HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi-Weekly Signal, 1866-12-07, Page 1a "ii.zzt .434. MO'S 9 ParSII-StNOERE THANKS 311"..7nrist eav OtragEltitarkislwo Taxer:m-6 bMiZese artiaselee.„. 7o eNecc:e oWer eielasttt. n to Mc; laqa.wasmt,i, Ick-i=cd .-aczIant otos CM Extfr k.sof•t. t'Ot •fl‘m?-<-0P% traLcsawe m-rstmescuransc..?c as Career to e"vov=ope enenegenrestenerit er,nerrs..steeCcOnto Ifil111111swal, :goo ni- n1 [laving tem ;;.,aPri.cvme Ele a b..1*.tanen be teoirtesesstiftwir To T. 415 -so CAN BE - )!A t.t) eqne a cent ••=cal Lataaesovo Moon -en Zer at=6 sw17-Irsr411 • • 1. 8 e . ION COURTS iv, Iv; ARE TIM TlIsila DDVIS1011 El tON AND E FOR THE RE- fvF nE Y EA P. SEI,t .z.!.-4 Tee:p.a.; IS- .Cers v_r_e-an .Searerth. 1 Po .1O3i -Amleyytibe 2 .... .Excses. N.1. sea; 24.. lietbeliiks - '1 ell :eon Snicn. en 011 1.1 I. Ot ESTI. ;Lm. -a 111.m.-,ctar t.-giaciirvisw. Fer.=.e 12...Riniesnelanr. , , ssta.rse 1S..Wats. Tcess..2 t?..1 aiszey. .z.venthemptzem Na. EMPE.a. t cv.e) es.. ay 19.SeaNistIn. va ;s=sy 20. Vezr=etian. -et:see:ay 22-CInstos. a.Gukrack. 21. rtingailittilak ve. ltrA 'rt.-v.-a:1y 27- Exeter. it.7=r•:._ . i.to at 10 A- M- I IS...AL C F. TO -1124 t-ty Judge a Jk irk i . " RI-See.4 Writ • F 3 TR FRONT ope:...ed cut la Ha tate CointT ofEarkiltert titreda,„ is lab r4 tt..48J LY GROCER/Mil :QU ORS (F ALL K:311)S,' RADE C10171110 ITS & SHOES, (!m• • trenfo5lv sere it a shave of Public Petrz-zaze:= _ CLSE31, cdi'vtiluee taken b ex• cc T.--_-aso P rz- s imebaeing 1701112 V OUglaigik 24s0b*As:1.. 1.856. w311 SH OYSTERS! wamsaan.1,- al -3D az-,-,an., KEG, GAN OR COME ERS, SARDINES, LAWOPSAGESI DATEI, . 1 far.litS?, Figs! Crapes &op, eses, at ii1NTQPI.A. AC'S. .[st side of Mi. rka FOwgre, sw9111 Erl Prevision Ste - cf; ,rntfd rofl Ectecl tfe store czpv. A. F. Biala. for the an) ct pze-pszed talkies/ v..•••:b eries and Provistort$ ,E L- cub frealt. E'iour and Feed ._se-leln en bned ycra7 p34vorgrze will be fitantr rirsz atterdet ter. are Liqrsrs &Mew Glasswslegrai OrissesT# A'arsistat 'reliant Ffur,_ &c.. &c ,- OAI ca L OIL 1,•A3KiS. • D. FEHGEECtE.\' ctw he litatCsr11 noIy , tea. cb. Fat 2e. 1dIc• sw45 FOlt SALE. ea. 4efi. 570-1.11101K _ O'n FIL 6,1X-ev's Crewe* -10 tow WA). 'The b. vt.t.t.tsditeitessti- ccoccureilos stib i L'rev arid taltrzsmc.. &Not eire "'mot ANINId z. a ser1 clreuft:fr itiosticat arr!fioSPP age reangePce- Par ktge And tetteellr tJI let:fi Ave AM/ANDES. CI Q,nartig B.t.s ger4.. tHAel? (ltdrrO.N. Dania; r.cbta. IBM As. di, Ere. ' wt 0 • • • liusintior se..notaasin. Vigas AT- HOME: FOR CONSUL o, ao to it u*eloak, a. at. ware oirip Tea patient at any boar stawrerdes *tar. 0. C. Ettuaxtraoss, DETSICIAN,SURGEON,&04.0.,GOD 2. wow. C.W. 1340.1y DR.MIciaBAN, • . 1111141ITSIOTAN, SURGEON'. CORONER Are. Odle• aad Randemest Ma dour seat of Ceatrat School Or. t4tentwa1y. GRADUATE of the Medical Department I Victoria Hairersity. Toronto and tato oft e flospital Rai DulLseasatir! Naw Ycirk. R n Papa?* Hotel. Barfield. W304itlo0 Lr s L•evess. Et A BUSTER AND VITCRNE'r-A+ AY Law and Sohinles-la-Chascary, CouritY Crests Attiwarty,Goderich.:aaadaWest. Mike vt4e40 wOortrt Homo M. 0. Orixneroxi. MINTER, ATTORNEY. CONVEY armee, isci.,tClagston street,Goderich .C.W Strialetr .1Ia Walker. n &MISTERS, SOLICITORS, (1.-r mascots, &As. (Ace, over the . Y. Dettor Son, Godericl. CON - Store of .1 phis Damon, B.tENIETEE.A.TTORNEY.SOLICITOR tot Cliwacary. &a O4ce, Market Square CoesstrottlagstouStreet,Godenek. 9:42 Jobs B.("4-orclori. TTORNEY-AT-LA,W, SOLICITOR IN Cteasury, Notary NM's/ Cutrveyeseer• Its.Oce.'Godu..ka, Cauda West. k-' Sonde ads of West Street, thaddoor from the sart-Hoalla Snare. 0. hiscie t.31.00ding, tAERISTER. A.TTORNEY, SOLICIT P oa. Om, (31.'