HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1949-10-19, Page 1BLYTH .STANDAR. ..#4NO ItNNNINN♦ 464 4,101♦ I3LYTI-I UNITE) CHURCH Attutorroaru rrtutrt'ii 11115 a.m. and 7;30 p.m„ SUNDAY, OCTOBER 23rd REV. F. C,• MILLER, OF PRESTON, Guest Preacher, • • Special Music by the Choir. A Cordial Invitation Extended to All to Attend, SERMON TOPICS;-•• - \lo ting : "Why The Kingdom 'I at ries.'' 1',\•eni ' "Signs of De�eiple•ship," N,►IFIIOW ♦+t4, #####I•O#4.#4NI N f,'JON, ♦II N######### SNOW/ NINI NIIPPI III'NNI NI• • AUI31JRN ( WvS'l'I''IEr,D Messra, Cecil an 1 Lawrence Clint: a'tendld the plow•ing match at 11ttrf,rd last week. \I r.:un! \I rs..1 d lin Duerr and Ion- ily of .Auburn Road visited on Sunday with NI1.. and \Irs. Gordon Snell. \lr, and \Irs, John Buchanan visit- ed on S utiav telt): Air, an l Mrs. Jas. Mct.itll of Clinton. Mr. and \Irs. Harvey Perkins ( 1 dt;xe:lf visited on Fr:('.ay tyitll \lig and Donald Ross of (salt, with Mrs. Fred Ross, A large number of'p.rsons froze this conunun.ty attended the plowing match at Btt furl Last week. The Forester's Ball has been re - pal Bred by the kelt' \Voulei's In tt= tate, A new service station and garage is antic- construction at the east end of 01 r dill:;,', Alvin Plunkett; son of \lr, an 1 \Irs, \\'ilired Flue;;tett is the otm• et'. Hiss Sadie Carter spent the week- end with Sheriff and \trs, Nelson hill. of Godcrich. ill, and \Irs. Leo it lis Railhl:y, Paul and Gordon Raithhy, of Landon, with relatives. ,\!r, and \irs. Hugh 13ennette and sot', John ltenictte, with John 1, 1,00. • ilr, and Airs. 'Phonons Jardi't ani {gamily of IIr.I;rase with \1r, and \Irs 11'111, Straughan, Mr, and \Irs. James Henry of Galt, with \1r. and ;\Irs. Charles Scott, 11 r. ;1n rs. I la roll La, s in anal (;;eu:;titer of Clinton, \with \Ir. and Mrs. I:dear Lawson. Rev. and Mrs, Pritchard of Atwood :with NH.. and' Mrs. J. C. Stoltz, Mr. and \Irs, Bev, French and fam- ily of Detroit, with \1r, and \Irs, (ico. Beadle. \I r, and \Irs, Marry \\'orse11 and Mrs, \Vo -sell sr„ (of Godcrich \ iter \l r• a,,l \Irs. Jla'tland \Ilen,- \\'illiatn 5, ('raig of Stratford 'Nor mal Smut the w•eeT-end at his ficin here, and as a member of the Clinton Coles, ins, played \with the team in \\'al- kerlon n Saturday. Everyone was please(' to hear that they had been ;ncce;:sfuL 'Phomas Idagg11I, farmer, of Lhl'lett, has a man !el which ne igl•.s 23 lbs. It is perfect in every war - 11r, Purl \I rs, '1'ace.t 111111 -tamer' or near 5t. \larys, called on friends here on )Iunclay. \Irs, Farcy was for- merly Melissa Nacgde, and she Silent her girlhood (days in At:buten. She not:1i nwnt' ch;uric; beraltse it Is 17 years since she visited :\tibu•n, :\ large crowd a11en(Ied a-rer•etitiot in the ho'cstcr's Ila'l c11 Friday even- ing int honor of 1Ir. aid NI 4-s. \Iatt'•ie. ..jtean. Local talent stlliplicd the nnrsi'• for rlarcinz, Lun~h was served anti -we'Idiing cake was passed by the bride and groom, 'Gordon. \1''(!ineltey called the young couple to the front anti an :''Idress was read by Donald \'tmighlut exp (550114 good wishes and a welc_unc An Mrs. Bean, whose former home was in Blyth. and a purse of money was presented by Laurence Plaet'er, Mau- riee thanked that• bane frk' 'ls for the rift and pieavanl evening 111 joine t lir s',t;;ing f(ir they ar. jolly good fellows. :f lee monthly meeting of the Baptist ladies Aid \;is held on Thursday at the home of \Irs, C. A. 1io\wsoo, with errs, Howson in charge. Several fav- ourite hymns were sting with harp ac• cotnran'tnent I y iIi's.-lj. 1 l'hi11i, s. The Lord's Prayer was -repeated ht orison ierl 1 y Mrs', .1oliu \'nn'rhlut. Scripture reading awl prayer- by 1tcv. A.• For- - 'spilt. I eadn-ts were given by \Irs. Frank Raithhy, Mls. 1Vnl, Ilagaitt, Mrs, Stanley Johnston, \frs. Glen F.•titlibr; \ids. '''hos::\itN'afl fad \liss Constance Morris, ' The topic on Thanks'giying.was ably given by 1lrs, .\V. \'csterfelt, The officers for the past.year coding in September, gave very encouraeing reports, and Nev, A,• Forsyth cond.••cted the election of of- ficers for 11)49-50. The tire as follows: President, 'les. C, A. llowson; Vice - 1. resident,Alrs, \V, Vcytorvelt ; Sec- retary, Mrs. Stanley Johnston: Treas- urer, Mrs, Glen haithby; Pianist, Mrs, R, •1. Phillies, • Visiting Co! fait ce, Mrs. Frani: Rs 1111.3 by,- d rs. Rev. A. Forsyth, ?l i's. - Glen' Raithhy, Mrs. C, t\. Howson., Flower Committee; 1lrs, Sta'tley Johnston;. Mrs. John. Ytingblitt, Mrs. \V. Vcs'terfelt, Mrs. R, J. 1'hi?lips.. The beetin'; teas closed \vitt' prayer • by Rev. A,‘ Forsyth. A dainty much was serval and a soclal • time enjoyed. The • hostesses were, .\Its. Stanley' iohnston, Mrs, prank ti!aithby- and 1111.8, R. J, NIA*. Property Changes Hands Mr. I. J. Cartwright has disposed of his resdcttltal property on lknsley St. East, .to Mr, and Mrs. James C. Gal- braith, of Toronto, t\'110 get possession Novcnt',et 1st. 1\1r. Cartwright has purchased the property, familiarly 're- ferred to as the James 'Wilson Estate, lot 36, Crit 3, East \Vaw•anosh. which citnnriseS 2"O acres of farm land. Mr. and Mrs. Cartwright and family have already occupied the property. 13LYTII, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, OCT, 19, 11119 Sub.4cription Rates $1,50 in Advance; $2.00 in tete U,S,A, Special Service held At 'Lions Meld Regular Meeting, DEATNSuu Sunday evening the Illyth Cul (.1;:b was Ite!d in the Memorial ILO on 'Masons Marks 75 Years Of United Ch. SundaySchool M1G►,l:(,(tl _\ 'r'rrl t; t'erei+'el► with Activity In Blyth I'hc rcgnhu tarot; of the Lions regret r -i the death in Costa Mesa, . (':l." S day, He i 211(1, c roe nt I ,�n u r 1v eta ,cr n ONTARIO DEPUTY GRAND MA9• !led Church Sunday School told' a 'Tues';ay evening, with the PresAent, r , Il.l, of Anne Grace McGregor, be_ CER, N. C. HART, PRINCIPLE sl ectal service, un as ' cut col re-npco Iii 'ted e lutes. n iti the chair. loved cousin of Edward \ \I1\1 it Mg of the Sunday Sellout room, w'I'ic't has been beautifully. decorated. Rot ! 1 I,ut of I11\th, She leases to nwtun ' f 4 tier c r.sul' two s sits Nils \I t\nle Phil;), Sir, 811( School pianist, :Sas ;it 1\ t 1 l ' I d tet g Itll nn I l „ ,ctrl \I I . \Luton Kerr, London Past Master Degree Team Ilse piano, and Ke.nteth Johnston aid l he 1\ 1 w I III 1 Confers Degree . Les, Rutledge received the offering. hath ut lust Mesa. B \l arguuritr Hall and Lot rains I L•11nil • tun sang 'The. Church in the 1\ild- wood," accompanied at the piano by Rhea (Halt. Irina \\•allace rendered :t sol;,, "The Stranger of (alil('c'' a(, contp,nicd I,y Mrs. Ilottard \\'allaee, :'hir Ir y ha'c,n er tendered a vote GI Thanks front the Strtxl;iy School to the Incntler; of the \1'. t\., ttho have heel. II's! ondl'11 for the. hl'atltif\'illi' of the 4!31113V Sch''ol roosts, \vhich \it's, 1)tlne;u' \t(('alluol re:vis:d, and to wlii;h she ita'e a suitable re 1 .. I)n•- iug the s'ng'n,.; of the hymn `S:tv'ott,, 11:1 a Slr_Phcrd lead ns," the Siiper?n- tendcnt un:ciled tl'c lett 1 ie'ure len - clnrse(I by the Srh(i ly School, a beasf- 1 1(1 'e'liI3 of "'I•.he (;u:d Shepherd," .\t tete el se of the hymen, Rey, Rei, • ccs rled'ea'ed Ili • Lett' pi.'Iure for the, 14'44-'11-71'F 11 (•f the c'•nrcti. het', Cor- don Hazelwood, of \\altos, Iva::. guest \Irs. Howard l;unphehl. . speaker, and painted out the respon ,\I r, an l Mrs. Pert Taylor were sibilrty w deli is stirs in taking care e i guests o;:, Sunday at the home of Mrs, 'the chit !ren in o'.11 midst, He urged N. G. Ainslie of Go;terich, the parents, whose. ditty comes first, Mr. 41101 \Irs, Frank '1'anlhlyit of not to ne•tleet the spiritual influence Londesboro visited on Sunday with doe tbe'r rhildrem. S(l )erintende tt \Ir, and \lrs, Frank Campbell and and Sunday Seined teachers, also \hiss \1'inn:frc(1, ha'e a heavy re ptnsihilily, Mr. 1f {toward C'umpbell was a Stt•at- ford tisitur oil I'r:dry. Among tlr)se wlu1 attended tl:c see - it -nal iln•elilh1 at iiung tun n m It Thursday were \Irs, Chas, Smith, 11rs, 1 larvey McDowell, \Irs, Marvin •11e• Howe I, Mrs. J. I., \Ietowell and Mrs.1, \Vin, Mc\'ittie. \llls Norma 'Taylor Ins gone to! \\'ingham to take a position w':th \L., •iM NI Vs. •lint (;Metre. \Ir, and \Irs. J. L. \I1Dowc?I, Mr. cordon \IcDOIScll, visited on Sunday with Mr, and :Mrs. Ilet4) Pentland of 'ora Al cr.. 11 . amt NH's, Leslie Scholtz of 1)ui- al!11h t vi:died un .Sunday with Mr. it t Mrs, Douglas Canmhell Mr. and Mrs, Eii ri t\ ightmal, Mr, ;orman and Miss Hattie 1\'ighlnnau, ,tutored to Jordan Station `nn Monday and were accompanied by \lies. John Hildebrand who had spent the rye:1:- w�ith her parents, Mr, and \Irs. Eat \Vi htlnan, (tests at the hob:c of Mr. and Mrs, kVnt, Carter on Saturday •were int•, Frail: \\'are, Mins tiwcn \\'arc of (101;- )1r:;. -(-;ora 11'flsnm,. ref Gudeiaeh,.. Mr, and \Irs, Elwin \Vinson, ,M r, Rosset Carter cf Seaford], vailcd'with Mr. and Mrs. \Viii Canter olt Tues- day. The community extends eongrattla• lions to their oldest resident, it Bile person of Mr, \Villiam 1I. Campbell, who' on \Vednesday, October 19(11, celebrated his 93rd birthday, \Ir, C'ampbe'll came front Picker:n; , d3 v311511p, near \\'pithy, Ont., with his 1:a1'el:ds, as a you'll; man, and st ttle3 00 the wrest half 01,1lie Tantltlyn farm in ilullett to,\nship. Ile was a school leached by profession, later taking tip farming on the farm kuttwn as the II11ps farm, Lot 28, Con. 5, Fant \\'a - w:1110511; now owned by his grandson, Kt meth Campbell. Ur. Campbell resides with his son. ;111 ert. on the set•on(1 ('.1 zessiott of East \\iaw•anosh. He has • a daughter, frs, \Vitt. Crozier, lesid}lig in London- and ondon and a sot, Colin, lir Ottawa, air. Campbell is 10 won:derf'•l health. He enjoys company and has a remark- able mentors... Ile loves to rcnm'lisce, also tal•:es a keen, interest in the events of the .day. Congratulations; . to \tr. 'Phomas Lawrcn::e whit celebrates his 31st birth- day ort Thursday, October 20th AMONG THE CHURCHES PRESBYTERIAN CIIURCII Rev, John Iloneym,t11 Minister, Sunda • sei'Vice at 2.30 p,tn. TRi 4ITY CHURCH, BLYTH 19th Sunday after 'Trinity Rev. G. ;\Ittt•ray Wyatt, Rector, i\liss Alice Rogerson, Organist and Choirmaster, 6.'0 p.m.: Sunday School 6.30 p.1n. t Confirulatio+, Classes, .7.30 p.m,: Anniversary . Services in 13Iyth United Church. The Anglican service withdrawn.' TRINITY CHURCH, B1:LGRAVE Miss Nora \'anCanp, Organist st and Choirmaster.. 1.30 Pam.: Smntlay Scho:d 1,30 p.m.: Confirmation Classes, 2.00 p.1`11.: Evening Prayer and Ser., - mon. ST, MARK'S CHURCH, AUBURN Mrs. Gordon Taylor, Organist and Choirmaster, 10 a.m.: Sunday School 10 a.m.: Confirmation• Classes. 11 a.m.: :Horn;t g Prayer and Ser- mon, A \Varnit Welcome to all, ,- Marl{ 30th Anniversary Mr. and Mrs: Albert Haggitt cele- brated their 30th 'wedding 'anniversary on Saturday, and o:!• Sunday 25 relit- iiyes';ou) friends gathered at the hone of \1r, and Mrs. \\'m. Riehl to cele-' brace the event. They were prest\nt- erl with a gift from their family along with hearty congratulations, Lit 1 i;tont `:nrtIa I )ger Pr1,idcrl at t ,t c lnr11t, ant I.lun 'fatter 11ow;lyd late e e ring 'n seveta Gallagher, 1• s, '' I. served a(vicious meal i which \\as Int1,•h eojuy1d by allS'x was born in Detroit, .`.lichigan, I' • 'nt. 1 ole 22, IF81. Funeral service teas Illylh Lodge A.F, & A.M. No. 303, 'fail 'Twister bion Don ilow•es really held at The (;ravel chapel, \\'ed- was the focal points for Masons from turned on the heat and extracted nuns' nes' 1;ty, (ht. 5, at 2 p.m, interment a wide area of Western Ontario on t•t'otli 111e ti Welt were turned titer It, ,\-,� 1,!ade ;t) \\'t•atllttnitt•t• Memorial, Nhoela • niglli, \\•11111 a large crowd I.i,.ii Girt ver flare to ,tart a b Ink ac- pa k l`e:erten, ;tsscnlhled at the lodge room for an c sent fir baby it Jun. Lion droner __:____.