HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi-Weekly Signal, 1866-11-09, Page 2I
sum _ ow. ..•
. _ •
uld ff ° minions defeat cobbage R 'Henderson • Ind F W Irwim -- Ait .111Seire*S1111111 (All& -
tended astoe)shment. numberofboxessu mitted.to the tat.- so that they might- have passed Do is t ion rem e area
f3v•A man -named -Charles toet
4--Vhat.11*- tile *atter r Cried le Pie- but a very email .tereentage of the_ total, Clapp we an. eran lett° , _ - a tear:1111,de** at Niigata Falls on Thunder.
.fleoht. prize apples, F Irwin I, Ind F W. 'twin. - ' r-sis
IF th Dailtrlialiderr octani.V10-1 - The ear dirdshineton special says :- Was employed hi .iew zed wag it;
t There it a man ia thofoorn.'
• Re didn'tkiss ore: He watitiming Mary `71416 TABLE' GP T. It* * Dregget. J air • 2nd Inglis. lat.rise chill men in to come %Wine e Cens,dian Stan -len fleece bet'n requested' s° resign 1 be beanie entarigled Iambi and hit
, • ;•-•-• • prize stockist's. (1 ; 21,d F- W Whoa it Co..
itesitto exuraortirtee- prime • • . . •
r. It le VittEd ongood without? t Secretarf the aet of oilingsoite_ofiliestachinery
elle washissing Sarah Ione*: `- - nal' eYniPeth3t. • aeon Fian4e1 ; Wm teem' lst Prise Assn of considemble- int•'reakto eOnliee when
Nee / geese Itt kee tern. hie eyes ens. BUFFALO A?iD DODERICII DISTPICT,
11511 IN stlIA.TFORD.-
yarn. rwin • n Anderson. s courts next mon
2d W 'lt th lt htD
appeare.,4 se, but will eratinamiehorge of the _War was ern to; . m tres cat-
h "hl Witted-- B -head bad/
proprietori of- the Mercantile Partment; The te,port teat 1 e IlAci the tie- ato and his mated t
ad •
i.17 stroll.
• skleat a misunderstanding. 111 rela the chest.
Ti waa lane Woods he aimed.* - 'elute Nee$e - \ 1During_the past two weal -a •number.' ist prize siseles G • w Irwin. lit -,Agoilicy in Canada -tthe estneffirm es Pt.
a _ non- to -the eppOiritment in the regular army, - . • •
persons have died in' Stratford Of a Rive- mats. D Weir;. Ind W Irwin.. let G. Duo & Co., in the United -States) ee
lad *bete& werti *livery indignant, and not so° 1.25 tun , k . kr; h Ae. . \. Prise -pitch quilt; -John jobes • Ind F-• W Seebing '-the Draft or Cbanetry is tidally -Untrue: The fresident . has full SIP Oen: -bit vr P t 0 -
kissed, until Susan pointed out the marks ,of &mew& .• it 1.30 1.10. 1. • r‘'
7111e 011 180113111068 tilt their fecal "and nederieti•-•..p.otrn m. a.• 60- 11.45 ss)
• 50 811 01. Cholera. The dnetuse originated in a ,W Irwin • .4th. Tt Anderson: -.1st .prize J. M.
p. 11. In. ate Sithy p_mie near t_e staticni known se Al,
' • ow hide. States. The eterge it that the :latter pave „
ca oo n pe ; p . thankagivint" ter terevcessrvation from- penis
. • . • _.• .
, Susan- was very nuiehastonislied, ef course, +apt Exp. Exp. Mixhi Dirx14 f •
one of them would confess she had been Dania/Z. to.gy,-435 La %so 5.00 ....
n over.
p • 1 •.f *b d,- T 2pd. 1111C1i011 igainet a-nval establish' merit known - concertedStenton's action in -re
be -observed. m that ravines u
ease eery in110 resent tog t 8 late, •
ner of•Noira Scotia,liii issued Ids proclama•
• J Id Bradstreet & Sim, also in the -United to them. tion appointin* Thursdrir, 16th -November, to
called inMargaret Maga. Then there was it • d ' null 'W loined and published the MOnt important te2mIt m currently reported in Ottawa &1...I1 th dant - .
aminggalient4 issed them all, altaut set p
Mail. Ex. Exp. !Wild Mixtd Mixki exact nuinber of deaths .but considerable shoes, H•Lotere. • - y , Den,. Wiman it Co. For the proofs of-ftences of Lynch and McMahon.. • •.. -
t.so alannle felt by the inhabitants. In. oon- - R . . ,
Bet now it woo path ro tufo to ..late a
o. 1st rise. grain c e inson. pur ence d the
GOING KAST, ' coek'e Hotel. • We do net -know. the
• • -
-1st ;inn_ plough, W Fraser. lat h trt ons of•tne Canada Book boned annually kliiiimera have decided to:commute the seri-
. _ •
prize . eras o
awe ot peace." ,
• • ea an an cou-bna-
t deal of lao hin and bla ret Maria
, out los° downstairs,
111. Pan. s' a. nL rn. P. tn. L ours' iVeas-lst •rise ihrotchet Wm the ; alleged piracy the plaint -are' rely tun . rd .. • •
a lined be ot
Stialford .. 1.00 4.20 11,10 - 310 4.55 • • „. obinson ; 2nd Hugh Lowit ; prie Hub only On the aural Similarity between the two , . . . -
. cue ocotimh Bench, -died in Edinburgh. on
little fun and Margaret Maria's to be as- miaow . too 1.30 -lie lt 05: s.io sequence of the disease, whatever it , may broidery W itohieson, _ lit priza beflin„viool - publications, but on the feet that. all the wed esd Oct17 • h. h
ibbii-ha: As sus= advanced, the .iant she maths ... Ixam45, p.m. a... nu.. 1.,,_bes .compaby of
0 -16th reg- t. has been wo, W Robinson ; 2nd F Donbledee. 1st errols t a ,oceur in t e one 00 ere copra
- • h it • , - n ay,•: . •I in t year.
- • rise iirtifieral flower% LowiT. lst prate in the tither. Thent are according to the 0;3.- the . Quebec • Chronicle undentands
carried revealed ajrightfid looking objet
stinsllig at the foot of the stairs was
her dress was lo short that r bare feet and Mitt
apparently a woman of 'givtio structure : -
:antler could be seen distinctty ; and she s• *4_1
waved her large hony-hands it the terrified
!.i igual to be groundless.
