could be done 10 'preventing ill- can be rtgarded. itS ati ' acknOwledge . ..t. L a tne o , is, es el- i • ••- m t..alit; Mrs.sau opdeeiriccalell,41. . Control.; Act, ' The I-ltiron Teloperance All the members were given favorite `yit11.,a bat,11,"°°"' set' ili'd, Dena's WaY- ers believe that the splendid- response IICAS. C. F'alconer ..inOved a Notel'of . , read, mount, with a wallet. Mr. Leonard which they have received in the past thanks •for this' fine a.ddress, , A solo ., k inie in the County of Huron, Citas,.. „Smith; reading .by: Doitna.....11 al- ' Federation".recalli that., tinder Prolii- - ' ' - . ' * de"' ' 'th""tcss °( last "tectl"g ‘‘,'ere, verses of. scriptitre which they . . . ... • read. Story was. told by . Mrs,. Nor- ,this being the seripture reading for ,Rt),Nottri.e.36. eroe.trigdetsitieoafoulilott ttg addiess, will be cotintted. ... . - • ' . was sung by Mrs, J, Wiekit.ead , ac- . • blticitt elite: centres for aleoltolies went ' I 1 ait'cita.nd ;Ir.'s. '• companied by Mrs; J. Iti, COultes,:A. ' that to Increase ilte•sale IS aggravate . Nit, and .Nfr,,, \\ . A. cant„beil vis, , •, ,. s ,...,;+,10. .1 . t• '11' 1 Ito/ . A siincere re tret of our ' ' W ant& wa.111.CS' ,j0.111.i.11ti, Mrs. ITOWSOil ' Chat'les SundercOck: \Ve learn with past year definite progress has been Nir, lleecroft nointed Out that in the humorotts reatliag Avaa'gift'it' by Mrs.': S cook . was much enjoyed. A out of linsittess; ' Sttrely We 'know now "Ian ,"..,'"'" . wl'°. a's° "'se'. the the meeting,- Readings were given by! • Ithe ., problem , of alcoltolism.—Advt. . '' ' , ' . ,. . ' . . a ' •• ' i , • I • ' „' made in this Countv. In NVinghatti an, _ _ , which • . ,• . , , , 2. suceting witn prayer, , :. • . ..,,t q, i T i t ,- orq111 itiVe i .verv lilterestin" tam leave our intineinate iteignoottinooci,. ant as old friends and neighbours tv, Seaforth hospitals 'all patients on ad- ,:. ,, „.. . ,... , ... . . = , - • nu lir .ii ni s tic sa i L, y tr intention to - . .. . -_,,„,„,,,,„v„,„_,„,„,,. lied ott NNecitiesuay with lir, ancrairs, .r... discussion tonoweu on r arm r ortmt ' , on, Missions. lhe-meeting was closed . mittance, have been x-rayed, In Gode- Rtith.,-atid ''. Audrey Herb. 1\tegridge of 'Auburn, • • ,. . I reports. and other questions in regard -,•' . . , • , AMONG .'11.1-1E CI-IIJRCIILS .. 11 he , path) f, this .contintinity with ,prayer by Mrs. R. J. Phillips. A are grain:red here this evening to -pay otir respects anti wish 3•ott the best ot . c rich the referred clinics' have been con to Forums. Miss ' ' PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH extended; to -Mt. Gerdoit Snell lit 'the hot pot lack sitir..e•r was served, and ducted each 'month: The committee 1 ' gym . o . ' ' Is - • - ' •nto i .. • . . . . it• socia iiie enos et . • ., !mess is one of It imrchased x-ray •egttipment for the Brodburn favored. '„witli . a vocal -duet,-,,,, , , a , Sttiulay 'service, at. 2.30 -pott, . - doll Cook, of Cochrane. lir, and ltrs, : fe s finest attributes, the.„Excter hospital when it is built. mg of the National Antnetit le . y,,,, ,In hopital, and agreed to assist The meeting Was closed with the sing.,-.- Itee. 'john.' lieneyntrin, Milkier, .suckien.passing of his sister, Mrs, Ger- • 1 ii i . 1 • • Mei; . for the future, Good neighbourc- C 1 I T l' • I l'he monthly mee e. tin, of the ILY,P. tut Cruihshank at the piano:-; .' ' '--. '-'•--v'-'-..---7 . ' NI ' wet' ' •ft '•. °r°ntn. attc't( '''''' t 'c LT, tvas held. on Sunday' evening, Mrs. \\re have found you ready and willing The committee appreciates the coopera llrS; 13 TRINITY CHURCH) BLYTI-I: \Vititer.-_Fair tvliont•ltrs.. Cook became it j. Phillips, presided, with Nfiss at all times to hall), in time (Id need Bon of hospital aittlioritiesht the. fight . , Quite a ithinber from here attended-;, = . . . . . , „ , . I • momouprom. LONDON MALE CHOIR MUCH APPRECIATED The concert bY the London Mafe Choir, sponiored by Inc Lions Club' on Tuesday night, brought out a good , crowd of music lovers. The talent displayed ,by the Choir) . . • as well as the assistmg artist, miss Olga Kwasniak, violideellest, was of the highest calibre, and thrilled the audience. Novetithar '27, Advent Sunday ill: 11,Was -fOt(ild an operation was R. endeavour, . .. . . . , ,n1 er a r. the Royal Wit t V i - - Miss Mee Rogerson, Organist attcl alva3t,,SiniPtititi4'IS;a1 cl d Pev, G. Aittrrav .vvvatt Itector itecessary;.:tenen rsue'passeci stimienbr '' •,- ; , ' ' iv. .. happy'i I , , ,., , . ,,, . so, extett e to „if favorite _ hymns ,folimved i)v the and Ntrs. Sunderccck, are - • • t • • . — • . - . . , niceting ()pellet( oy singing a number •. e are to.icarn that yott, mr, The Lltairinan of. the campaign i not goinv. flr Blyth and Distt•icr is NV, J= away front us, We hope to see°Y:311 ;igainst tubercidosis. iieffr°".' tit i ti' . F 1 1 It .` . „ e , ti tot matters tnet ..n. tie ... or-,,, esters Hall on Thursday evening,'N0'.:, The North Huron 13,B,'s. group of piano 71‘he or, in anv community " ..• - - ' ," s " f,' 1.1, i'f: 4 A 4 ‘.. Evelyn Raithby ' at The . '..-' Clioirillaster,'. ' - the relatiV.CS' of'lf rs, Cook, .. . i'ketne song ..i:ove Lifted me,” 1;rayer He has gathered about him a•band ,,, 10 MM.:. Sunday Sellout,' - , -' ' ' - ' :- ke s 1i 1948 1 f $60'6 v ventber 17, Jack Currie, the'- president, 11' on.; M'ornIng Prayer and Serition, . • . .. ' ' -• , - , , " it cottv,enietit to stay in our coin- a greater antount win be donated in I was ht charge. A good attendanceWastrilited miltntis° hoped tl.liaast TRINITY CHURCH, BELORAVE 7- . ' , Lyon - Leonnarut given by M. iss Antella ll c ilwain, lt r. (Ind A munity, 1\ e ask you to accept these ‘rvacisredrin 11-lurott, I present and answered the roll caltt'irlth-, ' ' ' - ' '' ' '''. ' • --•' • by Mr., James' Itaithliy, Readings tvere often,. 1Ve hope that you, George, will lliss-'Nore- VatiC,atim, -.Organiti . ' ',' • 'i --,-. '..,; - ' ' ' . • ' Frank Raitliby nod .Grant Raithby, itt and gifts as. a token of mit esteent One. .0 mall their contributions or leave it . your id 1949, Mr, 1-Teffron calls on all citizens rthday- The itlitititesiivere.ftect and •Choiritiaster. At the ittanse Of First St.. AndreW'S dtietoby Mt's, iltei.) A:6, Hew y 'Nfrt, atcompanied friellt1s1111). Wre hone that they 8011 it The Canadian 13. atik Of Coittinerce Tbvit Attlit)c,stSsit)teitalik.crewssalsstpitirtt, Nv,secAre,ta,mr,'"' - U it eh reit Ltiitdoit ev. - Jo in . • k • i• 'it 131 c g I - 2.30t:' Ititchilig Prtreerancl •SclanOn, ll acKlutiott' of ficiate.d - at the . titarriae Sid,. lteClitteltey, .Solo's' were retiderett rert e to eep ei er fresh it 3 out tnem. ) , 1 :,0-.-fi.iii, I: Stmday..$cliiiol.'.1-• .., ' II et ti . i ' ST,' MARIVS-CHUItOni', AUBURN of Ordelitt,- datighter of Mr, and Mrs, by Mrs, Dottaki Fowler ' and Donna ()Hes, tlic happy .associations of tills .__. - • ..•:„..frs:•oordoit Taylor. , 2 . ,, ', wimlitit...n, -tatottliat.di of, Bornilotni. Haggitt, Duets, hy the misses itnnita .neiglibourliood. --Signed, Votir Neigh- . . SISTER DIES. . rganist alid-'Clioirtitaster, , . -awl Gordon '1,t7ott' soil- of ltr, and Mrs, and Shirley RObertstm, and Mr, and . hours and rriencis. - Mrs. Gordon. Cook, of Cochrane, pas- . ,..•, - 1... , „„ , ., .„,. Wilfred it t i -I i • i m s L. - 1 p.tif,"1 Stifitiel, Selic;e1. '-- ' ' Willittiii'll, Lvott, 01 '-ittornuate, • ' mrs, vester,eit acconipan,ei. lfr• :Stanti any.. _ .t., ....unclereoc.. re. red away NI ,Ntonday lit a Toronto ,f1 .P.Ilt.t 'EVenittgtiroYer aticiSernion, The bride W•as costtlined in a nay!? Ify l‘til,,R. J. Phillip's. A' Itilde notz Ole( f ttlegl). 1.tincli was served by hosoital. , Site is a sister of Gordon 1 - , `.'''''''''—'"--. -‘1-- ' '''''. ' ' ' T• frock with a ftdi s_kit: accented by 'ac- by -George Roberti-mt. 1. 111't10 duet 111',' la'lles. . . Snell, of East Wawattosli, School. - ' ' T A IlnlIalitYlle' AtteliderI the'. lie Roliertioti;,The,tites;sage "The place ltentheti nf the njytit T.egionettes The I-1ee \Vire. 17arin 'Fortilti met at ' • •Ilie Lotidestioro Mill on Monday night, • PLYTH UNITED CHURCH Tordien pints. She wore wine acceS- 1)34 :Misses Margaret Jacksces it, get w,,1,,-itogersi Minister. sories and a entsfige of cream roses. lytt Valthby. ScriPture reading by 1311- SOFTBALL TEAM I3ANQUETTED PARIVI FORUM 11 AS: Morning \V6I'shill, Dr. E: bride in, a maroon gOw- and J. A, and interest of yonnq people .in the girls softball team were ,iientereth 0:35; StindayMrs. • ,• Kibbott, of Witighatn, who spoke 1, the latest drugs used in - contbat tt , , , disease. The Club paper \Vas. cont posed and read by Harry tear Wlici`t'' viewed the past years act grvIt es• at also it number of Club items of ht:ii Mr. Ernie Miller, Reereatiettal.Dire tor of 1Virighani, was preset& .44 e-8 ducted g•ames and contestS. I.,tittek .. served iry the committee atid4 a leie , \Okra, 001 glnaker. ' • - 13allantviteltvas beSt 4111411, Chliti'ell'' Was Verl stilly taken by MisS .lialiquet in the teginii name last Fri..' November 2111-- where tliev had a tiir- time enjo3 et . 1 The Baby Band. secretary has asl(ed for a trio to i\tontreal a,•,4 'Ottebee, 1 John RaithltY. The Meeting closed with etlet 4 most stirces5fill dance was held ed. The text meeting will be held at Cook of Cochrane had •dle .11111;:i "Tile *Head of the- ifonse A re6,4)tirqi tottn,c(1 ttt. the Cohble _lorgaret laelcsoo. .1116- mterino tI.ay evening, itt:NvIdeli. enitivable leev Sunper. 4f3 perSons were present. Mr. George . cook' tectitte, hat all bOiet: he toned .1& Dec, 14 live tondOn. returhing. PraYer-'1?), Mr, George.Valthby. „. in the Memorial hall. ' the -:,home 01 Mr, and sirs. Joe Lyon, ont0; 7 10 51 t r• 1 • t 1 • tet -'t v Mt' tit ' - 'ttOnejtin after' wItieW the rolipt? left was received by -JerrY Vesterfelt and Item Is renottetI. Pollowhig hint- •o the stmper, car s w ere o at - a Its s it at , s New And Use l• Home Billiard Table Pocket billiard tables designed for home use are said to be gxget couptcrparts, oar: a stualler scaler of. championship tables, ,Clot11� cushions'. land rails are. of , same. workmanship as professional models with gulliescarrying the pocketed balls to ball receivers quickly and silently, maker states, Simple' level- ling device at bottom of each IN said to permit true play at all times. Object balls of special formula plastic are exact duplicates of pro- fessional billiard balls, Legs may be folded and _table stor away. 4 4 , Truck to Station Wagon This equipment is said to quickly transform an ordinary one-half ton truck into a completely enclosed, comfortable and weatherproof cop- veyance, Product saidto be•Iow- cost, light in weight (one man can load and unload it), but designed for rigidity, strength and rough usage through use of steel tubing and tough plastic upholstery on the: seats. Top h of canvas rein- forced with hardwood slats, "If I only knew how to drive this thing, I'd crcink 'er up and scram!" ANNA I -FIRST Imam "Dear c - "Dear divorced child I1 Anne Hirst; 1 have .peen for 10 years, and have a years old. For five years, i've been going with a man, and for the last three - years, we have been engaged. But it seems he can't trust me. "We split up once, and I dat• ed other men, \?