HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi-Weekly Signal, 1866-10-26, Page 2.1111PINIIIMeransmimeameamemommir -• - . TAlltilE;_a, SE -MI -WEE , , 131,F4k1.0 ANL) UODPRICii. DISTPieTi . GOING WEST.; t...xp. t Exp. Exp. 3:1,1x7ct .M...x/c1 NIrx$(1 . a. in. I p.m, a, in. a. tn. E. 11T. p. m. —.--, _ ______ Ruttato. . 7.03 t 1-15 TZ30 ..... .. , ....... I Brant6v4... 10.12 4.15 3.40 '7.30- -5-.00 ....... Stnutbrd... te.3a 6.30 510 6.50 3.15 p. tn. Underich - 3.00 . ..- , , _ - . 8 50 11.45 3.30 - p. tra- p. m.1a. imip. in. I a. m. 9-.15 . 00ING EAST, Mad,. I Exp. 1 Mixhl I Atixkl Mix ,(1 m. / a. ra. a. m. I a, m. p. Goderich I0 00 2:30 , , ..= , .4 1.30 Stnufiml 1.00 4.20-112.i01 I 020 4.65 Bisitiford--. 2.47 1,76.00 1.301 .5.30 I 1I.06. 8,10 estertee ats r to oat 4.4st te.fs- _f in. I p. 131;114 P. m„. I- at tn. 'P. in_ indifference to careful dealine a. disrekard -of to be brought against them will not •exCeed . . c; • . . ex- -thirty thousand.' -/.... ' - - . • the ieterests of others ; a ' thrtftlessness„ trdeagattee and want of ecotionly• en -the Mana rement of business, rather -than hy hon- ' , . . , _Let them proceredeby all meani I ..Iett no esty and perseverance-set:serve, the interests enterprisine meddler - 6 thread onthe tail ' of c ., . . . . . of his creglitnrs and himselfee-Judge Hagerty thegiger so ae to _binder his springieg across remarked a few 'years ago. to a grand jury,. the herein°. pond. When -there, he Will un- . . . . . . r ... • . (we think in Toronto) that 111 his long s'51)ell- 1 doubtedly when j. B. comes, down to the enc:e at the b.br- he never knew a cas-e where ' ' l be p ty a coest io look at the anima , . let m ch an honest trader bad nppealed:to his credit- - - ors, and offered a fair composition' - for_ their ri the fix of a man who. Provol-ed a r inure! . ,. • _ t 1 i claims that he eked heee erefeseci a release. and not tiking_ the atriking attitude of h:3 1 - We believe•that as true in most cases __where adversary,- sung -out, " Two or three of you _a mereauti e man mcornes un ertunate. , e hold that -. man . one cau hold me easy l'-' -understand them are miny cases of freauente, - • ' - . • - .. wherfi e_Twenty th,_ousand men rest Irel•tnd fro.n occurrence under the Insolveut Act . - - parties reeeivo their discharke under Deed of i:Britain ! Verily ..the,-. ince- of fools is onethe - • - - - - - - Composition, and dtscharee without the I increase, .GODEVIC-il, G.' W., apt. 26, 186f. OUR INSOLVENT. ACT:. The law of England was, at one _time, very. seiere in its -previsio,ne against debt- • ors. Creditors prime -me& rights over . the - person an& property.. of their debtors 7 Which at the present day would be consi- dered nothing short of tyrannical and barbarous. ..A.s civilized= advaaced "the severity of those laws - became relexed, ,. and the rights of -1_ creditors, though. still much favored, becaMe Much more` cireum- scribedt -So far did the --pea ,extend, as trade increasecrancr commie& extended, that in the reign of William IV the Parliament of G-reateBritain Pessed an act, giving partial relict to Unfortunate traders in England. The 'principle then became. generally _admitted • that under certain circumstances and iri particular cdies, through' misfortone or upforeseen accidents, debtors-. should receive froM the law protection from- their creditots. Shortly- after the passage-of--thenetethe various trades and. businesses -of. the king- dom displayed the werkigg of the law. . eburse of time; amendments bicame neces.sary to meet -the exigencieS of tr;dek. and as freely were they placed upm the statute book. The position.. of debtors _ has, therefore, been- ia Engleed .-aa ever changing -.stati, from the time we have first:mentioned until. late in • the. present reign, when a consolidation et ali the laws on tha-subjeet-Was made. Time and circumstances have not proved it even te he satisfactory to the-- greet mass of business mea of. England., It had its imperfections like- every other -huinate law; and as it ifiterfers with the rights an& interests of ludividtials inoree-partic- nlarly than many •othees has been more -violently assailed.-- Lately a parlimeqtary, conV.seion was formed, with a view oft inquieipg iato the working of the present( law. Its members,. coraposed of mere .chants, bankers, .and lawyers,- set,: heard evidence, not only of the working of the SYstem ..tigIand, but of that prevailing in Scotland, _hat as pet neither the late - nor the present government has-been able properly to deal with this vexed question. Had that great- law reformer, lord °West- bury, not been- obliged to retire from :the higuoffiee of Lord Chancellor; hi the actionfrof a profligate sou in connection e --With an- office in the Court of Bankrupt0, no doubt he would -have introduced :such a bill on- the subject aa would few a time . have settled the /ale, andhe, in a manner .acceptible to the great mass of the people. But, the eonntry haafor a time -lost the mayo. service of this great lawyer; and, nci.dbulit; the English. taw eflea,-nkeeptey -for the preient,. remain is it -Ise is so - diversified. in its operations 6.81 npthing. short of a. remoultline or _remodeling of the. ' „system will be attempted.by any government, and thatonly with a view of permanency. The present government, although number mg among its members some -eminent law yers, have not the streegth to undertake and 'Carry such a mea,sure throuzli the House of Commons. SO- far for the law Of England: don the law of debtor .aed creditor stand in, our cnen country Many years ago bankruptcy law waa introdaced in Canada, baits operatioa being productive of more dishonesty than the encouragement of honest trade it was shortly -repealed. Then an Ihsolvent Act was passedeand-a great .mary took advantage el its provisions, and speedily 'obtained ‘,.‘ White-washing:rt.