- removed from Stratford to London. We
ea ,a I sincerely hope that the alarm will prove
W� -
kwq nt_hinfine ern. wore frightened. by. an fWESTMINISTEB. vim for Ootobtar,
tit)* itieeticall as* °mt. Never cw•rv- GODERICH, C. W. NOV. 9, 1866. has also been. receiv_ ed from the ;lame
11Writi011. ' Susan- dashed hemelf sprat • . • ', aura. It contains a number 'of ably
the wall. -Up went a scmam and down ea' Me TILE FATE OF LYNCH/ AND
_lamp. The oil covered Abe -stairs, and . written and extremely intereeting articles.
_Margaret fainted and stepped into it.. At _ The following bribe table Of contents :-
that inomentthe taiI woman -_-_being Derby .
-talaseie....elied_ . From all we can learn, it seer to be The Irish Church, 1.fhe Apostks,
" 'Robbers! help! murder!' at the. top of pretty well understood in we I -informed Ernest Henan ';ubeTher Poglish! ant, thteir.
his:voice • rind Munidiately stepped into, hhi .
Circles that ihe sentences of Lynch and Origin; The A Jamennals on an e
nem, tooling the door behind him.
Betont-liargaret .Maria recovered her
aby's dies- e... Bone Dapero: istprize inTstal .-pleadhigs over one hundred Of those errors that ridilindications If coal have been re-
patieung;I'Doubledee: ,.! 7 -.!' ---some et -incorrect spelling, others of im. cently dracovered in the vicinity of Ha 'Ilic
1 proper location, aud not a few -tIp0kfraPhiCal Bay. Sezneuny. - . _ _,- • -
A 1Varrialwe of it' one 'from- mete I d of allll more .
4 Ile Onlimorday,-Oet. 18, a statute of the
kei, But e i ince even a
:stolid of llItofillplootto,In Lake v
Ste.. Mario, to Site Perlin nature la adduced. It seems that
un, Wituan i . CO suspected some suck
in Glasgow *his lloint Highness the Duke
fen mit . 411 a bac enoce•Consort wits flirmally inagurnted
gloperaor. A. -McNair. •. . _
i -designs, and m order to cornet the °treader of Edioherf,h, acting op bereft' of her Mates-
- • •
they laid some traps in their -book Into winch ty, the %web..
OVniten fer, the Bisron Bignal.1 •
according to the papa! the Messrs. Itrat .
peer' Atbswego, thititTorth Western alerts
• • . . street appear to have most, unequivocal y
Between Cape•Ch aut Michipicotin, a ' stumbled. One of these traps 1111 a towo tor was destroyee by fire, on the 7.th. - There
has no - existence whatever,' /cis was in it 160;000 bushelnit grain. Insiered
distance of ,0 mike, I did not notice but one
vetallect"ApricoVOmario County, and 822°."0- The Were or was rimed at
beech, and that of only pa few yards in 9-*- contains three fietit1083 names, trades and 0156 000._
tent. The rocks often rise vertically front markings. ne• phica is purely imaginary 01. Another Fenian -scare occurred at Fort.
deep water severel hundred feet. scored with and was -never beard of before, It appear*
McMahon will. be commuted. _That they The Canadian Vonfeaeration and , the in Dun Winner Is Co's book In Se te be
• - deep -rents and, ehasms. At 10 o'clock we - - r.
scattered senses, all the boarders were astir deserve severe punishment clear, and Reciprocity Treaty, The Dog : His
yet Messrs. Bradstreet*, book published the
In sight of the bottom f tb ba
° h a 1 '
c =me_ - tol owing unitary, cordamed the ran...place,
Susan rated int°. 11.ra:‘ - sled" "Ws t that a lergeiroportion of. the people of n ell genoe • Our or Colon• • • -
bit. acids *retitle' ot ibe river we coasted for ; ere seterat Other,' ptoofs-ofan equally paiitire
Some alliance -before we distiovered the -en. :;ttexiielitegeioct-ItheeasPyi.eattnegesesi out: eel!:
trance. _
• - - elusion that .tihateVer . may': be the:law of
Margaletwinild. have tolloiiia her; but Susan
herterror shut her out. Next lifergaret
tried her mother's -door •• -ad her [nether,
"Itearingthe alarm; appeared -at that moment,
It i th Paola
. I . wile and sandy beach about a nide in length, - the wee names arid the same reshris, mere
Canadabelieve hinging,to be the proper. Ls ; The Ferest of Fontainebleau ; Con-
- • _
method of punbhment in their cases is temporary literature.
equally certain. . Had the offence of
and ratified atthe coal moustache and smash-
- ed hat, took her own daughter, for the_ rob. which they bawl bees, found- guilty been BLACKW00.1;13 MIAGAZINE.--Leonard
ber, driepedfier lamp and se!eamed fearfully,committed by the fillibusters of llfty years- Scott Peblishing Company, N. L. L•?
-Margaret, as meek frightened ee herself' ozo- thev would in all likelih d have berm Bloorhatise Goderieh: The October
-Covey would bear no explanation, nor allot, allot within .twenty-four hoarTi after tittle' i,n;intberls to band. The table of,11.con-
wouldbave caught her in her arms, but Mot, - ,
her daughter to epproach, an& pushed her ,by• eourt'martial. Bat things are -dime !tents is as follovis : . •
out of the room• with great txepidation. •
with mere deliberation nowadnys. There 'Brook Forisbroblot--part ;
Then Margret Merit' t. ran to Derby's room •
- ., _ _
*tech to her eonSternitiOn she found locked **aided men have received a fair, de- Concerning Salads and French Winee;
- At that moment Ned .Perkins-tbe boldest itberate trig and have beenas zealously Light and Dark Blue. • Nina Balatka c
fellow in the house-rushedout of his room, ' -- - -
withi_lamp in one hand and a eword.eatte in ' &fended as though _ they had only , been iThe Story Of a Maiden of Prague -Part
, ..