\3_____- evening of outstanding interest to expre-sed his app t.iatiuo for the gift. members of the Craft. \l1Sie11 )' the Lions enjoyed a pia:o SPEAKER W STFIE141) Throng h arrangements, made b y 'Leet Ly \I s 'ai Mar-finer;le Anil Rhea ; The \l:'oclt Band met in the school the \Vorshi;4;m1 Master of Blyth bodge, hall, and a v n tl solo h: Miss ;\lire ! rt'!n 'gin *Today aft.111....1% ,vitt' 1(I \\'. Itro, 111101(1 Vodden, .the Past Ro ers,m. n ebb:rs pre<rnt. The meeting open. Maoters of 1938 from London, were Two members, Liotta herr (,rat' 811'1 (.11 h•, repeating the :member,' purpose, 1,resellt to confer a degree o11 a Blyth \V f ur R. ger, }gate Sher add -esscs i Sc1 1)1101 ic,sun twos read frt;m pi:„Ii„ candidate. They were instrumental in on recent important Lion• oteetul(s ' , - bringing with t}mlu Int, 11', 13ro. N. C. 9,, by Ruth Howatt. Prayer by the Lion Cert s ince on the recent tycoon; } Hart, Deputy Graeme \easter. of.' On - held l w the Ilowi.1 club, vrhr:o they w•olcr, 11Id::-.•ts were elven b•y tier- s r! ker burro, 1,110 was the prineipie ti t o:e tamest t h c 1: Icrila11 nal ttiirt1 x111 'h 1 111 gond r'''.(1"" Shrith. Theofthe evening, Other Gra`ti41 Lodge t:(t P.•esIdent, and Lion 1Villm. tt,1 I Stu,Is Btnlc ISIS taken by NI r s. ('!lits. t•: filet rs present included Rt. 1V.- 13ro. of the ucctil:' a1 Seafrr;}t :when Lha' Smith, The •I`hank-Uiiering was re- \\•. 1). Lute, a member.of'the Board chili 1'lehrate'I their 25th anniversary ceivell. The story was told h1 \I1•s• of Gi'n.'rat• Porpos.•s, Rt. 1\'. tiro, \V, 1 nd had, as Ihcir guest, \\'alter 1•i -he. Norman McDowell, \leering closed L. Anguish, D.I),G.\1. of London Mas - the lutent:Il'ona, Pres:dent. Roth with the lies;e41cti.- n. otic district, and Int. A\'. Bro. T. J. n:relines were held on the sync night. ; Thr regular monthly meeting of the Salkeld, 1).1G.\I. of North Huron I'I'; 1110(011' closed Leith the Rt;tr, Fast 11'attanosh Federation was hcltl •Ma<onie district. included also among -"---.p__ i 1111 notables were m:uty Past 1).1).G. •Thursday es ening, Ort. Viten, in the , I'1•icndship Circle h I1joys (-'c'-O.p club rooms, Belgrave, with 13 \I. , 1st. \\'. Eros. R. 1). \Intro, 11nru- in; St;tr I,udee, Carlow, \\'alter \'au- hlallUtve'e11 Party members of the executive and direr uych: and ])r. 1{c(huond, 11'inghanl, tnralc Pt1,rn1• ; Dt, I;uwlcr ar.d Itarry Nlclim'ney, .\ special Hallowe'en meeting of +1,, The nr1nauen of the Sept. 9th motet- I eeswater, G. II. Jetferson, Clinton, Stanley 5:,thorpe the...) sang' the old 1•1tenitshtp (mete tt'a.; held at the hour: , i 1 1 g we're read gut,) approved (HI ntotiort James \cleans, Hallett, and R, D. heli n. '..rine •e were Ninety and Nine, hof \Irs, Keith \\-ehster TuLeolat even- h of J, I L Campbd ll ;furl tS. I'. I lallahatt, 1'hillt, Beeth. mother farmer (fraud ;icemen -iv p• it;rd by \I r.:\,r I:. (;u(ttl liif� in•�. \act;hers saute iu costume and' \loyc•I by S. N1 '1(311 S and C;, 1;,1- Luage officers present was sn J. \lar- lor se offering 11113 amounted to almost , were received by „ghosts. ;end "wit • 1 •, ' tin, of London, Past Grand Junior le^•h (1.)11a"s, w hirer t-nt s 11wa''(l Itl t , (•111°.,', ...ho eseorled then) l0 all 11(1 :mut, that a note of commendation hl Sen, 1., I:, (.'ardiff, for \\'ardcn. ware: (Y[ tete Sw:+lay School.;i stairs roam suitably dlluratcd. :\ rc hiving hi;_;up•\Ic,obers of the London Degree `_ "y - ; lay game was flayed, followed by the 'port to the new minuses that are to leant were all Past Masters. Each nue R j1,j ,(; {(A V , ;judging of costumes. \Irs, F. '1'unrlcy be paid to farmers for cattle going was w rel of his respective Landon The annual School Fair concert w'a, ;and \Irs, S. henry tion prilys. Aleut- down in the '1'.11. test. •, Lodge in the .11 li 1938, hence the name bell on Friday aiAllt and bror;ht this !mrrs enjoyed eating apples from I,flans for the annual beeline and ..1 hi; Past \tasters of d9.?8," 1\'. 23rD, years `.chu(I hair' activities, to an end, j ail lugs, I octanes were read, fullow''1! • 1anrfuet of the federation were cunt- S.:1. Caw•ste�n, of St. George's Lodge The Forester's 1l:tll was filled to cap;(- . by a story '' 1 he mySteriols rase of p1N.1d, \u. 43, Loudon, ocrul,il;l the position city and Lawrence 'Taylor., pr.•sidenl; 11e• !n11431(d than,' :whose 1(113tll' el,„. lei lion. \\'m, Goodfellow, Minis. of It'd rshipftd Master. He :was sup - was 111 charge' of the program whish 1wt'I'1 passed arnth:el in the dark, Mem- Iter of 1\'cli:u'e \Sill he the hest ported by. the following'\\'orshipful (spen'd with the singing of the \I al. le;bits then trent dutwrtsti.11s to finish I ' h Brethren: 1(' I.. I?Ilintt, Req, Goven- 1,eaf, :\ rhythm band front 5. S. No, ; the meeting, speaker, (_)ther notables or the pro- 4, 6, 8 and I(t of mortis prover. very 1 The meeting was opened with a (gram will be Mr. John Broderick of lock, Itl'd.ettujitlitl. \1'atson,•A• D. Din. interesting, :\ Mass choir of boy; � hymn, followed by the minutes and roll St. Catharines, the Warden of Huron 'tun, N. Wellston, and I. Brighton. tit \' rill sant; ':\cross tete sea";1311 :\ shore busimcss discussion teas (County, the President of the Huron Rt. \V, Bro. R. I). Philp intradeced acre 'C ck'cs and \lusscls", :\ girls :held and it was moved that each meal County Federation, \Ir, Gordon Ben- the cruors, whowere extended a w•et- mass choir, (ira!les 5.8, sang "sweet her bring a new or used toy or book to (nett, \grilultur0 Representative. route by \1'. Bro. learned \'oddcn, Rt. Afton" and "\lariannc Goes to thea; the next meeting to scud to the ftmii• Motion of adjournment by J, Cur- 1\'. Bro. R. I), Munro introduced the , \lith" 'These choruses were sung be. grant children, ills, C, Galbraith was tic and Dick I.eggctt, speaker,' Int. \\', 11th. N. C. hart, who tweet) contests in recitations and pub i ftp;,uira:c(l as convener of \isjting and A, D. Cant rhea, Scow -'reran, is a Professor at \Vestcrn University, Iic speaking, The judges were Nev,:mvttiu; new' -comers to our meetings, , , /II �l London. 11 r, Hart 'e tc an outstand- W, Isooers and Rev, (.1. M. \Vvatt boat. A Poon was read by \Irs. J, Stewart. Morris o11 nship Council•irg address of particular interest to of Myth and Robert Ferguson sill; 1'sa101 11(1 was read by \larjorie Stew- \\'in,:hani t School, 'I'Iie judgei,S art, followed by a prayer read by Mrs, \when armoan:'ing•the winners stres•e (1 J. Stowarl, . Nits. \V,, J. Rogers then tete fact that the sthject chosen should i gave an interesting talk based on the he familiar to 111111 1111(1 in his own I ho;k, ' Gt•o,wing with the Years" Hate words. Ie subject !hist 111 original; int these thoughts with Is, Know meeting were read and adopted on Generally speaking, felicitations were 1111111 and interesting, The winners of con- I your Faith and lisstraw your chorea l nwlti011 of Sant Alcock and Bailie Par- `c t(11(1"1 to s l thic;a1 (01 1"progresswhichhis ..cats were.. Recitations 5 10115 grades 1 stud 2. i The meeting luta dosed with a [omit tutu , 311 vas." in this rounds its" and twhiclt BarL;ua Coultls, made lolmatoit, 111:at the Benediction. \lo\erl by \\';nl• Peacock and Chas. 1; loving one of it's It,: years in 11akke 1)311;t:ut, Joan Johnston, petty :\ delicious Hallowe'en 1n Iltitl'II \t: S I Cuteness that the Roacl Supt, be In the present one, Also coning in for .y Rangel,; recitations grades 3 and 4, served by the conlntittee. Mrs. C. Gat- stl•ucted to pity Ray Hanna Construe- good share of the compliments of the Darlene Pearce, \hurray Johnston, braith, ills. B. \\'alsh, \Irs, K. \\'eb Ilion 8'1 Percent of work completed to 420(118, was Bro. Norman Radford, Claire Chautncs.,' Ula Griffiths, ltct sten, \les, II, L)tltcrlaml, 11rs, \V, J. (late on the Clare: bridge, Carried. who was the candidate of the evening. retry Ne 1)011 Public Specking, graders Rogers, \IrS. 1, Stewart and Miss \far \lowed by Chas. ("mulles and Bailie .\ bounteous barb 11':15 served by the 5 and 6, ,luau \\'ighunan, Bruce leu jorie. Stewart, Parrott (( ntctnm.rs of Myth dodge at the coil - 5 next meeting will be held at tell 1 Mutt that Ivy -law No, 13, 1949 ' Iiertsun, Glen Johnston, Edith Dacr; s •',. 8, (n'al1thtg extinsi011 of line on tete :1s- elusion of the evenings activities, and public speaking, tirades 7, 8, \larlenc home of \I1......._v- B3\\Valsh, 'frees,, \(t, lssment full as read the first,serous) ;,nrlher nut<tandinr: evening in \[as- \Iac1<enzie, Shirley Bradburn, Kth.I \ \nnry \\ a co brought to onclusion, Pierce (tied); spelling match, Evelyn and third tithes, be passed. Carried, y 1 co Ilislop, l'cn, Bradley, Marlene Mac-I,CINI)I±:S[i()It0 \In\cd by Chan. Coultes and Millie I<ct::'•;ie, I,orne Campbell; weed naming Thr :\iutwdl Mission Circle held Parrott that Sam Alcock b1 appoint- Marks � l'(1 Milestonecontest, George Procter, Lois Walker their 'Than)::of tering Ineeti1ig on 1)e -rd as representative of \'orris 'I'o\\n 'finery \ethcry, 'Bert \\'arson, I<111 1ober 12th at the hotel of\frs, Lloyd ship for the humane Society of Inn- hearty cohgratu)atlons are extended llra(1!12)', Shirley Marks. 1'i, e tvillt the President, Lois \\'ood, in run Courtly. Carried. to NH. \\'illian 11, Campbell, oldest, and highly respected rosident of the The secretary, 11r, Stewart Perone the &hair, aid 111s, Brenton at the Pi- Moved by Cha., Coultes, and Sam \\-estficld community, who celebrated in ;4 few• rema c5 stated that lb's Fait ,ilio. Merritt~ cpen:d :with a hymen, Alcock, that the road bills as present- his 93rd birthday of October 19th, \frs had exceeded till others in entries as I'he trdasurecs report was given by rd by the , , Snpt, he paid. Carried. (';mal,b111, who resides with his son Al-, the entries in the music festival, the Frances Lyon, The toll call :was Ins- \owe ld t name I'arrntt and Stun beet, possesses a keen urine!, is active, fair and the 0 meert tnlaled over 3,11011 w•cred by 18 members, with 8 visitors, I e 111 IS. Nies Procter presented llruc The in nates were read by the Secre- Alcock that John Bryans be a repro- and greatly enjoys the companionship ' 1, sen Mcnris tine h:v win e scntatiwe for \'orris 'I'ow•nship on the ,'f his family and many friends, Our ' 1< t cl t. S.S.S 5 tart', 'Thelma Sholthrook, A hymn was a scored hi'11est points, with a hook, sting, followed by the 101(1:, PrayerScaafnrth High School District Board, 1Vestfiel(i correspondent comments "\\rill Life the \Vorld Over" which was in 1nis(n. Doris Grierson read the Carried. further on this fine old gentleman, in dntt,Ie•t by T. t'.alon Co, \ similar Scripture. Lois \Vood led in praiser. Mover! by \Vol. Peacock and Chas, her \weclay news budget, which will book :was want by Sandra Rath, th! Sas taken .111, and ;in- Coultes that a grant of ;,;(((0 he given be found cisc\whcrc in our coluuns, The u(ilrin•, \ l girl with high Points. A st•ecial priz other hymn sung. NI 11, 1\'004 Book. to 13httet•ale Athletic AsSocfation to - a Nodal:, d sated by Robt, Simpson gate Chapter 2 of the Study hook, wards the hall Park, Carried, • Co., for hest snapshots of :utiivals in Frances and Vera Lynn favoured with Bowed by Bailie Parrott and \Vtu. \hiss Kathleen :lrfnstrong, of Lob HuComity,waswon by \lacy Tile- a duet, \Irs. Grierson was guest Peacock that lie -Lan No. 14, 1919, set d0u \was;a recent week end guest at the! speaker and told .some very interesting ting time for Nomination. for Nov.: a happcn'.n:'s \w,hile in Korea. 7111 alert.' home of her uncle, Mr, \lack Arm lug closed with a hymn gold pia>cr by and :appointing Depnly Returning stro!g and \les. Armstrong. Iters, Grierson. Lunch was served by Officers at:r) Poll Clerks. be passed. Messrs. Arnold Craig and Sattt the lit stcss(s, \Ir;, I., Pipe, \Irs, 13r111 Carried. 