\'hen 'we •• went back together, he taunted me about theta, though 1 haven't been out with anyone else for the past two years. Even if I'm talking with a woman friend, he charges me with planning a datel "I have tried to get along with hint, but when he gets his temper up. he says things that hurt. "I've tried to get him to open a bank account for us to start on, but that's as far as I get, 1 have saved up money myself, and he thinks we should start on that. But I have a child to keep and put through school, and I must think ahntit her, Oa • "Sometimes I think I'll marry him, but then something,. happens again, and l get so nervous and worried 1 can't sleep or eat; He is good about bringing gifts, and says no other man mvould do as much for me. Perhaps not, but I am worried CL,'" * 1 can't honestly recommend * that you marry this young matt, 4' even though he has, some fine * qualities. He lacks, however, * traits which are essential in . a * good husband. ' * First, he doubts every move * you make. He has no faith in * your personal integrity. After * Yltarriage, he would be even more * jealous, and I'm afraid he could " make your daily life a series of 4' suspicions and accusations which * yon could not, if you tried, dispel * or refute. What self-respecting * woman wants to spend her time * continually defending herself'' lie is not provident. Though you two hate' been engaged for three years, he has not put aside a single ,dollar for expenses and emergencies. That does not augur well for your future To suggest that you use money you nave saved for your child's education, is supremely selfish. It seems to me that, married to hinm, your economic security would be very slim indeed. You two do nut get along well. You would probably get along worse it you marry --and then it would be too late to do anything about it. A man will make all sorts of concessions for his fiancee which lie will refuse his wife, 1 expect he has become such habit with you that you wonder what you would do without hila. You are on1i' 30. It is not rca• sonable to think he is the only 4' man who will be attracted to * you particularly when it be. *: comes known that you no longer *.see him. Front what I glean from your letter, 1 think you deserve a better * husband than this man can posy sibly be. Any man who thinks * he is doing a girl a favor to * marry her, is too complacent to * live with, Don't let habit dull your critical sense. And never take second best, because it seems easier. Anne Hirst can help you see things as they ronto, Ont. SALLY'S SAL(IES Colorful vegetables on black lat. lice -work make a cheerful looking sextette of kitchen towels. Quick to embroider! A child could begin on these em- broidery motifs! Pattern 806; trans- ter of 6 motifs 51/3x6Y2 inches, Laura Wheeler's improved pat- tern makes needlework so simple with its charts, photos and concise directions. Send TWENTY-FIVE Ct'.'ITS in coins (stamps cannot be ae• gepted) for this pattern to L'u.\ 1, 123 Eighteenth Street, New Tor- eoqnto, Ontario. Print plainly PAT- TERN NUMBER, your NAME and ADDRESS. CROSSWORD PUZZLE ACROSS 2. Similarity 1, ;tastiest 8. Ra*or Jewish law sharpener. 12. Understanding 4. Attention 1 I. Roman °riche' 6. Terminate 6. Uncovered II. Baseball team 18. Tantalum (symb.) 8*. Real *stati holding 30. Small pie 31. Perfect golf 22. Highest point 33. r.letern 24.'1tarbor 1 . For example Tab.) N,. Not all i*7. Pedal digit *0 rienerator 80. Doubting .A posits 88. invest of its kind 14sm'es 86: roncernbia 84, Reams /8. Shaped with nn ax OA.orae county 40. .1ra 41..APppeam' suddenly 4f: malate 43. ronfueed'ky 44.."pntury plait ❑bre 4S.''nsntette 46: ''outd part of "t1 *48. 'neigh poet &I borough ran (ab.) 1. Occupant 8. Canvas shelter A. Woman's Intuition ---Mrs, Turk, a'sorially prominent resident of••Adam Gitth'S farm- has •a- feeling that something's cooi:ing and whatever it is, it bodes her no good. HOW CAN I? ,n TOY ,tL-her ,a.YF.. to I.u, "See here, Officer. Is hie word any better than mine?" 1. Poem 10. New Engles State (ab.) 11. Place of worship It. Red suit card 17. Annoy 20. Iillephant's ear 2t, Rhymed compoetttoa H. Domesticate 24. Table game 20. Step 11, Slender 20. Part of a: church 86. 1)rawe 11. knight's armnor-bearer 12. Mr. log doge 84. Men, 86. Fla%or 87. Nimble 38. Heate HR0NICLES 4 INGERFAIM Gwendolittie P. Cle,tk¢ \\'e have some more new neigh. hours - the third family within two years to live on one farm near here. In fact we have to hurry up these days to meet any new nei;;liliours who come along or else they are gone before we pare a chance to say "Hullo". '4'1re were sorry to say goodbye the other day to these last neigh. boors of ours that we had known for such a little while, and from wham we might have learned' so much, had they stayed longer, Originally . they came from Europe and' were intelligent, industrious, kindly folk, tvho my'ould have been ajt asset to time community,, had . not circum- stances, n'hich war not of their making, made it impossible for them to stay. 'Their lie in Europe had been tragic. InCanada they had been more fortunat^ - that' is, until. World War 2 when their only son, serving with the Canadian forces, was killed two months before peace ('r) was declared. 'Then while they were living on th, 'farm, the wom- an's sister, with two teen-age chil- dren, came tto live with them. They Were DPs from Central I;ttrope, Originally there had been four children in the family, but time two eldest boys had been taken away to forced labour camps and their mother had no way of finding out whether they wer dead or alive, And yet we, in Canada, sometimes tnmk the have reason t feel sorry for ourselves) Otte thing I noticed 'particularly was the quiet stoicism with which the wonmati told me these things. 1 had the feeling, she had suffered so much that she was drained of any further emotion, Knowing these people made Inc especially glad to linear a splendid address given by Miss b:thel Chap. man on "Canadians All", Miss Chapman illustrated so clearly in her talk what each nationality had contributed to Canada as a whole, proving that "unity without uni- forntity" was not only possible but desirable. Miss Chapman tried to make us realize that new Canadians should not be criticised because theirways and customs were differ- ent, but should be encouraged to . cultivate their various ' arts and crafts in Canada, thus enriching the country of their adoption, 'Asia for instance, the Scandinavian races with their agricultural experience; the Europeans with their culture and scientific 'skill, and the Latin races v,ilh their beautiful handicrafts and their facility for adding colour to their lives. And of course she men- tioned the thrift of the Scots, the wit of time Irish, the tenacity of the English, and the Welsh with their music and intense love 'of country, All nationalities were mentioned and the desirable qualities of each were emphasized._ Looking at it that way, Canada should certainly be rich` in every kind of craft and cul• tore. Next dl,y daughter and 1 enjoyed a very different experience. \Ye' went to an auction sale in the coun- try-- farm stuff and furniture - and what fun we had! Daughter wanted a good,umiror for her house- keeping roont in the' city. At this sale there .was an *old-fashioned dresser with a large bevelled mirror - and we got the whole thing for almost a song. Cur next probletn was how to get it home without Bob having to make a special trip with the truck, Looking it over I said; "If we take it to pieces I believe it will all go in the trunk of the car," (Amazing what you can get into a trunk.) So we borrowed a screwdriver from a man who was standing around and then we went to work. Presently seeing us strug- gling with the rusty and embedded screws a sympathetic., farmer came to the rescue, and in no time at all the dresser was in four pieces, Then another man carne along and helped us get it over to the 'car and into tete trunk. Yes, it did go.in, except; for what stuck out behind, When' we got home we divided the spoil, Daughter got the mirror; 1 was only too glad . to have the dresser drawers for one of our spare rooms, and tilt little cupboard which was on one side of the dresser is going, to make an excellent bathroom cab- inet. On the whole we were very well satisfied with our afternoon's outing, even if we had not got the dresser it would still have been fun - more fun than any sale 1 had been to for a long tinme-and 1 came to the coticlusion it was be- cause ecause there were so many ?nen around l There were quips flying back and forth - all the time, espe- cially when- the Hien stood looking on - sotnc of them buying - when the dishes, drapes and bedlinen were` being sold. Sometimes evert the - auctioneer didn't know what he was selling which all added to the jokes and laughter, By Anne Ashley Q. How should fabric ' gloves be washed? A. Wash them with a good kind of soap flakes, Then hold the fin- gers under the faucet and fill with :- water, Hang on the line to drip, and see ;tow nicely the fingers dry into tite proper shapes. Q. How can I relieve tender feet? A. Some people claim there is nothingbetter for tender feet than a cold foot bath, followed by. e brisk rub with either alcohol or olive oil, and then a dusting with talcum powder, Q. How can I whiten clothes when washing? A, Put a few slices of lemon, with the rind on, into the !miles and boil with the white clothes. This will remove many stains ani also make the clothes white, with' out danger of injury. Q. How can I keep doughnuts fresh? A, Place a slice of bread in the doughnut box and it will keep the doughnuts soft and light. Upaide down to prevent peeking, re' 1' I/ V7SN3 7DIO0/ 3 3 .l S .t N e� 8 d 1x770 6+iid Id S d 0 24.160 NIA7 I 0 5* V0101/1 O,l l b 0d 7 73 O N LI N 4O dol l d,.O7 b 4� a� L N'3 1.N 3' r 7i s 11 Al l 7rl��.t� 7 7 0 7 7 0 t And the RELIEF is LASTING Nobody knows the cause of rheuma- tism but we do know there's ono thing to ease tete pain . it's' INSTANTINE. And when you take INSTANTLNat the relief is prolonged- because INSTANTINE contains not one, but three proven medical ingredients. These three ingredients work together to bring you not only fast relief but more prolonged relief. Take INSTANTINE for fast headache relief too or forthe pains of neuritis or neuralgia and the aches and pains that often accompany a cold. Got Inslenllne today sad strays keepitbendy bistantine 12•Toblet Tin 250 Economical 48 -Tablet Bottle 69 SO. fl fres tO Willows DOWN 41. Disootinted 31 Answer elsewhere on this page. Retriever= -Obviously this antbitiotts little explorer isn t going to get Yea fir whity the Boston terrier has hts mind made up to kossi In out mischief, Howarsi Nickerson won third prig. Olth plettul Contest SpOtiSOred by the Gaines Dog Research Center. Better. Bake Plenty , Measure into large bowl, cup lukewarm water, 1 tap. grana• hated sugar; stir until sugar is dis- solved. Sprinkle with.; envelope Fleischtnann's Royal Fast Rising Dry Yeast. Let stand' 10 min., THEN stir well. Scald 1 o, milk and stir in 6 tbs, granulated sugar, 1 2 tape. salt; cool to lukewarm. Add to yeast mixture and stir in o, lukewarm water. Beat in 8 c. once -sifted bread flour; beat well. Beat in 4 tbs, melted short- ening. Work in 8 c. more once- sifted bread flour. Knead until smooth and elastic; place ' in greased bowl and brush top with melted butter or shortening Cover and set in warm place, free from draught.. Let' rise until doubled in bulk. Punch down dough in bowl, grease top and let - rise again until nearly doubled. Punch down dough and roll out ?' to H" thlcknees. Cut into rounds with 8" cutter; brush with melted butter or shortening. Crease rounds deeply with dull side' of knife, a little to one side of centre; fold larger halt over smaller. half and preee along She fold: grePlaoe,. touching each other, on ased pans, Grease top Dover and let rise until doubled In bulk, Bake In hot oven, 400°, about 16 min. New Fast -Acting Drbr:Yeaell Needs NO Refrigeration! Thousands of women every week ate • switching to the new FICISChtnatine. 441 "Royal Past Rising Dry Yeast, lets_ tiSt It° keeps for weeks in ihe Cupboard. Perfect results ha e a Mo7m1 selib Modern Etiquette u RrcRithertis0Logvh.la ii�j,� obBati e one hdlt "bna.a> fi� n r (tome fo a iw,fek.end? ,. . A, Yes, c;it i, `010;iaper small Sift, to thL hate f i atm th'r' same nip you, tendy�r our 4t-calleil"' • bread d• utt " letter' pr itg yO�t1/ ap tl i tji;1., vie Or, one;,' ,ntp'yert er,r o e i leavingttf} .,gene !1 e'o r e l one has recur rtt (topt t-y.y; t Q.When th --;hIt a party'rec er escort wlsllto;.parw . ,. 'cine should ; Groceries Fruits Vegetables For Your Xmas Baking Jd Sugar , 2 lbs, 23c Fruit Sugar 2 Ib', 25; ,andiea Ginger .—.,;:.., -•,.••3 or., 20c Colored Coconut 4 oz, 17c She led Almonds ..m ..::......... 4 os, 20: Shelved Walnuts ..-.:,4 or, 23c Shredded Coconut • lb. 49; Pltt•d Dates 1'), plcg, :Oc Whi'e Raisins 1 r, S0; Lar. a Sealed Raisins .•..:••.lb, 23c Seedlys Ratstna ...- Ib, 16; RecleanedCarrots ib, 12c Whole and Cut;Mixed Peel, Red and Green Cherries Candied Pineapple, Cake Decorations, Extracts and Coloring. Cr•'sco ..... .... , per lb, 35c '. Yellow Sugar ..•......•.. 10 Velvet Cake Flour •.•..•. 5 lbs. 37c, Sandw:ch' Cookie, ;-., 2 pkgs. 3's Draft 2 pkga, 63c iewarl BLYTH NN.JNI•.V INNININIII ~4W ONNNNIJJNIJNI NNJ.7•fINNNJINNJIJI '+NJIII•IdN'I NJv Weston's Ginger Snaps Ib. 25c Shortening Ib, 21c Toilet Tirsuo . 4 for 23c Aylmer Ca+sup ................ 