HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi-Weekly Signal, 1866-10-26, Page 32••••••••=2.,,,,,, Collard "- tsginatat At hot teats. *irtr 17 to their r West. adage - Pt, prk crawl!, azv mg' itna 4,rD sake or Writing . IsPortare - - - !titre Pe_Etr-- Oleos, School et404t. torn - APE& weae ittatipp., 1.111$ tare*/ Ei. ;iT404t 'Q"at 1416. Coso- Shuttg* arra t every.' aD):22 sPonst- and : vrz. 40 3011b - ;borne,. ▪ Male' ictibok IY3tst z Gee r t :Dower,: t each; alut ba laulgtts,_ ii -ea& 4st sic 110p7.na.. enders, * may* mildew month Tea - a sub.. *tor. Vr4tni • trzt, Or asea's -Lank Irma* robot% ration damp - 1st - .or s - south Lakin° tart Scala maim !OB. irit et it oat h▪ ands. mit of; • was fat If the a Oa Went* Ways- - it or • • - • . 1liES1I-W Till; MARKETS. • ' CODERIc11, Oct. .1.0, 1866, - Fall do.......i: ..„-,--.:, $1:50 4, - 1:60 __ Sp.ing Wheat...4-- -.:-.: 117 -(c_th 1: 23 Vats, ...,..... -.......4:. 0:20 Fleur ........., -,.... 6:00: (it 7:50- - EarkY - - - ; -- ..., ....... . - 0:35, (-4 • 0:40 - reaS :- .............. -. : 045 1. - 050 4:0_0 a • -5:00 Beef, "il th - - -,.. - - - .. - 008- aN 0:10 Hides (green) Butt-er 411. .Potatoes,neve.;-: . 0:30 -N8 ood 1:75 ItitY, new ton 7:00 Eggs- 0:10 04_00 Chicken& 0:20- (a; 0:25 Turkeys 0:3() C:30 STICANGE/ ItUT Every out lady alitt'gentlennuthithe tinned States "can he sometliing yery lunch to their . advantage by mail [fi•ce ot charge). by addregshig the *uniler;• signed. ThoSe hitt ingyears oi being' humbugged will oblige 'mita noticing misc.:mi. Altothers Will.Prease address iheif obedient servain.• • Wa4Y._80 ; - - 631 13roa4way. New York:. EB-110112r-O"F' Ir our A. Gentleman who suffered tor veats..froin. Nervous Debility,Premature Welty, tout all the etliicts oyouth-- tul indisereuon. will tbr the sake of sufferiag Infinanity 1 (....1.1 0;00 send,tree to all who neefflti2lle recipe and directions for 0 1 making the simple remedy y which he was cured, Su f- terers Mishing to profit by the advertiser's experience. 0). 0.30 can do so by addressing :--2:25 • JO UN IL OGDEN. No.1.3..Chambers SteaNew York. 8;PQ j:wiirtrli$TIntutS 3pmmtxt,-x,_ -PAIN KILLE - AT THE oLD.riticE. 11:5e BElfARE DP _ COUNTER- PE17'S AND WORTHLESS 111117 A- -TIONS. • :Aura 18, 1866e, - w12 Oni - THE GItEIT ENG1.1811-REMEWE SIR JAMES CLARKE'S . Celebrated. Female PillS• Prepared fronz„ a prescription of Sir J. Clarke,11.1..a,Physician Extraordinary the Queen., - .TO VONSUMPT1VE.I.*-3. - The ailveruserhaving been rdstored to health in a fewweeks bye- very -Simple remedYafterhaving-sof- fered loc several year:: with a severelung affeetion, and that -dread disease. Consumption -is anxious to mak.r . known to his fellbw-iiifferets the means Qf eur6. -- - 'To ail xilib de -sire it-. he will send a copy -of the *pres--. -eription used (free of charge). with the directionielbr pre- paring andusingthe sante. which they Will find a SURE CURE tbreoSSAMPTIONTASVINLA. 13inescui,ts. COUORSi C0f.DS. MUI .11.11 Throat:and Lung A ffections7. The only . ()Eject of the advertiseriU sending; the Prescription is_ to Au c . benefit the afflicted. and spiqadinfOrmation.which he • ' . 10N . - !_1.` 14 E C A :IN ermane4 Buildmg & Savings Society IS PREPARED TO 31A1cB ADVANCES:or APPROVED-- EAL TA - SLTITATE DT:- WESTERN CANADA., 'QN.7TH:Er-r0-L.LOWING- :".FAVORABLE • TERMS: Anfloatit required to iededin each'$100 adyaneed itt. .-.„5 years. 10 yesiri. 15 years: 't able half -yearly' • • • • • ; • • • -• • .• • • • ; • • • ; • • • • • - $l29P S62 ' 11 ravablc yearly. ..• •4• ••••• aaaaaaa ••• • ••.• • 26 i5 164j 13.: 4 _ Loans af firoportionate rate lot 2,4, 6. 8 or 12 yoars, The aboVe instabliente I in ludeit Sin king_ 'Pund;'-whiclt nays oil: the -Principal, as as-thgAnterest a the loan', So that at the exptrati of .the term ageeed upon, the debt is enireiy wiped oat. -The full amount ot the lOatirtg advitneed, and flfl pa yment is required .betbre the end of the hall ear or year. Payment's may be Made in ittlyanee,nd ititeiest is allowed there1br or the mortgage May be releeirr--• ,ed itt lidl at any time the borrower desires,on equitable terms. lEXPE-ASES S 2.'411.:TLY MOD - ERA TH. For Iiirthee informitian, appry (prA veal) to ' ,HORACE•-H-ORTO - Appraiser to- the Society; uoderich, - J. IIKRI3E-RT MP.SON4 _ • -Secrete' y and Treasurer, Toront Godericb.- 16th Oci., 1666. - conceives to be- invaluable. -and he hopes every sufferer willtry his reinedYas it will ,'Cost Meld nothing, and may prove a blessing. - , .-. Penises -wishing -die prescription, tatis..by renirn mail Wilrzitase address •• . - - " •Rev. RD WARD Ai WILSON. . - t:t ithainsbine: Kings 0o..