'fhnml son were among erose who at - ton and Ann hairscrwi0e. \ioved by Charles Coultes, seconded tended the plowing hatch at Burford, ,\liss Mary Ellyn. Prest of Mitchell by .San Alcock that 'the Court of '1 - spent Saturday at the holise of her I<evision on the Kelly Drain he held II,Olallel' Blyth Boy, careens, 1I�•, and \Irs, Fred I test. an \o•, 10, 1949, -at 2 11.111. Carried. Rev. Reba Heti) of Varna wi"l preach iluwrd by Chas. Coultes,;,and Sam I)1'. Brown Gets Honor Phe service in Londeaboro United Alcock that the meeting 'adjourn to Almost (orty years of venire to the ('lmirch 00 Sunday, October ?3rd, at meet again on Nov. 7 at 1 p.m. or at Profession of Medicine Dr, J. C. S. 10 a.m. Brown, Saskatoon, Was honored Thurs•• Mrs. G,rnrt Johnston and sou, pa_ the call of the Reeve, Carried, yid, of „iagara halls, tl'clit the week- The following accounts were Paid: clay eveteng, at a banquet of the Sas- Ina '\v'Bh relatives in the village and IS.. W. Archibald. Kelly.'i)rain, 25t1.0;1; katnc�\yan College of 1'hysiliahs and i R. \\ , Code, preparing Surgeons, in Regina. couuttcnily, ) R. ' , �c sarin}, decl:tratipii,-for Presented with a Certificate of Sen - 11r: and Mrs, \Vcbb of Toren' 'st•cnt McCall Drain, , 5.(hl; N. \\'. ilillcr, in- for \Icnlhership in the College by Dr; the week -end at the home of 11 r, and digent fees, 33.75; Ge ar21 Phelan, fon 1, J, 1tanicltu, North 13atticforcl, Dr, ills, John Slmhbrook. The council of the Township of -masons, All expression of thanks was Morris met in the 'I'o\i•uship halm on tendered him by \V. Bro. Robt, J. New- Oetobcr 3rd with all Iteutber's present: comhe., - Many • other..-.•Fpc'akers.. The reeve presiding-. :Minutes of last called un for a brief word. DONNYBROOK for S.S. No, 9, Fast \\ awauosh, The singitv.t of the 1<ine closed another years slum! fair activities. Anniversary services \tyre held in Knox Presbyterian (Murch, Bcl'zrave, on Sunday, 7'111 church was n'ccly 'le- co•ated with 801010:!, flowct•5. The '•necud speaker-- for the d } wasRev,Alex. Nimmto of \1'it't;lrtin, and the 113'5'3 \l as sti"plied by the choir fro:r 13r' s''ets Predivtcrian chitreli. 11r. Chas, hopper has 'sold his int 41. nets and pro'a't•ty to Mr, learned \\'aLli t former res'dcttt of the community; i••••-_. BIRTHS RiCIIARDSON-Mr. and Nfrs. \'s'. J. Richardson (nee Jean 11odd), wish to announce the hitt 11 (If' their daughter, Datta Elizabeth, at 131t. Hamilton hospital (Premature), on October 10t1, 1949. Baby and moth- • (1• doing well. , Reco- a Ing rem Chicken Pox \IPss Addle \\a;sh is recovering Hier• ly after being i11 for the pest week witli Chicken Pox, at the home of her sister, Mrs. Lavina Hcffroii. bounty, 2.00: 80105. Turves., fox Brown was praised for his marry years ' honnty, 3.00; Alvin Armstrong*, fox of devoted service to his patients and The Large And Small 'homily, 2.0:1; Central 'file prick Corp., community, ' McDonald Drain, 302,40; Belgrave Co- \ graduate of Detroit college of Leotard d:ootly was displaying a 1O, lime and disinfectant 819.30; S. 1 \lcdicinc in 19(N), 1)r, 1)i0'wt meowed to mammoth mangold in town on Tuesday 111• 1;Ilir,tt, relief arrow: t, 9.09; l'reotge 3 •Saskattot in that same year. Ile prac- af\\'ltaoll, 1,u`iciihrli(''22 fronhthcicgrounrl1Radford, 11c:\rthur Drain, r9;,('0:'retitiselell. lei' WIISactively lbornlast incar ontariotbut \Viten he milled it g lie also unearthed a small one :which `Geo. 'llartin, Ile -Laws, hehly Dram, 3 has lived in 'western Canada most of was growing besi(re it( or Perhaps we ;75.01, his life. Ile is widely travelled and is e should say forgot to grow), The small • Harvel C. Johnston, Geo Martino wen acquainted with most `parts of the nue measured In inch in circumference Reeve Clerk. North American continent. The hig fellow had apparently used up v .-- 1)r. Brown retrains active in cont - NOTICE all the nourishment' "BRIAR AVE )tlnnity aN'113' is a Shriner, and is well. :Voting girls andwomen between the Records are made to he broken, and known. in Saskatoon musical circles, I -le' mgrs of 12 and 26 who would like to this one is broken before you read It. Mr' atte Mrs'Goldie \\'hcelcr and I k 1 t enly interested in pjtotography and' t • •mi. -to -date `S tn+ Our ':\t•11nrn correspondent reports Gc0rg1, 01 1,ntl(1(111, with relative'. 'las taken many notable colored filriti', sake the Clnilu. C. eti course, sponsored by the Women's that Th s. 1lagzitt, of Millen; has a 11r, and Mrs. G. Jones and children ':nth at home and while travelling. . Institute, please contact Mrs. Charles mangold which tipped the scales at 23 of London, :with \Ir, and \les, John E, I His sister. Mrs. Eugene Storey, lives t ,I Johnston before October 28th. pounds. _ McCallum. in I.on•don. 6 Waverly Place. filiMiitII "SALADA" COFFEE is now available in most grocery stores. It is of extra fine quality, and we believe that you will consider it the best coffee you have ever tasted. Ask for "SALADA" COFFEE WEST OF THE SUN A Serial Story by JOSEPH IS CHADWICK SALADA TEA COMPANY OF CANADA, LIMITED • .t%us'MI� 'The slur) thus 4far Virginia Ames crosses the wild, frontier West by tail and stage In response to a tetter from Phil Lawrence, her Rance, who left Washing. ton to make his fortune In Arizona. When the !Annetta stage Is held up, Lt rim Ran• tall, whom Virginia once knew In Wash. (ngton, takes ebarge of the Investigation and soon learns that Phil l.nwrence was the bandit lender. Chief loser in the rob- bery Is Steve Barron, Santo Bonita gamh• ling czar, who has long been at odds with Lawrence over gambling debts anti their mutual love of Lnnya Correy, dance -hall girt. !tiding to Pills ranch to warn Mtn against Barron who has learned of his Part In the stage robbery, Virginia aces the two men shoot It out. Both men are wounded but Barron Is able to ride off. (loins to fetch water in a grove near the house, Virginia Is seized by Annches. CHAPTER XI "Yes, Two of .them. I saw thein clearly. They seized her and took her into the brush. i --I was scared. I waited until Hank Muldane carne to the cabin. He said that one of the horses was gone—Iter horse, We left the hills at once for Santa Bonita, I carne on here," t Jim looked questioningly at Maj. Benson. "You sent for me, sir?" "Lt, Randall, something serious has happened. Miss Ames has been taken captive by Apaches." Jim drew a sharp breath. He looked as though he had been struck. "Taken captive, ,sir?" "According to this young woman —yes." Jim turned to the girl. "Tell me, Lanya," he said. His face was grim as he listened to the girl tell of what had hap- pened at Phil Lawrence's Red Butte house, Of the ride across the desert to the cabin in the rock hills, Fear carne alive in him as she told how Virginia had gone to the stream for water and had been seized by two Indians, When her breathless voice stopped he faced the commanding officer, ' "I'm to pursue and overtake the Apaches, sir?" • "Yes. Take 30 men, And Lt. Barrett and Mel Scarlett, Take ra- tions for a week. Stay out as long es your judgment atiggests, Be care- ful you're not led Into a trap." "Yes, sir," Jim said sharply. "But there'll be no trap. Natchi is be- hind this, He'll bargain for the re- lease of his son." Benson showed surprise. "Well -- bargain with him, But effect the return of Miss Ames," Jim saluted and swung to the door. Lanya Correy's voice halted him. He faced her impatiently, "Lieutenant, Phil Lawrence told fie to give you a message," she laid. "He says you should know that k is Steve Barron who has been supplying Natchi with guns and ammunition." "Barron? Why?" "I don't know why," the girl said, Jim did net say more. He turned out of the dobe and called to Lt, ------ METIVI>aR'S —� WOOL SUITS* j $12.95 Beautiful n e w 1949 alt wool Faille material— for street wear now and liter under your coat. fxceptton,a 1 1 y well tiltored, Ikades — wino, green, b 1 a e k, navy, and grey, For miss.* et les illustrated) women, skis i2 to 44, Mall Orders !h Sidra • 725 Yonge St, 3oeRaetof a. th etBtoor ZSBUE 41 — 1949 Barret whom he saw before him, "Thirty men," he said, "We start at once." The column left t he pos t within the hour, Jim, leaving Barrett in command, rode ahead with Mel Scarlett, Sgt. OHara, and four troopers picked for their experience. They rode into Santa Bonita and found many people on the street. Word of Viriginla's capture had sp;sad. Jim halted before Lanya Correy's house. * * "Sergeant," he ordered, "take your men and find Steve Barron, Bring him here at once,'. He turned into the little adobe house with Scarlett a his side, Phil Lawrence lay in his bedroom, Itis face haggard and his eyes troubled, Hank Muldane, big and hard and unshaven, sat on a chain propped against the wall, a rifle across his knees. Jinn said tersely, "You, Muldane —lead us to your cabin. ` I want to pick up those Apaches' tracks, "Sure, Lieutenant. Sure." The big man got to his feet, "But who's going to see that Barron don' get at Lawrence?" "I'nm taking care of Barron, You get out and mount." Jitn turned to the wounded man, "Lawrence, you're not worth having a girl like Virginia for a wife, You know that as well as 1. But you're going to break with Lanya Correy, !.You're going to marry Virginia. She wants you, and what she wants—" Lawrence lifted himself on an elbow. Color burned in his cheeks. "And if I think otherwise?" "I'll send you to prison," Jim snapped He turned and strode from the house, Mel Scarlett was outside keeping a . wary eye .on Hank Muldane, O'Hara and his men came riding up The sergeant saluted, "Barron and his Mexican partner, Luis, rode out of town an hour ago. He left word with the bartender at his place—said to tell any soldier looking for hint that he wouldn't be back." Jim looked at Hank Muldane, "Did lib know about Miss Ames?" "Yeah. He and his Mex tried to come into the house to get Lawrence. i told him, 1 told him, too, that Lanya went to Fort Win- field to tell about his deal with Natchi. He looked sick—and went away." Jinn turned to his horse and mounted. He motioned for Muldane to lead the way.They left the town and, pushing their horses, headed toward the Silver Ridge. That night the column camped in the Pinais, Jim had ordered that no fires be lighted. Pickets had been placed. The men lounged, smoking and tacking low voiced. Jinn sat with Lt, Barrett, Mel Scarlett squatted before thein. . (Continued Next Week) �ANNE I4iRST u ,,i cse ,r Col vse.Art "Last month my school opened, but I wasn't there, Instead, I'm going to have a baby, and I'm not married," What a trag- edy for a girl of 16! At the age when life should be thrilling, with each tomorrow offering un- known joys, site sits alone with h e r memories, wondering how she could ever had yielded to a moment's desire, the results of which must change the rest of her e. Remorse courts too late, When she was first moved by natural pas; sion, she should have clung to her standards against all temptation, realizing that the girl who succumbs is the girl who loses. PLENTY OF WARNING * In these modern days of frank * talk about sex, there seems little * reason for any n:ce girl to go * astray, She knows, at 16, far more * than her mother did at that' age, * She reads the newspapers, she * cannot escape the stories of sui- * cides and wrecked lives that dark- * en their page, She may even know * of girls who were too weak to be * good— * Yet when she herself is tempted, * she falls. * She was brought up, I expect, * by fond parents who tried to in- * still the idea that marriage is * sacred, and that a girl who defiles * it sins against herself and others, * Even indulgence in petting * cheapens her, sometimes beyond * redemption, and can spoil her *'chances for marriage, Not for * long can she date nice boys who * have marriage in their minds, The * word get around, and her name * is bandied about without mercy, * Soon the girl friends she had fall * off one by one, and she is left * alone, to sink low and lower, her * ideals of conduct prone in the * dust,, and her whole nature con- * taminated by experiences that * have left their ugly scars on her * soul, * To love a nice lad is natural * and right, To yield to the emo- * tions which that loves arouses is * weak and wrong, No matter what *pleas the young man makes, a girl with the right instincts knows * they are based on his own self- * ish desires. If he loves her truly, * he will protect her even from her * own inclinations, knowing full * well the remorse she will suffer * if she yields, * Old-fashioned goodness may * sound dull to many a modern * girl, But that. way lies real love * and a true marriage, * TO "RED": I know hot sick * at heart you are. Keep your +' thoughts on this child you will * bring into the world, and deter- * mine to make yourself worthy to * be its mother. Your family will * stand by, and help you through, * This young man is responsible * for the future of his baby, and 1 Delicious e.. made with MAGIC Mix and sift into bowl, 2 e. once -sifted pastry flour (or 1 ( o. once -sifted hard - wheat flour); 4 tap. Magic Baking Powder, M tap. salt. Cut in finely 8 tbs. shortening. Make a well In oentre, pour In 31 a. milk and mix' lightly with a tork. Roll out, dough to a 3f" thick rectangle, 831' wide. Mix 1 lb. minced lean beef with 1 tap. salt ,3( tap. pepper, 1 flnely-chopped small onion. Spread meat mixture over biscuit dough to *Rhin 34" of, edges; beginning at one end, roll up like a jelly roll. Place in greased loaf pan (434" x 83("). Bake in moderately hot oven, 875' about 1 hour. Serve with heated chili sauce or brown gravy. Yield --4 or 5 servings. 