17c «tol ley'sCsrn 2 for 32c s Grocery PHONE 9 WE, DELIVER Speiran i,. s Hardware 1,! PHONE 24. BLYTH, EVERYTHING IN HARDWARE. 1! ELECTION CARDS tt tttt ttttrKNIN<tt1lYl ttt+Ntf YNNdtt 1 , To the Voters of the Village of Blyth, LADIES AND GENTLE.\I1 N:-+- +► I Through the taailities of the Press, 1 wish to t antk the mover an 1 seconder of my nomination ' for the office of 'Reeve of the \'U:age of 131ythi tor the .year 19;:O, the election to tw;tich Inas boot aczordcd sic by acclaaration as well as all voters who so urgently requested that ! 1 seek such office. l ca, assure all citizens" that I shall, with the assistance of my - Council, put forth et ery effort to conduct the affairs of the Municipal- city in a husinesslikc manner, so that this service shall he a benefit to the people of Blyth as a whole. l take this opportunity of extending that ever old, yet wholesome wish, for a Merry: Christmas and A Happy New Year to every resi- dent of our Village. • Yours sincerely,' William I1, Morritt. YI•III t IIIt4wII•NI•ItJ .S4.**NIINN To The Ratepayers of Blyth, I,\Dlh.s AND GENTI,VMMEN:- I wish to thank you for your support in past elections, and will .gip::reciatc your vote and influence in the erecton for Council on De- .cetnber 5th, Thanking my mover and seconder, and wishing all the Compli- ntents of the Season. Yours ;respectfully, George Radford. ♦NJIJNJI NINJNI NNN ^NJlJIJJPItNI NNNNN To the Ratepayers of the Village of Blyth, LADIES AND GEN'!'1 1 MIEN: - I wish to thank my mover and seconder who nanilitated me ,i,s Councillor for the Village of 111y'th. 1 ant allowing my name to stand for the position Of Councillor for the incoming year, I have served the r Municipality in the capacity of Councillor for the hast 2 years to the best of my a'Ali,ty for the. benefit of the Ratepayers of our Village, If. elected I will continue to do the utmostin the Council for the benefit of the Ratepayers of tl:c Village for the incoming year, 1f i fail to call on yk'n, your support at the Polls n::, Monday, De- - ccmber 5th will be greatly appreciated, ns time will not permit me to call on everyone, Only a Month Until Christmas IT'S TIME TO START GETTING THOSE PRESENTS LINED UP. SHOP HERE FOR GIFTS FOR FATHER, MOTHER, BOYS AND GIRLS, AND FOR THE HOME. JUST A FEW IDEASt••• Tools Knives \'Patches Guns Ammunition Electric Clocks Kitellea Ware' Heating Pads Toys Skis Toboggans Sleighs \\'agons Tricycles Cars 1)011.y Alechano Sets Toy Ircr s Appliances kad.ios Fire Screens Sani-buoys. SOME NICE HOUSEHOLD FLOWER POTS HAVE JUST COME IN, NN44Jy4INJNN4NPNN4.##N.NN#1N4^NJN44.Il.Jj I I f- •NINI 4NNIJMIINIJd#NNJJNNJJ•~?~+~•••• 1NN.NJPN Morris Township Council I ters at $15.00 per year for five years, . The Council met in the Township' this dump to be used by' Morris and Hall on November 7, with all members' Grey. Each Township paying half tile Thanking you, I remain, Wm, J, Riehl, sNtNN JNIINNNNJIIIIINNIININNN•• To The Ratepayers of Blyth. 1 A1)FES AND GENTLEMEN: - 1 an allowing my nasus to stand for the position of Councillor ifor the year 1950. During the past year 1 have Fayed the ?dunicipxtl' ity to the best of my, ability, with the interests of the Ratepayers al- ways uppermost in my, mind. If re-elected, i Will condone to, serve to the hast of my ability. \'our vote and influence respectfully solicited, 1'hanktrg you, 1 remain yours truly, Lewis Whitfield. rent, t 7,5). Each Township to make present, The Reeve presided. The minutes of the last meeting Roadway and maintain sauie.on fifty were read and adopted on motion of fifty basis.' Mr. Sellers to fence dung) Sant Alcock and"Bailie Parrott. and. maintain the fences. Passed. Moved by•Chatlles'Coulte.s, seconded Moved by \Viii. Peacock, and Bailie by Sant. Alcock; =that' Morris Council Parrott, that Morris 'Council purchase ask fcr Russel Currie's resignation as a new' tire and rim kir the road main,- Road tain.Road Superintendent; to take effect, tainer. Carried. on December 15, 1949, Carried. Moved by \Vm. Peacock and Chas. Moved by Bailie Parrott, seconded Coultes, that we advertise for appli- , by Charles Cottltes, that George Rad- catiot;s for the position of Road Supt. _ ford be given the contract of snow- at 80c per hour and $10,OJ per month plowing the 6th, 7th, and 8th conces. for. bookkeeping, Applicant to sup- sions of Morris township , including ply his own .transportation. Applica- side roads an! the township plows. to tions to be in the )lands of the Clerk look after the concessions and side by Dec, 14, 1949. roads to the north of Concession 5, ex- Amendment: Moved by Snit Alcock rent in case of emergency tvhen,extra and Bailie Parrott that we advertise for equipment is to be called in to help applications fob' the position of Road - out. Carried. Supt. at 75 cents per hour and $10.00 Moved by Sam Alcock and Bailie per month for bookkeeping, Applicant : Copy of Grey Towns'hip Council's to supply his own transportation. Ap- • Plications to he in the hands of the Clerk by Dee. 14, 1949, Amendment carried. 'notion: "Moved by Kenneth McFar- lane and Percy Ward that Grey and Morris rent a dump from Harold Sel- Fresh Caught PERCH SI{INNED AND DRESSED. 75 cents a Dozen Haddock Fillets, Lake Trow Fillets, Sole I+'illets,. Salmon Fillets, Whitefish Fi1!ets. Salmon ---Piece or Steaks. Berthot FISH •. , id. r , IM. , iII a l• . I Y STEWART JOHNSTON Massey -Harris and Beatty Dealer, See our Complete Stock of Pipe Fittings Beatty & Massey -Harris Repairs - Pump` Repairs, all kinds.' Dealer for Imperial Oil Products. For Prompt & Efficient Service Phone 187.2 Blyth p , To the Electors of the Municipality of Blyth. LUDLES AND GENTLEMEN:— mi J, having been nouatcd for the position of Councillor for the coming year, respectfully solicit your, support at the Polls on De- cember Stli. And if elected you place iu IIIc, I twill endeavour to reward yott for the confidence I thank you, Lorne Scrimgeour, PNINJINJJINJJI+NJNNINIJJJN., NIII•IJIJJ To the Ratepayers of the Village of Blyth. LADIES AND GEN1'J.EMENT i --- At the request of a great number of Ratepayers, 1 have allowed my name to appear on, the ballot for the position of Councillor for the year 1950. Having had previous experience on the Council Board, i can as- sure the Ratepayers` that 1 will do everything posstblc to administer sound .Municipal Government, Your vote antt influence will be appreciated. Respectfully yours, - Harold Vodden. ' NNNINJNNJINJIJINMNIJINNJNJII IIIJ To the Ratepayers of the.Village of Blyth, LADIES ANI) GENTf:EMINt:... Being. elected by acclamation for the Public Utilities Contniission, 1 wish to thank •tnv stover and. seconder, and assure the voters that I will give the position sty, undivided attention, and the interest of the, voters and Municipality will be always foremost in my efforts to fill :the office. Wishing you one and all a Merry Christmas and a happy Year. ` Ved,, November 28, 1940 44.9+tuftsmr wm•e#u~e.. ####,r.+.,,.v. .*,r s*r MEWS Y.-. w its• A LL -RUBBER FLIGIHT BOOT ssith ileavy 'atice:)-1%'00! Iill!na, JUST `THE BOOT FOR COLD' FEET, $10,95 =- $12;95 Leather Top and Rubber bottom for Men, Size 6 to 11, i)cys, Size 1 to 5, BUY YOUR C.C.M. SKATES OR EQUIPMENT NOW: --AN IDEAL PRESENT FOR CHRISTMAS. WE CAN ALSO SUPPLY YOU WITH C,C,M, HOCKEY EQUIPMENT, 5 PERCENT, OFF ON ALL PURCHASES MADE FOR CHILDREN WITH ,FAM1LY ALLOWANCE CHEQUE3. 4 i i•It+NNNN+NN+NNJIN. ►MI fN.►+frN11I+I.NIN N•I.NN . .asw..r....r .4.4 ••.•t444.40.4P„W'«'.1 It q,4 •.P„R,,r r',. t;• oirooso 41.1;.a41,•, It 1444 4 ,•y r4 H• ILL' S • Special Low Prices on Full Course Meals t • 45 Cents And up Meals at All Hours. 'T FAN GONG a Proprietor t. . t; RILL • BLYTH --- ONTARIO.` 1 Igor a,4,4Ji •• t •t 4,OP•J•OtPt ••+• •• •HOP • • •••,• •• ••t•t •• ••r, OHWH•••• • •H• • • •••iP • 1 :1 l DEATHS RiCl-1110N1)—.There passed away ,on Tuesday, Nov, 22tu1, 1949, at his place of res'dence, 36:i ` Roehampton Ave., Toronto, Elliott Richmond, in his hard year. Funeral 'on: Thursday, with interment in St. Jacob's cente- tery, CON (1.1ZA'I'UF :'PIONS Congratnlaticns to Margaret Dal r;.11jdc who celebrates her 11th birth'` day ,on Friday, November 25;11, Cott;,ratulatinns to Hiss 11'etie 1(ulley of 11'cst ',toutcton, on the occasion: of her.1.1th biratday. She recently. visited with her grandparents, slr. and \lrs, \\'n1..13e11, of .Blyth. • Science turned their hacks on the targets 4, r e• y4 4,44..4.4 inb•r w. •. Ont µ,•n +wrrr3. DOL\ NYI3f..00K (Too late for last week) The 1\r,\f,5, aitd \\r,A, Inst Tues, and john, of Godcrich, day afternoon of last week at the home Week -cull visitors at the home of of Mrs. Arnold Craig, with the firstMe. and Mrs. J. C. Robinson included, vice-presidgnt, Mrs. Chas. Jefferson, i\lr. Jas. Robinson, and itis grandson; presiding:: Irs, Black Armstrong read J1111 Alaclntosh, of Tor°rit°', and .Afr: the Bible lesson, •Airs. (Jlev.) Ifetvitt and Mrs, Doug. Williams and (laugh ` favoured with a solo; a reading emit- ter,of London, . ...„—....—V....... ......—A led; "Two Little Old Ladies,' was giv- LI>1;RARY 130Ctit l KCHAi1f;1 en by Mrs.` Hardy. Mrs. R. Chanute). • All' books in cotutertioli with the gave the report of the Sectional Con- }}urea County lahrar,v' Assn;ialion Mrs, volition which was held at Dungannon. on ,loan from the lilytli, Pubttc 1.tiirat•y, Mrs, H. Jefferson had c targe of the a"rc'to be •retnriterl to the Library. not 2nd Chap. tis the Study Book; Mrs. Ar- later than' Saturday," November 26th, told Craig read a leaflet entitled, "One so as td be ready for, !ic. next hook Lamp Lights Another.'Mr. HTewItt eecliange. '' closed the ttieeting acid the hostess was sti. assisted in ser}'tun lunch by Mrs. Mark CORRECTlbr1 Arttistrotty and Mrs. J, R. "Thompson. 10 reporting the I-atllcs Awdliary ' A bazaar, in charge of the \V, A,, net- "Open hoose'' event at the I,eutmt • I ted $14.20. home last week, an error was made 4n ' Visitors at the tiosne 'of fr. .and reporting the 0amcs. 11t`s. \frit. 1\ tor- :- 1 Mrs. R. Chantney during the week -end 'titt'\vas reported as pouring tea, This tinciuded:'Mr. and Mrs, 11, E. Chant- should have been Mrs, Jas. Morritt. New Yours respectfully, George McNall, ney and family, of Windsor ; Alrs: Ol- ive Allen._ of Clinton, aid Mrs, E. J. Craig, M r. • ami :Mrs, 1t: • A. Chisholm, Science is playing an increasingly int.' portant role in Canada's new Army, In heavy anti-aircraft, for exaniple, co111- plex 1 Ida ' egttilmtent prultc.ts to with in a few feet exactly twliere the target is and wilt be. The gunners, their backs to the target, fire with;utilizing accuracy by instr'ttincnt, Training 'nien its the use of modern scientific -equip, merit is a major requirement in Canada's. )tett, Arnld, Thousands of young then are attending sonic of the finest schools in the country, specializing in electronics, radar, radio anti telephone; In addition, there are'openings for clerks, tirivers, mechanics and ntany.otllcr trades. Ncty higher pay, good food and quarters, trades train• ing and the opporttnity for ativancernent make- the Canadian Army' Active horce one of the most attractive careers open to young ileo today; You are eligible if you arc 17 ,or over and catt hest Army rcgtIirei-aegis, \tisit your nearest recrtiiting office soon for full details, Bring. certificates of birth and edticatioti with you, Boons 22113;"C” Bldg., llsgar St,, OTTAWA, Ont, No. 5 Personnel De pof Alttllery Park, • Bagot St., KINpGS ON, Ont. No. 6 Pefsonnel Depot, Chorley Park, Douglas Drive, TORONTO, Ont. No. 7 Personnel Depot, Wolsety Barracks, Ell:abelh St., LONDON, Ont c7e.o THE CANADIAN ARMY. "INSURANCE FOR PEACE" CANADIAN ARMY ACTIVE FORCE Liston to "Coinradei In Arm" every Wednesday, night on tho Domtnlon Network Wed November 28, 1049 MEALS 11111.10111116 ••.N CJ!E ,► ROXY THEATRE, CAPITAL' THEATRE REGENT' TRIATRE CHE4 rERFIELDS AND ct-INTOrs. s GOPARICH, . , . SEAFORTin, OCCASIONAL CHAIRS _ - -�- NOW: Gene,Autry and Joan Heathen NOW; ,"!TAKI�=°:1V1E' OUT TO.THE . RIaP A ED NOW PLAYING: 'NOV, °,24.261 r FT and RE-COVERED, FREE FICK.UP ANP DELIVERY For Further Information Enquire at J. Loc .woods Furniture Store, Blyth Agent, Stratford Upholstering CQ. irito ll'i'itfc4t)AXD • S. t` �.r�' !l►.'i# MEALS 'OORSATISFACTION IS NOTICE IIOU RS :---Sunday„ 10 a.m. to Midnite, Friday, Closed All Day, All Other Days; s 7 a.m, to 2 .p,m. 5p.m. to midnite. osurnereiall Restaurant 0, Elliott, Proprietor. .gt4tKkKktlet kcigt gtCtttctttuitckitcgicKic 3ungli tcultettdtgtitGtC Clgt4teleu k tstkBE i r► 4! One touch of "Aladdin Magic" and your room is:transformecl,-The lovely decorative illuminated Bases are featured`on most styles, , , , . There's an "Aladdin" lamp for your every need in attractive table and boudoir models, moderately priced, .We invite you to inspect our display.: riF iND1DiAD1% 11141410 t)12011.123itt N7WD1%)2 71110 11111)1)Gt9i1191iMO,XA'rDMAPOItlb ILMRA l • James Lockwood FURNITURE(} COACH AMBULANCE --FUNERAL SERVCE Phone 7 ur 61. Myth 4 Of ' olasses Just Arrived IN STEEL DRUMS cents a Gallon SNOW FENCE IN 50 and .100 FP. ROLLS. GET YOUR WINTER'S SUPPLY NOW. Carman Hodgins, Manager. Blyth Farmers (o -Op Association TELEPHONE 172 • BLYTH. law" "iNaglais . \ . ia Elliott Insurance Agency, BLYTH - ONT. ONT. INSURE NOW! AND BE ASSURED. Car Fire • Life • Sickness - Accident,. r.