HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi-Weekly Signal, 1866-11-02, Page 2, TINE: TABLE; Ge T. R. ernment permitted a hostle force Co iniarie Hams %%Rehm, re- Alinoclatilani: eumes=the proper -charactei •of the'- - . • oar Shores and now:when. two or- three a Ros cky *mut& covero veiretatit ,. The useel quarterly Meetingof the 'above ubruetly from deep water: 'EtaCte.iif this 1 •1111FFALO. AND tiODEtticit OEVIVIzT.- - the- hivadcai ha_vo !nen- tionIemned to . . . • • H E - . • I 1....11,1 I 1111112.11111114 . ;AMM=1111 II I II •%; • euriasiiieito-be found' •the animal kin •e, MEXICAN ..A.FrAtas. is,Tew`.York, Ott 44 1866. se dota. .WhiSiwill give it a nitrite- ? w•,_TorkelOctelher Thhnes uWat Gpiae clos-ed at ;461 ingten. specie., says -Col. Campeele. mte ilsinsua - . - Too 1...1b5, it.so . '. 1.... ....-: .J - .• - - tap. Exp. Exp. Ntixhi Al-xl#1. AlrxM • • • - ° • _ - ' . g death after reteanne a fair nod impartial 1 Important -association • was held • in the Com. land gradually slopes -upwards dense mon . Sehool 'Clinton - cm Saturd4 -,20th h. f • . . . , _, , „ covered with.whitei Dine and omit* bireke Wheat...-Milwatitree..eee. - 2 48 •• a- .53 _ . ,L?„aen 1 : eot. :64 18606 . 'i 1:- - sembei.. 10.12 _, cis 3.40 ;al: 5:64 . ..„.f. rrom tue tate Draught upon: their beads Dewar, of. Zarpurhey,. occupied the °ham ituterowntd -OnAhe top with . evergreens - : `...4.''theYeitiau-StesiCan aIlianceeliays;-- • _'"' - - ,arrangitrient tilreetly announced . between the ef, .. - II ; mi.' ' a; • / - • • -DO eet, showing vertical faces of bare .rock _ . ; : .....---e - Duane the lat. two or three- weeks...a se- United States, lareaceeeand the republic of - : .- ...Ite 11.1eu Pn -; 3 27 C 00 00 1 , - - . divert 'o - . • - d' a- •.° 1: - ' tin tbe history of nationS for the pattt °en- ._ '• 6' th' t - f - ' . - ' twit, .y. e . eaehers . o. the Ceunty ; upon, 0. . -- • .1) - •• •ti 4 t; h . . . . . our th ughts from any discomfort. 34 . - 4 I e a a era ei 'es ter ra elle 0 )e,e e Sae ri ,next mont ttiS pr . e t wh . • army . . ' ass t G 14 a t h bl 1 li ' " Sprine Wheat, do - ....,..., ..... -I 36 - 1 An - P our eke awn t e , eepe Ig t _ a 4,10,11,- ,A.,. filigalOigAL ate-thfildian lita'Zican saiir for the te -withdrawn by the' "1st of January 'neve el 2 ce , t :, . • . °await -_-.1,7ii-eit.1-ii--e 7-, _. 1-71--- 7-17:76 c; ---='- = ; • ; - ' .--• -' I-- lea d .-.I - -- L -- -• _ . tatee in w nc 1 a toau es s lot oretta e ..... _ • - - P „ , - , ,.. - . ,_ e ____. 0 .-- __ additions were madeero :the membership- . promontort of the character' of iGio's da e. Mitximiliaria- the ptcapee -of Ne,poleon and 'crovernineut -will tend to the -Juarez - , .goverre 2 Stratford -1 1.09 i 4.20 19-.1w .." 1 8 '20 .1 sD . The matter ofsonielacouveniencies arising Directly ..* ead. ruse the fine: 'headland -of, .4e-alusaal°11221" ._ • B ter . .._ , or arepurnie- won:Took": nie.nt 'a ..pretertorate„ • te oe -operative and at r". '''' - • - - - a.m. p.m. a.m._ a. at, m. p. nr. As- he ght trial lIr--Seward Wishes to shield them. 4a; eto er e rein ent, re • e7 f • • • 1866 'I h -41 - -A h t 69t the hhitt - • u s !potion -con orating with t -9 tripartite 0 33- .13 24. (g. „ • , - FE111,141V101.1, York Tribune -In referehte f Ilia f- • a -22 hi 's - tAtimoisj4,of the JuarPe -gayernment, and with extra ...;. 10 60 ee 13 00 States Minister. to Mexico, has- left -with ere- Einur-euPe. rine eie'S9 Tfi 1151 e-90.5 taodench.. . 880 11.46 3.30 • _ _ t2.60- 6.3a &to- 6.00 8,13 P. In. by -4,110:r own -actions.- It Afould, wc Itit pleasing ,to- obierve. the coatieued in- bAufttetrheltinch we aim started On our waltz _ • - m• p. It. III. p-. mi. la. sAs ti • b • - • ',prospect befere us Was -*efficient. .ninK c Impossible to _find a plrallel case tereet taken in theinteetings ot this--assecia- • • e cret and-veryinesterious movement aaa been Mexico, -Napolecni is to commeuee -the te prOpe831110- anning,-the- h.* _ .• . - . • - oba ale wi - Venn - - • • ' lines of- thereand withdpiwal of the French army froni Mexico F In, • .0 bs..h 8 r it I 4raili- 1--ExP-* ExP- miA'd I A4:(4.1 'd - -' • - . • . a. this occasion the ettendance was gocd eLnee _ _ • ar_ eya 0 45 0150 la.A;;,-4. ;Lay. a.m. I a. m. r a. p. tury. A nar-roont nght tne unite • , Bay, terminating by - GOulan point high purpose- of overthrolias the. government -of of cou.se leaies aiso. 2.4.1‘ 6,00 130i 78.Ki Itera set) is a 16. visa!, mi 6_45 10 00 4.4s!' 12.15 ' I , • . om the preseut mode of'. perne eadhers I M. a. !MI p. [it; ta. pere-ible Ir py coun try ey a set of l•tw • ' - - entwas tne see e fr anyth' - .th° - attempt on Canada by Gen. Sweeneyeand the eriecomplish. this, a military officer -of ,bigb se • -Montreal, Oct. 31 1866 - b d -f b de - . diffieulty " and the invasion. of a . • - • . • t . . Ma:maim distanciabolit'30 "8-6 Mar Mina VeTreeident• "fence ;he th !cagy in ‘case of -emeygency. 1n. order to • eT. ae-e- • - -t••• - -8 DO- 6410..00 • -0;. • 1)- - 4 salaries in rural sections wag broucrlit before n om ing en e ower, _ . g to the meeting • and 'Alter some little disc -fission h • h f Lak " • andel -the Military -organizatiein bathe. -GeneShermanend Gen. Hancoek nre spokea Extra. ;. 't /0 st- 799 : • - - _ I lakes that althou4 Iarnew in general that eonsequent,removal of that officer from the rank mill go with Col. Canipbela -and both Flour -Superior Extrae.: 00-7715 Nfr Seward siinply .a polical °Eno " e referred to a conimittee for farthereonsidera• and more rock than the others, yet . to lc -if 0 fauaatiarotherhoota the offieers who follow- Iff in this eognection. • In consideration of Fancy............. . .... to • 0 - - - -- less vaDa on 8- is orsoot - moor in • r . t. 1 - tehl it -.244.. lital iwi: speak- 'inlitisettly - en we ;tate that _Oa: The.sSrue obutinittee Wis also intruct.. iiiii hi strprise,Yand i wat dive:ed. to think _ . ed Sweeney'? ioreunes '• tO the tdeted_ 4eItt 0:el-friendly afieee. the ldexican territory Wheat-Canida...