_ . the ether ready` amwn forcombat.. Ned flew .oharged with an ordinary misdemeanor, IV ; Alison's Histoiy ofEnrope, 1815.52;
/ -
ar the 4ppose4 robber and would have and already wciavo an intimation from . Leatires �n . the history of the Jewish
- perly.seen fit to ...faint at the sight of his _ . I. rere , . . . . . . , _ , ; ....... .
naked sword afidlegs, and new her hat came that their sentences will ,.he commuted. -
0% her -hair streamed down her neck, and Wo-ohottid. not object to such comninta. TICAD31-8, At.3•••-nr. M. Chambers is
Ned recognized Margaret Maria. - ' • offering for. sale by *notion, at • the mart
Aeybody can, imagine the •scene of con- tion very strongly but for the -fact that.the
of Messrs Swill &Thomson a veyt vari-
- wed. The imprudent girl .Fenians will be tt W - bragheir
- found- _herself -surrounded - by half a dozen • 8 re - that t
ety of dry 'Oods, greeeries, hardware,
fution which folk.
Iissdressed fiseree, some wondering, bomb 'threatening blaster has bid the deigned -
&o and Will m the courae of a !lir weeks
trembling-anth terror. But it *as the sev- effect of frightenini us into such a course.
seized herot an instant, ishe had not pre -
Ottawa • ted in the Toronto -papers, Church ; Cornelir O'Down:
hl t k to be •
erest cut for Margaret Marla, when tLe door . • nng_in a mac arger s oc aimH.
ofDerbfs room °pellet; and the tall aPpnri-
tion appeereil. As aeon ps the screaming
bad absidedthe figure removed iti .
*Don't be frigbtened, blargarot Maria,' it
said. 'It's nobody but nilr 'poor, deer
absent Derby.' .That's all. •
Can you fancy .her- feelinga ? Mr. Der.
by could as he entered the room 'again, lock.
-et the door, and went to bed, evegoted at
what had occurred. He slept soundly, ,and
awoke in the morning as completely cured
of his toveforlifargeret Maria as if be had.
seen hertirmdiatiiit grizzlitear. ' • -
_ _ •
_ .
TIM Fiskessif.'
115311523118 ASS cAcGiT AiD
......... • t
t V•.,nt of the London Times;
zan article on the French fisheries, has. the
folio g z •
Ilichipicotin river, a rapid stream of clear.- copyright in Canada or the chances of an in -
dark urown, water some 200 verde wide. here- junction; the one book: hat strongly the :ap-
cuts through the 'Andy and gravelly beach m ...,pearanes °flawing hems copied ;Frain the the
.r4ht angles, !wide a soinewhateprojeeting inner,
and deft on the- south. it wake pretty
hard -pull to the factory,. balf a -mils up en
the left bank._ Our- 'approach had been
already announced ; and we found the gentle-
. -
The Foissawf.tIoNwlotl. '
. . - tha Globe4_ '...c
- - •
ntan-in charge at the landing . place. Ile ! W9 have ' received the folloeing . letter
-received us kindly, .and showed us where to 1 readly Obligor it,
tfroofhollirCtwheYvirekse and
many entertain on the
pitch our tents, in an open, sandy place be- -
' su-btect :
fore the factbry,surrounded by white -washed i -ent.....pertat me, as a Canadian, to Wye
cabins and the birch bark lodges of the In- ' you the von of the Canadians et New yeth
. .
d- ans. A large seine was suspended from a on ihe subject of the execution of the con--
demned Fenian prisoners You are aware
aeries of poles, and .near the -water a Platform
muneroos meetings. and threes. of dite
of wood tor -dressing and packing the fish. - eftlie.
, ca areity,;.whicli die Feats -es and tbeir 9,. y oi-
Michipieotio is the ' principal post - of the , :patina:MI Wide' In here, and also of the
- , •
Hudsitir's Bay Company in this distnct, front I electiormering epistle of Secretary Seward to
it the other. posts -are supplied. The line of : Sir Frederick Bruce. iftheBement* 01
communication with Hudson's Bev pages i Lynch and McMahon be not carried Opt,
h uh here -It is 16 da '5 'mune o there will be no tolerating the - biaggadain
than may dos dung from a -sense -of
• Michipicotin and dein „Moose riven' to limes F. that will be indulged. in, and the Canadian
d f. .
mercy, but few can be found who irould orlyilispOseo• 7 • Bay, A fewhundred:yards-above the foe- Geirenunat Will be looked epee erith- „eau;
try are -very pretty fella -which here empty tempt, 'arld tegerded • es feenng the cos
willingly be bullied into it. Hence the :- D ' n - 1 - atr" ° . t. 9 •
. _
A:BATING CLUB. -We la a are requested into the. mein Itreanl. 1w0 Mile* further up -sequencei of carrying Mown ISMS into effect,
diletn our government will be placed .in to announce •that the members of -the is a fine cascade, and a till more rawarkable when bidden to •
_ „maw, b Mr. se ...,1 manwas driven ashore On the Corea coast,
forty persons were murdered by the Ili
Goderich Debating Club Will hold a - ' - -
one is maid t,o be fifteeer miles distant, which It would lead to further assumptions by -rhe te
Pre' could be reached by a short cut ot 6 miles by Unated,Stateir Government, and the next step "Wei' 11'4 Is the "Me *kids' bcialming
U it really' decides upon commuting- the
- • - on,-Chsna, •agabnit .whom_the Preneh havo
Erie the other day. it was4eared- the Fe -
nista Were about-tii Make another raid front
Buffalo, - But there was eau, for these
'PliFehenOnsi`9"Srin.dal; afiern.' n. 'residence
ot Mr Mowatt,. on Mere street. Hamilton, was
entered by thieves, during the absence of the
&milt at, chock -ea thoroughly ritnsacked.
Thelisials treareditailier watch wi'tfi asold-
chain attached: ` ' . •
ae. The Turkiith Government has glees
penniadori for the eel* and free distribution
in *11 partitef the empire of all .publicatioes
of the Illierlain Min Diaries designed for the.
Mohammedan popelmioa. The permission
was grantee after A fill - exaternation of the
books by thegoveroment.