„Ne w York. . Dr. L. 0. MoxTsz' Corrotra. the greatest stim- ulator in tae world, will force Whiskers or Mus- aehes to grOw on the smoothest fate or chin, never known to fait. Suninle for trial seat free to any one de -siren% of:testing its merits. _Address REEVES & 7.8 Nassati . Y. (No letters taken--onless prepaid ) 102.0 - - 'NM intirrttcmcnts. •liThisinvaluable medicine is unfailing in the s iir are of all *hose paintid and dangerous diseases - - to which the female constituden-is subject. -1t StiVTasingtouaT notTsg§gositE,Gouxtutni, - moderates all excess- and removes all obstructions, , 1CrAVISIG given hin Rooms a Thorough ' and a speedy cure may be relie.d on. ' , . •-111 MARRIED LADIES AL „Refitting, . would." intimate to 'those wishing - - . - kit peculiarly. suited. It will, iti a short time, . _ . _ . . bring on the monthly pet led. With regularity. i GOQD PHOTOGRAPH ! - Each bottle, price One Dollar,bears the' Gov- - . ernment Stamp of Great Britain to prevent coati- that they will . find it to iirir advantage to . terfeas. 7 - 0....xurriow: :14 give him a call. Haring secured the services • - -These Pitts shoutd not be bufentaks dnring of Mr. p. Cooni, alb wheie tpu the FIRST THREE MON THS of Preg- SanCy, as they are sure to brzuk on Miner - nage, but at aur other time -they are saffa. In alk cases of Nervous. and SPinat Affections, Pains in the Back and Limbs, Fatigue on alight :exertion, Palpitatiott el the Hearr„Hysterms and Whites, these Pills will effect a cute ether all other means have failedi and althotteh a I. -lower- -- ful remedy, de not coatain iron.. calomel, anti- mony, or anything hurtful -to the constitution, Full directions in the pamphlet around each finckase, which -should be carefully pre..terved.' So0agent for the United States and Canadas, - JOB MOSES, Rochester, N.Y. B. -.4i.00 and six.70e6tage stamps, enclosed' to any authorized agent will insure a bottle con* tainingfifty Pins, by return maii: - • NORTHRUP & Neweastle,C.W,,genepil • agent forCanacla. Sold in Goderich tar Parker & Cattle and K.,fordais ne ; Gaidir or -Co., Bayfielti ; James m- 1 Bentha, Roo) vide.; .1. nekard,Exeter, ; lut Combe, Gton E, Hickson, Seaforth, and all la - Medicine Dealers. w3S-Iv tation is already established as an artist in -his professionhe can furnish - Photographs of Every Style - known to the art. • La 1.3 T..T -always on hand very 'Cheap. N..B.- Old Am broty lies and Daguerreo-. _types copiedlo Photographs. •• Godarich, Oct. 22; 1866. v.39 3u3Sp.sx . 24 ri 4 Among- the most important of -modern medical • , &so sveries stands the _ CANADi IN PAIN DESTRcAE.11.1 As. a Family Medicine, it is welt and. favorably . 1 known...mho-lei; thousands from pains m the Side,. Back and head.Coughs, Colds, -.*Ore throat, , Sprains, Bruises, Cramps in. tie stoinach, enolera morbus,Uvsentery, Bowel corn- planits, Burns, St -.aids, Frost Bites, . - •&c., &c., &c. - •. _ The GAISIADEAN PAIN i/E-STliOYER„ has now been before the public for a length o time. and wherever used is .vell. liked, never failing it, a single instance toinve permanent relict-1141ga timely used,and we hive neverknown ti Single _ ease of dissatisfaction- where the directions.baN-e been proper Ly folipwed ; but, on the coatrary, all are delnrhted with its operations, aod speak in the highest terms of its virtues and magical efL fees. Wespeak from expertence•in this matter_ hay*, Eng tested it thoroughly. and tneretore those Who are suffering from any of the complaints for winch it is recommended inay depend, upon its being a Sovereign Kemeny: - che astonishing efficacy ot the Canitdiaii Pain __-Destroyer in curing the diseases for wbiet. it its reYminniended,- and its wiyiderfui success in sub -7. tluing the torturing pains of Itheumatisin„ar.d in. selieving_Nervous Affections, entitle it to, a hig_h rank lathe list of remedies for these. comptainte. Orders are ceating- m from. Medicine Dealers in all parts -of the country ler further supplies, and each testifying as te the universal satisfaction it gives, The ettaadan Paha Destroyer never mils to give immediate relief. All inedicnie dealers keep it. Physicians order and ilk it and no family sWill be -.without it. after once trying it, - Price only 25 cents per eon e. All orders should be addressed to Newcastle,C.-W., General Agent for Canada. . larSold Goderich by karker & Cattle and tr. Jordan--; Gardiner 4- co, IsRvaeid; James Bentham, Rogerville ; Pickard, Exeter; J. 11.; Combe, 'Clinton ; E. Hickson,. •Iseaforib, and ali Medicine Dealere.. ' • orth 6ra CHEAP & cop!). rALL WINTEEL . CUITHIN.01 _ ffIHE Suheriber hayjur: juSt-recelyecl alae and- well-seleeted Stock of • - • C2//40117111 Z\TQF I Consistmg:in part of Dieu, Frock, and gack Overcoats, ITNOC.31,-COAts,F4NTS - DimShirtalannel.Shirts,Under 'Shirts FURS! FURS I • NiW AND CHEAP. ACE:NITBIASI- F Et 42 ao Gears, • AT THE. LIE -IP :CAS -11 ST411-E. A L.N.11.