HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi-Weekly Signal, 1866-11-13, Page 2e•-- . ' . - : • 1 aim. 1.1 _1 • • TIME: 'r.A•IILE.,,G; Ir. it. ; - tainty! or eoceette, so _ that there need The- death of •Dr. Fitzimmons will_ :be I: .,.-,..--,•,•-• _ ... -2,A... convict -Raoul .111‘ itg.,.._1/4, sal.:•:..-. - -.Sour:wrote' ldiinon. •tie cluainG - 110. 4• -.It, f-7._:- etae The Shoet-eiiilitit•ebliey Of theii-si mcii-'- a7 - -. - . . . - 2 t . • NOM:- 21,btrif-Egilicitti. , - . _........_ _...........---...... be- no loss of time:and-colts' in the search, 4 '. • - - ' - - - eeply felt bei his iiiimeretit friendte: and • . ' .., • e e. eee-.... •• ,.. - r ..i, : ,. eite -sea e rine ,y prometeottigricatt.unets -can . teethe:Gee. icere. a _ton. . t e renew.' 4 -.- ' -.' - - ' • - ' ---' 'h .h i? Ifi ct 11 • - - e ." • • '7 -C4 - • t - e: 1 f ' to le -- . • 1 I - • , t . ' . - . :EilFrikt.0, AND-, GODEttlea DIST1110`, - • . ' • . . .. • • th..rt bok can be safely idereetied in . t-he.mow-• the Iteciprocite Treatyt: is just now being . e :Being an article iellispensable alinostX‘ the -.these whO have ivailed ' I•thetuselves cof hijk G10"." .RE'3.0.10-8.. 9*- AN• .1.1.11'00,TANTI EXIIfilt•.. . • vr . .,. . . . . gi ' ' C'r-. . ' : . IIENT....' ' , ..:- . '. - ."-- : I MIA . seme•green- State; arid...0941e. "'out greed; . -.felt ley: the ' Americana.; , The New . "Y'0i.ft:,. :4- . - . ooiso.viasy-: , . , hit- p. -Bap, Esp.- Aititoct itivd • Strar . ,a.nt• &in. ,Ir• 10.- e- m- ',./•:.,2,t 7P- (11.- ., life the demand in '-' in the very oature existence: of 'Man id every coodtien of •10-voa . , . , and -.- respected:. fOr• ...his ..noblefaed- • :- 7 ;rho,' Dahlin Freeman*: intireategivea--the'. steak, by' -serliikliiig Open .T. es.cV. Wad efroiii Yi•cio$11-0*.-of thetitterae.policyee-ee . , .12 - --f: - - • • ....-• .-- ' • - • ' , ' • - ; ' - - fregialit,- •and'exceedinglY paclatalileT! tcr -the : •,:kiieeniee:g .Exprest t fins ere* neteeedgeit -the _ 09 . _ _ . - - Medical skill; •ni. he wine untv.eesallyee be- . •-• _ . nonermis.diSpesition:. : His , trethains.were :following.- descri_ flip n of ae .00beier feral at •foue.--to Aix. --q•uttets-of aitailelied; lime. -The • • :* The Rerat• .;Of the Reciprocity Treaty is- . sumo-. . • toe, ' tee, -12.ao .„ , : • .. • '' It'll • • • . •, Brelaora--. le -t2 : 436. ' 3-40 -. S.S0' SAO - of thio.ts ho perpeetele mid. if tile profiti removed to St. -There:ate tribe .intefired in •Lask, Ireland.i.,-• • . . : . :•--‘, _ •-• ,-- .. .,. • -. ohiloatifihy of it lies -iii tee elteent :Cll. faet three. 1,not workine wellem _tee. .Attiericai0 -herders, . .4 , . -- • . - • - so-entre_ -ig-.50 - 5.30 1 5.10 ' 6..sO, Alb p, re. im• s- s . ‘ -' " eaxklicka • zoo :..- .... .... ... sea . 11.45, • -: esee. are sena'. they 131:Wiest all the Merits of .7kho'f-niiiiiii btlrful geoand there,. A fitnerai . • " Thelartn'te, attn.:tied elion erie inilo• from lime. 'is teponertill-absoelient. ...The Bev:E2:" oppcisite -. tbe ehoitit --e -of ',Cantieee , ..Twenty; • • _ . .., . .. - - ix at ps. m.,- a. 'tn. p- m. a. sa. tut . - oon.tinuousnezs. Hence- Wia arrive -at the :. . _ .. . , ,A. . . . . - -,. - . ' pr*eliS ON .Oomposed. of •ete.‘a.rge •ccincoureeel - ..- • titailltirunsyh.a-ad.hush ,sditattion. th.e.- Divilieda Mil* or k,toelt.Jr‘ D.: teeeedrilienreeese lea :per tem, dety eirgold ye boares and. umbel' • - • • :: .. _ :. . • . - • -' bases- --a Tinting r _ :Midi.- ,Exis. . Pap. i M Iva . ataxia 4hyd • - ....• • 1303313- RAF; . . ° • --•• ' • • conclusion'. that onr salt will seciire More- . . . • • ' • • • -Of friend.s 'And acquaintaneeS, was. fermed . . at'his late 'residence, and aCconipanied •The ihe skrrovn iding :ceniiitiy; w• ith the sea- and -.1my.nialiing;- :Findiiig'iliiit it ewould be. ine-. ana finished tambere; is. a • .drawback to our 1 i - : and- -OM mantis: a- fint peoseenteof : aeaSson; &riot the Unproeitieti weather. tui. ein -therotzgle-. and efeebleilfiesum. ob planed:1 7 •P' - • -v-:.::01-, s-73:01.-1:0-1.- it • - • • ! " ' • • .' pi). til ' e .0 gave ' - e • •ay. •y• Out eoe exeoptiree- ..ttede 414:Peeseeriti• Peed- 'the Prliolieni effnot . .. a:rrartbrd .. 1.0e ttm -i/i61-____ .. : ttiti ,t.ss: t an t -e 7..scoveiy of oil Could hafe-dolte: • Tuesday. morning. . ; , -..: . - • - -• -• . : -high raad..theVititor fieds himself' en. ..W. hied,-.00adition,_ --1.1.a shied-his:eine openIte.irtid it .quantiliesof.efeerseJlimieer eesthe West Inelea. : * theieeee .. , ton: . ass , I. .. ... • .- ' 1-30 • ' Praariorri . to ave t•aet 5.3ft ti.e.5 Au) ' iki- L ° :Lin* 12.____.‘ in• ____,_12•.__- nu 1:a. nu iii.= nu - P- le- rsal. benefits. forthe people -0- this' seption 1, at ... - reamies . to the statien- At 8eaforth on . Lit . 1 I .1 II . d- '' .." ' . e . east Eirtereighy a green lane. from :. thd.. .he ceded it intoethe been ell' .-ii..-heaye green- ;dui:inn:die measoit•past..bas-.beeit to send , vast : . _ . • . . , . . , 0 Ite Letter, Too .. Biutak, .,., Ls& tow- . cas• Inas .. .. • ..-▪ • '- ,L -N-0.• eetter !iPot for atleh a elidcov.ery re - If.theVaogs .of. sorrow can be rendered -Ot-canip.square„, on whia am vice - - • ;pan. p.m. .ft.nul.POn- s• in-- P-- '''• Id h b . - h d . • leas' ieute to-. his .sorroci•y_hung -Avidoir long. -- ted two ()h.': .eureel handeomilefe end dathe esti'. Oh" 'eptiii-i- And..?E14-0.lie Ails lleebee ,inittead 'of brim:ring, '' JAL .,_ .,, .0 0 NYET.1, N-CIN6 -.P..41.Pilit -, -.• .. . : - , . , COS ave een pttc e :upon. 'At lhe ..• - terininus• of a. railway neer-the best har- • -• -- - -t.-- L -,..• • ---. - ,- -.-- - • ,•L -...- • -, othee.ns a work -shop.. • .A... the `:Opposite side : iireterrer11430,:tha best suncitied. bity.e.2.- Ibie *Specially, oieleeteegrameed7 all, kinds, bettor- -- ' '. = . - - knd fourintetesting little I - - . sympathy o tue zeonimantty,., toey- hiive Children hy ttie.- !nit as .a:dormitory and dining.. fralVand jha' His horses: and _iodic. -dinroueed: itegreediee -arid' This iteelse tine -01"-klreatifidian Products, and• . • f... th . - .• .. . . li , . .. .. .. .. „ , . e. e„.., , ..... - , buildingent corrueeted iron, :ono il.cri • 1 a*iniiiing IS lloWers•preified in: iviserouriaina • It- iopt6ii yeilt.y.tei; the 14:** -e -and the dntel -. : .• -1, ;yin:- .w..211...'..bue evire.red.. either..„‘ - • - - , ' '" -004 pr"OviSiona•-gerierslly; ,..It:isThoi- ily just now,1 -7 • ._" -..___... ..- . . -, . . . -- .?-0.4,t pitig-irti I bor on Ole coast, eouvenient tie cc u.filimiee • 4,4. t.: - , -.I till., ' ,„thet synitiathy in heartfelt:: earnestness -4i d -. 0 ,e. square is the . coo heetee..superiuten• - is.a. eatuable... feebly ee of knowledge los tar, - - -t th • .... - . f b d ff - - • , . • - 'ed supply ofethe best of hard Wood,. and. -•the commOn bereaveinetit'• .-. :: - . .. _. -. i . • , . -, , enta.ollice.. and:officers luarte re, .and at i he„ 'orevi„. Necessity often co.ropels.teenre9 choose.. os nig - o - eveormoee prices, :o • rea ste s ; . _--, . fear. stables tied .cow-h-ouse: -... :relon 0 •••the .eheterien.the alteeeritive Of leatrine.. :, Out - hie aniffeete ehet -some' inquirierteare made he! te,elytemuir,,r-4 Lyn Ta .tx,,.„ ignmit , - --.-._ the _gaiden 1, of Agrieuttural. . Canada 1. ,,..- --- --: - -...-.,-=-- .....„,- ..- , .:7.. ' boundery eraliem..the western. side- are: wog. drenching.mie aefeee. Wadi of -half•Cittell . hay; ;Canada bt'per reOpla-10.Vrlimir end cats?. WLO4w.1.