4577 SIZES 6-14 Her first giLAN II -Up outfit! For a young Fashion Expert, this is everything she wants. Smart jum- per with collarette and whirty skirt; blouse is favorite fashion) Pattern 4577 girls' sizes 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, Size 10 juniper, 2 yds. 39 - inch; blouse, 1 / yds. 35 -inch. Send TWE'TTY-FIVE CENTS (25c) in coins (stamps cannot be accepted) for this pattern, Print plainly SIZE, NAME, ADDRESS, STYLE NUMBER, Send your order to BOX 1, 123 EIGHTEEN- TH ST., NEW TORONTO, ONT, * expect your father will see that * he comes through, * I ant terribly seryl * 4, Temptation lurks in every friend- ship between a boy and a girl, Be good, It pays, Anne Hirst will help, if you write her at Box 1, 123 Eighteenth St,, New Toronto, Ont. The Mayo Clinic seat question- naires to 600 mamas as to what habits their babies had of which they didn't approve, Two out of three replied that their babies needed no improvement, "It was horrible, I dreamed you and Gregory Peck ' were fighting over me—and you won!" Come Out from Under the Shadow of Try DOLCIN Tablets for prompt relief from ARTHRITIC and RUM MATIC pain ...Try DOLCIN . t . get a bottle of 100 or 500 tablets from your druggis( TODAY and join the thousands of relieved sufferers who by taking DOLCIN have come out from under the shadow of Pain Most druggists carry DOLCIN. If yours does not, write direct to DOLCIN LIMITED Toronto 10 Ontario Modern Etiquette By Roberts Lee Q, Is it correct to at shortcake with the fork, or should a spoon be used? A, The fork should be used, Q. Should the parents of a child reprimand him if he misbehaves at the table when guests are present? A, No; either the Esther or mother should quietly take the child away. He should not be scold. $d or punished in the presence of guests, but neither should the mis- behavior be Ignored, Q, It it all right to use the type- writer for writing a note to a host- ess, thanking her for a week -end? A, It would be better to write 't by hand on personal letter paper, Q. When one has finished eating cereal, should the spoon be left in the cereal bowl? A, No, Q. If a toast is proposed to a person, should this person drink from his glass too? A, No; he does not rise from his chair, nor does he drink the toast, Q. Who should precede when a man and a woman are entering a restaurant, and no waiter is around? A, The man should precede and choose the table, If a waiter is pres- ent to assign the table, the woman should follow the waiter, the man last, Q. In what way may a bride -elect show appreciation to a group of girl • friends who have given a shover for her? A, She may give a luncheon, tea, or bridge party for them, Q. When writing a social letter, is it proper to close the letter with "Respectfully yours?" A. No, This form is used only b e when writing u sine ss letters, or when an employee is writing to his employer, If the person le of equal social position, it would be better to close ,the letter with "Sincgrely yours." There's one certain way of : mak- mg your wife listen to you—whisper" to somebody else, And the RELIEF IS LASTING For fast, prolonged relief from headache get INBTANTZNL, This prescription -like tablet contains not just one, but three proven medical ingredients that ease the pain fast, And the relief is, in most cases, lasting+ Try INBTANTINR Just once for pain relief and you'll say ae thousands do that there's one thing for headache s ; . it's INBTANTINB I And try INBTANTINa for other aches, too , .: for neuritic or neuralgia pain ... or for the pains and aches that accompany a cold, A single tablet usually brings prompt relief, Ott Instentine today end slweyr kap 11 handy hstantiNe 12 -Tablet Tin 251 Economical 48 -Tablet Bottle 691 Sweet Swedish Tea Ring Recipe Measure Into Largo bowl, 9i o. Luka warm water, 1 tbs. granulated sugar; stir until sugar le dissolved, Sprinkle with 8 envelopes Fielschnnann's Royal Fast Rtaing Dry Yeast, Let stand 10 minutes, T1IEN stir well. Scald ;f c, milk and stir in o, granulated sugar, 1J.( tape. salt, 0 tbs. shortening; cool to lukewarm. Add to yeast mixture and stir in 9 wall -beaten eggs. Stir in 8 o, once -sifted bread flour; boat well. Work in 3 o, more sifted brood flour. Knead until smooth and elastic; place In greased bowl and brush top with molted butler or shortening. Cover and set in warm place, free from draught, Lot rise until doubled In bulk. Punch down dough and divide Into 2 equal portions; form into smooth balls. Roll each place into a 3('! thick ob. long; loosen dough, Cream R o, butter or margarine and mix in 1 0, brown sugar (lightly premed down), 2 tape. cinnamon. Spread this mixture on dough and sprinkle with 1 o, raisins or currants, Beginning at a long edge, roll each piece up like a Jolly roll; place each roll on a greased large baking sheet and shape into a ring, sealing ends together. Urease tope, Cut 1't slcee`almost through to centro with saimeore and turn each glee partly on Its side. Cover and let rise "until doubled In bulk. Brush with 1 egg yolk beaten with 2 tbs. milk. BakeIn moderate oven, 350', 25-80 min. It desired, spread tops with a plain icing. Servo hot, with butter, NEW FAST -ACTING DRY' YEAST NEEDS NO REFRIGERATION! Stays fresh and full•strength in your pantry for weeks! Here's all ion do: OIn a small amount (usually specified) of lukewarm water, dig. solve thoroughly 1 teaspoon sugar for each envelope of yeast 0 Sprinkle with dry yeast, Let stand 10 minutes, THEN stir well, (The water used with the yeast counts as part otthe'total liquid called for in your redpe,) Geta months sup /y,/ PIRACY on the High Seas was, no doubt, exciting until it came to breakfasting on salt pork and ship's biscuit. Nowadays that deli• clous cereal, Post's Grape•Nuts Flakes, is eaten joyfully on both sea and land. It's mode from not one but TWO grains — sun -ripened wheat and malted barley. Bold, bucenneers of today come aboard with zest when Grape -Nuts Flakes are In the offing. And a good thing too, because these honey. golden flakes provide nourishment they need. .. , useful quantities of carbohydrates, protein, / phosphorous, iron and other food essentials. ' Sny "Ahoy, Mr, Grocer 1 Gra, e•Nuts Flakes, please l" :_ • Fal Fair Time In 0 ntario At Madoc young Master Lessard of Bannockburn helped entertain the growd. A Pretty Picture was made at Mount Brydges by Lorraine Seaton holding some of the prize dahlias. Man's best friend in the form of a friendly black spaniel entered at the Mout Brydges Fair %vas a favorite of the youngsters. At Madoc Ken flohne, M.C., Leonard Ward and Wilfrid Forestell pose with the winners of the Cowboy Singing Contest, Lela Wright, John Simpson, Wayne McCann and Wally Jackson. • Brian Dugan came ail the way from Toronto to see the Madoc Fair, • The Baby Contest at Grand Valley was one of the big drawing cards, Shown above is Wanda Gordon going through the necessary weigh- ing during the contest. The Pictures Shown On This Page Were Taken By The ••1111.11111.111111111••IN IMO .11.1111, 11,11001111.1 OMNI The Main Attraction at Mount Brydges for yound Eddie jar. main seemed to be the prize cat shown above. The team drawing contest at Madoc was a great crowd pleaser. The team shown above made .a striking photo when th ey failed to budge the load Tobacco Growers 'Herb. Davidson and Clayton Biandow of Mount Brydges comment on the quality Of prise winning tobacco leaf, Photographer As A Public Service Senior Grand Champion "Paul Textal Rag Apple," owned by Sheffield Farm, is shown above with herdsman Walter Quanz. IVhNW#NN•N4~}?+. Specials - Values - Bargains �! FOR THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY. Maple Leaf ,Domestic CRISCO Red., Bird LAR,) Shortening 35c MATCHES LB, 19c PKG. Polly Print Peas, 20 oz,, 2 for 25c Stokcicy's Tomato Jui.e 3 for 2 C h'cl:en Hadd a 25c Mo"ar.h Pastry . 7 1',., 4.c Stokeley's C:rn_ ... 2 for 2'c Hese Salmon 1 lb, tin 39c Cohoe Salmon 3 tins $L00 4 rolls 29c 45c 23c LB, 32c LB, Wh'te & Ycl'ow Sugar, 10 bs, 9'c Robin Hood Cats .. 5 Ib. bag 37c Quaker Oats. 5 Ib. bag 37c Ay'mer Trmato Soup-.. 3 for 25c Jeno Powders _.... 3 far 23: Bluebird Toilet Tissue Kam JELLO pSTRAWBERRY „ i 1 u• 11 Stewart's Grocery BLYTH PHONE 9 WE DELIVER To s.ANA 1 aforisammetimi,iiimmesiamit - W J 11,•11 • I 1 • 1. $TEW ART JOHNSTON Massey -Harris and Beatty I)etiler, Sce our Complete Stock of Pipe Fittings, Beatty & Massey -Barris Repairs • Pump Repairs, all kinds, Dealer for Imperial Oil Products, For Pronlpa, Efficient Service Phone 137.2, Blyth WIN.IJ+IM�N-s.NNl•:•••M•JM.NNI`M�MI ks.•A 4.mor NN kMfMI+N1Mi fl4t✓NN•INJINNNJY1iMtIININVfeNJ`PIIJ4K, Speiran's Hardware EVERYTHING IN HARDWARE. HERE ARE A FEW Seasonable Items CHECK HE LIST & Sl+',E WHAT YOU NEEP. WE HAVE THEDI. Meat Grinders. Milk Scales. Butcher Knives. AXES AND HANDLES. Saw handles. San- Sets. Wedges. LOGGING CHAINS, Thermos Bottles. Lurch Kits. Hand Saws, POCKET KNIVES, Flash Lights. Pressure Cookers, KITCHEN SINKS, pyrex \\`are, GA.RIIAGE CANS. Cans. ASH SIFTERS, Coal Scuttles. Electric Bulbs, Electric Irons. 'feasters. \V'affix Irons. ELECTRIC KETTLES. 1 wM.IINN1"III•••emeNIINNIIIIIN•NtNNNIIN+ereser INNIIIIN THEY A:j) E.I ERE (FRESHIE BRAND) Frozen Fish oil Chi AT 37c PKG. (SERVES 2), JUST III:AT TIIEM IN THE OVEN, Also FROZEN CHIPS 22c PKG. PEAS and CARROTS 25c PKG• KERNELCORN 29c PKG, PEAS 31c PK(Y. Arai , -.1d .erthot MEAT ' NO. FISH Telephone 10 --- Blyth. Wed., October 19, i949► Y..."""•••••Hh►lNMNNNNIfNNeese etN•fiNNNNNIeN~NeNN i NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY A PAIR OF SLTPPETS FOR LOUNGING AROUND ON THESE NICE FALL EVENINGS, Women's Moccasin Slippers, with fur trim, Woolen's Slippers in 111.1 ions shades, with wedge heels and platform soles, Children's blue leatherr slippers with ripper front and ,sheepskin trite. Boys' Rorneos, in brown leather with rubber heels, Men's Romeo and Zipper front Slippers, in brown leather with 'rubber heels, 5 percent off on all purchases made for children with Family Allowance Cheques, ILL'S. Your Coiner Shoe Store in Blyth.. TIN IIIIItI NNIIIIItN NIJ.PNI NI•.M+NIIIINI NNNIINII •NIMNIII,r' .�1 r•�1�% •.•++„•,1 0.•++++ •.1., •� .�. •. •�. I�N�, ISH' �I •�, •.•;. �1•� 1�„�. •�• +•:++.++++++;t1+ 4HI441• t.. M • •.1 HU'.ON G';.iLL BLYTII --- ONTARIO, Special Low Prices on Full Course Meals 45 Cents And up Malls at Ali -Hours. FRANK GONG.— Proprietor M ,6:4+++++++-44+++++++0+044++++++++++++++++++0+++++0+4 K ,CORK 000000(tc*AV41040€1( 10014tat4tamtviteiettiatb tcutatuetict041 400(+E46 wNN•NIINNNINNINW 41WWW INN NINW,MIINIINNNINIIN ,, tw I to the music of ERIC' SCOTT AND MIS ORCHESTRA can be enjoyed in the BLYTH MEMORIAL HALL, ON r s. tete 25 DANCING FROM 9:30 P.M. TO 1 A.M. Admission 50 Cents. This event is sponsored. by the Blyth Lions Club. Form, a Party and gone for an Evening of Dancing Pleasure, MNIINN,NMI14IPII4,1MMI##.#4. ++.4.