- This law was also - considered Inischievious, and in- the esession. of 1858, at. Toronto, among the `first bilk introduced wae oneto repeal: the enact- ment. It was carried through. Parliament, - and received the royal assent shortly after Vie presentation ofthe address by the Ileersei in answer to the speech from the throne. Stich aPpears to have been the disfavor of a Bankrnetcy law in that Padiainent; that the fepealing act was mede eetroepective in its se-operatioa and annulled the proceedingseind ail those who had part at its passage received *heir finalAliseharge. -bur law- oti the sub- jectremairied so untile1864, when from the agitation of the newspepera-more 'than the demand of trade called :for, or commeieial Men generally required -the present Insol- vency Act was introduced. It had fat its - author a, good lawyer : ex -Solicitor -General • Abbott, of Montreal, His act -was framed ly on the Ent:dish acts, partly on the °WM 'atm PI' bankruptcy, arid- partly. on, the necessities of trade and cOmmerce in this COnn17., A. great dent of alfawance Should bi made foe the imperfection of arty such -law • in a eountry where it b pretiouily been re- , wind with so much disfavor. Ifr. Abbott ignored the` distiections- that-. exiited in the oldest biiiikrupteir .acts .Bngland, and of - the first in Upper Certada, between tradera mad nontradera. Ile placed all classes- on an eve' ,footing.• No mato' what -their trade or calling might be, every -Man should • equally with: his -neighbor be • entitled to a• vailinmself of its provisions, and, so far as its preeent working has shown, . it , has beee 'made available by many besides those ea- ._ gaged in: legitimate trade. An amendment of the act was =dein 1865, but princifially inmatters. of procedure. „The question is. • after having seen the teuits of this -law. :Has itbeen blessfngeo the country ? Has it encotiraged the peer bat unfortunate trader, - whoi4 all may have -gone ilia night by fire or otherinevitableaccident 7 - Has it kePt men -in Qat Cenntry tO ilia& up name for theni--; gelveland a home for themselves and family?. Has it eveerelieved or treed the htinest inen who *mos -alto be struggling. in' 186'4, um - der load of debt -,•,never to be tomrived -ex- - °opt bi. the Much tallte_d -of bankruptcy law? gars CreditOrs since, the act been mom disposed to conipound with their debt-, ors, who bare been unfortunate, more than beforeits passing? - And lastly, has it tende eat* promote sound andlionest heeineas 1104 among min. Or Init It produced' an ditors ever'i acei ring or expecting to re- cre ceive a cent. Thm is illustrative of, the principle we have intimated, that where a 'DRAMATIC: debtor has aeted honestly toward -his creditors, . • • -. - • • - - The Goderich Dramatic Club appeared in nine cases out of.ten, they will treat hiin ' _ - . evith equal nutgeanimity, •Bet how . many of before the -public. for; thg first time last: our cases in Insolvent7 are from the mercian- nireht in the Vidtoria Rah. -The -Teem tile -Or trading classes.. Not one iii... twenty. - ' --- - was -densely filled, and .-the play or TO - they are usually- farmers', who have efirried „ , , . . on -their ousiness thrittlessly, mortgageo tneir eyenouncer was periormea %vita a-deg-ree farnis„ and spent the Mortgage money - With- . . . of spirit and force that would have done out considering. the coming. of pay-day on - - _ . - ;their principal or interest...5T- rifii in debt ae far credit to Many profeesionais.. -Several of. . . . as they could.get. 'and then whet) their,credit- the young men ;performed eeeir parts 4.1. • ors wish their otvu; the first „ipthnation they Most: creditabli--ainongst theth Messrs. hvve of the intention of their • debtor le a - • - - e . • printed notice from- an official assignee ;• or F C. Rebertson, .J.-. Rebertson, II, O. Connor, that small .cfliss of mechanics .and dealers I. ,...- liehertson, oi. the Bank Of Mentreal . who, couvert all the goods Ortheir creditors "ur QL ' -. I Radcliffe, .. Reid, Watsbn, into moaey, and give it to soirie. ot their " • Lit-anPoni' . friends to keep tor Orem, and 6hd if Will cost and others-. "- Slasher, sand Crasher," less bv a hall to Obtain a discharge, thao pay elicited rears of . merriment. :• _The._ IL.ew _t:teir debts, and in thit way- sink their honesty with their Conscience in the Insolvent Court. - iloug; -4' Cinaclian, YobiPteerPr" as ...t.sting such are the great m. j nity ofapplka vs rot by Mr.: D._ Watson and Reid, :was re; . discharge undbr `this ea. - It' is indeed la, "v_ed most- en-.thusiasticilly. _F- irst-rate inentabie to tibial: that such _men with .--$206 k eel .musc was ftirnished under the-direetioe oe 000 debt, or less, will rather pay ohe half costs-ro .obtain e .dischaixe of the *other half, of Ms.,,,,john Dencit,li - * . than -offer their •creditois 50 cents on the- -- . - . -- - - - - ri dollar.. Yet such _is 'the . fact. . The ver ' SNOW. -We bid a._ slight shower' of moment a creditor., after perhaps credit fee • Years-. commences to press for\payntent of seow here on thel4th-a few days ear- , __. . .. . . -his debt, hiS deatJr looks at- the tfie,wspaper, lier thaa Flat: year. . The storm, we olee 'arid sees that. many others -are --applvine. for eeeee, '4es ciu •., their discharge,- and why shouldn't be do so "i , ••• ; 7- a ite evneral throughout the to ? He goes in seali, of a lawyer and an: o latessignee, and generally has not to look very long for either, alidz'oppn---hearitig _de- tailed the benefitd of insolfency,* he deter -- 'country. _ • Dar -A. Buffalo paper .has a remarbehle urines on tryino- it, and, lima to the astonish, story -to the effeet that a troht -meaeurieg - four -feet and a half In length. three :teet client of everybody, out- comes his notice of ;Hein d the body, ancl-weighiniseventy assionment. The " estate ", bar, -worth noding, no -creditor takes the trouble to op- pounds, was caught the -lake, fifteen poSe hitn, and io due time he obtaius his oillee frOm 'Dunkirk; on. thLard inst.; by discharge. We venture to say this net never ..Meesrs Johnson Anlbrother of Buffaln.