„.....: 1 4 : '' ft . t e$ 0 e Superior WV; much -holder, • M • - • • • • - - , • ed to co bave beewwithout cicenpation empl5;ymant, will e ceded to the -Unita btates. which -will do Western . I 45 nailer and report upon the standing this part of it an exceptioniuntil assured by - __. our peop e a e averse to see strife, • fore h aud. re at - i ' of•teachets in removing from o count tri- wh° hid been- here „Jut bet: theepatee uot nett -yes give-eue he wt.o.e of Lower Carl fora a, to Oats -Per 32 - 0 53 0 35* - - lutely impossible to brook:- suck an atro- • be t at the • GODERIN tit NOVA IP66 lawleseness and bloodshed hut it is abso- Ye grandeur -Of ths scene us- 1 ua ano The re ort of b d 1 p t e e egates to the to the northward. Oppasite Bleinaire stands ry cons o t y increase _ g , oncla an ua ' d of leelahd itaseaerfeel iininateriat to them 'ether 8 d Chh h 8 1 • - - whether- they follow t e banher of Santa: . • ar ey-Per 48 lbs.-- e -63 -a 68 • ea I . - ' - - • - shes- Pots *- '6'35 a 6 40 ConeentiO 0 • ers held in loronto -last Whitefish pehit on the- north, shore renenf: Anna,- Rita:lark Coloeado tiewett-- Gena • .1.Yeall. Oce gle -T. le/National Irish do _Pearla, first _ ;is 7 aa IMPORTANT CORRIOSPON-• clone interfercuce with the administration " A ' August was then read by war -This ing on a- atarae scale the features'of theiteasehy them_ -tinders, toodlo- be Wry, riche Executive munttee of Irish citizens at a - - .11 DENCE. fB Chi. IV h ff d h ; _ - id _e tl i of ivar$ civi • d 1 h - • 0 n aw. e are su ere enoug - Cape and Point tree:els (the pill r f Her oasequeu the -s news • 11 ite meet ne el ast g t passed resolptiors• . -was necesserily 1.16 lengthy docunterit. - - • - t Since -our lest issue a _Correspondence I a!rellaY ha. the- Unfeielldly • action of.._ the while comprehensive it wes y in renting, , mai,4e IAA _ Of foltliae:who titay choote to tisk ire States en -d -to Secretary Seward. for their teal, .. e . es -same mai eer provided in: trofusiOn kr' the benefit ot t be tetale trig -their thanks to- the;Presiderit of the - hat take boa betwee Sew. d S United Stateg. goiferrinielit intended to` 4-aci Yfas . 1.0.eamator toe fagot. Ant our sold,i.ers the k • wel_ receieed by the ipeetirig..a-- - The a - n p n ar , - . • - way thither the captain caugat two fide ir-nee tit Ate..attaor eel the Empire of prompt, enlightened aria Immune attion on • following rote of thanks being pawledi . - retary of State of the United -States' and- Plan aur --A-japing interests, destroy - d hir c • - d d la • trouts, eneh- Weighing about 6 lb.% -The Maximilian; A-4:-•'Tei_neditiOn. is how belt% -behalf ot those American citizens Who -have Sir Frederick- Brum British -Minister at our trade and manufactures, and Afeedona d, T, a A ()elation e th ves y . asinero aecon e r.• - - • I - h t he ' recela e ack e consisted, tlf a swell p; t 1 - / . , • , , 4 • . - - • with a hook and sinker -of melted' lead; Ahd gestalt- and it. le "'Understood taat eheeeir ; leiethe audicial authorities: -at- Toronto for - Deleeate s report approve of his diagarice - Washington,. ihichlias treated 'much e±- . retard °Ur -progress .to the eittnost • . :Peclition will start Irma? Neve :York apd•de. alleg d e ,, l' s' a li --F i --i- ' _ r ° 9 • ' 9 :bait a piece of pork.. Thia was -allowed: to e oinp may i t -t e eu an nvasion -o. _ and tender him its thaaes for the attention he: eitemeitt: Wegive ikIr. SeWirdts letters poSsible extent; bat the present -outrage der _ _ . _ : . 'oted- -to the various buidaest of the Associ trail a dozsafathomi astetn of theb:ati -and '•-1,,Mrk'llt TaMaieeTa-Antitharlaxiteditithi-- will that Previn0e;.and invithr7 the:public :to S ..,-, ,.,-- ,- ..- a 'a greet ffi o th b se t d d 11 t d ece of -cod hue, „PraPa. a wl 3 9 c rsy t e emu luau convic e. an crue ysen ence tele Runient are -current -of trouble between Napoleon and his /flinieserire viiiiieleaence of bis iosisting op a is.rgespeitie - - 03- The French troops; ft is no -w laid, win le -an; R;hineerenii-Deca selingberhi kola '-riri-tiren- ties intim London market. - kepten constant mown by- jerking. 'rrout I start atahe same time _ . . e , t t ve and • ' frow New Orleans and meeting; on Saturday of bo h na i * . . , ' i ' entire of cionra the action of sit,. is the last -straw- hreeks ilia. .0am- ars- tion, audfci.: taiatibllearepo_ rt he presented • - iake weirrh.from 4 to :63 pounds, arid meetlneeit rataPiieetir'Faintea with tae New adoated eitizens, to give eirpreesion to- their' • Frederick -has noi bzen Made -public:- _ back, and WO shall _not ha astonished if -blesengsrsa, _ greae - fly: sPll'ae0P'1-06" Penedite' Whitefish:and lake eolc.nirk at..xoatialaante Timare,-at. ?pea, -on the e naments-on the cpiestionsinvolve4.- • , - • • t e neat news flashed to mir s orer by complaints andarurnbling bayieg wide 1 d d 1.Yepartment .bt ...Stale, 1 - " . lie with Santa Anna ai Dictater. eetre -70e 14rMat-• "No CARDS WEDDING. A: D. fimeesema.Estj., United States •Consul. John Bull' a`‘t- last; - roused ,fro -m his of Ell Concerned -the Writer trouldt1 beg to . for a. nitiment. After uriladiam arid - .P438t0r., 33 .atti lery e• 'war h ,herangeare tri-kee onlyen .nets ,-43 5 exico,ean ene4preelann tarepub- • . - - we an e miequ toes. eneroun e us. te , _ „ . - • • • - • --I' WASAIINGTo`r Oet 27th 186ff. • - the .-A-ti!lotte cable is _to the: effect that about the Idancheater bridge for the:benefit Teh swarms :Chat -8 wee ithaaseible to remain • peddler! en e u ly eentp-pe an provisioirea_S_Kuse e Ly Wey ' 1 c cl d' d 1 b CeeflterAateblican teas abcint a dd. h emu spondent of the fag t naet _ , _Toronto, G. W. a • roue: erl an. alesvOrleria.--- It -• is celetelated recently painetinder his observation iu' thin atuial equanithity- 'and preparinD to do state that it is now:completed in efirm and ..bw.alkng up the boat we cited ourselyera • e r a g a . - • . - another tele! •the fillh And. l'atm. A elaree vice ear armie during the wee- toeethec air y. !toe s tbe spots from aeythine of • of a. note of ttis date Which I ithr -add ess or dare, r than zbeir the - Sir r -For yew informatiOn,.T•close a copy ' aubstartial- meaner, mid niany respects • - • - • " prepare iturier. .