(3.11 -AZ.,8011.T3IENT WOOL LONG SHAWLS,- - FROM $2, Ar THE , G _ AP; STORE ACHESON it - Goderich, Oct„...23, 1866: -w19 - OP VERY VALUABLE PROPERTY ON A ()COUNT OF THE Trust & -Loan Co. of .11-pger Qahada. O. WILL be Sold at Public Anelion, at the SALE ROOMS OF G- M TRU.EMAN Goderich, on_ Wednesday, 14th of Noir. 1866, AT woo:I... 4.- A pOrtion of lot Ito, .3, on the lst Co'n-i, _- of the Tosvoship or -Goderiell, containing about 'thirty acreS of Land, more er B. La No. 41.,-"Ire-st Side o Wellington St., in the Villade of Port Al ert, itt IV Town- ship of Ashfield, .containii g ,half- an acre of Land, more or less. C. - - - _ The Westerly and Southerly half or Lots_ - No: 2,'Northi of J,izhthouse . Street, in the ToWn of Goderich, containing about Twelve and a quarter Perches, more or less. • The above, formerly ;the property , of An- drew; Doilogli. The .earm; part Of Lot 3, lst • Concession, Goderich, is a good lot ,of laud, clear of' stumps and in t high state Of cultivation, One Mile from Goderieli, on the Biiyfield Gravel Road, good Log- Born and Sheds and Log House. - The Port Albert peoeerty is on Wellington 'street, in about the centre of • the Village. • The Goderich - property is elegiblY situated on the -Market Square, in the Neil,. a Frame •-_-Dwelling, Reuse, Frame -Barn,' &c., are erected upon the preirtises.. - Bs' • . - Also the foROwing Leesehold Property Part of * Lot NO 1, on .. tire:North Easterly side. of Lighthouse street, n the Town of Gocrerich,tronting the Street formerly asSootkWest Street,nriw_known as Montreal Street, helot,. composed -of the smith westerly cOriar of fofisio. 1, on Lighthouse: street: aforesaid, . on the north • side „ thereof, and fronting:South...West on Moetreal. ',street, as aforesaidcontaining by adme'asiireitient 308- e square yeeds: more or less, ore which iderecte- ed a large Blick and S.one Tavern, treating • on the Court. House S.quare, and tor twiny . years known as' The Farthers' Inn:" Coe- nected with- the Hotel is a General Store. • The property is at present iented to ...Andrew • Donogb. " - • Direct Importations A LB -U - FROM 37 -acts TO $29, DDEAWERS', - - -Hag, Caps, Collars, Neckties,' -aro., and idso constantly- mautacturing :• All Kinds of Clothing imatablefor the seasen. • - - ter flois.determined not to be undersold in fi91/7110; Country, as the goods have pee. bofight fur cash., Intending Purchasers may expect goed bargains'. •7 Agent' for Warmer's First-class fligar %Ed Combination SEWING MACHINES!.1 Alt amoriment constantly on hand, at . - ABRAHAM - (nothing ginporium, Nut side Market Squign,..next door to Joba Me- _ Banff& ' Goderich, Oct.5, 1866.--. --w37 - EIBRIFFS SALE 0 'LAND' S. AT TEIE SIGNAL OFRICE: -ONO ERTINA-S F-ROM-37ic.70-$5/90, - AT THE fr SIGNAL' OFFICE. Ten per cent of the purchase money to he paid down at the time. ot Sale, and terms for the balance then be made known.. Deeds, Abstracts of Title and _Mortgage can be seeu at the ciface- of the Solicitors' or • at the place ef Sale: _ . •FUrcher information can be obtained On applicafien to -the Cotninissionere, Trust _add Loan Company of Upper Canada.,-Eitied ton, Messrs. Macdonald, , Patton -. and Machar, Soltors, Kingston ; or to he he undersigned; G -1W - TRUE -MAX . -• Auctioneer, Goderich. Goderich, Oct. 12,1866, t sw13-t , TATANT-tP-1. . Man Ala take charge of the 'I Iv RidgePrepeity.. Apply to-- SH-ADF GOODING. - Goderich, 15th Oct., 1866. sw1.4 POCKET BOOK8714ipi-PURSES • •FR.0m lOces. UPWARDS, purchase gond mortgages. , . ... . The rate of interest on loans is -eight per • \ - - :- • 4t the ,ignal oitice. cent - No -commission -charged and expenses .., - . . reduced. The loads are usually for five 152@ll":_?A0 UO:Ta(IttC) 132giLt. years,* hut can be made payable in yearly ' -• linitedOotintiesof TiltYvirtue-of two-witt s- ei___ i- Ituron and Bruce, IL/ FieeiFacias issued out To wit: - of Her Majesty's County Court °like United Connties of Huron and Bruce andto medirected against the lands and tene- ments etThomair Blailtie, at the suite oe admen ‘itcDermid, • Teomas- 0 Kerr, John Brown, John I. Mckenzie and William, F. Murray, I have seized' and taken: in execution all the right, title and interest of the said -defen- 41ant in and to lot_number one fit the thir- teenth concession of the Township olGree in the elotuny ot Huron, containing -one hundred acres moreor less,which lands and tenements I shall offerrorside at my office in -the Court ttoure in. the Town ef Goderieh, on Tuesday the filth day of February next, at the, hour of Twelve ot the ..docIr -11C011 - JOHN -MACDONALD, . - - Sherif, 14.4, -R, Bilerift0ffice,Goderush, L 22fidOctu. 1866.t • t • . . w29 ITRAYED nit° the premises of the undersign- ed. Lot 4.3rd concession, Tuckersmiiir, fi.