-,-.. was intended .by. -rthe great majority of those, It ia -Ate largest trout ever _caught in the, •deeiring it,_to baie such an.,effect:. Such Con- lakes of win& there is an -Y record. sequences -are demoralizing; and-ealculat-ed to 'Not:exactly. Sam. 1Vlitcheil. captured creatOpistrust and want- of- confidenie in business men. The letting of such- a. man ;treat. eqUally-__large and heavy sone yeain ago, • mid the fact. Was _duly placed on c: record in -the Signal. .- ' • • - - ,- ; - MissiatsrARYI.X.E1TINGs. —The Mis, =nary meetings in Conti ection With: tbe We*. Conoeiloa 'Methodist body of . this town will be -held in the.,.Chutch, on. San- - - day and Monday nett, _..,The sermons on' • Simday by Rev, W. -Cooker. D. The. meeting on Monday will. 'he -held le the tecYnedn.ine eed. the • Palk° is -invited, to at-. iutoebusinese agein can do no good to hime self or the community. He has, been taught a bed example, hod one that he aeain.would ant agaln- be slow tb follow, -• He, sees no; thing wrong la it. THT ii:avProceeding woultlagien readily adopt: It is said such men 'germ by experience, and -are . not likely to fall intd their past errors. Wee:deny that eao learn honesty. by ihe prapisieg of. dishonesty ; that a nran pan bcceme honest ia dealing with his neighbeis, whoihas mite setteht the Insofvent Court rather than pur- sue that road, honegt and laborious- it may be, hut that is sure tO lead to the, fruits of hen? est labor IrObtainiiig a freedom from the parmene of,debts were the honest. thai-j- that many beliete it tdbe;'howis it thfat, in more- -thin one instanta has our government told officials that if they intend te-pay theircredit: ors -in that way their ofhees mitat pass into other hahds, and such OffiCials as have be: come- ineolvent, with few exceptiens, -remain. so, lather than gain the displessere of the government.' *We, therefore, think the act pervertedfrom its oriehial iitention, -what. eveteits wording -may be. We thiailt; further, and now We have to place anetner -the thet the interests ot the whore -eomulunity - would be best subserv.ed (with. the exception nst, tiouse, the young,: Deautual, Of the lawter, officiatassignee, and, perhaps, and- amiable. of lc- House, the printer,) 'if men would strieeeo pay their late conduclor en the G. /7...Railway. honest-delts-a rule observed for centeries, : • and couparies - and 'lath& settle with _Although a perfeet example --of-what we _their creciitots cif a bails satisfaetory to both, .tifould all deem a healthy' Woman, Mrs. than invite the aid of a process for obtainia. cau-70.11ti cold on Saturday night last, diseharge which, even in the indst unfor- . .- tunate casei, is disgraeeful emir+ aiad which, induced. Diptheem in: its. 'most S excelleatquality. The -show us a whole was very setisf ictory. -- The several j edges, btai n - ed front the neiehhoring Societies of Aitiley- ville, 13luevale and, Beltnore, in their deci- fildne gave:generel setisfaction: . steenES.--- HORN, B _ AND SHE Er e si rt. Geo: McKay Wawa:nosh Alex. Stewart Giey ; John Johnston; Ho wick. - CAtrLE "PIGS AND -IMpLEHENTs,72-Messrs. Sequel P, -Dennis, Carrick ; Wne fling -Stole Mo ; Rnhert Currie,- Wawanosh.. - Peewee* Jte.--Messrs. -Geo.- Inglis; Car,. • • • • riehl • Andrew ' , Farrow, Bluevalle. • . . " - Np. OF IIINTRIES.-ClaSs rst, "ktigses 4.3, 2ncl, Cattle 52, 3;11, _Sheep 40. 4th, Pigs 5th,:& ePeoduee 80. 7th, " Teeple. ments 4. • 8th., .hiiicellarieoes 54. Total 2•68: • • • Were aviirdect ' an. Of Horses, Wright ; Senator .Warnoek. Yearling Cobt. 'Geo. Moffitt ; :2tal Lawrence Lovell. Yearl leg ••Filly, -Gee. 'Moffett elnd Wei-. Thompsoe.. 2 year old co/tee Geo. -.Fortune ;. '2ud Gee._ Fortane,-. 2 year nuf atty. Sigma johnston; tild Saieuel johnstop. Mare and Foal, Gr.b, Andorsop ; _ -2nd • Geo. AtiderSan.. Saddle - Mare or-Uorse„ -MaDermot ; R. W. Aged_Boll,'Thos. .dibsen Jk,i 2nd it. Adams.. , Yearling 13te I 4. Gee. Aeder- see ; 2nd -jute:Sampson.- Yoke. Of Oxen; aS, r Si m esdn- ; 2ncl Geo:- Atiderson. -Mil eh C0W, 600. • Anderson ; 2nd Hugli:Hantiledii:. 2 pe_ar old Heifer, tree. 'Anderson lid Jas. Simi,'son; Yearling. Heifer; Geo. Atidersoa ; led H.. ,Hatniltoth Calf Geo.- Aiidersun ; ttid Geo. Anderson. Beef, Geo. Andeisem Aged Rem, He -Hamilton ; lid J. W. Gdur.: lay, Sbearliug. Ram, Alex.. CraWforde Law.. mace L Shearling 'Ewe 4. W. Gout. lay ; Wrn:. 1/euglei: ltani-Lattib.laines SteWart ;1.2ud MeLaug EWe Ialnib, Geo. Anderson ; Wm: Douglae• letie and katnib, e w.-.(.1Qathg 2nri j: W: -Fat . Sheep Jai.: Stervart.;/, 2nd -Ebullition. Syrilig *lige ste,,arl 2nd - J ohe , ftott ; 11. - Hatidton.. • - - - _ - Butter, -John.lIctiughlin jre. Law. reece• Lovell. Cheese, An-dersOn i 2nd Geo: ,Alidersoh, : •'Fafl Wheat„,-JOseph Anderson ; 2nd Jaipes Doubledee... _Sprieg Wheat, Jellies. 2nd Geo. Ander! son:- .Barley, Gee. Atidersen i• 2nd Peter MeEwain Peas, m. Heefeton. Oats .d. S.. 'Milne ; 2ed John."-Getiviaille Theothy Seed,- Win. Douglas, Potateee, Thoe. 'Gib- sde .tr ; nriiips, Lawrence Lovell ; 3nd Geo. •Anderse.r. Ca. -riots. Geo. Strang'. - Seets„.: Geo. e Stroh -ie., . Cabbage. Gen; Strong (Mona, Ge_9.-'§trong. Flax Seed,--gibSon recoMmended. Celan; flower,: -it Red .Peepper.,... Gee...Strong. . -Plough, Jitines --Mathews: Sett. Horse.: Shoes * Jaa. Mathe ere.. Sett -Double Harness . , - . I bouithear.: . - Jahn Sanderson ;: 2nd 'John -Lefton. Fan:Cloth,- 'John MeDernipt • Henry Smith - Flannel, -.las Doubledee ; -7john cRernint. Drugget - john •MeDerniet; John jeheston, Sockee ?-Wm; Heurston4 ,John Jr: 'Mitts, .1,Vni. liewston 2nd W Hews tone- Loaf of ;Bread, -Alex. L. ;, 2ud. Richard -Scott: -.Claire Geo. Phippeee. Wash Telr - Alex. Sraitli:/' Firkin - Ged. ; Phippen. -Pot Aeh Brl, Geo. .P.hiptied; Cole lection •pf Tin wire' Wate. Hi Lerry. leetion Cahieet work, Ralph Hodgeoe. . ' • . WM. LAW RIE.. Sec. • - W. IT.. R. W.roxeter Oht.