• One knead dough in bag-. that 25a0 Irish soldiers who- have seen ser- tawee for winch simplicity and ecotiomy. --a to Sie-Frederick W. A ; ; la 'continual insults .of been .eamp •kettle,suipended by- 'a -Withe from e'a _ - f k k " • a great overgeown superior t6 the 91d one. • There h with thelhouseada-of eberais who -Will! rally the 'sort we ever' heard of.- fife eareLny italu Mit ertisemnits. JOHN. -11ARRIS'S . • •, • -MEAT CASH SUM • minister here, upon the subject of the tonvice • • - io the standard . ofSanta Anna, will be per- took pace_at the minister s regalence-the - • ' . • , e that Mr. Seward', who- laid a - f k dd WI fectly able d f t eft- 2'000 G000r 0.00d min being Called in f om bo - AtaTohn Fair and Companys old stand solid oak fidor over a. pine plaokronet, tripod of sticks over the liree•ontained a piece lion and sentence- of Robert 13_ Lynch and , bully. It may• -b • 1- e &rho Mealabon -by a colonial court Ot Cana- -has_ the reputation of beinD a shrewd and it 16 planed , and ready for painting. .0 - Per an ump Inge. lea Was ready, - e ea e ,or 4 repc 0 - • - eing - e comulicit and Daniel a- a • . - Where Jews ifsanittig OW thee map; n • • ;flan'. I f d•b h ' ' onr radian rubber cloth was spread on the and Ateitria mercenaries who mey be can. cabbages to "Pia* the anxious couple. The om in orme y t e contractor "(who is a da,_on the caaree , . a. . P . -sees that a .foretyrt.! mar - alone can...rescue_ practical _than) _that- ramie :alterations made b eronndeand .11m dishes-. arraneed uaoh iteeearittated to defe.ael tW7eaA-ai- er- the Igen. knot was tied, the blessing proneunced, the . : „Additional stoek Anl.ednies to Sigud;''- bis couptry ifFG,ni-t,isestatd-br anarchy:0-4 rtha-Cpurtfy.liagineer, -aaregardebraees; irfar - . a emainunigatioe.yitu Allyir,"`expecte to. ILtroeurol „Confuson .Whiiii threntens Its-Taw...lucre-. • • • • '•• • - . snything.that might be needed. After. s--11--0: t_hq rebellion ,tiate beta _offered -. high:: posi- tragdgeadaPeinci:euastefirtY-p::iadliotve-1;.,shainlii.-rsth7e .a.minisa---) ". ''' e . 7 " . ' v 4 n w . . , cordanee With the prepose-.express•ed ia that _ while caie Of uteniod by.- Ad 'fettle 4ctiffee;-o; :lnificei.23-11-12a nave oe.-eb.'°4 In; 'be Ilz.e4-.. '121; 0.f. i-`' . - • -- .-- ea - e - - suoenor to the ()Wailed In- refer ' . - - ore coo y; sets anise - o t e tas 0 be. ielduced tbe rincipil eerie being the • - P • e- . ar• 3 - ) and .grooin started for a 7shady Spot -under A:. 1:46 a. I. \- ,..,_ ,. tion in the tete attack en 'Vert Erie. In at:- . t ',kroubd we -reclined in- the classical_ fashon tezumas. -Severe! German end Arnericae cus ont,r4•••‘ salute" Claim:kind the fie-- _That -Will suit exact! the folk ofthe ird ence to the - • without delaylfor the nee Of this Department,. r . • I/ • • if t k r delay in its -completion,. seveeal reasons •may per we prepared lacel the b itch f 'bed " Ilona. and It is belie.ved that in a few da ter:returned fo his cabbaffes. and the -bride . -*Copy of the record or the trial and a con_ _ p a. :not:trill:Tint ;Le 6611:80..1..113tAno searctity tot - to lie on. atiabedding consisted of a buffalo the -expedition Will:tie ready 10-4art. Itaefias a,lso traner ett that several thousandanakets-., . . . viction- of Lynchand HeMabon, and also of provoking it., -Are we -unjust in our robe. -by iviiy Of 'a mattress, and,: tiro heavy 14,rge lriet by.tbe readside, half a Utile -off.- ood. tee least ‘PoisibIa delay after their ter .- 1 d d -N • all further trials and convictions of a similar •mate -of his aetion.s ? fie knowi that 0;ei };:e mAleivteoryaitaviiatnevea ears raocvoer meokino, biankets. all coik.d outriiis 'belonging; Fenian Brotherhood, and eachlietg (thisi, they got out, todok off the_ d-ef th f tb" i • from the road d' character which shall take place in Canade, V .1 A. a a- e TC- 6' I -t. ••• -- 1 . r them, dosnirl-and were anon ia the. tee scenes en 011141 rasp re kr su in our . oa reirat e. armers ut_ieg out en- gram, deemed u , rvicenblefeefuture •-a4se in Cane- iorses ea sta cutetbew a fee of grass - zniration: ro e. ac at t aina Ian voeinteeta or tearna itrerossin the river - The brid " -an 9 reams. eat_ morning we, were - niemoncs -he knows that even now la s e, an then peened them- • - early aroused tirg, tbe alarm: of 4 fair-Ond ., hare been. aemed latey breech, loading selves, lovingty ;soder the treea The bride , 12-1 OEN\TS PEll 'YARD; has been ' " bl- t• h 1 t - two -or three • - Tameetir Tone eh% servaeni, • . ,46"anataas A ; . rnerican -thousande pass% e or t e as , e - • • , er rifles, are _ beteg negotetted for try drew' from her pocket a handkerthief con, , _ e • Wm. -R. OEWARD. ' •• - weeks. -As regards a report about hories uns betore wei• reakfasted end- stowed _our, ,Snyd - • - ;upon thousands uf men desecrate the- Sab. imidD 'oat it was a filse report,. ne no, such -luggage in -the boat itull died away, so we Bente Anna, and taili-be sold ect him -be the .taining bread tad theisa and the groom ae. Department ot State, -e ;thin; happenede - took to -our bars, and pallea - to Mametire. .F- - couple Of steamers hew; -been •pur acted from the recesses of bis coitskiets a ° tr _ Wssnisoros,e0ct• 27th, 1866. 5 bath dl holdinD meetin s ft -r th GOOD FACTORY Oar faces lociked as if charges of -dust Shot chased, And -lin AT,991t Or ten daYs' :the citi- -quart hettia iethen the twoproceeded to the . " . OLD RE8IliENT. SIR V-41 is understood that -Robert - - . - • - f 1 f A. Stsnan, y hoot -Plc .,..1111c. sting -leaving a Weedy spot.i ,.