‘DaILICS, C. W --OTFICS Up Stairs Watson's Block, West SL; entrance First Door west of Glasgow Hones,. Toms &tWoore. A TTORNIES, SOLICITOSS, Code 'X etch, C. W. Office - GRABB'S NE W BLOCK ss ILO F. rain. eradersch. August 27th. 1864. ulnae. zooms. sw103w31 Williams rFissys. A TTOENEY-AT-LAW, SOLICITOR IN I L ettaaearv,Notary Public,Conveyeacer ,Sre. G %clench, C. W.--0ffice , over C. E. Arend:Was Store, Crabb's Block. v15a29 X011.6,3r to Lend on Real Property S. La. rfroyte, BARRISTE a, &c..Gtnneltleff, C. W. Orate -Savage's New Block. 1. Y. •Mturoort. PIZARRISTE..,D - ATTORNEY - AT LAW, ./L., Con veyancer..te. 0.fien--13Iake's Block, opposite tse Poet Office, Goderich. larmary 3.1666. sw37 J. Francis C. lElialdali A TTORN EY -AT -LAW, SOLICITOR -IN ..L1. Chancery, Conveyancer. &c... dee , Goder- tek, C. W. OrEco-Kass's Block. career Court House Square sae West Street. tar• Money to 'wad on real property. s.bw36 C. F Clarste, A TrORNET-AT-LAW, Solintor in Chan. /V eery. Notary Pubic. Conveyancer,- Are., Mates, C. W. w31 S Mailcorrissoss. IAWSTER, Attorney. Solicitor, & 5r -e., Ctestria. C. W. w.34 MONEY TO LEND. MMus= fr•riser-, A ETORNEY-A.T-LAN, SOLICITOR IN 11. oksuieerr, Coltlertacer. Sae- Westlirlos, Co_ of3race. 1116n15yly 'Insoasiaa Vresttserssia. CIVILCU W./NENE AND PROVINCIAL Lead Surveyor- ToroutoStrect,Godosic... vt5n3 • 1. B. lismattn. (UV EL ENGINEER AND SURVEYOR Land A=nt and Conveyancer, Knicarduir t t Capsulate of Use tinned states of Aerie*. A.i•Ic S II 0 'V TZ . Office hears front 9 o'clock, s. ra., to 3 o clock, p. m. I • ARCHITECT, DEANS &21.0 See.taVICATIONS ot Build 1.iags,tee., got up ia a neat sad earrect style a er Odiew at tics Huron AwattOR Mart, Mar- ks* Sosare.Goderteli. few irlialvly . • P 11. ErNE, A. -1.'N LANDAU:4MT, Market Square, Ckiderieh. Tesithat.terOsorarr Wesieesdayeroza II a.m o • P. rt..= 8410 John Canspeem. E ra A. Id COMMISSION AGENT Comanswonarta Queer's Beich ,fortaking alirtavits.Coevevaseer,itc.,/ce. Oilmen Broad was. rdlageoctiiseardiae.C.W. tta Peter &Vitae. PORWARI3blik AN D COMMISSION L atercirast,tavFsamusx, C. W. Notes and dommatssollectted. &mixes& of aay kind ea- r stadia him will twociveyroxipt attestios. seteitvgosi W. M. SAVAGE, L and sells New York Drafts-Green- 'Nationalcereney-State notes, and =current meet, at current rate of azckAags. Itaerionoan 19th tine., 1865. w47.1yr$ LICTI.TSSD AUCrIONEE BAYFIELD 14 Coity et amnia. Wes la nano or easel e aetsallvine tided to. J 1 'Sri' IVY-. Dr.. P-IIELI" SURGICAL & l&SCHANICAL Dirwrisx,Gerrerieb, C. W. Emu over Etr.TiIgrimasDrut gore sw38.irly haw, 13tk.11565 AND HITRON AND IRUCE ADVERTISER. W. T. COX, Editor and Proprietor. $2.50 PER ANN: IN AD 1 INSURAliCE• Fire/ Isrhb anti fad hairnets OS 111111oSs3LtsilitSt. Offing -4.F. C. Eta/dlr.'s law Chaitibere; Kay Stock. corner -Court Eloise Squab and West St.. Goderielt, C. W. JOHN HALDAN, JR.. Atter. Business Elirectorn. Business !Directing. 1859] HENRY Gl-tIST, [186 DRUGS, Departmental, Pa rliameatary, AND PATENT AGENT, OTTAWA. Transacts business with the Crown Lands and other Government Departments ; Takes out Parents= fur Inventions; Obtains Incorpo- ration for lompanies by Letters Pat- ent ; Drafts and take- charge of Private Bills during the Sea - *ion. &c tor parties re. siding elsewhere. REFER f.1on.A.f'snvattr.,Com- rnissioner of Crown Lands. B.. Jusos Esq., Hamil- ton. Mesas. R Lewitt & Son, Toronto. ENCES: UI. M. Wu.sus, Esq., Simcoe. HON. .1. CARLING, Lon- don. R. Bute. Esq.. Inspee tor of A; enc ies,Cotoru al Lite Assurance Co. Rintoul Brothers, COMMISSION MERCHANTS 87 t 89 Sr. FRANCOiS XAVIER STREET, MONTREAL. Advances made on consignments; of Pro- duce to Liverpool, Glasgow and other ports in Great Britain. Consignments of Ashes, Butter, itc., re- spectfully solicited. Sept. 3,, 1866. awl THli OLDEST ESTABLISHMENT LNT' 'I' WINT- MARTIN AM &DIN, REGS TO INFORM HIS OLD CUSTOM 4.0 era, „that he is still able to sell for cash, at the loweat rates, ILL HINDS OF FURNITURE At his shop on Kingston street, opposite the Huron Hotel, Goderich. Give him a call. Go kb, Oct. 3. 