- -Y*SorreY, on the rIto October, 1866, Three srorsityro Teen!. old. Tie owner is requested lo.prove,:proTerty; xCiir costa, and take them twortY. " __ -M. blegfrALItT. • Tuokerarnith,22nd Oct' 1866 -; w3931* "-- "-ammo 'TO 0 v.47 f lpE-E TRUS.T AND --LOAN COM ANY -L OF UPPER CANADA have funds for - investment on the seettrity of -first-class town . and &rat property. and are also prepared to . . • A TITHE Until Voce -141. •I We Anil continue fig sell 'Life. Scholarships for Full Business Course in the London .011INE10.14Ij. 0 . loft -..... FIN T - F - After that time the price will be raised in' commod_with that of the other Comne_reial Colleges of Canada, to • • Thirty- rive Dollars. intending Students can cholaithips fiefole_ that dateand entOit any utile. . . ALL REGISTERED goNEY LETTERS properly addressiid to me will be at my rislo . w38sw14• Alig.mg- THE - GODERICH • • . " AN • r ADDiTiONiiL S opx OF • DR E GOO inniuding _ pRENCII Metinoes, • Empress- Cloths, -Itepps, Silk Warps. .Mehairs; ' all woo! Plaias, Gain Plaid's, Plain k Fancy Wineey.i; Dress rrimminga and Buttons, Fingering Yam and Fleecy Wool, • Ladies) Nubias, -Ladiesr*Mantle Cloths, - • Laidies'_Skirtiugs, A large supply_ of:Duchess KID GLOVES; Several cases _ READY -MAD CLOTHING, _ do - BOOTS and. SHOES. J. C...Detlor Co. Goderich, Oet„,.9th, 1863. sw12 SIIERIF.e ,S SAL4;OF LANDS. United-COunfietiof DY virtue of. a writ 01 Hurofrand Bru e - 11 Fieri Facies issued mit - • To Vir.t-. of Her Mitjasty's - County CalO-Idurhtrofikitch,eurietentiedtedaiegtigi%ittietshcief1llaunrdesii ittilvd Btertnieee, nients.orirrilliani iticElrov, at the sun of John. Latelitezie,1 -have seizeil and -taken in - eiecii . tion all the ;iglu, title' and lige; est of the. said de lendant in andto lot'uumber eighteen in the sixth Cott -es -situ' of the :ToWnsliin • of Morris. in ihe Coitary et -Huron, containing one hundred- acre's, Which lands and stenernenfs I .M1611 offer for sale at -my office in the t '.ourt House -in the Town ot Goderich-en• -.1teaday, the t wenty-aiiith day 01 Jnaotoir. ry next, at the hour of -Twelve 01 the clock, _ :410; li N: - .A1 A-. C• s- bh eOr iNfr,Aira,.. B.. . Sheriff's Office, Godorieh, 1. - - 18th Geuther -1860. f ..w39 • NO.T.I.O.R. . . _ or half -yearly instalments if desired by - A Large Stock just opened, Borrowers. . _ - -• 'lit the Signal -Office. A deposit of$10 required with, eaelf SITU saVteasssi • At.. ball Former Prices, At the Signal Office. 01 vow THE ALBUM/ AN IMMENSE :ASSORTMENT, . TILE SIGNAL OeFICE. Writing Desks and Wo.k _111 - Rosewo4 Walnat and Mahogony, , • - - AT THE SIGNAL OFFICE. .* wALKINGK' ANES, dation. , , For further particulars apply at tbe Com- pany's office- in' king,ston, to Messrs.t1 SiN- CLATR & WAL"gER. Barristers, or. 41. TRVEMANT Goderich. ; • w39,2ni October, 150 1866. • _ . Insolve-nt let of 1864 aid Amend= ments. Province of Canada, • COuritylif Horm- one of the United - Counties of Huron 1 and Bruce.._ • IN THE CO:UNIT COUKT of . the Unit- ed Counties of Huron. and Bruce. • in the matter of Samtfel Contelon, an Insolvent. nN Monday; the twentveixth -day of Novem- k-1 ber next;the-undeisigned will apnlV to the Judge of the said Court for a discharge under the said Acts. - SAMUEL CAN TELON. TOMSA MOORE, Solicitors --for Insolvent: . - Dated at Goderich,,, tins 19th day Of September, Al D. 186"9„ • - ' -.w952rn , T a meeting of the Beard of Directors ofthe Provincial Ineprairce Coilipany of Canada; held on the 26th September.1866, at the Hood Office. of the Company, Toronto Street.; Toronto, it was resolved that a Call _ . of Five cent-, upon the capital-stbek of the CoMPany beinade and each sharehold. ei idrequired to pay the same as lollows, TwO and r_oee-helf per cent at theoffice ot the employ in Toronto, on the 29ihof Decem- ber net, Euld two and one-inilf cent at the same office on the.29tn of March- next. By order or the Board,, ' " J. HILLYARD CAMERON - Prepident. JAS SYDNEY' CROCKER Manaver and Secretary. Toronto, Sept 27,th,1866.• . , w:ig it Silver- 4- m°41#6d- Insolvent Act of 18611. I In th'i matter of john Arsistil ng Valiant. - ...AT THE SlcilVAL OFFICE. Arniittront and George 4.°rmstroni -.. sol -vents. . Creditors the :rnsobients are _notified - that they nave made a soigetmegt of their e*. tate and effects, under the above -Aet: le met the undersiepede Usigoee, and theyarerequired- to lurnishrife, within two Months from this date, With their Maims, specitymg the_secuiity- they bold. &inv. and the value of it; and if none stating Oa fact 3 the whole attested-iputer.oat with the vouchers in support °ism h Dated at Goderich in the County of Huron' this - 19th day of OctOber, 1866. - S, 'POLLOCK. _Official Assignee w39 A General Assortment OF ILL -KINDS OF CY GOOD'S !, rro-vs, Arc, Ape., - At .one half tha Prices usually asked • _ FO1 IOW ELSEWHERE, )1,‘Ne. A‘,S%&d.