-1-1/-011••bl.b elliS• li DERIVII, 0,. W:. litroje..,,, 13, iSq6. stretching, . away .to . the. north,- east and . ...431•0*-DiElek kg ..TOWNSIIIIro. atteds :in:. whechtlieconviets " tirettle. itenee. oit 7-.therehy SPOiling',. ite:-Or: "ferrite:ire-4740o :the and et 13 p9331b19 -that- befere the.o.anal.eloses, -at prices as low -as .any other house- is, tier . ..,„". . .- . . • ...4.....-,.... • . . -. _,- ,,- - iret days. . Ale elle •buildiiigs heve been erece, ' bariepith a Agile 8...niert-elLadree:of its heeetiee. - snoe tepee or ,..-foiir .weeks- bence,- We -May.' • -,, • , . - • Pretence,. .• ' - rrtti-The Sigrid tee•day is„rather -!.outh, thelegation • is eminently ..oalcilla- - • . - t seityr but 'Vie know that-- mach - curt,- ted tie enhinee the interests of nearl . eratigereetits ite-i teed ,'etieuldenge ee.Yeitnia eel' ' :0'0re-eat-le the_ .reigiee!some. ettilimentif'•Of4radects -wince: , • k . . -...._ -.„ .. -. beve, for• some -ni.ontherist, tound w market :--f*.1. IAA. , .b‘SILWX. . -0S.S‘te.,4p Mermen or Como'''. -.The Councit Mee eceby:'•the priSonere• • The 11 Y - af1101 =Seale, NoV. 5tb, 1.8.66.;Accerdine-tre .,, file dorniitOr, are qpite aran.erf.wie..feshionee tegetable incitettire sad :leave/the, bay; eWhile.. peammnaltsewere-nevek stowed, awsy, in: i thel salt gatheramoilitare end, faitt in taaq gaseg"' abroad. Indeed.; -9onilda is jest mow :seeke Osity is felt with regard te• our " famotis -.every daS•si 9f ourpoiiulation.. What - we . appoinnitent.: P.resent, Messrs.:Foil,. P.;br, . e " - meetings' eneheeceteennicelly. titan ethe• bed, i .tOpfeserve itb• : ;:.- ' - • . • • . - -.-- * • ' • ing, audaueOeSsftillYforeignmaikets to .talte , • t-well,r- eila hate eildeavered tO . give .want now is Capital,. Lateen'', 'and $kill ! ' Weston and Sheppard: -Tee -minutes of. lase liedsteads, ..and ...heeding -are: arranged. eleeg ; e, ••-• • . e •• ',.---7.111."6:....-.., 7. 7 .. . c L, - . t.; „.. ' ." s the. r lece oiehe -United- States markets, whie-lk - offict .:sr TIONIlly i , - all, the information possible. :110;W• I.'k HEPPENtD.. Salt. tOg tele :Parte Exhibition:- ' • We have been shiran-a barrel of- salt - ' ' • .. , - . • ' - meeting •i;eig..read over etici.{ipprpv.E:4; - - . • the Bidet of the apartteentetviticheiei lined with, e-e.,..1.etnekiemo.-ei-ymingTelitity ;graduate:Wes Sheoeceeeintropiied -no eAtetitively _to . our . . . -- MC. Westoe That the &hewing persons- e Moved by -4,ft. . gleeppard, ..seCondede ty* . •• . . thither aild turoished WitliOa4merican eeteee 7:.diSo ailed by.- his varents.,.'...:-..,Bet --hie •a4dre4 great radvottige, -- - - in the centreeeetiteftoote.' The-Airengem_erits and actomeliiiteneete..seeneed . hem -,, a elerted.- e -,:e it is thus seeatbai what was intended tobe •• • • , • - OilE 'STA- TI'0.141EILY OASES' ' - , , . . .. _4 _ . returniV offig4s• for .rhe yeae.1867, itni that.„.... ....P.M.e...m. for ventilritimi and .lightieg ere:eXcelletite t totee munition ..as,ttecotielperideitee .eistehe in ArooereiVe.peiliq by...01'r neighbors :hits failed-. • . .,i ' . . ' . ..........._ . eintolt an a.ceident. Although.the deter,. The discovery of' Salt at Goderieli was , . diibition. nett year. It is realVaapIcedid -viz, tor eilich is, intended.for the greatT-Paris Ex, .. -i i . - - - - a oyeiw-be paeSed in refeeetten to, _the saneet. •madefOr pereiriping t,he nec.erisery.carpentereci.ency -nook Inveght-eethean it:Mari:se ::0-fi,priy:: peOledi ividifi if has materisitly. etippledeetho ward, eleT re 1, ,Thoinat Stokes; Eeq. e week eequired. et the. farm,--• which taken-. all ! andee his eespoesibilities. • . At length,: ehow. neepeetes of-eleese. Who celeulated •upen great- - " Ile' the ,tierkeheps.;42roviiion .. haeebeen e an iefleeetieeLiveepeol..fient; .wbeie his effieie -nee-Hen-Whet-One -annexatieydsta fondly 'ex-. - ir: a .v..E.ilii iii.:.: De Eilis' 1 - . artzetes.a.na Will, tio doOlk reflect.' mUch tor wail Ng. 2, Jobe Shaver 'foe.. weed -el°, .,. iri ail' eveteld remind -a pereon: Of eihrei •hehad i. •ever• eg. Order tee Cover.. his periiihal-laikevee eleeen-from it. Tue Americans mei yet: be. -_ . • e.,, _ . =illation: of the shareholders was to drilli. Thomas,. Woodt ; weed Not 4,., JaMes - Riche 'read: ef a well areatig•ed :and -circumstanced: gancetethe yoaeg. mate eleect eionself ecrehee „dneeti eat of consideration .to tbeir -own in-• . - • . ttta:€detith. of at least one thetisand,.• ftet,' 'credit en . the I bluttfactory.. -fr la r --., - P-°- ardsoe ; ward. Ne..5;edolin Itiedde e. '..: ,_ , iettleinentin:•elie Olanie.see-The.peesees who ".....eniployerse cateheeteliteeittentee2143,600-efte,'. eereSeri, ect 440 -a • Mere . liberel corm:iterate!, - - P E:.fkif A1S1 D P 0 8 ..71 . • posed to thovr 'samplet Of .hoth fine eed- The. nieeeirig ter -weed NO...:4, ko he.,,lielt at are ;Omissible to :hoe-ome:ooeupieir. of-Ae ' of cou.ree, hiniself elepedeaud. all theisitigeil pelley. We dO Mit expeet ;him to otodify.it - - • - ..ri' . , ' • : - , • - ". - , - they were. getting heartily- . sick' oft the- . eating before. the " hole"' was ' 800 feet -coarse salt: ' . . • • . • • . _ :Mr. DUggan s .di -d frameettore Q • . . - ... • farm as Workers. are the cenyeets - who." heve etrolehedeteeteet oilieigla.gotod-not.diettoerer to benefit Canadians. It is doubtful whether • I) -1J1 li ty E fly_ .11A :c 1(.1•, 1 Alored• bY Mr. 'Pipe?, seionded,Ay Mr. passed through a 'trying i•prohatiouarY vetik•se ',,,hist---.whereabehts. ::::44::-.40-.,.-peapti-4,1e;,:ijie .4. Ree!proeity . Treaty moult- be Of as great ' 1.1.1 ... " . .: -i- , - : ‘s ' . : . - ) : . - • ' ' -teem. the surface. And little. vionderithey - OUli ' ff.t...-T• Virg Lip - . . _ a.Mendelt niuniCipal- rite- of Leepee Cacada lue, iteetireeiesetuerthe book 111 -.Which the' -Inokee.tereeipieedeeneetged WO:Self-to:a -.4r_elikaown and, therefore, we gee vigil afford ek. -have - Weeton That la acceeemice- with - the . late- iti Smithfield. Moentedy or:Spike Tali -old ;Oen- efegitieeivent -tee elineeici, eildeetteefierWards nse to -Canada now us it witesbefore the ware . . - P'--- APER, WEIGITTS _ . _ Wrong' with the Inechinery, nexteniereeng, , should'. -F- One day something- would -get- redoing. first-rate, .. The- p-emp. brbusht .- perhaps, by some nolu4ky. slip i.ttia * Wrill tiouons stream it a Streoggi of_100°, but up brine yesterday, (Monday) in a .con.: Deputy Re -eve,. and Ceneeitiors to represent -severe the eaxectitude. of .the. (Weigel; theyel. Whoelle.reMainedeentil the Ou this.Township. for •the year 1867; ..a. meeting aro aehjected to. Li.. 011e. column is the'fianielnAntericen'wer. Hie: maaree•bein.g.an -ardeut and in refeeence to the neennation of Iteeve, Caphils beeteb arekept tell how stnee And .•-•dey egoodi '-iiterehent -,of • New ::rarh, With - inittters remain is at present.. - e- -_ - : - ' • . : - ' • : • .., . . • .. •. , chi:cif* of t.es ' London will haie a 'Wesleyan e. Methodist. L Darinet tbe antai-nreivie year, the city of • L 'zit -,,- E ..111" .0 ii" 11.* -S I - .of the electors will be held "it the house' of,- elite offender.aild t e.offenece ?of. weiteie he! patrini,,Offered to-adtrimea•-hatidsothe spms ot- -140,.d-gaj,of (Mr. .A.dermaiieGabriele, and a. , . ..: ... --..- • pie Would Weak and start toviards China lowered during the "night to . 80*: ' -The ._. , . .., .. • • .. . • .. ,,„.. . . Jonas Copp,•••Esq„ - Holinesville, On Monday, was. eotiViet3di_ and iii a ..u.inbar •••• of others 18'1 mooerfo - ally of Jeer elefke•Whe would Yellin- • ..