HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1949-11-02, Page 1T VOLUME 55 NO, 06, LYTH •y •.t. BLYTII, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, NOV, 2, 1910, Subscription Rates $1.50 inAdvance; $12.00 in the U.S.A. PublicListStarted' ForHans Lions Enjoy Visit from 1 MAILING LISTS CORRECTED Subscriptions May Be Left At Be!grave CoinrnunityTh, man, list, standard .lr.Vc been corrected 1111 l0 (11t and all Officially opened I 11 I I I I u g 1 , 1'here vire very fell' people at Inane last \\'y tiedray night in the Itelerave (listri;a, Everyone was in ate;lilaue a, til^ rl.(l ll, rf the new community centre which i, prominently located rise V 111rtt', and is t' c ;•lisle and joy of ever--,rne, tot' almost, ('\creme in 111.! 1 '.:Iil,'ty had a h:u; t in 1.11:11('1)ha,e of it's erection. Not only the peal le 1If llcl:,rat•c atter Zeit, 1. tt many \erre there from ncighbnnr;ngr towns and coma tufties. The ;attraction tt•as a monster foal *:\tuf r on \\Idyll i' ,11 advau.t• tickets had been offered f'Il sale, ;\Il \ter e flpen House at I,et,ion hoot '1'111• \1'o:ncn's .\ux,hary to the ('an- r.11ia:. 1 ('.tion pr, 1;. ,, hr,ldintr an I pen house at the new Lesion Ilona. on Sat. 0: day, November I.,h, In \':loch the taiblic Inas a cordial invitation. On the Thursday night prior to this \t.VUiIIl r I11h, the Hutu(' ‘till he dedi- cated :1t a spe :roll coo:away to be held at 81•(1 in the evet•tt., to tvllielt ccre- nli ny in\itatit:ns let\e Leen sent to various Legion and iiiii t ipal author- ities as \Veil as the local clergy. found them elves "nut of luck," a; is mid their wi\es. ' 1,a nl :a. than the allotted 81)1 were ----- ---- seated at the one time. 'I'llis in itse:( presented quite a spectacle. , I Lions Hallowe'en Party Enjoyed- .By Children The sit- er, n liu 11 was a bultutccu, one, was followed by special (Tremor, - and stu'erhe,, over \Odell Gregg of \\'ingham presided, as piaster of (11(:nonic , .\ special dedication ceremony \Vas rhar;e itt the Ret. !';.:\, \lilne, nt itriisseis; Iter. '\1'. J, \loaves, Rel- 1;ra\c, and Rcr, 1;, \lurray \\`,.ants 0f 111 til. The new building \rill he the scene of .the hotdo.y arliV!t'us of the crin- notntty this trimer, and besides trill be a decided asset utt yarto:ls 1,'\111' (l'1 c;\slot•, particularly for the annual school fair, \\ 'deli is one of the hest of it's kiril in the province, 'llnc11 credit for the success of the undertaking gots to Ahem \elhery, president (if the athletic assl)ciatit`n, Ross R' bin:am, s.:i 'tart', Lawrence \';ulnae, treasurer,. and (;,.urns:(' ('Dols, chairman of the I n;I link committee. :\ hi;ltlialrt of the evening \t';Is the presentation: of a key to George Cool:, for his outstanding. trod:, C. R. ('oul- te• read the address and I.anreoce \'annan made the presentation, Mrs. Co, k was given a luluyutt on behalf of the community by \liss \larlcne \Iar- Kencic. I'hc spec'.;tl speaker of the evening was J, A. Carroll, of 'Formai), super- in't nd nt of lair, in (Inta•itl, who was i . r,',!need by JI-hn \\'. I Imola, 31•I,.:\, for the 1kw) n -Honest Provincial (tiding, • in his remark, ;tar. Carroll laude 1 ,\t least the smaller children, of the i_meant). \t ere ,.n.l'agcd in harmless 'en daritio the evening Ilnurt of rtal- Irwc'yn n.ght, thanks to the ntentbers tri the Ct'ytla Limb CIO) \Vhn sponsor- ed their annual 1lnllottc'cn party to which the children of the community The .loins 'Je I a S;. ('Illi( 1111e o ;lt i rrl',tnll, ,;1111 should ~!lull' the ad- ' in the \lemmrial Ilal1 on :Tuesday m;:ht vanced dating. 1'1,•;1.1• rherk your an I receival a fraternal \:sit front Zabel on this i,;ne and see that it i• nlculbers of the ltm,Vich C1111) whicll correct, If their is probability of an vVas 1:11c1 cnj(. d by ;111. I.i(.II fres- creno inform to ;It unrr. blew Fred Ilcnvs,m was in cha•'gc of If to:n' arr,nutt is in arrear ple:lse the rt,eetin,a, and bion Ta er Ststn s;!,- att,(11,i11111.1: nt! In it ;t; s:, ,u as 110,-+ihle. tht,rpe led in 1011lt Very line ringing 11 i numbers, althutoth he had +liifiailty' + in ge(nii)s C-(peratlmli, !)artitul:lrl. i !lent the !in,lich herS \dill secnlecl to' hate lost \lit r mire, ',.‘ii ' \1'r halt ha11 nn tIi 1+Ltt int our tt n 1'\Vi,ter 1)11\1. I inw•ce rut tip (Iudt(,,..111.:1,:(;.1i. dint sine( '1•± r;•isle ,'1 (' 11 •r,±rn red Iru ll the e;u•1!cn of \\ illi;t±n ( ante, ui Shill(' and the result was a cn.niurt amount in til(\ line box. \1't t.bdd• aei,rlcn.g 17 Il);,, I, ,+zs. , Limn Pianist Norma 1)aes +res'd 1 at \I r. \'tulle informs ±±< that Ihcrt the 1):anr. Scuucthiug nclV in Il)(' "`11,.\\., \neer many n:nrr ,;plc sli',;!1+!y . ual'cr ,t,111.1' f en!crtain'rcr.': %as p'o\.dctl i111i int \site 11 brought in for I!is-I three 11',.stficld ices, 11 ti%Iy \lobs-nr I'I`I,., ollic!1 iniidentall1 i; sd1 to a ell 1rtl.,ld Cooly at"1 Ilob \It'I i ache\•, 1111 'Y'lo tn, ran, \I1. 1l'r +d 1 pnn±n •- 17 L13. CITRON Canadian Bank Of Commerce A contribution fund for Ila , Unter- Fred Johnston u;(leer, one of (': e,:ol:t', men Can;ld'ats hill Little ..__....., ..,_ ....__...... who nlct with a most regrettable asci- llotvard 'fait ._.. ._.. _..._..... ___.. ,lent last Friday attern.,,n, has caught Archie \lontgoucry fire to such an extent that a cotitibtt. Harold Phillips ti,al fund has deco rpei:e 1 at the Can- Sart() l (calx ................. _.......... __ Leslie Garniss herr, and all persons wishing to sill ht Don. 'dunking contributing, to \itis very wit-tlly ('apse Gordon \Irl)ntl'.al ... .._,._ ......_.., may do „1 1)t/ lcaVing tltcir d+atltioe. Orval \lac\icul at the hank. The ,t•,tt!rc is under ilk, Bruce Smith -polisor,tl:ti 11f l;lt tit Branch No. 4 211 of the Canadian 1.+4ion, and \I r. Geo, \Ir\al!, President of the Legion';' Branch, and \Ir. Grover (dare, sr., have leen ,11;!,ointcd a, fund trustees.' The regular meeting of the Rlyth Blyth Branch \o. 1211 of the (shod- School hoard was held on the evening • (Far.- 1.1"lin1 hate 1;111, (l .1 ell\"Ill\' for • Ill ( )ctit-r ,tl,t, at 8 o'clock t\ Intl 1 rats- . halal, sill! 1t/ 1'I Ctl'IlJual\' hint 1!'? N'ac `"'3.(1) for t!!,' fund, and it 1 1• its oar- tees :\'tl:;ltstill(', Hamilton, iletiron, \rho contributed a enllin trio number. I IIh, !t ; tonin t'c int'• t•1• c 1tt rililtl'lls, tt!lit It are t,lhttla:(',i Ropers ant! Johnston present. 1ilt- :1s an encore Harvey 1)11,.('\1 a solo. i' ' Lion Gilbert 1 lour\ s of the I'Ii ' is h cru!) ( ___ __..v lie! +(t, have already i c,•s received, i utes of last regular meeting passed tot contribute:1 a vocal solo in CI+;tiiitlt',' S . t ! 11111\ It;ts the I1111t-riCp"tit' \let'nl n( In+,1 11 nl 11111. J, llCtll'ot and 1ev, with acronr aurin', gcstitulatons, 'l'lte ;...0111'11 Ill%ltIOI1 . (`1'VICe (,011 In art'.det t I:l,t I ride} afters) p, 11'. J, Angers. nttutbrl' was entitled "I'm :1 I.iltle Pt. -1 (I1ICte(I By Rt. 1i('\'. G. N. \\bile ope;atint; a corn picker for his ! \lotion by Rev, 11'. J. Rogers and L1employer, yer, \Ir. I i;trvey \ic('alluti , on ' \urulan llamiltop that beginning Jan. 1Xt011, DJ).the I)rnhr•!nl farm, 1% idyll belongs to' tst, 1950, the fee for attendance of pu- (l:t 'l'ucs,tay oculus\, \nvetnhIr 1st, 3.1x. Illmean \!cl) to:tltl, tit {lrus,et pill not resident of lilyth be $3.5(1 per at 8 p.m, the Int. ltev. (;. N. Luxton,' and tth!ch is situated west mt 1t1yth, ; utonth and that the secretary notify, UJ)., Risho', of the l.'ncorptratea Uio-, utt the 111Y111-:\nburn road. itc wwiis thcitt to this t'ffcct. C''irricd, . The toltnsvitt acrnnmts tvcri' nrilci'cd ;1c'ian I;:uth of (',,tninerrc Branch, ,23 1.0`) .:0 LOU 1,0) 1.01 1.01 1.10 .59 .50 2.00 Blyth School Board 11Iet 1011'1 in an O,tiun Meds" ile refused to Ile encored, :\ g•otp mf la(:cs, lu•:ultd by \It's, Earl ('ald\Vcll, server) •I sumptuous Ili:'net•, roast ('ticket\ With all the fix - are ins'. •Thine \Very thanked by Lion 1t t!1 tut of Rulon confirmed \putt) -twos \ kntg ,thin(, and 'Itit(ntlt tilt uta ;:re cnr,I;Illy inVaed' yrcnrtn. an 1 sue it Itit a ISnits Itt,ar i yotn'r pe„Ple in Trinity :\i ,,tical( chine. a corn picker, became clogged, Paid t»t nit,tioti (tf Rev' \\'. J, 1tugt•rs Vitriol's forms of I`nt,.rt;linnu' t wc't ;old in attempting dull Charles Johnston: I,1'u'ildc t alt supervised 111• tilt' 111('111- 111r tht'it• ,,.lt.'lltllu t'it;)t't. (hllrl'h, 1,11'(1, al a 111\1,( impressive 1 tlllg to 1'1(';11; 1) trill, his 1 i' i bet's of the ('lob and trims \\Vere of- • , -\ draw was combo:led by Idol) Vern o•\t•e. 'I•lv c confirmed wcrc: June' h;tnl \\ a; catmint, and puled into the Russell I tnticy, cedar .._........._• $1 .01 '1)ciran, \Vita the follu\til ; \',rondos: 1?Iirabctll Lc:ltherland, Laura \lay; tarhint. Ile conl:l t' It free himself, Corp. of Clytll, auditing . _ ._._... 15.IY) l'i'd : n' different as IVpes 111 nest and his cries lin' help were heard be `\• P. Garrett, express, etc. . ,- 1•t)) 1\'inners w'crc as follotVs; Rest docs- flash light, hon Edgar; \{iniatucy. Lyathcrlaud, George 'I'honla; Ila;rclitt,+ } statue, Gilbert IIu\tes, Corn cul) pipc,, \\'yllin,ton 'fhonl:ls \Ic\;til, 1 it\tence Mr. Caltert lralcuner, who litcs al- i V. R. *pciran, supplies _ ...... 12,$11 :11 boo john Elliott ; Myst comic boy, Geon\. R;ldfot•d, t\whit, Robert t;eurl;e \Ir\1111larintl most a hall mile from \tiler,.i1lerald liefit'on, trucking, etc. .. •17.00 Brian \larks; Lest dress). rt, girl, lr.laine ) r the accident occurred. \!r. Falconer, ( Adjournment Inorell 1)3' \1111. J. f' I±1 - 011; Rcst comic girl, Ruse Marie 1 Robbin; for apples in a 11111 0f %Vater J01111 Taylor, I{dish Dorothy l)acr, l.o- was it5'hligell in, but the effort I ro'ght h(•rt Heir. Dace, Shirley lean Brad.. at'r„nIpan'rd 1•. 31r. John 1)aer and Ilcltron and Norman Hamilton. 1\'llitiicld ! Bernard Ilall, Secretary. Judges were \I r,. 11, hall, \It's. G. forth in) winners, I)tlt'n, 'Terrence I?Idtn \('there, \\'it- llarold hir':rounell, droyc to the scene Itoh Cn til, a magician irt'lu I.istoce!,' hers of the choir practise to by held Loraine Hamilton, Lois :\ngnstine, Da- 1 411211" in the tu:o'1it±e, and total)he'. t the cllildrt'rl spcl!ht•mud pith hi; l on Sunday ni:'ht after church, and re-.. till \Itshit, Phillip S Icre, David Slur- shut it off. Ilan; directed them quested a full turnout. The !.i tns aril, Harold lic.,d 'Taylor, John \Ir- to shut t fi the power ta„t-off ni Islut!, tricks 11 in011e' ! , tractor, and also in the nork ttef u•r the rliihlt•cn dis•:crsed, cantly thrix %•ill take over the choir loft at har;ane Taylor, Mrs. ('lair(' \'anC'aul;,, Ie to how i the f re - and evening service in the United \Irs. Glen \:ut(annp, leasing the machine so that by cn:lld he and oranges %•cry dist'ibutcd as a t `' (Inc!ron November 13th. .\fter the Confirmation in the, deed. Ile v, alkyd unaided to the oar, e Vial I lallo e'en treat, I Lion ,(• 11.,,,, o orae , introduced toe ! ..L,.. eo - reception was ' 'Id in the and \rent pith them t0 the donor's of- " , ` c\euir;g's speaker, 1e' John Linton, l'nited Church lit \''nen( nhen the, lice in Myth, and later to the Clinton \\-dor.' Iso;ers soul Lt he huticdl,t, assisted by Ret'. (i. \I, \\'yatt. The I,i:ni rounded out the coming by holding a Very succesful costume flans' in the 11811 t\!tit!t was patronized by a large crov , W. 1. TO MEET the pecine of the district for their en- The regular ntcetin); of the \Vnuten's terprisc, and stressed the important lit -finite will he held. on Thursday, part which rural eunlnntnities and November 3rd, at 2:,0 p.m., in the farinin; areas pray in the life of the \Ieteorial II'lll, Myth. \Its, 0. C..\n- tinv'n•e. ".3 lite and growing farm- der;on of hrl.gr:lye will hr the gust in-, (...no mni'y" he said "is one of the spy:tket•. Roll call: "\\'shat \ly l-Itts- grcatest cotlrilutions to CIrtda's na_ band '1'hin,ks of the \\',l." Cola! life," Otl±er p :kers on the platform int- i eluded l eeye J. 1), Ilce('roft, East \\'a- PROPERTY SOLD wanoslt; Reeve 41.1rVey lohnsl,nt, „Mr. lien, \\'alsh has sold his resideu- \totris, and 1.• F.• Cardiff, 31,R. for tial property on Queer, St. north, to North 1Iiiri)Ii Gordan Bennett, Huron air, \nrman Hamilton who is already Ii. r:etil(tu•al re tt'u,entative, acted a; in possession, soar' lead! r, aid \liss Elaine \\'alsh Mr. and \Irs, \\';tisk ;ire unit 0c- prc.,iile(I at the piano. copyin, 3lrs. Edith Crei'hton's ttwel- \ musical program included' ling. the follottiu:r arti••ls: Soloists, (''ark. — ------•--_--- Jolt±stoti, C. \\'alsh, \Irs, Gordon Ben- MEET; NG PLACE CHANGED nett: d•lnce numbers, Miss \Iacl'hcr_ The F1•iendst0 Circle meeting will son; piano ducts, \lildred and Violet be held at the honk of :\Irs. Freeman Conk; quartette numbers, \\'itlgham Tunnel. instead of \Its, filen. \\'alsh, tiro Id tnut'letc. 0n November 8th, at 8:3(1 1),111, The llclgrat'c cnntmunity centre was -- made pus::ble by the following colt- Allit)NG '1'I1E CIIIJR. i 1-11 S minces; Finance, ('. R. Cnultcs, chair- man, Lawrence \'111111111 and Clarence \\'adv ; parks committee, 1' idii ted Pruc'er, chairman; electrical, Robert Procter: building, Chairman, (;corse Cook; executive. ,\ibert Itac1'n, Harry Adams, Rae Hanna, Clarence Manna, Orval Taylor, (.', R. Coultcs, Ross Ro')- 111.\11, 11'nrk en the interior has still lo he completed awl the responsibilities for the hnild'n;, w•heli completed, will be turned over to a Huard of trustees, with George Cool: as chairman, and Lawrence Vannas as secretary-tri\s- tirer, PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. Joho Honeyman, Minister, Sunday service at 2.30 1).111, BLYTI( UNITED CHURCH Rey. \V, J. Rogers, ',linister, 10:15: Sunday School. 11 :15: \l oohing \V0rship, 7 p.m.: Evening \Vorship. Saturday : \V. A. Supper, Bazaar, TRINITY CHURCH, i3LYTH 21st Sunday After Trinity Rev, G. Murray Watt, Rector. 