-Goulais for startling tidinas: It is believed that Gen- ai cosily as lathe were seated before the 40; ISOM - Win - * ly-tOnftetedin a Colonial Caurt of Canada, . yet Bekaa the hardihood to Conii forward - , purpose o p annieg a res mvaSion; and „„:40. - had been Tfired - into Ihiim_; each mireinito, maraca Neat_ York inty•-pi'epare, thernielien first 'fiiquere aneal"..of 7,their weaded • • - • ' Lynch, and -Jelin McMaliim have beep recent- -*separated from II:intake- Thatehetetaane SweeneY -,einnniancl.tlie MoSt eltihOriste ani,elea-ant repaSt that -ever • Xr and sentenaed to death, neon a, eharee that -with the cool assertion that f‘e "honor" -Oa Fridayel 27 h t N Bay by far the most ceinshitable inlet on., • -= awe a mairitiee cerentooy. ast, t ins I- a lc- lc was : . • - - being citix,ens. of the -United States; teey were of tne United States demends that • b tb fe as d h • h • - -1 the east part of. the. :lake. bliifi about 10 A. ,Modyi /9y- Aipiring Orators.. . •1,2 '1 h 5 th h a.aITITALIS11 BILOCIiirILLE:-.-ill BrOCIiltlfie • ear am given y e nen an teac era to t e pup s • . • - - - • • • fel d a • - - °Us. *sem* IradeCtie admin. tbe assault wade in the month: ref 'ffimelast,at ForrErie in that coterie-. It can Irardly be necessa.ey to directyour attendee to the fact that the Government of the fruited men should go -iarrwhilit of juatice, because their acts. which: Cost the- -Province a . , . Million Of money and much 'bleed, • were. Suites is. re:plied by the Lushest eonsidera7 tfonitOf National dignity, dray, and honor to " anineigly political !" ,- The - re,stilt will - inquire- into Ow le2alitYr_justices. -anti _ Te'llivi- be the' ex0-ution 6f the condemned prison-. , . , . . . D. • ityr of the Judicial proceechnes- which have ' - - - - - - . - - a - - - - - The. aah'en of the-gbternthent,people ___ thus taken placey and that, after making Stich ,ert• ateareful. scrutiny, we shell expice to Wake ;- and press of the United Stites Laves them ' knowniio her Majesty'a Government se..ucle -'..aceldephole for escape, and in all hurnan mons.. as the President,. net.* due constuer• -: - - 4 - - - ozoni shalt att„ipt, with this view, the con.: - probabiltty. thkdre44 sentence: of:the:law' , _ _ _ - - eat of the United States at Toronto is this day _ will lie-4arried -Oaf - regartilesii .pf -the ftlitruCtetto pecure:for the information ar• -ravings ef the unthiiikinci rabble. What thiadepartinent, a copy of the' fecord or the ., - a e--- trig. aid coueriction of Lynch and ete. ',Englatid will have to' say :Must: soon :be Melton, and Mini -of or -further- trials :and kilinene • Already there are vague -rimers . . . , "awalrietakban'esptreei. Zim-etradtaracittvehenl:hineho -fluoati3g- aboat, and tkey ntcry idea &atm- . . - - - . - - . listeneemety delaria the e*audnatioi of* tbe ttu/ shape at any moment. .. ts - _ emsetwhich.are thus expected to corne before - • - - :..- -- - - - - ' 4,bitGovernment it intended, it -may unver7 . _ gctir A. correspendebt, ivi.t1 D.. I , . i nt, roue • theism happen hereafter that delee may, un- i. Ti : . _ avoidably result front past incidents orfroni - aJun[7,,annon,_usksuS why certain.couserva- -retire; eSeuM•which annot, now -he :forseen-: .tive gentlemen 'of this -town had the. atidie . 'have now the honot te request that. yon take city- to i6;ite the Ilon. J; A". '3.1clianald- anUla proceedings as yoareay think proper to, - - :, • - .. .. • . the_ sad that seat applicatiotis of the Consul and othsrs ta a-. banquet propesed to. .lie Ail/ ha promptly granted, tbe President di, giien in Goderteh. All Wo can say - is - . .. . - ' . 15/4111020. to assure' you ot his -confident. hope- that this -is -the. -firit-- intiai t* - h - a ion we ave thet ger MajestY.11 Gevernment will not only - , - . . s . awfully empty, with- the request I have had Ofatly such afftir being on the topii, _ , thai model . but_ that they will think it and that there is very little -reason -to we- als° to exainine tbe Judicial eceed- - - '-- - e - ?Max, - - Pr -- pect that J.-Ohn - A. -is likely to iretible .111;haroreilud. with -a careful regard- to the - . - . . , Irklita of the IT. States,-tted to the maintain- -hioiself about Goderich or the sd :disant inicof good relations betiveen the two noun-. tori• -s alluded to bY-Oiar eorrespondent. - /--- irillnik Sack relation -a, are always difficult and- . e • •• delicate le States that are adjacent each oiler ! . - - I ' witiait being separated byimpassable bound- : IltrelaagetaN P.LO‘UORING MAfCH.--. _ *ries. For dna reason it week! be eery - The first ploughing rantah of- the Ash- gweafiriat te the President if you should be - - • _ . _ " te we we an, asaarane., that the ai. field anck Wawalosh A. -S, was held on genial of the sentence pronenneed ;upon the *the farm of an Ti_ Andersen, Dien,gan- ' • emowietert person -3 will be suspended if or- - ... . . eon,•on- the 2ath alt. The dit3,,,_was rather cation for delay shall-nrise in the manner be- - - fore mentioned to make it desirable ; finally- unfavorable aad te turn out ,emaller than they may -beenore fo:tunate in heying -iio - .al Commit proper to Sayalret the offences in. - •would otherwise -ha.vs-_ been the _ease. - draw beet to the Lammas oftbe Oecilisiou by welled in the triala are, in their nature, 'ern; _ ineptlypolitioal. ft is the opinion of this- Th - - - . ere were eight entries, three bop and had weather, and to [trove:it- such, it Would be advisable to have the Pic-nic held Owe - Government that soond•policy coin-eides with five men., - The folloWing is the prize hst ; what -sooner hi ' the . sewn: - -To the public t =pa ses of a benevoteret nature - MEN. --lite Henry -thirwin 2nd Hi' - - in- recommending- tenderness, amnesty and - 2 -- -, ; - ; - fiegivesties in such cases.: This suggestion . Girvin, 3rd T. Ilanis, 4th 41.