„ . . salt now being inade.isyrat-ratequality the 24th dey.of Deceniber, plus., at ficein ef. tlid.qeeorrlf allos rune from .class te class, .bye,:teer tor ilia wer, and -.thee hero:. of,thie brief 11,rg:Itrnleelli. sticliTliaspt.tteSinhtemlirnts' C,1%tigheleit i with- the veleeity of- labrie-atetlightniiit; i- .-:14.-V. 010g. '.•84.'' :LETTER.. FILES : • - Thai came the tng of liar. To get hold :'. i ".;:i 1 . ' • - • ona block of kettles tu fling out froin 50 imid meetioge -and that a hy lu,w lid passed, in dons 'filch thieve him:back-again. -, - :. se- _ le lee- et‘et. liirpugh -seine of the sew-et:co-brush- _ *aid dip; the .Clerk,to. give sit daye...00tiekof geod:eenducte and also _. the pette etrob:seeres- I,unn•atrve. *as onc who Accepted - the'ofeer. .. . •, • • such a conjunction oftippointmente, haa ever - ". . - e ,A• ND- lizoTTEits I -' :,, of -th‘ end of a pole away denim -in the 'to -69 barrels per day'. iti hen the double accordance with the same. .----• s". , '...,"•. -,- '' Thee ' Dininisday . Beek!: -Ulla Melly. A ' ea; Of : the-, eanieuign ,Withont • receiving a .- before -been made. It ma y he added thae • , - . ... : : • - -..ee Mr. Deputy De Jersey, : •Uudee Sheriff' for: -- - .. ..... • s . bowels of the earth Was no easy task, but •block- is in working •• order LOCI bbls. per Moved by Mr. Shepherd. seeondedl by Mr. weery. stela, ofeheneenee -ellen toiling- up . to e weued: -. It_ _the' cloee ot 'the streggle he fell • .• , ... .. Mr. Lyeett, is the eon -of *Methodist preathe_ VISSI, Earthenlytwe saintd, mini Weston.; That•Wm. Jervie-hetiairl. the , suet goed day will be made without difficalty, -. The riene end teeeoccasiooll fells; iu teteeteep- ..in love ;.with and•merried the wealthy.- young _ere .:-., . - ... . ,.. ,, -. - . . • the- whit of. Plattigibly assistekhy.sieb - of one dollar . for •werk elcore ueir the 7 nese ascieet -Which . be Beets etee..cliMb.; and, .pere., • teicloe of one ot the- Federal: Gene.raitte who • works are being visited- daily ,hy. numbers A -z I- inen.- at Cribb, Runciman and 'others, eon- :bri4ge uotue Meitleind doncessieo, .opposite blips tbet beak- tells us.oftetseot eettiegehalf . was killed-ateGettysburg. . •Atter their mar,- _ :03..The Si, Cathermis . Journal .:Sitys lhat .. - • • • qieerede: -_In. a few hours • after*afids the 'of people,Imany of -thee] ,strangers who. .lot 80. • •- - • • : . -: - . : : ..-: . enonehe'oe . • _ _ Of ,niteor obstrieleeeeeiog ..put 'on 'siege tke ledy.wishe0 to_ tisk :.-Eivelsede but ,when ihe Rev. -Mr. Lumsden passed through . - .- .- ---!----e..": .. ' -. '• seem to -be Werth money for which. they • •eleved -by Mie Piper, -eeeeneedeby • let.ee .tite road eof proetisle ..e.e)ccesirnially he • la • there...wee one little dieffieultY.in the. waY -the ' HaMilton the ether -day on his w.ay to Beffelo, ; - 'METAL, OI,ABS AND wOoD •-• . machiee.-.Would be dib-dibling. away ss thee& -nothing had. happened. Rnorre It :seek a good investment. • -Until 'barrels . _ Weston, That johne-Churehill, gsq.., ...be - pnid,•:. eripPed op by.ind,Oips-drawn etrese..his path ' X3,000- . Ultimately, hOwever, it was deOel. •he halted at the :railway. „restmurant there: me. 0 dit et lila- Is- talitili - $25 -foe damages dene to lila farm . ;4 -wotoi• wick togoocinessi see. erten rtarded in hut .. ed that tee wis.esreo.erse -*quid be. to refund audelatisfi•ed his -spiritual yea;rnings by lituility .E" -._ ' . - _ c - .:.___ '.• '_ -_ • -„__-:__, • '. . -,• 11 are preeured the -salt is being sail 7 tO far,. niers at the rate:of 30ots perbush. turned out df ite .naeuralbooreee -and ler Iwo progrees.te good. by what, is celled discipline. : ehe aleolinte and le -th.O delight Of the- Livel- precipitating a if:whiskey straight". througli . ous its-thipbyeicel -diffieaties ,were;.there :was one other that -was coast ntly felt- culverts henut in: fbro, his --OW', :con:06oieace. The average nauiber•of.Convicts at Lusk farm :-'pool fine they. reeeiv.ed .by.,a -recent _steamer his•-elefiout eilohlr, .,. - - - -Carried. - -. . -• ' -'. • ...; : - - '- . - 7 : iagenerelly-filly flee ; but.,ut.present •there ere- : an order for •the ainoutii, with 5 per eent.._ . i :.- • . ___ _ • _. - _. .• •• . _ . - - . , . • PINK. l'APE - ADT1 IWINE-: the. collection -of money in. suificient" cinae- It AlrEllkil!' UNILIND. The aceOunfor Robert Fox .for werk dooe:: :forty-seten. e They are piiiimpell;y engaged in- Intetest froth elle date of.bis elopem.ent. . -:" • MISS • IllifittleMY • DOWN .0.N7. . • - • . ' • •• • • - oti the Bayfield congestion, am-mtntint Co $3,. . , e .. • . . - Thelbl•- - IFENIANS2. . - - . surprisingrapidity the- " ealls7 were called . - titie-S to keep the enferprisealloat. With- , Horace Greeley Of the New. York • Tri, Grdeeed toekie 'Paid. - -.: . • ....e: e e . ..... .: • formed of -the, good Which 'has -been- accom • The eleconerbe David Liedsite fOr%. putting.: lattn1 oPetatimie ; slid some notion will. be - aftereeon, says. the. 11.amilton Timea, -.a utile- - Mike--Muferhy, disgniteel with:the Fenian' 11: , ..ftE31A11;.03343 ;A,OCIDAFT. a.-- 011 Sataruay, • . • • . . • • - ..>: S E A L .I YG, W.A. It I for, add to get money from. • people who .bene, being badly beaten it the late-elee-: _ ei tWo ' putve'rts, dree -en Are- Centre Road,' ine. facts.: : . - -pliehrid *beer a glenee is given at the follow- . , . . , .- - . ._ - pan_y of the leth .Regtnient were engaged in addressed the folleeiingsmanifesto, Which.neF- - : . > certified by Mee pathinaeter, Mie. :Wilkinstin, °There 'are at preseet contained -in theehrm .. tareet .pruciice ut ttfe'• ranges , of the Victoria pearlin the leader toelay, tea legal ,gerille., - - 7 . . AITD . begin to think.they. are tbrowingit away..:tion iii his own city, seenis to lie in' rather . . arimuating to $26.50,. ordered to be paid; : . Rife Club, When -.pee of the men met with a Man of Toronto: Itissaid • to - Be geneine,1 - -1/41)Ill, ItUBBER• • the -experience -of the•sad failures of near. news-, he says :- .--. -- . Pipere-That 'Matthew Steele- be paid $3 - Air acres; -potataes, 24 .acrese. manolds„-4 acres.- titrnips, 4.aerea ;. carrots, 1. acree vetches. 1 I 170 acres, divided-- es follows e -.Wheat 38 . 2 . • - e e - I silenlar end somewhat da-nererons. aeeldent„ and in the ehirOgraphy.of the real Mikeettitel as the Justin ot foolhardy elarin,g. . The. in- Presideet ote the -Elibernian SOoiety •oteeenitie . • " • -.' • - - • . . , 1 _ - . , .. is like drewing teeth. The directors., had bad humor: ib -his -summary. of election - _Moved by -Mr. .8heppard; seondedeby Mr. ..... filling up a drain ou the 11th conee ' opposite acre • vegetables,1: acre; meadow.36 aeresi. Pre-. wan, wan 011..4 Of ttie - soldiers -Stiffened to, and 'now outlawed if. a log:dive - from: . • WAFERS:AND '.- - OT Alin' SEALtiSi: ' , V every company that. attempted to- find- " Masiachusetts,. of comae: went over, lot.30. • • • • . • . at the eargets teenete the effect of the balis, . justice. • "Mike thinki .the•Yenians are fon a : ' ' - , .... . .. - • - "I'he account of A.-13ay, Esq.,. for Wren- &rating laude 31. acres • ripe: 2 aCkes. Four- . • Whelmingly Repebeicane-ethe majOrity being . _ . oiloutsidgof the region. where it is known,. 