1866.. awl1w37 NEW PHOTOGRAPH G1LLTRY OVEN OODERICH. SIIPS111013 UH? AND TASTEFUL ROOMS. Pwreats taken in every style and in all kinds Ot weather. Porcelain or Opalotype Pictures, and THE IfELIOARISTOTYPIA, Ott BE8T SUN PICTURE,” Taken in various styles from $1 50 to $20 (colored in water colours or oil. Life -Size Photographs taken on reasonable terms -either Main or colored. ' ry.. PRICES LOWER than elsewhere in Cs..nads. D. CAMPBELL. Goderich, Juno 1, 1866. sw27 Commeretalilotel.1111tch el I CAW BEM DRUGS ! C) (SnocessonoR.B.Rayaolla) Medical Court- HosseSpare ,Gaftersea , DISPENSING, CHEMIST & DRUGGIST treitenn,and I mporterot GENUINE DRUGS Cossassoals, Per/000 y, • ELair rootta. and :gall Beasben est/Moms, COLORS, DYE STTIFI,_ HORSE Sr 0 IITTLE IEDIOINES OARDENSSEDS.dce.,&De Orderstrorn Medical men punctually attendetito at Low*st hods Price s. N.5..-Physteian's Prescnptiont e.arefullyclis- pensral. Gedertch../ an .10. 1656. TOKN HICKS, Proprietor. This is tb J targestand bestConstry Hotel in Wester Casada.na43 charges as moderate as any Haws •ri Aachen. Stage Proprietor. tiogdsrablingfo IOCI Horses. Horaesand Camases (or Hue, on ise8hoocati§iotice 14:7 LIGHT LIGHT LIGHT! •••••••• ROCK & COAL OILS, • Burning Fluid,Lamp Oils. - For Sale by F. JORDAN. 50 Goderich.Jan.17.1Sb9 HUGH DUNLOP MERCHANT gis c>rt ----X0X I N returning thanks to the Public for the liberal 1. patronage bestowed on him, wishes to in- form them that havirig enlarged his premises to CONTAIN A JARGE AND WELL SELECTED STOCK uF FALL AND WINTER GOODS, which be has selected in the Cheapest Market, together with a Large Variety of SKIRTS, COLLARS, TIES &c., &c., &c. BEING CONFIDENT HE CAN GIVE SA IS: FACTION. Perfect Pit Warranted in every Style of Garment. tr He solicits an 'pipet -non erhis Goods. HUGH DUNLOP, I Two Dourr West Dark's Hotel. Goderic/a Oct. 5114 1666. nvr-I I-tf %NOTICE. quiz undersigned basil* diaposed of his Harness Business to the Dieser'. Henry & William Martin of this Tewe; begs to ,ne- speak from his friends and ctiatomers • con• tinuance of that patronage he so long Alloyed, and would lerther request that all those indebted to hini will, call as eariy is possible and pay their indebtedness at his. office at the old Harness Depbt. tronacE HORTON. Crodetich; 16th Oct. 1866. PRE taldeusigned having parch:MA the large stock of Saddlery and entire -15S BUSINESS of Mr. Horace Horton, bas been so long andlavorably known in that capacity, bit to state that we are prepared to continue the business on the same favorable terms to pur- chasers u they have hitherto enjoyed. The Subscribers have on band at their Shop, Market Square, a very large Abbate elent of VOIPERIM IN EVERY STYLE, Saddles, Trunks #atlis. es, kc., which they are prepared tn offer to the public at greatly reduced prices, clash. Farmera Will do well to call and inspect their stock and priceis before pUrcbanng else. where, =such chance is seldoiti °Oared. • H. &V. MARTIN., Goderich, Oet. 16th, 1866. -w38 DR.• MILTON'S ie MEDICAL DISPENSARY. Galatia, 27th Sept" 1846. tr2, MNIcalme .:101:top2tmlaix. 