1!iss Alice Rogerson, Orgimist and Choirmaster, 1(1:01 a.m.; Bible Classes. Sunday field secretary of the Temperance Bishop spoke to the candidates, their • titl:pital, where i1 w;ls found necessary Federation, who was in WWII atter 1-' fritt'uts, an 1 their parents. The lad-! t0 amputate what \Vas leis of 11',1• fin- ing a mectiu,,r int the Presbytcr'an it's of the (iui!d provided refreshments! gees on his left 1ptt!. Speaking Cluntlt. lcv. Linton gave a s' Loolid and decorated the rooms tastefully for ! tai the accident, air, Falconer remark - address in the time at his d'sposal, on the reception ed, "Ile was a hoick if I ever sats one. the tretncptlaus problem of alcoholism. v Ile never flinched once during the It was unfortunate that his time s':is' WAL['O;4 CARPENTER HURT %%hole unfortunate incident," l'ntited, \\'c could have listcn;d to Ile i; rrstin,; coulfortabl} in the (;corgc I)untlas, elderly 1\•alum c'ar- more. Ile charged his hearers with' • I Clinton hosili(al. and it is ttttdcrstl u l the 1, Itt,i1ility that rested on. tun tit111 ,suffered syycral fractured ribs That he may be a {1\1('11\ there fol In an accident while at work. Ile was shnttlticrs'in this great problem that is three ur four tuner week . t',msiticr ever wttlt us today. The conlbinalt 1tt hclpin; Edwin 1)aridsun build a oar- a.l)le skin graffiti); may hay(' to hr done of 'drink and drive" is responsible :Igo \\hen he sl'pa'd and fell. It is ex on the rain' of his haul hc`u:'c it is peeled that 111•, Daltals will be confin- fot• many of tn-clay's accidents, and properly nlcndyd, cd l0 11en for sonic tints• t0 -days heartaches. He cited the in- Bans came to 1, tit:ula• loan Swit- c'idcnt last Christmas, when the 'for -I zcrlauld a year also last lune, )'tactic Tonto Police Chief went 011 the air to", Old NC\VSp11J)er Carried ally all that time 11a+ hoot spent in tevuur.+t \\'as made in the !doll} plot ask citizens to leave their cars at NC\\ s IIIVI 1 OBITUARY Alex, 'Taylor The funeral of Alex. 'Taylor, Bridge street, Port Staley, former resident 1 lytti, and retired harbor inspector, and well-known resident of Port Stan- ley, whose death occurred at his resi- dence on Sunday evening, took place front there on \\'ednesday afternoon, Rev. I(• \Ic'Lcllan, pastor of St, John's Presbyterian ('hutch, Port Stanley, condtlrtcd the service. Members of St, John's Church Choir, \(rs. Foster, Mrs. \'at, Nit's. Sharpe, accompanied on the 1111110 by brands Locke, sant; "The Lord Is \ly Shepherd." 'l'11e pallbearers were I. 1i, Burke, Ezra - Either, r, Jane, Quinn, IL G. Goodhue, Halt I\t'(lttetly :1nd Richard Lethbridge. '1111' floral hearers were Garnet Spiers, 1., Dimmick, Luke Berry, Joseph Sharpe and F. C. Bartholomew. In. + Of ) the myth district, and ItittriI Ut it has holm' if thoV were planning to attend. been spent as an empl,,)ce of Harvey a Christmas Eve party, This, he said,' C!i$Ipings from :1) co!,r• (tf Thy Itru; \Iclallunl, who ape;lks very 1 1I t of w•as solnethin s new, but was deemed sols lest, dated Lt3, were Raided to !, his fine characteristics and ambaion,:.: necessary because of the accidents that II, alld 1111\' he interesting because it %;ts new; of 1 15(11. stun(' 0f the items IIc also worked for \Ir. hill '1lilil1 had o~cutrcd the prcti:•ns ('hcisfmits•' sun, 0f lolled township, who i; one 11x' offered 110 solutio) to the problem,. Wet'(' as tt)llnws : st a1C IIr11Ilt' nlu\'r l'; 111 11±t' en11U'tl)tl Thr total tyre tts from all s0ut•ccs g but said that the decision rests votive- 1 iron fund. \I r. 'I'hrn,p,ou ;c!•,) rcfcr- ly within\, the individual by acting as' for the Fall Fair amounted t0 between red to hint as One of the finest ,.nun the dictates of right hold reason `I,i';0 and , 141') !'tit h0psc attl tut on \lilt street 11c- turn he knew. He has a brother also :\, F'aylor, St. 'Phomas; Stanley Tay- pt•unt,_a them in 'the fall i:nowledav of , ,. in Lyth, an int;,lnyyc of the I;l.ttl lor, (;raycnhmst: 31r. and \Its. \\'m. a sound Christian life, 11, longing to John \letcalf, of London, ('orkyrliny, bly(h; Dr. and Mrs, J. C. Irartpers' ('o-(lpcl;Ititi :\;sortation. I :\ Vote of appreriatil`tt was extea(cd `I4',y Peen sults (i) \Its• Ialtner;tnll for it is an extremely tough break for $' Baden; I. K. \IrPride. Oak - sold siyaker by Linn bill llcffr0n, and; it ,.Duns; elan in a strange cu11ntr, s tet \lis; I. ll. \lebnult, Tnrnnto; heartily endorsed by all present. h„beet Barrett c 11 ha; returned from 1 especially one, who according to al! ` \I r. and \loss \\'. Hepburn and Alex. ,\ few brief platters of lntsincss were luno• dl azul will assist itis brother' those who knew Ilius intimately, gave llcttVuru, Shedden. discussed, bel t1'. the meeting. ended (''Irtt•Ics, in the bakiti business herr, (,\cry evidence of btcnnlint a flue Mrs. \\'ill ('urkcrliny and Mrs. Dr, with the lions hoar. 11, D. Crittenden has ttnrrhased Caliadiau citizen. Incidentally he 1 t R.'ss are nitre, of deceased. ft•nttt Joseph Coombs 111(` 1•esittt11'e• :It d t $70,00 For Hans Unternahrer scot'+vl tltu }oars in lbr Swiss arnl)., \t all t'SCl':Illrl' 1111'('ttllg;lllltlll`d1:IlC_ 01 estnt oret1' ittl by James \!c\lurcllle. 11111 i; a,... „l1,,,,ri 11tt for citizens Wettlaufer following,the regular ,int `tint„ a The price was 100t1, Harry A. ` Ctt1al11tC1 l `` s Mrs. \\''. :\, Carter leis rctiiriti l to display their true friendship to- moti0n carried t0 contrilnite x.11.110 to wards these new Canadian:, the 1fans I'r+'ernaht'en fund, a'' a ge- 'mine, atter spending the past two All contributions will be received at litre of goon will front the ('lith. The , ntnn)hs in llanilol'a' the Rank of Commerce. and 1('111 snh- I'he annivers;u•• scrt•ir,.s 111 tI t Lit til matter was httrndpre,l to the exyrutll't' ' sequently he published in The Stand - i.,‘. Lion tier( (;ray wb0 has worked 'Methodist church will be held Sunday,' ard. 1'he list Si' far include, the tt?i- + \occnll)cr 11th. Rev, 11, 3L \tanning': towftt ( names: with Hans (lttl'IIli( the past two sum. of Clinton, will preach no'uitlg and uicts' lievening, A free -wilt offering will he 1`I,yt1 Branch No. •120 Canadian COOLER WEATHER 'taken op at each service. Legion .$'''; 00 Coon. \Ic\ally has been granted i 11.: th Lions Club Cooler \reacher has been ('{lite rci three months leave of absence, 1 Rord.•n (rook ............... dent (tiring the past week, bill at that The re-0pccfngs srrticcs 0f Trinity Ken Furber . we have had a lot 0f sunshine. 11'1'11 Ci'11r'h, lily\', were held Sunday, Oct.I Ilii:. Inhnstrn F. 1 ' settling dun•Ii to the 10,•g Win - School, 11th. ! Frisk Little Committee ter months. .\ repetition of last \ylu- Historic IC LOmllilttee Lookln I 11:(!0 a.m.: Holy Communion, at ( our fair for 1003 has passed into ; font Beatty . _.. Forkrticles Of Value which service the uewdr Confirmed ;terr \could be most wcicunu'. 1 in l'itio11 (eh1ICt('hy. ,\Ittnitgr the Itlany lovely floral offerings were designs from wife, brothers and sisters-in-law, nieces and nephews, other relatives, St. John's Presbyterian Church Ladies' .lid, St. Mark's Lod, c No. 84, A.F. and ,\.\I., and many others from neighbor.; and old friends. Those ha attendance from Out of the district were \Its. J. history with success emblazoned on its; (;rover Clare, sr. members trill make their ,first font-, IN CLINTON HOSPITAL Paves. it is• a common sayin(r that Carman Schultz ... The Muton County Historic Commit- mullion. Rlyth Lair brings rain, (even that far Jinn liilt(on ___ TR1I'1ITY CHURCH, BELGRAVE -Mrs, 1tuhcrt Pe well is a patient in. pad:), and this time nes 00 exception \\ yllingtou \lr\all \liss Nora \';lu( itnp, Orttanist the (thllt0n 11 t )it;tl. 1'rlettd5 hope fur to the rn1c, onb)• it value late efinws Ray \ inccltt and Choirutaster, a speedy recovery. for the people 10 be nn the gromvls Robert \\'inters 1:30 p.m. Billie ('lasses. Sunday it dester le'd. The exhibits \\'tn. Hamilton School BIRTHS were up to former years, some classes Roland Vincent 2:3(I p.m.: Holy Communion. 1)R:\1'FR—In the Royal Victoria 1111:- being at least lark enough to-el•tint \\'m, lirnwt .__.... ST. MARK'S CHURCI1, AUI3URN pita(, Montreal, on Saturday. Oc- for it the distinction of Rentz the best Jack llaggitt ... 3!rs. Gordon Taylnr. tiller 2;th, 19P), to Dr, an 13!rs. fair ill the comity. (Nino to the it"aye George Cook Organist and Choirmaster. 1)clinic (, i)raner, formerly of Myth, tract: tau' race acre not as Last as Jack \\'atsIrtr, sr, 7 p.m.: 11111!1 Classes, Sunday the gift 1)1 a so}. Itlrth is note I for mother, up, but \'Donlan Hamilton School. \' they came off lust the sante to the Glen Gibson ... -8 !,dna.; Hely Communion, COMPLETED WELL DRILLING s•tti*frction rf tIorse prent. C1'nt++n :at'; Reid The rector hopes that all members \\'ell drilling operations have been !,and dill good service cndivcni 1 r the , Bert lirunsdon ._. will make their Communion this Sun- completed at the Clark apartments on escn'r:',g of Tuesitas- and all of \\'ed• Star it') (belle' day in fellttvship with the newly Con- iUloid(',. street. The work was done ncstiay with its nrsic. The eollrert on lHubeit !iironns tee are desirous that any person in the Ctuntty possessing • article: or docu- ments of historic value be requested to retain the same f ,r the use of this Committee and also to inform clic pub- lic that the Comity Exhibits when gathered together will be displayed in the different 31ttnicipalities through- out the County. PROPERTY RENTED llrs, Jclnl ll ills has reined her resi- ders -c nn 1)iusley. street, to Flt. -Sgt, Harvey Girard ail.I fancily, of Ciittton Radar School, who get iluutc,!iate pos- firmed, and to remember in their t by Davidsol's \yell drilling outfit of \\'cdiiu'1ay evening was largely at- Lew. R `'!;111,1 - session\ prayers. 1Vingbam. ! tended. I. 11. R. Elliott The foltottig ohittary notice refers to a former well-known resident of Myth. Ile will be remembered lis' many of the older residents of the community: Harry A. Wettlaufer, well-known ill retail clothing circles in Kitchener for many. years, died Monday after a ..5(10) brief illness. Ile had been, confined to 1,(0 St, Marys Hospital for less than two 1.1)14 weeks print• to his death, lir, Wett- laufer was prominent in the sale of 1.0 men's clothing. Until two years ago 101' he was a member of Zion Evangelical 2,(1,1' Church, Kitchener, Ile then attended ,50 St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church 1,01)''here. and sans it the church choir, 1.0) 11e was treasurer of the Schneider 3,;,0.. Orpheus \talc Chorus. Itis first wife, 10.11) the former Maria Zeller, predeceased. -2•0.) !lint on lune 5th. 1942. Surviving be - 3.0 1',ides Ric Second wife, the former Ver- lOJ! va Hall, are one son, Dr, R. H. Wett- laufer, Toronto: five sisters, Miss Ella 1,10and hiss' Laura Wettlaufer, both of '0;) Kitchener; Mrs. Harry (Clara) Am - 'AEI' ;teller. Stratford: Mrs. George (Rose) '•O) Wambold, Kitchener, atl i,ilr of Nev. ',to York, N.V. The funeral was held at .5) St. :\r -drew'; Presbyterian Church, 1 ?01 KhVhener with Rev. F. G. Stewart 2,00i collecting the service and Rev. E. E. 1•0) 1!alintnn assisting. Meal was made at 2,03 ! \1 repand cemetery, Kitchener, Short Shorthorn -Gene Holter shows off Ferdinand, one of the herd of dwarf cattle he found in a secret "lost canyon" near Jamestown, N.D. Ferdinand is 28 inches high and weighs 225 pounds. Veterinarians say he's a perfect dwarf Hereford, about two years old, At that age, Ferdinand should be an excellent source of minute steaks and short ribs, IMMO FROT oudaisse4,,, *--- When people drive past your farm today, they might say, "That's the Soanso place. Best farm in the county." But did you ever wonder what they'll be saying about it 10 or 15 years from now? .* * * Recently, the editors of Wallaces' Farmer, published in Iowa, have , been looking over a number of places that once were considered the "best farms in their communi- ties." This is what they report- "Some of them look terrible nowt Buildings are , run down. Soil is getting thin. Often, there is a one- year tenant on the place." * * * What happened? Did a tornado strike or a drought hit? No. Did low prices wipe out the operator? No, prices have been good. All that happened was this: The farmer who owned the place held on to it until his death, Then it was divided among several children, * * That isthe customary way for farm operators to handle their prop- erty. It also -in some cases—is a good way to ruin a good farm. Take John X, for example. We don't dare call names and counties in a case like this, But John is like a dozen other farmers we know, John died in 1928. Qne of his boys bought out the twd girls and the other son. That started the boy on the farm with a heavy mortgage. * * * He lost the place in 1932. The farm has been rented since, The community has lost a first-rate farm family. The farm itself has gone downhill, John's boy, now farming else- where, and getting along, had a hard time getting over his bad start, alM Bucky's Back -Stanley "Bucky" Harris smiles broadly as he signs a three-year con- tract in Washington to manage the Washington Senators base- ball team. It will be the third time as the Senators' manager for Bucky, whose most recent job was with San Diego in the Pacific Coast League. Are there better ways to handle the job of passing on a farm from one generation to the next? We think so. - There are two major points to watch: 1. Get the settlement made early so that everybody will know how things are going to work out. Don't leave it to the executor of your estate. He's no smarter than you' are. 2. In any disposition of the farm, use an appraisal based on 30 -year average yields and prices, Don't put an inflated value on the place. *, * * 1\Iaybe John X, 65, calls the four children in, and says: "Your ma and I are going to quit farming, I've had the farm appraised. If prices the next 30 years average out the way they have been the last 30 years, it's worth about $20,000. We'll sell for that. Who wants it to live on?" If only one of the children wants the farm, that makes it easy. If two want it, they may have to match coins. But don't split it up unless it is plainly too big, If it is a good working unit now, leave it that way. s * * What terns? John X goes on: "I'll sell the machinery and live stock for cash. You can have the place on contract, I'll make you a rate of interest just a little below the land bank rate. "But you'll have to keep books and pay me one-half of the net in- come of the farm each year. That applies on the principal and interest, "1f you have a bad year, your payment will be cut down accord- ingly, And I'll have to draw on my bonds to get along. But you won't be wrecked by heavy pay- ments in a bad year." It might be still better if John X, at 50, has his boy coming to work the farm on shares. And for John to say then: "Fifteen years from now, I'll probably retire. When I do, this is the kind of deal I want to make with you. And I'll fix my will so that if anything happens to me, that deal will start at once." * * * It's hard to ask outright about things like this. A boy can't say, "Pop, some day you'll be hauled off by the undertaker. What happens to me and the farm then?" Yet a boy, working on the Noma farm, has a right to know what's ahead. Definite plans should be made for disposition of the farm