4i'een .,,,ell,b,ed yeeee i',48 it; be hig .. reeeeese -Mid. inster4 of retiring be.hind the banks, es • -Neigh is' at p.reeent- a ireergenentl_andpo,pule - : „e:•4.: -...e. - reported at 60,000.- There are. a very few. iog side -roads aed'ecencessions -in thie town- and -fifteen -head Of gattit are -on the land.- customary when ifeinn ;was .proceeding.•:.be • -ar- opinion 2. • - . . • to exist, and hene4 if they had given up, coppotheads and. some negroes chosen: to persisted hichielding Vinse.f by Merely stepe , . • - .. • " BUFFALO; Nov. 7 1866. . - -.-: : ' : . • • . • .GUNTER S ' in. -despair .nt SOO- feet they !would hive . . . the Leeislature;eut .yot etteugh of eithee to shoemneunting to $13, atileted _to brepaid. , • Thia ileall good and iuethe right .directionebut ' The cernhcete of Metsrs -Henry. FOrd add i A is not, eneUgh- now -that a great plan has. meg behind the, iron -petted, tareeets: Theie . it•Sis-The Fenian:le liishlike, -(I• am ale- :. A.LBS •:*. .. - -11117 BREI. .- • been only -fellowi.ng the• example of awes, do any harm." . :...-...-- .. t Jonaa'Copp, .Esqs, in .-,reference toeheep end been tried ane fotind to work .wonderfully.-., happened_ to .. be ,.a seed' :•holeetheeingh . the - met. eseminede ei an Irtihinatil)haireeadherede• ' , . , That is rather hard -On Ilia Darkey. It lambs killed,: belOnging ;to '-doho- Chueehill, target eleployedeeof just suf6ciehe diameter. to their enemies.. Novi, r wish to' propose a . .: • - • of others; in: different sections, or _ the olio., • ' . I the. ownee of the dog. Or. doge, unireown to Perions should not seenose that the con -tic • Copyipk Letter-Biu§lieg 1 te permit the.pmesage..et eiebriel, -and hy Most _ plau eo end 6,11 This tiemblefor youln Cenadae • try.. ..And :. yet -there -.were two or 1.1 not more tit:in a.cotiple of years since cid veined at $18. . - ' - •-•. • . .:314111e1Pered or_oreifed-,in no prison is .. th . remarkable chauce one of the. eierksmen. put _ Get teteeettier. all' yourjeitian :. prischeis, ' and. -- '-aretIeielionieted the Arne a -el -aimed. for ee *week half so severee.and out •of Ihe aiitpene • a tall. tnroughlbelsole; .The missile 'strode_ teen theni to the Ameriean line,- andeet thene . • . • . : ' three reasons why -they should go tbe hien the riehts- of miseee dation, to say Weston Tied -.16hn Churchill, • ere • be faid movid by gr. Sheppaielt seecteded by -.Mr. .i'week allowed. to each they getterally itteese the seldier,--aho • gas etandingendewaye in the over, with a wereireethat :to he caugbt 'wain. • - - , • . . . , • . • ) s c ' tine tlionsand feet,. . oil _or . no" 'oil.- $18 ooq of the feeds aceeuingfeom „the „do? it in the perchese of bread; :-. - - : --,e reete and pessed.acrose the -lower teetiOn of that will end: thee matter- at Once: : __Those , e: , . , '"--.• " - . Mrs; Platt,. _the contractor- t wit eager nothing .of the full- -glories • of American .. tax, and that the ;tee° sign:. an -order for the • - '' The day•ot the .eoheictis divided :ati. 'fa; - lows : -At ficeclock thi-bell rings' for:- air to his body in.• the baCti, eiCirsing it'. deep ' flestelpeople mighe ,have inadte.,yoe trouble- if they. e • . -.. -. e., .. -- :' • citimenship-.Mid in short taught th•e negro wooed.. Ile wes - coeveyed: toquarters, ued--. kad gone with the Union party. They -hove , 1 -- ; -. . to prooeed, hit - sanguine temperament seme.• - . • . , . • ,. . rise, fold beds and diess ; :5.30 officers': par- -.hie wetted 'attended to by the suigeen ee the ..gone, as iher always Inive, witherremies, indl _ aND , . *ging- him him to believe- he,_ ehould. yet that hewas just as good as any other man. _._ The certificate Of Messrs. Piper and Jo n lade and unleeking.of dOhnitiiriesje.526 et*: . . • .. • - ,. Regiment. . :4Now, however, when: A ;few negroes haie Mosely, gage.. in .refereiice tre twel ehreap killed er 1 :6••• hreackfast aad stirabout aid 'milk • e ... . now •wilt.lic.Ve to get their help. Imre :them, . i 77 (-.-.) 2 . L -. PA: 1VE a Ae- strike sank:hint-AU town gave the coin, 'Presumed th rturfoi---..and igne elected letn. to: $6, &tiered •to be paid. . .. • : 12-et•eleck, Alinti6r -Jean four days beef, .bread the -property. Of William Gibsen, :iienouuting 6 30,. parade, end. proceed, hi clesses toeve9rk; - • and little terethey get from ehem•eeitil thee'. 4 . .. .Chea, -1) -for.., ,:olia0.11.,. PanY a bonu4... of- $500.00,- th Ca da :Darlette :RObbery.01 1),41,000. • k waneof-thein ere their yotes, and now. they: -e - -ea. - the_ legislature' he tarns arotind with thg • • Several .other eaSes of sheep kiiied by doge and pettifog, eni ehree :days potatoes, mi. k . neyt.they. cani"-have .. tbem :in any: -event.- .COmpiny Offered $100:.00, and tlieljonoty . statement thit there are: not cneugh tq-do was brought beforethe Council and atteud,ed and hread; .2 rAloale, returne Wor-Ig4 5 o'cloelt, . vae- ot toe most daring robber:tee- whiirh • soemes.k, . invade. yoer counery,•• fue- they_ 'OodeilirripRov. 13tii:..1 607.- . 'I‘ --. ! „ „ .: . , • .. • .. •• .- . -- - . _ ScretheYewill give: Ahem • tin aid to •• their:: • At :ilid.:*-SIONAL 13FFICE. Council 41000.0.0 ta the siniple condition • - - has ever taken •pirice ire.. oor niicl4t, seye Vie any Apra.; •-•0'. o e -thou art not--_ cell- The to. . • . ••• ' • . • •• • supper. of bread andOeffee I 6.30, settee" and • le_ . - Co.unell thetradjeurned tre ineeiagain lecture -by Mr: eerily; disciplineeofficete teed r 1 _, 4,1 ratsnoon s-rototype, .WSS 'perpetrated-. on- tne _ . See thee can ,oney•-.g9,•their • egamet the. Re :. . that the drill should penetrate' to:a depth ': sistant I . : - on tee -2 -ed Monday in 'December proxe., 7 • registrar4 , 7-.00 `p. ni., mtikee beds ; 745, publieturee.as theyhavn alwayri. dOnee, -,eley', _ .. orat hist 100Gleet. To give; tip *oft . , -• JOgN SHAW; v : •prityer ;--8;lock,Up,•-and 9; berf,_:••• We walked eativzpigd ii,tioisiiieructislitrAttutuilte.n,:act)nt.brionciti!iiplap:iF:tloti.ii•gy; , does not ioee it. 1° love libeet.y, het still go kr the parey which eOuntrynrenvel am sorry to :Say.- ?rant lee . - ,enorter ' that had been anticipated; . and or thativas=1O. lose. a considerable -sum '`of - Mzizoits.::-.44e astroeomers redietr•that. . • we shale hdeetonight a ' &plead . d -d* y of - : • TewnshipeCleek. ',through_ the farm, as the • convicte were en- . m , gaged reaping, unifier the direction • of:- Mre MreLoyd; renter et-, orb and Richmond- . •• . .- .. . • . . Whey doenet :understand . 0 ii....MLLTON-% - . .; , .- Harpurhey, Nov: 5.1366. ' Gailagber, egre'cultural tuperiotendeet,-.They ••• Stre:ets, Weut line the'. lundlorti's private bed the meaning Of the Word. In feet,. -they do, - zkthonsind fimt in- the earth is a grent there: w.as nothing tor Itlut to 'proceed. like -bat not been .. witnessed for -about 33 fireworlet in the shape ot_ meteo .- . As tbe. • • To the:Editor oithe Huron Signahl- . - - Sia e -Me. A. Carroll of . No. -6, Tuceer, : . -Were honest, worhers, trying.to Melia amends for wrongs done, and all .year semeetle,s-and 7 reeve, arid. •eiteaeteel, filintea -eereau. -tlierin thee gentlemiteee doe box -.et:metering $4000 ,,,, sui -end A .o Fenian. teenbles here And else-. 