0 R 8 , COLLEGE STREET- 131.111,610At aNDIKECHANIGAL DEMIST, ELECTILOPATIMM &a. TEETRinterted in either Pis Grist PaPF Mills, Thrashing af$ar Mills, Woullth Fid'ur indatTREAL w tins, Gold. Sitree, or Vulcan ohtass• Foiindrles And Mitcbitie Shops, FiSTIOLISHED FOR - di • "The Greatest Possible Good to the Greatest Possible Number." GODERICH, 0. Business 1:211rector, !GEO,. RITIEIALL & CO., FORWARDERS, Ind COMMISSION Merchaats _ DRALERs Itt ALL ENDS or PRODUCE, C 0 A L, SA L T, WATER LIME, &c., dve Agents for first class Marine and Fire durance Companies. t1 HARBOR QUA r, Goderseh. FRIDAY, DEC 7, 1866. G. BARRY 8c BRO 2E Oil CABINET MAKERS WOOD - THAN EliS AND UNDERTAKERS, Hamilton St„ (oderjoh, VEEP constantly on hand for sale all arti- II cies in their line, inch as Bedeteads, Chairs, Tables, Sofas, &C.4 0:1e. All kinds of wood -turning done such as Nool posts, stair bannisters, neckyoke", &e. Always on hand, a complete ;; ASSORTMENT OP CO.er iito, andd-a HEARSE to hire on reasonable terms. Goderich, May 3rd, 1866 16w6netq MARINE UltANCE. British American Insurance C0 OF TORONTO, Marine Department. GEORGE RUMBALL, Agent. Goderich A..pr 1125th lam w13t NORTH BRITISH MERCANTILEARRE IND LIFE Insurance Co. ESTABLISHED 1809. • CAPITAL £2,000.000, STERLING. GODERICH /IA 4bms• AXE FACTORY! THEBSuebscr ber having recommenced the Axe -AT TEE OLD STAND, on the Corner of Waterloo and Light -House Streets, woukl beg to intimate to his oh c Mende, and as many new ones as favours him with a call and train, that lie will produce and sell a WARRANTED HOTAE-11ADE AXEi CHEAP *Weld ones jumped at a small cost. Picks, fcc., Made and Sharpened en short notice N.B.-Also a number of Sleighs on hand. JOHN MePHERSON. Godench, Oct. Nth, Mae n404 ALLAN P. MSRLEAN, HAS JUST RECEriTED A LARGE ASSORTMENT OP CLOTHS Consistin in part of Tfrestof England Bread cloths, avers, Whitney', Bearskins, Fate), English Scotch, and French Twserls,Cashmeres, Doeskins, snd a variety of Canadian Cloths; Plain. Satin, and Flowered Vestinp, Shirts, Gloves, Caps. &c. He feels confident of giving satisfaction to all who may favor him with then. orders .- TWEED SUITS (al(irool)$12 and upwards. N.,2.-Cuttiug dope to Order-. ./ge Goderich, Sept 25th. 1866, sw 8 GODtRICH -Pis% Department. INSURANES. effected on all classes of risks at moderate rates. Losses prompt- ly paid. Life Department. In virtue of the guarantee afforded by their large Capital and accuraulated profits, this Company can adopt rates lower than are practicable by many other offices. To Farmers. Special low rates have been made for farm buildings and other isolated risks. The undersigned having been appointed agent of the above Company for Goderich and anrroundine country, will he Old to re ceive r ronoaals for insurance in both branch. es, and will always be ready to give informs- tioe to parties wishing to insure. Wm. RICHARDSON, Agent, Bank of Montreal, Weat St. Godericb, Mat 1st, 1866. sw70 NEW GOODS IMPORTEDDIRECT A LARGE lot of various sizes and weights 3 of NOTE PAPERS! Large and small ill:inner post, blue line cream laid. &so some first quality Euglisk Coiteyinteing Paper. RESIDSS SVERAL THOUSAND ENVELOPES at all sizea. colors and quality, which airing . with the papers were bought by -commission _ in the best markets, and -will be .4old cheap - for cash. Nei, supplies of rAnicrir GooDs daily arriving. SCHOOL' BOOKS ot all kinds kept on band. and sold as low as any House west of Toronto. At BUTLER'S. Goderich, Sept. 11, 1866. IMPROVED FARMS For SAE. • 1*.OT 14, con 4, Ilowiek, 100 sores, 60 AO acres cleared, shin Lot 33, eon 14, %s wim:1(0/h, 200 acres at the Totter 100 er 200 acres to suit pardoners. Terms liberal, and a reasonable credit given on a payment down. Titles indisputable. Apply to B. FRALICn, Dingle. w 1 t W 31st, 1866. The Liverpool and London and Globe INSURANCE COMPANY. Invested Fonds, - - $15,000,000 Invested in Canada, - • 260,000 FIRE