when the father quits or dies. All men are born equal, How th.y finish depends on what they're equal to, How I Subdued Wild Fiery Itch Bennie' amazia 1y a t relief -0, D. D. �yyrnecriptlon -did�h a ok, World popular, Itch- 1.4 pure cooling, llq medic oa speeds peso and comfort !!1frem cruel Ito ea ed by eczema, pie les 'ashy, a eite'a oot and other itch Tonle,, Trial tie, 61, Pint app cetlon o sass even the moot intense Itch or money beck. Ask druggist for D.D.D. Prescription 1 ordinary or extra strength) now. ISSUE 45 -= 1949 More and more it is coming to look as though the honeymodn Is definitely over 80 far as sports pro- motion In the United States is con- cerned, Of course fight gates have been "off" for many months; but that leas put down, by sports writ. 1110 and other "experts" as largely due to the sad lack of colorful and reasonably workmanlike leather heavers, especially in ` the heavy- weight division, * '* * But now the folks who set in cash at the box -offices are staying away from football -both the col- lege and honestly professional var. feties—in increasingly large and painful quantities. Stadium sellouts, which were the rale during wartime and immediately post -wartime days, are the exception now. In sport, as in many other lines of trade, they're having a buyer's rather than a sell., er's market, And the colleges and promoters who went clean over- board building huge arenas and vast stadiums are beginning to worry more than a trifle. . * * * 'fake the University of Pennsyl- vania, for example. In Franklin Field, Penn has one of the biggest stadiums in the States, seating more than 78,000, Last fall they had -sell- outs for practically every home game, with a total attendance of over 460,000 in seven contests. Their first two opponents this season were Dartmouth and Columbia, both gen- erally big drawing cards, Yet in the two games the paying clients numbered only around 70,000 all told. And that with a winning teams This is merely one example, taken from many; and the reason we men- tion it is not because we think that both our readers are especially in- terested in United States football, but because sports trends here have a way of following those south of the border, What is happening,there is liable to be duplicated, before too long, right here. When that day comes, the reactions of certain pro- moters, in danger now of becom- ing round-shouldered from patting themselves on the back, will be worth watching. And hearing, ;p * * Froin the first we have contended that major league hockey was more or less smacking easy -to -please cus- tomers in the face by cutting out the overtime, and allowing teams to settle for a draw, But, "Just look at the sellout crowds and mobs beg- ging for tickets" was the only reply we ever got, r, * * Well, as already stated, what hap- pens in the States can, and frequent- ly does, occur right here, And If certain hockey bazzaars should some day be begging for patronage, instead of turning it more or less politely away, in our opinion the tie -game farce will have had no little to do with bringing about such a condition, * * * The National Hockey League season is still young. As we pound out these lines a total of twenty-six games have been played. And of those twenty-six, exactly ten—al- most forty per cent—have ended in draws. * * * Boxing bouts used to be—perhaps still are — advertised with a line reading something like FIFTEEN ROUNDS TO A DECISION, * * * If things keep up as they are going, we suggest that professional hockey games should be billed SIXTY MINUTES TO NO DE- CISION.' BABY OHIOKR Moho pullet' 10 weeks to laying, lure breeds and crow breeds, Free eatalorae. Weddle Chick Hatcheries Limned, Fergus, Ontario: Egg prices are good and we can give prompt 4el11'ery on laying and ready to .lay pullets, Many purebreede and otos' breeds to chooee from. Day old 'hicks for Fall delivery, Also booking ordero now for 1960 chicks and turkey pouite. Free catalogue, Top Notch Chick Sales, Guelph, Ontario. Broiler raleersl We can supply the right kind of chick' for taut growth In broilers, Mao booking chicks and turkey poults for 1960 delivery. Free catalogue, Tweddle Chick Hatcheries Limited, Fergus, Ontario, ROOKS Books on Dor', Cate, ttabbtter Agarla, Beer, Birds, Pigeon,, Poultry, Dairying, Farming, Frusta, Flowers, Fishing, hunting, Catalogue Free. Morgan', London, BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES AN OFFER to every Inventor -List of lnven. Clone and full information sant tree. The Ramsay Co., Reglatered Patent Attorneys, 278 Bank Street, Ottawa. DEVELOPING SENSATIONAL Thle ad Is valuable. Any 8 -exposure roll de- veloped and a "Double•size deckle -edge" en- largement from each negative all for 29o, Send thin ad with roll and get special price. Regular price 36c, Only one to a customer, Photo Reeearch Lab., Department V, Drawer 170, Regina, Saskatchewan. DYEING AND CLEANiNG HA VE YOtI enythlng needs Opine or olsaa Int, Write to ue rot Information We are glad to answer' vout questions. Department H, Parker'. Dye work, I,Imited 701 'fringe Street. Toronto untarin FOR SALE ALUMINUMIWOFING & SIDING Cross-Crimeeo Corrugated and ribbed style'. 1 to 10 It length' Immediate delivery from stock, Write for samples -and estimate. Steel Distributors Limited „600' Cherry St Toronto STOCIK clearing sale of mttetcal instruments. Write for free price list. Fred Doddington. 111 Church Street, Toronto. . - AMERICAN CREAM SEPARATORS 'Skinimaeter Dench Model, 860 lb, capacity 889,60. Write for prices on standard machine, hand and electric models. American Sepal'. ator Sales, Goderlch, Ont. RAW FURS—HORSE-HAIR— HIGHEST Market prices paid at all times, Prompt cash remittances, We mill ammuni- tion, rifles and trappers' euppllee. Write for prices Het and trappers' eupplY catalogue. Sydney I, Robinson Fur Company, 277 Rupert Ave„ Winnipeg, Man, Owner occupled 7 -roomed brick house, 16 miles Toronto; 4 -piece bath, electric, town water, only 10,000. Also 90 ACRES, 6 -roomed Winterized cottage, 8 ohlckenhouees and storeroom, 18,800, On main highway, Please write H. C, Joselln, Broker, Torrance, Ontario, Hornet Chaln Saws, new, two -men -1876,001 one -man -1226,00 Hornet Saleo, 48 Essex Street, Toronto, 500 NEW BUTTONS—$1,50 Hundrede of beautiful buttons, all dolours, designs and 'ales, for every sewing need, Dozens of seta, for dreaaea, bloused, suite, eto. me biggest bargain ever offered) Sent you Postpaid for 81.60, C 0.0, postage extra. Money back guarantee. Seim Produots, Dept, 11, 6808 Park Avenue, Montreal 8, Que, DOUBLE -EDGE, finest quality Razor Biadee, 100 for 11,16, additional orders, 190 blades 11,16, Money Back Guarantee, De Marco, 1064 East 68rd Street, Brooklyn, N.Y. Doors—Combination—thickness 1 8/8". Panel thickness .1 8/8", Standard oleo. Builders or retailers only, Genuine Breton Housewares Ironng Boards—Bake Boards, etc, Retailer' only. Hockey Stioka—Junior and Senior, Re - tellers only, Prices direct from mills, D. McKenna, 8770 Yonge St,, Toronto, Ont. FOR RALE: PLANTA von, BALE Reserve now for Ideal Autumn planting) Chinese Elm Hedge -18 Inches to 30 Inches btrh when shipped—will grow 3 feet the drat year -20 plant' for 18.91—eulticient tor 86 test, Giant Exhibition Flowering Paeonlea. In colour. red, ,white or pink — 8 for 91,89, Brookdalo-lgngeway Nurseries, Bowmanville, Ontario, Farm Tractors; International "M", Ford with Clow, like new, lowest prices. Apply Langton Bros„ Waterdown! NEW AHA USED MACHINERY Myer'' ,Elector and Plunger Trim Pumps - Peep and Shallow Well, Coal and Wood Stoves, Diesel and Gas Engine, new and used, Century Motor., Magnet, Melotte, Premier Separator arts, - Dealers wonted, Melotte Cream Separator & Machinery Co., 18- Abell Street, Toronto, SPECIAL low pricer on: Plumbing Fixtures, Hollers, Itadlatore, soil pipe and fittings, Pumps, Septic tanks. Write for free prico list. Tho Kelly Plumbing and lleattng Co., 38 Matilda St. S., Dondns, Ont, .809 BR1T1811 calibre, specially eeldoted con- verted Mark 3 lightweight 10 -shot Sporting rifles; price each only 141,00, 48 round. ani. munition 13.00. Immediate delivery. Limited supply. Write for photo and description. Money refunded if not aatlefactory, SCOPE SALES CO,, 320 Queen St„ Ottawa, Ont. 60 -ACRE FARM, garden and tobacco land with creek; stock, poultry and furniture included. Convenient bus eervlce, 1 mile west of Burford, Ont. Mrs. M. ',onek, Bur- ford, Ont, II ELI' WANTED BECOME Stenographers, ADC Shorthand makes It possible through home -study, Free folder illustrates. Caesan Systems, 'Toronto, RELiABLE GIRL or woman aa Motherre Help, I'rlvate room, bath. Two school -aged ohlldren, Mrs. A. Duncanson, 178 Dunvegan Road, Toronto, Technicians needed for Artificial Insemination for each county, Training School will be held in December. Apply immediately to Rose Butler, 384 Norwich Averhie, Woodstock, Ont, MEDICAL, PE—MR/NAL Drug Store Need' sent confl• dentlally return mall, New service. Roberta Drug Stores Ltd., Tranecona, Alan. iT'S PROVEN—Every sufferer of Rheumatic Paine or Neuritis should try Dixon's Remo. dy Munro'a Drug Store, 996 Elgin, Ottawa Postpaid 81.00. PEP UP—Take C.C. & B. Tonto Tablets for low vitality, nervous and general debility. 00o and 11,00 at druggists, SATISFY YOURSELF—Every sufferer of Rheu. motto Paine of Neuritis should try Dixon'. Remedy. Munro'e Drug Store, 996 Elgin. Ot• taws, Postpaid 91,00. POST'S ECZEMA SALVE Daniel the torment of dry eczema rashes and weeping skin troubles, Post's Eczema Salve will not disappoint you. Itching, scaling, burning eczema, ache, ring- worm, pimples and athlete'' toot, will reapond readily to this stainless, odorless ointment, regardless of how stubborn or hopeless they seem, PRICE 11,00 PER JAR Bent Poet Free on Recepit of Pride POST'S REMEDIES S80 Queen St E,, Corner of Logan Toronto PATENTS ij'ETHERSTONHAUGH & Company Patent Solicitor' Eatabliebed 1890. 860 Bay Street. Toronto Booklet of Information on request. - REPAIItS RONSON Lighters repaired, Prompt service, Send to W. N. Well.. linx 249, Parham, Ontario. WANE UP YOUR LIVER BILE - Without Calomel—And You'll Jump Out of Bed in the Morning Rarin' to Go The livor should pour out about 2 pinta of bile juice into your digestive trent every day: If Ode bile le not flowing freely your food may not digest, It may just decay in the diggestive tract. Then gas bloats up your stomach, You got constipated, You feel sour, sunk and the world look' punk, It take,. those mild, gentle Carter's Little Liver Pine to got theme 2 pinta of bileflow. Mgfreely to make you feel "up and pp 1t Get a package today, Effective in mowt." bile flow freely. Ask for Carte,, a Little Live/ Pills, 86! at any drugetoro. KIDNEY ACTIVITY VITAL TO HEALTH Don't wait until you become depressed but avoid backache and rheumatism by taking KLAAS TILLY DUTCH DROPS as soon as you suspect sluggish kidney action, If you suffer pain and distress due to kidney impurities ask your druggist for KLAAS TILLY HAARLEM Imported from Holland OIL O'PORTUNITIES FOR MEN AND WUMHiI BE A HAIRDRESSER • IoIN CANADA'S LEADING af7HOG1- Groat OlmnrlunlI; (warp Batrdreseln$ t'leaaaat dlgglaed pro(ealoa, seed wares, thousand. aucceesful 01anst rr44u444. Amarlca'a greatest paten - Illustrated colt, toru. trees Write or Call • MARVEL HAIRDRESSING SCHOOLS 161 moor 8t W , Toronto h Brandon 11 11fns at., Haminap, • 11 Rideau Stmt. ' Ottawa •- 5ongwrlterP,' and p0e 3J, Bong., 10r kfra. •- amination and advice by proteaelonal' coot. Poser -arranger, Free publisher' lint. No ob. ligation, Loth Studios, 243 Wast 72nd, AB, New York CItY, COME OUT FROM UNDER THE SHADOW OF PAIN Try DOLCIN Tablets for prompt relief from ARTHRITIC and RHEUMATIC pain get a bottle of 100 or 500 tablets from your druggist TODAY and Join the thousands of relieved sufferers who by taking DOLCIN have come out from under the shadow of pain,,. Most druggists carry DOLCIN,,,100 tablets 52.39; economy -size bottle of 500 tablets $10,00, If your druggist does not have DOLCIN, write direct to DOLCIN LiMITIID,Toron. to 10, Canada, RELIEVED IN A JIFFYu And the RELIEF IS LASTING For remarkably fast relief from head- ache get INSTANTINE, For real relief get INBTANTINE. For prolonged relief get INSTANTINEI Yes, more people every day are finding that INSTANTINE is one thing to ease pain fast, For headache, for rheumatic pain, aches and pains of colds, for neuritic or neuralgic pain you can depend on INSTANTINE to bring you quick comfort, INBTANTINE ie made like a doctor's prescription of three proven medical Ingredients, A single . tablet usually brings last relief, Oct Inetantlne today and sheave keep tl handy DOLCIN TABIOTI R toiled 1010, DOLCIN Is ted rg l,trnd,rode. Ark o1 this eroduet. This Year- Next Year— Some Time— Any Time— Canaan ime— Canaan savings Bonds will always be worth what you paid for them plus 2%% interest oaoh year up to the and of tho month preceding the data of cashing the Bonds, You can get your money back as easily as draw- ing a cheque and in the meantime the interest is bettor than on savings deposits. Your order for Canada Savings Bonds sent to our office will receive careful attention. Hood, Gundy & Company Limited 36 IKing Street Wast Toronto 1 Telephone: ELgin 4321 Don't drive Ash you're drinking. Ons sot of gift" drlysrs involved in fold I ' accidents last year had been drinking. LITTLE REGGIE 1 NOW THAT YOt1VZ FOLLOWED METT�O SCHOOL..I NAVE TO I�C�TES SAKE 3' FOR KEEP OUT OF MIGHT n- ante s Ile 12 -Tablet Tin 250 Economkal.4A•Tablet Bale 69t REGINALD YOUR COMPOSITION THIS WEEK IS ONLY . PIT FOR THE WASTE-DASK4'T j Table Talks 1 probably don't need to tell moat of you that Christmas cake ' is one delicacy whirls—if you want it to be eaten at its very best—must be made and wrapped well ahead , of time, So, if you haven't already done POI it night be an idea to get busy end make that fruit cake right *Ivey, thus allowing it to age prop- erly and' attain its finest flavor. Very likely you have your own "pet" recipe; but in case you haven't, here's one I can highly recommend, together with full In- structions for making it. Sounds like a lot of bother, per- haps, but well worth it, and after all, "Christmas comes but—" This recipe will make one five -pound cake, or five one -pounders. 