Olte The Milwaukee Sentinel says that the
"Colonel" Lynch now sentenced to be liaug-
ed in Canada, was formerly a Milwaukee:in,
"who is extensively knot& • ah having been
city clerk at the time of the extensive mime -
element in 109, and largely implicatediu the
transaction. - tie alio achieved an unenvia-
ble reputation in the South by complicity in
the great discharge forging scheme."
gje The Commercial. Royal - Canadian,
Ontario, and British North Americandlanks,
have arranged with the Bank of -Montreal to
hold a portion of their reserve- in legal ten-
ders. Two other institutions are negotiating
In reference to the mune subject. The finis
batch of new notes was delivered .to the Mon-
treat Bank on Fiiday and will at once take
the place of those now in circulation.
OleAn Anterica- vessel -the Gen shi‘
sentences of Lynch?and" McMahon. Oa linlinary meeting st Barks° Hotel this land: _IP _ lately news war. Bes
would be le riiom Mr. Seirsid ordenng . red ...en wrench
declare m favor of annexe- • the sch:d• corcia;
this subject. the-- Asada (it' Thtusday evening at- 8 o:Fiack,. = The beaters were mat of ;them -in the 'thc Cecadattla to
aays American vengeance wre
weeds, prepedag for the punter estemio. WM on the coatrarjr,[ff---t eer •
For different foresee-
," - tlinaish„2 elee'The Bataan Course in the dowdier-
• • I - -'ed 11 'ho
rideigirst they come for suppling of annailell' Y corn • oat. 11-wi -1; tr-the Atieticon will be made to PaY dasrlY for their. raa_
Gin! Academy comprises the ftillo-wing brauch-- tient &a:. and:ibonietiines they (1.) not cense people genet% it ready .and dmenetned 131.- Lteut Baines, of the Royal. Artillery,
Meet are required. The raider is* species_of back uutil thenionth Of March, According 10 maint-oia. her OWII integrity, and .ft would -died in the General Hosoitid, at -Quebec, On
critainat who carriethis life in his hind; he es Of study, viz :-Theory and Practice of to tbe ataiemant outhe .gentietweu to eharge 'have a veryben;ficiat effect epee the general .Fridiry. Tlie injeries which this Aleut
exposes it constantly, and thus is &Milian:A Bookykeeping by -single and. double entry,
with death. He differs in this respect from Cominereial &kb:le:tie. Business Penmsn-
• "' whe -avoid danger, -and to-,whum . . -
death is a lerror.- The reider would often- AV, Spelling, Correspondence .-and English
rather face instant demith than Aim out his Gramm. :- Algehra, Geometry. and Men -
existence in a-. penitentiary; While Other suratiOn are also taught to 'these who -desire
claims of ethnical* roger!' the ti!'-oth ?Piaui them, withitut extra charge.. . Studenti sin
as the..greatest of all punishment.. • That form
ihasprepare •themsiliee for comma rieltool
h 11
ThegreatFreselt seam* 4601 11 101* pun y
I f
ileeterlin-vat-vagIntat is. rite .remarkable most deter _them front the commission of teaching XI well as4er the "duties of • the
• belieries on the_jtritak cosat--in-deed, all the- eyes of lib OM Clift, will make Omer a - -
-.ter the extra' it invO res. The ;sprat crime. The idea ot being madeit. teettyr iiountitig room. AU foronly 815 a year.
1110,21st thlteriall to! Par coons --are. _carried mrays
an: bdee& Those wtetched -Fame Da. R. 3. Si, late Surgeon U. S. A*,
atm themeetprimitire way,. and with °Teti bare s° often been told they were patriots, has located in Wingham for the ,,PractiesTh' of
grestssecar. The Fiend' sardine &heti that- tbey half -came to believe tt: We can
tit emidated in a nay altogether different lifford to be magnemmou much better- than his profession. _ Dr. Sloan served thpyiars
honours- presente this anomaiy-ramely. we can afford to make them martyrs •
ho as a medical officer irn the Federa aerviee,
that tire introit:have made it a halt fishery, our niagnasnitv cannot go 'beyond sparing during the late war, • in the capacity of
retriring the' annual leaPaildt-tute of 'ad .their lives, if it go that far: pnershmeet pro- •Amistant Regimental and Contract Surgeon,
111101111100 hat of =Der kw a cchatalta with portioned to their cnme, with perhapsan ad,
... ,.._._. _ . _. holding commissions frPthree diffe' rent. Testi-
ljtaektro_eotaee the Inns TAW SIMMS= oerng. utixturnof royal elemency they -must receive. • - i. ..- - see. The quaiitiiy of white fish usually put- " My dear --.. : My trial- commenced On
misoje,o- the cod -s figoratoe whale to , ,..... _ : . rants, viz :-30tri Mo. Vols. Infentry, 6te --
. up ..n the whole bike; is estimated at 3000 Wednesday; ,end.was concluded last night.
Catch *sprat. On the shores of ithe North ' - ' . Miss, Vol.. Infantry; and the. 28Jis II. Vet. --b.irrels; worth on average 85 per barrel. I was most -ably defended by our old and
a • • ' THE FENIAN TRIALS. - • •
Vols.. Infantry. -- He has riaCe!sfed at different . We left,the fatal next _ day at -10 o'clock talented young friend Richard -Ream, as-
. . _
.. glik *Uri= baes-baen estabhshedisolely for -
- thermal, of meeting the egigeof,the cod. • - ----- - ;highest t.estintoniitis -from -Men :a. m; The.inimedi_ate had
- eit bee cent* ,sisted. by another gentleman nitined-Doyle.--
fish wail for them:dine duchess of Con- " The Fenian Trials havintbeen resum- Lintel the
- aualified te kids.. of his meribi u a hysician was lower than we bad since- waving Gros- It IS unnecessary for - Me to enter- ink, the
earuesa., - - -- - - ed BenjamtiParry, a youth"of about 11 = - P • 014. iffe were struck -here and elsewhere -d etile of -the tnil es -you Arid see* fall ri-
nk roe, which it prepared, mane -14 P r . -ed. d '. and inrg'mPt and f°r further reference wen..!11 b ' tha regular succession of covetend obits.. poert et -it in the_ hew York- Herald, and all-
GotetIttett, Nov. g; 1866.,
Fall do 165
050 • 055
Sheep. • o• • 0/. • •‘• • 4:00 5:00 -
Beef, Ili lh *a -• lg. 111,1,•.0 0108 «3 040
llides (green) 6:50 0:00
Spring-- 1:20
Oats,- • • • • • •• OW. 0:20
Flour tea
Barley . 0140 •
butter - .........• does At 044
Petetoes,.. • .... • ...m.o. 0:40
ood,.... Al1 NI • .9 1175
tay, new litton 700 --(4
ime 000
alifeki1711 • ,•-••°•..yre e*iive•io." "O; -045
Tisdale ft:40
IN-150,LV.ENT •ACY.:.....4/' 1844.