{PfPP•ryyINAPNeihr f4I1P^I^P(P1~4rff • li y.I BLYTH ELECTRIC n Stock FOR ;..SUR CHOICE RADIOS, RANGES, WESTINGHOUSE WASHING MACHINES, ' RANGETTES, OIL BURNERS, HAMMER MILLS, ROLLERS and G:2INDERS. .Contact Your Electric Shop for Satisfaction in A; pl:anees, Se:vice, ,and Wir'ng. 1 41111111 111011 .1111 FEED CORN FOR SALE We have a good supply of corn on the Coll. Ground Corn Meal and Cracked Cern, at all times. Custom Carn Shelling and Grinding, Anyone wanting alfalfa ureal ground get in touch with us, I3, McCALLUM Phone 204, 131ytIt. ♦NPIPPN •^;M: PN Seed, Cleaning' OUR MODERN Si;ED) CLEAN- ING Pi.ANT IS AVAILABLE TO FARM,ER S OF THE DISTRICT, I'I I' \S.J MAKE ARRANGE - m N'TS IN ADVANCE 111 POSSIBLE, GORDON FLAX, LTD. 4 • Phone EARLE NOBLE, 114, Blyth, #^~^,^ PPNP, . , "Fighter Squadron" In; "THE LAST ROUNDUP _ i PALL GAME", Gone Kelly i►nd Frank IN TECHNiCOL R. Loretta YovnsCelotta HalmMondayTuesday,Wedne'day Mon•, `Tees,, Wel„ No-, E8 0 Hugh Marlowe Jeanne Crain, ' William Holden' ID'A' CORNEL 0: of the year's'be4t1'The chronicle Edmund Gwenn LUPINO Wit DE of a mall whose heart teas filled: with 'A tcc.hnicolored `stc,ry of student iron.'' f4RUAD HOUSE" undcrstancl;►tg, ._cynlc'oners whit lovable old "Santa''. cc »•' Gwenu hi ,a rare portrayal Arlt t?ntertairmtent. Came To The. Stable "A Apartment For Peggy Them,, Fri„ Sat, Dec, l*3 Thursday, Frtd>ty, 9atureay4T ---- .,__ JOAN FONTAINE �Thureday, Friday, Saturday Vi.tor Mrtu'o, Richard Conte Jamea Stewart, June Allypon, JAMES STEWART Shelley Winters Frank Morgan "You Gotta Slay Happy" \Vhcrc drama is a daily dict, this talc ! 1111,ether) ou arca °111 /an °r 'all' you ______, __. Y•.,___ _ . of the big totep trill 1.{acl tour interest •tivill the.: this fele of a youn'a' man's Dec, 5.'1 RO1ALiND RUSSELL: to its ciimax fight a?ati*st adversity, "THE VELVET :roucH,' "Cry Of The City" "The Stratton Story' \I;lt. Saturdays and holidays 1:30 p.nl. Co,r.ingt Davi.I Ni, 4;1 ani Jane Wyman In "A'. KISS IN THE DARK." NJ'NPNPIr►NPNPI PINNI4 PPNPI •''PNNP.►PPPPNNNPPP.'PNNf NMIVrPMN"#{K+��K~"#,M y++r---+r•• �• Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday Sinatra, IN TI cHNICOI,.OR, 1 ( Renfrew Cream Separators and Milkers, FOR SALE f �t'L�UIII'['IIEA7'RE_Chickens, dressed and delivered, 16 8 I31 tl 7 p I'l I3' ll Two Shows Sat' Night Plows enure , without notice. Sealed bids for' the double garage WINGHAM�--ONTARIO, 35c per 11), Apply Gilbert tN'e0te Y, eUl'y 1SSe DOUBLE GARAGE'FOR'SALE 'l 11I - ,'torr\ su )toot to change Disci Spreaders. Two "shows Each Night starting At situated at the rear' of the residence; Lime and Fertilizer Sow �Chanrrs ;t, t;;nr will br nntcrl br.low ceited I>y the undersigned unlit 6 P, M,' ;15 occult ed by N. P. Garrett will be re- el'S S,ai'ililr•to0t11 I-Iiii.'iOWS ( - `aturday,\lobose at 2 p.t. _ ,November 30. Building to be removed - fro a f tl tut b December JS 1949, Rubber•th'ed Wagons. 'STAMPEDE" Oliver Tractors ( .. nt t Land Packers, y, 'r at'•'ay, November 25, 26 Georgec Radford, Blyth, Ontarlo,. • PAPER COLLECTION Rcd Comer n, Gale Storm 'Tie Boy Scouts arc`ga`thering paper . Pie t b0131 wheel tractors and -Mcndit••, Tue•da•', No'enter 78, 29 : bn December 3 rc1case ie secure y crawlers, I •in bundles. Out-of-town people stay i ' THAT WONDERFUL' URGE" i • (\dolt Entertainment) Plows, Discs, Spreaders, ' T r'no Power, Gene Tierney Mowers, Hay, Loaders, Wo., Thurs., Nov. 39, De., 1 • "A NIGHT AT THE OPERA' Smalley Forage Blowers !The Marx Breit, A re-iisued.picture and hammer Mills, ' We also have repairs for Oliver•Cockshutt Tractors MORRITT _ & WRIGHT IMPLEMENT- DEALERS FOR OLIVER IMPLEMENTS Telephone 4 and 93, Blyth, Ontario LAND WANTED Land wanted for next year's crop, soft preferred, Apply, J, R. Henry, phone 150, Blyth, 09-1p, FOR SALE Ladies winter coat, in excellent con- dition, size, large 14. Phone 103; Blyth, 09-lp COMMUNITY BAZAAR A Community Bazaar will be held; in the Forester's hall, Auburn, on Sat- urday, November 261h, hatu;y, work, Aprons, Christmas' Gifts, home-made Making and Candy. Tca will be serv- cd, Sale continences at 2:30 p.m, Pro- ceeds in, aid of the new hall, . 09-1, w.�.�_•NOTICE- COURT OF REVISION The Council of the Township of:Mil- ieu 'will hold the Court of Revision on the 1950 Assessment *Roll on •\Vedr.ies- day, Decetuher 7th, 1949, itt the Cont tttnitity Hall, Londesboro, at 2 pont, GEORGE W. COWAN, 07-3. NOTICE VOTERS' LIST POSTING, 1049. \Iunicipality'of 'flue Township of Ilul- lctt, County of Huron, Gordon Elliott NdTICI? is kereby,gircn that I have .l II . •R • •Elliott . tu ) ;Office Phone 104, Residence Phone, 12complied +with Section 8 of the Voters' or 140 Lists Act, and that 1 have , posted tip in COURTESY AND SERVICE,' my office, in `the Village of ',mules, baro, on the ?9th clay of percher, 1919, stgtititIttDt)1104t7h21)tln�1 'tt2401V ptl'N DI ' 11D13)�,1�,1� the list of all persons .entitled to vote 949, CLEARING AUCTION SALE shovels; horse clippers, and °titer ar- ht toe pall nttl:tic,'taiity' at the lout;.ci �'" pal elections, and that "such list re= tides. •- - - Of Farm Stock and Implements lI1\.TtNI:SS t Goo(t set,°of lireeching truants there for ittspecttott. At Lot' 16, Con. 9, Morris tbtiushih• harness; ntunbcr of horse'cbllars; col- ANI) 11-IEIZE3Y call t,pon all vot- half way between Walton and 111)111, lartops; rain blankets, --- .ors to take immediate`proceedings- to on the County Road, on .. '" POUL7. RS 75 I:cns and pullets; have any errors or otnissions corrected FRIDAY, DECEMBER 2nd, colony house, 10x14 ft. aecnr(ling to law, at 12:30 p.m., as follows; GRAIN: 1000 bus. ntixetl grain; 200 . 1)A'Ph1) at the office this 29th day Heavy draft team (twiddle ittts, of oats; 3 bus. red ciciver. October, 1949. I'ioR51:5, ofGeorge \V, Cowan, Clerk. „ ;,•", y' Y • agc); Sorrel driving hoist, F. years 1attp'. iron; Coleman lantern; Alladin 07.3, g THE, HYDROELECTRIC old; General purpose cold, rising 2 y.s. s Trinity Church POWER COMMISSION OF ONTARIO old. w 1an1p. CATTLE : t)arhant hall, 2, years old; flarot(l Jackson, Auctioneer. Guernsey tort', \titlt Calf at foot; Dere- F. 1', Chcuesy, Clerk,'William Brown, Proprietor. ford cov, tine in Dee.;`1)ttrhant Cote .(Inc 111 Jan.;: Hereford cov, bred '2 AUCTION SALE ' incttths, Ilcreford crr.v,,ette itt. Jan.:of 35 T,1n.-tested'Cots, at ,tot 31, 1)ttrha,tt cow,,'Il,re(' 'in. Srpt.; -Farrow 6111 ConcC ssioll of Goderich t\\'p„ 1 mile cote;' 1)ttrhani cote, fresh ; '7 " j'car-o(tf ..tdv.411 of T'otter's hilt on ' t'''ee' 10'41 ' e.ifers;' *4 s°rittg calves; . TUESDAY, NOVEMBER- 29th - 'Durham ;calf,.3.tuontlts old, ' - at 1:30 o.ti sharp: PIG -51. h, York:lta's, 125 lbc•; 1ot•k 35 yottng dairy and.brief-type cows. '.[Itmbttr�gs, Pie, Coffeet'I+tR, sow, (lite itt ittotith, Scttite''frsb,, a n touter of close u'r . 25 Cents. 09-2, t,\11'T,1 i1I V1S:'2$-44.0.1Is'er` tette' springers; some (MC tt,ts'winter,'oat- ' ;tor, :on. rtthbcr, Inv good cottclttinit ; 3 once util'ktt�.l, due itt sprits?. Tbcse are furroit; lttt ':rraCior p10\vs ' 4-seetion eooil t;ttality- cows, coitsisttng of TTot= "•'""' :tray ltat•rC:vst l2 -inch. hatuttter. Mill, steifts, - Durltan,s, and Terseys. Ail with bagger;.. 2. faint \vaeous; .• 16 tt. cows :are T,11. -tested „e.d utay- etttet bay rn k t eravel . box,; M. -1t, 7 -ft. bin< ,ll‘, herd or aren,'`- der ; -sprin too tit ';cttjtivator;, M,=1. _ ; Terms Cti lt. '•Sole tinder, t",nver, 6 ft, Intl"\'cr; tVatkhv plow; -stifkv . A, it Townsltt,iti1 & Sow.. Props, rake': rictitt.1 `plrw; 1(0 -it, of hay fork 1 .'wir(t 'Vt, V111".t, Auctioneer. rat'Ip + hazy f ar11 ctltter t set of. stoop . K. W. CoWtitiottn, Clerk.: 09=1. ,1; bore rnrearlel't - -' s1e'�*1t5 s hurl �rnck .' • i (lrili • FOR' S���.F t:riiftler; 11-'!:11!; e qtr -11 fer'til ler , . - fannitt' turf + 2".01.11). crates; root nul- Pair of tttett`s' stC7tes •attd-boots s're per': Mct -bees iilx-set,erator; enl bar 60,(' ApWm, to Mrs. m, BBowes, 111'•o -h, rets, ` citattts; , foci,, .,- ` C9.1. ''' ', enter] '''7,,' ,• ANNUAL . BAZAAR Memorial Hall, Blyth, on SAT., DECEMBER 3rd, Bazaar opens at 3;30 p.m. SUPPER: 16 I. .I • ..I .I ####44# M,.1 II MPIPNIYfNNI•PPN. Gordon Elliott J. II. R. Elliott ELLIOTT leave paper at The Sunoco Service Station. 08-2.. NOTICE TO CREDITORS All persons having claims against the estate of Anuie M, Colclough, late of the \'illi! e of 131yth, in the County'' of Huron, \\'idow, who died on or about the 2nd day of April, 19.49, are required to file the sante with full par• ticulars with the undersigned by the 25th day of November, 1949, as after that date the estate will be distribut- ed. Dated at the Town of Goderich tiro Real -Estate Agency 5thday November, 1949,W FRANK R. 7).1RJ20\\', N.C., Barris- ter, &c., Goderich, Ontario, Solicitor 07-3, BLYTH. • for the Estate.. ;THE FOLLO\VINE DWELLING tc0R S:V.E \VITII IMMEDIATE POSSESSION: 1 storey frame, instil Krick and metal -clad dwelling, situated on the .forth side of Hamilton st., Blyth; 1fydro, full cellar in house, good .cell, good cement acid frame stable, 1 acre land, number of fruit trees. Priced for itiunediate sale. Pos- session, ,'0 days. Ideal property !or retired farmer. Lot east -half of 34 itt the third concession of the 'Township of East • 1Vawanosh, 100 acres of land, about 5 acres second -growth hush. On the'pretnises-is a canlfcrtable ,frame .Is'elling, barn on stone wall, tvith good stabliuit*. Possession. One -and -ore -half storey brick dwelling on Morris street. One ac- re of kind. Small stable. A good buy, and doss ssion as required. 1 -storey, cement block and brick• business block, situated on the west side of t aeon Street, in the \'illage of Myth. Tiled floor, full cellar, (cistern), good location, (Posses- sion). A number of other properties for sale. Particulars upon request. PN N..yNP4"0y.P1~.•••.I4^PN4^+11•PPI FOR SALE Singer sewing machines, cabinet, !portable, electric; also treadle' ma chines, Repair to all makes. Singer Sewing Machine Centre, Goderich. 5l-tf, R. A. Farquharson, M.D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Office Hours Daily Except Wednesday and Sunday, 2 p.m. 0 4 p.m. 7 p.m. to 9 p.nt. Telephone 33 • Doherty Bros. Blyth, Ont, 47-52p. GARAGE. Acetylene and Electric Welding A Specialty. Agents For International- , Parts '& Supplies i White Rose Gas and Oil ' Car Painting and Repairing. Car WANTED 1 A. L. COLE R.O., OPTOMETRIST and OPTICIAN Goderich, Ontario • Telephonl V SALESMAN FOR SELLING AND Eyes Examined and Glasses Fitted, With 25 Years Experience SERVICING LakeviewChYicks ~1 IN THIS DISTItICT, Reid's WRITE TO POOL ROOM. LAKEVIEW �51170I{ER'S FARMS & ITATCHERY, EXETER,ONTARIO, ;;Tobaccos, Cigarettes, P6 _. E . ' and Other Sundries. FOR SAL'f 100 Barred X Leghorn pullets, .0.3:44.4.44 i.1.44.+4:4+i.4.4•4'�if«t�i'irf4 percent laying. Apply,:Sippc Ilnrkenta, SUNDRIES 09 -Ip. THE McKILLOP MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO. HEAD OFFICE • SEAFORTII, ONT. Officers President: Chris Leonhardt; Vice- Pi esidcnt, Hugh, Alexander; Secretary Treasurer, and Manager, IA. A, Reid, Scaforth. Directors Robert Archibald, Scaforth; Frank #IcGrcgor, Clinton; Alex. Broadfoot, Scaforth; Chris. Leonhardt, Born. holm; E. J, Trewartha, Clinton; John, L. Malcne, Scaforth; John I4..