DEPARTMET. INSURANCES EFFECTED ON ALL CLASSES OF PROPERTY AT CURRENT RATES. FARLI RISKS AT SPECIALLY REDUCED RATES LIFE DEPARTMENT. io EXTRA Charge for lltilitarySer vice in Defence of the Country. Life Policies for the Itageflt of Wife or children are secutd from seizure by Creditors. APQ1.1eY for 91000, by the Guaranteed Bowie System costs at age 30, 924.70 a year. Shonld it become payable alter 5 years, one.tourth of the Premiums are returned, with the Sum assured ; if alter 20 veers. onelie1 are refurned after 30' fears. three -fourth,; rove 5. the Sum Aseured is doubled, and the heirs may client 92000 ! ! r. Maims payable one month after =Proof c f death. G. F.C. S3111H, Resident Streeter,' • MONTSAL- A. M. ROSS, A gAnt for Coderich • B. V. Elliott, for Exeter ; W. N. Watson, for Satorth. Gotlerich, Nov.2, 186b. *44 FIRE & MARINE DILENIX FIRE ASSURANCE Company of 1. London England, eaten/lobed in 1789, one ef the o:dest, largest and bete offices in Canada. HOB.ACE HORTON, Agent. VOL. 5. --NO. 29. JOHN RAMS'S CHEAP CASH STORE! At John Fair and Companys' old stand, Where Jerre HARRIS is now the man. , "leaped out tO wed vi* Additiorel stock has come to hand, thought, ere thought could wed itself with That will snit exactly the folk of the :and _ soeech " She took a fancy to mastiff dog belonging to a fisherman ; an bought it for her at onee, although it .va i terrible savage. and (except for inley's liki • 1 it) not either good or beautiful. Its . also -the only one it would answer to, Real Good Wincey _ sometimes it would not to that -w me for a lady's pet at al ad scan - 12i CENTS PER YARD. --. 104 47; 4. Nadirs who have any sympathy tirtifitir souls will not fail to apprecti t if:daunt narrative which !pilaw*: We cue it finm en Engin peridffial. The story is perfnivtly English„ pa is told bytha RevervInd Peony Flush himself a modest cares Ili the tubed Church. I was, be save, One. tqlrarrit to 1.0 Utarried, (how I went so tar as that is- zne • vel to me sull,) but an Incident of so frigit- fel a chmacter took place as to put Ile, matter entirely out of the quisation I we. re young under -graduate, spending Ile surer e with a reading Party at the Irish lakes, slit n I met sith - with Lucy, and got in shp. t be accepted. She was residftig el& er mother in the fame hotel in hiTarney as selves, and we all met every day. We bat- ed on the lake togethr,and fisht d, and sang , and read. We lauded on the -wooded island in the soft summer evenings, to take oar lea in ginsy fashion and to sketch, but abe and ravie whiepekit-not about love at all, • as I remember, but of the weather Mid' the rubric; only it seemed so sweet to sink onr voices and speak low and soft. Once, fit te party over the asoore.while I was leading her pony over some boggy ground, I 0:ugh* ket Mind by mistake 4t-ud ot her bridle, and she did not snatch it away. It was the heydiy and the rift* a ins' life, my friend,ond that tobtr al die sPirit which no powe cat) ever thore 11 knew what sh elt, and what wield pleile her, as soon the feeling and the wish themselves were rn. Our thought, for thourht at leas . not a na ly tor a gentlemans. There ita a litt.e. -secluded field hedged in by a copp ee, whictr sloped into the lake, about a mile from the hotel, and there Lucy agreed (for the fiet) to meet me alone. I was to he there befpre oreakfast, at eight o'clock in! the 'ffo,itieg.