- 206; 1866. _ • - , CONSUMPTIVES& - DE-A-TH AT Wonie...;--. his been-ou.t 3;71e61.3.ubbnis4.hfiTy. ty°41ieasipaecvtearhYleirkte,gt•ennstaineitialemt.toeff seriewful dity to record. many unexpeete V_roomanten, in the ceunty __of 0.1tario, on el deaths in our midst_ during the past . . ,e-• - his rniar e restoration. to ea t repi few -days. lirs. COntOngs,. •Dtin?. ly u s a verv stror censuMptien.' r ate, -andr„.Mr. Crane,- havo been called . teSCmony: -orthe offieady pf• the mode of aWay -suddeely to the ..unknoWn• world, treatmeg, to whieh it -6.fors • (7'0 the .E ditor ofthe Gtobe-.) ••••- $44-1 desires:through, yOur .col nse state a few facts relatiee to:my -restoration to- ealthLand active life ..throiegh- the- peculiar,. treatment et- .Drs. it Philips,. of* Tarento:' In the early part:of.. the- year, 1865, a setfere pain commenced in both sides and beneath the collar ,'bones adeompanied, . 0 7 9 - above all, we hope, and from the knowledge .malirinant ferm and on_ the Wednesday .. . ; a - _ ) ----- of our judiciary we :know. our hopes will not . - - be vain;.that the most searchiug iniestigation .evenies followin.g breathed:het las_t itc:th, -will be -made or eVery man's micumstances arinS-Or an agfinme.d, llosbpd. - : The. _re - and character as a man of business; . before granting -filth a - discharge, end that,- rather - . - , . mina were followed this (Friday). morn - than let '-a- -man of doubtful honesty in leg . nig to tne station bt n : lerge oumber _of dealings;with , his'. creditors, obtain,. hie- dis- Sympathising friends, ithu'intention being - charge, S. judge should absolutely_ refese l'or to convey them to, the family buryine- suspenefor one,,t_weeor three years, his. 'dig- . . .. -_ : . -• ' charge under this att. ' We -.think_ sach a -groundein the Stete of Ohio.: _Truly, the course would more tend --to thefOrtherence of ways of the Almighty are inscrateble. • legitimate trade than all the " unqualified . 4111-. 4 whitewashing that could be administered. • - BBB Y AND CAPTURE. • • • - • • 41 Allt. O. pavDGES I'll THE FIELD. - The Iluntinedon ;Totirnal states that it is reported that 1.1r. C. st, Budges, of the Grand Trieek Railway, is likelY to be a _Candidate for the- representation -of,tlie county at next general election. - 4nother journal reparted, - some -time since, that Nr.t. waa to he a candidate; but we thialc there is no truth*. in cither rumor. Mr. Brydges his his bawds pret- ty well filled already, and es he ;tow sways, more influenee -than. he- could ever hope to do if. subjected to the,igly jariings of imrliamentary he... . we -think too ilirewd and faieseeine a Man not tolet wel/-enoirit ; • _ The Feurann_ Alsnot ,Readr, _ me New York' World of yesterday came- . - - out with the flaming headiegs, " the Keniatisi!' A 'desperate fight. imminent- in Ireland," " Arms and meh to be sent at once lo the Green Isle," " Tem war vessels ready," ." Twenty' thousand TipperarY &era prepar- - - ed for battle," and then went. on to•say the arrangetnents for this new Ven;an Movemeet, (the uprising in Ireland& which' will • neces- is idly be of a- secret, character, have been - • . . • made on a scale • commensurate with its im- portance. Neatdy tufenty theusend arms have been' received tete thie purpose, and they will be, forwarded to the .Green Isle a co:inner which will, it is 8a4, render detec- tion imPcssible. -One of the kading officers is, reported as saying that there are tWenty thousaid---mi 1..en ready to:fight in.Tiptierary and the adjoining- coneties, and that they ate only waitiag- ier the weapons Of war to commence the revolu- tion ; and that the Celts in all. the countiea -are ready fel; " the It was rumored yesterday. at the heedquaeters -that there. were two Fenton war ships readi to sag, 'froin a,certain. port ia fhe United Slates. to Ire- laed, with rifles: and men,. which -are 110i:s" subjeet orden of thi Read Centre; §tephens, Who will leave- With thoexpedition. It .:Iticulated that at keit one* hundied .thoneand Celtrifwill rise against the --British CieVernment What lames Stephens gieee,the signal for theavvolutiont Wile the number / • - et On Tuesday, !afternoon testi. about 5 o'clock " a young- man n6ed Mace (a brother; he naIs, tie, the :great ••- Eng. lisle brinier. of that name) excheng; ed caipetes :bags a Dark'S *Hotel; with Mr -M. Cainphell, of. Lucknow, and- . after , taking sapper - at 'another pisce, started for Stratford. eFair ex- change is generally cousidered ;no' rob: hery, but in thiijase'it -wag - rather like robbery; for :thc alticle_:left by Mace Was eitd-nnd.empty,. .whilst -that of, Mr. Cainp. bell contained; besidee seyeral. valuable artieles COGIti silver.: Mont lb o'clock , of tha same even,ine when Mr. Caml- Cams to' enquire for hag, the thelt*as discovered.. -.Constable-Trairier was it once ealled in, -and with his usUal daY,-30th- inst..-- at Stratford, A'-tbien Otir Irish:Letter. -*From our insii-c orresnonderit: 1 lth October lie6. So often haVe the_ uririghted_ wrongs . of Erin been parkded--in print, -before the ptiblidand-S6 often has the question been discussed from every poi4i Of view,- that = School 'Room ITO. 6,-.Tucliersmith.