-Igaileugh,jr. arms* with freedoMind earnestness; because' Boys,•.1 at; . IIV tn. tittqhanin, 2nd C Ihisaieopiniona were proposed to us in our, Girvin -8rel W J T 1 T - y • . • re naven. he - recent a war by sill the • Gorermnents and - .. - - int es ong y at emont . stopped at, - • ; paper itiforwS as that great indignation has - ' .oftbe Su aday School-condeetee in -the seheej a certain point ander-Mamaire. Where we -met The -folicesvine is Ur,' Diffident's s eech at • - _several Ffishermere. I contisting rof tainelee lereeeetatieteseraerea . :Chaicb _of Englied -in ...that towe corise- - , bnildingstaf S. S. •Ne. 1, Tawnship of Godele ich, as 'the forenoon of that dee was semi/that wet, and though it was dry in the -afternool -yet cold and seemed lo threaten- rain the attenchince both of children ande frieedi, Wae satin. -Theta eirctimstanCeSe in - ciaineetitni ,with:thelatenest of the:season,-• prevented • it beirig -held •iii the eoolieg Shade -9f some hand- some grove, whieh contributes so' -much -tii tbe.:pleasnre- around, andhightyeeidivene- the coure.ofthe day we pasted two -mining -loos assura-you. huhetand .geattereenatiat ,n,,othing- Leakeeeeek , 9. „ ou - Which I ant .told- ere desetted. I eatisiiredtheiretent Vedas:led; ean iiiffaaa -. ^- --•-- - - - ' ' ' - ' lilifieira-c*i in due tune: - : scene Oa such eccasiontataidinore partieulary . tiortii,-bottr of , .ie this locality,tvbere theie are iii. many hieh- -.- We now paisedainong isolated racks' Of greek ,- en.tlyeexPreas myee-Yoreeretenifeeof utyleindnesi-.• . • . ' - - . -.7 -' : . • _ - - ly romentic ernanteaute and '. tuuet beautiful stone, ritingalirliOttY framdeeVitateregefier --tloirideapp.lauseal41, lailzhted 4,•Ywill kilidie O.oe-T.dhea;Ntas_ewt.P:oretik' 41(1/11.4aisiltv. - J.Irikeiraastaybaitall; „intliana I: grOvcs in situation end -raven's° Mill itkinpied ally ,bare, bet tornetimet zeierect. -With:it:44e , a urhai•---,,, „i„ cart.assaiv yottilsdiesandigentli- •.. e , 1 - . .... .. Sur. ereoyment on such Meetings -of jevenility . Of treetatehe tap. -..' Here the 'water is very! inewTthii is-•-:_thatja,-tho papRi ',St „Mb -tient -of " . 0 - eat place. received -a letter free' New . ; , _, A 1.1,-Itee4a ... eta° .,,:i. eole- . Nevertheless,- every line, teeth- old -end young, coldand clear, and I- Was. iirfermed7- that -an eatylifetriefikitictipiciraisajageLnda inaain "re- Yoelt annougeieg the death of an tient, teho - 4...-''' ' '_ ' - . : . -..1 can. saa kith_ eoufideoce,- enjoyed themselves- experiment wet tried etata. tatearaieparence attraing, ,f-imie. the :bottom of •-iny- heara--, left; alarg,e.estateee fell .he,lf inillioaO1 Which will come- to him. ,14e-tip'peatii to be eavera : "' ' . - - -,_ - • : :. •._ NICE "NEW ' ITUBIAS .1 - .to the utmost Marts of Fie-rieok satisfaction, - bfleaering ictiii CUini the -end ot a fishieg- telmersieeit -is eipethatel Ittine-Cfsstiry-;•utr. As 'the' compariy - wai beutgeeeatertairied by lioe. It -Went out of eight at 42 feet. "Itis :iiecestraryierliati auathiriataarailes ii.. fagoaen• a :1 ansiblei as he is inaneuetriout and temper_ or `Clinuti). f: roth'ir 'Cents. • . gee emu e among t e members of -the EAL _GoOD CANADA TWBED 'half-breeds,and 'wheal; The -faces-. Of tha, %gilt • o4..goligefoin,,r Vei.•11 peke of the ietrodection of ," the -choral-. ee ell Wool, 'Oats per yard.. - latter were round, -N11 and rather. -flataWith [Laiighte;11. qbairoleo,- b4dies-tadies. last Week. The• genuflexions and no. gieat ptojectionoithe cheek bene ; eheir. and geutleMen. eraheers.) a Ill era -tithing' :lutOSIftticir.S ettendi61 oh •-stich - -fieivice " a 0 inouths-very wide, -.with =thickish. lips, aud in nsing to retell!, ladies- and gentlemen7ein . . , - severely candernned, some saying rtliat gapineg like; a iiegicee. They Were filthy,and ,returuina my eineere theukelfor the gteat and that was „. ,Nanted to. eethp:ete the tebleaux About 100 pieces Canadian -Ind ItoPorted . however, happy and -good-naturek and .the uuniented.,-tehe.e.relionbr Yon herb -fl- en apostieic-succession „tile confessional • ace app_rocithed us with the cestoitery. salutation, nave jus 1st nferred.,,Vane,hter . nd .1 / '2 . ' - . '--t 1.1' - .t° L--' - .7 - a • ' ' ' --t ' wits quite in keepinif wi h the rest." _ The " bonftu - bolijou monsteurs th 1111. the ebeerse-perniir me to sayahatl-I. beg 0 dl -k dhf clothing- general ragged. -They- seemed;>distingunihed. though merited-. tleughtedea was a few lighted_ candles, " The sermon finey And plain ann . 26 percenflower thenntinil. some of tlie teachers and popils, connee. add when the watoris _entirely nrerufiled aud , -and' firtist- hav,e„ said nothiug-Ilau4h late! men' and • on receiving the tateltigeece tioi%wita Other lady_frlends. Miring. some the-alty clear thats; wbite -obi:et may .be ter3-nothina orithe present Occasion that-- lieulPieted hiselayet wore ets thategh nothing sele_teiecei which *ere itiieilareiler- the 00- seen aLthode'pth of -1/0 fake-- assist?, alone het I'll atedieuti- yoLe-ledies -_arid, geutfee. hippenedj and afterahavieg , been_ to casionen_ every rernarnatile degree; the Mies treat - island we made oar-- Way : throtteh te. 'Matt -..tayele' yea; gieoli-'1 :Mid- by ..aviug: 'alai blee.fr•Y- fillele•veern•I 'ibe .itel's in tbe -ease Hunters_.: exhibited eoute -, waster. pleyieg hi grome of islets, took the. direct- line- actoes ."bate- said Tore thief lite -ad -me say-pie:the . Pi'''6iiii:ne-4, t° :144 :dant labg101' iebieb--be. accorileaca with the eingingien the inettelion, $ Wide bey;and landed heaend tiaphice eelled eitelaiateaaeereiltin-----thear'ahati1LI Can loory - "Pt 0130461a -the -adoiuuttr*ol. of the . 1 am sorry 10: -.state -that on- adeount of the ilia Devile storehonaei .-. It Mined' ell inahi sit!! that-etbet . ar eaterairiee ma ._:•siatere .464.?-te il-a alta,,..?.. ,le. te&- :-.. - '.. :; .- - . - ••• . . _., 101m:woe! of .the --weather no-- Clergyinen and -We were- obliged -4o . take sbilter -nada': tIttialtS,4 beD ntost--'Sfrieetity•Ao thankyon.-!, ,ii-•:.