- nd yore may aure I wahr° at six-wah REALGOOD FACTORY I aTtotrastr.parPtiecruhlaartiImew.as never happier than The universal nature seemed in harmony 40 is c ass WIDE, - with my blissful feeling. Ile eon shrew out bright and cicar, so that the fleali crt... pea. Ereit,z.a„„ in breezes could seareely Cool the pltiitaani throbbing of my blood; tint the bkie rippIhg• waves of the lake looked irrepressibly tempt- - Mg, end 1 cotild not resist a swim. Sus; a READ GOOD CANADA. TWEED rnmze and out aain, drought I f for though' all ;roof, 7cts per ya:d. had such plenty of time to spare. t &el mined to be dressed and ready for the inter- iew an hour at least before the appointed time. Lucy ron,s,b, like myself, be a little earlier; and at all-events,with sueli an aa' About 10Y pima Canadian and /inporte DROV I NCI A L INSURANCE Company of .1 Canada, Head (Ice Toronto. Will take faucy and plain ri'sks on Country and City Property. Marine office. S'ntrtin° g Flannels risks taken at as low rates as any other Brat claw "ff HORACE lIORTAONge,nt. 25 per cent lower than tonal. MONEY TO LOAN $20,000 ti'=„1::,7-good interest retained in advance. HORACE HORTON, /odencti. Marcir3Ist. 1666. Agent. Nitcieky lacseth3. On Improved Farms, ••••••14.1M•14. For farther partdulars. apply to HENRY WHATELY, BuFFALO ROUVig ! Landau, C. W. , Omni -Albion Buildings, Richmond at, •••••=••••••6 A LA.Ftk taT oij NICE NEW ; NUBIAS or Clouds, from 37k cents. 4.74,m4 ..Q40/7” in et loves & Winter Haslet) d fol consequeuce in posSible apprehension; 1 wettld not run the shadow of a risk. "Mind my cloffes, mind fheini," said I to Towser (who took bit seat thereon, sage- cionsly enough ),• for 1 had heaid of such tliings.as clothes being staled &min uncon- scious dippers before then, with restIlts not w 'be thought of; and in I went. I remember the delight of that bathe enea fts fhis day; The glotr. the frsheetSi the limurfons rot - tresil of each particu'av wave, just as the lest yiew which his eye rested on is painted on ! the memory nf one who has been strickea blind, or the last heard melody is tremnirtd in that of a man stunned deaf by a fail ;it was tO last perfect jileasure, and succeeded by a shock that I shall never 1 think, quite get oer. • When had haled as tong is f 11140 JP he prtrdet, 1 lauded and edvanced towards the Oat where tat garftentit and Tomer lay; as I did so evert individual hairuponhig back seemed to hnistlif with far, and his eyes kmdled with cub aste, be gate ajaYstotice, by low elete'rrhitte growl, that hs would. near the Post Office. • tat abed two' thirds the price what the • London, Oct. 2. 1866. w4Ott NOTICE. A 1-.L thou indebtedto Wei. E. caapz, ty AIL weer bookaecounttwill plea* GILL IND S Tkesatne watisout dea. were• miring op Me end tear nit into if I Id nearer; it was evident fbat he Aid net a'ectrnize me,, in theleaat Taint ttiy clothe". FRESH GROCERIES 1 are faceived stelta Office on 1.4hthouse Sty do� cl gbOdialliti at thiti &alto !lir Very Lowest Isrieeg ON nitailina 41dderich, Ce or *ban sq. *Ad tau sum. Nov. 1st, 1806: Per Bile 290 BARRELS • SALT $125A y 01.13ILLIBQNI Assorted,vit $2:50 .Inat WO POUNDS ! wn. GRAE. Goderetehibatiiiii Mt. witt MAID NM, 41101111011 - - r HOMER, PSOPR/ETOR. Trti *bore is 'bumph's'ssnag inuatadpe ifs ottl emuseifie 120 teat higikoirdwItsobuF the Hai4oi MARBLE- WORKS,wrisamteitatiatittprs,„.00dikorendiarlpereardiasdinsiistaidi s_ r W; o; fAii.EAVEN• - ongtid‘. & .4,4g M !kW • h thb ti * rg lititel. 6 co 0 s it! ‘1 noburiberitk guriiiot frothiiiiiIi!rs• Oa (t.) p.bletti, gka prietorpop,gthil r X g tot • 40%10 teraturn bitarteerel Tor p i .;;„n Ohio Five O • ihnd lug fdrposes idell 00141301C Be; at tier Into* tr% IS saws wthigeno 644 natroalge *ma hcbsd.egOyet and " est wantlifUtialis *t id to, 104.401; 2C:4 i4 • .• Vehitik Mirk ill I 114T ' tra41rmit irb re that n ,*111 . -1 V boand.thibI u1.4 d ab .„rwuninig, lill'eTse wail zgvOiraso over the Post Otitis, Wen' bast 'sod gabber 04 reasonebleltierms ilkef4 *Ai . Scrofula,' Consumption i,n IIS inciPient • It GA. •. . " ;I `it' the Lubri p 011 I. . • 6"gest Thisiceiledal*$e"thijt .