- To the Editor of the HUron Signal: ' • Sia, -The public have been informed _througlithe medium of ybur journal that I was toiilinstrate my 'method of teaching -In- telectual Arithmetic at the .0ct. session of the Huron Teacher's Aseociation, and as I was -•not present at the conventioq:I wiah to defend 'myself by .makinee 'known to the public through the artine agepcy, the cause of my nenattendance. It expected by -every - member of the association, that he will be supplied :with a printed notice informing hini when the Sobiety will -meet, and its business, but no notide whatever came to"me (although a member of the ,iusinese co'inteittee until this mOrnintr„-and 'that was •sent all round the world ror a near cut , I even -attended the HurimiTeachers Issociation several.nmes ex- pectingaenember or notices to be -distributed to the Teachers in the - townehips whiCh I tepreseht, hut no midi things made their ap- pearances there ; therefore, iny absence is . not -owing carleseness or neglegencion my part, but Whclly dae-tu the bad. weasel:Gent 'of the leading officiahs of " the -Society, 'Sir, by giving this a' place in /our ignal, you may save- a iublic servant riot nrily from blame, but also from the over criticism _of profeesional.bretheren. • - • • - Aust. 76-ARR0L. , October 22nd,4866. • _ _ _ , • THE ATLANTIC Mogemere for November,. Credits, Rhodae Passages trom Hawthorne'e Note Books On Tra,nslatink the DivinaCom- , . - media, Five Hundred Years Apt-. Katharine orne, Protcineiron, Ile Progress of Pressia, T e Soule SParrovi, Invalidism, Griffith- , Gaunt; 'or, Jealousy; Gerowski, The Presi- dept and his Aceomplices, Art& Marghall's Protrait pf Abrahaari Reviews and Literary Netie.es,'Carpenter's Six Istonths at the White:House. = it mai- be well tor consitkr What results1 would fbllow were ,tihe advice so freely given, acted upon.. :1 • -Er The case is simply: thiS,i, the& tire twe. great --antagonestie parties in Ireland, Ronian Catholic and Prote.stent. NOthina will satisfy either. Oa a 0415') -but the ei- termination Of the, other. Te> Protestaets. thiir w.ay,the!lqaynocah graat the .esclumen of Reman .9 atholics from -places of henor-or power,:..together with; 'all the. indignitiei usuallyleaped Upon the - .1 • atter. Would be the certeta conseepieneeSe Te thdoppbsite perti, their 1;4 '.the - ascendancy tif-Proteetant lEnglancl green Isle woirld be.-cruSlied rof exer, republic', the bfficere of which would he ot the Roinan'Cathelie faith1,1woUld be estab- tilled. _The church establishment -wocia4 be silept awey and the:keine arTretestent become a byword 'Of -Contempt atid Scorn. It is because the-:ProteetOot interests are in the ascendancy that- they are noedis- affected. • Ilnbappily the': spiv it) of pi'joler,-, nnie is toO deeply seated to be..-uProoted- ,. _ - for years .to cOthe.' Let bdi thought -for 'one moment that; werejnines Stephens and -.his emisairies in possession of land that the .strife. • would . If t Verliani dared to. Wreet the island froin • the rule Of 11Inglapd; even *ere Britain to remain inactiie, the -proteStan ts bf Mai; woOld make die gl ans once Mere reecho with theit lianehty WatchWord."No. surrender." I Ventare te sey were • Eng- land herielf tb eridesibi te tap: from Protestants their blecid bohght libertyetlie answer Vioold prieud defiance.: 'It is not the diSendowment of the Established Chnich nor theameadment of the keedlorci niad tenaet law whioh can Lbring ,I•reland .peace.. . Were the former- lone away wit 4.ee Protestents would nsiiiylissatiified as - Roman Catholics are'now Belieions animosity is so deeply 'engrained. in- the 'very nature of the- Ieish that whole centn-: -- a • . ries of Legislation would dot eradicate the evil.. lt is not because niembers of the established Chtirch areeinteerior in point otaumbers to the tnemberelof the Church of Rome thet the disendiewnient of the fornier establishmetitis seuehi fore this et J objection has been Often refuted. The whole secret Hes in -the feet that the par- _ • ties hold opposite 'religious and poliiical opinions, :_. Protestants and &man. ekes- CI- am speaking generally) do not - -I . , iniermatry, per do the lewer-classes of sudiety trade 'steely With-uti&, anether. ' • conclusion ihere.:son of all! their discus- Sions is,to_quote a terse phrase used hy ihi thethselves, which however ineleeint it May seem,. CO u tail* _VOW MILS 'of meane ing, they do -int dig .vitivtlie same foot. I anliare.yotti,*eaders_ will be glad to* tdra • from - thiS: . melancholy -picture - a blighter One in lreland'Sbietory,-4gaj. Leech and several noblemen and gentle - by a sevete cough, *beth night -and day.- If had great .difficulty in breathing, and couiih- men have instituted - a neries of rifle ed up thick Velhave metter: occasionally milt- matehesinireland With a Cie* to succese- -ed With- Wed:- My 'strength and ficia wa4 • ted away, ihd I suffered %jab. Dula swesaig fully compeie; with the ...English and chills, aud aleethe symptoms .Pf coofirmeir Scotch shots at Wimbleton1 first has heetie fever, Li a word, I was in aiepeostratt• j net been conitneneed at . Olandepoye, the - an -rt hopeless ircandition as a man ,could Web - ' be. In thia condition 1 was -fort nately- in: eeat of Lerd .Duneirie ago Fess° tar moet duced to - cart -and plans -.myself uri.der ifte satisfactory. f:Vaptain Anderson and treatment' of -Des: Mileolin & eitely h h d d • month, beam' to show eiident signs Messr 0 & Gl h been - s. anning ass av in Sept the course` -of- the firs; provemeat.. e eoug ,tv ac a resiste all the orniaary nieens in oee,•and which sins very .violeat iharadter, gave away gradually the most eingelac ...Manlier to the use- of the:inhaler, Zjr therht sweets Stopped sTion-after"; all the enfevourabte syinetom_a disappeared. one after another. My appetim returned,,Strength inereased, Countenauce-'beir foredeatily pale and emaciated . has- becoMe. fell- and healthy -e-. and Mr Weight An three nionths has increased obi:nit...thirty fitre pounds, so- that t'iienclas who ,meet:me to -day ban hard- ly believe it is inyeelfe _ still graduaey improiemeitt-eso much so, that 1 how con- sider myself cured.. - And feeling that -I owe - hall to the attention .and skill. of Drs.. Mal- colm and PhilipS, I Make this patilie ainwal - ot the facie ati ddethimi,, and theirremaikab:e practiee in the treatment ofi.onsuniptiiiii, Your obedient -servant._ • GEORGE SPElliAN, v roonmotori - - Township of- truck, - County Of Ontario, • - Veriennanfore Oct.,, 1st NOTE.--le:Order- to atieomizadate. patienta at a distance 'from Toronto,. Dr. Male -Mtn b -e it Dark's ilotel,-13nderich,- nes Wednesday; 31Sti; London, ..Tecionseth. shrewdness jumped at .