+4.III4W4Y40I44P44.414IINNJI.I.'. NOTICE TO CUSTOMERS Please call in itf you wish to see the Avon display- and their Sjccial Christ- mas Gift Catalogue. \Its. 'Roy \I c• Vittie, phone 201, Blyth. 04-1p, :�Ifl -s/rrl�,d 4 i Why let yesterday's feeding methods rob you of today's pork profits? Feed your hogs the National way—for healthier, faster -developing hogs depend on a fresh -mixed, well-balanced hog grower made with National Hog Con- centrate, Save time—save Tabor—save grain, the Nation- al way, National Hog Concentrate is formulated to save you money—packed with animal proteins for rapid growth, loaded with vitamins for health and balanced with minerals to give you a pork producing grower with less grain, Soo your local NATIONAL Food Deafer today a 1 1 1 1 1 1 HOGS WEIGHING 75 to 124 lbs. 125 to 174 lbs, 175 to 224 lbs, THE FASTER THE GAIN, THE MORE PROFIT YOU MAKE. NEED FEED TO GAIN 167 Ibs, 50 lbs. 190 lbs. 50 lbs, 206 lbs. 50 lbs. A balanced "fresh mix” ration with National Hog Concentrate spends hogs to market and saves feed daily. WiLLIAJji STONE SONS LIMITED — INGERSOLL, ONTARIO NH•2 Insist on NATIONAL weft -cured, properly -blended fart NOTICE On account of unavoidable circunt- sUutces, the field day (,raw, sl011SOre(1 h\ the .\uhu-n Community Hall Asso- ciation, has bcett, withdrawn. :\11 pnr- cha>crs dcsiritr; a refund are regtsest- cd to forward their tickets to the See- ret:(ry. If no request is made purchas- er will l e credited with a donation of ',,z1.03 to the building fund. 04-2. C. E. ASQUITH, Secretary. DON NYBZ OOK The W.M.S. and \\',A, met on Tues• clay afte:;;:roou at the home of ',Mrs. J. R. Thompson, ,Mrs. Bark .\rtnstrong presided o\er the tweeting, the lessons was read respnsiwely. Mrs J. C. Rob- inson and \Irs. Hardy read prayers, Mrs, 11, Jefferson and \1rs• R. Chant. ncy sang "Must Jesus hear the Cross \,gate.” Mrs. (Rev.) Ilcwwitt introduc- ed the new Study hook, "Growing with the fears'', and reviewed tilt! first chapter. Mrs. Arnold Craig in• vited the ladies to her home for the Nc•ve tber meeting. There were 12 ladies present, Lit rli was served by the hostess, as,s'ts ed• -by Mrs. 1 dwwat•d Rr.' ittson and ,Airs. 12. Chantey. Mrs. J. C. Robinson, Mr, Gordon Naylor and family were i.ondon visit - .ors on 'i'hursdav, Mrs, Naylor, although 11 uch int^rnve(I, \vitt he d0 Ilincd to the hospital for a week or so longer. Mrs. Arnold Crag and Mrs. 12, Chantey attended the Sectional Con- vention of, the \\'.\I,S, on Thursday at Dungannon, wIIIrIINr�+NIIII++N+NI+`MN+ SH CA FOR DEAD ANIMALS - -0- COWS • - - $2.50 each HORSES - - $2.50 each HOGS over 250 lbs, -ea. 50c per cwt. Accord'ng to size and condition Phono collects WINGIIAM - 561J GODERICH - 936R21 INGERSOLL 21. William Stone Sons Ltd. INGERSOLL, ONTARIO, I Y y U 9 Dollar Devaluation IIOW WILL THIS EFFECT YOU, TIIE PUBLIC OF THIS COMMUNITY --- In the Home Furnishing Trade 95 Percent, of our tickings, linters and picker for mattress fil- ling, is imported from the U.S.A. Therefore the advance in raw materials will necessitate an ad- vance in the finished product. If you are in need ofBeds, Springs, or Mat- tresses, why not purchase now and save. James Lockwood FURNITURE — COACH AMBULANCE - FUNERAL SERVICE 1'hottc 7 or 69, Blyth 4s,etirE1420011h71Th9tbiDaststrpoAtAt IANDtNkl de7slitihliIIISI DU►17AAtiNEt)tADtAt12NA?tDtlkfUEfti1 Car f ': olasses Just Arrived IN STEEL DItUMS 35 cents a Gallon GET YOUR WINTER'S SUPPLY NOW. Carman Hodgins, Manager. Blyth Farmers (oMOp Association TELEPHONE 172 BLYTH, GENTS� WE HAVE TWO BRAND NEW CUSTOM TAILORED SUITS AT A REAL SAVING, See these 111 you weigh 145 to 165, and are 5 ft, 7 in, to 5 ft. 9 in, tall, SPECIAL---All-wool Jumbo -Knit I'ttllovers, $2,98 Sizes 38 to 44. A Genuine Bargain, DIXON'S HEAVY WINTER TROUSERS $7,93 MACKINAWS AND HUNTING COATS $9,95 TO $13,95 WORK SHIRTS...A Variety Specially Made for Large &Stout Men. Doeskins, Plaids and Wool Lumberjack Style, Stanfield's, Red Label, Shirts and Drawers ,..:,.,, $3.50 Up Boys' Fleece.•Lined Combinations $1.98 Custom Tailored Suits and Co-ts, THE FAMOUS KENWOOD COATS AT $55.00. HAVE NOT CHANGED IN PRICE SINCE 1942, DOMINION GIRLS' COATS, 5 TO,19. STATION WAGON AND ALL=WEATHER COATS, AVON KNIT PULLOVERS AND CARDIGANS, WOOL FLANNEL SLACKS. 1 MEALS MEALS .YOUR SATSFACTION ISOURAIM - NOTICE • Starting October 28, 1910, we wll dose every Friday, All Day, HOURS: ---Sunday„ 10 a.m, to Midnite, _ Friday, Closed All Day, All Other Days:: 7 a,m, to 2 p.m, 5 p.m, to nlidnite, Commercial Restaurant C. Elliott, Proprietor, Aumummrougmesammesswammaussiamseammomesommio NIIIININIIINI4~NNNNIIN•1 FOR SALE Pony tractor, with p'owr cultivator, ult,ver and disk. \\'ill sell all together or separately. :\pp!y to Harold Cook. phone 61, Blyth. Reason for selling, larger Cqu'pnent required. 03-2p, CORN PICKING Anyone %unlit,; corn pielci;:r; done, contact Howard Campbell, l.hotte 10r7, Illyth; also have 23 cord's of cellar twoud for sale at y3.F(1 x cord in the. yard and ;4.00 a cord delivered. 03-2p. Seed Cleaning OUR \IO1)ERN SEED CLEAN- ING RANTIS AVAILABLE To FARMER'S OF 'I'IIE 1)1STItICI. PLE.\SE, MAKE ARI:.\NGE- \I1?NTS IN ADVANCE iF POSSIBLE, GORDON FLAX, LTD. Phone 1'.\R1.E NOBLE, 114, Illyth. NIIINIINIINNINNIINIIIII. FOR SALE APPLE BUTTER Anyone desiring apple butter, place their orders al ir'::e. Also Spy apples for sale. Apply, Geo. Watt, phone 40-7, 131th. 04-2p. ra Blue snow suit, s'zc 3, with tvbite fur -trimmed bund; pink hunting bag, sire 1, aria at,d legs, with fur -trimmed !hood; 1 pair bla:'k alligator shoes, size '6. Apply, \Irs. Norman Gotving, phone 5!r3, Blyth. 04-1p., I CHESTERFIELDS AND OCCASIONAL CHAIRS REPAIRED and RE-COVERED. FREE PICKUP AND DELIVERY For Further Information Enquire at J. Lock Woods Furniture Store, Blyth Agent, Stratford Upholstering Co. NI N~es,4*N.►MNIIIII-MIIIINIl4 BLYTH ELECTRIC In Stock FOR .jtJR CI:IOICE RADIOS, RANGES, WESTINGHOUSE WASHING MACHINES, RANGETTES, OIL BURNERS, HAMMER MILLS, ROLLERS and GRINDERS, Contact Your Electric Shop for Satisfaction in A;•pl!ances, Service, ,and Wiring• FOR SALE 1913 S1ttde' alter Coach car, itt good condition, and twill s.11 reasonable, :\p - ,sly to Ray \IcNall, Illyth, phone ua•lp. • } t's Easy once you start... Like so many things in lift'—j•ott never know holy easy it is until you give it a try. Everyone wants to save but some never seem to get around to it. Buying Canada Savings Bonds through your Company's Payroll Savings flan malas sav- ing easy but you can also buy them through your baulks or Investment dealers for cash or save as you go with in instalments. Hundreds of thousands of Canadians in every walk of life are saving start of their income by the regular purchase of Canada Savings Bonds. These savings are alwaY•s available itt emergencies because you Cott cash Camino Savings Bonds at full facet value, plus interest, at any time at any bank. Canada Savinqs 3onds NOW ON SALE ri ROXY THEATRE, CLINTON. NOW PLAYING: Oct 2'142: Jeanette Mac'"enald, Lloyd Nolan: 'THE SUN COMES UP" Mrnda (!n 'fc:•hn'cul„r1 � Y, Tuesday, Wednesday — Mg ^tNNIIIII/I1/1iN vNNIINNNNI+ I IrN►+II ►i+++IINNN� CAPITAL THEATRE REGENT THEATRE GO/ERICH. t3EAFORTn. NOW: William Bcndix in; NOW: Gone'Autrey and Technicolor in "THE BABE RUTH STORY” '. "THE BIG SOMBRERO" Mon , Tues., Wed, Two Features Joel McCrea, Frances Dee and Monday, Oct,ber 24, Only Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers Charles Bickford. \I atinee at 2:'1). lac n,' at 8 ucl rh. trirtthet again, and tlnrified by '!'scar No gull play, no bt•atvls, yet this is one SIR LAURENCE OLIViER'S n ct lrr in the daucingest show of tllc hest Border Stories ever filmed. "HAMLET" they've ever produced. "FOUR FACES WEST" Admission Prices : Matinee, 45c ; \l:,t The Barkley's of Broadway' William Tracey, Joe Sawyer and ' and Beverley Lloyd '.nee, Stulle•tts and Teachers, 50.• ill - - ......... _-.. ___.____ (;i -c tip,, Evening, one price only S'•0). Thursday, Friday, Saturday (Tax included on all (rices). Rokert Mitchum, Barbara Bel Geddes Tu's„ Wed., Oct. 25.26, Double Bill and Tom Tully., ,'oel McCrea, Franc?s Dee an unforgettable story of raw -and rug "Four Faces West ged conflict, based on a post story by 'Also W II'am Tr czy, Berorley LIoyJ, Luke Short. ' "here Comes Trouble" "Blood On The Moon" Ter ra , F► i., Sst , Oct. 27-29 William Pendia, Claire Trev•r COVING: "Apartment for Boggy," "The Babe Ruth Story with Tom Crain, in Technicolor, ,NNINOrIINI••IIIIINIII/*NINN II4p4rIINIIIIII444 44•INIIIINININ FOR SALE Sin4cr sowing machines, cabinet. portable, electric; also treadle ma- chines. Repair • to all makes. Site;er Sewirg Machine Centre, Goderich, 51-tf. FOR SALE Chickens, dressed and deliver - cel, 35c per lb. Apply, Gilbert Nethery, phone 16-8, Myth.01-5p. BENEFIT EUCHRE & DANCE sp,,,sn-ed by Walter \las-n in support of the Building Fund of Illyth Branch No. 421, Canadian Legion. MEMORIAL HALL, BLYTH, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 21st. L•:•.tchre 8:30 to 10:3'1. Good Prizes. Dancing to Follow to Music by JACKSON'S ORCHESTRA •\dnl'ssiou 50c. Everybody Col 03 - I- Renfrew Cream Separators and Milkers. Fleury -Bissell Discs, Plows, Manure Spreaders. Lime and Fertilizer Sow- ers, Spring -tooth Harrows Land Packers, Rubber -tired Wagons. Oliver Tractors, both wheel tractors and crawlers, Plows, Discs, Spreaders, Mowers, Hay Loaders, Smalley Forage Blowers and Hammer Mills, ? We also have repairs for Oliver-Cockshutt Tractors MORRITT & WRIGHT ie. 2p, } IMPLEMENT DEALERS FOR 1 OLIVER IMPLEMENTS Telephone 4 and 93. Blyth, Ontario I 1 1. I. , did_ .1 :\ fancy fun -show in gay Ita•K 4 11ecolor "Here Comes Trouble" Thursday, Friday, Saturday William Bendix, Claire 'Trevor and Charles Bickford, A true-to-life chronicle of one of sporl3 immortals, a picture f, r spurt lovers of all ages, "The Babe Ruth Story COMING: "BAMBI" and "SOME Of? THE BEST" a novelty program. ••.-4•4=#.4•#m.,•••••••••••• ##### NII+I,i ►► � T l� ( I FOR SALE , h's'Ck.0 1 THEATRE 1 I' large Quebec heater; Heavy team „Nal; (uttct wit,' lump bus \\'ante(1, WINGHAM--ONTARIO. Two Shows Sat, Night ()whirrs snb}cct to change without notice. fwo Shows Each Nigl't starting At 7:15 Chances in tittle ssidi hp noted below Saturday Matinee at 2 p.m. _ Thera., Fri„ Sat, Octo'er '0 21.22 "LOADED PISTOLS" Gen Autr;'. Mr n., Tee:, Wed., Oct. 24.25-26 'MOTHER IS A FRESHMAN" Loretta Young, Van Johnat3n Th as., Fri., Sat., Oct. 27, 28, 29 "JUNGLE PATROL" Kristine Miller, Mickey Knox • J IININI, I•\ IP/ NrrrNINrNIItIN. Gordon Elliott J. II. R. Elliott ELLIOTT Real Estate Agency BLYTH. THE FOLLOWING DWELLING FOR SALE \Vr1'I'II IMM EDIATE POSSESSION: 1 storey frame, insul brick and rectal -clad dwelling, situated on the north side of Hamilton st., 'Illy10. Hydro, full cellar in house, good well, good cement and fraise stable, I acre land, number of fruit trees. Priced • fur immediate sale. Pos- •cssioa. '0 days. Ideal property for retired farmer, Lot east -half of 34 in the third concession of the 'Township of East \\'awanosh. 101) acres of land, about 5 acres ' second -growth bush. On the premises is a conifertable frame !welling, barn on stone wall, with good stabling. Possession. One -and -ore -half storey brick dwullimron Morris street. One ac- re of land. Shall stable. A good buy, and possession as required. 1 -storey, cement block and brick business block, situated on the west side of Queen Street, in the Village of Illyth. 'filed floor, full cellar, - (cistern), good location. (Posses- sion). A number of other properties for sale. Particulars upon request. I NNI NJPNI NNIINI MITI NN N 1I‘‘\ myronmo no/WIN& lb 0;4 tk tgPfig,,)49,,,,,...1.11„48°111 Proper feeding pays off in larger egg production and. larger profits. Experienced and successful poultrymen have found that you can't beat Roe Vita -Lay Egg Mash for results. Made right in Western Ontario for Western Ontario needs, this high-quality feed is chockfull of pro- teins, vitamins and minerals that mean more money for you from your flocks. s/,/t1-- /•) ROE FARMS MILLING CO., ATWOOD, ONT. You Can Get Rce Feeds From: HOWSON & HOWSON, BLYTH C;asolir.e washing machine. Apply, Russell Bentiey, phone 34-33, Myth. 03-2. FOR SALE Quantity of Spy :Apples, sprayed, ,\t111) to Archie Young, phone -0.8, Illyth. 