\icEw- ing, Myth; Ilugh Alexander, Walton; S. H. Whitmore, Scaforth; Harvey Fuller, RR. 2, Godericlt, Agents John E. Pepper, Btrutcefield; R. t. \tcKcrchcr, Dublin; J. F. Procter, Iirodhagen; Geo. A. Watt, Blyth; Set - \\Tit ]Baker, brussels. Parties desirous to effect ` insutaned or transact other business, will be t✓ s lti,� "" rontply attended to by applicatiOni ROE FARMS MILLING CO., ATWOOD, ONT. to essedf tt'tthe3t•°tespectnamed roskers I-HOWSON & HOWSON, BLYTII ficeit Bull In China Shop -Having walked in cautiously, Cry Baby, prize entry in a livestock show, gets a tempting luncheon offering from chef Paul Debes in the china shop of a department store. Looking on is Tom Gibbons, youthful owner of the prize beef. • A writer in London, England- Sydney Skilton by name -in a re- cent column made the somewhat startling assertion that Darts has become far and away the most popular indoor game in Britain, And while we have no reason to - doubt the good faith or veracity of Mr.. Skilton, we have an idea that it wouldn't be'too hard to start a very interesting debate over the cor- rectROs +mi�tiis. statement, although the'cofiuilnl'of a family journal such as this probably mightn't be the -mbst-saitable arena in which to con- .11uct such an argument. * * * Be that as it may, Darts really seems to have been going places of recent years, as the following facts -for which we acknowledge our indebtedness to the afore -mentioned Mr. S. -will bear witness. * * .* Formerly the throwing of winged spikes at a target was just a public - house pastime, Now it is a national custom, Entries for the last com- petition, organized in 1948-49 by a national Sunday newspaper, reached the astounding total of 318,567, For the new competition they are ex- pected to reach nearly half a million, And as that will include only the topnotchers who aspire to cham- pionship honors tite over-all num- ber of players up and down the country must run into millions. * * Aspirants to championship hon- ors have until March 9, 1950, to get their local area tournaments settled. Then the field will have been whittled down to a mere 64. The successful competitors will then go forward to the divisional finals which are scheduled from March 13 to March 30. By this date the tom - Maturer Split Hollywood star Vic Mature is being sued for . divorce by his third wife, Mrs. Dorothy lane Berry Ma- ture. The. couple is pictured above during happier times. They eloped, to , Ytitna and Were married In February, 1948. ' This will ' be the third divorce =forMature. petitors will have been reduced to eight, These eight will then be in- vited to assemble on Aprl1 15 in London where at the Empress Hall, Earls Court, there is to be a grand gala occasion. Traveling expenses of all competitors requestiig them from the area finals onwards will be met by the promoting organiza- tion. * * * Darts, now that it has cast its social stigma and because of sim- plicity and compactness, has won an honored place for itself in the home, the club, the varsity, the youth centers and, indeed, any place where people gather socially, Age, sex or social position form no bar- rier, It is played as enthusiastically in Mayfair as it is in the working men's institutes. All that is.required to play Darts are a few darts, a numbered dart- board (this is a circular target of wood, bristle, rubber or fiber), a wall on which to fix it head high and a piece of flooring on which to put a mark nine feet away. Strongly recommended also is a piece of protective wood to prevent the darts- of inaccurate throwers from changing the pattern of the wall around the dartboard too much, * * * Nine feet away may sound a very short distance for folk accustomed to throwing other spike missiles like javelins or harpoons but, a begin- ner is just as likely to make a big score as to miss the board alto- gether. A dart scores according to the section in which it rests. The sections of the board arc numbered from 1 to 20 but they are cunningly contrived that, if you aim at :he big score and just miss it you get a small one, Starting at the top of the board and working clockwise round the numbers run, 20, 1, 18, 4, 13, 6, 10, 15, 2, 17, 3, 19, 7, 16, 8, 11, 14, 9, 12 and 5, * * * As the game has advanced so has the fashion in implements, No longer do you use darts left behind by the previous player, Not In sdr- ious competition, anyway, Here the darts are instruments of mathemati- cal precision, carefully weighted and balanced .with aerodynamically de- signed "flights" and bodywork of shimmering alloy or plastic. Stance and style of throwing are discussed by the fans as eagerly as they are in eonection with cricket or tennis strokes. * * * • There are numerous variations on the theme of Darts, The game most generally favored in and around London is for 301 points up, Ac- tually it is 301 points down because, in contrast with most games, you are credited' = with your full total of points before you score them, As k is necessary to start on a "double," which means throwing a dart into', the outer ring encricling the board, it sometimes happens that one player reaches zero and wins while the other, unable to get a "double" remains at 301 and loses. The loser is then said to have been "whitewashed." • All of which sounds very intrigu- ing indeed, Still, to get back to our opening paragraph, we still take the liberty of doubting that Darts ac- tually is "far and away the most popular Indoor game in Britain,". What about -well, shove ha' -penny, for instance?. Chile's Great Rainless Port CLASSIFIED 11AH% 01110110 The rainless port of Arica is D ALERB wanted to take order, for cbbie handsome with its cream - colored for cute of Canada's' oldest eetabUrho4 Got, Pacific Hotel fronting the sea, and ernment Approved hiatoherlee - Rawleieb, R atklns and Nursery Salesmen, had gees, the great sea headland, El Morro, Implement dealers and farmers make expellent which towers right over the town. dealers, ApptY Box 12, 188 Eighteenthtree$, Offshore is Little Scorpion Island, ORRDDERR Newoyouur r chicks for 1990 now, December, painted white with guano. Fishing January and February hatched °bloke will boats careen among the harbor makhatchedoebicke,e Junoe00In No embtrhah yotur rocks and bursting spume, and sea highest mss prices nowadays, bake sari birds fly by in dark curtains for you have big eggs to market next summer, hours on end, Send for 1960 price Bet for chicks, turkey Poulta and broiler chicks. Free catalogue, This northernmost city of the Tweddle Chick Hatchertea Llmltedl,llj'grfr Chilean coast seems worlds apart Ontario, 1, from' the rest of Chile, from which choles panels Iartns and realmd'Idr;`Pu e breeds and erose breeder A'µalttcgsy '1,1. ed e it is cut off by desert and distance. Chick • Hatcheries I,Imite9;• I e.rgttl, CLitarlft, lts people are different too, gay, IT ak HE E now nen ed�na�t"i"j�tVs ala a spritely, yet kindly and gentle, They more a qvg� ,year. feet egg prlcee areIn e have the peculiar alertness of border aumn}or�'4 id' ran. Order your 1060 chicks no peoples everywhere, the keen glance_ qztgs pepigdelit�6dryi eltia oly.pne ttyylha h e of folk who live in busy seaports. 1''bh►elte.'Moo'fewt'kevtpoitfte,l brotler'ehtettis - They' Inq� :and 't•rqaz -toulay,:mptltate term. Unatetta�e know at glance whether,ypQu r+ de the y.'Toh'Noten Chick balsa. Guelph, Ont, are N o r t h American, British, i,'t Ati'4 Clitclli ItuTlatb b o oda otic French, or something •lee,, ' the . ' 1060 baby chicks nowt. you•,guerantee rout - folk here have something of ' the Belt dodiuvery date end &so obtain an early artistic grace of Peru to which order scount.puliorunib breeders are, ritefgoveorrnment banded and -tested• wour Arica once belonged, plus the 1950cat l nktoandOp ticcefohet, 8fonkton Poultry Farmquick - edged severity so typically oust nkto 9s OPPORTUNITIES Chilean, also a cosmopolitan air AN OFFEfl to every Inventor-Llsl of'lnvem from contact with the people of all Ilona and full information sent free. The lands . , , Ramsay Co. Registered Patent Atinrneye, 870 Arica is dominated by the hand Bank Street, Ottawa, some bulk of El Morro, a white -and- DYEING AND CLEANING dark -banded headland, shaped like II fig l'8)911, U anything n thinor Int r0, dyeing ortclean- Gibraltar, - whichrises ftp a sheer' glad to answer your vuesttone, Department six hundred feet` out of the sea, It 11, Parker Toronto, Works Limited, 70) Ynnge Stgives character to this garden spot onto, EMPLOYMENT WANTED set here on desolate sands, To its b•AnMERB, secure farT labour for evring. flanks cling the adobe cabins of the Experlencod etudlte or ornetical farm poor, tinted a dozen colors like the labour, families and single will be available raised flags of all nations , . , Aseociatl nou l,e 820 nay Street, n needed. tRoom Latvian04 Hells! The best view of the entire town, Tonto, Ont. of course, is from El Morro, reached e'011 SALE by climbing steep streets, past a BEAUTIFUL reproduction of oil painting, of small white pi0nittnent celebrating dthe landing of British, American and Cana - the Battle of Yttn a .an troops at Normandy Desch, D•DAY, June g y, January 20, 8, 1844• _Comnteto with text, ready for tram• 1839, the first big victory in the first Lorne, Montreal 18, Qttebec, Ing' One, 260 postpaid. Edward Shaw, 8601 war that Chile waged against Peru and Bolivia, From tate summit of the bold headland, we gazed far across the Pacific and right down on Little Scorpion Island' with its white - thumb lighthouse, its guano and roosting, birds; down upon the green parks and Hotel Pacifico, with its sea -front promenade of palms and' benches above kelp- covered sand and rocks , In spite of the green bower just below us, the red -tiled roofs, the massed gardens, the church towers, the far yellow bulk of the' workers' colectivo, or model government housing, our eyes constantly strayed off to the mystery of the desolate desert and sand hills, There the old Inca trail, where the railroad now comes down from the mountains, was worn thousands of years ago, and over it still come llama, mule, and donkey herds, In- dians with basketry and silver from Peru and Bolivia, Over this same route, by llama and mules, came the rich silver from the Potosi mines in Bolivia, all during the time of Span- ish rule, It was that silver trade which first made Arica the port that it is today. -Front "The Long Land," by Carleton Beals: }1MY SCIIOOL LESSON By Rev, R. Barclay Warren Jeremiah Denounces False Prophets Jer, 23:16, 21-32. Golden Text: "He that hath My word, let him speak My word faithfully." Jer, 23:38, Every age has had its false prophets. In ancient Israel, they were to be put to death, They were identified as false if the prophecy failed to come true, or if they led the people away from the worship of the true God, Dent, 13:1-11; 18:20-22. The false prophet was not sent by God. His message was a vision of his own heart, or a dream,' yet he dared to give it in the name of the Lord. Thus the people were deceived. Taking comfort from these lies, they continued in their evil ways, Standing in contrast, 1s the prophet ordained of God and de- livering His word, His message is compared to the other as wheat to chaff, Further, "Is . not My word like u a fire? said the Lard; and like a hammer that breaketh the rock in pieces?" "The word of God le quick, end powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts, and in- tents of the heart" Heb. 4:12. We stand in need, today, of the ADVERTISING • FOR SALE Poore--Corobination-thlcknees 1 8/8", Panel Ibloknees 1 8/8". Standard oleo, py1;{t r or retailers only, Genuine Breton fruyppolq�� •i, Ironng Board. -Asko Boards, eta, 'ROtati` t' only. Hockey Sticka-Junior and Senior. Re- tanlere only. Prices direct from mill.. D McKenna, 27711 Yonge'St., Toronto, Ont,' FOR FAHILY riSII prices and cooking re. cline, write Ilrflevour'., Flab, St. John,' N,B 101.1oott' QUt' • - 11EL1' *WANT GIRL orltteovitoIto (Agana lriltyaapusewgrlt;,1a3 modern home-ch1litleep q�qq..I top ;1lpm 'J'Illeonburg. $5r,.Q1•peds1o0111 �,A,o¢y11.11;0g. GIRL or woman ll r a �Oite gill g charrcter refer like children, Write g ng character refer. ences tot 180 Old forest 11111 Rd,. Toronto, Tillsonburg. `' • FAR1J helpp,. @@i fr)J ageats] c rliV b'B tt men LittWile� rt�snab>ro }in' t a h for spring, Stake arrangements nowt. Mite Chas, Laidlii',1 st8¢rLotifotld�•Afelililfonti if Quebec, •-•rr--Asa.,_ ...... ---- '-'MEDICAL, PRO TEN ( 16121 j1111- )<;l,t�,ftyl iiUltFAN 11,''t11f RHEUMATIC,, ,4's it'$ .