-thel- cdoclusioni - ouse, Nov. lst ; Chatham, -Razikin. Howse, that Mace would. proceed fleet to Clinton. &ov. 2iid, from 9-a. ml to 4 p. m., Procuring. a good horse; and taking a : SPLENDID .Traie.Ceo.-:-Knowin that ' • Editors ae a general -rule have a Weak - satisfaction of _nabbing his_ num, floss foi;', the 4reed,,; - m'esere. sheppard, about _ as Holinesville; & Strachan grocer/I, have sti.lit us a queris ith one. Or tVid others . • • . err gad •T nowPanY w , _ . • tity of superioe . en ea offered a _feeble resistande to the arrest. whic‘. we do not hesitate- te--- say is -as Mace .Was brodght back. to town! 'and, good 'es_ the ve--est -w-o.htiv-e ever see4, .eed nex's day, after examination 'before Squire obeip at the pricessked for it: . - _ Crabb;. sent up for trial-. at the next - essions.. Most of 'the misaince 'Money. . gorTAAnNAB144. 111IIIWElt- Was reebvered on the-. peisoner's person. ED EY A' UOY.-The lifinerve states sthat Rol on. to. ciinton, pirew thploa Monday last a lad,- iamedGodman, carpet bag over Mr. John. Hunter's fenee, where cOnsteble Trainer found it 'this (Friday) mornidge WIIOXETE f. 6-110-W. cOmpanion, he dashed off and had tlia . - . g beat almost. to deatn his .neeeennor,,fiatnect ikhe sheen of -the f7nier had tres- r passed en the ground of tha latter, who held them,.and refused to release them. _ Godman theretore who is only 14 years. old, attaeked Kirk, who is -Over A years of age, and boxed hun with his fists -until. the aged man fell-seuseletis to the grolind. Be:rit,hpireesciadieitiaute S twee. Sdi°til3ohni.ej c°11niY rebonne. Dr. Briseou- of St. 14in was pent fer, and declares Kirk to be in a To the Editor of the Huron !Signal, Nun Wrozetertrnion Branch Agricultural Sciciety, held it animal show of stock and produce In the_Villaget of . Wrox- eter, on Friday, the 19th October; 1866. The weather wait beautiful mid a very large amount of stock was broiight forward. There wares good display of hones, -"cattle,. and sheep, much larger than on fermer occasidns. ole. A man, stopping s paper, .wrote to the editor : thiiile folks Meet. to spend their many for- papers; my dad -didn't, a_n4 PIO And agricultural impleinentS were not eVeryboily says he was the ititeiligynist titan eo well -repteseuted- .1 -he da*Irr peedirce, in the country, and bad lin- smartest..lituuly grain and roan were well repreaented end of of boys that ever dogged Weis." ' - _ . -knighted in coategnenee of the 'official connection with -the Atlantic" telegiaph, •otiters have received' mkrks . of honor. ; This news• fdare say you. have _before thisrthrough the above medium; • riAPID INCREASE OF THE ,POPEILATION.-A lady liarint in the pinth ward recently gave birth to foarthildretrat one time. The same lady on a former occasion gave birth to trip- lets and cn a -still former occasion preeented het:husband with twins. - Previous to this she atarted with one. The pair- have been mar-, riedseveiTkears, and if the ratiP of increase continues ther-e is no telling where it may -end. The next figure; atter four according to -last.occeent, live, We recommend the un- happy Mem emmigrate to some newly sett-, led territory) and it the-Torce of: habit does 'net overcome his stifeirhe may become. the founder of a colony =Detroit Post.- - ' . Tne Aitititoota giaforioxs.e--The Congress - lapel results of Tuesday s elections may be samniednis follows : • : - Rep. Deni. • Pennsylvania - 6 . 3 lowa. 0 1 I•A which is i;recisely *the eame8 ne. in tire list House, the geantflican lass of ene in Ohio. and ciiinin Indiana beitg made up by the gain of tiro PenneYlvania. The Cineinneti Gatett9 siriys that at a re, cents•rit.bunt Pickaway county 15,671 rats were killed.. and anapunces a a:nod picnic to take. place at Circleillie, O., at which -three premiums Will he given to the township pro - duping the greatest number of tails of rani slain in eaeh township of Pickaway: county. ;The premiuths amouee-respectively to 1,50.0, $300, and $200. - The BaTe'o Express says that- Mrs. Ritchie, the Widowed diughter - of the late Geti. wadsworth, Of Genesse, reported to be engaged to the duke of Ruitend, one ot the wearthiestpeers ot England. Mrs Ritehie --was sume time --ago the guest of, the Lord. Lieutenant 9f Irelapd, and at a ball at Dublin Castle she excited generaladmiratioe. - . • - Da-Maeqeest.-...-eWe are pleaied to gee by a cardirt anotber=eolunin thet.i :dar townspeo: ple a.relta have ae-opportunity of • tensultine, this well_ k t roat and ilunarspecialist' 119-121M - 0 _ , . Dariea Hotel on the 30t_budit- He is ver tavorably renteinbered-hy "Arian/ In this sec- tion, Who have been refieved frain endtes amount of suffering by the inflaence of his valuable System of -treatment; by othalation We yrould recoinittend tiny one of. ourteaders who may be "stifferneg- from- any_ affect...dm of the throat or Imes -to --avail themselves ot this opportunity:J. age - THE MANUFAOTORE PA'PER BIGS..-lt la only within the past -leas,. yearte that the busi- :ness of eappebag -making bee' been in vogue. - 'The origioraprocess of 'matting - by hand is fast- 'becoming eilisolete, and4-will soon he_ ounibereitamcnig the things that -were. The introdiiction ot Machinery fer the -purpose is gradually diiplacing the hen& made, -,ter it follows, es a Matter of coerse,:that the !leach- itiemade must be' not only a. melt cheaper,. but also a --neuter mid mere neiforin article. -Sume Vine ago - papenhag machine was put up. id liamitten4 it was an improvement .upoli Americaiepatent, and did ite work splendidly but the owner had not sufficInt _capital :to carry. oit the busineas- With succesi. and, therefore, had to abandon it, The ma odoe_ ultimately. fell intathe hands of Messrs. Bootie. & 00.1 who hate So far suc- ceeded, after much labor, and expeneee in getting it into. such it coudition 'that it is new capable of doing aft that it is posaible .do hy mechinery -in paper -bag Makin. :-FO'r a while it Opeiited yety indifferently, and-turn- ed,out badly elide bags, but the proprietors nose- feet`warraatedeiteguaraufeeing -to- their caitomers a perfeFtly Made hag in every. res- p3ct. The machine is calculated -to make a _large number ot bags per ditY,. and the de- _ Maud thus far -hat leen- found to ,be , fully eqiiel to the supply. extensively me. gagedin them nutiteturee of 'paper, Masers. Beath), Gales Coesepply -the material .for -the hagsethemilelves; consequently they haVe no -difficulty: in- earryit4 oe hia new enterprise, which to grow inito much larger preporticeis .ere long, They, deserve great :eredit thr the 'Spirit they bave shown m taking hold -of *hat many Would have Coen; sidered a .failing enterprise,. 