• A • : . Mal and IR Chronic ..• . q :11110041 Cc wench. Debility emale Weak: • - . ,. ., .711 013011GB : o , ,o... ;. t..J1; ardware GENT -of the C. W. Trats. vilut and luiratritantO tit tjs . Comiaiati Sihine . • . Msrk Ood IrsGit:ge:la:4411:ctra 4 lic6147z1a• is. 0! • .It is to Bost and. CheapestI . seinunvzonasi - iiittrrattriA .4.6''(i ... , British Amerisai Assurance Cd. -1„thaiiing.biiii;fha6,,40,, _ Thgra, ,& -• • ik- is. - ••th MADAM 13.4s to biform the Public oat : 1t 01 - , --- .14 TIRE dr.- ARINE. 1.arr=itiiiiiiraii. itrx..tiene bod. : be devotes hia whale 'meld the treatmegt _ . .9.44 ..,,,,,,.• , . . •JOHN ESSON 4nts :istiallerlplttit;rac.tnnumed.x..Wiiib di :Virterr41reit :iiijirfteferalitliterit " . _ix119•Cgg003ti,11' s- ;-.' "'''-- 3a -SALE , bath it yudii**Ittrnti$ jots" ening14; 004 001tr*-1:or. Patie'"4443"I' Otlilb;Aug 201b,1866. wlOr2jfo' = 40 • 1-- ..szo o. L 7 •••4 = • • n- • '• 7 .444. 4t• 4, I • -47-4. , rit • / „„,...• Bayfol4. C. IC: Aril 4.18". '1* Ai) esker hand , , . . . ... .... ,- :: .. : foropa .• America -.; •_•-- -i'; '."' ,,'i,.W.I.11,,gir, _AtI,V;,RIP4O'Fl ' a • - ' - • - '' • . I / 4-..--,• . i, IITIIEVEll CHNiti 1 ' ' ,l'tew tienlethAfF&Hluthit Otik00 .'i'":'67474=7,ti-rt iierisott;'''',' ',:',. '.-- ,' .,, .......-,f - = . GoDER/Gril rossucotwo . MILL 44,-hi,,,idit,and:Ireepo the beaming ap;fid IForthe !Feeral Meat* and all -privet .cmn*. trata:T0.uiki Powder',:-filuit . , (_ OLD 4. ALM. - - •• . ?- . „a „oral, ,•itrig mothagtfitia, _ - '7:- lili!ilt0,!•: ::.160010 etritniiP;4etain111'- ,rse4/10.0.;" ; '-114it1i4111kititri;rtuffiS DE . ' . ' TcDump 'Arge; ric,r37-4 - . .e.ott by mist rape; tabitt anti *GE :.14E01'444104Ifi'S*341"44 tittdfl44410-,:-, ; '401N4.0i:Til' '- Oli**- • Iting:•-''.-:;'-' gni nee eeiesotthh-.1ies4tlirOikttiAeKi*sd-aitai'' = ft a Lead am Of ....,,.„,„a,,,,,..,,,,,,..=,„,., „„„„.„,,,,zu nilterchanbt..-•v.4 41.AI Dialersin the .••*.fibtr4.; ' thosei,-:•dreAnuti seroctt njiiiigaige.logliali-ileeliens II: : ,r- „efisisk,,H !Ili' 1:12 :ituleitililrg2:45:11:474-u"401::4471,roros' ;',. ,,A.efelrer..r." - . : - -- . • , litilliiii'of Otilwingli 14104mpelvgosititgiojtt, - „- . , , 5--, Rilitajlit4 0 iii)'::1,214.1. . at oa haul a satabereibtk asd BracitbitketasillMsaufacturist•fultOlitradtfort Elliorittre 011)± sekogta4pcsTntIttl :3:11.-;',,tiei...4.4isiltfiierti:x.iit:g1.5,,,iorki,:i'flortr::,P1:141141414A1-41:. :.;,,::::011,,y-ittn= 7-'-' 95...: .453,,r. i'.':-'• " .7' ;'1•" -?::-.1:;',' - : , r b ' - it-1-1•11*eNTIChat (*4. that 140111110410.• WI .44;:ttoi ' - '''' , r, SS igitireolt obiIfer SUPERIanfAIONNelitati &PUPS.,!. ' -• - ,Ilaiimor.litit iinit;ifib4by the anitt'a tainolaSt,44. pi" - 11, irciiipaSleidady draw slalom tki,SiA 113141streK•Aiii-ailegh - - llraft019$ ° ' ritittenk raintrig fifekettak:464:710-' -, , 's -,j: .•• jesuordisrsenuntaniatabisc nT11•004froat f ,.. - , -_ „ ... ••, . ' :,- • • -•-- ---,::: Cna ,.•;_cilsesfinplOnts10-111$0 .t;t•PRSti,--r , -,:•,:t osta•liiiikkelliong‘Jrtiff2-Arwiegommlittnitalik ; . . . , :-- . -- .; . ,.f:- „, . ,-,-,.4, tion.-- Dr. Alit_41.*- iliii- 007 -1140444.:100, ,:-- J.; • :, , .,-: iii: , •, - -- --- - -- . .- •• - - - - ',dpeciitisifeniwitimcitw--bliOirlk :, . ••-'.•-- ,,-; .,,.- ; ':. -,- ' awl werrititiott. . Aourru 11.4"*Itlit..."*T0110 GAIIADIAlf .ROTBLi''''''' ':•sel*"-Pos- 7 gilrilitr•l& ' . or T,1714!•,i'l!to t,f#40,-,Puk:: esS aoihrfa# ' - - ""'"' • - - 7 ''.1''' ' ' " .. _ =., • - - - !'. < 404Plit 07 a - ikil', . : - ---4, ;-';_fft•-•, ,,, '' •,`: it : -i:',-,- : , - ,- - i ' --; :*: - . '::, .":', :;:: .-: : ., .,,, :-.._ .- - . ,..„,,;_.,__•-. • ottli,,,,n , .