� pit, 811nlirlf tiIS 'l)I!flif4ls' lil;ttil'fl,�• ,ltltNttft!ei f11tUP 8,�ttRlt ,. I!r. 886 ELGIN OI'I'il{YA 81.26 EXPRESSI'ItEL'AIt1 POST'S ECZEMA SALVE Vanish the torment of dry eczema rashes and weeping akin troubles, Post's EczemaSalve will not disappoint you. itching, sealing. burning eczema, acne,ring• worm, pimples and athlete's foot, will respond readily to this atainlese, odorless ointment, regardless of hnw siuhhorn nr hopeless they seem.. PRlt:I1 .1.00 PER JAI) 'Sent Post Free on necepit of Price POST'S REMEDIES 880 queen &t E,, Corner of Logan Toronto OPPORTUNITIES FORMEN ANI) WOMEN BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOL Great Opportunity Learn ITnlydrersing Pleasant dignified profession, good wages thousands successful Marvel graduates America's greatest system Illustrated cata- logue tree. Write or Cail MARVEL HAIRDRESSINGSCHOOLS 860.Bloor St, 15'., Toronto Branches, 44 King St, Hamilton & 72 Rideau Street, Ottawa. TRACTOR CHAINS, all sizea, available. HiedSonswrfters, send poems, songs, for ex. 10x28, $28t 10x38, 988, Quick delivery. amination and advice by professional cont.Gerard Unragon, Churw, Que. Phone 80888, poser -arranger. Free publishers Ilei, No ob- Hornet Chain Sawa, new, two -men -8376,001 ligation. Loth Studios., 243 West 72nd, AB, one -man -8226 00 Hornet Salm09 Muer New York City. Street, Toronto. SELL TOYS and novelties from manufacturer, FOR SALE -Slur Slipper Business, two mod- Attractive propoaltlon. Information write ern homes, immediate possession to Mahood Star Novelty Co., 2778 Ontario E., Montreal, bidder. Norman Sanderson, Seatorth, Ont, Jer,ln1 Vil)r) eu 1''1{iil?iufilil )t ,woty GENERAL STORES, ere c etetiopp., garagu, e„fpppt}'y. tpo Ip,g;,.M' l Y' ill profitable rait). rittii ea li{a!e >ja ,e a io Ill!'la watuns t Ordain t 'a none , Contac �9f�tt �y mall, telephone or wire. WM, H. JOHNSTON Outthink Broker ' SD ciP9ifioit 1119 I�Lis Ao•o 80fl6 X qA, XpwpoWWJ Phone 1'rinceeriot4e9' {f Veilhl$IWW11O. 6681 Ttln'KEY EGGSMipgntesf fo, 460. Machine 0 yAWl by Goveriinpep(i%Aiiay ved Hatchery, Gonerprices paid, JJj'f jte- ton'Xtijl details Bog 18, 128 l8th •5J;, Nest Nronto, Ont Was Nearly Crazy :r;t++li 1%.rfilll�ith Fier) lch- lyla{t liretJibes -D,ibDDtilProecr pptionmWorld rtDppI)I9r,.th!'Ipul�elwpl)p�t'llq iOA5Jlcotlon 'tipebd eaco an cpm ort'Iro era 1 Itcldng ,,,used I.y ocrema, pltepfes, otshe ethiete's ttl`.1 oI lidnth8r.itch:udpleteg'lrl r.tidttic 36s rot applleation chbeke eben'the 0,046 inion.• tch fir rpnppy back•.Ae15 druggi t fqr D, D. D, s1 reecrlplIgn (onilnnry or'txtta'atrength), KiDNEY ACTIVITY VITAL TO HEALTH Don't wait until you become depressed but avoid backache and rheumatism by taking KLAAS TILLY DUTCH DROPS as soon as you suspect sluggish kidney action. If you suffer pain and distress due to kidney impurities ask your druggist for KLAAS TILLY HAARLEM Imported from Holland °Il 160 ACRES, Bruce County, Huron Township, Good buildings, 2 bowies, L barn, drive shed, ben house, pig pens, Hydro pressure system complete, steel stable', litter carrier, silo, rods, tiled, plowing done, Church, school, cheese factory, highway, possession, informs. tion. Rune]) Osborne, Rockwood 6, Ont, 22 Ring 21. COON Mountie, Combination Hunters, Pox Hounds, Rabbit Hounds, Trial, Literature, Limberloet Hound Kennel, Box 314 Decatur, Indiana, U.S.A. 10 ACRES FRUST FAItII near .Vineland, Write to: Dox 122, Vineland Station, Ont, WINDMILLS and Electric Water Systems, Prompt shipment. H. M, Fleming and Sons, Aerometer Distributor, Blenheftn, Ontario, BATES and galvanized pipe, j inch gal, pipe at 160 a foot; t inch gal, Pipe at 18e a toot! 1 inch gal. pipe at 25o a foot; 11 Inch gal, pipe at 46o a foot; `8 inch gal, pipe at 80o a foot, All prices include freight 10 your station, Bathe, toilets, moll pipe and fitting' also in stock, Ivri Builders Supply Inc., Ivry North, Quebec, LAKE Simcoe. Ideal location, 100 acres o,ay ' loam, 88 acres fall wheat, plowing done, good bulldinge, hydro, close schools, highway, Terme. Immediate posseselon, Marshall Camp. bell, Churchill, Ontario. 800 acre bush and beaver -meadow, Small barn, Fair house, good well. Make good 'Hunt club In deer hunting country. ALSO logging sleigh, logging Jammer, Apply Tom Bennett, Commanda, P.O., Ont, PIGATONA worms your pigs with one dayu feeding. Just mix it In the feed. At your dealers or mailed postpaid for 75 Bents. Northwest Poultry Tonics Ltd., Arkona, Ont, 808 BRITISH calibre, specially selected con- verted Mark 8 lightweight 10-ehnt Sporting' rifles; price each only 841.00. 48 rounds am- munition 88.00. Immediate delivery Limited emptily write for photo and description, Money refunded It not satisfactory SCOPE SALES CO., 828 Queen St,Ottawa. Ont. preaching of God's word. To a great extent, outspoken attacks against modern sins have ceased and pronouncements of judgment and eternal punishment -have been silenced lest they be offensive to delicate ears. In the place of the Word, we have substituted harmless essays on current topics of interest, Men and woolen can nurse their pride, envy, hate, adultery and covetousness and be quite unper- turbed by many a modern sermon. 0, for Jeremlahs who have God's message and dare to proclaint it; . men who bring -.God's word to bear upon the conscience and heart of the people. Sin is exposed and the Saviour 18 set forth. He, Jesus Christ, will bring deliverance from sin and peace and joy to the heavy heart, Let the people pray for Jeremlahs. WANE UP YOVR- LIVER BILE-- Wk1Cslo.ae1-Ad Veal haw t el lei In the Morning Reil' to Ge The Itver should pouf out about 9 pinta et We. juice into your d)a9etlye treat erery dad. Il this bile is not flowing freely your rood maynot set. I4 easy fust decay is the d►geetirt VOL gee bloats up year gamut.. You Ise eopltUpated, You feel sour, sunk end the world looks unit, Wet PiP111. takes to get ithessgentle tsof bite How ing freely to make you feel "up and pp, aft j Pa_ekate today. Eneettn in mars; bile now freely, Ask for Carter's Little Liver Ptls, 85i at any 0 -gasters BUY books wholesale, save up to 60%. Write for price list, Wholes -le Book Company, 107 JarYIa Street, Toronto 1. L 0 N E S 0 M E? Nationwide Introduction. Proven results einoe 1024, Free sealed par- tloulara. C. C. Club, Box 188, Calgary, Alta, WHY not employ spare time pleasantly. profit. ably making socks, rugs, eta„ tor neigh. hours and trade, Ask for free coloured pamph- let with spedlsl offer on Verdun Iiome Knitting Machine, Used looms for rugs, knittere, worsted wool mill ende far knitters, eto„ lowest prices, Triton Canadian Co., Box 184, Place d'Armes, Montreal GRACE LIVINGSTON HILL WRITE for complete llut of books by this famous writer, Montreal Christian Supply House, ,1018 S, Antoine St., Montreal 8,, (Dept, W. ) PA'T'ENTS FETHERSTONHAUGH k Comm, Patent Snlieltora Established 1890 860 Bay Street. roronto Booklet nt intormatlon an request, STASH'S PICTORIAL Liberia Triangles, complete set of six attractive stamps No, 271.78 only 16o with approvals, Murray's Stamps, 184 Win) •ton, Hamilton, Ontario, CANADA AND United States commemorative 'tamps, plate number blocks, mint block., our specialty. Send for free price stet, J. K, Sutton, 193 Sparks St., Ottawa, SWAP NECK TIES MAIL to ue 6 ties you're elck of, You'll receive by return mall Name number of handsomely cleaned ties we got the ammo wily. Then yon pay the post man 91, plus postage, Canada Tie Exchange, 181A Gnitview Ave., Toronto. Atom 20.0 SORE MUSCLES. ,, C:4`5P0/1 51 gN'BE: I ORT yti14 , 4, LAN potoole �4 Drina, Greaseless, fast -drying, no strong odor, Economical size 6$c M 1 N AR'D' S LINIMENT ECZE RASHES To help airing swift soothing relief from the awful itching and irritation of Eczema and other Skin Rushee, try Dr. • Chase's Medicated, Antiseptic Ointment. A cafe home treatment for over SO years. 86 DR. CHASE'S - Antiseptic OINTMENT ISSUE 48 1949 HOH EYThSBoyDELIC OUS HONEY WEEK SPECIAL Golden No, 1 Grade, 30 ib, can Mainly red clover and alfalfa, WHITE NO, 1 SMOOTH CLOVER HONEY Case of 48 lbs, in 4 -Ib tins , , . , $9.50 Discount to dealers on 2 cases or more. Satisfied custotners or money refunded. MUNRO APIARIES, Alvinston, Ont. WESTERN ONTARIO'S LARGEST PRODUCER $3.90 FREE BOOK ON ARTHRITIS AND RHEUMATISM Excelsior Springs; Mo,, Nov. 21 - So successful has a specialized; sys• tem proven for treating rheumatisul and arthritis thatan amazing new book will be sent free to any reader of this paper who ~vitt write for it., For those who suffer with aches, pains, stiff or sore joints, 'nervous - nese, over `acidity, ' systentie tox' villa, colitis, or other rheumatic s y ill p to n s, this book entitled, "Rheumatism," fully explains why drugsand medicines give only tem- porary relief and fall to remove the causes of the trouble, The Ball Clinic, Excelsior Springs, Missouri, has perfected a specialized system of treatment tot rheumatism and arthritiscombined with. the iVorld famous mineral waters and baths„ This system of treatulent.ris fully, described tit the book and tells how it may be pos. Bible for you to find freedom from rheumatism, • You incur 'no obligation In, seed, ing for this instructive book':,'It may be the means of saving you years of untold misery, For writing promptly, the Clinic- will' send their newly" enlarged book entitled, "Rheumatism," Address your letter to The 11a11 Clink, Dept, 5243, Excelsior Springs, Missouri, but be sure to write today, CW CHANGED THAT CHILVE O RA6iA THREE ,'f1M. 70D14Y,1.HIi OOESN't KNOW WHAT IT IS 110 IMP CAW _-- . Set Off For Pole In Balloon, Fate A Mystery For 33 Years Augtlstof 1930., , , and the scaler "It's torn)" He flung a hand to.: Bratvaag. is nosing through the ice wards the envelope, ' of Spitzbergen," On a • routine ,seal The triangular rent flapped vi- hunt, her. crew little dream they ciogsly, widening as they stared,` are about to Uncoverone of the Where an' hour before they• had great mysteries of polar explore- been confident of success, now they tion. faced disaster, Soon the gondola "Seals off White. island!" It is was thudding on to the. ice and the the lookout's cry, overechoing-he three men were scrambling out for ice, that startles them into staking dear life, • their great discovery, The Eagle was finished; and the Soon the 'shouts- of the sealers explorers' plight was desperate. are mingling with the roar of wal- 'Their boat was undamaged , but rus, Within` an hour, the Wren are what were the chances of sailing it through the ice floes of the Polar Ocean? With as much food and equip• ment as they could carry, they paddled, hunching their shoulders against the wind. Before they had travelled a Haile, the ice closed in. Now he is scuffing up the snow, Nothing for it now but -to walk, excitedly , a boat hook , . , part dragging the boat with them.'' of a man's sleeve, He is on the Nearing Exhaustion verge of uncovering a tragic chap- A utonth went by, and they ter in the annals of .polar explora- watched their rations dwindle, - tion, "i've found AndreeI" The hoarse shout, jerks front his throat and starts the sealers scrambling over when Fraenkal saw..the seal,._Slowly.. the ice towards him, Sure enough, lie. wriggled toWards' it; aimed add on the boat hook he now brandishes" " fired; shove his ''head are the tell=tale Within Minutes, they were -cut, markings; Andree .Pol, Exp, 18'17 ting away the steaming red` meat. Grim Fragments • ' and cramming it .greedily into theh. Soon the ice, is 'yielding up more •mouths and more grist fragments, A Swed Their strength and hope ` were ish flag, clothing and human bones, rearmed , , even if winter, was rifles, a sledge, cameras and a diary upon them, Yet secretly, they had , , until the whole pitiful story of given up any real hope of winning.. Salanion Andree's 'ill-fated expedi through -although each kept his tion—vividly described by Frank fears to himself. Illingworth in his book, "Men "We'll have "a long walk next Against the Arctic"—can be slowly spring, that's all," Fraenkal joked. pieced together, • Ilut Andree knew that long be- Salamon Andrete's plan to bal• fore spring returned to the 'ice loon across the North Pole cap- tured the imagination of the world —it was a world without airplanes —of 1897, On J,uly 10 of that year, the Swede climbed into the gondola of Ms balloon, the Eagle, followed by his two countrymen, Nils Fraenkal and Kurt Stringborg, The sun shone brilliantly above the Spitz- bergen` beach, The wind blew gently towards the North Pole, 550 miles •away. A cheer weut up from the men grouped