14 14 CHRISTMAS CAKE Fruit and Nuts pound seedless raisins pounds pitted dates, finely cut pounds mixture of candied fruits, including candied cit. ron, lemon peel, orange peel, candied pineapple, candied cherries, all finely cut % cup walnut meats % cup pecan meats Dry Ingredients 2/ cups sifted all-purpose flour 1 teaspoon baking powder 1 teaspoon salt 1' teaspoon cinnamon ya teaspoon allspice 3; teaspoon cloves 1/2 teaspoon nutmeg. Other Ingredients 1 cup shortening • 1 cup brown sugar 1 cup corn syrup 4 eggs, weU beaten 34 cup orange juice, Method; (1) First weigh all fruits and nuts, then measure and sift to- gether all other dry ingredients; eaten measure separately all the other ingredients. (2) Cream together sugar and shortening until very smooth, Phen add syrup •and beat with hand or electric beater until the mixture is light and fluffy, (3) Beat the eggs until fluffy; add to creamed shortening alternately with orange juice and 4 cup of the mixed dry ingredients, Beat until smooth, (4) Combine nuts and fruits, Dredge them, until well coated, with / cup of the dry ingredients, (This keeps the fruit and nuts from forming lumps in your Dake,) (5) Now add the fruits and nuts to your batter. 'Phen add balance of the dry ingredients. Mix well, For one -pound cakes, line 3 x 5 4- lnoh loaf pans with waxed paper, and pour in batter, (6) Bake one -pound cakes about three hours at 250°, Larger cakes should be baked 1 hour longer for each extra pound, For glaze, bake over a pan of water in the oven. Decorations of cherries, almonds etc., can be added during the last hour of baking. Cake, when done, should be nedfunt brown, with a smooth, shiny glaze. Completely cool cakes before wrapping and storing, Clear or colored cellophane snakes a good protective wrapping. Make the cellophane tight and seal with warm Iron. Store wrapped sakes anywhere. Anywhere, that is, out of reach of juvenile - hands. Too Lucky When the name of the plaintiff was called out in court, much to everyone's amazement, he stood up In the jury box. "What are you doing there?" snapped the clerk, "1 was called to serve on the jury," was the meek reply. "But you must have known you 'couldn't sit on a jury and try your own case." "I suppose not," admitted the plaintiff ruefully,' "I did think it was a bit of luck," "It's A Natural"—That's what the judges said as they awarded this picture the grand prize in the eleventh annual Newspaper National Snap shot Contest. The shot of . the dice -throwing kitties was made by A, E. Albera and won pri zes totalling $1,500, HRONICLES Ntr:In9ifigrATI It's a weary .woman I am—hav- ing just done the last of the dishes after a Monday threshing. Not only that, but we had visitors here over the week-end—that is until Sunday night—so I couldn't get any thresh- ing meal preparations done ahead of time and had it all to' do this morning, Fortunately, we had the men for only one meal, But who stn I to grumble? In fact, as 1 went about my work this morning, I thought how much more easily one can deal with a threshing with a few modern conveniences around. For instance, a pressure cooker looked after my carrots; electric warming oven kept meat hot with- out drying it out; hot water on tap was ready for the men to wash; an electric kettle boiled water for tea after the threshing machine had stopped, and the kitchen wasn't overheated and uncomfortable. "Gwen," I said to myself, "you don't know you're living! Think back a few years. Retnetnber cook- ing your meals over the oil stove, arranging things so that you had a burner free .to heat the water for the men to wash with? Remember how you used to scheme anti worry to have things cooked on time and then how to keep them hot and appetizing afterwards? And sometimes, no matter how hot it was, you had to have the kitchen range going, too. And nearly al- ways, you asked someone to help you, because even one meal in those days was quite an ordeal?" "Yes, I knowl" I admitted to myself, "But now I don't need any. help because it is quite possible to do the job by myself," Yes, it Is possible, but tiring nevertheless — and the variety of aches and pains that one develops at,the end of the day is indicative of 'the passing of time. Alt, well no more thrashings• this year , —and we can' worry about next year when .It comes. However, there is still one thing that bothers me when making these compari- sons. I realize that there are still plenty of wotnen all over Ontario wino must still wrestle with things the old way; entlure the heal of a cook stove in summer, or do the best they can with sonte sort of oil stove for threshing. I can only say, I hope the time is not too far distant when your, too, will have WNIELB4RROW seTNNT IF YOU INSTALL. A SINK STRAINER IN THE BOTTOM OF A WHEELBARROW THAT IS USED FOR CARRYING VEGETABLES, YOU CAN WAS* THE PRODUCE RIGHT IN TNS WHEELBARROW WITH A HOSE THE STRAINER ALLOWING THE Wm -6R TO RUN `THROUGH t; 14E BOTTOM. By Harold /nett DOE'S ,YOUR DOG CHASI CARP y ONE WAY TO PREVENT DOGS FROM CHASING. CARS I5 TO ATTACH A SMALL RUBBER BALL TO ONE OF THE DOG'S FRONT LEGS. THE BALL WILL PREVENT THE DOG FROM RUNNING FAST. SERIOUS ACCIDENTS HAVE BEEN CAUSED BY DOGS CHASING CARS. the conveniences that have come to mean so much to rte, That is an objective to keep in view—an end to work for. « « * Well, our lovely mild weather still continues and although the glorious autumn coloring is almost a thing of the past, nature has been giving us other treats to delight the eye. Did you notice the beauti- ful sunrises last week . , . and the wonderful display of Northern Lights, often 'quite early in the evening? The other night, the sky Sets Vets Buzzin'--Seeing that National Honey Week was just around the corner, and being prodded gently by some press agents, the veterans of Man- hattan Beach Project got to- gether and voted gorgeous model Mary Collins, above, "The Girl we'd Most Like to BEE With," SAIIY'S 1 Iw. SAIIIES„. Mw,lu "The boas Is losing tt long ells. Isnot argument with his wife!” JITTER 7011 w*NML W W PRIM NO SPOINILOArliik701011 w► AAP CO It/ was like an inverted bowl spilling out cascades of green and old rose —always 'changing, never two min- utes alike, and very beautiful and fascinating to watch—but a little chilly unless one remembered to put • on a coat before running out to watch the display! Brilliant North- ern Lights usually indicate a change in the weather—but so far it hasn't conte—except for white frosts at night. Do you know, last week I real- ized all over again, that there is always some new experience com- ing up in connection with farming, no matter how long you are at it, This time it. was a barn raising, New to me, but I must confess it was not new to Partner or Bob, This barn raising was over on the next concession so, of .course, I had to go over—so as to be sure not to miss anything! It is positively a huge barn our neighbor is build- ing—stabling tor 56 head of cattle, besides box stalls, horse stables and pig pens—and enough barn roots., I would think, to hold all the hay in the district, When I got there, the men -about 30 of them—were in the middle of raising the heavy timbers by means of ropes, pulleys and a derrick, It was interesting • to watch, but I was even more interested in the conversation that went on around me— about the old -tine barn' raisings; how the men would divide into teams with a captain for each team, whose job it was to put each man to the task he was best fitted for—and, of course, there was great competition between the two teams, Naturally, all the work was done by hand and there were not many idle moments, The proof of how well the work was done is in the old barna on old family homesteads today that have defied wind and weather throughout the years. Modern methods speed up the work, and I imagine there is less danger than formerly, but there must have been suspense, drama, initiative and courage—yes, and • in some cases, tragedy—fn those barn railings of yesterday, Now they are like a tale that is told, pretty soon, we shall only know about them from old history and folklore. Truly, "the old order change fh 1" New And Useful For BrCoriatlmitaia� nPArcel• ONE-PIECE PLUG Public response to the annottoce- ne-p eco 0 1 electric plug maker resent by the United Emergency ;kipping insulation. from cord .ua• Fund for Britain that there here will be necessary, Cord that is cut square a CANAID Christmas parcel, that and split down the centre slides into v ma yy be forwarded to designated re- cipients in Great Britain," is: beyond all expectations, Su Ellsworth Flavelle, national chairman, de- ' clares. As a consequence, he urges all those wishing to avail them- selves of this service to send their orders soon possible for the supply be limited. side of plug. Plug is then locked into place and sharp teeth make electrical contact, e « * BURGLAR-PROOF LOCK Lock said to be built so, prowlers can't detect the combination by sound or touch when tumblers drop into place. Comes with either key dial or knob dial. Both work on sante principle, but key said to give added security. « « * EGG 'CONTAINER Aluminum egg carrier designed to hold six eggs. Cellulose wadding is used to line the container, Lid can be opened out so that upper and lower halves together form . a rack for a dozen eggs. e « « READING LAMP Plastic -cased reading lamp which clamps onto any hook or magazine goes on and off automatically: Seven -watt bulb goes on when tilted forward, off when tilted back, Light is directed only on reading area, * S: * NEW MUSICAL INSTRUMENT "Keyntonica," designed as an ele- mentary musical instrument for teaching basic finger techniques and co-ordination, is said to be a cross between clarinet, harmonica and button accordion, Made of styrene, the instrument has 10 buttohr keys regulating the tone of 20 notes in key of C diatonic scale and is capable of covering a wide range of musical selections, makes states, Can be washed in warns water be- cause reeds are of plastic construc- tion. * « « SNOW REMOVAL Snow -removal machine is equipped with a standard ly,-hp, gasoline engine; cleans a 16 -inch path, A multiblade impeller is said to throw the snow as much as 25 feet away from the cleared path. Adjustable snow discharge spout regulates•dis- tance snow is thrown frotn machine. * * HOME POWER TOOL Said to combine five power tools into one at less cost than compar- able machines, For wood and metal -working, unit can be used as saw, drill press, lathe, sander or grinder, Crosscutting or ripping work is done with an 8 -in, blade. Work table for the saw adjusts to' any desired height or angle of tilt quickly and easily, makes states. Table also has removable centre for dado cutting and molding, Super - shop can he used vertically or hori- zontally as a drill press, Neutral A social worker recently reported this conversation with a housewife, "What religion do you belong to?" "Oh, we've lived here 12 years, thank you," "Yes, but what church do you attend?" • "Never go to church," "Well, where do you send your children to Sunday school?" "Olt, they never go to Sunday school," "I'll put it this way—are you Roman Catholic or Protestant?" "Oh, we don't mind what govern- ment gets in," as will as 'Phe special CANAID Ohristmas parcel is offered at $9, insured, and delivery guaranteed before the holi-' days. These packages, containing 12 items, such as a one -pound tin of boneless turkey, two -pound tin of ox tongue, butter, cheese, plum pudding, sausages for the pie crust mix, rice and tea, are being packed in Canada and shipped to the U.E.F.B. distribution point in Great Britain for dispatch to the recipi- ents. In the event the orders continue at the present rate, it will be neces- sary to establish a deadline, of tet which no additional ones may bt taken, Reason for this restriction it due to the supply situation as it af• fects several items in these parcels However, an ample quantity of five other standard CANAID parcels are always available, lnformatior may be obtained by writing CAN. AID Parcel Service, ,P.O. Box 397, Toronto 1, Ontario. Overheard at a jet planedisplay: "If you can see them, they're obso' fete!" Lowed -Cod Dependable MEAT ithat Money Can ivy! COAL HEATER says. Enjoy an abundance of dao, healthful bat it lowest cost and greater convenience with e WARM MORNING Coal Hest. W. Amazing patented interior consteacdon aura cod to bras slowly-. saves fuel Molds 100 lbs, of coat Heats all day and night without 'chiding bolds ire several days on dosed dna. Automadc Draft Resume. Re. quires las etteadon than Most furnace bras Kinds orhard coil .ft. d cow, Wow, se wood. Tour bas w WAPM nosy )401N1140 segamleas d is assist. The colt Weer ins Mal Isis wield. Month eaMNsatars,, Ash your dealer. Write for ties AIM 0N- RAcHAK DO 00 Lit e e ?'APPLESAUCE UPSIDE DOWN CAKE" made with FIVE ROSES FLOUR is extra -delicious 1 34 cup butter 1 cup brown sugar 2 large baking apples 34 cup seedless raisins 134 cups Five Roses Flour 34 tspn, salt , 3 tspns. baking powder 34 cup shortening 34 cup granulated sugar 2 eggs, well beaten 34 tspn, vanilla 34 cup water Dunston The five Reser OAK 10, toe 6400, Montreal, P.G. Melt butter in baking dish, add sugar and stir until melted. Cool. Peel, core and slice apples; place on sugar and sprinkle with raisins, Sift flour, salt and baking powder together. Cream shoe. tening until fluffy, add sugar, gradually beating until light. Add eggs and vanilla and beat thoroughly. Add sifted dry Ingredients and water alternately, beating well with each addition. Pour over apples and bake in moderate oven 350 deg. F. for 40-50 minutes, FIVE ROSES FLOUR • for all-purpose baking JlflrR,W00Nrtit1MTW MOM Nol,ftiOrIAL *Nus u.owr, NAS WOE ra=0. WITH THE Ingel MASCOT AND SNAP= Nt* Our CP eHI M$eAblr cAta 6 • + 6 • 1 SEPTONIC A STIMULANT TO KEEP SEPTIC TANKS WORKING, POSITIVELY NOT HARMFUL TO PLUMBING, SPECIALS FOR THURS,, FRI., SATURDAY; Clark's Pork and Beans, 20 oz, 2 for 29e California Grapefruit 6 for 25c California Grapes 2 lbs, 25c Stewart's Grocery BLYTH' PHONE 9 WE DELIVER tit STANDARD Wednesday, Nov, 2, 1949 WJJSTmELD Mr, and Mrs. Alelborn Cox, of Gode-, The \\', A, held their October ntcet- rich, visited on Sunday with Mr: and tats` m the basontent of the, church on Mrs. Clarence Cox. Guests at the hoose of \ir. and Airs. t \\'tn. Carter or. Sunday were Mr, and Mrs. Charles Lockwood of CI:titon, Mr. and \Irs. 1:..' -win Wilson, Mr. 1t.:a scl arter, of Seaforth, and Aliss Ag, nes Ntarks, of Morris township, MTS. Frank Campbell and Aliss \\'l:i- 1 nifred visited on Gr,day with \I r•. and .Mrs. Norman Carter of Clinton. . \Ir. and Mrs. Walter Cook, \Ir. and Mrs. Llctl d \\'aide:) and Garry were London visitors. 