-AtOttlAkr-StecitintOlt•vrY inn Ai'LA2;TIC _ , ,, _ _ . _ „ ,C001 tieepresent tre'addreei the. childreu- and 'Out -lents. Next dey,we had -in "oripporteeita itheepeaker, oo resuming hit sake wee isee er_aaaaa-ee . e e tile :uses - o wh ch the At- 33 ei . -' Aoi ii -b- 1 t - - friends: la attendance; a Ste after. nuineroits 9f inakitig tie of„tair 'Bali- far the filet tithe - Warded by severiarroriedeof ae I- use 3. - " leMt1.6,eahle-las--heee put is :orie-whicli•would- -- - _. I loot, IVIintel *siert. Q. ROBES- .1 bandy,. he anticipated.. A conesPondent = itt about two thir "iii:eirice What -theyarereii . om- iminiiititet to US aleregram. Which be ree e ' ' eearedlionete-patient who, being seized evith -it earl:owed attack of an illness trout watch he iied---tiaitTered in tide- toiletry, and for which . helied been -successfully treatett telegraphed - ...- .. , .--eaelaieold medical attendant for directions: 'T.liese were itairnea - by the sante iliannel stithone delay: and we hope they *.may hate .- / . pyospered, and that the propee , remittance will_ follow -by an early packee.. The pre- 'telegrapay.-jleancet. . - krlitl -One in, Canada, 40112 folkeape scription will rank 1 among the. curiosities' of . . - • . . teaching geography was sleep by Mr. W. W, k -practical illustration 'of ha mode. of Relies, M. A., Clinton: Which; whilq pleasieg, and profitable to thoseleachers who _bad the Priiilege of heering ita alio : proved Mr. Nelleeto be -a very thorough master of- tbe - . _ . a wakine Op "• up process at least in so Tar gar4init'llotiiiije '142i-'12 bvi'es"t:rn::1"euteliCo7dedoe-df 'brIellorringve-7the t.rGe°0dt,e1sIricollii..lontr,"164.4.4. •-ket "Sci• -6:116'1:3't ,-3.0aATiNtAtitatille hot:clay be,appbed to „the, study _of, get). serudingot pupils, en which a:great many differeet ways of' accomplishing this. object, . eejoyments-of re pleasing variety unnecessary- Asthe day advaneed the wild rose, and rain , to•inentlen herelall eat down -to a. rich repasti fill' at intervals ra torrents, and we let -.the Fenlaet'413tiiiieranitfe. Zveu at the tesidencie-oa ataliik Hunter, boat rng before the wind. to :Cape -ffrualey, , - _ _ where the pie nic was beld/Art ereat,inaity where we ericainped.. -Thaprospect ot t Oct. -A. -4U Eyeume Ea; were expected to be 'piesent, a iatamount of Of :33 was a, 'noble One. Lofty,- headiande press sayithai colisUfere4e -enthusii-oun was gi the good-thinga." were-. eOilected on that rising one atiove the otbet• :until fading sena' createetaat thrbearhanarteritair lilaaSteplieeee stronk• table: le conclusion aerwie me. to in the distance: The,aapeet of .00: .Fpast. tatya by, the:mediae_ ofrari eke-el:froth Erig, state; that:at is my -earnest ,desire Abeir here is exceedingly picturesquie, tka*,-.100sd iand, wheeeports that tbe Fenian 'organize-. Sund-ty Sch001 may Continueto -advance and reeky it leis Often Lelng worn einooth,.emor. den of ehat country, hat( increased- fift f ld . - y o prorper to the highest- pinnitcle of the wishes ed and. scratched. towards nerte :lee awing the. past three mutts:: In . Scotland .and expectation of -all those hiterestedeethat passed inaide Of-MId'aliff,that-sh'3wed a veal.' it has increased more than, a5 'per :. and th,c teechers may contieue to sew the: seeds. _frem which •rise -the -germs Of a- e hrishae conitnunityand sagocd,will towards all men:a that the next time they niaye -1308. a lac -nil - . I subscribe wyeell with all due respect,. a. -• A VISITOR. A1- NarratiVe 01, . . tour /tom basalt de Ste: Marie So *the - island of were described each -possessing tome exeel; Ziebliceof.Burolie and bir none of them ploughmen and visitors Vera' treaten * .• . . • - - - . . • - - Mask. I am very sure that you wilt find The Lonlion •Commer Cial • VOI"' :The.SOult &tie Marie, -on the American seen. we. ventureeteaessitt. . A- sear. a -go eee . . • , ee. ; Y; • ; - • November for the restoralitm of Treace. • Saturday 101, ar 1867 cal lace uf at least 200 feet . iu height • At thiplaceaefotir were -seen reeks rising to thelieight of 300 feett. with- narrow chasms soinetinies vertical and sometimes slightly - The shore north . Off thia point. becomes yet boldet end- higher till it _reaches:the gigantic hei:ht of 700 •feete -• ITO he eontinued.1 • . • - - A F05400i0n$ • • -,,Blorse, Hall Oita_ • • (Froir the, ./orieilyita,natt.;.foninat? re Ireland the bop" -are. dtilltng wheneeer they can get-eferearable opportunity. :The utrnostetaxieter previele eteertast the brother- hood throughoetetbe_ three toiletries_ ;n ant- icipation. Of 'receiving _the Order to yogi mem: the revel utioile eee ee. • 5: adleorially*tgetiehaprefareircearet teee,clearee Of the- att:fl-q-61-0)3tig thiliV0104!tStag.04.-1`oil: efoeilit Britfildfor the er9pertaaei.troje' ed ate -.MAUS nig le` te , -.Ibe appointed by. the- Bo Wers " --The TiMeS says' ilia Weald be" an 'act Of if :not o f Justiee. _ . . (+11100E-RiFAS are received ,iivery week.' f • _ A salways at the Arcry-...1.461y.est . . • _ ood d.- b m. . _ . upergers_ gleNalre, - Durin; last week an- animal was" broa„,ht BERLIN, 'Ont 30 bas lexica pieuliatfue itself: The meeting eben - Government and statesmen of tereat a _greater menkness ana indness than hv g inner y r. ..;erson, - • - - - , • , . - „ „„ (Written tor the. Huron Signet j to tea city zrom the-northeru part of thin ' . • - - • State, theelike ;of •which was -never 'befiere •tilhiraeocki,:gid vtihielicalote•tboliaalmaiOipi ,.foor; •, _Slot- rerooluiendisons of a poliay a . lege. • . learned from some reliable gentleman whti , , 0.1e The treaty between., Present -end Sax- : side, is a long straggling village, extending „ _ h Jiutu • - • isadritrdgiveness in the cass of the ""'" miles if we-,..eeekes had see!! it that such a monseetetyle. extant to is p n a nee ion '114601410461 arc in entire harmony with 48 maY be een by. tble advertisement or in all some two Or three y rat ed,- Saxony pap e e sailers =ar:Varavra on " fi- .1 _ „ _ 2 thou h rather too 611111110 0 to attract much' la. • • a 'mama fieneatleest and -re ntations which - this instuntio th f th . _ - f scattere huts • Th g • * n, e presetifoiontlipfAnvem, rem queposts o a • o • - • d h h d 4"' . . . • etifailloesensseat has mada-to her Vajesty s ber c.oses up, the terms' when Life Scholar - aiNkPart °fit, -howeier