about the Eagle as she rose majestically and drifted across Me ice of Virgo Bay. Yet she was hardly a black speck on the horizon before doubts were nagging at their minds, -Should they have sub• scribed to such a venture? Bearer of Good News At •Spitzbergeu they continued to wait anxiously, Until one morn- ing a welcome speck appeared in She, Arctic sky, Growing steadily, it fluttered into their outstretched hands. A carrier pigeon—bearer of good newel Once more, a cheer went up from the waiting scientists and newspapermen, They little knew then that the • exhausted pigeon was to be their last -living contact with the Eagle, although over the years, with ruth- less irony, the Arctic Ocean has continued to deliver up buoys con• taining "progress messages" drop- ped on to the, pack ice by Andree in his drifting balloon. The last such pathetic reminder of the explorers was tossed by the sea on to the Norwegian coast in 1938, 'shirty -three years tater, an Andree had planned to pilot his aluminum lid glinted on the ice of balloon with the aid of drag -chains. These he°hoped would act as rud• White Island and the mystery of ders, but the chaiins fell off within his end was solved, a mile of their starting point, ,From that moment, the Eagle was at the mercy.of the wind on the ntost hazardous adventure ever undertaken by balloon. at the Dental School of Oslo, Nor - For several days, the wind held' way, recently reported that dental in the right direction, By day the decay in Norwegian children de sun beat down and . the balloonists creased 60 per cent to 80 per cent perspired beneath the shimmering during World War II, partly be - envelope. At night, the tempera- cause the wartime diet contained ture fell sharply; ,gas in the balloon • little refined carj ohydrates, espe- contracted and the Eagle dropped cially sugar and the sugar products, , slowly until the three amen could Norwegians also ate• more fish, makeout the ragged edges of the sailed herring, potatoes and carrots flocs. —foods high in calcium,,phosphor• 'Then they met snow, Andree ous, iron and vitamins A, B, C. and turned Itis head.. to where the wind D, In: 1949 dental decay in pre whipped • through" the shroud lines school children Inas increased 30 and his expression grew blank, comprehending, un-. per cent to 40 per cent. busy skinning, One of the sealer's, seeking water to - wash the gory, pelts, sees a bright object—an aluminum lid— glinting .on. the ice. That Is the be- ginning, In a. few moments, he has discovered an upturned boat, One day; "We've enough food for a week," Andr4 told then?, They were nearing exhaustion pack, the curent would- bear theist towards the Pole, beyond the point where the Eagle lay shattered, He knew that—saving a miracle—there. would be no spring for them; Propped against the side of the upturned boat, sick with cold and fatigue, he wrote in'his diary; "We have eaten the seal's brain, its flesh, liver, kidneys, heart, blood and In testines," Soon they were chewing the contents of the intestines, half• digested fish. And then Andree's miracle almost happened, Stringborg was first to notice the • change in the wind. "It's veered north-west1" he shouted. It was blowing the ice towards Spitzbergenl Still the days dragged • on . but now there was hope again! The wind stayed in Its new quarter, The - moving ice drew ever nearer land, End Of A Diary One day Andree called joyfully to his companions, Yesl , .. it Was a distant coastline. Before very long, their frozen boots were stum- bling forward over rock, Solid rock. But land was not enough. It wan the end of their desperate advent- ure, Too weak to go farther, they crawled beneath the shelter of their . boat, All they needed now was an- other miracle) In November, 1897, nearly five months after he had cast off in the Eagle, Salmon Andree took up his diary for the last time. The pencil moved painfully in his stiffened fingers, He wrote: "Ottt position Is not especially. good." Diet and Teeth Dr,. Gutternt.Toverud, professor drk Might Be A Good Idea. To Copy 1 A group of -some 30 fathers took pre -Christmas lessons in how to stuff a stock- ing, how• to trim a tree, how to smoke a pipe without setting fire to false whiskers and other Santa Claus techniques, Some of the ` class are pictured ` above on "graduation Day," Paul Bunyanski Key To Treasure And The Atomski There is going to be bottomless discomfiture and chagrin in the Am- erican West when readers in that section have absorbed the words of Andrei 1. Vishinsky, Soviet For- eign Minister, about. Russian pro- gress in the mysteries of atomic says a writer in The Christian Science Monitor, Said Mr, Vishinsky at Lake Suc- cess: "Right now . we are utilizing' )atomic energy for our economic needs in our own economic inter- we are irrigating -deserts; we are cutting through the; jungle and the tundra; we are spreading life, hap- pineas, prosperity, and welfare in places where the human footstep has not been seen for a thousand years." A Russian -licensed newspaper in Berlin says; atomic explosions were used to cut a canal through the Tut. - gal Mountains as part of a mam- moth water diversion project which would eventually involve a chan- nel 580 stiles -long, part of which in the'Aral Sea would be deep enough for seagoing vessels and twice as wide as the English Channel. Dwellers in •Michigan, Wiscon- sin, and the Pacific Northwest, pro- bably have thought they had a monopoly on this sort -of thing in the doings of their regional hero, the legendary boss lumberjack Paul • Bunyan and his big blue ox, Babe. Paul and Babe it was who dug the St. Lawrence River, the Great Lakes, and Puget Sound,' according to timber-cantp account—and what a timber. campl The chow tables were three utiles long, and the whole top of the stove was used 'for a hot -cake griddle,; with boys skating around oti sides of bacon to keep it greased. .If one wishes nowadays to get an impression Of the size of the. big blue ox, he must turn to the Ameri- can South-west, to some such uu- impeachable source as the booklet covers that: "If all the steers in Texas were one big steer, he could stand with his front feet in the Gulf of Mexico, his''hind feet in Hudson Bay, and punch a hole in the moon with his . horns while" he brushed the mist off the Aurora .Borealis with his tail." 'But now, alas, the 'spinners of folklore apparently must give way to the pre-eminence of the Slay. Not only'do,we find the Russians built the first airplane, the first subtnarine, the first electric light, and the'tirst radio, but we are al - intuit impelled to bow to their ouper- iority In the art of the tall story. Why praise the man who keeps both feet on the ground? 1 -le isn't getting anywhere) + Flung From Gallows When the 18th century French pirate, Olivier le Vasseur (-nick- named La Beuze), stood on the galloivs, he is said to have flung to the crowd a faded chart show- ing where he had' buried treasure worth $450,000,000 at Maye, Sey- chelles Islands. "Find it who can,' was the challenge he hurled as he went to his death, - Today, three Kenya treasure hunters are reported to have locat- ed a cavern where, according to the 'chart which.. was placed' in. French archives, the treasure lies, They say their divining instruments have indicated the presence of gold and precious stones, But instruments have also shown that poisonous gases lie under the ground, These may be the reputed "hidden guardian" of the pirate's loot, Engineers have started to drill through rock to release the gases. The treasure seekers will enter the cave In gas masks through a concealed "entrance known only to themselves. • - • I imagine that most poultrymen know that they should give each hen three to four square feet of floor space in the laying house, and that heavy breeds need more than lighter ones. « « * But do you know the rest of the space requirements that will get the most eggs out of your flock?? Here they are, as agreed upon by poultry experts of 47 agricultural colleges: * « * Feeders -32 feet of hopper space per 100 birds, or 3 4-5 inches per bird. If the birds can eat from both sides of the hopper, each foot of length is equal to two feet of space. * « « Roosts -6 to 7 inches per bird. Heavy breeds need more space—up to 9 inches per hen in warm cli- states. " t • * Waterers—One eight -gallon wat- erer or its equivalent per 100, birds, * « «. Nests -20 box nests per 100 birds. .• • * All 'of these figures are mini- mums, Give your birds more if you want—but no less. * « If deep litter won't work for you, there is a reason. Maybe sev- eral. Deep litter saves lots of time and cuts litter cost if handled properly. Yet deep litter is "out of the window" for some. And 1 mean the whole idea—not just the litter, . 4. a * • Deep litter works best ip insu- lated hooses, Insulated houses are better because they are warner; Waris air dries the litter, So, the warner the house, the easier it is to keep deep litter dry and fluffy, * • You have to get the most out of your insulation, too, One flock own. er thought he should ventilate his house more when the litter got damp in cold weather. So he kept the south door of the laying house open nearly all day, His litter stayed damp, iHe was putting too much trust 'in sunshine and not enough in temperature. So he kept the south door of the lying house open nearly all day, His litter stayed damp. He was putting too much trust in sunshine and not enough 'in temperature. * * * Many owners of , single-wall houses also are getting good re- sults, They' are cleaning the house only once or twice a year—and that's the test., The reason is . that '.;;Sea „Sea it they're still getting warm tempera- ture, But, instead of coming from, insulation, it's coming front fer- mentation, which occurs in the litter with just the right tempera- ture and moisture level, 'Phis is shown by a demonstra- tion flock- owner's experience, She used deep litter in one end of her 60 -foot house, and it worked fine all winter. She put it, in bhe other end later in the fall and the litter 'vas wet all winter, * • * * Time of starting probably made a difference in fermentation.' Litter used for the old hen flock was started in early September, that for the pullets in late October, « 4 « Many flock owners find 'a little stirring of deep litter helps in areas that get damp, Also, adding new litter occasionally, until the litter is at least six inches deep,' often helps. 4 * Lime spread over. the ,litter- aids in keeping litter from sticking to. gether of matting, It is recom- mended for periods of unusual dampness. The Winnah 1 Phillip Gor- man, aged 3, holds Buster, the prize alley cat that nipped top honors in a cat parade and con - Net in Greenwich Village, Blis- ter won the title "Homeliest Cat. ' "ATOMGRADS"—Sorlet in Atomic [storey Derelopmeets m kvrees el fissionable Materiel Ukhta PoU�Nb:, c Joachimsfhal ROMANIA Moscow • - Dnepropetrovsk Stalingrad Kirovabad hark ted • �r;aft,,t INDIA ...... .... sit!::,_ .., .:;,::�:..: °'�• Where Russia Gets Atomic Material -The recent admission by Czechoslovakian ptcinier Za potocky that'Czech uraniutn, mined mostly at Joachimsthal, is going into Russian atomic energy plants, spotlights Russia's supply of fissionable materials, Map shows USSR's pt'inci4 pal known sources, None of thetn is very big, but their total yield,tnined by machine and hart? - driven laborer's, is enough to produce atomic bombs, t'M COINS INSIDE AND LOOK AROUND! tOU'LL HAVE TO • WAIT HERE, `AHIE! ` "t4 WHAT'S YOU 4 by, Montana OH, t CAN HARDLY YEAH WAIT TO COME TO VM GOING VAN SNEWT! WILL TO VISIT YOU MI55 ME, YOU ARCHIE? EVERY A INHERE DID YOU WIN THAT LETTER? Ponderottii Porker -There's 500 pounds of sausage --=neatly a titirci of a mile. of links- wrapped up' itt this high hog brought. to.'ittarket' by Robert ffawley,-.The r four-year-old Dttrot boar, is four feet.h[kit,- `six' feet -long and weighs 1080 pound.. .-Pickers..:: paid 1-lavley . 