011 '1'nesday. Mr. and \Irs. Charles Smith and c (snarly visited on Sunday with \I r, and . \Irs. Harold Cardiff of Brussels. • \i rs. Stamey Abel an I Wendy of 5t. Thomas are visiting her parents, 5 -\Ir. and \Irs. Albert Campbell. \I r. and .Nlrs. \Iercdith Young and as--ily of Hulett Township visited on So.:Oay. with \Ir. and \Irs, NIaurice, Bosnian. Miss Norma 'Traylor, of \V1ii.;hanl, •sl•ent the week -end with her parents, \I r. ad Mrs. Ellin Taylor. • \I r. and Mrs. Frank Kershaw, \l iss -Gladys NIcDo•.vell, of (ioderich, visited on Sunday with \Ir. and \Irs. Mervin -NI cDowell. Guests at the home of Mrs. Fred Cook on Sunday were .M r. A. E. Cook I -f Plyth, \Iiss Pearl Jamieson aA \ir. Everett Whitehead, of 'Tus eater. \•lis, Cir:s Iarr's••n, teacher ,hc Z,•,t Inc•F C110 1 s;•cnt Sunday with Iter ;•arents at l'xeler. 1 Alrs. :\That (.atn;,bcll has rets rod lunne from Wing' -am h sp•tal and •s• eI1 a couple of clays with \I r. and Mrs. Nenoeth ('amp' el. Mr, N'lrman \\'ightlnan was out of •schorl last tveek with Chicken Pox, • NIr. and \Irs. Donald Snell enter- rtaincd on Saturday evening ill honor of •\Irs. 5ocll's parents, .Mr. and Mrs, Norman Radford, who celebrated their ,'.5th 55e 'dim; a•tniversary on 'October ,-'?rid, and \Ir. Snell's parents, Mr. and ,\I rs. Gurdon Snell, who celebrate their ,15th anniversary on October 2F.th. Oth- er guests ,present were, Mr, and Mrs. John Shobbrook, \I r. and. \irs. Ilcrt Shobhrook and family, NI r. and \Irs, C1arcI CC Crawford and fanl'ly, of La:ades':o. o, Mr. and Mrs. Percy Gib- hings and (audio', of Clinton, and iias- 1:er and .1anetta Snell. \I r. and Mrs. L. \Ief;ee, M r. Gen, \Ie(iec, and Miss Jessie Cowrie, of the LONDESI3ORO ,MN..I.N•.hYN•. MMNN..Nsmmo,#..NN•I N..MN Speiran's Hardware PHONE 24, BLYTH, EVERYTHING IN HARDWARE, NOW THAT THE COLD WEATHER IS HERE it is time to be thinking about Your Stove WE HAVE IN STOCK: REPAIRS:— Coal and Wood Grates, Coal Scuttles, All Sizes of Stove Pipes, Elbows and Tees, STOVES:— . Quebec TOVES:--- Quebec Heaters, Cooking Stoves, and Also a Few Coleman Oil Heaters. • FOR THE S'I'OR.\i\' WINTER NIGH'T'S \Y,I? 11:1\'F. IN S'T'OCK A SPARTON COMBINATION RADIO AND AUTOMATIC RECORD PLAYER, GET THOSE WINDOWS REPAIRED NOW. WE HAVE A GOOD VARIETY OF SIZES OF GLASS IN STOCK, ;IF THE HYDRO HASN'T REACHED YOU YET COME IN AND SEE THE BZ3ATTY GAS WASHER, County Council The next meeting of the Huron County Coun- cil will be held in the Council Chambers, Court House, Goderich, commencing TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 15th, 1949, at 2 p.m, All accounts, notices of deputations and other business requiring the attention of Council should be in the hands of the County Clerk not later, than Saturday, November 12th, 1949, N. W. MILLER, County Clerk, 06-2. Goderich, Ontario, t . Fresh Caught PERCH 1 SKINNED AND DRESSED, 75 cents a Dozen Haddock Fillets, Lake Trout Fillets, A. Sole Fillets, Salmon Fillets, Whitefish Fillets. Salmon ---Piece or Steaks. Arnold Berthot . MEAT ••• FISH Telephone 10 --- Blyth. 1I I I ■ Y , .1,1111. i m11 STEWART JOHNSTON Massey -Harris and Beatty Dealer, See our Complete Stock of Pipe Fittings, Beatty & Massey -Harris Repairs - Pump Repairs, all kinds, Dealer for Imperial Oil Products, For Prompt & Efficient Service Phone 137-2, Blyth 10th concession of East \Vawanosh, visited on Sunday with \Ir. and \Irs. INON~fN rN/IN~~.1 NVI11N~0~#44/~14 N4,ii Thursday, October `:'th, with the pre- sident, \Irs. Robert Fairservicc, in the chair. The meeting o.peced with hymn 577, followed by general Thanksgiving prayer from the hymn book, Scriptn:e reading was Psalm •7O, read in uni- son, '\'lie minutes of the last meeting were read by the Secretary, M rs. 1., Pipe. Plans were made for catering ,to the NIasons banquet. •Cards of ap- preciation were react from Mrs, Lorne flunking, Airs. J hit McDougall and Airs. Nabruwoaska, Program commit- ; tee fur November, Mrs, Clarence Craw- ford and M rs. inc Lyon. 1t was dc- I cided to buy a toy for Eric Miller and Nancy Johnston. Treasurers report was given by Mrs. Nott. Red' cal was answered by verse with "Love," with 26 present. \I rs. Fang rad favoured 1 with a solo, and readings by \Irs, Townshend and \Irs. Brenton, 'I'll meeting closed with hyntlt (663 and the Benediction. The travelling basket 1 was then disposed of, The lutstes: c., served a delicious lunch, Mr. and \Irs, Willis Mountain s;:eat Sunday at the home of \I r. and M rs. C. StralIghan of (iodate'', on Sunday. NB., Ar. rand Mrs. Toni 1.0of Colborne ¶ownsli p spent Sunday at the home of Mr, and NB's. John Scott, Mrs. Harry Gov1c1 of Auburn spent SNOW BOATS FOR WARM, DRY FEET, Women's blade or brown Rubber Snow Boots, with war'ln sheep's wool lining, 'sizes 4 to 9, Men's Aviator Boots, 'Brown all Tubber, with zipper front closing and sheep wool lined throughout, Also Leather -Top Aviator Boots in the salve style, Children's Brown Rubber Snowboots sheeps 1voo1 lilted, size 11 to 3, MADILL'S Your Corner Shoe Store in Blyth.. #q# p +-, +##?#Sf++rNv,,r,,•.r.Nr#4,0#, NMer*rN###4P +ip ►v+v#H#MI•. last week at the home of Mrs. Lillie M I• Special Low Prices on. all Course Heals Mr, and \Irs. Ilerb. Oakes, and AIr, I , and \:rs. Harry Oakes a•:d Karen, o, M (s0(ICIIrll tow'115I1'p, s:•cnt Sunday at 01 the holue of Mr. and Mrs. George ;Meals at All Hours. Ir"..e.444;.1,;444-4. .;H;4.;H 14441;4 44 4;414 ,;H;.,;.W;,,;,,;.,;,.:. 4.1:. X41;444 ;44:4„:..4 ,;. 4,;• + •,•'i'-,41 H U ON GRILL BLYTII --- ONTARIO, 45 Cents And up McVittie.'; A[i Mery Caldwell London spentFRANK GO the week -end at the home of her moth-th• GONG et. \Irs Robert C•tldwell -- Proprietor 0. 441 v+ ' , *4444444401�.,�4M� 4 ,�H�1+4.440+44++ +.441.,�M�+H�H�H4H�.,�..�1,�+�N�1.�N�.,���H 04 Mr, and \Irs, \\'alio Grim of Cheslgy spent the week -end at the ''�4KKKtCKI4t4Kt4tCKK1414tate1441414t4tVettutt4tVCIMttk ►4t6K14K►CttC4414K1444stiitm home of \Ir. and \Irs. \Vill Gooier, \Ir. and \Irs, Charlie Gorier of Part Colborne spent Saturday with relatives ; Dollar e v u a t i o n. in the village. tlrs. Will Mair spent a few days last week at the Foote of Mrs. Lillie Webster. , HOW. THIS EFFECT YOU, The friends of ales, Bert Brunsdut' THE PUBLIC OF THIS CO11'1MUNITY--- wish her a speed} recover} after Fav• ing the hlisfDrtt'ne to break her ankle. ' Ott Monday evening rt number of In the .Horne Furnishing Trade 95 Percent. of families met at S.S. No. 11,.Mullett, to our tics{ings, linters and picker for mattress fil- form a Farm Forum proof). After the radio broadcast, Mrs, Bert ling, is imported from the USA, Therefore the 110 gars, tt leader froth a eighlwri g i advance in raw materials will necessitate an a(1 - group took charge a the discusA to period. Foaowirtg this the grottp Ile- : vance in the finished product. tided to form & Farm burmit in the Douglas Campbell, section and chose the name of ''1-1111- If you are' in need of Beds, Springs, of Mat - A sick Forton", e ngs hheld why not purchase now and save.iu the school.ThUave Anmtcrtidcttsu❑ to w•eas cl- �� tresses, BELGRAVE ected group leader, 1 : \I r, and \Irs. bred Reid, also Air, A social period with prd;ressice and Mrs, stents Keyes, of Varna, were euchre and lthlch concluded the even - visitors o1 Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, MItg, \\`llsners hi .the euchre were as ; follows : most games, Mrs. Gcorgc s FURNITURE COACH AMBULANCE –• t'UNLRAL SERVICE K, H. Wheeler. Dribs add Bert Ilogcrart;Ione .hands, ` t Mr. and alts. N. Montgomery of 11►ohe 7 or �i, Myth London with Mrs, W. I. Calc, George Dubs and Mrs. Jolitu llessel-, ;� \Ir, incl ,\Irs. Haruki\\'alsh have t'oocl; consolation, Ilelrtt Hamilton -a,t„1,y,.,IINIAIN IINZ)WMD>.laMAllOINIMISMMIMMIOUnt Pa dhDi9WtMIIIIIPLU li and Emerson Hesk, commenced business in the village and moved from \\'in;ham on Monday. V n Mr. a1 \Irs. Charles l•lopper moved I. _" James Lockwood A U13UItN to \\'inghamt on Monday, I William S. Craig of Stratford Nor - days J. in London am St. Thomas.I l'he Community 1fall Fund sponsor- CIr olasses \\'cdnesdly night. saw the-opcning ed a clan:e here on Friday evening, of the new community arena in Bel- I %Ir. and Mrs, George Disney of Dc - grave. A turkey dinner was served to trop, with Mr, and Mrs, Ernest Pat - oven, 900, ad a splendid prog1;mi fol- tcrsolt, Jest Arrided lowed, \1 r. J. A. Carroll, the, $test= I Alr, and Mrs, Ciot•don \Vali and Lary of Agricultural Fait's, was the family of 1-iulyrood; Miss Ruth Ar- gllcst speaker 811(1 officially declare(' thur, 1',O..N.1 of Si. 'Phomas, w'tih NH's. the arena open. A dance followed in Jolt Artlttlr. the Forester's Hall. I Mrs. 11111'0' 11V, Arthur And baby Bodmin Farms Foram hold it's 1h'st (Fanglike, Judith Ellett Arthur, have meeting of the seasui1 at the home of returned to their home from Goderich. M r. rid KIrs. R. Crawford when there 1 Mrs. Elmer Kellar of \Voodstock was a good attendance. Following the' with Mr. a41,1(1 Mrs' 1f. W. Arthttr. radio broadcast, discussion took -places Airs. keratic 13ttll ct Clir.,tcit with Mrs. C. R. Coultes was chairman of the rratik Lansing. meeting, the next meeting will be 1 I , horn t In (lodcrielt hospital 0 It held at the baud o Mr. and Mrs, Rich_ 1 hursday, October 2Ytli, to M i'. and and Procter, Thr winner;fur tiie Mrs. Duncan McKay nt Kintail, a son euchre were Mrs. R. Procter and John 1\'elt McKay, Clarence \'uill won high score, and Mrs• Langridge and Frank Little, the HIJLLETT to score. The press secretary for the Fire - The 1helgrave new arena and cont• side farm fount wishes to correct a ntunity centre was tht scene of a live- 1•seriotts error in last week's report, 'l'hc ly time Monday night when a Hallo -I price for the men's consolation was w•c'en party was held for the young • won by Mr. Bert 1-Ioggarth, not Jaules liaut James Coutts, only son of Mr, roses and 'mums,' The bridegroom's members of the contmmthity, A cont- I Jamieson as was reported. (10(1 NH's. James Coutts, was soletnniz- mother iron received, wearing a 11avy mince was in chat,;e of games and This week's forum was held 00 Tues- ed. The house, decorated with pink ;YPI,e dress with cot sage of roses and contests. clay night, at the home of Mr. and Mrs, ;uul white streamers, toads a pretty shuns. Following the reception the . A dance was held in honour of Mr. P.ohert Jamieson, with ran attendani'c of setting for tIte occast011. The Official - guests luncheon was served to `0 and Mrs. 1)anr (ore !?tinge 'Traylor) at twenty. The topics for discussion dealt tug clergyman was Rev. R. (i. Hazel - Emerson by Mrs. Doug• Fraser,- Mrs, the Forester's Hall, 13elgr8ve, on Frl• i with training young people for Icad wood, of., Duff's linked Church, Wal - day Emerson Mitchell, ilisses Leona and day night, 1 crship. • The A.Y.P.A. of 'Trinity Church stet 1 Miss Beth' Addison lccl itt a recrea- at the home of Air. and ]Irs. Niel, thine) period, consisting of Hallowe'en Bradburn last Thursday cvcint;, with games which caused much amusement. a good attendance. 'Che election, of of-' Progressive euchre 5s8s played With the .a shower bouquet of red' roses and grey' wool Jersey dress, grey coat rind Veers was held with the 010551'1g el- I following winners: Ladies, must ganles,1 white feather 'noun . Het c,nl} oro a_ 1 hat with wine accessories and a car- ected to ofrice: Presl:'ent, 'Murray, Betty Addison: lone hands, Mrs, Keitlitalent was a golil pendant, a gift of _the sage of American beauty- roses and Bradburn; Vice�Pres., Harry llryd Itessclwood; Consolation, Mrs. 1 -far bridegroom. The 'tilde w•ai attended ie'•t'• Upon. their return :tilt.; 811(1 Mrs' ges; Secretary, 'Pons 1Vade: ') rcastlr-' vey Taylor; Men. Most gahties, also by her cousin, Miss 'Shirley ilennett, I Cc:i:4ts wil('reside on the hridegrooni s er, Frank Nesbit: Pianist, Mrs, 1,.' lone hands, won by Mrs. Donald 1111- chattel!, lu \\'allots, tvlto was wcarins; 8u orchid fatal, cast of \\Talton. ,Guests were Vrtnttan. chapal!, who played as a matt; Consol- laf;eta t o;vn with ovcrskfrt, of nylon present from Seaforth, Brussels, 131)111, a lion, Win. Jewitt. • I net. Ilex bonnett of net Matched lien 1\Talton and London. Next Monday night the group will gown, and her flowers were yellow • • IN STEEL DRUMS. 35 cents a Gallon GET YOUR WINTER'S SUPPLY NOW. �-t Carman Hodgins, Manager. Blyth Farmers Co-op Association TELEPHONE 172 • BLYTH. ton. The bride, given in marriage by \inrgaret Stevens, fhc bride's tabic her father, wore a brown of white taf- wits centred with at four-st'nrey caste. feta wit h overskirt of ,cyton net. She ; following the luncheon the couple left also nore a (Faget -fiat veil and carried I MI a V.t dtlin ; trip the hridc wresting st It was decided to hold the meetings every second 'Tuesday evening. The next meeting is to he Ifk'd November meet at Wm. Jewitt's. 1 roses and illative maus. Donald Mc- 1Valkerbtlrn Club Met Sth at the loo 1 e cf C. 1 i. Wade, Sllir- \Vas anyone lost, strayed or stolen 1 Donald was the groomsman, The bridal The monthly meeting of "The \Val- ley Bradburn and Lawrence Nesbit 011 Hallowe'en? \Ve hear of some'Music was played by Miss Doreenkerhttrtt Club" was held at the home were appointed to the program (Inn, who were angry, some who had (leaps 1 long of Brussels, cousin of the bride, , of Mrs. 1:Iliott Lapps, 011 October 2S. 