ile* they generally -remain attached- to the I tone or the Ainerican feeling towards Canada. young officer teemed at the late fire, were
pott or district where they are horn.. They As for env attempt ineasiou, by the Fenian.; lo far subdued on Wednadaylast bythe still
obtain their Infepiies on credit And. pat for there ie no doubt that such .event_is 'desire- ot the docio_n6 that -rici deagfrwas_AppreliwIti.
than in • skins. It is said duly ars' very ble, as it Snit only -effeetual _means •ot cont., ed to his life, and it was intended in few
siniptdoni about disehaegiag their debtir-ana, • pletely kitbag the organization. That the days to .remeve him to his own qoarere
although they semeiimes have eredit for over United. Suites would attempt - to protect tne- blicideidy on.Thatmlat 67,Prlitg14 Iok j*Ir
8100, yes thole wild fellows whose notitma of prieonetem simply &barb. .Any stops they intervened; vapidly inineesnigin violence, and
.uorelitt 1100.11k)10 Wed in the eskitt • of the heve teeen,. have 'betel -‘• simpty for Stec- although everything. which htinian -skill cao.
wildeinesse.beyond}he teach of at coapa. -tienserieg pareoiles. Every Canadian silken wee .resorted to, he salt fremel-
td pay every ban at heart. tile Minor of. hie conntry, -meet belittles after thit.traix„hours of interlope...suf.
acieenet:i'leArelttiougerheaerorut 150Indiansate Co& loudly Air the caeitition of its laws, -feting. 4 :
meted here,. no steps are taken towards civil- - - - -
nertg thave no me n oo . _ _
• - hens They ch b " -nab 1,* LYNG* sloe* Xontelloea triir-Seinpster's largeitearn nib and
planing mill, in, Bethwell, was entirely de
no marriage Ceremoriy, ruiless it be in the, _ :2/ ; -
Indian style, every man having u altey' Tfie Milwifiltee Sentinef publieheit the siitirtottedii.ibtyhfie reentstem... ne.iithhotuset 7:hant.d irTiliwerfioti1.
iqu twis as hseen support. _ • - following letter (gaited :in that city by one 1, ott the workmen. ws Idie ell -their
• Great quant• ities of -fish:. are seined hire.; of -the- relatives of the conaemied Fenims,, -so-
The bidding was: insu. red forf1,40,
=white fish, fake_ herring,• trout, kb, not only '_Rebert Lisch
- • • -
'neigh -for the use of this ad other ports; • • " 1111.1T4ir PAISON -"Tama% j f.
- • -
. awesome ire sent down. to . the Built for • Fridity, Oct. 26 1866. _ tweerveityintearszEnin.credwrteongineg.-"wTahnoiC,hi,nesewere
the great 'centre of the rebellion in. that
et:spire. Following the capture was the
punishment of the rebels, who were not let
*Irby- taking an oath of -allegiance. but by
the ass. letter from there, -dated Armen
10th. says :"..ge I don't knoe how nis‘y heads .
WPM cut off. was between 10.000 and
In theinatterofJosepti Pindtor,' _rent.
THE creditors ot the Abovernarned lamorresil
irobereby notified to 13i0eLat the mice ef. A.
Letroy, Bittriaterf on. SITe41 Btreeti is the
t Godench, on- Theta* the fourth day
beeembes, neat, it the hour of two o'clock, pas.,
for the ;Odic etarninst.on 'of the fnedventland
for orderingof the affairs of his estate generally..
Dated at Oodeneh Menai:divot Harm eft
riglithdayorBovember,,A, D. -
-8. POLLOCK, -
- -Official Asians lor 415
• ..
Is the MOW ofPreierich Sharp he-
solvent. -
MBE creditors Oftke -above ;mined Insolvent
,A • are hereby notified to meet *visit -dike CR
Mimeos tired in the Tows ot Galena,: oa
Tuesdaysbe fourth day 01.nm:ember next, at the
hour of eleven o'clock, a. se,pfor die pplics
aminittioa of thiaisolveit aad for ordering ,.he
affair:aim estate generally. -
Dated to Godericli thevount‘ of Berm thus
eigfeh dayei.E6eember,A D. MS.
• - • - B. poLLOCK, •
wenn" - Mist Assignee for Baron* BraCia
- 1NSPLYENT 402" VP 1864.
In the matter *polio C. Vannes, of the
el roil pgie, in the County* Onates
ant,,an insolvent. _
Tr HE Cieditom oftbe liworrentare notified to
.IL awls, thealliee. oldie node-resoled:in A*
and Village area Zips. cm Tends,. um 27th
den of:- ovember at ten orelook a. in., for
while CAttraillatiOn 01 the lasolvset sad for the'
ordering of the affairs of hisistide generally,
Dated .5 11015 Elgin thread& abieliliday 11
Ta roam pet. harret- seek hoes employed in the Yes!rs °. eget was tril • acTultied'• mention the office of the Surgeon -General.. pulled on, ,,utendlog.to mop at leer the Irish / wee ousbie to d 40.000 -but nothing 'mirth= 10.090. The
, The evidence against him coesistiti 11.-8.. A., Washington. D. C. ; offiee of the :ta Chienne but -it was 10 o'clock at 'in& the evidence that could rove- m income/la flit' I walked oat to the Porcelain ewers -it
itaraie Esbei ifl *-about 15 herr
averyseason, and, as there are about 3,
maim bastion the coast ot t
'mammy pad -for bait cannot be m h
' Adjt •Genral, State -or Mo. Si Lou's,plfice before we saw the 'valley of the river. and at _they were ; t .
t pullipg,411 we eiconotereit he brown water o and thew sworn evidence could not be re, - •
1.1tble to . arrest th I w s quite hot the therinorneter bon' X shoot
112 arid the -dead lay around in all directions.