1 -for theie was really no certainty_ that the machine would ansWer fici well at it now does: -*The -Omni* Mr. Chilies hes displayed, it is to -be hoped, be rewarded With handsome priehte der- ived front the :41311alaCture Of -the paper- - - • • bags: - ' • THE LAHIRANDE -CASE.-The Moutreal Gazette' understates that orders have been received from the-Colbnial Secietari, Lord Carnatvon, directing the Governor-General tti forward him copies of all documents and pepersth the Lamira,nde easel:and thatin consequence, eight clerks were' employed in the Crown -office here yesterday with _the -ob-, ject of makine,o• copies iu time .for;the British mail„ whiCh closed last iiikht. We further -underatand a'rep5t of the case will be fur. aished. • .. t - . TUE.& PPI,E PROP OF CANADA-7IMPORTANT SUGdESTIONS TO FARMERS.: -We quote the. following practical reivarks from the corn- tneteial columns of the Leader :-" Our at- Watida has been- called by _a leading fruit dealer here, Mr. J. Dunn, to the- great. care- lessness shown hy farmers iabringing iu their apple crop to maraet. This crop has 'come to asseute an important place in eurtrade.,,- Tboupplei prciduced by our farrnera are not surpassed anywhere. ' Within . the past ewo seasone the American- people ;teem to h v nrst made the discovery of this fact. A con-- si erable q ntity went from this market to Booton and. Isiew -York lait 'year, and the- firm above mentioned has, We under:Amid,' sent several lots forward..lb liosion this season. - Ile duty ria a barrel ot :apples amounts to enly about 30 cents. This is -an impOrtant trade and if- prOperly :attended to, might be develteted into large proportions. The Ainericans'-raiie neither* the quantity nor the. quality 2of find • they _at one time- dide e immense orchards ofthe State of New York have became'old and the fruit seeable), id gene_rally_ansound;•svhereas t he producing power of this province in thee respect is -only develdping. , A great portion of the feuit I that comes to thiS market -not less than one .half-hae been shaken off the trees, or if net, hes been throwb lOosely into a barrel where.. it -gets bruised un the way to market, sd thet it is entirely, -unfit for ;expprtation. • Such fruit will not Cornmand,within from 750 to 1$1. uer barrel of the price ot-lhat-which has been- carefullY handled. `The extra time, and cost thet,would have -lobe bestowed in *der to keep the fruit in ghod condition? - would: be - mare than 1 epaid to:the produeer and'would - benefit the Whole coantry. as well. Title mat -- ter is _well worth the attention of farmers and, frnit-grOwerl from whritaverstand point it is viewed. - -. . ' : „ O.. A bold assesser of taxes -in Michigan , notified an aniatetir midwife .to pay for her license lithe answered that stbatenr the did in that way was to *4.acitomitiodete" her neiehbors;and heaped'coals of fire hpon the official's- heatt by -.offering _ to bring him .throwih gratis if he should ever be- " in that precaneus eitgation.°,. _ - feYs A radical epreideeigte oretot of New York State wanted the whip or a bird tie fly to every town mid enmity, to every. ville,ge and hamlet iti the broad hind • bat he wilted when a haughty boy in the Crowd tang out ; -re; Dry up. you old fool ; you'd get shot for a goese before you flew a, mile)! Fenn PISCOFICRIES OF COAX, IN FieMearle -e•An animated discussion was conducted in the _English -pre% some months:ago. on the .subject of the probable exhaustion,' at no very distant period, of„the coal.' mines, intoning the downfall of her manufacturing and comd margial supremacy. la connection with this; it is interestiter to note ,-.that_ eery rec•ently freldi disuoveries of coal have been maide different rafts of the kingdchn. Soit5"tith oAf SseLlito tInignedr,Peralisast.ga g-Lartmittel-npet fect itilitude in which be (Ord hiniself, Come ing to a -peor fib° Wai breakiV StOnei by the ivay side, heasked Jinn if thisroad was well frequented ?. Ote ay ' said the man 6 It's no that ill.; a Cater pied, by yesterday, and there's youner.the day.' - •=1„ L 'New -abbertisentents. _PIANO FOR SALE.- . .first class Piano, by Collard Collar! of LOndon England. Iron bound, metal plated, - made on purpose to -stand hot climates, with ail the latest linprovements. , Apply to • • JAMES SMAILL. - Galerich Oct. 256, 1866, own Bunttm, Mies /Sz- . „ WHOLESALE STATIONERS, PAPE R ENVELOP/ BEANUFACTITILER 84 C. W. THE Subscribers -desire to intimate to their- & Correspondents and the Trade of West- ern Canada, t hat they are now receiving large - Stocks of c, - . ALL KINDS - PAPER, - PROM =FIR OWIr - PAPER 1111LLS AT VALLE YFIELD, On the River St. Lawrence ; slab, ' FROM THE BRATFORD PAPERMILL, ill Sizes oimii;;;;Ing isper1 Small and Large .Grey =Wrapping, Crowe, Demy. Royal, Imperial, and Elephant, ia grown and Manilla Papers! Als4 Rag and Straw Wrapping,oll sizes. . 15 TONS OF STRAW\ BOARD -cn hand, fr- om 25 to /5 sheets to. the bundle. We' have also on `hand Large 'Stocks of Printing Papers ; also, Colored and Writiag Papers of our own male. We -are also receiving our Fall =ports - tibia pf Ettglisit and Scotcle WRITING PAPERS AND STATIONERY. Grey and -Colored Twines, Inks, Pew, Slates and Mernonindum Books, ft.c. PlintergInlis.