'ltittee, and starry Bryd;ges is to writeof feta, ant some husbands who were' who also accompanied the soloist, Mrs. The meeting opened with all singing the Log Book. I hunting for theft wives• Herb 'Travis, who- sang "Till the Rita . "God Save the Kirin;:" Prayer by Mrs. -After an enjoyable game period, Mr, and Mrs. \Vat. Dolmagc lteld '+ of Time" before the ceremony and Lapp and all repeating r - lunch was served by the hostesses. Hallowe'en tarty for the counnttnity "Because" , I b the Lq;,o l I 1lCCalISC durinb the signing of the Prayer. l d members answered the roll \1r. and Mrs. Edward Miller left on children and their parents. register. The bridegroom's gift to the call. Minutes of the hist meeting were Mo -day for their Tome in Roblin, Alan- =----- t bridesmaid was a cult and saucer; to react Mrs. herrn. Thinking wort, the holm, after spending two weeks with �V(�LTt1 'N I the waitresses, wine colored glasses lucky draw. The program was itt \i r, and Airs. Wm. 13rydges and nth- COUTTS - BENNETT • with white lace doilies; to the soloist a charge of Alts. Stanley Ball and Mrs, er relatives in this district, and also At the home of \fr, and Mrs. Roy crap and saucer, at•.:f to the pianist, a Elliott 1,'pp. Lovell was served by with his brother, Ben., in Listowel. i Bennett, Grey tcwnship, on Saturdw, tril•le strand of pearl.. Following the Mrs, Lapp, Alts. Henry Ilttttking, Mrs. _ ' Mr. and Atm C. 11. Wade spent I October 2901, -the marriage of their ceremony the bride's mother received Lorne litinking and Mrs. "WMi Burda:) with his parents at Fordsvich.' only daughter, Monica Marie, to \A11 -in a wine crepe dress with corsage of king. 1 W edliesday, lstov, 2, 1949 sTANDAit1 MEALS MEALS YOUR SATISFACTION ISOORAIM - NOTICE Stal'ting October 28, 1949, we wil close every Friday, All Day, HOURS :---Sunday, 10 a.m. to Midnite, Friday, Closed Ali Day. All Other Days:: 7 a.m. to 2 pan. 5 p.m. to midnite, Commercial Restaurant C. Elliott, Proprietor, NOTICE'1 FOUND A reward is offered for information A Sural of stoney. Owner may h:tve; 1,s to who move I the Snow fence f1'0111 same by proving amount, and pay'ng the ball diamond in the Agricultural expenses of this advt. Apply at 'I'lle Park Si;ned, Geo. \IcNa;l, 06-1. Standard Office, 06.1, • CHESTERFIELDS AND OCCASIONAL CHAIRS REPAIRED and RE.COVERED, FREE PiCK.UP AND DELIVERY For Further Information Inquire at 11 J. Furniture Store, Blyth Agent, Stratford Upholstering Co, LOck WOOdS FEED rL, MADE FROM Oct r You only fool yourself when you feed stale mash, for egg production suffers, The National "Quality Mix" system is the fresh-ihix system -- it gives that tasty "eat -more quality to your egg mash which is the only way to keep your birds in top shape and roll out the eggs week after week, National "Egbilder" concentrate mixed fresh, at your NATIONAL Feed Dealer -- is modern feeding, ON CHOOSING A FEED Rememberfirst that feed is a raw material used by the hen to produce growth and eggs, Secondly, there's a limit to the amount of feed a bird con eat and digest in 24 hours, If the ration is stale or poor, your birds cannot eat . 1 enough to keep healthy and produce eggs, The result is I that either egg production drops or health is intpaired, So choose your feed carefully -a hen needs less of a high quality feed. That's why you should always Insist on a feed made with NATIONAL quality mix concentrate. Li INN WM .ret ENO tela ►m Bs - m Asia on is ins - me - Soo your lecel NATIONAL Toed Dealer today, 1 WM, STONE SONS LIMITED INGERSOLL ONTARIO Nie! 1 1 1 AORU)1fiR� .r�KEV$, ` HOGS ,and '.CATTLE Insist on NATIONAL welltuned, properly -blended fertilizer: • BLYTH ELECTRIC In Stock FOR Z.iUR CHOICE RADIOS, RANGES, WESTINGHOUSE WASHING MACHINES, RANGETTES, OIL BURNERS, HAMMER MiLLS, s ROLLERS and G:UNDERS. Contact Your Electric Shop for Satisfaction in A; pliancer, Se:vice, ,and Wiring. FEED CORN FOR SALE We have a g(xul supply of corn on the Cob. Ground Corn Meal and Cracked Corn, at all tinges, Cestom Corn Shelling and Grinding. Anyone wanting alfalfa meal ground, gel in touch with its. H.. McCALLUM, Phone 204, lllyth, ♦•N N/f•NNNNN••••••IJtt ••• NNNN Seed Cleaning OUR MODERN SEED CLEAN- ING PLANT iS AVAILABLE 'l'0 FAR\I EK'S co. THF, DIS'T'RICT. 1l,EASE MAKE :\RR:\NGE- \I E> S IN Ai)VANCE IF POSSIBLE, GORDON FLAX, LTD. Phone E:\RLE NOBLE, 114, Blyth. ..NiPPPPPN 44,fINPNNNN*PN. WINNI•N+NNII NVNNNJNPPIN Floors Sanded OLD AND NEW FLOORS SANDED AND FINISHED. For Information and Estimates Telephone J. C. Cook, Clinton, Phone 23J, C6 -2p ROXY THEATRE, CAPITAL THEATRE. CLINTON._GODERICH. NOW PLAYING, NOV, 3.51 ____ NOW; Robert Mitchum and Barbara Jeanne Crain, Will am Holden, NI Geddes int BLOOD on the MOON. "Apartment TECHNICOLOR, Jcdy Gar'and, 'V, Wednesday Van Johnson, p Peggy"Monde Tuesday, Mon., Tues, Wed., Nov, 7.8 Spring Byington FRED ASTAIRE, GINGER ROGERS, Song, dance and Technicolor combined in mu into the season's most lilting musical The 13arlcleys of Broadway' In the Good olid Summertime TECHNICOLOR, Thur„ Fri., Sat., Nov, 1012 Eleanor Parker, Alexis Smith "The Woman In While" Thursday, Friday, Saturday Dan Dai'ey, Ce'este Holm and Allan Young \ trp-(light (int -cast brings to the REGENT THEATRE 8EAFORTri, Now; Abbott and Costello in "MEXICAN HAYRiDE" Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday Gene Kelly, Judy Garland and Mickey Rooney Telling, in 'Technicolor, the story of a famous sung -writing team and the per- formers who played their hits "Words and Music" Thursday, Friday, Saturday Edmund O'Brien Robert Stack, James Holden ION, 11.16; - , An epic of daring screen a picture. tuned to everyone s 1 courage during the CLARK GABLE, ALEXIS SMITH tate most adventurous year of This century "Any Number Can Play" "Chicken Every Sunday" "Fighter Squadron" Cotnin;; Maleleine Carroll, Fred Mac -Murray in "An Innocent Affair," Entertainment, fiat. Saturdays and Holidays 2 30 p.m Mat,• Saturday and Holidays, 2.30 Mat. Saturdays and holidays 2:30 p.m, 1(r'MN�NNIINPNI NNNN NNINYI+ N"••I•N•N ~N{I4.I.INNNY W VNN FOR SALE I. S�' Glia U11I 'THEATRE flat tvagon, 16x600 tires, flat rack. Apply to Norman Nicholson, YOUTH FOR CHRIST Presents REV, QUINTON J. EVEREST "Your \\'orsia '.p (lour" pastor, So:tth Fend, Indiana. Sft1.OiS'I': Joyce Sanderson, Kitchen- cr; \'IOLINi>i': Sargeant Rola. I't•rsan, R.C.:\.F., Clinton, in the CLINTON COLLEGIATE SAT., NOVEMBER 5, AT 8 P M. EVERYBODY WELCOME, ' , Renfrew Cream Separators and Milkers. Fleury -Bissell s Discs, Plows, Manure Spreaders. Lime and Fertilizer Sow- ers, Spring -tooth Harrows - Land Packers, Rubber -tired Wagons. Oliver Tractors, both wheel tractors and crawlers, Plows, Discs, Spreaders, Mowers, Hay Loaders, Smalley Forage Blowers and Hammer Mills, We also have repairs for ( Oliver-Cockshutt Tractors 11IORRITT & WRIGHT IMPLEMENT DEALERS FOR OLIVER IMPLEMENTS Telephone 4 and 93. Blyth, Ontario FOR SALE Leaver seed oats, strong straw and rust resistant, $53.00 a ton. Apply to I). \1cNenzie, phone 18'), Blyth. 05-2p, FOR SALE Jewel circulating heater, in good condition, Apply to Mrs, Chas, Bell, phone 103, lllyth, 06-1p, FOR SALE • 15 pigs, 6 necks old. Apply to \Von, VaiCatnp, 13elgrave, phone 15-15, Bros, sets, s, 06-1p. IFOR SALE Suit of clothes, mens, size 38, in ,.1NIr.NN..NP.NN.NP.�N+N.. god con itit n, $10.00. Apply at The ''•• PPN+r++++P Standard, phone 89, myth. 06.11). CECIL WHEELER REALTOR, Phone 81, Box 55, Blyth, Ont. fhe Following For Satet•-• 1% storey frame, 7 -room dwel- ling, with hydro, garage, well, on 'Ansley street ; possession itt two weeks. Come and see this pro- f crty, 11A storey frame, iusul brick, • 5 -room dwelling, good well and garden, hydro, priced to sell, with almost immediate possession. Queen street or No. 4 Highway. One sixty -acre farm, 45 acres, good workable lance, all seeded, i acres hardwood bush, some cedar, Food 7 -room brick house, barn and stabling, spring well, all roofing good, hydro available, 1 utile ti) school, 21/2 to 1Iigh- FOR SALE • - 4 sows, with litters, average 10 pigs; 1 Jersey cow, milking*. Apply to 11. lllocc, I..on(lcsboro, phone 24-6 Myth. 06-1p AUCTION SALE Of Household Furniture, Effects and Residential. Property. The truklcrsigucd auctioneer has re- ceived instructions from the Adminis• trator of the • Estate of Annie Col - dough, to sell by public auction at the tt'esiden ..e en the north side of 1)runt- 1 mond Street, Blyth, commencing at 2 No., on SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 5th, 1949 - the following honsehold furniture and effects, that is to say; 1 desk and hock case; 1 Morris pialtoi dud 2 stools; 5 piece living room set; { I ro:kin chair; 1 small table; 1 laws or deck chair; number of wall pictures curtain1 oil windows; number of floor w, 3t�a to village, uuucdi;,te ittatts and cushions; a number of possessayion, \real buyl(or man ; books; sideboard; 1 glass cupboard; wa1111' small farm. I I erect; 1 count cover; extension tab- I Ie; I Quebec Beater stove and pipes, A number of other properties ! 3 rocking chairs; number kitchen in town. also some good farms, !chairs.; 8 -day clock with bracket; I fall large and small. ;:leaf Gable; 2 -burner electric plate; Sec me for particulars, .4 beds, sprin;;s and mattresses; bed- ding of various kinds; 2 chests of "''~ drawers.; lawn mover ; garde , tool;, FOR SALE ' and other artic'.os too numerous to mention. Gentlentam3 brown winter overcoat, At the salve time there will be offer - tailor -made, s'ze 3i-38: only worn a ed for sale, snbjeci to a reserve bid, few tunes. Apply, Freeman Tnnney, the residehtial property, consisting of ,hotie 48. lllyth. 06-1p. Lots F2 and 83 in McDonald's Survey - in. the \'il'agc of Myth. On the p -rent- ices is situate a one-and-ene-half ani Secretary -Treasurer for Huron one -storey frame, asphalt shingle-cl:el Cotirlty Federation of Agriculture. Dtt-! dwelling in fair state of repair. 10 per, ies to con'nlence early in December.' cet:It of the purchase price must he pi't1 Apply by tender -to \V. Y. R.ry, Secre- i at time of sale and the balan:e rn pres- ary-Treasurer, ilox 310, Clinton, not rotation of deed of conveyance. later than November 29th. 05-2. Ilruse[whd Furniture and Effects: Cash. Is Your Subscription Paid? i J }L• IL Elliott, Administrator. 1V. Ih ,1lorritt, Auctkmeer, 05-?. WANTED ( I i 1 .r WINGHAM-ONTARIO, phone 3t-11, Blyth. 05-2p, - Two Shows Sat, Night_ FOR SALE Pictures subject to change A I -yr. -old winter coat, size 17, worn without Latices. half season, Chamois linin black with Two Shows Each NigFt starting At 1 g, 7:15 black ,ersi,ut lamb trim, Reason for Cilaai'es it1 time will be noted below selling too short for present ot1ner, Ap- Saturday' Matinee at 2 p.111. ply to Standard Office, phone 89, 111y of .06-1. Thura., Fri., Sat,, Nov, 3, 4, 5� "SONG OF INDiA"-••P.P•NN+N.N.NNNWNNNN. 1)0 YOU KNAOW Mon, Tucs., Wed., Nov. 7.8.9 a girl who is planning to be married? IN THE GOOD OLD SUMMER WE Have a FREE GIFT for HER. 1, TIME" ' We believe that every bride-to-be Judy Ga.I'na, Van Johnson should see and hear about our mod- ___. __-._____._-�__. _. .rn cooking method that retains the Thurs., Fri., Sat., Nov, 10.11.12 natural flavor in the food, "BLUE LAGOON' - (u' lovely gift (4.50 value) is given - i'ree for the privilege of showing her the newly styled "Wear -Ever' ' • L , 1 - \\'aterle,,s cooking titensils, that are Sabu Gail Russell Dona'd Huston, Jean Simmons not 10 be seen in any store. Z'+•••"''?•'"•••••'•••••••••••••• , There is no obligation to buy, Only. Gordon Elliott J. 1L lt. Elliott ' girls that have not yet seen our :(luipment are eligible for the gift. Send or Phone Names ELLIOTT Real Estate Ageny ; , BLYTH.. TI -IE FOLLOWING i)\VELLING FOR SALE WITI-I IMMEDIATE POSSESSION: 1 storey frame, insul brick . and metal -clad dwelling, situated on the ,forth side of Hamilton st., Myth. hydro, full cellar in house, good well, good cement and frame stable, 1 acre land, number of fruit trees. Priced for immediate sale. Pos- session, .'.0 days, Ideal property for retired farmer, Lot east -half of 34 in the third concession of the Township of East 1\'awanosh. 109 acres of laud, about 5 acres second -growth bush. On the premises is a comfortable frame 'welling, barn on stone wall; with good stabling;, Possession. One -and -ore -half storey brick dwelling on Morris street. One ac- re of land. Small stable. A gond boy, and possession as required. 1 -storey, cement block and brick business block, situated on the west side of,Queen Street, in the Village of lllyth, Tiled floor, full cellar, (cistern), good location, (Posses- siotN). A number of other properties for y sale. Particulars upon request, I•NNNN.. •NN BAZAAR & SUPPER Sponsored by the \V. A. of B].Y'Tl] UNITEi) CHURCH SATURDAY, NOV. 5th to your nearest distributor, Huron County; 1'). Campbell, Goderich, Phone 956\[ I.. Cherry, Brussels, Phnoe 31. Bruce Cs -nutty: C. Farrier, Kincardine, Phone 112r5 1I. English, \Viarton, Phone 289J, "WEAR • EVER" WATERLESS ALUMINUM 7 h, K. Wanless, Sales and Service 32 Foxbar Rd., London, Ontario. Phone Met. 349W, NOT SOLD IN STORES. 02-4. �MNN NNNwNN,, MN4'MI4~N,►' R. A. Farquharson, M.D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Office Hours Daily Except Wednesday and Sunday. 2 p,nt. o 4 p.m. 7 p.m, to 9 pm. Telephone 33 -- Blyth, Ont. 47-52p. Doherty' Bros. GARAGE. Acetylenena d Electric Welding A Specialty. Agents For Intentatioanal- Harvester Parts & Supplies White Rose Gas and Oil' Car Pliinting and Repairing. w•i NNW NtNNN A. L COLE R.O. OPTOMETRIST and OPTICIAN in the Memorial Hall, Blyth, Goderich, Ontario • Telephone '3 Bazaar opens at 4 p.m. Eyes Examined and Glasses Fitted, Supper from 5 to 7 p.m. With 25 Years Experience Admission, 50c and. 25e, MENU: Dressed 1 -Tani, Mashed Potatoes and Gravy, Turnips, Salads, lellos, Biscuits, Bread, Pie, '1'ca, 06-1. . FOR SALE Singer Sewil1t.f Illacllines, cabinet, portable, electric; also treadle ma. chines. Repair tonil makes. Singer Sewing Machine Centre, Godcrich. 5l-tf OE VItAiA �R ENRICHED qp BOOST E66 PROFITS t,•,t .'r I r ; I t i l 11' You Can Get Rce Feeds From: HOWSON & HOWSON, BLYTH Reid's POOL ROOM. 'SMOKER'S SUNDRIES' Tobaccos, Cigarettes, Pop, , tl and Other Sundries. THE McKILLOP MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO. HEAD OFFICE • SEAFORTH, ONT. Officers President: Chris Leonhardt; Vice. Pt esident, Hugh, Alexander; Secretary, Treasurer, and Manager, M. A. Reid, Seaforth. Directors Robert Archibald, Seaforth; Frank McGregor, Clinton; Alex. Brojdfoot, Seaforth; Chris. Leonhardt, Born- holm; E. J. Trewartha, Clinton; John L. Malone, Seaforth; John H. McEw- ing, Blyth; Hugh Alexander, Walton; S. II. Whitmore, Seaforth; Havey Fuller, RR. 2, Goderich. Agents John E. Pepper, Brttcefield; R. E. McKerclter, Dublin; J. F. Prueter, Brodhagen; Geo. A. \Vatt, Blyth; Set- tet'it Baker, Brussels. Parties desirous to effect Insurance or transact other business, will. be. pronlply at'ended to by applications to any of the above named officers addressed tt their respective Colt ot• flees _ IINDAY iiiWL LESSON A Serial Story by JOSEPH LEWIS CHADWICK The story thus . tar Virginia Ames erosse the wild, ,tronner Wal by rail and stage In reponse to a letter from Phil Lawrence, her fiance, who left Washing• ton to make bis fortune In Arizona, When the Lemma stage is held up, Lt. Jim Ram dell, whom Virginia once knew In Wash. Caston, takes charge of the Invesilgadon and soon learns that Phil Lawrence, was the bandit leader, Chief loser In the rob. ben Is Steve Barron, Santa Bonita game - lin; czar, who has long been at odds wltb Lawrence over gambling debts and their mutual love of Lana Correy, dew -bail girl. Riding to Phil, ranch to warn Mar against Barron who has learned of Ms part is the stage robbery, Virginia sees the two men shoot It oat, Roth men are wounded but Barron is able to ride off, CHAPTER XII The two men had separated, The Mexican headed . north. Steve Bar- ' row rode west, was topping a rise. The sun was directly beyond him, hu'ge and blood red. He seemed to ride right into it, through and be- PATTERN'4886 SIZES 34-60 New edition in the shirtfrock tradition) A coat -dress, young and slenderizing with long neck -to - hemline has graceful skirt ease,, Buffed pockets, new revers! Pattern 4886 conies in sizes 34,' 36, 38, 40, 42, 44, 46, 48, 50, Size 36 takes 414 yards 39 -inch cloth, Send twenty-five cents (25c) In coins (stamps cannot be accepted) for this pattern. Print plainly size, tame, address, style number. Send your order to Box 1, 123 Eighteenth Street, New Toronto, Ont. iMm .10 ISSUE 45 — 1949 CROSSWORD PUZZLE A.0111088 1. Largee elects* 1. Pack down 9. Numeral I, Space 11. Combining orm meaning sacred IBefore . Threatens 1. U holetert► U. spin New Tort Stat. N. Web-footed t d -footed 11. Small pies U. Slip 14. woe it ins 96. Abruptly 98. Couch 19. &art India* cereal 14. Front of the foot 11, Raving one pole 2*. Ancient Roman dinner 14. Pander 86. Stupid play 14, (slang) thrown overboard 1.Vegetable 4aCareening . Act u chair. . Alvin t8 )) 4. I. ish op 0 tali Poland M.