03-2 -*III N. •-' DO YOU KNOW a girl who is planning to be married? WE Have a FREE GIFT for HER. \\'e believe that every bride-to-be dhuuld see and hear about our mod- .rn cooking method that retains the natural flavor ill the food. 1)ur lovely gift (41.5(1 value) is given Free for the privilege of shunting her the newly styled "11 -ear -Ever" 'r\'atcrle•.s cooking utensils, that are not to he seen in any store. niece is no obligation to boy. Only t girls that have not ,(tt seen our :nuipluent are eligible fur the gift, Send or Phone Names to Your nearest distributor, Huron County: D. Campbell, Goderich, Phone 95'i\1 L. Cherry, ltrnssels, l'lunoe 31, Bruce County: C. Farrier. 1.incartline, ('hone 112r5 1I. English, \\'iarton, Phone 289J. "WEAR • EVER" WATERLESS ALUMINUM F. IC.. \\'aniess, Sales and Service i 32 fmhar Rd.. London, Ontario. l'hone \lets 340\V. NOT SOLI) IN STORES. 02-4. iNNN •NNINNNNNNNtNNNI•: R. A. Farquharson, M.D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Office Howl Daily Except Wednesday and Sunday, 2 p.m, 0 4 pan. 7 p.m, to 9 p.m. Telephone 33 -- Blyth, Ont. 47-52p. Doherty Bros. GARAGE. . Acetylene and Electric Welding A Specialty. Agents For Interttational- Harvester Parts & Supplies White Rose Gas and Oil Car Painting and Repairing. L•jNNNN�M`NINININI'NNJ'NN�{ A. L. COLE R.O. OPTOMETRIST and OPTICIAN Goderich, Ontario • Telephone A3 Eyes Exatrinerl and Glasses Fitted, With 25 Years Experience N ��,t'444t Reid's 0 POOL ROOM. ;;SMOKER'S SUNDRIES ;Tobaccos, Cigarettes, Pop, and Other Sundries. 1 t tM++4 4:44 ;4v +84e' 81 THE McKILLOP MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO, HEAD OFFICE • SEAFORTH, ONT. Officers President: Cltris Leonhardt; Vice.' Piesidetit, Hugh, Alexander; Secretary, Treasurer, and Manager, M. A. Reid, Seaforth. Directors Robert Archibald, Seaforth; Frank \1 cGregor, Clinton ; Alex. Broitdfoot, Seaforth; Chris. Leonhardt, Born- holm; E. J. Trcwartha, Clinton; John L. MaloJne, Seaforth; John H. Mc1tw ing, Blyth; laugh Alexander, Walton; S. II. Whitmore, Seaforth; Harvey Fuller, RR. 2, Goderich, Agents John E. Pepper, Brtrcefield; R. r'. McKcrchcr, Dublin; J. F. Prueter, ]lrodhagen; Geo. A. Watt, Blyth; Sel• tt ant Baker, Brussels. Parties deSlrous to effect Insurance or transact other business, will be promply at4endedto by applications'` to any of the above named officers addressed to their respective post tits ffcee Look Out, Ferdinand—Although soccer has replaced the tradi- tional bull -fight as' Spain's national sport, crows still flock to cheer and jeer the fighters at Madrid's arena. This picador, his feet and calves well protected by steel and leather, inflicts painful wounds on the bull to weaken and madden him, Then the matador takes over, SPLORT ,A SIXBITC� l lC We had always thought that the Kentucky Derby was the supreme example of that gentle American habit of ballyhooing a more or less ordinary sports event into some- thing which the average fan be- lieves"`to be of world-shaking im- portance, But now, thinking over the calibre of baseball (?) recently exhibited. in New York City and Brooklyn, we are inclined to think that the World Series classic (I) tops even the Kentucky one. * * * The Yankees, for instance, al- though they went into the series badly handicapped physically, were generally believed to be a "smart" club—one that knew all the answ- ers. * * * So what do we find them doing? In the fourth game singles by Phil Rizutto and Tommy Henrich—"the old reliable"—put Yankee runners on first and third. Yogi Berri trickled one down to Miskls at third; and Rizutto, trying to duck Campanella's tag, stepped off the baseline, something which even a third-grade schoolboy would know made him an automatic out. Whereupon Campanella had only to throw down to second where Henrich—"the old reliable"—was having a daydream or something, and found himself trapped oft: the bag. * * * So the ultra -smart Yankees, in That one frame, had a total of two walks and two hits, yet nary a- run. Of course it happened in Brooklyn —and the atmosphere of Ebbets Field must do something to even smart ball -players. Still, if it had been Babe Herman, or some of the famous dumbell, of old, that in- dulged in that sort of base -running, it would have gonedown in the books -as still another example of Dodger dumbness. ISSUE 43 — 1949 But the whole sorry affair was too much of a letdown, after all the advance buildup, to dwell on at any great length. If those were the teams that finished first in the Am- . erican and National Leagues, the fans who live in the cities boasting second division clubs must be real gluttons for unishment. * 1 * At the saute fourth Series game already referred to, one observer made the remark that you . could pick out a pretty , fair ball team from the spectators in the stands. Then two or three of the boys started making a list of the talent present. * * * For your catching department you could have had either Steve O'Neill, Michey Cochrane or Luke Sowell. Your pitcher might have been Carl Hubell, Lefty Gomez ur Waite Hoyt, At first—Hank Green- berg, Bill 'Terry or Charlie Grimm, Second — Rogers Horlisby or Frankie Frisch: Shortstop—Lippy Leo Durocher or Pie Traynor. At third—Red Rolfe or half a dozen others almost as good. And as out- fielders, Tris Speaker, Ty Cobb and Mel Ott. * * * "Yes indeed," said the guy who started the discussion, "Roll a few years off those shoulders, and you could pick a team from that outfit that would give either these Dod- gers or Yankees something to wor- ry about," * * * "Roll years off their shoulders, nothing!" was the prompt reply, "The way the Dodgers and Yanks are going, all you'd have to do is put uniforms on those oldtinters— and they'd beat either or both of them right this minute!" * * * And the gentleman might not have been so far astray, at that! In Baton Rouge, La,, a dismissed iceman was arrested on charges of criminal mischief because he turned the signs in housewives' windows to read; "No ice today." AA For constant' Smoking [Measure etodtStia "EXPORT" Cigarette Tobacco ALSO AVAILABU IN 1/2 POUND TINS ARE YOV DISCOURAGED. because you suffer distress from aefrod;eFEMALE COMPLAINTS d which makes you NERVOUS, NIGH -STRUNG on such days? Areou troubled by distress of female functional monthly disturb- ances which makes you suffer from pain, feel so nervous cranky, rest- less, weak—at such times? Then do try Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound to relieve such symptoms! PInkham's Compound has proved remarkably helpful to women troubled this way. Why don't you get smart and try it yourself? Pinkham's Compound is a very effective uterine sedative. It has a grand soothing effect on one of woman's most important organs. Taken regularly-Pinkham's Compound helps build up resist- ance against such distress. It's also a great stomachic tonic! • NOTEt Or yon may prefer Lydia E. Plnkham'e TABLETS with added Iroise Lydia E. Pirkham's VEGETABLE COMP MIND/ —T�ayi I I ,. Classified Advertising.. BABY 01110805 NOW 1, the lima to All up your pens with Indigo, We have pure breeds and cross breeds to oboose trom. Several as... Day old ehloks for fall dallverr, Mao booking Orders now for chicks and turkeys for 1910. Free catalogue. Top Notch Chick Sales, Guelph, Ont. 'MEDDLE day old chicks for Fall delivery. Also booking orders now for 1980 chicks and Turkey Faults, Send for prices and catalogue. Twaddle Chick Hatcherlea Limited, Fergus, Ontario. • BUSINESS OPI'ORTU,NITIEB FIVE used Pool Tables and equipment (1 large snooker tables, 9 Boston tables), oomplete with cloths, balls, capes, 30 cues, racks, 48 extra belle, baskets, counters, score boards, skittle pine, lglhte (large shade type), bulbs, state, cue -repairing equipment; (nut pool board). Large oak partition, rias, panel. Large tobacco and cigarette case, sliding glass doors, 3 Coleman oil burners, etc. It you have a loca- tion in your home nine, this Is a complete eat up. Shipped to station with agent by freight prepaid within 2,000 miles on receipt of certi- fied cheque 32.100. Picked up here $2,000. Will not separate the lot. Sate delivery guaranteed. Geo. It, Conlin, Cardinal, Ont. Phone 0081123, AN OFFER to every Inventor—List of invert - Cons and Lull Information sent tree. The Ramsay Co., Registered Patent Attorneys, 273 Bank Street, Ottawa. 111'EINO AND ()Li:ANiMA HAVE IOU anything needs dyeing or clean• tees wrltt to us for Information We are glad to anewe, vout questions. Department H, Parker', Dre Work, Limited, 791 Yong, Street. Toronto. untartn FOli SALT: ALUMINUM ROOFING &SIDING Croes-Crlmpeo Corrugated and ribbed 'Wee 1 to 10 ft lengths Immediate delivery from stock. Write for samples and estimates Steel Distributors limited 600 Cherry Sl., Toronto TRAPS suitable for any fur animals, batt+, scents„ unnree, snare wire, smokers, shot - pine, rifles, ammunition. 1Vrito for Catalogue "0" Hallam Sporting Goode, Dept. B, Toronto. STOCK clearing sale of musical instruments, Write for free price Ilet, Fred Boddington• 111 ChurchStreet, Toronto. 000tts FLUSHIVOOD—Panel—Combination, Standard razes, Price Inst D. McICenna, 2779 Tongs Street, Toronto. FINE QUALITY Bleached sheeting, suitable for pillow cases and many other uses, 6 yards $1.76, Will ship C.O.D. Lancashire importing Co„ 8866 'Decade, Montreal 28. AMERICAN CREAM SEPARATORS "Skintntaster" Hench Model, 360 Ib. capacity 839.60. Write for prices on standard machine, hand and electric models'. American Separ- ator Hetes, Godorlch, Ont, HOCKEY STICKS—Junior and Senior. Re - tellers only, Price list, D. 6fcKenna, 1779 Tonga Street, Toronto, BALED SHAVINGS Softwood at 20 cents per bale loaded on pare Haliburton. IV, 0, BAILEY & SONS, Hall- burton, Ontario. PDX SALMI ALLIS-CHALMERS Tractor W,1', 1104 tiffs, A-1 condition, Box 41 10 tilisbtoonth , New Toronto, Ont. TULIP BULBS BARGAINI Garden tulip bulb; In an eapeclally Ane mix - tura highly commended In a Scandinavian exhibition. 16 per hundred. Mailed O.0.D, VIUy Becher, o /0 Mr. h Mayer, Deamavllle, Ontario: PLANTS trOR SALE RESERVE ,now for ideal Autumn plentingi Chinese Elm Hedge -19 Inches to 90 inches high when shipped—will grow 1 feet the mit year -21 planta for $2.98—eut11clent for 11 feet. Giant Exhibition Flowering Paeonlee Is colours red, white or pink — 8 for 11,89, Bronkdale-Kingaway Nurseries. Remnant/111e, Ontario. ,303 BRITISH calibre, specially selected con- verted Mark 8 lightweight 10 -shot Sporting Win; price each only 141.00. 48 rounds ant- munition 33.00. Immediate delivery. Limited supply. Write for photo and description. Monay refunded if not satlefactory. SCOPE SALES CO„ 326 Queen St., Ottawa, Ont, 10005 are a good price, Alt up your pens with pullets. We have pure breeds and cruse breeds, 16 week old to laying. Prices reason- able. Free Catalogue. Tweddle Chick Hatch- eries Limited, Fergus, Ontario, CHRiSTMAS GIFTS Ready to paint. Carefully made pottery plaster bookends, plaques, Agurinee and lamps. Homeernft Service, Uxbridge, Ontario. Tete ecvnuctian -HELP WANTED 10X00/41) 9$eao rapber.. AIIQ - l4horthand make, 1t pueblo through home-utudY. Free 1994.r lhuetratee, Caeean systems, Toronto, $IODICAL A TRIAL—Every sufferer of Rbeumatlo Patna Of -Neuritis should try Dixon', Remedy, Munro's Drug Store, 899 Elgin, Ottawa, Poet - paid 11,09. ,r, EOZEMA—DRONCIIITI57—"3-11's" for ecze- ma, "4•R'e" for bronchial trouble, Free dem- onstration, Exceptionally stubborn oases in. vlted. Your druggist, or write Reynolds, John- ston & Company, 18 Egan Ave., Toronto. PERSONAL Drug Store Needs sent confi- dentially return mall. Now service, Roberts Drug Stores Ltd., Transcona, Man, HAVE YOU HEARD about Dixon', Neuritis and Rheumatic Pain Remedy? It gives good results, Munro's Drug Store; 585 Elgin, Ot- tawa. Postpaid 11.00. PEP UP—Take C.C. & B, Tonle Tablets for low vitality, nervous and general debility, 600 and 11.00 at druggists. OPPORTUNITIES FO1t 911ON AND WOMEN BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOL Great Opportunity Learn Hairdressing Pleasant Mottled profession, good wage, thousand, successful Marvel graduates. America's greatest system. Illustrated cats toga Inc., Writs or Call MARVEL HAIRDRESSING SCHOOLS 861 Bloor Bt. W., Toronto Branches; 44 King It., Hamiltes 6 11 Rideau Street, Ottawa. J.EATHERCRAFT And nowt ny correspondence we can in per to make your spare time pay, Full in (mixt. tion on request. 