is' coutle° utnited ran InZe 'would' be- a mare of ugl _ _ - .1 . -„ # twenty.five dollars, inci after h rt .1 I mutith its. iieeperameeeladditthat.:.0 had - The :Court of Assiv.a g•ior• the Con uf. !of _Away with care aod-sadness,, The 'lotion is so tameda _growth ,suffituent -10 astonish- anY .0ornaialt t tape the qua er____a e- ong. popu • • .,„ , -7 , . _ olienedut one oeloolha:tifcrlay; !bet us fill our hearts with gladness • • " , • ' t-11 notice, an. t eta ou ve to • [Hy sp tolheplobe-.1 - • • • 4" 1 the liver; about fevocitY. Ah0:11r, Ilitittiddle,.oUtiffr'preseut - • . Oct: 20. Government ;n regard to „the aggresSIOna. skips -eau be plitchased for -the old f s'Attset funning,. ong • o . . ;1111/615 4/1S5e been dads on the Canadian. . • . . ' . - &nide% saftbat they are -also in -harmony . witkibeproceedings- which tbis Government Price Will be ahirtY-0.ea- dollars, the XaMa 'Sing inlitrebereete;eibet -it le Zdiffieelt coManisity- ni which it shoUld be *exhibited, lailnef•Juitiee"DrapeepeariidetatellitiaFellian go into Abe woOdiands *here( b**AtglOtioet,- wise anti arudent to-pur- haSberie ehargea by the other ;Other. 'Cana- aaltimaja it• " Senielatate the number on. both aint,..it eranbrouot to" thweity•Io reliminets. prisonereaftirthed- .the *.kriiil',14biait' in the - -- -ktudily leaves -do -fail ; - -neatralty _lawsi, which waniniolved_ in tbose . 81111431 legate- .fo the violation of its- own - dian Colleges siece anetembera eat ' - Ai .-all. oldie .of iiiii Hirer at almot., eight hiandied, watt tukAsed,-tOttfter. 'tic State Fai_rj,---.bot charge:to the "Granilialneyy_:The' law of high. ';'AilitiiiidAhii gOfiten'glitay.:7•-:- a-7: %:' Who -el -Her tbe Godericliadomniti;cial Aca• -consisting Of half-breeds, voyageurs, misers, . - .- - , . - .. • - - iti-extreme irldouiness rendered it•-niiiiate 'treason weir exp6Ondedfully ; the ;nature 4 ';---0:Aivintalirea-oldenult,:hosil';' - - '''. "frael"-ns. ' • - - - ' .- . • dent d' ' 7 h h• • - - - ..* lid " - d - I d. - - es, , y , urine- t e meet _well secure the same ve-ibe kronor to be, - : - - tr ers,„an . ft few a taus. The most stri - -: - -.k. audio:proper-to alloriji toilay hare-, as well .treason,ant ihe- evidenee necessary to eiteb: Lulled by Oa:pleasant Intirmers of the With the hiDhest consideraaion -Sir- . as dadAerditi to ilso oiotiotiihatI4ili ba . in lish,theehirgei- -4vt,iike- larnia'•'-lii.idrin-tii- '7 dist,ak-fraterfilli ' -' ' . I', - -- advantagei; in -that Ariltect•-•aathose who enter- ing feature 'of the, plitCo is-. tbe ,nna04.Fi-41 To atm:444114r /cit. 1 I-Eta:co. •-•,..- • eliniteltialt. vieeheemoaelves oittoittlril_eo tem' during' the titiliting:Wiiiik. - : ri . I III . • popaiomrteurenipari-. nil: . holling alleys,. '±ii,,c1 the.. cliok.-Of.li!lliardballp. Okle,f,,it:a11,4010-sirMie-gleo• , , eltine. ter:: retirenet:12, ti31.03 ,,,,pi.4 o;),ifilvhit coliiii,:hili: ,4310:mlio.-ilitr_filkest.„„.romaiRg z,„:,. h 2 - pon the memories of t a ed are -heard front _morning- tell night. The letlitrd:cisfItill",!tim ,9!-,1,-..iilk,faT-.4.n°1-el r.a3Paammn4 , . -V M.°t-4 11.... 4 -.. II - ° vvf!. ii -i --iii-. . 0: . - . .,-, . - -' - • - - tied= at a--iery low rate l'he ti 11 .e i . - . 4 a' h 11 b t mile wide " ' - twee oi, toe, it io-tnis,„straege prinonerpidargelkwitalueikak.senous_ Dance t gins g eerie before.; - sa -a Tour aohellireut servant, . a'.C011ege Ire trate that many mere draMehops and beirling ''The fear Of ; gentlemaa', titt.r_o_w .e deition*ii P • • • - Ara, Many pooplo in, the- Unktod ni °rebel- bese of its hied, and:the AgadernY itat-iitattekahlaIthse,12; Tliff neck inn a disgrace 40 the countimr•angthe:stniz Of ttietwilrhelcired faces • --- Saw sad a. few in -this_ country seen, to nd ,e0aate,- et• .617,nvdertb7Prac!91"pilt ..are'-itv::440.41P-f:naribil974341f;:a --5.1..1seind and heavykgiviukilt the fiitree,,stlit , test eiiptiry should be -made -wag .to'tetieffii tion with_the ease of --th Peniatirptisonerf,„ . - .1 • think tbitissoause Mr:Sow-ant is' euppliad • lila- mritlietittlonht :henceforth vibe ntimboi- deseent Is :,12.11fileti lari..}#,4.:91i1i4ligillai6 a sure a vanceraeutAn -the' yi ht directiop en tfr Ce ' 'iti ' ' fi d-the..to 'law it '4 necessary that lie shoitli.it; a . , . . , . . of all the Trieude- of peogress in•Lea' t'andst. . cie --me-nu li; anf *Place in ''°.` t'.'"Ill :f9F .441 of writing iu- order Jo -him - - . . = . i -. ' ,.. : , : . .the Steeriniiiia.- •Wo left- the.. Sok ...70410 _ - __ . something to .ehowfor the salary he drews„ T,#.,--.4iiO4.7„kicarortato4i-ii- As .velook-, ti:Jia., ahd-rowetuaithe• 'tallier' ik aid tuctect much attention nod. not b Previeusly aimounticid tfie Roderick • Die,r_ We& ,.----The -wind beeoming - Tar,. 'trap& . Paid to what hi- utters; -: Tie volanaiuous 4?Atle 0144 g474 .4: terforthenee toi-- Wel: 4.0:71:0Ingsh*riZiti,i.4. wise ,:_bei.0,,l4;sitzjil4cia.ii":„Oi:g.9.inTP-:s.114,1*, - ' Wen of Mi. Seward: have* bitfietfio • eft.- _neaday evening! f0i7L,t10 bep.Ofit,, of tliii. so_ -, -:aagiite,;‘, „ploy ,yjaa:nathiag ,„-v4,:eaeerit 'flietid hut Itttle al; regards the 'relatinns fROW111! Ake lauelsollion,, The4tteild-, 'tift-opritie:Rojiit:sa0inatif,:_being a desolate ., , .. L.. -., •.,_ - . . . inaeititing: - bet* ' . . th' ' itepullin ' and .ance was very goodi ai--may lxi:judgca it -Mast of iiltbd.f.,-thi:riiik * emaplo of 41 red --' ' - '.- OCKIll- trie.:1!1111:"eyOefte'cl.thocin.odeetiou the' fa0.1.,;)ktillti,?6....I.,ece_ ktiT,. ,'-ia-0,0114-11:14: lialidt!aitidii-stot-traitioiliottittr*I*Oty--odiit_lbthe -- be-. OnetAililltilbitill or -100 vagina 'Ott' tkto llt,".1k7-$593101., Tlf* illi0-ilitile, ill Ilaii-: "Minh inabar*fg -- PapecNINifontitiatibIY• ine -Tor. "hick 04`M*fea-:117*-4 .4 . Illmlit .tredetteh- Abel te! the shspe-Q ills v with the - -- ;intim% .1..t,,,..,*ii,k4.1,, t",,ie,,,,disio.ns. ...gw:itilLiiiire set an ex.lulpre*eitlit'vt- 14 al '•‘Ixi.eir- ;.11,eVeVir,',--cif:Itfitthlit PP.