2 know net how tee realize. its . There . wilt be • .. • 7 . ± _ . . • . - cOLLEGK'ST . .',. . T,'"- ' ',' '- Lint know what Alley want if _the.,e did, they. M ELMAL 0 iSPENt ARV,: ,_ __,.. ,. . . . _ . . years, it.wilehe . well. worth sitting op ,for, , , . . best wielegii were withihe reapers.with whoin MO N T ri E A L, i . C g IL, , idei of the: difficulty Of •drilling that dis- - . oepani Met- the reader looket some objedt tame straight &au into the solid. rock 333+ yardi distant add he wififorin-.sami it that is it themeteors-don't 'fail to coene.ct, transacting- business properly. -by' . attend - liar You eai: prepare youreelf fer 'smith, must hays written his defence! for noie _all good ma should• -be to help and'encoarago . Teachers' Aesoelation 'to' quiet•an eeetisieg, .conscience, fer atesurredlye ito far as I know, _ attendance at the last- meeting of the Huron no accusation came from- ariy other quarter ; . . . and aid Ahem iii• their -strivings -toget hack te the positieet :they had !est.'- , . ,• -- ' . „ • . .....• • • • • , ' manner, as tt - afield thee -some , - door.and look arrnind in ett. vety. thief was . observed. by- two- French • weinete__ ers..alid who. were: in:the eitting.rieonei, to- comet° the P4'14a • pat' ' Irelatid to tem:ain under the .control of .Eng- eeng apper . olial'ici?u! „gone, All. -will coneledeihee it is best foe- "0_ agitatoreenything eo :agiteile Arita will be the onlything whieh will gtve the% ' . . - ' - ' - , -- ., . , - - - . stages,- • Dyn3D.8,:pVti-Opol:ti.:,,;:e.::r1::..4.1i!, N.e7. , f_ in aloeg and 101ne Valna!ele- Peeses• ' • 4 ne where, you will see I sofiet go your- prison._ an holir.after it wasecetinnitted : •when he iin• te:08;i1A:13: ,.C:les.. u.4: New ittbeteolteey- had:. &um-- up in-diez. ing -the :Gatiderich Commermal_Acideiny. and,:hedhe-been satisfied to 'confine himself_ it3i. Iteseteteretlia‘ teerepair the damage- - .. .,..e• •i$ ii'?_vc'..14ent•!' : 1 witty. satisfied toe' he had not been oriented, . th_ 1 . D,ebllity, -Female : -Weak- land. as. 'they have enot •sense to control : .: -• - - gnat atitoo, or 900 feet, or if the salt rock rot tetpls sinadv. - to his ovin defence, 1:should' be:sorry to -dis- ,Fraticee i sim'or zo, why 000 frenes will be done hy 'the - recent inendetions-Abinu•oliout der, ind jumped abeerd the •tley express .go; - _ he. sinai.ediateiy..left lee hone .withthe- plink. . '' • -" . • • -reees'respectfullyik, - . • R., • • : " 'Conepleinte, ayeibilke - 1108111.,' and: ell •Chroniee • : had•beeiM 100 feet deeper, the- -diseovery °finch a rich saline trsgstire -might . not -1CutaitEzTER Ter Q0EBto.The•Mk3r.... for hia, ubsetice.7• That Mr. Carrot. knew both • - , litly circumstance. which he assigns riga plea turb any:comfort, • he.. may- deriee teem -the :required. - e - .. _ .1-__. - .... _ • - 'discover that he had been robbed for about • .ee.:' The _ . fng-viest,• at 6.26 -p in. elite:- Leryd did nor '',„ - • • •• • -!- 41/- 1:-:-11;•••.- : • . Benue* Weakness,. -have been inadenntil the end -of tiMe., :or of Quebec .has reeeived, per oible, a the' time and. place of meeting, . and the Bull. • • - . . . ••• • • . - - & 0 , . , 8-.3e. A new gun matiufactory has been . a HE zbagivitoOlTY•Toet.iY:--rThe Ainek.-; - eets fer discussion- to., (all OE. which Were erected at Cepenhagen, and 12,000 breach mediately called _iii.the iolioe,"land AA. 1 * --; egr4414 Whether th Re •' ' 7T7 ' le •fi ' 1 • • • - - • ' • I. can Press 40.-noisiem to be trail e.toateisefilead:D• it sinatroN be. s to infornillie 'Public that Tetity this•diiicoVery wis one of' th&, moat. 41testage, dated-.Nav. 5th, freni thot Seere!... determined by ehe members -of the association. loaeersehave been ordered. by the? 'Minister of- - - War. _ .... - • . . • weee diefettehed .weat, : :and die- prisoner -Wee - A ,P . expromty . „reedy is he:devotes-his wtrolemmeitothe Antatilleot - fOrtUrtatO. that hS?pretheen made iii. Ca.----1-aly -of the Mincheater Etna for the • re,_ at the peevionie meeting): ie evideat from: hie nide. • -- .. - - .:. lied' the "Quebec .sufferers,-, authorising own letter: It is; likewise., - One as obvious eleern Baron. Setae'. Pinson., the Trussien. . Detroit,: as he Wes making good lereescape• te a . . .... . . . . • • • • arrested on beird the, ',Transit, -creasing. :to- . • • .. sire-thaiton •arome..Ootrits the Unite& . erm:41e:tievitetrntomei.37ttf:ettit %),eipee:rtaytifyoifEtelt- _.:selte,!rileio,.. 11. i:e''Irilip; imen:ailit.T:rAl.Yrnhertui el' ., -.- 6--4.1iT: Va. OIL.. ' - -- " 4 .. • • ' v . -*- - -- - -*-.- him to drairon Heyviood, ltros., . & Co„ . that be absented himself, -not eieeause he_did elovernOr of • Sellerieeig, . has. •erehibited the ;the land of libertee • On- the 'receipt of a not .know, the tiiiie and place.of meeting, but rieSing -of intiseripticres by the D•thish inhabe :teleizriitn- totem effecte the Chief :of Police e•-- . - ._ t at I e. - .Canachan leain Destroyer,- 13 .the: press,: atidebte Canadians; aetreete and, _tne ite 7 ;ctaik, en, rtie:ad::41: • .-. ilancnester„ Z1,900‘ eterling , cm account. because he. did oot get a printed &cultic ad 'tants fer-the purchaae of a weediargift fer in company.; with ellie Loyd; .Went ece Windsor. _ e e i.2. ,f. r... 1., z __- A,_ 29__ __•1 i IM _. s solimmos.. . ' Ueat trang-ror toe cure oi cO•ngus, coms,.erost. . ;Forties Veserstpiseasek, ..and all vacate Join. :,- The tr•., .i. i,,- ,..,...i. a ' _Coal or -404 04 in . _ ; .Aelueh.er- inn 'Well- - -meat:- that appeared - twice in the $ignat .- :_-. dressed .to hinutelf pereonally; ehe -advertise- the Princese Dagmar. _ e e • . ... e , They get hirn'thetee.aerleirnmedietelyegot en biteertlieumatism, lee. Sold by all -Medicine • pleinte, .eleete, strietures„ aeminal weakness, -• ' . : the 'train -.tor •Londen Everythine. went • - - • .1 - - Canadit-watelverl iit.e.et importance. ft,' •. • ' : . si ----;.. .- - . _ beintdesigned • for. a Pe!elier of ..whIcht . c' - article- Onthe• °bifida :quelitione in which eit - - -- . - . • - • - -- - • - •• . - 4- . 'Ter. The Politica of Madrid eablialiesin • • • • • al, - --- . Dealeneat 95.eta. Orlon e. : - • - : tni.inn in 410-leinn,-aireeltoes ot theltidners, alia,, - -sinoothlverintil thetrain wits within about a eares ettlie head, throat -Jour -sad -singe eind ell - rendered otherwise Wseless land&T:highly - • That wonder - of- go -aheadativeness, course._ he forms.no, iiare.- -1 hat :the circular ... mile from i.i?tigwood . netion, --and going ,.at i - -11:7, 'Twenty years .-_-esperience. in using Aims Arced_ fat= vacuous- ansing :trout a secret - sent to him. by. the' metatedireet route between. declares. that Spain must s obtain. satisfaction - • • the rate of _talrey nii:es, an - hour, when the teetues. .. neonie -Wafers have proved.eltem h ;of youth, which .produces. constoutionrilk , large *meant of fbreign capita -1, end jt .:, a derrick,. his intention being to amuse: to head in time," wee py garensatitoteeprete a light which for • , himself -during • the winter- by boring, a Taltable,. it led. to the: introduction- of i ,.S.ainuel Piety, has. ordered the. timber for - - .. • . - a ' • - a a rp a r h ey and his sceool-roumedid not come Carrel Oven attended -the association :several -- ee)e. Fremein offieial doeumenelist .iisned. JO.the toentain- -lb r. a drink -of :water, and, oiennuenal' exertion. -of the. vocal. organs • _ . - rely aocidentale Mr, , . . front' Chili b force -and adeocateseth • ' • t• f th- Ch. h ' ton c . e mg aseunana.. .. . . • . . ,... -- - . • . • . -. prisonet baying got end ot...bis bends free _ . _ . I one th - ha elculfse .0e4de a prete c Ogre:leg and ireitatii•die of the throat; Minted bytiold i• e ' t ' ' • ii a' • • • ' tti" be ehe •most -effectual remedy -for confetti, i .:1:atodesttettitiEr- ti.:711Feettech11131xImpfs).ZE.Sirtizift;onsieele !id'. 