1Vrito, now. Cooper Cop ,e- apondence ,School, Box 47, Terminal "A,' Toronto, PATENTS FIOTHIDRBTONHAIIIJH ar ('oineuny Palrnt Solicitors Established 1890 350 clay street, rornnto Bookie! of information on rennet , PIANO TVNINO PIANO TUNING, Repairing—Grouporders In country taken. Frank iinipenny. 881 Veneer. Phone 6.7494, Ottawa REP'AiRN RONSON Lighters repaired, prompt service, Send to W. N. Wells, pox 249, Durham, Ontario. Mildred Dilling, of New York, the `distinguished private . collector of harps, reports that practically all peoples except the Red Indian de. .veloped some kind of a ,harp. * * * Pennsylvania's director of dental health finds that the teeth of school —children are .decaying three times as fast as they are being filled. The president of the Illinois Dental So- ciety says the proper figure is six times. The Host Popular Investment in Canada - Over 8,000,000 Canadians have purchased Canada Savings Bonds because of the safety, "tile money -back at any time guarantee" and interest at 2%%. Canada Savings Bonds can be purchased In denominations of $80, $100, $800 or $1,000. —Phone or write our office. 86 King Street Weep Toronto 1 yCompany Gundy' & Com Torony Telephone: Elgin 4891 Limited 1,, I L 'r1 owe*, muck ta... Letanct •z MUCH OF THE STRENGTH and vitality of Canadian life and the rich quality of its democracy stems from the blending of racial and. cultural heritages from many lands, Few countries draw more strength from more nations than does Canada, Canadians are justifiably proud that so many races, without sacrific- ing their national characteristics, have united, themselves into one great citizenship --the Canadian Family. ,Probably no race has produced more emigrants than the Irish, A century ago, the Irish formed half the population of Canada and today, in every town and village front Newfoundland to Vancouver Island, one can find a son of the Emerald Isle, The Irish brogue echoes through all of Canada's history. Blessed with the "girt of the gab", their industry and ambition, coupled with an imaginative humour, are qualities which have won friends and enabled thein to contribute much to Canada's progress, Calvert DISTILLERS (Canada) Limited .40 ',11‘. 11 `.V. A, �•i AMHERSTBURO • ONTARIO Calvert, Secretary of State to King James 1, and head of the famouo Calvert family, founded one of Canada's first colonies • In Newfoundland in 1622, Calvert and his descendants fostered the principles of religious tolerance and democratic freedom and thus helc^d sow the fertile seed of democracy in the New World. To Help Babes Breathe Easier -A tiny, premature baby is placed into a "plethysmograph" by a nurse as Dr, Bruce Graham watches, The instrument -similar to a miniature iron lung -is brring used by researchers to determine why premature infants breathe irregularly, In the plethysmograph, with an atmosphere containing 75 to 80 per cent oxygen, most babies breathe regularly. TABLE TALKS elane Ande¢ws A really good barbecue sauce is grand help in lending that "slightly different" touch to lots and lots of dishes, Here's how to make one that I can heartily re- pom4nend, together with two or three suggestions for its use. Of Bourse, If your family sitnply does pot "go for" garlic, just omit that Ingredient. Barbecue Sauce. yi cup Mazola salad oil cup chili sauce ' 1 cup vinegar 1 tblsp, chopped onion 1 clove garlic 1 tap, lemon juice 2 lemon slices 1 tsps Worcestershire sauce yf tsp. chili powder y cup brown sugar. Method:' Combine all Ingredients and mix well. Makes about 2 cups. * * * Having made your sauce, I sug- gest that you try it first with ham- burgers. The recipe I'm giving here Is supposed to serve six persons - elf UNDAYSCHOOL LESSON By The Rev. R. Barclay Warren "THE PROPHETS PREACH SOCIAL RIGHTEOUSNESS" • Isaiah 5:1-12 Golden Textt "Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil." Isaiah 5:20, The northern kingdom of Israel had been overthrown by the As- syrians. Now the prophet forecasts the doom of Judah, the Southern kingdom. Judah was a vineyard which had produced wild_ grapes. Therefore, she would be broken down. Greed or covetousness was one of the sins which would bring the judgment of God, "Woe unto theta that join house to house, that they may be placed alone in the midst of the earth!" The spirit of the monopolist was condeinned, Another of Judah's grevious sins CROSSWORD PUZZLE �~AC~ 1. Strop 7. Most faithful 18. Rubber 14. Gimlet 16. (late receipts 18. Single thing 18. Receptacle 19. Sweetsop 20. Observes 22. Old Dominion State (ab.) 28. Artificial language 14. Annexes 86. So be it 17. Propel by bouncing 10. Nautical map 1. Bulrush 18. Coconut husk fiber $8. Subieot 6. Book of the Bible 8. enme1'sbaok 9. Attitude 0. AndLat.) 41. English letter 42. Sidetrack 44. Pacific island eloth 46. oroenland l:skimoe 48. surface measure 49.Aatringent 60. Of old age 62. Distant 64. Merchant 65. Rrow more lateness 1 -DOWN 1. Slut 1, Spellbinder 3. Make bread 4. Utilises 6. Compass point 80. Ap 6. Roll Si. Die 7, Taunts and but, 1 know a family of four who can tuck the entire lot away -and wish there had been morel Barbecued Hamburgers Foran 1y pounds ground beef into 6 cakes, about 1 inch thick. Place in bowl and cover with bar- becue sauce, Cover and let stand in .refrigerator or other cool place for 24 hours, Remove meat cakes from sauce; place on broiler reek. Broil 10 to 15 minutes; turning once; baste frequently with barbe- cue sauce. Serve immediately with garnish of parsley and onion slices, « « * Barbecued Pork Chops Cover pork chops .with barbecue sauce. Let stand in refrigerator or other cool place 24 hours. Remove chops front sauce. Cook according to method desired (broil, pan-fry, or bake.) * * * Savory String Beans Add / cup barbecue sauce to 3 cups hot cooked string beans, fresh or canned. was drunkenness. "Woe unto, -thein that rise up early in the morning, that they may follow strong drink; that continue until night, till wine inflame them. And the harp, and the viol, the tabret, and pipe, and wine, are in their feasts; but they regard not the work of the Lord, neither consider the operation of Ilis hands." Isaiah's message went unheeded, The. drunken orgy con- tinued till God sent Nebuchadnez• zer to destroy their city and lead them into capacity. Too Late! Her husband being slightly Indio - posed, a young and inexperienced wife attempted to take his temper- ature, and in a state of great ex- citement, scribbled a note to the doctor: "Dear 'doctor - Please come at once. My husband's temperature Is 136," The doctor replied: "Dear ma- dam -The case is beyond my skill. Send for the fire engine." , 8. Ceremon�y U. Believer M a 3. H eltatlbn Uqoodd . Recede . 4. dotah$' suet I. );punter 1, i2116I6fooea'ttMeatless 1 , Ooounant , lgral part mpetent 4 , Dome iv male horse 45, tlnsymme • ount entry . cal . . a h 4f, Bits ph of eggs 611. Engineering Intik degree b 4 IU 1I • ti[ 1 .Isnot , eater 11. Hindu title . earthy 14, Co 88. ire 18. Aoe 1e, Hit Nice weather is with us yet -e. little showery maybe, but not too cold. In fact, it is just grand for fall wheat, which we notice is grow- ing greener and sturdier every day, There is nothing like a well -started field of fall wheat to relieve the drabness of the dying year, The wheat's fresh greenness has a way of fostering new hope and enthusi- asm for the year to come. No mat- ter what the harvest of the present year has been, whatever the set- backs of the past, a fanner is con- scious of an uplift of spirit when he looks around his fields and finds promise'there for the year to come. And how greatly we need a little assurauce these days! The world is in such a turmoil ho matter in what direction we turn -ane! why? Al- ways we are appalled when we hear of some terrible disaster of nature - such as an earthquake, or the devas- tation left by flood waters. Yet these tragedies, entirely beyond our power to prevent, are not as far- reaching, nor as great, as the suf- fering and unrest caused by condi- tions created by mall -conditions which are seldom based on the laws laid down for our guidance in the Ten Commandments. it is such a beautiful world we live in -with everything in it nec- essary to sustain life for everyone; and yet because we do not Blake proper use of its bounty, half the world suffers, Maybe too many of us want to be "lilies of the field." You know, there was a time when, to describe a person as being in- dependent, we used to say, "Oh, he likes to paddle his own canoe!" Now people still like their own canoe, but these days the paddles trust be mechanized -and that takes away part of the independ- enec; other people enter into the picture in. the manufacture of the motor; repairs and replacements, Not much independence for the man with the canoe if his motor sputters out and dies, and he doesn't know how to fix its Independence is such a relative terns, No one is really independent these days. You can't read or hear the news and think to yourself - "Oh, well, that doesn't concern ntel" World conditions have become Free Book on Arthritis And Rheumatism Excelsior Springs, Mo., Oct, 10 - So successful has a specialized sys- tent proven for treating rheumatism and arthritis that an amazing: new book will be sent free to any reader of this paper who will write for it. The book entitled, "Rheumatism," fully explains why drugs and medi- cines give only temporary relief and fail to remove the causes of the trouble; explains how you may obtain relief from rheumatism and arthritis, You incur no obligation in send- ing for this instructive book, It may be the means of saving you years of untold misery. For writing prompt. ly, the Clinic will send their newly enlarged book entitled, "Rheuma• tisnt". Address your letter to The Ball Clinic, Dept. 5243, Excelsicir Springs, Missouri, but be sure to write today, CUTS Healing soothing and antiseptic, Dr, Chase's Ointment BURNS & brings quick relief. A safe home treat. BRUISES went for over 50 years. 