‘ OSIvee!-• -OPENED TM DAY A c4sE OF , GENUINE .MEERSCHOM .pIPES Cheap for 9ha.,611 it 'the isidNALf OFFICE. • aoder5ob,..0ot. 1866. 34.o. CAMERON, Solicitot for Insolvent: • - • QTRAYED into the preuuses of the senscriber, 1.7 east halt of Lotli, south boundry, township of Ste.* bent Comity of Borer ,about the middle of Jul, hist, a Bay Marc, white star in foreheac:, tomato% a in one of the fore legs, and -swelled 1I1 one of the hind fettocks,.. .Theowiter request- ed to preve property, pay elpenseti, and take. her away, - • 00.141EILUB 34cOAILTY. Olt. Ift04 - - *39 31* -NOTICEi . „L, TETE undersigned • havin,g: disnoied Of Mk J.- harness BUsiness to the rtiessie..-tfehry Martia of this Towof begs to be 'from his feiendi and customers a. con- tindiince of that patronage *Jfe has do. long enjoyed,- and. would itrther request that all those indebted tohitn will call mit early as _possible acid pay their indebtedness at his. Office at the old -11,araeas 1)ep_ot: - • ; " Fl 0 ft HORTOX,- • Goderieb I6th Oct: 1866. 111HE .undersignd hiving pu • ased the large stock of Saddler' aird; otire EiTE8 - CottdatA-tidHM.:atho:r6attci C .13. IVX 1 : linder the -Superviaion. of Mr at .1:-. A. RR c IC El,..1.-: AR,: - is affiliated with llie C011e:ge. , - - Price Of one year's Tuition in Academy- Art, 1,1164 Whci enter beforelst Dee: 1866. $15,i in advance: . To these who enter iiiter:thati date, $20, in adietice. The areount, paid foc one year's tuitioti will be deducted:froret-lte price of the College Scholarship in the else! of all haeing gone through the Commercitif Course - in the Academy,. shall enter and graduate it the College,- and the price of the! • College , Sehola.rshipti slial i,_ in their ease; bei -the same as ' 4 was when they enter 4hel di erny. - • - - For circulars or spechneiti of Pentnatiahipi add:ess • .. •." 11-ESII OYSTER .4.1•TS ..AISTD" MEMCFS . DECEIVED DAIL1, AND SOLD At the .-Letiest:Figurey . - - --SHEPPHA110 86 STRACHAN1 - South side Market_Snunre.. dotle*h,„Sept. 14, 1866: sw5tf- LUN:flth :1 • ' rpHE Subscriber always keeps- thelargest inriety and best Stock of _ - HOISERY .•1%. GLOVES! IN THE COUNTIES- ' ••• • , CHAS. El-ARCHIBALD. Goderich, August' 22nd, 1866: - sw f03 JOHN HAR ,COLONTAL_. .4ou.sgt • - 11100P.. SKIRTS 01.00P -SKIRTS r. defy .c _larfat,/ite.tvicat'IrlloineAl!i-lu.,;.E....T: Aownne:EtatiBiRtiAo:;110. -Goderich ust-22nd, 1866:- -7 - difitt 'SHIatikluSSAL --0.E.LAIMIL United Conntieset- 10 "K virtue of _a Writ Olt We. County Coerfofithe County ,ef Wentworth, - . , -Huron and,Bruce,-- 1.3- liikei* Pactas residue- - To Wit : ' • . _ tis.uedout of Her Maj.- t' - to me .directed against-that:nide-end- dine:, • molts of John Me A uley, at the -snip or William! -Darling, rhave seizedandlaken in execution:AO and-siegalin-tliat peirC n or. tract et Iliqd aid: prernisessithate, lying and being in Inc "Tewn- shi p of Cul rossi in _the county of Bruce, contaiii-;-' 'ing by admeesuremene tine .eundred acres ott iland, be thtesanie more or less, and being vow -- posed .of lot numbrr eleven.' -iii ihe 'fifteenth -cone- cession ofthe To waship• oi Calms*, intheComitt•-: -of Bruise .dforesaid,.11, hich land and tenement*. • 7,3 111 House, in'theTiiven of teederaoh, on. Tuesday,. - !I Aialluller for- sate at. my- °Rice in the Cotrrtf , havieg purchased at an " .- . ,J,OH.M MA.CD0OheNdifiLED sr." . . , sthheeenigvhstioidrjacycricfGlacre_nurazei:n:xi, at. the ho,ui oft." ' .TwcIve of. t e ..e °a, noon, -.- r . -.NORMOITS RgoppTIO for CASII, . 2,71 4 feint er, 86 t wle; from die OificiatAssignee at Hamilton, the en- .,....P ......_;.....' •3 6. _ We:Brock-in trade belonging to the Estate of"..1..:.1-1,AJ,E7M3D-,... '. ... VRO.M. lbt'No- 2; con. Ar E. it.:- TOwnsiiii, ofr ;74:::113.33. Fait*, 0:9 . CDIC:l0., r -Gowan!, nuent"aie later par; ablay last, , • - • - 12 sheep---6koltiewasil old. rani, these are -mark- - - Is now prepared to -oiler to the pablie ed with a .liorei the .right„ear:v. a owd hinihm, t - Wether Minh, 1 ram lamb wtth a- long' tail; tit IMMENSE BARGAINS the otherslave thew taileeue short. Avypersea; --- , : ' , • - - .giving such in-ormatien mr-Beranillarts Mills tur--,- s-- . .. in every departMeet in _ . will teacktheii,3.0-• eovery,. will be suitably bee-- DRy GOODS, GROCERIES, -MANTLES, iwarded, or--hY. lei,* to • - "-WILLIAM ELLIOTT; MILLINERY, HATS, CAPS, .