4. .y., -reflects -marriage imposittihreeeind xi !elute .owing to cenkil- 'those (twice, I think) expectir.g a number of •it .appeant. that the ,, picture galleries -of the • making tei:the do -or -took ii-ticepeeeteeeap olf rattle. speakera and. •lingers: will .fiod them Admen, Who, by the ese of •poisonntur *up, -•beillieneY• and cleanliness • at.- OMX3 • threw net will pier 'IiiirliQuiialt wink- -..W.e _,notices to, e . tetn ute to t e teaceers • p • b cl• eb d h ' - *- - - - - ' .- - ' - - ' . - - . - ' • ' • - ' -- '' - ' in L.ouvre contain 2,000- pictureeeof wince 5601 the trent.- Se- was Sceri.7,.to roll. oier„ -and most beneficial, -Tha entire freeaorn -from hunconotttution, causing eiteniateie :decay, and . - a train otOthersympuinislOo Maniere:us tolnen4 - din act talloW• candle literally into the '.-P iiderstatid•he-ean do the Work by • wider 'the .townsliiPs' he' representev bet --no euch _ are of the Italiansehool, 621) of the Northern_ finiellitteiet- up And Cifeis, the feline "it' d .. , . n all": deleterionS lave/aeon . :tenders Bryan's. shade. Mete wider existingeefronmst tikes • Tpetver. - Success- te hint -I , _. :. - . _ -A .... , _ . . • . ., . ...- ... :things made- there appearaneo, theree.„- Whet schools, 700_ of the French school,. a5, of make.for the bush. •Theetertin Was "stopped 11'11010.We Wafers,- be Voegh antU • Voice' -1,4„.„;er,.. no, . Dr. 1Yrillee if the :only l'hysanito Aisoi ' -. - 'int mean* here is net ,-:v67. cleario• me.. ' ir . the Spaeisli :Spec:tele and- thee fentainder. of -atAeougvioecestatirene...aucliehtechiee- and 'Mr. , Abut kr. iv.if. Savag4;3 is. erecting a 'gave .if he means that- they ;Were not sent to hint - 03tee-Theltassians show thateMe de la. _ aL 7.`P 7 • - • Loeengers, a iisfe temedy. for. the .eisiost 7deli-- le" --di. "'n''n: --nov! in lite -Ow, that tan he tliein. :ocCurrence- with bin' tocure such-C.asea. BIB • it PT ioteleisting -to e.nqoire -.whether-- the ','. ' 0-' oTAVE .1fli.OXORY.-We Ililderiltanti A he:meanie thet he expected eirculera at -the . divers sefieole..- , :. . . . •. . - - .. . ..Leeed retereed iti seareh -of the prisoner,' wee tate penis:tooted haseaused'theni lieliabeld eifeepililii've him a n. gall others gait ..to cure/puede* . . cane It is Only te monitoon - dileoverr.ofselt 'it Goderialt. is not ' of ''''' -p.. . v • 1,27- • ' - ,- - -. • --meetiag, then he eipected an. irepeseibility ; - - • - • - • . .. • - e...•. ' . - - :' - 3Vas ferteilatelldiSQ43reted.-hidde31.- heneethli iii•high reete.ein bee alfeieltee'heiere .used : -. a itrike. of Oil, In our bailable opiniotiit. hesaid. thit ellen- thee A century, the. poen and safely brought. to:Loudon.. The thief is: -•-• ' • -•••; • • - r :Pattentsie rule o late of ehe eountrYeeeeeteleki; R.. Oictg-ratt-illIvile4ftfisli.EStet dire_ 31Ele, T/3.• - . . ellen of beshes 9 • :th - el: _ y-- • i: i' Soldeby all medico* dealers, at 2.5.7i_enis per . • _.. :Pa • a ; _ a wa . a "eatery et Mini --urn, two -miles from towa.., for .distribution,...theier I believe •lie suites • • ette made'. a eery ..ni °aerate - caletiltition when . : .. was epeedily dragged :from -hie.- hidioge- place-. -bole .. e• __, ee, e •.• . ... - The. ideals, a kood Oue,..te we -obeli toot* I --what is co ' et ; but rif.'he. _tinting- that :eir • .._ is Or greater iiiiiiortanise. :The furore- . culars . we • not dietributed : among the _, leteheie;fivf Rasuta4:totioldo., bit: ilille0.p,Oilles0e,(InOt 0. ii•i•Iint ‘ a ',voting Inatrabeet.tWenty•five yeeisof age,. TUE 3111.0.8...el'Se. . .musieaddrese Box 17L-0, o., teelettreet,e.neelellite, Dotter -Wiffeinikeehenietspeendanteleteal"cee• Loh.: Thoie w.he .W2sli,,is tiara:Mat interview/ cosy 'lobe- .07 grea.t*-4ili rush of • speeulal. i., . , - . , - • : want-aninuniber of barrels. . . -...- • . -teachers ot . kersraith and: Colborne,. then ?.-859 i - . - ' • he . states wnat la not- .correct, ' for -I, heve • • • - ii 82;2721000. Shogkethis. tete • Of interne „ - _ . - . . . -- - . .. • . l •1•••- •••,, 1 . • aud-hezayeheebelongatoe-Dundase pi..,1y. • --,..,, - _ - ;tiowntay not be so wild and the ' advan.. ::. Conciasson orailother F.oulaia • . i • ' distributed- circulars regelarle: amine, • the- . cohtinue it Will only -Vegnire 16 years to Wine .!•e'•-,'. • _ - _ . .,-, e: el •';), I ' ''': . ;•CODEttefeete.kne. 18r. -1866.e. - - ---: --- -...- • . .„ .... •., Mostreid, e'tov. lerb 1St& • - - wit lyr ••••• •• .• •• ...• twat not sobonspicious,at firs but . the •,- • • -- - - T -F-14-1*- • . -. • .: -.. -. teachers ot' Tneliersmith since the-east:0de.! - ___ . ...... the ,poputateon Op to the dreedee„figere. e.-.. ... _sleeks : vireo nowt 100.11ite,.,..Staoris4 . Fall -' de: 7-• .i.-.: 7.'..,.'.: '.... ':-.-..': $1:58 :. - g ..iieo -,, ,, i'last -.. 1-031. le iitieraii-anno'uneement titun -LisiodiiU<i, °E. , - • • •-'• don- Was eta:geed,' 'and -1 hayeeevety .. letteititilowitin.--fronia. constant soppl- f ; s - -. . : • - . - oroutoo• MIT. 10. • to belieirwehat the tattle hat -becti. done. - • • • - ....:•-- ,• -Pr . . rims .• thus:: _It Oitrereiviets will be- obitgeed .tO,_ lectieint efitate:Orficent --iintfMeniiiiir... Sof; ,()Partem:2". Sh,e1I- t!7* ,•;'.777..f --7-..1i- :3: 0:22 -ttaiiitiii hirt;iii . itt*ttattifgotig • ... IST. 0 T. 0 pre., $24 14.4 fit- 4 i : ;.peristiozaviitt ' , i. ..Ope ,of. the Fenian. pi:tonere: named Win. ,fgz alTii0es;bleiia:Colbotiei..,h,,4wevey,•heeteiliy Cowmen, took place -.on T,tiesley.. ',late in _FlOu'r- • ...e. 1:31 ave • net read the:tlooks- ourselves; b t, - ‘f - - ' , 2 . ....e......e7-47.117...-.$21.10. _ -lin t. elenetneThetitae7Crane,are-re nettedetoli , --- es.ftirettawing.their attention to'. some-, Sank_ - e -r,. . - fieteontinue to be experienced -long after Sagcle%,..witallaceskiipon hiatrial.to-dayi ik. , . have finid in theninfer. • ' ThOpe elfailidiall: • ; - telt, works which will shortly appear. . We - eeseee . e ovia•re; • atvland •111issielithietti, = Pe . .... we ve etates.of tee .Unuen-New7Yoritelenw: Bailey • - " ' 4-'--' ' --- •'-' -. • 0-4.0--= -0:44 bemio 43,11 er fklei*therniddlesitY-oruarloen4. . - McKenzie W th e h ' - A ' " . -t, . As . a ,a wa0.1 intoxicate..4 .....t jam; Be. -- -- 1 e- •r!! IiitilleelualAiititnietia al elii•J " - • - " • :: • • .- - - - • 7 • - - 4944r1-'-'ikeet : their contents aro isintetestieg es their, title:5'; y giving these few -Hues. Mr. Miter,: . e_ - - - . - • . 2 • ' 4 el •- Miehigant. .2Illitieisee".WiscOotiineeldinceitette• Sheet'. .-. :...e.....-::e•.e-e; ..,e4:00 •,-5:00, xmorheforethe.saluelistetryllesecutpit; -:--, -as .: - • • • •-•-• e• e: Leon. :wee ennuiredeopey4henveralrimounts;do byline:, - """ e'ee- .r ee- ee- all. persons ledebted toebehed estateatebereby -- , The defeece set tip hy his. , enuneel - M ' - -',0.,:. as • ' •' Citing, • ..- arra .oti, h,- - " • - • -- - .. ,-- - - *Alt drop ofoil has been: stiiteeied-Out . - -Dribs-reluctant rock. OWbait cattied-towitt : • Midi -u-ri -1K nsas•and Nevada - - -- . el- .4 • 'Beef le lb ..., ..,...,... 0:08 - 0:10.e itelid -not erect is anoceesfulasfiritumidenee • *-•-- • : their persualerriti.st be the -senate. of delieht.-:e e : -°::- '. '! : - - .