69c, Econ• otny size, 6 times ae much, =1,93. DR. CHASE'S e4 Antiseptic OINTMENT KIDNEY ACTIVITY VITAL TO HEALTH don't welt until you becom epressed but avoid backache an� rheumatism by taking KLAA TILLEY DUTCH DROPS as soon u you suspect sluggish kidney action. If you suffer pain and distress due to kidney impurities ask your druggist for KLAAS TILLEY HAARLIM Imported from Holland OIL THE ONLY ORIGINAL DUTCH DROPS Answer elsewhere on this page. 11,1•1 IN gill I II I so involved that everything that happens now concerns everyone, everywhere. The devaluation of the pound -think what that meant t• English people who have come to Canada during the last few years and who can only bring the money from England over a period of years. The new rate of exohange bite them badly -depending upon how much money they have. Of course, it works just the other way for the person who wants to buy an English car, But then, not every- one wants to buy a car. The change in the dollar valua- tion also affects our daily living, but in ways that may not be appar- ent right at first -except when we fill up at the gas station! And now fhe steel strike takes the s:'otliu and, unless it is settled quite soon, it won't he long before werealize how that, too, ties in with our everyday problems. Pretty soon, when we need something for the house or farm, we shall hear, that old familiar cry, heard so often during the war -"Sorry, ma'am, we just can't promise you anything•-, manufacturers can only get steel for the most essential goods. The strike, you know . , ." And then there is this business of Daylight and Standard Time. We slid not worry much about it - Toronto and Hamilton both being on fast time, with our district sort of wedged in between, and also on feet time -we did sot foresee any ktoonventence. But the other day, we did not get our mail until after dinner. We just thought the mail- man had probably had car trouble. But the next day, the mail was late again so I started making inquiries, Yes, It was all on account of the Om mix-up. The train schedules change with the time -but other years we have not noticed the def• fcrene because we have all made the change together. So that's that . , . we don't really mind staying on fast time If It is neces- sary, but we do dislike getting our mall so late. Some people like pickles with their meals -Partner likes his paper. And so does Bob, for that matter. In fact, Partner takes one section of the morning paper and Bob the other. I take anything else that happens to come along -sometimes a magazine, often a letter or two, and occasionally only advertising -that way I read a lot of advertising that I otherwise would not bother with at all, Of course, inbetweenwhiles we do man- age to eat our dinner, But now it is different . , , I can't depend on the paper to occupy my menfolk's attention while I dish up -the dinner, which is an awful nuisance because now I must have dinner right on the dot -or else! I shall he glad to go back to Standard Time. Upside down to N. d7Ylj 21 OW7I' wn?d l( I/1 1 -a prevent pcek,s.3, 3' ' al t' 2I 1 d72JIy':d 1NI l Y Y�,29Oid Wn Ill . w N. 9M 71.1 1/100 77/11 1: J "Bid's 7iI�l fa01J Od' A mint/ MEE nmnm on M Anne nnMdill' 0 Since man is an animal savage from birth, We'll never improve our condi- tion Until we have posted a warning on earth: "No Huntin,' No Shootin,' No Fission!" DARWIN TULIPS GIANT Named Varieties in Red, Yellow, Pink, White and. Mauve. !aged DAFFODILS Nigh Quality Imported Bulbs Per Dos, Order from this Ad. • Prepaid and 'lend for lilt of other bulbs. HIGHFIELD GARDENS • ONTARIO $1 RTRATiIRO1' The BLACK HORSE "Do You Know" Advisory Panel TED REEVE well•known sports writer LOUIS BOURDON prominent radio singer and master of ceremonies RICHARD PENNINGTON Unlversity librarian, McGill University GREGORY CLARK distinguished columnist The word 'hockey' is derived from the 'hooked stick' with which the game is played, from the Old French word 'hoquet', meaning 'shepherd's crook'. Do You Know • • , that the general idea of ice hockey is not original with Canada? Many 16th and 17th century Dutch paintings show a game some... thing like hockey being played with a stick shaped like a golf club. Do You Know , .. that there are sharp differences of 4x, , fi''''r" opinion as to exactly when and where the first ice hockey games were played in Canada? Although Kingston, Halifax and Montreal are most often min• tinned in this connection, available records seem to suggest that the first organized games were played around 1881, between the Victoria Hockey Club and McGill University teams, in Montreal, and in Kingston between the. Royal Military College and Queens University. Do You Know any Interesting and unusual facts? Our "Advisory Panel" will pay $28 for any authenticated readers' submissions if they are usable. All letters become our property. Write Black Horse Brewery, Station I., Montreal, P.Q. DAWES B `ACI( NORSE BREWERY PAG1i8 WALLACE'S Dry Goods --Phone 73-- Boots *& bhocs FOR SHEER LOVELINESS IN LINGERIE SAY MERCURY Panties, Briefs, Slips, for the Ladies, Sox, Shirts, Shorts, for the Men, When Knitting Use -- P, K. PRINCESS FINGERING YARN It's shrink -proof and moth -proof, By Maitland Spinning Mills a Division of Mercury Mills. MMNM#MrI+IN#Ntr#4n►NMI.NN•IIMN#I!+INNIvNINMI.►IvM#N #0 Ii++ +444+4+9444+4.949.9+.K ,IH4 •�H •�•�H�••�H�•r�114�1OH�H� �HOi•1 H�•1�f +14�HH�•1f FOOD STORES -- For Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Oct. 20, 21, 22 Niblets Brand Corn tin life; 2 tins 31c Ellman Homogenized Peanut Butter, 16 oz. jar 322 Robinhood Oats (quick cooking) 51b, bag 37c Aylmer Catsup 2 bottles 35c 2 lb, tin 35c Bowes' Mincemeat Duz, Tide, Oxydol, Dreft Ige, pkg. 35c s Fluffo Shortening 1 lb. carton 32c Shredded Wheat 2 pkgs. 27c FRESH FPUIT • FRESH VEGETABLES. LIFETERiA OR PIONEER FEEDS, c We Deliver. -- E, S. ROB1NSON. -- Phone 150 ;♦+t++A'9++.Wj.,�y. •!1 •�H�H�,1�,1�,•�••�N�11�• 1�11�H�, I�N�♦ •�, •�H�• F •�, •;I •�H;H;H; � •�H;i �11�H�IA�H�4��1•�H�H�••�H�H�H�H��H�) 1• I , ... 1.1 J i., -i,. .,.• ,••.-•M III ,...s&* -.A I. 1 11 Ii,.I1YY1hill ..1 Holland's �■ 11 J1. I 1 • 1, , 1 .11.11 w1 41t 4.1,14, .11 I. ,it1•M. I. I H. ik•1. al •. 1.1 1111 . 1.161 . 1..1 Food Market . • 1 • I 1 II • .I .• Challenger Fancy Red Cohoe Salmon lb. 57c Assorted Cream Filled Cookies 29c Eddy's Red Bird Matches 3 for 19c Green Giant Fancy Niblet Corn 2 for 33c Libby's Catsup . ' 19c Green Giant Fancy Peas 2 for 33c Hallowe'en Candy per lb. 29c (Jelly Beans, Kites, Gums) Jello Powders 2 for 17c Stokeley's Tomato Juice 20 oz., 2 for 19c Corn Syrup 5 ib. 59c; 21b., 25c I.G.A. Peanut Butter ' Australian Raisins 21bs., 33c Australian Currants 21bs., 33,c 35e bd. fl LL 'S Telephone +39 -•. We Deliver .. .III I , to • I 1 • 1 M,. LI •. .. . I.dM•.1. tl I I .UI .1 M. tilt STAIMA116 ' PERSONAL INTEREST ; { I roads are happy to see Mr. Dun- can \le1allnut up to nn again follow - an illness which tontincd hint to .his home for several weeks. \h•. i:vcrett \\';•tlkcr of }Iantilton st eat a few days at the hook of \Ir, and Mrs. J. 13. Stewart. .tl• an, Mrs. J. B. Stewart, \larjorr, :nut Mr. anti firs J. T. Stew - ..rt lout So ulay whit fr ends at New- ton and Arwood, ,.r. and \Irs. Jame; tIatthetys of Brantford spet the week -end with and Nits, Lints. • ohnston and fact Mr. and \Ir;, K. Resscrt, Nit. and \Irs. John Schoeck, and son, Itickey, t.f llarcrer,.visited on Sunday with Mr, and Mrs, 1. \\'. \lad.11 and family, !)r. C'. D. and \irs. Kilpatrick and fancily, of !Asti -mei, t•is•tcd on Sunday with the latter's sister, Miss Dorothy I t'plcstone, Mrs. V. \I. dray of Ottawa is vis- iting with \Ir. and \its. \\'in. Cnckcr- litic and other friends. \I-, en:I \Irs. James Gibson and \1r, and \Irs. Stuart Johnston have re- t ,enol It m t. front a weeks' visit %vitt\ the former's si',Icr, .\irs. Mabel :\r'm- strcnt of, Sault Ste Marie. \1's. Nina Begley has rettti•ned to her hone in P )rt 11 neer after spendiut, her xacatiun w•itit \I r;. \\'tit, (fits an, 0::11 t,t'ling on her fr'ends of thirty } e ago, %then the Begley fanlil liv- ed here in tow n. Shc has found that there are rery few of ht:r old assn•'iatcs hying in Myth now, lint she still has many j-lt'isant memories of her school t:ai, lee -e. \it. and Nits, Bruce hlr•tc'•cr of (;lerese, visited one day Ia'tt week with the latter's brother, t1r. C. 'I'. )nhhvn 0111 \Irs 1)01hyn, Mrs. Annie Ih'l,l:yn, of Ne if) ry, cot Ott, week -cud with \1 r, and this. T. 1)uhbvn. \1 r• 11:t1 1)obbyn of Sarnia visited his parents over the w}•ck-cntl. Mr. and tlt•s, lianshaw•c, and Mr:. \\'ashy Rath, of 1larrosv„ spent the v:•t:ek-entl with the latter's parents, Nlr. and Mrs. T. 11, ;Edwards, 11r, and \Irs, 13. Crellin, 11onglas r t Michael, of London, Ur, 1larnl'1 and \l•s, 1 o!ditson and Ann', of Wal kerton, spent 'I'h,anJ.sgiving at the hence of Mr. and Mrs, Cecil \Vhccicr hiss \Iary Kyle, of Chatham, is visiting with \lits AIM Jeanette \\'ar- Su11. Mr. and Mrs. Gro. Leith, of Listo- n -el, \I r. and \Irs, \V. 'Leith, Straifor 1 1lr, :td Mrs. John Leith and son, 'i'tt- ronto, visited on Sunday with their rs. Geo, Leith, who is a pa• tient in (Tinton hospital. \i rs. Itoht, if eGee, who has been in +the Clintc11 hospital is convtt csc'n; at the Itcnm of her frena, !Irs, Itoht. Watson, of Clinton, - • CARD OF THANKS 1 wish to express my s:nacre. Otani!, to all those who remembered me wit': cart's. and fruits, and the many kind friends who c:alleil while 1 was confined In nn• hnmc Ikon ill illness. `! 1.'—1)trr.can McCallum. �WNIMNJN�IN+MI�t MIIMIM/ RAY'S BEAUTY SALON (Teri -ace Apartments) MiLL ST., BLYTH. Hay \lc\ail, Proprietor, Al' Types of Pernrane:t Waves, $3.50 Up. For lifeless, damaged hair, try our ";.RECK" Treattren' s, Oil Shampoos and Finger Waves. For appointments please photic 1€'G, N##~4# ONMf 1 M1f1 #NMMessa t • F highly skilled tradesmen of many kinds are needed to maintain Canada's Air Force at the peak of efficiency, The Royal Canadian Air Force trains these men thoroughly, pays them well and guards their welfare constantly. You can take your place among these men who are Canada's pride and'you will find the life purposeful, interesting and full of opportunities for advancement. Get full particulars NOW about the possibilities which exist for you . ht the R.C.A.P. —' • MAIL COUPON TO YOUR NEAREST R,C.A.F. STATION+'-M+- R.C.A.F. Training Commend, North %sat Alr Command, Station, or R•C.A.F. Station, Trenton, Ont, . Edmonton, Alta. Pirate mail un, without obligation, full partirulnrs regarding. enlistment requirctncnts and openings now available in the 11•c.A.4. NAME (Please Print) STREET ADDRESS CITY PROVINCi: „ \`nn are. 2, You are single and bet wenn 17 and on reale. eligible to 7. You hare a minimum of one rear less than Junior: apply if: Matnrutatinn fr,r Raclin tr:ufee and two years for AF 31wT all others... nr equivnlcnt in both eases. Ira 1. ,'t'ou area Canadian el Linen nr of her ltriUoh subject. Beauty Shoppe - PERMANENTS - Ii'lachinwless, Cold Waves, and Machine Waves. Finger Waves, Shampoos, Hair Cuts, and Rinses, Olive McGill Telephone 73r2, Blyth 1 ere##I•NMMNMItNIINOr, ,.# :; ,11fY1111111 1 t 1 1 , 11 .161111 11,14at,�• anadmamawassaier '.IIIGII CLASS DECOR- ATING AT LOW COST! s WIIY NOT SEE OUR SAMPLES of the NEW 1950 SUNWORTHY WATERFAST WALLPAPERS. for any room. in your home. F. C. PREST Phone 37.26, LOt4DE5B0RC -BRUSH AND SPRAY PAINTING ,I Sunworthy Wallpaper Paints and Enamels, a Wed,) Ootobei.19,1949, Jlayfevcr And Asthnia Sufferers WE SUGGEST the following Products for seeur# relief from the distressing symptoms of HayFeY-'; er, Asthma, Etc, 'Pry these to relieve your discom-, RAZ MAH, GREYS OR BROWN AZO OUTFIT ALLERGI•TABS $hOO RESPIRIN .,......... ..._,.. . SOc. RESPATOUL - .............._., 75+!01 RINEX $1,00 . GLUC° FEDRIN ...._..... .......:.. " ,,......w ,... ,.,..:.. 90c PRIViNE._...........................................................4.. ,.... 75c MENDACO BENZEDREX INHALER ESTIViN MASONS 49 , S . .. $1,25$3,50 • •••5L2.. 5 •d n .$2.511 $1,50 •' . 9Sc and 75c PHILP'S BRONCHIAL, -. -..:. - 50c .,.. ,.. .. •4444. K1 LLOGG'S ASTI-IMA REMEDY ZSc and $1,09 R D.PHILP,P,hrn. DRUGS, SUNDRIES, WALLPAPER --PHONE ZO, wN40,4#4••rN.e4rfMMII1•W4lN./J, -.Pee•per#edv••••#4,4*~~4~INNI44 1 1 Buy Your Bread Fresh from the even ALSO BUNS, CAKES AND PASTRY, 'J FOR YOUR NEXT ENTERTAINMENT Order White or Brown PARKER HOUSE ROLLS. . 1111 1 ,. 1. 11 IM1 1.1 1 .. i1.1 . I. 1..1, ,, 1.. ,J.. • 0..1 III 1 t 11 1.I The -IIOME BAKERY ' , j H. T.Vodden, Proprietor Blyth, Ontario Is Y our Subscription I aicl ! . • 4:- 'r•#••.►•+~4#04IN+MMINIIIPMN}N1Ml ro4r N9,mei, #••II••~#, MN „well • You CAN still find people who "don't believe in banks'.' • . , who keep their cash in old coffee pots, or hide it in the woodpile, or carry it around, But most -folk nowadays keep their money in bank accounts. They can'get it whenever they want it; and they can pay their bills by cheque. Canadians have more than seven million such deposit accounts. In terms of Canada's adult population, that makes it practically unanimous. The banks, in turn, know they roust earn this confidence by giving you the best service they know how. * Today you can take your account to any bank you choose. And what is in your bank book is strictly between you and your bank. It is your own private business, ".. a most Folk nowadays keep their money in bank accounts,"