- - -,:,.. . . i.essitierWsiesiia*AUfikteka a e a eiwk Aso., ,:,,; _ ..,, cwl- : . • '*Ii01101 ' - • 1 z - ' -",i.-1- 4 . . --- * • = %-47, . • • 1-:' 1. :,., 10.411A 052101*C0101k2±,r4iTIAN I ,irfMP!f,MT!*_..jle ":'.:',,. '-4:14,„„„ti' ,i,i,h104:4400----'.:7.-.::,..::';','• .0.s.m.lithointistkitolleif sKtit WO* *estllildimitikeli,Pii41411iii41404 - - , • 440124 , teq; uiretssate entintittI '° °1P ereOto,1.„16fP24t.oA,..w,il,lo,s e 4- • n, 7-- :-.7Y too- vir - •11;Ekt bithi-AiditttelY 1017T0 aliontr or. Is years oT axe wan X.Icapload mesidistaliic spencer* la a sen - rat 'tore, awl -who tail be -ttell aeon!tn Address, prepaid, ;Wing refrent:et; i;ad. detalary from last =plover; Etaderietil o. eddricii, Oi.18e1 w40 - IAAO: .41111111114 5314,- 4P4t1;4-4011041r' .. _,.- ----- -.....•,• - sses.,,:i.,,......"-';- ._... el 111/ 1$ ---4 : • red- - * Wi ; ---,nuncio-- be ao1datproestbit1'" • - vanown_ertirtliolb " Tow, TOO; Tow, Tow, nit," pleasantly; good old Tow, yza reinembee sue l-" but the brute, like the bleed We IttoM known in *bettr da, and appeatto ilvea in ditgrent itprezelronly shook hii bola ht a menacing Inainitt; Mid showed his teeth the MOW Toter, be tiiet, 13* dos OW Tow, Tow, Tow-Towser-(beral newt" bad shit arty calf off) -You nast , dog; go *Way. sr, ain't you med il yourseit 1" Dropof foatit the teeth' of tile ferotiotie Monster 44 stood np with tail erect at these reprovmn but he adanifetted no-signa of rees Ali sorrow. Ityattuation became Orions in Oki extreme; whit if he chose to sit g'etfibit my pertonal pperel. until--/ At ti1I/MI toutiitrititi to be =abided, siratod &robe Oa Amer MIN - feeling': little OA 1 *ad La& WO again to consider what vas to, and resaltredthe teal pinpoie ole Towsefinto the Water, and thw him Abuse and &tu.y beizrg ibrotti awl vpdn hitui is.. bekved iv Imes pebblet I tioniddele%ihr be evaded by leaping Dols�h.- those WWI etnialc Isodere:11, rude* that I believed be wad havelfill am/mit me Hite could, *What I neti &Ma: Mot Mg; hitt he *void not -Seittani intbTlils • water atter tusetill: *nl )PatIGK 1114 9" h Pace 1°1.11%lottriTS°14441 whicI had once tumor, i/to ,/ - , • such &WA and szpectatiou. I +it ittsa 7.147 dIalune-and rage. to idi *Wins dryditcb in the where 1 total sies viz:RI being own, stat'tberb / tailstod likt it bb, la . Pretently iby " m�sCaretll# owl El ifititatiiit,,ustall,tir c ed *maestri The Vni2P T•• GODBRIM, • IlellIretridr0. 114" coantaisabertasleg000liellitaitivit alit fa tost attiot. wagdroiedottletg" • 4,• 2A-140-trifti4 Of° 2:atruillitshet. 4uktbiskaL kidld and fitted Jewelry on tan& 444 tbe *jai ibelve4 thadn! otal beateIdea:els zAtaTign IOUS ANNOTATACLES iipprtiob f *tiirfainit# at k iit-outt**Autrri: ponoug lb& attetintt laba tbit thiebet for Vat parpose. ,*11, I nettled: afici alse t aide4140061$ tof4 rectiontf Vditch with the senektstel dottooti thud tititlee• 14.10;011A *so' again pinging maater) 0 , ef.rectr..4.0riderstli bapi , ys,,wwill Lc%,„t”Aitzthoo,.. „ am, 1041. rattitlkt agisithe-#11/7414' tet 4rbrrearran,I 6. 0.4 cr crtietluatiftr4440.1 griA igltilita, vrid:ot 40; oe"VntarA a'wistativ tke 1105051 -6;tiedells N(11* by LecuJ Ert11114.5 wit rekt4116,ard ssgact kitedp051 tjoirste a • • laaeoily jus • - lesedntaster &it a lister -• 4 "I Waal - RL Prextolls: 1- her .* the fun; beside* sex fi.berrnen drag nets, and withidantsts sod U1114100 Agsintts leecr brandy SJ As 1 wbotiney viiefil •- &trawl int 6 'ts 504 siximning of haidiom *hen- nlito 4411,44 ; that- tk�i. was aeonslderubIe qwiatity t- Intliien1 IyIIg tcmacbfia 114 entrI5IMC1- • anotkorror Aceihaginitfor atuipataitOULTI hitt • -,* the • . , e d '.90$11014. gailtaaretioti.- t.14,I856i sw5*t-- 4" 4-41tersi itt- •