%) - sok $0t Amer- lea -4_.. .10-411:.,- ,,%rari: . :3,-,,, ..,:..7„,,sifii,hloutietoija...:1„.: ir.f., -4. • -7- .,; :nbiab,,ktioalll‘r iiindin'i Milts aettavt Intl*" ;,,, "i'llilli:t! j:cort. - - '''''' efft •'-' • . e. 4- • ' - ' cr -.th ' 46iiigiiillie;',i44-eirda-a.tiiiii-of r. se, ! '-.carditlftgl- liqui!1-711.4-14 PPPer? ;1 . Bittlbell,411-444rt., ,, „,.., , ,fr'',vA'i•''''-'"' ..11,.41,Jr4-„„ • Pl.!, l• ' - , , , - .7. 1-..w• _- 4.---,- :itif alias. `--- . He- is building. A nnat largo , ' vet' thiCilei4ititil ,rie. 116 stoeic -is a good One;1114 Ma pri: ,,,z.1:- 4. ''" ' - '4" , - speaks 'it arouseifie:1140 ot *leilliteit reNitraW--- ""!..-V-7:41`•.--''''T-2)-‘"1‘.*? . - ' 'F..."!:**.. xskiitk. jit*i,_ . vi.on-._.„„4111,cticpir\Lc ! :ifrorifa- .1.#:t.,01,,, -!;14--••,-,,r;.--:14--.0-- ilk- tiameK T-_,11, -.-ii,atisa-- idt .14, w 4,14004 ria.:,„uk 5„,, i, atrt.as.:4P•ifiel' •114 krpaltiliminoilitsve'6,14i mexico in-, Number'', -**---..billigi •vinid, irMii": !.,_ rii. we teinttaekieffifini-__PPrner htl File" RiAfri ftfig."-Xfoi*L.-; '--:--:,,- - Welt ontii--hon . few the' wiir t: Pitear4.10.1i:riaccrej,leitraitia. :the ticeac'e lith . „ , nery • ille A•,04: lta . . . g otth to Pay al . *Iiiiiiiirstiinastities of inper! fake and_ as104,,0fliiii_pii•mattent-inkitntiono of our .int in the boat, leaving room far the town, and shou'd receive 'the heaity sapped,. ..ts • - posntoo the,rufigakfing.45fihatiiiKeittpie,t = efficient -I Iirttiegioltlireoridiferof arc niirl'doolliff1hentitiF-4rthiozi.whiteusolaue parties respousihttafOrt3 effteta4nig of the -reachieg tom the foreheitt thebileetladdf, :prisoners. -.11ftliardihill iiii-bnefii explain. efehe-geneailieasetalice•-at fertiefty. The: ecl tire oibepeases . . -de-ArTinelodiog 'boreal ere beat • ,litea,:naiteaa xeryrAiritiii andriiblillnililytnliibectliur pnifileil;. , - _he Teis ' ' nye is -dull, bet saggeitsethitearii-amiteteraalie- ,-',of 1. ae ispitismei cif latent, jeawer 7:<and - 4vilish:. ,The'Jd' neis.whieh the - general-7:stoPettante -Of 'ilfe' fOun...___O aninial confirms....-..ThusisiOn-i-,* htitk-itilid4P4Pe4 lygligtiiii:ltitlitiestriltinininguiciiiiiribriailii.• 'Comer kin 1 in apparatus and uneonenerable endurance; oat Fen T ,jate-is kevyand promitalitt4tiitiQieed !main vnitini removed Ao tumuli- Rider a , 1 hitt ratber square. .. The doLith Of sato lid f capik.?Ailtiki.lf:i fos4y. -thh(IY. : ' ve ;sat) Ili -Wore lags stitrkr --d #aiirecown_ counsel, to talle4heir-trial with those all'ideVly‘-eletti I tom iipw 1 oisr ir. . re i t -1 In ' _ AT,oridwt ,., *71! renienebee raldtiyaltiel" ineStheir Ion . _• .:fo•-• -_, erne, • _. , a• : ee - -.Thns.pfeelant meat -Mei braiding, '. Whale twilight's soft deecending Like the shadow of,a iietiph's_Witig,u a :';feiZtle:fis-joidipfallinartul -a.':n4 'heir ''''...4 ' Shalt In ditalf tiellifoirily _ - ' WandeC---homeWir4-efrom. the,- wooden ,.; t!..streAlrihiletilm-Otitobairidr.,- - 7 - 441:40-41-4414)!.--., .Oficai*wiliiTgii/14i4941‘hisclarClif.et'Of irtLf1:444'yi -0Pr. tott...dea to absorb the iiingdooi 01,4:boomer. - •I " avao; jillat 4,44 f ..Brovihe -SidishhisegiteeakilfotOt •411-2 . "4-proodasoaly or ernal nod thie eon* 5 0 aglow coif o ne_Alort hair. A iong i .,„ Itextigin:).Mmirease.sattrilligia# 90„td ,Thei . .• it IS glinahlettrirlilanta golija las nearly relittesiguthittallal ataltditi' 1 0! • :::•CP*Wgi-Nov-i- 2, t 480-Pv atItiV4 =len'? 'iia..1WittrgeeCteaTesaraa • •••-e-e-- 1420 e -eati0J VINO 'zofclriteitieft- Tall do thematherdabomes tigingt iirlawu: %TAB,. Ivo 4. • •• • re 44%-e 4•1744::.- 040 Ermsch 9 tOklai ;SLOG.. 0. 1: rpRE crow", ."""'"` 'arley . • . 0:40 0 Ot44t:: reas :.1414'444:).t,.-- 0:50 0:55 Imo ew,laairr. lieidaQ44:141.t.4-:40.01:utuAt eff: °°4-3 drdsBed Assign Bt.!. , Nona or, ITOVEAGItil- closeei 1 the period in.-whiela seltobirshipt wpm xonsitcaufaattit talcItartielrainoroo4iifilfritoersliaib.amajois' 90140t, _of-Cattuida,tak 7 e .Goierld- Coiner thiksaine silisinakes!ni-those_ 'tido College imi•If.„ ,PorltifortaAttor-iiihigat -fo" the Actideaeyallietotinnuaielatins should be addresied scribe-Prieciptd,, J. 3101411ar • Theta Whit Attend entedb acallCkitsito;ougil:tiblerelitelefteezio,7441-441ititeti: ypittication.01: my tisk, anti"entei-wt 'fi For. Acriiiiirinfoopgiosiaxidisksic., * -1r-11F-e :::'716112111. 7-Nnii"K8011413141-6"iiitIlLPir Pe* Ts.. r or arise- ;a4:4, tio4 *Ito* rOne erostostween Whroto ADF° loSkinat atinler Aiteggther4itsir * a l don on the 28i1" • • is bout ask Parliament for an ineressesi that,. i Sil otitbriopount voted for the array and .1" large got. „vr.s.,a4,.5,,,,e,w,ga.2„,_ most WOnderftd Otont17.01411(4111411-4* - Taiiiyer; A. -4.1/1W14: AN3OZ Sheellee ••• o`41-4.4.• coo. I.ritter PetatOeS . 4 -0,0 • *duns) aannikallffedi shinaPril4ed Citaskgaa-:•44.*41411;7:::4;;;;;5:4;84 _ r *16. . -2 . r, e• """7.- fO, Virmi011 . • 1.4131tp• ann:i'e°112811:wregardtg:aleSit4:11::erpoolaAndelaril°01:ogil ___ VindOWS, %Bement -ate eareirtnagt3furri raganaiu- dunPmediliebawngvtilirestni4oberfalii The transi .....sencrnelawbbeinsuare ens.. _ totteeibe taie2tirYviel atilltalevde horses before greei, Mid fol. bent4tedingow zetee: ienholibldvbateellgaa-itnae.e.txt:ThaeL-fte. ITOZethaunii.or lable_st 14j_ Tug kora - -of vote •thst - whose SWIM jag now Al_ The, Pope is teen out all the Ftench -ditionomd t lin. 3 rillS ,:formitilation is ' talked *wive „„. tts. to be tinab - "tactically tei sianalfalis -wi MU; or- ratite .7 -411307, -7 -What Victor Em ttiesawitta Rep who Would vY ika.Tli of =moo* be - young officei *Were to far> tit -...thetkiltOrtint4 • oppreb-etided-so, _ 4ivartefir. - iiseklawinti., ; •itolentand isi 4;win After Ait soutinVer nusseu vibtiatosei othertme,,0671 .11044:' _ix,attroietikt to:set 41-111 18`ad-liPes • 141"' e -1'4%1 •Pear -*Ii ,porauskra ast41116:4 =the slummy i:oastheorwalecomatfisairiencred;o3 - Irma hia ifthe • 'w-i-MthiKartispeetillteieito IGO clianca-.1 Don J• iattlened men -31.11.41414erthe rafinat - !I*Itii°61:11*13, tatesithilto*fletit4-: le,_a•=1 swat w,mild