`onvsy it 41. Vehicle on runners DOWN Lmb Fish e gr. .19011111g 4. Stings 5. Those things -1 2 .1 -V 141 IS War yond its brightness. The glare pressed ' painfully tato. Virginia's eyes, blinded him from her sight. It was as if he had ridden -west of, the sun, Troopers came and escorted her to their camp, A kindly: officer questioned her briefly, Food and water were brought to iter. The twilight stole about her, Gray army • blankets were spread for her; and as darkness came she selpt. When she awoke under the star- studded bowl of the sky, Jim Ran- dall was bending over her, deep worry in his blue eyes, His voice' was unsteady est he talked to her, "Lt. Barrett told me about Steve Barron," he said. "The first decent thing Barron ever did." -. "i can understand him now," Vir- ginia said. "He told me—all." An • uneasy expression kept play- ing over his face, "i came to bar- gain with Natchl for your release," he said, "But Capt, Hammond, coming up from the south, chanced upon the Apaches and attacked. Hammond didn't know of your cap- ture. It was too late to 'correct the blunder, Hammond drove the band ,toward my position. I had to attack—knowing what it would mean to your safety—" "I was to be taken to Mexico," Viriginia said flatly, "If Steve Bar- ron hadn't come—" She broke off, shuddering. "We crushed Natchi's band and took him captive," Jim went on. "After the skirmish, I struck out- with a dozen troopers trying to find the camp, I meant to push south at daybreak- hunting : ou." He sat beside her. Virginia lay still, watching him. His face was tired, his eyes lonely. He was very sober, with no, smile at all, He was silent for a long time, thinking hie own thoughts, his eyes on the desert. The glare of a fire painted his cheeks a ruddy color, He said finally, his voice dull, "You'll be going back to Phil Law- rence now, He'll be waiting for you, You're going to be happy—and I'm glad." She did not speak, surprised by the solemn depth of his voice, "There's one thing I want to say," he went on, "though you dont want • to hear it. It's uselessly said, too. You hate me. But I want you to know .' His voice trailed away. Virginia stared at him, wide-eyed 110p, from where she lay. "Yes?" she said thickly; - "It's this," he told her.' "1 love you." A tremor went through her, I-er heart seemed to 'stop, then start again to pound furiously. She felt the color drain from her face. Then she remembered the last time she had seen him, how he had held her in, his arms in the desert moon- - light --and how two hours later he had gone to ,Lanya Correy. A hol- low heaviness came In her; entered her voice. 1. Sloths — K. Capital et 7, Myself Oregon 8, Furnish 16. Solitary 9. Three hun- dredth nut -IT. Time unit versary 21, Turned 10. Pennsylvania 33. Shores lake port 31. do by 11. Bird's home II. Insect 16, Romaine 38. Shakes lettuce 97. Lamb 18, Was borne 8. Small malt 20. Shrub 40, Pantry Ii, Forbidden 41, Printing 11, Soandlnavlan - form measure 41, Terminate 23, Sweetening 46, Concerning b t 13 •?r ti " 1U n Atiswer elsewhere on this page Tag Fellow Travellers—Airline stewardess Edith Bodie introduces Mr, Poodle and Madam • Pheasant at the airport before their departure as fellow passengers on a New Pacific Coast all -cargo flight, Cargo on the first plane also included woollens,•mush- roonls, machinery, household goods, baby chicks and 24 martens valued at $14,000, "Dear Anne Hirst; Please help mei My husband has started dating a girl who lives I- another' town. I know the days lie is going to be with her, I don't know what to do, "He never takes me any place with hint now, and is hardly pleasant, The way he acts, I cannot show Win any affection, (He also receives letters from her.) "I have tried to be a good wife and a good mother, I do not want to leave my husband, nor my hone, "Go away," she said. "Please, go away." • She turned her face away from him. She heard him rise, was aware of him standing beside her looking down at her, Then he was gone. Phil Lawrence came to the little adobe house in Santa. Bonita when Virginia sent for him. He ` catne slowly, reluctantly, limping on • his injured ' leg. Virginia raw him; clearly now; he had changed;- He was not the youth she had once known affection for, He was a stranger, They faced one another in the cool shaded room, actually very close but seemingly a million miles apart, Virginia's voice came sur- prisingly steady, "Phil, you are in love with Lanya. That is true, isn't it?" "ft's true, Virginia," he replied hollowly, "I love Lanya. I've want- ed her (or so long ... even while i kept writing letters of my love to you. It was to Lanya that I wrote that message that brought you here. Steve Barron had been annoying her, I didn't send it, It lay forgotten. Then I musthave started a letter to you on its re- verse side. I left the letter to pre- pare my dinner.. Just as I was about to eat , Barron's men came and drove me away. You : were puzzled over that uneaten meal, Hank Muldane stopped by the ranch, found the letter, and its en- velope, and sent it on its way, He couldn't know the letter was un- finished, for be can't read." "1 understand, Phil," 'Virginia said,` "You were merely afraid to tell me the truth." "I'm a coward, Virginia," "Don't ever be again, Phil. Don't ever be afraid again, Go to Lanya now, and start over with her, Steve Barron will never return." He gave a bark of a laugh, "If I do that," he said, "Jim Randall will send me to prison for those stage holdups. He warned ine--" "Warned your" Virginia; said puzzled, - "Yes—or rather threatened me. I was to give up Lanya and go on with you, He went to Lanya that night he was camped outside of town—and told her elle had to break with me." "Phlll Are you sure?" Her eyes were shining, her cheeks bright with color. He stared, then nodded, • "Pm sure," he said, "It's true. lie means to look out for you."; To look out for her) Virginia's laughter was almost hysterical. "Oh, it's all right, - Phil," the cried, "Go to Lanya, And if Jim Randall comes to you, tell 'him I broke with you --not you with mel" He regarded her blankly; for a moment seeming reluctant td r0. Then he turned and walked out of the house and out of her life, Virginia sent her luggage`. on to Lannara the next day, for the trip home. She followed, riding through the bright morning with a rancher's family who also. meant to board the Lannasa stage. They reached Fort Winfield at midday, and the post commander's invitation to lunch was not' to be refused. Virginia uw Jlm Randall across the parade, but she Could' not catch his eye. Thea while she was having lunch rhe lair - him (Continued Next Week) hut it scents that lie doesn't want me any more, A Serious Wife." - * There are two things you can * do; * Tell your husband you know * of his philandering- after all, if * lie is so brazen as to receive let- * ters from the girl, he can' hardly * wonder 'at that, Ask him where * you have failed in being the only * woman in his life. This may un- * fold' criticisms of you which you * did not suspect existed and pre- ' sent a situation about which you * can really do something, * Or you can ignore the whole * circumstance. Go your customary * way, without acknowledging that * your life has lost ha meaning, * And wait for the consequences — '* the affair dying a natural death, or your husband asking for a * divorce, * Should he ask that, I urge you * to refuse, And for his sake. •* Deserting a faithful wife and * leaving children fatherless is not * a step tot 'be taken on imp'utse, * An affair so recently begun is * never reason enough for a separa- * tion;.it may be a flash in the pan, an outcome of some change in his * nature for which Itis age or his * present mood Is responsible, and * for which you are not to blame, * By refusing divorce now, you pro- * test him against dashing into * another marriage which he might * regret In six months, * Tell him that if, in a year, he is * still of the same mind, you wilt * consider it. But not until that * time, * Remember that so long as you " are his wife, he cannot marry * anyone else, * If you had told. me more about * your life together, I could counsel * you more definitely. You must * choose which course seems .best; - * only your daily life with your bus- * band, and his temperament and * your own, can determine that. * * * If your husband is wandering, choose your course wisely; . If you confide your problem to Anne Hirst, fully- and frankly, she will help you. Address her at Box 1,123 Eighteenth St., New Toronto, Ont, Upside clowr Pt prevent peeking. a 3171 033E2 tv /dl `(fib; 0/ Q / Sd'O IS 7 N(17 I' wvs13 d d d w /. a 1 N 0 3 1 d 0 13 9 1 W b By Rev, Barclay Warren "THE SUFFERING SERVANT" Isaiah 530.2 Golden Text; "Surely He Has borne our griefs, and carried our sorrows," Isaiah 53:4, If one will read today's lesson and then read the account of Christ's passion and death in Matthew, Mark, Luke or John, he cannot help but be amazed at the accuracy of Isaiah's . picture, How did he know, centuries before, of the 'manner and significance of Messiah's sufferings? There is only one answer; Divine revelation, The law said, "He that is hanged is accursed of God," Deut, 21;23. Here is Jesus Christ, God's Son, bearing in Himself your sins and my sins. It helps to bring this mat, ter nearer to our hearts if we read it, using the singular pronouns, ex., "He was wounded- for .my clans- gressions, He was bruised ttu my iniquities; the chastisement et my peace was upon Him, and with His stripes I alp healed" The cross that was once the sm. bol of shame has become the sign of glory, Here God, shim ed [lis unspeakable love for as, this offering once made, all who will may find - forgiveness and cleansing for their sits. 'Tis not the cross we worship, but the Christ of the cross, "The Christ of the cross Is the theme of my song; The wonderful Christ of the cross, He atonement has made, He my ransom has paid, So I'll praise Hint, the. Christ of the cross." In Independence, Mo,, a defend. ant was charged with selling u cow to.a farmer for $150, then stealing it from the buyer and reselling it to a packing house . r_ , r tittle 1Appetites Bodyets �I w mow. Chicken Tur hove - made with Magic' Combine and chill 1j o, finely -diced cooked chicken, H o, ntodfum-thick white sauce, Mix p and sift into bowl, 2 o, once -sifted pastry flour f (or 1y( o. once -sifted hard -wheat flour), 3 tap, Magic Baking Powder, H tsp, salt, 1 tbs, granu- lated sugar, Cut la finely, 3 tbs, shortening, Mix 1 , beaten egg and 4 a, milk, Makea well la dry Ingredients, pour in liquid and mix lightly with a fork, Roll dough out to Sri" thickness; out into 4" squares. Place about 2 tbs, chicken mixture on each square, near corner, Fold dough over diagonally, making triangles, Seal edges by pressing with fork tines; prick 'tops. Bake on greased' pan in hot oven, 460°,16 min. or until golden brown. tg �'*rkr,irnt MAGIC 61AKINC POWDER Sweet luncheon Treat SUGAR -PLUM LOAF S M Measure into small bowl, warm water, 1 tap, In sugar; stir until sugar is ed. Sprinkle with 1 hmsan'e RoyalFeet R Yeast. Let stand 10 min THEN stir well, Cream )� rteaing; gradually blend granulated sugar: Gradually In 2well-boaters eggs, fit milk and yeast mixture, c, once -sifted bread fl until smooth (mixture ). Cover. and set In free from draught, Let hour. Stir in 1 rep. salt, � ed and dried seedless raze chopped walnuts, chopped mixed candied peels cut-up candied cherries, e, once -sifted bread lightly but thoroug into a smooth ball, Roll a greased Sdnch round fit into pan. Grease and let rte until bulk. Bake in moderate about 1 hour. When root with Plain Icing, Icing: 3i o. lukewarm amu-' fated did- eoly envelope FleiecRising Dry,, o. rho in bec. at iit in 3i c. Stir in 1 our; beat may curdlewarm place, rise 1 o, wash ins, o. o. ,14 o, Work in 4 flour. Kneadh1y; form fout to fit pan andtop. Cover doubled in oven, 360°, loaf is cold, f Plain ted , icings bp, vanilla; Combine +yj e, ail leges, iH the, mills, � fat boat ►ant{; smooth. New Fast -Acting Dry Yeast Needs NO Refrigeration! Stays fresh and full•strength on your pantry shelf for weeks! Here's all you dot 0 In a small amount (usually spedfied) of lukewarm' water, _dissolve thoroughly 1 teaspoon sugar for each envelope of yeast, 0 Sprinkle with dry yeast. Let stand 10 minutes. ©THEN stir well. (The water used with the yeast counts as part of the total liquid called for in your recipe.) Get a moatl,t ,cupo/y/ THE FIRST HUMANS to eat cereals raised the `rain near their primitive dwellings and ground It up for tool. Today that deltctou", crisply appetising cereal treat—Post's Grape. Nuts Flake" — is yowl at any grocery storC ... tesdy to serve .. Cow to digest... wholesome nourishing .. good tor afil die tem*. . Don't mind If your menfolk develop "cave. Man" appetlteb for Post's Grape•Nuts Flake". Every deliclopa spoonful provides helpful nourishment from TWO GOLDEN GRAINS ennRipened wheat_ and malted barley • useful eful quantities of earhohydrates, protein, phosphorous and Iron. For joyful, i.ealth)~iti eating ask today for Post's Grape -Nuts Flakes. GF•Idt PLO We Liked These Best—Your rambling photographers and reporters have again reached the end of an Ontario Fall Fair season, and a wonderfully pleasant and revealing experience it's been, We hope;the pictures we took pleased you, and elped give you an even better idea of the importance and variety of Agricultural enterprise in this Province, Next year we eagerly look forward to visiting, once again, not only these Fairs but many more besides; for, in our opinion, in no other manner can we picture as vividly something that might well be labelled, "Canadian democracy at its best," On this page are reproduced OUR selection of the most interesting pictures published this reason, Should you think that perhaps they overly stress the "juvenile" angle — well,that's because we're convinced that nowhere in the world is there a sturdier or more photogenic younger generation than right here in Ontario, The Pictures Shown On This Page Were Taken By The Ia Photographer As A Public Service Dry, Goods: II` 111 I� I I IY-�T�.:..