&c,,---ke:, 1 • - Benmili6rra .P.44-• Sept. *tf, 1866:. , -- • a-36 lice - 70 ci,_ /NT 1.47 .J.: -.13P' -... DISSOLUTION. -OF; PARTNER7- • SHIP._ , bean 'tilul Hair and StrawBonnets-will be almost literally- magliaval• -r A Yt N°_TrCElilijfi.lilalVIe ila.rtte- G VE w_fheretotoretsiitbetwenns.Iers dersisined; as retail grocers, has been thia-day Very lsrge additional purchases of olvcd mutual tonsent. All -debts owntg Ib aHe said partnershir areio be paid; ro 1.4.rfut Kaimoti.w. tine, -at Goderich, and all claims against thr said partnership are to hepresettAlitb ithepresetiV 'ern of shannon de Doyle, by om. ilia sinner BOTII J .11 N ,Principal of-Lond6n Coibarerciall College, London 'CI October, 5th, 1866. -243 • • 1111.UGII DUNI 312E011A/4T .AL 41::, STO i 1- -DRIF GOOIS & GROCERIES, . are just now heini received, ninengst Which inay ; be mentioned „eipewallyi - • 1---xo TN .returning thanke tolth Publiefor the liberal patroigige bestowed on him, wishes. to term theta that having enlarged his premises to: CONTAIN A' TARGE..A.Na WELL' BELEOTE6 STO.Ok. :OF - FALL AND WINTER 600Ds,i which he has selected in the 1 heapest Mark.et, • together With a Large'Veriety of • ' Hmirs, copAus, TIES - Ate itc -• - BEV.TG CONFIDENT HE CAN- CIV'E SAI s- .- FACTION. _ - rerieot tit _Wnrr anted in every • - Style of Garment:. D:r He sche:is J tispeetton of his Goa& . HUGH DITIVLOF • Two Doors West Dait's Hotel. Goderich Oct. 6t1f, 1466. _ sw-11-1f - VOTICE.-I hereby,. torbideany person nr ▪ petsthis giving eny wife, Mary Thomp- son, credit lir my' name, is I. will not be "ra,. snonsible tor the sante, she hiving left my bed tied board withuut any just cause or 'pros voCaTion. - JAM'ES THOMPSON. . Morris, 13th Oct., leb w38 317 B S NT -E_ S of Mr. Horace Horton who has 13een so lone and favorably kiiewn-in that capacity, beg to , 0 State that we are prepared, to continue-7the husiness on the same favorable terms to pur- chasers as- theY have hitherto enjoyed. The ubseribers have on handat'their Shop, arket Square, a very. large_ Assort- - +tient o - • 11 U0131 IILVADEZ EVERY STYLE, Saddles, Trunks; Valisek &c, which they are prepared to Orate the public at greatly redeced-priees, for cash. Farmers will do well to call and inspect their stock add prices before purchasing else. iv:here,- as such a chance seldom offered: * , & W. MARTIN. - Goderich, -Oct.16th, 1866. -, w38 - _F-0. R -SALE.- , _ (ME west half of lot 81 con. 1, Townstip of Ashfield, with a good dwelling !lease and -outouildiegs, a good young orchard and a 'never -failing creek thereon.- There is alio a good clearing on the lot. • - _ TERMS. -:,-Part of --the purchase- money down. Ten years given for the ."...payment* of the -remainder, with intemst at int per cent. For further particulars apply to - NATHANIEL FIERcE. Oct, lith, 1866. J.* WANDERY OF --•- R. E A L - k - INpursuance of the Decree and -Order for Sale made in a certain Cause -pending m the Court ollThancery tor 'Upper Canada of eeagrant eersith Oriclain . will be sold .by"Pablic Auction:. by Wakefield, Coate dz., Corn pany, -Auctioneers,: at their rooms, King Street East. -:in :the Of Toronto 011 , SaturclayitIiie 271h day Of Ottokr_ 1866' •-• at imon,_ with the approbation_otAndreie-Notton Buell, kiquire, .Master in -Ordinary of too said Court, the. following freehold' premises in fivelote` •- _ A Iot I. Alithat parceror tradt or land iitoete in the - • - • - W -N -S 11-1 ._0 E S -S 'in the CopniT. of 1.5imoe; • tiontaining_ by. ad - :measurement one hundred acres,- be -the sanre more ("Hess; being the west half of lot number -one; The, eighth celieessioe olthe said Town: -ship ofEssa. Between silty ea sevelity acres are eleared; under -nee, and . in a good ,-state of &titivation; almoit, all free troth - st The remdindee of the lot exCelletivhardweedbush. The fences eft ceaer and in 'good repair, The lot is within a quarter of a- mile of tee nearest stare end village, and eleven miles the eluib, .ford state* on the Northern Railroad. , Let 1. - The sonih half of lot nuinbeisev-en•On e south el Mara sfreet _(now callectStenley street) 4141 linoWn-a. pint of the Hospital !Square- ' N _dr ITZ cITY OFTTr0E0YN VC, That is to say_ Commenting -.Where s' post has _ been planted in the centre .of lot on.the east side of Victoria -%ect at the neribikestyangie of the said nalflot number seven -5 then htirth seveqty- :eoue•dq,,.--rees east eighty -fret, inore or fess. to the limit between lots ..numlers seven and six, then south sixteen east forty-tive-feet, more or iess;to the southern thc let, then smith sevelerfour-degrees,ivest • eighty feet; mare- or less, to Vet -aria -sr -reel, then -north sixteen degrees -west forty- five feet,,more or less, •_to the place ot beginning, containing three thousana ale haul, -dreci square inore orless.: A oce storylrame -house containing eight toong, and arew ta timed :admit Erick cottages stand on the- premise-, all occupied. There e geod. well in the yard, and the place is in lair repair. - 'Lora. -All that parcel :Or ',fillet of land- tad- peemiseli situate ill the • C T :-0. -.T 0- It 0- N T 0 in the County of Yorkrcoatinqing by admeastire. ment fidteeathousand four hundred- feet, be the same more or less, being composed of part of the Governirient Park :Reserve, and described on the 'plan of lotillaid out by the. l'rustees of the Tor - MAO Hospital endowment as lot num Jar Sixteen -cin :the :noontide" of Pa.ace greet. ; ;Let .4, And also all that_pareel Or tract Of land situate int e . Factory Cottons fro'nt 8 to 20 • cents per yard; ion:Ming alionr a 1000 yards ofthe celehrstal .Lyester Mills " Can ada make:, , • , _ •Blip.A..011.E13 Cp'17`01VS.