.eipally of his own - admissions: It ap- . • „ enrse yes, - t
e . - . . • .- . '.• of the Adjt.-tiederal state of Illinois, Spring • • - • " 1 4' f • - - ' -
a pears that he len tis home m Cancumatti fi d Illinois'•'
el , \. the tear,' and finally theelniuth of it "'Welt/. -delta' unless. they were- present,- / frog .4teress a seine* _they had One of thou :howl
S100,000 pereennin. . The num and ease to- Buffalo • company with
- • minted into the lake, by four tepid atrautil load end sentetiCed - tobe = hung on rebele mos eer. in double ir°n° .k°°Ping
bus 1
DELMORE. - • • ei currents. • We were citiliged to jump into Deer:ether 13th 1866.
made fest at One of the raii-locka. ere one. people, that an example -should be :inade .of
tem maimenf-' bin then,' tolOnnent - Then they erit off .his
shoot le all torn- down,- and there is nothing :=
fiehlthteu loot is) killed. °r hot- are the Feniens, mainly in -order to are. a
wet It. Aiwa.
ouna bait, th=vionsous. ; heti passage.being auxioas, at little ex- - The Bolmore 'Union Branch. Agricultur4 it'vras lieGelna7, S0 satisfy the eatifeliso* head ; 'The Porcelain:Tense that you bear
e water to haul the boat to land- bi a rope
Med, for the.. of 'obtaining this .
The -capture sad .cure of the sardine is a, poise -to Nee an male of hie win) Waa Society held-. their Alma& Exhibition on the of the men -fell in the river, and was nearly tome -one_ ,I,vrair the peilon setected for -this- •leil'Ofit
hututeen frattee.- and enPoeiollY lg. eailinechIthe lakes." Having mislaid fifth day -of October- last, When the following d owned. • Wei itched .Oup.tente on the greee though.- I had - fto coiniee httt IS heap of bricks."
Amend Men aid in the gamy. The corers
jestbuy from day today what sardines they
make, and no -more ; generally speaking,
Soya* *01,5s in theficottishherrintfishery,
mom *entrants with boats and Only one or
tamS firms have boats:of theii own. • Wben
the cited are in want of a imply of fish
they put up &flag at their' ming, establish:
,Xsint,. and the fishepasa • hurry to impel;
- them,. the pnce varying from day to diy,
..cording as the &Wry has been abundant
cc the reverse. As soon as, the bats_ arrive
ask in put ht train for the cure by being
beheaded, sorteil into rises, and. wash.
. when is -many. rut 'thirteen Gentlemen wire awarded the.), prize, for g WI and our reached condition wail in don with- the Fenian': ,Bet, if it. MI clime
Stock, Implements, Produce and Nana-. merniiii the groan d round- our tents wits
ilniTid‘he vras i!Inditoed to cross over to
our aides and even scoompaniea. the_
-mums*, rs to the field- of. Ridgray.
'There, on dascoi;oring that a fight was to
take Once, he skulked off and pan bravely
look to Fort Erie. -
Win. Slain, a oaths of New York
State, was placed urn his trial on_ Wed*
nesday morning, the 7111 lett. Although
the eiidenee, as reported, proves that the
sea Watei, chiefly by' woman,. AO
w. can pritioner:was -with J.110 Fenian,. at Fort
hiii of rashness sod dodged them
-previous to the GOV_ at Ridgeway. A
eerdOt tat!. h.evieg IVO" :brought.int:
the judgocsentemed. him- to be - hung en
the 13th of next Jacinth. It is probable
.Ing mi. Into -the cauldron the- fish arisf this kutoSacellrig•k! --4301Ankuted,
-plunged, two rows deep,. arranged ow wire _
gratings. pen ofoil (the _vett finest
Oliveoilythey remain fora unef period, TRU 41:11112,£T PUFFLLO.
tlitjodgment of the cook they are dime
ber Ja sew urge= ago a meeting of SMUTS
'their" ngs of on ,hemg, o was Iteldifr Batik, to coid'aer the _bat
Mix collectekafter- which
tSrvivisten and girls in
hew in which they
Erie, it WM also proven that. Ite-re ted
'Urn from I2f tit 20f* week at thew caring Pen
The *utak begun by drying the fish on
istworwiltowlj generelte in the open air,
bit sometimes front stress of -weather It mist
- be done Under 110Ter. After being dried they
are ready for theprocess ofthe pan, which 1.
'kept over *furnace, ands filled with boil -
to drip.;
are paked
nice little: clean
sold. ,it.goan they
boxes beitig *p-
a a wip,
L, --filled carefully up_to_its lid with -pore elite
'OIL when it ready- for the -next /Noce*
whieh is the soldering on of the lidif,pr, at -it
called,. the hermetical sealing up. ot
;the box, itienttparticular part of the preeese,
„ **hist the mew can earn very large. *ties,•.
-aitirthis one drawback, that they have to
lety all tie Oa that are spoiled; -
'Afterthesoldering- has been tiecomplished.
'thi-botaniave ittbe boiledirt *steam chest.,
¬: bulge Out after the boding
art cosdessned as dead ir for vrhen AIM Pro.
aurse to. be taken for the immediate
overthrow of the British limp4r4 and *to
are allowed -to drip by gebnp a little. ileeticit eaPitaforthat
-ed z then each box, la brilliant statesman; Capper the ExPitien.
- lira big, ranting &trim- fire. Next to lore mytative land,- thenT ail- witting to
suffer death, for I ant guilty of that crime.
futures' ;•••• eovered with _hoar 'feint. _.0er. of the- men And -will meet it like* -Men. Don't -be si •
p&p- paid Weir; 2nd Rich. when collating fireweed tentok our break. nay aotint me. Mt death ripen the, acaffe d
Harper ; • 3rd Fred: Doubledee. es: feet, 'blind a bear. skull, -end discovered an -14.1 bring no -Agreee on yeti,
brood mare, Win Anderan ; 2n4GeoflaY-.•)relian's ir venting house near by:, lie jellied or Mita our family, partrinderly for such
1.st prise two year old colt or fitly Vfninagert or MiChipicotin +steely, visible, distibt crime as this.. Many true ilia noble patrie s
Ind Win Atiderion: lst prize one . year'. ..old about 20 miles. We. took a -direct Connie died for this noble cause -why 'Should l cow-
D Weir; 2ud dm Quin. 135 pfirte sad% tc-wardi it, -nod-Uwe approached the shote 'plain f 1.beve not - the-slixhiest doubt but.
dfe Horse Peter 0 Maley; end D j p Kay ; became higher. and --more piaajoirtaus. wit that the witnesses against me Must hese
3rd. Francis Coleman. . ,pased the east 'end of. the Island; marked inistaken me f_or2sonsii other person. -
- g!Considering thet am doomed num,
Lam in my ritual sPiriikand-in,good;brialdt
•.The governor -end lathe officers of tht arla es.