• %-• ' ' • _ - - . _Au immense- Vete:MOS:. pelleardneNeW ',York leides (green) -eeereeeee ....e. 540 • -,_ -6:260 ' - • * ' of over 46600 trotes:Wievoien- tet. Hogneene Potatoes ....,..e. --ee........e. 0:40 .0,50- - Witvan':- cob' Ifor. ethilSfilL ' ' - -1,42311P) - s , - e2011111: e3R00/05-71. _ - - .W epriit-up ea: it .were- hitt' day,. -• end- ite• catte..es the juey, . eftetreteseelibernion :of . ten . . . place in the cOluunie oryotir !et -Oiler • ' . eie: ' ' - ' • • - ••. - • - • • 9.c. el* _:-; . The titlee.are t___4 Swepateschakschavlmitham _. 0 ,_40_0006:6 hag amied. them 23. limpidly to .aniiitotes„_found him r galjitY. ', -., 7 :. : .. . . . : - . ... 40.01174,7: DEIFAR; ; '• • yoawill oblige e . . . .- . ' - • e - -, T . -- anteastetreee y7rtiguilatmikalikastotra. elp- : , .„7- -71' „Olt", •ted•themnkrezedettydlparge -majority! istittir-- '.'-.7'. - el.; o',' -47'..;...;•111:14- r_ -• • fli.15 , ._ , 0--utsenteoced 10 he hanged Mt the 13th• „ _- ..-.,.. • _ -..... aaitgalalitayatedyapana,'. "Sarialtatchatatsch- - ee led- -• e - ---1.-_, : - - - • - ii. _ .. 'lion tlifething. . Riling f Cii oil ig.- it-. kit. ... . '___ ' • _ _ : • _•-• - . i - . - . • •• . i . . . - , . . .ftllrettidliOliOdy (Mt oilkotiyZty iltratity, . .„: .-- _:.._ emitiroitria.,.. .. . .• ; , - - • . . *az, trari .ik -vim, tnti it is iofe. to goy . , .-. . •,., ,,• . , --.. „ ‘.00,..; .,,.. ii, :.:. ; ::• - 4,7:: peers tem sniallto Vete, SO ilitt0h:litZtttltitt -hew ituct i*eitin gime. rit iiiiiiiietiiiiiteli" he:-.' Amine away. There is- no certainty •De- eimbei.. .,..e • .. . - -.. , ..... . .• -donee. Oa a 'Milled; '-ilioh - -magi* -ati- • --We:lope tins mil . end- -the ontreSpOn, siturjeretakatha.', • - -: - - - . ' " • - ,•§9:- ' f • '8- - - - ' - -- --- - '- - - . - • - -- . - - ' - ' - - .-,:-..-....te-?..i.7-,„ -,:. • - .:. • .. - • : :turtherratodYarietti' ...aed •14,eeei,e..im,e4g.‘1,!.''iiiligeilt isijotity ever. given' en tinet aid; "W;* jsay,.-iielirifit.hn7::•:::::. .0)--"-,-,:v9. - '---4,-,-:- - -,"=.!'*•••• - ' "7- .•- - •' - • - - lagers - ' 01.-1 Loud -villa kanioio .T .• -:• . :...-•;;.,.., •:.-2._. . ., • . i(100.• or eyinoure foter-eseent, Ago, and. the. ifeggite.eee. e.. .e..... a ..=:-;--A111 ;•:-. 0:011 ''.: MOTICEIsisereayliveotO 'Ate roe ,_ bee , invented ,i• I repitliheane this: yelie 'Were Contileht 'lit iej :Chisikenii 4%. ).- .. . - . - ' 0-20 • • •-• , 645 ; -e/ aPd1100101tOldersr03_113.14-17t AOr Welt tinging et ett 35,000: Hisffinaii; however, le a., "Torloyc.;..-.,;_....-..,,.-.-.1..,.....:..... tip: . -..- f.:40. ,= . . ••......... • ,,, d- mi, : meroroicuoitoll•se-tb.ttoblizement Tirt: rioroi- _ „ i' ' riot- . - -e 604,,,:, ,-..' .- . --7,-- -- - - , -1:75 -2:50 4 NI ti NIdifi.A.L .:Ntk.- OE*. isiiitit-hai taia_,:atri• -oril ()fantod:notion* t . DEATH op.- Di.,- 7:i?.rizarr-iiety-si: .---,..' it : ie Asy.theiweigir-toudb day -917,-.Deefeebee, e- ejentlepeteed. R.: . _ i _ , ‘• . _ . ' ' .. . - -•: "..- eeeteece-neeleeei - et • i red 6 • - - -, - •greattavorite with. al classes 1112 e se . „ . , _ . es p a . .. y ony- -num.- • - •-• -•.„ , - .- - • • . .: : • : - - ,bee Of • peesente " The players' naines tree _eto•ellitie ' :dietised eeteeyelnegebefoia e-hitii.7i - z4 ,:e-,.. - --.- eee ;.,,,,- - - - • I •-• '• .....k.H '. • . - - atroon, int tht-i.,70nreteeeeee eeenofeeteelie__e_el -eloree,_e___ JtailKItillithete shnoetiiee Otheieeteeeritisee at li le? 111,_,__•fee_ngs- _..• more', than-oidindiY- 104 - . ",...' „,-•:-.` ,, ,e,:tee,"„„,-,...,e," ee.7 .. • - ...••--...'-e. weittenetear togethee oe, a ',Skeet of " paperi: , • - - ,. - • • ' Tr hiethet -lifs' strength' iit :the .-; city :WM • ,bi e ee•if.:-.'-.7,•_1..eee.e:elee_grtifie!n#1,,,e.....*e. , • ,-.. : - -, lead eourreounemore for ihe ensuels ,________evesee ein.,,,_je .. - .iihoti, a rich Tofu is otitek it.. row' "that I infOrin you "or the sd en So, • - ' - • - , .• • rict :' • - .:. --..,:: ‘•••_....7.41".•,....E4 .4.- '1:7 l'e'l 11.11.. " ..." ' . - . and O erne)! jump of miter is-. litiden-':eaeli.-ee ,•"eiffieletit en'etteireenici ehe'-inejiteitieseagal t, eeeeeeeeeeeeeeee,,,.._ .....e.e.e!, .`.:-.e..-:•••eee,.--T. -..•.-e;.-,.. r,-.:• :11,,,,-„zizaptteattitivibzuria.,..711 ihattei- ;-A--s-picial despatch from-. Nyeshirigton to • - - , -The owner O t. e.lamp oti whioh thil:.fly Snit- . btle ill the, rural: dettrectscat a -question, evinueshe: e. ---"%e e . -"4,41alkettodtigettetalle,erethe kokifinder: 40fiiiii. it‘Piailzirdino'oi ofkgintin. - Hebei 1 - orarins.as.hati been :first eeeeee '-lcatiftinly •.ba 41-Oliid4ifieti.:;---thei. imiipletti;i0.-; - :'• 7... ..-- -L •*. .- : : : ' --0 a i- tet' -': • i i';' /I- ' ''A.inwtft.:!.1-1, i.1.1):„ ,f14,-,•`.:11iltaii., soloirk- :.'1,_ . isiiiiitide &ant dollar of his "'Pile "-.: -which. ,.>totiki 'place- Att:: 'fifPriugt Hilr 'on • • - . . . .: , ; inctao, igpc., * A LL fitosetadebted te the tatilitti if It. *43.. - -', - .. ,. .. - ."'-'- - -- Bsturtiss DSc er. -- lest..E.. --The, docto • - l' '''' '. thePhiladelphia livtletv.s. says I ------..- • -- : - - oi. .- • • T - : ..=.-: :- . -•„„i.-7... 1$ he ..M. die - .. rue!, .t e - - _ritiek. Miele- . - - - ' - turna• are teeeieecee •IVe eh,ould• . - ---• - h. ' t • ' dee lth h -th N - Y -k, 'I ' ' -r3- f•-• Stawiri are 11°Teli# ncfilial that 1u1164: IVic'onliiiilli"-ltiv.-ratb31866, - weltSur--1 AiSdiffetretttli-ithadt. litint vas it: Is. .154.4.0.iy eFanint 0 lae ecte . le • cog e. e -- ew or .- ci, _ _, . . . . . . . .. _..r.r. was- ter, exprelies a b.elief-thet the _Catitifiiiii iii. - :,:fel --Yenitinettiltsof, a lad? tit - Nei.' Ott :` itr attendance. on it luttient neer-ti-i-iboi IT , ' bone olefins- weinaitniejerit,y or Fenton; • '' t -k. theeeinemedietely eel*. link. .eitheeof-the; Were' -: - - - " • - - - Ineekeern. lett spring running -dry ora-- : .e __ _. . . - 0 e.. vegoest-rof Our :with . a eanoPy--- of . hair ie. lainirla,nte:ae la' ' -- - -Th • '- ''.' .;- - . - ' -1: r-- - '-'-'''''"i'' - id--(' iii- - - - . -red' . . . ' 11.- . '-' -'' ' -- : - ' • • -.,- ..,,,,:ii thoritiesi-Wilt- accede t '' th •". -- '' ' - , --r. -7. - ._ _ . . ___ , . _i. ,. , .r . , .. -- • -- ' :•:. r - - . - --•-, unuer sentence. of death "; - - e '- "ee' et i Itii': - GOieirinient id the eaten Cf the ',Feeling new arazilienleireett :Sid Si' nobi -'. -11 '' .'' - ' - - - l'ePa.ukt--an_444114.14410... -•: ,•-•-',"'"7 ''----: ",, .. - . . :, ,,...... ,. -4 ....... „ . . r mos vskeoStz bey a tortune', . :.,-..,,, • :. , '-r ''. • -- - t&-----' .--•-'-,:-. - ' - " - - - - gamma -.:•,:„. -,•--...,. . ,..... ;•• ----,--- ..r. Otili.- • :counts_ or cotetwill loi placed JO 33313. . - -, '',,"4:.--iiiii----Is.:, -,-iiii---;,1 • 4-. iir -: .1kird‘.:: 4.-- 41;11 i?.`":41k • Sign . l‘ arf e117: :STEWIAIITeee: ' ..-::--1.11.-- 41-.1111lUe.P11: '1'-'-'111' '"v'. ' 1,-- s'-78...':-::: '' 7 :' atereeeit beeoeueege exhausted. , . ,lit *Mtge Milisturdity 4fternoon •‘,- and- lee -.2 . ' . - - ! ' ',. - ' e eg , • RakiPeeaFe le...hi neatIeeillifieleltier•Stafeie lite e • 1 - : . Y.eet. 14. vei trout:130.a or reit! ;,),.t. ,s!Oli-"• ,ic't *11° .zr , -.la. .appareat _good: health, .... at -:' - A epecialrielograM'• ti;... the • 'Climage-•;:iti i - -: - ' • --: - . - ' . • - . '' •"''''' " .' s • intimate...1.4p ican.,..tnottiplis: by :ineigesed ..!--...•••••.- - -:, ,.. :-.:',?.":-.,04 :'.• 1 -,..k1O-R4BR.,RORTON.-‘)- -- ' ' ' -'• . - - . '.'- ' - • -- - ''' • -' • - * • 4 illillWailels' . . 7 '..