• _ ' from 10 to -26 cents per yard: Striped Shillings, Scarlet Plinnels, White Finn - nets: Fancyklanaels, Rob Roy do., Madder Prints; Black and Colored 'Coburgs, tilack and Colored Lushes, French ',Mediums; French de Laino, Tovvelliags. Table Linen, and a large aisortrnent or Ni 6t- :No Atess, Goods, TOWNSHIP OPTECUMSETH, ia-the- County or Simeae; containing by ad- measurement cite Innidred acres, be the. same ° more or less. beim" eompAer1.01 the south hulfol lot number seventeCn, in the eleventh concessioe ofthesaid Township ofTecuieseth. Lot 5. Lots nuinbers nineteen and thirty eight in the first conces.siOn south. of the centre- diagonal, - lot- number- eight; -in the 'twenty-third concession; and lots numbers - :twenty-six, twenty-seven, and twenty-eight in • the twenty fifth ooncessiori, being all in the - IO\VNSHIP OF AMABEL, in -the County of Brine. containing by ad measurement five hundted acres be the same inere- or less. - - • ,- - ' The purchaser shalt at the tithe Of sale pay down a deposit in -,theproportion tee ,pontids, for eeery• one -hundred pounds". of his p_ar; cinuie money to the kendor" or „hilt solicitor, and shall Pay the remainder of the pin:obese money." without interest,-,nt the exptratloa Of one Month from the Atiy Of Sale. In Other -respects the -conditions of sale arn the *toed- ing conditions of the Court of Chancery. • ‘7.1"iirticurars May he had at the Law. Offiee of -Messieurs -McMurray & 114e, York Chain- bers, Toronto. Dated ietond day of October. 1866. (Signed)- A. N. BUELL"; '(SPa) WAITJTIRAY IC: ISA% 'Pointe! -tioP.9itore. wrtd 7ifTE.It HUSE: FACTORY. • , .. 1 THE proprietor of the above estitblishnient - I . has appointed Sheppard & 'Strachan Sole Agents for the Nowa of _ci-odermIti for the sale of his cheese' -Which can be Vbiained at the Factory Price. - - , .- ' ,- RICHAILD MANNING. Eiet 0c.5th 1866 : . ilsiv"lin .t - - • • H602 of every,. *desaripti-on t /Porter Sheeting, Bagging,', 'Bales ot Canada: _ _Seamless Bags, Very Cheap!. Bales DI Canada CCIrjra'CIINT Seaver Mills, Are:, Very Cheap! , „Hogsheade "(it Muscovado -Seger, Very cheap. Barrels of Broken Loaf doe Very cheap! - • . _ White Groundalo., Very Cheap! Chestsand Halt.Ohests-cif Young Hyson. Souchong aiid othea.Aeas, Veiy Cheap Tobaecoa Vinegar, s feeSalt, Snu, 'Spiel ds, ff Spices, {Attlee, Ste. In corothenc:na BITSINESSthe Subscriber begs - mat respectfully to announce tia the. INHABITANTS OF coppRIcxr, and the..surrounding country that the principle • will ben! - - • - ; OAS1-1.1 011.0-PI!,01?-7(X10/„. - and every efforewill-be made to sett OfJP-:GDODS; CHEAP! Inspection iseolicited on the part fzn1eia !ng. buyers. ' 1101IN. HAttitts. _ . Goderieli, August 10, 1566. s•-xle•wfa! Will he *pitied. - ' Datat Goihirich, this 24th ed. day ofSeptemberf, i1866i. • ' D..SHAN71414 w36.314psx. - • S. LAIIPATINE. 13IG8 FOR SA.LEffrom-30 to, _L 40 Pfgs for sale of nupeP ior -Breed. Priceafrotif x.Dollim, and lap *wards.- (Including the lst Prize sow sup. posedtoweigh over 6owt of Pork). .Apply • 31ARVEY JENCKS ZSQ:,, Rosegarland Cottage; • 4t1a! eon. -Goderich. Goderich, Sept! 23, 1866.- w35 ST. CALMANNES IURSERIEL Fanners ,Bewarel - 1113 iato caution:fon- igainn -buying trete ofJOSEPH YOUNG, -who has been taking - ordeis op the:pretence that lie was an Agent, of these Nurseries. _ He is not authorised' to 'sell - troth these nurseries, and paides buying from hire, will not ger their trees from.invesialitishment- - - BEADLE. - , St.Oatharmes, Sept. Vista. 1866. w3$ -WAN.TED.. - _ Selma Section10 IA for' the -emitting- you,- a Female Teacher.' with Bmt-elan..: certificate. Personal applicatfon tote made to Mr. ThomaslIcIntyre, Sth concession. Stanley, 10th Oct., 1866,, w28 p R_ T GA GrE' SALE. _ UNptit a rovter4f Sale contained in a Mortgage titade hylamei O'Connor, of the Village of-Egniondville, in the County. of Huron. and Maragaret O'Connor -his wife, (being a. party thereto .fOr the purpose of barring her dower) dem& hating been thade in the due paynient thereof. and notice having heen-eriten to all parties iutereited there will be sold on • . _Monday; the 22nd day of OCIOIkI, at 12 o'clock; mionot Downey's Hotel," in the Village of Seaton!), the following proper- ty, namely Five-eighths of an acre of land, he the satire more or leas, beiti,g composed_ of villag� lots itirjlibers one and two. On the Fest side of Water" street n the Village of Egmondvillef aforesaid; with valuable build - ins thereon. t Terms made known at -Sale. Deed under Fewer of Sale in the Mortgage. MAGDEfIlMOTT & BENSON, • Solicitors for Mortgagees; October S._ 406. - iraltd E THE Partnership ,heretofore ciisting" tween William Vanstone .and James Vanstone, under the sty 0 a Id title of " Wit; Ham-. 