- • "Your. affectionately. DiaTET3taLpetill
• weary kind to
" B. LYNCH.' XaftdiCie.
Coris--Ast,prise aged bult, Ino Martin 1,70*.BaYfield'e Chert se no landing foe boitii71
2nd Wei Andersen.' Ifni entre one year Old The cliffs rile to.$14 height •• tif 'bat 800
bull, Wm delfreY. 151 prnse-mack n9w. P 0 feet Shots:the . lake. We landed at; stints
Malay.; 2nd .Tsa EisiNdayl 3rd de; 4th de= and rested for a abort time, and thence pre -
let prize two year olneifer. Wm Irwin ;Ind _ to Quebec .harbor, noted for agate., and
Doubledee: ist prize °Delar old heifer. Indiiirablitheltered fain all winds. There
Wm Jeffrey; 2nd Robt'' Braden.- 111 'Else fere munped fOt.the night, and neat day ree
-working (Wel, F Schoales 2nd Geo Sat ed the entlof our journey, where -We collected
3rd Wm Anderson. • lm pries' four :leer old .abushel of native copeev.speeimens in less
items, G Hay ..2nd Rob *Kee. -.Ist_prila than three days; this beingtee objeCt of our,
three year Old steers, Hay; 3rd D Weir- . voyage. - Our intention.was fay necoli-iplia:
let prize fat heave Win Robinson; 2nd Wm ed. _ -
•Airdesson. - - - ; • Like to. be' forted:in the:n*4
"Saszr.rlstprize ram John Inglis(" 2nd:1T - east haste filled -with water, withe tock
Johneton ; .3rd- F .11 &balsa. print rim., 'Its dinteiisiOnii:searding te Bayfield.
ism lainliaAlt ',2nd do 3ed dfhl. ,aril 360 miles ; 140.4 Ineriikand.
Spetilitl, _riltebotson. lst:inf,ra Ertel •!..„ 15,000 miles, hi - eircuinfeeninti. *This:rage
Inglis;. 2nd de 3rd chi. _lit:prise-a40.rbat -bean; fitted with clear, -icy *ger Of a• 'gine*
Ewe; 244 YelePh-Nrdir ; 31d.;•..4 ish color, the average temperature. 4.04",
Igiglig..113 prin‘ewe Iamb, J Inglia;- 2rd de;
3rd3 Muir lis prise fat sheep. J Ing.lis 2Ind
--,'Swrit*i4st pita boar, Johnsontitot W
-40derson. lst• rile sow, W Andersori; 2nd
'4' Johnson t .11 .1ritwr lst prise•epring
The fidlowinti -Mobil thirsty taeolittions. I pigs,. F; Doularedea; :Ind"- ..Aniferson,. , ,.
• - I • • Gaauf-e-letprise rattly' hem; ''.0 Anderson; copper. ores lel tke _region :Of Li Stioerier- Thislast .paeagriph. *fit ,be7sleciwee* doea
!anti , 111:12.,1419.. 11-111.):117, T ' - ;id J- __,_ __Dour 11.64, 1.0 'Iliii--',Vr Asd*.____- ' tedi41,,',_ lit, 'presents some fisett - which-0mm to ---..bave so i not -au,-,-_,.' w. thealtnow. -Jed. xe•-'4. hettratal. Its•Aril -
- -. • -"*-''''''t WA' g rite XS'. al prise epriug Wheat. bete ItelCeui ' gad Wm ...great beatingupon the -theory oftheir origin. whiati.theArehdlike Na.timilms-seedto have ,
. loug.muthe Almighty Godperrattee to ealet - yn ;toy j_ grelW:Aiideiimn. 1st _prat %Neff -It is a very remarkable•-oittowlitinee tag toe- ereutt loc,. :144 Of age: evening:1k,
-*Pleat At henditelleenet 9f eek=!sgt't 'a- Rich Anderson ;.:20. wi•Ai_a_diksoti;,•,Ist:fdize Hugest mastic oi native copper 5-b0414 "occurs.. in ..printfoethe- taitydeam onlooking -t t
til the objeetwe lutettnestest our hattet;;tho,_ '. White On*: W,Aridemettl- 2nd il.a: black; 1st *von Point ;$8104Inis, ' and - thu the - tron.- A.esteitin mescifltat NifXcltetft, baslieerier
ereanniPetemaUteinad-frea tbeg!tiiiiOn'te ...Otte - E McKee; Ind --WAtiidenteill lit metallic 'ores-.81Muld lie- '..-_-difireed `.• at ' various ' direct 'to Iliitei. 1010* it - by gi:,pera0Ph, .
of **Anglo-Norman robber, 11' itteilea,,,_.,..,- prm,t. W Aiiderson. 111 nos Aiiintnees fionii'iheientrariegierti4here:,the: eitplainipt tlierthe iied iiiitii:ittbe...y.,pregi • :
' ie Beigit.4;."441,4:Whiiiie Ire ate' a°1` IPP` eweedeteretVer.ed, 4 Inglis., . ,Ast-prtter Int.. larsist. messes - Of native- ,.; metillie.,; 'copier . Aimee will - y.'.'eatieetit chimp in the- ',-
powidtaioterfersin.tbe duet-esti° or prteate othy seed Jlit.nirn: - - --- ''''' '-'• • - exult.. ...It it, thp'opitlint Otettinelliorn the • Eitriroes vieW•efiria4a-ty,....ir:-4: .: .... -., • -,.
.430, itAvs inits'_-DAT: 'wasp iNsvi ursorraatT
ggegglimilliempete POW1114110111.