-in Rep and Canal- slog. Card and Card board, 'Whit.e and Colored, Oa.. Agent for LovelPs Series of &boot -Banks. - - - BUNTIN, GILLIES OM ' Hamilton, October 23, ifi66. w40 DAPER IAG MANUFACTORT - HAMILTON w. THE Subscribers havanow _on hand a eons- - pike supply of Maehine-Made PAPEIK- BM;Sein sizes from one totwentyponnds eaebr in Rag and BrOwn Paper ofthe best swirl, and will be able to supply the sane saes in. _Manilla paper shortly. All the Bags made at this Establishment are or the best quality, and pearauteed . • -BUNTLY, CO. "'" Hamilton Oct. 2t 1866- . _ w40 Acre= for Goderich, T. J, „MOORHOUSE, Stationer:. G B. . W A RE, Dealer in Law Blanks, A 3D LAIY--1,1„THOGRA:PitEif . 16 TCRONTO STEEN!, TDEONTO, Country Cyders promply Attended U. Toronto, Oct. 266;1866. ,sw11.1t* Caution to the Publle• A S my 'wiles Elizabeth Goetz, hoin Sauk?" 11:. has left my b. d and board withoutanypet cause or provocation, I do hereby eantion ever? person or persons not to give, or. sell her sox - thing on my account. asI will not- be responsi- ble for any such debts contracted bi her, and shall net repay them, JOHN MATZ: - Zurich, Hay, 26rd Oetober, w40 it* . , SCH091. ,NOTICEs ITTANTED in School Section No. 4, Coiboraek V ...tor the year 1667, a second -elate =ale. - teacher; Personal application to be made 10 thlr trustess. . 4 - WILLIAM HALL/DAY, Trustees - ALEXANDER MALLOY,1 FA1ANej•S 5TAA,Kritit October /W141866. Ir40 31* MAIL ,,GONTRACTs lrEN.DERS„adjtreswirflothe PinitineitterOetia.. • eral, be received at Ottawa lion* • an :FridavOth-DeoemlAr, 1860,for the •cosirey* ,nnne_tt Bor. ;Majesty* _Malta, on a propos/oleos.. tinnt for four yeare, ;lime omes pee -w:eek 'way, betwcon Eelfast lielens, on - from the__ 10: januaty next, ,conve_yance to b.' made- bn iti,rstIntott- :or otherwise. The Staihno.: le:alio 'St. Helens,. 'Tuesdays, Thursdays, sail :Saturdays -at 130 :p..m.,and arrive at least ail 2 p.m.. ItitOrningiInietwe Belfast:1423n .and •arrive at St. Helens at 0. in.. T to leave Belfast )1' 11.4.- :Items and tiettwee a submitted, Printed.. polieett eonfautioar Anther 1010)Inp11011 RS 'to conditdanii..of propos* ,Contract in ay be nee% and blaehlornsi or Too. der Malt beehtainedat the fiost ,OltiCee OfBelfal* - anstrFt. aeleneend also at theutfiee.Of -the sith,,*-..- scriber . GILBERT 0.111FRITT, - Inspaotor. Post Office In vector's Office,/ n on, h t. *. w4011t - SIEERIrri5-:SALVOF essitedToliwt liajjesertig"Colaulirt - - • Onited-Couribes, of 13 Y._ Virtue of- a was or Eliiron and bruce, VcaditioniExporissead stdnetehntelMinecintst°41n.loeh4n aandrViillast litemlrevas aCtititurdp,11 ta.airelt-selchizedardan4d talreninlitaildexeeatiallt__,_1411.4 all the right, title, Interest and equity ol narerr. . lien aline detendamsoreither ofthemeof, la, or 1.. Ala followint lands Thetis to say .V.The sea* half diot number toutteea, JP the that canoe*. _ of the --Towm.lnpeccarrielr, feu 3n iiiikaidair the west sidethe lii.retorme sold le One John ikiZtreissalseid,Ortsniecostietesith honniri)off 1111ealiTmober_wste* „.1114.114 .Carrick, intim Pounty oi Bruce WM* *am end tenements" sliall.cfrer Inr sale at my nitwit , thevourt -House,In the Town of Gotc.h.,41111 Tuesday,thetwentyaelrenth day .0_ blopeiabes- next, at the hour oftwelve althe sheri;niCHRee,-GiodaTTEInc1:0144/ CI5D°heriNgAlia).*IL . - 23rd Detoher, IS66,- 41/ SHERI:RIM SALE 07 LANDS ,, .:. .-- .. United Vounties of BY virtue or a wri-t eg'- i Huron and Bruce. Pied Facial 11100Sed out To wit: of Her Miyestes Comity' Cotwk of the -Thilited Counties of Huron:aid Bruce add to me -4irected against -the-Undo B ud renernehts ot John -Galbraith, at the halt Ot Edward Kennedy! I have seised and takes Is cxecutam all the right, itilA..- And intern! of tie said-dereadant in and to lot number lat. la rba second concesston ofthe Township of Await, the ceellY Pf Snare, which las& end Bouseonthe4own of Ooderich, on- Tiresday, Isbell oneriorsate at my office iii- t.he theftlth div of _February next, At 330 lwar 41 'twelve ofthe cluck, noon. - _ . ...JIM ILMIDONALA - 8/101Yrlif 41 *4' * ellientres .0fileeeGoderich, ". •-• Zird fectober,a160, X :granted !Milled YOUTti about ‘11' or la years of age has bad considerablesapenence-iea oral store, tad who ran be well A.ddress,prepaat,giving xeraveacea*- yo., . ;4110a- -i).$4.1514aelicl .••• — Fall ,S.10' • .gyring eithea Flour _Barley' Fess -..eep. SheeP-• • 33eef, 1•1 Hides (green) Butter .-e--. Potatoesjoew --- 'Wood - 'lay, new 11/1 Eggs Chickens ... - TUrkeye -iEITZ AA/ • OM; 18, 18 THE ME: SIR pelebra, Prvared:fri -Clarice,Al•D „ irrittenivaltut, cure of all *hose to which the znoderatesaltex and *speedy on itiapennliadY bring mime m Each bottle, ernmentStemp terfeits. These Pitts the ,FLES2 xancy, - 47,1401,Zwe at 4 ita eases ci ?tuns in the fa exertiOn,l'alpi Whites, these -other/deans ha ful remedy, do snowy, oranythi Eon direction! package, which Bole agent for, .103 anyanthorizei laithugfittrritts law Sold ie FOrirdan- Gin Benittun,4-1140.1 Combe, Winton Modicum -06ale ong the imam 4.1A.NAIll Sprains, _Bed, nowC:lem°nAbe-fo%1117 Mine AZ - and wherever % 4itt.moit_siyingusecileirawe caseofAibnntisfa been raperj fo phi w lignest tern lads. We speak-fro:1 lug teat:AA/1nm are suffering tr which ills :cc; being a, Styrene :the astonwhii Destroyer dt3 cut irtraunended. the tortun yaw Ilexvo ra Hal Orders coM alt parts the leach testifying 4 The .rimacht olre lmtnectiste - Pilyseciaas - • -will be without Price only All orders alit lErBold IV. Jordan; Benthsm, ZIP Combe, .Chato - Medicine Deal CHO ?AU AND E &ft= and web ICUEAC4 DIVA ATILtas CUi and astable for tire Heakdi 'Ulm or Vona force*. Sate birt4bk*, voArmuoityter SEWli laitesortiatint illwrirta• - I Oodnraolt* -131TRRT lisiteelOotom Mama sod Br To wits ; Ajoarterfthe mall:ohm alma et Thom McDcanid. L Stall 1 ve sela the right* to‘ Asset in SI* teeath conceal .43oanty of lie telere Joao% nileriarnate a Mitt Towa ot elayofFeberst eet theelooje, _ - :WA --1211Ltaat ed. Los it. Server, a LiteArro 1 *ways Tickermar