4: James Vanstone, Brothers,' as millers and mill owners, at Seaforth and Ain, ler-rine-Os this day -dissolved by/intitual con sent:, Alt promissory notes and book ac counts &c due to the late partnership firm, are in, the hands of James Yalistone for collection, whose receipts, or that of his agent, J. W. Kerr, will be held as Suffieient and satisfactory; and all demands against the said firm of Partnership; will be paid on 170,i_nne.0:.mrrisen_. wtediitoliamthit: vsaiadns,,stamonedo Va_n- takes this opportunity of acquainting the inlia- bita.nta•of the Townships of Grey and M6rris, that the business heretofore carried on by the late firiain Alliterate, wilistill be continued by btm. - • THEFLOIlitIN11-- MILL is fitted up withthe very best and latest.im- provetnent of machinery, both by water and manpower, wind], together with the serviced of that superior „inillert-William =Ross. is Sufficient guarantee "that the very best work will always be accomplished'. THE S.kM MILL is also newly fitted up with patent water- wheels, bands, &c.; the subscriber is nits% prepared to -complete all orders for lumber on - the -shortest notice. The public nay -there fere rest assured that no pains will be spared in making the .Ainleyville Milk second to none in the County of Huron. WILLIAM VANBTONE. 61•13-Angust3 1866! ‘39-2t. _ . • A az; ma(ter of John 811 ?6pa litielti ica :: c•iiiie' , .. . Dated at Goderich- in the -Comity. of Hums Insolvett :Act of. 186 furnish me, within two months from this dears hold, if any, and the value edit; and it none, ; stating the fact ; the whole :attested under oaths. tate and ellecte. ender the above Act. tome. Air, this 12th day of October, 10 with the vouchers in support of such daunt.- - ' undersigned Assignee; arid they are required te , Trag creenors _e# the Insolvent arenotified wl h their claini...,e specifying the ;security diet - Burtirt; 'Yeoman, an Infolnent. - Township:0411111dt, in the tioltnti qf ' 1 that he his made an Ailigninent of hie et. . . Official Asstguee tot H.* 8 • , kOTELOST.-Lost between Mr . -Anthony 1.1 Allen's and The Nile, a note of hind ia fliVar of -Thos. Allen-- or tearer, Made ity, Robert Sanderson, a the Township of Co1.; borne, for fifteen dollars, -bearing Asti March 4tli, 1866, -payable four months -from. dale: This is to &ulnaall persons pnrchasing or,, negotiating said note, as I have not veCillrol. payment thereoni H. j. bearer of said tiotfik Nile, Oct. 156,1866: - ir88 3t* , PELL NEIGI44011,_ how 1,do you get Along with your pit:4111g this Wet weather - Why, 1- have thrown hsidg a good plow that cost 24 &Hats,. - it was, like plowing witka logt ;Ind 'tient to Searle '4E4 Davie and bought a steel plow for. sixteen. dolhm, now I have no, trouble in plowini ; rny bomes go right alorig, it cleans so nicet, they are real thistle cuttertl, • • - . • , • 41.4.uni-Aitottotp;t 011 :r17- .1::>:',.Nr-E1 A -• OVER 30 KINPS1 dAtS0 A --LAitGE STOCK 4jF 'TAMS, ;ban& Signof .-tEintix Sept]•20. 16 W291. - / 'IAMB into the_enclosure of the subseribeer oe lot No. 13.Mnitland Road, about the Middle ot July, a Ewbond Lamb., The oWq.-.-1 er is requested to -prove properly and•-lajt obatges and take them away, . ' . ,. WILLIAM HOLMES. . Octlfith,..1066. -' . " ; -*Wittig:7. ,t STRA14,63EEP, came int* NW-, premises of the undersigned, Lot 21.,.. - rd coo, Wanimosh, ttbowt-tbeTlastoto . Anglia; one Ewe and Larab. The -Dormer 10", - recpestol to pros, properfyi pay datges ilit take then! awry.-- - -- _ _. • iiiiiit' - -COOK. Wawanosh Oot. 12th, 1866, • w3113t• Insolvent _ Act - of 11364.. In -the matter of Robert Riddell, of thei -Township of Brant/ in the Count,' Of Brace, stansolvort. 1 ' _- - ,- ...." r 'HE Creditors ilfthe-fasO-Iveat Mt notified that .L be has made an Assignment of his -estate and eirSabISliueribe above Act, to Inv the siadvr,..., signed Assignee, and they are requIred to turiashil me, vntlain two monthsfrom this date, vritk their claim, speoifyiag the security they told, Maw,. and the value ofit; and if none statiegthefact v the whole attested matter oath, with the Totteterne insupaort ofsuch.elliiint. - . 1• Dined at Goderich in the -County oflinsorettlio: . fifteeatbday ofttetober,3866. t., raK, w382w , ' 9111_401 42sline.a luilivrorlf *iglu