. 13 'Correspoaitatits offionems the new -stymies
- - -
Aug. sr entice mentions tee _arrivai. of a - -
letterftem theEniperer, Mazimnilian. to an
4411)°r,1114- tolitie.airPor00040 in *bleb. •
he- repeats islrm reeohstioa,, mit to abandon _
therpost:to:whitili. the Suffreges.of , the
can people have•Calted hint. c�nvinced
Aim timithig to the -country .2.Iesicii.
the bis domitilorii reslit-':" the
is. -.far. air netnel 'Sonddingit,, go;. 132 attacks of the trattoria 'poirties, which- -hive
.fethoms, and the unser anthor-ctiejecteres,- it Moody quarrelled asionu.thetaselvet for the
may 13. over 200 7.fathoteiL lit some places,
-that 573 feet.beletr theses teal. taking Wi-
lmer...a height above -the' level Of the time ait
627 -feet. . - ; .•
'..The general distribution- of _ the- different
power, they hese not yetuitheir bendr.1 Re
.does not doubt Cam he will be"„supperted
the,001.111eiraiires, who are utterested Jabal).
ing What the/ -have, *ad. by the. /Ahem*
whom be haeloaded vita *weirs.
Teltret 'Andy'
Ladies' Knitted,
mo ,ChoLcric: loses
,. •
mos tb roughll ZOne ihrgh tbo rentitatta °fin° Clwashus' or Britian' r -t Dora*-ist, Prise*.ketbitferr*.Iefirini varions.slifplierets'-and, earbantee found. = halsdeyettissee049447:990e-Viet.
- by the out- reiget we `-are L4eteneteed t° oven -row Rob% Edrooridson W Anderson. -e therionhanshotee end:About - Lake -trin-or!te Cestilitalfitlestra0 ttlelniederisrto
visiosa iota. _ isritish misrule *Wand, anid to tbatend ire t-inine (mai tinter p pj, /roil 2nd _Jobe that Abe matte t Is all Itrtoniel, t t writhe' neesesitycofefbaseituev- Tiistuninr"
•. _..- • it - ' - ledge our lim.our acted bona, andaillie - 1 - ' - -- 1.____, , - - . „ .
zo the ferpose for wide . they are P . - . _ , -.--.2 . 41 , ,J.,;11alt • c sliiIr , c.v.! italarger.masses..Vere.thrTinkap Ja a melted slily with whiekthe Amu* -of -:ilii. evening
...,Thltra;ora, hong ' of six. pound '1Orla in .01e1r,0114. : -_ ': ' -''' .,.1.- . -'''-` .1 'trivial ;id G.401.,_,•- ,-,:„. _._.._ _ _-. - stau_muld twit from theall411-1301"114 tbreiliiii !API* Ane.,, alii tk flatelt-Popopeott*
tate4imusda 1,6014 sa Win bulf ,---...._ .._,_ .1FalF"'Tilat VIV0114 haulm Rijora,4-lot li .191_,WEet.Ilk Which -tit- have found their wity, ' thelhave- theta - -the/ hale
„,, .46.,,f,„, alsoint•iwolotte, altossemmissatinmi _office Of W. A. isni
,..._;‘, ,w__*eli-c,-W-SW. .3.....6,1::, -:..,,..4t---... tiiiiis% termer- ft traited.Stetes tlistrituet_ _ , t teak '- and- 13,3° -• 1st Mee ee" SOread installer -injections at , an-si&rable 'hartit 'hint *it
Letttr, 3... - ''-.14,0111... 90: 1st distanttes'AS110,0*-,the. Itli_elkienide2ia found- ' - Iftiktiftirmetie ..,
ibille retetrtlettrt r"',...• ,!''_717.1".11e.... too the northern aistriiit Of tidiest*, Mitt -4 t
lid Illenialja.
L.1 5k neon n cteluitriAr--sho- .11/4.11,6- " „war
sssisoll visited. ever been* ftlierectatietic °roar
- £1 Dj1 .1IiIUii. 15 IO
faiabigie•messe of„the• ' - ,baar tire 103 pipyiiii-askcarisinates *row iirhtde- kat °Marna 4rtieeiti;- entrinot.
casts. tti stamp al et aid sat .54"Ctigesact :wires -Pledri°14460t.11 pl•tROaf.-. .1.0,I911111-1e1111001e--- 1.90*. ralthlt tence--ftem- them. wOuld `show theteleM.orets deleisfrom-Trtes• le*-10.*Vira'cru'i•
itiesem-toteid - • , • XabinsanirtoInd /agile. 1st pnse blood the,teeidt tkomjcietkie ofiainer-ixiptian of Itho jOissormiiiiallisa to iloi!opo.
4hkistritli WNW
Inglis - lad 0 liendemon.- lit prise mow of sooling.- • tegenet„ "mar Montreal, Ontlte TO.
but the -
15* PIe Ibi IS, of
ic," graat that the 1 dna' fon% Inty the " j)0111" _ didn't bow' that
ilitrieti,AloVesd. beets; win wort J jEvkatr.,.. -Int the rlatge metallitonsmett-..expomedwinwe- - t wawa:141414e pile.
soyerament of lissom:mgr. PflIS carets, • .• pass IOW- dire0440 ••-• In- - -
11, gni 41101en tilb gigr
,.. .1: '
4...,4 ..,..
___ CioderiebI November 91131 . 1866.
lost, and :had-oM
• she is .ofaeeer
ANA lieuposesoftl!
' itailartedeof
• Itiortitugetfil(
*Jam oo.
Vbe PeoPle
peeing for _a�otbs
dentisl caeqico,
*dart OA
no flags thilica.,
_tacky limitations .1
that they wdl alto
OW& reN'
;Cot Wards **Od
Sii;ownril AocI
ot Friday:10‘ a li
thirteen- yaws of
Amekinezrerks of
tkroagk bailer
ist caught Iasi
fig wound. The 1
tinder the
meet:dell those-
-to todtas
and A_
• •••."
Ai lint al-
maacit,40 tkey
_Hiatt eases at
Fetes i* Uwe Sack
fistressedy, do :pot
Pbellftes *VW
4 11.2._
▪ - Ameinfasiceame
-The 414101A
4 --
. hair
• Axe
,r• tee. SO"
Wespealt from
- Al* aothrsis
?L'.. • -;