+.. ...�L,-•ti_ �,.. �4rs.._ ....•-.Y.� -. .� e T ® 1 11 r. and Mrs. F, Johnston, M r, and firs. Robot Schimmel!, Miss Trances eauty 5 o pP J:}huston, Miss Doris Lear, all of Ilam 1 ilton, stunt the vi eek-er'1 with the latter's parents, M r. and ,\lrs. Nelson i Lear. I\Ir. and \Irs. Clayton I'etts and fautiyw of Niagara Falls visited last week tvitlr the former's mother, \lrs. 'J. Pctts, i\i r. and Mrs. Fd, .1oytrt, Mt', and Mrs, Frank HE:girls, Mrs A1at'gie Ray- mottd, of Midland, Nlich., ;tars. Jennie Rutileford; of "Toronto, Mrs, Charles Orchanl of Kentiield,.California, \I rs. Jolie \IcGiil and \I r. 1inn!). \\'pliant- soi, of 11elgrawe, lucre- Snttthl, visitors with Mr. and \Irs, Frank hell and Miss Susan Newcombe, Dr. E. C. \Wilford, Medical Mission- 4,..N4,1.I4•.N•N11Me#944 ary front Cihna, a native of 11;yth, will spend the wwcek-end here, an:l �`- s cal: cu Snndaw morning awl (Nett. a.' 01.+++ +4 4444 +.s.SHi . 4.M: :N:4 4 ..... .,3 j Much PERSONAL INTEREST atammoso I . Picone 73.. Boots & Shoes FOR SHEER LOVELINESS IN LINGERIE SAY MERCURY Panties, Briefs, Slips, for the Ladies, Sox,. Shirts, Shorts, for the Men, When Knitting Use... P, 'K PRINCESS FINGERING YARN It's shrink -proof and moth•l)roof, Maitland Spinning Mills, a Division of Mercury Mills. �N/Y♦,N-,-'.t*4.00.'N*H•.1.4'I.1H� 01' 141'.' tug tit \Wesley'\\'II Is i n ted 1. It r. and 1s, act ,uticll awl si` `} ig I1, Mrs John Mills of Parlthill spent the zT:� �1.r 1 t.nnliu.111r`t) .� \� ilk, �� ' •-. -� �1• t - - =1 \'.r. Ente,t IZobl /.on of Lott,'nn was `' " FOOD S'1r1RES -- 1 renewing old acquaintances in 111vtI• ®+, Clinton. "� NIr. \I • Walter on \I nday cal 1'.;. h.rmc tti a.,ti,,- i ciated \vith a 1.ond -n ace -tinting firth For Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Nov, 3, 4, 5 AYLMER SOUPS (Vegetable or Tomato) .....:.. ._ 2 10.oz, tins VAN CAMP'S PORK AND r BEANS large 20 -oz. tin 'LIBBY'S MINCEMEAT JELL -0 LEMON PIE FILLER HILLCREST TOILET TISSUE........ ROYAL YORK ORANGE PEKOE TEA .._... NESCAFE INSTANT COFFEE `' 4 oz. tin MINUTE RICE PKG. LiBBY'S COOKED SPAGHETTI AND CHEESE....:.. 15 oz. tin BRUNSWICK SARDINES . Tin 01c; 3 tins TIDE, OXYDOL, DREFT, DUZ ... ........ ........:...... large pka, Christmas Cake Supplies --- 17c 12c large 24 fluid oz, tin 27c 2 plcgs. 17c .. 3 Largo ro1:8'.29c .. Hf. Ib, pkg, 47c 52. 1Fc 14c 25c 35c Candied 'Pineapple •(red, green, natural), Australian Sultanas or Cur. rants, Australian Sneed Raisins, Mixe 1 Peel, Red or Green Maras- chino Cherries, Walnuts, Pecans or Almonds, Flavourings, Etc, FRESH FPUIT - FRESH VEGETABLES. LIFETERIA OR PIONEER FEEDS. -PERMANENTS. Machineless, Cold Waves, and Machine Waves. Finger Waves Shampoos, #lair Cuts, and Rinses. Clive eGill Telephone 73i'2, Blyth 2 5. i 1I41,4••NI1N044,4,4,IJJ INN#NJ#N # 1 • AGAINST WINTER ILLS, NOW IS THE TIME TO BUILD RESISTANCE AGAINST WINTER'S ATTACKS OF COLDS AND "tiLU", Tlie following Products Sll;lily Needed Witan nc and Minerals: WAMPOLE'S EXTRACT COD LIVER ' $1,QO NEO` CiHEMICAL FOOD ::µ $1,35, $2,f5 and $4,95 INFANTOL 93c'and $309 MALTLEVOL ........ $2.0) SCOTT'S EMULSION 6.1c and $1,19; PURE COD LIVER....,::.... ... C9c and $1.19 NEO CHEMICAL FOOD CAPSULES . COD LiVER OiL CAPSULES VITA VIM MULTIPLE CAPSULES HALIBUT LIVER CAPSULES COD LIVER OIL CAPSULES (Defatted) ALPHAMETTE CAPSULES $1,45 and $2,65, ` $1,15 $1,75 and $3.23 89z and $1.49; ......, $3,00 $1A), $1,(5 and $3,50 R D. PHILP, Phm. DRUGS, SUNDRIES, 1VAI.IaPAPhR—PRONE 2P, 1 .1 01....Y ..l 1 1011 I.I JI.r ,! 14,4.. .1 .I 10.1 ..! „ i ,. . 11. =HIGH CLASS DECOR- ,-1 INN. NI.JJII' IJ. IV* IJJIIN.IvM41.I I.iWv', .# tI1IN.IJJ.NMNJJJJJ P.' -ATING AT LOW COST! ;; ( \li:s It ti •ic Buller of l'(l t toww'n . '4 a Tent over the week -end with Mr, or .)) \Irs. 1 (alorry Veiny h)utl. • I \1r. Mack Co -c!',,11 of Clinton lt•tdili _ Sch.'01 and R•,v;i t Cornish of Clinto, ;. pent Surr,!ay with 11r. oral \IIs, liar- :I • >, ( \Ir, h S'e wart Young of hurt \VII :: i lisp) ).pent Fril'rty and Saturday with his ntrther, Mrs. henry You'll., sr., Y „i and other family relatives iul the cunt- ,' nnntity. Nit.. and Mrs. Albert Walsh spent the week -end with Rev, and Mrs, \V.' :• I I Tlylor, of Dorchester, a, ;'l \1r. 811(11 ';1 Mas. J. J. Camubcll, of and with Miss Isobel Carter, of London. 41 WILY NOT SEE. OUR SAMPLES of the NEW 1.950 SUNWOIITHY WATERFAST WALLPAPERS. for any room in your home, F. C. PREST We Deliver, E. S. ROBINSON. -- Phone 156 ;r; Huron uron Old Boys' At -Home t -Home _ Phone 37.26.ONDES io:c 44 44+44 },:Hti11t1.N� 411:H:MN:14H:AY✓N:H14I 1:4444:411:444.40.;iI furon County 01:t Boys' Association _ -BRUSH AND SPRAY PAINTING ant - "� I Casa Loma on the cvening of Tuesday, " Sunworthy Wallpaper ...yn.,11 ,,-1, . .Y.I ..,.,, I I 1.1111. i Ill • i November 22nd, .1949.. - - Paints and Enamels, Plans have been completed by the committee under it's chairman, Alt. Wes. \IcCutcheon, mil it is expected ' ' that this year's {arty ,'ill even surpass I the successflul once held last year at the same place. The evening will feature both cards - .incl dancing, sIttsic will be provided - ii by Percy \l o'•;e8t's orchestra.;url lull h 28 0'L., - I will he available in the conservatory ' i All former residents of Huron Cnunt!t 1 and their friends are invited, Further information, tickets, etc., may he se- cured front district represen'allve5 De from ,lir. McC'utcheon (Hy. T531 and Mrs. Doris Parton (Ra. 33551 the as- sociation Secretary. 1 Al . J i. . 1.4 I . I . I. I 1...11.1. H�1 111.11 Ir ollan.d's , .• d .I I.I r II I.Y.Y11LIi1. 14 4444, 104 1131r Food Market II II 11.1 Ili .1, i. i 1W .4..11 •W u 1 Harvest Cremogenizcd Corn Sugar Crisp Cookies Aylmer Prune Plums Aylmer Tomatoes 15 oz., llc per lb. 23c 2 for 25c' 2 for 35c Strawberry Jam (St. Williams) 39c Fancy Pumpkin 2,for 25c Stokeley's Tasty King Peas 17c Hallowe'en' Candy per 1b. 29c (Jelly Beans, Kisses, .Gum) Campbell's Tomato Soup 2 for 21c HOLI.A Telephone 39 - We Deliver ri•.1 11 l( ,•, iii 0. i';174100101KKACCIOCINEtettOrtrallEfil a 1 f A 111ot� lnstirance Agency BLYTH— ONT. INSURE NOW! AND BE ASSURED. Car - Fire - Life • Sickness - Accident. Gordon Elliott Residence Phone, 12 or 140 J. H. R. Elliott Office Phone 104. COURTESY AND SERVICE, Il altk;ltklit tant0tftOtitfh7l Dt0+atbc3aikZ0140 k**kahl t)441140t 4MDtainarV11112t BOUNDARY FARM FORUM cussicn period teas held with "\Vanted, A Chance for Experience," bentg the The first regular meeting ini of the Boundary Farm Forum was held at the home of' Mr. acrd Mrs, Earl Watson, with 26 present, An interesting h tis- topic, after tw.cbamts were enjoyed by 11. The next meeting will be heldI at the home of lir. and It ti Thomas Shortrecd. Everyone welcome. YS TO K L 30,080 Farmers average 96.95* Bushelswi er acre � with DEKALB HYBRID CORN *From 1939 through 1948 in the Dekaib National Corn Growing Contest on Selected 5 -Acre Contest Plots. Order Your DeKalb corn from JOHN G. SPEIRf RR, NO.2, BRUSSELS. . L. STURDY, AUBURN, ONT. .:'5 H. 0. B. Committee Party As an inaugural to the Fall activities, President ;and At rs. K. C. St,tr•.Ihtnry en- tertained the committee of the Jim'on Old Boys Association at their home, 1<enlu' ly Rd., Agitco:trt, on Friday evening, October 8!h. The party planned as a llaliowe'e.n masquerade served to complete and emphasize plans for the coming At - Home al Casa Loma in Niovember. G'u•sts were suitably received .hy sombre attend t::Its and conduct c(1 to a grcauting door leading to the cellar. \Within the dim interior all foams cf' ghostly activities were e11C011111erell 1i1- chuling real and lu,ninnus skeletons, 1. .. S.. . .1....1.11 Y1NJ.I•I.IJ.IIIIOJJIINNNIN.INI�j :LAY'S BEAUTY SALON!' ('Terrace Apartments) MILL ST,, BLYTH, Ray \IcN'all, Proprietor, Al; Types of Pormane :t Waves, $3,:o Up. ::or lifeless, damaged hair, try 0th' "E RECK" Tteatiren's, Oil Shampoos and Finger Waves, 'or appointments please phone 1r1 04-2p. III++++++•11++�•I++•►1111..4444+. ` The directors meeting of hluron County Federation of Agriculture held in Clinton on Friday night was well attendel Plans for the Annual Meet- ing ow November 2)th are completed and everything points to a most en- joyable evening in Seaton!' the sante evening, at the Annual Banquet. :\ band and a group of entertainers from London will be on hand to round nut the evening. Secure your tickets now from your tow�iiship director or County Secretary so that you will not be dis- appointed. • v witches, floating hands and moans, Attended Women's Teachers groans ard shrieks, • Those members who survived the re- Federation cention were treated to a tleliglttfal ev. Miss A. Fleming attended the Fall ening of games and fun. The guests Conference of the Wonted Teachers' included witches and );'hosts, clowns, Federation at, Ingersoll on Saturday, bad turn of the \Vest, court charas)- October 22nd. Delegates were present ters and hoboes. it was generally con-' from Essex, Kent, Elgin, Middlesex, ceded that \lrs. G. Young's (Goderich).j Perth, North and South Dutton. he - portrayal of a witch was unsurpassed.'; pui•ts from the August meeting in 'To- ronto were read and discussed. The following projects were approved: Ilibles for Berlin, a voluntary contriiitt- I'bc seeping )cashed a pleasant con - of from the teachers for the purchase elusion around a groaning ltttffett sup.of Bibles for the children, of Berlin. per table. (Loll Wii11, to take . the form of a Prizes for the evening were present- cheque from the women teachers of ed to Mr. and Mrs. Fred hobicson` Ontario, toy the teachers on exchange (Godcrich), Miss Eva Bt•yans (Brits- from Great Britain. Salaries of these sets) and IIF. J. 11. Messer (\Wing.. teachers have been. cttt 30 percent due haat). Special prizes were presented to dev-lttation of the pound. C -A -R-1 to the host 811d hcstcss. ' ' (honey, given' by the teachers for the ('''10)1Ctcly made up including basket and broom, Mrs. Young was mtrccog- nizablc by even her close friends. Federation News By \V, V. Roy purchase of homes lost from the scien- tific libraries of Europe during the war, Blyth Branch Met The zone Cream Producers htectin + The Blyth Branch of the Women Teachers' Federation met at Myth in Stratford on October 2'tb pttblic School Thlirsuay, Oct. 27. The was well attended. Fifteen directors following of(lccrs-leers elected:journeyed from Huron. County for the l` meeting. President 1 Aliss A. )letting, Bob Morrison, Secretary -Manager Vice -Pres, ': i-1iss \i. Cameron.s Sec. -'Treasurer: Miss, I. \lacllonatd of Odta 'Io' Cream Producers stated Cen%'emers c 1 F dtieaational Research that Ott'8.o farmers had received i1rs. \\'c'olfrcw: Sicjc Benefit, Miss C $1,00 in return for every cent they hal:1 Airs' s: Sttperannt<ttion, Miss i, , loL1 inyested in their organization, since its tt. ri :Educational 1?ittat,ce, \ties Pf. inception. Explanation—floor price on. Jau iesou, bttttcr. _.- -Business men in ottr towns and vil- `lages should be intoe^sted to know that since the. advent of oteo-.tttargerine, Ontario fanners have received_ $7,500,7 Congratulations to 1?Eleanor Cook, ol. IAO. less hr cream chemtes which. are Westfield, who celebrated her 1st usually spent on� consumer "goods, ( birthday on Sunday, October 30th. Y _ r CONGRATULATIONS Mr. Morrison otitlined a plan for To.; tional advertising of dairy products anti asked those present to endorse •a p1811 to deduct one cent a pound butterfat during the .month of Juste for such a special , purpose. The suggestion was heartily endorsed. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Darold Cook, of 1llyth, who celebrated their 7th wedding anniversary on uy Your Fresh fro ALSO BUNS, CAKES AND PASTRY. FOR YOUR NEXT ENTER:I'AINMENT Order White or Brown PARKER HOUSE ROLLS. •. ii 1.1., ,i1. 4,.1.41 I.1 YI :-FI. .:1 .1.r14r IL 1i,Y ...11.Y.•�:Y.F .�.I .. 11 The IFIME BAKERY - H. T. Vodden, Proprietor Blyth, Ontario 4.4J.I04,04, ~#4.NII.MJINMNINNI N I INNNI I4>S0NJ1N104,,JNN•I'N' -NNINW#I0#1~~N0 4144,114,4,1.14,#041I1NIIN4,1.11NNNI.NII.I' :mas Light ulbs We have received a shipment of Christmas Decor- ations which include light bulbs for the ` better strings of lightE. If you need any bulbs be wise, and get theist at once. You may not get them later. We also have bulbs for the cheaper sets, and com- plete sets of lights. Also bulbs for outdoor sets. A word to the wise may be sufficient in buying these items while they are in stock. New {ooks We have a brand new stock of various books for youths, and kiddies entertainment. A large stock of the popular youth size novel for boys and girls. Also little story books, religious and other titles. It's not too early tb start thinking of Christmas Shopping. The time will really fly from now on. STANDARD OFFICE Phone 89, Blyth N•M# ## ## # .s###4IJNINMINN 14,I.N•IN4~)\•~0.1 #.MIN~NNN,1 • it's 0 TO PAY TOO LIT'l'LF �S , .1.. •A, .....4. .m. .•._ _.•. Y ecessary TO PAY T00 MUCH. WE ENDEAVOUR- TO STOCK A LINE 0I GOOD QUALITY MERCHANDISE AT REASONABLE 'PRICES. JUST ARRIVED -- A RRIVED-- A WIDE RANGE OF LADIES' AND MISSES' PALL 'b1J SSSS, WINTER COATS, SKIRTS AND, BLOUSESC HOLEPROOF NYLONS, 42 AND 51 GUAGE,�' LUCITE SLIPS;(-NIGHr1E5 AND P' JAMAS. 1- LUXITE NIGHTGOWNS, S17.E 42 • 46. MADE•TO=MEASURE SUITS AND. COATS, $38,50 UP, W1NDB11EAKERS, PARKAS JACKSHIRTS, SPO1tTSHIRTS, GLOVES, MITTS; :SOX, •tWE STILL FIA.VE -A FEW OF THOSE ALL -WOOL JUMBO -KNIT PULLOVERS AT $2.98, ' - _ GOOD UNDERWEAR= IS STILL IN SHORT- SUPPLY, ORDER EMILY, 1'4 cti Phone 211 --Sanitone Dry Ciennini 3lytlt A4oulla5; October 31st. " Congratulations to Mrs. Sadie Cutit- Congratulations to Mrs. \Viii. 12ad- Congratidations to' Urs \1 uf• , ,Bell elm celebrates her birthday on ford. tvho celebrates her birthday on who celebrated her birthdayr,ott' Satttr. \Vednesday, November 9th. Friday, November 4th., * - day, October.29th