124.20 .for the hog atnd sltarpenad upxth.ir ratusage r. •inclers, Tile normal•ize Hampshire hog • itt foregrottttd points .. tip.,the monster's biz.. tiEe Dry Goods P1 R,SONA4 INTERL ri: r •Mrs,' Ellie 1Jeirnes of Godertch visit- ALLACFS \, , ed for the past two weeks with her sls- eau Shoppe outs,,,nd•Mr,,orti' -Phone-• Boos 1 & ,hoes 7� 4 COiltI1fiQ11, ' NOveinller .2€ i 194 TOUR HEADQUARTERS FOR "FORSYTH I>ie Smart Thing to Give IHim for Christmas --- "Fon ytlt" Shirts, Shorts, Pyjamas, Neckties and "1Tandkerchicfs. And for Her•.. • The. vera':`newes,t:in Turtle neck Sweaters and Cardigans, Slips," Nylons and Neckwear. WE HAVE A GOOD ASSORTMENT OF RUBBER FOOTWEAR ON HAND FOR EVERY MEMBER OF THE FAMILY, Xi _ _ I Mrs. \Voods and Mrs,`J. Pelts lis:t- cd last week itt Limon wall their cons - 1, in, Mra, Kyle -Mrs. Susie;Talgr, --of - St, Helens, spent Monday with Mrs. J. Petts, Mr. and Mrs; Herbe,t Crawford, Misses Betty awl Sandira'Crawf,rd, Miss Natalie Alodzlcy, all of L.ondan. s; ent the tvc;k-end with Atr. and airs James Crawford, also caltins On M. and \Irs, E, J, Crawford. Many friends of T); \V, Somers of \Vingitatn will beglad to learn that he has reurued to his home in W1,t ut i lite • havimt spent the .pastmonth with , I ',is s -n, 'lr. Ken••. th Somers, tis comers and et)D'nen, nt Nlidlan h' ll, .14 1,X14,.+, 44.14444 84.11.+ ; ai I holiday was a forced one, dye to a fa" y from a ladder in \ti'ltich he sustained erio FOOD STORES FOR THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY, NOV. 24, 25, 26 BLUE AND GOLD FANCY PEAS _._ 2 15•oz, tins 29c CLARK'S PORK AND BEANS ...... .. 2 2)•oz. tine 27c. QUICK QUAKER OATS '.._ , ...:... . .FANCY QUALITY TOMATO JUICE SUCCESS LIQUID WAX DUZ, TiDE, OXYDOL NIBLETS`CORN P,..,._.. Large, 3 Ib, box 28c 20 oz, tin 1Oc pint tin 52ct quart t'n 98: PKG. 25: per tin 17c BAKER'S DOT SEMI -SWEET CHOCOLATE Hf, lb, pkg, 35c CHRISTMAS BAKING NEEDS New Sultanas cr Currants, Seeded Raisins, Bleached Raisins, Candied Pineapple, Cut Mired Fruits, Cut Mixed Peel, Shelled Almonds, Shelled Walnuts, Shelled Pecans, Rcd Glaced & Maraschino Cherries, FRESH FRUIT . FRESH VEGETABLES, LIFETERIA OR PiONEER FEEDS. __ ..rjir'e Deliiver.. -- E. S. ROBINSON. -- Phone 156..1.. A�•'i 7•�T T�� �ON�NIH�.M.1. �i�H�N��1�11�H1. P'iNi�Mifi:Ni„iMM�Ni����'I��iNiNf'9/D~�e~."1^.~j') Holland's CLARK'S >PORK ;AND BEANS • d II .. I n I la ,I 1 .11 11 111 I . 1 o111 Food Market I I1 1 I w . 2 FOR 25c, CARNATION MILK 2 FOR 27c WAGSTAFF'S STRAWBERRY JAM :90 GREENa'GIANT MEXICORN . 14 oz, 11.'c 'BRUNSWICW SARDINES ._ 3 FOR 25c 1. G A. PEANUT' BUTTER--- ..... :. 35c GREENGIANT `FANCY `PEAS 17c SHREDDED WHEAT 2FOR 27c, JELLO POWDERS OR PUDDINGS TOMATO'; SOUP'(STOKELEY'S) ' Christmas' Candy, Dates, Raisins, Prunes 2 FOR' 17c 2 FOR 15c Walnut Almonds, Pecans, Pineapple Rings, Mixed Fruit' Peel, Mixed Peel, Pham Pudding, Mincemeat, leg and knee injuries. it islear•ted aha' his hcal'h is not the h,1st, and he may PERMANENTS M8Ghinelesg,' Cold Waives, and Mucillne Waves., - Finger Waves, Shampoos, Hair Cuts, and Rinses. Alive McGill Telephone 73r2, Blvth, have to Cis- 'se of his business. Ile `1• ' • " Meer ♦�+r++rN#M4Ma •as been in 0.1:111:741011S ht�tncss fn„ feint v c^rs, Friends wish him a speedy imiaisme11101111111M11L-14,M=2111111ho ,,.• re- ve Ind arts, GordonMorrison, or NIGH CLASS DECOR Toronto, 1lrs. A. Morrison, of llntr. _ \ ..E'ING AT LOW COST! Forest• s•-a•'tthe week -end .with Mrs Chester 'Morrison and family, also vis' :tir,T wi'h ;Nit., Chester 1fcj•risnn, who recently nide^wealan nra;ration Victoria iJasnital, Loudon. CARD or THAN?S - 1 ;want tO thank of. th^ and Air. Litt:e, my „teacher, and all ethers w•':10 sent, tic treats,, as well -s c^rc1s, while 1 was a patientin the f,odc•r'ch 1i s',ital. T also t%,'slt to thank' T)r, Weir, and the nurses of the hos- pital., Ross l)aer, • CARD OF THANKS I wish to thank .neighbnnrs and frcinds for cards and treats seat to me while 1 was a patient in the StN,aforth hOShltal. 09-1p, Jack 'ilrown. Notice To The Public The undersigned would; like to have it known that a satisfactory agree- ment has been drawn up betweenhim- self and the Myth Lions Club, regard- ing the lot and garage on the property behind \1r, Garretts house, --John 'Taylor, Executor` of \Vit. Taylor, Estate. 09.1, xi JL .ETT - 'rhe -Fireside Farm Forint met ;\fon. day night at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alex, Riley with an attendance ' of twenty-five adults and nine children. It was believed that in ottr cc)ttntunity there were sufficient means for recrea- tion but that if country and town pest plc cr'uid .meek more often for recrea- tional i eriods there %vott'd he a better _ understanding between the two groups - of people, - 'rile following were, the' _ prize %vinners in progressive euchre: !Huron County ration t ladies' high, Miss Fern Dexter; this ; , _ hands, 'Mrs. George IToggrurth; con- - of Agriculture LAND'snlafiour Mrs, Robt, Riley; men's high, Mrs. \Vim Dolmage; lone hands, = ANNUAL „MEETING Wesley Ho,;garth; consolation, :`Jing = I T TOWN HALL, CLINTON, Telephone 39' -- We Deliver Jamieson, Lunch was served. Next Monday the meeting will be held. at Lyon , L. Saundercock, and ati ikhe hatne of Mr, and Mrs. George ,;att1, WHY NOT SEE OUR , SAMPLES of the':.,:_` NEW 1950 SUNWORTITY WATERFAST WALLPAPERS. for any room in your home. FR CH PREST Phone 371.20, ' 1.Oi1DESDORC BRUSH AND SPRAY PAINTING Sunworthy Wallpaper Paints and Enamels, . 1 ill 1. 111.1 01 H. " AGAINST WINTER ILLS, NOW IS THE TIME' TQ BUILD -RESISTANCE AGAINST WINTER'S ATTACKS OF CQLDS AND "FLU", The following I'rcduets Supply Needed \'itani ns and liinerals t; WAMPOLE'S EXTRACT COD LIVER $1,00 NEO CHEMICAL FOOD $0.35, $2,F5 and $4,95 INFANTOL I;II..:. 90c`and $3,03, MALTLEVOL ......_., $2,03 • SCOTT'S EMULSION ... 63; and $1,19 1'URR COD LIVER OIL .....,.-1, , ._.,. 59c and $1,19 T 1EO CHEMICAL. FOOD CAPSULES .. ........'�.. $1,45 and $2,05 COD LIVER OIL CAPSULES ........- ,,.,... ,$1,15 VITA VIM MULTIPLE CAPSULES , $1,75 and $3,29 HALIBUT LITER CAPSULES -,._:' .: ,,, 894 and $1,49 COD: LIVER OIE:CAPSULI S (Defatted) ...,... :$3,00 $1,C5 and $3,50 ALPHAMETTE CAPSULES ....,...; ,_......: D. PHILP,Phm DRUGS, BUNI)RUIIS, 1YAL1.1',1P1IL=—PFIONE 20, 1 11 1 1• 11 1Al 11 iii i• �.I,,., 111 . I , 1..1 .r I x.41 M � 1I III .1• 1 1 I ♦e.•.•..Mr..N . 444I•.NNriwHr�4t+w-H.v41.r#IPrKr+#14`,INI M�vtNN+r4 1 y Your dread Mesh from the Ov�n ALSO BUNS, CAKES • AND PASTRY, FOR YOUR NEXT ENTERTAINMENT Order White or Brown PARKER HOUSE ROLLS. IIOl��T:Valdcu, Proprietor1114 , I 111 1. .1111. i 1 11.,1..1 ;.,101 r , I, t 114,11IIS AKERY '1';Voddcn, Prohrictor Blyth,'Ontario The H. '. +Nw+.#.. #?4 K# # 1#S D#WMaw : RAY'S BEAUTY SALON 10,,„,„. 1, 4' .1 IJ►1CJli,,mix yyll ..........YY1 111141.1,711.1 . rl � / ....: i (Terrace Aparttncr.'s) LYTH Proprietor, ane�,t hair,. at.r. en' Inger please ph 11 11 Fede liltulh MILLST.,B , Tray \Ic�'all, Pr r, All Tyres of Perm Waves, *34:01h p For lifeless, clamaged try "E RECK” Tro e, ' Oil Shampoos and 1' \\'ayes, For appointments plea one 1F6. 01-2p, _ �Iden� Servtce Having assumed ownership of the 'Blyth auto - wreckers, I” am prepared to give you: the best of service at all times in all your acetylene and electric welding repairs and requirements, LONDESBORO - The -\V, A, held their November meeting on: Thursday' in the basement of the 'church, 'with the President, Mfrs Robt, rairservice 'tn- tate chair_, and ALTs, Will Atanroing at the piano Meet,,' Ing opened with hymn- 394, and 'the Lord's 'Prayer repeated in unison. The Scripture Lessors was Psalm 704, read alternately, ...Minutes of last meeting were react by. Secretary, Mrs. L. Pipe. 'Cards 6f appreciation were read from are visiting at the home of tate let Mr. Henry Adanis,1/4Mrs, Russel Good ter's inother, Mrs., 1 lizt:heth Lyon, - and Baby Helen, Mrs.' Bert Ilrunsdon Air, and. Mrs. C, Strnughati ;int and Mrs. Brenton, A striking 'cont. Bobby, pf Goderich, visited at the mittee for. officers 'for`1950 were, Mrs• home of Mr. and ;airs: 1\'. Mountain Nott, Mrs, Saundercock and Mrs. Mil- on Sunday. ,` ler, Prograni .committee for Decent- Miss Flan •Caldwell of 11I1•.th s;.ent her, M -rs. Robt, Fairservicc and Mrs. a few days hast week with her aunt Lloyd' Pipe, The progranr was thein and . unc:e, _Mr.- and Alrs, Alcredith presented: Readings by • Mrs, Wm;Young, instrumental by Mrs,° '1'. Allen, Mrs. j\lessrs. Robert, Ben, Alex, Archie l?airservicc thanked all who "lielticd Riley and [:inter Hugilt have gone with Masonic supper, The treasurer's north tp hunt deer, report was .given by Mrs. Nott. Re- Messrs,. Art Colson, 11'alson 11e d, port of travelling basket was given by 'Jin. dclat•en, and ' -Wm. Leiper ha-ve Mrs, Bert Shobbrook, which now has gone to their usual hunting, grounds a total of x'41,00. Meeting closed with for the season; t hymn 298 and Benediction, Thc. hos- Mrs, \Vin, Carton spent a few clays' tesseslithenserved a basket was lotvely disposed meta. The hwith Mr, and Mrs. Roy Connell jlO f ng Clinton, Mr. and \lrs. E, Dewar of Uttawa • 1 fessrs. Tom and llob ;\ir..lfillan find 11u},*h Can•.pbcll a're hunting bear 1lrneebridgc. The regular meeting; of the ITillside harni cornet was held in S.S. No. 11 on Monday night with an attendance of 30. There being: no discussion., and 'the geesl sneaker' being i'1,..able to at- tend, a full evening' was enjoyed Play- ing cards, with the whiners as fn1ln's t I.adtes, most games, Rita Mrltichltel;-_ tailtcd from Totvtl_ship Directors to TIME T-ERIZ YOUR FAMILY LADIES AND GIRLS --- Winter Coats, Station Wagon Coats, Ski Suits. • New Dresses, Skirts and Blouses. Plenty to Choose Prom. . Holeproof Hosiery --- Wonder- Bra, Mens : Overcoats, V7.50-$29.95 --- Boys $17.50. All kinds of Jackshirts, Sportshirts and Parkas. Ssi'eaters, , Shirts, ' Underwear. .Gloves, Mitts and Sox; , MAI)E-TO-MEASURE CLOTHING, • one 2 ••y-Sanitone`Dr Cleaning'.» . Blyth, Wagons and trailers made to your 13peciiica• tions, aluminum soldered. We do body and fender work at reasonable rates, • _ TUES., NOVEMBER 29,' STEL ART and SON i 1,1.pi.,.,11--.1..11 . .W II II I ,.I 111.,,1 Y 111 1J4 I.I 1,11.6 111.114 at 1;30'p.hi, SPECIAL,SPEA!CERm • 7, S, Milburn, Secretary -\tanager, ii Ontario Federation. : This is your' -annual meeting and t your organization. Conte out show your interests _ ANNUAL" BANQUET, CONCERT : AND DANCE ON• THE SAME EVENING CARDNO'S HALL, SEAFORTH, 'I at 7 p401,' SPECIAL SPEAKER,. \VA'CSON PORTER, Editor-itt ;chief, Farmer's Advocate, London, .. ENTERTAINERS: Loudon Artists - witi>, '13ern1 Conn), as Master of ' Ceremonies and his Continental ,Or- chestra, Tickets may `still be oh: ladies Ione hands, jean Lel' erg ladies lconsolation., Annie \\Pay; ..ten's, ttjoslt • vanes, Arnold Riley: Piens, lone hands, George Dubs: loon's, cottslola- tion., Art T-toggart. Lunch was served at1,4 the next nteetin•a will be in 'the school oat ;Mon -lay .tight. County or County Secretary -front - 11'. v. Rod', Box 301, Clinton, Sec, TOWNSHIP OF MORRIS NOMINATION For Reeve, 4 Countj1lors, -and '8 School Trustees; To serve, the Township of Morris for the, year 1950, will be held in the COWS - HORSES - HOGS over250lbs, - . ea,` = 50c per CWt,'; • TOWNSHIP HALL, ON FRIDAY), NOV. 25th, 1949, from 12:30 PAIL to 1:30 p.ytt. • $2.50 each l- 'The Election, if necessary, will be. held ▪ $2.50 each on MON., DEC. 5th 1949 According to size and.conditio4:. Phone collect.: i ' WINGHAM'-;461J. GODERICH - 936R21 INGERSOLL : 2L William Stone Sons Ltd. .I . INGERSOLL,-ONTARIO. • ,. C9.1, . GEORGE MARTIN, CLERIC, EAST ‘VA WANOSI-I: Miss Eleanor Perritt of Superior, \V'is., is visiting lier cousin, Mrs, R, C. McGowan, Miss, Mildred Charter spetit the week -end at, her honic. Mrs, Alex. "Mcf owan 'is visiting at the home of her 'sort iii Kitchener, `' Mrs, Hosford mica katltteen, attend ed theIltoyal 'Whiter . Nair . 011 Satur- day. That's What I used to say, andit was true; Sometime;; I'd dream of the day whop I'd have time and leisure to do all•the things I wanted to do; but ; I had to' admit .wasn't doing anything about it, except dream.,, I never, seamed lo, be able to put • anything aside. Now,1 know those dreams will tome true, • They're guaranteed. Through a simple'.': saving plan - which, 'strangely:. enough, -I've found involvesno, hardship,: i, am now, . • saving ntoney for -the first. tithe- in my life..- The plan?' A CANAbIAN: GOVERNMENT ANNUITYI Annuities Branch ' DLPAR'iMENT OF,'..l:ABoilR :,ftuMPNREV MltCHHEll "MMtsfer 'A, MocNAMARA beptit,+ Mints/of 'Anhutltei Branch, bepartmeni of lbbout, OMawe._ Pleats send inetOMPLETE 1NPORMAtION aiaoi;t Canadian Oovotn,nent Anhullb{, NAME •' .. iii -:1 ii ..ii .i... • i ii.•..i ip i.i i.'ii s (PRINi CIEARIYI ', r 'AbbREESS iii Ni ii.Yi ii.i.ii•liii i,•ii•i•ii•i••.3ii.,Niiilii,ii•i.ii:i..:.'