-/Af? 414341411-Wii* '' ' '4f4V1"1 Wir...:- --Want arta tWlirdie : ::. Itt:lias- tli e opinion of_-_ Tbleefgadit.' etlefts WI..!1•7-' - . • - , .- .= -. - : Abs. gots" there, where, be died akeitt,',:o.: ' v ' ' . . omit joked aid sattoptiogir. u-- ..- -or, -Atli it. spies= tolizio *. takei,.7.- .., • , i."....Theer:toinoilia‘edii .e..r: vrtideptz- :at . music , oti thi 400sttau kit. gums iiise, ., abput la ..T• o *cirri- ,-,012. *whin.. isp • - ; " piablicon-- troinvineinaste '- -- • - --- ,-- .-- eenoic- - - - - . ,„„ _ a aiisivortiloodlirthe. head. end .went int°. . „2 thiper1141„„„btest. -' - ' - -'' - - ' ' - - - - - • a Caned - - - -- '7 - !' -the tweaks 'entitled bun: _,..,: . - ,.:-.,:. ,,.-....:..J.„ .„...!-,- ..-, ....,..,,, ,„ .: _ , . r Mild f - - - - - 0 nng • -- • • ' • . - . • - l'AllY"'' '''' .- - • ' ettritnett.7.trt a:1Z' nin7 ilt ri)".!t ;:gieft victiopefuokuoireteevgaiiiptrity: ---- - - - . - ' - - ' ' .11:- aid nPusemd 4' thi-74wIt--- -cictile . - - - - . GoVernment 'll :never corenittotba_,:execaiii •••,13ritieb Mieieter, Mr._ _firege. elmt,....ehie-lierneite: -d iv; t -..ie---tit.to..,.., th-i._,H., ..r.... • , ... „, ,. ..' - ; ' . % * ' * - - -5P-i0c ii' e°'?ii----evt "e-- 7.-t' tit';-e-ite-111' Te'onf' n.:,;a-t-t,- :': y --.. 1. ' a hylthe - - • which_he stnted,that he thee& .:.it ,..was ns, At . .,3331)113g1011t, :the f snatv-qt$11.9.80; _ • , - • • -, a • est_ -: ogre!" -,,,.. , .- . „ -,. , ,•• -4. , . o„ a 1 _Isla. _ 1 ... -_ . t.- .: •-• , , flu- rote ereonnonss-i _,- - 4.- todiiiit . d" titt trout , zihniciti,i.e.d.tiejwicy ,._ . ,,,,,, ..„ ,, , . _, . . , _. . , ,, _ .,... „‘„,..„,,,,, , ow ,, , , _,_ ... , ' . ' '. b• °° 'flg ° e ' • • - •-• -• ' '" '."'"`e '• '-4/ '•-: • -- - -":' e---; - ' - : •• f Deohnuer meet,' se 'aaes'e:lat .144 , as he -did rt.:: is. ''- alliiiicd. '-........,7:..,-.,... , ..„.. ;,--...,„ , -, --, .,-;..-: ::-,„._... „ ., .- , . . II - 11/3 -it ''''' 0-6' • -'-' '''ailit be-eVell nitire "deed ' he .conservabes , • hub elsewhere' -theta' le • - " . - .- - - .-'- - - - • ' : -*. A ' Wavrascotraikt*Akwiat will t* • --11- . th' t r thereto free- 1 • : • ::."--s-e----, • • -.; ---: •••••.•••• e 4 •1861001110eseinlichoOt /Oct*" .7.4•4•4.1",iMIL, .. Ofitiest :„,, Ili "BOltiateiweiv le ,:eateueee-lueeu., * :. -qedeetelteefoer. leek, eel.S., '---: ee'----....-e- -eel., re i ve ry o Ica nacos - hew' relent, 'to • 4-resitteat -A ,.. ;••• -'"• - . ' -- - • . - 1 ,--.1 ---ki.-the.etitignsyor4.....".....• . - - -,- , , l'4, lie'caue.,se-, _.- -,_ _...::,1-4',-:.14..1.tcl.;.eli.T.4112,401,,,.LIISTII°114:.,Arole,i,44)11,";11G.,:-_„_:*iii,m .-0:A4S; a... , ,, , Wall: f -,Attauluneat lisebeelt IP,* 413 cope! . . ..ndeii lit 4lection 710130 bey ile ebet e J h w-ir - etsd bead - De f indajit - ' Ibmtkliar° ., • - zeovi arid • '-'147bfr c/Vi Setiti? *,-.: lsleflie0 en - Pidiniff- -.• Willed Stiiiksoa line) oa;lioaday.s.• _ A _„weletr, _ - w...: ATOTICIliss' Y:itareit .Ehrett to the,Iii`Celol 'Ike i .A.---.:. ,,41N..$0::::rf -1.77-1864: ' .:\i„- .,..'' --.. fr. in- gdem' It' _ t sm. moos, 4:140tryi' _-, - • 14-0. . eal';hrrost-:-1..: th'in"::::1 ';ri: . a ' t•'-' ,. , _,, ,,_ ... . . ..•.-- rt,•_,,. -:•,-.= .- . = --I.:v-4.i; .-- . . .riilipit jixt: , .. _ .,: , :_ . . joeriarfisrdlOg 7,' - - ' .-.. ' it#S1 • - --- " - - - f--. - die' 'itiliiii. dePog- :TrasektittlitAISIKIVApued- frori wag* 'the ante -nee 4P- - - - - :---:*1/0111'Siticl tilit Whill4 iiikili°11---' bi: Vii5!•:: 01:46-ii6,2°•Mitch-Oleifndi iD4! liatiel6e."' :The' Bletisle aetilo!it,n'avilivr.1 ii7.9717.7:71t7tnilniit.9ri'iiiit5ict• ' tion of the:. convicted •pr!so.nere- 3 , , ,. Thiele glinieciffieial, hue, titslteeeil..,,tsItt! , rte. Ji :the 'tfirili, -..":'.1;:i3ii't;:i,'Ay.t..liaiti,„ Sh Os 'MO Genittelebe )1 e_ . ''-'i'll-.--' ‘----'''.:1-,: *''' .:::.1.' ''''''.'''-- trr-iiii;i8m1411-.611w4Mei .,' :1'....-•,- ' ' . beied-:. for 10.714.e..7. ,fin - e 77--.7-- - -- . A .:-- " -4'. ,-7.-"f.,:'.".:;.'' .:t.'4*1*.4.•;‘,..),:v-Fs - utteritiail'..". .-:'‘. , •••'' : .1.1% - ' - . ---,:,---, -.;... • .; • '. :011)•,- -: ' - gelliibilfrhoed - with - So, , west , . .1 . , , . -.dureSere4i . ,. ,. :.., ..s, , , . _ _ . - - -. - IA** th sie*,-- -of‘thebrarn 04 s y pt. ret . • • - :pigment wino . , , . , .. ,- lit)244irlkniAli;'14iiraild lasouee ?LI:We(' -- ,---Thonght- t e overate . .,.. _ .. ,.. ,„.,._,,, , . eat •** ,hint.-.ttiOlibql- . '• le, Peniteinee-7. _ Y • 'fluthe4sb disttiot of Ifew Yerk - „ , I Not e - 0 .. 0 • le- SoC14,1tinlintrvisektonitietiters; frir Genet ;: ...a..ree- _ . -..ia.,isie. .... ' : ,,,.-Fi - :.4-42231,„.„,,,, _.., ivoitanosia, ov., . . i'ilifitattoraci,i- Oreer ...'", -::: .-„,-, .‘ -.,e- - , 4, - INKSTANDS I A • ;` . ' oir 111 1 • •••• , s• g t 4 • e ji. Visit 10 SI - = 'My ittention we . a workshops, ti banging and them . redpy 'clouds Aid not iikeio 11 leadqiiarteis 4ifl_b_ rameimot look friis 130W becomes. natioos. Bob iv • - ,great we's the seer_ .eVel3 tbegalleni. tonimeeded at X - witnestilie proem. Ma' staff vreroand. outside thisytty w 1 eign princes *.ho . with o -special or& were pluantoll, and 40 atom But,the - to -ev,rybody now. =done* not • c awe-7141bl* their OW137 ,Or That ery or 'mechanics the faetoryimen we 'filled with hers oft twelve' feet longs aide, these bare we e .. nig Wait placed in -afterward; drawn o Around •anirondru • metal: . A. little fe 'itsseeondestage ;At en a farnacee and tle now feeding the ire ' cameeecylinder of ,..., theseecyliaders wee et and so on tillehe (nest not; howeve '; the'cintie cells, le . areas of trammel's ' *pea ill earrage. anasstwas Coniplete whertme arrived ' ,•beaten,ind wai j _front its furace for ;iron 'bar, as a band ion -openmg Meth white with heat, w lik. Tiveitt n nOW set to w .And from its -de Was 'iron bed, undert lliadeverseeo; it - that -made:the g atid is so tioweiful ink- -.8 blow Of -2 which it:cant* en . as to crack A nut It is said that 1,0 -were leiddown to • the bed, bit tbe lous motion ii felt 1 - ' the first bloWeve w i :which; lioviever, be cooled; theleatf workmen. Poor fe and how exbausted good Imennuming. o hisden :for needle And -half_ I:shinned, lean/ Oth&refseet - being unwed, &tit - ' -n03, however, i` eine except thee Tbron _ tiftil -Joao' curt * , .from the'ltiekii of - thepitte of a bht .beinee Bautineized A. _st:el echisel; „will _creaeure like Wleee waiud escape. a etroep wereee Tea . the finishing root; liandssand -smuts, 4heir iesvioneliprt !to the- froling lin :teeter! by -Hang eff. 1,000 Iles., and in ouTeariesitui ten 4 Aire coniid.ered fit . . • .. Miner .saryla6;Poliliariace tt.O dome, scemnpan -visited thenpartake. • ' to testify, at the theitodise, the des n_otty :et: ars .of the aps,rtment lea.' There wax :pitlatalited:fis.egitpeTbrstperoemertnotadi tired 4 -room; &wassailed Tartly Cove -rid .t.if the baroness. . that death afoot: _Leitnt:offoOd. it had *erred botnvointe-isfawsayvanceihe int e-siii-Clelibeig4°riaaefitertedveieggeetehlwittlitnat:49tywitit crusts of breed, - wive went cloehed .*befliericedseleier aemoseeseffietestufwerhile Irma -want -of food Swiearinashe raotieweededi siteia -)1; We liavii4 Harrarlity ./1/44 a= liNe - miserplue - . ttrritiortit !Tea -7 . -SePlemeiemasteimg erne feres-ot el.:nape %sir • e gunimmtesum: anneine" 401111.11"Iii;711116814k10113W110 nakiesekeseepte rellirieVgao . TO CO 7.16eilavositser. aiselts Ara *Saar ileThed Act /read Assess. his legegoessire usedibeser Issialtdic C _ awl silt wtihe flensalksemit.